2022 12 13 PC MinutesPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson Currie. PRESENT: Commissioners Caldwell, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie ABSENT: None VACANCY: One STAFF PRESENT: Design & Development Director Danny Castro, Planning Manager Cheri L. Flores, Senior Planner Carlos Flores, Associate Planner Siji Fernandez, Commission Secretary Tania Flores, Deputy City Attorney Jessica Sanders PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Caldwell led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to confirm the agenda as published. Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 1. CVAG OVERHEAD CHANGEABLE MESSAGE TRAFFIC SIGNS City Traffic Management Analyst Kris Gunterson, also serving as Committee Member on the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) CV Sync TSM&O (Technology, Systems, Maintenance, and Operations), gave a brief presentation on proposed CVAG Changeable Message Signs (Signs) including PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022 background, proposed Signs site locations, photos of current installations, and renderings of Signs at proposed sites. Commission discussion followed regarding types of messages on Signs and entity to control messaging; Sign mounting and pole design selection; alternative and future tentative site selection and approval process; visibility from surrounding residential communities and predicted use times; site locations in surrounding cities; need for Signs within the community and data analysis to show improvement in traffic conditions with implementation; cost of installation and maintenance; and safety and wind loading for poles and mounting. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2022 2. ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THE PROPOSED PURCHASE BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND BP DUNE PALMS, LP, BY GENERAL PARTNER BLACKPOINT PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 5.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (APN 600-030-018) CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 (b)(3) COMMON SENSE EXEMPTION MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Hassett to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with item No. 2 adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-026. Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. BUSINESS SESSION - None. STUDY SESSION - None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 8, 2022: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT (MBA 2022-0004) AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP 2022-0003) AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FOR A NEW 2,129 SQUARE FOOT TOOL RENTAL CENTER ADDITION, A NEW 1,104 SQUARE FOOT FENCE ENCLOSURE AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE OUTDOOR DISPLAYS AND SALES AREA AT AN EXISTING HOME DEPOT. CEQA: THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022 PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 (e)(1) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, EXISTING FACILITIES. LOCATION: 79900 HIGHWAY 111 DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT - None. Associate Planner Fernandez presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding the equipment and truck rental (Rental) areas and the proposed shielding from Highway 111; possible alternate locations for Rental areas; any traffic analysis conducted; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, and striping compliance; alternative screening options including use of a wall or fence; and previous amendments and approvals to the site and possible future additions or modifications. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE NOTED THE PUBLIC HEARING REMAINED OPEN FROM THE NOVEMBER 8, 2022, MEETING. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Scott Mommer, President of Lars Anderson and Associates and Site Development Coordinator for Home Depot and this project, introduced himself and provided additional information on choice of shielding and justification of location of Rental areas. Applicant and staff answered questions regarding height of shielding versus height of Rentals to be located in this area and the line -of -sight view from Highway 111; quantity and description of Rentals to be located in this area; and location options for Rental areas. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:17 P.M. Commission discussion followed regarding shielding and use of alternative sites and surplus parking for Rental areas. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPEN AT 6:24 P.M. Applicant requested the Commission add additional Conditions of Approval regarding the location of the Rental areas as an alternative to denial to allow the project to move forward due to community need for these services. Staff advised the Commission of the process required for denial including the need to continue this item to allow Staff time to prepare denial findings and such continuance could also allow the applicant additional time to prepare a PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022 revised site plan with alternative locations for Rental areas based on Commission comments. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:31 P.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Hassett to continue this item to a date certain of January 24, 2023 and there was a consensus of the Commission. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING RE -OPEN AT 6:32 P.M. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Chairperson Currie to continue the Public Hearing for Modification By Applicant 2022-0004 and Conditional Use Permit 2022-0003 to a date certain of January 24, 2023. Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR A 75' FOOT TALL TEMPORARY TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPOLE WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE (CUP2022-0011) AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 75' FOOT TALL PERMANENT TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPALM AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE (CUP2022-0010) WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT PROPERTY; CEQA: THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES; LOCATION: 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE DECLARATIONS REGARDING COMMISSION PUBLIC CONTACT - None. Senior Planner Flores presented the staff report which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff answered questions regarding community outreach, public comment and feedback received, and timeline for justification of a temporary monopole. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 6:49 P.M. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Applicant John Heffernan with AT&T External Affairs, introduced himself and provided a brief background on the project and parties of interest. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Applicant Brett Smirl of Coastal Business Group, representing AT&T Wireless, introduced himself and provided additional PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022 background on the project. Mr. Smirl answered Commission questions regarding the agreement with the site landowner and location selection; expected changes to the service area and first responder access; landscape selection and use; and timeline and phasing of the temporary and permanent facilities. CHAIRPERSON CURRIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 6:57 P.M. Commission expressed a consensus to approve the project. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Caldwell/Nieto to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-0027 to approve CUP2022-0010 (permanent monopalm) and determine that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PERMANENT WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION MONOPALM FACILITY WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0010 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. MOTION - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Caldwell to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-0028 to approve CUP2022-0011 (temporary monopole) and determine that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, as recommended: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY WITHIN THE LA QUINTA RESORT AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0011 APPLICANT: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 5 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022 STAFF ITEMS Director Castro reminded the Commission and public of the current open recruitment for the vacant Planning Commission seat which will close on January 5, 2023, and advised any interested parties to contact the Design and Development Department; the annual Community Workshop is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., to be held at the La Quinta Wellness Center. COMMISSIONER ITEMS - None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Hassett/Chairperson Currie to adjourn at 7:03 p.m. Motion passed: ayes - 6, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 0, vacancy - 1. Respectfully submitted, TANIA FLORES, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Page 6 of 6 DECEMBER 13, 2022