2022-02-10 CA Wildlife EIR Draft ResponsesSaturday, April 9, 2022 at 13:33:57 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:RE: La Quinta - Coral Mountain Resort EIR Dra6 Responses Revised
Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 8:56:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
From:Skaggs, Jacob@Wildlife
To:Cheri Flores
CC:James Vaughn, Nicole Criste, Pert, Heather@Wildlife, Beck, Carly@Wildlife, John Criste,
tmcgill@elmtconsulVng.com, John Gamlin, Schaeffer, Erin@Wildlife
Hello Cheri,
Thank you for sending revised responses on the Dra6 EIR for the Coral Mountain Resort Project. We are
reviewing and will let you know as quesVons come up.
Jacob Skaggs, Environmental Scien5st
Inland Deserts Region
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
3602 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite C-220
Ontario, CA 91764
(760) 218-0320 (cell)
From: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 11:52 AM
To: Skaggs, Jacob@Wildlife <Jacob.Skaggs@Wildlife.ca.gov>; Pert, Heather@Wildlife
<Heather.Pert@wildlife.ca.gov>; Beck, Carly@Wildlife <Carly.Beck@wildlife.ca.gov>; Schaeffer, Erin@Wildlife
Cc: James Vaughn <JVaughn@szrlaw.com>; Nicole Criste (Contract Planner)
<ncriste@Terranovaplanning.com>; John Criste <jcriste@terranovaplanning.com>;
tmcgill@elmtconsulVng.com; John Gamlin <jgamlin@coralmountain.com>
Subject: La Quinta - Coral Mountain Resort EIR Dra6 Responses Revised
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Hello CDFW team,
I want to thank you again for meeting with us in January to review our responses
to the comments you provided on the EIR. Attached are the revised responses per
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our January discussion. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Cheri L. Flores | Planning Manager
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA
Ph. 760-777-7067
Due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, City Hall is currently closed to in-person and walk-in
traffic. All public services continue to be available via phone, email or online web portal. Thank you.