2022-05-01 Bachli, Fritz - FEIR Wave ParkFrom: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Fritz Bachli <fritzebachli@gmail.com> Sunday, May 1, 2022 1:34 PM Consulting Planner; Planning WebMail FEIR Wave Park / Item: Noise / Reference Art. 2.2.4 Public Swiming Pools.webp EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Nicole, Ladies and Gentlemen from the Planning Commission! Your education regarding amplified noise transfer was certainly helpful for people with little to no experience in this field. Thank you. I spent many years in the Swiss Airforce as a second cockpit officer dealing with Radar Navigation Instruments and Wireless Communication equipment. On my days off, living near a public pool and hearing the megaphone announcements of the lifeguards who were sitting on an elevated observation deck overlooking a noisy pool, was annoying and a nuisance. (picture attached) Fortunately, the pool was open in Summer only from 10 AM and closed at 5 PM allowing some quiet time for residents in the surrounding living areas of the pool. Compared with a public pool, the wave basin is 2000 ft long and 500 ft wide with 6 ft crashing waves. Can you explain how many loudspeakers, at which locations and at what height above the wave basin these loudspeakers will be installed allowing the surfers, emergency personnel, etc. to hear messages during operating hours 365 days a year from 7 AM to 10 PM. For your information,Trilogy does not allow amplified music from outside homes at all times day or night. The noise level in the morning hours and at night is 3 - 4 dBA measured with a handheld Sound Level Meter MK 09 by METERK. We can hear music, people conversing from the outdoor patio of the Bistro (which is relatively close to the wave Park), the Race Track in Thermal, and of course the Coachella Festivals in Indio. Thank you for your response. FEB