2022-04-12 Callimanis Presentation 2 Lori Kilburn to PC PHFrom: Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:51 AM To: Cheri Flores; Tania Flores Cc: lori kilburn Subject: Presentation 2 - Lori Kilburn for Planning Commission April 12 2022 Attachments: Lori Kilburn A true Line of sight study.pdf ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Please find attached Presentation 2 for Lori Kilburn for the Public Hearing for the Planning Commission on April 12 2022. Lori has spoken before so her presentation is directed on the new topic of the lights. Thank you very much. Alena Callimanis LQRRD 919 606-6164 A True Light Line of Site Study Lori Kilburn La Quinta, CA How is a Line of Sight Study from Street Level Valid? •Eight foot walls are made to keep people out and to keep people from looking in •However, when you have 80 foot lights, the presence of light reflecting off particulate and water vapor will be evident to people behind those walls. We took a drone up to 70 feet to get a real perspective • Since the Developer has said not all the lights will be at 80 feet on the the property, we went conservative and took drone shots from 70 feet • We took pictures from both locations from the light demonstration, near Lisa Castro's house and near Coral Mountain • Obviously light impact will be more significant with the particulate in the area when we have 17 lights This property is so beautiful —why would you approve the EIR with significant and unavoidable impacts on Aesthetics • "#` -m. SliIt t • Looking towards Andalusia & Trilogy Lisa Castro's House and More of Trilogy Lisa, Guillermo's and other 60th Street Houses Looking at Coral Mountain from the Light Demo location 4. 1 From the Light Closest to Coral Mountain: our newest development Cantera and the Other Developments on the other side of 58th Where is Canters —Model homes being built and due this month — on the south side of 58th bounded on two sides by Coral Mountain Resort 10 Six New or expanding developments underway along 58th The Quarry Yr f .— f ) , w y r,.r ,�. 4 y tag y 1 N. 1 N t 1 r 1 1 I / 1 a-___ 1 f K V } —.Or--- 1 .A , w, r/ i .1. t f.�� ,,1 N/i p 1 ti■ t 1.taw IN 1 1 - -- I , N. w 1 k i visa Castro Guillermo Casillas Santerra Legends PGA West Andalusia Trilogy Staff Report Line of Site Study The Light Impact from Coral Mountain Resort cannot be mitigated and will be seen for miles Please do not approve the EIR or this project