2022-04-12 Callimanis Presention 1 Linday Lyman to PC PHFrom: Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 10:40 AM
To: Tania Flores; Cheri Flores
Cc: lymanlinda; Deborah Huber
Subject: Linda Lyman presentation number 1 for April 12 Planning Commission
Attachments: Lynda Lyman EIR Implications for non-mitigatable concerns.pdf
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Thank you for your help. This is presentation number 1 by Linda Lyman. Linda has not spoken before.
As I mentioned, her presentation may go to 4 minutes. This presentation is setting the stage for our
presentations so I want to make sure that if it runs over 3 minutes, it is not a problem.
Debbie Huber is deferring her time to Linda Lyman. Debbie will be live (her husband Don Huber
presentation number 3).
Thank you very much for your support
Alena Callimanis
919 606-6164
What does it mean to have
Significant EIR Impacts
Linda Lyman
La Quinta
When you review a project, this is what you normally see
• This means there is no reason to look at any further
for Environmental Impacts
When is a Full Environmental Impact
Once the lead agency (The City of La Quinta) has
determined that a particular physical impact may
occur, the lead agency must indicate whether the
impact is potentially significant, less than significant
with mitigation, or less than significant.
If there are one or more "Potentially Significant
Impacts" an EIR is required.
What Did the Coral Mountain EIR Find
•Two areas have Potentially Significant Impacts
that cannot be mitigated or avoided:
• Aesthetics
• GreenHouse Gas Emissions
Aesthetics —Coral Mountain Resort answers Yes to
all of these and are considered significant and
• Have a substantial adverse effect on a Scenic Vista?
• Substantially damage scenic resources?
• Substantially degrade the existing visual character of the site and its
• Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would
adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area?
GreenHouse Gas Emissions — Coral Mountain Resort is almost
double the maximum threshold and should be considered
significant and unavoidable
• Greenhouse gases have far-ranging environmental and health effects.
They cause climate change by trapping heat, and they also
contribute to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution.
• For Coral Mountain Resort, GHG emissions total 6.46 Metric tons of
carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) per service population per year
• This exceeds the South Coast Air Quality Management District
(SCAQMD) significance threshold of 3.65 MTCO2e.
What will cause the GHG Emissions here —NOT
• The production of concrete contributes about eight percent of all carbon
dioxide emissions worldwide
• The wave basin is 16.7 + acres of cement
• Kelley Slater Wave Technology, by pushing 18 million gallons of water, 150
Million Pounds of Water, uses significant electricity, a huge GHG source
• The lawyer said the Coral Mountain design vastly reduces the number of
vehicle miles which is the biggest contributor to GHG emissions
• Seriously? All those STVRs and guests will vastly reduce mileage?
The City can choose to ignore these impacts
• Per Ms. Criste at the March 22, 2022, the
City can choose to provide a statement of
overriding considerations as to why they
will ignore these EIR findings and this will
likely be based on economic factors
• What this means: The City will ignore these
issues because The City wants TOT
If the Developer is Truly Concerned about
Wellness, they should have pulled the project as
soon as those factors were identified
Planning Commission, please do NOT approve
the EIR
• You would be saying, in effect, that you do not care about the
future of our Community by allowing this project to go
through even with its Potentially Significant Impacts that
cannot be mitigated or ignored