2021-08-20 Lee - Dr. Tom McGillSaturday, April 2, 2022 at 11:53:47 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 3 Subject:RE: Coral Mountain/Dr. Tom McGill Creden8als [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Date:Friday, August 20, 2021 at 9:42:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:Lee, Asia To:John Gamlin, Nicole Criste CC:GarreR Simon, Depala8s, Paul, Witherspoon, Michelle, Tony Locacciato, James Vaughn, Rowe, Mike Certainly. I will send the documents to Dr. McGill shortly. Thank you, Asia Lee Environmental Planner MSA Consulting, Inc. From: John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 9:35 AM To: Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Cc: GarreR Simon <gsimon@meriwetherco.com>; Depala8s, Paul <pdepala8s@msaconsul8nginc.com>; Witherspoon, Michelle <mwitherspoon@msaconsul8nginc.com>; Tony Locacciato <TLocacciato@meridianconsultantsllc.com>; James Vaughn <jvaughn@szrlaw.com>; Lee, Asia <alee@msaconsul8nginc.com>; Rowe, Mike <mrowe@msaconsul8nginc.com> Subject: RE: Coral Mountain/Dr. Tom McGill Creden8als Nicole, will do. Asia, could you please provide a link to the sheep barrier docs to Dr. McGill. Thanks, JG John Gamlin 760-238-2443 mobile jgamlin@coralmountain.com Coral Mountain Sent from Mail for Windows 10 From: Nicole Criste Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 8:52 AM To: John Gamlin Cc: GarreR Simon; Paul Depala8s; Witherspoon, Michelle; Tony Locacciato; James Vaughn; Lee, Asia; Mike Rowe Subject: Re: Coral Mountain/Dr. Tom McGill Creden8als John, I know Tom, although it’s been a while. I supplied MSA with all the sheep fence EIR documents. Please get the link from them as I am out of the office all morning. Page 2 of 3 I would like to be included in the mee8ng, so please provide suggested dates and 8mes when available. Nicole Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any typos! On Aug 20, 2021, at 8:45 AM, John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com> wrote: Hello Nicole, Please see resume for Dr. McGill. He appears eminently qualified to us. Knows the agency and also has a rela8onship with Jim DeForge/BHI. We had a good discussion with him a couple days ago. We communicated ownership’s commitment to be very solu8on oriented with CDFW. To that end, we have already begun assessing barrier and other project design features that we are hopeful will resolve their concerns. Tom has been provided the following documents (Dropbox link below): From City of LQ Website: Link to DEIR with bio sec8on prepared by MSA using report prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. Link to DEIR Technical Appendix Biological Resources Assessment prepared by LSA Associates, Inc. Link to DEIR Technical Appendix Focused Bat Survey Report Uploaded to Dropbox for ease of access: Bighorn Ins8tute LeRer dated 8.3.21 regarding Drap Environmental Impact Report Coral Mountain Resort, State Clearinghouse No. 2021020310 CDFW correspondence dated 8.9.21 (email) and 8.13.21 (leRer) to City of La Quinta regarding Drap Environmental Impact Report Coral Mountain Resort, State Clearinghouse No. 2021020310 Screenshot Map of Cri8cal Habitat sourced from Agency website “Capture Polygon” maps purportedly sourced from CDFW Email from Michelle Witherspoon, MSA regarding source mapping used by LSA Link to Sheep Barrier Project FEIR – I don’t have the DEIR, but it was prepared by Terra Nova, so hoping Nicole can provide. Goal is to have a mee8ng with them within 3 weeks 8me. He will reach out. We’d like to have a good preliminary handle on the maRer in advance of our 9/28 study session with PC/CC. We an8cipate the City’s par8cipa8on in the mee8ng. Would you like to have a conversa8on with Tom? Thanks, JG Page 3 of 3 John Gamlin 760-238-2443 mobile jgamlin@coralmountain.com Coral Mountain Sent from Mail for Windows 10 <Dr. Tom McGill_ELMT.pdf>