2021-11-18 Gamlin Clarification on LightingFW: 2 things to clarify, please
John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com>
Thu 11/18/2021 1:11 PM
To:Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Cc:Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>;John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>;Robert Radi
<Rradi@laquintaca.gov>;Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>;Kathleen Fitzpatrick
<kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>;Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>;Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>
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FYI – email exchange with Sherry Barkas this morning regarding the comments of Alena Callimanis.
John Gamlin
760-238-2443 mobile
Coral Mountain
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Barkas, Sherry
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:54 AM
To: John Gamlin
Subject: RE: 2 things to clarify, please
Thank you, John!
Sherry Barkas
Mobile: 760.641.1290
Office: 760.778.4694
From: John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:53 AM
To: Barkas, Sherry <sbarkas@ganne=.com>; Tara Bravo <tara@cvstrat.com>
Subject: Re: 2 things to clarify, please
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1 of 3 4/2/22, 11:09 AM
The light locations modeled have two light heads. Other locations on the Wave Basin have four heads.
To provide an accurate representation of what a four head fixture would look like, we ran all four, even though
that is not what would happen at the subject pole locations.
Then, we ran them at two, which is what the actual operating conditions would be at those locations.
The lights were not dimmed and were 100% in both locations whether it was two or four heads.
Most importantly, there was zero light overspill on Coral Mountain or the residence closest to the south
location, which represents a very conservative condition.
The reason we picked the two locations: the spot on the north would be the closest fixture to Coral Mountain
and thus was the logical candidate to test for overspill. The spot on the south was the closest to a residence
In summary, we went over and above by illuminating four heads in both those locations as part of the test, even
though in reality there would be only two heads there.
The light vendor collected a lot of data with light meters, evidencing no light overspill beyond a very short
distance from the fixture. And to underscore, on either Coral Mountain or the offsite residence.
Hope that helps.
Sent via BlackBerry Hub+ Inbox for Android
Sent: November 18, 2021 9:38 AM
To:jgamlin@coralmountain.com; tara@cvstrat.com
Subject: RE: 2 things to clarify, please
I want to let you know, because I think it’s important, that Alena Callimanis said she no;ced the lights were
not opera;ng at 100% and asked Wil Bauer, from Musco Ligh;ng, why and he said he was told to turn off half
the lights. When she told him to turn them all on, he did.
She also said this was about 7:45 p.m. and didn’t know how long the lights might have been at 50%.
I want to pass along, in case you want to comment further.
Sherry Barkas
Mobile: 760.641.1290
Office: 760.778.4694
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2 of 3 4/2/22, 11:09 AM
From: John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:13 AM
To: Barkas, Sherry <sbarkas@ganne=.com>; Tara Bravo <tara@cvstrat.com>
Subject: Re: 2 things to clarify, please
Sherry, there were four light heads on each boom lift (2). At the house on the south end there is a bright wall-
mounted floodlamp...that could be the third light you saw...it is visible from Madison Street.
Regarding the illumination, the lights were operated at 100% of their output with no dimming, just as they
would be in actual operations.
Sent via BlackBerry Hub+ Inbox for Android
Sent: November 18, 2021 8:05 AM
To:tara@cvstrat.com; jgamlin@coralmountain.com
Subject: 2 things to clarify, please
Good morning,
It was nice being able to talk to some of you last night.
I have 2 things I’m hoping you can help clarify from last night’s demo.
1. Were there 2 or 3 lights? Because I saw 2 at the southeast end from Avenue 60 and I want to be sure
they were yours, though they both went off at 8 when the other light was also turned off.
2. I kept hearing that the lights were pugng out about half the illumina;on/power they would normally. Is
that correct? And why would that be?
If you can respond soon, I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
Sherry Barkas
Mobile: 760.641.1290
Office: 760.778.4694
Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/AAMkAGJiMWY1OTY1LTBhY2EtN...
3 of 3 4/2/22, 11:09 AM