2021-08-04 UehleinFirefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print Coral Mountain Resort DEIR Jan Uehlein <jan.uehlein@gmail.com> Wed 8/4/2021 6:40 PM To: Consulting Planner<ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Ms Criste, I would like to add my voice to the opposition of the proposed wave park. I have been following the discussion for a while now and feel that this project is something that will destroy the quiet privacy of the surrounding neighborhood which is what drew me to choose this part of La Quinta to invest in a permanent home. While I understand that the city of La Quinta is motivated to allow this project to proceed based on projected revenue in the future, I worry that we will have the same unfinished mess that I have been driving past daily at SilverRock. My neighborhood in Andalusia has seen an exponential increase in construction (as have most neighborhoods) and I for one would like the area to revert to the quiet and lack of construction traffic that we once enjoyed. Maybe not great for increasing city revenue but, seriously, how long will this construction boom be sustainable? And building a massive wave park that will consume our precious water resources is not just a horrible idea during a drought but also locating the complex in the desert in general is a terrible idea. The developers can assure us all day long that there will be no impacts to the community but that destroys their credibility to me because there's no way we won't be impacted by the park with its daily operations and special events. The desert acts like a whisper bowl and transmits sound a great distance. I've noticed that I can hear the music from Coachella and the cars zooming around the BMW track in Thermal. We are already inconvenienced with the numerous marathons, golf tournaments and music festivals. Enough is enough. I don't want this area to become a commercial epicenter. Leave that to communities who have access to the freeway. Respectfully, Jan Uehlein 58295 Carmona Andalusia Sent from my iPhone 1 of 1 5/29/22, 2:16 PM