2021-12-20 Nielsen - Opposition_RedactedFrom Sarah Nielsen - Concerning the Wave Park Proposal
Sarah Nielsen
Mon 12/20/2021 2:48 PM
To:Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>;Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>;Kathleen Fitzpatrick
<kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>;John Pena <jpena@laquintaca.gov>;Steve Sanchez
<ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;Jon McMillen
<jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>;Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when
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Dear City Council:
I’ve been watching the Zooms, meeting notes, TV News, social media, and various emails
regarding the proposed Wave Park at Coral Mountain. I’ve reached the conclusion that such a
“theme park” is going to be a large problem for the City of La Quinta and its residents. My
reasons are as follows:
• LQ Residents clearly oppose the development. Substantially. This ground swell of
opposition is not going to bode well for the city. Yet, I have noted 2 residents in favor of
the Park. There are likely more…but there are hundreds if not thousands in opposition.
This level of opposition should be extremely noteworthy to the City Council. People are
very upset.
• This property was designated residential and has held that designation for at least 15
years. It was so designated at the time we bought out home 14 years ago. I can't fathom
the LQ benefit the CIty Council expects to derive with this Park. Is it financial? Tax
• If built, the Wave Park is likely to become a Flash in the Pan and participation will wane
leaving an unimaginable eyesore and scar on the landscape. It would be difficult to revert
to more responsible development. Even Kelly Slater’s recent comments are: “I think
people are bored with it.” Frankly, with the exception of the developer and a few others, I
think people are already bored with the idea.
• The location of the Wave Park makes no sense. It is too far from the I-10 Freeway. We
DO NOT WANT that type of traffic that short term rentals and Park usage will deliver.
• And then there is the issue of noise. Loudspeakers announcing waves at repetitive
intervals could be close to Chinese Water Torture. This is not said in jest.
• And light pollution. I witnessed the “Light Pole Test.” Two lights were enough to
obliterate LQ’s dark skies. Imagine having 17 of them...
• And the irresponsible use of water. Do we need to use millions of gallons of aquifer water
to build waves for the few that like to ride them? I notice the City is converting roadway
medians to utilize less water so there is some attempt to limit water usage. Has this
concern changed with the intoxication of potential tax revenue from a new Theme Park?
Why not have the residents vote Yay or Nay on the project?
• And after seeing the Reality Show THE ULTIMATE SURFER, I suspect such a Theme Park
is going to be fraught with injuries and potentially deaths.
We all look forward to the City Council carefully weighing the residents’ opposition and reaching
a conclusion that protects the general plan of the City and its existing zoning.
Sarah Nielsen
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