Kiley AssociatesKiley & Associates, LLC 636 North Carolina Ave SE Washington, D.C. 20003 January 27, 2023 City of La Quinta Attn: Jeremy Griffin, Management Specialist 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Re: RFP for Federal Legislation Lobbying Services Kiley & Associates is pleased to respond to the City of La Quinta's Request for Proposal for Federal Legislation Lobbying Services dated January 13, 2023. Founded in 2008 and in continuous operation for the past fifteen years, Kiley & Associates is a limited liability corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware. Our offices are based in Washington, DC, and our firm has three principal partners. Kiley & Associates provides legislative advocacy analyses for cities, states and communities and delivers political strategy from both an industry and government perspective through a solution - driven and tailored approach. We have a proven track record of successful engagement between local government, state and federal entities to achieve community goals. Our firm is extremely confident we can meet all of the qualifications set forth in this RFP. Our core federally -focused team—Gregory Kiley, Jayson Braude and Kimberly VanWyhe—are eager to discuss our capabilities, experience, and ability to support the City of La Quinta. Our team is free of any conflict of interest and is prepared to jump in and contribute on day one. We acknowledge that all information and pricing provided in the proposal is valid for at least (90) days and that all individuals who will be performing work for the City are free of any conflict of interest. We stand ready to answer any questions you may have and look forward to further communication. As President, I will be the primary contact person during the proposal evaluation period, please feel free to contact me at (202) 544-6897 or gkiley@kileyassociates.org. Very Respectfully, .._� I'ti a , Gregory T. Kiley- President Kiley & Associates, LLC 636 North Carolina Ave SE Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 544-6897 gkiley@kileyassociates.org 1. Firm's Background, Qualifications, and Experience. Founded and incorporated in 2008 in the State of Delaware, Kiley & Associates is a Limited Liability Corporation that provides analyses for cities, counties, states and industry clients and delivers political strategy from both an industry and government perspective through a solution - driven and tailored approach. Kiley and Associates is headquartered in Washington, DC and has three principal partners. Our firm is in strong financial standing, the company has never filed for federal or state bankruptcy protection, and we do not have any client -related legal matters or disputes. (Taxpayer ID number is 80-0323248) Our distinct background allows us to assist with the strategic planning, interaction, and mutual economic development between local governments and its neighboring communities. We also facilitate engagement between local government, state, and federal entities to achieve goals through Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analyses and engage with key decision -makers. For the past 15 years, we have worked with counties, cities and states to provide federal advisory and assistance services, strategic economic development planning and positioning, business and product development, market penetration, Congressional and U.S. military situational awareness, due diligence, and merger and acquisitions. We help our clients identify and develop new opportunities, improve operations, products and technologies, and plan and implement strategies to secure sustained success. Kiley & Associates has an established, proven track record of navigating multi agency, multidimensional, and complex issues. Recent efforts include work on federal advocacy, federal funding cyber threats to our nation's infrastructure and electrical grid, environmental risks to public health, Department of Defense's strategic basing decision-making, and managing interrelations between municipalities, states and the federal government. Experience Kiley & Associates has strong ties at the federal level with both the legislative and executive branches. Every member of our team has developed professional working relationships with Republican and Democratic Members of the Senate and House, as well as with their personal staffs, and the staffs of key Senate and House committees. Further, we have key allies within the White House staff and across the Biden Administration. Kiley & Associates' size, structure and personalized approach allows us to provide proactive, cost-effective representation to all our clients. Statement of Qualifications We are extremely proud of our work for our city clients across the State of California. The accomplishments and experience gained from the recent work below in other cities is a sample of similar work we would apply to the City of La Quinta. 2019-2023. City of Carson, California. • Provided guidance and counsel to the Mayor and City Council on various matters related to COVID-19, including updates on federal policy and federal grant opportunities. • Organized a Federal Small Business Administration virtual meeting to educate Carson business owners on the Paycheck Protection Program. • Coordinated meetings between Carson Council members, the FAA, and the Long Beach Airport regarding noise complaints from residents. • Facilitated meetings with FEMA and the United States Treasury to ensure Carson was receiving their fair share of the of municipal funding from the American Rescue Plan. • Renewed the City's relationship with United States Senator Dianne Feinstein and helped the City apply for earmarks and Community Improvement Projects (CIPS) with her office, which includes the potential of over a million dollars for parks funding within the City. • Helped Carson secure earmarks for transit programs that Congresswoman Barragan will submit for Congressional approval. Worked with the Federal Communications Commission to promote the Emergency Broadband Benefit to Carson residents, which will provide them up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a computer or tablet. • At the request of the City, approached the U.S. Postal Service in Washington, DC to investigate long running postal problems within the City of Carson with a goal to improve mail service for Carson residents. • Worked with the City to explore renewable energy opportunities, including electric vehicle charging throughout Carson and solar power at City Hall and other City owned buildings. • Brought in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help the City with the problem at the Dominguez Channel. • Helped the City secure a $2 million federal earmark from their Congressmember for an infrastructure project at Carson Veterans Park. 2019-2023. City of South Gate, California. • Developed a federal funding and policy agenda for the Mayor, Council and City department heads. Created federal government agendas and provided federal outreach and funding opportunities. Provide the City with relevant hearing schedules and grant announcements. 2 • Arranged for City officials to meet with federal officials on the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance program which provided thousands of dollars for families in the City who lost a loved one. • Provided the City with Congressional and White House updates detailing legislative action in Washington. • Initiated a dialogue for the City with Union Pacific Railroad regarding trash and homelessness along a neglected rail line. • Worked with the City to secure earmarks for $1.5 million in road improvements to Garfield Avenue, of which Congresswoman Barragan submitted to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for approval. • Worked with South Gate, Los Angeles County Metro, and Congress for millions of dollars in funding for the West Santa Ana Branch light rail line. Started a dialogue between the City and the office of recently appointed United States Senator Alex Padilla. • Worked with the City and the EPA to keep the South Gate Superfund sites at the forefront of the agencies' federal priorities. • Worked closely with the City and federal officials after the January 2020 Delta Airlines Fuel Release over Southeast Los Angeles. Facilitated a Zoom call between the White House and the City of South Gate. South Gate Councilwoman Denise Diaz also participated on this extremely informative and crucial White House conversation with Intergovernmental Affairs Director Eduardo Cisneros. • Engaged with the United States Conference of Mayors, providing South Gate a seat at the table for numerous federal decisions. 2020-2023. City of Lynwood, California. • Organized meetings for the City and the Port of Los Angeles regarding the shipping backlog and the supply chain issues currently impacting the region, traffic, and the environment. • Worked with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to secure a $1 million dollars award for the City of Lynwood. Worked with the EPA to bring in senior White House officials to the City for a tour and meetings. • Started an engagement for former Lynwood Mayor Aide Castro with the United States Conference of Mayors during her time in office, including outreach to the White House and Congress. • Worked with Congressional officials and the City to ensure Lynwood is maximizing COVID-19 FEMA reimbursements and implementing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for maximum usage. • Helped the City with numerous matters related to compliance and accounting of the ARPA. Worked with the City to push for Federal legislation that allows for 30% of ARPA recovery funding to be spent on transportation projects or community projects. This legislation allows local officials additional flexibility to spend their own funds and extends the spending deadline by an additional two years. Project Understanding and Approach/Scope of Work Kiley & Associates will collaborate with the City of La Quinta to help develop their federal legislative priorities. In fulfilling the requirements of the RFP, we include onboarding, outreach advocacy and administrative services, as well as all items covered in the Scope of Services. Our partnership with the City would include: Onboarding; this is an extremely important element of our engagement with our city clients. Our first action with a new client is an in-depth meeting to understand the needs of the City. We work the City Manager's office and department heads to establish priorities, goals and a tailored scope of work to help our clients meet their legislative goals. • Raising La Quinta's profile with the Federal House and Senate delegation, Federal Agencies, and the Biden Administration. • Tracking all federal bills that impact our City clients. Further, when an important bill is being heard in committee, we have our staff in the committee room. If needed, we can provide testimony and meet in the offices of the committee staff and Members to advocate La Quinta's position. • At the federal level, we will provide the City of La Quinta with a monthly written report of legislative activity. Further, we regularly provide federal updates as Congress works on issues that impact our clients. We also will appear before the City Council for federal updates whenever requested. • In Washington, DC, we actively monitor bills and actions that impact cities and residents. We provide updates as soon as Congressional Leadership and the White House act. This active presence is something we strive for daily to help our clients reach their goals. • Conduct an annual review with City staff to ensure the legislative goals of the City and Council are met. • We are transparent, ethical and customer service oriented. We are proud that clients think of us as an integral part of their business, capable of delivering the services they need when they need them. We often think of our firm as an extension of City staff and an integral part of your Washington, DC team. 2 • Assisting La Quinta's interests by changing laws or federal/state regulations as necessary. • Coordinating with the dedicated day-to-day point of contacts on identifying and refining La Quinta's top project and policy priorities for their legislative agenda (i.e. securing federal money for drainage projects, roadway expansion, park projects, street repairs, tourism, public safety, electric power and policymaking). • Target key allies and influential lawmakers, Congressional committees, White House policy makers as we advocate for the City of La Quinta. • Coordinating with the City to engage on Federal Community Project Funding Programs processes for federal funding. • Regularly updating La Quinta on Federal grant opportunities and issues that are pertinent to the City's legislative priorities. • Representing the City of La Quinta at Executive Branch meetings and hearings in Washington, DC. • Tracking news articles and press releases on issues that will impact local governments and La Quinta. • Coordinating an annual trip for La Quinta elected officials and staff to Washington, DC to meet with and/or brief the Congressional delegation, White House officials, and key staff in the federal agencies. • Helping with issues that have a federal nexus, which include providing comments on federal regulations; connecting local officials to federal agency professionals; and providing our expertise on funding programs, grant applications, and other legislative and agency opportunities. • Engaging regularly with coalitions such as the National League of Cities, the United States Conference of Mayors on behalf of the City of La Quinta. Also assisting with the League of California Cities on issues when there is a federal overlap. • Work with the City to identify federal funding opportunities and provide advocacy letters for federal related matters whenever necessary. • Utilizing our vast prior expertise in economic development, work with the City to identify, prioritize and explore growth opportunities for the City and its citizens. • Create a federal schedule for legislative affairs, work closely with the City on federal legislative priorities and assist the City by filing for all lobbyist compliance requirements. 5 • On public safety, support efforts through federal departments and agencies, and relevant Congressional committees to increase public safety within the City. Facilitate engagement with U.S. Department of Justice Liaison Office and the City of La Quinta. • In the area of public utilities, work with relevant Congressional committees — energy, water, electricity and biosolids to enhance City capabilities and capacities. Support monitoring Army Corps of Engineers projects. Support efforts and work with federal partners to maintain City's statewide water conservation targets. In transportation and infrastructure, work with relevant Congressional committees and federal agencies to bolster City's parks, electric power and transportation infrastructure. Implementation Plan Utilizing the Gannt Chart below, Kiley & Associates would engage the federal government on the City of La Quinta's behalf. Our team will remain in close consultation and collaboration with City Manager and leaders. Our core team does not delegate nor substitute associates. We ensure quality control by clearly listening to client's needs, developing strategies to fulfill those needs, and then acting upon those plans in concert with our clients. [La Quinta Gantt Chart] Review FY25 Fall prioritiesNov 5 Community Start, Apr 3 Appropriation.., 1.., projects report 1/24/2023 3/15/2023 City priorities Apr 3 - Apr 17 Pres bud release Mar 17 - Apr 5 Engage Congressional Staff Apr 6 - May 9 5/4/2023 6/13/2023 8/ Auth and Approp leg Report Federal rt legislative Bu` dactivities results 2 3 10/1/2023 11/20/2023 End of FY report Build FY25 priorities 2. References. Rod Butler City Manager, Jurupa Valley rbutler(a iurupavalley.org 951-332-6464 Project Description: Federal advisory and assistance, and lobbying services Dates: 2022 to Present Staff assigned: Gregory Kiley, Jayson Braude, Kimberly Van Wylie Summary of final outcome: Services ongoing David Roberts City Manager, City of Carson droberts&carsonc a. gov 310-952-1729 Project Description: Federal advisory and assistance, and lobbying services Dates: 2019 to Present Staff assigned: Gregory Kiley, Jayson Braude, Kimberly Van Wylie Summary of final outcome: Services ongoing Jennifer Vasquez City Manager, City of Maywood Jennifer. Vasquezgcityofmaywood.org 323-562-5700 Project Description: Federal advisory and assistance, and lobbying services Dates: 2022 to Present Staff assigned: Gregory Kiley, Jayson Braude, Kimberly Van Wylie Summary of final outcome: Services ongoing Chris Jeffers City Manager, City of South Gate ciefferskso ag te.org 323-563-9503 Project Description: Federal advisory and assistance, and lobbying services Dates: 2019 to Present Staff assigned: Gregory Kiley, Jayson Braude, Kimberly Van Wylie Summary of final outcome: Services ongoing 3. Complete Pricing List. Like nearly every Washington, DC based advisory and assistance firm, we charge a monthly retainer to our City clients for our in-depth services. The agreement between the City of La Quinta and the entire team would be a total rate of $3,500 per month, which would include federal legislative lobbying services. This is a final not -to -exceed price, no additional costs will be charged. 7 The retainer is all inclusive of the services we provide for your City. We are always on call for our clients and engage nearly daily on numerous activities impacting cities at the federal level. ANNUAL RATE MONTH MONTHLY RATE $42,000 JANUARY $3,500 FEBRUARY $3,500 MARCH $3,500 APRIL $3,500 MAY $3,500 JUNE $3,500 JULY $3,500 AUGUST $3,500 SEPTEMBER $3,500 OCTOBER $3,500 NOVEMBER $3,500 DECEMBER $3,500 4. Listing of Complementary Services. Not Applicable. 5. Staffing and Project Organization. The below members of Kiley & Associates will be the primary personnel that will be available to you for the duration of this project. No one shall be removed or replaced without prior written concurrence of the City. We have also attached resumes of key personnel. Our entire team is committed to making sure our clients are our top priority. We are available to help or answer any questions our clients may have. We do not assign clients to a specific staffer in the firm. Instead, you have access to all the firm's staff at any time. Whenever you and/your staff requests something from our firm, we get to work on it immediately and report the actions back to you. We will dedicate as many hours as needed to help the City achieve its goals. Our client's needs always come first, and we are responsive, often times within minutes, over email, text and phone call. Organizational Structure Jayson Braude Project Manager/Chief Counsel - Kiley & Associates Gregory Kiley President - Kiley & Associates Kimberly VanW he Vice President - Kiley & Associates Gregory T. Kiley—President, Kiley & Associates Gregory Kiley is President of Kiley & Associates, LLC, a Washington, D.C.-based policy development and advocacy firm. Since retiring from federal service, he has consulted to federal, state and local governments, and industry and non-profit entities on national security policy and processes. He has written for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) among others, focusing on national security and economics. He has authored studies on defense spending, the U.S. shipbuilding industry, the costs of insourcing defense -related services sector jobs, and U.S. strategy in the Asia Pacific region. Industry and government client consulting efforts include analysis and evaluation of 2022 CHIPS Act, 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, U.S. Air Force strategic basing decision-making, community relations with the Department of Defense, and interrelations between states and the federal government. Recent advisory roles include serving as a founding board member of Building Cyber Security, a nonprofit cybersecurity entity, President of the Advanced Nuclear Weapons Alliance nonprofit think tank, and a decade of service on the International Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC-1) for aerospace for the U.S. Department of Commerce. Prior to working in the private sector, Mr. Kiley served 25 years in the federal government, concentrating on defense and national security. He spent six years as a senior professional staff member for the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC). As lead staff for two SASC subcommittees, his oversight portfolio included all military air and ground systems, military logistics and readiness, and the defense budget. His responsibilities included coordinating and conducting congressional hearings, developing and drafting legislation, and negotiating and staffing passage of annual National Defense Authorization Acts and supplemental spending bills. Prior to the SASC, Mr. Kiley spent three years as a principal analyst for the National Security Division of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), concentrating military aviation, logistics and readiness issues. Mr. Kiley began his professional career in the U.S. Air Force, culminating as a senior pilot, flying C-130 aircraft and deploying throughout the world. Greg also held positions as a wing plans officer, maintenance officer, and information management officer. Greg lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and daughters. Jayson J. Braude—Chief Counsel, Kiley & Associates Jayson Braude is the Chief Counsel to Kiley & Associates. Jayson Braude grew up in the Los Angeles area and is the Grandson of former United States Congressman Glenn Anderson. Jayson worked for United States Senators Kent Conrad and Sherrod Brown in Washington, D.C. After law school, he worked as Legislative Counsel for United States Congresswoman Janice Hahn, where he staffed the Congresswoman on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. He then became the District Director for Congresswoman Nannette Diaz Barragan in her San Pedro office. Jayson has more than ten years of experience in government affairs and maintains contacts all over Capitol Hill and throughout federal, state, and local agencies. Jayson is a graduate of the UC Santa Barbara and received his law degree from Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. Jayson is a member of the Washington Bar and resides in Washington, D.C. 9 Kimberly J. VanWyhe- Vice President, Kiley & Associates Kimberly VanWyhe is currently Vice President of Kiley & Associates, focusing on business development and policy and strategy development. Kiley & Associates provides strategic economic development planning and positioning, business and product development, market penetration, Congressional and U.S. military situational awareness, due diligence, and M&A strategies. Kimberly also currently serves as the Policy Director for Building Cyber Security, a non-profit organization leading Cyber Physical standards development, education, certifications and labeling authority, advancing the physical security, safety, and privacy in public and private sectors. Kimberly is a Founding Partner of the United Coalition of Advanced Nuclear Power (UCAN Power) which focuses on the advancement of small and micro nuclear reactors and their applications. Kimberly received her bachelor's degree in political science from St. John's University in 2004 and received her MBA in International Business from the Thunderbird School of Global Management in 2014, she also holds a certification in Global Oil and Gas Management from Thunderbird. Kimberly's previous professional experience includes working on multiple political campaigns on both the state and federal level as well as working for the Alaska State Legislature where she worked to draft portions of the state capital budget. After completing her MBA, Kimberly worked for the Cohen Group, a defense -oriented consulting firm founded by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen. She then served as the Director of Energy Policy at the American Action Forum, a D.C. based think-tank focusing on economic, domestic, and fiscal policy issues. Kimberly was raised in Fairbanks, Alaska and currently resides in Washington D.C. 6. Subcontracting Services. Not Applicable. 7. Disclosures. Kiley & Associates has no significant or ongoing agreement failures, nor civil or criminal litigation pending within the last five (5) years (or ever). There is no negative information to disclose nor negative history. 8. Acknowledtement of Insurance Requirements. (Attachment 2) 9. Non -collusion Affidavit. (Attachment 3) 10. Acknowledtement of Addenda. (Attachment 4) Additional Information. Resumes attached. 10 f Q.a K& CA It(7iiNlA ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT if confirm tha" Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the prop6sal t �lscor/a�CS (Name) hereby acknowledge and (Company) has reviewed the City -'s indemnification and Minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement dor Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and indorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am F 16 ?j7 de n cl::7 of I �C �/ 'r Iq.S'.r�G/a'ft1' 'I (Company) r Page 11 of 14 Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000.,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: Genera! Liability Additions! Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory ommerCial Auto Liability (at leash as broad as ISS CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) (girej acc*s qpvt nor►-oe� ar,�4.�r sal . ACJ, ri�lF� Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable to/ rrors,and omissions Liability $1,FOOO,000 aper claim and aggregate Worker's Compensation aper statutory requirements} .0000001 Must include the following�ndarsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation VeOOPF Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sale Proprietor if applicable cyber Liability/Technology errors and emissions Liability $1,000,000 (per occurrence/loss Page 11 of 14 CAHFORMA ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Mush be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal if yregorc/ /CilN I am reln:wl of (Name) hereby declare as follows: 4/ - e / �- 14jx (Title) -F (tompaiay) r the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not mads in the interest of4F or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership,, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put, in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, soughs by agreement., communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the fixproposer or any other proposerf or to any overhead, profit., or cast element of the price, or of that �any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposes agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof. or divulsed information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay,. any f proposal depo proposal. tee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, arganizaLion, sitonr, or to anv member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham I declare under penalty of perjurer under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, A I AN _ Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: AddrE 55 0 V 7reAory jel / d, e4 t 44Tqrvci�er 3& Page 12 of 14 7).010-6, 2'06D3 ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Mush be executed 6y proposer and submitted with the propo,§al; if no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT w Lof Page 13 of 14 GREGORY T. KILEY 636 NORTH CAROLINA AVE, SE WASHINGTON, DC 20003 (202) 544-6897 GKILEYC&KILEYASSOCIATES.ORG; GREGORY.KILEY(&GMAIL.COM SUMMARY Overall, thirty-nine years experience working in the national security and defense arena. Past ten years consulting on wide range of national security issues, including economic operations in conflict zones, space, shipbuilding, industrial policy, and US Asia Pacific strategy. Six years in the US Senate coordinating legislative oversight on defense budgets and policy covering aviation, financial management, military depot operations, and information technology programs. Three years as an analyst at the Congressional Budget Office analyzing, evaluating, and writing government reports on defense budgets. Fifteen years as a flight commander, pilot, and maintenance officer for the US Air Force. Recognized critical thinker and communicator, with award-winning presentation and writing skills. ACCOMPLISHMENTS LEADERSHIP In the military held increasing positions of leadership and responsibility, culminating as Maintenance Supervisor of 280 personnel for the US Air Force's Presidential VIP fleet of aircraft and as the Senior Pilot and Flight Commander during wartime operations in Europe and Southwest Asia. In the Senate, rose to Staff Lead of two subcommittees of the Senate Armed Services Committee, managing staffs of highly qualified experts supporting US Congressional leadership. President of a business development consulting firm, doubling growth the past in 12 months. POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT Developed and recommended policy on a wide range of Department of Defense programs and budget issues for the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC). Coordinated SASC oversight activities for all Department of Defense aviation, financial management, information technology, and sustainment policy, with associated weapons systems and programs. As the SASC budget analyst, responsible for oversight of the annual defense budget. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Developed and drafted legislation reforming the Department of Defense business transformation efforts. Authored a report examining the defense budget, entitled The Long- term Implications of Current Defense Plans, published by the Congressional Budget Office. Authored reports with the Center for International Security Studies on Space, Shipbuilding, Asia-Pacific Strategy. Also, lectured on Congress and the Defense Budget at military war colleges, civilian universities, and industry associations. 1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PRESIDENT 2009 - PRESENT Kiley & Associates LLC, Washington, DC Kiley & Associates is a Washington, DC -based business development and Federal and state policy development and advocacy firm assisting clients from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies. SENIOR ASSOCIATE 2009-2012 Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC Focus areas include aviation, economics, sustainment policy, and the industrial base. Authored several reports and presentations on the defense industrial base, including those on space, shipbuilding, and aviation. Most recent project completed in September 2012 was for the Department of Defense evaluating US military force posture in the Asia Pacific region. PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBER- COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES 2003-2009 United States Senate, Washington, DC Principal advisor to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on the defense budget. Staff Lead for two subcommittees, focusing on aviation, financial management, readiness, and information technology programs of the Department of Defense. Prepared legislation and wrote sections of the annual National Defense Authorization Act and accompanying reports. Supported the Chairman and other Members during annual Congressional hearings and nomination proceedings. PRINCIPAL ANALYST - NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION 1999-2003 Congressional Budget Office, Washington, DC Analyzed and evaluated budget, logistics processes, and state of readiness of the Department of Defense. Briefed Congressional staff, and prepared testimony for Congressional hearings. Twice, authored reports earning distinction at the CBO as award winning papers of the year. FLIGHT COMMANDER, PILOT, AND MAINTENANCE OFFICER - US AIR FORCE 1984-1999 United Sates Air Force, Andrews AFB, MD; Yokota AB, Japan; Pope AFB, NC As a flight commander, responsible for training, development, and readiness of 30 personnel. Planned and conducted military operations in Bosnia and the Persian Gulf. Served as maintenance supervisor responsible for all off -aircraft maintenance of Air Force One and a VIP fleet of 17 aircraft. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1999-2003 Seminar,XM Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2002-2003) MASTER OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 1988-1990 National Security Studies University of Maryland BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 1984-1988 Economics and History United States Air Force Academy AWARDS AND RATINGS Aeronautical Ratings: Civilian -- Commercial Pilot; Military -- Senior Pilot; 2500 flying hours. Security Clearance: Top Secret — updated May 2011. 01 Kimberly J. VanWyhe 1111 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington D.C. 200031 917-678-0130 kvanwyhenkileyassociates. org GLOBAL MANAGEMENT/ENERGY CONSULTING PROFESSIONAL -Global and Domestic Energy Policy -Strategic Planning -Multi-Cultural Team Experience -Political Risk Management • Government Relations PROFESSIONAL EXPEREINCE Kiley & Associates- Vice President Washington, DC: December 2017 -Present • Works with domestic and international clients on a broad number of issues including defense, aerospace, energy, natural resources and telecommunication. • Focuses on business development and policy and strategy development. Kiley & Associates provides strategic economic development planning and positioning, business and product development, market penetration, Congressional and U.S. military situational awareness, due diligence, and M&A strategies. • Advises local, state and federal entities as well as the private sector on issues including domestic infrastructure and electrical grids, cyber security and renewable energy potential. • Assists clients in securing funds through NDAA, omnibus and other vehicles as well as crafting and successfully inserting bill language. UCAN Power- Founding Principal Washington, DC: 2021- Present • Works with the United Coalition of Advanced Nuclear Power to educate, promote, and advocate for policies to accelerate the development of advanced reactor technologies to meet global electricity demands, provide process heat for industrial applications, support national defense requirements, provide power and propulsion for space operations, produce medical isotopes and meet other commercial, military and government needs. Building Cyber Security- Director of Public Policy Washington, DC: 2019- Present • Works with BCS to lead cyber physical standards through education, certifications, labeling authority and cross ecosystem engagement and collaboration to advance the physical and safety in public and private sectors. Center for Audit Quality- Director of Global Stakeholder Engagement Washington, DC: September 2017- September 2018 • The Center for Audit Quality focuses on enhancing investor confidence and public trust in the global capital markets. Was responsible for engaging and collaborating with the international arm of small, medium and large accounting associations and working with their corporate governance to advance and promote international standards. • Performed strategic outreach, organized events, and cultivated partnerships with stakeholders across the global spectrum of the capital markets supply chain. • Selected as a member of the Federal Legislative Task that focused on global and domestic legislative policy as it pertains to tax reform and accounting policy; also selected as a member of the Emerging Technologies Task Force that seeks to inform the SEC on crypto currency applications. American Action Forum- Director of Energy Policy Washington, DC: May 2015 -September 2017 • Oversaw AAF's energy program that seeks to help lawmakers, stakeholders, coalition partners and the policy community make informed decisions about all areas of energy policy. • Developed pro -growth energy policy through research and relationship building with key influencers of domestic energy including legislative and executive branch members and staff, trade groups and associations, and both public and private stakeholders. • Cultivated relationships with AAF stakeholders (private donors) to advance specific areas of energy policy that is client specific. Targeted stakeholder groups and personalizes educational tools and research to guide policy. • *Continue to serve as an outside energy expert for AAF. The Cohen Group- Global Business Development Consulting Washington, DC: June 2014 -May 2015 • Provided global market entry strategy and business development solutions for a broad number of clients with a focus on energy, defense, healthcare, education, aerospace and security. • Conducted political analysis with regards to impact on business and country development. • Analyzed market/budget trends and developed personalized strategies to advance client interests. • Developed and leveraged client relationships. State of Alaska- Legislative Aide Juneau/Fairbanks, Alaska- January 2011 -January 2013 • Drafted a $242 million fiscal budget for the city of Fairbanks, AK. Total Capital Budget for Alaska was $3.36 billion in FYI 2. • Held daily meetings with lobbyists, union groups and constituents consulting them on budgetary issues. Worked on three committees; Labor & Commerce, Judiciary and Natural resources, as well as four Finance subcommittees; Revenue, Public Safety, Education and Natural Resources. • Analyzed, edited and revised legislative bills, amendments and hearing documents. Focused on Senate Bill 192, a bill aimed at oil and gas production tax rates. Also reviewed oil and gas decoupling tax issues. Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senate Campaign- Regional Campaign Manager May 2010 -December 2010 • Organized fundraisers with dollar amounts between $1OK and $30K per event, debates, group coordination efforts. Handled all donations, press, advertising, traveling and media events for the region. • Created a strategy in an effort to personalize the region by using distinctive identifying factors of the area. • Oversaw all financial and monetary responsibilities for the region including donations, contributions and Political Action Committee monies. Jayson Braude, Esq. 301 H Street NE, Washington DC, 20002 • (562) 818-6646 • JaysonBraude@gmail.com EXPERIENCE KILEY & ASSOCIATES, Washington, D.C. Chief Counsel, November 2019 — Present • Engage with and advocate for a dozen city clients from California. • Assist clients with numerous federal funding project resulting in millions of dollars for local governments. • Provide ongoing support to help cities navigate the federal government and help them work closely with the White House and Members of House and Senate. SMITH DAWSON & ANDREWS, Washington, D.C. Counsel, October 2017 — November 2019 • Organized, researched and advocated for multiple clients related to transportation and ports. • Planned and organized Congressional events and meetings on Capitol Hill for California-based clients. • Helped clients increase their presence with Members of Congress, Congressional Committees and agencies. United States Congresswoman Nanette Barragan, San Pedro, CA District Director, January — April 2017 • Managed all aspects of the opening and operations of the Congressional District's five offices. • Hired and supervised six Congressional District staff members. • Planned, directed and executed multiple large scale events on behalf of the Congresswoman. • Organized strategic planning, including helping build coalitions of community leaders and stakeholders. United States Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Washington, DC Legislative Counsel, December 2015 — January 2017 • Managed Congressional legislation related to transportation, healthcare, water, housing and legal matters. • Staffed the Congresswoman on the House Transportation & Infrastructure and Small Business Committees. • Prepared committee statements, vote recommendations and amendments for hearings and mark-ups. • Helped secure $14 million for a major Army Corps of Engineers ports project in the District. • Worked closely with executives from the Los Angeles Dodgers, Time Warner Cable, Frontier Communications, Department of Justice and the FCC to resolve television blackout of Dodger games. Law Offices of Evan Anderson Braude, San Pedro, CA Law Clerk, March 2013 — November 2015 • Performed client intake, research and case preparation. • Researched case law and wrote legal motions. Los Angeles City Attorney's Office Civil Liability Division, Los Angeles, CA Law Clerk, May 2012 — January 2013 • Appeared and participated in legal depositions. • Represented the City Attorney's Office at Los Angeles City Council Meetings. • Researched state statutes and wrote legal opinions. Los Angeles City Attorney's Office Criminal Central Trials Division, Los Angeles, CA Law Clerk, January — May 2012 • Appeared in court as a certified law student on behalf of the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office. • Researched and drafted memoranda for procedural and evidentiary issues. • Conducted interviews of victims, witnesses and police officers. United States Senator Sherrod Brown, Washington, DC Constituent Services & Intern Supervisor, January — December 2007 • Served as liaison between constituents and the Federal Government. • Prepared constituent correspondence to address and clarify issues currently before Congress. • Hired and supervised 12 interns each semester, assigned tasks for interns and ensured their completion. • Organized tours for constituents of the White House, Library of Congress and United States Capitol. EDUCATION Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, CA, Juris Doctor University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science; Minor, History Admitted to practice law at the Federal level and in Washington.