Rosewood Ct 57865 Subpoena 2 - Internal CorrespondenceMonika Radeva
From: Amy Yu
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 2:02 PM
To: Laurie McGinley
Cc: Monika Radeva; Oscar Mojica; AJ Ortega
Subject: RE: SUBPOENA for Records - 57865 Rosewood Ct
Hi Laurie,
I don't have any correspondence on file anymore. It got deleted automatically.
Amy Yu Associate Engineer
City of La Quinta - Public Works
78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7047
Main: 760.777.7000
From: Laurie McGinley <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 1:56 PM
To: Amy Yu <>; AJ Ortega <>
Cc: Monika Radeva <>; Laurie McGinley <>; Oscar Mojica
Subject: SUBPOENA for Records - 57865 Rosewood Ct
Hi AJ and Amy,
We received a subsequent subpoena for the Stockstill's/ 57865 Rosewood Court (attached, page
5). I believe we have already produced everything that this new subpoena is requesting,
however can you please confirm that neither of you have any correspondence on file:
Monika Radeva
From: AJ Ortega
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 2:13 PM
To: Laurie McGinley; Amy Yu
Cc: Monika Radeva; Oscar Mojica
Subject: RE: SUBPOENA for Records - 57865 Rosewood Ct
I moved what emails I had to the shard drive under: 100 ADMINISTRATION\Clerk Temp File\Records -
57865 Rosewood Ct
From: Laurie McGinley <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 1:56 PM
To: Amy Yu <>; AJ Ortega <>
Cc: Monika Radeva <>; Laurie McGinley <>; Oscar Mojica
Subject: SUBPOENA for Records - 57865 Rosewood Ct
Hi AJ and Amy,
We received a subsequent subpoena for the Stockstill's/ 57865 Rosewood Court (attached, page
5). I believe we have already produced everything that this new subpoena is requesting,
however can you please confirm that neither of you have any correspondence on file:
ARmuad W. Sakcixg W, a A P. ChfiA mLdir Ghnt% 1ba f04.9M-AwdYk-W QA7
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2. Any and all Building Parries 6 aued a8rr J my 1. 2665) enlaced to LLr SUSi1EC i
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STCCESTIMStelawd k.ihe SR_93MCT PRf}PERT1.
Here are the responsive documents we produced for the first subpoena:
Bldg PerniitO6-2051 (SFD)
Bldg Permit 06-4295 (RPQ
Bldg Permit 07-0693 (BLCq
Bldg Permit 07-0906 (SCTB)
Bldg Plan - Palo Verde TR 32a79 (PSN 00457)
Encroachment Permit4538
Engineering Plan PSN 05209
Engineering Plan PSN 06233
Thank you!
Laurie McGinley I Deputy City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7123