Automatic License Plate Readers CC (04.04.2023)mediagroup PART OFTh IC USA':ODAY NCTWORK PO Box 23430 Green Bay, WI 54305-3430 Tel: 760-778-4578 / Fax 760-778-4731 Email: leg aisat hedeseris u n. co m PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 3/23/2023 I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly in the City of Palm Springs , County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March County 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 23RD of MARCH, 2023 in Green Bay, WI, County of Brown. DECLARANT AD#: GCI1034668 P 0 : PUBLIC NOTICE # OF AFFIDAVITS :1 .W44 -- GEM ofrh DESERT — City of La Quinta City Council Notice of Public Hearing Notice la hereby given that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 4, 2023, at 5.00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, pursuant, to La.Qulnta Municipal Code Chapter 11.72. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT (RCSD) REQUEST TO ADD ACCORDANCE AUTOMATED THEDLA °UINTA E PUBLIC SAE FETY CAMERA SYSR SYSTEM TOTEM POLICIES AND PROCPEDURES. The purpose of this hearing is to hear and consider all testimony, objections. and protests, if any. to the report filed with this Council on April 4, 2023. containing a description of an evaluation of cost and benefits of new improvements In public safety technology, specifically, Automated License Plate Reader Cameras (ALPR). This hearing is required by the La Quinta Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) Policies and Procedures, which states that "he Police Department and/or City of La Quinta may decide to integrate its PSCS with other technology to enhance available Information... Such approval by the Council will include at least one study session and one public hearing before the technology is added." In 2020, RCSD tested Flock Safety ALPR technology, and found that alerts ware delivered to patrol staff a lot quicker. its user interface was more intuitive, and Its support and maintenance inclusive subscription modelwas preferred over their legacy ALPR. As a result, RCSD chose Flock Safety as their preferred ALPR vendor. To date. J almost all Riverside County law enforcement agencies use some form of ALPR within their jurisdictions, most usin or in the process of trensitlonin to Flock Safety. Currently, there are over 500 Flock cameras managed by RCSD throughout the county. If CI of La Quinta approves leasing Flock ALPR system, RCSD will be sole operator and end user; no city staff will ave access to the system. Per California Senate Bill 34 (SB 34) (Stets. 2015, 532), which imposes rules to protect the security of the system and protect personal information; cities are required to hold a public meeting to approve the use of ALPR cameras. After providing the public an opportunity to comment, City Council may: (a) authorize the purchase, installation, and implementation of the ALPR System. (b) authorize Sheriff's Department to use the ALPR system in the city. • (c) authorize and direct the City Manager to execute any contracts or amendments necessary to City eyyffectuate the same. hearing y A copy of said on which the w le be held is on .file and available for lic n the p.> and Friday, 8 report0 a too 5 Mondaythrough p g C City Thursday, Calle Tmpico, Le Quinta, Californ ahre esters tolQ view may also be submitted via email at CitvClerkMalI LaQuintaCa gov. Any person may submit written comments on this matter prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of. or opposition to the approval of ALPR at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either atthe Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk atthe address or small provided above, at or. prior to the Public Hearing. The public comment period continues from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing. For more information contact the City Clerk's office et (760) 777-7035. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Dlsablflties Act 1990, the City requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance. or accommodations) in order to communicate at is City public meeting, must inform the City a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting, tai adittai - — CEM of :he DESERT — City of La Quinta City Council Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold aPUBLIC HEARING on April 4, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, pursuant, to La Qulnta Municipal Code Chapter 11.72. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT (RCSD) REQUEST TO ADD AN AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER SYSTEM TO ENHANCE POLICE RESPONSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The purpose of this hearing is to hear and consider all testimony, objections, and protests, If any, to the report filed with this Council an April 4, 2023, containing a description of an evaluation of cost and benefits of new improvements in public safety technology, specifically, Automated License Plate Reader Cameras (ALPR). This hearing Is required by the La Quinta Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) Policies and Procedures, which states that 'The Police Department and/or City of La Quinta may decide to irrtegrate its PSCS with other technology to enhance available Information... Such approval by the Council will include at least one study session and one public hearing before the technology Is added." In 2020, RCSD tested Flock Safety ALPR technology. and found that alerts were delivered to patrol staff a lot quicker, its user interface was more intuitive, and its support and maintenance inclusive subscription model was preferred over their legacy ALPR. As a result. RCSD chose Flock Safety as their preferred ALPR vendor. To date almost all Riverside County law enforcement agencies use some form of ALPR within their jurisdictions, most using or in the process of transitionin g to Flock Safety. Currently, there are over 500 Flock cameras managed by RCSO throughout the county. If City of La Qulnta approves leasing Flock ALPR system, RCSD will be sole operator and end user, no city staff will have access to the system. Per California Senate Bill 34 (SS 34) (Stets. 2015, 532), which imposes rules to protect the security of the system and protect personal information; cities are required to hold a public meeting to approve the use of ALPR cameras. After providing the public an opportunity to comment, City Council may: (a) authorize the purchase, installation, and implementation of the ALPR System. b) authorize Sheriff's Department to use the ALPR system in the city. (c) authorize and direct the City Manager to execute any contracts or amendments necessary to effectuate the same. A copy of said report uponwhich the hearing will be hold is on file and available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California; requests to view may also be submitted via email et CityClerkMall@LaQuintaCa.gov. Any person may submit written comments on this matter prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of, or apposition to the approval of ALPR at the time of the. Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this matter in court, you may he limited to raising only those Issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing. or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at the address or email provided above, at or, prior to the Public Hearing. The public comment period continues from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing. Far more information contact the City Clerk's office at (7G0) 777-7035. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 the City requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance, or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must Inform the City a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled mewling. INrIcr,OUGO-c DESERTSUN.COM I THURSDAY, MARCH 23. 2023 110 CLASSIFIEDS Find a ne Of wen HtmesS Discoveryour Autlions, pets mipr new home on.1 stun What's Hot Announce r; AANotce To Our Adro,ri. s Assorted all Minds of things. FUIniIUre Ilorsahald Gennal Me dsarllise ATTN HHVVAC .f' Wanted to Buy S�ia.Nn p wluli,n. t, Palm Octal Don't miss this one! 1.iri.7.eir: aclr •,".� n.Igeed Rel lir trusted 2 or MIZIMIEMS DOYOU NEED LOAN? lardore renond to the adi in IF,. wrl.on Ikea! Estate =0: great places to We. Conde 7nrvnlwuse • Unfurnished Mobile Homes RV Spaces Peal Estate :la'IVn,'rE SI Homes Fog Sale - h= to Slate FIND THE BEST. F TALENT TODAY! 1 ,, -FY $65.0 Careers Joh5 - npn trrymnE;_ f� Careers Jobs nor tegnmr s_ Front Desk/Tanning Consultant Will train. Apply in person at Guilty Tans 68685 Ramon Rd Cathedral City PARALEGAL Experienced litigation paralegal familiar with court filings and trial prep for business and real estate law firm. Must have excellent computer skills. Highly competitive salary, along with health insurance and 401(k). Email resume to legalbreak51@gmail.com Le Stewart Chl opra0h: a Rehab:Marlon DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC PALM SPRINGS/INDIO CA 11 $70,000 Gnl pyyrylnr `erweaervrl.r n'd mahr in thlr.rt n-en• I- 'd AMONviT-sron11. eneblnetaboo}Iew met irk r-wel romaed+dot n T.i popmn•?lira Atm,.I, w\ S aen a t art el w F ell AN wpe extee eei ,aera+.en so eat heete ee-;s euawb :Ines ln,na lace.ed.e N/ry-AuW Iler/aleab pWp4eere.1 aWteuei ANAL* .ell.,I eh Ur Ira roll,.,, Alex Juarez of 626) 244-4798 nape, thdolndiE ere or Cs Alt. Stewart Clrlropractic a Rehabinueloa Centers. Inc. Automotive eal=4, Motorcycle and fScooter lebcase FIND THE BEST TALENT TODAY! 11) v."z.7V w,lRen Jobs.usaloday.cam CLASSIFIEDS Find Cars, Jobs, Apartments & more! Search tor classifieds in your area. Place an ad online 24/7 at De sertSu n.co m /Classifieds or call 760-322-2222 during business hours: Monday -Friday 9:30 a m to 330 p.m Service Your next Dltrctary • Specialists at vehicle is here your service *7 Wanted to Buy i2.1 Downsizing? Death in the Family? Going into Assisted Living? Call Mark! I Pay Cash For. Furniture, Art, China, Men & Women's Clothes/Shoes, Vinyl Records, Stereo Equipment, Louis Vuitton / Gucci / Chanel / MCM / Moschino / Etc. • Sports Cards, Military, Antiques, Cameras, Clocks, Collector Plates, Golf Clubs, Fur Coats,Tools, American & Foreign Coins, Jade & Coral Jewelry, Silver & Turquoise Jewelry, Men's Cuff Links & Wrist Watches S. Pocket Watches (working or not), • Rhinestone Jewelry, Grandma's & Grandpa's Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Class Rings, ir Squash Blossoms, Designer Handbags / Sunglasses / Luggage / Etc • Celebrating My 36th Year of Advancing the Desert Sun Mark 760-774-0459 Public Hakes Quuct4 City of La Quinta City Council Notice of Public Hearing L:w n.n.'IIn.IJa,'m4IaA Ow0Nrnarrb, eatli 1 a,.LI0AnawwwlIPpild,a4'l.l "'VN�Aaa6rn.,pvsuanl.lu IPUbuC rIC:V Ta 0 ra iC ra itr 6HEM aE''.a M1Ni IrrcaOr Nta 1% AC 00 ue LWtOIT O�SE PLA1e WOTP CANER/ To D.NO [ POAUrCIi n!WNPe M AccaAOANCC'MTNihe GOUIMAPY[LI4W-F!Y OAMERAC131q YgJq EC PRpeEpuREe R. r14M 0'I`/ I.Or.o.,d ce.eae ahall..An Merle.. rd a.R n 11 .p. la Ine.s+l N m. Cevcim For, 4 %0.1'1. mlh:r''4 }} 6v.a�..I .n ne,,.w v u.r ula ml.ua el lw peA- .Rock Au54.1.Ma i Wig,. F.ddn CP�n.1 eI. war /• .. wi eea+rrc.11+ysr?-Is�cctrr...�m na., is s. re enve.e0,"`ieh N.0c.a' .• eso FIGe±ae.dM.❑nAi,I"armac, "w w,anm a.n......e,6s.z c...1e eras to r.,•me.mlw... amee. e.ew"avmarty,w„'gr 1,a �.,e. Ttxt _ h+ yAtP.lA,,t0 ,hcyb-n.e fly{ .zit.. enok•en,moat o- e����ll�l .v.l�.n v.,. r�`m �"N'A..real.vs, oll..se.e,...aw.s oseesceu •Vca, Ch e,.3 Wreai f.�i1V.rF aysem. P[SW wr1+.M md� i ul, �,e ,weal+! el�i ....can 040 ,Atli blue Bill ae,:a{ sal R I, fa1S, 53]I.01'iUt imp Pasie m.R ;,teal lh aecv N o11he I ALPR .,, aurl e"�J ink. b, 5 u.le. x q'.,.ed m hdd e g la eop,c.e IFe ue o pro. ngInc p„tbc an oppo, tun ly to comment Div atonal may A(�e.) a ae the ',vc.v.,imlallat•w�", and implement...1,11,.ALRP Stem te) a Ai'dd.eNt. On enaDann Drosehreer0 l'..epw �o- e•mu, system lhe contre. anen_men.s upli.cli to co,ua_s or ' otter-tagIo m aAaneel ovawllwren d, t b.a,r r 6a nm I. Cr; Ne a.d ay.lable Gy ,..rkz Cet Mmlry hm,R., , a ac e,n, s,>r '�' enw"rm rci r rt.`ia,.plm.l.,al;•I., easla,:., requestsl_,iea• le-n,waMln Arr. eamwesm ▪ nd®if pl�yrIW,IMwAMpyer,-o le Inlmplµ.aHlaX 04LEavv 1�W> ,g KNa,J clunivm- vdurercte[an. kiir,i.nraa- nee6vhr7ACMe.,=.Nw.n.c Tleeglp. c"rl�Cii qqlae��'" �ibrr��vis,ue:tMlupnNw He6 Heap Flrnva YCh.Ykaeni 1•in}s. h H pafa tt/hlesuear er,114rr mq.VrtenD l Taal!het Ih.k.nlw-a-lhL•Att.r1w 7,Tt". "/"72+1R =Iam "ri^e m ma^Tn a 11 mmma11.41ov .411 e�-d ciPA- Public r1oticrc ,ogees Saud �rr.aa. rslsnw .... yew .tr "m w.emr..a n . t he I�,, urn d=1. , :tab. It mw r. m T nll err_ELIA. e....,me.",I_... e.w �`..: .,,"M...ww Iwem u1.Ws.,.mt s.1>.�..,<a..lrr.5,�.r.�.."wryr�'®aratt"A Morthr-t.4 re 4 i �.d a sv`Ssimett qr ..r" alE"nn rtiAVZ ,",n m.e an..l ,.I,e..... wr+ Irttv ...ar"�Iw .Mm4[w. 1451.T' . Public Notl cec •i -Ta• •r Aw; .r a/a ea,n6a,, 3arm aanea.a WARP EVDPI EHI Drive smarter local marketing with insights and solutions from the USA TODAY NETWORK_ The power of knowing you are doing things right. local iq_corn ta QaigtaCITY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL GFM oftb, DESERT — NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 4, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, pursuant, to La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 11.72. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT (RCSD) REQUEST TO ADD AN AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER SYSTEM TO ENHANCE POLICE RESPONSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The purpose of this hearing is to hear and consider all testimony, objections, and protests, if any, to the report filed with this Council on April 4, 2023, containing a description of an evaluation of cost and benefits of new improvements in public safety technology, specifically, Automated License Plate Reader Cameras (ALPR). This hearing is required by the La Quinta Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) Policies and Procedures, which states that "The Police Department and/or City of La Quinta may decide to integrate its PSCS with other technology to enhance available information... Such approval by the Council will include at least one study session and one public hearing before the technology is added." In 2020, RCSD tested Flock Safety ALPR technology, and found that alerts were delivered to patrol staff a lot quicker, its user interface was more intuitive, and its support and maintenance inclusive subscription model was preferred over their legacy ALPR. As a result, RCSD chose Flock Safety as their preferred ALPR vendor. To date, almost all Riverside County law enforcement agencies use some form of ALPR within their jurisdictions, most using or in the process of transitioning to Flock Safety. Currently, there are over 500 Flock cameras managed by RCSD throughout the county. If City of La Quinta approves leasing Flock ALPR system, RCSD will be sole operator and end user; no city staff will have access to the system. Per California Senate Bill 34 (SB 34) (Stats. 2015, 532), which imposes rules to protect the security of the system and protect personal information; cities are required to hold a public meeting to approve the use of ALPR cameras. After providing the public an opportunity to comment, City Council may: (a) authorize the purchase, installation, and implementation of the ALPR System. (b) authorize Sheriff's Department to use the ALPR system in the city. (c) authorize and direct the City Manager to execute any contracts or amendments necessary to effectuate the same. A copy of said report upon which the hearing will be held is on file and available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, Monday through Thursday, 7.30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California; requests to view may also be submitted via email at CityClerkMail(a-)-LaQuintaCa.gov. Any person may submit written comments on this matter prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of, or opposition to the approval of ALPR at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at the address or email provided above, at or, prior to the Public Hearing. The public comment period continues from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing. For more information contact the City Clerk's office at (760) 777-7035. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, the City requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance, or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. PUBLISH ONCE ON MARCH 24, 2023 AS 1/8-PAGE DISPLAY AD City of La Quinta taQ",ra City Council - GEM ofthe DFSERT — Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 4, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the La Qwnta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, pursuant, to La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 11.72. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RCSD REQUEST TO ADD AN AUTOMATED LICENSE PLATE READER SYSTEM TO ENHANCE POLICE RESPONSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LA QUINTA PUBLIC SAFETY CAMERA SYSTEM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The purpose of this hearing is to hear and consider all testimony, objections, and protests, if any, to the report filed with this Council on April 4, 2023, containing a description of an evaluation of cost and benefits of new improvements in public safetyy technology, specifically, Automated License Plate Reader Cameras (ALPR). This hearing is required by the La Quinta Public Safety Camera System (PSCS) Policies and Procedures, which states that "The Police Department and/or City of La Quinta may decide to integrate its PSCS with other technology to enhance available information... Such approval by the Council will include at least one study session and one public hearing before the technology is added." In 2020, RCSD tested Flock Safety ALPR technology, and found that alerts were delivered to patrol staff a lot quicker, its user interface was more intuitive, and its support and maintenance inclusive subscription model was preferred over their legacy ALPR. As a result, RCSD chose Flock Safety as their preferred ALPR vendor. To date, almost all Riverside County law enforcement agencies use some form of ALPR within their jurisdictions, most using or in the process of transitioning to Flock Safety. Currently, there are over 500 Flock cameras managed by RCSD throughout the county. If City of La Quinta approves leasing Flock ALPR system, RCSD will be sole operator and end user; no city staff will have access to the system. Per California Senate Bill 34 (SIB 34) (Stats. 2015, 532), which imposes rules to protect the security of the system and protect personal information; cities are required to hold a public meeting to approve the use of ALPR cameras. After providing the public an opportunity to comment, City Council may: (a) authorize the purchase, installation, and implementation of the ALPR System. b authorize Sheriff's Department to use the ALPR system in the city. c authorize and direct the City Manager to execute any contracts or amendments necessary to effectuate the same. A coppyy of said repport upon which the hearing ywill be held is on file and available for public inspection in the p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Cityyonday throughr Hall,'78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California; requests to view may also be submitted via email at CityClerkMail@LaQuintaCa.gov. Any person may submit written comments on this matter prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of, or opposition to the approval of ALPR at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at the address or email provided above, at or, prior to the Public Hearing. The public comment period continues from the date of this notice through the Public Hearing. For more information contact the City Clerk's office at (760) 777-7035. In the City's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, the City requires that any person in need of any type of special equipment, assistance, or accommodation(s) in order to communicate at a City public meeting, must inform the City a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. D-110ue 1 From: Capa, Ching <CCapa1 @gannett.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:55 AM To: Martha Mendez Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4; Christina Gamez Subject: Re: Order # GC11034668-01 1 Creative Review for Desert Sun You don't often get email from ccapal@gannett.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hello, Martha - Thank you for the approval. We are all set for publication in the Desert Sun on Friday, March 24th of 2023. I already requested your affidavit, Our Affidavit Team processes those after the final run date of your order, so you should receive a digital copy within 24 hours of that date. If a physical copy is needed, it may take up to 10 business days to arrive. I've included our team that handles coordinated those so someone from ganlegpubnotices4@gannett.com will be able to further assist you. Thank you, Ching Capa Account Coordinator SM B-Legals LocaliQ I * USA ORK CCapa@localig.com Seize your potential at LocaliQ.com From: Martha Mendez <mmendez@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:58 PM To: Capa, Ching <CCapa1@gannett.com> Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <ganlegpubnotices4@gannett.com>; Christina Gamez <cgamez@laquintaca.gov> Subject: RE: Order # GC11034668-01 I Creative Review for Desert Sun Good morning Ching, Thank you for sending the proof. It is approved for publication. 1 Martha Mendez I Public Safety Manager Community Resources City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7161 C. 760.396.6945 www.laquintaca.gov www.plaVinlaquinta.com From: Capa, Ching <CCapa1@gannett.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 9:26 AM To: Martha Mendez <mmendez@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <ganlegpubnotices4@gannett.com> Subject: Order # GC11034668-01 I Creative Review for Desert Sun Importance: High You don't often get email from ccapal@gannett.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good afternoon, Martha — I work with the Legal Department for the Desert Sun and have your creative attached and ready for your review. Please let me know if you'd like any updates to your ad or if this is approved for publication. Order Details are noted below for your records: Order # GC11034668-01 Publication = Desert Sun Section = Legal Classifieds Run Dates = March 24, 2023 Ad Size = 3 col x 5.25 inches Total Cost = $441.00 Please note, our final deadline for creative approval is 3/23/2023 3:00 PM. Thank you, Ching Capa Account Coordinator SM B-Legals LocaliQ I O USA ORK CCapa@localig.com Seize your potential at LocaliQ.com