NV5, Inc - Cost ProposalFEE PROPOSAL N V CITY OF LA QUINTA VILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT PrincipallDirector Managing Principal Project Manager 3 Project Coordinator 2 Senior Designer Designer 2 HR GREEN (Director) WORK DESCRIPTION Jeffrey M Cooper Gregg Butsko Oscar Lazaro Patty Nadeau Jennifer Shah Chris Beeman Mike Hall Tim Jonasson TOTAL $260 $206 $170 $127 $170 $159 $250 FEE HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS $ HOURS S HOURS $ HOURS S HOURS $ Task 1 -Current Planning Level Dry Util ty Cost Estimate Upd 4 $1,040 90 $18,540 20 $3,400 30 $3,810 15 $2,550 $0 $0 $29,340 Task 2-Phasing Plan - Areal 12 $3,120 30 $6,180 10 $1,700 10 $1,270 15 $2,550 8 $1,272 8 $2,000 $18,092 Task 3 - Identify Special Construction Practices 12 $3,120 25 $5,150 10 $1,700 10 $1,270 15 $2,550 $0 $0 Task 4 - City Council Sessions / Findings 12 $3,120 14 $2,884 5 $850 5 $635 $0 $0 6 $13,790 Task 5 - Stake Holder Meetings 20 $5,200 30 $6,180 8 $1,360 8 $1,016 $0 $0 $1,500 18 $4,500 $8,989 $18,256 Task 6 - Project Development Team Meetings 20 $5,200 20 $4,120 4 $680 4 $508 $0 $0 Other Miscellaneous Expenses $0 $10,508 $1,000 Subtotal BO $20,800 1 209 $43,054 1 57 $9,6� 67 $8,509 --45j $7,650 B :1�,2732 $8,000 $99,975 Fee Schedule Rates are effective through the initial term of the contract. If contract assignment extends beyond that date, NV5 may request a rate increase. N V 5 ENGINEERING SERVICES HOURLY RATE** Principal/Director (Jeffrey M. Cooper) $260 Managing Principal (Gregg Butsko, Oscar Lazaro) $206 Project Manager 3 (Patty Nadeau) $170 Project Coordinator 2 (Jennifer Shah) $127 Senior Designer (Chris Beeman) $170 Designer 2 (Mike Hall) $159 HR Green Director (Tim Jonasson) $250 ADDITIONAL SERVICES* HOURLY RATE** Assessment Engineer $260 Design Reviewer $225 Project Analyst/CAD Designer $125 Construction Manager $185 Construction Inspector $145 Project Administration $105 *NV5 offers a wide range of complementary services that may be desired by the City for it's utility undergrounding projects, including design review, assessment engineering, project management, and construction management and inspection services. Cost proposals for these various complementary services can be provided upon request, according to the hourly rates outlined above, with the total cost depending on the scope and size of the project. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES COST Reproduction Cost Consultant Services Cost + 15°/ Automobile Transportation Delivery, Freight, Courier Agency Fees Commercial Travel 0 per IRS standard Cost Cost Cost ** Regular rates. Work in excess of 8 hours and work on Saturdays will be billed at 1.5 times the regular rate. Work in excess of 12 hours and work on Sundays and Holidays will be billed at 2 times the regular rate.