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2021-03-17 Flores
Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print RE: Ms. Flores, is there an extension to comment Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Wed 3/17/2021 3:30 PM To: Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com> Cc: Consulting Planner<ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Hi Ms. Callimanis, Regarding the Meriwether Wave Pool Project Notice of Preparation, it has been extended to April 2. They added a Development Agreement application. There will be a scoping meeting on March 30 at 4 pm as well. See information below. Thanks and have a great day! rroject• i itie: •Loral•Mountaln•rcesort•i f Scoping- Meeting: • As• part• of• the• Notice• of. Preparation• (NOP) . public• comment• period• for• this• project,• the• City• of• La• Quinta• will• hold• a• virtual. Scoping•t'leeting•via•Zoom•on•March•30,•2021,•at•4- PM.•The•meeting•will•consist•of•a-presentation•by-the• environmental• consultant• on• the• project• and• the. environmental•issues•identified•to•date•as•part•of•the• CITY Of lA OY I1A California. Environmental• Quality•Act• (CEQA)• review• of• the• project; •followed by• an• opportunity• for- all in. attendance• to. provide• public• comments- on- the. environmental• issues• of. concern• relating• to. the. project.•Comments•should•be•limited•to•3-minutes-for• each- speaker.•The• comments- made. at•the• Scoping• SITE Meeting. '„'ill• help• to. establish- the. scope• of- the. Environmental. Impact• Report. (EIR)•for. the• project.. V J The•EIR will be•prepa red •in •accordance•with•CEQA•to- he. evaluate the•potential•environmental•impacts•associated•with-th at. project.. Please. RSVP• for. the• Scoping• Meeting. to. Nici im• consultinciplannerialaquintaca The. City. send• all. that. P meeting•by•return•email.T T 21• Comments•can•also•be•submitted•in•writing,•prior•to•the•close•of•l D5• and• directed• to: • • Nicole. Sauviat• Criste,• Consulting. Planner,. de. Calle•Tampico,•La•Quinta,•CA•92253,•or•consultinaplanner©laauir e.Tthe•name,•phone•number,•and•address•of•your•agency's•contact- of. Project- Description: • As. described• in• the• NOP,• the• project. E of• approximately•929•acres•south•of•Avenue•58,•north•of•Avenue•E !st• Madison •Street.•As•a•part-of•the•proposed•project,•the•386-acre ed• of•Madison•Street,-south-of•Avenue-58•and•north•of•Avenue•60-is ed• from •the•existing-Andalusia •Specific•Plan•(SP•03-067)•and•develo lg• resort- community.- -This portion- of. the• project• proposes• to. dev ial• units; •a•resort•facility•with•up•to•150•rooms•and•57,000•square•fl ial• uses; •60,000-square•feet•of•neighborhood-commercial•uses; •and ial• uses•on•approximately•23.6•acres.•In•addition,•the•project•propo5 wave -basin -for• recreation al •purposes. { ft A'1 _ 1 of 2 5/29/22, 12:50 PM Firefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print Cheri L. Flores I Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 www.laquintaca.gov PLEASE NOTE: City Hall is closed to the public due to the current Stay -At -Home orders regarding COVID-19. All services are available via phone, email or online web portal. Please contact City staff if you need assistance at (760) 777-7125. Original Message From: Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 8:36 PM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Ms. Flores, is there an extension to comment ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hi, Ms. Flores. I have heard there is an extension to comment on the Merriwether Wave Pool project until April 2. Is this accurate? Also, have there been changes to the document? Thank you very much for the information. Alena Callimanis 81469 Rustic Canyon Dr La Quinta, CA 92253 2 of 2 5/29/22, 12:50 PM