ENC2022-0042 InspectionsPermit Number: ENC2022-0042 Description: PM37207 TALUS RESORT AND RESIDENCES; DRY UTILITIES & BORINGS Applied: 4/25/2022 Approved: 4/26/2022 Site Address: SILVERROCK WAY, AHMANSON, JEFFERSON, AVE 52 (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT) Issued: 5/3/2022 Finaled: City, State Zip Code: , Status: ISSUED Applicant: SILVERROCK PHASE 1 LLC Parent Permit: Owner: COURTNEY J. LINN Parent Project: Contractor: GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - CURTIS ELLIOTT Details: THIS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS FOR WORK WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT OF WAY ONLY LIST OF • SEQ SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS ID JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS CONTROL Notes: 5/23/2022 5/23/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS APPROVED CONTROL Notes: 0915 to 1000Weather - Clear - Temperature 70 to 100 - Breeze NW 4 mph - Humidity 46% Met with Granite Personnel on the site - they will be potholing to locate all interfering utilities in the new III) alignment - no traffic control need as the are only working the west side of Jefferson in the easement areas and nothing in the street - also discussed the future receiving pit area in the east bound to northbound turn lane - checking on easement issues in this area - only 9 ft easement behind the curb 5/31/2022 5/31/2022 1 7 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900 Weather - Clear - Temperature 62 to 84 - Breeze NW 7 mph - Humidity 38% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up No activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site building 6/1/2022 6/1/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1345 Weather - Clear - Temperature 72 to 104 - Breeze W 4 mph - Humidity 22% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up No activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site building Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 1 of 5 CRWYSrEMS 6/2/2022 6/2/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1045 to 1130 Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 105 - Breeze NW 2 mph - Humidity 32%Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up No activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site buildingSpoke with Mondo Alarcon about cleaning streets and watering streets to keep down the dust until sweeper gets here 6/3/2022 6/3/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0930 Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze NW 5 mph - Humidity 33% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up No activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site Silver Rock Way they are completing the backfill and compaction of the storm drain lateral crossing Silverrock Way at future golf cart shop entrance 6/6/2022 6/6/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1400Weather - Clear - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze NW 6 mph - Humidity 48% Contractor placing concrete floors for storm drain manholes for the driveway to future Golf pro shop - concrete from superior Ready mix 560-C-3250 also placed concrete behind catch head wall to secure the storm drain tie in Rest of sites are being watered with one of the 2 operating water trucks of site for dust contro11000 to 1100 Weather - Clear - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze NW 6 mph - Humidity 48% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up Activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water and raising sewer manholes In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site construction Silver Rock Way they have completed the backfill and compaction of the storm drain lateral crossing Silverrock Way at future golf cart shop entrance 6/7/2022 6/7/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1200Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 106 - Breeze SE 8 mph - Humidity 24% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up Activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water and raising sewer manholes In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site construction Silver Rock Way they have completed the backfill and compaction of the storm drain lateral crossing Silverrock Way at future golf cart shop entrance At Jefferson and Avenue 52 traffic control in place per plan no issues observedGranite crew on Jefferson pot holing the easterly shoulder near the entrance to Hideaway for future trenching for IID electrical trenching and installation of conduits and conductors 6/8/2022 6/8/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1100Weather - Clear - Temperature 78 to 107 - Breeze NNW 3 mph - Humidity 50% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up Activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water and raising sewer manholes In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site construction Silver Rock Way they have completed the backfill and compaction of the storm drain lateral crossing Silverrock Way at future golf cart shop entrance At Jefferson and Avenue 52 traffic control in place per plan no issues observedGranite crew on Jefferson pot holing the easterly shoulder near the entrance to Hideaway for future trenching for IID electrical trenching and installation of conduits and conductors Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 2 of 5 RWYSrEMS 6/9/2022 6/9/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 109 - Breeze NW 2 mph - Humidity 30%Project meeting Via Zoom about the roundabout on Jefferson and the Hideaway development 0900 to 1000Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 109 - Breeze NW 2 mph - Humidity 30%Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - minor Track out observed but contractor states the have sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up Activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water and raising sewer manholes In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site construction Silver Rock Way they have completed the backfill and compaction of the storm drain lateral crossing Silverrock Way at future golf cart shop entrance At Jefferson and Avenue 52 traffic control in place per plan no issues observedGranite crew on Jefferson pot holing the easterly shoulder near the entrance to Hideaway for future trenching for III) electrical trenching and installation of conduits and conductors 6/10/2022 6/10/2022 1 7 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0815 to 0845 Weather - Clear - Temperature 80 to 111 - Breeze NE 1 mph - Humidity 42% Site is being watered with water trucks on site to control dust - sweeper and laborers using hand brooms and shovels to clean up any track out Activity in the Robert Green Residences waiting on plan approvals for storm drain and water and raising sewer manholes In the Montage hotel site they are continuing with construction of hotel Site In the Civic center building continuing with on site construction At Jefferson and Avenue 52 traffic control in place per plan no issues observedGranite crew on Jefferson pot holing the easterly shoulder near the entrance to Hideaway for future trenching for IID electrical trenching and installation of conduits and conductors 6/13/2022 6/13/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0815 to 0830 Weather - Clear - Temperature 80 to 105 - Breeze W 5 mph - Humidity 49% Traffic control at intersection of Avenue 52 and Jefferson per plan and no issues observed 6/14/2022 6/14/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1115 Weather - Clear - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze NW 6 mph - Humidity 49% Traffic control at intersection of Avenue 52 and Jefferson per plan and no issues observed - contractor continuing with horizontal boring across intersection at roundabout 6/15/2022 6/15/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0745Weather - Clear - Temperature 75 to 109 - Breeze SW 1 mph - Humidity 40% Traffic control at northeast area of the intersection on Jefferson and on Avenue 52 in place per plan 6/16/2022 6/16/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 0945Weather - Clear - Temperature 76 to 109 - Breeze SE 9mph - Humidity 26% Traffic control in place per plan at north east corner of Jefferson and Avenue 52 - no issues observed 6/17/2022 6/17/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0815 to 0845 Weather - Clear - Temperature 77 to 104 - Breeze WNW 6 mph - Humidity 32% JPE 6/17/2022 10:21:56 AM0815 to 0845 Weather - Clear - Temperature 77 to 104 - Breeze WNW 6 mph - Humidity 32%No activity today - staging equipment and K-Rail and prep for project start on Monday Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 3 of 5 RWYSrEMS 6/20/2022 6/20/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1245 Weather - Clear - Temperature 72 to 105 - Breeze NW 6 mph - Humidity 15% Traffic control per plan and no issues observed 6/21/2022 6/21/2022 1 7 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1315 to 1330 Weather - Clear - Temperature 72 to 106 - Breeze ESE 2 mph - Humidity 8% Traffic control per plan - using Warning and directional signage traffic cones and arrow boards and K-Rail No issues observed 6/28/2022 6/28/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1325 Weather - Clear - Temperature 85 to 111 - Breeze E 4 mph - Humidity 17%Traffic control in place per plan and no issues observed 6/29/2022 6/29/2022 1 7 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0745 Weather - Clear - Temperature 87 to 112 - Breeze WNW 5 mph - Humidity 20% Traffic control on Ave 52 west bound west of Jefferson is in place per plan using Warning and Directional signage traffic cones and arrow board and K Rail to close the right turn sweep at West bound Ave 52 to north bound Jefferson - no issues observed 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1245 to 1300 Weather - Clear - Temperature 84 to 110 - Breeze SSW 3 mph - Humidity 29%Traffic control on Ave 52 west bound west of Jefferson is in place per plan using Warning and Directional signage traffic cones and arrow board and K Rail to close the right turn sweep at West bound Ave 52 to north bound Jefferson - no issues observed 1245 to 1300 Weather - Clear - Temperature 84 to 110 - Breeze SSW 3 mph - Humidity 29%Traffic control on Ave 52 west bound west of Jefferson is in place per plan using Warning and Directional signage traffic cones and arrow board and K Rail to close the right turn sweep at West bound Ave 52 to north bound Jefferson - no issues observed 7/1/2022 7/1/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0715 Weather - Clear - Temperature 90 to 111 - Breeze WNW 5 mph - Humidity 18% Traffic control on Ave 52 west bound west of Jefferson is in place per plan using Warning and Directional signage traffic cones and arrow board and K Rail to close the right turn sweep at West bound Ave 52 to north bound Jefferson - no issues observed 7/5/2022 7/5/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730Weather - Clear - Temperature 74 to 103 - Breeze NW 2 mph - Humidity 45% No work at Robert Green Residences Traffic control at north east corner of Ave 52 and Jefferson in place per plan no issues observed crew is still working on horizontal boring 7/6/2022 7/6/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1330 Weather - Clear - Temperature 73 to 104 - Breeze E 6 mph - Humidity 32% Robert Green Residence's- watered this street this morning and second round of watering set up for 1330 Montage - several crews working and watering site to control dust called Mond to get them to increase the frequency of water truck making rounds as in this heat areas are drying out faster and equipment and vehicles traveling to fast on dirt roads is causing the clouds of Dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 4 of 5 RWYSrEMS 7/7/2022 7/7/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1345 to 1400Weather - Clear - Temperature 81 to 107 - Breeze SE 8 mph - Humidity 29%Robert Green Residence's- watered this street this morning and second round of watering set up for 1330 Montage - several crews working and watering site to control dust called Mond to get them to increase the frequency of water truck making rounds as in this heat areas are drying out faster and equipment and vehicles traveling to fast on dirt roads is causing the clouds of Dust - phone call to Mondo to have area watered at least twice a dayTraffic control on West bound Ave 52 to Jefferson in place per Plan - no issues noted 7/8/2022 7/8/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS PARTIALLY CONTROL APPROVED Notes: 1015 to 1045 Weather - Clear - Temperature 80 to 110 - breeze E 3 mph - Humidity 20% Robert Green Residence's- watered this street this morning and second round of watering set up for 1330 Montage - several crews working and watering site to control dust called Mond to get them to increase the frequency of water truck making rounds as in this heat areas are drying out faster and equipment and vehicles traveling to fast on dirt roads is causing the clouds of Dust - phone call to Mondo to have area watered at least twice a day Water truck showed up while I was there Traffic control on West bound Ave 52 to Jefferson in place per Plan - no issues noted 7/11/2022 JP -TRAFFIC JIM PETERS CONTROL Notes: 1015 to 1030 Weather - Clear - Temperature 86 to 116 - Breeze NW 7 mph - Humidity 25%Robert Green Residence's- watered this street this morning and second round of watering set up for 1330 Montage - several crews working and watering site to control dust talked with Jerry Bloom to get them to increase the frequency of water truck making rounds as in this heat areas are drying out faster and equipment and vehicles traveling to fast on dirt roads is causing the clouds of Dust - Traffic control on West bound Ave 52 to Jefferson in place per Plan - no issues noted Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 5 of 5 RWYSrEMS