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2022 12 13 PC
ta ow fr6j — GEM ofnce DE -SEW[' — Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: wwwJaauintaca,gov PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022, AT 5:00 P.M. �k�k�k�lc�k%k�k%k�k%k�k%k�k%k�k�k�k�k�lc�k%k�k%k�k%k�c%k%k%ky Members of the public wanting to listen to this meeting may do so by tuning - in live via https://Iaquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Commissioners: Caldwell, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS — INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Commission on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in -person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the Commission Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to TFlores@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Commission, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 1 of 5 DECEMBER 13, 2022 If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "'Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in -person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the Commission Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Chair. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-028, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Commission Secretary by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chair. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the Commission Secretary to be disseminated to the Commission, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Chair. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 6250 et seq.]. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments - Instructions" listed above. The Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 2 of 5 DECEMBER 13, 2022 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CVAG OVERHEAD CHANGEABLE MESSAGE TRAFFIC SIGNS CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2022 2. ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THE PROPOSED PURCHASE BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN 600-030-018) CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 (b)(3) COMMON SENSE EXEMPTION BUSINESS SESSION - NONE STUDY SESSION - NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Commission Secretary prior to consideration of that item; comments are limited to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project(s) at the time of the public hearing. If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. PAGE 1. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 8, 2022: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR A NEW 21129 SQUARE FOOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION, A NEW 1,104 SQUARE FOOT FENCE ENCLOSURE AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AREA AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301(E)(1) OF THE CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 of 5 DECEMBER 13, 2022 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, EXISTING FACILITIES. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 2. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 60 FOR A 75' FOOT TALL TEMPORARY TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPOLE WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 75' FOOT TALL PERMANENT TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPALM AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT PROPERTY; CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE STAFF ITEMS COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS ADJOURNMENT As a reminder, the regular Planning Commission meetings of December 27, 2022, and January 10, 2023, have been cancelled. The next regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission will be held January 24, 2023, commencing at 5:00 p.m. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Tania Flores, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the Commission meeting of December 13, 2022, was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78630 Highway 111, and 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on December 9, 2022. DATED: December 9, 2022 ('�k- -- -- Tania Flores, Planning Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 of 5 DECEMBER 13, 2022 Public Notices • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please contact Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7023, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Commission meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Commission Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 5 of 5 DECEMBER 13, 2022 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2022 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Currie. PRESENT: Commissioners Caldwell, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Planning Manager Cheri L. Flores, Associate Planner Siji Fernandez, Commission Secretary Tania Flores, Assistant City Attorney Travis VanLigten CONSULTANTS: Planning Consultant Nicole Criste, CEO with Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. Chairperson Currie acknowledged the resignation of former Commissioner Proctor and expressed appreciation for his time on the Commission. Staff recited a letter from him to the Planning Commission expressing his thankfulness and gave best wishes to the future. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner McCune led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Assistant City Attorney VanLigten and Commissioner Nieto noted that Commissioner Nieto would abstain from discussion and vote on Consent Calendar Item No. 3 due to a potential conflict of interest stemming from a professional relationship between Commissioner Nieto's employer and the project applicant, and requested the item be pulled for a separate vote. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 R: MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to confirm the agenda with modification to pull Consent Calendar Item No. 3 for a separate vote. Motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 26, 2022 2. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 3. Pulled by Commissioner Nieto for separate vote > > > ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED STREET VACATION OF A 691-SQUARE-FOOT PORTION OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS AND AVENIDA LA FONDA RIGHT-OF-WAY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN; CEQA: EXEMPT PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15301 (c), EXISTING FACILITIES MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Nieto to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 and 2 as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Caldwell to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 3 as submitted. Motion passed: ayes - 5, noes - 0, abstain - 1 (Nieto). BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPROVE CANCELLATION OF REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER 22 AND DECEMBER 27, 2022, AND JANUARY 10, 2023 Planning Manager Flores explained the proposed meeting cancellations and confirmed that this would not delay or disrupt City business proceedings. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to approve cancellation of the regular Planning Commission Meetings of November 22 and December 27, 2022, and January 10, 2023. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 VA PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0002 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONOPALM WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY WITHIN PGA WEST; CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: 55955 PGA BOULEVARD DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT: Commissioner Caldwell stated that her primary residence is within the PGA West development; however, she will participate and vote on this item because there would be no financial gain for her as a result of this project and her residence is located more than 500 feet from the project site. Planning Consultant Criste presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered Commission questions regarding the additional skirting surrounding the monopalm. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 5:17 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Applicant representative Chris Doheny, Real Estate Project Manager of SmartLink Group, introduced himself and gave a brief overview of the project including project objective, coverage areas, zoning details, alternative site analysis, and provided photo simulations; answered questions regarding signal interference concerns, site location selection, utility easements and trenching, rooftop facility options, and the additional monopalm skirting. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 5:41 P.M. Commission comments followed expressing general support of the proposed project design, architecture, and stealthing. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioner Caldwell/Chairperson Currie to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-023 approving CUP2022-0002 and determine that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY WITHIN PGA WEST AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0002 APPLICANT: SMARTLINK GROUP/AT&T MOBILITY Motion passed unanimously. 2. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR A NEW 21129 SQUARE FOOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION, A NEW 1,104 SQUARE FOOT FENCE ENCLOSURE AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AREA AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301(E)(1) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, EXISTING FACILITIES. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT - None. Associate Planner Fernandez presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered Commission questions regarding location of truck and equipment rental areas. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:01 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta - opposed the project due to visual aesthetics in regards to the location of the truck and equipment rental areas. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:03 P.M. Commission discussion followed regarding the possibility of continuing the item to a date certain to allow the applicant to be present for Commission questions regarding truck and equipment rental locations, traffic and parking circulation and queuing; Commission expressed general agreement of continuance. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPEN AT 6:07 P.M. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Tyerman/Hassett to continue this Public Hearing to a date certain of December 13, 2022. Motion passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 W 3. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO APPROVE AN ADDENDUM TO EA2004- 513 AND FIND THE PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH THE PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2004-513) AND TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021- 0006 (TTM 38316) FOR 392 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 1 COMMERCIAL LOT, A POTENTIAL FIRE STATION, AND A POTENTIAL IID SUBSTATION ON 110.91 ACRES WITHIN THE SCHUMACHER SPECIFIC PLAN AREA; CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS PREPARED AN ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2004-513) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15164 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF AVENUE 60 AND MONROE STREET DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT - None. Associate Planner Fernandez presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered Commission questions regarding timing and phasing of perimeter walls, landscaping, and roadway improvements including additional traffic lights; additional or alternative conditions of approval; necessity of the potential Imperial Irrigation District (IID) substation and fire station; lighting and other prospective plans for the commercial area parcel; areas designated as image corridors; proposed locations of development entrances; liquefaction factors and construction mitigation; project interior landscape plans, retention basins, parklets, and passive parks; approving body of the future landscape and commercial building plans. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:44 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Applicant Representative Mike Rowe, Principal Engineer of MSA Consulting, gave a brief presentation on the project history, justification for the addendum and tentative tract map; need and community use of the potential IID substation and fire station; and updated and revised grading plans. Applicant answered Commission questions regarding liquefaction mitigation; state and specific plan residential density requirements; retention and parklet open spaces; sidewalk and pathway areas; phasing of landscape and roadway improvements; and phasing of the potential IID substation and fire station. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Alena Callimanis, La Quinta - expressed concerns regarding approval of the mitigated negative declaration including subsidence, lack of PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 10 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) analysis and water use assessment, types of commercial uses allowed within the commercial parcel, increased daily trips and greenhouse gas emissions, and the potential IID substation proposed location. PUBLIC SPEAKER: John Powell, neighboring property owner of Peter Rabbit Farms - expressed general support for the project with the exception of the location of the potential IID substation within the project and requested an alternate location. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Joe Hammer, neighboring property owner - expressed general support for the project with concerns with moving the IID substation to closer proximity of his property. Applicant Mike Rowe provided additional information to address the public comments and answered questions regarding current utility availability (including electric and water), and the phasing of perimeter walls, landscaping, and roadway improvements. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:25 P.M. Commission comments followed expressing general approval of the project as proposed and the potential addition of the IID substation and fire station. Staff answered additional questions regarding the types of permitted uses for the commercial parcel as neighborhood commercial zoning; approving body for future conditional use permits and site development permits; perimeter walls and landscaping alternatives during construction; and state and local density requirements. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners McCune/Hassett to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-025 approving the Addendum to EA2004-513 and find the project consistent with the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA2004-513): A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2004-513) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15164 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT NO SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES TO THE PROJECT ARE PROPOSED THAT RESULT IN NEW SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: BARTON LAND LA QUINTA Motion passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 11 MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners McCune/Hassett to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-026 approving Tentative Tract Map 2021-0006 (TTM 38316) subject to the findings and conditions of approval.: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 38316 (TTM2021-0006) FOR 392 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 1 COMMERCIAL LOT, A POTENTIAL FIRE STATION, AND A POTENTIAL IID SUBSTATION ON 110.91 ACRES WITHIN THE SCHUMACHER SPECIFIC PLAN AREA CASE NUMBERS: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2021-0006 APPLICANT: BARTON LAND LA QUINTA Motion passed unanimously. STAFF ITEMS - None. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commission expressed thanks and appreciation to former Commissioner Proctor for his time and expertise while serving on the Commission. Commission inquired about the agenda for the upcoming Housing Commission meeting of November 9, 2022. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioner Hassett/Chairperson Currie to adjourn at 7:42 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, TANIA FLORES, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 7 of 7 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 12 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 2 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: December 13, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THE PROPOSED PURCHASE BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN 600-030-018) CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 (b)(3) COMMON SENSE EXEMPTION RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution finding the proposed purchase between the Housing Authority and BP Dune Palms, LP, by General Partner Blackpoint Properties, LLC, for certain property comprising approximately 5.2 Acres located on the Norhteast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (APN 600-030-018) consistent with the General Plan and exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of CEQA. EXECb rIVE SUMMAR) • Government Code Section 65402 requires the Planning Commission to make a finding that the proposed purchase is consistent with the General Plan. • The property to be purchased is located across from the La Quinta Valley Plaza shopping center (to the West) and is directly adjacent to the Dunes Business Park (to the East) on Highway 111 and is proposed to be developed with commercial and residential uses. • The purchase of this property would further the City's goals of fostering mixed use development, affordable housing, multi -modal transportation, and development of the Highway 111 Corridor as outlined in the General Plan. 13ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The property to be purchased is proposed to be developed with commercial and residential components, affordable housing, and a connecting thoroughfare linking the property to the adjacent Dunes Business Park shopping center. 13 Additionally, the project is anticipated to serve as a future connection to the CV Link. The property would be acquired using a mix of housing authority funds and grant funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which promotes the building of affordable housing and certain economic development projects. The development of the property would support affordable housing development as part of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) requirement for the City, provide commercial opportunities for businesses, and would further the development of the Highway ill Corridor Plan. The purchase of this property is consistent with the following goals and policies of the General Plan 2035: 1. Land Use Element Goal LU-7 - Innovative land uses in the Village and on Highway 111. Policy LU-7.1 - Encourage the use of mixed -use development in appropriate locations. Policy LU-7.3 - Encourage the use of vacant pads in existing commercial development on Highway 111 for residential use. a. The proposed purchase is a vacant pad along Highway 111 that is appropriate for mixed use development and includes residential use. 2. Circulation Element Policy CIR-1.12 - As a means of reducing vehicular traffic on major roadways and to reduce vehicle miles traveled by traffic originating in the City, the City shall pursue development of a land use pattern that maximizes interactions between adjacent or nearby land uses. a. The proposed purchase furthers this policy by proposing to locate land uses that provide jobs and housing near each other through mixed use development. 3. Circulation Element Policy CIR-2.3 - Develop and encourage the use of continuous and convenient pedestrian and bicycle routes and multi -use paths to places of employment, recreation, shopping, schools, and other high activity areas with potential for increased pedestrian, bicycle, golf cart/NEV modes of travel. a. The proposed purchase supports this policy in that development of the property could connect the CV Link Regional Trail and other multi -use paths to places of employment, housing, recreation, shopping, Safe Routes To Schools, and other high activity areas. 4. Livable Community Element Policy SC-1.5 - All new development shall include resource efficient development principles. a. The proposed purchase supports this policy in that it would provide an opportunity for development that includes mixed use development with usable public spaces and connects vehicular, 14 pedestrian, and bike transportation throughout itself and to other developments. 5. Housing Element - The proposed purchase is planned to be used for affordable housing which would further the goals and policies of the housing element and help satisfy RHNA goals. The site could be added to the housing inventory list for the 2022-2029 RHNA cycle. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) Common Sense Exemption, in that the action of purchasing this property would not have a significant effect on the environment. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Vicinity Map 15 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022 — XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT THE PURCHASE BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN 600-030-018) IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 2035 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on December 13, 2022, consider the proposed purchase between the Housing Authority and BP Dune Palms, LP, by General Partner Blackpoint Properties, LLC, for certain property comprising approximately 5.2 Acres located on the Norhteast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (APN 600-030-018); and, WHEREAS, the proposed purchase is anticipated to be developed as a mixed -use project with commercial and residential components, affordable housing, and a connecting thoroughfare linking the property to the adjacent Dunes Business Park shopping center, as well as a future connection for the Regional CV Link, helping to foster an active lifestyle; and WHEREAS, the proposed purchase is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) Common Sense Exemption, in that the purchase of this property would not have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory finding under Government Code Section 65402 confirming that the proposed purchase is consistent with the following goals and policies of the City's General Plan: 1. Land Use Element Goal LU-7 - Innovative land uses in the Village and on Highway 111. Policy LU-7.1 - Encourage the use of mixed -use development in appropriate locations. Policy LU-7.3 - Encourage the use of vacant pads in existing commercial development on Highway 111 for residential use. 16 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX PROJECT: PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT LOCATION: APN 600-030-018 DUNE PALMS ROAD/HIGHWAY 111 ADOPTED: PAGE 2 of 3 a. The proposed purchase is a vacant pad along Highway 111 that is appropriate for mixed use development and includes residential use. 2. Circulation Element Policy CIR-1.12 - As a means of reducing vehicular traffic on major roadways and to reduce vehicle miles traveled by traffic originating in the City, the City shall pursue development of a land use pattern that maximizes interactions between adjacent or nearby land uses. a. The proposed purchase furthers this policy by proposing to locate land uses that provide jobs and housing near each other through mixed use development. 3. Circulation Element Policy CIR-2.3 - Develop and encourage the use of continuous and convenient pedestrian and bicycle routes and multi -use paths to places of employment, recreation, shopping, schools, and other high activity areas with potential for increased pedestrian, bicycle, golf cart/NEV modes of travel. a. The proposed purchase supports this policy in that development of the property could connect the CV Link Regional Trail and other multi -use paths to places of employment, housing, recreation, shopping, Safe Routes To Schools, and other high activity areas. 4. Livable Community Element Policy SC-1.5 - All new development shall include resource efficient development principles. a. The proposed purchase supports this policy in that it would provide an opportunity for development that includes mixed use development with usable public spaces and connects vehicular, pedestrian, and bike transportation throughout itself and to other developments. 5. Housing Element - The proposed purchase is planned to be used for affordable housing which would further the goals and policies of the housing element and help satisfy RHNA goals. The site could be added to the housing inventory list for the 2022-2029 RHNA cycle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case; and 17 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX PROJECT: PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT LOCATION: APN 600-030-018 DUNE PALMS ROAD/HIGHWAY 111 ADOPTED: PAGE 3 of 3 SECTION 2. That the proposed purchase is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) Common Sense Exemption; and SECTION 3. That it does find the proposed purchase is consistent with the City's General Plan for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on December 13, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT INFORMATION REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THE PURCHASE BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN 600-030-018) CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN 600-030-018 CEQA: THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 (b)(3) COMMON SENSE EXEMPTION GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: WEST: FLOODPLAIN / WHITEWATER WASH REGIONAL COMMERCIAL / EXISTING COMMERCIAL REGIONAL COMMERCIAL AND EXISTING COMMERCIAL REGIONAL COMMERCIAL AND COMMERCIAL PARK / EXISTING COMMERCIAL 19 ATTACHMENT 2 SAW , AIA C VA E ' La Qui + _• .'� Valley ' Dun . _ 3 • 4 r.• o , " w 4W' • 1 Coral Mountains Apartments ', Walmait t PROPERTY ACQUISITION DUNE PALMS AND HWY 111 ca �W ostco !munity City of La Quinta A ' Planning Division Design and Development Department December 2022 NESIAri buD 40 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: December 13, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 8, 2022: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR A NEW 2,129 SQUARE FOOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION, A NEW 11104 SQUARE FOOT FENCE ENCLOSURE AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AREA AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301(E)(1) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, EXISTING FACILITIES. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to approve Modification By Applicant (MBA) 2022-0004 and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2022-0003, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval and find the project exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration of an existing facility. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Planning Commission (Commission) held a public hearing on November 8, 2022, where the project was continued to a date certain, December 13, 2022, to allow the applicant to be present at the meeting and address the concerns from Commission and public comments. • The applicant requests approval of an MBA and a CUP Amendment for a new 2,129 square foot (sf) Tool Rental Center and changes to the approved outdoor display and sales area for Home Depot, located at 79- 900 Highway 111 within the Jefferson Plaza (Attachment 1). • The proposed use is consistent with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code, Jefferson Plaza Specific Plan, and the City of La Quinta General Plan. • In order to approve the project, the Planning Commission must make findings as it relates to consistency with the City's General Plan and the Jefferson Plaza Specific Plan, site design, and compliance with CEQA (Attachment 2). 21 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Home Depot is located on the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 operating within the Jefferson Plaza commercial retail center (Attachment 3). The applicant proposal includes a new 2,129 sf Tool Rental Center addition, a new 1,104 sf fence enclosure and changes to the approved outdoor display and sales area for Home Depot. At a November 8, 2022, public hearing, the Commission and public raised concerns regarding the proposed location of the equipment rental and the configuration of the outdoor storage. The Applicant was not able to attend the meeting and respond to concerns. The public hearing was continued to allow the Applicant to attend the meeting, address these concerns and to be available to answer questions. For reference, below is a link to the November 8, 2022, staff report, Planning Commission agenda packet: https://www.laguintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocu ment/47709/638031555 223900000 As part of their business and sales model, merchandise and home storage options have continuously been displayed in areas along the store frontage. Previously, the Planning Commission approved CUP 2016-0004 on February 28, 2017, and CUP Amendment 1 on November 13, 2018, for outdoor sales and display. The 2018 approval allowed for 12,842 square feet of outdoor sales and display including display of promoted items, storage of bagged goods, staging areas for garden sales merchandise, and display of five (5) storage sheds. The purpose of the current CUP Amendment is to expand the outdoor sales and display area to include new truck and equipment rental areas and to reduce some existing outdoor storage and display merchandise. The architectural plan set has been revised and below is a list of the following additions and revisions: • The shed display area has been revised to match the previously approved configuration. • Additional landscaping (Burford Holly) is being proposed within two existing landscape medians that run parallel to Highway 111 to help screen the proposed equipment rental area and truck area from the street view. Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 The Applicant is proposing a new 2,129 sf Tool Rental Center and a new 1,104 sf fence enclosure (Attachment 4). Home Depots across the country have Tool Rental Centers which allow for rental of a variety of tools ranging from ladders to power equipment. The proposed architectural style is similar and compatible with the existing building including color palette. With the addition of the Tool Rental Center and fence enclosure, the additional building area does not exceed 22 more than 10 percent of the existing Home Depot square footage, which meets the Municipal Code thresholds of an MBA. The proposed fence enclosure consists of vinyl coated security mesh and a metal standing seam roof. The fence enclosure is accessed from the exterior and is open on three sides with a partial roof cover. The architectural features do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the building (Attachment 5). Conditional Use Permit 2022-0003 The CUP Amendment modifies the existing outdoor display and sales areas by reducing the square footages of each of the areas, and adds new truck and equipment rental areas, located in the southwest area of the parking. The display areas are located in designated areas along the store frontage on the south, west, and north elevations of the building and will not obstruct ADA- accessible paths. The rental equipment includes compact power equipment such as a Backhoe, Skid Steer, Mini Excavator, Light Tower, Trencher, etc. (Attachment 4). The rental equipment will be located on top of trailers for accessibility. The combined outdoor sales and display area is 13,232 sf, an increase of 397 sf from the existing combined outdoor sales and display area. Display Name Location Existing Proposed Product Square Square Examples Footage Footage Garden Material West elevation 2,902 sf 2,252 sf Soil, bark, Staging mulch, pavers Outdoor sales & South elevation 2,249 sf 1,940 sf Grills, tiles, display rebar Garden sales South elevation 2,266 sf 1,563 sf Plant sales, soils, sod Shed display Southeast 1,368 sf 1,293 sf 5-6 sheds corner Bagged goods Southwest 270 sf 270 sf Concrete, elevation sand, gravel Holding & North elevation 3,780 sf 2,792 Building Staging materials, bagged sand Equipment West Parking N/A 2,122 sf HD Rental Rental Lot Equipment Truck Rental Southwest N/A 1,000 sf Rental Truck Parking Lot Program Total Area 12,835 sf 13,232 sf 23 Staff concludes that the proposed outdoor display and sales area is acceptable and will have minimal impacts upon other existing surrounding uses. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the Municipal Code section regarding Outdoor Storage and Display requirements as follows: • Display area (13,232 sf) does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area (140,608 sf) of the retail commercial building. • Complies with fire, health, building, and safety codes. • Permitted display locations include designated portions of sidewalk, patios, and similar areas within proximity to the storefront. • Display and storage areas do not obstruct building entrance or exit or obstruct access to any parking space or drive aisles. Parking The construction of the Tool Rental Center will remove a total of 26 parking spaces out of 609 existing parking spaces within the Home Depot site. The new equipment/truck rental areas and proposed outdoor display will also take up 26 existing parking spaces. The Home Depot site will include 557 parking spaces within the Jefferson Plaza shopping center which brings the total parking spaces for the Jefferson Plaza shopping center to 1,094. Based on Municipal Code Section 9.150.070 (Spaces required by use), the minimum number of spaces required is 333. The project still provides a surplus of 224 parking spaces. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Reviev All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 28, 2022 and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. Staff received written correspondence regarding the project (Attachment 6). Since the project was continued to a date certain, a second public notice was not required. :NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility. 24 Prepared by: Sijifredo Fernandez, Associate Planner Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Findings 3. Vicinity Map 4. Statement of Operation/Equipment Samples 5. Development Plan Set 6. Resident Comment Letter 25 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR A NEW 2,129 SQUARE FOOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION, A NEW 1,104 SQUARE FOOT FENCE ENCLOSURE AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AREA LOCATED AT 79-900 HIGHWAY 111 CASE NUMBERS: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) APPLICANT: LARS ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on December 13, 2022, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Lars Anderson and Associates Inc, on behalf of Home Depot USA Inc., for approval of a new 2,129 square foot Tool Rental Center and changes to the approved outdoor display and sales area for Home Depot, located within the Jefferson Plaza, generally located at 79-900 Highway 111, more particularly described as: APN 600-010-017 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 28, 2022 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did previously hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, on November 8, 2022, to consider this project and continued the Public Hearing, to allow the applicant time to revise the plan set package; and Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be 26 PLANNING COMMISSON RESOLUTION 2022-XXX MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 2 of 4 heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.200.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Modification By Applicant: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City's General Plan policies relating to the General Commercial designation allow for commercial uses and this project is for expansion of an existing commercial building. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and Subject Specific Plan in terms of site plan. The Modification By Applicant has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the Regional Commercial Zoning Code's development standards, including standards for parking lot design, amount of parking required, setbacks and height standards. The proposed changes in building square footage not to exceed ten percent (10%) from the original approval that have been determined to not result in a significant architectural, aesthetic, or visual impact to the existing project and require additional parking. 3. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act. Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility. 4. Architectural Design. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent in design with the Zoning Code and subject Specific Plan, with development in the Regional Commercial, and with the existing buildings on the project site. The architectural design of the project, including but not limited to the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style, and other architectural elements, are compatible with surrounding development, the existing buildings on the project site, and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. 27 PLANNING COMMISSON RESOLUTION 2022-XXX MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 3 of 4 5. Site Design. The site design of the project, including architectural style, features, materials, and color palette, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. Conditional Use Permit 2022-0003 (CUP2016-004 Amendment 2) WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit Amendment: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the Regional Commercial land use designation as set forth in the General Plan. The City's General Plan policies relating to the General Commercial allow for retail commercial and this project is for expansion of an existing commercial building. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the Regional Commercial use designation as set forth in the Zoning Code and meets the development standards of the Zoning Code and subject Specific Plan. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Conditional Use Permit Amendment 2022- 0003 is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility. 4. Surrounding Uses. Conditional Use Permit Amendment 2022-0003 will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. This project includes expansion of an existing use on adequately sized property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: PLANNING COMMISSON RESOLUTION 2022-XXX MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 4 of 4 SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case; and SECTION 2. That the above project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility; and SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Modification By Applicant 2022- 0004, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibit A]; and SECTION 4. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2022-0003 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibit B]; and PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on December 13, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California W PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 1 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Modification By Applicant. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form - Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Design and Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 3. This Modification By Applicant shall expire on December 13, 2024, and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the required ministerial permits have been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 4. The applicant shall submit grading and construction plans as may be required to the City's Design and Development Department. 30 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX EXHIBIT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 3 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit Amendment recorded thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The Conditional Use Permit Amendment shall expire on December 13, 2024 and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the required ministerial permits have been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080 3. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval from Conditional Use Permit 2016-0004 and Conditional Use Permit 2017- 0004. 4. Any expansion of this use or substantial modifications to the approved floor plan shall require an amendment of this conditional use permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.210.020, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 5. No hazardous materials shall be stored and/or used outside of the building, which exceeds quantities listed in 2010 CBC. No class I, II or IIIA of combustible/flammable liquid shall be used in any amount. 6. No fire -lanes, fire hydrants or any other Fire Department appliances/equipment shall be blocked or obstructed. 7. Marked emergency fire apparatus access lanes and entrance curbs shall be designed to adequately allow access of emergency fire vehicles. 8. Exits including exterior exit doors at the level of exit discharge shall be kept clear of all displayed merchandise. 31 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX EXHIBIT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 2OF3 9. All items and materials to be displayed outdoors shall be in conformance with current fire, health, building and safety codes. 10. No item shall be displayed in a manner that causes a safety hazard or public nuisance. 11. Fire department access roads are to be kept clear. 12. Fixtures and tables used to display merchandise shall be maintained in good repair. 13. Signs, flags, banners, placards, balloons, streamers, spot lighting, amplified music, or similar features shall be prohibited unless otherwise permitted and approved through a separate sign or temporary use permit. 14. Outdoor display and sales areas shall be kept clean and maintained on a continual basis. 15. As depicted in the site plan, the boundary for the outdoor merchandise storage and display area shall be demarcated with a permanent painted stripe. Violation of any condition of approval or Municipal Code requirement (i.e., merchandise located outside of the display and sales areas, ADA-accessible path is impeded, etc.) could result in suspension of use and/or permit revocation per LQMC Sections 9.200.130 and 9.210.020 (1). Line specifications (width, color, etc.) shall be reviewed and approved by the Design and Development Director prior to merchandise being located within the display area. Line specifications shall be submitted to the Design and Development Director within 60 days of this approval. 16. As depicted in the site plan, areas along the site shall be restriped for parking stalls and demarcation of parking or loading access. Line specifications shall be reviewed and approved through a striping and signing plan, to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Design and Development department. 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX EXHIBIT B CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0003 (CUP2016-0004 AMENDMENT 2) PROJECT: HOME DEPOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXPANSION ADOPTED: PAGE 3OF3 17. Compliance with this Conditional Use Permit, including moving all outdoor display and sales merchandise within the parameters as displayed by the site plan and completing all striping, shall be completed within 90 days of this approval (February 8, 2022). Failure to do so could result in suspension of use and/or permit revocation per LQMC Sections 9.200.130 and 9.210.020(J). Applicant shall schedule inspections for City staff, including the Fire department, Planning Division, and Code Compliance Division, to confirm compliance with this permit. 18. The applicant shall submit a final landscape plan for review to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. A landscape hedge shall be required to screen the equipment rental area. 33 ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT INFUKMA i IUn CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: MODIFICATION CONDITIONAL (CONDITIONAL AMENDMENT 2) BY APPLICANT 2022-0004 USE PERMIT 2022-0003 USE PERMIT 2016-0004, LARS ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INC REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT (MBA) 2022-0004 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2022-0003 SUBJECT TO THE FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111; APN: 600-010-017 CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301(E)(1) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT INVOLVES MINOR ALTERATION TO AN EXISTING FACILITY. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATION: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL SPECIFIC PLAN: JEFFERSON PLAZA SPECIFIC PLAN SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: FLOOD PLAIN STORMWATER CHANNEL SOUTH: COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL (CITY OF INDIO) EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL WEST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL 34 ATTACHMENT 2 FINDINGS Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 1. Consistency with General Plan. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City's General Plan policies relating to the General Commercial designation allow for commercial uses and this project is for expansion of an existing commercial building. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and Subject Specific Plan in terms of site plan. The Modification By Applicant has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the Regional Commercial Zoning Code's development standards, including standards for parking lot design, amount of parking required, setbacks and height standards. The proposed changes in building square footage not to exceed ten percent (10%) from the original approval that have been determined to not result in a significant architectural, aesthetic, or visual impact to the existing project and require additional parking. 3. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act. Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility. 4. Architectural Design. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent in design with the Zoning Code and subject Specific Plan, with development in the Regional Commercial, and with the existing buildings on the project site. The architectural design of the project, including but not limited to the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style, and other architectural elements, are compatible with surrounding development, the existing buildings on the project site, and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. 35 5. Site Design. The site design of the project, including architectural style, features, materials, and color palette, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. Conditional Use Permit 2022-0003 (CUP2O16-004 Amendment 2) 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the Regional Commercial land use designation as set forth in the General Plan. The City's General Plan policies relating to the General Commercial allow for retail commercial and this project is for expansion of an existing commercial building. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the Regional Commercial use designation as set forth in the Zoning Code and meets the development standards of the Zoning Code and subject Specific Plan. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Conditional Use Permit Amendment 2022-0003 is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, nor substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The La Quinta Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project involves minor alteration to an existing facility. 4. Surrounding Uses. Conditional Use Permit Amendment 2022-0003 will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. This project includes expansion of an existing use on adequately sized property. 36 ATTACHMENT 3 Site U) z 0 U) ry w w SH-111 iN A Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT 4 Home Depot Tool Rental Center (TRC) Project Description Tool Rental Center The general operations for the Tool Rental Center (TRC) are the rental of tools associated with general construction, which could range from a drill to a larger power equipment. This operation is utilized by both our general customers and contractors. The Tool Rental Center is an enclosed building addition —24' tall and 2,129 SF. In addition, a Storage Room of —1,445 SF is being proposed. The purpose of this area is to store online pick-up orders. The proposed enclosure is a 12' fence of —1,103 SF. This enclosure area would store various larger rental items, such as ladders. There would also be access from the existing Home Depot store to the TRC building.. Equipment Rental In conjunction with the TRC, Home Depot is requesting to utilize approximately ten (10) parking stalls shown on the proposed Site Plan to display of HD Rental Equipment that can be rented through the Tool Rental Center (TRC). It should be noted that this operation is owned and operated by Home Depot and Home Depot Associates are the designated staff for transactions. The HD Rental Equipment is stored in the designated stalls 24-hours and are placed on trailers, ready for customers to easily tow away. The trailer hitch is locked and chained to where the trailer cannot be hooked up to a vehicle without a Home Depot Associate unlocking it. There are no third -parry vendors for this operation. Home Depot does not maintain or repair this equipment on -site, as they are sent to a designated repair location off -site. It should be noted that the off -site repair centers are also owned and operated by Home Depot. See the attached file for a list of example HD Rental Equipment, see attached sample rental equipment document. Development of this area would involve re -striping of stalls to angled parking. The angled parking provides easier access for customer to hook up and tow away the rental equipment, and for easier back up to return the items. These stalls will be marked as "Reserved" and have designated signage marking that the stalls are only mean for HD Rental Equipment. Truck Rental The proposed Site Plan includes eight (8) parking stalls to be designated for Rental Truck parking only. The benefit that the Rental Truck Program provides to the community is the ability to easily obtain a moving vehicle at an accessible store location. This program is based on customer orders through the Internet or made in person at the Home Depot store. The Rental Trucks will be delivered to the designated parking area for pick up by the customer — there is typically three to six trucks parked on -site at a time. The paperwork and key pick up and drop off are handled inside the existing TRC. No semi -trucks or tractor trailer type vehicles are included in this program. The trucks being rented have box enclosures varying in size from twelve (12') feet to twenty-six (26') feet and are the type of vehicles that can be driven with a normal driver's license. No fueling, servicing or maintenance of the trucks will take place onsite. Compact Power Rental Equipment Tractor Loader Backhoe ■ Used for loading, carrying, and transporting materials ■ Electrical, plumbing, and irrigation installation or repairs ■ Grading and leveling Skid Steer ■ Grading and leveling ■ Load, carry and spread materials ■ Landscaping, construction and property improvement ■ Light demolition work ■ Property improvement and landscape projects ■ Irrigation installation and drainage projects ■ Plumbing and electrical installation or repairs Aerial Equipment ■ Tree care and maintenance ■ Facility maintenance, painting, HVAC, electrical ■ Sign and lighting repair Light Tower ■ Job site illumination ■ Sports activities ■ Event setups Material Handling ■ Transport concrete, stone, materials and aggregate ■ Construction and demo site clean up 0 Dump Trailer ■ Demolition removal and yard maintenance ■ Carrying landscape materials ■ Hauling aggregate Tree Care (Chipper Rental/Stump Grinder) ■ Tree care and maintenance ■ Landscaping and property improvements Mini Skid Steer ■ Load, carry and spread materials ■ Landscape and property improvement ■ Grading and leveling Trencher ■ Installing irrigation and drainage projects ■ Landscape and property improvement Tractor Loader Backhoe ■ Load, carry and transport materials ■ Electrical, plumbing, and irrigation installation or repairs ■ Grading and leveling ■ Grading and leveling ■ Load, carry and spread materials ■ Landscaping, construction and property improvement ■ Light demolition work ATTACHMENT 5 PROJECT INFORMATION �G 79000 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CONTACTS SHEET INDEX PROJECT LOCATION APPLICANT 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 THE HOME DEPOT ❑ SHEET 1 COVER SHEET LA QUINTA, CA 92253 2455 PACES FERRY ROAD, ATLANTA, GA 30339 t: (770) 2406 ❑ SHEET 2 OVERALL SITE PLAN SUZANNE CONTACT:CT: S RUSSO ❑ SHEET 3 TRC SITE PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE PROPOSED TOOL RENTAL CENTER (± 2,129 SF), FENCE ENCLOSURE (1,104 SF), LARGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ll SHEET 4 DETAILS PARKING (10), AND TRUCK RENTAL PARKING (8). 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE t R 59 276 2790 f: 559-276-0850 ❑ SHEET 5 FLOOR PLAN CONTACT: JANAY MOMMER jmommer@larsandersen.com ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Lj SHEET 6 B&W ELEVATIONS CIVIL ENGINEER APN: 600-010-017 LARS ANDERSEN &ASSOCIATES, INC. ❑ SHEET 7 COLORED ELEVATIONS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER FRESNO, CA t: 559-276-2790 f: 559-276-0850 CONTACT: DAN I EL J. ZOLDAK dzoldak@larsandersen.com Lj SHEET 8 MATERIAL BOARD JURISDICTION: CITY OF LA QUINTA Ll SHEET 9 COLORED RENDERING ZONING: CR (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ❑ SHEET 10 LANDSCAPE SCREEN COVER SHEET SHEET 1 OF 10 12/05/2022 41 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 1 1 S7$ 203, I; o� "i TRASH -- — — — — — 27 Lo P ING " 22 _— .— _— __— R ING rw.44ff �— �— Si Ir 1O RN,gE - 1 — 1 ,B• RCP sm � V '', SVAG N � 1r^go� 1;;; )OSEID 1RC �04 SF) ("ol �z ID rp� P SUR �� 6 �Fl Sr\ 1 1 RO E �� , / ? r JJ 1 1 , (24r `1 V) 1 1`'1 � 0•3' 1 FF=Sg'60 5910 � AE GARpEN S SF)11' SMLR SEER! c2�266 ---------------- ovv°voovv° - 111 R - vvvv 0v3 OO�.� AREN IS SF) v O — U '1 PR° POSEp - �11 cEN�ERON ,,59OLS COUD NOT - I , , Y 1 , THp PROPOSEp 122 z .. .� NT (2 ON SHEE p,. ----- _ id , 1 Yi • Iu %%%% ,% _______======a==_=; _-__e__e_==_e__e___s- ___________ _____ _---_====--_______--, �,�_____________________- �� _-_______________- PROPOSED THD TRUCK RENTAL II. PROPOSED MINIMUM 8' TALL LANDSCAPE (1,000 SF) SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 3 I Ld I SCREENING BURFORD HOLLY (2.5 GAL) ------------ IIIIIIII ------------ �' -- — II !107� A04_1 I----- �- ---------------7— L655.48' -- —,-- := == - ---------------- - - r--- i— I STATE HIGHWAY 111 ---------------------------------- R132 »• 76.� I I J I I I I I U) L.L. W LL LL w rn CN Oc I! oq I'i I L=45. 52 IR 2�19.4' A=1 1 21 51 i Nil a II I I I „tlijNil s I II I bl I °g II I I I L-47 � -' 1L_ 1-1J--------------------- ---,, ------------ � I � I � I � I -----------=================== , � I ---------- , I , I , � I � I � I —J ---------------------------------------- 1 r—P%r—\Ir% vvvvvvvvvvvv v GARDEN SALES ........ OUTDOOR SALES AND DISPLAY SHED DISPLAY 0 0 0000000001 0 STORAGE OF BAGGED GOODS HOLDING & STAGING MATERIALS PER SPECIFIC AREA GARDEN STAGING SHED DISPLAY -SOIL/AMENDMENTS -5-6 SHEDS -BARK -MULCH STORAGE OF BAGGED GOODS -STEPPING STONES -60 LB-90 LB CONCRETE BAGS -PAVERS -1000 LB SAND BAGS -WALL BLOCKS -1000 LB GRAVEL BAGS -BAGGED ROCKS -BLOCKS OUTDOOR SALES DISPLAY HOLDING & STAGING -20' REBAR -BUILDING MATERIALS -PROPANE EXCHANGES -BLOCK -TILES -CONCRETE -BARBEQUES -RAW DIMENSIONAL LUMBER -PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER GARDEN SALES -SHEET GOODS (PLYWOOD, -PLANT SALES (PALM, TREES, O.S.B., MELAMINE) PERENNIALS, ANNUALS, SHRUBS) -CHAIN LINK MATERIALS (MESH, -SOILS/AMENDMENTS POLES) -SOD -BAGGED SAND -BAGGED GRAVEL SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE S PROJECT INFORMATION HOME DEPOT SITE DATA HOME DEPOT PARCEL AREA APN: ZONE: LAND USE: HOME DEPOT BUILDING AREAS EXISTING HOME DEPOT AREA PROPOSED TOOL RENTAL CENTER EXISTING GARDEN CENTER AREA TOTAL HD AREA PARKING REQUIRED PER CITY CODE 13.37 AC 600-010-017 CR - REGIONAL COMMERCIAL RETAIL TRADE 114,376 SF 2,129 SF + 24,102 SF 140,608 SF HOME DEPOT (@ 1/350 SF) GFA 302 STALLS PROPOSED TRC (@1/350 SF) GFA 7 STALLS GARDEN CENTER (@ 1/1000 SF) GFA + 24 STALLS TOTAL HD PARKING REQUIRED 333 STALLS HOME DEPOT PARKING PROVIDED FRONT FIELD PARKING 477 STALLS SIDE FIELD PARKING 67 STALLS REAR FIELD PARKING + 13 STALLS TOTAL HD PARKING PROVIDED 557 STALLS INCLUDED WITHIN PARKING PROVIDED ACCESSIBLE PARKING (8 REQ AT 301-400) 16 STALLS NOT INCLUDED WITHIN PARKING PROVIDED EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10 STALLS THD TRUCK RENTAL 8 STALLS SHED DISPLAY 8 STALLS MAXIMUM OUTDOOR DISPLAY 10% 14,060 SF PROPOSED OUTDOOR DISPLAY GARDEN STAGING 2,252 SF OUTDOOR SALES/DISPLAY 1,940 SF GARDEN SALES/DISPLAY 1,563 SF SHED DISPLAY 1,293 SF MULCH/SOILS 270 SF REAR STAGING 2,792 SF EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,122 SF TRUCK RENTAL + 1,000 SF TOTAL OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES 13,232 SF OVERALL SITE PLAN DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 N � 0' 50, 100, � m SCALE 1 "=50' S SHEET 2 OF 10 42 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE FRESNO CALIFORNIA 93722 TEE: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F18450 EXISTING STORM ' ------------------------� DRAIN LINE Irl� ---------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- -- ------ ----- ------ ---- ----------------- ---------- ---------------------------------- - ------ ----- --------- VICINITY MAP N ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ --�--- ■ J- - ■ - ■ - - ■ ■ ■ I ■ ----------- ----- - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ME - ■ ■ ■ a ■ - ■ ■ - ■ w w- ■ 1---------------------- 9 NOT TO SCALE -- - --------- --------------------------------L- - ------------- -------------------------- EXISTING 20, °S�aS__ -_ �. l 1T11 ITY F,4�FMFNT---__as_ PROJECT INFORMATION I ---�— — — — — — — — — — — — EXISTING WATT L I I` — — — w — — — — — w — — — — — w — — oi� C/) z` �z -----------------. .c-o I c-I,/ I s o � I I I I I I I BE REMOVED TRC SITE PLAN DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER SITE DEV. COORDINATOR DAVID BORSCH JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 0' 10' 20' g -z SCALE 1 "=10' SHEET 3 OF 10 43 EQUIPMENT RENTAL SIGN. CENTERED BETWEEN TWO STALLS (TYP.) * 0 2.37in ID [60.2mm] 1.00in [25.4ni * 10.25in [260.4nni 00.50in [12.7mm] THRU BOTH SIDES GC INSTALLATION ONE PLACARD SHIPS WITH EACH KIT. EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARKING 02.50in OD ONLY [63.5mm] 2.50" OD TUBING CDB-POWER 2.37" INTERNAL ID 8. Oin 0.065" GAGE (16) PLACARD [203. mm] P/N:15AB080 06.625in 168.3mm] 2.50" OD X 16 GAUGE TUBING 36.Oin [914.4mm] 18.Oin 78.Oin [457.2mm] [1981.2mm] III —I � I a •.:. 42.oin IIIIIIII [1066.8mm] III=11:: a III IIII 4.Oin [101.6mm] PULL POWER THROUGH INNER TUBE HOLES MUST FACE TRUE FRONT CONCRETE FLUSH HERE 6" NPS (6.625" DIAMETER) BOLLARD FILLED WITH CONCRETE. 46.25in [1174.8mm] CONCRETE 4000 PSI MINIMUM "*" DENOTES CRITICAL DIMENSION PROPRIETARY-COI+IFYMUTI/lLs piapiel igi to McCue Coipviaflaei.This Tritfomr is l i :. ,,,•4j w4y, i Ndokged to 0ftem nr -,Pprodu ced, in who* or In part, pxeepf es expres5Iy aulharfzed Trtwr6ffng by Me-t:j:ip r. m F?Wam Any Rerpm-dtxd'on zii ctkxiii irn wWe or In Pad, irmst �'-ncludethls rlallie COMPLETE INSTALLATION • 84.Oin [2134.5mm] 1 ° 60.Oin [1524mm] O. 54.Oin [1371.6mm] TYPICAL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAGE SCALE NTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL PLACARD BLACK BUMPERSIGN TOP 2 GANG WEATHERPROOF 4 OUTLET BOX AND WEATHERPROOF COVER THIS DETAIL IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CIVIL ENGINEER TO VERIFY ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL CODES PRIOR TO USE. THE HOME DEPOT AND WD PARTNERS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS RELATED WITH THE USE OF THIS DETAIL. BLACK REFLECTIVE 6" POST COVER The Home Depot CDB-POWER llliia McCue Peabody. MA I ii9n USA 41 (SM 800 SW3 cust4mercaro-i0 nccuo'co ld Million Keynes, United i )1908 5 511 aisle*#Mee.rwl Xiamen, Fi 4ion. CNee *06-592-2200790 mCGOEl-4 [a 19 1-1 Section 7: CIVIL DRAWING REQUIREMENTS Figure 26-E4 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE FRESNO CALIFORNIA 93722 TEE: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 SITE !es• 'rj (aL:- . . VICINITY MAP N NOT TO SCALE S 19.6 (TYP.) �<v� DETAILS PROK2ED li 9 , Si STRIlli (TYP.) �O DATE: 12/05/2022 I REVISION DATES: PROPOSED YELLOW - " SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH "RESERVED" SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER LETTER STRIPING RIP PosEa /O LETTER ST,EVC PROPOSED EQUIPMENT RENTAL O STALL (TYP.) SEE SITE PLAN FOR MORE PRl0 STAlliOF i DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS 8. ' VED 9'X2' BLACK BACKGROUND CENTERED ON STALL WHEN INSTALLED ON CONCRETE PAVING. 9'X2' CENTERED ON STALL WHEN INSTALLED ON ASPHALT PAVING. 0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL STALL DETAIL n,li c A RESERVED PARKING DETAIL At -GEt SCALE, NTS THIS DETAIL IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CIVIL ENGINEER TO VERIFY ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL CODES PRIOR Ta USE. THE HOME DEPOT AND WD PARTNERS ARE NOT LIAEILE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISEAUNS RELe,TED WTH THE USE OF THIS DETAL. SECTION 7 Page 22 DESIGN CRITERIA MANUAL — 10/17/16 Edition © 2001-2016 HOMER TLC, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 NTS SHEET 4 OF 10 44 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-1 8450 1 -- - — — — — — — — — - T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- - — — — — — — — — — - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------- i------------------- ----■010 m[w� E E � E E � 0 E � E i E � --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as -------- --------------- — -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as -------------------------------------------------------------------- SS— SS —SS— —SS— —SS— _ss_ as —ss— SS— —SS— —ss— —SS— _SS — gig _ss_ _ss_ ss- -ss- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — as os N— —w— —w— —w— —w— —w— —w— — w — — w — — w — — w — — w — — w — — w — — w — — O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — . .. . . n. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QU I NTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 w ol 10, 20' c/)mm z I SCALE 1"=10' 3. SHEET 5 OF 10 45 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 EXPANDED PMYST YREN E FOA+ A SHAP P NITED FRAZEE -CEDAR BlElli #5263M NEW TOOL RENTAL WALL i AINTED FLEE "CUMULUS"' 52 G -\ L2 NEW ENCLOSURE WffH :!®LACK VINYLS :,COATED MESH I F�TH ELE AT NW.STANDING SteMETAL ROOF FACTORS APPLIED KYNAR 50Q ;"HOME DUPOT DN'Dr NEW :ENCLOSURE WITH BLACK . ii COATED MIESH WEST ELEVATION. INFO, ` 7 RENTAL LED ILLLIM cHANNEiL ILETTEI 73W PANEL W1F (34 StI fT.) EDtPANCiED P FOAM. SNAP - PAIN "CEO EEII EXISTING HQUE OLP"T. I E��:r 7 � RE;P�lTAE WALL PANTED. IP.ZAZEE �CUMULUV 5250W NIEW iE llf (DOOR PAINT FRA'ZEE "CUMIULUS" #5251 JYRENE FRAZIEE 5M CMU PATTERN FORM LINER PAINTED F964EIE "SMOKESTONE'' #5243 EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM $1140 - PAIWED ERAZI E- "CEDAR BEIGEO #5263K NEW TOOL IRiENTALWALL _PAINTED: FR LCUMVLUS 520W :CCU IPAT-FERN FORM LINER` FRA'ZEE °'SMOKESTQNE=r NEW EXIT .DOOR. SOUTH. ELEVATION 9 4- VICINITY MAP N NOT TO SCALE S B&W ELEVATIONS DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 SHEET 6 OF 10 46 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 E0'ANbED F.)'OuYsrmENE FOAM BRAE - PAINTED FRAZEE. L"CEDM BEIGE If #,52wm NEW TOOL ]RENTAL RA D NEW ENCLOSURE WITH BLACK VINYL. :,COATE-D .MESH I�RTH ELETIN m� 11 a`6n �x �niET EILE�TI��. mFC, 22' RENTAL LED ILLLIM CHANNEL LETTERS,73f PANEL W/F (34 SQ.F r.) SOUTH EL E I TI N Ill SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE COLORED ELEVATIONS DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 SHEET 7 OF 10 47 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 STUCCO FINISH SURFACE PAINTED FRAZEE "CUMULUS" #5250W VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE !1 MATERIAL BOARD DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 SHEET 8 OF 10 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 EXIT ONLY EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONDITIONS ppnn SITE - BCAt VICINITY MAP N NOT TO SCALE S COLORED RENDERING DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 SHEET 9 OF 10 49 LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 4694 WEST JACQUELYN AVENUE - FRESNO CADFORNIA 93722 TEL: 559 276-2790 FAX: 559 276-0850 WWW.LARSANDERSEN.COM Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-18450 14 W'l SITE VICINITY MAP N NOT TO SCALE S LANDSCAPE SCREEN DATE: 12/05/2022 REVISION DATES: SITE PLANNER DAVID BORSCH SITE DEV. COORDINATOR JANAY MOMMER CA - LA QUINTA STORE # 6630 ADDRESS: 79900 STATE HIGHWAY 111 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA PROJECT NUMBER 21086.00 SHEET 10 OF 10 50 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECEMBER 13, 2022 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT BY RESIDENT ALENA CALLIMANIS PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 - HOME DEPOT CUP AND MBA Home Depot near LA with Tool Rental Center Alena Callimanis La Quinta ATTACHMENT 6 51 View from Parking Lot Area closest to the the main street towards tool rental area 52 View from Parking lot to street from just where rental items end 53 Tool and Truck Rental View Rentals on Right, car parking on left 55 Tool Rental Center 56 . &a. .: . � ® � K� � \.� f�• _ � � � x ,\ \� 2. . - � ���� - ��' PII .. �.= I �' iiil: Ij �_4 � .`^ � i, .. __— '._+ ���+. e' .. ���{., }��;� ��}��� _N' � __.i 1l lN' � _ _ �— �� — _ - - .. a - v.. -- •s- -- M. — - - - _. .._ - ..-- M:.— .:� �} .. a 'i� Rental Items Must be place next to Rental Center • These pictures show that other Home Depots put tool and truck rentals closest to the tool rental center • Rental items should not be displayed along Highway 111 59 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 2 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINu. DECEMBER 13, 2022 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 75' FOOT TALL TEMPORARY TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPOLE WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 75' FOOT TALL PERMANENT TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPALM AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT PROPERTY; CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE RECOMMENDATION 1) Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 2022-0010 for a 75' tall permanent telecommunication monopalm subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval and determine that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. 2) Adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 2022-0011 for a 75' tall temporary telecommunication monopole subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval and determine that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Coastal Business Group (Applicant) is requesting approval for a temporary monopole wireless telecommunication facility (Monopole) and a permanent monopalm wireless telecommunication facility (Monopalm) for AT&T within the La Quinta Resort (Resort) Property (Attachment 1). • An existing AT&T Monopalm within the Resort is scheduled to be shut down by end of March 2023 and the Applicant is asking for the temporary Monopole to be allowed as they work on building permits and construction for a new permanent Monopalm on the same parcel (Attachment 2). .s • Findings related to consistency with General Plan, Zoning, CEQA, and surrounding uses are required to be made by the Planning Commission (Attachment 3) in order to approve the proposed monopole and monopalm. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS An existing AT&T Monopalm located at the Resort is scheduled to be shut down by March 2023. In July 2022, the Applicant submitted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a temporary monopole to continue coverage on a temporary basis as the Applicant worked on a permanent solution. The Commission did not approve that CUP and after discussion with the Applicant and Owner Representative, determined that the Applicant should work on a different location and have more information on a permanent solution. CUP2022-0011 Temporary Monopole The Applicant has submitted a new CUP to propose a new temporary monopole on the same parcel, within a parking lot near the main entryway to the Resort. This location is to the north of the previously proposed temporary Monopole. The Applicant has requested this Monopole on a temporary basis in order to continue coverage (Attachment 4). The Monopole is proposed at a height of 75' with 12 panel antennas, and within a wrought iron fence with mesh enclosure (Attachment 5). The Monopole is proposed within an existing parking lot near the entry way, located strategically near an existing line of palm trees, and encompasses a total of 272 square feet (Attachment 6). The Applicant has stated that this Monopole would only be in place until the permanent facility is approved, installed, and operational (Attachment 7). The permanent facility has been filed as CUP 2022-0010. Staff includes the following conditions of approval for the Monopole: - Temporary Monopole shall be allowed to be in place for a maximum of one year from the date of the CUP approval (December 13, 2023), or when permanent Monopalm is constructed and passes a final inspection by the City's Building Department, whichever comes first. - Removal of Temporary Monopole shall occur no later than four (4) weeks after December 13, 2023, or four weeks after passing final inspection of the permanent Monopalm by City's Building Division, whichever comes first. 61 CUP2022-0010 Permanent Monopalm The Applicant has submitted a CUP to propose a permanent Monopalm facility, on the same parcel (Attachment 8). The location of the Monopalm is within an existing parking lot which would include removal of at least two (2) parking stalls on Los Arboles Drive. It is the same location as the proposed Monopole from July 2022, albeit with new design and additional screening features. The Monopalm is proposed at a height of 75' with 12 panel antennas, and faux palm fronds to mimic the look of a palm tree (Attachment 9). Construction of the Monopalm will include the installation of five (5) new trees: two (2) 35'tall California Fan Palms and three (3) 2' tall Pygmy Date Palms, which will surround existing palm trees and provide screening. Construction will also include a new 215 square foot, 12' tall building enclosure for equipment. The new building will architecturally match the surrounding buildings, including similar roof tiles, color pallete, and stucco. Per the Applicant's timeline (Attachment 7), the temporary Monopole is proposed and conditioned to be installed and operational as the Applicant secures building permits and constructs the permanent Monopalm. Once the permanent Monopalm is constructed and operational, the temporary Monopole would be removed within four (4) weeks. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review This request was sent to all applicable City departments. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Noticf The public hearing notice was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on December 2, 2022, and was sent to property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the project site. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department has determined these CUP'sare exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the California Environmental Quality Act for new construction or conversion of small structures since both the temporary Monopole and permanent Monopalm with their associated ground -mounted equipment contain a small footprint. 62 Prepared by: Carlos Flores, Senior Planner Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Vicinity Map 3. CUP Findings 4. RF Maps 5. Monopole Plan Set 6. Monopole Renderings 7. Project Justification 8. Monopalm Plan Set 9. Monopalm Renderings 63 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on December 13, 2022, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Coastal Business Group, courtesy of AT&T, for approval of a temporary wireless telecommunication monopole tower and mechanical equipment, generally located at the La Quinta Resort more particularly described as: APN : 658-190-011 49-499 Eisenhower Drive WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on December 2, 2022 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate, and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will help to ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 2 of 3 of the telecommunication facility at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The facility utilizes a small footprint and is proposed as a monopole. The project, as conditioned, is allowed on a temporary basis and will be removed of its impacts within a timely manner. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed 75- foot monopole wireless communications facility, as conditioned, is allowed on a temporary basis and will be removed and replaced with a tower design consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to continue community access to wireless service from the project site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. 65 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 3 of 3 SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2022-0011, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibit A]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on December 13, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 7 C_1FIVFRAI 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Conditional Use Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code §§ 66410 through 66499.58 (the "Subdivision Map Act"), and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"). The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code can be accessed on the City's Web Site at www.laquintaca.gov. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall expire on December 13, 2023, and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the use has been established. 4. The temporary monopole shall be operational for no longer than one (1) year from the date of this approval, (December 13, 2023), or when permanent location is constructed and passes a final inspection by the City's Building Department, whichever comes first. Temporary monopole shall be removed no later than four weeks after December 13, 2023, or four weeks after passing final inspection by City's Building Department, whichever comes sooner. 5. Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 6. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Development Clearance) for Building Permits, Water PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 2OF7 Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form - Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Building and Safety Division for Building Permits • La Quinta Planning Division • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley • Federal Communication Commission • Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 3OF7 9. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 10. The submitted preliminary plans appear to propose no or minimal grading and may not require a grading permit (see exceptions in Municipal Code Section 8.80.040). If a grading permit is required, a precise grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in California and a Soils Report prepared by a professional registered in California must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of grading. Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. Building plans and structural calculations shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building and Safety Division. PRECISE GRADING 11. If a grading permit is required, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 8.80 (Grading). 12. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a qualified engineer, All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or by an engineering geologist. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. . •j PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 4OF7 UTILITIES 13. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 14. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit and the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for safety, practical and aesthetic purposes. 15. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 16. The applicant shall protect existing hardscape along the proposed construction area to include but not be limited to garden walls, landscaping, irrigation systems, curb and gutter, sidewalk and pavement, and existing building structures. Restoration to any damaged hardscape shall be to the satisfaction of the City of La Quinta. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in -kind. FEES AND DEPOSITS 17. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. PI AIVNTNC4 18. The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time; power densities that exceed current FCC adopted standards for human exposure for RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in 70 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 5OF7 the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 19. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City's noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be limited to, regular cleaning, painting, and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility's original approval. 20. The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monopole tower. 21. The fence and access gate on the equipment enclosure and surrounding the monopole shall be of wrought -iron material with metal mesh screening. No chain link fencing shall be used. 22. The proposed monopole shall be approved at a height of 75 feet. 23. Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. The Applicant shall work on additional screening measures to attempt to screen. 24. The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 25. AT&T, or successor, shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and operations. Response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. 26. AT&T, or successor, shall provide the Planning Division with the name and contact information of the maintenance representation who shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive calls regarding facility maintenance. Response shall be within 48 hours on weekdays and within 72 hours on weekends/holidays of receipt of such notice of complaints. 71 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 6OF7 27. The placement of the pole shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public paths -of -travel. 28. The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta's Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 29. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval and, if the facility is not so maintained this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 30. No cables, conduit or other equipment on the monopole tower pole shall be visible. All electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monopole tower cavity. 21:7q 31. Install a minimum size 2A10BC portable fire extinguisher located in the extinguisher cabinet. 32. NFPA 704 placarding is required to be displayed on the exterior of the facility of the specific hazard element. Ensure the correct NFPA hazard values are provided in the required sections (for facilities with fuel -fired generators). 33. Install an approved Knox Box on the exterior of the gate with a supply of tagged access keys to be stored within the Knox Box. 34. Provide site addressing by means of 6" numbers and letters completing the entire numeric and street name address. Characters shall be contrasting and reflectorized. 35. Office of the Fire Marshal shall review the new installation construction documents for compliance with these conditions along with applicable codes and standards. 36. Fuel storage for fuel -powered generators require separate and deferred submittal to the Office of the Fire Marshall. 72 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 7OF7 37. Electrical energy storage systems in quantities exceeding levels identified in CFC Table 1206.2 require separate/deferred submittal to the Office of the Fire Marshal. BUILDING 38. The proposed structure including miscellaneous site support facility construction shall require permitting based on the applicable code at time of submittal for construction. 39. The applicant shall obtain facility addressing from the building division prior to submittal of plans for construction permitting and electrical service from Imperial Irrigation District. 40. Proposed construction shall comply with current building standards at the time of permit submittal. 73 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPALM FACILITY WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on December 13, 2022, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Coastal Business Group, courtesy of AT&T, for approval of a temporary wireless telecommunication monopalm tower and mechanical equipment, generally located at the La Quinta Resort more particularly described as: APN : 658-190-011 49-499 Eisenhower Drive WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on December 2, 2022 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.170.090 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will help to ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the telecommunication facility at this site will have a negligible 74 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 2 of 3 impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses, which includes installation of additional palm trees for screening as well as a new building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. The facility includes installation of additional palm trees for screening as well as a new building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings 3. Visual Impacts The facility utilizes a small footprint and is proposed as a monopalm, which includes installation of additional palm trees and faux palm fronds for screening as well as a new equipment building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed 75- foot monopalm wireless communications facility, as conditioned, is consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities and is designed to blend in with surrounding landscaping and buildings, including installing live palm trees and faux palm fronds. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 75 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 3 of 3 SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2022-0010, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibit A]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on December 13, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California 76 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 7 C_1FIVFRAI 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers, and employees, from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Conditional Use Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Section 9.170 and Section 9.210.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"). The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code can be accessed on the City's Web Site at www.laquintaca.gov. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shall expire on December 13, 2024, and shall become null and void in accordance with Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless the use has been established. 4. All conditions of approval from Conditional Use Permit 2022-0011 shall be complied with. 5. Any expansion or substantial modifications to the approved plan shall require an amendment of this Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 6. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Development Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form - Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Building and Safety Division for Building Permits • La Quinta Planning Division • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department 77 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 2OF7 • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley • Federal Communication Commission • Federal Aviation Administration The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 110I9:Z91=101:111r»_\►1 As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 9. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 3OF7 10. A precise grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in California and a Soils Report prepared by a professional registered in California must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the commencement of grading. Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. Building plans and structural calculations shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building and Safety Division. PRECISE GRADING 11. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 8.80 (Grading). 12. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a qualified engineer, All grading shall conform to the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or by an engineering geologist. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. UTILITIES 13. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). W PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 4OF7 14. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlaying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements as required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 15. The applicant shall protect existing hardscape along the proposed construction area to include but not be limited to garden walls, landscaping, irrigation systems, curb and gutter, striping, parking stalls, sidewalk and pavement, and existing building structures. Restoration to any damaged hardscape shall be to the satisfaction of the City of La Quinta. Any disturbed areas including landscaping shall be replaced in -kind. FEES AND DEPOSITS 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. PI AIVNTNC4 17. The proposed telecommunication facility shall comply with all federal and state statutes, including, but not limited to, FCC licensing, NIER levels, and FAA requirements. No wireless telecommunication facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time; power densities that exceed current FCC adopted standards for human exposure for RF (Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Standards) fields. Failure to comply with FCC Standards will result in the immediate cessation of operation of the wireless telecommunication facility. 18. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be installed and maintained in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, National Electrical Code, the City's noise ordinance, and other applicable codes, as well as other restrictions specified in the permit and the La Quinta Municipal Code. The facility operator and the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the facility in good condition, which shall include, but not be PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 5OF7 limited to, regular cleaning, painting, and general upkeep and maintenance of the site consistent with the facility's original approval. 19. The panel antennas shall be mounted securely to the monopalm tower. 20. All antennas and antenna arrays shall be painted to match the faux palm fronds and shall be shielded from view by the tower's faux palm fronds. The final design of the screening material shall be approved by the Design and Development Department Director. 21. The new equipment building shall match in architecture with the surrounding buildings, including similar roof tiles, stucco, and color palette. This shall be confirmed via building permit process and inspection(s). 22. The proposed monopalm shall be approved at a height of 75 feet. 23. Antennas, equipment, and all ancillary components shall be stealth to the maximum extent feasible. Fronds are required to screen all antennae and shall be maintained in good condition in perpetuity. 24. The monopalm structure shall included a minimum of fifty (50) fronds for maximum antenna screening and the branches of the fronds shall extend a minimum of 18 inches beyond the antenna arrays. 25. A total of (2) live 35'tall California Fan Palms and three (3) new 2'tall Pygmy Date Palms shall be planted near the monopalm in order to help stealth the facility. Installation of this landscaping may require approval of a City of La Quinta Final Landscape Plan. This additional landscaping shall be approved by the Coachella Valley Water District and Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner. 26. The applicant shall negotiate in good faith for shared use by third parties; an owner generally will negotiate in the order in which requests for information are received, except an owner generally will negotiate with a party who has received an FCC license or permit before doing so with other parties. 27. AT&T, or successor, shall have a continuing obligation to respond to and resolve any and all complaints associated with any potential interference with frequencies related to residential and/or life safety communications and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 6OF7 operations. Response shall be within 48 hours of receipt of notice of any such complaints. 28. AT&T, or successor, shall provide the Planning Division with the name and contact information of the maintenance representation who shall be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive calls regarding facility maintenance. Response shall be within 48 hours on weekdays and within 72 hours on weekends/holidays of receipt of such notice of complaints. 29. The placement of the monopalm shall not interfere with the existing infrastructure and improvements at this location. The pole shall not be placed on a public paths -of -travel. 30. The wireless telecommunication facility operators are required to notify the City of La Quinta's Planning Division within sixty (60) days of any change of ownership of the facility. 31. The entire facility shall be maintained in a condition consistent with the conditions of this approval and, if the facility is not so maintained, this approval is subject to revocation or other correcting actions as determined appropriate by the City. 32. No cables, conduit, or other equipment on the monopalm tower pole shall be visible. All electrical work for the proposed antennas shall be contained within the monopalm tower cavity. FIRE 33. Roadways installed and maintained by the cellular company/radio agency solely for maintenance of their equipment shall be deemed acceptable. Roadways to the site shall not be required to installed and maintained to support fire apparatus. 34. No additional water supply for fire protection is required. 35. Install a minimum size 2A10BC portable fire extinguisher located in extinguisher cabinet. 36. Install an approved Knox Box on the exterior of the gate with a supply of tagged access keys to be stored within the Knox Box PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2022-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP ADOPTED: PAGE 7OF7 37. NFPA 704 placarding is required to be displayed on the exterior of the facility of the specific hazard element. Ensure the correct NFPA hazard values are provided in the required sections. (For facilities with fuel -fired generators) 38. Deferred Submittals: A. For fuel -powered generators require separate/deferred submittal to the Office of the Fire Marshal. B. ELECTRICAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS - in quantities exceeding levels identified in CFC Table 1206.1 require separate/deferred submittal to the Office of the Fire Marshal. 39. The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. 40. Applicant shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. 41. Plans shall be prepared to the applicable code at the time of submittal for building permit. Currently the 2019 California Building Codes, as of January 1, 2023, these will be the 2022 California Building Codes. 42. Demonstrate required Fire Separation Distance from proposed equipment enclosure to adjacent construction per CBC 602. For the purposes of determining the required wall and opening protection, projections and roof - covering requirements, buildings on the same lot shall be assumed to have an imaginary line between them. 43. Where a new building is to be erected on the same lot as an existing building, the location of the assumed imaginary line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the existing building meet the criteria as set forth in Sections 705.5 and 705.8. 44. Additional comments may be required based on further information being provided for review. Although this is not a complete review for building permit, these items are being offered to help expedite the review and approval of the project during the permitting stage. ATTACHMENT 1 Project Information CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: GENERALPLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING DESIGNATION: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP LA QUINTA RESORT THE PLACEMENT OF A 75-FOOT TALL TEMPORARY WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY AND 75-FOOT TALL PERMANENT MONOPALM FACILITY 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE TOURIST COMMERCIAL TOURIST COMMERCIAL SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH SOUTH: EAST: WEST: TOURIST COMMERCIAL LA QUINTA RESORT LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL EISENHOWER DRIVE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT 2 f Ajtd r 3P (D 11,j AL Jft- I 0 Existing I.-. Zj < (D —A Permanent $49 D VICINITY MAP 85 ATTACHMENT 3 FINDINGS FINDINGS: CUP2022-0011 (Temporary Monopole) 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate, and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will help to ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the telecommunication facility at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. 3. Visual Impacts The facility utilizes a small footprint and is proposed as a monopole. The project, as conditioned, is allowed on a temporary basis and will be removed of its impacts within a timely manner. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed 75- foot monopole wireless communications facility, as conditioned, is allowed on a temporary basis and will be removed and replaced with a tower design consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to continue community access to wireless service from the project site. CUP2022-0010 (Permanent Monopalml 1. Consistency with General Plan The design of the proposed wireless facility is consistent with La Quinta General Plan, which requires utilities and communication facilities to be available, adequate, and convenient for all residents. The applicant has determined that a need for this type of service, in this general area, exists and providing such a facility will help to ensure that the public has access to such services. The placement of the telecommunication facility at this site will have a negligible impact on the surrounding public thoroughfares and land uses, which includes installation of additional palm trees for screening as well as a new building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings. 2. Public Welfare The proposed wireless facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. The facility will provide enhanced communication services to the surrounding area, including emergency and public safety communications. The wireless facility is required to comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standards for professionally acceptable radio frequency emissions to ensure the antennas will not interfere with the surrounding land uses. The facility includes installation of additional palm trees for screening as well as a new building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings. 3. Visual Impacts The facility utilizes a small footprint and is proposed as a monopalm, which includes installation of additional palm trees and faux palm fronds for screening as well as a new equipment building that matches the architecture of surrounding buildings. 4. Tower Design The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is designed at the minimal height to achieve the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. The proposed 75- foot monopalm wireless communications facility, as conditioned, is consistent with City of La Quinta development standards for wireless telecommunication facilities and is designed to blend in with surrounding landscaping and buildings, including installing live palm trees and faux palm fronds. 5. Justification The proposed wireless telecommunication facility is necessary, as shown in the applicant's justification letter, to continue and improve community access to wireless service from the project site. ATTACHMENT 4 LTE Justification Plots Market Name: Los Angeles Site ID: CSL01664 Site Address: ATOLL Plots Completion Date: Jun 02, 2022 F, 'I LIA ME ❖ The propagation referenced in this package is based on proposed LTE coverage of AT&T users in the surrounding buildings, in vehicles and at street level . For your reference, the scale shown ranges from good to poor coverage with gradual changes in coverage showing best coverage to marginal and finally poor signal levels. ❖ The plots shown are based on the following criteria: ➢ Existing: Since LTE network modifications are not yet On -Air. The first slide is a snap shot of the area showing the existing site without LTE coverage in the AT&T network. ➢ The Planned LTE Coverage with the Referenced Site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites of the target site are approved by the jurisdiction and the referenced site is also approved and On -Air, the propagation is displayed with the planned legends provided. ➢ Without Target site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites are approved by the jurisdiction and On -Air and the referenced site is Off -Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. CSL01664 � ❑ti' '1 �1�y 'rL A � 41 Fairway .Vo- i„ �Ql� Ulackhawk Oay o 1�'rFSL+�raltl H�Jn'il' p A'Mrnrr-0f - YvetisCUt.•n[ry Club ..ti, i0G.ilr� °� a OCSUD5flm - ---f--- Hi9.l11--. --- • 5 ►Pie Cenrre vt La &-aar. CSLUd865 ( n C.JCSLD5919 , ' Aveiue48 Avenue871 AYEnuP-06 � Avcsiue.48 Mf7:4ftC Ai ri 3 Lafruy 5� nuXr Prik :, •'� r E� A'renUe 49 Fi�,a n h rxua Mciu5tainr iI ; 'r ;E "._ — - Awwr[[i i{Y .._ _. — NenJe 50'.. _ — AverSue 50 ' Ir e � w } La Quin#a tot m OCSLD2581 s - 57 Ayer'Je 52Awnuc! u Pµande S S. India M:)untain Palm DErsBft 657 i17 ti I •I - C.,CSLO2476 +1 n r ro E 02008AT&T Ventures. All rights- • CSLO1664 Terrain } e I `0 11 = o• Fairway �. 1..i;il.7.+ i +.- I{,hlaiMhxNl.N�y' lh'e5twa�uHu.Sri,ir.n Atrrn.r-1r: ., epu)5000 . Y �lgi5way,111 11-�rauey+5ri C. - 1 ' C9L44865 44 CSLO5919 - - A,,-f.L-1 06 Auen�i a8 AvFrrhi :4BIlk- �S. T t r. } =5 Ae. T �x�ui� r -AL i + C�-C-SL0366d ". F i , i ► V w. Avwi'i.r ��f.• A.rnur.W Avoiur U .. al,�r ri i0 JF '^1 ti La Quints - - •�� G.CSL42581 - "? Rvcnue 5. unrt (CSL02476 1. i t- 1� I ti� t �4 ��llnll�la,j p 4_ �7'5r1i� ;y` `+ t'. � Y •s :�"ir—.��, .�■■ _�I yx-w�'�;•� .!e; �4r�'.s� �..I� y�J'.�',~'.'�l' 'E4� ,. •y � � �� _ - �•314 �— . � , Ill _. `-.�}_ _ , { r ��. I`Ar i i 44; Page 5 VFW, . . . . . . . . . . . . . vy. Ay IPL LTE Coverage standalone site CSLO1664 :.F rjlj, -,rivc oil C. C.CSL45919 CSLO4865 4� till i. 5�H 174 .4 Aa,-46. C.,ML02476 Coverage Legend Rethink PossibleIE�� In -Building Service: In general, the areas shown in dark green should have the strongest signal strength and be sufficient for most in -building coverage. However, in -building coverage can and will be adversely affected by the thickness/construction type of walls, or your location in the building (i.e., in the basement, in the middle of the building with multiple walls, etc.) In -Transit Service: The areas shown in the yellow should be sufficient for on - street or in -the -open coverage, most in -vehicle coverage and possibly some in -building coverage. Outdoor Service: The areas shown in the purple should have sufficient signal strength for on -street or in -the -open coverage, but may not have it for in - vehicle coverage or in -building coverage. �r ATTACHMENT 5 0 ~ W 0 z w U� cf) �o Q� z= 0 �w 0 = �CO 0 Q =o �; w w � � 0 C!� C_m� 0 U� z Q�= w � � Q � � LL Q 0 m Q Q � W = IL = m z 0 J C- w z � = o � I_I_I Q Q 0 0 Q 0 z 0 w z Q � z � 0 0 0 cn = f' 0 � � 0 z � 0 Q z � : w 0 rr- CL 0 o z � z - Q J � W Q 0 z � � Ld 0 0 L zLLJ 0 � Q U = � U LL_ z m - Q z = LLI 0 0 _ 0 � 0 w m � z � W U� Q W W J m N W N = 0 0 r CAI LLJ imp _ I cl� C� z f- 0 0 0 N z � z 0 z z Q Q 0 0 m 0 0Q� 0 z5 z Q CL o w � 0 z CL Q o ~ z z w Q o w w � 0 0 � o o 0 � w � U� ry Q z z 0 0 - w J o z = 0 z 0 o w 0 0 mU� 0 z 0 C� Q ry O 0 w z 0 m A/E DOCUMENT REVIEW STATUS Status Code Accepted - With minor or no comments, construction 1 at&t may proceed 2 Not Accepted - Please resolve comments and resubmit 4 Review not required. Construction may proceed AT&T MOBILITY Acceptance does not constitute approval of design details, calculations, analysis, test methods or materials developed or selected by the subcontractor and does not relieve subcontractor from full compliance obligations. SITE NUMBER: CSLO1748ENG CONST Reviewed SITE NAME: LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB Status By Date PACE#: MRLOS103705 FA#mm 15987014 USID#mm 324295 DRAWING INDEX (ZONING) REV. DIRECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATION AA- CSLO1748 -TO 1 TITLE SHEET 1 DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM AT&T WIRELESS, TUSTIN SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING THE INSTALLATION OF: AA- CSLO1748 -AO 1 SITE PLAN 1 1. TURN LEFT ONTO EDINGER AVE 1. 15'X15' ABOVE GRADE BALLAST FOUNDATION (LS15) WITH 2. TURN LEFT ONTO DEL AMO AVE 6'H WROUGHT IRON FENCE W/ MESH SCREEN AA-CSL01748-AO1.1 EQUIPMENT AREA PLAN 1 3. TAKE THE RAMP ONTO AND MERGE ONTO CA-55 N 2. (1) 75'H MONOPOLE 4. MERGE ONTO CA-91 E 3. (12) PANEL ANTENNAS ON MONOPOLE AA-CSL01748-AO2 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 1 5. TAKE EXIT 65B TO MERGE ONTO CA-60 E 4. (12) REMOTE RADIO UNITS (RRUS) AT ANTENNA LEVEL AA- CSL01748-A03 ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND SCHEDULE 1 6. MERGE ONTO 1-10 E 5. (6) DC SURGE SUPPRESSORS (DC9) AT ANTENNA LEVEL 7. TAKE EXIT 137 AND TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST 6. (4) OUTDOOR CABINETS ON LS15 AA- CSL01748-A04 ELEVATIONS 1 8. TURN RIGHT ONTO EISENHOWER DR 7. (3) DC SURGE SUPPRESSORS (DC12) ON LS15 AA-CSL01748-B01 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 0 9. TURN RIGHT 10. TURN RIGHT 8. (1) GPS ANTENNA ON ICE BRIDGE 9. POWER AND TELCO PANELS AA- CSL01748-B02 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 0 11. SLIGHT RIGHT DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE LEFT 10. POWER, FIBER AND TELCO RUNS12. AA- CSL01748-B02 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 0 VICINITY MAP SITE ADDRESS: 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, POWER COMPANY: SCE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CONTACT PERSON: (951) 845-9066 ...... + - PROJE PROPERTY OWNER: MAX SCHROEDER TEL COMPANY: TBD LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB, EMAIL. SHROEDER@HILTON.COM CONTACT PERSON: TBD - • - , - -'QITI=- - "L _ .:a = PH: (760) 625-8548 � � � vi `� : - ICI► �� :�' APPLICANT: AT&T WIRELESS 1452 EDINGER AVENUE 3RD FLOOR may' TUSTIN, CA 92780 ;'�`" •W f. l.f �•r i 0 onps _ i �. I..-�'� - - I `-�. ��+• .�r � Vie: � i JURISDICTION: CITY OF LA QUINTA 3� • ' �iii � • � liiri iS � .� -.� APN: CURRENT ZONING: 658-190-01 1 CT TOURIST COMMERCIAL CURRENT LAND USE. NEW OCCUPANCY/USE. RESORT & CLUB TYPE U (UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY) �,-,�� . •� f r F• � y NEW CONST. TYPE V-B ■ - LICENSE PREMISES: 273 SQ.FT. 7'K ELEVATION (NAVD 88): 43.0 FT AMSL '`' "• ,.� _ -� ,� �. - ,�. � LOS ARBOLES DR _`-"' _ a COORDINATES (NAD 83): LATITUDE: " N33°41 46.56 (33.687932°) LONGITUDE: (- ) W 1 16° 18 31.75 116.308818° _ SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS ** NOTE: ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED SE IN THECODE COMPLIANCE EPERMIT NOTHINORDAN HE EITPLANS SUNT TTOEBE CON10 RU DF TO WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES. NAME/CONTACT COMPANY NUMBER 1. 2019 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (CAC) A/E D.K. DO/BOK YU DCI PACIFIC (949) 475-1000 2. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC), VOLUMES 1, AND 2 SAC BRETT SMIRL COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP (909) 202-1596 3. 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 4. 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC) ZONING BRETT SMIRL COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP (909) 202-1596 5. 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE RF CHRIS GAMBOA AT&T (678) 644-6034 6. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (CFC) 7. 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE CONST RON VANDERWAL BECHTEL COMMUNICATIONS (714) 343-0931 8. 2019 CALIFORNIA REFERENCES STANDARDS CODE LL/OWNER - - - DC1 PACIFIC EI C �X/ORKS CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB ,= -- -.-� ��� 4 at&t �I� ��S�K DO '/ AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA 1 11/16/22 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS RF BOK DKD�AI 0 09 22 22 / / ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 1 USID#: 324295 �/ Mobility '__ _� * * TITLE SHEET A 08/24/22 ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT HL BOK DKD C_1801 REN. 11/23 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, -- 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR ,p,\ �Q Fp CA` o``�� NO. DATE I REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. AA-CSL01748-T01 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 97 O �w O z w u O Q � z = O � m QW O m cn O Q � = o m; w w > � � w O � c- m w O W Cn Q � _ W c� m Q m v w � � Q m O m Q Q >- m w J � = m z O J (- w z � = o � w Q Q m cf) 0 O ~ Q 0- 0 Q z O w . Q m z m O O O cn w m `f rK n 0 z m On Q z � :5 w m CL 00 m o z � z — Q J � W Q O m z LL_ W C, � j z cn O Q ry �LL_ cn w z z m — Q z _D LLI O O = w 7__ m � � z — � w m w Q LLI = m � J m N W N = � O U CAI W � m I cl� N Z o O O N Z Q z m O z z Q Q O n' O m O 0Q� v � z m Q m o w m 0 � Z � Q o ~ z z w Q o W W � EE U U r) 7)n� u m Q z m m — z O o — w J o z = 0 z c� O w O O m cn o z O C� Q W O O W LL G m z SITE PLAN DCI PACIFIC A I E I C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 IRVINE I CA 92614 -- -- -- -- (E) PROPERTY LINE I %%k ' I -1-0001 W I z JI I �I w 0 I �I I � w z_ N n� �\ O w Lli (E) PROPERTY LINE I I W I o Z J �7_ (E) BUILDING (E) BUILDING w HP LQ INVESTMENT LP wo I APN: 658-190-011 w II � II .� °.°:� p IIIT (E) PROPERTY LINE ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- I r — — (N) AT&T TELECOM FACILITY , SEE I SHEET A01.1 FOR ENLARGE SITE PLAN I I I '11221 (E) PROPERTY LINE 0 � � I w I z w w 0I �I w (E) PROPERTY LINE—� wl ZI I W W 0 (E) PROPERTY LINE (E) PROPERTY LINE I - - - - - - - - - � I zI------------------------- LOS ARBOLES DRIVE w 0 CL ^I I w 1 —1 CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 1 USID#: 324295 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 z a L7 IJ � I I Q:� G C a c E/T ni CL w E) PROPERTY LINE 1 11 / 16/22 at&t 0 09/22/22 Mobility A 08/24/22 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE TUSTIN, CA 92780 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT SCALE AS SHOWN I DESIGNED REVISIONS DRAWN w 0 W 0 Z Lu CJ) w W1111I:. „ © :• . 1 ® :• . . w ®m SECT�q, AZIMU7V 1000 SCALE: 1 "=80'-0' AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA SITE PLAN 1 JOB NO I DRAWING NUMBER I REV. AA-CSLO 1 748-AO 1 1 1 184 O ~ w O z w u O Q � _ z = O � m � w w O = w � w cn O Q � = o w; w w � � � � w O C- m w O w u/ z � Q � _ w m Q w w � � Q m O m Q Q m w = 'L=m z O J (- w z � = o � U z � w Q Q m cf) 0 O Q m o z Q z O w Q m z w O O O cn w w `f o z m O O n Q z � :5 w w CL OLL- m o z � z — Q J � w Q O m m Ld U � w � z C)Q ry �LL- CO w z z m — Q z w w O O = _w 7-- m w � � z — � w w w Q = w � w J m N w N = � CD U CAI w � m C-0 I cl� C- Z o O c� N z Q ry z O z z Q Q O n' O m O O Q v z5 z m Q w o w m OD z CL Q 0 ~ z z w Q o w w = � o o O � cn m w = � w � u� Q z w m — z O o — w J o z = o z U w O w c2 m cn o z O C� Q ry n O O w w G m = PENDING POWER UTILITY COORDINATION REPORT W 0 W w wv p Z W U) W (E) WALL wv (E) SPECTRUM HH (E) GENERATOR BY OTHERS (E) GENERATOR CONTROLL BY OTHERS (E) MH BY OTHERS (E) SPECTRUM HH (E) HH BY OTHERS (E) UTILITY PANEL BY OTHERS INSTALL (N) 100A/2P CB ON (E) ELECTRICAL PANEL, (N) AT&T POWER P.O.C. - G - G -0 - (N) WALL MOUNTED TELCO PANEL (MMO) (E) TRANSFORMER BY OTHERS ULTIUZE (E) CONDUIT BELOW (E) CONCRETE WALKWAY EQUIPMENT AREA PLAN „ SCALE: NORTH o r s� � o� 1 --_1 o--o-- AT&T MOBILITY DC1 PACIFI C CSL01748 �S�-D AR�y TUSTIN, CA LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB �� 1 1 1 /16/22 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS RF BOK DKD °K Al El C WORKS I� at&t 0 09/ 22/ 22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 I USID#: 324295 t t •A' Mobility * �_ 15 * EQUIPMENT AREA PLAN A 08/24/22 ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT HL BOK DKD:. ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING REN. 11/23 �Q 26 EXECUTIVE I'ARI< I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR N0. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D FOF CA`\�0� JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. IRVINE I CA92G14 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN AA—CSL01748—A01.1 1 O �w 0� 0 z w u� cf) � o Q� z= O � w O w m O Q u = o w _ w w � � 0 w O a- m w O m z � Q � _ w �Qrr, w ��:>Q O m Q Q mow= � = m z O w C-D w z � = o � w Q Q m O a 0-oz O w z Q m z w n 00 O cn w m cn o O z m O n Q z o :5 O o z � z — Q Q O m W U ocn� z cn CD � Q = m C-) LL_ cn w z z m — Q � w z w w O O = w 7__ m I � z — n w u� Q w = w � ,w �m N w N = � CDar` N w rn m C-0 I cl� N Z o O O N z Q ry z O z z Q Q O w O m O w � w � O Q C-) z5 z m Q m o w m OD w z w Q 0 ~ z z w Q o w w � w � � � o o m w = � w � u� Q z w m — z O o — w w o z = o z O w O w O (2 m cn oz O CD Q ry � � O O w z C-) m a (N) UTILITY H-FRAME W/ THE FOLLOWING: • (N) TELCO PANELS • (N) SERVICE LIGHT • (N) (3) DC12 SURGE SUPPRESSORS (STACKED) (N) CABLE ICE BRIDGE co w U Q w� (D Q z_ W Y U-) � co Q Q (D I _ I (E) PARKING SPACE co Ln I- N \J Q z =D � U U O o � O z Q U O w co Q (N) PURCELL CABINET, (STACKED) C/-) (N) 6'X15' FRP CANOPY z (N) GPS ANTENNA (N) CANOPY POST, TYP. a 0 (N) 6'X15' SHADE CANOPY (E) TREE, TYP. 0 w cn CD Z 0 w I 16'-6" (N) AT&T LEASE AREA (TO OCCUPY (2) PARKING SPACES) 15'-6" (N) LS 15 (N) 69H BLACK WROUGHT IRON FENCE W/ MESH SCREEN (N) ABOVE GRADE BALLAST FOUNDATION (LS15) (N) 41W WROUGHT IRON GATE W/ MESH SCREEN 00 I o III III I` \ II lIiI II I II El °I I 'l l II II II I II o I o o o � II II II II I 0 0° II II II I � II � ............................ ---------- -----------a------------ o -- IG r �r- ....,.....,.._,.-• ----- \\\ \ \-------- \ r \tr \ `\ I I ----------- I a � vvv .=j ................. 0 00,2 II 3 —6 I II II �� -... .... .... - OF -------------------- .................... ..� 4 ............._... _ O l Lc — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 0— — — — — — — 15-0" (N) SHADE CANOPY J —ZO dt �2 A04 m L(E) PARKWG SPACE (E) CURB PLANTER (N) STEPS 1 V (N) PiDF SAND STOP/BARRIER (ABOVE GRADE) (N) UTILITY H-FRAME W/ THE FOLLOWING: • (N) MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 'A' W/ CAMLOK � (E) TREE, (TRIM AS REQUIRE TO ACCOMMODATE (N) FEN( (N) RF/SITE SIGNAGE ON FENCE (E) HEDGE/CYPRESS TREE (E) CURB AND GUTTER iV V V- -- ------ v - v V vv Mr—ERVr—EP—W—W—v*— � (N) DCPP CABINET (N) BATTERY CABINET (N) ABOVE GROUND POWER & TELCO CONDUITS (E) PALM TREE, TYP. EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN SCALE: AT&T MOBILITY DC1 PAC'F1e CSLO1748 �S�o Apo TUSTIN, CA i LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB .11� 1: at& 0 092222 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD 1 11/16/22 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS RF BOK DKD KDO A� E� C WORKS� I�� PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 1 USID#: 324295 �t •a Mobility / / * �_ 15 * EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN �i A 08/24/22 ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT HL BOK DKD ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING S REN. 11/23 �Q 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D F�F CA` JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. IRVINE I CA92G14 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN AA—CSLO1748—AO2 1 100 O ~ w O z w u o Q � _ z = O � m � w w O = w � w cn O Q U = o m n w w � � � � w o a- m w O m o cn z � Q � _ w CD m Q m v w � � Q O m Q Q m w = LL- = m z O J C- w z � = o � U z � w Q Q m 0 O Q O z Q z O w Q m z m n o O O cn m ry `f o m O z m O n Q z � :5 w o m w OLL- m o z � z — Q J � w Q O m LL- w U 0 � � w � � z O Q = m LL- CO w z z m — Q z�w O O = _w 7-- m w � � z n w � n, w Q� w J m N w N = � O U CAI w � m C-0 I cl� C- Z o O O N Z Q ry z O z z Q Q O w O m O w w � O Q v z5 z n-Q w o w m OD z CL Q 0 ~ z z w Q o w w � m � � � o o � cn m w = � w � u w Q z m m — z O o — w J o z = o z U w o w O O m cn o z o C- Q ry n o O w G m z CSLO1748 ANTENNA & RRU SCH EDU LE PAN EL ANTEN NAS REMOTE RADIO UNITS (RRUS) CABLES SECTOR POSITION MFR MODEL NO. AZIMUTH RAD CENTER MODEL NO. QTY UP OR DOWN FIBERTRUNKS DCTRUNKS JUMPERS MW DISH CABLES CITY LENGTH DIA CITY LENGTH DIA LENGTH DIA CITY LENGTH DIA ALPHA Al COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 100 71'-0" RRUS 4449 135/1312 1 UP 2 140' 2" 6 100, 2" <12' 112" N/A N/A N/A RRUS 8843 B2/B66A 1 UP A2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 100 73'-9" NONE 0 N/A <12' 1/2" A3 CCI OPA65R-BU8DA-K 100 71'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 1 UP <12' 1/2" A4 QUINTEL QS8658-3E 100 71'-0" RRUS 2012 B29 1 UP <12' 1/2" BETA 131 COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 220 71'-0" RRUS 4449 135/1312 1 UP 2 100, 2" 6 100, 2" <12' 112" RRUS 8843 B2/B66A 1 UP B2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 220 73'-9" NONE 0 UP <12' 1/2" B3 CCI OPA65R-BU8DA-K 220 71'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 1 N/A <12' 112" B4 QUINTEL QS8658-3E 220 71'-0" RRUS 2012 B29 1 UP <12' 1/2" GAMMA C1 COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 340 71'-0" RRUS 4449 135/1312 1 UP 2 100' 2" 6 100' 2" <12' 1/2" RRUS 8843 132/1366A 1 UP C2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 340 73'-9" NONE 0 N/A <12' 1/2" C3 CCI OPA65R-BU8DA-K 340 71'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 1 UP <12' 1/2" C4 QUINTEL QS8658-3E 340 71'-0" RRUS 2012 B29 1 UP <12' 1/2" DISH N/A TBD 2'-0" TBD 61'-0" N/A 2 TBD TBD ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND SCHEDULE DC1 PACIFIC Al El C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 IRVINE I CA 92614 CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 1 USID#: 324295 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (N) MONOPOLE (N) PANEL ANTE (4) PER SECT01 (N) REMOTE RA (4) PER SECT01 (N) DC9 SURGE (2) PER SECT01 � -#at&t �f 0 ,/ Mobility 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR TUSTIN, CA 92780 1 1 1 /16/22 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS RF I BOK DKD 0 09/22/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD A 08/24/22 ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT HL BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D SCALE AS SHOWN I DESIGNED DRAWN NOTE: • PAINT ALL ANTENNAS, MOUNTS, CABLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT COLOR GREEN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE FOLIAGE COLOR • PAINT MONOPOLE BROWN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE TRUNK COLOR BELOW ANTENNAS /Sc,o Apo K\ v� pDO ®% C-015 S, REN. 1 1 /23 �Q \FD A am = � V,r,m��. AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA TpR •A, )Q 0 SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND SCHEDULE 1 JOB NO I DRAWING NUMBER I REV. AA-CSLO1748-AO3 101 0 0 z w cn cn 7) o Q � _ z = O 0 Q w w 0 = 0 Q � = o �; w w � � o a- m w 0 w w un 86 Qom= Lw CD �Q� �LLQ cK 0 m Q Q m w = LL_=m z 0 J C- w z � = o � U z � w Q Q m 0 Q o z Q z O w Q m z m 00 0 Cn 0- 0 m � 0 z w o � � Q z � � w 0 m CL O 11-1 z � z — Q J � W Q O m m w m U o Cr) w � � z 0 Q 0 = m 0 LL_ cn w z z m — z w w O O = _w m � � z — � w u„<w Q� w J m N w N = � O U CAI w m C-0 I cl� N Z = 0 0 N z � z � � O z z Q Q 0 n' 0 m 0 o Q v zz5 z w Q m o � w m O z CL Q o ~ z z w Q o w w = E(2 o �0u� u m Q z m m — z o 0 — w J o z = o z U w o Lw O O m un o z 0 C� Q ry O O w z 0 m NOTE: NOTE: • PAINT ALL ANTENNAS, MOUNTS, CABLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT COLOR • PAINT ALL ANTENNAS, MOUNTS, CABLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT COLOR GREEN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE FOLIAGE COLOR GREEN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE FOLIAGE COLOR • PAINT MONOPOLE BROWN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE TRUNK COLOR • PAINT MONOPOLE BROWN TO MATCH (E) SURROUNDING TREE TRUNK COLOR HUI (N) ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED (N) ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, SEE SHEET A03 EQUIPMENT, SEE SHEET A03 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. (N) 2'0 MW DISH (N) 2'0 MW DISH z z cn w O w O u� z z cn Q � z w m z � Q z z Q w w w w w w Q z z w z � Q z Q " co � " co � z Q Q " w z C)Q I^ 0-)z _ ^ z ^ z _ 00 0-)z o I^ Q ;n r- z I ro Li ^ _ Cn w O w O = Cn I O ^ I Lc) LL_ r z w O O I " o p O w O O � O w o m o O � O z m ^ ^ Of z W U I LL_ O I w O w U < �Q C) co IY co CY ry z w z w o (N) MONOPOLEcif o Qf� (E) TREE, (TRIM AS REQUIRE TO ACCOMMODATE (N) FENCE) (N) MONOPOLE (N) CABLE BRIDGE (E) TREE, (N) GPS ANTENNA (TRIM AS REQUIRE TO (N) GPS ANTENNA �r ACCOMMODATE (N) FENCE) (E) HEDGE/CYPRESS TREE (N) WROUGHT 69H BLACK IRON FENCE �i �Q i° (N) 4 W BLACK WROUGHT W/ MESH SCREEN ....... �",c��p `1�� (N) SERVICE LIGHT r� c�=D k,1 IRON GATE W/ MESH SCREEN z o�4 �Gov� (N) 6'H BLACK a z i^$g{iwt OC c J? s „5 WROUGHT IRON FENCE jj � o CDn I W/ MESH SCREEN `,n ' I I N 0'-0" 43' AMSL 0'-0" 43' AMSL N (E) GRADE (E) GRADE (E) CURB PLANTER (E) CURB PLANTER (N) ABOVE GRADE BALLAST (N) ACCESS STAIR (N) ABOVE GRADE BALLAST (N) ACCESS STAIR FOUNDATION (LS15) FOUNDATION (LS15) SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 'I 0 1' 2' 5' 3/16"=1'-0" 0 1' 2' 5' 316"=1'-0" DC1 PACIRIC CSL01748 ��—� �. Spa AR �� K Dp y% 0 AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB ��� : �I at&t 1 1 1 /16/22 INCORP. TEAM COMMENTS RF BOK DKD 0 09 22 22 / / ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD AlE C �X/ORi�S PACE#: MRLOS103705 I FA#: 15987014 I USID#: 324295 I �� •e l * * ELEVATIONS A 08/24/22 ISSUED FOR ZD REVIEW AND COMMENT HL BOK DKD. Mobility �i C_ 15_ S REN. 11/23 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR �Q FD CA` 0`�� NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. AA—CSLO1748—AO4 1 IRVINE I CA92614 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 102 OWNER'S NAME: HP LQ INVESTMENT LIP Fr. 6d Vibeirig Lie Fr-Dd 'PlBring Dr Re r1 a1 s S a I}C e Hefita ge Palms Qplf dub ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER(S) 658-190-011 11°08, Es me raI a R O Oft &.. BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD83• EPOCH 2O10 Ea Quinta I)el Oro HGA Coach sk THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE .. MMI,qw$ irlilesAWe HfStO COORDINATE SYSTEM — ZONE 6. AS DETERMINED BY G.P.S. _ __ OBSERVATIONS, USING TRIMBLE 5700/5800 RECEIVERS AND TRIMBLE GEODETIC OFFICE 1.60 SOFTWARE. -_� La Qurntia Park BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS FROM TWO NATIONAL w Cn ia�l Its 7 ki-N Out Burner n r + � f I J : �� N-3ut Bur er GEODETIC SURVEY C.O.R.S. REFERENCE STATIONS: 1) JPLM, ELEVATION Q ;, = 1503.49' AND 2) TORP, ELEVATION = 103.77' WITH GEOID 2012 CORRECTIONS APPLIED. }� Tip Shields Date Garden SITE BENCHMARK IS A PK—NAIL/WASHER, LOCATED SOUTH OF--— PARKING SPACE, NE OF SITE, AS SHOWN HEREON. ELEVATION = 43.98' 4OStr`0 D—� lesate ' L_ -t"iAVENIDA FERNANDO FEMA FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: National Flood Insurance Program: — — — — — — — — — — N _ o LA 000 0 County: RIVERSIDE Map/Panel: 06065C2233H NIO o � WIo �E InIn.PIsCuIt Effective Date: 4/19/2017 I m Ranc-nci Ls 1 Club Resort The Flood Zone Designation for this site is: ZONE: X I�.i.rl�i:'If!� 4 9 N 90'00'00" E 7.25' SITE W. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION jr40:,'99 EiseflhoverDr Qu[n e, CA 92 53 RalpHs LOT 30 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2000-334 AS APPROVED BY, IN THE I r CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED JUNE 8, 2000 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2000— 218912 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, I I °00 o I Aue sue 50 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 30 OF TRACT N0. 28545-3, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY �_ m04JIl+=: — fil � � L Ount81n View .� MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 269, PAGES 1 THROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN 0) 42ID THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. — — o I � ��:rltry lu EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: N I VICINITY MAP BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT C OF SAID TRACT NO. I HP LQ INVESTMENT LP TRTP2 SEE DETAIL PAGE 602 107,23 28545-3; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT C OF TRACT NO. APN: 658-190-011 28545-1, AS FILED IN BOOK 268, PAGES 89 THROUGH 92, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SOUTH 89° 52' 22" EAST, 1.33 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 0° 07' 38" WEST, « ` 104.83 FEET TO THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF — LOT C OF SAID TRACT NO. 28545-3; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH 89° LEGEND 52' 23" WEST, 1.33 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE I I I I I I I I ° « ' ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT C, NORTH 0° 07' 38" EAST, 104.83 I ,o FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I ® III I I � FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN TRACT N0. 29702, MAIN ENTRANCE TO LA QUINTA TRTP2 TP2 RESORT & CLUB 91.25 682P I ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER A LIGHT GROUND AS FILED IN BOOK 293, PAGES 75 THROUGH 79, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, 90.70 ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. — — — — — — — — — — — O MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER APN: 658-190-011 and 658-190-012 I SIGN LIP LIP OF GUTTER NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION SEE ITEM #16 OF PTR Lv 1E TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING > RTOP ROOF TOP TREE PALM TITLE REPORT NOTES � SW SIDEWALK 0 0 TREE DECIDUOUS TC TOP OF CURB (SEE PAGE B03 FOR TITLE NOTES) I w r- WATER VALVE TLVA TELEPHONE VAULT TRTP TREE TOP -13:: TW TOP OF WALL O — — BOUNDARY LINE z — CENTER LINE WCn MISC. PROPERTY LINE J W MISC. TIE LINE RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE — — I — — — — — EASEMENT LINE X FENCE LINE BUILDING EDGE OHP OVERHEAD WIRES -- -- -- -- -- --— II I I «, 1 •a I 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized topographic The lines hereon map. property and easements shown OTHER FUTURE SITE \ 1 I AT&T #CSL01664 \ I are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying translated the topographic survey to record information using the °. two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was performed by Floyd Surveying. Ld 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the _ written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any and all liability. 0 C/-) I 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of JFloyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by OELCILL agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any ORIZABA discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to Q commencement of any work. �I Lr 4) Field survey completed on August 19, 2022 � OVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE: 120 60 0 120 1••-120• SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER FLOYD DCI PACIFIC CSL01 748 SURVEYING at&t A I E I C WORKS vid- FI 34006 GALLERON STREET Mobility . 67 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY B01 0 8/21/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF TEMECULA, CA 92592 OFFICE/Cell: (949) 200-0626 I CONSULTING GRVINE 49-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR �T�OF CAl�FO�� NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK JAPP'D EMAIL: Dfloyd.fsi®gmail.com 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 I CA 92614 L_A QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 103 TRTP2 105,66 49,33 T I I TRTP2 I 107,98 TRTP2 102,20 RT❑P RT❑P 65,15 65.17 HP LQ INVESTMENT LP APN: 658-190-011 I ti LIPS 43,48 FL5 43,38 TC5 43,93 BC4 PS5 44,3E SW3 43,84 43,88 45,14 � a SW BC4 PC 44,98 44,1E I SW 44,47 SW2 44,90 LEGEND BC2 BC3 BC3 44,55 C 43,28 43,93 44,0E � SW7 44 43,79 �S FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB BC4 SDINL E1-4305 SDINL2 I LIGHT GROUND ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER LIPS 43,2E 43,70 ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT BC3 SW2 43,90 MI 43,17 SW5 O MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER 44,30 F © © SIGN LIP LIP OF GUTTER GROUND SPOT ELEVATION 43 64 BC70 EQ LIPS PC 43,40 43,96 NG ® TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING PS3 PS3 PS4 PS4 - ------___ FL6TC6 43,74 p RTOP ROOF TOP TREE PALM � 34 62 43,62 43,77 - BC3 SITE BENCHMARK 44,15 CTL4P98 43,97 TRTP2 8 9,5 8 TRIP TLVA2p 44,4 ® I SW SIDEWALK 0 TREE DECIDUOUS TC TOP OF CURB TLVA TELEPHONE VAULT 71, 7 WATER VALVE TRTP TREE TOP 44 1% TW TOP OF WALL /� TRTP J - - BOUNDARY LINE 69,60 �� - CENTER LINE TRTP TW3 CO 50,00ov I MISC. PROPERTY LINE 70,37 49,64 MISC. TIE LINE 0 TRTP2 43,50 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE LIP5 PC 81,23 C7 PC 43,54 SW5 PT - - - - - EASEMENT LINE PS2 43,17 PS2 43.16 PS2 BC8 PS 43,1E 43,28 PS PS PS PS 43,53 FENCE LINE 43,42 43,67 43,56 cL ELTR X 44,12 BUILDING EDGE LIP5 43,47 I OHP OVERHEAD WIRES FL6 43,39 TC 43,92 rw TRTP 59,00 43 TC7 SW5 s SW5 16SW5 LIP LIP BC8 LIP BSHL LIP BC8 56,18 LIP 43,42 TC 44,06 44,29 43,54 42.71 42,65 2, 8 FIL43,37 4399 SW5 44,13 TW SW5 55,49 43,90 I 1 This is not a boundar surve This is a s ecialized ) y y' P LIP topographic map. The property lines and easements shown hereon TRTP 70,80 TC 43TC FL ,45 43,14 FL 42,47 TRTP TRTP2 TRTP2 TC SW6 TRTP2 43,96 90,5844,11 SW6 are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying translated the topographic survey to record information using the EL8-/ TR 67,37 TRTP2 TRTP 67,1E 85,58 89 72 ��' two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was 2 89,32 8 27 E❑G 44,10 performed by Floyd Surveying. COLM 43.30 �� � TC7 E❑G 43,10 43,1E Ryq RVq RVq RVA TC7 RVA RVA 59,67 I 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the -- 4� 43,86 written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any and all liability. 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of Floyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by LIP OF GUTTER agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to commencement of any work. 4) Field survey completed on August 19, 2022 DETAIL SITE PLAN SCALE: 10 5 0 I1 SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER FLOYD DCI PACIFIC CSLO1748 SURVEYING AJEJC WORKS at&t R vid- . 34006 GALLERON STREET Mobility 67 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY B02 0 8/21/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF TEMECULA, CA 92592 49-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE OFFICE/Cell: (949) 200-0626 ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE I I CONSULTING 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D orCAl�FO�� EMAIL: Dfloyd.fsi®gmail.com 17 I CA 92614 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 I S LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA92780 T 9494RK 0 l 475.100E F SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 104 TITLE REPORT NOTES TITLE REPORT NOTES: TITLE REPORT NOTES CONTINUED: TITLE REPORT NOTES CONTINUED: THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS EFFECT SAID PARCEL ACCORDING TO PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT: PREPARED BY - COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TITLE NO. - 92017768-920-CMM-CM8 DATED - APRIL 25, 2022 SEE SAID TITLE REPORT FOR OTHER DOCUMENTS (NON -EASEMENTS) EFFECTING SAID PROPERTY. NO RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED BY FLOYD SURVEYING BUT RELIED UPON SAID TITLE REPORT FOR THE EASEMENTS REVIEWED BELOW: ITEM #2 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract/plat; Purpose: Excavation, laying, construction, installation, maintenance, operation, inspection, repair, replacement and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances, with the right of ingress and egress over and within same for maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: 6 feet or 10 feet in width adjacent to Avenida Obregon North and Lots A, C, D, E and 30 as shown on Tract 28545-3 (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #3 - Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recording Date:May 16, 1914 Recording No: Book 6, Page 307 of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of the courts, and the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #4 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto dedicated, acquired, reserved or excepted for public use by Coachella Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District In favor of: The public Affects: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across the Land, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches and conduits. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #5 - Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recording Date:November 18, 1918 Recording No: Book 7, Page 370 of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of the courts, and the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #6 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Southern Sierras Power Company Purpose: Pole lines Recording Date:June 4, 1924 Recording No: Book 609, Page 152 of Deeds (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #7 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Desert Development Company, a corporation Purpose: Waterline Recording Date:June 21, 1926 Recording No: Book 675, Page 569 of Deeds (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #8 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Southern Sierras Power Company Purpose: Underground electrical conduits Recording Date:January 7, 1929 Recording No: Book 792, Page 592 of Deeds (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #10 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Power lines Recording Date:May 26, 1949 Recording No: Book 1079, Page 472 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) FLOYD SURVEYING 34006 GALLERON STREET TEMECULA, CA 92592 OFFICE/Cell: (949) 200-0626 EMAIL: Dfloyd.fsi®gmail.com DCI PACIFIC A I E I C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F ITEM #12 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Carl M. Loeb, Jr. Purpose: Non-exclusive road easement for ingress and egress Recording Date:May 28, 1975 Recording No: 61669 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #13 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: La Quinta Joint Venture, a joint venture composed of Anden Corporation, a California corporation and La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio limited partnership Purpose: Ingress, egress, pedestrian and vehicular access Recording Date:May 27, 1981 Recording No: 95988 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #14 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Southern California Gas Company, a corporation Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:November 20, 1981 Recording No: 217279 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #16 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Coachella Valley Water District Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:April 9, 1982 Recording No: 61290 of Official Records (AS SHOWN HEREON -DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #19 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Easement and Covenant Agreement Dated: June 15, 1983 Executed by: Landmark Land Company, Inc., a New York corporation and Santa Rosa Cove Association, a California nonprofit corporation Recording Date:July 1, 1983 Recording No: 132695 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #20 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Coachella Valley County Water District Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:May 14, 1984 Recording No: 100662 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #22 - Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements and provisions as contained in the Grant Deed from Landmark Land Company of California, a Delaware corporation to Hotel Associates of Palm Springs, a California limited partnership, recorded December 28, 1984, as Instrument No. 276370 of Official Records of Riverside County, California. (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #23 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District, a public agency of the State of California Purpose: Underground electric power lines and necessary devices and appurtenances Recording Date:October 16, 1986 Recording No: 258048 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #24 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:January 13, 1987 Recording No: 7618 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #25 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Easement Agreement Executed by: Anden Corporation, a California corporation; la Quinta Joint Venture, a joint venture composed of Anden and La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio limited partnership; and Landmark Land Company of California, Inc., a Delaware corporation; and Santa Rosa Cove Association, a California mutual benefit non- profit corporation Recording Date:January 13, 1987 Recording No: 8784 of Official Records Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) CSL01 748 49-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ITEM #26 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Landmark Land Company of California, Inc., a Delaware corporation Purpose: Vehicular and pedestrian access, ingress and egress and utility purposes Recording Date: February 17, 1988 Recording No: 41713 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #27 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Coachella Valley Water District Purpose: Domestic water and/or sanitation system »°oe Recording Date:November 3, 1995 Recording No: 368878 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #28 - Recitals as shown on that certain map/plat Which among other things recites We hereby reserve Lots A through F, inclusive, for PAID space, parking, o landscaping, maintenance and recreational purposes for the sole benefit of ourselves, our successors, assignees and the lot owners within this Tract. ti (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) v ITEM #29 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Declaration of Establishment of Easements La Quinta Resorts Homes Dated: March 1, 1999 Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date:March 3, 1999 Recording No: 99-86739 of Official Records Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #30 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Amended and Restated Declaration of Establishment of Easements La Quinta Resorts Homes Dated: March 9, 1999 Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation and LAS Casitas Corporation, a Delaware corporation Recording Date:March 11, 1999 Recording No: 99-99582 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) LEGEND ITEM #31 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Declaration of Establishment of Easements La Quinta Resorts Homes Dated: May 4, 1999 Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation, LAS Casitas Corporation, a Delaware corporation and Michael Troy Goodlett and Lynn Croft Marshall, husband and wife, as joint tenants Recording Date:May 6, 1999 Recording No: 99-196330 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #32 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Assignment and Assumption of Lease Dated: September 23, 2008 Executed by: Sprint PCS Assets, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, PCS Leasing Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership and Tower Entity 4 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Recording Date:February 4, 2009 Recording No: 2009-52759 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #34 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Memorandum of Reciprocal Use and Access Agreement Dated: January 31, 2020 Executed by: HJ/CG Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and BRE ICONIC LQR Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Recording Date:February 3, 2020 Recording No: 2020-52268 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) END OF EASEMENTS lioat&t Mobility 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR TUSTIN, CA 92780 0 8/21 /22 JISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF INO.1 DATE I REVISIONS I BY CHK APP'D SCALE AS SHOWN IDESIGNED 'C FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER A LIGHT GROUND ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT O MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER LIP LIP OF GUTTER SIGN NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION ® TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING TREE PALM RTOP ROOF TOP SW SIDEWALK 0 TREE DECIDUOUS TC TOP OF CURB TLVA TELEPHONE VAULT WATER VALVE TRTP TREE TOP TW TOP OF WALL - - BOUNDARY LINE - CENTER LINE MISC. PROPERTY LINE MISC. TIE LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE - - - - - EASEMENT LINE FENCE LINE X BUILDING EDGE OHP OVERHEAD WIRES 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized topographic map. The property lines and easements shown hereon are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying translated the topographic survey to record information using the two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was performed by Floyd Surveying. 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any and all liability. 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of Floyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to commencement of any work. 4) Field survey completed on August 19, 2022 SCALE: 40 20 0 40 1' =40' SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER l vid- FI 67 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY B03 �TqT£ OF CALIF����� 105 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING ATTACHMENT 6 is DRAFTLINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM PHOTO PROVIDED BY: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 �� ��, }} a CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE A 1/4 CONTACT: BRETT SMIRL LA QUINTA, CA 92253 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING I DRAFT .LINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM PHOTO PROVIDED BY: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 ��, a}} CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE B 2/4 CONTACT: BRETT SMIRL LA QUINTA, CA 92253 107 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING I DRAFT .LINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM PHOTO PROVIDED BY: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009+&+ CSLO 1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 • L L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE 3/4 CONTACT: BRETT SMIRL LA OUINTA, CA 92253 1: AERIAL MAP F 7 COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING PROPOSED ATT PANEL ANTENNAS AND RRU'S ON NEW MONOPOLE Al 1. .. I DRAFT .LINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 }} a CSLO1748 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ° ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE D 4/4 CONTACT: BRETT SMIRL LA OUINTA, CA 92253 ATTACHMENT 7 at&t October 26, 2022 Carlos Flores Design and Development Department Senior Planner La Quinta Planning Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 New AT&T T:714-676-0100 1452 Edinger Ave, 3rd Floor F: 714-676-0104 Tustin, CA 92780 www.att.com RE: Justification Letter — Temporary AT&T Telecommunication Facility — CUP 2022-0011 Property Address: 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Flores, Please see the below requested information in response to the Complete Letter dated October 21, 2022. Reasoning for Temporary Tower: The LL has triggered a relocation of AT&T's existing site. AT&T has submitted for a new Permanent site location and will need a Temporary site while the Permanent site gains its approvals and for construction to be completed. The Temporary site will be vital in avoiding an Off -Air situation for AT&T. Status of Existing Lease: To date, AT&T and the LL have agreed for the existing site to remain until 3/30/23. Demolition of the existing site will need to start around 3/l/2023. Reasoning for Chosen Location: This Temporary location is further away from off -site residences in the surrounding neighborhood and will blend in nicely with the palms that line the entrance to the resort. The temp pole will be painted monopalm brown and the antenna arrays monopalm green. This location is also in a parking area away from the vacation rental units. Timelines for installation and operation of temporary and permanent tower: - Temporary site construction will need to commence around mid -January 2023 at the latest in order to meet the demo schedule of the existing site. Construction will take approximately 1-2 months, contingent upon Transport delivery which is anticipated to be the longer gating item. Once the Permanent Tower is On Air, AT&T will remove the Temporary site, which is anticipated to take about 2 weeks. - Permanent site will take approximately 3-4 months for construction complete. However, this schedule is contingent upon Transport delivery which is anticipated to be the longer gating item. Integration could take up to three months to get the site On Air. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact me at 909-202-1596 or email me at BSMIRL@COASTALBUSINESSGROUP.NET . Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, i Brett Smirl Coastal Business Group, on behalf of AT&T 110 'C7CJ" Pr d Sponsor i f the U,5- Olympic Team ATTACHMENT 8 0 ~ w o � z w U� �o z= 0 � w 0 0 Q =o w w�� � w a_mLd 0 U� z Q�= w CD � Q � � w U wl �:> Q 0 m Q Q LL- = m z 0 L'LJ = o � w Q Q mU 0 0 zQ o Q0 z LLJ Q cl� z w C3- 0 0 0 v) w w`f'wo w 0 z w o Q z � w o 0LL- o z z - Q J W Q 0 zn W C� r LL J z cn o Q 0 = w 0 LL- Un w z z m - w z -D w O 0 _ w m LLJ � z � w cn Q w � w N w m N = � O U � N w � I m N N o z � N 0 C) z � z 0 z z Q Q 0 w � 0 m 0 w � 0Q� 0 � z Q cc o = w w o� � � z � Q o ~ z z w Q o w w = cc 0 0 � o o 0 � w � cn w Q z z 0 0 - w w o z w w Q = o z 0 J o w 0 0 mU) oz 0 C- Q Eh� U/ E 0 0 w z (-) m A/E DOCUMENT REVIEW STATUS Status Code Accepted - With minor or no comments, construction 1 at&t may proceed 2 Not Accepted - Please resolve comments and resubmit 4 Review not required. Construction may proceed AT&T MOBILITY Acceptance does not constitute approval of design details, calculations, analysis, test methods or materials developed or selected by the subcontractor and does not relieve subcontractor from full compliance obligations. SITE NUMBER: CSLO1664ENG CONST SITE NAME: LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB Reviewed Status By Date PACE#: MRLOS0984471 FA#m. 158720401 USID#mm 321007 DRAWING INDEX (ZONING) REV. DIRECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATION AA-CSL01664-TO1 TITLE SHEET 4 DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM AT&T WIRELESS, TUSTIN SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING THE INSTALLATION OF: AA-CSL01664-AO1 SITE PLAN 4 1. TURN LEFT ONTO EDINGER AVE 1. (1) 75'H MONOPALM 2. (12) PANEL ANTENNAS ON MONOPALM 2. TURN LEFT ONTO DEL AMO AVE AA-CSL01664-A02 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN 4 3. TAKE THE RAMP ONTO AND MERGE ONTO CA-55 N 3. (36) REMOTE RADIO UNITS (RRUS) AT ANTENNA LEVEL 4. MERGE ONTO CA-91 E 4. (6) DC SURGE SUPPRESSORS (DC9) AT ANTENNA LEVEL AA-CSL01664-A03 ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND SCHEDULE 4 5. TAKE EXIT 65B TO MERGE ONTO CA-60 E 5. (1) CUSTOM BUILT ENCLOSURE AA-CSL01664-A04 ELEVATION 4 6. MERGE ONTO 1-10 E 6. (4) INDOOR CABINETS WITHIN ENCLOSURE 7. TAKE EXIT 137 AND TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST 7. (4) DC SURGE SUPPRESSORS (DC12) WITHIN ENCLOSURE AA-CSL01664-A05 ELEVATION 4 8. TURN RIGHT ONTO EISENHOWER DR 8. (1) GPS ANTENNA 9. TURN RIGHT 9. POWER AND TELCO PANELS AA-CSL01664-B01 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 1 10. TURN RIGHT 10. POWER, FIBER AND TELCO RUNS AA-CSL01664-1302 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 1 11. SLIGHT RIGHT 12. DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE LEFT 11. (5) LIVE PALM TREES AND REWORK EXISTING IRRIGATION AA-CSL01664-1303 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 1 VICINITY MAP SITE ADDRESS: ISCAHOWER DRIVE, � QUINTA,-499 92253 LATIOTUDEATES N33°41'09.28" (33.685910°) LONGITUDE: W1 16° 18'32.76" (-1 16.309101 °) * , PROPERTY OWNER: LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB, DATUM: NAD83 ' C/O MAX SCHROEDER EMAIL: MAX.SHROEDER@HILTON.COM ELEVATION NAVD88) LOS ARBOLES DR PH: (760) 625-8548 AT GROUND LEVEL (AMSL): 41.8 FT 7 APPLICANT: AT&T WIRELESS 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR TUSTIN, CA 92780 JURISDICTION: TBD APN: 658-190-01 1 CURRENT ZONING: CT TOURIST COMMERCIAL CURRENT LAND USE: RESORT & CLUB NEW OCCUPANCY USE: TYPE U UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NEW CONST. TYPE V-B LICENSE PREMISES: 215 SQ.FT. SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS ** NOTE: ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED NAME/CONTACT COMPANY NUMBER CODE COMPLIANCE OACCORDANCEITH THE EP H NORDA THESE PLANS SUTOEBE CONISO RU DFTO RMITTDWORK A E / D.K. DO BOK YU DCI PACIFIC 949 475-1000 / ( ) NOT CONFORMING TO THESE CODES. SAC JESSICA GREVIN COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP (949) 336-1550 1. 2019 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (CAC) 2. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC), VOLUMES 1, AND 2 ZONING JESSICA GREVIN COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP (949) 336-1550 3. 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 4. 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC) RF ZAHID GHANI AT&T (714) 566-7311 5. 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 6. 2019 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (CFC) CONST RON VANDERWAL BECHTEL COMMUNICATIONS (714) 343-0931 7. 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE 8. 2019 CALIFORNIA REFERENCES STANDARDS CODE LL/OWNER - - - DCI PACIFIC � 4 \ %��� 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD S�� AR � AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA 3 08 18 22 / / LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB ���� ♦�I at&t oK po � 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 1 08/ 08/ 22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD A I E I C WORKS PACE#: MRLOS098447 I FA#: 15872040 1 USID#: 321007 �I�� -/ Mobility �e * C_1801 * TITLE SHEET 0 07/14/22 FOR ZONING PERMIT ISSUED FV BOK DKD S REN. 11/23 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR �Q FO CA` NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. AA-CSL01664-T01 4 IRVINE I CA92G14 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 111 0 ~ w 0 O z w o Q� z= o ry Q w o m cn 0 � = o m w w C:K � w o � � w m w O cl, _ un Q � _ w� Q m I- J � > Q O m Q Q rK W J LL- = m z o L'LJ = o � � z � w Q Q m = o O Q o z Q0 z � w Q cl� z m n O O o cn m m`='o _�U z m O n Q z � w O m O m o z 3 z - Q J � W Q O m r LL]= L J z cn O Q = m �LL- cn w z z m — J z -D w O O = w 7-- _ w � � z — � w cn m w Q _n w J m N w N = � O U � N W � m N N z � o O U N z Q z O z z Q Q o O m O o Q v � z ryQ m O � w ry o� � w z � Q o ~ z z w Q o w w = m u � o o D r n _ � w � cn m Q z m m LL- 0 o — w J o z = o z O 1 O w (-) (-) m cn o z o 0 Q w = O o w c) m = E: SITE PLAN `91 a�9 o. \oo O,Q�� o, _ F � (E) TRANSFORMER, (N) AT&T POWER P.O.C. (TBD) (E) U.G. TELCO VAULT, (N) AT&T TELCO (TBD) (E) LANDSCAPE LIGHT (E) PRIVATE PROPERTY SIGN 8' WIDE UTILITY ESMT S 89°54'52" E 405.57' (E) PROPERTY LINE HP LQ INVESTMENT LP APN: 658190011 (N) UNDERGROUND POWER & TELCO CONDUITS, ROUTED UNDER (E) GRASS AREAS (APPROX. 240') (N) UNDERGROUND FIBER AND DC CONDUITS, ROUTED UNDER (E) GRASS AREAS (E) BUILDING I I I I I I _z (E) POOL [Y W a_ O �I m W I r� 0 (N) AT&T 215 SQ. FT. TELECOM N FACILITY , SEE SHEET A02 FOR I MORE INFORMATION I 0 0 cj�I I S E CTO R_A',-I� AZIMUTH 900 (E) BUILDING (N) AT&T UNDERGROUND FIBER AND DC CONDUIT, (APPROX. 2209) N 89°53'38" W 314.00' (E) PROPERTY LINE I KEE (F-'YC�MY uAI E NALM), I Y�. 12'-0"W AT&T NON-EXCLUSNE PATH (N) (3) LIVE PHOENIX ROEBELENII TREES (N) (2) LIVE WASHINGTONIA FlUFERA TREES (PYGMY DATE PALM), MATCH EXISTING, (CALIFORNIA FAN PALM), MATCH EXISTING APPROX. f2' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TIME 4�1ems APPROX. f35' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TIME OF OF PLANTING, REWORK (E) IRRIGATION o PLANTING, REWORK (E) IRRIGATION �v/�i N 1 A05 DC1 PACIFIC A I E I C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 IRVINE I CA 92614 CSLO 1664 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB PACE#: MRLOS098447 I FA#: 15872040 1 USID#: 321007 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD at&t Mobility USED ARO� K D 0 RN. 2 EN. 11 /23 �Q- 3 08/18/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKDIle 1 08 08 22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD 0 07/14/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR �' ��0```� TUSTIN, CA 92780 DF CA SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN JOB NO PENDING UTILITY COORDINATION REPORT Lij w 0 2 W W NOPTH 0 5' 10' 16' AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 1/1 6"-1'-O" DRAWING NUMBER AA-CSL01664-AO1 REV. I I 112 0 ~ w O z w O Q � z = O � m cy Q w 0= � w w � O Q O = 0 m _ w w � w O w m w O m u) Q � _ w CD D, Q m � w U L :�> Q O m Q Q � w w LL- = m z O w O � L'LJ = o � U z � w Q Q m m 0 O Q o z Q z O w Q cl� z w m O O O cn w m`f'mo z m U O n Q z � w O m � w O m o z � z — Q J � W Q O � m � LL]w U (-) U w J z cn O Q LL- � = m un w z z m — w z -D W O O = O � O — W 7-- m wl � � z w m w Q � = w � w Ld m N w N = � O O N w m N C'� Z o O O N z Q z O z z Q Q O m � O m O w � m � o Q v � z m Q m o � w m o� � w z w Q o ~ z z w Q o w w 7) cc c� u � o o n _ � w � U) m Q z m m LL- 0 o — w w o z = z O 1 O w (-) (-) m cn oz O O � Q Ellu� E O O w c) m z EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN DC1 PACIFIC A I E I C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 IRVINE I CA 92614 CSLO 1664 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB PACE#: MRLOS098447 I FA#: 15872040 1 USID#: 321007 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 �Iv) Nuur Mobility 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR TUSTIN, CA 92780 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD 3 08/18/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 1 08/08/22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD 0 07/14/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK Awl SCALE AS SHOWN I DESIGNED DRAWN c.,EO ARC\ vv� p K D p \F�, C-, 15 REN. 1 1 /23CA �Q REWORK EXISTING IRRIGATION UTILITIES AS REQUIRED. SCALE: MONTH o 1, 2' 1/2"=11-0" AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER AA-CSL01664-AO2 1 REV. I I 113 0 ~ w 0 0 z w O Q � z = O � m w cc = O w m � O Q � = o m w w � � w O w m w O m o u� z Q w Q m � w U L � � Q O m Q Q � w w LL- = m z O L'LJ = o � U z � w Q Q m U) 0 O Q o z Q z O w Q � z m n O O O cn w m`='o z m U On Q z � w O w � w OLL- m o z � z — Q J � W Q O � w � w w U w J z O Q = m LL- un w z z m — w z -D w O O = U � U w 7-- m LLJ � z - � w � w w Q = w w w m N w N = � CD U N w m N N z � o O U N z Q z O z z Q Q O m � O m O w m O Q v z m Q m O � w m o� � z Q o ~ z z w Q o w w cc c� u r o o � O � 0 cn w = � w � Q z m m — z O o - w w o z = o z c� J O w (-) (-) m cn o z O (:-D Q � cr) n O O w z (-) m CSLO1664 (PERM) ANTENNA & RRU SCHEDULE PANELANTENNAS REMOTE RADIO UNITS (RRU-S) CABLES SECTOR POSITION MFR MODEL NO. AZIMUTH RAID MODEL NO. QTYCENTER UP OR DOWN FIBER TRUNKS DC TRUNKS JUMPERS QTY LENGTH DIA QTY LENGTH DIA LENGTH DIA ALPHA Al COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 90 65'-0" RRUS 4449 135/12 12 UP 2 320' 2" 6 320' 2" <12' 1/2" RRUS 8843 B2/B66A UP A2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 90 67'-9" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 90 64'-2" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" A3 QUINTEL QD8612-7 90 65'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 UP <12' 1/2" RRUS 4415 B30 UP RRUS 2012 B29 UP BETA 131 COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 200 65'-0" RRUS 4449 135/12 12 UP 2 320' 2" 6 320' 2" <12' 1/2" RRUS 8843 132/1366A UP B2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77D 200 67'-9" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 200 64'-2" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" B3 QUINTEL QD8612-7 200 65'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 UP <12' 1/2" RRUS 4415 B30 UP RRUS 2012 B29 UP GAMMA C1 COMMSCOPE NNH4-65C-R6-V3 310 65'-0" RRUS 4449 135/12 12 UP 2 320' 2" 6 320' 2" <12' 1/2" RRUS 8843 B2/B66A UP C2 ERICSSON AIR 6449 B77❑ 310 67'-9" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" ERICSSON AIR 6419 B77G 310 64'-2" NONE N/A <12' 1/2" C3 QUINTEL QD8612-7 310 65'-0" RRUS 4478 B14 UP <12' 1/2" RRUS 4415 B30 UP RRUS 2012 B29 UP T \\ I ------ --- - - -------- NOTES: 1. ALL NEW ANTENNAS, MOUNTING BRACKETS, CABLING AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE PAINTED GREEN TO MATCH MONOPALM FOLIAGE. SECTOR 'A_ AZIMUTH 900 (N) DC9 SURGE SUPPRESSORS, (2) PER SECTOR, (6) TOTAL ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN AND SCHEDULE NORTH 0 1. 2' 1SL /2CA1'U" 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD AT&T MOBILITY DC1 PACIRC C S LO 1 6 6 4 3 08/18/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD �S�-� ARCS TU STI N, CA i LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB ✓� 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD �K �F� AIEIC WORKS ��� at&t 1 08 08 22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN PACE : MRLOS098447 FA : 15872040 USID : 321007 0'i / / � Mobility 0 07/14/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD AND AND SCHEDULE ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING S ,, REN. 11/23 �Q 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D F0 CAS 0```� JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. IRVINE I CA 92614 LA QU I NTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN AA-CSL01664-A03 4 114 0 ~ Lw O z w o Q � z= O � m ry Q w O = w m cf) O Q C = o m w w >- � � w O w m w O D' u) Q � _ w Q m w I— J U LLJ :7:) :�> Q C�- O m °' Q Q � W J LL- = m z O L'LJ = o � � z � w Q Q m = o O Q o z O w z Q cl� z m n O O O cn w �`='o z m U O Q z � w O O m 0 z 3 z - Q J W Q Ory m Z n W U Li J z cn o Q = m LL cn w z z m — J z -D w O O = w m LLJ � z - � w � m w Q _n w J m N w N = � o � N W C-0 I m N N Z � o O O N z Q z O z z Q Q O O m O w m � O Q v � z m Q m O � w m o� � w z � Q o z z w Q o w w cc c� u � o o O D � cn E w = � w � cf)� Q z m m — z O o — w J o z = o z O J O w (-) (-) m Cn o z O 0 Q ry O O w z c) m (N) 75'H MONOPALM NOTES: 1. ALL NEW ANTENNAS, MOUNTING BRACKETS, CABLING AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE PAINTED GREEN TO MATCH MONOPALM FOLIAGE. (N) ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, SEE SHEET A03 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. ---------- ---------- ------ J W W cn cf� u� Qcn 0 J Z Q z � z z (E) BUILDINGS, TYP. CIDz ch� Q z L w Q w Q LL- z z 0 o Q Q I w � 0 rn w I O < CD Q N Q 0 z cl:f LL- LLJ 0 0 - - W IY w LL- U ~ Z W - W m � U U 0 Q Q Iz Iz - (N) (2) LIVE WASHINGTONIA FIUFERA TREES (CAUFORNIA FAN PALM), MATCH EXISTING, APPROX. ±35' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TIME OF PLANTING, REWORK (E) IRRIGATION (E) WALL, TYP. \ (E) LIVE PHOENIX ROEBELENII - - TREE (PYGMY DATE PALM), TYP. i 0'-0" (E) GRADE (N) (3) LIVE PHOENIX ROEBELENII TREES (PYGMY DATE PALM), MATCH EXISTING, APPROX. f2' BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TIME OF PLANTING, REWORK (E) IRRIGATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 0 1' 2' 5' 3/16"=1'-O" CSL01664 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD AT&T MOBILITY DC' PACIRC 3 08/18/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD ��5�� ARCS TUSTIN, CA LA Q U I N TA RESORT & CLUB �� 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD �K �F� A I E I C WORKS ��� � _ � 1 08 08 22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD PACE#: MRLOS098447 I FA#: 15872040 1 USID#: 321007� Mobility / / * c_ 1s * ELEVATION ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 0 07/14/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD . REN. 11/23 �Q- 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP D F� CAS 0```� JOB NO DRAWING NUMBER REV. IRVINE I CA 92614 LA QU I NTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN AA—CSL01664—AO4 4 115 O ~ w o � z w cn � ~ O Q � _ z = O � m � w m O = w ~ m U) O Q O = 0 m a w w � � w O un w m Ld O Q _ w m Q m J � Q O m Q Q >- rr' w J LL- = m z O J O � L'LJ ~ o � _ U z � W Q Q m 0 O Q o z Q z O w Q � z m O O O U)w mu' mo z m O on Q z � w O m w OLL- m 0 z � z — Q J � W Q O w r W U C-) U LL- J Z O � Q Ci = m C� LL- cn w z z m — J z � W O O = U � U — W 7-- m w � � z — � w m w Q = m w J m N w N = � O U N W m N N z � o O O N z Q m z O z z Q Q O m � O m O w m � O Q v z m Q m O = w m O� � Q o z z w Qom w w = u _ �o �r� Ell n_ � w � U) w Q z m m — = O o — w J o z = o z O I O w (-) (-) m cn oz O Ell U) m O O w (:-) m = SOUTH ELEVATION DC1 PACIFIC A I E I C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 IRVINE I CA 92614 fkI% Tr.*L1 L/Aw1A0A11,1 %oil `%Jj LJTL r11ww'Im IInLLJ `L) LIVL I I IIJLIVI/\ \V LULLLIVII (PYGMY DATE PALM), MATCH EXISTING, TREE (PYGMY DATE PALM), TYP. APPROX. ±20 BROWN TRUNK HEIGHT AT TIME OF PLANTING, REWORK (E) IRRIGATION CSLO 1664 LA QUINTA RESORT & CLUB PACE#: MRLOS098447 I FA#: 15872040 1 USID#: 321007 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 M ATA.T f%I ICTnu RI III T c �e� 6'at&t <� Mobility 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR TUSTIN, CA 92780 4 11/17/22 CITY PLANER COMMENTS KV BOK DKD 3 08/18/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 2 08/15/22 LL COMMENTS FV BOK DKD 1 08/08/22 NEW LIVE PALM TREES FV BOK DKD 0 07/14/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT FV BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'I SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 1? A R ti DO m f,\ REN. 11/23 NOTES: 1. ALL NEW ANTENNAS, MOUNTING BRACKETS, CABLING AND ALL OTHER ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE PAINTED GREEN TO MATCH MONOPALM FOLIAGE. JOB NO GATE U WALL O I v co -H W 0'-0" (E) GRADE O I N 0 1' 2' 5' AT&T MOBILITY TUSTIN, CA ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16"-1'-O" DRAWING NUMBER AA-CSL01664-AO5 REV. I I 116 OWNER'S NAME: HP LQ INVESTMENT LIP I Fr. �� ��ei�� L7� WBrinp Dr HP LQ INVESTMENT LP Penal SSa I}Cel Hefr to ge Palms Q01f dubFF-Dd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER(S) 658-190-011 APN: 658-190-011 11o08, Es me raI 8 a R k90 ft � BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD83; EPOCH 2O10 ( ) � � _ � L0 ��i�#� del �r� F-�GA �== C oach THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM — ZONE 6. AS DETERMINED BY G.P.S. I _ `-'_ � Mil p,w$ iMilvaAve HfstO OBSERVATIONS, USING TRIMBLE 5700/5800 RECEIVERS AND TRIMBLE GEODETIC OFFICE 1.60 SOFTWARE. S 89'54'52" E 405.57' (TIE ONLY) �, --� --La Qurntia Park BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: NAVD 1988 — --- --- — —— -- Crliar1Ils Erg-C=LItBEIrr ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON GPS OBSERVATIONS FROM TWO NATIONAL C �42 w �Ll fI J : fn�-iLiBurger r+ GEODETIC SURVEY C.O.R.S. REFERENCE STATIONS: 1) JPLM, ELEVATION = 1503.49' AND 2) TORP, ELEVATION = 103.77' WITH GEOID 2012 CORRECTIONS APPLIED. Nobo I Target The Hom a Depot o hlelds Date Garden , SITE BENCHMARK IS A PK—NAIL/WASHER, LOCATED SOUTH OF MAILBOX CABINETS AND NEAR LIP OF GUTTER ON ASPHALT, AS SHOWN HEREON. ELEVATION = 41.76' \ �`� o Z J 4 OSt00 rDlS t' rb H re i ` I , s FEMA FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION: National Flood Insurance Program: POOL 01 �" County: RIVERSIDE Map/Panel: 06065C2241 H I ° ❑ n o + � - In n. Pa l�,s o�I�It�+ Effective Date: 4/19/2017 © POOL o Ra%IC-nCi L 1 OIf1 F s° 1i The Flood Zone Designation for this site is: ZONE: X g Nirr:'If!U NI a I I — SITE W. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION I a .... .. ' . ... I /499 Eiseflhc er D r W © L ,1E1#A-922-53 © I o © — BIp�lS r J LOT 30 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2000-334 AS APPROVED BY, IN THE o . CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECORDED o © I `"1 Ayrmue 50 WE D T JUNE 8, 2000 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2000— 218912 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: o ' �© I ; P Oki litaill C' 0Lirse 4—� LOT 30 OF TRACT NO. 28545-3, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AS SHOWN BY Ld z -- a — ❑ --------- I E ��'� Ountain Vie MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 269, PAGES 1 THROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, IN ft�42 „ W 314.00 , N 89'5338 I 0 �C untry Club THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I � VICINITY MAP BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT C OF SAID TRACT NO. I m 28545-3; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT C OF TRACT NO. 28545-1, AS FILED IN BOOK 268, PAGES 89 THROUGH 92, INCLUSIVE OF I Q MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SOUTH 890 52' 22" EAST, (n 1.33 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 0° 07' 38" WEST, I O 104.83 FEET TO THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT C OF SAID TRACT NO. 28545-3; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE, NORTH 89' I -0 E G E f� D 52' 23" WEST, 1.33 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE — — ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT C, NORTH 0° 07' 38" EAST, 104.83 O FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. I I N FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN TRACT NO. 29702, I LIGHT GROUND ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER AS FILED IN BOOK 293, PAGES 75 THROUGH 79, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, W ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. I I HP LQ INVESTMENT LP O MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER 04 APN: 658-190-011 I ) I SIGN LIP LIP OF GUTTER APN: 658-190-011 and 658-190-012 I Ln NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION I SEE ITEM #16 OF PTR I O 1E TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING I L� o TREE PALM RTOP ROOF TOP TITLE REPORT NOTES '- _ — — SIDEWALK Z TC TOP TREE DECIDUOUS TOPCURB (SEE PAGE B03 FOR TITLE NOTES) I I WATER VALVE TLVA TRIP TELEPHONE VAULT TW TOP OF WALL I W I I � — BOUNDARY LINE I I O = E= CENTER LINE I z = — p MISC. PROPERTY LINE LEI I MISC. TIE LINE LLJ RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE CLL ORIZABA I� — — — —EASEMENT LINE FENCE LINE X BUILDING EDGE I I OHP OVERHEAD WIRES I I I PROPERTY SITE PLAN 1"=400' I I Q \ 1 This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized ) Y Y• P \ topographic map. The property lines and easements shown hereon I \ / are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying \ translated the topographic survey to record information using the \ / two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was \ performed by Floyd Surveying. CALLE M AZALLAN \ � 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the _ written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any AVENUE 50 and all liability. 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of Floyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to commencement of any work. 4) Field survey completed on April 25, 2022 and May 19, 2022 OVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE: 40 20 0 401"=40' SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER FLOYD DCI PACIFIC CSLO1664 SURVEYING A I E I C WORKS at&t FI 1 5 21 22 / / PLOT ESMT FROM TITLE ADDITIONAL TOPO DAF DAF DAF vid- . 34006 GALLERON STREET Mobility 67 * TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY B01 0 4/28/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF TEMECULA, CA 92592 OFFICE: (949) 200-0626 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 4-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR �T� �F CAl�FO�� NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D EMAIL: fsi®floydsurveying.com 26 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 1 RVINE I CA 92614 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 117 TRTP2 105.55 \ \ BC PC 42.00 \ BC \ LIP 42.00 41.77 TW3 48.04 BC PC BC 42.59 SW 42,84 I�L 41,74 TRTP2 99.19 LIPS V LIP 41.72 0 ELTR 2N5621 TW4 BC 41,giE 6 TLVA 47.99 42.00 &V TC 41,95 42.38 TRTP 58.41 RT❑P2 63.64 Q' BC 41.74 BC 42.05 RT❑E2 LIPS SW TC2 POOL 59.53 41.69 42,34 TRTP 6 2.4 8 RT❑E2 TRTP2 RT❑E3 52,04 100.84 52,17 PS LIP3 I 41.68 HP LQ INVESTMENT LP APN: 658-190-011 SW14 SW14 LEGEN D 42,34 54.37 SW15 SW15 I 42 32 41.99 41,98 LIP 41.70 TW5 4292 41SW15 42 42,50 > 47.95 'C FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB — 11�0 SW10 42.34 sw11 SW12 SW12 SW16 SW16 ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER LIGHT GROUND I 42.32 42.80 41.93 41.93 41,99 RT❑E ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT TRIP 51.56 OO MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER Ld 63.03 TRTP E❑G r GRASS AREA �� I SIGN LIP LIP OF GUTTER TW5 :66,98 42.51 E❑G NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION 8' WIDE UTILITY ESMT O N 47,98 N BC 42.44 SW16 WALL3 SW12 42,53 42,05 ,� ❑ TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING m 41,95 TC2 42.20 TW5 � 42,34 NG 47.90 TW2 NG 41.92 47,96 TREE PALM RTOP ROOF TOP SW SIDEWALK Q I 4 29 w TRTP 75.56TRTP TREE DECIDUOUS TC CURB TLVA VAULT O TOP 79.39 E❑G SW12 E❑G WATER VALVE TRTP TREETOP o o 8.11 RT❑P 42.35 41.92 RVA RT❑P TW TOP OF WALL o 60.40 LANDSCAPING �� TW2 57.21 — — BOUNDARY LINE � ��GENERAL 47,80 TW Z — CENTER LINE TW5 0 �iGENERAL LANDSCAPING �� 47.43 MISC. PROPERTY LINE 47.86 SW12 SW12 SW6 ELVA 42,13 41,83 SW13 MISC. TIE LINE I BC 41.77 42,84 ---- 41.78 BC PC TC2 42,10 NG 42.26 BC2 RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE 41,68 NG � 41.78 — — — — — EASEMENT LINE SW2 LIP 41,65 42, 2 SW2 42.98 ®tB X FENCE LINE BC PC 41.56 42,19 ° A3 SW6 BUILDING EDGE �1 ���SW3 3.09 P b' 42.52SW13 41.76 OHP OVERHEAD WIRES MAILBOXES ° TC3 42.34 BC 42,09 TRTP 67.20 TC SW3 AC AC TC3 SW5 SW6 BC2 42,32 42.30 42.33 PS2 41,60 LIP4 41.73 BC 41.98 AC AC 41,80 TC3 42.26 42.02 42 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized topographic map. The property lines and easements shown hereon are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying CTL-PKW 41,76 translated the topographic survey to record information using the two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was performed by Floyd Surveying. 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any LIP4 LIP4 41,16 and all liability. LIP4 41.65 41,56 FL2 40.95 FL 41,44 TC4 41,47 I F 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of 7TC4 Floyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by LIP 41.48 TW TW agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take FL 41.38 41.66 _ 48,31 N 89'53'38" W 314.00' 48.02 preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to TRT12 commencement of any work. 97.45 8' WIDE UTILITY ESMT 4) Field survey completed on April 25, 2022 and May 19, 2022 DSCALE: DETAIL SITE PLAN 40 20 0 40 1' =40' SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER FLOYD DCI PACIFIC CSLO1664 SURVEYING at&t AEC WORKS �. �idFI 34006 GALLERON STREET Mobility 1 5/21/22 PLOT ESMT FROM TITLE ADDITIONAL TOPO DAF DAF DAF �i. 67 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY B02 0 4/28/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF TEMECULA, CA 92592 4-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE OFFICE: (949) 200-0626 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D gT£OF CAL1F0�� EMAIL: fsi®flo dsurve in com Y Y g' 2G EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 170 I IRVINE I CA 92G14 LA QU I NTA, CA 92253 TUSTIN, CA 92780 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 118 TITLE REPORT NOTES TITLE REPORT NOTES: TITLE REPORT NOTES CONTINUED: TITLE REPORT NOTES CONTINUED: THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS EFFECT SAID PARCEL ACCORDING TO PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT: PREPARED BY - COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TITLE NO. - 92017768-920-CMM-CM8 DATED - APRIL 25, 2022 SEE SAID TITLE REPORT FOR OTHER DOCUMENTS (NON -EASEMENTS) EFFECTING SAID PROPERTY. NO RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED BY FLOYD SURVEYING BUT RELIED UPON SAID TITLE REPORT FOR THE EASEMENTS REVIEWED BELOW: ITEM #2 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract/plat; Purpose: Excavation, laying, construction, installation, maintenance, operation, inspection, repair, replacement and removal of electrical lines, wires, cables, ducts, supports, fixtures, facilities and appurtenances, with the right of ingress and egress over and within same for maintenance, operation and emergency vehicles Affects: 6 feet or 10 feet in width adjacent to Avenida Obregon North and Lots A, C, D, E and 30 as shown on Tract 28545-3 (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #3 - Reservations contained in the Patent From: The United States of America Recording Date:May 16, 1914 Recording No: Book 6, Page 307 of Patents Which among other things recites as follows: Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of the courts, and the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #12 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Carl M. Loeb, Jr. Purpose: Non-exclusive road easement for ingress and egress Recording Date:May 28, 1975 Recording No: 61669 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #13 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: La Quinta Joint Venture, a joint venture composed of Anden Corporation, a California corporation and La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio limited partnership Purpose: Ingress, egress, pedestrian and vehicular access Recording Date:May 27, 1981 Recording No: 95988 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #14 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Southern California Gas Company, a corporation Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:November 20, 1981 Recording No: 217279 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #16 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Coachella Valley Water District Purpose: Public utilities Recording Date:April 9, 1982 Recording No: 61290 of Official Records (AS SHOWN HEREON -DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #26 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Landmark Land Company of California, Inc., a Delaware corporation Purpose: Vehicular and pedestrian access, ingress and egress and utility purposes Recording Date: February 17, 1988 Recording No: 41713 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #27 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in a document: In favor of: Coachella Valley Water District Purpose: Domestic water and/or sanitation system Recording Date:November 3, 1995 Recording No: 368878 of Official Records (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) ITEM #28 - Recitals as shown on that certain map/plat Which among other things recites We hereby reserve Lots A through F, inclusive, for PAID space, parking, o landscaping, maintenance and recreational purposes for the sole benefit of ourselves, our successors, assignees and the lot owners within this Tract. ti (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) v ITEM #29 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Declaration of Establishment of Easements La Quinta Resorts Homes Dated: March 1, 1999 Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation Recording Date:March 3, 1999 Recording No: 99-86739 of Official Records Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ITEM #30 - Matters contained in that certain document ITEM #4 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental ITEM #19 - Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Amended and Restated Declaration of Establishment of Easements thereto dedicated, acquired, reserved or excepted for public use by Coachella La Quinto Resorts Homes Valley Water District, formerly Coachella Valley County Water District Entitled: Easement and Covenant Agreement Dated: March 9, 1999 Dated: June 15, 1983 Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation and LAS In favor of: The public Executed by: Landmark Land Company, Inc., a New York corporation and Casitas Corporation, a Delaware corporation Affects: Public roads and rights of way, private easements and rights of Santa Rosa Cove Association, a California nonprofit corporation Recording Date:March 11, 1999 way for roads, pipe lines, ditches, and conduits on, over, under or across Recording Date:July 1, 1983 Recording No: 99-99582 of Official Records the Land, existing for the purpose of ingress and egress from other lands Recording No: 132695 of Official Records (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) by means of such roads and for the purpose of conveying irrigating and (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) LEGEND domestic water to such other lands by means of such pipe lines, ditches ITEM #31 - Matters contained in that certain document and conduits. ITEM #20 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Entitled: Declaration of Establishment of Easements La Quinta Resorts 'C FIRE HYDRANT BC BOTTOM OF CURB ITEM 5 - Reservations contained in the Patent Homes Dated: May 4, 1999 A LIGHT GROUND ELTR ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER # In favor of: Coachella Valley County Water District Executed by: KSL Desert Resorts, Inc., a Delaware corporation, LAS Casitas ELVA ELECTRICAL VAULT Purpose: Public utilities Corporation, a Delaware corporation and Michael Troy Goodlett and Lynn Croft O MONUMENT FOUND FL FLOWLINE CURB & GUTTER From: The United States of America Recording Date:May 14, 1984 Marshall, husband and wife, as joint tenants LIP LIP OF GUTTER Recording Date:November 18, 1918 Recording No: 100662 of Official Records Recording Date:May 6, 1999 4 SIGN NG GROUND SPOT ELEVATION Recording No: Book 7, Page 370 of Patents (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) Recording No: 99-196330 of Official Records 1E TELEPHONE PED PS PAINT STRIPING Which among other things recites as follows: (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) RTOP ROOF TOP Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, TREE PALM ITEM #22 - Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements and provisions SW SIDEWALK manufacturing, or other purposes and rights to ditches and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and as contained in the Grant Deed from Landmark Land Company of California, ITEM #32 - Matters contained in that certain document 0 TREE DECIDUOUS TC TOP OF CURB acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of the courts, and a Delaware corporation to Hotel Associates of Palm Springs, a California WATER VALVE TLVA TELEPHONE VAULT limited partnership, recorded December 28, 1984, as Instrument No. 276370 Entitled: Assignment and Assumption of Lease TRTP TREE TOP the reservation from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for of Official Records of Riverside County, California. Dated: September 23, 2008 TW TOP OF WALL ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA Executed b Sprint PCS Assets, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liabilitycompany,- - BOUNDARY LINE (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) ( ) y' Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, PCS Leasing - CENTER LINE ITEM #6 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental ITEM #23 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights Company, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership and Tower Entity 4 LLC, a thereto as set forth in a document: incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Delaware limited liability company MISC. PROPERTY LINE Recording Date:February 4, 2009 MISC. TIE LINE In favor of: Southern Sierras Power Company In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District, a public agency of the State of Recording No: 2009-52759 of Official Records California (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Purpose: Pole lines Purpose: Underground electric power lines and necessary devices and Recording Date:June 4, 1924 - - - - - EASEMENT LINE Recording No: Book 609, Page 152 of Deeds appurtenances ITEM #34 - Matters contained in that certain document Recording Date:October 16, 1986 X FENCE LINE (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) Recording No: 258048 of Official Records Entitled: Memorandum of Reciprocal Use and Access Agreement BUILDING EDGE ITEM #7 - Easement(s) for the purpose(DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) Dated: January 31, 2020s) shown below and rights incidental Executed by: HJ/CG Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and OHP OVERHEAD WIRES thereto as set forth in a document: ITEM #24 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights BRE ICONIC LQR Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company In favor of: Desert Development Company, a corporation incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Recording Date:February 3, 2020 Purpose: Waterline Recording No: 2020-52268 of Official Records Recording Date:June 21, 1926 In favor of: Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) Recording No: Book 675, Page 569 of Deeds Purpose: Public utilities () EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD Recording Date:January 13, 1987 END OF EASEMENTS 1) This is not a boundary survey. This is a specialized Recording No: 7618 of Official Records topographic map. The property lines and easements shown hereon (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) are from record information as noted hereon. Floyd Surveying ITEM #8 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental translated the topographic survey to record information using the thereto as set forth in a document: ITEM #25 - Matters contained in that certain document two found monuments shown hereon. No title research was In favor of: Southern Sierras Power Company performed by Floyd Surveying. Underground Purpose: Underouelectrical conduits Entitled: Easement Agreement Recording Date:January 1929 Executed by: Anden Corporation, a California corporation; la Quinta Joint 2) Any changes made to the information on this plan, without the Recording No: Book 792, Page 592 of Deeds Venture, a joint venture composed of Anden and La Quinta Investment written consent of Floyd Surveying relieves Floyd Surveying of any (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) Company, an Ohio limited partnership; and Landmark Land Company of and all liability. California, Inc., a Delaware corporation; and Santa Rosa Cove Association, a California mutual benefit non- profit corporation 3) These drawings & specifications are the property & copyright of ITEM #10 - Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights Recording Date:January 13, 1987 Floyd Surveying & shall not be used on any other work except by incidental thereto as set forth in a document: Recording No: 8784 of Official Records agreement with the Surveyor. Written dimensions shall take Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars. preference over scaled & shall be verified on the job site. Any In favor of: Imperial Irrigation District Purpose: Power lines (EXACT LOCATION IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD) discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of the Surveyor prior to Recording Date:May 26, 1949 commencement of any work. Recording No: Book 1079, Page 472 of Official Records 4) Field survey completed on April 25, 2022 and May 19, 2022 (DOES NOT CROSS PROJECT AREA) OVERALL SITE PLAN SCALE: 40 20 0 40 1' =40' SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER FLOYD DCI PACIFIC CSLO1664 SURVEYING AEC WORKS at&t 00 .1. Mobility 5/21/22 PLOT ESMT FROM TITLE /ADDITIONAL TOPO DAF DAF DAF iid� FI 34006 GALLERON STREET Y 0 67 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4/28/22 ISSUED FOR ZONING SUBMITTAL DAF DAF DAF B03 TEMECULA, CA 92592 4-499 ELSENHOWER DRIVE OFFICE: (949) 200-0626 ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 1452 EDINGER AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D gTEOF CAL1F��� EMAIL: fsi®flo dsurve in com 2G EXECUTIVE PARK 1 SUITE 170 1IRVINE5.1001 I CA 92G14 LA QU I NTA, CA 92253 Y Y g' T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F TUSTIN, CA 92780 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 119 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING ATTACHMENT is DRAFT .LINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 �� a}�} CSLO 1664 PERM WALDORF VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE A / 3 CONTACT: JESSICA GREVIN -- LA OUINTA, CA 92253 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING I DRAFT .LINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM PHOTO PROVIDED BY: DRAFTLINK 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 }} a CSLO 1664 PERM WALDORF VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE L.R � 2/3 CONTACT: JESSICA GREVIN LA OUINTA, CA 92253 121 AERIAL MAP PROPOSED COPYRIGHT: GOOGLE MAPS, 2022 EXISTING I DRAFTLINK SIMS@DRAFTLINK.COM If S ATT PANEL ANTENNAS AND RRU'S MOUNTED TO NEW MONOPALM PHOTO PROVIDED BY: DRAFTLINK 24310 MOULTON PARKWAY SUITE 0 #1009 }} a CSLO 1664 PERM WALDORF VIEW SHEET LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92637-3306 ` L 49-499 EISENHOWER DRIVE C 3/3 CONTACT: JESSICA GREVIN LA OUINTA, CA 92253 122 POWER POINTS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2022 Pledge of Allegiance r Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2022 Dynamic Message Signs p• : 4 LK - y _ C A E, r Background • 2018: CVAG approved the Signal Synchronization Master Plan that included dynamic CMS signs • 2019: City Council provided direction to install M conduit for future dynamic CMS on Highway 111 I between Dune Palms Road and Costco Drive Background The cities of Indio, Coachella and Cathedral City installed the dynamic CMS signs • Phase I conduit and fiber is installed on Highway 111 between Dune Palms Road and Costco Drive • Phase II Signal Sync Project CMS locations identified in La Quinta on Jefferson Street Phase- I Location 4 j;[' Jim PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 7 m PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 Pill I Ww t_ 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 32 Phase II Location '� IA} i§wl 1.9'C�, r•R\ai r.�N_ f�'Y/!N!•ud1� R. 14�11 ..: M+T' Avenue 48 r ' ' larifilflik�Nli►��. r. �re{k:�■*.■a WATV w CU Mor A : * + d .40 If '+ FEE s 6. Phase II Location Avenue 50 Questions t(V owCu CALIFORNIA m F Planning Commission Meetin December 13, 2022 Dynamic Message Signs CAI " 8 h. Background • 2018: CVAG approved the Signal Synchronization Master Plan that included dynamic CMS signs • 2019: City Council provided direction to install conduit for future dynamic CMS on Highway 111 between Dune Palms Road and Costco Drive Background • The cities of Indio, Coachella and Cathedral City installed the dynamic CMS signs • Phase I conduit and fiber is installed on Highway 111 between Dune Palms Road and Costco Drive • Phase II Signal Sync Project CMS locations identified in La Quinta on Jefferson Street Phase I Location PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 21 22 11 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 23 Construction prepare to stop. . . .. ...... ........... ............................... ........ . . ...... 24 12 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 25 26 13 Phase II Location PHASE 11 A 41i'm I-" - Avenue 48 0 AL TM. Wit 4B wir- -4, V Phase II Location IL j, V- -% Ir 4 will at � ljo W.440 46 sir ILL imb, 0 0 PIZ OEIrt Avenue 50 � Questions N ,. 71 W CALIFORNIA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 31 4 La aMra . OR School - M ' - �•, PROPERTY �. ACQUISITION it ar DUNE PALMS AND HWY Ili ' .Vs kcy vfaza ¢ � �y f]rnes 9aslness y � Park r �+ I - f r• � �YLNITCV � cc:cc coraf��? apanmenri .. City Dt La Quluta jj�,7^ PkxlRiRg pN6pSt � `�• K. oecemner�vu ,+�, ... 32 16 1� rell cv, w CALIFORNIA - A Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2022 PH - Home Depot Tool Rental Center and Outdoor Storage CUP2022-0003 and MBA 2022-0004 Background The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 8, 2022, where the project was continued to December 13, 2022 Background Location: Northwest corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111 Proposal: 2,129 sf Tool Rental Center addition, 1,104 sf fence enclosure and changes to the approved outdoor display and sales area PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 37 38 19 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 cunlEo s[wpifY MESH PPEPkk8Ff�5'fANOl�A..... mscr<f-n uErw FlmF-HrE o®p�p11✓� 39 40 ■ I■ EI�AH�EO PCiYS�xPEHE CO�AI STIILLOCW PATiFAH HIP EmSiucco ct=�SidiF� eorsu LNEA P.vi[EC FPsg FFNIIE'SW�FZSTCNE' 151�9u 8niC6] FIMW 9l RWE PnM1Eb Fpn.Ci .r Imx 20 Modification By Applicant • Additional building area does not exceed more than 10% of existing Home Depot square footage. • The design of the Tool Rental Center matches the existing building, and the proposed fence enclosure consists of vinyl coated security mesh and metal standing seam roof. Conditional Use Permit Amendment • CUP Amendment modifies existing outdoor display and sales areas and adds a new truck and equipment rental areas. • A landscape screen is being added to shield the equipment rental area. Rental equipment includes compact power equipment (i.e., Backhoe, Skid Steer, Mini Excavator, Light Tower, Trencher, etc.). PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 43 44 22 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 45 46 23 — Landscaping Screen A Emma I --777=r: z Parking • Construction of the Tool Rental Center and new equipment/truck rental areas will remove a total of 52 of the 609 current parking spaces. • Based on Municipal Code the minimum number of spaces required is 333 leaving a surplus of 224 parking spaces. CEQA • The project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to section 15301(e)(1) of the California Environmental Quality Act, Existing Facilities. Findings • In order to approve the project, the Planning Commission must make findings as it relates to consistency with the City's General Plan and the Jefferson Plaza Specific Plan, site design, and compliance with CEQA. Recommendation • Adopt a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment 2022-0003 and Modification By Applicant (MBA) 2022- 0004, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. CALIFORNIA Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2022 PH 2 - LQ Resort Cell Towers CUP2022-0010 & -0011 r�7c; Background • An existing AT&T Monopalm located at the La Quinta Resort is scheduled to be shut down in March • Applicant has submitted two CUPs to propose a temporary monopole and permanent monopalm to continue coverage • Applicant proposed temporary monopole in July but was not approved Vicinity � Map Proposal - Temporary • Monopole is proposed at 75" high, within parking lot near main entryway • 12 panel antennas, within wrought iron fence enclosure • Monopole located near existing line of palm trees PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 Is I r 1ci t.. —.f r1 -' LOS ARBOLES DR A 57 �•� PROJECILSITE I•y � '. � I- �. 29 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 59 .P 30 Proposal - Temporary • Following conditions are recommended by staff: —Temporary monopole in place for maximum of one year, or when permanent location is constructed and finaled, whichever is first — Removal of temporary monopole occurs no later than 4 weeks after this Proposal - Permanent • 75' tall monopalm on Los Arboles Dr, same location as previously proposed temporary monopole • Monopalm will include five new trees, new 215 sf enclosed building, faux palm fronds, and paint to help screen PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 63 64 32 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 65 M. 33 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2022 67 mwl'lmio-� .mw - r Af l .f 1llI. M INIADE NEW EQUIPMENT BUILDING A 4 M "a=N 112 a n��t����a•e. ........... ATf AANFL AS AND R MOLAVTELITID O NEW NEIV MONOPA UM LM 34 CEQA • Staff determined that both facilities are exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 of CEQA since the monopole, monopalm and associated equipment contain small footprints Findings • Findings relate to consistency with General Plan, Zoning, CEQA, and surrounding uses are required Recommendation 1. Adopt a resolution to approve CUP2022-0010 (permanent monopalm) and determine that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures 2. Adopt a resolution to approve CUP2022-0011 (temporary monopole) and determine that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures CALIFORNIA