2022-04-29 CristeFirefox https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?Print Re: Urban Crossroads 4/26/22 report Nicole Criste <ncriste@terranovaplanning.com> Fri 4/29/2022 10:48 AM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>;Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Tania Flores <tflores@laquintaca.gov> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Cheri, The "Assessing the Sound of Fun" document was part of a public comment, so Urban was responding to it. It was referenced in one of the 4/12 presentations, and provided as an attachment in public comments. Nicole Sauviat Criste Principal TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC.® 42635 Melanie Place, Ste 101 PALM DESERT, CA. 92211 (760) 341-4800 FAX#: 760-341-4455 E-Mail: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com From: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Date: Friday, April 29, 2022 at 10:26 AM To: Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Tania Flores <tflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: FW: Urban Crossroads 4/26/22 report Nicole, Do you know what Ms. Loretta is referring to? Was it one of the handouts we gave them on the dais? UP Cheri Flores I Planning Manager Design & Development Department City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. (760)777-7067 CLFlores@LaQuintaCA.gov www.LaQuintaCA.gov From: Lori <currieoaks@dc.rr.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 10:24 AM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Urban Crossroads 4/26/22 report ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hi Cheri, The noise consultant, Urban Crossroads' 4/26/22 report to Garrett Simon, CM Wave Development refers to a document entiled, "Surf Wave Parks -Assessing the Sound of Fun". Per the report, the document was suppose to be for commissioners' review. Did Mt. Simon forward that document to the City? If so, could you provide me with a copy? Regards, Loretta Currie 1 of 1 5/30/22, 11:50 AM