2021-11-18 Gamlin - Response to Lighting Demo_RedactedSaturday, April 9, 2022 at 12:54:41 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:FW: Important Please - Ligh6ng Demonstra6on Ques6on
Date:Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 1:09:05 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:John Gamlin
To:Consul6ng Planner
CC:Linda Evans, jpena@laquintaca.gov, rradi@laquintaca.gov, ssanchez@laquintaca.gov, Danny
Castro, Jon McMillen
AEachments:HalUhelights.jpeg, CM Wave Basin SDP_Light Plan Excerpt.pdf
Nicole and Danny,
This is a complete, misguided, assump6on and we stand by the veracity and integrity of the demonstra6on.
The test was documented, with light measurements that validate the photometric analysis presented in the
EIR. I explained the ra6onale to Sherry Barkas, who contacted me this morning regarding Ms. Callimanis’
remarks. We actually went “above and beyond” in the demonstra6on. Here’s how:
First, the test loca6on on the south (“P16”) ended up being a few hundred feet closer to the neighbor than
planned due to our physical inability to get the boom liU to the staked loca6on. We got it stuck several 6mes
trying to get out there. The north loca6on was dead on the surveyor’s stake.
Second, the proposed light poles at the subject test loca6ons have two fixtures on them, not four. However,
because we do have other loca6ons with three and four fixtures, in an effort to test the “worst case” scenario
and collect light measurements to correlate to the EIR model, we ran a por6on of the test with four fixtures
illuminated. Even with four fixtures illuminated, there was no light overspill condi6on. See adachments.
We will provide the summary technical memo of the test to staff, with the accompanying data and
photometric maps. It supports that there is ZERO light overspill on either Coral Mountain or on the closest
neighboring residence to the south, even under the most conserva6ve circumstances (four fixtures
We’re alarmed that Ms. Callimanis felt it was appropriate to access the test site loca6ons on our property and
give direc6on to the Musco technicians. This seems like overstepping boundaries.
Happy to get on the phone to discuss if we want to have a call.
We are sa6sfied with the test results.
John Gamlin
760-238-2443 mobile
Coral Mountain
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Alena Callimanis
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 12:16 PM
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To: Consul6ng Planner
Cc: Linda Evans; John Pena; kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov; rradi@laquintaca.gov; ssanchez@laquintaca.gov;
Danny Castro; John Gamlin
Subject: Important Please - Ligh6ng Demonstra6on Ques6on
Dear Ms. Criste:
I attended the lighting demonstration at Coral Mountain last night. I started with views at 60th and
then I walked over to the light tower closest to Coral Mountain and 58th and arrived there about
7:45. I noticed that only half the lights on that light tower were illuminated. Please see the attached
I approached Wil Bauer from Musco Lighting, the project manager, and I asked Wil why the lights
were not fully lit. Wil told me that he was told by the “other side”, meaning the light tower closer to
60th, to turn off half the lights. I asked him to turn them on, which he did, and there obviously was
significantly more light. The question that arises is over what time period during the demonstration
were half the light fixtures turned off?
I am very concerned that this might have impacted the credibility of the demonstration.
Alena Callimanis
La Quinta, CA 92253
cc: Members of La Quinta City Council, Danny Castro, John Gamlin
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