2021-03-30 WarrenFirefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print List of attendees at today's scoping meeting Sheila Warren <sheilawarren25@yahoo.com> Tue 3/30/2021 6:28 PM To: Consulting Planner<ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>;Diane Rebryna <drebryna@telusplanet.net>;Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co>;Peter Plaza <pwayneplaza@yahoo.com> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hi Nicole, Thank you for allowing us time to give our opposition to the Wave Resort presentation. There are many impassioned homeowners living in close proximity to this proposed development from many of the adjoining communities. We at the Trilogy Opposition group would like to co- ordinate our efforts with our neighbors many of whom were not previously known to us. Can you please provide an email list of the attendees so that we may reach out to them. As you can tell this is a very important issue to us. Most of us have saved all of our lives to be able to afford to live in this beautiful area. We are aware progress is inevitable but feel that a development based on the original zoning makes the most sense for us, the City of La Quinta and the environment. Thank you in advance for your continued co-operation in this important matter. Sincerely, Sheila Warren Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad 1 of 1 5/29/22, 1:05 PM