Community Services Commission Staff Report - Fred Waring Wall Mural (Bloom)City of La Quinta BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 4 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION: September 14, 2020 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TIT' : SELECT AND APPROVE MURAL FOR THE WALL LOCATED ON FRED WARING DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET RECOMMENDATION Select and approve mural for the wall located on Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Community Resources Department distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the City's prequalified artists list for mural designs. • The City received five (5) proposals. • The mural will serve as an entrance monument for the north end of La Quinta. • The addition of a mural North of Highway 111 was identified as a part of the Community Services Commission art opportunities initiative. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost for the mural is $11,000 of which $7,500 will be funded by the North La Quinta Landscape project budget (Account No. 401-0000-60188, Project #151603-CT) and $3,500 from the Art in Public Places Art Purchase budget (Account No. 270-0000-74800). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2019, the Community Services Commission (CSC) initiated a refresh of the Art in Public Places program which included identifying spaces for art opportunities, approval of policies and establishing a list of prequalified artists. Both efforts are intended to secure a diverse and robust art program. The City Completed a landscaping project along Fred Waring Drive (Attachment 1). The project included adding drought -tolerant landscaping and a minor restructuring of the wall. Due to its location and underwhelming appearance, staff identified it as an opportunity to place a mural and meet the Commission's objective. To secure a high -quality mural, D&D appropriated $7,500 and CR supplemented the budget with an additional $3,500 for a total amount of $11,000. On July 22, 2020 an RFP was distributed to the City's prequalified artist list; the proposed artworks (Attachment 2) are specifically designed for La Quinta. The wall is located on a major vehicular thoroughfare where the artwork will be visible to large volumes of people, serve as a cultural asset, enhance the visual experience in La Quinta, North of Hwy 111, and serve as an entrance monument. ALTERNATIVES The Commission may elect not to select any proposals and reopen the RFP. Prepared by: Jaime Torres, Community Resources Analyst Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Wall Photos and Map 2. Proposed Artworks ' 11.1,:%,P,'41 40 i1Y► #i II I ti ;.. -Gonel Mitchell , Pai,g nddleSchool Quick Quack Car Wash ., Bermuda Dunes �!1 _a•`ii rr• Country Clubw-„. . Nursery `• •5outhwest Church,_�i�Fre; Wang;Dr .RFord,r� .t Fred -Waring .,< - �' n Paj �Ssf oo L , 1 m Royale ram w or, '' �ar ixMM.e a oSts ' " Il.•iw IMF 'Country Club - es; deZi 4�>liJu i �a 1.004 d) Wiril000rp 4i La ,�yrk_ Vistali]unes E "�� t Courtyard Hgmes n Miles`Ave-.3—Miles.Ave w Hom" etl Suites �.qt � �^•by,iHikon La guile ` 6. '6- "� hk#MI+1�r'.,S tit •�+•_{ 4t_s�� _+!Inhn'.Gleir nnrNE4 1c11.6*Sc in VVV ��e yY�yVV 1YSI H/INI//Nl11 Miles'Ave - m 111rwu a r i v4ALIJAA:a w 111l1 4r1164 IONS all°111 :07041•1011111111.1 moo, IOW I De OM • Ul i eps.uei Jai. • 1 DO OJ d s u i s e:)s m u e-1 xaj , - ioa[oad 6u!deDspue1 aaud ATTACHMENT 1 Artist Statement of Interest Hungerman — rrastudio24@yahoo.com cj-hungerman.squarespace.com Successful pieces of public art begin with the idea of collaboration. The desire of unity in our community is the base abstract concept I use in all my work. I do this to demonstrate the way all of us can interact with each other as we traverse through the friction of life. The lyrical design, color, or flow of the way humans are constructed at a cellular level is reflected with these organic shapes and vibrant colors. Each person is engineered the same way and turns out unique. We are all different shapes, sizes, and colors. The variety of shapes and colors I use in my work reflect those differences abstractly in each harmonious piece. The content of all my art reaches out with splashes of paint and lines of communication to all. The color choices are fun, uplifting, with an excited feeling of joy and love. When people are happy they gush with jubilant emotions and conversations. I abstractly depict those emotions, ideas, and interactions in my art. There is nothing more satisfying and creative than paring my artistic style and form with the ideas of the commissioning party. The joy of working with others, groups or individuals, has a fantastic effect on the design for the intended space. As you will see in my submitted images I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of different communities. Each opportunity allowed me to create a meaningful piece of art that expressed the desired concept. On some projects I used my abstract art to convey the communities theme in the RFQ and others I was given specific images and icons as in the Abrahamic Center for Cultural Education project to create the design for the space. Other projects like the one I am currently creating for the Bline in Chicago, I work with people and kids from the community. It is a pleasure to interact with people of all professions and backgrounds. I learn new things about different cultures and apply those influences to my art. I utilize stencils and projectors to create the design on the wall. I purchase high quality UV protected paint and UV protected sealers. After the mural is dry I put a final 2-part coat of Anti -Graffiti sealer on the art. If the mural is defaced the damaged area can be fixed simply by cleaning it off with a towel and water or a light cleaner such as Windex. With the Anti -Graffiti sealer on the wall it can be cleaned as often as desired. My goal for this project is to create an original piece of art based on my abstract icons and vibrant colors that will attract people to come in and explore the area. Every time my art is experienced new things are discovered. Miscellaneous art supplies for on site needs = $1000 Travel and Lodging = $3000 On site Insurance if needed = $2000 Scissor Lift Rental =$0 Artist Fee for mural = $2,697.49 Total for paint supplies, travel, lodging, insurance and artist fee =$11,000 All fees are negotiable and supplies can be purchased from local vendors if requested. Two notable examples of my work with large budgets are the Chinatown Library and the Abrahamic Center for Cultural Education. The Chinatown Library was a stipend of $20,500 and completed in 19 days. The Abrahamic Center for Cultural Education commission was $32,000 and completed in 14 days. I utilize stencils and projectors to create the design on the wall. I purchase high quality UV protected paint and UV protected sealers. After the mural is dry I put a final 2-part coat of Anti -Graffiti sealer on the art. If the mural is defaced the damaged area can be fixed simply by cleaning it off with a towel and water or a light cleaner such as Windex. With the Anti -Graffiti sealer on the wall it can be cleaned as often as desired. When I am awarded a commission I will stay on site until it is complete. A wall and pillars the size of this project will take approximately 10 to 15 days depending on weather and if there are any time constraints when I am allowed to be on site. I am completely accessible 24 hours a day when on location. I believe that experiencing art should be a joyful event in order to allow people to be pulled out of their moment and asked to evaluate not only the art but also how it affects them. SprayPlanet Budget- CJ Hungerman rrastudio24@yahoo.com 0 BY MONTANA COLORS iPRAYS MARNEFONS PACKS CAPS ACCESSORIES APPAREL Your Shopping Cart Search rwrne Your shopping Con a 0 t® „.„ .Hungerman Budget page 1 IMAGE PRO DUCT NAME OUANTITY UNIT TO/AL PRICE PRICE I MTN Hordcore Spray Poi nt- Light Blue (HRIf0) 6 2S 5.90 5.35.00 x IMTN Hordcore Spray Paint- Arctic Blue (HRIf29) S 0 55.90 517.700 I MTN Hardware Spray Point- UFO Green(HRV-220) S 52. 5.90 517.70 0 I MTN Hardcore Spray Point- Guacamole Green (HP V- 3 -. 34] 5 5.90 517.70 0 MTN Hordcore Spray Point -Ookay Blue (HRV-264) 62. 55.90 525.40 0 MTN Hordcore Spray Point- Matte White (HRVMotte 6 2White). 55.90 535.40 0 1 MIN Hord core Spray Point- Matte Bloc k{HRVMatte Block? 6 S.5.90 535.40 MTN 94 Spray Point - Lava Orange (AV-i06) 9 5 C 50 519.50 X MTN 94 Spray Saint- Chewing Gun (9RIf192) 3 5 C 50 519.50 X MTN 94 Spray Paint- Blood Red (9BV-116) 6 ` 5 6.50 529.00 X MTNPaintSou 0 `5C50 558.50 0 MTN 94 Spray Paint- Tokyo Pink(BRV-I64) 6 56_50 539.00 X 11 UM 6e spray Pa+4. 11141-‘9 0494n(99V-766) 3 • ss:e Hungerman Budget page 2 616E3 94 MINN spray Print- Venue Keb7(R V-I4) 3 SaiO S 19`13 x 71 MTN 94 Spray Point -Rain Blue(9#V-1B4) 3 • S9.5O S14.63 11 MTN 94 Spray Paint- Fluorescent.0.9n(9RVF 42ke9n) 6 "" S&SC 539A0 k MT119.1SMMy - F114r95P1,1,1 V69U1(9RVF V10114 12 M 5650 S76 3 ▪ MTN 94 Sway Pciltt-fluorescent Fuchsia (9kVF 12 .. Fuchsia) $9.S0 S78pO MTN 94 Spray Paint - Fluorescent ked(9RVI Red) 11 315O S7d0O ▪ MTN 940pfery Point- fl.iemsconldonge(6RIF 11 • 4050 679.00 Orerxeje) 14 MTN 465prcy Point- FiwarRLC6'tt 641low(906F Ydloyy)12 • S950 575 0 0 91 LIM 6a spray Point - Swap (Upon (Spoon. el) '" 6660 3SADO MIN 94 Spray Paint - looms 0,46(9R0-121) ▪ 69.50 636AO MT 94 Spray Paint Stardust (Dray 6 NdO,SO 339.00 1▪ 4 MIX9,1 Spray Pvirt- Podnd Rod (9RV-241) 3 " 5050 519.60 x 14 MIN 946prW Pahl-RPTPM1D Pink(RV-279} 5 y S850 510.60 .. x 'M MTR91 Spray Peid•14hke (90U-9610) D 66.6O 666.6O MTN44 Spray Point - Block (9RV-90R} 4 • SESO 5555O mot would you like to do n061' S➢ECIAt IMied CTICMS FOR 5EI0E06 err S1dPP1NdESTIMATES- TptoL :I = $1,130.70 0 Select All 1.111031Guatd Anllyreffrh Nan-sacrflcial Coating Proles's Against tVultiplo Graffiti Atte icp 5 Gal Inilvond *** i prooun roraw: Su lo:4 Carlo.; FLMOJW F4 RIM, AA4F711.4411F*Pp 1F'.6+1141 C4094.2• MRiiiY4F VFFC NF Wr* 4 MI 10.1 Pr( me-ifruiSp/I+M I.7TIGMi Kafir, la rIIF Pernmell . RPi■ OirapYlo SWAM F'e+tlN yr(t lkm1,JI/7U FdhppN,00m ILIM Mary Mpg Iu pnipprYAFWW imp* 5112.114 nee Golden Gel Topcoat with LIVLS • Semi -Gloss, t6ozjar itemr. 02012-!O:EE 13 Available, Order These I[ems contain. hezarda.ra mamas end cannot be shipped by aer or Wade the contiguous 43 US stales and Canada. := slave to Ilst - 1• i*' Remove Move to list - - $659.00 R $205.73 s'1 Each 131 Rumalre Uplltau Cart I a Empty Cut = $864.73 Item • 1 Get Bulk Pricing of $8.90 on this item when you purchase at least 4 units. 11 Earth Plastic 7- 112 in. Plastic... Model pMRT800- 75HE HANDY Paint Pall 1 qt. Clear... Model 42520-CT In-3fere Peck Up 259 In Block a1 Ames, IL rnts4Irhange FREE In -Store Pick Up FREE HANDY Paint PaIII4Ar1D 16 In -Score Pick Up Model 41500-CT FREE How To Get It rtl ors 69 Ship to Home Order wllhln 22 mine get it by IA 06 FREE 11 9elp to Home Order w9hln 27 mine gel it by JuL 0S FREE 6 In -Stare Pick Up 9 In stock el Aeneva, IL 90134l Change FREE 3M 1.98 in. x 60 yds. 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Ship To Stole Model #WPF010020 FREE Fxpreee Delivery Staling at S8.99 ror delivery Item Tate/ $20.57 Save far Later I Save to Favorites I Remove awes Delivery Starling at S8.99 ror oewery 4 $3.97Atem $15.88 Save far Later I Save to Favorites I Remove UI fxpri ns Delivery Starting a1 58.95 rof deivery 7 $2.97l1tem ii-1=IYnM Save 15% $20.79 Save for Later I Save to Favorites I Remove 5alutia lis• tilie eiprivis DeNvery Starting a158.99 ror oekvery $25.88A[em 5 $129.40 Save far Later I Save to Favorites I Remove Ship to Home Order within 27 mina get It by Jul 06 FREE Ship to Home Estimated Arrival: Jul. 19 FREE Pxpreee De▪ livery 3larling e1 $9.99 for de6rery $8.96Atem Save 15% $62.30 Save for Later I Save to Favorites I RBmOVE 2 $ $58.14 Save for Later I Save to Favorites I Remove Subtotal $807.08 Discount -$5.09 Estimated Shipping' $5.99 Pick Up In Store FREE Sales Tax (determined n later atepj Total $387°a You Saved $14.56 = $307.08 ri 7- F./ ,M411;**i'• - rd 1:.-'• -L4 ;4 4%. 4'‘7„; 1 7 ri >.- r:.0 r 7 ;") Zilejl;it:t ri t-. L4-4.iiY-.4.a4%111°‘..1—` r A • - •-)0 :1 - -i ' ' ' ,i Wr.) -, i N 4411 "li IN illlt 74 4 - • sik: ii, t- 0,44 60r,A7 :!•,;.,... s7_ ki .-_ •-• f..., 1.::-1-.. - .- j 1 -v- ,, • o 1-A .4 ftI P.' riet-irrAP NtrogittP 4-'44 , - FA `..s 47-' •I's. 4 -" - ' Susan Chorpenning Mural Proposal 1. Cover Letter: August 30, 2020 To: City of La Quinta Attn: Jaime Torres 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 RE: RFP Fred Waring Mural From: Susan Chorpenning 370 W. Loma Alta Drive Altadena CA 91001 917.627.9043 The proposed mural is to be made of powder -coated steel, and attached with bolts anchored into the wall. The process of powder coating produces a hardened industrial painted surface, like that on a tractor or washing machine, which will outlast most other types of paint. Thus this project would be more permanent than most painted murals. The design is based on the idea that the city of La Quinta is built in a valley surrounded on all 4 sides by mountains: the San Jacinto to the west, the Santa Rosa to the southwest, the Little San Bernardino to the east, and the San Gorgonio to the north. So in all directions, we see the beautiful desert sky with mountains in the distance. I have translated this image into a symbolic series of wavy blue sky images alternating with mountain profile images, along the length of the wall. These images will be made by taking 2' x 8' sections of thin steel sheet, and cutting the profile line through the center, creating two lengths, which will be placed next to each other, sky image next to the mountain image, repeating along the wall. (See sketch.) The upper piece will become blue sky, and the lower piece will become a mountain range profile, colored orange, like the sand of the desert, and like the reflection of sun on the mountains. These 8' long pieces will be placed next to each other across most of the length of the wall, all powder - coated, with alternating colors. As proposed, the piece would run along 64' of the 75' wall. The cost of the project can be shifted by using more or fewer pieces along the wall, making a longer (64', as proposed) or shorter (48') mural. 2. Complete Pricing List Allowances: - 2 sheets of 1/8" steel with multiple cuts, powder -coating $3250 - carting to site, unloading, placing $1100 - labor measuring, drilling, bolting to wall (assistants' pay) $ 900 - hardware, bolts, anchors, bits, misc. tools $ 300 - lodging for installation (artist 4 nights, 2 assistants 1 night each) $ 900 - mileage for artist's, assistants' travel (1st site visit, installation) $ 500 - meals during installation $ 600 - artist's stipend $1650 - overage allowance for errors and problems $ 550 - insurance $1250 Total $10,950 3. Staffing and Project Organization The artist will design and organize the project. My experience includes installation of a permanent sculpture, "Granite Lookout", at Firehouse 4 in LA through Dept of Cultural Affairs, with a $76,000 budget, which came in on time and on budget, using multiple subcontractors. I've installed many temporary public works, including three for Phantom Galleries LA, two at German museums, and one at SF Airport, also on time and on budget. My experience includes many years of curating and installing art, beginning as Gallery Director at Humboldt State University, later working at the Cooper Hewitt and Guggenheim Museums in NYC, and traveling/installing shows at the Stedelijk Museum, Musee de Marseilles and Tate Gallery in London. I am comfortable planing installations, and well able to organize and manage others working on a project, including crews and subcontractors. Note: I will not be able to work on parts of the project requiring face to face contact until the threat of the pandemic is over, due to very high risk in my family members. 4. Budget: $11,000 See above pricing list for details. 5. Project Proposal Sketch 4' SECS ME.4T OF WALL. MATERIAL IS 4' x S srCVL s eer cur tNro 2' x g riecE5 2 SI-1.ETS = 4-(z' x a') PIECES EACH 2.1 x $' Pi EGE 15 -ri-fm4 OAT M,AIK L751 toG A TrYiFtADE, EME r 4A Wcrl-I 8 PIECES, 4 SKY Pleas 4 MoUKTA1h1 Prt: C-eS Tl E PI!C.ES SYM130L4z.✓w THE SkY tk NiDut1TiN1I'LS SuORouILA av11.1TA's DesEsr vcu.EY 511-E7 LL g PIFC.ES ART Fr) WDER (DATED SKY gL,DE AND MoLmerp,tioRN4c4c FOR. b2sT T 6.2E T1-4L:N 13o1.I TO YF4E NQLL 11.1 T? A.c.BoVe GOf1FjcrORA-no1.1. LDS No roS ED, "71 ! lS W OIILD ex-re.]D Faz 6+' (of THE 759 ciF" T1-+ Ki411 , MOD NTAIKISURPoUND PROP sa.L FoR LA c u,r�ros FREb WARt1..1 rtiul�� Sdr.� C I4ceiDEN KI I rI C.1 BizRJ .ozo IN 0 Hi i-16 S E'izH Ncrr SCa LE 6. Subcontracting Services Subcontracting will be essential for the industrial processes of laser cutting steel sheets and powder coating them. Also it will require several people to move, lift and hold the pieces in place for installation, and a truck for moving them. The artist will assume responsibility for all work done by subcontractors. Please note that all subcontracting was successfully carried out on the previous public work done for the LA Dept. of Cultural Affairs by this artist. 7. Disclosure I, Susan Chorpenning, have no negative history, civil nor criminal. 8. Insurance If selected, I will supply the minimum insurance covered and indemnification noted in Exhibits E and F of the city's art agreement. coachellart Mural Project Proposal -City of La Quinta June 2020 Coachellart proposes the following: (1) 6' x 75' painted mural to be located at the intersection of Fred Waring and Adams St. in La Quinta, CA. Description of Artwork: A colorful, abstract landscape design entitled `Desert Serenity' using 7-8 colors. (see enclosed artist rendering) The mural will be painted with high -quality outdoor mural paint in a matte sheen in order not to distract drivers with any potential glare issues. The mural will be treated with a matte -sheen, anti -graffiti protective coating to help keep the paint as pristine as possible. Paint colors and codes will be provided to the City of La Quinta in order for the maintenance department to touch up the mural easily in the event of graffiti or degradation due to heat, sunlight or water from nearby landscaping sprinklers. Conceptual Itemized Budget: Paint and anti -graffiti protective coating: $3,000.00 Design fees: Artist(s) fees: Total cost: $2,500.00 $3,500.00 $9,000.00 Nate Frizzell 2526 Virginia Road Los Angeles, CA 90016 natefrizzell@gmail.com 714.277.0246 Proposal valid for 90 days Pricing List and Fee Schedule - First half of budget to be paid in advance for supplies to begin work - Second half to be paid on completion of the mural Paint, supplies, and equipment: $2000 Travel and accomondation: $1400-2000 Incedentals: $1000 Assistant fee: $1750-2500 Artist fee: Remainder of budget for 7-10 days labor My goal with each mural is always to create an interesting painting that fits the space and the area it sits in. I want the paintings to tell a story but it's up to the viewer to decide what that story is and what it means to them. For this wall. I wanted to design something that fit nicely within all the surrounding elements and use colors that blended in well with the environment. I pulled a couple colors from your city branding swatches that I think work really well and would blend perfectly with the long wall. I also found good reference for birds local to LA Quinta. John Cuevas Project: Mural for Adams St. and Fred Waring Proposal: The design I am submitting is very, very rough. After much deliberation and many wrong turns, I arrived at this concept. Which is perfect for the location. You will see classic Roman/Greek bare -chested figures in the design. I do not plan on having them in the final mural, but it is where I finally found the voice of this mural. Like a Greek/Roman vase, I want this mural to describe our daily lives, our routines. Instead of the orb shown, some portraits will have a rectangle stand in for a smartphone. If I am selected for this mural location, I will need about 2 weeks of drawing time to create drawings of residents. Luckily, I live about 2 blocks from this location so I know the neighborhood. I want this mural to be diverse in every manner imaginable: age, race, gender, body type, physical challenges, emotional range; some are happy, pensive, aloof, determined, tired, energetic, in love, etc... Sometimes just seeing yourself depicted is enough to give you that boost of "get back in the game" endorphins. It's Lines are a part of contemporary life. They are very apparent right now due to the covid pandemic, but they have always been around. At amusement parks and grocery stores. The very act of waiting at a red light is a car line. This simple structure dominates our era. I've always liked lines, it's a time to socialize or reflect. In writing this, I reflect and think, lines must have been a part of ancient, medieval and other eras. I think what I'm trying to say is that depicting it in Art feels new. As Art it celebrates those interstitial moments of our lives. It celebrates those coordinating conjunctive structures we take for granted. If I am selected and because of the open stage where this design is being submitted, I can incorporate and accommodate any suggestions the Council and Community may have. My plan is to photograph the community, have the members sign a release and create the drawings for the mural. I welcome any one that the Council would like to nominate as well. I will be pulling from the local grocery stores, parks, schools, mechanics, doctors, nurses, librarians etc... just need this mural to look 100% like the community it is in. I want the figure depicted in the rendering as a bearded spear holding figure to be one of the landscape caretakers that keeps our medians looking like a million bucks. Instead of a spear it will be a shovel or other gardening tool, but the point is to make this figure proud, on point and looking like a jillion bucks. This is easy to do, if it's a direct portrait. The final mural will be paired down to 4 or 5 tones/colors. I want it to feel like a traditional screen -print and I want the drawing to take center stage. I've developed a new form of image transferring. What I will do is create the drawing digitally, then render it to scale. I print these renderings, and then create an onsite mask using a proprietary adhesive. It's a time saver, but first and foremost the effect is beautiful. I would love to answer any further questions the review board may have. It's important to me that this mural be a show/traffic stopper! I hope we will be collaborating once again to inspire this awesome desert community and our guest! Quick Budget: Paint: 2,500 Sealer: 1,000 Labor: 5,120 Gas: 200 Insurance: 500 I am just using the Freddie Mercury images because I had the vector ready to go. I re- cently completed the mural below in Palm Springs. I developed a new method of image transfering. It's phenomenal!! :) For this Inter- section Mural, I envision the side portraits to be individuals who have a La Quinta connec- tion, like: Greta Garbo, Diego Rivera, Arnold Palmer, Frank Capra, betty Davis, Liz Taylor, Stevie Nicks as well as current residents. \..‘"„"%kfl wuryVr- envision the figures in the mural to be more like this drawing. 1 am flexible about the black back- ground. I just need a con- trast between the figure and ground. In this image the straw yellow blue that c vcR c • q r G v 9 P P o 0 • • p 9 3. �•. • *Me., *.' I also see the final mural more minimal in colors like the toned down pallete below. It gives the work rythm and allows the lines to do the talking.