2022-04-22 Staff re Coral Mtn MailingFrom: Tania Flores Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 9:27 AM To: Danny Castro; Cheri Flores; Consulting Planner; Carlos Flores Subject: Coral Mtn Mailing Attachments: Coral Mtn Mailing.pdf Got a copy of the mailing that was sent regarding CM. See attached. Tania Flores Design and Development Department Planning Division (760)777-7023 SAY ' 0 TO T 1 E WAVE La Quinta Residents for Responsible Development need your Help! iTOP The Coral Mountain Resort Because it will: c• • Waste Scarce Desert Water and Electricity for a PRIVATE SURFING RESORT!, • Damage Local Resources ® Obstruct Scenic Views Create Noise Pollution, Light Pollution and Traffic Jams Increase Greenhouse Gases and Climate Impacts Increase Large, Overcrowded Special Events and their Problems.:,: Destroy the Peaceful Nature of an Entire Community Join the SOU 5iirnkur ® Mine P1iLt&wi! www.saynotothewave.com WE OPPOSE THIS PROJECT BECAUSE: Meriwether Companies and Big Sky Wave Development have applied to the City of La Quinta o change the zoning of a 386-acre parcel of land at the base of THE CORAL MOUNTAIN west f Madison Street between Avenues 58 and 60. FOR THE BENEFIT OF A FEW PRIVATE SURFERS. • Low density residential/golf zoning would change to allow for construction of a PRIVATE RESORT with CAPACITY FOR OVER 4,000 OVERNIGHT GUESTS (150 Room Hotel and up to 600 Short Term Rentals). • It will CONTINUOUSLY AND IRREVOCABLY WASTE WATER through evaporation FROM an 18 MILLION GALLON WAVE POOL SPANNING 16.7 ACRES (EQUIVALENT TO 13 FOOTBALL FIELDS) • It will waste a huge amount of electricity just to generate waves. With MORE DAYS OVER 100 DEGREES THAN EVER BEFORE, ELECTRICITY IS NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL, AND OUTAGES CAN BE DEADLY! We cannot afford to waste electricity or water!. • It will cause LIGHT POLLUTION FROM SEVENTEEN 80-FOOT TALL LIGHT TOWERS THAT WILL eliminate dark skies FOR MILES AROUND EVERY DAY UNTIL 10 PM. • It will negatively impact significant cultural, historic, natural, scenic, and biological resources in and around The Coral Mountain Resort. • The Project will dwindle our aquifer & Colorado River Canal Supplies. PRSRTSTD ECRW11 U.S, POITA01 PAID PALM I11 tit. HI, GA PI-HMII NO UN Local Postal Customer • It will cause NOISE POLLUTION and TRAFFIC by allowing FOUR ADDITIONAL 4-DAY SPECIAL EVENTS PER YEAR with up to 2500 ATTENDEES PER DAY, extended hours, AND the real possibility of more events being permitted through Transient Use Permits (TUPs) WITHOUT community input or recourse. This also puts ADDITIONAL DEMANDS ON the capacity of OUR FIRST RESPONDERS to keep our community safe. • IT WILL create SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE GREENHOUSE GAS impacts according to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project, exacerbating climate chang • IT WILL DESTROY THE VERY NATURE OF THIS COMMUNITY, which is renowned for its beautiful vistas, dark skies, and its many opportunities for peace, relaxation, and outdoor recreation. Its PRIVATE! You can't go and watch the surfing with your families. You can help us to just say NO! Join with us to stop this disaster from happening Please go to our website: saynotothewave.cuin where you can see for yourself why this should not happen, and also AGN OUR PETITION againsl ibis prujecl. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN IN LA QUINTA