2023-02-08 Stirling, Aneta Ltr to CityFebruary 8th, 2023
John McMillen
City Manager
City of La Quinta
To whom it may concerned,
This is in regard to commercial land that I own within the limits of the city of LaQuinta at the
southeast corner of Washington and Miles (Property tag 020-199 La Quinta, APN 604-630-012
and 604-630-019). There is a pending sale under escrow since October 5th, 2022 (Escrow file #
30093521, opened with Fidelity National Title Escrow). The buyers are Isaac and Ashley Rosales
(All Color Growers LLC). Attached you will find a link for the business plan. The timeline of the
development depends on the timeframe that the buying party and the City's Design and
Development will agree once the sale goes through, and architectural plans are reviewed. The
sale is mostly financed by a bank but the escrow cannot close due to a default imposed by the
city last months. Therefore, I request that the default is lifted so the sale of the commercial lot
moves forward, and the land can be developed.
Sincerely yours,
Aneta Stirling