2022-08-17 Records request (2)From: Laurie McGinley
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 2:37 PM
To: Julio Anaya
Cc: City Clerk Mail; AJ Ortega
Subject: RE: PRA Request: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir &
Attachments: FW: 44095 Calico Cir; FW: BWFE2022-0305 44095 CALICO CIR CIR; FW: BWFE2022-0305
Received. Thank you so much, Julio!
Laurie McGinley I Deputy City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7123
From: Julio Anaya <janaya@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 1:28 PM
To: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RE: PRA Request: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir & BWFE2022-0305
Hi Laurie,
I've forwarded you all email correspondence pertaining to the project listed above.
From: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@lag uintaca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 8:35 AM
To: Julio Anaya <ianaya@laguintaca.gov>
Cc: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>; AJ Ortega <Aortega@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: PRA Request: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir & BWFE2022-0305
Thank you, AJ!
Julio, can you please do an email search for the term "BWFE2022-0305" and send us any emails
that you may have that relate to this permit? If you can send no later than this Friday 8/19, that
would be awesome. Let me know if you need more time. Thank you!
illpp- 4
Laurie McGinley I Deputy City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
Ph. 760.777.7123
La Quinta, CA 92253
From: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laguintaca.gov>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2022 7:54 AM
To: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>; Julio Anaya <janaya@laguintaca. ov>
Subject: RE: PRA Request: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir & BWFE2022-0305
Attached is the permit details report but I've left the attachments within TRAKiT for you to download and
send, I would just send everything... Then also attached are my emails regarding this property and permit
which include Mark Hunt's communication that was responded to by me. The only other person who may
have had some correspondence is Julio Anaya since he reviewed the permit but he is out today, not sure if
you can just have IT search for those records or we'll need to wait for his return.
From: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@lag uintaca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 4:07 PM
To: AJ Ortega <Aortega@laguintaca.gov>
Cc: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: PRA Request: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir & BWFE2022-0305
Hi AJ,
Please see attached records request and specifically, Exhibit A, requesting records relating to
permit BWFE2022-0305. Please let us know we need to direct any of these items to another staff
member. This request is due by August 22, however if you need more time to search for the
responsive records, we can issue an extension that day. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you so much!
Laurie McGinley I Deputy City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7123
From: Laurie McGinley <Imcginley@lag uintaca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 8:17 AM
To: Joseph Meeks <meeksloseph@gmail.com>
Cc: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: RECEIVED: Meeks, Joseph 2022-08-11 - Records Relating to 44095 Calico Cir & BWFE2022-0305
Good morning,
The City has received your request for records attached, dated August 11, 2022, requesting
records relating to 44095 Calico Cir and permit BWFE2022-0305, as listed in Attachment A.
The City will begin processing your request and will notify you if responsive records are available
as soon as possible, but no later than August 22, 2022 in accordance with the California Public
Records Act (Government Code § 6250 et seq.).
Thank you,
Laurie McGinley I Acting Deputy City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7123
From: Joseph Meeks <meeksioseph@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:26 PM
To: City Clerk Mail <CityClerkMail@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: Public Records Act Request regarding 44095 Calico Cir.
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Please find attached hereto a Public Records Act request regarding the inspections at 44095 Calico Cir. with
respect to building permit BWFE2022-0305. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Joseph Meeks
From: Julio Anaya
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 1:26 PM
To: Laurie McGinley
Subject: FW: BWFE2022-0305 44095 CALICO CIR CIR
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
From: aeemasonry@gmail.com <aeemasonry@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 11:40 AM
To: Julio Anaya <janaya@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: Re: BWFE2022-0305 44095 CALICO CIR CIR
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Hello. Just sent in the renewal application for AEEMASONRY
Thank you
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Monday, July 11, 2022, 10:14 AM, Julio Anaya <janaya@laguintaca.gov> wrote:
This is to inform you that Permit Number BWFE2022-0305 for WALL/FENCE at 44-095 CALICO has been
Please login -RAKIT to view, or contact your project reviewer directly, and resolve any outstanding
conditions. Once the condition(s) have been resolved you will receive email notification that your permit
is now approved and ready to issue, please login to the web portal and pay fees, once all fees have been
paid the permits will automatically issue — From there you'll be able to access "APPROVED" plans and
documents, and make requests for inspection when ready.
Please do not respond to this email, if you have any questions please contact your project reviewer
directly or the Community Development Department at (760) 777-7125.
INC. 1982 \r
Julio Anaya I Building Inspector II
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7043