2022-04-26 Callimanis Presentation 4 LQRRD Tom Jackoboice to PC PHFrom: Alena Callimanis <acallimanis@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Tania Flores; Cheri Flores
Cc: tjjackoboice@charter.net
Subject: LQRRD Presentation number 4 - Tom Jackoboice - April 26 planning
commission meeting
Attachments: Tom JackoboiceGood Neighbor Public Comment Planning Commission April
26 2022compressed-1.pdf
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Here is the fourth presentation for the LQRRD team from Tom Jackoboice.
Thank you.
Alena Callimanis
Like a good neighbor....
Tom Jackoboice
La Quinta, CA
Real Reason for Location of Surf Basin by
Coral Mountain
• According to John Gamlin: we are good neighbors so we located the
Surf Basin to be as far away from neighbors as possible
• The reality: last year we were told by the developer that they had no
choice placing the surf park where it is due to underground CVWD
• We did a public records request to CVWD: "The location the
developer proposed does avoid conflicts with existing Bureau of
Reclamation Irrigation Laterals, and these laterals do provide water
to the Thomas E. Levy Replenishment Facility."
• In other words, there was no choice but to locate there because the
wave basin's massive size would interfere with underground pipes
Developer's Lawyer: We took into consideration
the closest properties Cantera and Lisa Castro's
House in the EIR line of sight study — they did not
and did Street Level Views
View of Coral Mountain from Cantera — no
mitigation of light impact possible
From the Back of the Cantera development
From the front of Cantera Development
View of Basin Light location to Lisa Castro's
house — no mitigation of light impact possible
From 70 feet up — Look at all the houses that will
see the diffused light — the presence of light will
be constant and not just kicked up the night of the
light demo by vehicles
Andalusia and Trilogy
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Cantera and 58th
Particulate in the air at Coral Mountain
think 17 lights
There will be light on Coral Mountain
Light from particulate and water vapor will impact Coral Mountain
There will be lights along Coral Mountain by the wave machinery
There will be lighted walking and biking paths along Coral Mountain
Is CVWD accurately portraying the drought?
• The applicant's lawyer told you that the State Water Project (SWP)
Colorado River Allocation used by CVWD in its calculations for the
Indio Subbasin Water Management was a conservative 45%.
• In actuality, it has been at 5% in 2020 and 2021, and it decreased
from 15 to 5 Percent March 22, 2022 based on the driest January and
February in more than 100 years.
GHG Emissions
• John Gamlin to help explain the amount of GHG they will mitigate
with their policies said it would be the equivalent of removing 850
cars from the road annually
• Let's say we had occupancy of 150 three bedroom STVRs at Coral
Mountain — they could have 6 — 8 people and reasonably 3 cars per
STVR with three couples sharing the STVR.
• That would be 450 additional car trips to Coral Mountain per day new
Golf Course Evaporation vs Wave Pool
• If you recall, Mr. Gamlin showed the SilverRock water utilization that
he said proved evaporation from the Golf Course is 8 to 10 times
higher than the surf pool
• As a reminder, we did the public records request of the City that
showed that you could not differentiate the water used for the golf
course versus the water used for the rest of the Talus project like dust
mitigation, the park, construction, etc.
Will Serve from IID
• You were all at the Joint Boards/Council/Commissions Meeting where the
Mayor spoke about the fact that IID was at it maximum power output
• The Will Serve letter described in the EIR is still referencing the cancelled
letter from two years ago
• How do we know, given the changes with IID, the two year length of time
and without a new Will Serve Letter, that IID will allow the improvements
to the substation at 58th to be able to supply the project?
Public Health Codes for Wave Basins
• How do you keep a body of water this large clean of wind-swept sand
and debris so it is usable?
• How do you circulate 18 million gallons of water to keep it sanitized
and free of algae and brain -eating bacteria, especially when the water
will heat up into the 90s in the desert, and you are expecting to keep
people safe to be using this massive body of water?
• The massive amount of evaporation from sun, heat, wind and wave
action that will cause the need of constant replenishment from our
Did anyone hear Coachella
• We heard Coachella and not just the bass vibrations
• We could even understand words
• Coachella is much further away than the Wave Basin is to Madison
• And there will always be echoing off the mountain with the wave
machinery when it starts up since it is only a few hundred feet away
Associated Press Published an article on the Wave
Basin extreme water use in a drought — optics for
La Quinta not good across the country
Surge of desert surf parks stirs questions in
dry California