2021-02-22 CuzaSunday, May 29, 2022 at 12:14:47 Pacific Daylight Time
Subject: FW: Notice of Preparation (NOP) for posting - Coral Mountain Resort, LaQuinta, California
Date: Monday, February 22, 2021 at 10:57:03 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: Kimberly Cuza
To: Nicole Criste
Attachments: image001.png, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.png, SGW-34-
CLR21022211290.pdf, RCC - NOP Email submittal read receipt.pdf
Nicole, I received the electronic copy of our filing receipt for this NOP this morning
with the following guidelines for future postings. The process looks similar to SCH
now. I'll look into it this week and familiarize myself with the new submittal process.
With that said the date on the attached receipt shows posting as of today, 2.22.21 even
though I have a 'read receipt' from outlook showing the email was received on the 16th
(see attached). The Riverside clerk office is closed and people are working from home.
Does this affect our CEQA posting period? SCH has the posting period correct, starting
on 2.17.21.
I have emailed RCC for an explanation as to why it took until today to post this item as
well as a question as to what kind of timing can we expect with the new procedure
below for future postings.
Kimberly Cuza
42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: (760) 341-4800 Tele-Work Number: 760-668-1239
Fax: 760-341-4455
E-Mail: kcuza@terranovaplanning.com
From: "Castillo -Avila, Josefina" <jocastil@asrclkrec.com>
Date: Monday, February 22, 2021 at 10:37 AM
To: Kimberly Cuza <kcuza@terranovaplanning.com>
Cc: "Zavala, Sheila" <szavala@asrclkrec.com>, "Brunmier, James" <jbrunmie@asrclkrec.com>,
"Processing, CEQA" <CEQAProcessing@asrclkrec.com>
Subject: RE: Notice of Preparation (NOP) for posting - Coral Mountain Resort, LaQuinta, California
Good afternoon Ms. Cuza,
Page 1 of 4
The above document has been posted and copies have been attached for your records.
Note: For future postings please follow the below process:
To process a file request by email, complete an application and send us your notice as follows:
1. Click on https://www.asrclkrec.com/cega-filings to complete your application.
2. Email your notice to CEQAProcessing@asrclkrec.com
a. put your order number (SST) in the subject line.
b. Attach a high -resolution PDF copy of your notice.
c. Include payment information.
d. If paying on account, please include authorization to bill your account.
We will complete email submissions by the end of the next business day.
If you would like to make the payment process seamless, we can establish an
account for you. When you submit filings, you can direct us to bill your account,
and at the end of the month, we will send you the bill for payment.
To set up an account, contact our accounting division at: ACR-accountsPayable@asrclkrec.com
Filing Fees:
In addition to filing fees imposed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the Riverside County
Clerk charges a $50 processing fee. All Notices of Exemption and Determination are subject to this processing fee,
even filings submitted by government agencies.
Filing Fees are due when environmental documents are filed with the county clerk's office. Checks should be made
payable to the Riverside County Clerk.
For current fees and other information relating to environmental filing fees, please visit the
Thank you,
JosefinaCasti l to -Avila
Josefina Castillo -Avila, ACR Tech III
The Clerk Office
Mail Stop 1140
Tel (951) 486-7041
Fax (951) 486-7050
From: Zavala, Sheila <szavala@asrclkrec.com>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 2:50 PM
Page 2 of 4
To: Brunmier, James <jbrunmie@asrclkrec.com>; Castillo -Avila, Josefina <jocastil@asrclkrec.com>
Cc: Kimberly Cuza <kcuza@terranovaplanning.com>; Sandoval, Cassandra <csandova@asrclkrec.com>
Subject: FW: Notice of Preparation (NOP) for posting - Coral Mountain Resort, LaQuinta, California
From: Kimberly Cuza <kcuza@terranovaplanning.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 2:38 PM
To: Rosemarie Anderson <randerso@asrclkrec.com>; Zavala, Sheila <szavala@asrclkrec.com>; Sandoval,
Cassandra <csandova@asrclkrec.com>
Cc: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>; Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Notice of Preparation (NOP) for posting - Coral Mountain Resort, LaQuinta, California
Good Afternoon Ladies;
42635 klelsnie Place. Suite I.01
Palm D+r#. CA, 92211
Phone: (760) 341-4800
F, . (760) 341-4 455
C mail; kctizafit rranokaplimning oom
DATE; Fwhrtiarv' 16. 2021 VIA: Email sub initial
Rosenuiric Andersen. Sheila Zavala and Cassandra Sandoval
Riverside County Clerk
2724 Gateway DriVE
Riverside. CA 92507
FROM: Kimberly L. Cuza
Assistant to Nicole Sativ'iat Cristo
Consulting Planner for iJii City of La Quinn°
RE: Noticc [if Prepar.►tion
Coral Mountain Resort, Cili or La Quints, Riverside Count ,f'alifornin
Attached please rind a Notice of Preparation For the above referenced project for posting from Wednesday,
Februatr • 17. 2021 through March 19. 2021 for the required 30-day posting periord.
Ixleal;e email me a scanned copy showing the receipt stamp and data posted for my files. I world also like to
request ano[her copy showing the date the item is removed from posting for our records_
If VIM have and' question?... please feel free to contact Nicole or me at 760-3,11-4500.
kindest Regards!
Cc: Cheri Flores.
City of l.a Quinta
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En4]a:ures: X 'ea 61.? `o
Docui]1Crit5 to folks: A FEDEfXrUPS
r MaiI
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prohibited. If have received this communication in mot, please notify la immediately by [etephon and return the
original message to us at the above address via the U.S Posial Service. Thank You.
Kimberly Cuza
42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Phone: (760) 341-4800 Tele-Work Number: 760-668-1239
Fax: 760-341-4455
E-Mail: kcuza@terranovaplanning.com
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Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder, County of Riverside, California
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