2020-07-30 Coral Mtn IID Comment Ltr~yf 11D
/ /l cc.:11/wy (J scr11icl'.
July 30, 2020
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner
Design and Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta , California 92253
SUBJECT: Coral Mountain Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map in La Quinta , CA
Dear Ms. Sauviat Criste:
www .iid.co m
~if ICC f 9 / f
On July 8, 2020 , the Imperial Irrigation District received from the City of La Quinta Design and
Development Department , a request for agency comments on the Coral Mountain Specific Plan
and Tentative Tract Map. The applicant, CM Wave Development, LLC; proposes the development
of approximately 385 acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street in
la Quinta, California (APNs 764-200-076 , 764-210-007, -028 , -029; 766-070-003 , -006, -012, -
014; and 766-080-001 , -002 , -004 & -005) to build 600 residential units, 150 hotel rooms , 60 ,000
square feet of commercial space, and a 15-acre surf/wave pool.
The Imperial Irrigation District has reviewed the project information and, in addition to the district's
May 26, 2020 Will Serve Letter (see attached letter), has the follow ing comments :
1. IID will not begin any studies, engineering or estimate costs to provide electrical service
to the project until the applicant submits a customer project application (available at
http ://www.iid .com/home/showdocument?id=12923 , detailed loading information, panel
sizes, project schedule and estimated in-service date .
2 . The district's ability to provide service from existing infrastructure is based on currently
available capacity, consequently, the applicant should be advised that due to development
activities not known to IID as of the date , other projects could impact existing resources ,
which may affect If D's ability to serve the project 's load if the build-out and accompanying
mitigations described herein are not completed in a timely manner.
3. IID Developer's Guide is available for download at the district website
https ://www .iid .com/home/showdocument?id = 14229).
4 . For add itional information regarding electrical service for the development area , the
applicant should be advised to contact the IID Energy -La Quinta Division Customer
Operations, 81-600 Avenue 58 La Quinta, CA 92253, at (760) 398-5841 and speak with
the project deveopment planner assigned to the area .
5 . It is important to note that IID's policy is to extend its electrical facilities only to those
developments that have obtained the approval of a city or county planning commission
1/vlPEl<IAI IRRICi\f 101'-I DISTRICT , PO BOX 93 7 , liv\PERIAI., CA 922S I
Nicole Sauviat Criste
July 30, 2020
Page 2
and such other governmental authority or decision-making body having jurisdiction over
said developments.
6 . The applicant will be required to provide rights-of-way and easements for any power line
extensions and overhead or underground infrastructure needed to serve the project.
7. 110 Regulations governing line extensions can be found at:
No. 2 (http ://www . i id. com/home/showdocument?id =2540),
No. 13 (htt p://www .iid.com/home/showdocument?id =2553),
No . 15 (http ://www .iid.com/home/showdocument?id=2555),
No. 20 (http://www .iid.com/home/showdocument?id=2560) and
No . 23 (htt ps ://www .iid .com/home/s howdocument?id= 17897).
8. 110 encroachment permit application and instructions for its completion are available at
http://www . iid . com/departmen t s/rea I-estate.
9 . Relocation of existing 110 facilities to accommodate the project and/or to accommodate
street widening improvements imposed by the City will be deemed project-driven and all
costs , as well as securing of rights of way and easements for relocated facilities, shall be
borne by the applicant. 110 requires the dedication of public utility easements over all
private and public roads and an additional ten (10) feet in width on both side of these roads
for the construction, operation and maintenance of its electrical infrastructure .
10. Applicant should be advised that landscaping can be dangerous if items are planted too
close to IID's electrical equipment. In the event of an outage, or equipment failure, it is
vital that 110 personnel have immediate and safe access to its equipment to make the
needed repairs . For public safety, and that of the electrical workers, it is important to
adhere to standards that limit landscaping around electrical facilities. 110 landscaping
guidelines are available at https ://www .iid .com/energy/vegetat ion-management.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 482-3609 or at
dvargas@iid .com. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter.
Donald Vargas
Compliance Administrator II
Enrique B. Martinez -
Mike Pacheco - Manager, Water Dept.
Marilyn Del Bosque Gilbert - Manager, Energy Dept.
Sandra Blain -
, Energy Dept.,
Charles Berry-Mgr .. Energy Dept , Distr Serv ices & Maintenance Operations
Enrfque De Leon -Asst Mgr., Energy Dept., Dlstr ., Planning, Eng. & Custome r Service
Jesus Martinez -Engineer Principal, Energy Dept., Trans mission Planning
Jamie Asbury -Asst. General Counsel ·
Vance Taylor - Asst. General Counsel
Michael P. Kemp -Superint endent, Regulatory & Environmental Compliance
Laura Cervantes -Supe rvisor, Real Estate
A century of service.
May 26, 2020
Garrett Simon
Meriwether Companies
2440 Junction Place, Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301
Subject: Amended Will Serve Letter for Andalusia West Tract at Coral Mountain dated
April 12, 2019.
Dear Mr. Simon:
This letter is in response to your correspondence dated December 13, 2019 requesting
an amendment to that certain Will Serve Letter for your project, consisting of 377 acres
and referenced as Andalusia at Coral Mountain, located between 58th Avenue, Madison
Street, 60th Avenue and the Coral Mountains in the City of La Quinta. For purpose of this
Will Serve Letter, the project is as described on Attachment A, appended to this letter.
The Imperial Irrigation District (11D) has a policy to extend its electrical facilities to
developments that have obtained approval from the City or County Planning Commission
or such other governmental authority having jurisdiction over said developments.
Based on the preliminary information provided to the IID by the Meriwether Company,
and as a result of the completion of the loading and feasibility study to serve the area of
Avenue 58, Avenue 60 and Madison Street, 110 has preliminarily concluded that it can
extend electrical facilities to serve your project under the conditions as set forth herein. A
detailed and final study will be developed once a Customer Service Proposal (CSP) and
additional loading information is received. This data and information will allow 110 to
perform an accurate assessment of any potential impacts and mitigations. Please note,
the conditions of service could change as a result of the additional studies. In addition, a
full impact study will need to be completed in order to confirm that there will be no
additional upgrades/requirements once CSP applications are received. Please note the
full impact study will include detailed loading when assessing your project load along with
queued generation projects at that time.
Based on the analysis conducted to date, 110 offers the following Plan of Service:
May 26, 2020
Page 2
I. Interim Plan of Service for Phase 1 (see description of Phase 1 as referenced
on Attachment A): 6.22 MW Total (5.5 MW -Construction schedule by Q1
2021 Q2 2022-Wave Park, and well site-0.72 MW):
1. It is anticipated that the additional power load requirement of the proposed
project Phase 1 with 6.22 MW connected load will require a new
feeder/backbone (conduit, cable} line extension from Avenue 58 substation
existing facilities to your development. In addition to backbone extension
required for circuits reconfiguration and cascade load transference. Please
note, any deviation from the proponent's project plan regarding loading and
schedule for Phase 1 will require a new study and a revised Plan of Service.
This work would be conducted by 11D at the developer's expense.
2. Developer will be required to install a double conduit/vault system from
Avenue 58 substation new bank to your development for a minimum of six
feeders. The proposed route for this system is planned to come out from
Avenue 58 substation, cross Avenue 58 and continue on the south side of
Avenue 58 going west all the way to your development. This conduit system
will be required to be in place prior to extending the new feeder/backbone
line extension (conduit, cable) from Avenue 58 substation new breaker to
your development to serve Phase 1.
3. Developer shall bear all costs associated with the construction of any
additional facilities needed including conduit/vault systems, the backbone
feeders/distribution overhead and/or underground line extensions and
upgrades needed to extend electrical service to the proposed development.
Additional requirements may be necessary, such as environmental
compliance documentation, landscaping (if required by the City or County),
all rights-of-way and easements for the substation, transmission and
distribution line extensions and conduit systems, all of which are at the
expense of the developer.
4. Underground infrastructure that includes trenching, conduits, pull boxes,
switch boxes and pads should be installed by the developer at its expense
following 110 approved plans. Physical field installation of underground
infrastructures should be verified and approved by an 11D inspector prior to
cable installation pursuant to the 11D Developer's Guide. Additional
requirements may be necessary, such as environmental compliance
May 26, 2020
Page 3
documentation, and all rights-of-way and easements for the distribution line
extensions and underground infrastructure are at the expense of the
II. Permanent Plan of Service for Remaining of Phase 1 and Phase 2
For remaining of Phase 1 (see description of Phase 1 as referenced on
Attachment A) -Construction schedules from Q1 2021 to Q2 2022: 3.3 MW
Total (Hotel-1.45 MW, Club Outdoor-
MW, Resort Residential-0.75 MW and Residential-0.75 MW).
For Phase 2 (see description of Phase 2 as referenced on Attachment A)-
Q1 2023 to Q3 2024: 2.72 MW Total (Club Outdoor-
1.024 MW, Residential 0.75 MW and well site-
1. Based on preliminary additional power requirements submitted of the
proposed project for the remaining of Phase 1 and Phase 2 or subsequent
phases will require the installation and addition of a new Distribution
Substation 1-40 MVA transformer bank 92/13.2 kV at existing Avenue 58
substation, including the 92 kV transmission lines reconfiguration, and all
bank addition infrastructure.
2. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation,
landscaping (if required by the City or County), all rights-of-way and
easements for the substation, transmission and distribution line extensions,
all of which are at the expense of the developer. The developer shall bear
the cost of the substation infrastructure to serve the project but would be
reimbursed for any oversizing required, subject to approval by the 110 Board
of Directors.
3. Developer(s) shall bear all costs associated with the construction of any
additional facilities needed including the addition of a 1-40 MVA
transformer, new substation facilities and infrastructure, transmission line
extensions/reconfiguration, distribution feeder breakers, feeder backbones
and distribution overhead and/ or underground line extensions and
upgrades needed to extend electrical service to the proposed development.
4. For Phase 2 and as part of the new substation transformer implementation,
a minimum of two (2} feeders and associated backbone cable/terminations
May 26, 2020
from Avenue 58 substation to the proposed development load centers are
required, all which are at the expense of the developer.
5. Please be aware that pursuant to 11D process, , the standard time frame for
the implementation of a new substation transformer (engineering,
equipment procurement and construction) requires a minimum of 18
months. As a result, Developer should adjust its project in service dates
accordingly. The procurement of the new substation banks would start upon
receipt of the Customer Service Proposal for the substation bank acquisition
including payment for the full cost of the required equipment.
Ill. Permanent Plan of Service for Phase 3 (see description of Phase 3 as
referenced on Attachment A) -Construction schedules from Q1 2025 to
Q4 2026: 2.97 MW Total (Residential-2.25 MW and well site-
1. For Phase 3 and as part of the new substation transformer implementation,
a minimum of one (1) feeder and associated backbone cable/terminations
from Avenue 58 substation to the proposed development load centers are
required, all which are at the expense of the Developer.
2. Additional requirements deemed necessary, such as environmental
compliance documentation, landscaping (if required by the City or County),
all rights-of-way and easements for the substation, transmission and
distribution line extensions, all of which are at the expense of the developer.
IV. Permanent Plan of Service for Phase 4 (see description of Phase 4 as
referenced on Attachment A) • Construction schedules from Q1 2027 to
Q4 2028: 2.25 MW Residential.
1. For Phase 4 and as part of the new substation transformer implementation,
a minimum of one (1) feeder and associated backbone cable/terminations
from Avenue 58 substation to the proposed development load centers are
required, all which are at the expense of the developer.
2. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation,
landscaping (if required by the City or County), all rights-of-way and
easements for the substation, transmission and distribution line exte11sions,
all of which are at the expense of the developer.
May 26, 2020
Page 5
V. Permanent Plan of Service for Remaining of Phase 5 (see description of
Phase 5 as referenced on Attachment A) -Construction schedules from
Q1 2029 to Q4 2030: 2.25 MW Residential.
1. For Phase 5 and as part of the new substation transformer implementation,
a minimum of one (1) feeder and associated backbone cable/terminations
from Avenue 58 substation to the proposed development load centers are
required, all which are at the expense of the Developer.
2. Additional requirements such as environmental compliance documentation,
landscaping (if required by the City or County), all rights-of-way and
easements for the substation, transmission and distribution line extensions,
all of which are at the expense of the Developer.
3. Line extensions to serve your development will be made in accordance with
11D Regulation No. 15, Regulation No. 2 and Regulation No. 13. The final
cost will be determined once the developer/builder submits a Customer
Service Proposal application and final design is completed.
4. Any construction or operation on 11D property or within its existing and
proposed right of way or easements including but not limited to: surface
improvements such as proposed new streets, driveways, parking lots,
landscape; and all water, sewer, storm water, or any other above ground or
underground utilities; will require an encroachment permit, or encroachment
agreement (depending upon the circumstances). The 11D Real Estate
Section should be contacted at (760) 339-9239 for additional information
regarding encroachment permits or agreements.
5 . Any new, relocated, modified or reconstructed 11D facilities required for and
by the project (which can include but is not limited to electrical utility
substations, electrical transmission and distribution lines, etc.) need to be
included as part of the project's CEQA and/or NEPA documentation,
environmental impact analysis and mitigation. Failure to do so will result in
postponement of any construction and/or modification of 110 facilities until
such time as the environmental documentation is amended and
environmental impacts are fully mitigated. Any and all mitigation necessary
May 26, 2020
as a result of the construction, relocation and/or upgrade of 11D facilities is
the responsibility of the project proponent.
6. Dividing a project into two or more pieces and evaluating each piece in a
separate environmental document (Piecemealing or Segmenting), rather
than evaluating the whole of the project in one environmental document, is
explicitly forbidden by CEQA, because dividing a project into a number of
pieces would allow a Lead Agency to minimize the apparent environmental
impacts of a project by evaluating individual pieces separately, each of
which may have a less-than-significant impact on the environment, but
which together may result in a significant impact. Segmenting a project may
also hinder developing comprehensive mitigation strategies. In general, if
an activity or facility is necessary for the operation of a project, or necessary
to achieve the project objectives, or a reasonably foreseeable consequence
of approving the project, then it should be considered an integral project
component that should be analyzed within the environmental analysis. The
project description should include all project components, including those
that will have to be approved by responsible agencies. The State CEQA
Guidelines define a project under CEQA as "the whole of the action" that
may result either directly or indirectly in physical changes to the
environment. This broad definition is intended to provide the maximum
protection of the environment. CEQA case law has established general
principles on project segmentation for different project types. For a project
requiring construction of offsite infrastructure, the offsite infrastructure must
be included in the project description. San Joaquin Raptor/Wildlife Rescue
Center v. County of Stanislaus (1994) 27 Cal.App. 4th 713.
7. Developer(s) shall bear all costs associated with the construction of any
additional facilities needed including the new substation facilities,
transmission line extensions or upgrades, distribution feeder breakers,
feeder backbones and distribution overhead and/ or underground line
extensions and upgrades needed to extend electrical service to the
proposed development.
Please be advised that due to development activities not known to 110 as of the date of
this letter, other projects could impact existing resources which may 11D's ability to serve
this load, if the build out and accompanying mitigations are not completed in a timely
May 26, 2020
In order to move Phase 1 of the project (as described above) forward, not later than
September 15, 2020, you must provide the following documentation to 11D:
1) Evidence of issuance of all local authorizations required to initiate construction;
2) Application for service and payment of accompanying fees.
Absent receipt of the required documentation not later than September 15, 2020, this will
advise that a new study will be required that includes a revised Plan of Service. For the
avoidance of ambiguity, similar information will be required for future phases of the
project, at the appropriate time and you should plan on submitting the information well in
advance of any required in-service date to ensure sufficient time for procurement and
The plans submitted by Developer envision a phased-in project to be constructed over
multiple years. This letter sets forth the requirements for each of the phases identified by
the Developer. 11D has identified necessary upgrades and infrastructure required to serve
the phases identified. It is likely that changes to the infrastructure will be required should
the phases not proceed as originally contemplated. For avoidance of ambiguity, this letter
is a commitment for Phase 1 only; additional phases are likely to require new studies and
additional or different mitigations.If you have any questions, please contact Jose Gerardo
at (760) 398-5823. We look forward to working closely with you to facilitate the success
of your project.
Sincerely, /
Superintendent, Distribution System Planning and Engineering
cc : Enrique De Leon, Assistant Manager, Energy Department
Jose Gerardo, Supervisor, Customer Project Development Services
Donald Vargas, Compliance Adminlstrator
S11bjec1: West Tract Power Requirement Memo
To: Joe Gerardo -
District, Energ)' Dms1on -
CC: Trnvis i\fasron & h ·an Lope z -Imperial lrrigntion District, Energy Dtnsion • Coachella
Meriwether Companies
December 13, 2019
Executive Summary
111c foUow1ng memo is incended 10 seek guidance from the lmpcrinl lrngnuon Distnct (11D) on the nb1ltt~· to
pro,·ide power to a proposed future dl.0Yclopme11t. ll1e pro1cct site is the western most 377 ncres of Andalusia
at Coral i\lo11nt:1in, located between 58 111 Annuc, i\lad1s011 Street, 60•1• Avenue and the Coral l\lountains in La
Quinta, as shown in the map below (referred to as the "West Tract").
111e \X"est Tract i; Yacant, former agnculn1cal land . The cmrcntly appco,·cd Cor:1l l\Iount.11n Specific Plan
from 2003 (03 -067) :11lows for 1,400 homes :md two 18-holc golf courses across J\ndalusm's 900+ acres ,\
maximum of 650 ho mes and one golf courn: an: planned i.::i~c of i\lad1son Street, with the remaining ~50
homes conc c mplnted fo r the \X1est Tract equ:icing to no increase 1n m·erall density.
Incluclcd wnh the .1bovc noted dens1t.y, our project propose ~ a hotel wtth supporting commercial and ,1mernty
space :ind a unique water fcatun;.
Proposed Program -Further detail atlached
• 150 room resort hotel wJth assocmted amenities (pool, spa, restaurants, retail, mccung rooms, etc);
• 600 re sidential units ;
• Club amenities including a 9-holc golf course, tennis courts and trail system;
• Water Feature Amenity that will ha,·e its own consistent power requ1remcnt of 5.5 mw, sensiun: to
flicker or tluctu:inon .
The purpose of this memo and appltcauon 1s to rect:1\·e a \\'ill Sen e Letter and determine whether the LID
can supph-clectncit:y to thc \'\'c,c Tract proiect from its existing mfrastrucrurc 1f expanded or upgraded
!\lore speetficall y we would request feedback on the folio\\ mg:
I) Confirm current ava1hblc capac11:) in the exisung A\ enue 58 sub,tation
2) Confirm potenual to upgrade the ex1sung .\,\·cnuc 58 subs ration and chc amount of capacity that
would be .wailablc .
3) \'\'hat off or on Site i.mpro\·cments exclu<lmg more trad1t1onal scr-.·1ce lines and transformers will be
required and an estunatcd cost~
4) Requirements for anr dedicated land on sttc.: regardless of substation loc:iuon .
\Ve look fonrnrd to workmg togtthcr and ~pprectatc your assistance
Garrett Simon
Meriwether Companies
Bout .DF.11.. CO -Los ANce:Lf.s. CA
1nf1,@mer1wetherco.com , meriwctlierco.com
Map and Location
La Quinta
,nJo@meriwelherco.com ... meriwetherco.com
1nJo@meriwetherco.com • meriwetherco.com
Coral Mountain Wave Resort Electrical Load Estimate ....... ~"dP'" Tot.alOCffWld Cmmaled "-'lel•f (M.t~ed'M&~ ToUIAn\flsM tat~AmPl•l .. .. , .. lhuldtDI IR(csi'l'a,edPr.a• per ~ s,.i, P,..tiued $Quite ~•nUly Mct.,'l•WJ jkW) Dnn,ind F.a,c10r Dem•ndl•WJ 240V/1P ,aaV/lP pnbu,ldinid Gllr&1ny1 BuildinslkWI EU118'1'd PnkjlW) lj01!1:.~H/~ I 1,821 0 1,123 0 08 l,4S.B 4 1,755 ,1,u5 Hald J,3<14.45 CU!OUTOOOI I 51-0U §:S.00 o• •4110 529 a,u81HOOOA I 1.181) llil l.~.O OS l,D)~ 0 1,232 25,600 MSC I~ 5 lJ 6 1610 oa 1)44 161 llt50!IT~£!10DmAI. 100 300 l,000.0 05 l,'5DO.O &,250 2,100 nn 1,0.14 O iifjsi!IOOiM. 500 300 15 0000 -~ l,500.0 31.250 3,443 !4.10 . wal.!IIU 3 9000 l.7D00 08 2,160,0 2,5'9 WAVE S \DO 0 I 5,'I00,0 &,619 I To1alDemand 19.72. MW I rocunoin l -O•I• hom R TM AsK><N.les dnni1nd auumpuons l -&lledcff afe-PftteMeof 8G But~fllCWotbwtihrNl bu..td1fl8mdn dtnNnds t:omPMed lo theNEClW dmw,d c.iu.ali1IIQll:I► J , bft,:Y UM:.Alm1,1ly tl11ps //WWW ffllNJYil,U eov/buddan&• A -fl£CSht1p1://www eia 1ov/consumplicR/trMd«1111'/ S .lllt,.Qt11.-vdltt11u1I "'~"den,.1~ buc, ,1.M,he11Mn tlll\d.JJd 1ntdmlial dt'flQ l.(11 tu 10, buK« ~htnott ,J,fll(up,1;;1il1b.-.~lnii••~• •a·folto.-1,lid111C1t'µII w.a1lhow1.lnd"VK••~n.i:,ti1t hOB•dun111• rt\t-dl•
2021 2022 2023 Ql 02 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 A;.451.4' 229 1-34.4 750 750.9· '72(1 .s soo.o Phase 1 (Ql '21 -Q4 '22) Phase2 (Ql '23 -03 '24) Phase3 (Ql '25-04 '26) Phase 4 (01 '27 • Q4 '28 I Phases (Ql '29 •04 '30) Total Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 _ 220 720 9,532.80 2,714.0 2,970.0 2,250.0 2,250.0 19,716.80 Q3 Q4 ~024-10, 750 2024 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Construction Timeline 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 01 02 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 _ 2,-25010. L 2.,250:0 .. ---. ·2,'l&O.o· . ·-·--,720,