2021-02-26 CristeFirefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print Re: 2553 - Coral Mountain Resort SP Redline Draft [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Fri 2/26/2021 4:22 PM To: Brizuela, Christopher <cbrizuela@msaconsultinginc.com>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Depalatis, Paul <pdepalatis@msaconsultinginc.com>;Rowe, Mike <mrowe@msaconsultinginc.com>;Garrett Simon <gsimon@meriwetherco.com> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Thanks Christopher. I got the notice from Trakit. Nicole Sauviat Criste Principal TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC.® 42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101 PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 (760) 341-4800 FAX#: 760-341-4455 E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com From: "Brizuela, Christopher" <cbrizuela@msaconsultinginc.com> Date: Friday, February 26, 2021 at 2:21 PM To: Nicole Criste <Ncriste@laquintaca.gov>, Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Cc: "Depalatis, Paul" <pdepalatis@msaconsultinginc.com>, "Rowe, Mike" <mrowe@msaconsultinginc.com>, Garrett Simon <gsimon@meriwetherco.com> Subject: 2553 - Coral Mountain Resort SP Redline Draft [2553-MSA1.NRzf] Hi Nicole, For your review I have uploaded our latest redline draft of the Coral Mountain SP to eTRAKiT. We went ahead and accepted all the comments that had been resolved per our prior meetings. The remaining track changes are minor items or comments you wanted us to follow up on. That said, once good to go I can go ahead and put together the final SP copy with exhibits for City processing. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions or need anything additional from our end. Best, Christopher Brizuela Planner MSA CONSULTING, INC. 34200 Bob Hope Drive I Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 office 760.320.9811 website I map I email 1 of 2 5/29/22, 12:37 PM Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print FacebooklnstagramLinkedln 2 of 2 5/29/22, 12:37 PM