GRP2019-0003 InspectionsPermit Number: GRP2019-0003 Applied: 4/9/2019 Issued: 4/17/2019 Status: FINALED Parent Permit: Parent Project: Details Approved:4/17/2019 Finaled: 8/21/2019 Description: SILVERROCK TEMPORARY CLUBHOUSE & PARKING LOT; PSN PG 2018-0014 Site Address: OFF AHMANSON LANE WITHIN SILVERROCK City, State Zip Code: , CA Applicant: SILVERROCK PHASE I, LLC-JOHN GAMLIN Owner: CITY OF LA QUINTA Contractor: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIST OF SEQ SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE TYPE INSPECTOR RESULT REMARKS ID 4/22/2019 4/22/2019 3:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1500Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 92 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 33%Met with contractor excavating sewer trench from tie in point to future pro shop - they will be installing SDR- 35 PVC pipe which I will check before backfilling - Sladden Engineering will be monitoring backfill and compaction of the trench and forward test results for our records 1000 to 1130Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 92 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 33%Reviewing plans for the on site grading and utilities for the Pro -shop, cart barns and parking lot 0930 to 1000Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 92 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 33%Site is already graded for future clubhouse and cart barn and parking lot - surveyor setting final grades for buildings - TBU starting on water service to future buildings 4/23/2019 4/23/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 101- Breeze WNW to 13 mph - Humidity 19% Contractor finishing up the sewer trench excavation and will start placing sewer pipe tomorrow and requested inspection for backfill around 0930 - in checking the pipe observed it was not SDR 35 per Plan - brought this to Chris's attention and he called contractor and they are changing out pipe to the pipe per plan 1300 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 74 to 101- Breeze WNW to 13 mph - Humidity 19% Contractor has ordered the proper SDR 35 pipe for the sewer to the temporary Club house. / Pro Shop - also the new propane tank was delivered today - trench is OK to receive the SDR 35 sewer pipe 4/24/2019 4/24/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030Weather - Sunny - Temperature 80 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Arrived at site contractor personnel had already placed the SDR 35 sewer pipe and backfilled over pipe - they had photos of pipe in the trench - Call to Chris King to tell him what's going on - told contractor DO NOT backfill any more pipe until after I have witnessed the pipe in the trench - also they are tying into a water line in a different location then the plan shows - will get clarification from Chris before they can continue 0700 to 0730Weather - Sunny - Temperature 80 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Met with contractor TBU at site - they will be installing the SDR 35 pipe per plan - material is supposed to be delivered this morning - 1400 to 1430Met with Chris King at to discuss domestic water line in Sewer trench - they decided they will follow the plan - contractor dug out trench thru the cart path and I will inspect pipe tomorrow morning 1300 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 80 to 104 - Breeze NNW to 6 mph - Humidity 23%Met with contractor and called Chris King that after research and discussion with City Engineer that installing domestic water in same trench and sewer is not acceptable and violates Code - Chris will reinforce with Contractor TBU - Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 1 of 5 RWYSrEMS 4/25/2019 4/25/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1400 to 1430Weather - Sunny - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 32% Backfill and compaction of sewer line complete to the future Club house / pro shop and contractor cleaning up area and will start excavation for water line to pro shop/Club house tomorrow 1145 to 1200Weather - Sunny - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 32% Contractor continuing with backfill and compaction of sewer line to temporary Club house/pro shop 0700 to 0800Weather - Sunny - Temperature 76 to 103 - Breeze WNW to 2 mph - Humidity 32% Contractor completed placing the sewer pipe for the temporary Club House / Pro Shop restrooms - sewer line per survey hubs - Contractor starting backfill and compaction - Sladden Engineering technician at job to monitor backfill and compaction - also will start trenching for the domestic water line to the clubhouse - Chris King(project Superintendent) at site this morning to coordinate the work 4/26/2019 4/26/2019 11:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800Weather - Sunny and clear - Temperature 78 to 104 - Breeze NW to 5 mph - Humidity 27%Contractor Ted Burton Underground(TBU) - laid out trench for water service line to temporary Club house restrooms and cart barn water service - they have a water truck at site to control dust - will check back to inspect line installation so they can backfill 1030 to 1115 Weather - Sunny and clear - Temperature 78 to 104 - Breeze NW to 5 mph - Humidity 27%Contractor excavating trench 24 inches deep for water line to temporary Club House/ Pro Shop and cart barn - installing 1 inch schedule 40 pipe in trench and then backfilling and compacting - Sladden Engineering tech at job to monitor backfill and compaction and test compaction for compliance 4/29/2019 4/29/2019 10:30 EH-ONSITE EDWARD PARTIALLY I AM GRADING HERNANDEZ APPROVED Notes: 10:15-10:34amWeather- sunny with a of 83 degrees and a low of 59 degrees TBU grading is on site trenching and installing storm drain pipe Portable bathrooms with spill pans and adjacent hand wash stations on site Water truck is on site watering down for dust control Vacant lots are stabilized with polymer for dust control Catch basins are protected with sandbags No mud track out issues observed at this time Overall site is PM10 compliant 4/30/2019 4/30/2019 2:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1415 to 1430Weather - Sunny - Temperature 68 to 85 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 29%0900 to 0930Weather - Sunny - Temperature 68 to 85 - Breeze W to 7 mph - Humidity 29%Contractor installed both storm drain line on north side of parking lot west of Cart Barns - plan calls for ABS pipe however contractor installed SDR-35 PVC pipe 5/1/2019 5/1/2019 2:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1330 to 1400Weather - Sunny - Temperature (81) 65 to 91 - Breeze N to 9 mph - Humidity 22%AJ from building department at site to inspect the electrical trench and conduits for the temporary Pro Shop/ Club house and temporary cart barns and OK'd contractor to backfill and compact the trench - contractor excavating trench for fiber line adjacent to cart path for the Eighth hole for a new pump on the west side of the eighth green - Chris will as built plan for precise location of the line 5/2/2019 5/2/2019 10:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1030 Weather - Sunny scattered clouds - Temperature 67 to 92 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 43% Contractor TBU backfilling and compacting electrical utility trench on the future building pad for the Pro -Shop/ Club house and cart barns - then will be backfilling and compacting trench for fiber line on north side of cart path at Hole 8 5/3/2019 5/3/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1330Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 98 - Breeze ESE To 11 mph mph - Humidity 12% Contractor backfilling and compacting electrical and fiber conduits in trench to be ready to pull wire next week - met with Chris King to discuss scheduling and what issues to be addressed next week 1030 to 1100Weather - Sunny - Temperature 71 to 98 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 42% Contractor completed drain lines around future cart barn and constructed the rip rap spill ways No issues observed they will install the grate drain after paving parking is completed Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 2 of 5 CRWYSrEMS 5/6/2019 5/6/2019 11:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1100Weather Sunny - Temperature 65 to 83 - Breeze NW to 11 mph - Humidity 33% Met with contractor TBU and Chris King at building site - contractor installing pull ropes in utility conduits for temporary pro shop/ Club house and temporary cart barns - no issues observed 5/7/2019 5/7/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 89 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 49%No one working on the site today - Company installing 12 KV line on job today grounding vaults and setting up to install cables soon - 5/8/2019 5/8/2019 10:15 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1015Weather - Sunny - Temperature 66 to 93 - Breeze WNW to 9 mph - Humidity 52% Site being watered with water truck to control dust - no construction activity at site today 5/9/2019 5/9/2019 08:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0830 to 0845 Weather - Sunny - Temperature 65 to 90 - Breeze NW to 7 mph - Humidity 57% No construction activity at site - water truck on job watering the future building pad and parking lot to control dust 5/10/2019 5/10/2019 1:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1300Weather - overcast cloudy - Temperature 66 to 83 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 48% - 10% chance of rainConctror set the manhole Base fro the force main and heat fused the 2 inch main cross outside of the manhole and backfilling and compacting then will place concrete ring to set remaining manhole shaft0730 to 0800Weather - overcast cloudy - Temperature 66 to 83 - Breeze NW to 8 mph - Humidity 48% - 10% chance of rainContractor setting up to install the grinder force main man hole - excavating for manhole and moving equipment to site to set and install pumps and complete connectors 5/13/2019 5/13/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 75 to 98 - Breeze NNE to 4 mph - Humidity 49% Contractor set man hole shafts for the force main grinder manhole - they will be backfilling and compacting around the manhole - no other work is scheduled at this time 5/14/2019 5/14/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 71 to 101- Breeze NW to 2 mph - Humidity 48% No work at this Pro/snob and car barn area - Contractor setting up Construction trailer at Maintenence area - called out to check the ADA ramp for the trailer from parking lot - called Leonard for direction and he said that ADA ramp and sidewalk are the responsibility of the Building Department 5/15/2019 5/15/2019 09:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0900 to 0930Weather - overcast to partly Cloudy - Temperature 77 to 97 - Breeze W to 6 mph - Humidity 33%Requested to check trench for propane line from propane tank to existing restaurant for the transition period while new construction is being completed - took photos and told Chris King to contact building department for their approval - line is not installed at this time Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 3 of 5 RWYSrEMS 5/16/2019 5/16/2019 07:45 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0745 Weather - WINDY today - high clouds and Sunny - Temperature 70 to 82 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 43% Met with Chris a King no construction activity except NEI Water truck on site to control dust 0730 to 0745 Weather - WINDY today - high clouds and Sunny - Temperature 70 to 82 - Breeze WNW to 11 mph - Humidity 43% Met with Chris a King no construction activity except NEI Water truck on site to control dust 5/17/2019 5/17/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY GRADING APPROVED Notes: Weather - clear Sunny - Temperature 65 to 87 - Breeze NNW to 10 mph - Humidity 25%No on going work at this time - Chris will call in when work resumes 5/20/2019 5/20/2019 08:00 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0745 to 0800Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 62 to 81 - Breeze WNW to 10 mph - Humidity 45% No on going work at this time - Chris will advise when work resumes 5/21/2019 5/21/2019 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS APPROVED GRADING Notes: Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 69 to 81- Breeze W to 9 mph - Humidity 23% -Wind potential today No on site work for the Club house / cart barns at this time - Chris King will call when work resumes 5/29/2019 5/29/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0730 to 0800 Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 74 to 97 - Breeze NW to 6 mph - Humidity 33% Contractor fine grading building pad for pro shop/cart barns and parking lot to get ready to pave entire area tomorrow 1245 to 1330Weather - Clear and Sunny - Temperature 74 to 97 - Breeze SE to 10 mph - Humidity 16% Contractor continuing with grading pro shop/cart barn and parking lot area - Matich Construction will be on job at 0700 tomorrow to pave the entire area per Chris King 5/30/2019 5/30/2019 1:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 1230 to 1330Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 75 to 97 - Breeze ESE to 12 mph - Humidity 17% 1000 to 1030Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 75 to 100 - Breeze NE to 4 mph - Humidity 24% Continuing with paving of pro shop/ cart barn / parking lot 0630 to 0715Weather - Sunny with scattered clouds - Temperature 75 to 100 - Breeze NE to 4 mph - Humidity 24% Matich Construction on job to pave the pro shop, cart barn and parking lot pad this morning Chris King at job - MSA surveyors on job to lay out Ada walkway areas 5/31/2019 5/31/2019 07:30 JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM GRADING APPROVED Notes: 0700 to 0730 Weather - Sunny and Clear - Temperature 74 to 98 - Breeze NNW to 4mph - Humidity 46% Met Chris King at site they used water truck to flood the paved areas for the pro Shop/ cart barns and parking lot - there were no major bird baths on site - Chris is proceeding forward with electrical pedestals and portable building is to be on site on June 17th 6/3/2019 6/3/2019 I TGRADING JP-ONSITE JIM PETERS APPROVED Notes: Weather - Sunny - Temperature 79 to 100 - Breeze NE to 2 mph - Humidity 39% No work being done at this time - Chris King will advise when work resumes Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 4 of 5 RWYSrEMS 8/14/2019 8/14/2019 11:30 1 JP -PUBLIC WORKS I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM FINAL APPROVED Notes: 1030 to 1130Weather - Sunny - Temperature 85 to 117 - Breeze WSW to 2 mph - Humidity 30%Went to site met epithet Chris King - parking lot has been paved - barrier fence around parking lot was eliminated and replaced with parking bumpers at each Parking stall - lot is stripped - however there is NO ADA path of travel painted out on asphalt surface from ADA parking to the Club House as indicated on the plans to indicate the travel surface - I did not make any ADA inspections as that is the duty of the building department - AJ made several recommendations in the parking lot because it was all paved instead of 2 base material - met with Chris King and he will have the management direct his course of action 8/15/2019 8/16/2019 10:15 JP -PUBLIC WORKS I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM FINAL APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1015Weather - Sunny - Temperature 85 to 116 - Breeze W to 4 mph - Humidity 17%Talked with Chris King - No decision yet after AJ(Building Dept) was at Site and said they needed more ADA warning strips and parking stalls - informed Chris that they need to complete the second white line per plan on south side of Cart Barn 8/19/2019 8/19/2019 11:00 1 JP -PUBLIC WORKS I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY AM FINAL APPROVED Notes: 1000 to 1100Weather - Sunny -Temperature 91 to 110 - Breeze ENE to 2 mph - Humidity 24%Contractor at job to re strip per building department directions - they still were not putting the buffer stripe on south side of the cart barn - called Bryan and he sent Leonard out to review - after review Leonard the returned to see building official JW for clarification and advisement 8/20/2019 8/20/2019 2:00 JP -PUBLIC WORKS I JIM PETERS PARTIALLY PM FINAL APPROVED Notes: 1345 to 1400Weather - Sunny -Temperature 107 to 115 - Breeze E to 5 mph - Humidity 7%Waiting on Truncated domes to be installed in location per AJ at building department and new layout for the parking lot - called Chris and domes are ordered they are just waiting for them to be delivered and installed all paint stripes and ADA logos are complete 8/21/2019 8/21/2019 12:00 JP -PUBLIC WORKS I JIM PETERS APPROVED PM FINAL Notes: 1130 to 1200Weather - Sunny -Temperature 105 to 117 - Breeze W to 2 mph - Humidity 9%Met with Chris at site - per direction of JW and AJ of the building department - Truncated dome mats have been installed - ADA parking has been moved - ADA signage has been installed - all stripping has been completed- they are waiting on CVWD to install concrete collars at the entrance to the parking lot and then permanently pave the tie in area Printed: Monday, 11 July, 2022 5 of 5 CRWYSrEMS