2021-03-02 SilvaFirefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print Public Records Request - Coral Mountain Resort Project Sean Silva <sean@creedla.com> Tue 3/2/2021 10:04 AM To: Consulting Planner<ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. *' March 2, 2021 Via Email and U.S. Mail City of La Quinta Attn: Nicole Sauviat Criste 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov RE: Public Records Act Request and Request for Mailed Notice of Public Hearings and Actions —Coral Mountain Resort, Avenue 58 and Madison St. La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Criste, CREED LA is writing to request a copy of any and all records related to the project, the Coral Mountain Resort, located at Avenue 58 and Madison Street in La Quinta. The project will be the development of a 386-acre site with 600 dwelling units, 150 hotel rooms, 60,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial space, and 57,000 square feet of tourist commercial space. We are also writing to request copies of all communications and mailed notice of any and all hearings and/or actions related to the Project. Our request for mailed notice of all hearings includes hearings, study sessions and community meetings related to the Project, certification of the MND (or recirculated DEIR), and approval of any Project entitlements. This request is made pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21092.2, 21080.4, 21083.9, 21092, 21108 and 21152 and Government Code Section 65092, which require local agencies to mail such notices to any person who has filed a written request for them with the clerk of the agency's governing body. Our request includes notice to any City actions, hearings or other proceedings regarding the Project, Project approvals and any actions taken, or additional documents released pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Our request for all records related to the Project is made pursuant to the California Public Records Act. (Government Code § 6250 et seq.) This request is also made pursuant to Article I, section 3(b) of the California Constitution, which provides a constitutional right of access to information concerning the conduct of government. Article I, section 3(b) provides that any statutory right to information shall be broadly construed to provide the greatest access to government information and further requires that any statute that limits the right of access to information shall be narrowly construed. 1 of 2 5/29/22, 12:40 PM Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print We will pay for any direct costs of duplication associated with filling this request up to $200. However, please contact me at (877) 810-7473 with a cost estimate before copying/scanning the materials. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6253.9, if the requested documents are in electronic format and are 10 MB or less (or can be easily broken into sections of 10 MB or less), please email them to me as attachments. My contact information is: U.S. Mail Jeff Modrzejewski CREED LA 501 Shatto Place, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA. 90020 Email creedla@creedla.com Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Jeff Modrzejewski Executive Director 2 of 2 5/29/22, 12:40 PM