2022-10-24 Property Conditions 43810 Skyward Way - PVillanuevaFrom: Paul Villanueva Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 3:56 PM To: Paul Villanueva Subject: RE: Property Conditions 43810 Skyward Way LQ Good afternoon Mr. Sadorra, As we discussed on the phone, I will not be opening a Property Maintenance case for your residence, but the Building Code case remains open until the permits are issued and the work receives a Final Inspection approval. Best regards, Paul Villanueva I Code Compliance Officer Community Resources City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico Ph. 760.777.7098 La Quinta, CA 92253 www.laguintaca.gov www.playinlaguinta.com From: Paul Villanueva Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 8:53 AM 1 To: Dennis Sadorra <dennissadorra@gmail.com> Subject: RE: Property Conditions 43810 Skyward Way LQ Good morning Mr. Sadorra, So as I mentioned about the record request being a city policy, that was incorrect. It has to do with California Public Records Act and I am positive your lawyer will be familiar with it. I would like to explain to you verbally some of the statements covered on your last email and you can reach me on the field if you call my wok cell 760-250-0000. Paul Villanueva I Code Compliance Officer Community Resources City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7098 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaguinta.com From: Dennis Sadorra <dennissadorra@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 6:05 PM To: Paul Villanueva <pvillanueva@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Re: Property Conditions 43810 Skyward Way LQ EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Mr. Vallanueva, ra Appreciate your call yesterday. I understand you spoke to the neighbor across the street whose on the HOA board. I want to say im enlightened by your comments regarding the city of LQ municiple code really outweighing the HOAs attempt to place a cease and desist and keeping me from any work or maintenance on my property. I am encouraged to move forward and begin cleaning and maintaining the empty lot that is my property. I am a bit concerned though that my patio cover permit was completed, but now has been flagged as incomplete and I will now have to file for another permit. I am also concerned that an existing flag pole and base that has been in front of my property for years will now require a permit. You explained that there is an existing City policy that an existing outstanding permit must be closed before you can release the request for information that I recently asked of the LQ City Clerks office. I request that you please provide that policy number so I may review it. I await your response, thank you - Dennis Sadorra On Thu, Oct 20, 2022, 4:00 PM Dennis Sadorra <dennissadorra@gmail.com> wrote: Hello Mr. Villanueva, I understand from a family member that you visited my home today and left your card. I would like to inform you that for the past 4 years I have been harassed by my HOA who agreed to a landscaping plan for me to install, but then 3 weeks into the project the HOA placed a Cease and Desist on the project through their attorney, stopping any and all work on the property. Last month in mediation my attorney asked the HOA to lift the Cease and Desist so I could at least move forward with maintenance and clean up of the property, but they refused. Since the HOA is being stubborn in providing a release from the Cease and Desist order, I am requesting a letter from the City of LaQuinta to allow me to conduct the maintenance work on my property in order to bypass the HOAs Cease and Desist order. I feel the HOA is playing a game in suing me in court while placing a hold on any work on my property while both the neighbors and myself have to suffer watching this eyesore of a property become more and more dilapidated over time. Any help you would provide would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me at the number below. Thank you - Dennis Sadorra US Army Retired 7608808416 9 '&&Nk DELPH I LAW GROUP,LLP Attorneys at Law 1901 Camino Vida Roble, Suite 100, Carlsbad, California 92008 (844) 4DELPHI 1 Fax: (760) 820-2696 ♦ www.DelphiLLP.com May 24, 2019 Via First -Class Mail and Electronic Mail danzimberoff@homeowner-law.com Dan Zimberoff Zimberoff Deutsch, APC 501 West Broadway Suite 1780 San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Starlight Dunes Homeowners Association \ Sadorra Architectural Plans Subject Property: 43810 Skyward Way, La Quinta, CA 92253 Our File No. 5038 Dear Mr. Zimberoff: We are in receipt of a copy of the letter sent by your client to the community manager, Mr. Cavoretto. Your client indicated that he has not planted hedges, but rather, Indian Laurel trees. The architectural plans that were partially approved by the Association do not identify Indian Laurel trees anywhere. Further, he has planted more trees than called for on the plan. In addition, it appears that your client is installing a walkway along the southern side yard of the Subject Property. This is not labeled or identified on the plans and has not been approved. In addition, the fruit trees that your client has planted on the south side of the yard are located far too close to the curb. Depending on the variety of the tree, the roots could damage the curb and street. Your client has substantially deviated from the approved plans, which is a violation of the Governing Documents. Demand is made that your client immediately cease and desist all work/ installation of improvements at the Subject Property and submit a revised plan to the Board of Directors identifying (1) the Indian Laurel trees; (2) the walkway; (3) the specific types of fruit trees that have been planted; and (4) proposed improvements for the side yard area (to replace the concrete driveway and gates that were denied). The revised plan must be submitted to the Association within ten days of the date of this letter. May 24, 2019 Page 2 In his letter, your client states that it will "take time" to implement the three phases of the yard improvements and implies that it will take the full year permitted under the CC&Rs to complete a project that should take 60 days. He cannot store the trailer and concrete mixer in the yard for a year while he completes the project. Demand is made that the trailer and cement mixer be removed from the yard immediately. We are not aware of what your client plans to include in each of the three phases of the project or on what timetable. We request that this information be immediately provided. Your client clearly wishes to relitigate the issue of his prior violation and fine. Your client was provided a hearing notice and notice of ruling with the information he is requesting. He also attended the hearing and discussed the violation with the Board (excluding Director Brown). We are not going to engage in a rehash of this issue because your client does not like the outcome. Also, we are not going to engage in a discussion regarding variances. It is frankly irrelevant. If your client fails to adhere to this cease and desist letter, remove the trailer/ cement mixer, and/or submit the revised plans within ten days of the date of this letter, the Board will have no option but to again take enforcement action against him. Rather than complaining that he is being harassed for his failure to adhere to the approved plans, your client is well advised to cooperate with the Association and comply with this cease and desist letter. Sincerely, DELPHI LAW GROUP, LLP N�V-,6z,{ Christina Baine DeJardin, Esq. cc: Board of Directors