2019-11-12 MP2019-0004 Completeness ReviewNovember 12, 2019
Mr. Garrett Simon
CM Wave Development LLC
2440 Junction Place, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301
ZONE CHANGE 2019-0004
SPECIFIC PLAN 2019-0003 (AMENDMENT 5 TO SP 03-067)
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2019-0005 (TTM 37815)
Dear Mr. Simon,
On October 22, 2019, the City of La Quinta received applications for a General Plan Amendment,
Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment and Tentative Tract Map for the Wave project, also
referred to as Andalusia West. The case numbers assigned to the project are provided above,
including a Master Project assignment of MP2019-0004.
The first step in the City’s development application review process is to determine if your
application meets the minimum requirements for processing. These requirements are listed and
described in the application form you signed and submitted as part of your application packet.
Unless specifically waived, each item listed on the application form, in the manner described, is
required to determine your application complete and acceptable for processing. In review of the
submitted applications, it is determined that they are incomplete at this time. This
determination is conditioned on your having submitted these items consistent with the minimum
required contents of each item as described in the application packet. If during the processing
of the application it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or
contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and
the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Design and Development
Director’s judgement, an unreasonable delay and may result in a suspension of processing time
limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15109.
In order to be determined complete, the following revisions or additional materials are required:
1. The General Plan Amendment is proposed to be to a Specific Plan designation. The
Specific Plan in La Quinta is a permit, not a land use designation. The General Plan
Amendment must be revised to provide General Plan land use designations, in this case
Low Density Residential, General Commercial, Tourist Commercial and Open Space –
Recreation. Please consult the City’s General Plan Land Use Map, available on-line, and
resubmit the correct exhibit.
2. The Zone Change is proposed to be to a Specific Plan designation. The Specif ic Plan in La
Quinta is a permit, not a zoning designation. The Zone Change must be revised to provide
zoning designations, in this case Low Density Residential, General Commercial, Tourist
Commercial and Open Space – Recreation. Please consult the Zoning Map, available on-
line, and resubmit the correct exhibit.
3. The Tentative Tract Map application is incomplete, and requires the following submittals:
a. Draft Hydrology Study
b. Draft Water Quality Management Plan
c. Traffic Impact Analysis
d. Preliminary Landscape Plan
e. Preliminary Grading Plan
f. Preliminary Geotechnical Study
4. The Environmental Assessment submittal is incomplete, and requires the following
a. Draft Initial Study
b. Air Quality and GHG Study
c. Noise Impact Analysis
d. Traffic Impact Analysis
e. Water Supply Assessment
f. Cultural Resources Study
g. Paleontological Resources Study
h. Biological Resources Study
When these materials are received, the City will re -initiate a completeness review. Once the
applications are complete, the applications will be distributed to City departments and public
agencies for comment.
If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact me at
ncriste@terranovaplanning.com, and/or at (760) 777-7132 or (760) 341-4800.
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner