2021-11-13 Novak - Desert Sun Article & Questions_RedactedLight demo
Sat 11/13/2021 11:44 AM
To:kate.franco@desertsun.com <kate.franco@desertsun.com>;julie.makinen@desertsun.com
<julie.makinen@desertsun.com>;sherry.barkas@desertsun.com <sherry.barkas@desertsun.com>
Cc:Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;Carlos Flores
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when
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Thanks for covering this story.
However, this demonstra;on is ludicrous!
1. How does the light pollu;on created by two lights accurately demonstrate what will be produced by 17
2. How do two lights…posi;oned as far apart as possible from one another – i.e., at the opposite ends of
the proposed 16-acre basin – show what will be created by a long, con;nuous bank of 17 lights?
3. How do lights…in the middle of flat sandy desertscape…illustrate what will happen when a large bank of
these lights is focused on churned-up waves and a huge basin of water…which is then reflected back
against the wall of Coral Mountain?
4. What about the lights emana;ng from the Jumbotron that will be showing live, close-up images of the
surfers? Where is the demo for that? (The Lemoore facility has a big screen all the ;me, not just for
special events.)
How did the City ever accept this demo as representa;ve??? We look forward to these ques;ons being
answered and to a more realis;c light demonstra;on being required of the developers.
Bridge= & Phil Novak
Andalusia homeowners
P.S. Thank you for not including any more of the developer’s promo;onal photos of the proposed project.
However, we’re s;ll wai;ng to see photos of the mechanical contrap;ons and ugly scaffolding at Kelly Slater’s
Wavepark facility in Leemore, so Desert Sun readers/La Quinta residents can see what this type of Wavepark
really ends up looking like.
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