GRP2019-0001 InspectionsPermit Number: GRP2019-0001 Applied: 1/15/2019 Issued: 2/19/2019 Status: ISSUED Parent Permit: Parent Project: Details Approved:2/13/2019 Finaled: Description: SILVERROCK PM 37207 MASS GRADING / PM-10 Site Address: SILVERROCK SW OF AVE 52 & JEFFERSON City, State Zip Code: , CA Applicant: SILVERROCK PHASE I, LLC-JOHN GAMLIN Owner: CITY OF LA QUINTA Contractor: N E I INC LIST OF SEQ SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS ID 3/6/2019 3/6/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0745Weather - Overcast - Temperature 58 to 78 - calm - Humidity 74% Contractor NEI started clearing today in the area of the future clubhouse and temporary parking lot - they have water trucks and Water 1400 to 1500Weather - Overcast To cloudy - Temperature 58 to 78 - Breeze NW to 9mph - Humidity 38%Site clearing continuing - met with Chris King about watering project and they are setting up a mail box on site to hold the SWPPP - and getting water trucks activated to control dust 3/7/2019 3/7/2019 11:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130Weather - Sunny - Temperature 58 to 76 - Breeze WNW to 8 mph - Humidity 32% Site is compliant at this time - Contractor is keeping grading clearing site wet to control dust with use of water truck on site 0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 58 to 76 - Breeze NNW to 3 mph - Humidity 59% Contractor continuing with clearing operation in the area of future Club house and temporary parking lot - water truck on site keeping grades wet to control dust - 3/8/2019 3/8/2019 08:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0800 to 0830Weather - Sunny - windy NW To 7 mph - Temperature 55 to 68 - Humidity 40%Site is PM-10 compliant - contractor has 2 water trucks on site to keep grades wet and control dust - high winds are predicted for today 3/11/2019 3/11/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - cloudy with 49% chance of rain - Temperature 53 to 69 - Breeze WNW to 7 mph- Humidity 54%Contractor continuing with clearing future temp clubhouse and temp parking lot and hauling off the debris - 2 water trucks on site to wet grade and control dust 1230 To 1300Weather - cloudy with 49% chance of rain - Temperature 53 to 69 - Breeze WNW to 7 mph- Humidity 54%Contractor continuing with clearing and grubbing the dog leg area 3/12/2019 3/12/2019 09:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 0915 Weather - Sunny- Temperature 54 to 76 - Breeze WNW to 6 mph - Humidity 77% Dog leg site is being pre -watered with above ground water lines and rain birds - 2 water trucks on site - also rain last night has watered the entire site to assist with dust control - no issues observed Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 1 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 0900 to 0915 Weather - Sunny- Temperature 54 to 76 - Breeze WNW to 6 mph - Humidity 77% Dog leg site is being pre -watered with above ground water lines and rain birds - 2 water trucks on site - also rain last night has watered the entire site to assist with dust control - no issues observed 3/13/2019 3/13/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 57 to 74 - Breeze NNW to 8 mph - Humidity 51% Contractor continuing with clearing and grubbing in the dog leg area - site is wet and being watered with rain birds and water trucks - no issues observed 3/14/2019 3/14/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 54 to 73 - Breeze W to 10 mph - Humidity 26% Site is compliant - water truck on site keeping clearing areas wet to control dust - no issues observed at this time 3/15/2019 3/15/2019 07:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0745Weather - Sunny - Temperature 55 to 78 - Breeze WNW 7 mph - Humidity 32% Site is compliant - water truck and rain birds on clearing areas are controlling dust - contractor clearing area east side of Silverrock entrance and hauling clearing debris off site via end dumps - in the dog leg area they are still pre -watering with above grade rain bird sprinklers - no conflicts were observed 3/18/2019 3/18/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0930 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 69 to 88 - Breeze WNW to 5 mph - Humidity 43% Site is Compliant - water truck working with clearing equipment in the north west and north areas of the city event site - no dust observed - in the dog leg area contractor continues pre -watering with above ground rain birds to control dust and NBS surveyors at job surveying the dog leg area for grading operation 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1100Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 87 - Breeze ENE to 4 mph - Humidity 34%Site is being watered with water trucks and above irrigation system with rain -birds to keep areas wet and control dust - contractor is mobilizing grading equipment today (834B and self loader scraper) - no issue observed 3/20/2019 3/21/2019 10:00 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 9:55-10:15Weather- mostly sunny with a high of 72 degrees and a low of 52 degrees NEI is on site pre soaking on east side of Silver Rock entrance - for rough grading to beginWater trucks are on site for dust control Sprinklers with pipes are on site Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Catch basins are protected with straw waddles Windscreen fencing is up for dust Overall site is PM10 compliant 3/22/2019 3/22/2019 10:30 1 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 10:25-10:40amWeather- sunny with a high of 79 degrees and a low of 56 degrees No work being done at this time Site is being pre-soaked for rough grading to begin next week Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Catch basins are protected with sandbags Sprinklers and water trucks on site for dust control Windscreen fence is up Overall site is PM10 compliant 3/25/2019 3/25/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 0930Weather - Sunny - Temperature 55 to 87 - Breeze NW to 4 mph - Humidity 46%No activity at site this morning - all equipment parked - setting up rain -bird sprinklers at the north west area ofproject 1300 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 55 to 87 - Breeze E to 3 mph - Humidity 12%Contractor on site with water truck to wet grades and control dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 2 of 16 RWYSrEMS 3/26/2019 3/26/2019 2:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Partly cloudy To slight overcast - Temperature 60 to 89 - Breeze NW to 4 mph - Humidity 36%Contractor setting up rain bird sprinklers in northwest area of project - no grading work taking place at this time 1430 to 1445Weather - Partly cloudy To slight overcast - Temperature 60 to 89 - Breeze NW to 4 mph - Humidity 36%Contractor watering north west area of project with rain bird sprinklers in northwest area 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1430 to 1500Weather - Overcast To cloudy - Temperature 60 to 85 - Breeze N to 5 mph - Humidity 38% Contractor continuing with pre watering city civic site in northwest corner - grading will start on the dog bone area on Monday 3/28/2019 3/28/2019 10:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1015Weather - slight overcast - Temperature 60 to 86 - Breeze NW to 9 mph - Humidity 45%Picked up copy of the Written SWPPP from Chris King 0830 to 0845 Weather - slight overcast - Temperature 60 to 86 - Breeze NW to 9 mph - Humidity 45%Contractor continuing with pre -watering the north west area of grading area for City Civic Center site and watering the dog bone area with water truck to control dust 3/29/2019 3/29/2019 2.30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1430Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 86 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 40%Met with Chris King at Site Discussed the SWPP Plan - pm-10 sign in Place - Stabilized Entrance to Dog boneTC-1 in place - Stabilized Entrance TC-2 in place and drip pans are under Equipment - they will complete items for SWPP Plan will be installed starting on Monday 0830 to 0900Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 86 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 40%Contractor continuing with prewatering of grading sites that are ready for now - grading will start on Monday on the dog bone rough grading and grading the east end of the dog bone for the cart barn and temporary clubhouse - then they will move to the city event site and grade it - the Montage site has several issues a 12 KV line and a main irrigation line which needs to be relocated before site can be graded - 4/1/2019 4/1/2019 2:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0900Weather - slight overcast - Temperature 62 to 89 - Breeze NW to 3 mph - Humidity 18% Contractor started grading this morning on the dog leg area Phase 1 grading - equipment garden tractor with disc - Cat 14 and Cat 140 motorgrader - 2 Cat 627 scrapers and 2 623 scrapers - 2 water trucks - Cat D5 dozer with operators - survey crew setting grade stakes for contour lines Ryan from Sladden Engineering at job to monitor grading procedures and test compaction of the fill Project meeting this morning to discuss project and review the SWPP Plan and items needed to be put in place ASAP 1415 to 1445 Weather - slight overcast - Temperature 62 to 89 - Breeze NW to 3 mph - Humidity 18%Contractor has second water truck on site working with grading operation in theDog Leg area and making the fill area for the pad for the Cart barns and temp pro shop and parking lot area at east end of dog leg 4/2/2019 4/2/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1045 to 1100Weather - slight overcast clouds - Temperature 60 to 89 - Breeze W to 1 mph - Humidity 43% Contractor continuing with grading operation on the dog leg area - 2Water trucks are keeping grades wet to aid in grading operation and control dust - surveyors are Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 3 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 4/3/2019 4/3/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0930Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 85 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 48% Arrived site - Leonard at site talking with soil tech that civic center site is not properly cleared to start grading -soil technician then went to talk to contractor - at that time the water line servicing the water tower blew out and the water truck operator went directly to the valve area to shut water off and contractor immediately started repairs to water line - crew is also working in the dog leg area compacting slopes and finishing grading work on future temporary cart barn and temporary pro shop site - met with Ryan the soil tech and he has control over grading and watering the site 4/4/2019 4/4/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1500Weather - cloudy and overcast - Temperature 60 to 84 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 54% Contractor continuing with grading operation this afternoon Both water trucks working grading areas to control dust and aid in grading and compaction - met with Geologist from Sladden Engineering (James) and he indicated all compaction is in compliance - met with Chris King and all operations are on schedule - at the dog bone area grading on the temporary parking lot and the future temporary pro sop and temporary cart bars is nearing completion and contractor establishing the final grades 0700 to 0800Weather - cloudy and overcast - Temperature 60 to 84 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 54% Contractor resumed work this morning - drip pans under all equipment - moving water Tower from Dog leg area and finish grading the building site for Club house and parking area and cart barns - also continuing with grading operations in the civic center site - also the future home sites at the Dog Leg have been sprayed with green polymer long term stabilizer 4/5/2019 4/5/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0800 to 0900Weather - Sunny with high clouds - Temperature 60 to 81- Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 47% Site is compliant - grading operation are progressing on the civic park -site - Contractor has sprayed Green Polymer long term stabilizer on the dog leg homesite to control dust - water trucks on site working in grading areas to control dust and aid in compaction of fill material 1400 to 1500Weather - Sunny with high clouds - Temperature 60 to 81 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 47% Contractor continuing with grading the civic park site - also fine grading the temporary Pro Shop building site and cutting slopes on the street sides 4/8/2019 4/8/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to Weather - Sunny to high clouds - Temperature 64 to 101 - Breeze NNW TO 6 mph - Humidity 34% Contractor resumed grading the Civic Park Site Equipment - 2-Cat 623G scrapers, 2-Cat 627E Scrapers, 1 - Cat D5k Dozer, 1 - Cat 834B Dozer, 14000 gal water truck, 1 - Cat 140H motor grader, 1 Water tower - also continuing with fine grade on the dog leg site - cutting street grade - contract also sprayed the pads in the dog leg area with green polymer long term stabilizer Equipment - 1 - Cat 14H Motor grader, 1 - 2000 gal water Truck - 1- Cat 623G scraper 1430 to 1500Weather - Sunny to high clouds - Temperature 64 to 99 - Breeze E TO 8 mph - Humidity 11% Equipment parked with drip pans underneath - site is idle - contractor to resume grading tomorrow morning 4/9/2019 4/9/2019 2:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1330 to 1400Weather - Sunny to overcast - Temperature 68 to 92 - Breeze W to 6mph - Humidity 37%Called Chris King to get another water truck to help control dust - major dust coming off area where the are excavating fo 2 inch sewer1030 to 1100 Weather - Sunny to overcast - Temperature 68 to 92 - Breeze W to 6mph - Humidity 37%4000 gal water truck on site watering the project to control dust rest of equipment is parked for today 0700 to 0730Weather - Sunny to overcast - Temperature 68 to 92 - Breeze W to 6mph - Humidity 37%Site is idle all equipment is parked - I understand there is a 2 foot bust on the civic park site - so they are redesigning the park site - Chris King will advise when work resumes - Chris said water truck will be active after 1000 to control any dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 4 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 4/10/2019 4/10/2019 11:30 JP-ONSITE I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 87 - Breeze NW to 13 mph - Humidity 21% 0830 to 0930Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 87 - Breeze NW to 13 mph - Humidity 21%Contractor installing 2 inch force main in 4 foot de trench - The contractor will then place 1 foot of sand0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 60 to 87 - Breeze NW to 13 mph - Humidity 21%Contractor has 2 water trucks on site - 4000 gal water truck watering the graded area of the civic park site to control blowing dust - the sewer Lin's contractor has a 2000 gal water truck keeping grades wet to control dust - 4/11/2019 4/11/2019 10:15 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 10:00-10:25amWeather- sunny with a high of 86 degrees and a low of 62 degrees NEI continues Mass grading continues for Montage hotel at Phase 1 of construction Scrapers and earth movers onsite including front loader and 3 water trucks for dust control Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Rumble strips and gravel on site for mud track outOverall site is PM10 compliant 4/12/2019 4/12/2019 7AM EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 7:30-7:45amWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 85 degrees and a low of 58 degrees NEI engineer continues mass grading North end of Silver RockMultiple scrapers- front loader- bulldozer and other earth moving/ grading equipment 3 water trucks and sprinklers set up for dust control Rumble strips- and gravel for mud track outPortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Overall site is PM10 compliant 4/15/2019 4/15/2019 1:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1245 to 1345Weather - Sunny to Partly Cloudy - Temperature 62 to 89 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 22%Contractor resumed grading the civic park site - 4000 gal Water Truck - keeping grades wet to control dust - water tower on job is used to fill water truck expediting return time - they have 1 Cat 633 and 1 Cat 623 and Cat 140G motor -grader and a Cat D-5 dozer moving dirt today - Contractor is excavating hole for Manhole for sewer force main(CVWD) inspecting - and Granite working on 12KV direct burial relocation - met with Chris King and discussed job progress and schedule of work 4/16/2019 4/16/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 1030Weather - Cloudy - Temperature 62 to 80 - Breeze NW to 10 mph - Humidity 46% Contractor personnel not grading today due to high wind forecast - they have the 4000 gal water truck watering the grade at the civic park site to prevent any dust - sewer contractor was excavating for the force main manhole and CVWD inspector Gilbert Ramirez at job and stopped all work and made them backfill the excavation immediately - Chris King at site and is aware of issues that they do not have approved plans to do the sewer work - 4/17/2019 4/17/2019 12:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 94 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 43%Contractor resumed grading this morning on the Civic Park Site - Equipment Cat 14g motor grader, Cat 140g motor grader, Cat 623 Scraper, Cat D-5 Dozer, 4000 gal water truck - contractor pre -watering area east of Civic Park area using above ground rain bird sprinklers Concrete wash out bin on site - portable toilets with adjacent hand wash station and spill pan underneath - sewer contractor resumed work on sewer force main line at Silver Rock Way and Ahmanson Lane (CVWD inspecting) 1030 to 1200Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 94 - Breeze NNW to 10 mph - Humidity 14%Contractor continuing with grading operation at civic park site Equipment - 2 CAT 623 self loading scrapers - 14000 gal 6x6 water truck - 1 14G motor grader - 1 140G motor grader - 1 Skip loader - survey crew TBU working on sewer and started backfilling - talked with Chris King about getting the backfill tested and he said he was trying to get a technician to job ASAP to monitor backfill and test compaction 4/18/2019 4/18/2019 08:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0830Weather - Sunny - Temperature 64 to 99 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 28%Contractor resumed grading at civic park site - equipment 1- Cat 140 motor grader, 1 - Cat 14 motor grader, 1 - 623 self loader scraper, 1 - 4000 gal water truck, 1 - Cat D5 dozer, 1 skip loader Sewer contractor clearing and excavating and installing 2 inch sewer main to civic park site from Sliver Rock Way and Ahmanson Lane tie in point Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 5 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 4/19/2019 4/19/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 1030 Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 68 to 100 - Breeze WNW to 3 mph - Humidity 36%Contractor resumed grading on the Civic Park Site - Equipment - Cat 140 motor grader, Cat 14 motor grader - 2-623 self loading scrapers - 1 - 4000 gal water truck and above ground pre watering sprinklers at east end of Civic Park Site -Sewer contractor continuing with installation of 2 inch sewer main line to Civic Park Site 4/22/2019 4/22/2019 3:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1500 to 1530Weather - Sunny -Temperature 71 to 92 -Breeze WNW to 11 mph -Humidity 33%Still working on fine grading and 4000 gal water truck keeping grades wet to control dust 1300 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 92 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 33%Water truck keeping grades wet inCivic event park site 0900 to 0930Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 92 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 33%Contractor doing fine grading on the civic park event site - equipment Skip loader and 4000 gal water truck - all other equipment is parked - 4/23/2019 4/23/2019 2:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1100 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 101- Breeze WNW to 13 mph - Humidity 19% Contractor has water truck on site for dust control in the Civic Event Park site - grading is complete for now - NEI starting to demobilize and setting up to seal the site - Steve Howlett stopped Contractor from sealing the site until he is able to tour the site with several dignitaries and the landscape architect- 1330 to 1400Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 101- Breeze WNW to 13 mph - Humidity 19% Contractor received OK the seal the site using Green tint polymer long term stabilizer 4/24/2019 4/24/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1100Weather - Sunny - Temperature 80 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Contractor has not completed applying the long term stabilizer on the Civic Event Park Site - also the have a water truck watering grade to control dust 4/25/2019 4/25/2019 11:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1130 to 1145Weather - Sunny - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 32% Water truck on site for dust control but EPA will not complete the polymer long term stabilizer until Monday 0800 to 0815 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 32%The Contractor EPA did not complete the polymer application to the Civic event park site yesterday - conversation with Chris King - he is aware and is trying to contact EPA to complete work today 4/26/2019 4/26/2019 11:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730Weather - Sunny and clear - Temperature 78 to 104 - Breeze NW to 5 mph - Humidity 27%Grading site is idle, no activity - water truck on site for dust control if needed - 1115 to 1130Weather - Sunny and clear - Temperature 78 to 104 - Breeze NW to 5 mph - Humidity 27%Site partially sealed with polymer long term stabilizer - no dust was observed 4/29/2019 4/29/2019 10:15 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:15amWeather- sunny with a high of 83 degrees and a low of 59 degrees No grading being done at this time Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Vacant lots are stabilized with polymer for dust Catch basins are protected with sandbags Contractor is on site spraying polymer to stabilized and protect soil from fugitive dustNo mud track out issues observed at this time Overall site is PM10 compliant Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 6 of 16 RWYSrEMS 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 2:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1415 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 68 to 85 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 29%Contractor completed stabilizing the Civic Event Park Site today -,except the northern most slope area 0930 to 1000Weather - Sunny - Temperature 68 to 85 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 29%Site being watered with water truck to control dust - second water truck applying polymer long term stabilizer 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 2:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1415 Weather - Sunny - Temperature (81) 65 to 91 - Breeze N to 9 mph - Humidity 22%Contractor finished the application of the polymer stabilizer on the north slope of the Civic event park site - no issues noted today - no activity at site this afternoon 5/2/2019 5/2/2019 10:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 1000Weather - Sunny scattered clouds - Temperature 67 to 92 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 43% Contractor NEI has water truck on site watering future grading areas east of the Civic Event Park Site and also have set the above ground pre -watering line with sprinklers to pre water future grading areas - 5/3/2019 5/3/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 98 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 42% NEI per watering site east of the civic event Park Site getting ready to start grading - they also have their 2000 gal water truck on job for dust control and watering areas of future grading - also keeping the equipment storage area wet to control any dust 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 3:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1500 to 1530 Weather Sunny - Temperature 65 to 83 - Breeze NW to 11 mph - Humidity 33% Called Chris King Several areas at Silver Rock are experiencing blowing dust around building pads on Ahmanson Lane and in cleared areas around the civic park site and around the equipment storage area and the areas where Granite installing 12KV line - Chris Called water truck operator to be on job in 30 minutes 1000 to 1030 Weather Sunny - Temperature 65 to 83 - Breeze NW to 11 mph - Humidity 33% Civic Event Park Site is sealed with green long term polymer stabilizer - grading sites east of park site are being prewatered with above ground sprinklers 5/7/2019 5/7/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 89 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 49%Chris has NEI water truck to water grades and control dust - 5/8/2019 5/8/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1015 to 1030 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 66 to 93 - Breeze WNW to 9 mph - Humidity 52% Civic Event Park Site has been has been Stabilized using green polymer stabilizer- other graded areas are being water with above ground sprinklers to pre water future grading sites and water truck on site watering all haul roads and disturbed parking areas and equipment storage areas to control dust - no grading activity being done at this time - 5/9/2019 5/9/2019 09:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0845 to 0900Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 90 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 57% Civic Event Park Site is Stabilized with green polymer long term stabilizer- east end of event site in next grading are contractor has above ground sprinklers pre watering site - no construction activity - water truck on site to water haul roads and equipment storage areas to control dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 7 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 5/10/2019 5/10/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - overcast cloudy - Temperature 66 to 83 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 48% - 10% chance of rainNEI has water truck on job watering all disturbed area ps and haul roads to control dust - also pre eating grading area east of Civic Event Park Site - Civic event Park Site has been Stabilized using green polymer long term stabilizer 5/13/2019 5/13/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 75 to 98 - Breeze NNE to 4 mph - Humidity 49% Site is compliant for dust control - contractor is pre -watering the next grading area east of the Civic Event Park Site with is Stabilized using green polymer long term stabilizer - no construction is going on at this time except NEI Water truck keeping disturbed areas and haul roads wet to control dust 5/14/2019 5/14/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 71 to 101 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 48% Site is compliant - ore watering the next grading area east of Civic Event Park Site - water truck on site to water haul roads and spoil piles No other construction on going at this time 5/15/2019 5/15/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0715 to 0730Weather - overcast to partly Cloudy - Temperature 77 to 97 - Breeze W to 6 mph - Humidity 33%Water truck on site watering spoil piles and haul roads to control dust on the project - no grading operations taking place at this time - 5/16/2019 5/16/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - WINDY today - high clouds and Sunny - Temperature 70 to 82 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 43% Contractor pre - watering the next grading site using above ground sprinklers and water truck on site to water haul roads and all disturbed sites to control dust - Civic event park site I'd Stabilized with green polymer long term stabilizer and the dog bone area also is stabilized - water truck will be watering the site for the future pro shop/ Club house and temporary cart barn and parking lot 0700 to 0730 Weather - WINDY today - high clouds and Sunny - Temperature 70 to 82 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 43% Contractor pre - watering the next grading site using above ground sprinklers and water truck on site to water haul roads and all disturbed sites to control dust - Civic event park site I'd Stabilized with green polymer long term stabilizer and the dog bone area also is stabilized - water truck will be watering the site for the future pro shop/ Club house and temporary cart barn and parking lot 5/17/2019 5/17/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 - 0730Weather - clear Sunny - Temperature 65 to 87 - Breeze WNW to 12 mph - Humidity 44%Site is compliant water truck on site watering disturbed areas and haul roads to control dust and watering future grading areas with above ground sprinklers 5/20/2019 5/20/2019 07:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0745 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 62 to 81- Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 45% Arrived site contractor demoing trees and brush with no water Truck and much dust - stopped his work and called Chris King to get water truck to site before they continue with demo - after water truck arrived to control dust they resumed demo and stockpiling Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 8 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 5/21/2019 5/21/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1500 Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 69 to 81 - Breeze W to 9 mph - Humidity 23% -Wind potential today Contractor completed demo of all vegetation, brush and trees that was on the existing slopes on east side of Silver Rock Blvd and are hauling the demo piles off the site - 5/22/2019 5/22/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 68 to 75 - Breeze WNW to 9 mph - Humidity 42% Site is being watered with above ground irrigation system at the future grading area - contractor also demoing brush and clearing and grubbing future grading area and hauling off demo material to off site dump area - also has water truck on site to water demo area and all haul roads to control dust - met with Chris King grading scheduled for next area is to begin in 3 to 4 weeks and no activity on the Future Club house / pro shop and cart barns and parking lot is still waiting on approvals 1200 to 1300Weather - Cloudy - Temperature 68 to 75 - Breeze W to 15 mph - Humidity 27% - 10% chance of rain Contractor continuing with demo of brush and shrubs on the slopes of the future grading area - had to again remind them to keep water truck adjacent to demo operations to keep the dust under control - called Chris King and he will monitor the demo operation closer - also met with demo operators and water truck operator to advise them of no dust procedures 5/23/2019 5/23/2019 12:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1130 to 1230Weather - Cloudy to Overcast - Temperature 61 to 81 - Breeze WNW to 8 mph - Humidity 37 % Contractor continuing with demo on north side grading area - water truck working with demo crew to control any dust - also hauling off demoed trees, brush and misc. and loading on end dumps and hauling off site to off site dump area - also NEI personnel moving above ground irrigation system( Rain for Rent) and cutting other haul roads for access to new grading area 5/24/2019 5/24/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 68 to 89 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 45% Contractor in process of moving water tower And installing the above ground irrigation system for pre watering the future grading area - also water truck on site for dust control - also they are continuing with hauling off demo stock piles from clearing operation - 5/28/2019 5/28/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 69 to 91 - Breeze E to 7 mph - Humidity 18 % Site is being pre -watered by above ground sprinklers for the next grading area Contractor setting up utilities hook ups for the mobile trailer for the pro shop - also they will be fine grading tomorrow and are planning to pave the entire pad for the pro shop Cart barns and parking lot west of cart barns on Thursday - this is a change at the cart barns and parking lot were supposed the be based only not paved - they are checking with Bryan to be sure this is approved 5/29/2019 5/29/2019 12:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0800 to 0830Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 74 to 97 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 33% Site being watered with above ground sprinklers to prevent water future grading areas - no issues observed - contractor fine grading the future pro shop, cart barns and parking lots to be paved tomorrow 1230 to 1245 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 74 to 97 - Breeze SE to 10 mph - Humidity 16% Contractor continuing with prewatering future grading site Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 9 of 16 RWYSrEMS 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0715 to 0730Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 75 to 100 - Breeze NE to 4 mph - Humidity 24% Contractor continuing with pre - watering the future grading area - no issues at this time 5/31/2019 5/31/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 74 to 98 - Breeze NNW to 4mph - Humidity 46% Continuing with prewatering of the future grading site 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 12:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1215 to 1230 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 79 to 100 - Breeze NE to 2 mph - Humidity 39% Contractor continuing with pre watering of the next grading area - no other on going construction at this time - Chris King will advise when grading resumes 6/4/2019 6/4/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0915 to 0930Weather- Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 73 to 105 - Breeze W to 1 mph - Humidity 53%Contractor continuing with pre - watering the future area to be graded - no on going construction for now - CVWD at site today abandoning water main at intersection of Silver Rock Way and Ahmanson Lane - 6/5/2019 6/5/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: No inspection today due to work on Avenue 52 6/6/2019 6/6/2019 10:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1045Weather - Sunny & Clear - Temperature 73 to 103 - Breeze E to 6 mph - Humidity 33% Contractor continuing with pre watering future grading site - only CVWD abandoning water mains in site - no other ongoing construction Correction TBU is installing manhole at Ahmanson Lane and Silverrock Way - with CVWD inspection Correction TB is installing manhole at Ahmanson Lane and Silverrock Way - with CVWD inspection 6/7/2019 6/7/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300Weather - Sunny & Clear - Temperature 77 to 107 - Breeze ESE to 8 mph - Humidity 24% Site is being watered with above ground rain birds in future grading site - contractor mobilizing equipment to site for start of grading - on the Ahmanson Pro Shop, cart barns and parking lot they are working to prep site for the arrival of the mobile buildings - no other work at this time 6/10/2019 6/10/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1430Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 83 ti 112 - Breeze ENE To 9 mph - Humidity 5% Contractor still pre -watering future grading site - and continuing to mobilize equipment for mass grading operation - also personnel working on the Club house / Cart barn / parking lot area getting operations ready for the mobile building to be set Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 10 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 6/11/2019 6/11/2019 10:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1015Weather - Clear and Sunny to mostly cloudy - Temperature 84 to 115 - Breeze WNW to 5 mph - Humidity 25% Talked with Chris King - Phase 2 mass grading will begin on Monday June 17th - Contractor has mobilized all grading equipment and still pre -watering site - on Silverrock Way east of Ahmanson Lane trees and brush demoed yesterday is being hauled off site to disposal site - 6/12/2019 6/12/2019 11:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1100 to 1130Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 86 to 116 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 29%Contractor working at site Clear and grubbing east of Ahmanson Lane - mobilizing equipment and prepping for grading phase 2 on Monday the 17th - water truck on site for dust control - no issues observed today 6/13/2019 6/13/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 82 to 111 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 12% Met with Chris King at site - contractor completing mobilizing equipment for grading phase 2 operation on Monday June 18th - Contractor is removing interfering abandoned gas mains and water mains on old Silverrock Way alignment- no other issues observed 6/14/2019 6/14/2019 09:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0915 to 0945Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 106 - Breeze NW to 13 mph - Humidity 33%. Future phase 2 grading Site is being watered with above ground rain -bird sprinklers and also 2000 gal water truck and 4000 gal water pull on site for dust control - all grading equipment on site and being prepped for grading operations beginning on Monday June 18th - Contractor still doing misc Clear and grub at east end of Phase 2 grading area 6/17/2019 6/17/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0800Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 75 to 106 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 48% Contractor started phase 2 grading today - Equipment car DBR, 2 Cat 627E push pull scrapers and 6 637 push pull scrapers - Cat 14 H motor grader - McCormick tractor with field disk - Cat 631 D 10 thousand gal water Pull They were setting the Club house/ pro shop mobiles this morning on the new temporary site 1430 to 1500Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 98 to 105 - Breeze E to 6 mph - Humidity 18%Contractor NEI continuing with phase 2 grading operations - Sladden Engineering Tech at job monitoring the grading operation and testing compaction and monitoring the cut fill operation - grading operation proceeding forward no issues noted this afternoon 6/18/2019 6/18/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 107 - Breeze NNW to 3 mph - Humidity 53% Continuing with grading operations for phase 2 grading - Sladden Engineering tech on job monitoring cut fill operation and testing compaction of fill material - 10000gal water pull on job containing dust and keeping cuts and fill wet to control dust They are also installing the Pro Shop / office trailer and bathrooms on temporary clubhouse site and started moving the cart barns to their new temporary locations 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300WEATHER - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 79 to 108 - Breeze E to 5 mph - Humidity 26% Contractor continuing with grading operation for phase 2 grading 0900 to 0930 WEATHER - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 79 to 108 - Breeze E to 5 mph - Humidity 26% Contractor continuing with grading operation on Phase 2 - no issues observed - Water Truck and 10000 gal water pull on site for dust control and aid in compaction of fill material Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 11 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 09:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 0915 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 106 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 46% Grading operation continuing forward in Phase2 grading area - they have a 10000 gal water pull and a 4000 gal water truck working on site for grading operations and dust control - Sladden Engineering tech on job to monitor the grading and fill operation and test the compaction of the fill material - no issues observed 6/21/2019 6/21/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1015 to 1030Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 75 to 100 - Breeze NW to 10 mph - Humidity 46% Contractor continuing with grading phase 2 area - they have a 4000 gal water truck and a 10,000 gal water pull to water the curb areas and the fill areas to control dust - Sladden Engineering tech on job to monitor the grading operation and test compaction of the fillarea 6/24/2019 6/24/2019 09:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0845 to 0915Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 70 to 108 - Breeze W to 4 mph - Humidity 33% Contractor resumed grading operations on phase 2 area - Sladden Engineering tech on site to monitor grading operations and test compaction of the fill area - Archeological/paleontology monitor on site no tribal monitor was observed today 6/25/2019 6/25/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1130 Weather - Sunny to partly Cloudy - Temperature 76 to 102 - Breeze ESE to 7 mph - Humidity 28% Contractor contingency with phase 2 grading operation east and north of intersection of Silver Rock Way and Ahmanson Lane - they have 1- 4000 gal water truck and 1 - 10,000 gal water pull for dust control and aid in compaction of fill areas - Sladden Engineering tech on job to monitor grading operation and test compaction of fill material - called Chris King as they are getting behind on watering and cut is dry soil and causing severe dust out in fill area - Chris called Contractor right then and had them increase water and slow down cut fill operation while water vehicles catch up to prevent dust 1400 to 1430Weather - partly Cloudy - Temperature 76 to 102 - Breeze NE to 7 mph - Humidity 20% Contractor continuing with grading - had to notify Chris King that the grader was creating to much dust by cutting dry material from the detention basin area and placing as fill - notified Chris and Angel from Sladden of this issues and then pointed out the area of dry fill material and Angel went to area to test and also observed that fill material was bone dry - He said he would have Contractor scarify wand water and then recompact this area tomorrow as they were shutting down for the day 6/26/2019 6/26/2019 09:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 73 to 103 - Breeze NNW to 4mph - Humidity 54% Continuing with grading operations 6/27/2019 6/27/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0915 to 0945 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 75 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 3 mph - Humidity 49% Contractor continuing with grading operation 1-4000 gal water truck and 1-10,000 gal water pull keeping grades wet for dust control and aid in compaction - Sladden Engineering tech (Angel) at job to monitor grading operation and test compaction of fill material 1430 to 1500Weather - Sunny - Temperature 75 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 3 mph - Humidity 49% Continuing with grading operations - no issues observed 6/28/2019 6/28/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1100Weather - Sunny - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 42% Arrived at site to see a tremendous amount f dust being created by grading operation at east end of job at the south end of the driving range - Calle Chris King immediately to get Contractor to either get more water on the site to stop the dust or shut down the operation - called Ubaldo and Bryan for direction and they indicated to issue a written non compliance and if NEI does not get control of dust then issue a stop work notice - issued non compliance to Chris King and he will work with contractor to stay in compliance Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 12 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 1400 to 1430Weather - Sunny - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze ESE To 6 mph - Humidity 15% Contractor equipment continuing to create dust, however no way as severe as this morning - Temperature now 102 with a slight breeze is drying out the surface of fill areas rapidly and water will need to be applied more frequently to suppress the dust completely - contractor completing work for today and will resume Monday morning 7/1/2019 7/1/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 77 to 113 - Breeze N to 3 mph - Humidity 8% Unable to check job today due to schedule and conflicts on time 7 7/2/2019 7/2/2019 12:00 1 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 110 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 25%Arrived site to see Maddie dust clouds being created during the cut/fill operation - called Chris - he had Contractor stop operation until they could get Water on the cut area to control the dust - they had the 10,000 gal water pull to water the cut area to control the dust They now have one 10,000 gal water pull and one 4009 gal water truck and one 2000 gal water truck on job to control dust 1130 to 1200Weather Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 110 - Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 25%Water trucks keeping up with grading to control dust - also in areas where grading complete they are stabilizing grade using Green polymer long term stabilizer - no dust observed this afternoon 7/3/2019 7/3/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1330Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 78 to 107 - Breeze W to 5 mph - Humidity 33% Contractor still working on cut fill operation- 1 - 10,000 gal water pull , 14000 gal water truck, 12000 gal water truck for dust control 7/5/2019 7/5/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 0930 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 81 to 107 - Breeze NNE to 2 mph - Humidity 27% No one working today - all equipment is parked and maintenance is being done - talked with Chris King and he has water trucks on standby if needed - also they have applied green long term polymer stabilizer on majority of graded areas to prevent blowing dust 7/8/2019 7/8/2019 2:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1330 to 1400Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 75 to 105 - Breeze NNE to 4 mph - Humidity 24% Arrived job and contractor has now moved to the southern area south and east of the canal - again extreme dust clouds were present - I Called Chris King and he indicated he would have contractor correct ASAP - however in the half hour I was at the job Dust was a continuing issue - I then called Leonard and he said to have them get more water trucks on site to control dust or we would get AQMD at site to issue citations - I then called Chris and forwarded Leonard's message to him 7/9/2019 7/9/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1300 to 1330Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 77 to 106 - Breeze ENE to 7 mph - Humidity 13% Contractor working in south east area cutting and fill to create the road from Maintenence area to Madison Ave 1- 10,000 gal water pull and 1- 4000 gal water truck - dust under control and Aldo one of the scrapers caught fire and was put out with water pull 7/10/2019 7/10/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 81 to 112 - Breeze ESE To 8 mph - Humidity 8% No grading today spoke with Chris King - there is a big bust between survey and plan - so grading stopped until correction is done - they have the 4000 gal water truck keeping unstabilized grades wet to control dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 13 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 7/11/2019 7/11/2019 10:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0945 to 1000Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 91 to 115 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 25% Contractor has ceased grading operations at southeast area of project until sometime Monday - minimal grading operation at north east area of project - 1- 623 and 1 - 637 scrapers, 1- 4000 gal water truck no dust present - They are also applying green Long term polymer stabilizer to areas where grading is complete on north area of grading operation 7/12/2019 7/12/2019 10:00 JP-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 9:45-10:OOamWeather- sunny with a high of 116 degrees and a low of 87Site is idle Surveyors on site re surveying and re staking for main road Work will resume Monday 7/16/2019 7/16/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 85 to 115 - Breeze W to 3 mph - Humidity 29% Contractor Granite importing fill material from Eisenhower basin they have a sweeper on Silverrock Way to clean streets and keep dust under control - Silver Rock contractor spreading fill dirt at south east side of development area water pull and water truck working to control during operation 7/17/2019 7/17/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0800 to 0830Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 85 to 110 - Breeze WSW to 2 mph - Humidity 32% Site is compliant - water truck keeping dust under control - as the 18 import trucks from Eisenhower detention basin is being dug are delivering soil to job - dedicated street sweeper on site to keep Silverrock Way swept of loose dirt 1300 to 1330Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 85 to 110 - Breeze E to 7 mph - Humidity 16% Contractor receiving, spreading and compacting fill soil from Eisenhower Basing excavation no dust issues - however Granite trucking operation causing dirt and dust on Silverrock Way 7/18/2019 7/18/2019 10:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1015 to 1045Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 85 to 111 - Breeze NNW to 2 mph - Humidity 34% Contractor keeping grade wet with 4000 gal water truck for dust control - no import trucking being done today - Called Matt McCloud about dirt and dried mud on Silverrock and on west bound Avenue 52 and Matt said sweeper on way to clean up street and I saw sweeper at site 7/19/2019 7/19/2019 1:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0745Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 110 - Breeze WNW to 4 mph - Humidity 31% 4000 gal water truck watering grade to prevent dust on areas not Stabilized with green long term polymer stabilizer Also Granite Personnel at Site building a concrete wheel wash off basin to control track out on Silverrock and Avenue 52 1300 to 1315Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 80 to 110 - Breeze WNW to 4 mph - Humidity 31% Met with Chris King at site - water trucks keeping grades - in areas that haven't been Stabilized - wet to control dust 7/22/2019 7/22/2019 2:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1430 to 1445Weather - overcast to partly cloudy - Temperature 88 to 111 - Breeze E To 4 mph - Humidity 36% No dust present water trucks are keeping fill areas and haul roads wet to control dust 1030 to 1100Weather - overcast to partly cloudy - Temperature 88 to 111 - Breeze E To 3 mph - Humidity 40%-Contractor continuing to receive the import material from Eisenhower Basin - they have water trucks on site to water haul roads and import site to control dust Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 14 of 16 RWYSrEMS 7/23/2019 7/23/2019 12:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0900Weather - overcast to partly cloudy - Temperature 88 to 108 - Breeze NNW to 5 mph - Humidity 53%-2 4000 gal water trucks and 2000 gal water truck on site keeping grade wet to control dust during import operation from Eisenhower basin - Street sweeper on site to keep track out picked up on site 1200 to 1230 Weather - overcast to partly cloudy - Temperature 88 to 109 - Breeze NE to 5 mph - Humidity 35% -Contractor resumed grading operation in south east area - 10,000 gal water truck and 4000 gal water truck keeping dust contained - no issues observed today 7/24/2019 7/24/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730-0745 Weather - partly cloudy - Temperature 87 to 110 - Breeze S to 3 mph - Humidity 50% Site is being watered with 2-4000 gal water trucks and 1-10,000 water pull to control dust 1030 to 1100Weather - partly cloudy - Temperature 87 to 110 - Breeze S to 3 mph - Humidity 50% Contractor working in south east area of project - 4000 gal water truck and 10,000 gal water pull to control dust during grading operation - the import operation from Eisenhower detention basin continues with no issues observed 7/25/2019 7/25/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - partly cloudy - Temperature 87 to 109 - Breeze SW to 5 mph - Humidity 44% -Contractor continuing with grading operation at south east area of project - 4,000 gal water truck and 10,000 gal water pull to control dust and aid in compaction - no issues observed 7/26/2019 7/26/2019 10:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 1000Weather - Sunny - Temperature 88 to 112 - Breeze SSE TO 4 mph - Humidity 49% Contractor working on fill area on southeast area of project - only 1 motor grader, 1 scraper and 14000 gal water truck - they will resume grading with all equipment on Monday - no issue noted 7/29/2019 7/29/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 88 to 112 - Breeze E TO 3- mph - Humidity 31% Contractor resumed grading operations at south easterly area of Silverrock- 4000 gal water truck and 10,000 gal water pull on site working in conjunction with scrapers to control dust and aid in compaction of fill areas - soil tech on site to monitor fill operation and test compaction - no issues at this time 7/30/2019 7/30/2019 09:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0845 to 0945Weather - Sunny - Temperature 88 to 108 - Breeze ESE To 6 mph - Humidity 47% Contractor NEI continuing with grading operations on east and south east areas of the project 1-10,000 gal Water pull and 1-4,000 gal water truck to control dust and aid compaction - Sladden Engineering tech at job to monitor fill operations and test compaction 7/31/2019 7/31/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1100Weather - Sunny to partly cloudy - Temperature 84 to 108 - Breeze SW To 3 mph - Humidity 61% Contractor continuing with grading operation at east and south east area of project - fine grading areas of future roadways and cutting future building sites to grade and filling area on east area tip-off project Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 15 of 16 CRWYSrEMS 8/1/2019 8/1/2019 10:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 1000Weather - Sunny - Temperature 96 to 112 - Breeze N To 3 mph - Humidity 28% Contractor NEI continuing with grading and finish sub grade of Silverrock Way east end and grading areas east area of project - Sladden Engineering tech on job monitoring grading operations and testing compaction of fill area - 1-4000 gal water truck and 1-10000 gal water pull on job to control dust and aid in compaction of fill areas 8/2/2019 8/2/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0930 to 1030Weather - Sunny to Partly Cloudy - Temperature 86 to 115 - Breeze WNW To 5 mph - Humidity 23% Contractor NEI continuing with grading operations on the east side of the project - cutting rough subgrade for the east end of Silverrock for future connection to Jefferson - they have 1 -4,000 gal water truck and 1-10,000 gal water pull working grading areas to control dust and aid in compaction of fill being placed - only finish grade equipment is in service today - the 633's and 634's are parked and being serviced 8/5/2019 8/5/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM NPDES/PM10 APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0930Weather - Partly Cloudy - Temperature 86 to 118 - Breeze WNW To 5 mph - Humidity 23% Contractor completed grading operation at east area of project and is now moving to the southern area around the Maintenence buildings off of Avenue 54 to resume grading operations They have sprayed all graded areas upon completion with green polymer long term stabilizer to control dust 8/6/2019 8/6/2019 11:30 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I AM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 11:00-11:30amWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 85 degrees SWPP contractor is on site spraying polymer application around grading site for PM10 compliance No rough or mass grading going in todaySite is idle for nowNo dirt being hauled in from Eisenhower basin todayNo mud track out issues observed at this time 8/7/2019 8/7/2019 3:00 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I PM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 2:45-3:OOpmWeather- partly cloudy with a high of 102 degrees and a low of 82 degrees Site is idle Contractor continues stabilizing vacant lots around Silver Rock for PM10 compliance Dirt hauling will resume Monday 8/12 8/8/2019 8/8/2019 3:15 EH-ONSITE I EDWARD I PARTIALLY I PM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 3:00-3:15pmWeather-sunny with a high of 110 degrees and a low of 81 degrees This job is assigned to Jim PetersSite is idle 8/9/2019 8/9/2019 1:45 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I PM NPDES/PM10 HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 1:30-1:45pmWeather- sunny with a high of 109 degrees and a low of 78 degrees No dirt being hauled in from Eisenhower basin till Monday 8/12Site is idlePortable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Windscreen fence is up for dust control All vacant lots are stabilized with polymer application for dust control Rumble strips and rock with wheel wash on site fir mud track out at stabilized entrance Water trucks throughout various locations of site for PM10 compliance Overall site is PM10 compliant 8/12/2019 8/12/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS APPROVED AM NPDES/PM10 Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 79 to 109 - Breeze W to 1 mph - Humidity 42% No grading operation going on for now - Chris King said grading has ceased for now Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 16 of 16 CRWYSrEMS