WQMP2021-0006Whitewater River Region WQMP Project Specific Final Water Quality Management Plan For: SilverRock Resort (PM 37207) — Golf Clubhouse 79-179 Ahmanson Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 DEVELOPMENT NO. DESIGN REVIEW NO. Prepared for: SilverRock Phase 1, LLC Robert S. Green, Jr. 343 Forth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: 760-634-6543 PM 37207 SDP2016-0009 Prepared by: Todd L. Pitner, P.E. Project Manager Michael Baker International 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Telephone: 760-346-7481 Original Date Prepared: Revision Date(s): August 2021 cbS{ O 0 KID, SUM 91, r p. Ci-� Whitewater River Region WOMP Golf Clubhouse OWNER'S CERTIFICATION This project -specific Water Quality A4anage ent Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for: The SilvcrRock Phase 1, LLC by Michael Baker international for the project known as Golf Clubhouse (PM 37207) at 79-179 A hmanson Lane, La Qiiinte, CA 92253 This WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of City of La Quinta for TM 37207, SDP2016- 000, Silverkock Golf Clubhouse, which includes the requirement for the preparation and innplernentation of a project-specifiit WQMP, The undersigned, while owning the property/project described in the preceding paragraph, shall be responsible for the implelrientatiori of this WQMP and will ensure that this WQMP is aniended as appropriate. to retleet up-to-date conditions on the site. `Phis WQMP will be reviewed with the facility operator, facility super visors, employees, tenants, maintenance and service contractors, or any other party (or parties) having r puiv%ihility for iniplDmeuting portions of this WQMP. At leant one copy of this WQMP wiII be maintained at the project site or prnjeet office in petpetuity, The undcrsigned is authorized to certify and to approve implementaliou of this WQMP, The undersigned is aware that limplemr-niation of this WQMP is enforceabie under City of La Quinta, CA Water Quality Ordinance {Municipal Code Section 8.70.070}. If' the undersigned trartstets its interest in the subject propettyfproject, the undersigned shall notify the successor in interest of its responsibility to implement this WQMP- " 1, QMP_ "I, the undersigned, certify wider ,penalty of law Lbat I am the owner of the property that is the subject of #his WQMP, and that the provisions of this WQMP Daae been reviewed and accepted and gnat the WQiMP will be transferred to future successors in interest.'' SILVERROCK PHASE 1, LLC a Delaware Iimited liability company By: The Robert Green Company a California Coq)oration Owner's Signature Robert S. Gi een, Jr. Owner's Printed Maine president and Chief Executive Ofilcer Ow=r's Tide)Positlon Date 3431,orth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: 760-634-6543 r KATHARINA CLARE Commiui9on tVo_ 2333572 NOTARY FU6LIC - CALWORNIA r SAH DIEGO COUNTY if Umm1Ww Expires SNPWMbV 17, 2424 ATTEST AOtaryvnature Ari rr Printed Flame t.r TitlelPositi n Date CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT NOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual wha signed the document to which this certificate as attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Sart Diego on August 9, 2021 before rne, Kat.harina Clare, notary_ Public ere Irisfitt Morn. 2nd li IIe�O ijlq wljarj personally appeared Robert S. Green, Jr. who proved to rna on the Basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pe rs o In M whose name(sr)&re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that (63shelthey executed the same n(ffgtheMhe1r authorized capacity(les), and that by IS erltheir signature(.) on the instrument the person(r,), or the entity upon behalf of which the person fs) acted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. KATHARiNA CLARE VVITNESS my hand and official seal. Commisslcri Na, 23=72 iNOTARY pusUir - CAlur RN1A � 15A% DIEGO COUR if Cpmmltslon#,vpuge $mber f7F:i�l}�d Notary PubElc tgneture (Nolary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION PTEON OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT Owner's GerifficatfOn (TltktordasaWlonajattauhaddoevurrenl) — president and CEO (I 1k or desarlplion of at&lied dooumanteonllnrred) Number -of Pages 1 Documml date 08JO9121 CAPACI-FY CLAIMED BY TIRE SIGNER ❑ IndIvIdual {s) El 0arparate Officer President arid CEO TIIFE!T-- Ll Partner(s) D Attorney -In -Fact Il Trustees} ❑ enter �Q15 Version www. NotaryClasspl;-earn f}pt}-873-sEIE}S TNSTRTJCTTONS FOR CON PT.ETTNG7MS FOPM Thirfnrm rompfres Ndrh cz-renl Calf—Min sfarrrfes Mardlrrg jwfury rwr rding and, lfrteeded, shoiWba complefed d?Ed W ached ro file docivinear. Aekraow1eknews JUM vrl,ersfrrras xjay be rlrnrslgresq long as 1A.8 ■wwdlheddes ■,af rrgrdrve the Caffarniu nomoy tv vialare California rrofVry law, State avid County fnPorm&[fon must b:, The State and County whes•e tka document signcr{sj pc sonalay appeared before the votary public for ws nawaedgmenl• Date of noterixgviun mus t be the dale that the sigarr(s) perst,nally appeared whi0h must also be'd►e same date the acknowledgment ig caLVleted. + The notary public rr,ust print his or ha name as it appeats wi[6i11 Isis Or ire, cammimlon fbIJowed by a comma and then your tine (notary public}. Ffwt [fie Rmle(S) of 40Hwneat sign*i) wha pe sanally appmr at the time of • Indicate the carred singular or plural farws by crdsaing off fncaurect forms CLe. halshoftfre}, is Jia) ar circling R16 correct farms_ Irailuro to c- rwctly indicate this infwttla[i0tl may lead W i-jectiou afdocument mcgMiag• ■ The notary seal impressiair must be Clear and pla01097apltically reproduaiblc. lmpnsslan wust Mui cover tract or linc;s_ If yc l irnprvpj4m smudges, re -seal if a aufhcient area parmit9, athenvise completca different acUaWlcdg"Cat roan. + ;Signature of the >tutniy In[blio mugs r,raleh the Sign 011 nn Mn widr the office of Om cumly clerk. + Additional informgtian is poi required but cm1d help to ensure tlils aeknowlcdgmcnt Is not misused or claclied to a diffamnt document, 0 ladtcaia [itle or type of attached dwwlenl, number of pages and date - TW cats the capacity elaimcd by dra signer. If [he claimed capacity is a corperata officer, iadlaalr; Ih❑ litle (i -a CED, CFO. $xrctauy). ■ Su:M71:dV ARM 11 this documem to the signed dacvmew will, a staple_ Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Contents SECTIONS PAGE I. Project Description.........................................................................................................................1 II. Site Characterization.....................................................................................................................5 III. Pollutants of Concern.....................................................................................................................7 IV. Hydrologic Conditions of Concern..............................................................................................8 V. Best Management Practices..........................................................................................................9 V.1 SITE DESIGN BMP CONCEPTS, LID/SITE DESIGN AND TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS...... 9 V.1.A SITE DESIGN BMP CONCEPTS AND LID/SITE DESIGN BMPS................................. 11 V.1.13 TREATMENT CONTROL BMPS................................................................................ 13 V. LC MEASURABLE GOAL SUMMARY............................................................................. 14 V.2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPS................................................................................................. 15 V.3 EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL BMP ALTERNATIVES ............................................ 18 VA REGIONALLY -BASED BMPS............................................................................................. 18 VI. Operation and Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs..........................................................20 VII. Funding..........................................................................................................................................22 TABLES TABLE 1. POLLUTANT OF CONCERN SUMMARY 7 TABLE 2. BMP SELECTION MATRIX BASED UPON POLLUTANT OF CONCERN REMOVAL EFFICIENCY(') 10 TABLE 6: MEASURABLE GOAL SUMMARY 14 TABLE 7. SOURCE CONTROL BMPS 15 APPENDICES A. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2017-0001, DATED: 01/03/2017 B. VICINITY MAP, WQMP SITE PLAN, AND RECEIVING WATERS MAP C. SUPPORTING DETAIL RELATED TO HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS OF CONCERN (IF APPLICABLE) D. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS E. SOILS REPORT (IF APPLICABLE) - BY: GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERING, INC., REPORT NO. 8227-04, DATED: 09/4/2019 F. STRUCTURAL BMP AND/OR RETENTION FACILITY SIZING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS G. AGREEMENTS - CC&RS, COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS, BMP MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS AND/OR OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT -SPECIFIC WQMP H. PHASE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT - SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS I. PROJECT -SPECIFIC WQMP SUMMARY DATA FORM June 2021 1-i Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse I. Project Description Project Owner: SilverRock Phase 1, LLC 343 Forth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: 760-634-6543 WQMP Preparer: Michael Baker International 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: 760-346-7481 Project Site Address: 79-179 Ahmanson Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 Planning Area/ Coachella Valley Planning Area Community Name/ City of La Quinta Development Name: Golf Clubhouse APN Number(s): 777-490-045 Latitude & Longitude: 33.667943, -116.276564 Receiving Water: Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel Project Site Size: 7.40 Acres Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code: Formation of Home Owners' Association (HOA) or Property Owners Association (POA): 7992 (Commercial) June 2021 1-1 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Additional Permits/Approvals required for the Project: AGENCY Permit required State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish and Game Code § 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement y ❑ N® State Water Resources Control Board, Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Water Quality Certification y ❑ N® US Army Corps of Engineers, CWA Section 404 permit y ❑ N® US Fish and Wildlife, Endangered Species Act Section 7 biological opinion Y ❑ N® Statewide Construction General Permit Coverage Y ® N❑ Statewide Industrial General Permit Coverage Y ❑ N® Other (please list in the space below as required) City of La Quinta Grading Permit y ❑ N ❑ LCity of La Quinta Building Permit Y Z N❑ June 2021 1-2 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse This report prepared by Michael Baker International for SilverRock Phase 1, LLC., addresses the Golf Clubhouse (PM 37207) project. The project is located at 79-179 Ahmanson Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253, in the City of La Quinta. The site is approximately 7.40 acres and includes a golf clubhouse, entry driveway and related site improvements. Typical activities associated with this type of mixed used development include incoming and outgoing vehicle traffic, events and parking, landscape irrigation and maintenance, use and maintenance of golf course vehicles, and use of trash/recycle bins. The potential pollutants generated by this land use type include sediments, nutrients, organic compounds, trash and debris, oxygen demanding substances, bacteria and viruses, oil and grease, pesticides and metals. Stormwater will be collected in a series of area drain catch basins throughout the project site and piped to the existing drainage basins to the north of Silver Rock Way. The existing drainage basins are sized to handle the 100 -year storm events from this project site. Appendix A of this project -specific WQMP includes a complete copy of the final Conditions of Approval. See Appendix B for Project Vicinity Map, WQMP Site Plan, and Receiving Waters Map. Appendix B of this project -specific WQMP includes: a. A Vicinity Map identifying the project site and surrounding planning areas in sufficient detail; and b. A Site Plan for the project. The Site Plan included as part of Appendix B depicts the following project features: ■ Location and identification of all structural BMPs, including Source Control, LID/Site Design and Treatment Control BMPs. ■ Landscaped areas. ■ Paved areas and intended uses (i.e., parking, outdoor work area, outdoor material storage area, sidewalks, patios, tennis courts, etc.). ■ Number and type of structures and intended uses (i.e., buildings, tenant spaces, dwelling units, community facilities such as pools, recreation facilities, tot lots, etc.). ■ Infrastructure (i.e., streets, storm drains, etc.) that will revert to public agency ownership and operation. ■ Location of existing and proposed public and private storm drainage facilities (i.e., storm drains, channels, basins, etc.), including catch basins and other inlets/outlet structures. Existing and proposed drainage facilities should be clearly differentiated. ■ Location(s) of Receiving Waters to which the project directly or indirectly discharges. ■ Location of points where onsite (or tributary offsite) flows exit the property/project site. ■ Delineation of proposed drainage area boundaries, including tributary offsite areas, for each location where flows exit the project site and existing site (where existing June 2021 1-3 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Appendix I is a one-page form that summarizes pertinent information relative to this project - specific WQMP. June 2021 1-4 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse IL Site Characterization Land Use Designation or Zoning: CT = Tourist Commercial, GC= Golf Course, FP = Flood Plain Current Property Use: Vacant Proposed Property Use: Golf Clubhouse Availability of Soils Report: Y ® N ❑ Note: A soils report is required if infiltration BMPs are utilized. Attach report in Appendix E. Phase 1 Site Assessment: Y ® N ❑ Note: If prepared, attached remediation summary and use restrictions in Appendix H. June 2021 1-5 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Receiving Waters for Urban Runoff from Site June 2021 1-6 Proximity to RARE Receiving EPA Approved 303(d) List Designated Beneficial Use Waters Impairments Beneficial Uses Designated Receiving Waters Coachella Valley Pathogens, Toxaphene, FRSH, REC I, REC Stormwater Dieldrin, DDT, PCBs, II, WARM, WILD +/- 4 Miles Channel Nitrogen, Ammonia (Total & RARE Ammonia), and Toxicity June 2021 1-6 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse III. Pollutants of Concern Table 1. Pollutant of Concern Summary Pollutant Category Potential for Project and/or Existing Site Causing Receiving Water Impairment Bacteria/Virus/Pathogens YES YES Heavy Metals YES NO Nutrients YES NO Toxic Organic Compounds YES NO Sediment/Turbidity YES NO Trash & Debris YES NO Oil & Grease YES NO Other (Toxaphene): NO YES Other (Dieldrin): NO YES Other (DDT): NO YES Other (PCBs) NO YES Nitrogen, Ammonia (Total Ammonia) NO YES Toxicity NO YES NOTE: TOXAPHENE, DIELDRIN, DDT, AND PCBs ARE BANNED SUBSTANCES IN THE UNITED STATES. June 2021 1-7 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse IV. Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Local Jurisdiction Requires On -Site Retention of Urban Runoff: Yes ® The project will be required to retain urban runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance (See Table 6 of the WQMP Guidance document, "Local Land use Authorities Requiring Onsite Retention of Stormwater"). This section does not need to be completed; however, retention facility design details and sizing calculations must be included in Appendix F. No ❑ This section must be completed. This Project meets the following condition: ❑ Condition A: 1) Runoff from the Project is discharged directly to a publicly -owned, operated and maintained MS4 or engineered and maintained channel, 2) the discharge is in full compliance with local land use authority requirements for connections and discharges to the MS4 (including both quality and quantity requirements), 3) the discharge would not significantly impact stream habitat in proximate Receiving Waters, and 4) the discharge is authorized by the local land use authority. ❑ Condition B: The project disturbs less than 1 acre and is not part of a larger common plan of development that exceeds 1 acre of disturbance. The disturbed area calculation must include all disturbances associated with larger plans of development. ❑ Condition C: The project's runoff flow rate, volume, velocity and duration for the post -development condition do not exceed the pre -development condition for the 2 - year, 24-hour and 10 -year 24-hour rainfall events. This condition can be achieved by, where applicable, complying with the local land use authority's on-site retention ordinance, or minimizing impervious area on a site and incorporating other Site - Design BMP concepts and LID/Site Design BMPs that assure non-exceedance of pre -development conditions. This condition must be substantiated by hydrologic modeling methods acceptable to the local land use authority. ❑ None: Refer to Section 3.4 of the Whitewater River Region WQMP Guidance document for additional requirements. Supporting engineering studies, calculations, and reports are included in Appendix C. June 2021 1-8 2 year — 24 hour 10 year — 24 hour Precondition T Post -condition Precondition Post -condition Discharge (cfs) Velocity (fps) Volume (cubic feet) Duration (minutes) June 2021 1-8 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V. Best Management Practices This project implements Best Management Practices (BMPs) to address the Pollutants of Concern that may potentially be generated from the use of the Project site plus existing site area(s). These BMPs have been selected and implemented to comply with Section 3.5 of the WQMP Guidance document, and consist of Site Design BMP concepts, Source Control, LID/Site Design and, if/where necessary, Treatment Control BMPs as described herein. V.1 SITE DESIGN BMP CONCEPTS, LID/SITE DESIGN AND TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs Local Jurisdiction Requires On -Site Retention of Urban Runoff: Yes ® The project will be required to retain Urban Runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance (See Table 6 of the WQMP Guidance document, "Local Land use Authorities Requiring Onsite Retention of Stormwater). The LID/Site Design measurable goal has thus been met (100%), and Sections VA.A and V.1.13 do not need to be completed; however, retention facility design details and sizing calculations must be included in Appendix F, and '100%' should be entered into Column 3 of Table 6 below. No ❑ Section V.1 must be completed. This section of the Project -Specific WQMP documents the LID/Site Design BMPs and, if/where necessary, the Treatment Control BMPs that will be implemented on the project to meet the requirements detailed within Section 3.5.1 of the WQMP Guidance document. Section 3.5.1 includes requirements to implement Site Design Concepts and BMPs, and includes requirements to address Pollutants of Concern with BMPs. Further, sub -section specifically requires that Pollutants of Concern be addressed with LID/Site Design BMPs to the extent feasible. LID/Site Design BMPs are those BMPs listed within Table 2 below which promote retention and/or feature a natural treatment mechanism; off-site and regionally -based BMPs are also LID/Site Design BMPs, and therefore count towards the measurable goal, if they fit these criteria. This project incorporates LID/Site Design BMPs to fully address the Treatment Control BMP requirement where and to the extent feasible. If and where it has been acceptably demonstrated to the local land use authority that it is infeasible to fully meet this requirement with LID/Site Design BMPs, Section V. LB (below) includes a description of the conventional Treatment Control BMPs that will be substituted to meet the same requirements. In addressing Pollutants of Concern, BMPs are selected using Table 2 below. June 2021 1-9 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Table 2. BMP Selection Matrix Based Upon Pollutant of Concern Removal Efficiency (1) (Sources: Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Design Handbook for Low Impact Development Best Management Practices, dated September 2011, the Orange County Technical Guidance Document for Water Quality Management Plans, dated May 19, 2011, and the Caltrans Treatment BMP Technology Report, dated April 2010 and April 2008) June 2021 1-10 M M M C �,.� � m cli Q o •� N i LD o 6 w Pollutant of a� a CO Concern M U ° v) —_ = o � a) to '6 .� L o (L t5 > N CQ a? � O � co w co -N cts J J 3 LL Uj O Sediment & M M H M H H H H H Turbidity Nutrients L/M L/M M L/M L/M H H H H Toxic Organic M/H M/H M/H L L/M H H H H Compounds o ti Trash & Debris L L H H H H H L H U) Bacteria & Viruses L M H L M H H H H (also: Pathogens) Oil & Grease M M H M H H H H H Heavy Metals M M/H M/H L/M M H H H H Abbreviations: L: Low removal efficiency M: Medium removal efficiency H: High removal efficiency Notes: (1) Periodic performance assessment and updating of the guidance provided by this table may be necessary. (2) Expected performance when designed in accordance with the most current edition of the document, 'Riverside County, Whitewater River Region Stormwater Quality Best Management Practice Design Handbook". (3) Performance dependent upon design which includes implementation of thick vegetative cover. Local water conservation and/or landscaping requirements should be considered; approval is based on the discretion of the local land use authority. (4) Includes proprietary stormwater treatment devices as listed in the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks, other stormwater treatment BMPs not specifically listed in this WQMP (including proprietary filters, hydrodynamic separators, inserts, etc.), or newly developed/emerging stormwater treatment technologies. (5) Expected performance should be based on evaluation of unit processes provided by BMP and available testing data. Approval is based on the discretion of the local land use authority. (6) When used for primary treatment as opposed to pre-treatment, requires site-specific approval by the local land use authority. June 2021 1-10 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V.1.A SITE DESIGN BMP CONCEPTS AND LID/SITE DESIGN BMPS* This section documents the Site Design BMP concepts and LID/Site Design BMPs that will be implemented on this project to comply with the requirements detailed in Section 3.5.1 of the WQMP Guidance document. • Table 3 herein documents the implementation of the Site Design BMP Concepts described in sub -sections and • Table 4 herein documents the extent to which this project has implemented the LID/Site Design goals described in sub -section *(NOTE: Sections V.1.A and V.1.B do not need to be completed since flow is retained onsite) June 2021 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse Project Site Design BMP Concepts: The site will sheet flow toward recharge basins based on its respective drainage area. This project will retain the 100% 100 -year "pre -developed" and "post -developed" conditions. Hence, it satisfies the local ordinance requirement for 100% on-site retention for the 100 -year, 24-hour storm event. Alternative Project Site Design BMP Concepts: N/A June 2021 1-12 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V. 1.13 TREATMENT CONTROL BMPs* Conventional Treatment Control BMPs shall be implemented to address the project's Pollutants of Concern as required in WQMP Section 3.5.1 where, and to the extent that, Section V.1.A has demonstrated that it is infeasible to meet these requirements through implementation of LID/Site Design BMPs. ® The LID/Site Design BMPs described in Section V. LA of this project -specific WQMP completely address the 'Treatment Control BMP requirement' for the entire project site (and where applicable, entire existing site) as required in Section of the WQMP Guidance document. Supporting documentation for the sizing of these LID/Site Design BMPs is included in Appendix F. *Section V.1.B does not need to be completed since flow is retained onsite. ❑ The LID/Site Design BMPs described in Section V. LA of this project -specific WQMP do NOT completely address the 'Treatment Control BMP requirement' for the entire project site (or where applicable, entire existing site) as required in Section of the WQMP. *Section V.1.13 does not need to be completed since flow is retained onsite. June 2021 1-13 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V.1.0 MEASURABLE GOAL SUMMARY This section documents the extent to which this project has met the measurable goal described in WQMP Section of addressing 100% of the project's 'Treatment Control BMP requirement' with LID/Site Design BMPs. Projects required to retain Urban Runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance are considered to have met the measurable goal; for these instances, '100%' is entered into Column 3 of the Table. Table 6: Measurable Goal Summary (1) (2) (3) Total Area Treated with Total Area Treated with LID/Site Design BMPs Treatment Control BMPs % of Treatment Control BMP Requirement addressed with (Last row of Table 4) (Last row of Table 5) LID/Site Design BMPs 7.40 AC N/A 100% June 2021 1-14 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V.2 SOURCE CONTROL BMPS This section identifies and describes the Source Control BMPs applicable and implemented on this project. Table 7. Source Control BMPs BMP Name Check One If not applicable, state brief reason Included ot Applicable Non -Structural Source Control BMPs Education for Property Owners, Operators, Tenants, Occupants, or Employees ® ❑ Activity Restrictions ® ❑ Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance ® ❑ Common Area Litter Control ® ❑ Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots ® ❑ Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance ® ❑ Structural Source Control BMPs Storm Drain Inlet Stenciling and Signage ® ❑ Landscape and Irrigation System Design ® ❑ Protect Slopes and Channels ® ❑ Provide Community Car Wash Racks ❑ ® 1 No car wash racks Properly Desi n* Fueling Areas ❑ ® No Fueling Areas Air/Water Supply Area Drainage ❑ ® No Air/Water Supply Area Drainage area Trash Storage Areas ® ❑ Loading Docks ❑ ® No Loading Docks Maintenance Bas ❑ ® No Maintenance Bays Vehicle and Equipment Wash Areas ❑ ® No Wash Areas Outdoor Material Storage Areas ❑ ® No Outdoor Storage Areas Outdoor Work Areas or Processing Areas ❑ ® No Outdoor Work or Processing Areas Provide Wash Water Controls for Food Preparation Areas E]® Contained in building *Details demonstrating proper design must be included in Appendix F. June 2021 1-15 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse See attached Source Control BMP's for Implementation. Non -Structural Source Control BMPs: • Education for Property Owners, Operators, Tenants, Occupants, or Employees: Educational brochures and a copy of the Water Quality Management Plan will be supplied and stored on site. • Activity Restrictions: As dictated by Property owners. In addition, Littering shall be prohibited. Blowing, sweeping or hosing debris into streets will not be permitted. • Irrigation System and Landscape Maintenance: 24-hour onsite maintenance staff will provide ongoing irrigation system inspection and maintenance to ensure that timers and smart controllers are working as desired (SD -10, and SD -11, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements). • Common Area Litter Control: 24-hour onsite maintenance staff will provide ongoing inspection of common areas to ensure that litter and trash are not excessive in common areas. • Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots: 24-hour onsite maintenance staff will provide maintenance for streets and parking lots. Parking lots will be cleaned as needed, including prior to the start of the rainy season (Oct. l st) • Drainage Facility Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection should occur before the wet season begins (September) and after the wet season (April) ends. Performance inspections should occur after rainfall events greater than 0.5 inches or any rainfall that fills the basins. Any structures that are observed to be damaged shall be repaired. Any sediment accumulation over 18" or fills 25 percent of the basin volume (whichever is greater) should be removed. Additionally, if there is standing water in the basin during the dry season, the basin should be drained. If the basin cannot be drained, or if standing water persists, notify vector control. Rodent infestation, trash, debris or litter present in the basins shall be monitored and removed. (TC -11, TC -20, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements) Structural Source Control BMPs: • Slope and Channel Protection: 24-hour onsite maintenance staff will stabilize disturbed slopes as quickly as possible, control and treat flows in landscaping and or/ other controls prior to reaching existing natural drainage systems, maintain native and drought tolerant vegetation of slopes, convey runoff safely from tops of slopes and stabilize temporary and permanent channel crossings as quickly as possible, and ensure that increases in run-off velocity and frequency caused by the project do not erode the channel or slope. (SD -13, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements.) • Landscape and Irrigation System Design: Landscape and Irrigation shall be designed to meet the local drought tolerant requirements thus reducing overspray and unnecessary nuisance flows. (SD -10, and SD -12, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements.) June 2021 1-16 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse • MS4 Stenciling and Signage: Stenciling and signage will be provided (where practical) and maintained for the onsite storm drains by the 24-hour onsite maintenance staff. (SD -13, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements). Properly Design: • Trash Storage Areas: The integrity of structural elements that are subject to damage (ie., screens, covers, and signs) will be maintained by the 24-hour onsite maintenance staff. Roofs, awnings, attached lids will be provided on all trash containers to minimize direct precipitation into containers. Use lined bins or dumpster to prevent leaking of liquid waste. Pave trash storage area with impervious surface to mitigate spills. Post signs on all dumpsters informing users that hazardous materials are not to be disposed of therein. Trash enclosures are elevated to prevent storm water runoff from entering (SD -32, refer to Appendix C regarding maintenance and inspection requirements). Appendix D includes copies of the educational materials (described in Section of the WQMP Guidance document) that will be used in implementing this project -specific WQMP. June 2021 1-17 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse V.3 EQUIVALENT TREATMENT CONTROL BMP ALTERNATIVES N/A VA REGIONALLY -BASED BMPS The Off -Site drainage basins (M2 and M3) located north of Silver Rock Way are Regional - Based BMP's. June 2021 1-18 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse VI. Operation and Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs Appendix G of this project -specific WQMP includes copies of Covenant and Agreements, BMP Maintenance Agreement and/or other mechanisms used to ensure the ongoing operation, maintenance, funding, transfer and implementation of the project -specific WQMP requirements. Retention Basin (Infiltration BMP): O and M Activities Schedule and Frequency 1. Inspect all inlets and outlets to the Retention Inspect prior to the rainy season (September) and area. Make sure outlets are free of debris and after the rainy season (April). Inspect prior and after sediment. Inspect outlets for sediment all rain events. accumulation and clean and remove trash when As needed. encountered. 2. Inspect Retention Basin (Infiltration BMP). Retention Basins should be kept clear of trash, debris Replace landscaping as needed within basins. and silt/blowsand buildup on a weekly basis. This Remove silt/blowsand, debris in basins. should be given high priority. 3. Inspect all Drywells located in each Retention Drywells should be kept clear of trash, debris and facilities. Remove silt/blowsand, debris in upper silt/blowsand buildup on a monthly schedule. This Drywell chamber should be given high priority. Irrigation System and Landscape: O and M Activities Schedule and Frequency 4. Inspect and repair broken sprinklers. Inspect weekly and replace immediately 5. Repair broken water lines. Inspect daily and repair immediately. 6. Inspect irrigated areas for signs of erosion and/ or discharge Inspect weekly repair source of erosion or discharge immediately. Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots: O and M Activities Schedule and Frequency 7. Inspect Storage Area for tracked sediment or Inspect monthly. Sweeping operations should blow sand. Visible sediment tracking should occur as needed. be swept immediately. 8. Adjust brooms frequently; maximize As needed. efficiency of sweeping efforts Protect Slopes and Channels O and M Activities Schedule and Frequency June 2021 1-20 Whitewater River Region WQMP Golf Clubhouse 9. Inspect slopes Inspect monthly to ensure that slopes and vegetation isn't disturbed, if they are repair immediately. Trash Storage Areas: O and M Activities Schedule and Frequency 10. Inspect Trash Storage Area. Inspect daily. Ensure that the trash receptacles are emptied on a weekly basis. Recyclables should be separated from disposable trash. Responsible Party: SilverRock Phase 1, LLC 343 Forth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 (760)777-7045 Contact: Robert S. Green, Jr. Note: Sediment, other pollutants, and all other waste shall be properly disposed of in a licensed landfill or by another appropriate disposal method in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. The owner (who usually hires a maintenance company) will be the responsible party for all O&M activities, including inspections and record keeping for a minimum of 50 years. This maintenance company has not been appointed, nor will it be appointed during the entitlement phase. June 2021 1-20 Whitewater River Region WQMP Pendry Hotel Appendix A Conditions of Approval City Council Resolution No. 2017-001 Dated: 01/03/2017 RESOLUTION 2017 -- 001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 7016-0409 SITE, ARCHITECTURAL, AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 200 -KEY HOTEL, NEIN GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, 14 GOLF VILLAS, AND A RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN PLANNING AREAS S, G, AND 10A OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN CASE NUMBER. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 (SDP2016-0009) APPLICANT. 5ILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC WHEREAS, the Plunning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 27th day of December, 2016, hold o du[.y noticed Public Hearing to consider c request by SllverRock Development Company, LLL, for approval of a hotel, new gulf course clubhouse, 10 golf viltas, and o 66 -unit condorninium development generally located on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52, more particularty described as: APN5: 777-460-055, 777-490-001, 777-490-003, 777-490-005, 777-490-006, 777-490-011, 777-450-013 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on December 16, 2016 for said Planning Commission Public Hearing cs prescribed by the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMQ. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lc Quinta, California did, on the 3rd day of January, 2017, consider SOP2016-0009. WHEREAS, at said meeting, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of oll interested persons desiring to be hecrd, said City Council did make the follcwing rnandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.010 of the MLP icip❑l Code to justify approval of said SRP: 1. Consistency with General Plan and 5ilv_erRock Specific Plan The land use is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Tourist Commercial. The proposed project is also consistent with the SilverRock Specific Plon, and implements the goals, policies and development standards of the Specific Plan. City Council Resolution 2017-001 Site Development Permit ZDIG-0009 Adopted: January 3, 2417 Page 1 of 3 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and/or SilverRock Specific Plan, as applicable. The SDP has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards and other supplemental standards as established in Title 9 of the LQMC. 3. Compliance_ with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and no further environmental review is required. 4. Architecturol Design The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building Mass, materials, colors, orchitectural details, and roof style are compatible with the architectural style of SDP 2016-0005, and the quality of design prevalent in the city. 5. Site Design The site design of the project, including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, and exterior lighting, are consistent with the SilverRock Specific Plan and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Landscape Design Project landscuping, including, but not limited to, the loctotion type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, hu -9 been designed so us to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prorninent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and enhance the visual continuity of the project. The landscape design will be consistent with the established landscape guidelines For the SilverRock Specific plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, Ca€ifornio, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitatians are true and constitute the findings of the City Council in this case. City Council Resdution 2017.001 Slte Development Permit 2016-0009 AdoOed_ January 3, 2017 Page 3 of 3 SECTIQN 2. That the City Council finds the above project to be consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and no further environmental review is required. SECTION 3-- That the City Council clues hereby approve Site Development permit 2016- 0009, for the reasons set forth in this Resoiution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval and Fxhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta City Council, held on this the 3rd day of January, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Fitzpatrick, Pef#a, Rod!, Sanchez, Mayor Evans NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: .;t�� 4L� SUSAN MAYSELS, City Cler City of La Quinta, California (CITY SFAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: t 4 WILLIAM H. IHRKIi. City Attorney City of La Quinta, California -XI c X J C r Ex CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLCM ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 1 of 19 GENERAL 1. The appticant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Ln Quinto �"City" ), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City sholl have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The Site Development Permit shall expire on December 27, 2018 and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinto Municipal Code Section 9.200.080, unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 3. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the fallowing agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Development Division (Grading Permit, Greeff Sheet (Public Works Ciearance) for Building Permits, Water Ouatity Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form - Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) * Design & Development Department * Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department + Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Malley Water District (CVWD) * IrnpE!rial Irrigation District (IID) • Californias Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board * SunLine Transit Agency • SCAQMD Coachella Valley CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC] ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 2 of 19 The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the cbove listed agencies_ When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting thane improvements plans for City approval. 4. Coverage under the 5tote of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant; who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Woter Quality Control 8ocrd's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent CNOF') and Waste Discharger rdentificaticn (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of grading or building permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seg. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clecn Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2018-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2009-0009-DWO and Order leo. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less thorn one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP" ). The applicant or design professional can obtain the California 5tormwater Quality Association SWPPP template ❑t www.cabmDhondbooks.com for use in their SWPPP prepar❑tion. Ba The applicant's SWPPP shcll be approved by the City Engineer prior to any on or off-site grading being done in relation to this project. C. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. D. The applicont's SWPPP shall Include provisions for all of the fallowing Best Marr❑gement Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)). CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 207.7-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 203.6-0009 SILIIERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LCC} ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 3of19 1) Temporary Soil Stabilizatian (erasion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Nan -Sturm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. E. All erasion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. F. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City. C. The inclusion in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post - construction BMPs as required; and the applicant shall execute and record an agreement that provides far the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs is required. G. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all casts and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepured initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditians of Approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and}or surveying consultants tc review ondfor modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SIL1fERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC) ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 4 of 19 PROPERTY RIGHTS B. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for mointenonce, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quints for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R's for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. 9. Pursucnt to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed andtor existing private streets that access public streets and open spaceldrainage facilities. 10. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties an which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, crossings, or other encroachments will occur. 11. The applicant shall offer for dedication on the Final Map all public street rights; - of -way in conformance with the City's General Plant, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, andlor as required by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 12. The applicant shall construct the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan and provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.104 (Access For Individual Properties and Development) for public streets. A. OFF-SITE STREETS 1) Construct right turn deceleration lane at all access points where there is a peals hour right -turn volume of 50 vehicles per hour. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SIT£ DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT {SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLO ADOPTEE January 3, 20x7 Page 5 of 19 The deceleration lane length shall be as specified in Engineering Bulletin 06-13. 2} Jefferson Street (Major Arterial) - Construct a traffic signal or roundabout at the entrance off Jefferson Street at such Urne that warrants are met. PARKINUi LOTS pnd ACCESS POINTS 13. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stoR design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans so that ADA accessibility issues can be evaluated. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan, E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 18 feet in length with a 2 -foot overhang for all parking stalls or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 6 handicapped packing stalls. F. Drive aisles between parking static shall be a miniimurn of 26 feet with access drive aisles to Public Streets ❑ minimum of 30 feet or as approved by the City Fngineer. A minimum of 20 feet on each side of approach drives shall be provided where divided by median islands and as approved by the City Fngineer. 14. The applicant shall de&ign street pavement sections using ColTrans' design procedure for 20 -yeah iife pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (includir�g construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall he as follows: CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 201'-001 CON DITION5 OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-4000 SILVE RROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED; January 3, 2017 Page 6 of 19 Major Arterial 5.5" a.c./6.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.4" a.c./4.7 c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles {High Traffic} 4.5" a,c./5.5" c.a.b. Loading Areas 6" P.C.C./4" c.a.b, or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 15. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations con be achieved in current production, The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 16. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, .street norne signs and sidewalks. 17. Improvements shall be designed cnd constructed in accordance ►with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualiPed engineers. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as '"engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refers to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 18. Improvement plcns shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers ondfor architects, as oppropricte, and shall comply with the provisions of LOW Section 13.24.044 (improvement Plons). 19. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Design and Development Department. A separate set of CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0004 SILVERROCK RESORT (SIILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED: January 3, 7017 Page 7 of 19 plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a iorger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. dote, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On -Site Mass Grading Plan B. On -Site Rough Grading Plan E. PM10 Plan D. Erosion Control Plan 1" = 100' Horizontal I" = 40' Horizontal I" = 40' Horizontal I"= 40' Horizontal E. Final I QMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) DOTE: A through E to be submitted concurrently. F. On -Site Street Impravements} Signing & Strip 1ng/ Storm Drain Placa 1!1 Vertical (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) G. On -Site Commercial Precise Grading (Separate Storm brain Pians if applicable) = 40' Horizontal, 1"= 41 1" = 20' Horizontal Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to cornmencing plan preparation. "On -Site Commercial Precise Groding17 plan is required to be submitted for approval by the Building Official, Planning Manager and the City Engineer. "On -Site Commercial Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all ori -site surface improvements including but not necessarRy limited to finish grades for CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT {SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ} ADOPTED. January 3, 2017 Page 8 of 19 curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot irnprovements and ADA requirements. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, of a minimum, Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Poised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/ar as approved by the Fngineering department. "Rough Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls with Top Of Wall & Top Of Footing elevations shown. All footings shall have a minimum of one (1) -foot of cover, or sufficient cover to clear any adjacent obstructions. 20. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the Public Works "Plans, Mates and Design Guidcnce" sectlan of the City website (www jc-quinta-org). Please navigate to the Public Worcs home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink, 21. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of the mylars of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 22. Upon completion of construction, and prior to Final acceptarice of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clecriy marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record (MR) during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the EOR may submit o letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.74,050 (Grading Improvements). CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILV£RROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLCM ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 9 of 19 24. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 25. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain opproval of all of the f0owing: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a professional registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive € ust Control), D. A Best Managernerit Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDFS Ston- water Discharge Permit and Storm Monagernent and Discharge Controls), E. A WQMP prepared by an authorized professional registered in the State of California, and E_ A grading band in a form acceptable to the City, and in on amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicont shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the plan as required by the City Engineer. 26. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind andfor water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Oust Control CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 201.7-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLCM ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 10 of 19 a 27. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LLMC Section 9.60.240{F} except as otherwise modified by this condition requirement. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:3 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (f.e. the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2.1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six feet (61 adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet W) of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 28. Building pad elevations on the precise grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the Site Development Permit Preliminary Grading Pians, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. 29. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus five tenths of a foot (0.51 from the elevations shown on the Site Development Permit Pretiminary Grading Plans, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Staff for a substantial conformance finding review_ 3Q. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by o qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pod soil. 31. This development shall comply with LQMC Chapter 8.11 (Flood Hazard Regulations). If any portion of cony proposed building iot in the development is or may be located within a flood hazard area as identified on the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the development shall be graded to ensure that all floors CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 7017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 7016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT {SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC) ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 11 of 19 and exterior fall (at the foundation) are above the level of the project (100 -year) flood and building pads are compacted to 95% Proctor Density as required in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.5(cr) (6). Prior to issuunce of building permits for lots which are sa located, the applicant shall furrish elevation certifications, as required by FEMA, that the above conditions have been met. DRAINAGE 32. 5tormwater handling shall nonfarm with the approved hydrology and drainage report for SDP 2016-0001 SllverRock. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 33. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.74.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydrauk Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100 year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, The design storm shall be either the 1 -hour, 3 - hour, 6 -hour or 24-hour event producing the greatest total run off. 34. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Deport Criteria for Storm Brain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 35. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Manning Manager and the City Engineer. 36. For on-sdo above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Deport with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shalt be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin or as approved by the City Engineer. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED; January 3, 2017 Page 12 of 19 37. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 38. The applicant shall comply with applicuble provisions for post construction runoff per the City's NPDFS stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections x.70.010 et Seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Cleon Air/Clean Wnter); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ and Order No. 2010- 0014-DWQ. A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicont shall Implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction ❑nd perpetual operation and maintencnce of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plant (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Baard Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order Na. R7-2013-0011 utilizing E3MPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and. Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration os o preferred method of NPDLS Permit Compliance for 1hiteoter River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 39. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 40. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT {SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 13 of 19 all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all aboveground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 41. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. All existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power pales are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. 42. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For instollatian of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall carnply with trench restoration requirements maintained, cr required by the City Engineer. The applicant shot[ provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maint.engnce thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. CONSTRUCTION 43. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have parking lot improvements and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required trc(fic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on-site streets in residential developments are initio�iy constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the povement prior to final inspections of the lost ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 44. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans). 45. The applicant shalt provide landscaping in the regUired setbacks, retention basins, and common lots. 46. All new landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED. January 3, 2017 Page 14 of 19 regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 47, The applicant shall submit final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plans application process. Design and Development Director approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Director determines extenuating circumstances exist which justify an alternative processing schedule. NOTE. Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Design and Development Director, Prior to final approval of the installation of landscaping, the Landscape Architect of record shall provide the Design and Development Department a letter stating he/she hos personally inspected the installation and that it conforms with the final landscaping plans as approved by the City. If staff determines during final landscaping inspection that adjustments are requited in order to meet the intent of the Planning Commission's approval, the Design and Development Director shall review and approve any such revisions to the landscape plan. 48. All trees shall consist of, at minimum, 36 -inch box trees (i.e., a minimum 2.5 inch caliper measured three feet up from grade level after planting), 5-9allon shrubs, and groundcover. Double lodge pules (two-inch diameter) shall be used to brace and stake trees. 49. A minimum of 50% of plantings clossified "shrubs, Perennials and Annuals" shall be provided as 5 -gallon plants. This requirement shall be implemented on each Final Landscaping Plan submitted for review and approval to the City. MAINTENANCE 50. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24,164 (Maintenance). 51. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of all private on-site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, sidewalks, and stormweter BM Ps. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017--001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT {SILVERRO K DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 15 of 19 FEES Ak[D DEPOSITS 52, The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.150 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant manes application for plan cheek and permits. 53. Permits issued under this approval shall be, subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of bullding permit(s�. FIRE DEPARTMENT 54, Prior to building plan approval and construction, applicant/developer shall furnish two copies of the water system fire hydrant plans to Fire Department for review and approval- Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, and shall confirm hydrant type, location, spacing, and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed and approved by the local water authority, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for review and approval. 55. Prior to issuance of building permits, the water system for Fre protection must be provided as approved by the Fire Department and the local water authority. 56. All Fire Department Appliances such as, FOCs and PIVs shall be located on the front access side of the building. PIV and FDC appliances shall not less than 40" from the building and within 50" of an approved roadway and no more than 200' from an approved hydrant. 57. An approved Fire Department access key lock box shall be installed next to the approved Fire Department access door to the building. Required order forms and installation standards may be obtained at the Fire Department. 58. Fire Apporaatus access road shall he in compliance with the R verside County Fire Department Standard number 06-05 (located at wvvw.rvcfire.o(g). Access lanes will not have an up, or downgrade of more than 15%. Access roads shch have an unobstructed vertical clearance not less than 13 feet and 6 inches. Access lanes will be designed to withstand the weight of 60 thousand pounds over 2 axles. Access will have a turning radius capable of accommodating fire opperctus. Access lane shall be constructed with 0 surface so cs to provide all CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (5ILVERROCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLCM ADOPTED; January 3, 2017 Page 16 of 19 weather driving capabilities. 59. Display street numbers in a prominent location on the address side of building(s) and/or rear access if applicable. Numbers and tetters shall be a minimum of 12" in height for building(s) up to 25' in height. In complexes with alpha designations, letter size must match numbers. All addressing must be legible, of a contrasting calor, and adequately illuminated to be visible from street at all hours. 60. Any portion of the facility or of on exterior wail of the first story of the building shall not be located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access roads as measured by an approved route around the complex, exterior of the facility or building. 61. The minimum dimension for gates is 20 feet clear and unobstructed width and a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches in height. Any gate providing access from a road shall be located at least 35 feet setback from the roadway cnd shall open to allow c vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a ane -way road with a single traffic lane provides access to c gate entrance, c 38 -foot turning radius shell be used. CALIFORNIA LNVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (BIG HORN SHE.LP.FLNCING) 2. Intent. The intent of this condition is to protect Peninsular Big Horn Sheep From impacts related to the approximately 525 acres of property known as The SilverRock Resort pursuant to the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitot Conservation Plan/Natural Communities Conservation Plan (MSHCP), the Mitigation Monitoring Program included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Addendum for the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan (SRR Mitigation Measures), that certain Development Agreement dated November 19, 2014, by and between the SilverRock Development Company, LLC (Developer) and the City (the DA), and that certoin Purchase, Sale, and Development Agreement dated November 19, 2014, by and between Developer and the City (the PS DA). Immediate Construction of Temporary Fencing. Within 15 days after the decision SDP 2016-0009, if not already commented, the City shall solicit bids for the construction of temporary fencing, and within 45 days of the bid solicitation, award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Within 21 days after the award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, construction of the temporary fencfrrg shall commence. The completion of construction for CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 1016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED. January 3, 2017 Page 17 of 19 the temporary fencing shall be as soon as possible after commencing construction, not to exceed a period of 30 days for total construction. Prior to the issuance of any grading, demolition, construction, or building permit, the construction of the temporary fencing shall be completed. For purposes of this condition, "temporary fencing" or "temporary fence" means an 8 -foot high fence between the SilverRock Resort development and hillside os identified in the SilverRock Resort Fence Location Site Plan attached as Exhibit "A" to this condition and incorporated by reference (Fencing Site Plan). The temporary fencing shall have gaps that should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less, and shall not contain gaps in which Big Hary Sheep can be entangled. If andfor when the City transfers or disposes of any of the SilverRack Resart property ad}aeent to the hillside to the applicant, the City shall reserve an easement, and the applicant shall grant an easement, sufficient for the construction and maintenance of the temporary fencing until such time as the permanent fencing or functional equivalent (as described below) is completed. The temporary fencing ars City -owned praperty at SilverRock Resort shall be maintained by the City and an Developer -awned property shall be maintained by Developer until such time as the permanent fencing or functional equivalent is completed. Construction of Permanent Fencing or Functional Equivalent. Prior to the issuance of a "grand opening" of the SlIverRock Resort os improved pursuant to the DA and PSDA, construction of the permanent fencing or functional equivalent shall be completed. For purposes of this condition, "permanent fencing or functional equivalent" or "permanent fence" means an 8 -foot high fence or other barrier that prevents Big Horn Sheep from accessing SilverRock Resort, constructed of durable material or natural landscaping elements approved by tJ.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Coachella Malley Conservation Commission, City and applicant in a location that, upon completion of construction, will be within one (1) to ten (14) feet of the temporary fence line as identified on the Fencing Site Plan, unless all approving parties agree to an alternative alignment. The permanent fence shall have gaps that should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less, and shall not contain gaps in which Big Horn Sheep can be entangled. If and/or when the City transfers or disposes of any of the SilverRock Resort property adjacent to the hillside to the applicant, the City shall reserve an easement, and the applicant shall grant an easement, sufficient for access, construction and maintenance of the permanent fence. The permanent fence on City -owned property at SilverRock Resort small be maintained by the City and on Developer- CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2417-401 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 201,6-0449 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLCM ADOPTED; January 3, 2417 Page 18 of 19 owned property shall be maintained by Developer. For purposes of this condition, "grand opening" of the SilverRock Resort means the opening to the general public of the new resort improvements consisting of the Luxury Hotel, Lifestyle Hotel, Conference and Shared Service Facility, Resort Residential Village, and dwelling units that are part of the Luxury Branded Residential Development, Lifestyle Branded Residential Development, promenade Mixed - Use Development, or Resort Residential pillage (ail es those terms are defined in the PSDA). The anticipated date of the grand opening for reference purposes only is May 2019. Periodic Review for Environmental Impacts, After the completion of construction of the temporary fencing and until the completion of construction. of the permanent fence, the City and appiicant shop coordinate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Californio Deparkment of Fish and Wildlife, and/or Coachella Dalley Conservation Commission (collectively, the other governmentat agencies) to review the effectiveness of the temporary fencing and final design of the permanent fencing. If the review indicates that fence modifications, such as additional height or reinforcement, ore required to protect bighorn sheep, the modifications shall be implemented. If review of environmental impacts advocates for a relocation of the temporary fencing or permanent fencing or use of some type of furnational equivalent to protect Bighorn Sheep, the alternative lncatian or method of protecting Bighorn sheep may be considered and used by the City and/or the applicant only if they are first approved, by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Coachella Volley Conservction Commission. Enforcement. This condition of approval may be enforced by the Appellants Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity pursuant to Appeal Condition of Approval CC -1 from ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL 2016-0444, SRR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 ("Appeal Condition"). Enforcement shall be limited to an action in Superior Court to compel performance. 63. Prosopis Glonduloso (Texas Honey Mesquite) trees shall be removed from parking areas as a landscape option in the plan legend for SDP2016-0409. Texas Honey Mesquite trees shall be allowed in other areas at the applicant's discretion subjectto proper installadon dasign and maintenance. 64. Vertical landscape elements shop be included in landscape areas adjacent to three-story buildings of the lifestyle hotel in Planning Area 5 and the lifestyle branded condominiums in Planning Area 6 subject to appropriate material CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2017-001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0009 SILVERROCK RESORT (SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLQ ADOPTED: January 3, 2017 Page 19 of 19 selection acrd suitability per the applicant, architect and landscape architect's discretion. These elements shall occur only an the parking sides of the elevations and shall not be required in any locations where views, from the buildings to the adjacent mountains would be impacted or impaired. bS. Where materials such as precast and stone are used os accents on buildings, the applicant stroll consider material colors that are complementary to the color hues of the adjacent mauntains of the SilverRock Resort. 66. Roam dimensions and square footages shall be prepared by the opplicant for lifestyle hotel room options. 67. Applicant shall meet with city staff to review programming and operational aspects of the golf clubhouse to address concerns associated with the current design concept. The golf clubhouse concept shall be reprised to reflect agreed upon} programming changes resulting from the meeting, however, the program shall remain consistent with ony applicable provisions of the Purchase. Sale, and Development Agreement between the city and SilverRock Development company. Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix B Vicinity Map, Receiving Waters Map, Project Location Map, & WQMP Site Plan SilverRock Master Plan, Section 303(d), CVWD Drainage & Stormwater Outlet System Exhibit Silve-rRock Reston City of La Quinta Figure 1: VFdriity Map July 2016 4 Michael Baker Intemational r' rL.-� • S � �• *i•.a I y h i A 4.ly+r. a • i ' IM�r. A L■r�y� y�. Lj riY � 1 i ■n.p�f di 9 a4* L •wF+.. LgOwn4)t a . 1�.L■.� � S L/R x.�i=sr�i•i�ir� 114 bt-m f{r• �_ ` Ja "� wM i � � r• � a 46.1 , � Li � R'� = i.y Q i �� iii # 3333 4 Sr■r Mw• ��■} FA - "# c • i i' .ice iY�.ii ■■I� Sj.i,! kiaM! ' L F C RY�a I ■ law tea} i�,r-rte t • L"OnU i■Yir ProjeC1 LoCabon Figure 1: VFdriity Map July 2016 4 Michael Baker Intemational Whitewater River Regio 1NOMP Guidance FRA THA EmfrN GmErK AZALEA Ilei( Tww r1me 3F CXiEIE Figure 2. Whitewater River Region Receiving WaierS Mgp r.ee �u+-rxrnrcnouraoe"+fx VMITEVJAII=RU;a PCRMIT OWNDARY YW I TTeWAT ER RNER WATEXSM } BOIIAO^gy RECEIVINGWdTVRS LPMES RE{.-JVIN€im RS POLYS COa mry knllpDARV ovRvOWJoA4VT* a I Its r r • .II n PHOT ✓JR4 QWrOM Cmam v I 1 4 f (--"A G#APW VMJWJW CA M 1'bOW CNJWX CAJ90tr;a GRWFL [ rHOUSANO PAL ME Cljrrar CREEnL A ! 'A,rPWPRAL, CANYaN CIMtMn rL il1T CAWW&DRAl'VANYON CNAATPffi ��l L—) "44 CAR Mfft OE$; l ralrattr YEF C WAM&Fft C+ A JI—I L4 t on CA++ueLJ.A f"j ix RA L UMrA FWACUArsaw Grtw waL lEiR cwrrm - Ll r C4=01 ohm Jure 2014 10 v TRADITIONS N ti SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS 46r. PROJECT BOUNDARY CALILE RONDO STORM DRAIN ALL AMERICAN CANAL at " lw_�r ti I FIGURE ' PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0 w UL UL )WENUE.54 , ((( � n m J "� (SD -1 3) x �3.1 "N LENGTH: 288 i LENGTH: 94 - i LENGTH: 257 LENGTH: 579 I A: 18 x174 / \ 1 (TC -11) (SD -13) I x177 1 r, _ OA ', GOLF CLUBHOUSE � x19.9 x19.8 2 x16r - _ PUBLIC STREETS, -)I (SD -10, 12, & 13)I��� `---- Gr� � � � x19,4 \ Obscured Aren \ x18,4 \ I / C , 'JF TC -1 1 x192 oNI194 o ----- (SD-1 3) o0 . �reen L ENGL H- 181 / x2].8 I � - � I I Green , I � 99 f,, x188 D I A e 18 - _ � j/ 2,5 - - i -- - - - / x19.8 Conc. xIA OBS. e -� OureTRree x18.4 �--_-- b �, Obscured Aren -------------Q_scurep2rct�.---� 0 0 ^II w J Q U Cn 100 50 0 100 200 300 SCALE: I"-100' F -Table 4: Existine/Proposed Basin Canacities Drainage Area Basin ID Bottom Top Elevation Storage Capacity 100- Elevation 100 yr storm yrstorm (ft) (ft) (ac -ft) A A 24 1 30 6.29 B 61 25 30 1.36 B B2 27 31 0.94 B B3 22 25 18.13 C C1 30 33 1.90 C C2 23 26 3.78 D D 11 18 23.13 E E 12 17 1.59 F M1 16 21 2.95 F M2 16 21 3.70 F M3 16 21 3.70 F N1 14 19 1.66 G G 13 18 3.56 H H 9 17 1 8.29 1 N/A 1005 Self -treating area J N/A ± 79% Consists of existing lake K K 6 1 9 1 0.66 L N/A 1218 Drains to drainage area P WN M4 13 21 53.81 O O 1 7 2.10 P P1 0 6 5.70 P P2 0 5 12.90 LEGEND INTERNATIONAL 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 346-7481 - MBAKERINTL.COM Drainage Area Hydrology Node Area (ac) 1011 -yr (ds) Pipe Diameter din} A I MP* RATIO (%) B 106 8.87 21.22 24 ± 79% C 206 3.71 9.81 21 ± 79% 1F 316 11.18 34.97 33 ± 88% 2F 410 10.84 35.39 33 ± 88%** 3F 512 9.41 28.17 30 ± 88% 4F 605 2.7 7.77 21 ± 88% 1 724 37.05 90.79 48 ± 83% 1P 808 7.45 17.98 27 ± 80% 2P 906 7.59 19.03 27 ± 79% 3P 1005 4.01 10.69 21 ± 79% 4P 1103 3.37 9.57 21 ± 80% 1D 1218 11.36 36.82 30 ± 88% 2D 1302 1.51 6.72 18 ± 88% 3D 1402 0.49 1.81 18 ± 88% 4D 1502 2.42 10.06 18 ± 88% 50 1602 1.03 3.23 16 ± 85% 0 1707 1.07 2.78 18 ± 88% Q 1801 1.27 5.22 N/A N/A *AIMP - IMPERVIOUS AREA **PORTION OF PA5 DRAINING TO M2 DRAINAGE BASIN ■ DRAINAGE BOUNDARY FLOW PATH O BASIN ID (TC -10) 4P SUBAREA DESIGNATION 3.37 AREA (ACRES) INFILTRATION BASIN (TC -11) LM EXISTING LAKE (TC -20) OLANDSCAPE (SD -10, SD -12) _ HARDSCAPE / PARKING / STREETS / WALKWAYS (SD -10, SD -11) SERVICE YARD / LOADING DOCK / TRASH ENCS. (SD -31, SD -32, SD -33, SD -35) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN DIA >- 1 ET (SD -10, SD -13) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN DIA < 1 ET (SD -10, SD -13) PROPOSED MAJOR CATCH BASIN (SD -10, SD -13) ❑ O PROPOSED MINOR CATCH BASIN (SD -10, SD -13) NOTE: -ALL STREETS ARE PUBLIC STREETS, EXCEPT PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN PA3. -REFER TO SEPARATE STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR MORE DETAILS OF SMALLER STORM DRAINS AND CATCH BASINS STRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BMP LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN (LANDSCAPED AREAS) (SD -10, SD -12) STORM DRAIN INLET STENCILING AND SIGNAGE (ALL INLETS) (SD -13) TRASH MANAGEMENT (HOTEL, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED USE AREAS) (SD -32) MAINTENANCE BAYS AND DOCKS (LOADING DOCKS) (SD -31) VEHICLE WASHING AND OUTDOOR WORK AREAS (SERVICE YARDS) (SD -33, SD -35) Fig u re 4 BMP SITE MAP PA10A GOLF CLUBHOUSE SILVERROCK RESORT (PM 37207) EXISTING (S D-13)� .30. h V� ,•e 1 �=9 \ r; P --- ' _ D I A- 54" 0 _ �� ,3�Michael Baker \\ �'�/ \ \ - o ,.e INTERNATIONAL .=bs EXISTING ENTRY ROAD, 7 41 Gerald Ford Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211 � / ( Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM C p A • �\V i�iiiY NOT PART OF SUBMITTAL s - --- A\\(SD-13 , rLENGTH: 106 PA 4 PA 3 (TC - 20) ,\ A .o \ )e PUBLIC STREETS 150 75 0 150 300 450 > • Y 3 ��. s i � .z,a 111, III�I (\ MC - MEETING CENTER, (SD -10,11,12, & 13) \ ) i SCALE. 1"=150' PA 10 (SD -13) i \ CC - CONFERENCE CENTER, (SD -10,11,12, & 13) - -4 LENGTH: 99 PERMEABLE 210 PARKING SPACES IA: 12" ( ) TC -11 \LENGTH: 84'�`� LD - LOADING DOCK AREA, (SD-11' 13 & 31) PARKING \, PA -10A VENUE SITE DIA: 36 PUBLIC STREETS 1 v n SD 13 B 7 ' (SD -10,12, & 13) PERMEABLE SHARED SERVICES BUILDING, (SD -10,11,12, & 13) �'' �► PARKING LENGTH, 31 0 V\�\ I A 30 0 0o F. x3. (SD -13) (SD -13) \� (SD LENGTH258' 13) (TC -11) v 3 . D I \ 24" T�,3; D I A: : 18 "i LENGTH: 30 ' s LENGTH: 184 (SD-13\� - - ° DIA: 24 LENGTH: 107 \� �� - _ - _ SIL - - �� v DIA: 30„ ���=- _ -- -- _=_ '--, - WAY �. - \ \ � - - ` - \� _ s - - �\ - - --- _----------------------- SD-13 RETENTION _ � - - a -- ------------ -------- ------------ -- -_-- -------.zs3 _ _, LENGTH: 2BASIN (TYP) 7 - ------ - -----. -----_------------ ---=-`---_-_ - DIA: 24 - - - . - - - - - 11 PA 2 178 PARKING SPACES TC -11 e e - - - , . 1 � � -= x ��,, A\ ; PA -2 LUXURY HOTEL L � y - a PUBLIC STREETS ( ' ' ) ss � � � � S�� ✓- \_- \- ----- ----, .,9 - - -' '' � 6 \\ \\\ PRACTICE RANGE/ � 1` OVERFLOW < ,z ., PARKING -. A ' Y 3 . PA 4 �(S D-1 ) 3 Y � ' LENGTH: 471 243 PARKING SPACES 2F I!- 4" y 4 I ra= 17 s PA 3 a� --- ._.. Y . a3 PA -4 CONFERENCE ��� o - _ �� �� CENTER =� � . _ xlig R1 LUXURY BRANDED PA 3 �� --- �� �� ���) �w I� � PA 5 �� � , r , -ip,< 283 PARKING SPACES RESIDENTIAL, 29 BLDGS. (SD -13) \ �\ � .. PA -5 LIFESTYLE HOTEL PRIVATE STREETS LENGTH: 352 \ \ \ \ s - (SD -10 11 12 & 13) LENGTH: 13 �°RS PUBLIC STREETS PA 1 OA > > > \ LENGTH: 153 y - , \ � LEGEND „n y i �_ �(SD-10 11 12 & 13 GOLF CLUBHOUSE �_ DIA. 18 \ - A > > ) \ l \ DRAINAGE BOUNDARY \\ \ s S 13) \ �, ,PUBLIC STREET I I Iw i I ,� �I FLOW PATH �. ,__: � ��_ `°r• � \\�,,(�J��AI � \�\� \��/�-\ -\\� I' I�11I � �fi ��� ; LENGTH185 �( SD- 10> 12, 2/> & C1 3 ) -10) 28' \ BASIN ID �3)(TC-20) LENGTH. 259 - � 4P SUBAREA DESIGNATION I A: 12 LENGTH: 269 ' �_ E LENGTH: 242 Y ' 3.37 AREA (ACRES) .s v \�� y�\I 277:7 1 J -�-� -'LENGTH:INEIETRATION BASIN (TC -11 ) ao 225 P 1 a✓ )I�� iiik'°11V \(n °fT\ T \ DIA\18 jp ✓ JD -13 EXISTING LAKE (TC -2\ a �p� �� FIRE LANE _- ( )� 3E C-11 3, \iLENGTH: 288 _ 2 1 1 , 01,_, 0B= - LANDSCAPE (SD -10, SD -12) \ ii„ r �� ,; i \� LENGTH: 94 �I ' \o ��\\ , - ; , SERVICE YARD 1 TRASH -- - -_ °1lllllllrl,(SD-13 - , ) r LENGTH: 257' / i \ J \ LENGTH. 579 _ -- - --- --- HARDSCAPE /PARKING /STREETS /WALKWAYS (SD 1 SD � ��� � .,o -/-'� .. - � :...,.. � � ��ENCLOSURE/RECYCLE� . v - ,, - t . 0 mo LENGTH. 501 �\ .,a / \ \ - a Ex s G Ro" MOTH �--DIA. 18 .z=9 (SD -1 \„ �o �A cPROTE N PLACE) S. 3 LENGTH: 318 �� ��� � ° ° ° � _ SERVICE YARD / LOADING DOC TRASH ENCL. LENGTH: 345 Y ° STORAGE AREA �- �_ - - - - - /\ LENGTH: 181 I � T \ (SD 31 , SD 32 , SD 33 , SD 35 ) DIA: 12� ��_: _ � , I DIA: 18 . , r - _ - _ \\ , . -(SD-11 13 31 32 33 and 35 �,,,, - _(SD-10, \� > > > > > ) - _ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN DIA > 1 ET SD 1 ) , t D 13 y JERVICE YARD (SD .35) LENGTH: 187 o - - PROPOSED STORM DRAIN DIA < 1 ET (SD -10, SD -13) - - --- - - - - 1/' n EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE AH - AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE, (SD -10, 11, 12, & 13) PA 2 PUBLIC STREETS HIS - HOTEL SPA, (SD -10, 113 125 & 13) H1 - LUXURY HOTEL, (SD -10,11,12, & 1 SWIMMING POOL, (SD -10) T4 PROPOSED MAJOR CATCH BASIN (SD -10, SD-13)FIRE LANE LENG I H: '14 �IM .,-LEN JR137 q ■ 0 PROPOSED OCATCH BASIN (SD -10, SD -13) - A 9 Capacities ac:rnr er• j� ,a 'r IL . p om,^;' � 0 �@ .• `RYA �"\`-�s�,,. � �� v � � ri • .y-=t=yam �, _,\ y I I @ @ @ �yn'rU.P„�» • v I 1110 II R r 7 •n ffm PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE ,a• I • Drainage Area Basin ID Storage Bottom Top Elevation Capacity 100- Elevation 100 yr storm yrstorm (ft) (ft) (ac -ft) A A 24 30 6.29 B B1 25 30 1.36 B B2 27 31 0.94 B B3 22 25 18.13 C C1 30 33 1.90 C C2 23 26 3.78 D D 11 18 23.13 E E 12 17 1.59 F M1 16 21 2.95 F M2 16 21 3.70 F M3 16 21 3.70 F N 1 14 19 1.66 G G 13 18 3.56 H H 9 17 1 8.29 1 N/A 9.57 Self -treating area J N/A 1D Consists of existing lake K K 6 1 9 1 0.66 L N/A 1302 Drains to drainage area P WN M4 13 21 53.81 0 0 1 7 2.10 P P1 1 0 6 5.70 P P2 1 0 5 12.90 lill Drainage Area Hydralogy Node Area (ac) 1011 -yr (�5) Diameter Diameter din} A I MP* RAT I 0 (%) B I --- 8.87 21,22 24 ± ± 79% 79% C 206 3.71 9.81 21 11' 316 11.18 34.97 33 ± ± 88% 88%** 2F 410 10.84 35.39 33 3F 512 9.41 28.17 30 ± ± 88% 88% 4F 605 2.7 7.77 21 1 724 37.05 90.79 48 ± 83% 1P $08 7.45 17.98 27 ± 80% 2P 906 7.59 19.03 27 ± 79% 3P 1005 4.01 10.69 21 ± 79% 4P 1103 3.37 9.57 21 ± 80% 1D 1218 11.36 36.82 30 ± 887. 2D 1302 1.51 6.72 18 ± 88% 3D 1402 0.49 1.81 18 ± 88% 4D 1502 2.42 10.06 18 ± 88% 5D 1602 1.03 3.23 18 ± 85% O 1707 1.07 2.78 18 ± 88% Q 1801 1.27 5.22 N/A N/A NOTE: -ALL STREETS ARE PUBLIC STREETS, EXCEPT PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN PA3. -REFER TO SEPARATE STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR MORE DETAILS OF SMALLER STORM DRAINS AND CATCH BASINS STRUCTURAL SOURCE CONTROL BMP LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN (LANDSCAPED AREAS (SD -10, SD -12) STORM DRAIN INLET STENCILING AND SIGNAGE (ALL INLETS) (SD -13) TRASH MANAGEMENT (HOTEL, RESIDENTIAL, MIXED USE AREAS) (SD -32) MAINTENANCE BAYS AND DOCKS (LOADING DOCKS) (SD -31) VEHICLE WASHING AND OUTDOOR WORK AREAS (SERVICE YARDS) (SD -33, SD -35) 11 *AIMP = IMPERVIOUS AREA Pi **PORTION OF PA5 DRAINING TO M2 DRAINAGE BASIN GOLF SAFETY LINESBMP SITE MAP PA 1 \ PA 2 PA -1 GOLF SILVERROCK COURSE GR - GUESTROOMS - 34 BLDGS, PUBLIC STREETS (SD -10,11,12, & 13) -- on - l "ilk if I I + 1,01IMN 11 I EII1111d ,15 (W'T I l CLIKA RI R1 [AIL1111 II. 1,14 two., Krti;IDFNTIA1 DD rl.�lz If; ,T. , 'kV l'l-7' 1: 5ti� � 11. •• . PA ? 1111 1RY I ICITF I J,i'.h IA I'•1 ? I_MLIM IIti ]LL Pti!' KI 1.1,1N k:l li��tlL � "tom t,4�1 r k 01,lit n1 1 11.1 '1f ,I -V1 I '1 I + l'I � 4��IIILI'�� [ �til��lllflr'E1 Eli ll 11.141E.If1 PA iF # �Il� I - L111-�-11LLIk."I1:E. 110KI ILS 01 1':ti jCA •+ I l I.LIBI IOL•LSE PA h Si-vrsTYLr MAWR) R Ltill ]l: [� T�I �}. lir 5r LLt31'IVkLhs j IIs I L,F Il'If''.Il+� HI N r;ry,r L'K311+I.wIN 7.0 -� �IJ h I_� A I�tll 11tiRf. L1u1 -' WAY ASI 1 ME I a. o , { L i / MASTER PLAN 1 L E R- .SORT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA MA I5.111Ni ; r�d I't�ll�ll'lE IEITIIl1C (,01 f- ti ;�L11;-I fkl �l 1 1 Ir 81111 IL [1.1 1'%k f I ROBERT C;RECN .1 r,1 It h % 1"ILOMI I -M)l MI"'I E7 U-nI LAND USE SLIMMAKY L11 t_ V.1 'V1 h-,1 r1 � _ 410 1 LLLMAI M N' .4"A U ILL."]' -I L4.131AhinY.r1 lit, 15 --- 4 VOM kKI�I%rn,ll'Rfl�IF. PIT KIIifI111 uYs1rtIQ110 -.« rOs 2111 TtF�OiTR F rii}ftiT i til IIS a I I11x MANIN111 M A A 1,M W rfM11.'V-A q im r«, 1h11.h( 1 7 r1Si'UYhGil14: R5111171@IL,LL+U .5R�i1 0,11 Y{y1 � Pis��lSf RL,�iti YYY wdJ SRT !^7 Ylti, aIML'MI: kw IIIN ti�7.ir',I .VIP Nt Ii.,l W Lis 7.4,V LLtAIK IL'Lkll k1i 11'0111 VI lil wh r,I ALp 21, iF # �Il� I - L111-�-11LLIk."I1:E. 110KI ILS 01 1':ti jCA •+ I l I.LIBI IOL•LSE PA h Si-vrsTYLr MAWR) R Ltill ]l: [� T�I �}. lir 5r LLt31'IVkLhs j IIs I L,F Il'If''.Il+� HI N r;ry,r L'K311+I.wIN 7.0 -� �IJ h I_� A I�tll 11tiRf. L1u1 -' WAY ASI 1 ME I a. o , { L i / MASTER PLAN 1 L E R- .SORT LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA MA I5.111Ni ; r�d I't�ll�ll'lE IEITIIl1C (,01 f- ti ;�L11;-I fkl �l 1 1 Ir 81111 IL [1.1 1'%k f I ROBERT C;RECN .1 r,1 It h % 2010 CWA SECTION 303(d) LIST OF WATER QUALITY LIMITED SEGMENTS COLORADO RIVER BASIN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD USEPA APPROVAL DATE: OCTOBER 11. 2011 REGION TYPE WATER BODY CALWATER POLLUTANTS/STRESSOR POTENTIALIF ESTIMATE PROPOSED TMDL NAME I WATERSHED SOURCES SIZE AFFECTE COMPLETION —jr j Toxaphene Source Unknown 57 Miles 2019 7 R Coachella Valley Storm 71947000 DDT Source Unknown 24 Miles 2021 Water Channel(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) This listing for DDT only applies to a 2 mile area of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel from Lincoln Street to the Salton Sea. Dieldrin Source Unknown 24 Miles 2021 This listing for Dieldrin only applies to a 2 mile area of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel from Lincoln Street to the Salton Sea. PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) Source Unknown 24 Miles 2021 This listing for PCBs only applies to a 2 mile area of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel from Lincoln Street to the Salton Sea. Pathogens Source Unknown 24 Miles 2010 This listing for pathogens only applies to a 17 mile area of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel from Dillon Road to the Salton Sea. Toxaphene Source Unknown 24 Miles 2019 This listing for Toxaphene only applies to a 2mile area of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel from Lincoln Street to the Salton Sea. 7 R Colorado River (Imperial 72700000 Selenium Reservoir to California - Mexico Border) I Source Unknown 11 Miles 2019 C� T F 5 t � 5 1 ry III`` , � �° w � ter. �} � s • ��.• -�� ,} 4�- - . - �¢ - � r sr i.a.n ea.Ylrro � e A. irrR�W !� l lAll■RMRI MY�r, d- � VHLLti ,�Y��ian ■ N Iaw4 arr • AYYR6 C1iNNnR� nir 'her +t+rm m ".xr[+!� �.•. � nal S ry, •rF��•w Y�ri.a.yr y al fA{.l�rrrrFti ,Ju letw„i �vir vii4 IM w[* ' • 4alM Wli MYl��k �•-r 'R' ��IIwR1 V YrYYiYlli f r b'LLr Y`riF1 iw■ Rilw I rr 1 f. %,%— rF +4 F 5 t � 5 1 ry III`` , � �° w � ter. �} � s • ��.• -�� ,} 4�- - . - �¢ - � r sr i.a.n ea.Ylrro � e A. irrR�W !� l lAll■RMRI MY�r, d- � VHLLti ,�Y��ian ■ N Iaw4 arr • AYYR6 C1iNNnR� nir 'her +t+rm m ".xr[+!� �.•. � nal S ry, •rF��•w Y�ri.a.yr y al fA{.l�rrrrFti ,Ju letw„i �vir vii4 IM w[* ' • 4alM Wli MYl��k �•-r 'R' ��IIwR1 V YrYYiYlli f r b'LLr Y`riF1 iw■ Rilw I rr 1 f. %,%— ¢ pp— op ce 0 a TIV 'o 0 o , — A❑ENln_ 7- 51511Q& Gjjjj65W..r-- _--�1 E LE❑EN❑ DRAINAGE BOUNDARY FLOW PATH 1A AREA DESIGNATION �Z. J22 AREA ACRES 11C n`'r Uri 23 6A� a- 40 � P � ( l 58 K2 A� 2 7 , \9 o, INTERNATIONAL 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (949) 472-3505 - MBAKERINTL.COM EXISTING STORAGE AREA 400 200 0 400 800 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE E11111BIT 2 PRELIMINAREI 11RAINA11 E AREA MAP 11ILEERROCK RESORT E c c Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix C Refer to Drainage Study provided on a separate cover — Appendix F Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix D Educational Materials CASQA BMP Handbook Source Control BMPs SD -10 Site Design and Landscape Planning SD -11 Roof Runoff Controls SD -12 Efficient Irrigation SD -13 Storm Drain Signage SD -31 Maintenance Bays & Docks SD -32 Trash Storage Areas Treatment Control BMPs TC -11 Infiltration Basin Site Design Biz Landscape Planning D-10 Design Objectives [�1 f�9a�elnfil�alsan � �rar�de R�lentian lid Slow Ru noff Mini raze EmperwouB Lard Coverage PiQhvr-1 NrVi n of lapropor Mali ala (A' nlein k Wierts ColleCI and Conxey Description K och prej ect site �x)ssmes uriq ue topagrapLr-, hydrologic, and -vegetative feahzes, some of which are more suitable for development than otlkers. fntegaffng and incorporating appropriate landscape planting methodologies into the project design is the most effective action that can be done to nihimzip surface and ground eater contamination from stormwater. Approach Landscape planning should caiple consideration of land suitability for urban uses with consideration of comm umty goal FL and projected growth- Project plan designs should conserve natural areas to the extent possible, maximize natural waterstorage andinfIltration oppur tmmbes, and protect slopes and channels, Suitable Applications AWn)priatc appli cations i aclude residendal, com.mervial and industrial areas planned for development or redevelopment. Design Considerations Design regWreni ents for site design and I an dscapes plaindng should conform to applicable standards and specifinations of agencies with jutisdiction and be c onsi stent with applicable General Pian acid Lona! Area Plan policies- janiary 2003 G41Gf imla SWrnnih atgr BMP Hendnouk 1 of c New Ve-veopment ar,d Rezievelopmenr Yiww . c �bm phari dhc cks. com SD -10 Site Design & Landscape Planning Desiigning?Vew installations Begin the development of a plan for thv landscape unit with attention to the following general principles- a Formulate the plan on the hasis of clearly articulated community goals. Carefully idenEfy confli cts and choices between retaining and protect ng desired resources and community growth. Map and asstsslaud suitability for urban uses. Include the fallowing landscape features in the assessment. wooded land, open unwooded land, steep slopes, erosion -prone soils, foundation suitability, soil suitability for waste disposal, aquifers, aquifer recharge areas, wetlands, floodplains, surface wsters, agricultural lands, and various categories of urban land use_ When appropriate. the a&"-,-;rnent can highlight outstanding local or regional resources that the co -in mmiity determi nes slnottld be protected (e.g., a scenic area, recreational area, threatened species habitat, farmland, 6 s run). Mapping and assessment should recognize not only these resources but also additional areas neededfrjr their sustenance. Project plan designs should conserve natural areas to the extent possible, maximize natural water storage and iaMuation opportunities, and protect slopes and channels. CouserveNaturaiAreus dui ing Mndscape Plvnrring If applicable, the following items are required and must be implemenb>!d in the site layout during the sub divi dotn design and approval process, co€tsisteut with applicable General Plan and Local Area Plan policies: s Cluster development on least -sensitive portions of a site while leaving the remaining land in a uatLual undisturbed conditi on. • Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation ata site to the witiraum amount needed to build 1013, allow access, and provide fire proteebun_ a Ma:dmize trees and other vegeta tkm at each site by p]antmg additional vegetation, clustering tree areas, and promoting the use 4 native and/or drought tolerant plants. a Promote natural vegetation by using p arkiiig lot islaxads and other landscaped areas. a Preserve hparian areas acrd wetlands. Mari m(ze Natural Water Storage andlr frration Opportzrnmes ithin the Landscape Unci a Promote the conserva#i on of forest cover_ Building can land that is already deforested affects baain hydrology to a lesser extent than converting forested land. Loss of forest cover reduces interception storage, detention uathe organic forest floor layer, and wafter Insses by evapatramspiration, resid ting til large peal; runoff incrreasies and either their negative effects or the expense} of countering them with structural solutions. Maintain natural storage reservoirs and drainage corridors, inelixling depressions, areas of permeable soils, swales, and interm ittent streams. Develop and implement policies and 2 of d CAIFprnim Starrrtwater PUP Handbua- 3ar)uary 2003 mew Devalopment and Redevelopment ww W. cabrrmphandbovk s - tam Site Design & Landscape Planning D-10 regWations to discourage the clearing, filling, and channeliration of these feats. Utilize them in drainage networks in preference to pipes, culverts, and engineered ditches. Evaluating infiltration opportumties -by refcnriug to the stormwater managerrnent manual for the jurisdiction and pay particular attention tothe selectiun criteria for avoiding groundwater contamination, poor soils, andhydrogeological conditions that cause these facilities to fail. if necessary, locate deveivpmemts Y iidi large amounts of impervious surfaces or a potential tD produce relatively contaminated r moff away from groundwater recharge areas. Proter ion of Slopes card Chcumels during Landscape Design a Canvey runoff safely fran i the tops of slopes. ■ Avoid diswrbing steep or unstable slopes. a Avoid dista bing naLwal channels. a Stabilize disturbed slopes as quickly u possible. Vegetate slopes with native u dimught tolerant vegetation. ■ Control and treat flows in landscaping and/or other controls prior to reaching existing natural drainage systems. ■ Stabilize temporary and permanent cha mel crossings as quickly as possible, and ensure that increases in run-off velocity and fregitency caused by the pruj Kt dco not erode the channel. a Install energy dissipaters, such as riprap, at the outlets of new storm drains, culverts, conduits, or channels that enter unlined channels in accordance with applicable spec cations to n inimite erosion. Etteargar dissipaters shall be installed in such a wad' as to mmimixe impacts to receiving waters - it lame on-site conveyance channels where appropriate, to reduce erosion caused by increased flaw velocity due to mavA.es in tributary impervious area. The first choice for linings should be grass or same other vegetative surface, since these materials not only reduce runoff velocities, but also provide water quality benefits frons filLration and infiitratinn. if velocities in the channel are high enough to erode grass or other vegetative linin riprap, concrete, sail cement, or gea_g,4dstabilization are other alternatives, ■ Consider other design p:Linciples that are comparable and equally effective. Redeudoping Existing Instafiati<mea Various junsdietional s-tormwater management and initig,atian pians (S LTSMP, WQMP, etc.) define "redevelopmertV in terms of amounts of additional impervious area, increases ingross floor area and for exteriorconstruction, and land disturbin& activities with structural or impervious nuface& The definitiort of" redevelopnimt" must be consulted to deternni_ne whether or n€,t fixe regWr•ements for new development apply to areas intended for redevelopment. If the definition applies, die steps outlined =der"designing new irnstallations" above should be followed- aanuary 3003 Cat IfornLa 5tormwBter 5IMP landbook 3 oF4 New Develonment and Redevelopment ww rY, cabrmph andbDA s. mm SD -10 Site Design & Landscape Planning Redevelopment may prerenr si"caut opporwnity to add features whiCh had not previously} been implemented. temples include inearporation of depressions, areas of permeable sails, and swales in newly redeveloped areas. While some site constraints utay exist due to the status of already exisdng infrastruchwe, opportunities shoild not be missed to ma3dsnizt; infiltratun, slow runoff, redrace> impervious areas, disearmect dlreetty connected impervious areas. Other Re#ourc" A Manual farthe standard Urban Starmwater Mit tion Plan (SDSMP), 1A)s Angeles County Department of Public Works, May 2-oap-_ Stormwater Mim gemeut Manual for I'Vester-a Washingot� Washington State De}pa.rmenk of Ecology, AugLst 2cot_ Model Standard Urban Storm water Mitigation Flan (StJSM P) for Sar, Diego County, fort of San Diego, and Utes in San Diego County February iq, 2002. Model Water Quality Management Plan (QMP) forCaunty} of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District, and the Incorpornfied Cities of Orange County, Daft February 2003. Ventura CountyMde Technical Gni dance M lanual fnr Stnrmwater Quality- Control Measures, July 2002. 4 of 4 Cailfbrr) ia Stormvvt ker BMP Han dboa January 2003 %W -w Developnwnt 4nd Per�uQlopment awu W . vabm a h arnd books _ = Roof Runoff Controls D-11 Rain Garden Design Objectinmes Mammae irrfal rativi Prawde Retention 0 Slow Runoff Mi+ilmze lmperviiws Land Coverage Prohibit 17urrprtg of improper M Asnel s 0 C�ontain PoiluieMS 061ect and CanVc-y Description Various rod runoff oonvols are avail able to address sto=water that drains off rooftops. The obj ective is to reduce the total vetlume and rate: of runoff from individual lots, wid retain the pollutants on site that may be picked up from roofing materials and atmospherir deposition_ Ra Df ruunfFcant rols consist of directing the roof runoff away Froin paved areas and mitigating flow to the storm drain system th ugh one flf several general approaches; cisterns or rain barrels; dry wells or infiltration trenches; pop-up emitters, and foundation planting. The first three approaches require the roof mmoff to be contained in a gutter and downspout system. Foundation planft provides a vegetated strip under the drip Une of the roof. of. Approach Design of indMchwl lots for single-family hu nes as well as lots for higher density midential and commercial structures should consider site design provisions for eontai=% and infiltrating mof runoff or directing roof runoff Lo vegetative swales or buffer areas. Detained grater can be reused for watering gardens, lawns; and trees. Benefits to the environment include reduced demand for potable water used for irrigation, improved stormwater quality, inereased groundwater rechm-ge., decreased runoff volume and peak flows, and decreased fload.ing potential. Suits ble Applications Appropriate applications include residential, commercial and industrial was planned for development car redevelopment. Design Considerations Designing New Insto Ila lions nsterns or Raiz Barrels One method of addressing roof runoff is to direct roof downspout to cisterna or rain barrels. A cistern is im above ground storage vesnel with either a manually operated value or a permanently open outlet. Roof runoffis temporarily stored and then released i a for imgation or infiltration between storms. The number of rain .{ .. I. i. IF January 2003 Califurno StorMblyater 5MP Handbook 1 of 3 New Develapdrrerll and Redevelopment wvY w . c abrnph arvJbe-_k .cnm D-11 Roof Runoff Controls b=elsneeded is a function of the rooftop area. Some law impact developers recom=eud that every house have at least 2 rain barrels, witli a rx7inimum storage capacity of i000 liters. Roof barrels sme several purposes including rttidgetngthe first flush from the roof which has a high volmne, amount of contaminants, and thermal load. Sevffd types of rain barrels are cammerci ally available, Ccnsideratiun must be given to selectuxg rain hamels that are vector proof and childproof_ In addition, some barrels are designed with a bypass valve that filters out grit and tither eontamiva= and routes overflow to a soak -away pit or rain garden. If the Cistern hm, an operable vaive, the valve can be closed to store stormw amr for 'irrigation or infiltration between storms. This system rewires continual monitoring by the resident or grounds crews, but prnvi des greater flexibility in water storage and metering, if a cistern is prodded with an operable Valve and water is stored imside for long periods, the cistern must he covered to prevent mosgWtoes from breeding. A6stern system with a permanently open outlet can also pruvide for metering stormwater runoff. l f the cistern outlet is s nOicanliy smaller than the size of the downspout inlet (say ?'a to 1!2 inch diarneter), ruaaff will build up inside the cistern during storms, and will empty out slowly after peak intensities subside. This is a feasible way to mitigate the peak flow increases caused lay roaftop impervious land coverage, especially for the frequent, small storms. Dry welfs and InjUtmhon Trenches Roof downspouts can he directed to dry wells or infiltration trenches. A dry well is constructed by excavating a hole in the ground and fill it %11th an open graded ag,g negate, and allowing the water w fll thedry well and aTiltrate after the starm event. Anun.dergromid comiection from the downspout wnveys water into the dry well, allowing it to be stored in the voids. To miniruiae sedimenta,tiou from lateral sail movement, the sides and top nfthe stone storage matrix can be. %Tapped in a permeable filter fahri; though the bottom may remain open_ A perforated observation pipe can be inserted vertically into the dry well to allow for klspection and maintenance. Ire practice, dry welts receiving runoff frum single roof dowmqm jis hAve been successful caner long periods because they Contain very little sediment They mast Sae sized according to the amormt of rooftop runoff received, but are typically 4 to 5 feet square, and 2 to 3 feet deep, with a minimum of t -foot soil cover over the top (maximum depth of ro feet). To protect the foundation, dry wells must be set away from the building at least io feet_ They must be instaUedin solids that accommodate. infiltration. In poorly drained soils, dry wells have very limited feasibility. InW tratzon trenches function in a sirrutar manner and would be parlicularly effective for larger roof areas. An infiltration trench is a Ion& narrow, rock -filled trench with no outlet that receives Mrmwater runoff. These an described under Treatment Controls. Pop -rip Darainag a -Emitter Roof downspouts can be directed to an underground pipe that daylights some distance from the building foundation, z7eleasiug the roof runoff through a pop-up emitter. Similar to a pcp`up irrigation head, the emitter only opens when there is flow from the roof. The emitter remains flush do the ground durbg dry periods, for ease of lawn or landscape maintenance, 2 of 3 Callfornla Starmwater BMP Handbook January L-003 New Devetopmant arvd Rede+reloprftent www .cobraphandbcok,com Roof Runoff Controls Foundation Planting SD -11 Landscape plandug can be provided wound the base to allow increased opportunities for stormwata:r infiltration arid. protrc:t the soil from erosion caused by concentrated 0e t flow comic , off the roof. Foundation plantings can reduce the physical impact of water on the soil and provide a subsurface matrix of rots drat encourage infiltration. These plantar s must be sturdy enough tri tolerate the heAc y runoff shut flows, and per o&c sail saturation. Re4e, tw1upiug Eris tin g In stalla tiass Various juuisdictional storm water rmanagemeart and mitigation pawns (SUSIT, WQMP, etc.) define "redevelopment" in terns of arnounLs of adchtional impervious area, increases in gross flrur zrea and/or exterior cons bructinn.' and land disturbing activities with structural or impervious surfaces. The definition of" redevelopment" must be consultedtu determine whether or not the requirements for new development apply to areas intended for redevelopmomL. Lf the definition applies, the steps outlined under "dmignbig nx w installatEons" ab me shrxild he followed- Supplemental ollowed_ Supplementa1 Information ■ City of Ottawa's Water Uab Surface -Water Quality Protnehon 11rngrarn ■ City of Toronto Downspout Disconnection Program ■ City of Boston, MA, Rain Barrel Demonstration Prugram other Resources Hager, Ma_ tv Catherine, torniw&ter, "Low AmpactDevelopment",Jana r'Februay 2oa3. ►c�4w , S�crr3 �rli2r�.4'�strr Law impact urban Design Tools, Law 1 nrpart Development Design Center, Beltsville, MD. "w lid-sturnrwatermet Mart rtt the 5rArrez, Bay Area Stor inwater Managernent Agencies Aswuation, .1999 Edition lanudry 2003 CVifornia SMrrn&atar BMP Handt}6ok 3 ff 3 r*w Oeyebprne-4t and Ra velcpment www.cjhmphandbr .tan Efficient irrigation D-1 Design Objectives � Max�rnee inFillralFolT �l P;au�de I�e�ntian 19 Stow RUWtf MINmza Impermnaa Laid Covarag e P Mrbt IJurrprng of i rTwper Matsnais contain 1'cl�utmts QliEG1 and nvey Description 1 r rlgation water prodded to landscaped areas may result in excess xrrigati,n water being cconveyedinto stnrmwate r drainage systems. Approach Prgectplan designs for development and red evelGpm ent shotdd include applieati(in me#liods a in-igation Water that rnirum ize nmoff of excess irrigation waturirtto the stormwater conveyAnce I ystem Suitable Applications appropriate appliratiorYs inclade residential, commercial and industrial areas planned for deveJopznent or redevelopmt. (Detached resieatial single-family horned axe typically excluded fi-om this requirement.) Design Considerations Designing Avem Instal taboos The follo"ing methods to reduce excessive irrigattnn runoff slwuld be considered, and iuc.orporated and implemented where determined applicable and feasibi a by the Permittee: ■ Ernpiny rain -triggered shutoff devices to prevent uTTgation after precipitation. ■ Design in igation systems Lu each laudscape area's specific water requimments_ s Include design featming flew reducers, or shutoff valves triggemdby a pressure drop to ccsmtrolwater lass in the event of broken sprinkler heads dr fines. • I mplement landscape plans eansis tmt with County or City water conservation resolutions, which may include provision of water sensors, plrograrnzcable irrigation times (for short cycles), etc., # 91 ]aMji�ry 7CkZ3 Cat 1€omle 6tarmwater RMP Handbook i EDF zr [,pew Development and Redeveapmert www, czb iphandxxa s, tom SD -12 Efficient Irrigation a Design timing and application methods of irrigation water to minimize the runoff of excess irrtian water into the storm water drainage system. ■ Group plants with similar water r+vquiremants in ur&r to reduce excess irrigation runoff and promote surface C1ltratiaei_ CbcDse pfants with low irrigation requirements (far example, native or draught talera it species). Consider design features such as: - Using muldies (such as wood chips or bar) in planterareas without ground cover to mist. . e sediment in rnmoff - Installing appropriate plant materials for the location, in accordance withattrount of surr ight and dimat r, and we native plant materials where passible and/or as recommended by the landscape achitect Leavmg a vegetative barrier along the property boundary and interior watercourses, to act as a pollutant filter, where appropriate and Feasible - Choosing plraits that rniUraize or eliminate the else cif fertilizer ar pesticides to sustain 9-owth a Employ other comparable, equally effective methods to reduce irrigation water runoff, Redeoduping Existing Installatimm Various jurisdirtiurml storin water management and mitigation pians (SUS MP, I+VQM.P, etc ) define "redevelopment" in terms of amomits of additional impervious area, increases in gross floor area and/or exterior C0Mtructi6n3 and land disturbing acbvitits with structural cr i mpetvious satrfaces. 'Che deflrution of "redevelopment" must be consulted to detenuine whetiner or not the requirements for new development apply to areas intended for redevelapment. If the cl EM -tion applies, the steps outlined ender "desiongrew installations" ahave shuidd hefallowed_ Other Resourter, A Manual for the Starnda rd Urban Stormwater klitigation Platt (SUSM P), 1 xis Angeles County Department of Public Weaves, May 2o02- MA)del Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Flan (SIJSM F) for San Diego County, Pt rt of San Diego, and Cities in Sari Diego Gnunt+, February iq, 2002. Model Nater Qnahly Manage ment Plan ( QiVIF) for County of Gramge, Grange Cauuety F] Dad Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of arauge County, Draft February 2 003 - Ven tura 103_Ventura Countymde Technical Gut Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures, J my 2002 . ,,I ? Califorrve Star. mwater BMP Herdbodk ]anusr 2aaa Ne* pe elopmLnt and Redev Nnprn aLt www- cr6rophar,,dhook s . cdm Storm Drain Signage D-1 Design Objectives Ntxrwee Infdkal2an Proyde RelenIiw Slaw runoff Miry nze Impervious Land Coverage ProN br t 0urrprnp orIrTmper Malerials Ccnla n poHWanls Col Iw.1 and Canvey Description Waste match als dumped into storm clraia inlets caxl have severe impacts on receiving and ground waters. Posting notices regarding chscharge prohibitions at storm drain inlets can prevent waste dumping. Storm gain signs and stencils are highly visible source controls that are rMeally placed directly adjacent to storm draininlets. Approach The stencil or affixed sigh contains a brief statement that prohibits dumping of improper materials into the urbaui nmaff conveyance system. Storm drain messages have become, a popular method of alerting the public ahuut the effects of and the pnobibitions ag 3 ist waste disposal. Suitable Applications 5teneds and signs alert the pubhc to the destination of pollutants riixlrarged to tie storm drain. Signs are apprapnate in residential, commercial, sndindustrial areas, as well as any other area where comribuLions or dutuping to storm drains is aely, Design Considerations Storm drain message markers or placards are reconrrnended at all storm drain inlets withinthe boundary of a development project The marker should he placed in clear sight fa.ch4 toward anyoue approaching the inlet from either side. All storm drain inlet Inca tions shoiild he identified m the development site map. The following methods should be ronsiderod for inclusion in the project design and show an project plans: ■ Pride stenciling or labeling of all story drain filets and catch basins, construe Led or modified, within the pmject area with prohibitive language. Examples include "h0 DL MPING larxlarY 2003 09If= la5tWrmwiter BMPtiandbook 1 oft New Development and Redevelcpment www. c�-brrpltiandbooks,gm SD -13 Storm gain Signage -DRAINS TO ]OCEAN" and/or other graphieA icons to discourage illegal dumping. ■ Prat signs vdth pmljbitive lawgua,ge and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal dumping, at public access poi nu along channels and creeks within the project area. Note - Some local agencies have approved specific age and/or storm drain mes sage placards for use. Consult local agency stormwatler staff to determine specific require rnents for placard types and methods of application. Redeveloping Lei sitifg InstaIla tfmrs Various jurisdictional stormwate' management and mitigation pians (SUSMP, WQMP, etc.) define °redevelop ment" in terms of amounts of additional impervious area, increases in gross floor area and/or exterior eunstruction, and hind disturbing activities with structural or impervimis su faces. if the project meets the definition of "redevelopment", then the req uirementxe statedunder " designing new installations" above should he included in all project design plans. Additional Information ,Main resider ft-Mes ■ Legibility of markers and signs should be maintained. If required by the agency Kith jurisdiction over the project, the ownerfoper•ator or horneownees association should enter into a maintenance agreement with the agency or record a deed rez�criction upon the property title to maintain the legibility of placards or signs. PIVEr4 mem e ■ Signage on top of curbs tends to weather and fade. ■ Signage oa face of curbs tends to be worn by c intact with vehicle tires and sweeper brooms. Supplemental Information Exampl" ■ Most NIS4 progams have storm drain signage programs. Same S4 programs will provide stencils, or arrange foz volunteers to st4mcil stoma drain3, as part of their outreach program, Other Resources A ManuRt fur6e Standm-d UrhanStormwater Mitigation Flair (SUSMP), Las Angeles County Deparment of Public Works, May 2-oaoP. Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Flan (SUSMP) for San Diego County, Port of Sari Diego, and Cities in San Diego Gount�, February -14,2002. Model Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for County of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of Orange Count}, Draft Februalry 2.oe3. Ventura Countywide Technical Guidance Manual for StDrmwatff Qnality, Control Measures, July 20072. Ce! Fornla gtormwater SMP Kwdbnok, January 2W3 New Development and R e0evel opm,-h t www cabmphandbooks.cam Maintenance Bays & Docks SD -31 Description Design Objectives Maximize Infiltration Provide Retention Slow Runoff Minimize Impervious Land Coverage Q Prohibit Dumping of Improper Materials Q Contain Pollutants Collect and Convey Several measures can be taken to prevent operations at maintenance bays and loading docks from contributing a variety of toxic compounds, oil and grease, heavy metals, nutrients, suspended solids, and other pollutants to the stormwater conveyance system. Approach In designs for maintenance bays and loading docks, containment is encouraged. Preventative measures include overflow containment structures and dead-end sumps. However, in the case of loading docks from grocery stores and warehouse/distribution centers, engineered infiltration systems maybe considered. Suitable Applications Appropriate applications include commercial and industrial areas planned for development or redevelopment. Design Considerations Design requirements for vehicle maintenance and repair are governed by Building and Fire Codes, and by current local agency ordinances, and zoning requirements. The design criteria described in this fact sheet are meant to enhance and be consistent with these code requirements. Designing New Installations Designs of maintenance bays should consider the following: ■ Repair/maintenance bays and vehicle parts with fluids should be indoors; or designed to preclude urban run-on and runoff. ■ Repair/maintenance floor areas should be paved with Portland cement concrete (or equivalent smooth impervious surface). .10. IF IKKI h til LI01WATrE 1. January 2003 California Stormwater BMP Handbook 1 of 2 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com SD -31 Maintenance Bays & Docks Repair/maintenance bays should be designed to capture all wash water leaks and spills. Provide impermeable berms, drop inlets, trench catch basins, or overflow containment structures around repair bays to prevent spilled materials and wash -down waters form entering the storm drain system. Connect drains to a sump for collection and disposal. Direct connection of the repair/maintenance bays to the storm drain system is prohibited. If required by local jurisdiction, obtain an Industrial Waste Discharge Permit. ■ Other features may be comparable and equally effective. The following designs of loading/unloading dock areas should be considered: ■ Loading dock areas should be covered, or drainage should be designed to preclude urban run-on and runoff. ■ Direct connections into storm drains from depressed loading docks (truck wells) are prohibited. ■ Below -grade loading docks from grocery stores and warehouse/distribution centers of fresh food items should drain through water quality inlets, or to an engineered infiltration system, or an equally effective alternative. Pre-treatment may also be required. ■ Other features may be comparable and equally effective. Redeveloping Existing Installations Various jurisdictional stormwater management and mitigation plans (SUSMP, WQMP, etc.) define "redevelopment" in terms of amounts of additional impervious area, increases in gross floor area and/or exterior construction, and land disturbing activities with structural or impervious surfaces. The definition of " redevelopment" must be consulted to determine whether or not the requirements for new development apply to areas intended for redevelopment. If the definition applies, the steps outlined under "designing new installations" above should be followed. Additional Information Stormwater and non-stormwater will accumulate in containment areas and sumps with impervious surfaces. Contaminated accumulated water must be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and cannot be discharged directly to the storm drain or sanitary sewer system without the appropriate permit. Other Resources A Manual for the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, May 2002. Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) for San Diego County, Port of San Diego, and Cities in San Diego County, February 14, 2002. Model Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for County of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of Orange County, Draft February 2003. Ventura Countywide Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures, July 2002. 2 of 2 California Stormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New Development and Redevelopment www.cabmphandbooks.com Trash Storage Areas D-2 Description Trask storage areas are areas where a trash receptacle (s) are located for use as a repository for solid wastes. Stormwater runoff from areas where trash is stored or disposed of can be polluted. In addition, loose trash and debris can be easily transported by water or wind into nearby storm drain inlets, channels, and/or creeks. Waste handling operations that may be sources of stormwater pollution include darn Asters, litter control, and waste piles. Approach This fact sheet contains details on the specific measures required to prevetll or reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff associated with trash storage and handling. Preventative measures including enclosures, containment structures, and impervious pavements to mitigate spills, should be used to reduce the likelihood of enrrtamination. Design Objectives Maximirc- Inrilvabon Provide Rotantion Siow Runoff Minimize Impert WS Land Coverage Prohbt Dompin of Onproper Matef4s Q Contain Pollutenls Collecl and Convey Suitable Applications Appropriate applications include residential. commercial and industrial areas planned for development or redevelopment. (Detached residential single-family homes are typically excluded from this requirement.) Design Considerations Design require rments for waste handling areas are governed by Building and Fire Codes, and by current local agency ordinances and zoning requirements. The design criteria described in this fact sheet are meant to enhance and be consistent %7th these code and ordinance requirements. Hazardous waste should be handled in acro rdancT Mth legal requirements established in 71t]e 22, California Code of regulation. wastes from commercial and industrial sites are typically hauled by either public or wmin ereia] carvers that may have design ❑r access requirements for waste storage areas. The design criteria in this fact sheet are rc-cornrnendations and are not intended to be in conflict with requirements established by the waste hauler. The waste hauler should be contacted prior to the design of your site trash collection areas. Conflicts or issues should be discussed ulth the local agency. flcsignanp New Ins Callariorts Trash storage areas should be designed to consider the following structural or treatment control HMPS: ■ Design trash container areas so that drainage from adjoining roofs and pavement is diverted around the area to avoid run-on. This might inelude herming or grading the waste handling area to prevenI run-on of stormwater. a flake sure trash container areas are screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. ' lanuaoy 2003 CaNromla StorrnwAef BMP Handbook 1 of 2 New Development and Redevelopment www, cabrnp ha n ebooks . tum SD -32 Trash Storage Areas ■ Use lined bins or dumpsters to reduce leaking of liquid waste. a Provide roofs, awnings, or attached lids on all Crash containers to rninirnize direct precipitation and prevent rainfall from entering containers. E Pave trash storage areas ►pith an impervious surface to mitigate rpills. �r too not locate storm drains in immediate vicinity of the trash storage area. Post signs on all dump sters informing users that hazardous materials are not to be disposed of therein. Redeveloping Existing Installations Various jurisdictional stormwa ter management and mitigation plans (SUSMP, WQMP, etc,} define "redevelopment" in terms of amounts of additional impenrious area, increases in grass floor area and for exterior construction, and land disturbing aetivities with strycul ral or impervious surfaces, The definition of' redevelopment" must be consulted to determine whether or not the requirements fur new development apply to areas intended for redevelopment. If the definition applies, the steps outlined under "designing new installations" above should be followed. Additional Information Maintenance Cunsideratimw The integrity of structural elements that are subject to damage (i.e., screens, covers, and signs) must be maintained by the ova ner/operator. Maintenance agreements between the local agency and the owner f operator may be required. Some agencies will require maintenance deed restrictions to be recorded of the property title. If required by the local agency, maintenance agreements or deed restrictions roust be executed by the owner/operator before improvement plans are approved. Other Resources A Manual for the Standard Urban Sturm ater Mitigation Plan) (SUSMP), Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, May 200:2. Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation flan (SUSMP) for San Diego County, Part of Sari Diego, and Cities in San Diego County, February 14, 2002. Mudel Water Quality Matt agement Plan (WQMP) for County of Grange, Orange County Flood Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of Orange County, Draft February 2003. Ventura Countywide Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures, July 2002. 2 of 2 Callfomle 5tormwrater BMP Handbook ]anuary 2043 New Development and Redevelopment www,cab m ph andbaok,L. corn TC -11 Infiltr tion Basin sigrjii;call l pollio1j of the Rverage Aiiiival rainfall runoff is 1nfiItrat ed and evagomted rather dtian flushed direr tly to creeks. ■ if the %nater quality volume 1s Adequnteh' sized, ilrfilt-Fit iall basins raiz be useful for providiltg coil trol ofelsarniel form i11g (erosion) and hi&I, fregtie n€y(genimIly less thftlI III 2 -year) flood events. Limitations * MAY 11 o lie ■pprnyinate far indltsttial sites or local intm� whrrr spilts nmY rim ir ■ 111filtratioll hail:is mquire a mitmimuni soil filfiitraliotl rate of 0.5 inelaesihour. 1101 appropriate at sites uith Hydrologic Soil'I)pea Cand D s I inFiiltretiolt rates "teed 2.4 111chWliour, tIteit the runoff sIaouId be fulh treated prior to iniiitration to protect grouljdwater qua.lity ■ Not sit itabit oil fill situ or steep shows. • Risk ofground++ater contamination in very emrse soils. ■ L'PstiWIII "nage area must be colupiinch, stabilised More construction ■ Diffic•tllt to restore ftttsctiotsiiig of infiiltratiorI Ix1K1ns vtlee clogged. Design and Siming Guidelines ■ Water gushm, iAume detennitied by local regnire uients of sized so tiled 8g% of 111e a1t11ua1 rui)off volmne is capmmd. t Bashi si2rd w that the eltitire %vale I- g11alit►• i'olut:3e is iltfiltraled uithin .48 Ilam s • Vegetrl11011 estabilsliment oil Ilie basks floor may help mduce die rlogging rate C'61tatruction/1"s ction Considerntiora■ ■ Before construrtiOU begltls, stabilize the Attire area dminiag to the fairdity ]f impassible, pinee a diversim be mi arotntd the peri unet er of Ilse irjfiltmiiou site to plv'velI? se&l.W111 etrtraltre during mistruction or remove the lop 2 inches of soil after the site is stabilili:zetl StabiIize the elitire contributing rlrtlitjsge area, iracludiilg dLe side slopes befog -e allewilig arty 1a111off to eater *It(* corastrurtion is coil Iplete * Place excavated iimirrial such that it cm >im be i ached back 1 m the badly 1f a mOn11 occurs dwitjg ronstruclion of the fnoility- ■ Build the basin m-ilhout dmtig Meati' equipment over the mfiltrazian surface Amy equiplamii driven az1 the surface should liege exira-%i ide flow ptrrssare") tjres - Prjor Io al}►' crostrurtion, rope off the itlfIiratiolI area to stop erltvotive by nnwanted equipt>tjem * After Ci11n1 &raditrg, I i I I IIIc IIIfiIII-atioll 5111fa" deeplY ■ Use approprinte eresiml Control seed mix for Hie specsfir project and kwat1on 7 7 6 CblfoornLb 5topmwatel SMP $4andbouk )an.asiy 200 New tlevelopmenl and Redevelopmem WWFY Cabr1JFltandtXHA-, CCIT. TC -11 Infiltration Basin a Base flow should IIoI be pre};fen( in the n ibutan, watershed Second"rY 8ereeninj) Based an Site Geo tech rriecaI I"veatigntion ■ At least three ill -]role conductivity tests shall be petfonnesd usiag USER 73oo-89 or Bouwerr- Rice procMures Cilie latter if groundwater is enrowiterM %tithilr the boring), tiva tests at chfferent locatiotls Vdthill the proposed basin and the tli ird down grachrut by aro utorea tussis A pproxi it w ely 10 n . T]lc tests sIudl tlreasure penk5eability iii dip side slopes imd the bed Mtirrri a dept}r of 3 IIs of the illverl. P The llltiIi inuin arceplabit hydraulic conducti%ity Its iiieastired iIi any of the three required test holes is 13 inanllir. if ally test Bole shows less thall the 11111iiiliiutrt %Aue, the rate sliould be disqualified front further M' nsideYration. ca E xeltide froru considemion sites cotistructM ill All 01' l-►nrtsAJIV iii fill uukss no silts or mays arse present in the soil boring Fill tends to be rolxcpac�ted; Lith rlax iIr dispersed rather' shalt flocetilAtead state. greatly reducilig per:YjeaUillt%- a The geotechnical investigatlerc should be such that a good understwiding is gamed as to liow the storin►+Ater runoff Ml tlrol'e ill the soil (1iorixoiits Ity or xvenzeal MAnd i(thete are ani 9eo1091cal Conditions that could inhibji the Iliovenleni of water Additional Design Guidelines {!) R sill Siting -'file required water q ua I i h- vo I n I z I e is deieriuitied by local reguIations 01 sufficient to capture 85 oftIir riilirunl ruII aff, fe) Pxovide prLnPrainjetlt if sed iuiejIt Icad itig is n Ina IitteiuuIce wnce ni for the has In. (3) Include ellen• dissipAtioil SII thf- ]islet design for lite Llirsili£ Arvid designs that iiidude a pen nailetit pood to reduce oppon;Ill Itip for standing wafer arld .issvciate d vector" larobtrills l4j Basiiy invert ares sliatild be determined lir the equation where A = Basin iii+vet area {rix#) waltr qunlitr volullle 11113] tiMrs they for+'eat field-nie-uured IiydrauIir roiiductit-itw- lltt�lirl . r - drawdown ftuje 1 481ir? (9 The use of ,&*nlcnl piplug ritlier• for c'Eisthbution or tuf1liraijan eitha)sreillelit sliall nol br allowed to are id tie}ice rlassificatioli as n Cla.5s %' ill}ertiosI Ivell Pet .to CIFR 141S,5(e)(4 ) � of 8 Cai�+'���ii�i �torrnwat#^+ t}MD MBr�dl+ook 7�n4R�,y �p�� Nf" Nwelot- nt and ttedevetapmefm {etrf,pl.andbolp s CO*^ T-11 Infiltration Basin References and Sources 0 Additional Information Cahrmu, 2002, 811P Retrofit Pilot Progilm Pi-aposed Final Report, Rpt C' A%*-ICT-of-oSo, California Dept. of Transpoilat inn, 8 arran) ei i to, CA Ga11i, J 1992. Alenfysis of f fr-barr B -VP Pelforvalauce and Longevity in Prarrm CroVe s C'owinl, Alar ylartd Aletropolitalt wasliiitgtott Can1161 of Gave mi eiits, Wasltillgto13, DC, Hilding, K. 1996. LutigeiiR, of hiftltratioii basins assessed ill Puget Sound, Watershed Protectiotr 7,00P F, iques i(3).12,t-12' Maryland I)Cpanfflealt Of the I ll►' IlDa Hent (11DE). 2000. MarylondSturrrcte+afer 1rsrgjr .4f0111401, Ignm Acres, a May ' hletzger, Al_ E_, D F_ ilesser, C L Bei tie, C. Al h•l.yers, mild V, L. KrPIller. 2002. The Dark Side Of Starnilwater Runoff Management. Disease Vertots Associated Ivith StrurtMal Blkips. Storil"Ster 3(2); 24-39. Nightingale. H.I., 1975. 'Lead: Zinc, and Copper ua Soiia of Urban Storm -Runoff Retention Basins." American Water Works Assay .laurnai Vol. 67. P 443-446• Niglltirlglale. H_1.- 1987ra, 'Water Quality bei wath Urbaii R u i ioff Water Ifal>ageluent BAS111s, 4 IV81er ResourM BUlletitl, Vol. 23, P_ 197-205• N2911 t i I 191dr, H -I., 1987b, -Accariitrlatran of -AS, M, CU, avid Pb iia Reientiola at,d RecjjSt-ge Bas iII Soils from Urban Runoff,' WAter Ite$oureeS Bulletin, V01. 23, p 663-672. N191atMgale, H -l_, 1987c, "Organic Pollutants in Soils of Retentlali!Recharge B04111s Rteeivirag t 1rban Runoff Water,' Soil Scielire Vol 148 PP 39-45 Nigh t i tigale, H - I,, HfilT}sois, D . ararl Salta, J_E., 19135, -An Evaluation Tee Ill 1ique for GJIourad- ticatrr QuaaliityBeneath Urban lttuloff Retention aaad Percolatioij Basilic,' Ground Water Monitoring Rrriew, Val. f,, No. 1, pp 43-30. Oberts, G.1994. Performallre ofSta1-illwater Ponds alid Wetltands ii Winter. Watershed PrVOM011 7'erhrugrres 1(2)' 64-68. Pitt, R - et 1a1. 1994, Pare*urrrrl (ir'e'j IOld" V,fer Corrlaniinallo+r fr'oin Infen HoFmI acrd Non intri itiorarrf Storiaiwater li triltration, EPA /boo/R-94,'051, Rist; Rednetion Eugi:leering La boralan% U.S EPA. C'iocinnata, OH Seliueler, Y 298-. ODFin O Brig I rpbrlrr R,inuf :- A P+xx`trrrrf .lJamin Ifiar PlartWng card Designneg trrlxti0 BAIP€_ Alrriopolitan Washington CoualCil of CrMwe a 111el I 15. Washitignon, DC Schroeder, R. A, 1995. Pafrrrtral Foo - Chen Iicaf P)trrsp{ar-f Brrten th et Sfor-rr1•R11rtoff Rechnrge (Retention) Bricom for a P t Indlts[r-reel Catch 1rrrtef err Fres {:4, USGS Hater-Resourre lnveslign ionic Report 9:3.41.10 6 Pr a CallfW110 S1QtMwMer EMP 4-MndLx0c,4 Mnuary M3 NFw 0evp4apm-9111 810 #RiedieYek)0enept mwvr cabmphondwQks Cum TC -11 Infiltration Basin iA�N11LL�Ca • ■ . { r r r ■ . r. ■ . ■ ■ r { ;� � 1sYi rw■hG r Y w ■. R ... ■• r r. s a. r a. w 4 r ... 4} • r 7 t# 4 x 4 7 7# 7 4 Y f f 7 i 4. Y i 4{ r 7■ rt 4 Y R r a f i' r.■ y447 F■■.r rwr.77 fi.r■rf■ya7S4#■ * i;i•�.LY�w■a lai 4•••L••iJ it#�i.i .rr.■■r■S■■S4rr.01011%RR■3{■w34■ _ •R'7*r■�r ftkl ODM ROOK NTHt•�•r•rf 4. L■ r. i 4\ w■■. .• r r Y■ K■ y• S• .r■.■.■•.. Yy r r t.rYfw■w•r 7■i77 rt.f r4.4{4 4 Y 7 Y r■ S• r y t r■■ t . i . 4 r • r w { i .. 4 . r . f r + . .. r . .... . r r w a R■+{ S r f M y•■■ Y■ r .. ..... fir, ■ 11 siF1'RfT�fR;R17i*'T'77'!'\i �Y#'tj r■■ r+. 4 r■ Y r 4 w f i w■■+ r r s L R■ #Y'#iT�fATfl'�# i�L'R F ■ a r L ■ . { { y Y ... w • ■ ayr.■. � .Yryiwry#r#t �i� - PLA AEW OW L04V OLLAS t* �M�L[►rt�i Iwv II�L t7W1T�Cl1■ ! �drlMrY� CLZIYMOrff T•r.� til n }F r y{r� UAdOLRO+kw oo rrPE rk CAM Oi SfwF1lW4G WATER PRO&_LMS 7VAALVC - - 1 it +X1i SiEIP CCL4AlY ar ►A7 �:4 filAi4�l�i _ --- PROFILE Sof B Calffgrnlp 5torrnwalel BMC HdrdbooiG lertstbry ?003 Ne- Nvebpmegt and koeve4npmenl wwr..CebmplaridOpoks com Retention/Irrigation T-1 Capture of stormwater can be accomplished in almost any kind Design Considerations Description lent ionlirri gation refers to the capture of stormwater runoff in i Sal for InfiilMi" a holding pond and subsequent use of the captured volume for ■ Area aequnr d irrigation of landscape of natural penious areas. This ■ SEope technology is very effective as a storniwater qualiry practice in 0 Nutfients ■ that, for the captured water quality volume, it provides virtually ■ Erivftnmenla? Side -affects no discharge to receiving waters and high stormwater 0 Metals ■ constituent removal efficiencies, This technology mimics natural 0 Bactena ■ undeveloped watershed conditions wherein the vast majority of 0 411 and Grease ■ the rainfall volume during smaller rainfall events is infiltrated 0 agarus through the soil profile. Their main advantage over other Legend JR4nK vid EffsrWaftss) in15i1tratlon. technologies is the use of an imgarion system to spread the nin off over a larger area for infiltration. This allows a Low f Hkgh them to be used in areas with low permeability sails. * Medium Capture of stormwater can be accomplished in almost any kind of runu[fstorage facility, ranging frarn dry, concrete -lined ponds to those with vegetated basins and permanent pools. The pump targeted Constituents avid vet well Aould be automated with a rainfall sensor t4 10 Sedimeni ■ pro,6ide irrigation only during periods when required infiltra Lion rates can be realized. Generally, a spray irrigation system is 0 Nutfients ■ required to provide an adequate flow rate for distributing the 0 Trash ■ water quality volume (LCCA, 1998). Collection of roof runoff for 0 Metals ■ subsequent use (rainwater harvesting) also qualifies as a 0 Bactena ■ retention f irrigation practice. 0 411 and Grease ■ 0 agarus This technology is still in its info ney and there are no published Legend JR4nK vid EffsrWaftss) reports on its effectiveness, Cost, or operational requiremeriU. The guidelines presented below should be considered tentative a Low f Hkgh until additional data are available_ * Medium California Experience This BMP has never been implemented in California, only in the Austin, Texas area. The use there is limited to watersheds where no increase in pollutant load is allowed because of the sensitive nature of the watersheds. Advantages ■ Pollutant removal effectiveness is high, accomplished primarily by: (1 ] sedimentation in the primary storage facility; ( 2) physical filtration of particulates through the soil prefile; (3) dissolved constituents uptake in the vegetative root zone by the soil -resident micrabia] community. January 2403 California 5kormwater BMP Handbook I of 5 New Oevalwrnent and Redevelopment www, Ca UfAVha n 6OOOkS . C Orn T-12 Retention Irrigation The hydrologic characteristics of this technique are effective for simulating pre -developed watershed conditions through. (i) containment of higher frequency flood volumes (less than about a 2 -year eveut); and (2) reduction of flow rates and velocities for erosive flow gents. ■ Pollutant removal rates are estimated to be nearly xoo9t for all pollutants in the captured and irrigated stormwater volume. However, relatively frequent inspection and maintenance is necessary to assure proper operation of these facilities. s 'Phis technology is particularly appropriate for areas with infrequent rainfall because the syoem is not required to operate often and the ability to provide storrnwaterfor irrigation can reduce demand on surface and groundwater supplies. Limitations ■ Retention irrigation is a miatively expensive technology due primarily to mecbgmical systems, power requirements, and nigh maintenance needs. w Due to the relative complexity of irrigation systems, they must be inspected and maiinlained at regular intervals tc ensure reliable "em function, ■ Retention -irrigation systems use pumps requiring electrical energy inputs (which coat money, create pollution, and can he interrupted). Mechanical systems are also more complex, req uhing sIdIled maintenance, and they are more vulnerable to vandalism than simpler, passive systems. ■ Retention -irrigation systems require opert space for irrigation and thus maybe difficult to retrofit in urban areas. a Effective use of retention irrigation requires some farm of pre-treatment of ninoff flows (i.e., sediment farehay or vegetated f=ilter) to remove coarse sediment and to protect the long-term operating capacity of the irrigation egaipment. w Retention/irrigation BM Ps capture and store water that, depending on design maybe accessible to mosquitoes and other vectors for breeding. Design and Sizing Guidelines ■ Runoff Storage Facility Configuration and Sizing - Design of the runoff storage facility is flexible as long as the water quality+ volume and an appropriate purnp and wet wetI system can be accommodated. N Pump and Wet Well System -A reliable pump, wet well, and rainfall or sail rnotsture sensor system should be used to distribute the water quality volume. These systems should be similar to those used for wastewater effluent irrigation, which are commonly used in areas where "no discharge" wastewater treatment plant permits are issued. ■ Detentian 'Nme -'1'he irrigation schedule should allow for complete drawdown of the water quality volume within 72 hours. Irrigation should not begin within 12 hours of the end of rainfall so that direct storm runoff has ceased and sails are not saturated. Consequently, the length of the active irrigation period is 6o hours. The irrigation should include a cycling factor of 1l2, so that each portion of the area will be irrigated for only 3o hours during The 2 of 5 Ca#lfarnta Stormvialer OMP Handbook January 2443 New Davelapmenk and Redevelopment www. aattmpharidbooks_carn Retention Irrigation TC -12 total of 6o hours allowed far disposal of the water duality volume. Irrigation also should not occur during subsequent rainfalI events. a Irrigation System -Generally a spray irrigation system is required to provide an adequate flow rate for timely distFibution of the water quality volume. ■ Designs that utilize covered water storage should be accessible to vector control personnel via access doers to facilitate vector surveillance and control if needed. ■ Irrigation Site Criteria - The area selected for irrigation frust be pervious, on stapes of less than xo96_ A geological assessment is required for proposed irrigation areas to assure that there is a minimum of 12 inches of sail cover. Rocky soils are acceptable for irrigation; however, the coarse material (diameter greater than o., inches) should not account for mare than 30% of the soil volume. Optimum sites for irrigation include recreadooal and greenbelt areas as well as landscaping in commercial developments, The starmwater irrigation area should be distinct anti different from any areas used for wastewater effluent i rrigation. Finally, the area designated for irrigation should have at least a ion -foot buffer from wells, septic *stems, and natural wetlands. w Irrigation Area - The irrigation rate must be low enough so that the irrigation does not produce any surface runoff, consequently, the irrigation rate may not exceed the permeability of the soil. The minim um required irrigation area should he calcul at Ed using the following, formula: A- 12X ix r where: A = area required for irrigation (fta) V = water quality volume (ft3) T = period of active irrigation (3o hr) r = Permeability (in/hr) a The permeability of the sails in the area proposed far irrigation should be determined using a double ring infiltrometer (ASM D 3385-g4)or from county sail stirveys prepared by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. If a range of permeabilit-ies is reported, the average value should be used in the ulrulation. if no permeability data is available, a value of a,1 inch es/b our should be assumed. ■ It should be noted that the minimum area requires interttuttent irrigation over a period of 6o hours at low rates to use the entire water quality volume. This intensive irrigation may be harmful to vegetation that is not adapted to long periods of wet conditions. In practice, a mach larger irrigation area will provide better use of the retained water and promote a healthy landseape. January 2403 Calftrnia Strxmwater SNIP Hhndbook 3 of S Now Development and Redevelopment www.ca brnpha nd tm�o ks . torn T-12 Performance Retention/Irrigation This technolou is still in its infancy and there are no published reports an its effectiveness, cost, or operatic dl requirements, Siting Criteria Capture of stormwater can be accomplished in almost any kind of runoff storage facility, ranging from dry, concrete -lined poxrds to those with vegetated basins and permanent poois. Siting is contingent upon the type of facility used. Additional Design Guidelines This technology is still in its infancy and there are no published reports on its effectiveness, cost, or operational requirements. Maintenance Relatively frequent inspection and mainienanee is necessary to verify proper operation of these facilities. Some maintenance concerns are specific to the type or irrigation system practice used. BMPs that store water can become a nuisance due to mosquito and other vector breeding. Preventing mosquito access to standing water sources in BM Ps (particularly below -ground) is the best prevention plat!, but can prove challenging due to multiple entrances and the need to maintain the hydraulic integrity of the System. Reliance on electrical pumps is prone to failure and in some designs (e.g., sumps, vaults) may tint provide coFnplete dewatering, both which increase the chances of water standing far aver 72- hours and becoming a breeding place for vectors. BM Ps that hold water for over 72 hours and/or rely on electrical or mechanic&i devices to dewater may require routine inspections and treatments by lxal mosquito and vector control agencies to suppress mosquito production. Open storage designs such as ponds and basins (see appropriate fact sheets) will require routine preventative maintenance plans and may a]so require routine inspections and treatments by local mosquito and vector control agencies. Cost This technology is still in its infancy and there are no published reports on its effectiveness, cast, or operational requirements. However, O&M costs for retention -irrigating systerns are high compared to virtually all other stormwater quality control practices because of the ,reed for: (r) frequent inspections; (2) the reliance on mechanical equipment: and (3) power costs. References and Sources of Additional Information Barrett, M., 1999, cornpl)ing with the Edwards Aquifer Rules: Technical Guidance on Best Management Practices, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Report RG -34$. min to �, t 11 Wwer-Colo rad o Rivcr Authority (LC RA),1998, Nanpoint Source Pollution Control Technical Manual, Austin, IX Metzger, M. B., Il. F. Messer, C. L Beitia, C. M. Myers, and V. L_ Kramer. 2002. The dark side of stormwater runoff management: disease vectors associated with structural BMPs. Stormwater 3(2): 24-39• 4 of 5 Caiifornla 5tgrmwater BMP Handbook 3anuary 2003 New Development and Redevelopment w ww. Ca b mph &n dbooks. cora Retention/Irrigation TC -1 1—p..,�.�� tlrJ!ltlf ftfttlJl fltlt�//f///. \\\\\\\\\�\\\\\\\4\\\ !l/ll!!J*ill tJ /J/�{lllltt! -�- !JtlJf!llfff�! lrrrrlrrtrrr��. trrrrtfrlfflftrrJJlltllltt/�J. • ]anuory 2063 Calf mia 5tormwater RMP Handbook New Development and Rkdevelopment www,tobm"nd6wftcam Wet Ponds TC -20 Description Wet ponds (a.k.a. stormwater ponds, retention ponds, wet extended detention ponds) are constructed Basins that have a permanent pool of water throughout the year (or at least throughout the wet sea.soln) and differ from constructed wetlands primarily in having a greater average depth. Pends treat incoming stormwater runoff by settling and biologics] uptake. 7b.e primary removal mechanism is setting as stormwater runoff resides in this pool, but pollutant uptake, particularly of nutrients, also occurs to same degree through biological activity in the pond. Wet ponds are among the moat vridely used stormwater pracdces. While there are several different versions of the wet i and design, the most common modification is the extended detention wet port d, where storage is provided above the perinanerat pool in order to detain stormwater runoff and prornate settling. The schematic diagram is of an on-line pond that includes detention for larger events, but this is not required in all areas of the state_ California Experience Caltrans constructed a wet pond in northern San Diego County (I-5 acid L,a Costa Blvd.). J argesi issues at this site were related to vector control, vegetation rt, a nage ment, and concern that endangered species would become resident and binder maintenance activities. Advantages ■ if properly designed, constructed and maintained, wet basins can provide substantial aesthetic/recreational value and %ildlife and wetlands habitat. ■ por36 are often viewed as a public amenity when integrated into a park setting. Design Cansiderations ■ Area Required ■ Slope e Yater Avadability ■ Aesthet is a Environmerilal Sid"tfeals Targeted Constituents �1 5e�rmenl ■ [Jl Nijlrienls A Trash ■ metals ■ 0 �acteraa ■ 8 Oil and Greaw ■ ® Organics ■ Legend JRemavaiElEaivermas) • Low ■ Hp A Medium i a � + . '.I rk+ I11'1 h i1 LI ILLM1 n%k 1 ]anuary 2003 California 5tormwYater SMP Handbook New Deuejapment aril Redevelnprrment www. cabrnph$ndbavks.con' TC -20 Wet Ponds ■ Due to the presence of the permanent wet pwl, properly designed and maintained 'wet basins can proi.zde significant water duality improvement across a relatively broad spectrum of wnsfituents including dissolved nutrients. ■ Widespread application v Ah sufficient capture volume can provide signihcan t control of channci erosion and enlargement caused by chrYnM to flow frequency relationships resulting from the ineresse of impenrious cover in a watershed, Limitations ■ Some concern about safety when constructed where there is public access. s Mosquito and midge breeding is likely to occur in ponds. ■ Cannot he placed on steep unstable slopes. ■ Need for base flow or supplemental water if water Ieve] is to be maintained. ■ Require a relatively large footprint ■ Depending on volume and depth, pond designs may require approval from the State Division of Safety of Dams Design and Sizing Guidelines ■ Capture volume determined by local requirements ter sized to treat 85% of the annual runoff volume. ■ Use a draw down dine vf48 hours in most areas of California. Draww dove ti:nes in excess of 48 houM may result in vector breeding, and should be used only after coordination with Iocal vector control authorities. Draw down times of less than 48 hours should be limited to BMP drainage areas with coarse soils that readily settle and to watersheds where warming may be detnmen tal to downstream fisheries. ■ permanent pool volume equal to twice the water quality volume. a Water depth not to exceed about 8 feet. ■ Wetland vegetation occupying no more than 25% of surface area. ■ 1nclude energy dissipation in the inlet design and a sediment forehay to reduce resuspension of accurnulated sediment and facilitate maintenance. m A maintenance ramp should be included in the design to facilitate access to the farebay for maintenance activities and for vectur surveillance and control. w To facilitate vector surveillance and c oatral activities, road access should be provided along at least one side of BMPs that are seven meters or leas in width. Those BM Ps that have shoreline -to -shoreline distances in excess of seven meters should have perimeter ruad access on both sides or be designed slrch that no pa reel of water is greater than seven meters from the road. .2 of 15 Calltornla 5tormwater BMP Handbook January 2003 New DeVeloprnent erA RedeV60Prrent www.ca5 m ph e n d book s_rom Wet Ronda T`0 Cons#r uctionlInspection Considerations ■ [n areas pith porous soils an impermeable liner maybe rewired to maintain an adequate permanent pool level. ■ Outlet structura and piping should be installed with collars to prevent water from seeping through the fill and causing structural failure. a Inspect facility after first large storm to determine whether the desired residences time has been achieved. Performance The obs erti-ed pot] uta nt removal of a wet pond is highly dependent on two factors: the volume of the permanent pool relative to the amount of runoff from the typical event in the area and the quality of the base flow that sustains the permanent pool_ A recent study (Caltrans, 2002) has documented that if the permanent pool is rnuch ]arger than the volume of runoff from an average event, then displacement of the permanent pool by the we# weather flaw is the primary pra"ss. A statistical comparison of the wvt pond discharge gtualiq, during dry and wet weather shows that they are not significantly different. Consequently, there is a relatively constant discharge quality during storms that i& the same as the concentrations observed in the pond during ambient (dry weather) conditions. Consequently, for incest constituents the performance of the pond is better characterized by the average effluent conoentration, rather than the "percent reduction," which has been the conventional measure of performance. Since the effluent quality is essentially constant, the percent reduction observed is mainly a function of the influent concentrations obserued at a partieular site_ The dry and wet weather discharge quality is, tberefore, related to the quality of the base flow that sustains the permanent pool and of the trartsforrnations that occur to those constituents during their residence in the basin. One could potentially expect a wide range of effluent concentrations at different Iocations even if the wet ponds were designed according to the same guidelines, if the quality of the base flow differed significantly. This may explain the wide range of concentration reductions reported in various studies. Concentrations of nutrients in base flow may be substantially higher than in urban stormwater runoff. Even though these concentrations may lie substantially reduced during the residence time of the base flow in the pond, when this water is displaced by wet weather flows. concentrations may stili be quite elevated compared to the levels that promote eutrophicad on in surface water systems. Consequently comparing influent and eftluent rtertrient ootrcentmtiuns during wet weather can make the peribrmance seem highly variable_ Re]atively small perennial flows ntay often subst an Li ally exceed the wet weather flow treated. Consequently, one should a]so consider the load reduction observed under ambient conditions when assessing the patential benefit to the recei%ing water. Siting Criteria Wet ponds are a widely applicable storm water management practice and carr be used ewer a broad range of storm frequencies anti sues, drainage areas and land use types, Although thcv have limited applicability ire highly urbanized settings and in and climates, they have few other restrictions. Wet ]rosins may be constructed on- or off -litre and can be sited at feasible locations along est ab] ished drainage ways with consistent base flow. An off-line design is preferred. Wet basins are [often utilized in smaller sub -watersheds and are partieuiarty appropriate in areas with residential land January 2003 California 5tarrnwater Burly Handbook 3 of 15 New beveJopment a+id Redevelopment www.t &brnph a n dbooks. tom TC -20 Wet Ponds uses or other areas where high nutrient loads are considered to he potential problems (e.g., golf courses). Ponds do not consume a large area (typically 2-3 percent of the contributirtg drainage area); however, these facilities are generally large. Other practices, such as filters or swales, may br "squm,ed" into relatively unusable land, but ponds need a relatively large continuous area_ Wet basins are typically used in drainage basins of more than tett acres and less than one square mile (Srhueler et al., 1992). Emphasis can be placed in siting wet basins in press where the pond can also function as an aesthetic amenity or in conjunction v%rith other ston-nwaterrnanaigemen t functions. Wet basin application is appropriate in the following settings. (t) where there is a need to achieve a reasonably high level of dissolved contaminant removal and/or sediment caprure; (2) in small to medium-sized regional tributary areas with available open apace and drainage areas greater than about io ha (25 ac.); (3) whert base flow rates ar other channel flow sources are relatively consistent year-round; (4) in residential settings where aesthetic and wildlife habitat benefits can be appreciated and maintenance activities are likely to be consistently undertaken. Traditional wet extended detention ponds can he applied in mast regions af the United States, with the exception of arid climates. In acid regions, it is difficult to justify, the supplemental water needed to maintain a permanent pool he"mse of the scarcity of water. Even in semi -arid Auwn. Texas, one study found that 2.6 acre-feet per year of supplemental water was needed to maintain a permanent pool of only 0.29 acre-feet (Saunders and Gilroy, 1997)• Seasonal wet ponds (i.e., ponds that maintain a permanent pool only during the wet season) may prove effective in areas with distinct suet and dry seasons; however, this configurs tion has not been extensively evaluated_ Wet ponds may pose a risk to cold waster systems because of their potential for stream warming. When water reatxalns in the permanent pool, it is heated by the sun. A study in Prince George}'a, County, Maryland, found that starnswater wet ponds heat stormwater by about 9°F from the inlet to the outlet (Galli, t99o). Additional Design Guidelines Specific designs may vary considerably, depending on site constraints or preferences of the designer or community. There are several variations of the wet pond design, including constructed wetlands, and wet extended detention ponds. Some of these design alternatives are intended to make the practiLe adaptable to various sites and to account for regional constmints and opportunities. in conventional wet ponds, the open water area cumprises 5o% or more of the total surface are of the pond. The permanent pool should be no deeper than 2.5 m (8 feet) attd should average 1.2 - 2 m (4-6 feet) deep. The greater depth of this configuration helps lintit the extent of the vegetation to an aquatic bench around the perimeter of the pond with a norninal depth of about t foot and variable width. This shallow bench also protects the banks from erasion, enhanm hab! tat and aesthetic kaiues, and reduces the drowning hazard. The wet extended detention pond combines the treatment concepts of the dry extended detention pond and the wet pond. In this design, the water quality volume is detained above the permanent pool and released over 2.4 hours. In addition to iucreasing the residence time, which improves pollutant remeval, this design also attenuates peak runoff rates. Consequently, this design ahernative is renarnmended. 4 or a 5 Cal ft rola Storm water BMP Handbook lamary 2043 New Development and (Redevelopment www.ca5rnphandbooks.com Wet Ponds TC -20 Pretreatment incorporates design features that help to settle out coarse sediment particles. By removing these particles from runoff before they reach the large permanent pool, the maintenance burden of the pond is reduced. In ponds, pretreatment is achieved with a sedinient forebay. A sediment forebay is a small pool (typically about i n percent of the volume of the permanent pool). Coarse particles remain trapped, is the forebay, and maintenance is performed an this smaller pool, eliminating the need to dredge the entire pond. There are a variety of sizingcriteria for determining the volume of the permanent pool, mostly related to the water quality volume 6,e., the valuate of water treated for pollutant reoval) tar the average storm size in a particular area_ In addition, several theoretical approaches to det erm i nati an of permanent pool volume have been developed. However, there is little empirical evidence to support these designs. Consequently, a simplified method (i.e., permanent pool volume dual to twice the water quality volume) is recommended.. Other design features do not increase the volume of a panel, but can increase the amount of time starinwatez remains in the device and eliminate shart -circuiting . ponds should always be designed %ith a length -to -width ratio of at least 1.5:1, where feasible. In addition, the design should incorporate features to lengthen the flow, path th mugh the pond, such as underwater berms designed to create a ]anger route through the pond. Combining these two measures helps ensure that the entire pond volume is used to treat stormwater. Wet ponds with greater amounts of vegetation often have channels through the vegetated areas and contain dead areas where stormwzter is restricted from mixing with the entire permanent pool, which can lead to less pollutant removal. Consequently. a pond with open water comprising about 75% of the surface area is preferred. Design features are also incorporated to east maintenance of batt the forebay and the main pool of ponds. ponds should be designee] with a rnaintenance access to the forebay to ease this tviatively routine (every S-7 year) maintenance aciivity. In addition, porgy& should generally have a drain to draw dawn the pored for +vegetation harvesting or the more infrequent dredging of the main cell of the pond. Cold climates present many challenges to designers of wet ponds. The spring souwmelt [nay have a high pallutant load and a large volume to be treated. In addition, cold winters may cause freezing of the permanent pawl or freezing at inlets and outlets. Finally, high salt concentrations in runoff resWti.ng frorn road salting, and sediment loads from road sanding, may impact pond vegetation as well as redueethe storage and treatment capacity of the pond. One option to deal with high pollutant Ioads and runoff voluntes during the spring snowmelt is the use of a season a]ty operated pond to capture sna%Tnelt during the winter and retain the permanent pool during warmer seasons. In this option, proposed by Oberts (109.4), the pond has two water quality outlets, both equipped with gate valves. In the summer, the lower outlet is closed. During the fail and throughout the winter, the lower outlet is opened to draw down the permanent pool. As the spring melt hegins, the lower outlet is clued to provide detention for tate melt event. The manipulation of this system requires some labor and vigilance; a careful maintenance agreement should be confirmed. Several other modifications may help to improve the perfortnancc of ponds in cold climates. Des ipers should consider planting the pond with salt -tolerant vegetation if the facility receives road runoff. In order to counteract the effectsof freezing on inlet and outlet structures, the use of inlet and outlet structures that are resistant to frost, including weirs and larger diameter pipes, may 13-e January 2093 Callfomla 5tormwater SMP Handbook 5 of 35 New Development and Red"elopmcnt www.cabm phandboo ks.corn TC-20TC-20 Wet Ponds useful. Designing structures on -Zine, with a continuous flow of water throu0i the pond, will also help prevent freezing of these structures. Finally, since freezing of the permanent pool ca -n reduce the effectiveness of pond systems, it is important to incorporate extended detention into the design to retain usable treatment area above the permanent pool when it is frozen. StiirnmQrof esirrt Rernmertdtittorns ( x} Facility Sizing -'lire basin should be sized to hold the permanent pool as well as the required water quality volume. The volume of the permanent pool should equa] twice the water quality volume. 121 Pond Configuration - The wet basin should be configured as a two stage facility with a sediment forebay and a main pool. The basins should bewedge-shaped, narrowest at the inlet and widest at the nutlet. The minimum length to width ratio should be t., where feasible. The perimeter of all permanent pool areas with depths of 4.0 feet or greater should be surrounded by an aquatic bench. This bench should extend inward F,- 10 feet from the perimeter of the permanent pool and should be no more than 18 inches below normal depth. The area of the bench should trot exceed about 2-5% of pond surface_ The depth in the center of the basin should be 4 - 8 feet deep to prevent vegetation fmm encroaching on the pond opens water surface_ (3) Pond Side Slopes - .'fide slopes of the basic, should be 3:1(H:V) or flatter far grass stabilized slopes_ Slopes steeper than 3. ] should be stabilized with pan appropriate slope stabilization practice. (4) Sediment Farehay - A sediment forebay should be used to isolate gross sediments as they enter the facility and to simplify sediment removal. The sediment forebay should consist, of a separate cell formed by an earthen berm, gabion, or loose riprap wall. The forebay should be sized to contain ig to 25% of the permanent pool volume and should be at least 3 feet deep. E)dt velocities from the forebay should not be erosive. Direct maintenance access should be provided to the forebay. The bottom of the forebay may be hardened (concrete) to make sediment removal easier. A fixed vertical sediment depth marker should be installed in the forebay to measure sediment accumulation. () Gutflaw Structure - FIgure 2 presents a setrearatic representation of suggested outflow structures. 'The outlet structure should be designed to drain the water quality volume over 24 hours with the orifice sized according to the equation presented in the Extended Detention Basin fact sheet. The facility Aould have a separate drain pipe with a manual valve that can completely or partially drain, the pond for maintenance purposes. To allow fur possible sediment accutoulation, tine submerged end of the pipe should be protevted, and the drain pipe should be sized to drain the gond within 24 hours. The valve should be located at a point where it can be operated in a sale and convenient manner. For on -Mine facilities, the principal and emergency spillways must be sized to provide t.o foot of freeboard during the 2,5 -year event and to safely pass the ioo-year flood. The ernbankment should be designed in accordance with all relevant specifications for small claims. 6 of 35 California Stormwater OMP Handbook January 2403 New Development end Redevelopment w ww. cati m phand boaks.edm Wet Ponds F140d CAtiWi PION Loe mbla I Thmkhw Cap i lot sum'A-w rm r6w vcaaria Leval• WgW QW ty PUSG r Ptpa WN PIC 10 fe Soo lvP S•n.mrrx P rwak OW to Yp Nw < 9- 5 Errm rygeney Pond Dakff* po will V&Iva Bon M&W Pails ftmNafm %W UWM \ IIS Fre1M VW1w C"ITOw Old OUTIM Pike Art Q1k162 Wta to fsaiLk 6116 Q6 Ing $ti! I5C1Men k kn MORD $k llYgp' 4par on Top ■rW j , — L1}Ol17rr1 i% r # i� d Risor Poro Swam prank Vow P4" �.. (a) 's.r. R■ae to Pro.M "YoKfaksc tw. OvorPlaw Ibr L JO SWm P"k SWfiQ i Pala SlIff*" SUMNi u G' —%AT WVG VOk1R1f ! Mf We7a" O4eW NOOMOY S*PW P�pe W Laarl t 1110.8 m] brim Parer, Surtaoc Nl DTIfCe s 1 yr 1 k ter. ;c) TC -2o (6] Splitter lime - When the pond is designed as an off -lane facility. a splitter structure is used to isolate thi. waik'T qualiis- vulumcY. They vlitIvr 1jux, or (it bet flow dI%-vrting approach, should he designed to convey the 25 -year event while providiing at leas! t.o fgot of freeboard along pend side slopes, (7) Vegetation - A plan should be prepared that indicates how aquatic and terrestrial areas will be vegetatively stabilized. Wetland vegetation elements should be placed along the aquatic bench or in the shallow portions of the permanent pool. The optirnaI elevation for planting of wetland vegetation is within 6 inches verb cal ly of the normal pool elevation. A list of some wed and vegetation native to California is presented in Table t. ]angary 2003 Calitomo Storrnwater BMP ltandbnok 7 of 25 New Development and RedeVelopmeat www. cabM phanddaCkS. tom TC -20 Wet Ponds Table I Claldomia Wetland VogeWion Botan"I Name 11ACCFLARdS V UC1FOIJA Can= via Nrrne MULL' PAT F1tAP NEMA GRAND[ VOUA HF.Ani SA.1-IX COCUING11 III.ACK1%'11'1Cl1v 511 X LAS IOLSPIS ARROYO WILLOW S.AhIU4.11SMEXICANI.I8 ME iCAMEL]lL"EMY HAPLA)PAPPUS Vl N MS COAST GOLDENERMH n rs'r[CH IS SPICATA SALT GRASS LIMON[ UM CA13 F0FLK1CLT1at COASTAL 5TATICF AlWP[..Ex LENMFORMIs COASTAL QUAIL BUSH BACCHIIRIS FIL.LTIARIS CHAPARRAL BkOOM MIMULUS 1DXGInA)R1FS hTGNM FLOWtR SC1"US CALJFORNICUS BULRUSH SCIRPUS ROBUMS BULRUSH I'YPHA IATTFOIJA BROADLEAF CATTATL JUNCU5 AMMS RUSH Maintenance The aarnount of maintenance required for a wet pond is highly dependent on local regulatory agencies, particular health and vector control agencies, Th agencies are often extremely concerned about the potential for mosquito breeding that may occur in the permanent pool. liven though mosquito fish (Go mbusio of]nas) were introduced into a wet pond constmcted by Caltrans in the San Diego area, mosquito breeding was routinely abserved during inspections. in addition, the vegetation at this site bee.arne sufficiently dense on the bench around the edge of the pool that mosquito fugh were unable to enter this area to feed upon the mosquito larvae. The vegetation at this site was particul arlyvigoruus because of the high nutrient concentrations in the perennial base flow (15.5 rngjLND3-N) and the mild climate, which permitted growth year round_ Cons N. uently, the vector control agency required an annual 11arvest of vegetation to address this situatian. This harvest can be very expensive. On the other hand, routine harvesting may increase nutrient removal and prevent the export of these oonst7tuentl5 from dead and dying plasms falling in the water. A previous sWdy (Faulkner and Richardson, iggl) daeumernted dramatic reductions in nutrient removal afterthe first se,6eral years of operation and related it to the vegetation achieving a maximum d ensity. That content then decreases through the growth season, as the tarsi biomass increases. In effect, the total amolw of B or 15 Callfornla Stormwater SMP Hancibook 3anvary 2003 Hew E]evelopment and Redevelopment www.cab rn ph andbooks. cors Wet Ponds TC -20 nutrientsjm2 of wetland remains essentially the same from June through September, whets the plants start to put the P bark into the rhizomes. Therefore harvesting should occur between June and September. Research also suggests that harvesting only the foliage is less effective, since a very sniall percentage of the removed nutrients is taken out %ith harvesting. Since wet ponds are often selected for their aesthetic considerations as well as pollutant removal, they are often sited in areas of high visibility. Consequently, Suath3g litter and debris are removed mare frequently than would he required simply 10 suppor# proper functioning of the pond and uutlel. This is one of the primary maintenance activities performed at the Central Market Pond located in Austin, Texas. In this type of setting, vegetation management in the area surrounding the pond can also contribute substantially to the overall maintenance requirements. One normally th in ks of wdirnent removal as one of the typical activities performed at stonnxater BM Ps. This aethity does not normally constitute one of the major activities an an annual basis. At the wrice a trations of TSS ohserved in urban runoff from stable watersheds, sediment removal may only be required every 20 years or so. Because this activity is performed so infrequently, accurate costs for this activity are lacking. r addition to regular maintenance activities needed to maintain the function of we ponds, some design features can be incorporated to ease the maintenance burden. In wet pends, maintenanee reduction features inc€ude tecluiiques to reduce the amount of mainlenance needed, as well as techniques to make regular maintenance activities easier. One potential maintenance conoern in wet ponds is clogging of the outlet. Ponds should be designed %Ith a non -clogging outlet such as a reverse-slepe pipe, or a weir outlet with a trash rack. A reverse - slope pike draws from below the permanent pooi extending in a reverse angle up to the riser and establishes the water elevation of the permanent pool. Because these outlets draw water from below the level of the permanent pool, they are less 1 ikely to be clogged by floating debris. Typical maintenance activities and frequencies include: a Schedule Semiannual inspections for burrows, sediment accumulation, structural integrity of the outlet, and litter accumulation. w Remove amumulated trash and debris in the basin at the middle and end of the wet season. The frequency of this actMty may be altered to sheet specific site conditions and aesthetic considerations. ■ Where permitted by the Department of Fish and Game or other agency regulations, sleek wel po ndsloo nstructed wetlands regularly with mosquito fish [Garnbusict spp.) to enhance nalulral mosquito and midge control. ■ Introduce mosquito fish and maintain vegetation to assist their movements to control mosquitoes, as well as to provide access for vector iaspeetors. An annual vegetation harvest in sumTner appears to be optimum, in that it is after the bird breeding season, rnosquko fish can provide the needed control until vegetation reaches late summer density, aced there is time for re- gmwth for runoff treatment purposes before the wet season. In certain cases, more frequent plash harvesting may be required by local vector control agencies. January 3003 CaUfumia stormwater OMP Handbook 9 of 15 New Development and Redevelopment www _c ab m pha ndbou ks.co m T-20 Vliet Ponds w Mai Main emMent and perimeter shoreline vegetation as well as site and road access to facilitate vector surveillance and wntrol acti-Oties. x Remove aaumulated sediment in the forebay and regrade about every 5,7 Years or when the accumulated sediment volume exceeds i0 percent of the basin volume. Sediment removal may, not be required in the mains pool area far as long as 20 years. Cost Construetion GUST Wet ponds can be relatively inexpensive storrnwater practices; however, the construction costs associated "ith these facilities vara' tansiderably. Much of this variability can be attributed to the degree to which the e>asting topography will supper# a wet pond, the complexity and amount of concrete required far the outlet structure, and whether it is installed as part of new construction or i rnplernent ed as a retrofit of existing storm drain system. A recent study (Brown and Schueler, 1997) estimated the cast of a variety of stormtwater management practicae;;. The study resulted in the following cast equation, adjusting for iinflation: C = 24.5vo.705 where: C = Construction, design and permitting cost, = Vol urne 1n the pond to include the 10 -year storrn ( 3), llsing this equation, typical r_onsMction costs are: $45,700 for a 3 acre -font facility $232,000 for a 10 acre-foot facility $1,171),0C)O for a 100 acre-foot facility In COntrast, Caltrans (2002) reported spending over $448,0ao for a pond with a total permanent pool plus water quality Volume of only 103(1 m3 (o.8 ac. -ft-), while the Qry of Austin spent S584,000 (including design) for a pond with a permanent pool volume Of 3,1no m3 (2.5 ac,-ff.). The large di=epanciess Between the casts of these actual facilities and the model developed by Brown aad Schueler indicate that construction casts are highly site specific, depending on topography, soils, subsurface conditions, the local labor, rate and other considerations. Maintenance Cass For pon&', the annual cast of routine mai ate nance has typically been estimated at about 3 to 5 pereeni of the consiruadon cost; however, the published literature is almost totally devoid of actual maintenance costs. Since ponds are long-lived facilities (typically longer than 20 years), major maintenance activities are unlikely to occur during a relatively short study. Caltrans (2oo2) estimated annual maintenance costs of S17,0oo based on three years of monitoring of a pond treating runoff from 1.7 ha. Almost all the activities are associated with the annual vegetation harvest for vector control. Total cost at this site falls within the 3-5% range reported 14 or 15 Gallfomla Sturmwater BMP Handbook 3anuary 2003 New Development and RedevelOprnent www.cbt>rri,3haniibooks.com Wet Ponds TC -20 above; however, the construction costs were:Huth higher thim thane estimated by Brown and hueler {1997). The City of Austin has been reimbursing a developer about $25,000/yr for wet pored maintenance at a site located at a very visible location. Maintenance costs are mainly the result of vegetation management and Iitter removal. 0n the other hand, King County es timatesalip ual maintenance casts at about $3.000 per podd; however, this cast likely does rent include annual extensive vegetation removal. Consequently, maintenance costs may vary considerably at sites in California depending on the aggressiveness of the vegetatian management in that area anti the frequencyuf litter removal. References and Sources of Additional Information Amalfi, FA-, R. Kadler, R.L. Knight, G. O'Meara, W.K. Reisen, W.E. Walton, and R- Wass. 1999. A Mosquito C.ontrvl Strategy For The Pres Rias Demonstration Constructed Wetlands. CH2M 14 ill, Tempe, AZ, 140 pp. Bannerman, R., and R. Dardd5. 1992. Unpublished data. Bureau of Nater Resources Management, Wlseonsin Department of Natural Resources, 141adison, '+%'l. $orders, R. C., J.L, Dorn, J.B. Stillman, and S.K Uehr; 1996, Eva iluation of Ponds and Wetlands for Protection of Public Water Supplies. Draft Report. Vater Resources Research Institute of the Ul7iversity* of North Carolina, Department of Civil Engineering, North Caralina State University, Raleigh, NC. Brown, W., and T. Schueler. 1997. Thu, Economics of ftrmwoter BmPs in the Mid -A rlan fie Region. Prepared for the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Edgewater, MD, by the { enter for Watershed Protection, Ellicott 0tyR, MD. Caltrans, 2002, Proposed Final Report{ HMP Retrofit pilot Program, California Dept_ of Transportation Report CI'SW-RT- o1-050, and Sacramento, CA. Oty of Austin, TK. 1991. Design Guidelines for Water Quality Control Basins. Public Worlks Department,Austin, TX. City of Austin, TX. 1996. Evaluation of Non -Point Source Controls. A 319 Grant 1?rajMt. Draft Water Quality Deport Series, Public Works Deparment, Austin, TX. Cullum, M. 1985. Storm water Runoff Analysis at a Single (Family Resideritial Site. Publication 85-1. Universityof Central Florida, Or] andn, kt,. PP- 247-256. Dorman, M. E., J. Hartigan, R. F. Steg, and T. Quasebarth. 1989. Retention, Detention and Overland Flow for Pollutoni RrmovalFro m Highway Starrntwater Runnf. Vol. t Research Report. FHWA/ RD 89/ 2.o2. Federal R igh%my Adm Inistrad on, Washington, DC. Dorothy, J.M., and K. Stake r. 1990. A prelinii nary Survey For MosquiID Breeding In Storrnwater Retortion Ponces 2n Three Mary] and Cmnties. Mosquito Control, Maryland Department of Agriculture, College Park, MD. 5 PP. Driscoll, E. D. ig93. Per, for -mance of Detention Bu$ins for Control of Urban Runaff Quality. Presented at the 1983 1 rternati on a] Sympasium on Urban Hydrology, Hydxaulies and Sedi raentati on Control, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. ]an"ry 2003 [alifornla 5tormwatrr IMP Handbook 11 of 15 New Dvvelp{ r" rt and RedeveMapment www.cebmphandbcoks tom TC -20 Wet Ponds Emmerbng- Dinovo , C. 1995. Storrawater del eation basins and residential Iamtiona] decisions. Water Resource,5 19ulletin, 31(3):515-52. Faulkner, S. and Richardson, C., ig91, Physical and chemical charactedsti" of freshwater wetland soils, in Co"tructed Wetlands for• Wastewater Trealment, ed. D. Hammer, Lewis Publishers, 831 pp - Gain, W.S. 1996. The Effects of Flaw Path Modifteanon on Water Quality Consfituent Retention in an Urban Stormwater Dere rdion pond and WetfandSys tem . Water Resotlm s Investigations Report 95-4297- U.S. Geological Survey, Tallahassee, FL. Galli, P. i ggo. Thermal impacts Assactated with Urbuni aticn and Slormwater Best Management practices, Prepared for the Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore, MD, by the Metropolitan Council of Governments, Washington, DC. Glick, Roger, 2 00 1, personal communication, City of Austin Waterslied Protection Dept., Austin, TX, Huller, J.D. tg8g_ Water Quality Efficiency Of An Urban Commercial Wet Detention Stormwater N1 anagement System At Boynton Reach Mall in South Palm Beach County, FL Florida Scientist 5211):48--57• Boller, J.U. x99o. Nonpoint Source Phosphorous Control By A CombinatiDTI Wet Detention/ Filtration Facility In Kissimmee, K. IFor-ida Scientist 53{1]:28-37. 1lorner, R- PL, J. Cuedry, and M.H. Kortenhoff. x990. improving the Cosi E ectfueness ojHigh waV Cons[ruetion Site Emsion and Pohutiorx C'ontrof. Final Report. Watshington State "Transportation Commission, Olympia, WA- KantrowiU .I. and W. Woodham 1995. Efficiency of u Storm Detention Pond in Reducing Loads ofChemicui and Physical Constituents in Urban St7'+marnfimv, Pineifas County, Porida. Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4217. U.S. Cco109ical Surrey, Tallahassee, FL. Martin, E. 1988. Effectiveness of an urban runoff detention pcndjwetland system. Journal of EnvironmentaiErrgtrteering 114(4):,310-827. Maryland Department of the Environment (MME). 200o. Ma ryia n d Storm um ter Design Menu al, h :I Nww.[r?d .st te. d nvi �arttlwre aJstormwatermanu�• Mclean, J. 2000_ Mosquitoes In Constructed Wetlands: A Management Bugaboo}? In T- R. Schueler and H. K. Holland [eds.], The Practice of Watershed Protection. pp_ 29-33_ Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Metzger, M. E., D. F. Messer, C. L, Bejda, C. M. Myers, and V. 1._ hraruer. 2002. The Dark Side Of Storrs water Run off l anagement. Disease Vectors Associated With Struc'tura1 BM Ps. Stormwater (2)! 24-30. Oberts, G.1- 1994• Performance of stormwater ponds and wetlanris in winter. Watershed Protection Techniques 1(2).64-68. 12 of 15 cahrrlmia 5tormwaRer 13MP Handbook January 2"3 New Development and RedevelopmenR www _ca brnph a ndbaoks .cam Wet Ponds TC -20 Oberts, G. L., P -J. Wovka. acid J Hartsoe. 1989 - The Water Qfuohly Performance afSelect Urban Runoff 7�-eatment Systems, Publication Ilio. S9o-89-o6wa. Prepared for the Legislative Commission on I innesmta Resources, Metropolitan Council, St. Paul, MN. Oberts, G. L, and L WotAa- 1988. The water quality perfarmance of a detention basin vwedand treatment system in an urban area. In Nonpoint SourcePollutiort: Eeon0my, Policy, MQnagemeW andApp rapriate Technafnyy, American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA.. Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory. 196,3. Metropolitan Washington Urban Runoff Project. Final Report. Prepared for the Metrvpalitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DC, by the OccDquan Watershed Monituring Laboratory, Manassas, VA_ Ontario Ministry of the Est vironment, 1991..Stormurater Quality Best AfanageinenI Practices. Marshall 1VMackhn Monaghan Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, IDC, by the Watershed Management Institute, Ingleside, MD. Santana, F'.J., J. R. Wood, R. E, Parsons, and S.I K. Ch am beriain, 1994• Cantrol Of Masquitin Breeding In Permitted St:ormwater Systems. Sarasota County Mosquito Con tml and southwest Florida water Management DisMct, Brnokskllle, FL„ 46 pp - Saunders, G. and M. Gilroy, 1997. Treatment afNbnpoint Sou rve Pollution with Wetra n d1A quatic Ecosystem Best Management Practices, Texm Water Development Board, Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, TX. Schueler, T. 19g7a. Comparative pollutant resrsoval capability of urban BM Ps: A reanalysis. Watershed Frateatinn Tech niques,2(4).515-520. 5chueler, T. 1997b. Influence of groundwater on performance of starm water ponds in I1lorida. Wotershed Protection Techniques 2(4)1505-52S. Urbonas, B,, J. Carlson, and B. Vang. 1994. Joint Pund-Wetlarnd Sj,steni in Colorado. Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Denver, CO. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USFPA)- 1995. Eco namic Benefits of Runoff Controls. U3. Environmental Protection Agency, ice of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds. Washington, DC, Watershed Management Institute (WM1}. 1997. Operation, Main ton(Inee, and Afanagement of Stonoju.ater Man agemenr. srems. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington., DC, by the Watershed ManagernenI Institute, Ingleside, MD. Water Environment Federation and ASCE, lgg8, Urban Rano f Qualriy Ala nagemenr, WEIa Manua] of Prac ice NO. 2,3 and ASCE Manual and Report on Engineering Practice No, 87, Wu, J. 1989. ]♦Valuation of Detention Basin Performance in the Piedmont Reginn of North Carolina. Report No- 89-2A $. North Carolina Water kesourczs Research Insthute, Raleigh, ATC, Yousef, Y., M. Wanielista, and H. Harper. 1986. Desip and Effectiveness of U roan Ret enbort Basins. to Urban Runoff Quality—Impact and Quality Enhancement Technology. B. Urbonas and L.A. Roesner iFAsJ. American Society of Civil Engineering, New York, New York. pp. 338-350 January 2003 California Starmwater SMP Handbook 13 of 15 New Development and Redevelopment www. c a bin phandbaokr,. tom T-0 Wet Ponds 1q ormation Resources Center for Watt rshed Protection [CWP]. 1995. Storm wofer managerrrent Pored Design Fxrxrnpie for Exlen ded Deten tion wet Pond. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Center for Watershed Protection (CWP). -1997• Starnwarer BMP Design Sapplel"ell I for Cold Climates. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Pratechan Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Wat ershr-ds, Washington, DC, by the Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City. M D, Denver Urban Drainage and Road Contml District, 1992. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual— Volume 3. Best Management Practices. Deaver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Denver, CO. Galli, ,t, 1992. PrelhninaryAnuiysis of the Performance and Longevity of Urban BMPs Installed in Pr n ce Get) rge s County, Maryland. Prince 6eorge's County, Mar7land, DeparUnent of Natural Resources, Largo, MD. MacRae, C. 1996. Experience from Morphological Research un Can adlav Strmrns. Is Control of the Two -Year Frequency Runoff Event the Bast Basis for Stream Channel Protection? In Effects'Of W atershed Development and Ma on Aqua fie Ecosystents. American Society of Civil Engineers. Snowbird, UT. pp. 14¢-r52. Minnesota Pollution Contml Agency.1989. Protecting WNarer Quality in Urban Arens: Rest Management Practices. Minnesots Pollution "ntrol Agency, Minneapolis. MN. U.S. Environmental Protecdon Agency (USEPA). 1993. Ouidance S'peelj�my Mtanagenre"I Mea -mores for Sources of Atonpoint Fallu tion in Caasral Waters. EPA- 84o -B -g2-002. LT. S, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. 14 of 15 Cal Ifornta Stormwater BMP Handbook }anijary 2043 Hew Development and Redeve4opment www. cab m pha n 0books .corn Wet Ponds f E+' O GL*FE1r 06 T EET ArW� Lw, --------- N SPILLVMY TC -20 U"AUA k Aft"'m 216ft l UNT PLAN VIEW ANT i SEP P CCuAR en rn rsP hYFFplAr,r ISRIL January 3003 CaGdpmka Storrnwater BMP HandbOok 15 of 15 New DeMoprnent and Redewefopment www.c eh rrphand hooks. [ort+ SAFETY #I7'1EA 190 mmig LMA '~ FAfFf44EHCY ' +"ilfl. SLOW = Jil � . }Yy1hhYYr AGiYsTIC w.. ��� - � 4'Jt.7 Ft70L 1P 6 �►-blk Iia11EbAY ;n ��`$ Vii. i _ 1' POM p7A1M wevERU r - 7 ANT i SEP P CCuAR en rn rsP hYFFplAr,r ISRIL January 3003 CaGdpmka Storrnwater BMP HandbOok 15 of 15 New DeMoprnent and Redewefopment www.c eh rrphand hooks. [ort+ Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix E Soils Report GLOBAL GEC-EIVGIIVEERINs, //VC. October 29, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 SilverRock Phase I, LLC 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: Mr. Patrick Russell Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Silver Rock Resort Southwest of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street La Quinta, California References: See Appendix A Dear Mr. Russell: 1. INTRODUCTION a) In accordance with your request, we have conducted a supplemental geotechnical investigation for the proposed SilverRock resort development to be located in La Quinta, California. b) We understand that the proposed resort on 525 -acre site will include: i) Pendry Hotel; ii) Pendry Golf Club Bungalows: iii) Golf Clubhouse; iv) Pendry Residences; V) Montage Hotel and Spa; vii) Montage Residences; viii) Conference Center and Shared Services; ix) Future villages and residences. 3 Corporate Park, Suite 270, Irvine, California 92606 Office 949 2210900 Fax 949 2210091 email: .lg obalAalobaleeo.net SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 2 C) This report is subject to the Terms and Conditions enclosed and incorporated herein by reference. 2. PRIOR WORK a) The subject site was investigated from a geotechnical point of view in 2003 by Landmark Geo -Engineers and Geologists. The results of the investigation were presented in the report dated December 5, 2003 (Reference 6). It included drilling seventeen borings throughout the subject site. The borings were drilled to depths between 18.5 and 51.5 feet. The report recommended that the existing soils below the building pads or existing grades (whichever is lower) should be over - excavated to a depth of 3 feet extending laterally five feet beyond the exterior wall/column lines. b) i) Several portions of the site were rough graded by Wood Bros. Inc. under the observation and testing services provided by Landmark between March 17 through August 30, 2004. The results of the observations and testing were provided in Landmark report dated September 15, 2004 (Reference 7). ii) The report indicated that the removals within the then -proposed building pads were extended to a minimum of three feet below the then existing grades. The pads consisted of • Hotel Site (approximately same location as the current Pendry Residences); • South Special Use areas (just south of now -designated Montage Residences); • North Special Use Area (now -designated Montage Residences); • Comfort Station (just west of the now -designated future village). C) A geotechnical investigation was conducted by Sladden Engineering in 2017. It included drilling seven borings along the northeast area of the project. The borings were drilled to depths between 21.5 and 51.5 feet. The results of the investigation were provided in the report dated February 10, 2017 (Reference 9). d) i) Several areas of the subject site were graded between April 1 and October 30, 2019 by NEI under the observation and testing services provided by Sladden. The results of the observations and testing were provided in Sladden report dated January 30, 2020 Revised March 2, 2020 (Reference 11). ii) Montage Hotel & Spa, Convention Center and Shared Services, Pendry Hotel and Golf Club building pads were over -excavated at least 5 feet below the pad grades. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 3 iii) Montage Hotel Bungalows and Pendry Bungalows building pads were over -excavated at least 4 feet below the pad grades. iv) Only mass grading was conducted on the previously graded Montage Residences. v) Pendry Residences were significantly cut down during the 2019 grading operations. The excess soils, approximately 50,000 yd3, were placed in the Future Village site. Prior to placing the fill, the existing soils were overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet. vi) The City of La Quinta Venue site was precise graded, however, recommended over -excavation was not conducted. Over -excavation was left to future work to be performed by the city. e) An observation report prepared by Sladden Engineering for the abandonment -in- place of an 18 -inch PVC gravity golf water transfer pipe line which transits from the lake on hole #16 to the lake on hole #8 has been reviewed (Reference 12). The abandoned pipe will cross beneath the proposed Montage Hotel swimming pool and under the foundation of the Spa building. Horizontal and vertical survey control was established for the location of the pipe, which was abandoned subject to specific criteria. f) The scope of current services included drilling nine additional borings in the northeast area (Pendry Hotel, Clubhouse and Bungalows) and in the southwest area (southeast of Montage Hotel & Spa) to supplement the prior work. The borings were drilled on August 6 and 7, 2019 to depths between 25 and 50 feet below the then existing grades. g) The locations of all the borings drilled on the site including for this investigation are shown on the enclosed Geotechnical Plan, Plate 1. Also shown on the Plate 1 are the approximate limits of areas which were graded in 2004 and 2019. h) Over -excavation of the Pendry Residences, City of La Quinta Venue site and for the building areas where no over -excavation was conducted in 2004 and 2019 will be required in the rough/precise grading phase to the recommendations of this report. Precise grading to construct the final building pads, however, will be required. Rough grading of Planning Areas 7/9 was deferred to the future when development planning has been completed. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 4 3. PURPOSE The purpose of our investigation was to obtain and analyze additional subsurface information in order to provide site-specific recommendations pertaining to: a) grading; b) processing of soils; C) foundation types; d) foundation depths; C) bearing capacity; 0 expansivity; g) sulphate content and cement type; h) shrinkage factor; i) settlement; j) subsidence; k) seismicity. 4. SCOPE The scope of services we provided was as follows: a) Preliminary planning and evaluations, and review of geotechnical reports related to the project site and nearby surrounding area (see References - Appendix A); b) Field exploration, consisting of drilling nine (9) exploratory borings to depths ranging from 25 to 50 feet below existing grade; C) Logging of the borings by our Engineering Geologist; d) Obtaining in-situ and bulk samples for classification and laboratory testing; e) Laboratory testing of selected samples considered representative of site conditions, in order to derive relevant engineering properties; f) Geologic and engineering analyses of the field and laboratory data; SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 5 g) Preparation of a report presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations. 5. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program is given in Appendix B, which includes the Logs of Borings. 6. LABORATORY TESTING The results of the laboratory testing are included in Appendix C. 7. SITE DESCRIPTION 7.1 Location a) The 525 -acre project site is located approximately south of Avenue 52, west of Jefferson Street, north of Avenue 54 and is bounded by the Santa Rosa Mountains on the west and south, in the city of La Quinta, California. b) The approximate location is shown on the Location Map, Figure 1. 7.2 Surface Site Conditions a) The project site is partially developed with an 18 -hole championship golf course bordered by development pads. The site is bisected by the Coachella Canal, a branch of the U.S. Department of Interior All-American Canal system, which supplies imported water from the Colorado River to the Coachella Valley. Additional existing development includes an historic ranch house structure and a garage, used as a temporary dining facility for the golf course, modular structures used for a temporary golf clubhouse, and golf cart storage and staging, and a golf maintenance facility located on the south end of the project site. Mass and rough grading work has been performed in preparation for resort development, but the site remains largely vacant. b) Igneous bedrock outcrops are exposed in the area of the existing golf clubhouse, which is located near the west end of the southwestern part of the site. C) Surface drainage at the site consists of sheet flow runoff of incident rainfall derived from within the property boundaries and surrounding upgradient areas. The golf course was designed to act as a stormwater retention area. pt A 1 r • • 1 a _ r ad. % ti • • 1. 1%L} L* Ir Y� • •� �. • i ••• , + L S � ZR■_ 1 f { J 6L .7 po I Apr �01 AL - T ` . j- r - •` l 1 _ r �- ~ • 1 r 1 J Lagand FSF Tik�F , •. A ` r A r �1, ry1�,�,, rr,, � I ■ �.� r r GLoHAL GEOLOGIC AND SOILS ENGINEERING, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA ��I�i�i��if4i'iOp������f LOCATION MAP I Southwest Corner Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street La Quinta, California Date: July 2020 1 Figure No: Project No.: 8227-04 SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 6 7.3 Geologv 7.3.1 Regional Geologic Setting a) The project site is located within the Colorado Desert Geomorphic Province in Southern California. The Salton Trough, which consists of a low-lying alluviated structural basin, is contained within the province. b) The Salton Trough structural basin is bounded by the San Andreas Fault to the east and the San Jacinto Fault to the west and is characterized generally low relief and internal drainage. C) Typical stratigraphy includes metasediments and clastic deposits, derived primarily by erosion of adjacent highlands, deltaic floodwaters of the Colorado Desert, and lacustrine (lake) and eolian (wind) depositional processes. 7.3.2 Local Geologic Setting In general, the northern Coachella Valley, where the site is located, is underlain by a thick sequence of Holocene -age alluvial deposits derived from the erosional processes from the nearby mountain ranges. The northeastern flanks of the San Jacinto Mountains are located to the southwest of the site. Artificial fill of different thicknesses generally covers the site area. 7.4 Subsurface Site Conditions 7.4.1 General The following paragraphs describe the subsurface conditions as encountered in our boring excavations in September 2019. 7.4.2 Fill a) Fill soils were encountered in all of the boring excavations, with the exception of Boring B-1. The depths of fill were found to range from approximately 3 feet below existing ground surface (Boring B-5) up to about 10 feet (Boring B-9). b) The fill soils were found to generally consist of fine grained, olive brown to olive gray, dry to moist and loose to medium dense Silty SAND and medium stiff to stiff Sandy SILT. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 7 C) Based on the review of the prior rough grading reports, the new fill was placed by the grading contractors in 2004 and in 2019 at a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. The bottoms of the over -excavations during the prior grading were approved by Landmark and Sladden. 7.4.3 Alluvium a) Alluvial deposits, consisting of Silty SAND, SAND, and Sandy to Clayey SILT, were encountered in the borings to the maximum depths excavated. b) The Silty SAND and SAND sediments were generally observed to be fine grained, olive brown to olive gray, damp to moist and loose to medium dense. C) The Sandy to Clayey SILT deposits were found to be olive brown to olive gray, damp to moist and soft to medium stiff. 7.4.4 Bedrock a) Although not encountered in any of our boring excavations, outcrops of igneous bedrock, classified as Quartz Diorite, were observed to extend through the western end of the southwestern part of the site. b) The general location/configuration of the bedrock outcrops are shown on our Boring Location Plan, Figure B-11. 8. GROUND WATER a) Water seepage was encountered at a depth of 18 feet below ground surface in Boring B-5. No seepage was encountered in any of the remaining explorations. No free groundwater was found exist in any other the borings. b) Groundwater monitoring well data within the site area was researched on the California Department of Water Resources internet website. The closest monitoring well was found to be located approximately 1.1 miles southeast of the subject property. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 8 C) Groundwater depths were measured in the well during the period from December 2011 to May 2019. Depths to groundwater during this period were reported to range from 100.3 feet below ground surface (March 2017) to 136.4 feet below ground surface (December 2011). The last recorded measurement was collected on May 7, 2019 indicating the ground water level to be 108.4 feet below ground surface. 9. SUBSIDENCE a) Subsidence of the ground because of underground soil movement is often caused by removal of water, oil, natural gas or mineral resources out of ground by pumping, fracking or mining activities, generally over a large area. It can also be caused by earthquakes, poor soil compaction or by erosion. b) An abstract from Mitigating Land Subsidence in the Coachella Valley, California, USA: An Emerging Success Story indicated the groundwater has been a major source of agricultural, municipal, and domestic water supply since the early 1920s in the Coachella Valley, California, USA. Land subsidence, resulting from aquifer -system compaction and groundwater -level declines, has been a concern of the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) since the mid-1990s. As a result, the CVWD has implemented several projects to address groundwater overdraft that fall under three categories — groundwater substitution, conservation, and managed aquifer -recharge (MAR). The implementation of three projects in particular — replacing groundwater extraction with surface water from the Colorado River and recycled water (Mid -Valley Pipeline project), reducing water usage by tiered -rate costs, and increasing groundwater recharge at the Thomas E. Levy Groundwater Replenishment Facility — are potentially linked to markedly improved groundwater levels and subsidence conditions, including in some of the historically most overdrafted areas in the southern Coachella Valley. Groundwater -level and subsidence monitoring have tracked the effect these projects have had on the aquifer system. Prior to about 2010, water levels persistently declined, and some had reached historically low levels by 2010. Since about 2010, however, groundwater levels have stabilized or partially recovered, and subsidence has stopped or slowed substantially almost everywhere it previously had been observed; uplift was observed in some areas. Furthermore, results of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar analyses for 1995-2017 indicate that as much as about 2 feet of subsidence occurred; nearly all of which occurred prior to 2010. Continued monitoring of water levels and subsidence is necessary to inform the CVWD about future mitigation measures. C) Provided the implementation of the mitigation continues, the significant subsidence at the subject site is not anticipated. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 9 10. OTHER GEOLOGIC HAZARDS a) The subject site is located on a relatively level ground. During our field exploration at the subject site, we did not observe any signs of slope failure, landsliding or rock fall. b) Rockfall hazard analysis was conducted by Sladden in 2017 (Reference 10) for the existing ascending slope southwest of the proposed Montage Hotel and Spa building. The analysis indicated that a potential for rockfall is present in the vicinity of the building. Mitigation measures including building setback, catchment and berms were provided in the report and as we understand, have been performed. The fence will be installed at a later date. c) Periodic removal of the rocks from behind the fence and maintenance of the fence should be anticipated. 11. POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS 11.1 General a) The property is in the general proximity of several active and potentially active faults, which is typical for sites in the Southern California region. Earthquakes occurring on active faults within a 70 -mile radius are capable of generating ground shaking of engineering significance to the proposed construction. b) In Southern California, most of the seismic damage to manmade structures results from ground shaking and, to a lesser degree, from liquefaction and ground rupture caused by earthquakes along active fault zones. In general, the greater the magnitude of the earthquake, greater will be the potential damage. 11.2 Ground Surface Rupture a) The subject property is not situated inside the boundary of an Earthquake Fault Zone (previously referred to as the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone). The closest known active fault is the San Andreas Fault, located at about 7 miles northeast of the project site. b) Other nearby active faults include the San Jacinto Fault and the Pinto Mountain Fault, located at distances of about 14.2 miles and 32.6 miles, respectively, from the subject property. Due to the distance of the closest active fault to the site, ground rupture is not considered a significant hazard at the site. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 10 11.3 Ground Shaking a) We utilized the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) Seismic Design Maps internet program to calculate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) at the project site location. Using the ASCE 7-10 standard and Site Class D, the PGA at the subject property resulted to be 0.566g. b) Figure 2 shows the geographical relationships among the site locations, nearby faults and the epicenters of significant occurrences. From the seismic history of the region and proximity, the San Andreas Fault has the greatest potential for causing earthquake damage related to ground shaking at this site. 11.4 Liquefaction The site is not located within a State of California delineated Seismic Hazard Zone with a potential for liquefaction during a seismic event. As mentioned earlier, the water from the ground is being extracted for the agricultural use and the latest measurement indicate the ground water at 108 feet below the existing grade. The potential for liquefaction is considered to be low due to the lack of shallow ground water. 12. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12.1 General a) It is our opinion that the site will be suitable for the proposed development from a geotechnical aspect, assuming that our recommendations are incorporated in the project plan designs and specifications, and are implemented during construction. b) We are of the opinion that the proposed structures may be supported on shallow footings founded on newly placed certified fill. C) Grading will be required as follows: i) Cuts and fills to achieve planned building pads and associated roadways; ii) Adequate foundation and slab subgrade conditioning including capping and over -excavation; iii) Achieving suitable surface gradients to preclude ponding anywhere on-site and control water run-off via paved/closed drainage devices. 5.a-tl-f' ,F- I TA 8 i n�� I • 'I: �+.. , Y a � A t rte; N!7 ++'{*� ■iii +'; L h !} k r 4! 1 9 i a.. e X+ki lil7 r tas vo r .. Ad— J l W e - ", ANaCfL Ir.ieai.e 0. t MAJOR EART44QUAKES AND RECENTLY ACTIVE FAULTS IN THEL`, { "bi t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION EXPLANATION ` 1 ACTIVE FAULTS '1'899 EARTHQUAKE LOCATIONS x .7-----��....... M7+ Approximate epicentral area of earthquakes that t� Total length of fault zone that breaks occurred 1769-1933. magnitudes not recorded by y instruments prior to 1909 were estimated from Halocene deposits or that has had t damage reports assigned on Intensity VII (Modified + seismic activity: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Marcell scale) or greater; this is roughly equivalent to ' Richter M 6.0. 31 moderate -earthquakes, 7 major and one great earthquake (1857) were reported in the Fault segment with surface rupture 164 -year period 1769-1933. during an historic earthquake, or with 1952�J\/'�\/ aseismic fault creep. M7.7\�/ Earthquake epicenters since 1933, plotted from . 33 moderate** and five major (Amboy, Pisgah, Cerro Prieto and Salton earthquakes were in the 66 -year period 1933 to 1999. Buttes **Code recommendations by the Structural Engineers Association of California define a great earthquake as one that has a Richter Magnitude of 7 '/, or greater; a major earthquake 7 to 7'/.; a moderate earthquake 6 to 7. Compiled by Richard J. Proctor mainly from published and unpublished data of the California Division of Mines and Geology; California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 116-2 (1964); selections from bulletins of the Geological and Seismological Societies of America; from C.F. Richter, Elementary Seismology (1958); and the National Atlas, p. 66, and from Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities- SSA Bulletin V 85. fYL; IN # Southwest Corner Avenue 52 and O SOJefferson ��41�q��i�°o♦�ii4����4jLa Quinta, California t��I��� ii��:i� �ifi♦f, GEOLOGIC • 1 SOILS ENGINEERINGr 1 ProjectIRVINE, CALIFORNIA 1 8227-04 SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 11 d) In our opinion, the proposed development will be safe against hazards from landslides settlement or slippage, provided the recommendations included in this report are implemented during the design and the construction. All grading and earthwork should be performed under the observation and testing firm to achieve proper subgrade preparation, selection of satisfactory materials, and placement and compaction of all structural fills. e) We consider that the grading will not adversely affect, nor be adversely affected by adjoining property, with these precautions being taken. f) The final grading plans and foundation plans/design loads should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer. g) The design recommendations in the report should be reviewed during the grading phase when soil conditions in the excavations become exposed. 12.2 Grading 12.2.1 Processing of On -Site Soils a) As mentioned in Section 1, The rough grading for the several areas conducted under the observation and testing provided by Sladden has been done in accordance with the recommendations provided by Sladden report of 2017. The relative compaction of the fill placed was tested and found to be at a minimum of 90 percent. Additional over -excavation is not required. Any previously over - excavated area disturbed due to weathering, foundation and utility construction should be reworked and recompacted to restore minimum compaction of the finish building pads, if necessary. b) The following recommendations should be implemented in the areas where no over -excavation in accordance with the final development plans has been performed. C) In general, the soils below the bottom of the proposed foundations should be over -excavated to a depth equal to twice the footing width, not exceeding 3 feet below the bottom of the residential footings and 5 feet below the bottom of the for structures greater than 2 stories or other heavily loaded structures. The over - excavation should extend laterally beyond the edges of the footings, a distance equal to the depth of the over -excavation below the bottom of the footings. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 12 d) During the rough grading of the mass -graded areas, any unsuitable soils exposed at the bottom of the over -excavation should be removed to competent native soils. e) The subgrade soils below the pavement used for automobile and truck traffic should be over -excavated and replaced with compacted fill to a depth at least 12 inches, subject to review during the excavation. f) Prior to placing fill, if any, the subgrade soils should be scarified to a depth 6 to 8 inches or to the depth as recommended by the geotechnical engineer and thoroughly wetted down. The exposed bottom should be approved by a geotechnical engineer and tamped to at least 90 percent relative compaction. g) In the areas where additional fill soils will be placed to achieve the proposed grades, we recommend removing all the existing unsuitable soils. In any case, there should be at least 3 feet compacted fill below the bottom of the residential footings and 5 feet below the bottom of the for structures greater than 2 stories or other heavily loaded structures. h) Any loosening of reworked or native material, consequent to the passage of construction traffic, weathering, etc., should be re - compacted to future construction. i) Any surface or subsurface obstructions, or any variation of site materials or conditions encountered during grading should be brought immediately to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer for proper exposure, removal or processing, as directed. j) No underground obstructions should remain in any structural areas. Depressions and/or cavities created as a result of the removal of obstructions should be backfilled properly with suitable materials, and compacted. k) No further remedial action is anticipated as a result of the means and method of abandonment of the golf water transfer pipe, subject to additional field review during construction. 12.2.2 Material Selection After the site has been stripped of any debris, vegetation and organic soils, excavated on-site soils are considered satisfactory for reuse in the construction of on-site fills, with the following provisions: SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 13 a) No organic contents are permitted in the fill; b) Large size rocks or concrete pieces greater than 8 inches in diameter should not be incorporated in compacted fill; C) Rocks or concrete pieces greater than 4 inches in diameter should not be incorporated in compacted fill to within 1 foot of the underside of the footings and slabs. 12.2.3 Compaction Requirements a) Reworking/compaction shall include significant moisture conditioning as needed to bring the soils to slightly above the optimum moisture content. All reworked soils and structural fills should be densified to achieve at least 90 percent relative compaction with reference to laboratory compaction standard. The optimum moisture content and maximum dry density should be determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557. b) Fill should be compacted in lifts not exceeding 8 inches (loose). 12.2.4 Excavating Conditions a) Excavation of on-site materials may be accomplished with standard earthmoving or trenching equipment. b) Free groundwater was not encountered to the depths explored. Dewatering is not anticipated. 12.2.5 Shrinkage a) For preliminary earthwork calculation, an average shrinkage factor of 15 percent is recommended for the soils in the southwest area and 7 percent in the northeast area (this does not include handling losses) based on the results of the laboratory tests. b) However, we understand that the contractor, during the October 2019 grading experienced up to 25 percent shrinkage. Actual shrinkage rates should be verified by the grading contractor when estimating site balance conditions. C) No shrinkage is anticipated for the recently placed fill. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 14 12.2.6 Subsidence However, considering the implementation of mitigating measures to replenish the ground water in the Coachella Valley, the recommended over -excavation, thickened slab with extra reinforcement and heavy watering of the bottom of the over -excavation, the effects of the subsidence are anticipated to be not significant. 12.2.7 Expansion Potential a) Based upon visual observation, the expansivity of the site soils is considered to be low. b) The soil expansion potential for subgrade soils should be determined during the final stages of rough grading. 12.2.8 Sulphate Content a) The sulphate content of representative samples of the subgrade soil ranged from 0.016 to 0.2986. The sulphate exposure is considered severe in accordance with the California Building Code. However, since the testing was conducted, several areas have been graded changing the final sulphate content of thre subgrade soils. b) The fill materials should be tested for their sulphate content during the final stage of rough grading. 12.2.9 Utility Trenching a) The walls of temporary construction trenches in fill should stand nearly vertical, with only minor sloughing, provided the total depth does not exceed 3 feet (approximately). Shoring of excavation walls or flattening of slopes may be required if greater depths are necessary. b) Trenches should be located so as not to impair the bearing capacity or to cause settlement under foundations. As a guide, trenches should be clear of a 45 -degree plane, extending outward and downward from the edge of foundations. Shoring should comply with Cal -OSHA regulations. C) Existing soils may be utilized for trenching backfill, provided they are free of organic materials. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 15 d) All work associated with trench shoring must conform to the state and federal safety codes. 12.2. 10 Construction Cut a) As a general rule, any construction cut may be made at a gradient of 1:1 (horizontal: vertical) with the lower 3 feet being vertical. The construction cut should be observed by a geotechnical engineer. b) Any adverse conditions exposed during the excavation will be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer and mitigating recommendations, if required, will be provided with due consideration given to the exposed geologic conditions including bedding and depth of the excavation. C) In the event, sufficient space is not available for the construction cut, shoring may be required. Cantilevered shoring should be used. The lateral force and the passive resistance required to design the shoring are provided in Section 9.5. The shoring caissons should be designed and installed using these parameters. The shoring installation should be observed by a geotechnical engineer. 12.2.11 Surface Drainage Provisions a) Positive surface gradients should be provided adjacent to the buildings to direct surface water run-off away from structural foundations and to suitable discharge facilities. b) In accordance with CBC, the ground adjacent to the foundation should be sloped away at gradient of 5 percent. If the ground adjacent to the residence is covered with impervious material, the area adjacent to the foundations may be sloped away at 2 percent gradient. C) The CBC recommendations may be overridden by any recommendations by the project civil engineer to comply with ADA requirements or drainage requirements. 12.2.12 Grading Control a) All grading and earthwork should be performed under the observation of a Geotechnical Engineer to achieve proper subgrade preparation, selection of satisfactory materials, placement, and compaction of structural fill. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 16 b) Sufficient notification prior to stripping and earthwork construction is essential to make certain that the work will be adequately observed and tested. 12.3 Slab -on -Grade a) Concrete floor slabs may be founded on the reworked existing soils or compacted fill. The subgrade should be proof -rolled just prior to construction to provide a firm, unyielding surface, especially if the surface has been loosened by the passage of construction traffic. b) The slab -on -grade should be underlain by 4 -inch thick granular material as required by the 2016 California Building Code. A plastic vapor barrier is recommended to be placed at the mid -height of the SAND. However, the granular material may be eliminated if a heavy-duty vapor barrier similar to Stego wrap or equivalent is used over the on-site sandy soils. Additional subgrade underlayment may be proposed by a structural engineer and approved subject to review by a geotechnical engineer. c) Use a subgrade modulus of 100 lb/in3. Concrete pavement should be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations provided in Section 12.6. d) It is recommended that #4 bars on 16 -inch center, both ways or equivalent be provided as minimum reinforcement in slabs -on -grade. Joints should be provided and slabs should be at least 5 inches thick. The slab thickness and the concrete strength may be further increased to reduce the effects of the subsidence if determined necessary by the structural and geotechnical engineers. e) The FFL should be at least 6 inches above highest adjacent grade, where feasible. 0 The subgrade should be kept moist prior to the concrete pour. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 17 12.4 Spread Foundations The proposed structures can be founded on shallow spread footings. The criteria presented below should be adopted: 12.4.1 Dimensions/Embedment Depths 12.4.2 Allowable Bearing Capacity The following allowable bearing capacity used a factor of safety of 3. Embedment Depth (ft) Minimum Width Minimum Embedment Footings (ft) Below Lowest Finished Surface (ft) 1 -story Wall Footings 1.0 1.5 — Perimeter 1.0 — Interior 2 -story Wall Footings 1.25 2.0 — Perimeter 1.5 — Interior 3 -story Wall Footings 1.5 2.5 — Perimeter 2.0 — Interior Column Footings (up to 50 kips) 2.0 2.0 Column Footings (51 to 150 2.5 2.5 kips) 12.4.2 Allowable Bearing Capacity The following allowable bearing capacity used a factor of safety of 3. Embedment Depth (ft) Allowable Bearing Capacity (lb/fe) 1.0 2,000 (Notes: • The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by 600 lb/ft2 for each additional foot increase in the depth and 200 lb/ft2 for each additional foot increase in the width. The maximum allowable bearing capacity should not exceed 4,000 lb/ft2; • These values may be increased by one-third in the case of short -duration loads, such as induced by wind or seismic forces; • In the event that footings are founded in structural fills consisting of imported materials, the allowable bearing capacities will depend on the type of these materials, and should be re-evaluated; 0 Planter areas should not be sited adjacent to walls; SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 18 • Footing excavations should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer; • Footing excavations should be kept moist prior top the concrete pour; • It should be insured that the embedment depths do not become reduced or adversely affected by erosion, softening, planting, digging, etc.) 12.4.3 Settlements Total and differential settlements under spread footings are expected to be within tolerable limits and are not expected to exceed 1 inch and 3/4 inches over horizontal span of 40 feet, respectively. 12.5 Lateral Pressures a) The following lateral pressures are recommended for the design of retaining structures. b) Friction coefficient: 0.35 (includes a Factor of Safety of 1.5). While combining friction with passive resistance, reduce passive by 1/3. C) A seismic pressure of 25 lb/ft2/ft depth distributed as an inverted triangle with the resultant acting at 0.6H from the base may be considered during the design of the retaining walls greater than 6 feet in retained height. d) These values apply to the existing soil, and to compacted backfill generated from in-situ material. Imported material should be evaluated separately. It is recommended that where feasible, imported granular backfill be utilized, for a width equal to approximately one-quarter the wall height, and not less than 1.5 feet. e) Backfill should be placed under engineering control. Pressure (lb/W/ft depth) Lateral Force Soil Profile Rigidly Supported Unrestrained Wall Wall Active Pressure Level 34 - At -Rest Pressure Level - 64 Passive Resistance Level 300 - (ignore upper 1.5 ft.) b) Friction coefficient: 0.35 (includes a Factor of Safety of 1.5). While combining friction with passive resistance, reduce passive by 1/3. C) A seismic pressure of 25 lb/ft2/ft depth distributed as an inverted triangle with the resultant acting at 0.6H from the base may be considered during the design of the retaining walls greater than 6 feet in retained height. d) These values apply to the existing soil, and to compacted backfill generated from in-situ material. Imported material should be evaluated separately. It is recommended that where feasible, imported granular backfill be utilized, for a width equal to approximately one-quarter the wall height, and not less than 1.5 feet. e) Backfill should be placed under engineering control. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 19 f) Subdrains comprised of 4 -inch perforated (holes facing downward) Schedule -40 PVC pipe covered in a minimum of one cubic foot per linear foot of filter rock and wrapped in Mirafi 140N filter fabric should be provided behind retaining walls. The installation of all subdrains, including pipe connections, joints and finalized outlets, must be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to backfill. 12.6 Pavement Design The following recommendations provide for both asphalt and concrete pavements. Also, we understand that a proprietary product Grasspave2 will also be installed at a few locations which will experience emergency vehicle traffic. The emergency vehicles can weigh as high as 80,000 lbs, however, the frequency or number of passes is anticipated to be no more than once a month. The design traffic index (T.I.) considers the not only the weight (number of axles) of the vehicles but also the number of passes. 12.6.1 Asphalt Pavement Section a) Based on Traffic Indices (T.I) and on the anticipated "R" — Value of 50 of the subgrade, the following tentative structural pavement sections are recommended. An equivalent subgrade modulus is 100 lb/in'. Location T.I. Asphalt Concrete (inch) Aggregate Base (inch) Golf Carts - 4.0 - Emergency Vehicles - 6.0 - Automobiles 5.0 3.0 4.0 Drive Way (light traffic) 6.0 3.0 4.5 Drive Way (moderate traffic) 7.5 4.0 6.0 b) The subgrade soils should of rough grading and the then, if necessary. 12.6.2 Concrete Pavement Sections be tested for R -Value at the conclusion pavement sections should be finalized a) For the following Traffic Indexes and based on the "R"- Value 50, the following structural concrete pavement sections are recommended. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 20 Location T.I. Portland Cement Aggregate Base Concrete (inch) (inch) Golf Carts - 4.0 - Emergency Vehicles - 6.0 - Automobiles 5.0 6.0 4.0 Drive Way (light traffic) 6.0 6.0 4.0 Drive Way (moderate 7.5 5.0 4.0 traffic) b) The subgrade soils should be tested for R -Value at the conclusion of rough grading and the pavement sections should be finalized then, if necessary. c) As with any Portland Cement Concrete, minor thermal cracks should be anticipated. 12.6.3 Subgrade Preparation a) All pavement areas shall be inspected, tested for compaction requirements, reworked where required and approved immediately prior to the placement of aggregate base. b) Subgrade soils within the upper 12 inches of finished grade shall be moisture -conditioned where necessary, shall be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM D1557. For the areas where no base has been recommended, the minimum relative compaction should be 95 percent. 12.6.4 Base Preparation Unless otherwise specified, the base shall consist of Class II 3/4 -inch aggregate base or approved Crushed Miscellaneous Base. The base shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction in accordance with the procedures described in ASTM Test Method D1557. 12.6.5 Grasspave2 The review of the manufacturer's specifications for the Grasspave2 product, it is our geotechnical opinion that the Grasspave2 is considered suitable to support the EVA provided the installation is conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 21 12.7 Swimming Pool and Spa a) Several pools, spas and water bodies have been proposed throughout the project site. Several borings ranging on depth from 25 to 50 feet were drilled within the general vicinity of the water bodies. The logs of borings are enclosed in Appendix B. b) In general, the soils within the upper 10 feet were consistent throughout all the borings and consisted of Silty SAND/Sandy SILT. All the borings except B-1 encountered 3 to 6 feet thick fill layer underlain by native alluvium. c) As stated above, the soils at the bottom of the water bodies are not sufficiently dense to support the bodies. We recommend that the subgrade soils below the bottom of the water bodies should be over -excavated to a depth of 18 inches and replaced with compacted fill. d) For the design of the pool, use an allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 lb/ft2 at 1 -foot depth in accordance with the 2016 California Building Code. e) Use an equivalent fluid pressure of 65 lb/ft3 for the pool walls supporting an expansive level backfill. The coefficient of friction is 0.35. f) We anticipate the total and the differential settlement on the order of 3/4 inches and '/2 inch over a horizontal distance of 30 feet, respectively. g) The subgrade soils have sulphate contents greater than 0.2 percent. The sulphate exposure is considered Severe. The project structural engineer should be notified about the high sulphate content. h) The pool and spa excavation should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer/Engineering Geologist. 12.8 Other Improvements a) For site improvements such as low height planter walls, the minimum footing width should be 1 foot and minimum embedment should be 1 foot. The footings should be reinforced with at least two #4 bars, one at the top and one at the bottom. The reinforcement should be determined by the project structural engineer. Use an allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 lb/ft2. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 22 b) Slab -on -grade such as stone paving base, Turfblock base, pool deck and concrete sidewalks which are not associated with the main structures should be at least 4 inches thick and may be reinforced with #3 bars on 12 inches center bothways. If not reinforced, minor thermal cracks should be anticipated. The slab should be supported by compacted fill soils. 12.9 Seismic Coefficients For seismic analysis of the proposed project in accordance with the provisions of ASCE 7-10: ITEM VALUE Site Latitude (Decimal -degrees) 33.6694 Site Longitude (Decimal -degrees) -116.2771 Site Class D Seismic Design Category D Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration -Short Period (0.2 Sec) - Ss 1.5 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration -1 Second Period — S, 0.65 Short Period Site Coefficient -Fa 1.0 Long Period Site Coefficient F, 1.5 Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration @ 0.2 Sec. Period (Sms) 1.5 Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration @ 1 Sec.Period (Sm,) 0.975 Design Spectral Response Acceleration @ 0.2 Sec. Period (SDS) 1.0 Design Spectral Response Acceleration @ 1 -Sec. Period (SD,) 0.65 12.10 Soil Corrosion Potential a) Soil Corrosion potential for metal and concrete was estimated by performing water-soluble sulfate, chloride, pH, and electrical resistivity tests during this investigation. b) Electrical resistivity is a measure of soil resistance to the flow of corrosion currents. Corrosion currents are generally high in low resistivity soils. The electrical resistivity of a soil decreases primarily with an increase in its chemical and moisture contents. A commonly accepted correlation between electrical resistivity and corrosivity for buried ferrous metals is presented below: SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 23 Electrical Resistivity, Ohm -cm Corrosion Potential Less than 1,000 Severe 1,000-2,000 Corrosive 2,000-10,000 Moderate Greater than 10,000 Mild c) Results of electrical resistivity tests indicate a minimum resistivity ranging from 356 to 2,525 ohm -cm. Based on this data, it is our opinion that, in general, on-site soils have a Severe corrosion potential. This potential should be considered in design of underground metal pipes. 13. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS We reviewed the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Silver Rock Resort, NWC Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street, La Quinta, California report dated July 15, 2014 prepared by Sladden Engineering. The report concluded that no Radon or any Volatile Organic Compounds were found which could affect the site development. 14. LIMITATIONS a) Soils and bedrock over an area show variations in geological structure, type, strength and other properties from what can be observed sampled and tested from specimens extracted from necessarily limited exploratory borings. Therefore, there are natural limitations inherent in making geologic and soil engineering studies and analyses. Our findings, interpretations, analyses and recommendations are based on observation, laboratory data and our professional experience; and the projections we make are professional judgments conforming to the usual standards of the profession. No other warranty is herein expressed or implied. b) In the event, that during construction, conditions are exposed which is significantly different from those described in this report, they should be brought to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer. C) The recommendations provided in this report are intended to minimize the potential of distress to the structures caused by the subgrade soils. However, it should be noted that certain amount of distress to the existing and proposed improvements of the slab is unavoidable and should be anticipated during the lifetime of the existing and the proposed structures. SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 24 The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERING, INC. �r77!; 17�� Mohan B. Upasani Principal Geotechnical Engineer RGE 2301 (Exp. March 31, 202 1) Enclosures: Location Map Seismicity Map Terms and Conditions References Field Exploration Unified Soils Classification System Logs of Borings Laboratory Testing Geotechnical Plan vat Kevin B. Young Principal Engineering Geologist CEG 2253 (Exp. October 31, 202 1) - Figure 1 - Figure 2 - Appendix A - Appendix B Figure B-1 Figures B-2 through B-10 - Appendix C - Plate 1 SilverRock Phase I, LLC October 2, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 Page 25 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AUTHORIZATION Consultant shall serve Client by providing professional counsel and technical advice regarding subsurface conditions consistent with the scope of services agreed -to between the parties. Consultant will use his professional judgment and will perform his services using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances, by reputable foundation engineers and/or engineering geologists practicing in this or similar localities. • In assisting Client, the Consultant may include or rely on information and drawings prepared by others for the purpose of clarification, reference or bidding; however, by including the same, the Consultant assumes no responsibility for the information shown thereon and Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for any defects in its services that result from reliance on the information and drawings prepared by others. Consultant shall not be liable for any incorrect advice; judgment or decision based on any inaccurate information finnished by the Client or any third parry, and Client will indemnify, Consultant against claims, demands, or liability arising out of, or contribute to, by such information. Unless otherwise negotiated in writing, Client agrees to limit any and all liability, claim for damages, cost of defense, or expenses to be levied against Consultant on account of design defect, error, omission, or professional negligence to a sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. Further, Client agrees to notify any construction contractor or subcontractor who may perform work in connection with any design, report, or study prepared by Consultant of such limitation of liability for design defects, errors, omissions, or professional negligence, and require as a condition precedent to their performing the work a like limitation of liability on their part as against the Consultant. In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision as to design defects, errors, omissions or professional negligence, any liability of the Client and Consultant to such contractor or subcontractor arising out of a negligence shall be allocated between Client and Consultant in such a manner that the aggregate liability of Consultant for such design defects to all parties, including the Client shall not exceed ten thousand dollars or charged fees whichever is less. No warranty, expressed or implied of merchantability or fitness, is made or intended in connection with the work to be performed by Consultant or by the proposal for consulting or other services or by the famishing of oral or written reports or findings made by Consultant. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend and hold hamdess the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all claims, damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, of any nature whatsoever arising from or in connection with the Project to the extent that said claims, damages, liabilities or costs arise out of the work, services, or conduct of Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third party not under Consultant's control. Client further agrees that the duty to defend set forth herein arises immediately and is not contingent on a finding of fault against Client or Client's contractors, subconsultants, or other third parties. Client shall not be obligated under this provision to indemnify Consultant for Consultant's sole negligence or willful misconduct. Client shall grant free access to the site for all necessary equipment and personnel and Client shall notify any and all possessors of the project site that Client has granted Consultant free access to the project site at no charge to Consultant unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing. If Chent is not the property owner for the subject Project, Client agrees that it will notify the property owner of the terms of this agreement and obtain said property owner's approval to the terms and conditions herein Should Client fail to obtain the property owner's agreement as required herein, Client agrees to be solely responsible to Consultant for all damages, liabilities, costs, including litigation fees and costs, arising from such failure that exceed that limitation of Consultant's liabilityherein. Client shall locate for Consultant and shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of his representations as to the locations of all underground utilities and installations. Consultant will not be responsible for damage to any such utilities or installation not so located. Client and Consultant agree to waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this agreement. Neither party to this agreement shall assign the contract without the express, written consent of the other party. Consultant agrees to cover all open test holes and place a cover to carry a 200 -pound load on each hole prior to leaving project site unattended. Consultant agrees that all test holes will be backfilled upon completion of the job. However, Client may request test holes to remain open after completion of Consultants work. In the event Client agrees to pay for all costs associated with covering and backfilling said test holes at a later date, and Client shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Consultant for all claims, demands and liabilities arising from his request, except for the sole negligence of the Consultant, to the extent permitted by law. Consultant shall not be responsible for the general safety on the job or for the work of Client, other contractors and third parties Consultant shall be excused for any delay in completion of the contract caused by acts of God, acts of the Client or Client's agent and/or contractors, inclement weather, labor trouble, acts of public utilities, public bodies, or inspectors, extra work, failure of Client to make payments promptly, or other contingencies unforeseen by Consultant and beyond reasonable control of the Consultant. In the event that either party desires to terminate this contract prior to completion of the project, written notification of such intention to terminate must be tendered to the other party. In the event Client notifies Consultant of such intention to terminate Consultant's services prior to completion of the contract, Consultant reserves the right to complete such analysis and records as are necessary to place files in order, to dispose of samples, put equipment in order, and (where considered necessary to protect his professional reputation) to complete a report on the work performed to date. In the event that Consultant incurs cost in Client's termination of this Agreement, a termination charge to cover such cost shall be paid by Client. If the Client is a corporation, the individual or individuals who sign or initial this Contract, on behalf of the Client, guarantee that Client will perform its duties under this Contract. The individual or individuals so signing or initialing this Contract warrant that they are duly authorized agents of the Client. • Any notice required or permitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary mail at the address contained in this Contract, but such address may be changed by written notice given by one party to the other from time to time. Notice shall be deemed received in the ordinary course of the mail. This agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into the County of Orange, State of California. LEWTATIONS Our findings, interpretations, analyses, and recommendations are professional opinions, prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted professional practices and are based on observation, laboratory data and our professional experience. Consultant does not assume responsibility for the proper execution of the work by others by undertaking the services being provided to Client under this agreement and shall in no way be responsible for the deficiencies or defects in the work performed by others not under Consultant's direct control. No other warranty herein is expressed or implied. Project 8227-04 APPENDIX A References Blake, T. F., 2000, EQFA ULT, A Computer Program for the Deterministic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized California Fault Users Manual and Program, 79pp; 2. California Department of Water Resources, Retrieved August 21, 2019 Water Data Library, Historical Data Map Interface (internet website); 3. California Division of Mines and Geology, 2000, Digital Images of Official Maps of Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones, Southern Region; 4. California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Seismic Design Maps Web Tool, ASCE 7-10 Standard; 5. Dibblee, Thomas W. and Minch, J.A., 2008, Geologic Map of the Palm Desert & Coachella 15 -Minute Quadrangles, Riverside County, California, Dibblee Foundation Map DF -373; 6. Landmark Geo -Engineers and Geologists — Geotechnical Investigation Report, Silver Rock Ranch, Phase IA and IB, LA Quinta, California dated December 5, 2003; 7. Landmark Geo -Engineers and Geologists — Rough Grading Completion Report, Silver Rock Resort, LA Quinta, California Project No. LPO 1009 dated September 15, 2004; 8. Sladden Engineering, July 15, 2014, Phase I Environmental Assessment, Proposed Silver Rock Resort, NWC Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street, La Quinta, California Project No. 544- 14059; 9. Sladden Engineering, February 10, 2017, Geotechnical Investigation, Silver Rock Resort Complex, SWC Avenue 52 & Jefferson Street, La Quinta, California Project No. 544-14059; 10. Sladden Engineering, June 14, 2017, Supplemental Rockfall Hazard Analysis, Proposed SilverRock Golf Course Spa Building, SilverRock Golf Course Resort, 79179 Ahmanson Lane, La Quinta, California Project No. 544-16317; 11. Sladden Engineering, January 30, 2020 (Revised March 2, 2020) Report of Observations and Testing Performed During Mass Grading: Montage Hotels & Spa and Montage Hotel Valet Parking Lot (PA2), Montage Residences (PA3), Conference Center and Shared Services — OCC (P44), Pendry Hotel (PAS), Pendry Residences (PA6), Golf Club and Bungalows (PA10A) and City of La Quinta Venue Site Project No. 544-14059 9-10-456; 12. Sladden Engineering, February 25, 2020, Lake Equalizer Line Abandonment, SilverRock Resort, Phase I — Mass Grading, La Quinta, California Project No. 544-14059; 13. U.S. Geological Survey, 1959 photorevised 1980, 15 -Minute Series Topographic Map, La Quinta, California Quadrangle. Project 8227-04 APPENDIX B Field Exploration a) The site was explored on August 6 and 7, 2019, utilizing a hollow stem drill rig to excavate nine borings to a maximum depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were subsequently backfilled. b) The soils encountered in the excavations were logged and sampled by our Engineering Geologist. The soils were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Figure B-1. The Logs of Borings are presented as Figures B-2 through B-10. Logs of borings drilled during the prior investigations are also enclosed. Approximate boring locations are shown on Geotechnical Plan, Plate 1. The logs, as presented, are based on the field logs, modified as required from the results of the laboratory tests. Driven ring and bulk samples were obtained from the excavations for laboratory inspection and testing. The depths at which the samples were obtained are indicated on the logs. C) The number of blows of the driving weight during sampling was recorded, together with the depth of penetration, the driving weight and the height of fall. The blows required per foot of penetration for given samples was then calculated and shown on the logs. d) Water seepage was encountered at a depth of 18 feet below ground surface in Boring B-5. No free groundwater was encountered within any of the boring excavations. e) Caving occurred in the borings to the depths noted on the logs. UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION (ASTM D-2487) PRIMARY DIVISION GROUP SYMBOL SECONDARY DIVISIONS Blows/foot Very loose Clean GW Well graded gravels, gravel -sand mixture, little or no fines _ N_ N m 21 > w c N coy Gravels <5% fines GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines w 1-2 Very Stiff 15-30 2-4 m w CO co N Over 4 C, m > .. U 2,� o c Gravel with GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixture. Non -plastic fines. Zo o g° o w w Fines GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures. Plastic fines N !qq� V � � w Clean Sands SW Well -graded ravels, ravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. g g g Lu m_ W y u N Co o m 'o w > Z L p; (<5%fines) SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines. U2 `—° y � o o `��° E Sands with SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. Non -Plastic fines. 2 to Fines Sc Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures. Plastic fines. ~ ZML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine p g = sands or clayey silts, with slight plasticity CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy U) •`L—° v' ai } o U) O °� > U 5 w clays, silty clays, lean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. U) ) E C'1 J 0 �o Lu° C5 MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty Z o7 g to soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays C7 M = Q J 07 J 0 z¢ Z Z JV a�H o m E 7i U) OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. 20 Highly Organic Soils PT Peat and other highly organic soils. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON FIELD TESTS PENETRATION RESISTANCE (PR) Sands and Gravels Relative Density Blows/foot Very loose 0-4 Loose 4-10 Medium Dense 10-30 Dense 30-50 Very Dense Over 50 Clays and Silts Consistency Blows/foot* Strength— Very Soft 0-2 0-'/2 Soft 2-4 '/-'/2 Firm 4-8 '/2-1 Stiff 8-15 1-2 Very Stiff 15-30 2-4 Hard Over 30 Over 4 *Numbers of blows of 140 Ib hammer falling 30 inches to drive a 2 -inch O.D. (1 3/8 in. I.D.) Split Barrel sampler (ASTM -1568 Standard Penetration Test) **Unconfined Compressive strength in tons/sq. ft. Read from pocket penetrometer I CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA BASED ON LAB TESTS I 60 50 x 40 w 30 U m 20 EL 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit Plasticity chart for laboratory Classification of Fine-grained soils GW and SW — Cu= D60010 greater than 4 for GW and 6 for SW; C°= (D30) 2/Dtox D60 between 1 and 3 GP and SP — Clean gravel or sand not meeting requirement for GW and SW GM and SM — Atterberg limit below "A" line or P.I. less than 4 GC and SC — Atterberg limit above "A" line P.I. greater than 7 CLASSIFICATION OF EARTH MATERIAL IS BASED ON FIELD INSPECTION AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED TO IMPLY LABORATORY ANALYSIS UNLESS SO STATED. Fines (Silty or Clay) Fine Sand Medium Sand Coarse Sand Fine Gravel Coarse Gravel Cobbles Boulders Sieve Sizes 200 40 10 4 '/<" 3" 10" in C�111 11GEOLOGIC AND SOILS ENGINEERING, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA Date: July 2020jf roject1 A Corner Avenue Jefferson Street Figure No.: B-1 -- Drip !rig me" : Heiiow Siam . Global Geo-Eng�eering, Mc_ LOG OF BORING B-1 SOW n cajifunia.MadifEed . Irvine, Calt{ nia Hammer Woiot(lb®) :141D Geologists and Gevte�chrrica1 EMirmer5 D.40 : Augas€0. Le9R*d 9y : KSY 2049 Sotfthwest GomarAvenue 52 and. Jourson *W6 Domeler of Haring 8" LsOulflta,Gal ifamia DrlWDcompany :Cal Pao pr�irg} }�Ig ; MoGae B� Pr*d 8227-04 Samp#e Type -- Water Lvmis — o Rkd _3 GroundwaterEncaunl9" —V— Seepag6Encuur;5eL' ' 1a OF n StuAard �enelralion7esiing a .2 a C? MDESCRIPTION 0— � Sandy SEI_ ': oiive browvsx to I'X04 , dampto slight rs7*L.med.iur0 stone m r 16.0 Sao 12 5 23-3 ei_a 5 @5' Sint to 17iediurxl Siff. maibk 3,0 ; 1A 14 "14 :- Silty SAND: #arta grained, olive gray. slightty moiEk medium dense sm �5- zz.s a7-9 S Sandy SlLT: alive brown to oWa moist. rrkadivru stltf ML SATED; fire gr in olku9 Y. urtr tlor — 33 -104.0 20r 15 _ ,.-., ., 9ottorrs of aarin�. at I_f3g tq 20.fOei 2t#ef $UW IT, W$T9 removed 2. No-goundwater or s0aMe encounwred S. 1f whg backfilled 35:- :s40Figure 40- FigureE-2 : Global Gecli-Engineeritig, Inc. ��� �� g�#��"� CHosllitomin Sampling Mekhd ud "ifoed. ' Irvine, California Hammet Weight {Ibs) foo Geologists and Geotechnical Engineers Hammer Drop ER} 9a " - 4aAe' Logged By : AugusL 6, 2019 : Key $oahwest ComerAvmt4 62 aviQ Jetfer6b 'Street Diameter Qt 1 4gtipg Aii La Ouinta, Cslibrnla Rrdling Company : Cal Pet aritlng Rig : mobile 0-53 Project $227-04 --- _._._• m Sample gyp® -- Uyxer Levels . PV1.0 _y_ Gi *wdwater t 4441{He7E a Bulk 5eepaW Encouneed . Standard F urRl:m ion Testing In 9 T! vin n + fP W DESCRiPTION ❑ to LE 3 Q E) Silty SAND: fine gratrted. oEve grey. Blighty rVist, Mediurn dense 132 100.5 17_; {J 7.7 905.7 29 :. ' -.FILL SarEdy SIIVT! aEive hrovrrE to oliva gray, moE€t, rrredit,�-'F& 10 11.0 99.6 14 ML 18,5 134A 11 . I , .i _ ; :' 1W with Silt�+SA1i�E] 3nterbedsu mm RI]LaSM i SAND: fine greiried. ObVe dray, sl1* mors! to MONS k M"6—n dense 20 _ 15.4 M.T. ss.W 7A` wilh SaoSy 5li i inieftxeds 2tx� sPlML - SwNMi SHty SAND. SnB grained, oliue gray moist, medtu�t� dense with SILT rt�eds tr�t�em_ ................_, - 4 P T ���.. � I . CEMng tD 2.3 feet-a#teir augers were fwnc eed . 2- }dC� �rauatdw8#er prs2.epa 2ncauneered 3. So-ring b$olimect . 35' 40 Flow@ 8.3 Ji Global Geo -Engineering, g, kr�: � LOG OF BORING B-3 samP4n9 a 7CaRfornlaModifwd�$PT Irvine, CalliwNa Hwnmee WaigN ILF.� ;14a GmANists and Gaoiechnical Engineers T,�,�, Hammer Drap {i^} Dew LC190M By �,Augusi8,toss : Kay Sout#nwest Cora Avenue $2 and jeffarb9n$tr6 DWelerofl30ring ;8" Lia OW", GaNfi frm th#Ping Coma ny : Cat Pec Drilling Rig : IWCbiLs 6.53 Prb�ect 8227-04 .. Sarsipleiype 4Vatertevels. � RN M Gra MwMei EF.55inlered . V Dint Se age Cnmunterad Qj Standard PertetraHw Testing c � m a' E O c'r au r Q Ih i '. DESCRIPTION donse$ky SANDYSandy SILT: fine 9rahed, clFm gray, sIigEity'tnoist, madiu'm f1LL Sandy SILT: olive brown to oWe gray, moist, soft tc+,rrredl ;!Sod 25.1 72.2 a "{:::;'; Silty SAND: fine grai*A, o6e gray, moist, mediurm dense _ 14 SM 94.$ Bs & BiLT; alive bn w n, moist, sof ML ._ :. Siky SANDS fine gtairtied, alke brown ra oNve gray, maisa; tease ra rredium dense wish Sarxty SILT inierbmds 1fl.3 87.9 12 - FUL 96.9 5i,4 id fisr6 Cha. 511:T.;.oSve.bpooi4aadnse ]f�Y may, mtlgst, tneditityi 25 313 lv=i i .._ — ..... _.. _.._ ^ _ ..... —VI _ —rite X34' witt4 Selly S44i Cs riterl5ecls ALLUVIUM 8066 of Boring at 30.5.. feet i, Caving 6o.24 feet aRof aupers were teal avec€ . 35 2, No-groindwaief or seepa9e.encals�rtererf 3. Boding bacictired 40 FiSure 8-4 A d fill nji �6�-14d - �PI�OW ��6rr� Ivbcil Gea-Errgineering.r Inc. LOC OF BORING 5-4 Samplir'gMulhod :Coaforma.Wdifr.OdrSPT.. Irvine, CallfoMP ' Hammerweighl phs} : oda Gevlogists and Ge tech nia,T E rryi,�eera Hammer t' M {kg) tYe1e ; Augusl B, 2�4a �° ;KEY . : o v,st Ccrner Rv tue S2 end Jeffers n Strout dikmeWr of Boring : 8'r La QLAnta, Calitomia EM11Ag Corripmq : Cat Pw 6119rig Rog ' Uobile 6-53 -- Pf*d 8W-04 _ Ssmpte Type Water levels c ° ® Rrnq roundvra#sr Rnoecrntared. _ ' ® Bulk Seepage t=nommtered w .SFp? U ax 3#artdaad PeneVaitiart 7estirig = mg. J T 4f a V y to U....r.-, 03 n 4n DESCRIPTION .. Silty SAMD(Sandy SILT: €tee gained, olive gray, rrr lr rr1iurit darose 10.2 10.4 to SMJML SILL ^.', Silty Si4FdI : ita grained. 0Webf0v rtoa1Ye gray, sig#dlyi+ tM'10 5 0 12.fi-2 E16-2rn 17 moist, mud€u dense &M ;I..: J. 7.7 1Q0,3 13 @14' cools#, mare Siliywffi Sandy SILTirxlarbeds MML r 3.B 904-7 20 :', X19` with SAN iratarb" 20— 25 7.7 s ,s, 12 - - Clayey BELT: olide browin to 1ve gray, mast,. msdi6r6 std ML . N=10 2$' wd1 FIWFI eds t}d$iity 3€#T MLOM = S S+4' more Sandy 28-8 97-9 18 S ALWAUM 5 . .. :.Bott;ain.o#B�fiiig'2t35#eet; . 1. -Caving to 2i3 feet after augL11ts %ere remaved '2. No'Iyoundwatder or seep-9p erntcuntered 3.8orin bacWilled 40 Figure B=5 - oral ft Mems : 46bw Stem ' Global GeoLLEngineering, Inc. LOG OF BORING B-5 Sampo d:caidorna.Mopi &C.USPIT I fV irla, Ca11forrsi8 Hammer Wegt {Itis) : 140 Geologists and Qeotechoi l Enai rS Harcxner i}re4r (in) : 04 bale :RLIgk19t 5, 2018 Logged 9v KBY ... Southwest Comer Avenue 52 and jeffepr4n sbvet Didr"rof 130 sng : 8" La Quint% Cgfomia llrtghg Company : Geld Pao 061kng File : Moule 6-53 Project 22T- �smpw Type VVater Lovols Ring +� Graundwa6ar Ferc4ui�red Bulk EAcourata fed LLd�i Cm. ' �] gF771� Standard Perlel[atkM Testing _ 0p d dddd �� 3' .. .. .. DESCRIPTION o " n i7 n� 19 2 8 iT it $ANM Ity SAND: fmo grained, c4i m gray, ctxy, loose to medium I.A 93,4 13 BPJSh4 dense FILL - _-; T ^ p, lame to MediViii SAND: t#ne grain d, olive grey, damos ri i dee se . . 2.d 1}7,1 is 5P _ Stilly SAND. rhe grained, wive brum. raoisL loge ® 75.6 83.a 4_3 91.8 16 »� - @14' olivto lxown to Wive gray, less Slay vdM SAND . _iraterbaf smisp Clayey SILT: olive bfown to ONi 2 gray, moist to'very moist, medium 29.2 83.7 17 Stiff, seepage en66untered 3 ,7 99.8 10 25. ML s 34 now N id QZ91. grades into Seri* Sit ALLUVIUM 3A.G 57.3 1s Hates, 1, Caving 18 29 feat alter auggers were removed 2. Seepage ehcounbYlml at 1 B feet 3, awing ba Wiled 40 �1Egure B-6 9 I ( 7 1 E - 7.5 -ma 104.4 101-8 — 17 11 J <i.' SandySILTUSilly SANG: aiNebsavm to alive gray, triais#, luiri ' Iu stiff .. "_ SILL ❑iimir* matmod +maw SSam ,P 01ebal Geo -Engineering, Inc. SafidySILT: alma brnfern, moist, rriediurnSliFFweitb callctbestrfsigers LOG OF BORING B -G Sawing rAafmd;CakfomfaMul iiimGSPT Aril, Califoinia L HarrmierVW1ghl{Imsi :140 Ceatcglsts aml Geotechnical Engineers 50.4 12 — itam—D-p (1k ; ?O ' — SiSANG: fire! ggained, alive gray. maist, Imse Sa. rri!°diEFm erts7y ' pate = August �, �O�e So ulhWes t Cixrrar i venue SP ;3tid Lowed 8y ; K13Y 3efleFson. Sireet 43.1 84.5 Diamow ia; 81;ffirig La Qfainta, Cafifomia �i ' Witfe SILT IItG$E� �9 Dr9ling Carnpany Cal Pae 100.2 13 SMlML LrHInaRig'Mobile 1 53 Project 8227 ' ALLUVIUM 23.4 a0v 1B sanple Type Water Levels Ding jL Gmn"sler i5rminuKed :. a . Bulk i5n=mimed sI StandardPene"tionTesUng z -----------...wm�,_. ut a a A ca DE DRIPMN 9 I ( 7 1 E - 7.5 -ma 104.4 101-8 — 17 11 <i.' SandySILTUSilly SANG: aiNebsavm to alive gray, triais#, luiri ' Iu stiff .. "_ SILL r SafidySILT: alma brnfern, moist, rriediurnSliFFweitb callctbestrfsigers L 11.5 50.4 12 SiSANG: fire! ggained, alive gray. maist, Imse Sa. rri!°diEFm erts7y ' sm 43.1 84.5 12 �i ' Witfe SILT IItG$E� �9 +�9 100.2 13 SMlML ALLUVIUM 23.4 a0v 1B j 35 al 40 V igLre 8-7 �Ning Meitu� : [-laao C7 t3D—Et'igli1C x"111 I I l r, QG OF BORING R- r 4a M. Sampllnp utnaa :Ca�iar[+1aAladiea11S7p Irvine, California IlemmerWaigN(ibs) =14D GeologistsendGeotechn)calf=ngineer Fiallxr,eri}roPlh} ;3[� U�et� :15Ugtk3i 7.2098 . logged By : KeV 5ouMwnt Corner Avenin 52 Snd Jefferson Sfreet 0ganmor 6f Boling : 9" La Qulnla, California Dr4rvQ Company= Cal Pao NMV REg : hAonile 8-53 ' ProJi o9227.134 Sample Type Water Leve is (ting Fmnunterrad . gine Swpage twounfered SA +� SianttaeA Pereuatlon Tsf9lsg 4i r4} I IVIY [`L+R1r Sandy SILT: dark olive gray, sliDhtly moist, medium stiff to sttPf ® .1 hll, 90E.4 21 FILL Sandy SILT; olive gray to y4ow brown, sligi9Uy re► M, med"tum Suet _ 3.5 662 92 a 19.7 72.4 ii ML 6.9 83.9 14 r �+ E m ® 12 60.7 17 . 20 Si Ity SAFIC�: Fxia grad, o€ive gray. sligfitiy rilogk, rs Iecl tfanse urith ff $8fidjf S(Lf its D.5 84.E 23 SMfML a 24` yelow bra h $ iF:4. B�.$ 19 �� Sarlcly Slid" yell4Nf'ksrr�wl�,-s9glstly iia K% f7ledillxE StifF. ' cx 3� N-14 fiJ L 934' 611x' a gray to yellow browan n as 50 ari�ir� �uerhod : Woaow item Global Gee -Engineering, InC, di1IL LOG OF BORING B- sampiingf�9+iwd a,i[arniahAadiliedS�T Irvine, Califomia H@MMerwMgt (th2i} :943 Geologists and Geoteahnk)el EngiDO*Fs _ Hemrrrer {kop (us} SO ;= i44' slightly more Sandy wkh Silty SAt~lU trAeftO. .. Dam :A�gust7.2u7a southwez't Gvrne'rAveaue izand Lopped By ; KEY Jeffe€san Sbeet S?rarnet9r K7d i�grtng : $ Lal a Uinta c0brn4l Drlrwy3compa" :-Caipac Drilmo Rid NTObm t 53 Projrt 8227 04 64 97.0 28 — w SianVle7ype WaterLeuels. 22 ® FIs eg _T Grour�uatm Encountered Seepage Enrxuntered trU a 4--,0 'E U Swidaro Penetrat+cn Tea Wig F- N Q ❑ co m T ❑ DESCRIPTION 50 x W f Btfflortn of Voting at 5a teat: hEates: t_ 0"0 is 29 deet after.augars were remrnred . 2, No g mundwafer or seepage erwourdemd 3. Baring backfilled Figure B4,2 di1IL WIG: ;= i44' slightly more Sandy wkh Silty SAt~lU trAeftO. .. 64 97.0 28 ALLUVIUM x W f Btfflortn of Voting at 5a teat: hEates: t_ 0"0 is 29 deet after.augars were remrnred . 2, No g mundwafer or seepage erwourdemd 3. Baring backfilled Figure B4,2 Elfifto MOftgd : Honour Suns Global Geo-EngileeriN.,. Inc... LOG OF BORING B-8 samplini;MettvM ;Cagbffl4aMo�f"VT . Irvine, Cofifornia Hamrriervuebaht{bEi ;140 Geologists and Geoted kal Engineers Harnrrar trop (in} ' 34 Dade eA 8y : August 7, 2018 :rev aSoU wDstCDrmiAvenue -and .1e11Br•SOn Street {}i9h�E9CY oS Borng La Quires, Caihmia VdIkg GamDany : Cal PW Qf+lnng Rig : d, dJL1 B-53 — NoJeLt 9227-Q4 Sample Type Water Levels . n I bang Enwurwre l . � a• moi* � $aepage ErvCaur�ievad rn . ' Standen P�rselrasksrs �esling DESCRIPTION � D Sit#y SAND. fine grained, dark otlue brown, slightly rrdadst to moil:#, 79 v ; medium dense 7-1 102.2 16 @5'o" brown to ON5 gray 9 e 10a. 414 FILL Sfky $AND: €lrte grained, alive gray, damp to slightly rnaist,'nxdiulm ' dense s. -i oa i3 17 ` SAND: fine grained, ire gray, slightly rnoist, Medlurti.derlse a� 1 i.A 10-5 25 p 3 ` � •`• • 4� N5#LT_ alive bra to olive gray, moist, medium stiff 0 24 6.9 87.5 id hit n U . siRf 8AHO'ftoe grained. olve gray, stilt y m i< moist, rnedium 4 t+11 dense A' " LM 25 #eat: $otl 4t WOE ng. at § win-, �'- Who 1& 19 feet alter augers area rOMOVed �+ 2. No.rourrrlwager ereeRagee0urdte�ad 35 F! o n Figure e•s Uralrq Moft l : Hallow SIM Global Geo=Eugineering, In. LOG OF BORING B-9 SamplingMetiod :UavomlaMdlfredrsP'r . Irairse, Calffflrnia Hamm'arWYEsirgtt(btj 141D Geotoglsts and Geobachnkal Engineers HainmerDrnpOn) 3a bale Logged By MOW 7.2619 KBY Soulhwest Conve-i-Avenue 52 and .reiferson Street piRineter Of 13nring ' 9" La Quinta, California Drilling Compav : Cal Par- Ck-Mng Rig ; bile 5.53 --- Pro" B227-04 C Sampfe Type WsWr Lowe W RMg Groundwater Enmtqtered ' 4Zrs... °¢ � Buik � $g9paga �ncaunter®d . :vr: 3 l 51andwd Penetratlon 'eating Lt -o DESCRIPTION m ° C� rn Z -'ea Sick SAr D: Sime raved, dark alive ray, n t, Ittedium� ' • Y 9 Sd Y. e-9 110.4 19 SM 24.0 IOfi_5 119 - - - � � — � �.. ._... W„ Y ....• ..•-. — �. 5' Yullh tndUsi0r,6 CT 5T ~ FOLL 9 7-4 '1'14.9 33 $illi+ SAND: fine grained, Oh* gray, M -019t, m6aiurn dense ' 5 i fl2.2 2S SRA 15 Silty CLAY: OI NO broawrr, very m6sil, soft t 35-5 B2.4 3 UL f Silty SAND: fit1L OF�kjned. olive brown to oNve gray, moist medium, SMALLUVIUM -' w Sy j d.7 96.0 19 M LU ef9a: 1: Caviling tort feat aiSer augers'v re ramoaed ri ..2: flo.gro" ftstl$f10f 5£E fiCOUn $r . th40– Figure 13-10 Logs of Borings Landmark Geo -Engineers and Geologists - 2003 CLIENT, The Keith 1�omparty METHOD OF DRILLING: CbAE 4251 ajWharnmer PRDKJECT: Silver Rock Rary h DATE CB$ERVED 10,x= LOCATION' See Site and 4WOraillonPlan LOGGED -BY. TS F LOG OF BORING B-1 SHEET 1 1)F 1 3 DESCRIPTION OF MATIc REAL T 5 CLAYEY SILT (ML): Light brown, dry. 24 1 1 tan, rrl&diurm dente, humid 14 19 SILTY SA1ND "): Light brown, medium itense,'humid, 15 �2 SANM¢Y SILT WL): LigH bmwp, mm�dlumdense, moist 10 OIr �5 End of Booing at 21.5 Et No Groundwaler Erm-0UM&ad- MIOWS rhok Corrected fir rbwdan pressure, sampler Cize of inisase drive energy for at ltc hart5mers- Rieefi No, LAN [1 ARK Plate �� 0143 �_ CL]E�NT The with Oorrrparry METHOD OF DRI LUNG: CME 4& 9utohemmef PROJECT- Silver Rock RuKh DATE DESERVED 1W=3 L0(:%ATM0N: Sea Site and E�Vol aklon Mn LOGGED BY- TO LDG OF BORING B-2 zK QMEEr 1 OF 1 DESCRIPTION OF TATE MAI, 9URF,4 .� E7-IFY. .L g I �I I I ISIGLAYU SILT (MW: LJgM bmwn, humid, - — $ItT (1fIL)= Light brown, denau, humid, 0,4 131, 5 0 CLAYEY SILT (MQ- Sro%n. loose. humid. 31 SAN IM ND (APISM): 5reyfDrcn, deme, moist 1.6 136. t yS• ,r 5 CLAYEY SILT (ML). Brawn, low, moig 1 35 14C ; UoM brown, rnedlum dense. hun*d. .1M{.N11 12 1 1 SILTY UND � }; L4ht brown, medium Rase, humid'- I I I I I I End of 9aring at 29-5 fl. W Grcv%�w�r Ericmntered. ''Blows not carremed � meMurder� pressure_ pump-cr i of h'v*ase driwtt ftmrgy for au?omstic hammers. Rroj$ct No, LANjjMARK Plate LP03043 S-2 . CCMMPM • CLIENT: 7ha Kailfi Company METHOD OF MILLING-- CUE 451 aural�arnmer PROJECT, &ower Dock i?Arx:n 0A'FE OBSERVE O 1W22M LOCATION: See Sika and ExplorAon Plan LOGGED EY: TI3 LOG OF BORING B-3 SKEET 1 OF , 8 D E S C R I PT 10 OF MATERIAL 9LFR FACE ELEV. +i- SILT AML). Llgnt brown, hurni0. .T OW; Light brown. dens, Tumid. SAND {SPS" Light bre, rmedi4irn dense. humid. CLAYEY SILT (ML}_ Tan. d Lnm humid SILT (ML). Tan, madrur'n dense, dry End of Bing at 21.5 ft. No Gmunclwater Encountered, —81ans,9 not oarrected for mreMuMn pmmr*, Sampler dze or ISI Se drive erler praulornatie harm efs, Project No; LANaMARK Plato LP03041 8-3 r �IM�=�wp�wy CLIENT; The Kellh Company METHOD OF DRILLING: GME 46f aub hmma PROJECT_SiIMew Rack Ranch DATE OBSERVED JWZ2M3 LOC�47I0141; See Ela wd Ex lowon Plan LOGGED BY'' 'TS LOG OF BORING 134 i aleFr 1 OF 1 9 DESCRIPTION OF MAA ERIAL _ I a SILT }' rw�ronvn, �1tltfid_ 34 SILT (ML): 9rcwm, deme, PlUrltid. �S 40 X15 1d I I SANDY SILT (ML): Ught brown, medium derlee, humid, 47 1 1 SILTY SAND? SAND (SWSP): Light brawn, 4en:3e, cIry, 1 1,1 1 134.1 41 CLAYEY SANDY SILT fAQ- Light Wown, medium denea, h umid. 31 1 1 dffnsa 12 I I SANDY SILT (ML): Cut brawn, medium denee, humid. 641 1 dense IIII IC191'k11 22 1 1 CLAYEY SILT (ML): Light bran, medium dense, moist I I I I I I I i=nd of Boring at 38.E ft. No Gmundwaler Erlmunlered. "19ram nol cormcitc! 1QT oreTburden pressure, taoWler size or incre:srEe ddvs energy for eutamellc hemmers. Project No; LANDMARK Plata LP03 B,--4 CLIENT: The Keith Company METI-110D OF WILLING: GME 4451 autohemmer PROJECT Silo-cr Rock Ranch DAZE OBSERVED iMM3 'LOCATION- Sae Sit.2 arrd Exploratign Plan LOGGED BY: TB k L0(3 OF BORING 8-5 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SLRFACE ELS- 4 �5 SILT fML)' 0Hvc brown, humid. I Lllllll� irJ_�■��RIR_����'llr�l?�Ii��1�li4TTL*�C1�'�Zir 131 1 CLAYEY SILT (ML): Light brdrm, medium dense, humid. • ��-�,� 4.0 I SILTY CLAY {CLI: Light b wn, herd, humid. CLAYEY &.ME ff SILT (IAL): Light brown, 11 Dim i�� defm. humid. End cf goring al- 21.5 ft, No Grourldu-a'or Enbunld. "Gloves not corrected for melbwdan pressure, Earnplar size or increase drive enErcW for 5ub;wn0IC hammers. Project No; LANUMUK Plate LP03M B--!5 CUENT: The Mailh Company I IETNOD OF GRILLING: CIVIE 451 a utohawnw PRG,FECT Sllwer Doak Ranch DATE OBSERVED 1 W22Ma LOGATIOW See Sita and Explaraiion Plan LOGGL-D SY' 76 LOG OF 130RING B-6 E &4EET 1 OF i LU _X DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEV. +_ CLA YSILT � (IAL); LI hk F -own, hurnld . 5 10 1$ 24 3$ 4A) I rpILTY CLAY (CLY 1,19M fin, tan4 humld, -j11111INI113 1 1 SANDY SILT (1L)' Lght brown. m6dium denEe, Humid. 29 1 1 olive brawn 7 1 1 dirk blown, noose, moisi End of Boring at 18.8 ft. No Grounftater Encounlered. +Dlgas not rreum dor rburdsn pFessure, s3rpler viae ar increaEe ddye aneFgy for su"4; hwrnm. Project No: LANIUMARK PIate LP03043 EI -6 CLIENT; The Keith Urnpany METHOD OF DRILLING: -CME 451 autohamrner PRCKIECT:SiIver Rock Ranch DATE 013SERWD 1012V03 1_OCATJ ; See Sft�-arrd EtIcr n P1gn LOGGED BY: TB LOG OF BORING B-7 SHr=n 1 OF 7 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 2i �2 � a SURFACE RGV. +r- 15 CLA'r;EY SILT (ML): Light brauin, humid. SANDY SILT (ML): Olive brown, tense, humid. 13 1 1 CLAYEY -SILT (MU Brawn, medium dense, mgi%. 15 0 4NDY SILT {ML): Ligl<I brum, Modiurn dense, moist. 120 7Q I CI-AY $Ah1DY $JLT (ML); Dant brMn. medium dense. — moist. 125 1 31) 0 _ Fnd of Boring al 21.5 ft. No Groundwaler Emountered. _ "Slaws rtxxt d d for overburden pressure, mrnpler size a increase drive enerar for autornotic bammp*m Project No; ANYIAAAnk PMOP LP03043 5-7 CLIENT: The Keith Company METHOD OF DRILLING; CME 45wfaukohammer PROJECT: Sllwer Rock Ranch 'DATE013SERVIE111 W23M L0CA7Ii-0N.S&& Site and Upiorato-m PiarS LOGGED BYY TS LOG OF BORING B-8 SHE E -T 1 D& 1 = - _ DE CR I PT1 ON OF MATERIAL � &UPWAC4E EUV, -W- 'SILT (ML); OIiwe bre, hurnid :Lrxk': Lr SQL 3 I SILTY 4'ID!SAN-D (SK -SP): Light brawn, dense, humid. 42 1A 137 5 CLAYEY SILT (ML): Dark brown, k &a, Moak. cw� 9 CLAYEY SANDY SILT (ML): Light bttiwn, medium &too 1 �.4 118. y maist. J " 1$ 11 DY SILT (ML): Dark k3nywn, medium dvn;e, moist. i brown 1 Z2 12I3_ $ CLAYEY SILT (MQ: Dark brown, Io:iSu, wet - T1 SILTY SMD (SM). Light brow, dense, humid. 45 cark brown, moisa End of Borling at 51.5 it NQ Cpirwr1dwart-pr Enc-Qunbgm. —Bk" ngicixr d fQrvjWWr pre@@urv, @ampler �$ gr irrpreese d rive enorogy Fflt but mafic hemrrieM. Pro]-ec t No: � 1 � MARK Plate L P03043 CLIENT: The KeM Dorrq3ery METH00 OF DRILLING: CME 45f eulohemmer � PROJECT: Silver Rock Rign ri CIATi" 088ERV:rtD 1012WO3 LOCATION: See Ste and E.tarstian Plan LOGGED BY: TB ' LOG OF BORING B-9_ gg SHEET 7 OF I C v ESCRIPTION OF MATERIALNJ SILT AML): Lighl bmm. humid. i 2;5 SLANGY SILT (ML)- LI9t brown_ f'I*diur'n dense, humid. 23 SILTY SANDrSAND (GM10P): Lillie brmn, mecium dense. humid. r� 2� CLAYEY SFLT (NlQ: Light broxm, medEum dance, hung, 24,0 10$. I 1� $ CLAYEY $ILTY RAND (SM)- t,ignt brc wi, I00sm_ wiM. 40 SANDY SILT (ML): Brown, dense, humid, I p 1 a CLA'Y'EY SILTY &AND (SAA): B(OwO, madium derNse, moist. I 55 En-dOf 8cring at 2B.5 ft No GnourdwQper Emmnt d, "Blows not comed'ed fpr overburden prey jrLL, sarnplefr Bite or increase -drive qnb f raulomalic hammers. Project No, LANDMARK Plate LP03043 � rL0rMrxexor C--"Pf.v CUIENT; The Keim Cwpank METHOC CF! DRILLING' CME 49 igulohanmeT PROJECT:SilvoT Rock Ramh SATE O ERVECi JOV23J03 LOCATION: Soo SU and Exp#praUan Plan L D BY: Ta_ LOG OF BORING B-1 Q M I - - DESCRIPTION OF MATEWAL �' 2 _ I OJMP&L�W, 44. $ SILT )` BMW, l urwd. — SANDY SILT (ML): Bmwtt, wmdiLim dam, dry ;SILTYNU AI)' Ughl brwm, medlum derma, ftutl'Uid. �5 rC{L?L 12 SILTY SAN p+SAND (Sr4vSP): Olive hrcr. sm, medium 'a dense, humid 20- hLPtim dI hIDY $ILT (ASL); Ot m hrowh, medium dem, 7 1 1 loos, mmist 32 1 1 SANDE SIL' (AIL); Ouse crown, dense, humid. CLAi4—LYEY'' SANDY SILT f fhL): OEC bF-rrwn, medium dense, h 1 +mist. End of t 24.E ft. No GrourdwaW Enmunlered. �EIOW-S hot corroded for McMUhfth pressure, sampher size or irr_reasa driva eriargy for aummstic hammers. FYo)ftt Noi LANDMARK PIAB LP B-10 . ,m" III CLIENT. The Keith Company METHOO OF DRILLINQ- DME 45wfaukohammer PRCUECT, Silver Rock Ranch DATE OBSERVED, 1Nr03 LOCATION: See. Site and Expl�r-#cm PUn LOGGED BY_ TB LOG OF BORING B-1 1� SHEET 1 CF I DHSCRIP71ON OF MATERIAL � � _ � a SURFACE ELEV. W - 5 SILT (MLS- Light brown, humid. some shmir.. SILTY SANG (W)- Light brown, €ianw, humid. 18 BANDY SILT (ML): Brawn medium dense humid_ CLAYEY SIt T (ML): Brawn, rnedium dense, hurnid_ . !Tf 1:3 (-, 'YEY SANDY SILT (ML)- Brim, medlarn dense, INN rnQist 43 J I SII' -TY D (E); Brown, very dense, hurnid 18 1 1 QWye brim, n diem denm, molst Q I I SANDY SILT (ML); GIive brown, 4eryr den", rnbitt. 2$ 1 1 medium dlerFw doL light brown, dense, humid GLAYFY SILT (ML): Brown, der15e, humid_ 2$ CLAYEY SAND' SILT (ML): Brnwn. medium dons@, IT'onlst 401t. 13 5o] I SILTY SMI) (W)- Li ht b5r` wn dense moist, End of SarIng at X9.5 ft. No Groundwater Encountered. " Slaws not corrected for o+orburden pmrsure, uampler size w inerease drive ene forautantafGc hammers. Project No. LANDMARK Z4 1 1n. 4,4 1123. Plate B-11 CLIENT, The KeiCh Company ME ZIflOa C F DRILUN G' GIME 450 autoharnm$r PROJECT: Sihrer Rork Ranch DATE OBSERVED 1CV23ffla I OCATION; See SW and E;�plo. m. wn Elan LOGGED BY: TB k LOG OF BO RMG B-12 � } r,HFFT 1 OF 1 y� i a r)EIIPTINOr- MATERIAL .S S17 (ML): Brown, moist. SANDY SILT (ML)' Wht brown, medlurn dame. humid_ 11 I I CLAYEY 3ANI SILT NQ: Light brown, medium dense, mold. -15 32 SANDY SILT (ML): 01 ive brown. dense. trumid. 20- 1 mete iUrn Mnsee. woisr -WJJ I Zq I I 31L TrY 3ARD ISM)' Lioit Nr(w, madrum Sema, mcflat JJ1111I ULAYEY SILT . 2mm. medium derne. rroisl. • — I_ K1E 1 1 CLAYEYSANDY SILT (AAL): Brown, IDose, moist. End of oonng at 31.5 it. No Gmundlwatar EncouMere-d `•Bions nci oorreatad for omrhurden press�rra, sarrpler slxe or Increase <ifiue P -MM for 9utamalic iiammera. Project No: LANIUMAR plate LR03043 g-72 �I CLIENT: The Keith Cpnrpeny METHOD OF: DRILLING: CME 45lau4 amnmr RRDJECT.Silvw Rotk Rarmh DATE OPSER VEG I=Wa LOCATION: Se$ $ite and Explors&n Plan LOGGED RY: T8 LOG OF BORJNG B-13 — -- i SHrEE7 i 'rF i DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELE1!_ +r CCA CANDY At �ML� Oi rl *aisF 1 KgN brudwn, loose. hunyd 11.6 126. 1-1 5 ISI 51 I CLAYEY SILTY SAND (SM): Brown. looms, hofid, 2.0 E $ANDY S5LT (ML). Olive brown, loose, nwist. braxy,, medium Mnse YEY SfLT (ML): Light hrc n, medium dense, 1 I I CLAYEY SILTY SAND (SM): Olive brown, m�dhjm geri�e � mulet. 40 End cff &Hnrg st 28.5 A. No Ground walcr Encaunter$d. "Slows no -cOrre tact dor rbunkn pr$Esure. sampler sie or inoream ddwe energy for aulomade harr1mem. Project No; LANDMARK LP03 Plate 3-1a CLIENT: The Keith Company METHOV OF ORLLLING; CME ;pwoNimmer PR0.l1=CT_Silwsr Ft-aok Ranch DATE OBSERVED 10r23M3 LOCATION: See -Sile pnd Explor$k;or Plan _ _ LOGGED SY. Te LOG OF BORING B-14 6 S;-t=r i OF 7 I M M. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL � � I a F � SMFAC E P Ev, +I. jj�jji*'— SILT ft): Ught brom, hump. 111111 rjj 3111 1 CLAYEY SILT (h+IL)= UgM t}reWft, d-Mr.6, dry. I°lIIIIIII I i 0 is I 8LLTY 8AND (SW: Light br-uwn, "diem dense, dry. CLAYEY SILT (IVIL)- LigW brown. medium d-�nw h 10 1 drown. rnoist $fir 1 1 SANDY SILT rML : Olive brown dente rnumid. SILT (ML)' (IIive bww. very dorm, f';umid. J1111111N11 ll� I I SAMID r 811-7 (ML): Olive b , rrediU-T; dah!se, humid. Etid of Bing al 28.5 ft. WD Grour Ater C;n Urltered. "Bloaws not cannBffhed fqr overtwden pressure. sampler Size or increase drfke eriorgy for aWarnwia harnmers. Rrojact No, LANUMARK plate LP03043 6-14 CLIENT: The Keith Campany METHOD OF 13RILLING: CIk+lII� 45f iaAmmer PROJECT. Silver Rock Poncn DATE OBSERVED 1012$= LOCATION: TION: See Site and Exploration Plan LUGGED SY: TB LOG OF BORING B-15 � E SNEEr 1 OF i � D E S Q R I PT10N OF MATERIAL 3 9L1RFACE ELEV. +r- IL1 {I IL}. Bnown, mast. 22 CLAYEY SILT fty Bram, medium darmt, horrid. X10 X15-1 bre wn. medium dense, humid. 24 I MTY SMID (SM). Grerlbrown, nM41UM dei SEk- -hurnid- 38 I - • yr r •rr � �.••r � L�••rf. r �• • } r� rr�•� •, �•4r�rY1�• 11F411� V II #5UIT11d. CINDY SILT (UL): Gliwa brown, dense, humid. .$ 1131). i 25 medium dens- ' End cf Baring at alai Et. I NLo GroUndwattu Encourecred. Blows not coITected for OVotb�urden pressure, sampler � cq inorearse drive eneNy for a&ornallc harnmen. -Prq�ect No: LANUM/111K Plate CLI EMT' The K-011111 Company METHK)D OF QRILLINCA: CME 4!V zvbohammer PRQJI �:Sllwer k lRanch DA7E ORSERV15C 1 W2W03 L Iom: See 5Itia and Exp orAari PIar)LOGGED BY: TO LOG OF BORING B-16. _ DI= CR I PT IC) N OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEV. q- K $ILT @1L- Light hr, humid. 111h:29 1 SMIXY SILT f1VIIL); UOt bRW. medium dense, dr+ ` F5 110 k15 20 1 1 SILT (MLS: LNhtbm m, mecum dons&, dry. 1 I SILTY SANG MNQ: Gwybrcrm. cense, humid_ B 1 1 SANDY SILT (MLI: Dark broom, loose, moist rlium denve 1.5 SILTY GI, -AY (CQ: 01 vm brown. stIH, Dist, 21 1S -CLA3EY SANDY S111.7); OWe brown, medium -dense, �—Lmoist. W.? 1110, End of &�airtig e128-5 f1. No Gravndwak-er Er4auntered, "Blows snot mm ved fcr burden pressure, sarmpiar eizi� of iuibmavN drtye erwqy for auhamulk hamrtsars. P LANDMARK Plate LP03043 B-16 a 0� NUUM EWWMRWW CLIENT: The Keilh C�ampairy METF+00 OF GRILLING: GMP 45f aut-olamnwr PROJECT. -Silver Rflok Ranrh DATE CS$E�F D 10/24109 I.GCATION, See S4a Qnd ExplorartlQn Plan LOGGEQ EM TS -- } LOG OF BORING B-17 F SH M i [�F 1 [ ESC RIPTrON OF MATERIAL SfLT (ML)' 9roWn, INUMId, soma shells, 23 llghi bfftn, Ma0unl dense 2-1 �$.$ SAN13Y SILlr{ML): UgM b(8wrl, fibs$, humid. CLAYEY SII_T ; Light brv4n, memum crensm, moist. I SANDY SILT fMLI=LigMrt hrcun, moium der.!3e, rnoFat, SILT (ML)- Ught brown, medium dense, moist. SANDY SILT (ML). Llpt brown, medium dente, moist 24 1 97,0 T'End of Sorkng at X1.5 Ti. No Groundwater Encounlered. "BkAft not aomdded for ou�arhurden pr W.@, ampler QIUL V InCMne -driwe eineW fbrr Wafflatic hemmers_ Project No: LANDMXRKPlate LP033 B-1 7 Lots of Borings Sladden Engineering - 2017 BORE Li SL A DDEN E Wil N E E R 1 NQ DrUl Rig: Mobile Br. =Date Date DrnlEud: lVi6 3M Elevatiwc 23Ft GMSL� kLl.Oring96 �' E r .2 , LSI+ cl}SLi�ti m CL .9 a a A 6 at U 5aIFy land (5M'k slil{}riLv rrraisL dark ln�rr� firrto-iwar �raiiycxl- ,_ wl AraM arO Lra[ce of FIII). I 3 fL3.9 5A ID9A Sandy 5011 (M); moist dmLbruwjl� very stiff, Ion• plUtieRy # w� day �Qlilp. G14 MY i 14A qaneLV 5111 (UT-.� g1jodLF molal, dark hmvirk ucTy stiff, loin• plsytirity W)-OaYa-C YO)- a I : I• 41.1 3.6 I� SaneLy Sill (Ul.� KUghILF mc&;l. darklrmwr-i, hard, low plasliaty xY cloy (QI-QMj- 12 14 F!]2 i 1 55.1 7.•i 1U1.7 Il5aiwly Sift3UOL Ly rrmisk darkluuwn, %wry atifF, low ph-111 r.ti I Lla}• (Ql-Qa]). IR OV6 72.3 1} 1 �I1 SmAy Silt (MLS- Aigh4y rrwist, dnirk kcrwrb cliff. lkrw ptaMbdLy w! 2 clay (Ql•QaL]. FQ.2 FL6 X15.3 Silly Clpy (CL): slotly 1114M, ({rapi�;h browr4 ". law to medium �.irihcttj+ �I-Qsl�• 26 fkpf9 lk" t>= SILly Clay (('1.j. :;Irp)itly mmm, Ticawri, miff, LrA• tr)medium #{lam$ yy,.2 71L5 45.1 Wly Cldy (C'L]-!sli imi� 1. gr8yiOlMirrowll. very abff. low Lo ,h}tl}r MLy f-Iay [Cilli:nWts4 gray kih Dr-�rwn, 6Lllt, ]ow Io mleAlum plasticlty 44 7}11)12 04.6 119-1 CA.L .Si1L1y [`.lay PO-Yw Lyayirh br4 wn,gilfr low Ir, mrduim pl.xticlty dg 5ti+71E E"A 1214 511 Silty Clay (Cl-); wed, gray3r-h brown, stiff, lour to rncdkum pLmtddly *-Gal). t xinpledpQr Natr-.�: SALVER ROCK RESORT ODA{FLEX TLYminm" IF 51.5 Fee bgm. NWC jEFFEF9QN 57 REET & AVENUE 5#, L4 QUINTA Nn C:rcami walm rir fimpw fncftimp". l"ect Nn: !444114M l' I No BexjrDzk EmmuntmM. Re t Nu: 12-01-D11 BORE LOG SLA DDEN ENGINIMEIRING n, Lu RE. ML*ije 0-61 Date MkJ: 3 2n4AM6 Rlmalbw! 25F-ktm!5I-) Boring Wa M11.2 ra IS M6 CL DescipLim J. Silly S�md 4aM]; slolly medsi. daFk Imewm ftrw-Ia-mArm graWwd wf W-aml and ilwe- of dwy cpill� 117.2 S J Ly Sam d 4 SIWI�. I igh tl y mtiLA. d A Fk 6r6w^ Mkdimm d &L-*_ hrte- t� cvw33-- r. rairwd wt day, 10 -W k 0-5 1.2-5 124.1 SanAy $III {N!14: -jDlol, dirk hmmn. hard, lyw F"!ALKtiy wf e4y JQI- Q21). 12- -6 L.7 7.6 SaTmty SRI {Pull.); rJighlly nwmt, &ark bmycm medium sfi(C k1w 14-2 i ri ty -1 rby (QI -Q, 10 - 5iliy Sand dry, grayish brown, lk Km, fi n L!-- m, au r.w RTa iTied wj SJfiJk 30.7 day (Qf-Qal.l. A4.4 M.2 S i I I f C1 ey (CU we tm� r, r a yhAb 6 r.)w Fi, vesy I tif F, I vw bo atedi LLm p Lmd ci ty (Q.1 -UW) - -2S ty Y I n WeL gftyi7h bkrwrl. Wrry %, 111. 1f— It, im-06, in Tem I iia bed * 31 5 Fm bp. No Gpimiridwan ar Seepage EnmuiblerM- No Dedruck ETKm" mod 3R - 40 43 Alf, cm CimplaimNahm.: Sll-'Vr-R ROCK RE%)RT COMPLEX NWIZ JEFFEYSION 5THET &AVENUE 54, LA QUINTA ,['IqcctNa: Re L IVB: 17 -Cl -011 LIRE LSC MLADMEN NNOINERNINO Drill Rik; hih)Mb-,D-61 Late DIJILICA 12A1hW16 Fli-v.nlwxl! 6 F4 (M) Mnmg Nw 1511-3 23 C M Dc"PLMM C! r -2 7E =i LJ 0 Sdty Sand �1�; 4011�r Me4a 4A3flk bl—E4 flML�-U1---M3E$.0 gr.:drwA wt gzavd and Lrace cl day 003. B :2 iS I I rk S -Artily Sill (M"-SUglilly F3wji:jk dark twuwr-4 wfty Mff. IL7w plwbdcy 6 -1 0 X I? u1:k i -1 -1 M - Sandy 9i IA C MT-), nvv:&t dark b rowin. %T Fy A Lit L-tw pl -.1 s L3 d I y W clay 14- fL5.9 7.6 87.8 Sandy 9111 M -g shf)htly rami. dwk bmwTk. ok lcm -plWcLiy wj ciav ".Q21). Is - I L.5 1 5411X101 --5M1; dry, g r -a y im 14 bguw M m ed hm in dense, funw- I L?-c,ja me r d ii Led w f t3ra ur of Alt [ Y-Ua 11. wlzrl2 Q-5 3.7 94A) �A i id y 5d t JM L]: dry. r, r d y hs 14 1�ru w m Aa bw p Las ti d tv wj traLe u F cloy 76 11 r, -32- 5amcly 50t JML); dry, Fayirh bmmk Ati(C low pl.i-.*�nlv w-1 dr.1ce- of clay fol-cuil). TQ t A ti I %a I ed *.31.5 Fee t t%p, Nk 5 G T4m rd wa btr 4w Vm p a p LTwm LM cred Nu Ded v -b -a E n cou n b=xml. 4n - -14 - 4fi- 50 Cgwrb3,1 H Notes; SILVER ROCK RESORT COlkirl-EX NWC J:9MHLUK STHEET & AVENUE 54, -LA fTANTA Pr4juiflNix 5".14MO Nip 3 I rR5 PZe N. 1701-011 d BORE-LOG S LAfFnE N ENGINEERING Drill Mg: Ainbole s,6i Dale Drilled: lZrI X916 Elev'atim: 25F4 (h£51� &-minj;No: OH-i 5 i - {r _ 1*H JS o u 7 G U Do:�ripthm E , rye ^ rEr� 9rF W }� i7 Silty 500 ( � Sll jgi41M}' n Jfi� br4y+Ilr f114� tiaYb� grSr�x1 • +rf lZrovel &A Lram of cloy Fi3Q. A�1+,1�1+� 4043 .0,4 4 6 Sar;dy5ulr{7.fL sliglrlly m3l;t�d4A ar� vvr+y010.1— pls*Gpt)r lk., gravel andday 4(N•W). k V13135 ill 1.3 2.1 98.9 10 �I:r, I-ond (sift- dry,dbrk bn rr. FrvkiiuerkdR -A fim-Io-varx- g.r&urled Wf &Mxel &rad Lla) (QFQal�. 1= ]+I 4916 I fl 1.9 5iby Sund f%{�- d.rv, dark tnm-m m-%diurn dmsc fim- lu•trame graimpj wf grm l and 03yr iS 115 'J� 3 2.9 V9.2 5iIfy Sand r%O; dryr, dark hvyrbg1. medlpm d4tw, firW40-"r5c gr;ibw I wfXr"urrlcllaY (;�i.3 14.0 xa 5andy 5111 (Xd . moir;lr pray L h bTowrL vrry miff. Ltrw p1a6ti0ky wf day{Ql-.r]i• 2H TVrHT7 17.1 3.5 I41L.9 StIty Ga Rd jSM); diy, gr,iyi0 truwrq, rrridium denverfine-4L,Cwme Wi Cray (Q1 �eL7• 37 :.-9-f"ed 17 •1.1.5 11.4 Silly Sand CW SkIghllp Yffi-WF gf-hyi�ft bWw.%hi ediUm dok!w- linL- 10-com.Km111W wy c1.y [fir 1). 36 5 1 M. t 163 915.5 Rity Clay �-I� mood, grayish brown, 5dffr lrAw In nwxia,M �i17�liC�lr �Qf1{lvlk 3Q?3 Jr J y MAI 4.1 a � 5iuy Sand (Sh{); dry, grayish ly 4 n. rndlum denser fitk�-l0-Ctw r� grained w clay Qa4�ol;i. 4 7L ' (�L.l; vel. g royixh bwwn. o-riff, km 4u n-wdiurn ptw4 ,ciry idcQp�ftk� '7 12 &0.3 39.5 BU sD911tr [ 1 lioplklia; n Nulrj: 91.VCR R1)L}GREiS v],cX}F,1}'LEX TcrmiQulM 4P;1-5 FeLm 156s. NWCIEFT-UrSM MET:TA. AVENUE K1-A(AI7,lTA NolGir vrundwaheroa 5egm ge Enaxunwrrd. 4 T4s 54-154Cr,59 ,� R o Dedrod I;1547134L14erud. 1"ri W. ry-W-1117 BORE LDG SLADOCH ENGINEERING Emu Rig 7aLkiit6-67 I D.iteTWIM: =drA 16 Fk-ff i Lq pr. Na BK-5 E t 2: z 5 Y, fL, Dismpurm 3: -2 —a ic CL m � Lu qJ ty Sand SM); s gj� i Ly cmbA, dark brvw r� finE- bu-OA v�e r, j iCpwl and qrac.•,,f djy (HIK 4 WIVIS I 61.3 8.2 EW 5,mcly 5i]t(.MU; zkghtly mmbr,, dark bmwil. vkTy Miff, In- pla$Mclly 6 wl cJdfy (QF-QaLK ".9 SAI10 dark br4mrL IDw plaAciiy 54idLiky K,9* 34 IiPn4n,fi 31.5 1.L IMJO Sdity SjirA (W-dry, grayLO h�nwm =&um &rL-;L,, fuic-lo-cm-ime 8 m I in M W I L-P.-- m of clay W QW 16 213 FaLly CLffy (CL); Mighdy —AA.Exayi& brown, kiff. kow-bD-uW&UM IL .1. 7:!. 87.6 'J.5 PL&Sfi ri t3r 101 QW)• L1114L7 C31.7 2.2 98JO Sandy Sill (VQdry, N7zykih Immm wery Airf, low plvAdLy wl doy 26- in I 1,.! I: 24A 9.l 4; 1 Lty 5ki nd (9M): dry, R r a yl Wh b rrAwn, med hun stiff. Fin o• to umw Wr Aly Tem-Lina" -P 31.5 Fee t rDp. No C r o im cl wim er oF S"Sz F! n ow n NfcA. N D Bcdx4 x k ETwaLm ksQ 44 iEy MLVER ROCK RESORT CO)vWLEX NWC JEFFERSON MEET & AVEN UR M. LA Ql:l NTA Pape 1 Report Ncc 17.01-011 BORELOC SLADDEN ECICINEEPUNO Drill Rig: hbawLe&bi DaicmWed: ]VINMJ6 El"ROk", I& FI WSW Ik)nr4R No: 83-1.6 µ m L 1 r EO rb WI 5ilty3and {3M); slightlynwial, dark brmw, {vrciu+ouarsegrained s wi xrwcl ,end qr.wc 4! clay (FORK 2 7=5 210.2 1.2 4 6 5iIiyrrand{5M{;d3-v, grayishlveawr4 oerdi ei dLme fime-lr-"oatrk grained w? trabr of d1my C0ANIP. S I : I }:P: 4A1.7 3j6 105.1 i0 SJ, SAM JSMJ,dyy.grgyla'hlit& rk. mwdnrm dcEim,fme-I-3— gt7Er+ed Wi Lrace of tby (04�paIp- 32 j ]4 SiNy Sand J,mk dty. grayielk bmwrr. nwdkum devise, fmw-Io-cc.61 Fw gralnad ++wJ Irk of doy SIM• 1#� 11': U, 7.1 il.d 118.2 Grandly Sand PPS def. KFayi* brrnvri;, drnx, fines to• marm rained wi trace of dlay TemyimolO dt 21,"5.Peak by NgC.rrawndwaWr rjF%XP3RC Enr•CRratc" Na Bedrock tnommb red. 3a 36 3& #Q 4-0 4tl r3D 1 k ti eiplt :n =1: .:• SILVER RC CK 3t�MT COWLE:K NWC IEEFEL5M 537REET & AVENUE K LA QUJNTA Frr}pee No! 54-1-]401 F R�ort hin: ]7,01,011 evlcv]7 SII ;A Sfily Subd (SM); sbjgy mwi%k gmyjah hx- ri. gp bmd wl p" and tiracm 0i de y (F 4 _qA 1.r, qAfi 9-,dy Silt VL? day, �,My im h br" r4 -L*xy sU p I H cl 4 -1 lmmDfrlay (QL.Qal). DDRE LOG SLAIDDIEN ENUPNFEEIRINIG Ordl IU& Unbltq--'B-6a: Dau- Drillud; a�7fk=% SUty5amd (.W - dry, payish browslm6e, jp3il-d WO Elcvatirn: 25 Ft(Rgraq No: ftp! -7 sE trwe of clay -QaL� W- 39.8 - L5 CL 511tv Saud CSM); djry. gtayloh bccyAn-% axLdhun dLLns,-,:rLnt:!-LrlK-o.ir,-- paisied wl irmed d4y CQ�IJL 71.0 A Q. 2D 53aidy Silt (ML); 9Lighdy molest jpoY Fh bcowTk. medium stiff, low lk4o pkv, lenity wl Lanae 0t 4av I Q I -Qal)• N A I'L-FJrLirMh!rJ dpzl 5 rmipgb. Crmindwnt-gr ar 5LLqnp Enmunturml. evlcv]7 SII ;A Sfily Subd (SM); sbjgy mwi%k gmyjah hx- ri. gp bmd wl p" and tiracm 0i de y (F 4 _qA 1.r, qAfi 9-,dy Silt VL? day, �,My im h br" r4 -L*xy sU p I H cl 4 -1 lmmDfrlay (QL.Qal). -H CAni qp4e UOR Nabe3c 51 Ly EK RUUK RESORT ODNIPLEX NWC IFFF MEET & AVENUE 54, ]-A LYUIWA 50-14M9 I -,a T6- TA H) SUty5amd (.W - dry, payish browslm6e, jp3il-d WO 12 sE trwe of clay -QaL� W- 39.8 - L5 99.2 511tv Saud CSM); djry. gtayloh bccyAn-% axLdhun dLLns,-,:rLnt:!-LrlK-o.ir,-- paisied wl irmed d4y CQ�IJL 71.0 TO 2D 53aidy Silt (ML); 9Lighdy molest jpoY Fh bcowTk. medium stiff, low lk4o pkv, lenity wl Lanae 0t 4av I Q I -Qal)• N I'L-FJrLirMh!rJ dpzl 5 rmipgb. Crmindwnt-gr ar 5LLqnp Enmunturml. 36 Na BedTcck Unccwa L! md. 34 36, -H CAni qp4e UOR Nabe3c 51 Ly EK RUUK RESORT ODNIPLEX NWC IFFF MEET & AVENUE 54, ]-A LYUIWA 50-14M9 I -,a Project 8227-04 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Program The laboratory -testing program was directed towards providing quantitative data relating to the relevant engineering properties of the soils. Samples considered representative of site conditions were tested as described below. Laboratory test results from the prior investigations are also enclosed. a) Moisture -Density Moisture -density information usually provides a gross indication of soil consistency. Local variations at the time of the investigation can be delineated, and a correlation obtained between soils found on this site and nearby sites. The dry unit weights and field moisture contents were determined for selected samples. The results are shown on the Logs of Borings. b) Compaction Representative soil samples were tested in the laboratory to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, using the ASTM D1557 compaction test method. This test procedure requires 25 blows of a 10 -pound hammer falling a height of 18 inches on each of five layers, in a 1/30 cubic foot cylinder. The results of the tests are presented below: Sample Depth Optimum Moisture Maximum Boring No. (ft) Soil Description Content Dry Density (%) (lb/fe) B-1 1-3 Sandy SILT 14.1 115.2 B-5 1-3 SAND/Silty SAND 12.3 117.0 Appendix C Project 8227-04 Page 31 c) Direct Shear Direct shear tests were conducted on remolded samples, using a direct shear machine at a constant rate of strain in accordance with ASTM Test Method D3080. Variable normal or confining loads are applied vertically and the soil shear strengths are obtained at these loads. The angle of internal friction and the cohesion are then evaluated. The samples were tested at saturated moisture contents. The test results are shown in terms of the Coulomb shear strength parameters, as shown below: d) Corrosivity Series Tests Corrosivity Tests were performed on a representative sample. Soluble sulphate was obtained in accordance with California State Standard Test No. 417A and minimum resistivity was obtained per California State Standard Test No. 643C. The results are given in the following table: Sample Soil Coulomb Angle of Soluble Boring No. Depth Soil Cohesion Internal Peak/ Chlorides (ft) Description (lb/ft' Friction Residual (%) (%) (ohm -cm) B-1 (p) Sandy SILT B-1 1-3 Sandy SILT 250 28 Peak SASNADIty 8.4 2,525 200 28 Residual d) Corrosivity Series Tests Corrosivity Tests were performed on a representative sample. Soluble sulphate was obtained in accordance with California State Standard Test No. 417A and minimum resistivity was obtained per California State Standard Test No. 643C. The results are given in the following table: Sample Soil Sulphate Soluble Minimum Boring No. Depth Description pH Content Chlorides Resistivity (ft) (%) (%) (ohm -cm) B-1 1-3 Sandy SILT 8.1 0.2986 0.0160 0.1234 0.0056 356 B-5 1-3 SASNADIty 8.4 2,525 Laboratory Test Results Landmark Geo -Engineers and Geologists - 2003 1COUAPSE: POTENTIAL TEsT (ASTM C53213) LANnASARK R roj$f-,i No: LP03043 1 10 100 Preswr� � Rvaift of T@t- Wlel Dry Dans4. puf 72.1 YV�aoer Content, %; 9.a Void Ratio, a: 1.25 S uratlan, %: a Collapse Potential Test Results FlnaO 76.fl 40.5 1-1715 91 Plato C-4 I SIEVE ANALYSIS I-15fC ROWTER MALYM Q I" S" 6 h mM G do Fl ruiai -CNfio Fig I CCWM I Mloin. I Fri 1 D so 8D ILENE lam■ ��a�aa��� �1 �✓•M✓•��I���i��s� 11 1 t t F{ ■ LmuWu fesPccotuNc'' `` Lair C+o.�SlO R.at7w .i IM3 Grain Size Ana1pla K 1Q Pk,M C-2 wiii�■iiii�i�isiiin�u��u ilio � .. IIIIY■�IIIIIIIII"��iII111111NIN IIII■IIIIIIIIVIII I�Il��lllllln I��u111111 1!!YI IIIIIIYII II�III�III�IIII 51CV:E ANALYSIS � ANALYSIS u.,wi �r�d W �q CWfrmcwn mar Fine Cww MKllm fm wiii�■iiii�i�isiiin�u��u ilio � .. IIIIY■�IIIIIIIII"��iII111111NIN IIII■IIIIIIIIVIII I�Il��lllllln I��u111111 1!!YI IIIIIIYII II�III�III�IIII 51CV:E ANALYSIS � ANALYSIS u.,wi �r�d W �q CWfrmcwn mar Fine Cww MKllm fm LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT. Tb a Xaflh Company PROJECT; SilverRook Ranch - La Qu inta. CA JOB NO, LP030-4 3 DATE: W24103 CHEMICAL ANALYSES =__V.;-- Wing; _B ring; B-1 13-3 1B-7 B-8 B-11 B-13 Caffrans Smple Depth, ft, 0-5 0-5 0-8 0-6 0-5 3-2 vetbati pH- 7.80 7.45 7,62 7.70 6.31 0,14 E1rackric;q l C CindLiGk Vq (m m h as)- Q.13 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 3.3 424 Re!5isfiwily (o �rn­om). 1300 490 1000 1050 1300 300 chloFide (0), PPM: 170 100 110 260 80 530 422 $Uiate ($04)a ppm' 300 570 165 263 375 I.IZ5 417 > 1500 Very mere Malarial $fiDd0 Concrale Normal Grade �teel Nomial Grp _# General Guidelines for S61 Corroswil. .Chwmical Amount in ae of —Aa4oL _Sail toam] CQMMW SOlubla 0 -low LOW Sulrates 1000 - 20co MaderEte 2000 - 50O SaVeru 5000 Very Severe olubl 0-200 Low C hlorides 200 - 711G Mnderale 700.1 O Swmra > 1500 Very mere Re3iMiV4 1-1000 Very $eyere 10100-21aw Sgwdro 20D0 0.0W Modeate 10,0 Lir LANDMARK apSelecibed 0hemical PIS Projoet No; LPLO3043 An$lyrs$s ResuliB -4 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT: The KeWh Company General (iuid$linaE for Soil qo ros Malerial Chemical PROJECT. SilvalRock Ranch - La Quinta, CA Dagm of AffeGle,d JOB NO, LP03043 SQil (Pprn) Q Concrete DATE: 11124W 0-1000 Lcw CHEMICAL. ANALYSES 101)0 - 20DO Boring, B -14 B-1 6 Gia■ Mrans g �5 Sarr�pl8 Pthr ft- 0.2 U -L Method pH; 7,45 6.55 643 Electrical ConduOnrity (mrnhos)_ 2.2 0.6 424 Re�istieyhy (ohrn-cm)- 460 14396 7130-1500 Chloride (CI), ppm: 190 150 422 Sulfale ($04), pprn_ 1,170 210 417 Very Severe G rade LANDMARK • CUW d?kme,`$IK Cc"%%...,r S el$cted D herrn ica I Blau Pr.oJeot NO: LP01041 Analyses Results -5 General (iuid$linaE for Soil qo ros Malerial Chemical o�majrst in Dagm of AffeGle,d ADenrt _ SQil (Pprn) Q Concrete Soluble 0-1000 Lcw Sumas 101)0 - 20DO Moderffre 200 - 60W Sa"ro > 5OOG Very Seyere Normal Soluble G - 20G �W Grade i:�hlcxldes 200-700 Moderate Steel 7130-1500 Seyefe �- 1500 Very Severe Nurrnal R-AsisWity 1-10DQ Very Severe G rade 1 Doa-2000 Savwe Seel 2001k -10,-130O U dwat-a 1O,+ Low LANDMARK • CUW d?kme,`$IK Cc"%%...,r S el$cted D herrn ica I Blau Pr.oJeot NO: LP01041 Analyses Results -5 L,ANDMAR K CONSULTANTS C Ll IE NT: Keith Campany PROJECT: SilvarRDck Ranch - La Ouinta, CSA JOB NO: LP03043 DATE; I WINC DIRECT SH TEST - INEITU (ASTU D3 3a) SWPLE LOCATION= Em 5.0 fl SAWLi� D RIPTICN= Clays Slit (ML) Shear Stress vs R -el. DisPlacemm -- Mo x1 2 U3 : $ LL Imen lawm 1 INN 3 14.7 U Comm. % -CLI 0.8 Ory Denolty, 84.0 a1A 0.1 85.3 Saiiura&n, 4D 18 ,2 �ismure Cament 6 3$.5 34.1 33.2 Dry Dentity, W, n-6 7'x.3 D1.7 Sawratim, %: so as 109 lorm AI Strays, ksi 0.82 1,07 7,83 shoor Strep$, k , D.90 1,2T I Shear Strern, ksf 0.37 0.7-$ 1.05 �Ubn Rate irjAirn n. 0.010 0.111D 0.G1D Imen lawm 1 2 3 14.7 U Comm. % -CLI 0.8 Ory Denolty, 84.0 a1A 0.1 85.3 Saiiura&n, 4D 18 ,2 �ismure Cament 6 3$.5 34.1 33.2 Dry Dentity, W, n-6 7'x.3 D1.7 Sawratim, %: so as 109 lorm AI Strays, ksi 0.82 1,07 7,83 shoor Strep$, k , D.90 1,2T I Shear Strern, ksf 0.37 0.7-$ 1.05 �Ubn Rate irjAirn n. 0.010 0.111D 0.G1D rj I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E --^ - Poak R"Idual 5 10 1.5 Angle af IMMMal. Friellon, dog.' a!5 31' Relative Di!apLaremw t ) CaFuslon, kif: V3 01D11 4 a.- 3 La Lrk 2 m 'C a FDIREDT SHEAR TEST RESULTS A 1 2 3 4 6 Normal Strtmz (k5f) Flo * Ragdumi 0 F 8 " AN11MARIK a vmrmmamrd�m,.� Direct Shear Pla to "ea No; LIO3043 Test Reriult5 i LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT; Keith Corrlparwy PROJECT; SilvefRock Ranch - La Quinla, CA JOS NO: L P03043 DATE. 1113NZ? DIRECT SHEAR TEST - INSFTU (ASTM 03080) &AMPLE LOCATION: B-4 @ 2, 0 ft SAMPLE DESCRIPTION; Sift WQ LL 5pebrmer Moisture Contorr�'.1 Dry DenaltY, Pc Saluratbn, °VF M slure Conterrt, R Dry Density, pr saluratim °h Noemal 5tmw kt Peak Shear Stress, ks Residual NQUF Suess, $:; aefarmat4n Rale, in.;min 1 2 } �_2 l;_G 5.9 E_7 F_ TGA MIA 8003 80.2 12 18 15 _ 38-1 37.7 40.0 f:- 72.4 &0.9 E2.2 79 E6 1 105 1.07 f; 0.,9,2 4,63 f; DAA 0.76 1.17 f f'. 0,46 0,64 1.06 x.010 0.010 0.010 Peek f idUal ! 15 LAn-gle Df Internal Frivtion, deg_: 31 - CohWun, kofi I DAI 0.1$ mommmilm 1 0 � on m 1 01 I��AIiIE_ LANDMARK ,rare•+, Direct Shear Plate Project No: LP03ID43 Test Results C-7 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS w 2 tp 0} 1) IM, l k, F M,.. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RF -SU � -6 Poo * Rwkluul 3 4 s 5 7 a r+urmal tress JKsn . �ME DIrect Shear Plate �I � No: LP031343 Test Rosults C-8 C1JP-NT. Keith Company PROJECT; SilverRock Punch - La QuirrEa, CA JOB NO: LP03W DATE: h 71i 7- DIRECT SHF -AR TEST - INSITU JASTM D30801 SAMPLF- LOCATION: &9 2.0 I't SAMPLE DESERIPTION: Sandy Silt (ML) shear V& ss vs Rol. is meat II h 2 3 Moisture C*Mtelit. ,A: 143.5 15 0 10.7 14.0 2,0 3 Dry Density. pcf: 87,91 n6 94,E X1.6 {:} Saturation,: 49 50 i 38 1.5 Mcistur-e Content, %, 30.7 27.6 21.E -: En a I)+ryr Nnsity, pct`.: 83,0 89.$ M.2 tL SUS-9�rM. 67 $1 710 NGrmalS ea -s, ksf 0.52 1.07 1,$9 Peak Shear Slreas, ksf= 0_$1 0.0 1A7 Residual Shear Stress, ksf_ 0.4S 0.75 128 fee fornulion Rato_ in. rain_ 4.010 0.070 0.010 a.0 Peals Fess Id ual 0 1;} Angre of Interna I Friction, deg.: 41 37 r Ri�r k�w Riaplaceme�t I Cohesion, kvP DAD 0.02 w 2 tp 0} 1) IM, l k, F M,.. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RF -SU � -6 Poo * Rwkluul 3 4 s 5 7 a r+urmal tress JKsn . �ME DIrect Shear Plate �I � No: LP031343 Test Rosults C-8 LANOMARK CONSUI-TANTS CLIENT: Keb C=pent' PROJECT: ,Sherlock Rare , La Quin ia, CA JCB NC: LP031143 DATE: 1 V 11 DIRECT SHEAR TEST - iNSITU (ASTM D30801 SAMPLE LOCAMON: B -1002 -oft 8AMPLJ! DESC RIP 1014, Sant{ Sift (iVlL) show $bass vs f1er. aisplaemuir �padrnen _ _ � .._ _ 2 � AV NoWurw Content % 10.8 117 47.7 13.7 1.6 :9 I)ry 1)4msPCf. paf S3.5 96.6 "J8 00.3 m1 � SMtur,9t On. %; 37 48 46 mbislure Conkrri, 24.7 24.1 Y 1.4 3 Dry Den*V. 68.7 92,0 813 V6 SRUraikxn, %; 76 81 74 . . ..... Nbnmal fie$, kE a52 1.07 1A3 Doak Shear gb-&mst Ira QL40 OL72 1.30 01, ReWual Shur Stress, kal a34 0.66 1.30 _ Deiorma4lon Rab&. Irumlrn. 0_DIC 0.010 f)_910 o I' Peak Rmildual 0 5 14 15 I Angli of Internet Ftictlim, deg,: 39 Relaiive aispla,cemeni f%) II I 41 Cohanion, 1wi': 0,DO lkOa IDiREGT SHEAR TEST RESULTS 4 2 C Reskluai o 1 2 ■ # 5 it 7 a' �q LANUMARK i mArua"rr��x Direct S hear p late project N . LP03043 Test Results c.5 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT: Keith Company PROJECT: SifverRD k Ranch - La Quanta, CA JOB NO: LP03N3 DATE: I V31WI DIRECT SHEAR IrE T - INSITU (ASTIVE ID3080) SAMPLE LOCATION; 8-12 Q 15.0 fk SAMPLE DE REPTION; Sender Sih AML} Sher Stream vs Rel. RI r4rlq Sp2dMen: 1 2 S . moiQture CQnf-en� ° T .0 &7 &1 2471 .G a2 a"itY, PGf 12A RLS O&a $'7.1 1 — Satu ralfon, ° o: 156 2!� 1,6 _ _30 MDislure Canlent, 181A 25.6 24.2 3 Dry Density, pdiy.s 9a.$ ga.$ uawraiiorw, ¢lo: 37 9 41 a - Normal Stra" k fi 0.52 1.07 L-63 Peak Sihoar £tr m, 0.74 088 1.73 w Ca.s Residua I Shear Suess. ksf, 0.65 0.71 1.5- i Duft ration Rabe, in.ft n. 0,0101 q,OfO 13.010, AmIdual 1 i RSI �pia�ar�l�nt (�j _P_eak Ang1-9 of I nterna I F riati nnr dog.. 42 -4G 0FtQ!5i on, k!sF; 0.15 0,0$ DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS I Z5 2 4M 1 Park ResIcual ♦5 ' 0 1 3 3 4 .5 a 7 5 Normal Strew MOR -P46""ayr Direct Shear Plate Project No: LP030�43 Test Results C-10 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT: Keith Company PRDJECT,. SifveeRgck Ranch - La Quints, Cok JOB NO: LR03043 DA7r=: I4I,3f01 DIRECT SFS EAP! TEST- INSWU (ASTM C3080� SAMPLE LOCATIDN: 013 @ 12.0fL 11�1�1A1�1_ $AMPLE DESCRIPTION: 8iftndy gill (IL) Shear Simss yrs R -9I_ DispdaCeft 11 Spcdrntn.. 1 — 2- 3 Av+ . Molstum Co"WIL %; 32A 111.7 124 21.1 2, a Cry -Dorm W, 84.E 82A 6?A 84-6 I�iilllli111d ���11111111i11 SVurallon : 90 49 35 1Molmrs cof}tw. 41.1 27.7 23.9 -- il! �1111111i111111 0 � DOnSo. Pot 54.Q Ti s6.� Sawallan, W 1� 68 74 1 Norma 1 Sinus, ksf 0.62 1.0' 1,63 Peak Shear Straza, kaf 0.60 1+46 1,54 to 0. Farsidual Shear Slmw, 0.37 1.� 1.41 U;da malRats, ts, irr� inL 4.010 0.(11(1 0.(11-11_ _ r I'll_RAWd ual i 10 Angle of Internal FrIcOon. daq.; 4 n Rola Displacement J%) Cohesion. Inst: 6.17 BAS CIRECT Ski EAR TEST I�ESU LTS W 0 IM 1 a Peak �r F�asid�l !71 1 1} 1 2 3 4 5 0 F a Normal 51r"6 W LINHMARK a� DI rest Shear P Wife Project No., LP03043 Test Renu It!s Ilillfllll 11�1�1A1�1_ I�iilllli111d ���11111111i11 il! �1111111i111111 l� Illlrlll�ll �1��111�11 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CUIENT: Ki�-ith Company PROJECT: SilverRook Ranch - La 0 Uinta, CA JOB NO: LP03043 DATE: 1 V310,31 DIRECT SHEAR TEST- INSITU (ASTM D3000) SAMPU1 LOCATION-. B-14 Q 22-0 A SAMPLE DESCR IPTIOM SaFAp Slit (NIL) Shur Stress vs Rei. Cispl@cement IIRS 111111 � �i1N11ii:C3,l L.71* 1 I 1 r. a 1 1 1 1 1 1 I q) 5 10 16 RelatiV19 Vi0plr r"QFit {'9I+} 4 3 (012 Q - �seamn_ 1 2 3 Avg. Molature cvnbwnit 9.1 10.7 7.1 9,0 Dry Garwsfty. pcf MS 90.6 68,41 91,4 SwuraOon, %; 33 34 22 lu,,re Content, 27.3 31,5 99.9 Dry Depwlty, pr , Sa3 97,9 99.9 Sstvra!ion, %:-. 87 95 95 Normal Stress, kel "2 111.071 1A3 Peak Shear Shvss, kef 008 0.86., 1J!5 Ru:F ideal Shur Siresg. krrf 0.51 0.7 1.16 DetorrnaWrr Rpt -e- in.rm1g). 0.010 0.910 0.010 Peak Rwiduat Anile aFInternail Frldlon, deg M 90 C�hes9on�usf: �,8b X17 L D I RECT S HEAR TEST RESU LTS ENEENEEMEMENE NESEEMENEEMEMEN MEMENINNIMMEE MENEM so MENEENE 0 1 2 8 A 5 6 P 23 NWMI Stress (ksS LAN 11AR fh%P%r"rwC3PFvww Direct Shear Plate Project No; LP03043 Test Results C-72 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CL IL NT: Faith Company PkDJECT: SHverkock Ranch - La Ouinta, CA d013 NO: LP030 43 DATE: 11)3fiM W ECT SHEAR TEST - I NSITU (ASTM D30SO) SAMPLE LOCATION: &-15 @ 15.0 Ft SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Slay Sarnd {SM} ear Suess �s R,al_ blspFaceeraenl k ,0 ER ,1 co 0.5 a 2 Q 5 i0 13 Relative Dispkwement � a) 4 ro 2 CD 0 �:�irnrY Mcirtlrm cont$nL, Dry Donslty, pd Satturallon. %,. molstum Gant m. % 1 7A S3.3 26 2 73,2 862 44 2�-3 3 Avg. 13A $1.4 92 5 X1.5 45 26.3 24.2 Dry Demfty, pet.. NA 90.1 X4.1 Saturation, %: 74 7.5 �3 1,63 - - Ncrm4 S1resis, kef0 52 1107 Peak Shear Siresis, kef, (�iS2 0,6$ 1,50 Residual Shear Stress, ksf 0.45 QL74 1225 (DefbrMalian Rarbe, in.Irnin. 0.010 0.010 - - Peak Residual _ Angle of Internal Fricuon. deg,; 413 36 Cohesion. W: 0,00 C.0 Ft—) IRECT SHEAR TEST RES-ULTS 1 EME 'ME 0 NIMEMEMENE110CRENEE NEEIIIMMENEM NOmral 8bras-s (VO) LAW IAB I}rryt-oct No.- LP03043 tAreet ,S hear Test Results Plate C-13 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS C uEwT; l eilh Company PROJECT: SlIverRack Ranch - La Ouinl;a, OA JOB NO: LP03043 DATE: 1 lti DIRECT SHFAR TEST - INSITU (ASTIVI 1)3 O� SAMPLE LOCATIO14: 8-15 0 12,0 ft SAMPLE DESCRIPTION; 9ft Sund 4 OA � 1 0 6 Specimen; 1 $ a A w1utum Conte4 76 lls 144 21-1 1 -9 , air Demity� pcfj 141,5 $9L? 87.4 " — Satureli¢n. %: :4 5+7 63 _ Wi:AUfU CWWFTt. 9ta Z14, 2 _ 25.1 22.4 My Det !pa 9$_� %.2 89.0 LL saturiguon.9 89 92 59 Normal SbvEa, Irsf, 0,57 Ix 1.63 Pmak sh-par Sln9es, ksfL 0.46 I A3 1.72 Residual Shear Stress. ks . 0.42 1_07 1.01 Reformation R@W, in,fmin. 0,0101 .0101 x,01 Residmi _ ,angle of Internel Fri"Dnp deg. 9;8 Cohesion, krf: 6,21 4.26 DIRECT SHEAR TEST R1=SULTS • Peak R-nidual 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 Normal Stress " hLAANUU-AAI Rrojoc# N#: 'LP03043 Direct Shear Test Res u its 8 LANDMARK CONSULTANTS CLIENT: Kelth Company PROJECT: SilverRock Ranch - Le Quinta, CA ,JOB N04. LP Q43 DATE: 111' 1 DIRECT SHEAR TEST e ENSITU (ASTM D3080) SAMPLE L ATION'. 6•17 @ 25.0 ft SAMPLE DESC RIl'TIDN,. Sandy Silt (ML) 5besr 8ftm as Rel, �ae }aplmpnl - -- � 1 A Moisture Cont+mk % 12.0 m &t 0.8 1 D^1 Density, pcf. S2A SLI 92.5 X9.4 )K1 Saturalion, %; 31 30 17 _ .2 Mbi!ilu re -Cofltenl Ifo- , G 20,5 26,7 i.1.0 ' 3 Dry Density. pcf 70,1 07,4 04,1 ` rl LL- ku�afi�n, Via; 781 90 90 I NormpP Sfivw, kab 0,52 1_D7 1.03 ` Peak Shear Stress, kaf. 0.39 0.51 C" I0.5 Reaklual Shear Stress, ksf a.29 0.49 1.22 eformadon Darts, InIrrin. 0.011} 0.010 1010 leak I Residual 16 Anole of Intemid Frictlan. dog,: 41 40 Re ki++� D plaoemenk (�6� ohselon, kef: MOO m DIRE T SHEAR TEST RES U LTS i V kn 0 2 m c i 1PLLak A P95iduel i j I I Normal Sftm (kgo L km Direct Shear Male Project N o+ L.R03M Test Resp Its 0-16 Laboratory Test Results Sladden Engineering - 2017 ladd n Engineering rin 450 Egarl Avenue, Be-aunrsonl GA 9222a W) 545-T743 Fax �9!51) 045-M63 Maximum DensityloptimiuFn I oNiure MIN Uf3Y )3�i7 Project Number= 344,14459 Project Namc: SilwcT Rwk R-c5art l.ab ID NumbcT; LN6-16057 Sample Locations BH -I I3trlk I @ 0-:5' Description: baric Brown Silty Saftd (SM) Maximum )Densiry; 118 per Optimum Moisture; 12.50A IM ieue size % Retained 3A 3r'$" r.1 0. JarluaTY 9, 2017 ASTM a- l557 A 4zaMrrPGrTypC; Mwhinc l umm Turk - Palm Drseri * HcmCL g�l�� ii�� ��i!•i�i� r�i� ii!•i��ii���=� � �l���l�� �i�i �i��� i!• ��i�i�ir.■!��! www ��>•r!�l�l��l�l� 1■■l� � l umm Turk - Palm Drseri * HcmCL sadden Engineering 450 Egan Avenue, Beaummrit, CA 92223 (961) 84 5-774 3 Fax IRB 1) 345-0&53 JQb N 13m bcr- Job Vamp: Lab ID Number; Sample lid: Soi l Desmription. 'Expansion Index ASTM D 4929 544-14059 Si lvcT Rock Resort LN6- 16057 BH -I ]31]lk I@ 0-5' Dark Drt)wrt Silty liemd (Sial) Wt ref oll + Ring: 5616 %�fci ht ofRi 191.1 Wt of Wet Soil: 371.5 ,O i dam pk "ci ght, 'In 0,45 Wet Density, f. 119.5 Densly, 107,2 o Sato a1rlon: 1 49,6 Exmn Sion rk # 4 f) c?'l iinr 1151 O17 3;10 pm Tnittsil R t atiia ().OM FEW T tudie,g ,O i Expamsion Index ( iFlai - iFZitiUl) X ICOO 5 Briera Park - Palm De+ cert - Hemet JanuRry 9, 2017 ladder. Engineering in 450 Egan Avenue_ Beauinon4, CA 92223 (951) 845,774a Fax (951) 84 5-8863 Dir—ed Skepr ASTM D 3080-04 (mcd'Lfied for uncormlidated condid-on) Job dumber, 544-14059 Job ; Tamm it ucr Ro A Resort Lab ID NO. LN6.16057 Sample ID SII - l Bulk t @ 0-5' I i ficakiun D -ark Broym Silty Sand (SM) Sampl-c Type remolded @ 9W.6 of Max Imum Density Januar} 9, 2017 initial Dry Dens4- 105.9 pef Initial klvsturr,Cann cnt: 12,7% Ycak Friction Angle (0). 30° Cohesion (c)' 60 W Te s i I?es u31s 1 2 3 4 20.3 Average Moiqure COrtLen[, Ufa 20.E 20.3 20.3 20.3 Saturation, a 92.8 92.8 92.9 92.8 9,21 _8 Normal Stress, I{ s 0.734 1_4-79 2.958 5.916 ftak Sire , ka 0.469 0.881 1-779 3.405 45.4) 5.9 # Ptmk %m Lirucwr [Pe-ok $ i j ��--- MMMMM J Ems No _ 1 2 1 4 5 15 Norm wl SI rens. kps Buena Bark • Palm Desert + HumeL ladden Engineering 450 Egan Avenue, i8esnant, CA 22223 1951] 845 7743 FOM �9s51) WZM3 ASTM Ci 17&C136 PFujcct Number; 544-J4059 Jwmry 9, 20 L 7 Pmject Nance, SlEvtr Dock Resurl Lab M Nw„bi r; LN6-16057 Sample D: S1,!-1 Bulk I @ 0-5' frail Classification; SM JOU.a W. -D MJD 70.0 606 Iz coo P. 409 3D1) 2D.D 1 D.D fkO Imo. Siwe ;e,ri� P nt Size, in sir,, MM PassIng 1 1 38,1 100.0 " 25,4 100-0 3/4" 19.1 100.0 i !2" 12-7 99.9 3!$" 9.53 .s #4 4.7S 99.5 #9 2.36 99.3 -Ni 6 1-18 5r7.0 #30 0.60 96.1 X50 0-" 93,4 #100 0.15 73.9 AL200 0,075 41.5 14.400 3 Wn a k Oa OL01 O -1. W I %7CVC,,IFS, HfIlYY RUC11a l'arl► , f3aln) f rt } I-lernet ladd n Engineering 450 E-gan Avenue, Beaumont. CA 9222 a (951 j 845.7743 Fax (951) 845.8863 Gradation ASTM C]1? &CL36 PIVIccl Nik nber. 544-14059 Projcct Marne: Silver Rick Rcbor1 I -Ab I Numbcr; LN6-16057 Sample ID; 13H=2 R-4 @ 21Y Soil Classification- SM 5ieVe sixt, in Siwe sizc, MM Percent Passil% lip 25.4 100-0 3J4" 19.1 l ()().() 1/211 12.7 100.0 V811 9.53 ] 00.o #4 4.75 I Mo #8 2,36 UU0.0 916 1,18 99'.9 Af3o 0,60 9�.7 AE50 0-30 97.2 41100 0.1.E 77.8 412130 0.074 36.6 January 9, 2017 nn ■ i m1�inA nrniu��r��Em�u■� �iiiis mom 11 INN mmuiiim ;:so�n�■�Frm�f■�nno■■�iur��■�i■ emu■■�iri�ur■ i ��ut■��m��■■� IfYli■■�Illili■WWII lll�■■�il'■'�1���11��1��w�� �.11�I■1;lm IIIII1MEMIlill1�! 1■�iii�mn�■■ ■■�111[�����illu�■til t �EINI!■■� �slill==Illlllmm= uiiIN iiiiii■������0���■■a mn�■ Buwa Park • Palm Dr-scrt - Hemet ladden Engineering 450 Egan Avenue, Beau menL CA' SMS (951 ) 84:5-7743 Fax (951) 815-B863 Gra-dation A!S-� 0117&C]315 Inject Num : 544-14059 PPDjUct Name-, Silver Rock Re -;or( Lab 11) Numher' 1 N6-16057 5arnplc ID; 131-1-3 -4 (0 Ar Sol] Classification; SM Siege Size, in Sieve Size,mm Nrcent Passing ]" 25-4 100,0 314" 19-1 100,0 1 J211 117 100-0 34" 9.51 100-0 94 4.75 100.0 #8 2-35 100-0 #16 1.18 100.0 M 0.60 99-6 #30 0.30 75.1 0100 0.15 AS #200 0.074 92.1 January 9. 2017 MUM= liiiiimmiliiiklmmill iiiiiE■■■iHill imiiiimmmnnlinin�illill MINE ■t ■�IIII�E■■�illll�■�l�lll MINE=�■�� 1 NMI IIIlo■■mIllflm ! 1111l■■=II■!t■tom Jill■�IIEIHI■�Illli�■■klill�mBil�i■� 'Etiiiii■~■=ii°lii�■M•■,■ �NNiommmul Milli ii� Hucna Park F Rahn Desen • I Iernet SIadden Engineering 450 Egan Avenue, Beau mont, 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845.8563 G ra d a#i*n ASTM C 117 L C 1.356 PTojeL:t Number' 544-94059 Pr£}jcO Name; Sihvcr Rc�uk Rcsort Lab 1D Number LN6-16057 Sample 113: 91.1-4 30' Soil Classification; S-1 Slew size, in Siwe SIze. mn1 L'Crcent Passi7 1" 2.5,4 100,0 3KI 19,1 lDD. 0 112," 12.7 100.0 319" 9.53 100,0 44 4,?5 100.0 .4R 2.36 100.0 .16 1.18 100.0 X30 0.60 99.8 X50 0.30 98.3 R 100 0.15 64.6 0200 0.074 19.1 January 9, 20 17 inH��11fR�■��m �ne�■■�m� IIIA!■�IIIII�■■VIII t■��IIlY�■ IIIII�■� III��■�[IIIII■■�IIII��■al�lll ■ IIIII�■■ 11111�l��IIIII�t��11111����111� 0 IIl11��� I1Ii11iESIII11�f��El1�� iii HIM 11111 1MEM 1111101t111f1101MI lEN1 1 0 rI1111MEMIti111=�= II,1111NE 111111MEM�Nf1I101�NEE� F111ME■iMiiiiiiiMiiii��l0ua� �O1il1nis E vena Purl- - P.Mim D+ rt - Hemet Sladden Engineering 4:54 Ei aaD Awenue. Beaumornj, CA 92223 (951) 8454743 Fax (951) 64"8" Gradation ASTM C1 17 & C1 36 Projcci Number. S4444059 11rojecl Name-. Silver Rack Rcsorl Lab ID t4umbcr. LN6.16057 Samples IIS: 1311-5 R-3 @ 15' Soil Classif radon_ 5iv1 Sieve sive, ir] s1 size, mm P-arc.ent Pas -,;j ng 1 " 25,4 100-0 3/4' i �.1 100.0 31" 9.53 11j0.0 04 4,75 1U0.0 4s 2,36 100.0 416 IN 98.3 80 0.60 7$_4 450 0,30 57.2 41110 0.15 45.3 4200 0.074 32.8 January 9, 2{117 11111111m NMI M 0[Ill�l�lrtlll�/■Yilllll�■Allll��■■ IlII rr III��■�fIIJI�■■AHI■t■■� ■�IIIII�■■! NMI �liliiiiiUi�iiii'�ii�� m■f�u����■�nx'�,t■gym1_�■_ ■��m�r��■� IIIII��� �Il�fl��l�Ill lll�L �Rlll�v=lIIII1ffmi ��II INrr�lllll�■■�lil ll�■r SII I[I���111111■ �� IIII�!■■�IIIII��■ rlflll�■■�:I lllil�■ice Illlf�■■� 11��■■tlllll�■■�11" IIIII�■■� 11111111011=11, run llill1■mum IIII���IIIII�■■ IIIfI�■■Ili■�IIII, 11l�■■ �o��■� ins nm�■ �i nn1■m Burma Park * Palm Nwrt - Hemet I dd n Engineering 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont, CA M23 (951) 845-7743 Fax (9:51) -�d 543 GradatiaR A rTM (' 117 L C 136 Project Number, 544-14059 pmjcct lgamc; Sl'.Ivcr Rock Rcson Lab ICS Number; LN6 16057 Sample ID; BH -6 S,1 @ 5' Sall C lasslficai ion: Ski Siete 5ifea irm Sieve Sizta mm Percent P&qsiiig I" X5.4 If b 314" l), l 100,0 1`' 1-2,7 100,0 318- 9,53 100,0 #4 4,75 100,0 #8 2,36 99,9 #16 1.18 99,9 #30 0.60 99.7 #50 0.30 93.0 4100 0-15 54--0 9200 0,074 21.1 Janivary 9, 2017 im■�■�mnr���mi��■�am■ nm■■ �iim■■�nuu■■�nnu���u���■■�w�u� min■si�nn■■�n��nn�Cm���■■�iiii�i� mn�■■�i�uu■■�nEn�■ �un�■r■ Illil�■■� 1i111�1■�dd11i1��i�11��■�Ill�■�� I1111■■M Illll1==1■li■■�mIlIIli■�Ifllll■�= min■■Mm1n�■■ �inn�S■M1m1■■m iiiiiii�w iiuiii iiirNi►iIuiiiiiMiiiiiiirr �iiim�ii�iiiiii■■�n��iii�i°niii�i�iiiii'C Ifli'�■■�IIIII�!■SII i■■�'1111�1■�IIIII�■ ' 1111 ONE= i1m1M■Mimn■■Miri111iICiiiiiiiEM IIIII��l= 111111M EMllMliEM IB11Ii ■MIIIII1■■M mn1■EM11mu■MUsIMME �r�■ ■n� IflBM■EM11I11H■MEIOii■ t■■mIEIIIoi IiIOM■EM11111�M1111 A It Butitia PWk • Palin Desert • Ile3nv-i ladden Engineering 450 Egan AWenue Beaiirrpnt, CA 92223 (�51] X45-7743 Fax (951) 845-08M ra da flon ASTM 0117 & x:136 "ert Numtwu: 544.14059 Trujcct Namc: Silver Rock Reuvrl Lab ID NwMber- 1,N6-16057 Sample ILS: RH-7 R-2 Oq 10' SnA Cl+ssifi"do ; SM Sieve Size, in Sieve 51-rw} mm P=Flt Passing 1 " 25.E 1()().() 31411 19.1 0-0 100-0 112" 12.7 101}. L) 319" 9,53 100. L) i94 4.75 100. [M 48 2,36 .9 416 1.1& 95,9 DO 0-60 88.5 #50 0,30 64-0 9100 0,15 42.5 O 0.074 17.8 J arivar)• 9, 2017 1111 IN �iiiiwi�iiiiiiii�ii°iii`iiiii�■i=�n�� nnn■�nnr�■A rnnis■►mmiss NMI I'll ii11110 IElill■■�ui���■r iiuiin■LViriIIra■Mummu� IIIII�!■111111■■ illA�■■rrlllll���tll�Il�� nlnng■miloll B■Cinni■m luiima■mmul■■ ililloommillimommillillon��liiioi�iiiii�I Pi BUCna Park + Palm Wrn - Hemet ladden Enginoering 450 Egan Avenue, Beaucnonl, CA X2223 (` 51) 045-7743 Fax (13!51).045-08n One Dimensional Consolidation ASTM D2435 & D5333 Ju'hNumbcr; 544-14059 job Name.. a1ucr Rock Rcson Lab ID Nu nbcr; LN6.115057 Sample I D= RH-1 R-2 R 6' Soil Dcscription- Lark Bmwtk Sandy 9di(ML) J t C 5 4 3 2 -3 January 9,2017' ini Lial Ivry Dcrmity, pc f; 116.0 1311h'Al MC33'sture, Flo: 10-7 Initial Void Ratio- 0.437 Spccific Gmvity. 2.67 gb Chang is Height us Norrrn al P rc�swn Ulanm IN Perame Sni uini7 A AAci Saftualim ■iiiiiii��il�''� oilMR 11 1111111110 11 MEN 01 R`1 1.0 1 WD Normal Lnad (Not) BUCna 130rk F 131aha DeScrE + IIemei 1{10.0 ladd n Engineering 450 Egaa Awenwu . BeaumGnt, CA 92223 (9:51) 845-7743 Fax (951) 94 5-88$9 One Dimensional Corr sol ida t ifia ASTM 4.35&a 4:5.15 Job NumbCF ; 544-14059 lob Name: Silver Rock Resort L.ah IH Number: LN6-16057 5i,mplt 1D: BH -2 k-2 @ 6(' Soil Descriptilun: Dark Br*wn & dy gilt (ML) January 9, 2017 Initial Iury Density, pct`.- 122.0 lniiiLLI�it�ll, do-; 12.5 Initiai Void RaLI{]: 0,M7 specific Gravid': 2,67 V. CIM10 irk Height vs Kurmnl PYess-wr-1DIap-rarrk & Ek1bfq 53Mwiura A Ak-r &dluraIian I Rcbuuod # Hp&o Cc=lbamico r 0.1 1.0 10-0 Normal Load (kqi) 13=1kil Park - Palm fJcscrt 0 1jelnet moll In bib. .10111 nil 1111111 111 IN iik4 �■iuNil i IN I III 11=01 I FURM61ii In 0.1 1.0 10-0 Normal Load (kqi) 13=1kil Park - Palm fJcscrt 0 1jelnet Sladden Engineering 6782 Slanton Ave...SLM* C. Bucy -w Park, CA 90621 {714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 45090 Gori Center Nat". suits F. Indio, CA 9M7 (780) 863-8713 Fax (76+0) 8634)a47 450 Egan Av6nue, geaumril, CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845.8963 Date- January 9, 2017 Account No.: 544-14059 Customer: Robert Green Company c/o Michael Baiter International Location. Silver Rock Resort, NWG Ave 54 & Jefferson Street, La Quinta Analytical Report Corrosion Series pH Soluble Sulfates per CA 643 per CA 417 PPM BH -1 @ 0.5' 8A 400 Soluble Chloride per CA 422 PPM 150 Min. Resistivity per CA 64 3 00M.0M 1030 CA pC '-A4-140" 010417 GEOTECHNICAL PLAN KEY "L-17 BORINGS DRILLED BY LANDMARK (2003) PL -4 PERCOLATION BORINGS DRILLED BY LANDMARK (2003) B&9 BORINGS DRILLED BY SLADDEN (2017) BG -9 BORINGS DRILLED BY GLOBAL GEO (2019) ® GL -5 LIMITS OF GRADING OBSERVED BY LANDMARK (2004) ® GS -5 LIMITS OF GRADING OBSERVED BY SLADDEN (2019) 400 0 400 800 SCALE FEET Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix F Structural BMP and/or Retention Facility Sizing Calculations and Design Details Per Section V.1 of this report: Since the project will be required to retain urban runoff onsite in conformance with local ordinance (see Table 6, Permittees Requiring Onsite Retention of Stormwater, of the Whitewater River Region WQMP), Site Design and Treatment Control BMPs are not required. The site will sheet flow toward recharge basins based on its respective drainage area. This project will retain the 100% 100 -year "pre -developed" and "post - developed" conditions. Hence, it satisfies the local ordinance requirement for 100% on-site retention for the 100 -year, 24-hour storm event. There are no significant changes in the runoff retention of the site, due to this project. SilverRock Resort SW Corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA 92253 FINAL HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC MASTER PLAN October 9, 2017 Contact Persons: Mujahid Chandoo, PE Jessica Condon, EIT Prepared for: SilverRock Development Company, LLC 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, CA 92024 qr OFESS1 .5) p v Prepared by: i�T Ld ps, Michael Baker International Ex * 5 Hutton Centre Dr, Suite 500 Santa Ana, CA 92707 ��'� JN 152669 Michael Baker SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta TABLE OF CONTENTS I PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... l 1.1 Existing Conditions....................................................................................................................... l 1.1.1 Existing Land Use................................................................................................................. l 1.1.2 Existing Topographic Features.............................................................................................1 1.1.3 Existing Hydrologic Conditions............................................................................................ l 1.1.4 Project Soils.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.1 Existing Drainage Patterns.................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Proposed Development Condition................................................................................................ 3 2 HYDROLOGY....................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................................8 2.2 General Guidelines........................................................................................................................ 8 2.3 Rational Method............................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 Rational Method Guidelines................................................................................................. 9 1.1.1 Rational Method Calculation Software................................................................................. 9 2.4 On -Site Developed Hydrology....................................................................................................10 2.5 Hydrology Design Flows............................................................................................................10 2.6 On -Site Storage Volume.............................................................................................................11 3 HYDRAULICS..................................................................................................................................16 3.1 Hydraulic Modeling Guidelines........................................................................................................16 3.2 Flooded Width...................................................................................................................................16 3.3 Catch Basin Calculations..................................................................................................................17 3.4 Outlet Structure Design.....................................................................................................................18 3 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................19 List of Figures Figure1: Vicinity Map...................................................................................................................................................................4 Figure2: Project Location Map....................................................................................................................................................5 Figure3: Project Soils Map...........................................................................................................................................................6 Figure4: Land Use Plan.................................................................................................................................................................7 Figure5: Typical Street Section..................................................................................................................................................17 Figure 6: F1owMaster Halfstreet with Rolled Curb...................................................................................................................17 List of Tables Table1: Project Soils......................................................................................................................................................................2 Table2: Hydrologic Summary.....................................................................................................................................................10 Table3: Volume Comparison......................................................................................................................................................13 Table4: Storage Requirements...................................................................................................................................................14 Table 5: Existing/Proposed Basin Properties.............................................................................................................................15 Table 6: Storm Drain Design Summary......................................................................................................................................16 Table7: Riprap Pad Design.........................................................................................................................................................18 October 2017 i Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta Exhibits Exhibit 1: Proposed Hydrology Map Exhibit 2: Drainage Area Map Appendices Appendix A: Hydrology Calculations Appendix B: Stage Storage Volume Calculations Appendix C: WSPG Calculations Appendix D: F1owMaster Calculations Appendix E: HELE Catch Basin Calculations October 2017 2 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Master Plan outlines the preliminary facility sizing for basins and main storm drains for the SilverRock Resort Project. The project is located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 in the City of La Quinta. The site is approximately 545 acres and includes a combination of low to high density residential development, a hotel, mixed use areas, and several golf courses. See Figure 1 for a Project Vicinity Map and Figure 2 for a Project Location Map. The project site is bounded Avenue 52 on the south, Jefferson Street on the east, Avenue 54 on the south, and the Santa Rosa Mountains to the west. SilverRock Resort is bifurcated by the All American Canal, which forms a physical barrier between the west and north portions of the property from the south and east portions. To the north of SilverRock Resort lies the Citrus course, a residential golf course community; to the east lies The Hideaway, another residential golf community; to the south is PGA West, another large residential golf community; and to the west, for a major portion, the east facing slopes of the Santa Rosa Mountains, and for a lesser portion, the Traditions, another residential golf community. The proposed development includes modifications to the existing golf course, a luxury hotel and luxury branded residential units, a conference facility, a lifestyle hotel, a mixed-use village, a new golf clubhouse, public parks, trails, canals, streets, and future golf holes. This report serves as the preliminary engineering analysis for the existing drainage assessment and post -development watershed hydrologic conditions associated with the proposed development. This report is based on the requirements of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District's (RCFC) Hydrology Manual, the Whitewater River Watershed MS4 Permit, and the City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletins #06-15 and #06-16. 1.1 Existing Conditions 1.1.1 Existing Land Use SilverRock Resort is approximately 545 acres in area. In its existing condition, approximately 240 acres have been developed as a golf course, practice range, clubhouse, and supporting parking lots and streets. The developed areas lie in the western half of the property and are located directly adjacent to the Santa Rosa Mountains. The eastern portion of the property is largely undeveloped, consisting mainly of open desert land. An earthen drainage channel for off-site flows currently crosses the site along Avenue 52 to the north and Jefferson Street to the east. 1.1.2 Existing Topographic Features SilverRock Resorts consists of three topographic features: the steep Santa Rosa Mountains, the existing golf course, and the mass graded areas. The general flow path on site slopes gently from northwest to southeast. The golf course is graded with several lakes and low points to help retain stormwater. The elevations throughout the project site range from -1 feet to 36 feet (msl). The Santa Rosa Mountains that drain to the site rise to approximately 960 feet. 1.1.3 Existing Hydrologic Conditions SilverRock Resort has several hydrologic conditions, both on-site and off-site. The existing on-site hydrologic conditions consist of the following areas: • Steep mountainous watershed from the Santa Rosa Mountains • Sediment deposition areas at the toe of the mountains October 2017 1 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta • Existing golf course, cart paths, clubhouse, streets and parking lots where water is retained on-site • Flat/depressed areas where water either percolates or evapotranspires with little to no runoff • The All American Canal which operates as a barrier to any stormwater runoff from the west or north. The southern and eastern portions of the site runoff onto Avenue 54. The existing off-site hydrologic conditions affecting the site consists of the following area: • The storm drain outlet located along the northern portion of the site drains both an attenuated stormflow from the storm drain system adjacent to Calle Rondo north of Avenue 52, as well as dry weather flows throughout the year. • Offsite street tributary areas Avenue 52 between Washington Street and Jefferson Street, Jefferson Street, and Avenue 54. 1.1.4 Project Soils Project soils were obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Web Soil Survey, and by referencing the previous Stormwater Management and Debris Control Plan prepared by MDS Consulting (2003) and the Mountain Runoff and Onsite Runoff Detention Basin and Percolation Rate Analysis prepared by PACE (2005). See Figure 3 for Project Soils and Table 1 for a summary of the soils found on-site. Table 1: Project Soils Hydrologic Soil Group - Summary by Map Unit - Riverside County, Coachella Valley Area, California (CA680) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name SCS Soil Type Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CpA Coachella fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes A 39.6 5.9% GbA Gilman fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes B 98.5 14.8% GbB Gilman fine sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes B 13.1 2.0% GeA Gilman silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes B 1.2 0.2% Ip Indio fine sandy loam B 8.6 1.3% Is Indio very fine sandy loam B 312.3 46.8% MaB Myoma fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes A 77.8 11.7% RO Rock Outcrop D 112 16.8% RU Rubble Land D 3.6 0.5% Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) 666.7 100.0% October 2017 2 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta Summary by Mrip Unit — Aive"We Cntmty, Cvachd[a VaRcy Arra, Cahromin (CA400) 4 ►Yap unit syndwl Map utait Want. kmi" A.— in A01 Petc.att of A07 CPA [owdvUe Cre 69rdt 4 to 2 pernent sines A 62.2 6.2% GhA Ga—n fine smody Itnnn, 0 to 2 p.rcetrtsltapcn E 229.5 17a% Gb& rVrnen F.ne s,,u* Ipwm. 2 to S pemeut Awn 0 11,L 1.0% GeA GJIman silt Ioeonr 4 to 2 par_mt slopes & 6.6 059. :P Anda We sandy krern 0 42.6 3.2"A. As Anda wary. fineaandy loam a 379.& 2d_G96 Ms8 Myoma Rne ga-d, 0 to 5 Aeieaix snipes A 171,3 13.7 % M.TJ My— Fne sand, 5 to 15 peraertt slopes A 0.1 0JG% pia @och amuop 3&7.1 24.29h RU Ruhhle land id.9 ItA0.. Yr Wahl 2.5 02%. 1 ntalc for An.a of Intsresl 1,227.7 1110.99& Existing Drainage Patterns The SilverRock drainage patterns consist of steep drainages in the mountainside that collect and concentrate the stormwater runoff and deposit the fast moving waters into the sediment deposition areas. Once the stormwater runoff exits the sediment deposition areas, it fans out and enters on-site lakes and/or other low points along the golf course where it percolates or evapotranspires. Per the City of La Quinta Focused Area Drainage Study prepared by Michael Baker International (February 2016), stormwater run- on from the off-site storm drain system adjacent to Calle Rondo is estimated to be 60 cfs during the 100 year, 1,3, and 6 -hour events. 1.2 Proposed Development Condition SilverRock Resort is proposed to be a resort golf course consisting of multiple golf courses, hotels, residential units, and a variety of mixed use areas. The mountain slopes to the west will be left in a natural, undisturbed condition. The Specific Plan for SilverRock Resort provides additional details of the development. Proposed development will direct flows to on-site storm drain systems that discharge to the existing golf course lakes, or to future on-site retention basins. The proposed development consists of a substantial amount of grading and development, thus modifying the area's flow paths and runoff coefficients. Refer to Figure 4 for proposed Land Use designations. October 2017 3 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta Figure 1: Vicinity Map a I I . .1p .. --.IF-•I I T1, 1: Legend Project Location June 2017 4 Michael Baker International 45M — 6, iOlb A- A—=- rt pm-- LiL wntm�6ter, `1:,0..4 C cKa F Z.. U N1. I E 4 r! "o—a 0, 4M a I I . .1p .. --.IF-•I I T1, 1: Legend Project Location June 2017 4 Michael Baker International r 5�v Ada it bf'--f T�v I Lip 51 4;IF dk� 9'Vl. . qW Ih, V Y� ra 16 4L 1L 4L IL PL di 5E5M 56wM La Figure 3: Project Soils Map SilverRock Resort a�oo Sr�a6 s�o6 scr�2u6 sEssoo 5 .ssrw6 s�aao ssr�90 S�a000 �a3o6 b N 6 290 400 8f10 1206 Few 6 5601006 2006 3000 pwhm: YVEbMater- Q n a" mb : WGSN &kjm bm- UfM tare 1LN 44GSE5T June 2017 6 Michael Baker International La QUIP310 AVENUE 52 1A 3A M 1-M2_ C M3 i B NI-N2-N3y i� '[ 02 01_ E JL C— D D 79 Q1 n M G P1 O J1 z H (n K F M M S1 11 R1 T1 R2 AVENUE 54 Legend Basin Drainage Area Landuse Commercial Golf 1/4 Acre Lot Residential Offsite _ Water Sources: Esri, HERE, Del-orme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, Mapmylndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community N I xTeRNATI0 N'A L 1,500 750 0 1,500 Feet SILVERROCK RESORT LAND USE PLAN FIGURE 4 SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta 2 HYDROLOGY This section will discuss the hydrological methods used in sizing the preliminary storm drain system for the proposed development. The proposed system will convey flows from the developed site to several existing on-site lakes and future retention basins for storage. hi addition to determining the peak flows resulting from the development, off-site stormwater run-on was also analyzed to determine required retention volumes. 2.1 Methodology The tributary drainage area boundaries were delineated utilizing USGS quadrangle maps and current aerial topography for the project site. The proposed street improvements and rough grading plans for the project site were used to determine drainage patterns and boundaries for the on-site post -development condition. Detailed hydrologic parameters used in this analysis can be found in the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Hydrology Manual. 2.2 General Guidelines The following assumptions/guidelines were applied for use of the Rational Method. Hydrology studies were prepared using methodology outlined by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation (RCFC&WCD) Hydrology Manual (April 1978). Preliminary onsite hydrology was computed using the Rational Method also following the Riverside County Hydrology Manual. The Rational Method is commonly used for determining peak discharge for relatively small drainage areas of less than 300-500 acres. Each proposed drainage area is much less than 300 acres. The effects of infiltration caused by land use and soil surface characteristics were included. The USDA's Web Soil Survey indicates that the project study area consists of a combination of soil types A, B, and D. Hydrologic soil ratings are based on a scale of A through D, where D is the least pervious, providing the greatest runoff. The type of vegetation, percent ground cover, and percentage of impervious surfaces also affect the infiltration rate. The majority of the site will be graded or has been graded in the past. Compaction from grading causes a loss in permeability, so soil type D was selected. Per criteria from the RCFC&WCD Hydrology Manual, an Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) II was used for the 10 -year and 100 -year analysis that reflects the degree of ground saturation from previous rainfall events. The AMC value can range from I to III, with condition III being the most severe, allowing for greater runoff and low infiltration. 2.3 Rational Method The Rational Method, an empirical computational procedure for developing a peak runoff and discharge for storms of a specified recurrence interval in small watersheds, was used to compute peak flow rates for watersheds less than 300 acres. The formula is: Q = CIA October 2017 8 Michael Baker International Where: SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta Q = Peak discharge, in cubic feet per second. C = Runoff coefficient representing the ratio of runoff depth to rainfall depth I = The time -averaged rainfall intensity for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, in/hr in inches/hour (in./hr.). A = Drainage area, in acres 2.1.1 Rational Method Guidelines The following assumptions/guidelines were applied for use of the Rational Method: The basic assumption for the Rational Method is that the precipitation rate is constant and uniform over the entire watershed for the time duration such that runoff could travel from the most remote point in the watershed to the concentration point; after which time the rate of runoff does not increase. This is the time defined as the "time of concentration (T,)." The method is based on the assumption that the peak flow rate is directly proportional to drainage area, rainfall intensity, and a runoff coefficient "C," which is related to land use and soil type. • The runoff coefficient was developed using a runoff index potential number or curve number that ranges from 1 to 98, where 98 has the highest runoff potential. The runoff coefficients are dependent on the percentage of pervious area. • Initial subareas were drawn to be less than 10 acres in size and less than 1,000 feet in length per the RCFC&WCD Hydrology Manual guidelines using this procedure. • Pipe travel times were computed based on preliminary pipe size estimation assuming normal depth for an estimated friction slope. The travel time was calculated assuming full flow and using 30% of the total friction slope, which would result in minor losses. The friction slope was assumed to be approximately equivalent to the storm drain plans or ground slope. • Standard Intensity Duration Curve values were used for the Rational Method analysis based on NOAA Atlas 14. The 10 -minute and 60 -minute durations were used for both the 10 -year and 100 - year frequencies in the La Quinta region • The hydrology calculations assumed 100 percent interception of the surface runoff at the local area drain inlets. A future hydraulics analysis of the proposed storm drain systems will estimate the total intercepted flows at each drain. • An impervious coefficient was determined based upon land -use and hydrologic soil type. The predominant soil type for all modeled areas is hydrologic soil group B. Under the proposed development conditions, a composite impervious coefficient was determined using: "1/4 Acre Lot Single Family Residential" for the residential areas at 50% imperviousness and "Commercial" for all hotel areas and streets at 90% impervious 1.1.1 Rational Method Calculation Software The hydrologic calculations for watershed areas less than 300 acres and the project onsite areas were performed using software developed by Advanced Engineering Software (AES) for the RCFC&WCD Hydrology Manual Rational Method. October 2017 9 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta 2.4 On -Site Developed Hydrology Per the engineering bulletin, the effective rainfall calculation from the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph procedure was used to calculated the required volumes for the retention basins for the 100 year 1, 3, 6, and 24 hour duration storms. The information provided on Table 2 is for the preliminary design of the onsite storm drain, which uses rational method to calculate peak flowrates. The small areas tributary to the storm drain require rational method analysis to produce peak Q flowrates for small storm drain design. The design discharges at intermediate points were computed by generating a hydrologic link -node model which divides the area into drainage sub -areas, each tributary to a concentration point or hydrologic nodes. The nodes are linked together by hydraulic conveyance processes which describe the physical watershed process. The proposed development was divided into eighteen (18) drainage areas: B, C, 1D, 213, 313, 413, 513, IF, 2F, 3F, 4F, J, 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, O, and Q. The Hydrology Map is included in Exhibit 1 at the end of this report. The Rational Method analysis results for the 10 -year, 25 -year, and 100 -year storm events are provided in Appendix A. 2.5 Hydrology Design Flows The following table summarizes the hydrologic analyses for the discharge locations under proposed conditions. Refer to Exhibit 1 for the Hydrology Map and Appendix B for all Rational Method input and output. Table 2: Hydrologic Summary Drainage Area Hydrology Node Area (ac) 10 -yr (cfs) 25 -yr (cfs) 100 -yr (cfs) B Node 106 8.10 8.18 12.07 18.08 C Node 206 3.50 3.91 5.81 9.28 Node 1214 11.10 15.30 21.87 33.49 Node 1302 1.51 3.15 4.45 6.72 D Node 1402 0.49 0.85 1.20 1.81 Node 1502 2.42 4.72 6.66 10.06 Node 1602 1.03 1.52 2.14 3.23 F Node 902 3.25 5.27 7.44 11.25 Node 758 6.90 7.94 11.77 18.68 1 Node 758 6.30 6.54 9.62 15.13 Node 758 2.02 1.19 1.91 3.27 i Node 806 38.50 35.29 53.46 86.97 Node 308 9.90 13.56 19.31 29.43 M Node 322 3.29 3.98 5.84 9.17 Node 407 12.50 20.05 28.31 42.78 Node 407 6.40 6.20 9.15 14.49 N Node 407 4.40 5.19 7.62 11.97 Node 407 0.68 0.96 1.40 2.20 Node 506 8.80 13.10 18.51 27.96 October 2017 10 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta Drainage Area Hydrology Node Area (ac) 10 -yr (cfs) 25 -yr (cfs) 100 -yr (cfs) Node 556 5.20 7.18 10.14 15.33 0 Node 583 5.60 5.44 8.06 12.85 Node 606 10.00 8.06 11.94 19.38 P Node 623 1.8 1.95 2.9 4.65 Q Node 815 7.9 6.68 9.93 16 Node 673 3.6 4.25 6.24 9.78 Node 673 9.10 9.29 14.13 22.88 R Node 682 3.6 4.3 6.31 9.89 Node 703 3.50 3.68 5.41 8.50 S Node 653 6.20 5.75 8.52 13.59 Node 663 6.30 6.47 9.51 14.96 T Node 663 3.88 7t74.74 6.96 10.92 2.6 On -Site Storage Volume As described in the sections above, the project site receives stormwater run-on from the Santa Rosa Mountains, the Calle Rondo storm drain, and offsite streets adjacent to the project. Additionally, in its developed condition, the site will experience an increase in stormwater runoff. The estimated stormwater storage volumes were calculated to determine appropriate pad elevations, determine existing lake capacities, and to preliminarily size several retention basins for areas not currently draining to lakes. The project site and surrounding areas contributing run-on were divided into nineteen (19) drainage areas as shown in the Drainage Area Map in Exhibit 2. The drainage areas within the watershed were delineated using project specific contour topography, and the proposed site plan. The following assumptions/guidelines were applied to determine the proposed, required storage volumes for each drainage area. • The hydrologic soil groups were determined in accordance with Web Soil Survey, the previous Stormwater Management and Debris Control Plan prepared by MDS Consulting (2003) and the Mountain Runoff and Onsite Runoff Detention Basin and Percolation Rate Analysis prepared by PACE (2005). The soil classes were then verified with Engineering Bulletin #06-16. The soil classes located in the developable area were assigned soil class D due to compaction during grading. All soils designated as Rock Outcrop were assigned soil class D. • The Runoff Indices (RI) were weighted averaged over each sub -area in accordance with the values given in Plate D-5.5-5.6 of the RCFC Hydrology Manual. • The loss rate was determined from the Infiltration Rate for Pervious Areas Versus Runoff Index Numbers (Plate E-6.2). AMC 1I was assumed. The surface areas of the proposed lakes for the 100 -yr 24 -hr storm were assumed to be impervious area and were excluded from the pervious loss rate calculation. • NOAA Atlas 14 was utilized to obtain the 100 -yr rainfall amounts for each duration. The effective rainfall was then calculated by subtracting the unit loss rate for each unit time period. October 2017 11 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort Citv ofLa Ouinta • The effective rainfall was multiplied by the subarea for each drainage area to obtain the stormwater runoff volume. • The required storage volume was determined from the summation of the stormwater runoff volume and the required debris volume. • The required debris volume was determined by referencing the USACE Los Angeles County Debris Production Manual dated Feb 2000. Only the upland areas of the project were assumed to contribute debris. The lowland areas including the golf course and desert areas were not assumed to contribute debris. Method one for drainage areas less than 3 square miles was used. Constants in the equation included: o Fire factor (3-6.5) — 3 was selected because the upland areas are sparsely vegetated and will not produce very much debris o NOAA 14 1 -hr 100 -yr rainfall = 1.52 in o The resulting unit debris was multiplied by the A -T factor discussed in the USACE LA Debris Production Manual. An A -T value of 0.5 was selected based on typical values for the Coachella Valley. • The stormwater volume associated with the Calle Rondo storm drain was obtained by summing the instantaneous flow rates over the duration of the peak flow for the 100 -year storm. Table 3 shows the comparison of each of the volumes produced by the different duration storm events. October 2017 12 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Table 3: Volume Comparison Area Designation Area (ac) Fp (in/hr) F (in/hr) Effective Rainfall 100- Yr 1hr (in) Effective Rainfall 100- Yr 3hr (in) Effective Rainfall 100- Yr 6hr (in) Effective Rainfall 100- Yr 24hr (in) Runoff Volume 100- Yr 1hr (ac -ft) Runoff Volume 100- Yr 3hr (ac -ft) Runoff Volume 100- Yr 6hr (ac -ft) Runoff Volume 100- Yr 24hr (ac -ft) A 30.90 0.19 0.16 1.42 1.76 1.88 2.09 3.66 4.53 4.84 5.38 B 83.30 0.18 0.15 1.43 1.79 1.94 2.18 9.93 12.43 13.47 15.13 C 20.80 0.23 0.16 1.42 1.76 1.88 2.09 2.46 3.05 3.26 3.62 D 85.20 0.17 0.13 1.45 1.85 2.06 2.34 10.30 13.14 14.63 16.62 E 21.20 0.23 0.19 1.39 1.67 1.72 1.86 2.46 2.95 3.04 3.29 F 42.00 0.23 0.14 1.44 1.82 2 2.25 5.04 6.37 7.00 7.88 G 12.70 0.19 0.17 1.41 1.73 1.83 2.01 1.49 1.83 1.93 2.12 H 26.80 0.17 0.17 1.41 1.73 1.83 2.01 3.15 3.87 4.09 4.49 1 21.40 0.21 0.13 1.45 1.85 2.06 2.34 2.59 3.30 3.67 4.17 1 44.60 0.20 0.11 1.47 1.91 2.18 2.53 5.46 7.10 8.10 9.40 K 13.00 0.22 0.22 1.36 1.59 1.56 1.64 1.47 1.72 1.69 1.78 M 56.20 0.20 0.09 1.49 1.97 2.29 2.76 6.98 9.22 10.72 12.92 N 89.40 0.21 0.12 1.46 1.88 2.12 2.43 10.87 14.00 15.79 18.10 O 34.90 0.23 0.18 1.4 1.7 1.77 1.94 4.07 4.94 5.15 5.64 P 31.80 0.21 0.15 1.43 1.79 1.94 2.18 3.79 4.75 5.15 5.78 Q 22.10 0.22 0.15 1.43 1.79 1.94 2.18 2.58 3.13 3.26 3.57 R 19.60 0.26 0.19 1.39 1.67 1.72 1.86 2.27 2.73 2.81 3.04 5 16.10 0.22 0.15 1.43 1.79 1.94 2.18 1.92 2.40 2.60 2.92 T 26.50 0.23 0.12 1.46 1.88 2.12 2.43 3.22 4.15 4.68 5.37 NOAA Atlas 14 was utilized to obtain the 100-y rainfall amounts in inches for all durations. (lhr = 1.58in, 3hr = 2.24, 6hr=2.83, 24 -hr --4.52 in). The effective rainfall was then calculated by factoring in the loss rates. Flow from the Calle Rondo storm drain enters drainage area M. 48.4 ac -ft is generated by the storm drain for all durations of the 100 -yr event and should be added to the runoff volume for basin design. October 2017 13 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Table 4 shows the required volume check. Table 5 shows individual basin draw down (dewater) calculations to make sure that there is 1 foot of freeboard to the controlling 100 -year runoff volume. The 24 -hr 100 -year event is the design storm because it produces the greatest volume. Comparing the required storage volumes from Table 3 with the existing site topography, the following table summarizes the available storage capacities of the existing stormwater storage areas. Where existing storage areas are not present, retention basins were preliminarily sized using the minimum required storage volume. Stage storage calculations are included in Appendix B. Notes: Table 4: Storage Requirements Area Designation Designation Debris volume (Ac -ft) Runoff Volume 100-yr/(ac- Required Storage Volume (ac -ft) Total storage provided (ac - ft) A 0.04 5.38 5.42 21.51 B 0.28 15.13 15.41 55.48 C - 3.62 3.62 5.68 D 0.39 16.62 17 43.82 E - 3.29 3.29 5.15 F - 7.88 7.88 7.88 G 0.05 2.12 2.17 5.29 H 0.13 4.49 4.62 10.17 1 - 4.17 4.17 4.2 J - 9.40 9.4 11.85 K - 1.78 N/A N/A M - 12.92 61.3 92.9 N - 18.10 18.1 18.1 0 - 5.64 5.64 6.82 P - 5.78 5.78 8.04 Q - 3.57 3.57 3.6 R - 3.04 3.04 4.07 S - 2.92 2.92 3.44 T - 5.37 5.37 5.4 1 Area K consists of existing golf course and drains directly to the CVWD Canal. No development flow drains to Area K. 2 Areas I, F, Q, and R will have lakes. The required storage volume will be stored on top of the lake surface. 3 The Calle Rondo storm drain enters SilverRock Resort in Drainage Area M. Therefore, the required storage volume for DA M includes the 48.4 ac -ft produced by Calle Rondo in the 100 -yr storm. 4 Offsite flows from the adjacent roads enter areas M, N, O, P, T, and R. Basins are sized to include offsite road flows. 5 Infiltration results are preliminary. A rate of 5.1 in/hr was used, based on the average infiltration rate from multiple testing locations, divided by a safety factor of 1.5. Source: Landmark Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Report: Proposed Boutique Hotel at SilverRock. April 2007. October 2017 14 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Table 5: Existing/Proposed Basin Properties Tributary Drainage Area Basin ID Basin Volume (ac -ft) Basin invert (ft) WSE (ft) Freeboard (ft) Drawdown time (hr) A A-1 21.51 24.0 29.5 3.5 12.9 B B-1 55.48 total 25.0 30.0 1.0 11.7 B-2 27.0 30.0 1.0 7.0 B-3 22.0 27.0 1.0 11.7 C C-1 5.68 total 30.0 32.0 1.0 4.7 C-2 23.0 26.0 1.0 7.0 D D-1 43.82 11.0 17.0 5.0 14.1 E E-1 5.15 12.0 19.0 1.0 16.4 F F-1 7.88 (adjust lake WSE) N/A 18.0 1.0 N/A G G-1 5.29 13.0 18.0 1.0 11.7 H H-1 10.17 9.0 17.0 1.0 18.8 I I-1 4.20 (adjust lake WSE) N/A 7.0 1.0 N/A J J-1 11.85 0.0 8.0 1.0 18.8 M M-1 77.7 14.0 20.0 1.0 14.1 M-2 11.5 8.0 14.0 7.0 14.1 M-3 3.7 14.0 18.0 4.0 9.4 N N-1 3.90 12.0 15.0 1.0 7.0 N-2 2.75 9.0 13.0 1.0 9.4 N-3 1.85 13.0 17.0 1.0 9.4 N/0 N/0 2.22 10.0 12.0 2.0 4.7 0-2 4.60 12.0 14.0 1.0 4.7 P P-1 8.04 0.0 6.0 2.0 14.1 Q Q-1 3.6 (adjust lake WSE) N/A 9.0 1.0 N/A R R-1 4.07 (adjust lake WSE) N/A 7.0 1.0 N/A S S-1 3.44 0.0 4.0 2.0 9.4 T T-1 2.75 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.7 Note: Drawdown is N/A for existing lakes because they will not have infiltration. October 2017 15 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta 3 HYDRAULICS 3.1 Hydraulic Modeling Guidelines Hydraulic calculations for the proposed pipe systems on Silverrock Way are designed for the 100 -year frequency storm. The calculations were performed using the Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPGW) design software. WSPGW computes and plots uniform and non-uniform steady flow water surface profiles and pressure gradients in open channels or closed conduits with irregular or regular sections. The computation procedure is based on solving Bernoulli's equation for the total energy between two sections in a reach. WSPG calculations follow the criteria outlined in Engineering Bulletin 06-16, which requires: • Minimum velocity of 2.5 fps • Retention basin 100 -yr HGL at least 1 foot below the catch basin local depression flow line • HGL at least 1 ft below the top of the manhole cover and pad elevation • HGL a maximum of 7 ft above the top of pipe Pipes in the public right-of-way must be a minimum of 1.5 ft in diameter. Table 6 shows the storm drain design summary and the WSPG output files are shown in Appendix C. Table 6: Storm Drain Design Summary Line Station Diameter (ft) A 1000.00 -1056.18 - 3 1056.18-1113.68 2.5 B 1000-1090.48 2.5 C 1000.00-1110.19 2 D 1000.00-1095.49 1.5 E 1000.00-2092.00 3 2092.00-2497.37 1.5 F 1000.00-1132.80 1.5 3.2 Flooded Width Catch basins were designed for Silverrock Way to comply with the City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin #06-16 (October 2015). According to Engineering Bulletin #06-16 (October 2015), for a design frequency storm of 10 years, the design maximum allowable arterial spreads will equal 1 lane (10-12ft) + bike lane (if present). The 100 -year design frequency storm must be conveyed within the respective City right of way. The Silverrock Resort Phase 2 Street Improvement Plans dated September 2016 show that Silverrock Way will be a local 2 -lane street similar to City of La Quinta STD 152. The hydraulic design ensures that at least 10 -ft of unflooded width will be present during the 10 -yr storm. October 2017 16 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Figure 5: Typical Street Section R jw alt+ C PUE 31 10' pLE I - _ zs I SIL ERROCi WA TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS PMTS Silverrock Way will have a 0.33 -ft high rolled curb (City of La Quinta STD. NO. 203). A custom cross section of the halfstreet and rolled curb gutter was input in Bentley Flowmaster to determine the flow depth and spread (Figure 1). Advanced Engineering Software (AES 2013) Hydraulics ELEments I (HELE 1) was used for catch basin sizing. HELE 1 was not used for flow depth and spread because it only approximates a standard curb, which has a different flow capacity than the rolled curb. The F1owMaster calculations can be seen in Appendix D. 0.50 0.40 0.30 C 0.20 m LU 0.10 O.OD -0.10 -0.20 v Figure 6: F1owMaster Halfstreet with Rolled Curb O+OD 0+01 0+02 0+03 0+04 0+05 0+06 0+07 O+OS 0+09 0+10 0+11 0+12 0+13 0+14 0+15 Stati o n 3.3 Catch Basin Calculations X (ft) y (ft) 0.00 0.33 0.06 0.33 0.38 0.29 0.66 0.19 0.94 0.08 1.60 0.00 2.15 0.08 15.50 0.35 Catch basins in sump location are designed for the 100 -yr frequency storm. Flow -by (on grade) locations are designed for the 10 -yr frequency storm and intercept at least 85% of the design flow. Flooded widths and depths are from the total flow entering the catch basin. All 10 -yr total flooded widths are a maximum of 20 ft as required. All 10 and 100 -yr depths are within the street right of way that ends at the top of curb, a depth of 0.33 ft. Silverrock Way will utilize curb inlet catch basins (La Quinta STD 300) with a catch basin opening height of 5.5" (0.46'), which includes a 4" local depression and 1.5" curb depression. October 2017 17 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Catch basin E-1 is designed to capture the 100 -year flow to prevent flow from entering the side street. The HELE Catch Basin calculations can be seen in Appendix E. 3.4 Outlet Structure Design The outlet structures at the basin will consist of a flared wingwall followed by a rectangular riprap energy dissipation pad. Riprap was designed using the velocity from the 100 -yr storm into an empty basin to yield the greatest, most conservative velocities. Flow depth and velocity at the end of the wingwall were used to calculate rock layer thickness and diameter using the Army Corps of Engineers method in the Riprap Design Systems program by WEST consultants. The pad length was calculated using the flow and depth at the end of the wingwall structure and calculating the width necessary to achieve a velocity of 5 fps (non-erosive), assuming that water spreads outward 1 ft for every 4ft of length traveled. Table 7 shows the riprap pad design for the storm drain outlets. Table 7: Riprap Pad Design SD Line Riprap pad length, ft Riprap pad width, ft Layer thickness Caltrans RSP class A 16 16 2.5 1/4 ton (23" diam) B 15 15 2.5 1/4 ton (23" diam) C 10 10 2.25 1/4 ton (23" diam) D 8 8 2.75 1/4 ton (23" diam) E 22 22 3.5 1/2 ton (28" diam) F 5 5 0.75 1/4 ton (23" diam) H 7 7 0.75 1/4 ton (23" diam) October 2017 18 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta 3 REFERENCES Reference 1 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Hydrology Manual (1978) Reference 2 SilverRock Ranch Stormwater Management and Debris Control Plan (November 2003) Reference 3 SilverRock Resort Mountain Runoff & Onsite Runoff Detention Basin and Percolation Rate Analysis (June 2005) Reference 4 City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin #06-16 (October 2015) October 2017 19 Michael Baker International SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Exhibit 1 Proposed Hydrology Map June 2017 Michael Baker International MATCHLINE (SEE RIGHT) IMITS \ / GRADING __-- -- J-2 ( //-\\ \ ' o\ 18 _ i i r ACING I \\ Q-4 B-1 - ,\ \\� / R _ 17 \ 6.14 I \ sot 1a.t > // ' �I I �_ �� 321 1 \ \ \ 0.36 37.5 C-1 \ '�\ \\ \\ 14.00 ` %I 410. J-1 l 0 26 \ \ \\\I CB-22 CB-Z3 Lu 13 CB-20 tOO 35. iF s 200 _ _ 0.32 \ / \ \ 322 33.0 G ADING \ \ �� \moi Y \ \ � ~ '^ 0 1.79 802 \ 17.40 I 11 I\ // 7 CB-21 W J-3 I I I P 2 4 / Z % J_4 0.22 'I � t80o 4• II 5\?e�oa° °\\\\ II 1 6.49 \\ \ \\ �I , 400 9 12 25. 320 s I I - \ �`- I c6 t 4 25.4 � � LIMITS � c v Av CC N-$ `� \ L OW. TTOM9 2I CB-15 0.86 ra I � 5 7 \v GRADING 803 \\ \ LAKE BWO e ,II \ 4.40 ` Q-2 Q-5 1 812 14.10 \\ q \\ I / \ CB-2 23.60 I 3a\ 430 J J-5 o.sz toa 205 .so c \ 3os 27.00 M-7 / / M-8 - N-7 0.37 \ - - 0.31 �+ / rEN -CB-4 / RE 0.23 ,� N-9 1 15 SEWER ES / �G 1.7.20 ,2.30 CB 17 \ \F- \ / oa is aorto 23 s� 0.68 6.39 zz ao \ 1� 0 54 P-3 P 605 B-4 d 405 431 411 � - �, CB-1 M-3 _ ON BASIN "B" �� J-7 cB-t szo P-5 vv 303 0.34 0.21 ,s OTT M-5 zs.sz tos "'` �\ \\. � � �� �� � 307 � , ." 407 P \ •\ M-2 M-4 Q 0.23 I `\\ 0.88 • �. 6.28 400 0.21 1•s aoa c6-s N_6 � I z p-1 / Fc' 12.75 J_$ soa s23 .00 szz s. 32.50 to3 ` \ 406 24.20 C-3 N-2 qs 2.97 / " J-14 p g Eos o.o0 0.15 0.68 J 3.75 N-3 oP I 4 26.0 MITS PA9� 0.23 N-13 ( ---- -- --- -- -. II C 4 806 w P-6 I 621 10. 0 D 2� ` � R DING B-2 1.49 I � \ 3.38 , \ \ 3os 2a • 403 12 00 583 119. 0 718 - - - - - - - CB-25 .87 807 \ 00 I s LIMITS \ - 9. CB-8 r \ J-11 1 .90 00 91 GRADING 35.401 7.2� \ � \ \/' t2ot 27 • \ \\ \ 00 _ 0.29 . ` 1 . a0 I \ WATER EL---t= 0 .(=\IS JING LAK A 0 O E D p58 7ENTlO ASIN E v X31.00 N-11 _ o v / y f. ra 20.00 .as Pr sTDRA \ - O � WATER \ --I I 2 5 900BOTTOM=O 3,89 .� 7.77 "' N-14 _ \ I \ Imo\ D-2 ro// ��s. 0.23 g _, ' 1 I-1 I-2 NEW LAKE 502 - CB-7 28.0 \ ' I 1.5 Ac 0.93 ..V�j 504.5 24.20 581 26.0 \ i `� 2.55 VATER cLEv=7aa / I = �. 1.04 39.00 / - 554 ze o 752 I 1210 \ y� % / / � 0.23 I Soo zs. o � I � 7so 17• 7st 1a. o ato 11.ao � / 2l, ,; � / I _4 1.17 / Oo0 553 d o 556 I P-1- 30.00 t2o2 D-5 -I �- �Av 2 .2 0.25 0 �� .73 I 1.08 \\ 1203 26.00 \ 4.c/ N-17 , $ 555 N-19 I / LIMITS 2 J\ 3.25 I \ �F o0 1211 o C 4.53 CB-s 0.12 -26.D GRADING I LLLJ - / o - Vi i - N-16 ----- --- -- soz 111.ao sol gG 7ss 2.0 2.02 1 I , IIMOF IMITS r< D-6 I D-4 GRADING caoAOlNc $• I-6 S 33 o D-7 I L 1300 24.50 MATCHLINE (SEE RIGHT) / / ' o Q ssa ,212za.00 ' D-8 13. so I a.2 / U) tzta 2 ' 1.51 761 I / Z 75e / / � ' I I s5t U) U) Q) LIMITSJT / / GRADING - 1401 22.450 1502 / 1601 24.00 _ \ 2.19 / / VTuR� 1 1 1402 0 - 1302 .00 1602 �- - � Q /I"'I / 660 W r- WjbU. \ / D-10 trot 'zz: p-11 W R-6 \, l 85 I -7 �I ' ' 8 D-9 2.42 , Soo 1.03 I10. ao 1.94 / / I m° I LL ( 0.49 `� I W In Rn Sao 700 / 7oz T-1 W �z Q LIMITS l\, J J 9.0 \ 1400 GRADINGp I I GRADING N� / R-5 i / / 3.26 1' \o ,�\ J / 1.54 / 703 6 • \ o 25 1500 25.1 F- 9.0 8 I e / / I / / z' \ 663 68.90 / R-8 / 673 / 662 / I\ I E 1.78 7.20 st \ \ o aR-2 11. sat ss2 9.00 4.59 R-1 - N \ R_3 ;�2.18- 0.37 _ _ sst a.2o _ T-2 0 0 0.98 8.7 680 671 672 670 3.07 101 - - 0I 1103 7.97AVE E Q 0 0 LEGEND DRAINAGE BOUNDARY - - - - SUBAREA BOUNDARY FLOW PATH 0 (�lA SUBAREA DESIGNATION 2.22 AREA (ACRES) 0 CD I I 1000 HYDROLOGY NODE w Q X U W \n 11.50 NODE ELEVATION 0 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN i 0 0 Q u i m Baker Q0 Michael 300 150 0 300 600 900 PRELIMINARY HMAP Ln I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L 0 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 SCALE: 1 "=300 ' 0 Phone: (949) 472-3505 - MBAKERINTL.COM SILVERIIDXOCK RQ i SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Exhibit 2 Drainage Area Map June 2017 Michael Baker International I xi ER N AYI 011AI AVENUE 52 1A 3A M1-M2 C M3 I kjB- 01 02 v t L _ m D-n Q1n M X G P1 O J1 z H W K F m M S1 11 r r' R1 T1 R2 AVENUE 54 Legend Basin Drainage Area Storage Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, Mapmylndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community N 1,600 800 0 1,600 Feet A SILVERROCK RESORT DRAINAGE AREA MAP Exhibit 2 SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Appendix A Hydrology Calculations June 2017 Michael Baker International RATIONAL METHOD 10 -YEAR STORM EVENT **************************************************************************** INTEGRATED RATIONAL METHOD/UH METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2013 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 20.0) Release Date: 06/01/2013 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14257 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * SILVERROCK RESORT * RATIONAL METHOD * 10 -YEAR STORM EVENT - JULY 2016 - ASIDOR ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: SRIORMIN.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 07:16 07/13/2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 10.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 10 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.800 10 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.748 100 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.820 100 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.580 SLOPE OF 10 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4900985 SLOPE OF 100 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4927142 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 10.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.755 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.4901 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C" -VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER -DEFINED STREET -SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER -GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT -/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0312 0.167 0.0150 2 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.67 2.00 0.0312 0.167 0.0150 3 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.50 1.50 0.0312 0.125 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.67 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)*(Velocity) Constraint = 1.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 1 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH MODEL SELECTIONS/PARAMETERS: WATERSHED LAG = 0.80 * Tc FOOTHILL S -GRAPH USED. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPTH -AREA FACTORS USED (See Page B-3.) * 1 -HOUR ( 5 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 1 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 0.75 * 3 -HOUR (10 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 3 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.10 * 6 -HOUR (15 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 6 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.41 *24-HOUR (60 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 24-HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 2.31 LOW LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE = 0.80 MINIMUM LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE FOR 24-HOUR STORM = 0.20 *PRECIPITATION ZONE NUMBER (PZN) = 2.0 *ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC) = 0.00 ASSUMED FOR UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD* **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 101.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 230.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.30 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.52 1.948 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7426 56 8.68 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.52 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 101.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 859.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.36 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 2 STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.70 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.87 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.64 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 7.65 Tc(MIN.) = 16.34 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.429 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.57 0.7097 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.62 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.14 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.40 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.50 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.14 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.85 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1089.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.34 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.43 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.14 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 103.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 160.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 2.138 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7520 56 7.18 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 103.00 TO NODE 104.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 3 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.46 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.70 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.65 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.60 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 10.09 Tc(MIN.) = 17.27 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.391 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 4.09 0.7067 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 4.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.3 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.41 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.42 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 14.87 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.89 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.80 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 104.00 = 1160.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 104.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 205.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.69 ***STREET FLOW SPLITS OVER STREET -CROWN*** FULL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FULL HALF -STREET VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 SPLIT DEPTH(FEET) = 0.21 SPLIT FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 3.95 SPLIT FLOW(CFS) = 0.29 SPLIT VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.06 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 4 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.79 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.84 Tc(MIN.) = 19.11 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.324 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.61 0.7012 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.61 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.57 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.97 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.79 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 19.11 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.32 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.94 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.97 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 4.14 16.34 1.429 3.93 2 4.97 19.11 1.324 4.94 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 8.39 16.34 1.429 2 8.81 19.11 1.324 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 8.81 Tc(MIN.) = 19.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 106.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 400.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.52 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.81 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.02 Tc(MIN.) = 20.13 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 106.00 = 26.62 1 1765.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 148.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 37.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.30 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.50 2.097 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7501 56 7.47 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.50 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 802.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.24 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.91 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.67 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.48 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.00 TC(MIN.) = 15.47 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.468 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 5 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 6 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.39 0.7126 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.45 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.96 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.70 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.85 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.59 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 950.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.47 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.47 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.96 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 204.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.85 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.21 1.924 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7414 56 8.90 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.85 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.21 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 204.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 850.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.77 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.17 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.53 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.51 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 9.25 Tc(MIN.) = 18.15 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.357 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.15 0.7040 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.10 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.31 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.39 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.63 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.58 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 18.15 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.36 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.31 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.96 15.47 1.468 1.71 2 2.31 18.15 1.357 2.00 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) 1 3.93 15.47 2 4.12 18.15 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 7 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 1.468 1.357 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 8 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.12 Tc(MIN.) = 18.15 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 28.17 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 490.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.23 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.12 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.93 Tc(MIN.) = 20.08 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 206.00 = 1640.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 735.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 17.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.29 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.48 1.912 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8681 56 9.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.48 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.02 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.91 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.48 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 304.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 9 TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 705.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.65 1.798 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8669 56 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.65 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.23 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.80 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.65 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.48 9.02 1.912 0.29 2 1.65 10.23 1.798 1.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 1.94 9.02 1.912 2 2.10 10.23 1.798 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.10 Tc(MIN.) = 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 = 735.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 306.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 10 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.43 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.24 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.33 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.80 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.51 Tc(MIN.) = 12.74 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.615 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.46 0.8646 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.64 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.75 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.79 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.39 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.85 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 306.00 = 1085.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 306.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 134.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.42 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.75 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.51 Tc(MIN.) = 13.24 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.24 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.58 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.75 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 308.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 413.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.67 1.966 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8687 56 8.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.67 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 308.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.30 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.67 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.22 Tc(MIN.) = 8.74 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 522.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.74 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.94 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.67 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 310.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 791.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 32.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 11 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 12 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 7.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.715 0.39 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 4.22 0.8659 56 11.26 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.27 2.15 3 6.27 11.47 1.700 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.27 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 310.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 7.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.61 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.27 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.21 Tc(MIN.) = 11.47 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 900.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.47 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.70 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.27 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 312.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 338.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.64 1.894 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8679 56 9.20 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.64 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 312.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 63.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 3.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.33 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 0.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.45 Tc(MIN.) = 9.65 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 401.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.65 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.64 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.75 13.24 1.584 1.81 2 3.67 8.74 1.942 2.15 3 6.27 11.47 1.700 4.22 4 0.64 9.65 1.850 0.39 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 10.85 8.74 1.942 2 11.41 9.65 1.850 3 12.45 11.47 1.700 4 12.13 13.24 1.584 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 12.45 Tc(MIN.) = 11.47 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.6 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 13 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 14 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE-FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER-ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON-PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 5.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 13.23 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 12.45 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.01 Tc(MIN.) = 11.48 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.48 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.70 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.57 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 12.45 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 20.25 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.86 1.777 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8666 56 10.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.56 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.86 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 179.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 15 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 0.91 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 5.43 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.89 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.50 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.58 Tc(MIN.) = 12.06 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.658 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.07 0.8652 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.10 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.96 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 5.63 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.90 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.51 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1179.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.06 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.66 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.96 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 314.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 404.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.26 1.849 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8674 56 9.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.26 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.67 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.26 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 315.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 634.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 13.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.82 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.07 1.945 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8685 56 8.71 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.07 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.71 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.95 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.07 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 12.45 11.48 1.699 8.57 2 0.96 12.06 1.658 0.63 3 0.26 9.67 1.849 0.16 4 3.07 8.71 1.945 1.82 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 13.45 8.71 1.945 2 14.44 9.67 1.849 3 16.29 11.48 1.699 4 15.97 12.06 1.658 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 16.29 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.2 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 11.48 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 316.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.91 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 16.29 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.28 Tc(MIN.) = 11.76 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 316.00 = 21.50 1 1324.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 402.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.73 1.834 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8673 56 9.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.73 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.82 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.83 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 17 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 18 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.73 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 411.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.80 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.26 1.815 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8671 56 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.26 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.03 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.82 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.26 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.73 9.82 1.834 0.46 2 1.26 10.03 1.815 0.80 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 1.96 9.82 1.834 2 1.98 10.03 1.815 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.98 Tc(MIN.) = 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 = 411.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.19 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.98 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.12 Tc(MIN.) = 10.15 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 441.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.15 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.80 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.26 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.98 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 405.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 746.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 3.52 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.39 1.768 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8665 56 10.58 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 405.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 94.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 19 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 20 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.01 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.39 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.26 Tc(MIN.) = 10.84 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.84 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.75 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 400.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 402.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.17 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.27 1.851 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8675 56 9.64 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.27 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.64 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.27 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 407.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 629.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 28.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 5.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.82 1.775 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8666 56 10.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 407.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 170.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.39 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.82 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.53 Tc(MIN.) = 11.02 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 799.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.02 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.73 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 8.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 409.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 418.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.25 1.830 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8672 56 9.86 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.25 **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 21 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 22 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------**************************************************************************** »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 501.00 IS CODE = 21 »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< ____________________________________________________________________________ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 5 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.86 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.83 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.25 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.98 10.15 1.805 1.26 2 5.39 10.84 1.747 3.52 3 0.27 9.64 1.851 0.17 4 8.82 11.02 1.733 5.73 5 0.25 9.86 1.830 0.16 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 5 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 14.91 9.64 1.851 2 15.25 9.86 1.830 3 15.67 10.15 1.805 4 16.49 10.84 1.747 5 16.57 11.02 1.733 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 16.57 Tc(MIN.) = 11.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 10.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 410.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.93 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 16.57 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.42 Tc(MIN.) = 11.44 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 410.00 = 990.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 23 ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 4.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.30 1.808 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8670 56 10.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.30 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 501.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 156.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.54 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.30 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.57 Tc(MIN.) = 10.69 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 705.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.69 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.76 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.30 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 503.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 24 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.727 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 1.66 0.8660 56 11.11 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.48 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 503.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 68.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 7.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.31 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.48 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.34 Tc(MIN.) = 11.45 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 617.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.45 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.70 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.48 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 505.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 513.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.71 1.675 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8654 56 11.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.71 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 505.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 71.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.29 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 0.71 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.52 Tc(MIN.) = 12.33 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 584.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.33 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.64 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.71 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 507.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 620.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.67 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.20 1.523 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8633 56 14.36 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.20 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 507.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 118.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.92 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.20 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.50 Tc(MIN.) = 14.86 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 25 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 26 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.86 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.50 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.20 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 6.30 10.69 1.760 4.02 2 2.48 11.45 1.701 1.66 3 0.71 12.33 1.641 0.49 4 2.20 14.86 1.497 1.67 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 10.81 10.69 1.760 2 10.93 11.45 1.701 3 10.80 12.33 1.641 4 10.39 14.86 1.497 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 10.81 Tc(MIN.) = 10.69 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 17.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.91 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.81 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.04 Tc(MIN.) = 10.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.72 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.76 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.84 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 10.81 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 509.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 382.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.86 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.40 1.879 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8678 56 9.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.40 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.88 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.40 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 510.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 399.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.855 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 27 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 28 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 0.71 0.8675 56 9.59 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.14 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.14 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.59 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.86 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.14 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 10.81 10.72 1.757 7.84 2 1.40 9.35 1.879 0.86 3 1.14 9.59 1.855 0.71 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 11.94 9.35 1.879 2 12.20 9.59 1.855 3 13.21 10.72 1.757 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 13.21 Tc(MIN.) = 10.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 512.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.57 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.21 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.45 Tc(MIN.) = 11.17 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 512.00 = 905.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 600.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 396.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.01 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.52 1.737 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8661 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.52 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.97 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.74 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.52 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 602.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 552.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.62 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.21 1.576 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8641 56 13.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.21 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 602.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 29 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 30 »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 192.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.65 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.21 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.88 Tc(MIN.) = 14.27 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.27 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.53 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.21 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 603.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 92.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.15 2.493 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8734 56 5.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.15 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 5.25 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.49 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.15 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 31 NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.52 10.97 1.737 1.01 2 2.21 14.27 1.527 1.62 3 0.15 5.25 2.493 0.07 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 1.69 5.25 2.493 2 3.32 10.97 1.737 3 3.64 14.27 1.527 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.64 TC(MIN.) = 14.27 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 605.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.10 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.61 Tc(MIN.) = 14.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 605.00 = 21.25 1 894.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 238.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL 2.081 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 32 "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.66 0.7493 56 7.59 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 703.00 TO NODE 704.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 16.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 319.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.71 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.08 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.67 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.91 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.99 Tc(MIN.) = 9.58 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.857 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.15 0.8675 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.83 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.29 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.69 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.93 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 704.00 = 557.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 704.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ------------ ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 16.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 204.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.69 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.83 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.73 Tc(MIN.) = 10.30 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 761.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.30 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.79 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.83 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 935.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 15.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 11.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.67 1.504 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7152 56 14.73 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.67 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 706.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 15.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.98 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.67 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 14.78 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 14.75 1 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.78 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.50 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 8.67 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 33 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 34 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.83 10.30 1.792 1.81 2 8.67 14.78 1.501 8.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 8.87 10.30 1.792 2 11.04 14.78 1.501 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.04 Tc(MIN.) = 14.78 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 569.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.31 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.04 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.79 Tc(MIN.) = 16.56 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.56 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.42 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 9.87 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 11.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 709.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 708.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.20 1.582 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7207 56 13.28 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.20 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 709.00 TO NODE 710.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 392.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 7.34 ***STREET FLOW SPLITS OVER STREET -CROWN*** FULL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.46 FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FULL HALF -STREET VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.93 SPLIT DEPTH(FEET) = 0.39 SPLIT FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.72 SPLIT FLOW(CFS) = 2.64 SPLIT VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.69 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.46 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.93 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.88 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.39 Tc(MIN.) = 16.67 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.415 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.23 0.8617 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.23 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.28 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.49 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.46 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.93 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 710.00 = 1100.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 35 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 36 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 710.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.77 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.49 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 16.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1121.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.72 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.41 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 6.55 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.49 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 11.04 16.56 1.420 9.87 2 7.49 16.72 1.413 6.55 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 18.46 16.56 1.420 2 18.47 16.72 1.413 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 18.46 Tc(MIN.) = 16.56 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 16.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 37 »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 623.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.60 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 18.46 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.57 Tc(MIN.) = 18.14 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 8.15 1 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 18.14 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.36 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 16.42 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 18.46 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 713.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 10.25 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.74 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.12 1.464 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7123 56 15.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.74 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.12 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 713.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 11.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 389.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.25 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.12 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.04 Tc(MIN.) = 16.59 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 715.00 = 1389.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 38 **************************************************************************** INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** RATE DATA(AMC II): FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 81 INTENSITY STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP (ACRES) NUMBER I (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 2 1 28.91 16.65 1.416 ____________________________________________________________________________ = 2.84 SUBAREA 2 29.93 18.14 1.358 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.419 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Tc INTENSITY DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL 1.358 16.42 2 "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.84 0.7088 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.84 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.86 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.97 TC(MIN.) = 16.59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 20.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.47 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.97 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.06 Tc(MIN.) = 16.65 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 1409.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.65 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.42 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 11.58 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 11.97 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 18.46 18.14 1.358 16.42 2 11.97 16.65 1.416 11.58 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 39 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 29.93 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 28.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 18.14 716.00 = 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 23.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 22.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.47 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 29.93 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 18.19 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 18.19 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.36 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 28.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 29.93 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 717.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 295.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.08 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 1.971 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8688 56 8.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 40 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.48 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.97 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.14 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 719.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 19.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.08 1.438 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7103 56 16.15 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.08 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 719.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 83.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.12 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.08 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.15 Tc(MIN.) = 16.30 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 720.00 = 1083.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.431 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.56 0.8620 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.92 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.5 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.00 TC(MIN.) = 16.30 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 43.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.39 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.00 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.13 Tc(MIN.) = 16.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 1126.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.43 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.43 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 9.00 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 722.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 143.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 2.149 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7525 56 7.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 722.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 610.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 41 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 42 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 0.56 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.26 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 4.87 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.32 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.34 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 7.70 Tc(MIN.) = 14.81 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.499 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.27 0.8630 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.27 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.5 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.74 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 5.94 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.36 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.38 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 753.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.81 TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.50 RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.51 NUMBER PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.74 (MIN.) ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** 1 19.15 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 29.93 18.19 1.356 28.00 2 0.14 8.48 1.971 0.08 3 9.00 16.43 1.425 8.49 4 0.74 14.81 1.499 0.51 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 19.15 8.48 1.971 2 33.34 14.81 1.499 3 36.84 16.43 1.425 4 39.26 18.19 1.356 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 39.26 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 37.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 18.19 723.00 = 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 724.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 227.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 36.0 INCH PIPE IS 25.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.29 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 36.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 39.26 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.52 Tc(MIN.) = 18.71 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 724.00 = 6.87 1 2398.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 800.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.39 1.849 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7373 56 9.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.66 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.85 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 43 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 44 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 802.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.76 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.02 1.817 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7354 56 10.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.76 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.02 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 802.00 TO NODE 803.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 211.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.38 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.01 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.13 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.30 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.11 Tc(MIN.) = 13.13 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.591 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.63 0.7213 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.74 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.85 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.18 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.34 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 803.00 = 511.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 803.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 340.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.26 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.12 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.45 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.42 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.90 Tc(MIN.) = 17.03 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.401 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.05 0.7074 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.05 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.04 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.78 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.91 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.52 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.46 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.03 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.40 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.78 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.39 9.66 1.849 1.02 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 45 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 46 2 2.78 17.03 1.401 2.44 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 2.97 9.66 1.849 2 3.83 17.03 1.401 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.83 Tc(MIN.) = 17.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.5 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 216.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.03 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.83 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.89 Tc(MIN.) = 17.92 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.92 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.37 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.46 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.83 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 806.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 185.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.64 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.97 2.022 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7464 56 8.05 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.64 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.97 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 806.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 333.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.04 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.23 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.57 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.49 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.54 Tc(MIN.) = 11.59 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.691 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.35 0.7279 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.35 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.12 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.09 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.55 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.75 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.63 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 518.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 47 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 48 TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.59 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.69 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.99 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.09 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** II): STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.83 17.92 1.366 3.46 2 5.09 11.59 1.691 3.99 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 7.57 11.59 1.691 2 7.94 17.92 1.366 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.57 Tc(MIN.) = 11.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 808.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 7.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.90 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.57 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.51 Tc(MIN.) = 12.10 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 808.00 = 1217.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 901.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.90 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.698 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.29 0.7283 56 11.50 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 901.00 TO NODE 902.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 230.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.49 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.49 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.49 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.44 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.58 Tc(MIN.) = 14.08 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.537 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.63 0.7176 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.80 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.39 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.70 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.60 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.51 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 902.00 = 627.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 902.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 460.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 49 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 50 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.67 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.12 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.72 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.60 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.45 Tc(MIN.) = 18.52 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.344 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.71 0.7029 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.71 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.56 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.95 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.37 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.34 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.68 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 18.52 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.34 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.95 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 904.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 330.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.87 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.14 1.783 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7335 56 10.40 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.87 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.14 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 904.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 455.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.71 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.26 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 6.85 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.45 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.38 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 5.22 TC(MIN.) = 15.63 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.461 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.09 0.7121 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.13 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.27 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.85 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.55 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.44 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 785.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.63 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.46 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.27 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 5.95 18.52 1.344 5.63 2 2.27 15.63 1.461 1.96 *********************************WARNING********************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 52 IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 7.29 15.63 1.461 2 8.04 18.52 1.344 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 8.04 Tc(MIN.) = 18.52 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.6 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 906.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 7.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.96 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.04 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.50 Tc(MIN.) = 19.03 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 906.00 = 1237.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1001.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 371.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.11 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.41 1.737 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7307 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.11 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»-(STREET-TABLE-SECTION---3-USED) ««< - ------------------------------- UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.77 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.06 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.43 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.38 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.07 Tc(MIN.) = 15.03 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.489 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.68 0.7141 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.13 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.75 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.48 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.42 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.03 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.49 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.79 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.13 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1003.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 358.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.741 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 53 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 54 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AM DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL LAND USE GROUP RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.29 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 II): AREA Runoff SCS Tc (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) 1.01 0.7309 56 10.92 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.29 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1003.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 228.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.97 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.49 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.45 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.40 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.62 Tc(MIN.) = 13.54 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.567 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): 8.50 0.0150 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.21 0.7197 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.21 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.36 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.2 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.65 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.59 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.55 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.46 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 586.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.54 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.57 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.65 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.13 15.03 1.489 1.79 2 2.65 13.54 1.567 2.22 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 4.57 13.54 1.567 2 4.65 15.03 1.489 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.57 TC(MIN.) = 13.54 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1005.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.33 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.57 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.58 Tc(MIN.) = 14.12 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1005.00 = 7.75 1 871.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1100.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 335.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL 1.818 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 55 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 56 "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.44 0.7355 56 10.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.93 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.93 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.82 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.93 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 384.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.37 1.689 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7278 56 11.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.37 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.61 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.69 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.37 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.93 10.00 1.818 1.44 2 2.37 11.61 1.689 1.93 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 3.97 10.00 1.818 2 4.16 11.61 1.689 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.16 Tc(MIN.) = 11.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1102.00 = 384.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1103.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 207.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.23 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.16 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.82 Tc(MIN.) = 12.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1103.00 = 7.97 1 591.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 180.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 60.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 33.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.53 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.41 2.553 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8738 56 5.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.53 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1201.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 57 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 58 ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 450.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.96 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.41 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.53 Tc(MIN.) = 7.53 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1211.00 = 630.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.089 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.09 0.8699 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.98 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.39 TC(MIN.) = 7.53 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 360.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.68 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.39 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.28 Tc(MIN.) = 8.82 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1214.00 = 990.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.934 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.34 0.8684 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.34 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.64 TC(MIN.) = 8.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 125.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.83 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.31 Tc(MIN.) = 9.12 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 22.50 1 1115.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.12 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.90 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.64 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1203.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 370.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.19 1.772 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8666 56 10.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1203.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 345.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.75 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.19 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.85 Tc(MIN.) = 11.38 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1206.00 = 24.00 1 715.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 81 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 59 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.706 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.49 0.8658 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.20 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.39 TC(MIN.) = 11.38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 415.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.16 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.39 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.66 Tc(MIN.) = 13.05 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.596 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.00 0.8643 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.38 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.77 TC(MIN.) = 13.05 TC(MIN.) = 13.05 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.596 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 2.18 0.8643 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.18 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.78 TC(MIN.) = 13.05 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR10RMIN.RES Page 61 »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.05 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.60 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 10.78 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 7.64 9.12 1.902 3.96 2 10.78 13.05 1.596 7.40 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 15.18 9.12 1.902 2 17.19 13.05 1.596 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 17.19 Tc(MIN.) = 13.05 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1218.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 40.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.76 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 17.19 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.09 Tc(MIN.) = 13.13 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1218.00 = 22.10 1 1170.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR10RMIN.RES Page 62 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 153.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.51 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.15 2.391 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8726 56 5.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.51 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.15 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1301.00 TO NODE 1302.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.45 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 55.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.10 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.15 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.18 Tc(MIN.) = 5.90 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1302.00 = 208.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 247.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.85 1.996 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8690 56 8.26 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.85 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1401.00 TO NODE 1402.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.84 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 16.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 3.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.50 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 0.85 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.08 Tc(MIN.) = 8.34 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1402.00 = 263.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1501.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 133.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.42 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.72 2.237 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8713 56 6.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.42 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.72 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1501.00 TO NODE 1502.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 25.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.67 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.72 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.07 Tc(MIN.) = 6.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1502.00 = 22.25 1 158.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1601.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 427.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.03 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.52 1.699 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8657 56 11.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.52 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 63 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 64 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1601.00 TO NODE 1602.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE-FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER-ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON-PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.15 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.52 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.40 Tc(MIN.) = 11.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1602.00 = 527.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1701.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 9.50 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.51 1.650 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8650 56 12.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1701.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 881.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 0.69 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.26 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 4.87 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.61 7.00 0.0150 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.41 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 9.12 Tc(MIN.) = 21.31 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.255 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.32 0.8590 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.34 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 0.86 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.27 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 5.73 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.66 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.45 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 21.31 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.86 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1702.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 7.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.14 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 1.970 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8688 56 8.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.24 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.49 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.97 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.24 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 65 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 66 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.86 21.31 1.255 0.68 2 0.24 8.49 1.970 0.14 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 0.58 8.49 1.970 2 1.01 21.31 1.255 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.01 Tc(MIN.) = 21.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 7.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.46 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.01 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.14 Tc(MIN.) = 21.46 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 21.46 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.01 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1704.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.25 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.28 1.982 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8689 56 8.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.28 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.39 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.98 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.28 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1705.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 223.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.18 2.271 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8716 56 6.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.18 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.27 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 67 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 68 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.18 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.01 21.46 1.250 0.82 2 0.28 8.39 1.982 0.16 3 0.18 6.35 2.271 0.09 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 0.69 6.35 2.271 2 0.83 8.39 1.982 3 1.28 21.46 1.250 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.28 Tc(MIN.) = 21.46 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.10 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.28 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.81 Tc(MIN.) = 22.27 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1707.00 = 2061.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1800.00 TO NODE 1801.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 141.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 10 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.375 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.27 0.7623 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.30 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.27 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ -------------------------------------------------------- END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 TC(MIN.) = 5.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.30 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS SCS Tc CN (MIN.) 56 5.80 2.30 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 69 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SRIORMIN.RES Page 70 RATIONAL METHOD 25 -YEAR STORM EVENT **************************************************************************** INTEGRATED RATIONAL METHOD/UH METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2013 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 20.0) Release Date: 06/01/2013 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14257 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * SILVERROCK RESORT * RATIONAL METHOD * 25 -YEAR STORM EVENT - JULY 2016 - ASIDOR ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: SR25RMIN.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 16:12 07/13/2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 25.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 10 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.800 10 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.748 100 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.820 100 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.580 SLOPE OF 10 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4900985 SLOPE OF 100 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4927142 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 25.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.058 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.4905 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C" -VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER -DEFINED STREET -SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER -GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT -/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 2 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 3 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.50 1.50 0.0313 0.125 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.67 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)*(Velocity) Constraint = 1.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 1 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH MODEL SELECTIONS/PARAMETERS: WATERSHED LAG = 0.80 * Tc FOOTHILL S -GRAPH USED. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPTH -AREA FACTORS USED (See Page B-3.) * 1 -HOUR ( 5 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 1 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.03 * 3 -HOUR (10 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 3 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.49 * 6 -HOUR (15 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 6 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.91 *24-HOUR (60 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 24-HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 3.10 LOW LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE = 0.80 MINIMUM LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE FOR 24-HOUR STORM = 0.20 *PRECIPITATION ZONE NUMBER (PZN) = 2.0 *ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC) = 0.00 ASSUMED FOR UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD* **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 101.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 230.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.30 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.76 2.731 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7752 56 8.68 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.76 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 101.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 859.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.54 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 2 STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.38 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.65 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.06 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.78 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 6.96 Tc(MIN.) = 15.64 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.046 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.57 0.7476 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.46 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.22 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.29 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.97 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1089.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.64 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.05 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.22 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 103.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 160.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.56 2.997 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7835 56 7.18 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.56 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 103.00 TO NODE 104.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 3 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.66 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.40 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.81 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.73 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 9.23 Tc(MIN.) = 16.41 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.998 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 4.09 0.7452 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 4.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.09 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.3 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.65 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.90 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.81 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 104.00 = 1160.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 104.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 205.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 7.08 ***STREET FLOW SPLITS OVER STREET -CROWN*** FULL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FULL HALF -STREET VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 SPLIT DEPTH(FEET) = 0.37 SPLIT FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.28 SPLIT FLOW(CFS) = 2.68 SPLIT VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.65 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 4 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.79 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.84 Tc(MIN.) = 18.25 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.897 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.61 0.7399 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.61 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.86 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.51 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.79 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 18.25 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.90 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.94 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.51 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 6.22 15.64 2.046 3.93 2 7.51 18.25 1.897 4.94 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 12.66 15.64 2.046 2 13.28 18.25 1.897 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 13.28 Tc(MIN.) = 18.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 106.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 400.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.22 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.28 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.92 Tc(MIN.) = 19.18 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 106.00 = 26.62 1 1765.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 148.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 37.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.30 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.74 2.940 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7818 56 7.47 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.74 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 802.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.85 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.49 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.57 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 7.37 Tc(MIN.) = 14.84 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.099 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 5 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 6 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.39 0.7502 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.92 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.49 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.03 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 950.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.84 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.10 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.92 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 204.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.85 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.77 2.697 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7741 56 8.90 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.85 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.77 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 204.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 850.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.61 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.37 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.97 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.68 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.62 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.41 Tc(MIN.) = 17.31 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.947 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.15 0.7426 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.44 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.39 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.39 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.80 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.71 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.31 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.95 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.44 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.92 14.84 2.099 1.71 2 3.44 17.31 1.947 2.00 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) 1 5.87 14.84 2 6.15 17.31 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 7 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 2.099 1.947 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 8 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.15 Tc(MIN.) = 17.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 28.17 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 490.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.60 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.15 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.78 Tc(MIN.) = 19.09 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 206.00 = 1640.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 735.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 17.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.29 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.68 2.680 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8747 56 9.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.68 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.02 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.68 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.68 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 304.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 705.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.33 2.520 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8736 56 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.33 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.23 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.52 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.33 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 0.68 9.02 2.680 0.29 2 2.33 10.23 2.520 1.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 2.74 9.02 2.680 2 2.97 10.23 2.520 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.97 Tc(MIN.) = 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 = 735.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 306.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.25 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 9 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 10 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.43 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.38 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.86 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.50 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.94 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.33 Tc(MIN.) = 12.56 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.279 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.46 0.8717 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.91 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.89 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.39 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.47 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.58 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 306.00 = 1085.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 306.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 134.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.85 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.89 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.46 Tc(MIN.) = 13.02 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.02 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.24 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.89 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 308.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 413.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.18 2.755 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8752 56 8.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.18 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 308.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.15 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.18 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.20 Tc(MIN.) = 8.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 522.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.72 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.72 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.18 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 310.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 791.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 32.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 7.00 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 11 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 12 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.404 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 4.22 0.8727 56 11.26 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.85 1.81 2 5.18 8.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.85 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 310.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.40 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.85 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.19 Tc(MIN.) = 11.45 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 900.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.45 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.38 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 8.85 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 312.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 338.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.91 2.655 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8745 56 9.20 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.91 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 312.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 63.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.57 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 0.91 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.41 Tc(MIN.) = 9.61 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 401.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.61 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.60 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.91 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.89 13.02 2.239 1.81 2 5.18 8.72 2.724 2.15 3 8.85 11.45 2.384 4.22 4 0.91 9.61 2.599 0.39 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 15.36 8.72 2.724 2 16.14 9.61 2.599 3 17.64 11.45 2.384 4 17.24 13.02 2.239 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 17.64 TC(MIN.) = 11.45 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.6 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 31 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 13 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 5.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 14.29 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 17.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.01 Tc(MIN.) = 11.46 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.46 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.38 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.57 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 17.64 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 20.25 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.22 2.490 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8733 56 10.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.56 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.22 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 179.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.29 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 6.80 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.98 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.58 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.51 Tc(MIN.) = 11.99 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.331 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.07 0.8721 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.14 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.36 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.00 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.60 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1179.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.99 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.33 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.36 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 314.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 404.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.36 2.591 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8741 56 9.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.36 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 15 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 16 TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.67 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.59 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.36 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 315.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 634.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 13.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.82 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.34 2.726 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8750 56 8.71 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.34 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.71 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.73 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.34 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 17.64 11.46 2.383 8.57 2 1.36 11.99 2.331 0.63 3 0.36 9.67 2.591 0.16 4 4.34 8.71 2.726 1.82 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 19.07 8.71 2.726 2 20.46 9.67 2.591 3 23.07 11.46 2.383 4 22.65 11.99 2.331 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 23.07 Tc(MIN.) = 11.46 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.2 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 316.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 20.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.42 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 23.07 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.26 Tc(MIN.) = 11.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 316.00 = 21.50 1 1324.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 402.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.03 2.570 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8739 56 9.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.03 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.82 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.57 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.03 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 17 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 18 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 411.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.80 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.78 2.544 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8738 56 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.78 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.03 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.54 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.78 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.03 9.82 2.570 0.46 2 1.78 10.03 2.544 0.80 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 2.78 9.82 2.570 2 2.80 10.03 2.544 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.80 Tc(MIN.) = 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 = 411.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.62 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.80 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.11 Tc(MIN.) = 10.14 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 441.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.14 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.53 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.26 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.80 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 405.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 746.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 3.52 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.62 2.478 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8733 56 10.58 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.62 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 405.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 94.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.51 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 20 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.62 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.24 Tc(MIN.) = 10.82 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.82 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.45 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.62 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 400.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 402.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.17 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 2.595 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8741 56 9.64 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.64 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.59 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 407.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 629.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 28.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.488 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 5.73 0.8733 56 10.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.45 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.45 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 407.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 170.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.89 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 12.45 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.48 Tc(MIN.) = 10.98 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 799.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.98 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.43 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 12.45 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 409.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 418.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.36 2.565 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8739 56 9.86 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.36 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 21 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 22 »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 5 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.86 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.57 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.36 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.80 10.14 2.531 1.26 2 7.62 10.82 2.451 3.52 3 0.39 9.64 2.595 0.17 4 12.45 10.98 2.434 5.73 5 0.36 9.86 2.565 0.16 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 5 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 21.11 9.64 2.595 2 21.60 9.86 2.565 3 22.17 10.14 2.531 4 23.32 10.82 2.451 5 23.41 10.98 2.434 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 23.41 Tc(MIN.) = 10.98 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 10.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 410.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ------------ ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 20.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.44 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 23.41 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.39 Tc(MIN.) = 11.36 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 410.00 = 990.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 501.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 4.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.90 2.534 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8737 56 10.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 8.90 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 501.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 156.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.98 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.90 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.52 Tc(MIN.) = 10.64 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 705.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.64 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.47 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 8.90 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 503.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.420 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 23 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 24 LAND USE GROUP COMMERCIAL B SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.51 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) 1.66 0.8728 56 11.11 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 503.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 68.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.62 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.51 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.31 Tc(MIN.) = 11.42 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 617.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.42 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.39 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 505.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 513.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.00 2.348 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8722 56 11.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.00 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 505.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 71.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.54 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.00 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.47 Tc(MIN.) = 12.28 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 584.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.28 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.30 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.00 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 507.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 620.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.67 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.10 2.134 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8704 56 14.36 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.10 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 507.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 118.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 7.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.30 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.10 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.46 Tc(MIN.) = 14.81 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 25 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 26 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««<I TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.81 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.10 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.10 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 8.90 10.64 2.472 4.02 2 3.51 11.42 2.387 1.66 3 1.00 12.28 2.304 0.49 4 3.10 14.81 2.101 1.67 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 15.26 10.64 2.472 2 15.42 11.42 2.387 3 15.25 12.28 2.304 4 14.67 14.81 2.101 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 15.26 Tc(MIN.) = 10.64 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 17.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.68 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 15.26 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.03 Tc(MIN.) = 10.67 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 27 TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.67 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.47 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.84 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 15.26 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 509.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 382.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.86 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.98 2.634 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8744 56 9.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.98 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.63 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.98 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 510.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 399.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.71 2.600 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8742 56 9.59 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 28 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.61 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.59 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.60 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.61 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 15.26 10.67 2.468 7.84 2 1.98 9.35 2.634 0.86 3 1.61 9.59 2.600 0.71 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 16.92 9.35 2.634 2 17.29 9.59 2.600 3 18.65 10.67 2.468 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 18.65 Tc(MIN.) = 10.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 512.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 19.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.05 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 18.65 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.41 Tc(MIN.) = 11.08 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 512.00 = 905.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 600.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 396.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.01 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.15 2.435 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8729 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.15 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.97 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.43 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.15 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 602.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 552.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.62 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.12 2.208 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8710 56 13.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.12 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 602.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 29 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 30 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 192.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.00 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.12 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.80 Tc(MIN.) = 14.19 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.19 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.15 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.12 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 603.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 92.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.22 3.496 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8792 56 5.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.22 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 5.25 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.50 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.22 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.15 10.97 2.435 1.01 2 3.12 14.19 2.146 1.62 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 31 3 0.22 5.25 3.496 0.07 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 2.39 5.25 3.496 2 4.71 10.97 2.435 3 5.14 14.19 2.146 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.14 Tc(MIN.) = 14.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 605.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 11.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.45 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.14 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.56 Tc(MIN.) = 14.75 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 605.00 = 21.25 1 894.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 238.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL 2.917 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.66 0.7811 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.78 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES 56 7.59 3.78 Page 32 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 703.00 TO NODE 704.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 16.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 319.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.95 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.38 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.86 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.89 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.08 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.84 Tc(MIN.) = 9.43 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.623 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.15 0.8743 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.34 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.13 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.38 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.06 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.92 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.11 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 704.00 = 557.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 704.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 16.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 204.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.18 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.13 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.66 Tc(MIN.) = 10.08 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 761.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.08 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.54 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.13 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 935.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 15.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 11.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.75 2.107 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7506 56 14.73 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 12.75 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 706.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 15.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.70 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 12.75 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 14.77 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 14.75 1 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.77 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.10 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 12.75 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 33 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 34 1 4.13 10.08 2.537 1.81 2 12.75 14.77 2.104 8.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 12.83 10.08 2.537 2 16.17 14.77 2.104 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 16.17 Tc(MIN.) = 14.77 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 569.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.82 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 16.17 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.63 Tc(MIN.) = 16.40 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.40 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.00 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 9.87 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 16.17 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 709.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 708.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.58 2.217 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7556 56 13.28 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.58 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 709.00 TO NODE 710.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 392.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 10.78 ***STREET FLOWING FULL*** STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.47 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.03 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.96 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.21 Tc(MIN.) = 16.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.993 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.23 0.8690 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.23 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.40 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 10.98 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.47 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.06 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.97 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 710.00 = 1100.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 710.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 35 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 36 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.20 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.98 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 16.54 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1121.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.54 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.99 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 6.55 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 10.98 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 16.17 16.40 1.999 9.87 2 10.98 16.54 1.990 6.55 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 27.06 16.40 1.999 2 27.08 16.54 1.990 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 27.06 Tc(MIN.) = 16.40 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 16.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 623.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 21.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.20 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 27.06 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 37 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.44 Tc(MIN.) = 17.84 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.84 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.92 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 16.42 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 27.06 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 713.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 10.25 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.74 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.41 2.052 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7479 56 15.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.74 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 713.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 11.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 389.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.90 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.41 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.94 Tc(MIN.) = 16.49 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 715.00 = 8.25 1 1389.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.993 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 38 LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 11.58 "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.84 0.7450 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.84 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 17.63 TC(MIN.) = 16.49 1 27.06 17.84 1.918 16.42 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 20.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 18.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.00 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 17.63 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.06 Tc(MIN.) = 16.55 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 1409.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.55 TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.99 RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 11.58 NUMBER PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 17.63 (INCH/HOUR) ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** 42.72 16.55 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 27.06 17.84 1.918 16.42 2 17.63 16.55 1.990 11.58 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 42.72 16.55 1.990 2 44.05 17.84 1.918 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 44.05 Tc(MIN.) = 17.84 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 28.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 23.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 36.0 INCH PIPE IS 25.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.32 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 36.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 44.05 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 17.89 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.89 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.92 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 28.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 44.05 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 717.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 295.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.08 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.19 2.763 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8753 56 8.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.48 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.76 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 39 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 40 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 719.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 19.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.41 2.014 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7460 56 16.15 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 719.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 83.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 10.04 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.41 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.14 Tc(MIN.) = 16.28 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 720.00 = 1083.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.006 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.56 0.8691 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.5 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.13 TC(MIN.) = 16.28 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 43.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.92 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.13 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.12 Tc(MIN.) = 16.40 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 1126.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.40 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.00 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 13.13 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 722.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 143.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.57 3.012 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7839 56 7.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.57 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 722.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 610.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 41 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 42 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 0.82 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 6.34 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.38 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.39 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 7.36 Tc(MIN.) = 14.47 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.125 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.27 0.8703 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.27 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.5 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.07 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.41 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.44 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.44 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 753.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.47 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.13 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.51 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.07 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 44.05 17.89 1.915 28.00 2 0.19 8.48 2.763 0.08 3 13.13 16.40 1.999 8.49 4 1.07 14.47 2.125 0.51 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) 1 28.48 8.48 2 48.43 14.47 3 54.66 16.40 4 57.73 17.89 INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 2.763 2.125 1.999 1.915 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 43 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 57.73 Tc(MIN.) = 17.89 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 37.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 724.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 227.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 42.0 INCH PIPE IS 29.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.05 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 42.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 57.73 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.47 Tc(MIN.) = 18.36 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 724.00 = 6.87 1 2398.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 800.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.04 2.592 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7705 56 9.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 2.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.66 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.59 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 802.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 44 i E TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.76 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.49 2.546 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7688 56 10.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.76 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.49 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 802.00 TO NODE 803.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 211.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.03 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.43 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.22 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.36 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.88 Tc(MIN.) = 12.90 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.249 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.63 0.7570 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.07 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.56 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.33 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.29 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.41 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 803.00 = 511.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 803.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 340.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.34 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.70 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.58 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.51 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.59 Tc(MIN.) = 16.49 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.994 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.05 0.7450 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.05 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.56 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.12 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.60 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.66 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.56 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.49 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.99 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.12 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.04 9.66 2.592 1.02 2 4.12 16.49 1.994 2.44 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 45 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 46 CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 4.45 9.66 2.592 2 5.69 16.49 1.994 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.69 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.5 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 16.49 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 216.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.40 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.69 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.82 Tc(MIN.) = 17.31 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 8.50 1 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.31 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.95 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.46 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.69 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 806.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 185.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.64 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.41 2.834 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7786 56 8.05 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 47 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.64 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 806.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 333.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.50 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.97 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.70 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.59 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.26 TC(MIN.) = 11.31 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.399 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.35 0.7632 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.35 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.13 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.55 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.40 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.55 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.93 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.77 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 518.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.31 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.40 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.99 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.55 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 5.69 17.31 1.947 3.46 2 7.55 11.31 2.399 3.99 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 48 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 11.26 11.31 2.399 2 11.81 17.31 1.947 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.26 Tc(MIN.) = 11.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 808.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 7.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.40 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.26 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.46 Tc(MIN.) = 11.77 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 808.00 = 1217.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 901.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.90 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.29 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.34 2.379 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7624 56 11.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.34 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 901.00 TO NODE 902.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 230.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.67 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.07 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.62 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.53 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.36 Tc(MIN.) = 13.86 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.171 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.63 0.7535 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.01 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.44 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.75 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 902.00 = 627.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 902.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 460.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 6.93 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.39 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.13 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.88 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 49 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 50 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.73 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.07 Tc(MIN.) = 17.94 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.913 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.71 0.7408 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.71 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.84 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 8.85 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.42 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 14.45 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.01 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.83 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.94 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.91 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 8.85 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 904.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 330.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.87 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.67 2.499 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7671 56 10.40 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.87 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.67 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 904.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 455.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.52 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.22 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.58 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.46 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.79 Tc(MIN.) = 15.19 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.075 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.09 0.7490 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.69 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.36 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.38 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.68 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.53 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 785.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.19 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.08 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.36 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 8.85 17.94 1.913 5.63 2 3.36 15.19 2.075 1.96 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 51 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 52 NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 10.85 15.19 2.075 2 11.95 17.94 1.913 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.95 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.6 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 17.94 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 906.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 7.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.47 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.95 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.46 Tc(MIN.) = 18.39 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 906.00 = 1237.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1001.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 371.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.11 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.07 2.435 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7646 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.11 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.07 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 53 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.61 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.49 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.55 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.46 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.75 Tc(MIN.) = 14.72 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.108 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.68 0.7506 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.08 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.14 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.23 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.62 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.50 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.72 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.11 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.79 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.14 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1003.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 358.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.01 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.88 2.440 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7648 56 10.92 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1003.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 228.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.90 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.31 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.96 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.57 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.48 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.42 Tc(MIN.) = 13.34 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.212 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): 8.50 0.0150 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.21 0.7554 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.21 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.2 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 3.91 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.23 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.68 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.55 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 586.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.34 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.21 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.91 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.14 14.72 2.108 1.79 2 3.91 13.34 2.212 2.22 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 6.75 13.34 2.212 2 6.86 14.72 2.108 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.75 Tc(MIN.) = 13.34 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1005.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.66 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.75 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.54 Tc(MIN.) = 13.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1005.00 = 7.75 1 871.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1100.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 335.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.44 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.82 2.547 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7689 56 10.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 55 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 56 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.55 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 384.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.48 2.368 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7620 56 11.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.48 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.61 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.37 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.48 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.82 10.00 2.547 1.44 2 3.48 11.61 2.368 1.93 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 5.82 10.00 2.547 2 6.10 11.61 2.368 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.10 TC(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1102.00 = 384.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1103.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 207.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.58 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.10 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.75 Tc(MIN.) = 12.37 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1103.00 = 7.97 1 591.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 180.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 60.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 33.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.53 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.82 3.580 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8796 56 5.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.53 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.82 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1201.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 450.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.11 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.82 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.41 Tc(MIN.) = 7.41 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1211.00 = 26.00 1 630.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 81 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 57 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 58 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.952 DATA(AMC II): SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.09 0.8764 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.64 TC(MIN.) = 7.41 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 360.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.12 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.17 Tc(MIN.) = 8.58 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1214.00 = 990.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.747 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.34 0.8751 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.34 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.86 TC(MIN.) = 8.58 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ------------ ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 125.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.23 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.86 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.29 Tc(MIN.) = 8.87 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1115.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.87 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.70 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 10.86 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1203.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 370.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.92 2.484 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8733 56 10.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.92 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1203.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 345.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.39 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.92 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.78 Tc(MIN.) = 11.31 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1206.00 = 24.00 1 715.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.399 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.49 0.8726 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.12 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.04 TC(MIN.) = 11.31 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 60 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 415.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.40 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.04 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.57 Tc(MIN.) = 12.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.250 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.00 0.8714 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.96 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.00 TC(MIN.) = 12.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.250 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 2.18 0.8714 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.18 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.27 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 15.28 TC(MIN.) = 12.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.88 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 15.28 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 10.86 8.87 2.702 3.96 2 15.28 12.88 2.250 7.40 *r****************************r**WARNINGr****************************r*+** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 21.38 8.87 2.702 2 24.32 12.88 2.250 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 24.32 Tc(MIN.) = 12.88 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1218.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 40.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 18.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.44 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 24.32 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.08 Tc(MIN.) = 12.96 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1218.00 = 22.10 1 1170.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 153.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.51 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.45 3.352 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8786 56 5.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.51 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.45 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 61 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 62 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1301.00 TO NODE 1302.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE-FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER-ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON-PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.45 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 55.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.59 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.45 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.16 Tc(MIN.) = 5.88 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1302.00 = 208.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 247.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.20 2.798 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8755 56 8.26 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.20 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1401.00 TO NODE 1402.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.84 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 16.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.87 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.20 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.07 Tc(MIN.) = 8.33 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1402.00 = 263.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1501.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 133.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.42 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.66 3.136 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8775 56 6.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.42 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.66 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1501.00 TO NODE 1502.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 25.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.17 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.66 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.07 Tc(MIN.) = 6.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1502.00 = 22.25 1 158.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1601.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 427.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.03 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.14 2.381 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8725 56 11.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.14 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1601.00 TO NODE 1602.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.58 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 63 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 64 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.14 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.36 Tc(MIN.) = 11.84 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1602.00 = 527.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1701.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 9.50 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.73 2.312 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8719 56 12.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.73 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1701.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 881.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 0.97 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.28 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 6.24 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.68 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.48 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.74 Tc(MIN.) = 20.93 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.773 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): 7.00 0.0150 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.32 0.8666 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.22 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.10 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.75 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.53 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 20.93 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.77 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.22 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1702.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 7.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.14 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.34 2.761 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8752 56 8.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.34 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.49 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.76 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.34 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.22 20.93 1.773 0.68 2 0.34 8.49 2.761 0.14 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 65 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 66 RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 0.83 8.49 2.761 2 1.43 20.93 1.773 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.43 Tc(MIN.) = 20.93 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 7.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 4.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.83 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.43 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.13 Tc(MIN.) = 21.07 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 21.07 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 1.77 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.43 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1704.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.25 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) 2.778 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 0.8754 56 8.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.39 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.78 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1705.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 223.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.25 3.184 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8777 56 6.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.25 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.18 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.25 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.43 21.07 1.768 0.82 2 0.39 8.39 2.778 0.16 3 0.25 6.35 3.184 0.09 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 67 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 68 WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 0.98 6.35 3.184 2 1.18 8.39 2.778 3 1.82 21.07 1.768 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.82 Tc(MIN.) = 21.07 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.41 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.82 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.73 Tc(MIN.) = 21.80 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1707.00 = 2061.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1800.00 TO NODE 1801.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 141.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 25 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.330 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.27 0.7923 56 5.80 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.27 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.35 END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) _ 1.3 TC(MIN.) _ 3.35 5.80 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SR25RMIN.RES Page 70 RATIONAL METHOD 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT **************************************************************************** INTEGRATED RATIONAL METHOD/UH METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM BASED ON RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT (RCFC&WCD) 1978 HYDROLOGY MANUAL (c) Copyright 1982-2013 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) (Rational Tabling Version 20.0) Release Date: 06/01/2013 License ID 1264 Analysis prepared by: RBF Consulting 14257 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * SILVERROCK RESORT * RATIONAL METHOD * 100 -YEAR STORM EVENT - JULY 2016 - ASIDOR ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: SROORMIN.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 07:08 07/13/2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE = 0.95 10 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.800 10 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 0.748 100 -YEAR STORM 10 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.820 100 -YEAR STORM 60 -MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.580 SLOPE OF 10 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4900985 SLOPE OF 100 -YEAR INTENSITY -DURATION CURVE = 0.4927142 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: STORM EVENT = 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.580 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = 0.4927 RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL "C" -VALUES USED FOR RATIONAL METHOD NOTE: COMPUTE CONFLUENCE VALUES ACCORDING TO RCFC&WCD HYDROLOGY MANUAL AND IGNORE OTHER CONFLUENCE COMBINATIONS FOR DOWNSTREAM ANALYSES *USER -DEFINED STREET -SECTIONS FOR COUPLED PIPEFLOW AND STREETFLOW MODEL* HALF- CROWN TO STREET-CROSSFALL: CURB GUTTER -GEOMETRIES: MANNING WIDTH CROSSFALL IN- / OUT -/PARK- HEIGHT WIDTH LIP HIKE FACTOR NO. (FT) (FT) SIDE / SIDE/ WAY (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (n) 1 30.0 20.0 0.018/0.018/0.020 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 2 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.67 2.00 0.0313 0.167 0.0150 3 15.0 10.0 0.020/0.020/ --- 0.50 1.50 0.0313 0.125 0.0150 GLOBAL STREET FLOW -DEPTH CONSTRAINTS: 1. Relative Flow -Depth = 0.67 FEET as (Maximum Allowable Street Flow Depth) - (Top -of -Curb) 2. (Depth)*(Velocity) Constraint = 1.0 (FT*FT/S) *SIZE PIPE WITH A FLOW CAPACITY GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE UPSTREAM TRIBUTARY PIPE.* Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 1 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH MODEL SELECTIONS/PARAMETERS: WATERSHED LAG = 0.80 * Tc FOOTHILL S -GRAPH USED. RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPTH -AREA FACTORS USED (See Page B-3.) * 1 -HOUR ( 5 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 1 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 1.58 * 3 -HOUR (10 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 3 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 2.24 * 6 -HOUR (15 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 6 -HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 2.83 *24-HOUR (60 -MINUTE PERIOD) DESIGN STORM USED. UNADJUSTED 24-HOUR RAINFALL DEPTH (INCHES) = 4.52 LOW LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE = 0.80 MINIMUM LOSS RATE PERCENTAGE FOR 24-HOUR STORM = 0.20 *PRECIPITATION ZONE NUMBER (PZN) = 2.0 *ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC) = 0.00 ASSUMED FOR UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD* **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 101.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 230.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.30 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.19 4.095 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8083 56 8.68 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 101.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 859.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 5.60 ***STREET FLOW SPLITS OVER STREET -CROWN*** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 2 FULL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FULL HALF -STREET VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.29 SPLIT DEPTH(FEET) = 0.16 SPLIT FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 1.53 SPLIT FLOW(CFS) = 0.18 SPLIT VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.30 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.29 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.97 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 6.27 Tc(MIN.) = 14.95 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.134 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.57 0.7873 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.57 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.81 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 10.00 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.29 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.97 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1089.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.95 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.13 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 10.00 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 103.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 160.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 38.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.88 4.497 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8150 56 7.18 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 103.00 TO NODE 104.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 5.75 ***STREET FLOW SPLITS OVER STREET -CROWN*** FULL DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FULL HALF -STREET VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.90 SPLIT DEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 SPLIT FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.75 SPLIT FLOW(CFS) = 1.25 SPLIT VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.41 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.90 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.81 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.76 Tc(MIN.) = 15.94 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.036 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 4.09 0.7845 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 4.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.74 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.3 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 10.62 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.44 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.03 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.90 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 104.00 = 1160.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 104.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 205.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 3 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 4 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 11.31 ***STREET FLOWING FULL*** STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.45 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.05 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.93 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.67 Tc(MIN.) = 17.61 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.890 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.61 0.7803 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.61 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.38 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 12.00 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.46 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.10 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.96 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 105.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.61 TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.89 RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.94 NUMBER PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 12.00 (MIN.) ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** 1 20.18 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 10.00 14.95 3.134 3.93 2 12.00 17.61 2.890 4.94 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 20.18 14.95 3.134 2 21.22 17.61 2.890 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 21.22 Tc(MIN.) = 17.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 105.00 = 1365.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 105.00 TO NODE 106.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 400.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 18.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.99 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 21.22 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.83 Tc(MIN.) = 18.45 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 106.00 = 26.62 1 1765.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 148.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 37.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.30 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.15 4.410 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8136 56 7.47 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.15 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 36.20 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 802.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 2.94 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 5 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 6 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.55 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.03 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.72 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 6.59 Tc(MIN.) = 14.06 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.230 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.39 0.7898 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.69 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.41 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.97 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.27 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.92 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 200.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 950.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.06 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.23 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.69 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 204.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 39.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.85 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.78 4.045 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8074 56 8.90 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.85 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.78 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 204.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 34.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.62 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 850.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 7 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.13 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.42 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 14.45 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.87 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.78 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 7.57 Tc(MIN.) = 16.47 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.987 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.15 0.7832 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.69 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.47 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.92 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.82 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.47 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.99 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.47 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 4.69 14.06 3.230 1.71 2 5.47 16.47 2.987 2.00 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 8 ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 9.36 14.06 3.230 2 9.81 16.47 2.987 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 9.81 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 16.47 205.00 = 1150.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.62 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 490.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.14 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.81 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.59 Tc(MIN.) = 18.06 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 206.00 = 28.17 1 1640.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 735.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 17.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.29 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.03 4.019 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8814 56 9.02 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.03 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.02 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.02 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.29 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.03 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 304.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------ »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 705.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.53 3.777 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8805 56 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.53 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 305.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.23 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.78 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.53 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.03 9.02 4.019 0.29 2 3.53 10.23 3.777 1.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 4.14 9.02 4.019 2 4.49 10.23 3.777 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.49 Tc(MIN.) = 10.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 305.00 = 735.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 9 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 10 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 305.00 TO NODE 306.00 IS CODE = 62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 5.19 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.42 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.99 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.76 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.15 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.11 Tc(MIN.) = 12.34 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.444 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.46 0.8790 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.88 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.71 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.85 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.23 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 306.00 = 1085.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 306.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 134.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.35 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.88 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.42 Tc(MIN.) = 12.76 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 11 TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.76 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.39 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 308.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 413.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.83 4.132 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8818 56 8.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.83 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 308.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 10.23 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.83 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.18 Tc(MIN.) = 8.70 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 307.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 522.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.70 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.09 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.15 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 7.83 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 310.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 12 i E TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 791.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 32.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 7.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 4.22 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.38 3.603 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8797 56 11.26 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 310.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 109.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 10.27 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.38 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.18 Tc(MIN.) = 11.44 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 309.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 900.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.44 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.58 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 13.38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 312.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 338.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.37 3.981 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8812 56 9.20 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.37 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 312.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 63.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.89 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.37 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.36 Tc(MIN.) = 9.56 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 311.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 22.25 1 401.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 313.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.56 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.91 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.39 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.37 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 5.88 12.76 3.388 1.81 2 7.83 8.70 4.091 2.15 3 13.38 11.44 3.576 4.22 4 1.37 9.56 3.905 0.39 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 23.27 8.70 4.091 2 24.44 9.56 3.905 3 26.75 11.44 3.576 4 26.23 12.76 3.388 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 26.75 Tc(MIN.) = 11.44 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.6 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 13 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 14 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 313.00 = 1219.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 313.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 5.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 15.86 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 26.75 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.01 Tc(MIN.) = 11.44 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.44 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.57 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.57 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 26.75 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 44.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 20.25 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.84 3.733 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8803 56 10.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.56 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.84 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 179.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.95 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.47 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.15 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.70 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.39 Tc(MIN.) = 11.87 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.511 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.07 0.8793 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.06 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.73 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.16 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.72 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 300.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1179.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.87 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.51 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.06 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 314.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 404.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.55 3.885 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8809 56 9.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.55 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 15 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 16 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.67 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.88 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.55 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 315.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 634.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 35.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 13.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.82 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.56 4.089 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8816 56 8.71 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.56 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 302.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.71 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.09 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.56 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 26.75 11.44 3.575 8.57 2 2.06 11.87 3.511 0.63 3 0.55 9.67 3.885 0.16 4 6.56 8.71 4.089 1.82 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 28.93 8.71 4.089 2 31.06 9.67 3.885 3 34.97 11.44 3.575 4 34.46 11.87 3.511 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 34.97 TC(MIN.) = 11.44 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.2 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 302.00 = 1224.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 302.00 TO NODE 316.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 33.0 INCH PIPE IS 25.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.99 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 33.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 34.97 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.24 Tc(MIN.) = 11.68 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 303.00 TO NODE 316.00 = 21.50 1 1324.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 402.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.46 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.56 3.854 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8808 56 9.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.56 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.82 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 17 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 18 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.46 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.56 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 411.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.80 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.69 3.814 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8806 56 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.69 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 403.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.03 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.81 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.69 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.56 9.82 3.854 0.46 2 2.69 10.03 3.814 0.80 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 4.19 9.82 3.854 2 4.23 10.03 3.814 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.23 Tc(MIN.) = 10.03 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.3 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 403.00 = 411.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 403.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 8.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.16 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.23 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.10 Tc(MIN.) = 10.13 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 408.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 441.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.13 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.80 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.26 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.23 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 405.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 746.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 3.52 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.51 3.715 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8802 56 10.58 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 405.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 19 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 20 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 94.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.21 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.51 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.22 Tc(MIN.) = 10.80 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.80 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.68 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.52 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 11.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 400.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 402.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.17 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.58 3.890 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8809 56 9.64 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 0.58 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.64 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.89 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.17 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.58 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 407.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 629.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 28.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 5.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 18.81 3.730 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8803 56 10.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 18.81 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 407.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 170.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 18.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.49 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 18.81 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.44 Tc(MIN.) = 10.93 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 406.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 22.00 1 799.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.93 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.66 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.73 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 18.81 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 409.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 418.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.54 3.846 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8807 56 9.86 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.54 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 21 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 22 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 401.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 5 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 5 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.86 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.54 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 4.23 10.13 3.796 1.26 2 11.51 10.80 3.678 3.52 3 0.58 9.64 3.890 0.17 4 18.81 10.93 3.656 5.73 5 0.54 9.86 3.846 0.16 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 5 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 31.99 9.64 3.890 2 32.73 9.86 3.846 3 33.56 10.13 3.796 4 35.27 10.80 3.678 5 35.39 10.93 3.656 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 35.39 Tc(MIN.) = 10.93 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 10.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 401.00 = 840.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 401.00 TO NODE 410.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 33.0 INCH PIPE IS 26.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.99 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 33.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 35.39 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.36 Tc(MIN.) = 11.29 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 23 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 404.00 TO NODE 410.00 = 990.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 501.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 4.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.45 3.799 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8805 56 10.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.45 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 501.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 156.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.49 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.45 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.47 Tc(MIN.) = 10.59 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 500.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 705.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.59 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.71 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 4.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 13.45 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 503.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 549.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 24 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.627 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 1.66 0.8798 56 11.11 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.30 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.30 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 503.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 68.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 12.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.94 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 5.30 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.29 Tc(MIN.) = 11.40 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 502.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 617.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.40 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.58 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.30 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 505.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 513.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.52 3.519 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8794 56 11.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 1.52 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 505.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 71.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 6.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.85 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.52 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.42 Tc(MIN.) = 12.23 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 504.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 22.25 1 584.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.23 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.46 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.52 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 507.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 620.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.67 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.69 3.197 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8778 56 14.36 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.69 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 507.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 118.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 9.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.78 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.69 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.41 Tc(MIN.) = 14.77 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 25 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 26 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 508.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.77 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.15 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.67 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.69 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 13.45 10.59 3.714 4.02 2 5.30 11.40 3.581 1.66 3 1.52 12.23 3.459 0.49 4 4.69 14.77 3.152 1.67 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 23.04 10.59 3.714 2 23.29 11.40 3.581 3 23.04 12.23 3.459 4 22.14 14.77 3.152 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 23.04 Tc(MIN.) = 10.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 508.00 = 738.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 508.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 17.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.57 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 23.04 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.03 Tc(MIN.) = 10.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.62 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.71 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.84 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 23.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 509.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 382.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.86 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.99 3.949 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8811 56 9.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.99 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.95 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.86 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.99 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 510.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 399.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.899 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 27 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 28 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 0.71 0.8809 56 9.59 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.44 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.44 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 511.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.59 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.90 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.71 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.44 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 23.04 10.62 3.709 7.84 2 2.99 9.35 3.949 0.86 3 2.44 9.59 3.899 0.71 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 25.65 9.35 3.949 2 26.21 9.59 3.899 3 28.17 10.62 3.709 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 28.17 Tc(MIN.) = 10.62 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 511.00 = 755.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 511.00 TO NODE 512.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 21.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 24.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.57 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 28.17 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.38 Tc(MIN.) = 11.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 506.00 TO NODE 512.00 = 905.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 600.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 396.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.01 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.24 3.650 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8799 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.24 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.97 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.65 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.24 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 602.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 552.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.62 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.71 3.308 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8784 56 13.39 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.71 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 602.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 29 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 30 »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 192.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.43 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 4.71 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.72 Tc(MIN.) = 14.11 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.11 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.22 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.62 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.71 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 603.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 92.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.07 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 5.248 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8850 56 5.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.33 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 604.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 5.25 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 5.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.07 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.33 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.24 10.97 3.650 1.01 2 4.71 14.11 3.224 1.62 3 0.33 5.25 5.248 0.07 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 3.63 5.25 5.248 2 7.13 10.97 3.650 3 7.77 14.11 3.224 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.77 Tc(MIN.) = 14.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.7 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 604.00 = 744.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 604.00 TO NODE 605.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 13.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.93 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.77 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.51 Tc(MIN.) = 14.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 601.00 TO NODE 605.00 = 21.25 1 894.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 238.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 5.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.66 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.91 4.377 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8131 56 7.59 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 31 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 32 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.66 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.91 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 703.00 TO NODE 704.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 21.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 16.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 319.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 6.17 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.42 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.20 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.19 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.35 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.66 Tc(MIN.) = 9.25 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.969 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.15 0.8812 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.15 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.52 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.43 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.43 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.45 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.22 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.37 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 704.00 = 557.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 704.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 16.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 204.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.77 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.43 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.59 Tc(MIN.) = 9.84 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 702.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 761.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.84 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.85 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.81 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.43 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 935.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 15.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 11.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.06 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 20.04 3.157 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7879 56 14.73 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 20.04 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 706.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 15.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.57 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 20.04 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.04 Tc(MIN.) = 14.77 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 14.75 1 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 707.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.77 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.15 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 20.04 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 33 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 34 NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 6.43 9.84 3.850 1.81 2 20.04 14.77 3.152 8.06 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 19.79 9.84 3.850 2 25.31 14.77 3.152 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 25.31 Tc(MIN.) = 14.77 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.9 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 707.00 = 956.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 14.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 569.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 22.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.42 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 25.31 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.48 Tc(MIN.) = 16.25 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.25 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.01 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 9.87 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 25.31 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 709.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 708.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.63 3.321 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7921 56 13.28 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.32 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.63 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 709.00 TO NODE 710.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 392.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 16.93 ***STREET FLOWING FULL*** STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.53 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.44 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.28 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.68 Tc(MIN.) = 15.97 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.034 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.23 0.8769 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.23 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 17.24 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.53 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.46 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.30 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 710.00 = 1100.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 710.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 35 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 36 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 21.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.33 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 17.24 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.04 Tc(MIN.) = 16.01 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1121.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 711.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.01 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.03 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 6.55 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 17.24 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 25.31 16.25 3.008 9.87 2 17.24 16.01 3.030 6.55 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 42.17 16.01 3.030 2 42.42 16.25 3.008 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 42.42 Tc(MIN.) = 16.25 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 16.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 711.00 = 1525.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 711.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 623.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 36.0 INCH PIPE IS 25.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.08 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 36.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 42.42 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.28 Tc(MIN.) = 17.53 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.53 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.90 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 16.42 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 42.42 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 713.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 10.25 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 8.74 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 21.10 3.073 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7856 56 15.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.74 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 21.10 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 713.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 11.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 389.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 7.87 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 21.10 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.82 Tc(MIN.) = 16.38 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 715.00 = 8.25 1 1389.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 715.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.996 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 37 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 20.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 24.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.56 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 27.76 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 16.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 1409.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.43 TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.99 RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 42.42 17.53 "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.84 0.7834 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.84 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.67 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 27.76 TC(MIN.) = 16.38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 715.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 20.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 24.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.56 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 27.76 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.05 Tc(MIN.) = 16.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 712.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 1409.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 716.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.43 TABLE ** RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.99 RUNOFF TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 11.58 NUMBER PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 27.76 (INCH/HOUR) ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** 67.51 16.43 STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 42.42 17.53 2.897 16.42 2 27.76 16.43 2.991 11.58 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 67.51 16.43 2.991 2 69.31 17.53 2.897 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 69.31 Tc(MIN.) = 17.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 28.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 716.00 = 2148.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 716.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.15 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 23.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 42.0 INCH PIPE IS 30.4 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.28 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 42.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 69.31 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.04 Tc(MIN.) = 17.57 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.57 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.89 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 28.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 69.31 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 717.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 295.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.08 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.29 4.144 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8818 56 8.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.29 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.48 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 39 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 40 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.14 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.08 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.29 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 719.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 19.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 8.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 6.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.39 3.017 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7840 56 16.15 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.39 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 719.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 83.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 10.87 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 16.39 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.13 Tc(MIN.) = 16.27 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 720.00 = 1083.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 720.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.005 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.56 0.8767 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.56 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.5 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 20.50 TC(MIN.) = 16.27 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 720.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.25 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 43.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 19.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.54 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 20.50 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.11 Tc(MIN.) = 16.38 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 718.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 8.00 1 1126.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.38 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.00 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 8.49 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 20.50 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 722.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 143.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.24 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.88 4.519 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8153 56 7.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.24 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.88 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 722.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 610.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 41 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 42 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.27 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.12 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.50 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.48 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 6.79 Tc(MIN.) = 13.90 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.248 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.27 0.8780 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.27 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.77 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.5 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.65 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 9.24 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.59 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.54 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 721.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 753.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 723.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 4 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 4 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.90 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.51 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.65 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 69.31 17.57 2.894 28.00 2 0.29 8.48 4.144 0.08 3 20.50 16.38 2.995 8.49 4 1.65 13.90 3.248 0.51 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 4 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) 1 45.35 8.48 2 74.11 13.90 3 86.85 16.38 4 90.79 17.57 INTENSITY (INCH/HOUR) 4.144 3.248 2.995 2.894 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 43 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 90.79 Tc(MIN.) = 17.57 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 37.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 723.00 = 2171.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 723.00 TO NODE 724.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 227.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 48.0 INCH PIPE IS 36.2 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.92 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 48.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 90.79 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.42 Tc(MIN.) = 18.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 724.00 = 6.87 1 2398.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 800.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.02 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.19 3.886 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8045 56 9.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 9.66 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.89 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.02 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 3.19 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 802.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 44 ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 300.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.76 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.33 3.817 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8031 56 10.01 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.76 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.33 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 802.00 TO NODE 803.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 211.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.18 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.28 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.35 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.45 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.60 Tc(MIN.) = 12.61 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.407 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.63 0.7942 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.70 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.03 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.33 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.44 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.51 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 803.00 = 511.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 803.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 45 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 340.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 5.29 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.36 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.76 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.76 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.64 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.21 Tc(MIN.) = 15.82 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.047 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.05 0.7849 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.05 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.51 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.4 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.55 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.38 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.81 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.86 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.71 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.82 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.05 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.55 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 3.19 9.66 3.886 1.02 2 6.55 15.82 3.047 2.44 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 46 RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 7.18 9.66 3.886 2 9.05 15.82 3.047 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 9.05 Tc(MIN.) = 15.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.5 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 804.00 = 851.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 216.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.91 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.05 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.73 Tc(MIN.) = 16.56 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 16.56 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.98 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.46 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 9.05 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 806.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 185.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.64 4.252 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8110 56 8.05 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.21 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.64 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.21 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 806.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.25 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 333.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 7.12 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.39 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.23 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.90 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.74 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.92 Tc(MIN.) = 10.96 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.651 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 3.35 0.7997 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 3.35 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 9.78 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.99 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.45 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.23 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.00 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 805.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 518.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.96 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.65 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.99 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 11.99 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 9.05 16.56 2.980 3.46 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 47 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 48 2 11.99 10.96 3.651 3.99 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 17.98 10.96 3.651 2 18.83 16.56 2.980 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 17.98 Tc(MIN.) = 10.96 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 807.00 = 1067.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 808.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 19.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.02 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 17.98 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.42 Tc(MIN.) = 11.38 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 801.00 TO NODE 808.00 = 7.75 1 1217.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 901.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 397.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 14.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.90 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.29 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.67 3.566 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7978 56 11.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.29 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.67 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 901.00 TO NODE 902.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.60 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 230.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 5.79 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.37 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.18 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.67 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.12 Tc(MIN.) = 13.62 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.280 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.63 0.7911 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.63 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.23 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.9 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 7.90 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.40 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 13.81 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.95 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.78 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 902.00 = 627.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 902.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.40 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 460.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 11.00 ***STREET FLOWING FULL*** STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.44 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 49 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 50 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.15 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.94 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.57 Tc(MIN.) = 17.19 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.925 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 2.71 0.7813 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.71 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.6 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 14.09 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.47 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 2.38 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 1.11 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 17.19 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.93 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 5.63 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 14.09 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 904.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 330.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.87 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.61 3.746 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8017 56 10.40 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.87 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.61 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 904.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.00 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 455.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 3.97 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.07 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.75 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.57 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.32 Tc(MIN.) = 14.73 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.157 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.09 0.7879 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.71 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.0 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5.32 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.39 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.88 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.67 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 903.00 TO NODE 905.00 = 785.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 905.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.73 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.16 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.32 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 14.09 17.19 2.925 5.63 2 5.32 14.73 3.157 1.96 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 51 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 52 ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 17.40 14.73 3.157 2 19.03 17.19 2.925 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 19.03 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.6 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 17.19 905.00 = 1087.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 905.00 TO NODE 906.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 7.25 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 19.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.07 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 19.03 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.41 Tc(MIN.) = 17.60 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 900.00 TO NODE 906.00 = 1237.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1001.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 371.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.11 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.24 3.650 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7996 56 10.97 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.11 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.24 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1001.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 10.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 8.50 STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 350.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) = 0.0150 **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.10 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.33 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.33 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.73 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.58 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.38 Tc(MIN.) = 14.34 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.198 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 0.68 0.7890 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.72 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.8 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4.96 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.35 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 11.18 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.63 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 14.34 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.20 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.79 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.96 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1003.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 358.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.01 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.95 3.657 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7998 56 10.92 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.01 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.95 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 53 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 54 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1003.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 3 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.75 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 228.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 6.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 2 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 4.56 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 10.91 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.74 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.60 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.18 Tc(MIN.) = 13.11 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.343 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): 8.50 0.0150 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.21 0.7926 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.21 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.21 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.2 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6.16 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.37 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 12.34 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.88 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.70 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1002.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 586.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1004.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 13.11 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.34 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 2.22 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 6.16 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 4.96 14.34 3.198 1.79 2 6.16 13.11 3.343 2.22 *********************************WARNING********************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 55 IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 10.69 13.11 3.343 2 10.85 14.34 3.198 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 10.69 Tc(MIN.) = 13.11 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1004.00 = 721.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1004.00 TO NODE 1005.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 8.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.17 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.69 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.48 Tc(MIN.) = 13.59 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1000.00 TO NODE 1005.00 = 7.75 1 871.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1100.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 335.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 12.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 3.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.44 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.42 3.819 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8031 56 10.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.42 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 56 TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 10.00 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.82 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.44 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 4.42 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 384.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.46 3.549 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.7974 56 11.61 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.46 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1102.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 11.61 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.55 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 1.93 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 5.46 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 4.42 10.00 3.819 1.44 2 5.46 11.61 3.549 1.93 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 57 NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 9.12 10.00 3.819 2 9.57 11.61 3.549 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 9.57 Tc(MIN.) _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 11.61 1102.00 = 384.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1102.00 TO NODE 1103.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 9.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 207.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 15.3 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.11 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 9.57 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.68 Tc(MIN.) = 12.29 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1101.00 TO NODE 1103.00 = 7.97 1 591.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1201.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 180.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 60.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 27.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 33.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.53 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.28 5.375 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8853 56 5.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.53 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 7.28 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1201.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 27.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 450.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.8 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.58 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 7.28 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.10 Tc(MIN.) = 7.10 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1211.00 = 630.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 58 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1211.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 4.524 DATA(AMC II): SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.09 0.8831 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.6 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.64 TC(MIN.) = 7.10 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1211.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 360.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 24.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.67 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 24.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 11.64 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.06 Tc(MIN.) = 8.15 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1214.00 = 990.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1214.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 4.224 DATA(AMC II): SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.34 0.8821 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.34 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.99 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.0 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.63 TC(MIN.) = 8.15 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1214.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 125.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 21.0 INCH PIPE IS 16.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.02 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 21.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 16.63 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.26 Tc(MIN.) = 8.41 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1200.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1115.00 FEET. Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.41 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.16 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 3.96 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 16.63 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1203.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 370.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 31.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 30.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.95 3.724 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8802 56 10.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.73 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 8.95 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1203.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 30.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 345.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 8.17 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 8.95 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.70 Tc(MIN.) = 11.24 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1206.00 = 24.00 1 715.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1206.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.607 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.49 0.8797 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 4.73 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 4.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 13.68 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 60 TC(MIN.) = 11.24 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1206.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 415.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 27.0 INCH PIPE IS 17.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.01 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 27.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 13.68 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.38 Tc(MIN.) = 12.62 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.407 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Tc INTENSITY DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 1.00 0.8788 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 2.99 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 5.2 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 16.67 TC(MIN.) = 12.62 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 3.407 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): Tc INTENSITY DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 2.18 0.8788 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 2.18 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.53 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.4 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 23.20 TC(MIN.) = 12.62 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1217.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 12.62 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.41 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 7.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 23.20 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 16.63 8.41 4.160 3.96 2 23.20 12.62 3.407 7.40 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 32.10 8.41 4.160 2 36.82 12.62 3.407 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 36.82 TC(MIN.) = 12.62 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.4 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1217.00 = 1130.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1217.00 TO NODE 1218.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 40.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 30.0 INCH PIPE IS 22.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 9.24 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 30.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 36.82 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.07 TOMIN.) = 12.69 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1202.00 TO NODE 1218.00 = 22.10 1 1170.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1301.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 153.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.51 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.72 5.032 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8845 56 5.72 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 61 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 62 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.51 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 6.72 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1301.00 TO NODE 1302.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.45 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 55.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 10.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.18 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 6.72 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.15 Tc(MIN.) = 5.87 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1300.00 TO NODE 1302.00 = 208.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1401.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 247.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.49 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.81 4.196 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8820 56 8.26 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.49 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.81 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1401.00 TO NODE 1402.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 22.84 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 16.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.1 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.38 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 1.81 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.06 Tc(MIN.) = 8.33 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1400.00 TO NODE 1402.00 = 263.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1501.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 133.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 0.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 2.42 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.06 4.706 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8836 56 6.55 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.42 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 10.06 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1501.00 TO NODE 1502.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 22.50 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) _ FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 25.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 14.5 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 6.60 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 10.06 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.06 Tc(MIN.) = 6.61 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1500.00 TO NODE 1502.00 = 22.25 1 158.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1601.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 427.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 25.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 24.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 1.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 1.03 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 3.23 3.569 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8796 56 11.48 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.03 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) _ 3.23 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1601.00 TO NODE 1602.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 24.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 23.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 100.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 7.0 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 5.14 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 63 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 64 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 3.23 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.32 Tc(MIN.) = 11.80 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1600.00 TO NODE 1602.00 = 527.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1701.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 1000.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 23.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 9.50 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.36 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.10 3.465 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8791 56 12.19 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.36 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 1.10 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1701.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>(STREET TABLE SECTION # 2 USED) ««< UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 13.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) _ STREET LENGTH(FEET) = 881.00 CURB HEIGHT(INCHES) = 8.0 STREET HALFWIDTH(FEET) = 15.00 DISTANCE FROM CROWN TO CROSSFALL GRADEBREAK(FEET) = 10.00 INSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 OUTSIDE STREET CROSSFALL(DECIMAL) = 0.020 SPECIFIED NUMBER OF HALFSTREETS CARRYING RUNOFF = 1 Manning's FRICTION FACTOR for Streetflow Section(curb-to-curb) _ **TRAVEL TIME COMPUTED USING ESTIMATED FLOW(CFS) = 1.48 STREETFLOW MODEL RESULTS USING ESTIMATED FLOW: STREET FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 7.92 AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.81 PRODUCT OF DEPTH&VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.57 STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.12 Tc(MIN.) = 20.31 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 2.694 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): 7.00 0.0150 DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN COMMERCIAL B 0.32 0.8748 56 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 0.32 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.75 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.7 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1.85 END OF SUBAREA STREET FLOW HYDRAULICS: DEPTH(FEET) = 0.34 HALFSTREET FLOOD WIDTH(FEET) = 8.88 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 1.89 DEPTH*VELOCITY(FT*FT/SEC.) = 0.64 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 20.31 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.69 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.68 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1.85 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1702.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 7.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.14 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.51 4.141 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8818 56 8.49 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.51 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1703.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.49 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.14 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.14 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.51 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 1.85 20.31 2.694 0.68 2 0.51 8.49 4.141 0.14 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 65 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 66 RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 1.28 8.49 4.141 2 2.18 20.31 2.694 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.18 Tc(MIN.) = 20.31 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.8 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1703.00 = 1881.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1703.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 7.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 30.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 5.9 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 4.32 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.18 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.12 Tc(MIN.) = 20.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 20.43 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.69 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.82 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 2.18 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1704.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 410.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 11.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.25 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) 4.166 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) COMMERCIAL B 0.16 0.8819 56 8.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.59 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 8.39 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.17 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.59 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1705.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 223.0 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 9.50 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 6.75 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 2.75 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) _ SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) COMMERCIAL B 0.09 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.38 4.778 Runoff SCS Tc Coefficient CN (MIN.) 0.8838 56 6.35 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 0.38 **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1706.00 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 3 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 3 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 6.35 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.78 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 0.09 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 0.38 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY AREA NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) (ACRE) 1 2.18 20.43 2.687 0.82 2 0.59 8.39 4.166 0.16 3 0.38 6.35 4.778 0.09 *********************************WARNING********************************** IN THIS COMPUTER PROGRAM, THE CONFLUENCE VALUE USED IS BASED ON THE RCFC&WCD FORMULA OF PLATE D-1 AS DEFAULT VALUE. THIS FORMULA Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 67 1 1 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 68 WILL NOT NECESSARILY RESULT IN THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF PEAK FLOW. ************************************************************************** RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 3 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** STREAM RUNOFF Tc INTENSITY NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HOUR) 1 1.50 6.35 4.778 2 1.82 8.39 4.166 3 2.78 20.43 2.687 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2.78 Tc(MIN.) = 20.43 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.1 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1706.00 = 1911.00 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1706.00 TO NODE 1707.00 IS CODE = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA««< »»>USING COMPUTER -ESTIMATED PIPESIZE (NON -PRESSURE FLOW) ««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 6.75 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = 6.00 FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 150.00 MANNING'S N = 0.013 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) INCREASED TO 18.000 DEPTH OF FLOW IN 18.0 INCH PIPE IS 7.7 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC.) = 3.82 ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 18.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE-FLOW(CFS) = 2.78 PIPE TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 0.65 Tc(MIN.) = 21.08 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 1700.00 TO NODE 1707.00 = 2061.00 FEET. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 1800.00 TO NODE 1801.00 IS CODE = 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< ASSUMED INITIAL SUBAREA UNIFORM TC = K*[(LENGTH**3)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]**.2 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 141.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 26.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 22.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 4.00 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 4.998 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Runoff SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) Coefficient CN (MIN.) RESIDENTIAL "S.F. 1/4 ACRE LOT" B 1.27 0.8220 56 5.80 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.22 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1.27 TOTAL RUNOFF(CFS) = 5.22 END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) _ PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) _ 1.3 TC(MIN.) _ 5.22 5.80 Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS Date: 07/13/2016 File name: SROORMIN.RES Page 70 SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Appendix B Stage Storage Volume Calculations June 2017 Michael Baker International Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: Exist. Natural depression in golf course serving DA -A 6.2 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 9.6 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -A Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 24 7,144 N/A N/A 0 0.00 25 21,849 1 13829 13829 0.32 25 5,700 0 0 13829 0.32 25 2,283 0 0 13829 0.32 26 35,581 1 15625 29454 0.68 26 16,497 0 0 29454 0.68 27 46,432 1 30202 59656 1.37 27 24,851 0 0 59656 1.37 28 76,514 1 48324 107980 2.48 28 33,409 0 0 107980 2.48 29 101,711 1 64471 172450 3.96 29 40,705 0 0 172450 3.96 30 178,171 1 101346 273796 6.29 31 209,149 1 193453 467249 10.73 32 232,876 1 220906 688155 15.80 33 265,129 1 248828 936983 21.51 6.2 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 9.6 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: BA -1 and BA -2 are exist. Natural depressions in golf course; BA -3 is exist lake 16.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 26.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -B1 Elevation Area (sq. ft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 25 370 N/A N/A 0 0.00 26 3169 1 1541 1541 0.04 27 7757 1 5294 6835 0.16 28 14291 1 10859 17694 0.41 29 20484 1 17295 34989 0.80 30 28017 1 24152 59142 1.36 16.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 26.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -B2 Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 27 1,606 N/A N/A 0 0.00 28 7,012 1 3991 3991 0.09 29 10,310 1 8608 12599 0.29 30 13,851 1 12037 24636 0.57 31 18,567 1 16152 40788 0.94 16.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 26.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -B3 Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 22 194,193 N/A N/A 0 0 23 212,756 1 203404 203404 4.67 24 282,812 1 246955 450359 10.34 25 399,009 1 339248 789607 18.13 26 488,233 1 442871 1232478 28.29 27 597,961 1 542171 1774649 40.74 28 687,162 1 642045 2416694 55.48 16.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 26.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr Project: Basin Description: SilverRock Resort Exist. Lakes 1.5 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 3.7 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr ' DA -C1 Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 30 23,287 N/A N/A 0 0.00 31 25,653 1 24461 24461 0.56 32 28,775 1 27199 51660 1.19 33 33,602 1 31157 82817 1.90 1.5 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 3.7 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr ' DA -C2 Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 23 4,357 N/A N/A 0 0.00 23 3,414 0 0 0 0.00 23 32,816 0 0 0 0.00 23 607 0 0 0 0.00 23 1,910 0 0 0 0.00 23 1,262 0 0 0 0.00 24 13,170 1 6170 6170 0.14 24 59,797 0 0 6170 0.14 24 2,508 0 0 6170 0.14 24 25 784 105,010 0 1 0 •0 6170 44460.AMW..UR 0.14 26 130,047 1 117305 164724 3.78 27 159,223 1 144389 309113 7.10 1.5 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 3.7 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr ' Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: Existing lake; Pump to lake in DA -J? 18.4 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 28.2 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -D Elevation Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 11 85,659 N/A N/A 0 0 12 91,726 1 88676 88676 2.04 13 98,975 1 1 1 95328 1 184004 1 4.22 14 109,323 1 104106 288110 6.61 15 16 148,960 179,537 1 1 128632 164011 416742 580753 9.57 17 207,769 1 193482 774235 17.77 18 259,445 1 233129 1007364 23.13 19 288,475 1 273832 1281196 29.41 20 315,900 1 302084 1583280 36.35 21 335,636 1 325718 1908998 43.82 18.4 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 28.2 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: Exist. Natural depression in golf course 1.4 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 3.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -E Contour Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 12 2,180 N/A N/A 0 0.00 13 6,926 1 4331 4331 0.10 14 14,911 1 10666 14997 0.34 14 298 0 0 14997 0.34 14 307 0 0 14997 0.34 14 1,036 0 0 14997 0.34 15 23,429 1 9797 24794 0.57 15 1,427 0 0 24794 0.57 15 3,028 0 0 24794 0.57 15 1,859 0 0 24794 0.57 16 42,107 1 17604 42398 0.97 16 5,143 0 0 42398 0.97 17 58,042 1 26821 69219 1.59 17 9,492 0 0 69219 1.59 18 76,453 1 37628 106848 2.45 18 1,480 0 0 106848 2.45 18 14,775 0 0 106848 2.45 18 1,425 0 0 106848 2.45 18 1,571 0 0 106848 2.45 19 100,709 1 38287 145134 3.33 19 5,431 0 0 145134 3.33 19 20,528 0 0 145134 3.33 20 160,269 1 79385 224520 5.15 1.4 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 3.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: Exist. Natural depression in the golf course 2.6 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 4.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -G Contour Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 13 2,938 N/A N/A 0 0.00 13 2,120 0 0 0 0.00 14 1,338 1 1714 1714 0.04 15 28,100 1 11856 13570 0.31 16 41,103 1 34396 47966 1.10 17 53,470 1 47151 95117 2.18 18 66,679 1 59953 155071 3.56 19 84,648 1 75485 230556 5.29 20 100,545 1 92482 323038 7.42 2.6 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 4.5 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr Project: SilverRock Resort Basin Description: Exist. Natural Depression in the golf course 7.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 11.4 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr BA -H Contour Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Incremental Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (cu. ft) Cumulative Volume (ac -ft) 9 10,674 N/A N/A 0 0.00 10 21,605 1 15822 15822 0.36 11 30,932 1 26129 41951 0.96 12 38,173 1 34489 76440 1.75 13 45,454 1 41760 118200 2.71 14 53,031 1 49194 167394 3.84 15 60,452 1 56701 224096 5.14 16 68,310 1 64341 288437 6.62 17 77,297 1 72758 361194 8.29 18 86,638 1 81923 443118 10.17 19 96,090 1 91323 534441 12.27 7.7 ac -ft 100-yr/24-hr 11.4 ac -ft 500-yr/24-hr SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Appendix C WSPG Calculations June 2017 Michael Baker International FILE: SR-LINEA100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:27:26 SILVERROCK WAY SO LINE A - PROPOSED CONDITION 100 YR JMITAL JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I 1000.000 I 15.000 I 5.000 I 20.000 I 5.57 .35 I .00 I 20.00 .00 I .66 I .00 I 4.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 TRANS SIR .0426 .0000 .00 5.00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1001.880 I 15.080 I 4.920 I 20.000 I 5.57 .35 I .00 I 20.00 .00 I .66 I .00 I 4.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 WALL EXIT I 1001.880 I 15.080 I 4.921 I 20.001 I 5.57 3.15 I .15 I 20.15 .00 I .91 I .00 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 -I- 56.150 -I- .0429 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0028 -I- .16 -I- 4.92 .00 -I- .52 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE I 1058.030 I 17.490 I 2.669 I 20.159 I 5.57 3.15 I .15 I 20.31 .00 I .91 I .00 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 -I- JUNCT SIR -I- .0433 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0024 -I- .01 -I- 2.67 .00 -I- -I- -I- .015 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE I 1061.030 I 17.620 I 2.769 I 20.389 I 2.93 1.66 I .04 I 20.43 .00 I .65 I .00 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 -I- 5.610 -I- .0000 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0008 -I- .00 -I- 2.77 .00 -I- .00 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE I 1066.640 I 17.620 I 2.775 I 20.395 I 2.93 1.66 I .04 I 20.44 .00 I .65 I .00 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 0 .0 -I- 25.640 -I- .0242 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0008 -I- .02 -I- 2.77 .00 -I- .43 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE I 1092.280 -I- I 18.240 -I- I 2.175 -I- I 20.415 -I- I 2.93 -I- 1.66 -I- I .04 -I- I 20.46 -I- .00 -I- I .65 I .00 -I- I 1.500 -I- -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 0 .0 I- FILE: SR-LINEB100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:55:31 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE B - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1004.130 14.100 3.900 18.000 29.43 4.16 .27 18.27 .00 1.76 .00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 40.509 .0242 .0019 .08 3.90 .00 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1044.639 15.079 3.000 18.079 29.43 4.16 .27 18.35 .00 1.76 .00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 11.191 .0242 .0018 .02 3.00 .00 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1055.830 15.349 2.722 18.071 29.43 4.37 .30 18.37 .00 1.76 1.74 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 5.888 .0242 .0018 .01 2.72 .39 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1061.718 15.492 2.560 18.052 29.43 4.58 .33 18.38 .00 1.76 2.12 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 4.526 .0242 .0019 .01 2.56 .46 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1066.244 15.601 2.427 18.028 29.43 4.80 .36 18.39 .00 1.76 2.36 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.661 .0242 .0021 .01 2.43 .53 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1069.905 15.689 2.311 18.000 29.43 5.04 .39 18.39 .00 1.76 2.52 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.009 .0242 .0023 .01 2.31 .58 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1072.913 15.762 2.205 17.968 29.43 5.28 .43 18.40 .00 1.76 2.65 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.078 .0242 .0026 .01 2.21 .64 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1074.991 15.812 2.109 17.922 29.43 5.54 .48 18.40 .00 1.76 2.74 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1074.991 15.812 1.451 17.263 29.43 8.69 1.17 18.44 .00 1.76 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .783 .0242 .0087 .01 1.45 1.44 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEB100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:55:31 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE B - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 Invert I Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL 1Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1075.775 15.831 1.451 17.282 29.43 8.69 1.17 18.45 .00 1.76 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.228 .0242 .0082 .03 1.45 1.44 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1079.002 15.909 1.506 17.415 29.43 8.29 1.07 18.48 .00 1.76 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.309 .0242 .0072 .02 1.51 1.34 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1081.312 15.965 1.564 17.529 29.43 7.90 .97 18.50 .00 1.76 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.534 .0242 .0064 .01 1.56 1.25 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1082.846 16.002 1.624 17.627 29.43 7.53 .88 18.51 .00 1.76 2.99 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .873 .0242 .0056 .00 1.62 1.16 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1083.720 16.023 1.688 17.712 29.43 7.18 .80 18.51 .00 1.76 2.98 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .280 .0242 .0050 .00 1.69 1.08 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1084.000 16.030 1.757 17.787 29.43 6.84 .73 18.51 .00 1.76 2.96 3.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT STR .0000 .0059 .00 1.76 1.00 .015 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1084.000 16.150 1.966 18.116 25.47 6.15 .59 18.70 .00 1.72 2.05 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.278 .0090 .0043 .01 1.97 .76 1.48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1087.278 16.179 1.921 18.100 25.47 6.29 .61 18.72 .00 1.72 2.11 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1087.278 16.179 1.523 17.702 25.47 8.14 1.03 18.73 .00 1.72 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 20.021 .0090 .0077 .15 1.52 1.27 1.48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEB100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:55:31 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE B - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1107.299 16.359 1.581 17.940 25.47 7.79 .94 18.88 .00 1.72 2.41 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 9.061 .0090 .0069 .06 1.58 1.18 1.48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1116.360 16.440 1.648 18.088 25.47 7.42 .86 18.94 .00 1.72 2.37 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.240 .0090 .0061 .01 1.65 1.09 1.48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1118.600 16.460 1.720 18.180 25.47 7.07 .78 18.96 .00 1.72 FILE: SR-LINEC100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:50:21 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE C - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1003.380 12.240 1.285 13.525 42.78 16.83 4.40 17.92 .00 2.19 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.129 .0755 .0391 .08 1.29 2.94 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1005.509 12.401 1.295 13.696 42.78 16.66 4.31 18.01 .00 2.19 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 8.718 .0755 .0363 .32 1.30 2.90 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1014.227 13.059 1.346 14.404 42.78 15.89 3.92 18.32 .00 2.19 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 6.980 .0755 .0320 .22 1.35 2.69 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1021.207 13.586 1.398 14.984 42.78 15.15 3.56 18.55 .00 2.19 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 5.679 .0755 .0283 .16 1.40 2.50 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1026.886 14.015 1.454 15.469 42.78 14.44 3.24 18.71 .00 2.19 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 4.664 .0755 .0250 .12 1.45 2.32 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1031.550 14.367 1.513 15.880 42.78 13.77 2.94 18.82 .00 2.19 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.846 .0755 .0221 .09 1.51 2.15 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1035.397 14.657 1.575 16.232 42.78 13.13 2.68 18.91 .00 2.19 2.41 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.167 .0755 .0196 .06 1.58 1.99 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1038.563 14.896 1.642 16.538 42.78 12.52 2.43 18.97 .00 2.19 2.37 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.585 .0755 .0174 .05 1.64 1.84 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1041.149 15.091 1.713 16.804 42.78 11.94 2.21 19.02 .00 2.19 2.32 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.080 .0755 .0155 .03 1.71 1.69 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEC100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:50:21 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE C - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 Invert I Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL 1Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1043.228 15.248 1.789 17.038 42.78 11.38 2.01 19.05 .00 2.19 2.26 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.622 .0755 .0139 .02 1.79 1.55 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1044.850 15.371 1.872 17.243 42.78 10.85 1.83 19.07 .00 2.19 2.17 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.191 .0755 .0125 .01 1.87 1.42 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1046.042 15.461 1.963 17.424 42.78 10.35 1.66 19.09 .00 2.19 2.05 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .763 .0755 .0113 .01 1.96 1.28 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1046.804 15.518 2.065 17.584 42.78 9.86 1.51 19.09 .00 2.19 1.90 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .286 .0755 .0103 .00 2.07 1.15 1.07 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1047.090 15.540 2.185 17.725 42.78 9.40 1.37 19.10 .00 2.19 1.66 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT STR .0000 .0133 .04 2.19 1.00 .015 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1050.090 15.540 2.593 18.133 41.22 8.40 1.09 19.23 .00 2.15 .00 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 31.000 .0100 .0101 .31 2.59 .00 2.06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1081.090 15.850 2.596 18.446 41.22 8.40 1.09 19.54 .00 2.15 .00 2.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINED100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:38: 0 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE D - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.630 9.260 .937 10.197 27.96 19.36 5.82 16.02 .00 1.83 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 8.131 .1000 .0746 .61 .94 4.01 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1010.760 10.073 .951 11.024 27.96 18.99 5.60 16.62 .00 1.83 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 14.943 .1000 .0683 1.02 .95 3.90 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1025.703 11.567 .987 12.554 27.96 18.11 5.09 17.65 .00 1.83 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 10.674 .1000 .0602 .64 .99 3.63 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1036.377 12.634 1.024 13.659 27.96 17.27 4.63 18.29 .00 1.83 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 8.115 .1000 .0530 .43 1.02 3.38 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1044.492 13.446 1.064 14.509 27.96 16.46 4.21 18.72 .00 1.83 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 6.403 .1000 .0467 .30 1.06 3.14 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1050.895 14.086 1.105 15.191 27.96 15.70 3.83 19.02 .00 1.83 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 5.174 .1000 .0413 .21 1.11 2.92 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1056.069 14.603 1.149 15.753 27.96 14.97 3.48 19.23 .00 1.83 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 4.248 .1000 .0365 .15 1.15 2.71 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1060.318 15.028 1.196 16.224 27.96 14.27 3.16 19.39 .00 1.83 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.521 .1000 .0323 .11 1.20 2.52 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1063.838 15.380 1.245 16.625 27.96 13.60 2.87 19.50 .00 1.83 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.930 .1000 .0286 .08 1.24 2.33 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINED100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:38: 0 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE D - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 Invert I Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL 1Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1066.768 15.673 1.297 16.970 27.96 12.97 2.61 19.58 .00 1.83 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.439 .1000 .0254 .06 1.30 2.15 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1069.208 15.917 1.352 17.269 27.96 12.37 2.38 19.64 .00 1.83 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.019 .1000 .0226 .05 1.35 1.98 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1071.227 16.119 1.412 17.531 27.96 11.79 2.16 19.69 .00 1.83 1.82 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.650 .1000 .0202 .03 1.41 1.82 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1072.877 16.284 1.477 17.760 27.96 11.24 1.96 19.72 .00 1.83 1.76 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.316 .1000 .0181 .02 1.48 1.67 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1074.193 16.415 1.547 17.963 27.96 10.72 1.78 19.75 .00 1.83 1.67 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .998 .1000 .0163 .02 1.55 1.51 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1075.191 16.515 1.626 18.141 27.96 10.22 1.62 19.76 .00 1.83 1.56 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .674 .1000 .0148 .01 1.63 1.36 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1075.865 16.583 1.716 18.299 27.96 9.75 1.47 19.77 .00 1.83 1.40 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .275 .1000 .0137 .00 1.72 1.20 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1076.140 16.610 1.828 18.438 27.96 9.29 1.34 19.78 .00 1.83 1.12 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT SIR .0433 .0180 .05 1.83 1.00 .015 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1079.140 16.740 2.113 18.853 26.52 8.44 1.11 19.96 .00 1.80 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 31.000 .0100 .0137 .43 2.11 .00 2.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINED100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 6:38: 0 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE D - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Up I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1110.140 17.050 2.229 19.279 26.52 8.44 1.11 20.39 .00 1.80 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEE100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4: 7:21 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE E - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1001.880 13.060 3.940 17.000 15.33 4.88 .37 17.37 .00 1.41 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 72.255 .0300 .0046 .33 3.94 .00 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1074.135 15.227 2.105 17.331 15.33 4.88 .37 17.70 .00 1.41 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1074.135 15.227 .915 16.142 15.33 10.94 1.86 18.00 .00 1.41 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 10.457 .0300 .0249 .26 .92 2.30 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1084.592 15.540 .915 16.455 15.33 10.94 1.86 18.31 .00 1.41 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 20.523 .0300 .0234 .48 .92 2.30 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1105.115 16.155 .950 17.105 15.33 10.43 1.69 18.79 .00 1.41 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 12.547 .0300 .0206 .26 .95 2.14 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1117.662 16.532 .986 17.517 15.33 9.94 1.53 19.05 .00 1.41 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 8.603 .0300 .0181 .16 .99 2.00 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1126.265 16.790 1.023 17.813 15.33 9.48 1.40 19.21 .00 1.41 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 6.242 .0300 .0160 .10 1.02 1.86 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1132.507 16.977 1.063 18.039 15.33 9.04 1.27 19.31 .00 1.41 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 4.647 .0300 .0141 .07 1.06 1.73 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1137.154 17.116 1.104 18.220 15.33 8.62 1.15 19.37 .00 1.41 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.480 .0300 .0124 .04 1.10 1.61 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEE100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4: 7:21 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE E - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 Invert I Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL 1Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1140.634 17.220 1.148 18.368 15.33 8.22 1.05 19.42 .00 1.41 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.586 .0300 .0110 .03 1.15 1.49 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1143.220 17.298 1.194 18.492 15.33 7.83 .95 19.45 .00 1.41 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.863 .0300 .0097 .02 1.19 1.38 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1145.083 17.354 1.243 18.597 15.33 7.47 .87 19.46 .00 1.41 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.248 .0300 .0086 .01 1.24 1.28 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1146.332 17.391 1.295 18.686 15.33 7.12 .79 19.47 .00 1.41 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .721 .0300 .0077 .01 1.30 1.18 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1147.053 17.413 1.351 18.764 15.33 6.79 .72 19.48 .00 1.41 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .237 .0300 .0068 .00 1.35 1.09 .87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1147.290 17.420 1.411 18.831 15.33 6.47 .65 19.48 .00 1.41 1.82 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT STR .0433 .0071 .02 1.41 1.00 .015 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1150.290 17.550 1.592 19.142 14.24 5.31 .44 19.58 .00 1.36 1.61 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 3.576 .0100 .0044 .02 1.59 .73 1.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1153.866 17.586 1.517 19.103 14.24 5.57 .48 19.58 .00 1.36 1.71 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1153.866 17.586 1.185 18.771 14.24 7.34 .84 19.61 .00 1.36 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 6.374 .0100 .0089 .06 1.19 1.30 1.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEE100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4: 7:21 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE E - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1160.240 17.649 1.201 18.850 14.24 7.23 .81 19.66 .00 1.36 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 14.139 .0100 .0083 .12 1.20 1.27 1.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1174.379 17.791 1.250 19.041 14.24 6.90 .74 19.78 .00 1.36 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 5.505 .0100 .0073 .04 1.25 1.18 1.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1179.884 17.846 1.302 19.148 14.24 6.57 .67 19.82 .00 1.36 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.406 .0100 .0065 .01 1.30 1.09 1.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1181.290 17.860 1.359 19.219 14.24 6.26 .61 19.83 .00 1.36 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEF100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 7:32:34 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE F - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1000.000 1.000 7.000 8.000 43.90 6.21 .60 8.60 .00 2.16 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 4.140 .0048 .0043 .02 7.00 .00 2.33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1004.140 1.020 6.998 8.018 43.90 6.21 .60 8.62 .00 2.16 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 102.040 .0050 .0043 .44 .00 .00 2.29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1106.180 1.530 7.041 8.571 43.90 6.21 .60 9.17 .00 2.16 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 71.630 .0050 .0043 .31 .00 .00 2.29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1177.810 1.890 7.021 8.911 43.90 6.21 .60 9.51 .00 2.16 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT SIR .0000 .0043 .02 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1181.870 1.890 7.060 8.950 43.51 6.16 .59 9.54 .00 2.15 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 166.650 .0052 .0043 .71 .00 .00 2.24 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1348.520 2.750 6.962 9.712 43.51 6.16 .59 10.30 .00 2.15 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 49.150 .0049 .0043 .21 .00 .00 2.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1397.670 2.990 6.950 9.940 43.51 6.16 .59 10.53 .00 2.15 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT SIR .0064 .0043 .02 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1402.330 3.020 6.939 9.959 43.51 6.16 .59 10.55 .00 2.15 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 65.720 .0050 .0043 .28 .00 .00 2.27 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1468.050 3.350 6.910 10.260 43.51 6.16 .59 10.85 .00 2.15 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT STR .0025 .0028 .01 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: SR-LINEF100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 7:32:34 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE F - PROPOSED CONDITION 100YR MCHANDOO JUNE 2017 Invert I Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL 1Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1472.050 3.360 7.309 10.669 24.78 3.51 .19 10.86 .00 1.61 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 625.620 .0050 .0014 .86 .00 .00 1.54 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2097.670 6.500 5.036 11.536 24.78 3.51 .19 11.73 .00 1.61 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT SIR .3283 .0023 .01 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2102.330 8.030 3.526 11.556 6.05 3.42 .18 11.74 .00 .95 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 288.840 .0050 .0033 .96 .00 .00 1.03 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2391.170 9.470 3.055 12.525 6.05 3.42 .18 12.71 .00 .95 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 75.950 .0050 .0033 .25 .00 .00 1.03 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2467.120 9.850 2.956 12.806 6.05 3.42 .18 12.99 .00 .95 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 27.880 .0050 .0038 .11 2.96 .00 1.09 .014 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2495.000 9.990 2.923 12.913 6.05 3.42 .18 13.10 .00 .95 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEF1100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4:19:19 SILVERROCK WAY SD LAT F-1 - PROPOSED CONDITION 100 YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.150 1.640 7.310 8.950 .37 .21 .00 8.95 .00 .22 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.150 1.640 7.310 8.950 .37 .21 .00 8.95 .00 .22 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 19.900 .0000 .0000 .01 7.31 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1022.050 1.840 7.310 9.150 .37 .21 .00 9.15 .00 .22 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEF2100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4:21:22 SILVERROCK WAY SD LAT F-2 - PROPOSED CONDITION 100 YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.120 3.120 6.839 9.959 19.50 11.03 1.89 11.85 .00 1.46 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.120 3.120 6.839 9.959 19.50 11.03 1.89 11.85 .00 1.46 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 27.880 .0000 .0172 17.27 6.84 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1030.000 3.400 6.839 10.239 19.50 11.03 1.89 12.13 .00 1.46 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEF3100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1373 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 6- 7-2017 Time: 7:42:45 SILVERROCK WAY SD LAT F-3 - PROPOSED CONDITION 100 YR JMITAL JAN 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1001.190 7.580 3.976 11.556 17.97 10.17 1.61 13.16 .00 1.45 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1001.190 7.580 3.976 11.556 17.97 10.17 1.61 13.16 .00 1.45 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 28.810 .0000 .0146 14.65 3.98 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1030.000 7.870 3.976 11.846 17.97 10.17 1.61 13.45 .00 1.45 .00 1.500 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- FILE: SR-LINEH100.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.08 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 7167 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-16-2017 Time: 4:15: 1 SILVERROCK WAY SD LINE H - PROPOSED CONDITION 100 YR JCONDON AUGUST 2017 I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wt1 INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1000.000 .000 5.001 5.001 19.38 .86 .01 5.01 .00 .83 4.50 4.500 4.500 .00 0 .0 TRANS SIR .7795 .0003 .00 5.00 .07 .013 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.630 2.050 2.902 4.952 19.38 2.67 .11 5.06 .00 1.23 2.50 4.500 2.500 .00 0 .0 WALL EXIT I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1002.630 2.050 2.902 4.952 19.38 6.17 .59 5.54 .00 1.58 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 28.120 .0178 .0073 .21 2.90 .00 1.17 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1030.750 2.550 2.650 5.200 19.38 6.17 .59 5.79 .00 1.58 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- JUNCT SIR .0400 .0094 .03 2.65 .00 .015 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1033.750 2.670 2.645 5.315 18.65 5.94 .55 5.86 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 31.000 .0181 .0068 .21 2.65 .00 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1064.750 3.230 2.296 5.526 18.65 5.94 .55 6.07 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Appendix D F1owMaster Calculations June 2017 Michael Baker International Catch Basin 1 10 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.03000 ft/ft Discharge 2.62 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.77 ft2 8.85 ft 0.09 ft 8.82 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:25:53 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 1 10 year Supercritical 0.23 ft 0.28 ft 0.00677 ft/ft 3.39 ft/s 0.18 ft 0.41 ft 2.02 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.23 ft 0.28 ft 0.03000 ft/ft 0.00677 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:25:53 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Catch Basin 1 100 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.03000 ft/ft Discharge 5.60 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.29 ft 1.38 ft2 11.94 ft 0.12 ft 11.89 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:26:49 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 1 100 year Supercritical 0.29 ft 0.36 ft 0.00609 ft/ft 4.07 ft/s 0.26 ft 0.54 ft 2.11 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.29 ft 0.36 ft 0.03000 ft/ft 0.00609 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:26:49 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.18 ft 0.44 ft2 6.54 ft 0.07 ft 6.51 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:27:41 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Catch Basin 2 10 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.03000 ft/ft Discharge 1.24 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.18 ft 0.44 ft2 6.54 ft 0.07 ft 6.51 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:27:41 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 2 10 year Supercritical 0.18 ft 0.22 ft 0.00747 ft/ft 2.82 ft/s 0.12 ft 0.31 ft 1.92 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.18 ft 0.22 ft 0.03000 ft/ft 0.00747 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:27:41 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.78 ft2 8.88 ft 0.09 ft 8.84 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:28:14 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Catch Basin 2 100 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.03000 ft/ft Discharge 2.64 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.78 ft2 8.88 ft 0.09 ft 8.84 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:28:14 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 2 100 year Supercritical 0.23 ft 0.29 ft 0.00677 ft/ft 3.39 ft/s 0.18 ft 0.41 ft 2.02 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.23 ft 0.29 ft 0.03000 ft/ft 0.00677 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:28:14 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Catch Basin 11 10 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.00600 ft/ft Discharge 0.93 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.21 ft 0.65 ft2 8.07 ft 0.08 ft 8.03 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:28:48 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 11 10 year Subcritical 0.21 ft 0.20 ft 0.00774 ft/ft 1.43 ft/s 0.03 ft 0.24 ft 0.89 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.21 ft 0.20 ft 0.00600 ft/ft 0.00774 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIEWrt10p61ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:28:48 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Catch Basin 11 100 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.00600 ft/ft Discharge 2.25 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.28 ft 1.27 ft2 11.45 ft 0.11 ft 11.40 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:29:16 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 11 100 year Subcritical 0.28 ft 0.27 ft 0.00691 ft/ft 1.77 ft/s 0.05 ft 0.33 ft 0.94 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.28 ft 0.27 ft 0.00600 ft/ft 0.00691 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Soh@emt10p61eovMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:29:16 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.80 ft2 9.00 ft 0.09 ft 8.96 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:29:50 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Catch Basin 14&15 10 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.00780 ft/ft Discharge 1.39 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.80 ft2 9.00 ft 0.09 ft 8.96 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:29:50 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 14&15 10 year Supercritical 0.23 ft 0.23 ft 0.00736 ft/ft 1.74 ft/s 0.05 ft 0.28 ft 1.03 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.23 ft 0.23 ft 0.00780 ft/ft 0.00736 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:29:50 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.32 ft 1.86 ft2 14.08 ft 0.13 ft 14.03 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:30:29 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Catch Basin 14&15 100 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.00780 ft/ft Discharge 4.24 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.32 ft 1.86 ft2 14.08 ft 0.13 ft 14.03 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:30:29 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 14&15 100 year Supercritical 0.32 ft 0.33 ft 0.00638 ft/ft 2.28 ft/s 0.08 ft 0.40 ft 1.10 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.32 ft 0.33 ft 0.00780 ft/ft 0.00638 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:30:29 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Catch Basin 20&21 10 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.02040 ft/ft Discharge 2.22 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.23 ft 0.79 ft2 8.96 ft 0.09 ft 8.92 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:31:04 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 20&21 10 year Supercritical 0.23 ft 0.27 ft 0.00692 ft/ft 2.81 ft/s 0.12 ft 0.35 ft 1.66 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.23 ft 0.27 ft 0.02040 ft/ft 0.00692 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:31:04 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Catch Basin 20&21 100 year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.02040 ft/ft Discharge 5.26 ft3/s Section Definitions Station (ft) Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Options 0+00 0+00 0+01 0+01 0+02 0+02 0+16 (0+00, 0.33) t;urrent rtougnness vveigntea Method Open Channel Weighting Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Results Normal Depth Elevation Range Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Top Width Elevation (ft) Ending Station Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method Pavlovskii's Method 0.00 to 0.33 ft 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.35 (0+16, 0.35) 0.30 ft 1.52 ft2 12.61 ft 0.12 ft 12.56 ft Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SoIMbmt10pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:31:39 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Results Normal Depth Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow Type GVF Input Data Downstream Depth Length Number Of Steps GVF Output Data Upstream Depth Profile Description Profile Headloss Downstream Velocity Upstream Velocity Normal Depth Critical Depth Channel Slope Critical Slope Catch Basin 20&21 100 year Supercritical 0.30 ft 0.36 ft 0.00617 ft/ft 3.46 ft/s 0.19 ft 0.48 ft 1.75 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Infinity ft/s Infinity ft/s 0.30 ft 0.36 ft 0.02040 ft/ft 0.00617 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolEbmtl0pF1ewMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 10/3/2017 1:31:39 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 SilverRock Resort City of La Quinta Appendix E HELE Catch Basin Calculations June 2017 Michael Baker International CB -1 SILVERROCK WAY CB 1: Hydrology Node 300-303 & 302-303 - Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design ------------------------ --------------------------------------- »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 2.62 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.23 0.35 1.50 0.43 2.00 0.56 2.50 0.70 3.00 0.83 3.50 0.97 4.00 1.10 4.50 1.23 5.00 1.34 5.50 1.45 6.00 1.56 6.50 1.66 7.00 1.77 7.50 1.87 8.00 1.95 8.50 2.03 9.00 2.12 9.50 2.20 10.00 2.28 10.50 2.35 11.00 2.43 11.50 2.51 12.00 2.58 12.26 2.62 SELECT 14 FT CB, 0 CFS flows by 100 -YR Flow by ------------------------ --------------------------------------- »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 5.60 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.29 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 Page 1 CB -1 FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 2.05 0.78 2.50 0.94 3.00 1.12 3.50 1.30 4.00 1.48 4.50 1.65 5.00 1.83 5.50 2.01 6.00 2.18 6.50 2.36 7.00 2.53 7.50 2.69 8.00 2.83 8.50 2.97 9.00 3.11 9.50 3.25 10.00 3.39 10.50 3.52 11.00 3.65 11.50 3.79 12.00 3.92 12.50 4.04 13.00 4.15 13.50 4.25 14.00 4.35 14.50 4.45 15.00 4.55 15.50 4.65 16.00 4.75 16.50 4.85 17.00 4.95 17.50 5.04 18.00 5.14 18.50 5.23 19.00 5.32 19.50 5.41 20.00 5.50 20.50 5.59 20.53 5.60 SELECT 14 FT CB, 1.25 CFS flows by Page 2 CB -2 SILVERROCK WAY CB 2: Hydrology Node 305-306 - Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design TOTAL 10 -YR FLOW= 1.24 cfs ------------------------ --------------------------------------- »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 1.24 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.18 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 0.74 0.16 1.00 0.21 1.50 0.31 2.00 0.41 2.50 0.51 3.00 0.61 3.50 0.69 4.00 0.78 4.50 0.86 5.00 0.93 5.50 0.99 6.00 1.06 6.50 1.12 7.00 1.19 7.44 1.24 SELECT 7 FT CB, 0.05 CFS flow by :r .r .r .r .r .r...............................r .r .........r :r :r :r :r :r :r :r :r :r :r :r:::::::................................................................... »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 2.64 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.24 0.35 1.50 0.43 2.00 0.56 2.50 0.70 3.00 0.83 Page 1 3.50 0.97 4.00 1.10 4.50 1.23 5.00 1.34 5.50 1.45 6.00 1.56 6.50 1.67 7.00 1.77 7.50 1.87 8.00 1.95 8.50 2.04 9.00 2.12 9.50 2.20 10.00 2.28 10.50 2.36 11.00 2.44 11.50 2.51 12.00 2.59 12.36 2.64 SELECT 7 FT CB, 0.87 CFS flows by CB -2 Page 2 CB -3 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 3: Hydrology Node 307 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-3: M-3. M-4. & M-5 TOTAL 10 -YR FLOW= 9.1 CfS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 9.10 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 25.07 TOTAL 100 -YR FLOW= 19.88 cfs+ 1.25 cfs (flow by from CB -1) = 21.13 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 21.13 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 36.11 SELECT TWO 21 FT CB's CB -4 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 4 Hydrology Node 307 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-4 M-7 & M-8 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.75 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.07 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 2.40 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 4.10 SELECT 7 FT [B CB -5 SILVERROCK WAY CB 5 Hydrology Node 404 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -5: N-1, N-2, N-3, & N-4 TOTAL 10 -YR FLOW= 19.69 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- curb inlet capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 19.69 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 54.25 TOTAL 100 -YR FLOW= 42.02 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 42.02 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 71.80 SELECT TWO 28 FT CB'S + ONE 14 FT CB Page 1 CB -6 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B h Hydrology Node 404 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-6: N-5 & N-6 TOTAL 10-YK FLOW= 0.74 [FS >>>>SUMp TYPE BASIN INPUT INF0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.74 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.04 TOTAL 100 -YR FLOW= 1.59 CFS **************************************************************************** >>>>SUMp TYPE BASIN INPUT INF0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.59 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.72 SELECT 7 FT [B CB -7 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 7 Hydrology Node 505 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-7: N-10' N -ll' N-12 TOTAL 10-YK FLOW= 12.5 [FS >>>>SUMp TYPE BASIN INPUT INF0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 12.50 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 34.44 TOTAL 100-YK FLOW= 26.68 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 26.68 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 45.59 SELECT ONE 28' AND ONE 21' CB CB -8 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 8 Hydrology Node 505 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-8: N-13. N-14 Total 10yr flow = 0.75 [FS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.75 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.07 Total 100yr flow = 1.61 [FS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.61 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.75 SELECT 7 FT [B CB -9 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 9 Hydrology Node SSS - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-9: N-15. N-16. N-17 Total 10yr flow = 6.79 [FS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 6.79 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 18.71 Total 100yr flow = 14.48 CFS **************************************************************************** >>>>SUMp TYPE BASIN INPUT INF0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 14.48 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 24.74 SELECT 28 FT [B CB -10 SILVERROCK WAY CB 10 Hydrology Node 555 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -10: N-18, N-19 Total 10yr flow = 0.64 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.64 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.76 Total 100yr flow = 1.35 CFS >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.35 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.31 SELECT 7 FT CB Page 1 CB -11 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B ll Hydrology Node 805 - Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B -ll: ]-2' 1-3. 1-5. 1-7 Total 10yr flow = 0.93 [FS >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. STREETFL0W([FS) = 0.93 GUTTER FL0woEPTH{FEET} = 0.21 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 0.48 0.12 0.50 0.13 1.00 0.25 1.50 0.37 2.00 0.48 2.50 0.58 3.00 0.67 3.50 0.74 4.00 0.82 4.50 0.89 4.79 0.93 Total 100yr flow = 2.25 CFS **************************************************************************** >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT zwp0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the oureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STKEETrL0W([FS} = 2.25 GUTTER FL0WDEPTH(FEET) = 0.21 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.16 0.30 1.50 0.38 2.00 0.50 2.50 0.62 3.00 0.74 3.50 0.86 4.00 0.98 Page l 4.50 1.09 5.00 1.19 5.50 1.29 6.00 1.39 6.50 1.48 7.00 1.58 7.50 1.65 8.00 1.73 8.50 1.81 9.00 1.88 9.50 1.95 10.00 2.03 10.50 2.10 11.00 2.17 11.50 2.24 11.59 2.25 SELECT 7 FT CB, 0.67 CFS FLOWS BY CB -11 Page 2 CB -12 SILVERROCK WAY CB 12 Hydrology Node 602 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -12: P-4, P-5 Total 10yr flow = 0.4 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.40 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.10 Total 100yr flow = 0.95 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.95 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.62 SELECT 7 FT CB Page 1 CB -13 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 13 Hydrology Node 602 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-13: P-2. P-3 Total 10yr flow = 3.42 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 3.42 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 9.42 Total 100yr flow = 8.36 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 8.36 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 14.29 SELECT 21 FT [B CB -14 SILVERROCK WAY CB 14 Hydrology Node BETWEEN 813-814 Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -14: Q-4 SPLIT Q INTO 4 FOR CB's -14,15,22,23 Total 10yr flow = 1.39 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 1.39 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 0.65 0.19 1.00 0.28 1.50 0.42 2.00 0.55 2.50 0.68 3.00 0.79 3.50 0.89 4.00 0.99 4.50 1.08 5.00 1.16 5.50 1.24 6.00 1.31 6.50 1.39 6.51 1.39 Total 100yr flow = 3.3+ 0.94 (FROM CB -22)= 4.24 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 4.24 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.40 0.60 1.50 0.64 2.00 0.84 Page 1 2.50 1.04 3.00 1.24 3.50 1.44 4.00 1.63 4.50 1.83 5.00 2.02 5.50 2.18 6.00 2.33 6.50 2.48 7.00 2.64 7.50 2.78 8.00 2.93 8.50 3.07 9.00 3.18 9.50 3.30 10.00 3.41 10.50 3.52 11.00 3.63 11.50 3.73 12.00 3.84 12.50 3.94 13.00 4.04 13.50 4.14 14.00 4.24 14.01 4.24 SELECT 7 FT CB 1.6 FLOWS BY CB -14 Page 2 CB -15 SILVERROCK WAY CB 15 Hydrology Node BETWEEN 813-814 Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -15: Q-4 SPLIT Q INTO 4 FOR CB's -14,15,22,23 Total 10yr flow = 1.39 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 1.39 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 0.65 0.19 1.00 0.28 1.50 0.42 2.00 0.55 2.50 0.68 3.00 0.79 3.50 0.89 4.00 0.99 4.50 1.08 5.00 1.16 5.50 1.24 6.00 1.31 6.50 1.39 6.51 1.39 Total 100yr flow = 3.3+ 0.94 (FROM CB -22)= 4.24 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 4.24 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.32 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.40 0.60 1.50 0.64 2.00 0.84 Page 1 2.50 1.04 3.00 1.24 3.50 1.44 4.00 1.63 4.50 1.83 5.00 2.02 5.50 2.18 6.00 2.33 6.50 2.48 7.00 2.64 7.50 2.78 8.00 2.93 8.50 3.07 9.00 3.18 9.50 3.30 10.00 3.41 10.50 3.52 11.00 3.63 11.50 3.73 12.00 3.84 12.50 3.94 13.00 4.04 13.50 4.14 14.00 4.24 14.01 4.24 SELECT 7 FT CB, 1.6 FLOWS BY CB -15 Page 2 CB -16 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B lh Hydrology Node 815 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-16: 0-1. 0-2. 0-3 Total 10yr flow = 0.96 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.96 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.64 Total 10.yr flow = 2.23 + 1.6 = 2.69 **************************************************************************** >>>>SUMp TYPE BASIN INPUT INF0KMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [urb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the oureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 2.69 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 4.60 CB -17 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 17 Hydrology Node 815 - SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-17: 0-5 Total 10yr flow = 0.43 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.43 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.18 Total 100yr flow = 1.09 + 1.6 = 2.69 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 2.69 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 4.60 CB -20 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 20 Hydrology Node 601- Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [a-20: P-1 Total 10yr flow = 2.22 >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. STREETFL0W([FS) = 2.22 GUTTER FL0woEPTH{FEET} = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.04 0.30 1.50 0.42 2.00 0.56 2.50 0.69 3.00 0.83 3.50 0.96 4.00 1.08 4.50 1.19 5.00 1.30 5.50 1.41 6.00 1.51 6.50 1.61 7.00 1.69 7.50 1.77 8.00 1.85 8.50 1.93 9.00 2.01 9.50 2.09 10.00 2.16 10.39 2.22 Total 100yr flow = 5.26 >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. STREETFL0W([FS) = 5.26 GUTTER FL0WDEPTH{FEET} = 0.30 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: Page I CB -20 BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.86 0.73 2.00 0.79 2.50 0.97 3.00 1.16 3.50 1.35 4.00 1.53 4.50 1.71 5.00 1.90 5.50 2.08 6.00 2.26 6.50 2.44 7.00 2.59 7.50 2.74 8.00 2.89 8.50 3.03 9.00 3.17 9.50 3.31 10.00 3.45 10.50 3.59 11.00 3.72 11.50 3.84 12.00 3.95 12.50 4.05 13.00 4.16 13.50 4.26 14.00 4.37 14.50 4.47 15.00 4.57 15.50 4.67 16.00 4.77 16.50 4.86 17.00 4.96 17.50 5.05 18.00 5.15 18.50 5.24 18.61 5.26 SELECT 21 FT CB Page 2 CB -21 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 20 Hydrology Node 601- Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [a-21: P-1 Total 10yr flow = 2.22 >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. STREETFL0W([FS) = 2.22 GUTTER FL0woEPTH{FEET} = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.04 0.30 1.50 0.42 2.00 0.56 2.50 0.69 3.00 0.83 3.50 0.96 4.00 1.08 4.50 1.19 5.00 1.30 5.50 1.41 6.00 1.51 6.50 1.61 7.00 1.69 7.50 1.77 8.00 1.85 8.50 1.93 9.00 2.01 9.50 2.09 10.00 2.16 10.39 2.22 Total 100yr flow = 5.26 >>>>FL0WBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. STREETFL0W([FS) = 5.26 GUTTER FL0WDEPTH{FEET} = 0.30 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FL0WBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: Page I CB -21 BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.86 0.73 2.00 0.79 2.50 0.97 3.00 1.16 3.50 1.35 4.00 1.53 4.50 1.71 5.00 1.90 5.50 2.08 6.00 2.26 6.50 2.44 7.00 2.59 7.50 2.74 8.00 2.89 8.50 3.03 9.00 3.17 9.50 3.31 10.00 3.45 10.50 3.59 11.00 3.72 11.50 3.84 12.00 3.95 12.50 4.05 13.00 4.16 13.50 4.26 14.00 4.37 14.50 4.47 15.00 4.57 15.50 4.67 16.00 4.77 16.50 4.86 17.00 4.96 17.50 5.05 18.00 5.15 18.50 5.24 18.61 5.26 SELECT 21 FT CB Page 2 CB -22 SILVERROCK WAY CB 22 Hydrology Node BETWEEN 813-814 Flow -by Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -14: Q-4 SPLIT Q INTO 4 FOR CB's -14,15,22,23 Total 10yr flow = 1.39 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 1.39 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.23 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH 0.65 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 6.51 Total 100yr flow = 3.3 FLOW INTERCEPTION 0.19 0.28 0.42 0.55 0.68 0.79 0.89 0.99 1.08 1.16 1.24 1.31 1.39 1.39 »» FLOWBY CATCH BASIN INLET CAPACITY INPUT INFORMATION«« ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. STREETFLOW(CFS) = 3.30 GUTTER FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 0.30 BASIN LOCAL DEPRESSION(FEET) = 0.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOWBY BASIN ANALYSIS RESULTS: BASIN WIDTH FLOW INTERCEPTION 1.17 0.46 1.50 0.58 2.00 0.77 Page 1 2.50 0.96 3.00 1.14 3.50 1.32 4.00 1.50 4.50 1.66 5.00 1.81 5.50 1.95 6.00 2.09 6.50 2.23 7.00 2.36 7.50 2.47 8.00 2.58 8.50 2.68 9.00 2.78 9.50 2.88 10.00 2.98 10.50 3.08 11.00 3.17 11.50 3.27 11.67 3.30 SELECT 7 FT CB, 0.94CFS FLOWS BY CB -22 Page 2 CB -24 SILVEKK0[K WAY [B 24 Hydrology Node 806 SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to [B-24: 3-8 &3-10 SPLIT BTwN TWO [B'S {24/25} Total 10yr flow = 0.42 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.42 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.16 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFDRMATI0N<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flnwby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.67 BASIN OPENING(FEET) 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 2.85 SELECT 7 FT CB CB -25 SILVERROCK WAY CB 24 Hydrology Node 806 SUMP Catch Basin 10yr design Areas draining to CB -24: 3-8 &3-10 SPLIT BTWN TWO CB'S (24/25) Total 10yr flow = 0.42 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 0.42 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.24 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.16 Total 100yr flow = 1.00 >>>>SUMP TYPE BASIN INPUT INFORMATION<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- curb Inlet Capacities are approximated based on the Bureau of Public Roads nomograph plots for flowby basins and sump basins. BASIN INFLOW(CFS) = 1.00 BASIN OPENING(FEET) = 0.48 DEPTH OF WATER(FEET) = 0.33 >>>>CALCULATED ESTIMATED SUMP BASIN WIDTH(FEET) = 1.71 SELECT 7 FT CB Page 1 Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix G AGREEMENTS — COVENANT AND AGREEMENTS, BMP MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS AND/OR OTHER MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING ONGOING OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, FUNDING AND TRANSFER OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT -SPECIFIC WQVIP Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix H PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT — SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT C( EQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and no further environmental review is required. The SilverRock Specific Plan includes provisions for relocatable buildings for golf course uses and was analyzed as part of Environmental Assessment 2014-1003. Whitewater River Region WQMP Montage Hotel Appendix H PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT — SUMMARY OF SITE REMEDIATION CONDUCTED AND USE RESTRICTIONS COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT C( EQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and no further environmental review is required. The SilverRock Specific Plan includes provisions for relocatable buildings for golf course uses and was analyzed as part of Environmental Assessment 2014-1003. ppro imafe 44 -Acre 51*lverRock Property CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA u Prepered in Accordance with ASTM Standard 1517-05 Prepared Fcr. City of La Quinto 7$-495 Calle lampice Lo Quinha. Culi6rnicr 42251 t50d Contact: Mr. Doug Evans Prepared By RBF Consuiting I 4725 Allor Parkway lrviner C0610Mia 4261E Auvust 2W8 04 201b07i" rb274 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT APProximate 44 -Acre liverRock Property City of La Quinta, County of Riverside State of California Prepared in General Accordance with: ASTI I Standard 1527-05 For: CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-496 Calle Tampico La Quinta. CA 92253-1504 Contact: Mr. Dong Evans By. - CON SULTI NM y; CONSULTINM RBF CONSULTING 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, California 92518 August 2008 20-100784 FBF CON aULTING August 29, 2008 20-100784 Mr. Doug Evans City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 UBJt;CT: PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Approximate 44 -Acre SilverRock Property (APNs 776-150.404, 777.450-007, -008, -009, 011); located in the City of La Quints, County of Riverside, California Dear Mr. Evans: RBF Consulting (FBI=) is pleased to -submit this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the above -referenced project, herein referenced as the "subject site." This ESA has been prepared to evaluate the potential presence of hazardous materials and the expected nature of the materials that may be on the subject site- This ESDI has been prepared for the sole use of City of La Quinta for the above -referenced subteCt site. Neither this ESA, nor any of the information contained herein, shall b$ used Cr relied upon for any purpose by any person or erxtity other then City of La Quirrta. The Phase t ESA was performed in general accordance with Americarti Standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527-05, the scepe of services, and inherent limitations presented in our proposal. The ESA is not intended to present specific quantitative information as to the actual presence of hazardous materials on or adjacent to the subject site, but is to identify the potential presence based on available infuFination. ShDuld you or your staff have any questions atter reviewing the attached report, please do nol hesitate to contact me at 9491$55,3887 or Wadey Salter at 9191330-4176. Sincerely. Richard Beck, REA Wesley Salter ProJed Manager/Environmental Assessor Envirarfinental Analyst Planning/Environmental Services r01 Plannin lEnvironmerrta! Services 10 - ZI 1 � rr7+lllW -_ 77 PLANNING ■ mr;.510N a rcNsrR&J0T10N 1d7?5AI:�hFrl-:=Ir,.r.�. ,,^,t�$2giB-�a7 � ''-'CI ynx5;757 !+vine C:.'�-'3ci9"0.^." r 9d94..361d5 r F�Aa�.672A373 Oi[�es�ntzordTKrOUV-Qu!C,F':Ir WTI IR Af-rcr4� & ttierada ■ %v,4wFPi•C;eTn STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Statement of Quality Assurance I have performed this ESA ih accordance with generally accepted environmental practices and Procedures. as of the date of this report. I have employed the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable environmental prdfessionals practicing In this area, The conclusions contained with this ISA are b@ -Sed uparr site conditions I readily observed or were reasonably ascertainable acrd present at the lime of the site inspection_ The conclusions and recommendations stated in this report are based upon personal observations made by employees of RBF and upon trrfarmatron provitded by others. I have no reason to s,Aspact or believe that the information provided is inaccurate. Signature of RBF Envircnmental Analyst -- bllesfey Salter Signa.ure Statement of Quality Control The objective of this lmtW Site Assessment was to ascertain the potential presence or absence of eavironmental releases or threatened releases that could Impact the subject site, as delineated by the Scapa of Work. TFQ procedure was to perform reasonable steps in acon rel arice with t h v existing regulations, currentty available technology, and gPnaraIly accepted engineering practices in order to accomplish the stated objective. The Scope of this ISA does not purport to encompass every report, record, or other form of docurnanta-tion relevant to the subject site being evaluated, Additionally, this ISA does not include or address reasonable ascertainable Environmental Liens currently recorded against the subject site. To the best of my krruwledger this ISA has been performed in compliance with RSI=' starida€d operating procedures protocol for Phase i ESM. Signature of RBF Environmental Professional—RIcharoi Beak, eEA -4 08085 5ignaturelEnvironrnental Professional Executive Summary The approximate 44 -acre 5ilverRock propeniy therein referenced as the "subject site"), is located ro the south of Avenue 52 and west of Jefferson Street, within the City ofLa Quinta, County of Riverside~ State of California (Sections 5 and 8, Township 6 South (TAS); Range 7 Fast (R.7E); San Bernardino Base and Meridian jSBBM]j. Overall, the subject site is primarily situated within a recreational area of La Quinta, County of Riverside. The site cturently consists of golf course and vacant land usn. Surrounding land uses consist of residential, recreational, and vacAw land. The purpose of conductiog this Phase T Enviro=cnW Site Assessment (FSA) is to permit the use of this report to satisfy one of the requirements la qualify for the Innocent Landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona ride prospective purchaser limitations on the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compen5atiom and Liability Act (CERCLA) liability that constitutes all appropriate inquiry into the pmviottc uses of the pruptrty in order to identify Remognized Environmental Condid (RFCs). As defined in Anunican Standards for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice E 1527.05, an RBC is "rhe presence or likely preserve of any hazardous subsrantes or perroleurtt products on u property tender roe didoris that indicare an existing release, a feast nefease, or a mareriaf threat of a release of arty hazardous suirslancer or petroleum products into srrrectreres an rhe property or into the ground, groundwwrer, or surface water of the property." The team includes hazardous substances or pctroleurn products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include "de rninimis„ condition that generally do not present a threat to hun n health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an cnfnrcetnent action if brought to the attention of appropriate governments] agencies. Conditions determined ko bear mininds' are rtot RE -Cs. Findings and Quinions RBF Ccosulting% (BF's) imdingfi and opinions arc based upon review of reasonable ascertainable referenced mmterial available to during the preparatian of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (FSA), which included historical aerial pholographs, histadcal topographic maps, regulatory databases, interviews, site reconnaissance, and other documentation. Table E -t, Phase ! E.SA Findings and Openions, summarizes RBF's findings, opinions, and conclusions made during the preparation of this ESA. Qata dans A data gasp is a lack of or inability to obtain infarrnatiom rcquLred by the ASTM E1527t5 practice despite good faith efforts by the environmental prnfcssianal to gather such information. Data Craps may result From incompleteness in any of the activities required by this practice, including, but not limited to site reconnaissance emd interviews. ....,..v. ,, .r........... .�. .-.......................,.,.............................-............ �ltrerR€�tk Property Jhase 1 ESA E-7 yw,.W.. »....................... �.. » �,.........».......� ,...._.......� ..,...x... ........ ..,,,...... , . Exerwi Summary Table E-1 Phase I ESA Findings and Opinions It is RB F's opinion that the {x mile Preasrca Of I APs and AM on -s �e Is unli kelt' 599 Reconnaissance at this tune par the ASTM 5tandara Practice FIM -06 and the scope of serviQ m, NO ITEC and subject to the hmitatiam tr+anaof Based an the Eng i+cnmenlai DaEa'# esaurres. inc. (EDit} efaEaRt2se search, dared - Jufre 4, 2D41i, and records attained bom thS Slate Water. R swrms CaniQi Public Records Board's GenTtwker website 4 is RBF's nOrion contaminated groundwater des NIS REQ rrpt underly the subj2d site as a result of reported rgdak ry proWies at Idle tune Of this Esk Hrs Mcal REC 1Y0 histarteal REIss (I CsI have been ncied wi Khl the�bko_�Und�aries of the sued SR at the time d tw ESA N O REC The subject s to opmars to +rave histclh Ily els fisted of agnculRUraf Pard uses Historical User (or0and), It is the opini❑n 1 RBF that there is are REC ort•site as a tesux of REC histarical uses. As a result Of time colismaints, RBF was unabie to receive firs for'ahe on-site AM and off-site address '79999 Avenue 52 from the County of Riverside 17epastmont of Envimrimenral Health. However, as the o11 -site address was listed as Calc CIosed on Fehruary 7. 199,E on the State Water Resources Control E rd's C�eoTracket website, it is RBF,s opinion fhat this is not a significant data gap- CancluAota ERBF has conducted this, MA in general accordance with ASTM Standard Prxticr EB27-45 and Idle scope of services, and subject to the limitations thereof`. Any deviations from this standard praEcfiee are further described in this ESA. RBF's findings and opiniom revealed evidence of art REC in connection with the subjOCL site. The subject site has beesrr historically Urffiwd for agricultund purposes (rtrchard) for sevl�rdl decadvi and may contain pesticide residues im the soil, I[ is the opinion of RBF.tlwt soil sampling should occur throughout the subject site. as dcterrninDd by a yuall-Red Muse 1TI/M specialist, The sarttpiing will detcrrnine if pesticide c0ficentratiprls exceed established regulatory requirements and will idewify proper lu ndling procedunts that [nay be requiT , �..__,,.. �.. ...........,................. ... ...._.,...... �.._,.,...�.._...,....W..-,.,.�._..................................,„�... ........ arlwerR�ek PrtapertY �p�e I ESA ���� ��Contents �� 1.0 Introduction ~==~e= 11 Subj�o���[i� ~ -'—.—'^----^^''^^---`-``---`^`~'`^'-^~^^^^^^^^^`^`~'---~`^^.--~~,...'1 1'2 SooPeof Services and Methodology Used ............ ~-^..~.^^~,_~.......... � 1.3 Limiting Conditions mf/\soassnvert............ '�.^^^—_,...-...__,~.~-^^.^~~^,^.^.-' 2.0 PhysicalSet0nQ 21 Subject �d� ' 'Description°^ -^~^^^^^..-`'`~^^^-.,.~,....-_,,,,.11 3.2 Tmonnnao�w ---= . ~ .......... 11 2.3 CWrran1 Uses oKAdjoining ._-.--......... ^'^............................... 12 2'4 C3eokomio{�oncUUona —"� ................................................. ,~^^.^,-._,,~~.~~............. -12 2.5 8holook:a| Setting. .............................. -,.~,..~..~..~.^^^-.~..^^.^^--,,,,............. 14 2.0 DcainaQe/Hydrolo� oy ' ``'`^~^^~'-~^~^^^^'--`'^—'-~^^^~-`~'~^^~^~-^^--`'~^^~`_.,..75 23 Groundwater and VVa(arVVe||o 3,0 Historical and Regm|aLxmrySearchem 3.1 Methodologies [|nm��� �_--~^w --`= wondmibnw......... ~............................. -^........... .,,1�� 3.2 Hjsto�omt S|to Usage .................................. ........ �^........................... -^^^.--..,Y� 8.3 R$gUlatory _,,,,~,_~^,^^~.^____.^^__.,.,,,,,_,,_.,~_,,,^~_,. 21 4.0 Site Reconnaissance 4.1 {]n'SiteObsmn/e _......................... ,...................................... ........ ^....... .215 4.2 Off -Site QbaenoallonW^.................... ~..^^--,,,.^^^^-^'---..~~-............. '.......... -^. 5.0 Findings, Opinions, and Conclusions 5.1 Findings and 0nnkcn_s.—.-'^................... _,,-`~~-'-''`~~~'^~~~~^~``~~^-``'`'^~^ 32 5.2 Conclusions...... 6'0 ReWynemce s. ^ TabOeuf Qmtents UST OF EXHIBITS 1 Regional VWmftn............................. ^.............. ...................... .......... ................. 2 2. Site \/icifiitm............................................... .......................... ;............................. 3 3. Subject Site '................................... ____ .......... ...... --'-----.--_-...... --4 4. Overview Map-_. ............ ~,^......... ^................................. ^........................ ^....... 22 5. On -sits Photographs.--~-.-'.'.-........^...........^..........^.................^^....^...^.30 7. Off -Site Photographs -'..-'..-'...-.^~^^.^^.-........................ ^.^.~...................... 31 LIST OF TAIR LES 1. dentfiW Sites Within A One -Mile Radius Of The Subjecl, Site ..................... _25 APPENDIX A. Terminology B. EORDatabase Search C. Documentation D_ QuaNfications -~--__--.--'_.-------_--_— �������p�Vm���ph�v�/��� � tiffof �Yowvms .....�..............x » - ��...�..... ,� W... _� ..... W...W ... ....,... y �.....� LIST OF ACRONYMS ?SCM Asbestos Cunmining Materials APN Assessor's Parcel Nun ber AST Aboveground Storagc Tank ALTLs Activity and Use Limitations ComprehensiveEnvironmmLal Re.spcme, ConVensation, and LlahiIity CERCLIS Information System (maintained by the Environmental Prosection Agency) CFR Code of Federal Regulatiom CDRRACTS fgcilit ies Subject to Corrective Action under RCR CPSC United Slates Cortsurner Product Safety Commission DDD dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane DDE dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichlometh.ane DEH Couray of Riverside Environmental Health Department DOGGR California Department of Oil, Lias, and Geothermal Resources DISC Impartment afTozic Substances Comrol ET)R Environmental Data Resources EPA United States Fnvirunrrtwul Protecdon Agency EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (also known as SARA Title M), 42 U.S.C. H 11001-1 105C el seq.) ERNS emegcncy mponse mificatiLin system FZA Environmental Site A.rsesstneM F01A U.S. FFeedom of Tnflurum ian Act (5 U-S.C. §552 as amended by Public Law No. 104-231, 110 Sim.) FR Federal Re sicr HIZEC Historic Recognized Environmental Condition ICs Institutional Controls LBP Lead Based Paints LUFT Leai6ng Underground Fuel Tank LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank MSDS Material Safety luta Sheet --........................�.., ...., ,, r..,,�,., _., .,_..._ ...._......r,,.,,_.................._... ........ _..... -........_,,........... — riVerF770Gk f YOpe�iy Ah9Se 0 ESR -1W List aiAcrartyms �.....�.. ,,..._............, .............................. ..... _...... __... w....,,;,..M�..�.........�,.,.....M.»........,.�................ .,,,,,.,,..,,, nr`%l nimm sea level [SCP Natinnal Contingency plan NFRAP farmer CER CLI'S ides where no further remedial action iy plied under CERCLA NPDl.S National Pollui. m Discharge Elimination System NPL Natim al P tojtlea List p0h. Polychlo ina d Biphenyls REC Rmagnized Fnvirownental Condition RC'RA Resource Conse rvadon and Recovery Act (as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§6901 er seq.) RWQCB regional Water Quality Control Bnard SBBM Saes Rem ardino Base and Meridian SCS Solt Conservation Service TPH Tntal Petroleum Hydrocarbons TRI Taxies Releave Inventory TSDF hazardnu,s wwre treatment, enrage, or disposal facility LTSDA United States Deparanent of Apiculture USGS United States Geological Survey UST Underground Storage'1w* ......... .............................. ..r.. ............................................... ................ S*err4ock Property Phase ! ESA .......... � ..w.......... Section 1 Introduction The purpose of conducting this Phase f Environmental Site Assesxment (E.SA) is to permit rhe use of [his report to sausfv one of rhe requiremerrrs to qualify for the ,Innocent Landovmer, eonriguom properry owner, or bona fide prosperrive purrhaser hmitahans an C'ERCLA liability that continues ail appropriare inquiry intra the previous uses of the property in order to identify Rfcognized Environm n ud Condidorrs (RWs). As deferred in American Standards for Testing and Yareriais (ASTM) Standard Practices E 1527-05. an REC is "the presence ar likely preseare of any hazardous subsrances or perroleurn produers on a properly under vondihonv Char indicate stir exisring release, a past release, oT a rrrarerial threat of a release of any hasardnus subsrances orpetraleum products into structures on the properly or into the ground, groun&tvrer, or surface i+wter of the prrrperjy." The terra includes hazardouLi substances or petroleum products every under corrriitianx in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include "de miinimis"' conditions that generally do tror present u threar re human health or the environment and that generally would Am be the subject of an enforcement acrian rf brought ID rhe attention of appropriate guvernmental regencies. Conditions determined to be "de minimis "erre not kM. 1.1 SUBJECT SITE The approxirtt.ate 44 -acre 5ilverRock property (herein referenced as the "subject site"l, is located is the south of Avenue 52 and west of Jefferson Street, within the City of La Quintal County of riverside, State of California (Sections 5 and 8; Township 6 South (T.6S). Range 7 East (R.7E); San Bemardino Base and Meridian [SBBMI) (refer to Exhibit 1, Regional Vicinity), The site cummly consists of unimproved raadways, golf course usm, and vacant land (refer to Exhibit 2, Site Vicinity). Five Assessor's Parse] Numbers (APNs) (776-154-044, 77 7-050-W7, -W8, -009, and -0i 1). comprise the subject site with an approximate gross acreage of 199.91 acres (refer to Exhibit 3. Subject Slee); however, the subject site only partially covers the APNs (approximately 44 acres). On-site topography is relatively flat (approximately 25 feet above mean sea level [msllp, however, several depr=s Imis am located on-site. Mountains are present to the southwest of the subject site and slope to the east. Topography to the north, cast, and south of the subject site is generally flat. Overail, the subject site is primarily situated within a rwreafiunal area of La Quints, in the County of Riverside. Surrounding land uses consist of recxeational, residential, and vacant land uses, Refer to Smi.ion 2, 0, Physical SeUing, fur a complete description of on-site and off' -site conditions. 1.1.1 Anticipated Future Uses: Specific future land usm consist of recreatinnal and commercial uses {Galt Courses. hotels. and retail]. This Phase I ESA (ESA) is being specifically prepared for an irrigation lime relocation. ----------------- ---- �r,,,,-.m... �,,,...� ..�,,,, , ,......... _.... ..-,.- ........ ..-.,.......,,.,...Y._, ......�...... W,,.,..... ,........... .,.. . » ..... Sr71Mri4octs t'rppt~ri)r Phase l FSA ! r-UNSWLTINO 0 10 14ml�es SILVERRCCK PROPERTY • PHASE I ESA Regional Vicinity F47JYISOpM-1637 MAS Exhibit 1 IIE_P1B'0+]•' W 1 36°1 71 on" w 116°fb OW W 4VGSB4 1 LVIV00" W wo IT IL r M ti u ► - i •� �w�t � [ • r 40 32 wrw ■ edR IFW �N� ■ r y � C rn •' 9tS ' � t• i A: La Quints i Q ¢AL$ r � � 4 a T yy k lre f- ` - . � I. } I•'1 kl t' res ■ � a � � / dEWIVLNr#{ ld 0. �} J`}�.-1 - I - —~ , •moi •" �!!! �� •#` "' ti YN�JFJtN °'116°17,00' W l lb°16,001' w wc-s8d 116°35"WI, W f Mkt M1111 4 _ 5E! lGOG I�FFIAS $oumo: VSGS :a odrna, CA. ouad, 16�, FrkMcd Isom TC1KIO2DG1 h1ownd DvWvphm HoU20 4*w " con) Subject Site pnalorNo. WF o �500 L SILVIRROCK PROPERTY • PHASE I ESA - ,PP aR Site Vicinity G9HELJ L7iH0 1 UMM JWM I DULM 7aYD M&S Exhibit 4 I 5EC.5 9 T.SS, ,I�.JE I I.1.+ I>llaH UTT OF LA WINIA I I Cal i . I I I I I 1J 11 I -AJ Source- FbverWo CouWy A5aamar&?arcei Mops BK 776 PG 15 anq$11K 777 PG 05, P.F S3LUE�iROCK PROPERTY•PJ�ASE I ESA IQ ■ "°I Subject Site CraW9ULT1 N6 haw JU*_$Car"15HC MAG Exhibit 3 �nirnouction .........���..................r�,ii...w..,...,..».+V�»».r.........—............. V..m.....-..... .....i�.,.a�....,.—..i.......... rrei 1........r».................... i.......... n....... ...... 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND METHODOLOGY USED The scope of this ESA follows the general guidance provided in ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-05. The ASTV 1527-05 docummsu outlines a proceduro- for completing ESAs that includes a search fbr recorded environmental cleanup liens; review of federal, tribal, state, and local govern =-nt rccov&; Visual inspection of the property and of adjoining properties; and interviews with current owners, operators, and occupants. The ASTM doturnent recommends the following regulatory database search distarce.s tom a property: # National Priorities List (NPL) - 1.0 mile t Federal Delisted NPL - M trdle Federal CoTnWehensive Envirot3tr wtal Response, C€ rnpensadoit, and Liability Infomrruxtion System (C1;RCLIS) list- 0.5 mile 4 CIERCLlSINFRAP site list 4.5 mile f Federal RCRA Cmemtive ,fiction Report (CORRAC'TS) facilities list - 1.0 mAe 4 Federal RCRA nem-CORRA,CTS Permitted Treatrncnt, Storage, Disposal Facilities (TSD) facilities list - 0.5 mile 4 Federal RCFtA Registered Small or Large Generators of Hazardous Waste (ON'R'TR) property and adjoining propeni FederaI institutimaI control/engineering control registries - property only Federal FRMS list - property only 4 Stale and tribal lists of hazardous waste sites identified for i nvesliga tion or retnediation: * State- and tribal -equivalent MPI;. - 1,0 refile * State- and n ibal Oval t CERCLIS -0.5 toile 4 State and tribal landfill ar (Vor soled waste disposal site lists - 0.5 mile 4 State anti tribal leaking storage tank (LUST) lists - 0.5 milt' 4 State and tri hal registered storage Manic lists - property and adjoining, properties • State and tribal institutional contrciliengineering control registrieS - property only # State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites - 0.5 toile • State and tribal .BrowTtbold bites - 0.5 The objective& of the ESA contained heirein are as follows: # Evaluate the potential for hazardous malarials on the subjeel site based upon readily discernible and/or documented present and historic fuses rd the property and uses idiately adjacent to the site; and »_:.:_.,..,........,,................. ..... ................. ............ ............. 5ifve►F�ock Pr�periy Phase !ESA .. ... ...............,, . .......,,.... w .».,......,...,,,,,,,,..,,,...,,,,,,.......... ,_.....................,......»....................w.....,.,.......... ._........ _................... krflder ibn �,...»..» »...... ,,, „�...........................v ,,,................. .. * Generally characterize the expt:cteti ruaiure of haaardous itmt-�rialr that may Nx present as a result cf such uses, within the Iimits imposed by the swK of this FSA. This FSA is not intended to provide specific qualirativc yr quantitative information as to the ac[ual presence of haaardou�j materials at the site, merely to identify the potential presence based on available information. To achieve the objectives of this ESA, RBF conducted a Phase I 1✓SA of the subject site to prcVide preliminary onnclusions relative to site conditions. T'he FSA included the foIlavAng components, which are designed to aid in the diiscovety and evaluation of recognized environmental conditions; "F performed a cite visit on August 19, 2008, Wmisaing of a visual exarnixmbon of the subject site for visual evidence of potential eavirottrnenial concerns including existing or potential soil and groundwater contamination, as evidenced by soil nr pavwenr seta ring or discaloratinn, stressed vegetation, indications of waste dumping or burial, pia, ponds, or lagoons; containers of hazardous substances or petroleum produces; electrical and hydraulic equipment that tray contain PCBs. such as electrical transferrers and hydraulic hoists; and underground and aboveground storage tanks. RBF observed the physical characteristics of the property O,e- apparent runoff directions, location of paved areas, etc.). It should he ntxcd that the site visit specifically excluded any substface investigation including, but; not Hudkd to, sampling and/cc laboratory analysis. 0 An investigation of historical use of the subject site by examining locally available aerial phmographs (orte source) and other readily available historical information, fur evidence of potential environmental concerns as-sociwed with prior land use. a A review of information available an general geology and topography of the subject property and local groundwater conditions. A Feview of environmental record,~ available From the property owner or site contact including regulatory agency reports, permits, registrations, and consultant's reports for evidence of potential environmental concerns, 4 A site property line visual assessment of adjacent properties for evidence of potential off-site environ=ntal concerns that may affect the subject prMerty. ► A review of a cortunercial database summary (provided by EDR), of federal, state, and local regulatory agency records pertinent to the subject property and off-site facilities located within ASTM -specified search distances for the subject property. 4 Frnterviews with key site personnel, as available, regarding current and previous uses of the subject site, particularly activities involving hazardous substances and petrolcuart products. RBF cotnpiied the data reviewed, discussed findings, formulated conclusions. opinions and rec:ornmendadons, and prepared this written report presenting the findings of the MA, W..,,,.......,.....,........,,......,�.,,_.._ _...... . .......... ...... ..... ,,,.,................ ........... ....w. I.—..._._....._..._... �..,,.. S+rverRvclr Pro�er#y Phase 1Sd4 6 ...................................... _ ...... »..,.......... _ (nfroduciion a The performance of live ESA was not limited by any extraordinary condillowi (ether than identified data Gaps) or cir[t=tanees. 1.3 LIMITING CONDITIONS OF ASSESSMENT The findings and professional opinions of RBF are based on the information roads available to RBF (listed in Section 6.0, Refermces) frcm public records, atxl thuuld be understoad to be preliminary only. RBF makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the cornpletetness of the data made av"bic to us fur this study and withholds certification of any type concerning the presemee or absence of contamination of the subject site- RBF is not respon,*ihle fcr the quality or content of information Frani these sources. The report states our conclusion based an the limitations of our scope of services, in accordance with generally accepted standards for a Pbatw { ESA. Subsurface exploration, geologic mapping, laboratory testing of soil or water samples, lead and asY,estos sampling, and operatiorWinventor_y review of adjacent uses were not performed in connection with this ESA. This ESA represcnis our professional judgment, haled on the level of effort desc6bed above, as to the present paterflial for hazardous materials at the site. Thix FSA specifically excludes air q ality issues such as "indoor air quality" (vapor intrttsiort). Subsurface exploration, sampling and laboratory te;iting should be perl-ormed if it is deemed necessary or required to quantify the actual absgence or presence of hazardtxts materials and reconricnd po,asible rernediation measures for such hazardous materials (a "Phase Il"' investigation). This ESA does not satisfy continuing Wiptions under CERCLA liability protections provided for innocent landowners, trona Fide prospective purchasers and contiguous property owms, which includes, but is not limited to, duties required a.ftex property acquisition (i.e., compliance with land use restrictions and institutional controls, undertake "reasonable steps" with respect to hazardous substances releases, compliance with other obligations such as reporting obligations and information requests. ctc.). This ESA addressed the likelihood of the presence of hazardous substances anidjor patroleurn products resulting from past and current known uses of the property and nearby properties. Certain canti itions. such m those listed below, nTdy nut be revealed: ♦ Nalurally occurring toxi.ms in the subsurface soils (i.e., radon). racks, or water, or toxicity of the on-site flora; • Toxicity of substances colom7on in current [Mbltable environments, such as stored household products, building materials. and consumables; • Biological pathogens; Slj;w ck Prnpaarty Phase 1 $A ... 7 ..............,..,.............»..,, ,....................... ,..... Jratroductron Subsurface cvrlCaMinani plum front a rein❑le s[Iurce; i Contaminants or contamin=t coneent_rat3ans that do not violate present regulatory standards hitt may violate such future standards; astd • Ulnkncv n site contamination, such as "midnight dumping" andlor accidental spillage, which could h-sVc oecttrred after RBF's site visit. 1.3.1 User Responsibilities The purpose of this section is to describe tasks to be performed by the user that will help identify the possibility of recognized envirvnntentatl conditions in connection with the subject site. These tasks da not require the technical expertise of an enviroruncntal pmfessiartal and are generally not performed by environmental professionals perforating a Pl3ase €ESA, The interview questionnaire utilized within this ESA is crptiMM to the user and aids the environmental professional in gathering information front the user [hat may be trtaterial to identifying recognized MVironrnental Conditions, The follo%ing tasks are required, by the user of this ESA, to satisfy the requirements of conduc Ling all appropriate inquires: 4 Review Title and Judicial Records f&r Environmenial Liens or Activity and Use Limilat n&r (AULs) - Rmsonably ascertainable recorded land title records and lien records that are filed under federal tribal, state, or local law should he reviewed to identify enviroamenw liens err activity and use limitation:, if any, that are currently recorded against the properly. Environmental liens and activity and use limizatiort~s that aro imposed by judicial authmilies MY he recorded or filed in judicial records, and, where applicable, such records should be reviewed. Any envirotunerttal liens or activity and use limitatiottia so identified shall be reported to cite envirommenUd prcfessicnal conducting a phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Unts added by s change in tete scope of work to lie performed by the environmental professional, this practice does nrrt intWe ori the Bnvirortttterttal professional the responsibility to undertake a review of recorded land title records and judicial records for envirgnmetttaJ liens or activity attd use limitations. The user shouid either (1) engage a title company or title professional to undertake a review of reasOnably ascerraiwble recorded land title records and Jim records for environmental liens Or activity and use litttitations currently recorded against or relating to the propexty, or (2) negotiate such an engagement of a title cumpany rw title profes.%ionai as an addition to the setae of work to be performed by the environmental professional. # Reasonably Ascerrailahle Except to the extent that applicable federal. state, local, or tribal statutes, or regulations Specify any place other than reeurded lama Title records for recording nr €iIing enuifonmental Liens or activity and use limitations or specify records to be reviewed to identify the existence of such environmental lieps or activity and we lirrt ta[ions, environmental liens or activity and use limitations that are recorded w filed any place other than te+corded land title records are nix considered to he reasonably a.�certalaable. �ffv�rRock PrtrAar�YPhas 1 Ell...........................x..,..,._.................,.....,....... ,..........�,.... ,..... ...... br �......�..»,.................._..._.... ...... W ..........................,...,...»,,,..............,,........W..,.............,.,».» ».... 111trOdVCA1" + Sper alLed Knowledge or LAperierter of the User - If the user is aware of uny spticiaHzed knowledge or experience. thax is material to recognized environmental conditions in cpnn=don with the propeM, it is the user's responsibility to cotnmtmicate any information based on such specialized knowledge or experience to the environmental Professional. The user should do so before the environmental professional coriducts the site recormaimance. # Airrual Xvowledge of the User - if the user has actual knowledge of any environmental lien or AULs. encumbering the property or in connection with the property, it is the user's responsibility to communicate such information to the envirorinwntal professional. The user should do so before the envirottrnentaI professional conducts the site reconnaissance. • Reason: for Signif candy Lower Purchase Price -- in a transaction involving the purchase of a parcel of commercial real estate, the Baser shall consider the:elationship of the purchase price of the property io the fair market value of the property if the propmy was not affected by hazardous substancos or petroleum products. The u-sv should try to identify an exptanaiion for a lower price which doem net reasonably reflect fair market value if the property were out contaminated, and make a written reed of such explanation. Among the factors to consider will be the information that be -conics known to ]he user pursuant tb the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. The ASTM E1527-05 standard does not require that a real estate appraisal be obtained in order to ascertain fair market value of the property. * Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascerrainably information - If the user is aware of any commonly known or moonably ascertainable inform ion within the local community about the property that is material to recognized environmental conditions in eonncctivn with the property, it is the user's responsibility to communica€e such infonaxation to the environmental professional_ The user should do so before~ the environmental prafessional conducts the site reconnaissance. + Other - Either the user shall make known to the ertvitnnntental professional the reason why the user wants to have the Phase I Environmental Site A.ssessnvnt performed or, if the user doer not identify the purpose of the phase I Environmental Site Assessment, the environmental pTofesmional shall assume the purpose is to qualify for err LLP to CERCL.A liability and stare this in the report, in addidun to satisfying one of the requirem=6 to qualify for an LLP to CERCLA liability. another reason for perforating a Phase i EnvirpnmenW Site Assessme-nt might include the need to understand potential environmental conditions that could materially irnpacl the aperatinn of the business associated with the parcel of comnuyrcial real estate. The user and the environmental professional may also need to modify the scope of services performed under this practice for special circumstances, including„ but not limited to , op -crating industrial facilities or large tracts of land (large arm -t or corridors). 5tih�enRack Prsaprarty Phasm..,........ --- .»,,,................... ................. �..,,..........., » ��....,.....W lrifnadtfc#ion �....._....�............................,...,............. _....................... ».,........... .......,..... ........................ ...........,,,,.... ........ .....,,— The inforrwlion and opinions rendered in this F -SA are exclusively for use by the City of La Qnlriia_ REF will nor distribute nr pulyliSh [his report without the cansont of the City of La QuInta, except as required by law or court order,. The information and opinions expressed in this ESA are given in response to RBF's scope of services and limitations indicated above and should be Considered and impleme-med only in light of the scope of services and limitatiam. The Ferviees provided by RBF in completing this ESA were consistent with nanrW standards of the profession No warranty, expressed or ImpliM, is made. SilVgrl�oCk �rgp,erfy Rhas� 1 FSA Section2 PHYSICAL SETTING Physical seeing snarces typically provide information regarding gerifagir-, hydrogeologie, hydrologic, or topographic r haracreristres of a property. The f6llawing information is prinwrily based on review of the United Srates Geological .Survey (USGS) La Qain1Q. California Quadrangle, dated 1959, photorevised 1980, and a site inspection rood .cred by RBP on AvRuxt 19, 2008. Other rrtiscellnrreaus resources utilized within this section and througfrqur the ESA are referenced in Section 6.0, R feecrn res. 2.1 SUBJECT SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 Location The subject site is located to the south of Avcnue 52 and west of Wfefson Street, within the City cf LA Quinta, Couinty of Riverside, State of California (Seczicna S and S; T.55; R.7E: SBBM). Surrounding land uses consist of residential, recreational. and vacant land uses. Access to the subject site is provided vita Avenue 52. 2.1.2 Current rise{s} of this Subject Site Five APNis (776-150-004, 777-05"07, -O08. 4)49, and 011) comprise the subject Bite wish an approximate gross acreage of 19$.91 acres. The site currently ecrosists of unimproved rmdways, golf course uses, and vacant lend, 2.1.3 Description of On -Site Structures and Loads Oct temporary strurftwe and one tettrporary storage shed (associated with golf course uses) are present on-site. Several unimproved roadways and one cart path are prese-m on-site. 3.1.4 Zonin i -and Use Records Zoning/laud use records generally consist of records fnatntained by the local government in which the subject site is Iocatesd. They indicate the uses permated by the local gov=nmmt rar panicula3r zonn� within its ,jurisdietion_ The records may consist of maps and/or written records. According to the City of Lai QwWa Gcnerai Plan, adapted Marsh 20, 2202, Land Use Nap, the subjtx.-t site is designated as Golf Course Open Space (G) and Totn ist Cortunercial (TC), .2 TOPOGRAPHY The US GS maps show gcclogic-al for=tico3q and their characteristics, describing the physical setting of an area through contour lines and major surface features including lakes, rivers, streams, buildings, landmu s, and other factors that impact the spread of contamination. Additionany, the maps depict - - .... .......,............. ,,., �... ..........�...,.........._....._......... .................................... ........ ............... ..............— SrharRack Property+ Phase J SSA fl ........ ........ ..,a ,..,..„. . ............... .... ............. .,,_»............... ........... �...,..:..«a...«....,,,,,...,.........,._ _.,...,- Physrcai Settrng tnpngraphy tluaugh color and contow lines and are helpful in determining chlevatiomc artd site latitude and longitude. Bused on the USGS La Quinta, California Quadrangle, dated 1959, photorevised 1980, on-site t V091 -appy is approximately 25 feet above rnsl and relatively flat. Tfic subject site appears to consist of a water tank, orchards, and vacant land. Orchard and vacant land uses geuterally characterize the area sumwrtdirng the subject site. The surrounding topography varies; mountains are visible to the west of the subject site and khe topography to the north, east, Arid south is ge=ally flat_ improved roadways are visible to the north and east of the subject site. The Coachella Canal adjoins the subject site to the sotuh. 2.3 CURRENT USES OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES Far the scope of [his ESA, properties are defined and categeon7ed based upon their physical proximity W the subject site. An adjoining property is considered any real property or properties the border of which is contiguous or partially coati ous with that of the subject site, or that would be contiguous or partially oomiguous with that of the subject site but for a street, md, or other public thoroughfare separating dwtn. An adjacent property is any real property located within a i!a-mile of the subject site's bonier. The following is a detailed description of each adjoining land use cibserved on August 19, 2008: North; Residential and recreational land uses are located to the aorta of the subject site. East: 'Vacant land uses are 1(xatod to the east of the subject site. ► South. Recreational and vacant land uses are Weated to the south of the sobject site. ! 'west: Rmreatiflnal and vacant land uses are located to the west of the subject site. 2.4 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 2.4.1 Geology The USGS GeAogical Map Index was searched by EDR for available geological maps that cover the subject site and surrounding areas. These geological maps indicate geological farrttalions that are overlaid on a topographic map. Some wraps focus on specific issuc.q 6-e.. bedrwk, sedimenuary reeks, etc.) while others may identify artifttwial rills (including landfills). Geological maps can be effective in esbrnatiog permeability and other factors that influence the spretrd of contarnination. According to the SDR GcoCheck Report, the subject site consists of a stxatified sequence from the Cenozoic era. The dWh to bedrock is greater than 0 inch&s, ...............................W.. -,....-........,,....w.......,.........I.....,...... ..................... ....�........... ------------....._.........................��,..........� Y............... � ck r�o�erry Phase r SSA T2 Ph steal Se 2.4.2 Soils The subject site is situated on the Myo"-IncHo-Gilman associatinn. The Myartna-India-Gilman association is clearly level to rolling, somewhat t-,xcessively drained to moderately well drained fine sands in dune areas and loamy fine sands, very fine sandy looms. fine sandy learns, and silt loamy an alluvial fans, The U.S. Dvartment of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conso-vation Service (SCS) Soil Survey Maps were seamhed for available soils within the subject site. Three sail series' are located on the subject site and are described as follows., {oilman fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (GbA): The Gilman series consists mainly of well drained soils, but includes sails that have altered drainagL, where seepage frorn irrigation has caused a seasenal water table at depth of 3 to 5 feet. These soils farmed in alluviumk in a typical profile the surface layer is very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3l2) fine sandy loam when moist, about 8 inches thick, The Gilman fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes soil is nearly level and has a profile similar to the one dcscrihed as representative of the series, bit drainage has mg been altered by seepage and the water table is at a depth of more than 6 feat. About 3 percent of this mapping unit is included areas of Coachella sails, 4 percent Indio soils, and 3 percent Salton soils. About A pmeem is included areas of Gilman soils that have a loamy fine sand or sandy loam surface layer. In 30 percent of the mapping unit, the substratum is massive loam or silt loam. The sail is moderately permeable, Available water holding capacity is high at about 9.5 to 10.5 inches. Indio fine sandy loam (Ip): The tndo series. consists of well drained or moderately well drained soils that formed in alltttirium. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. Typically, the surface layer is dark grayish brown (2.5'Y 412) very rine sandy loam when moist, $ mur 10 inches thick. The Indio fine sandy loam mapping unit is nearly level and has a profile similar to the one described as representative of the series, but it has a fine sandy loam surface layer and the water table is below 6 feet. About 5 percent of this mapping unit is included areas of Gilman soils, 3 percent Salton soils, and 2 percent Coachc[la soils. Also included are small areas of Indio soils that have a loamy tine sand or fine sand surface layer. Runoff is slaw, The erwian hazard is slight Permeability is rnodemle and the available water holding capacity is high at about 10.5 inches. Indio very fine sandy loam (Is); This nearly level soil has a profile similar to she one described as representative of the series, but the water table is below 6 feet About 3 }percent of this snapping unit is included arm of Gilman soils, 4 percent Salton soils, and I percent Coachella sails. In about 12 percent of the mapping unit, the surface layer is silt loam and the substratum below a depth of 40 inches is stratified with silty clay loam m is silty clay loam. Also included are sonic small areas north Df Avenue 58 near the Coachella Valley Canal that have gullies 6 to 15 inches deep, Runoff is slow and the erosion huard is _.................................................................................w....,,......_......,.».».,....,,» ....., y...............�, 5rfvarRack pr'op�rLy Phsse I ESA �3 Physicaf se-0mg . lIighi_ Permeability is modarate and the available water holding capacity is high at about 10.9 inches, Myoma fine snnd, a to s percent slopes (Ma8): The Myoma series consists mainly of somewhat excessively drained soils, but includes soils that have altered drainage where seepage from irrigation has caused a water table at a depth of 1.5 to 5 feet. The soils formed in recent alluvium. Slopes are 1} to 15 percent. Typically the upper L$ inches of this snips olive gray (5Y 5t2) fine sand, when moist, Tho Myoma fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes mapping unit is nearly level to gently sloping an alluvial farts where they merged with the finer Eextured floodplain and I sin sails. It has the prnfile described as representative of the series. About g percent of this mapping unit is included areas of Carsitas sails, 4 percent Coachella rnik, 2 percent Riverwash, and 5 percent noncalcarous Myoma soils , Also included are some areas of sand, snull areas of soils that have a coarse sand, sandy loans, or line sandy hams surface tayes, mall areas of depmition along windbreaks and fence litres. and small area with slopes greater than 5 percent in citrus graves and vineyards. In soros areas south of Dillon Road (Sky and Fun Malley) are soils with brawn or yellowish brown loamy sand between depths of 10 to 4-0 inche.s, and some areas northwest of ;4 =irtez Cauyun have a thin surface dcpogit of gravelly sand. Runoff is very slow and the erwinn harard is slight. Pestueability is rapid and the available water holding capacity is low at about 4.8 inches, 2.4,3 Radon Radon is a radioactive gas that k found in certain geologic environn-wnts and is formed by the amural breakdown of radium, which is found in the earth's crust, radon is an invisible, odorless, inert gas that emits alpha particles, known to cause tung cancer. Radon levels are highest in basements (areas in close proximity to the soil) that are paD ly ventilated. A radon survey was nut included within the scope of this investigation. According to the "U.S. EPA Map of Radon 7vnes," the County of Riverside is located within Zone 2, which has a predicted average indoor screening level of ? 2.0 Picocuries per liter (pCi1'I.) and:5 4 pOIL. EISA recmmends remedsal actiam wbcn radon levels are greater thorn 4.0 pCijL. 2.5 BIOLOG;CAL SETTING The biotic canununity that. exists within the vicinity of the subject site oottsists of that typical of vacant land that ways historically used for agriculture practi= in the La Quinta area_ Sparse non. native grass and weed species as well as grass planted for the golf coarse driving range, were rioted throughout the subject site, S+7verRac+k Property Prra.......... t E ,........ ...... .....—.....».............................. ... w., , ,....»...,,,,.....­.........,,,,,,,.,,............. �...�w.....,�..... 74 ... ...... ...... » ,.......__............ ................... ,,., ,......`.",....�......,,.............. Physxal Sett rg 2.6 DRAINAGEIHYDROLOGY 2.6.1 Drainage Drainage of the subject site 6 accomplished by downward surface percolation and olverland sbcet HOW which generally varus Hunsx the subject site. Two large depruisiom are located in the western portion of the subject site, {ane drainage is located to the east of the subjoct site and appears to flow to the south toward the All American Canal. 2.6.2 Flood Hazards Flood Prone Arca Maps pubiished by the USGS show areas prone to IGo-year floods overlaid on a topographical reap. These maps are not considered the official iFWcrai Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) f m d maps; therefore, in case`% where a property is kx:atcd immediately adjacent to or within the flood prone boundary, a FEMA map should be nhtainexl_ According to the EDR Database search, the subject site ig not located within a I00 -year flnod zone (refer ter the Appendix 8, EDR .Search). 2.7 GROUNDWATER AND WATER WELLS For the purpose of this FSA. ItBF assumes groundwater flow would follow the slope of the ground surface elevations towards the neatresi 0pe7t body of water or itnermittcnt stream. The direction of this flow art -site is expected to ver}; however, grOttmdwatcr is anticipated to generally flow in a southwesterly direction. toward arta along the Coachella Canal. Based an the EDIT` GeoCheck Report, no water wells am luted within the boundaries of the subject site (refer to the Appendix R, EDR Search). y. ....................... . .......... , ... ,...,,,........».» ,.... _w._... � Slfv�rfiach �reperey Ptwge I ....._.,,... ..."R..._._......,.15 Section 3 HISTORICAL & REGULATORY SEARCHES The ASTM Phase f Standard (EI527-05) allows ditcretiOn in ehaasfng from among eight srandard $0U?pces. Plw "sneer" m0n-specrfrc sources lather noes-sperift sarrrces carr include new,spaper archives arad records in the fides atrdlor personal knonledge of the property owner andlor acraparrtsl. The standard sources are aerial photographs, fire insurance nwps. prapeM ta.r frles, recorded land title records (a chain-Vf=title), hi.sroricaf ropogrcrphir maps. focal street directories, bui&ing departmew records. and 7aninglland use records. The focus is on usage rather than ownership. which is ivhy a rfr4h7_o}=1a1e is nol cuff ejent by rrself. 3.1 METHODOLOGIES AND LIMITING CONDITIONS Historical information for the subject site was obtained I mn 1904 to tine present. Per ASTM, historical uses "shall be identified from the present, back to the pruperm's obvious first develVment use [including agricultural seri fit] Activities), or back to 1941), whichever is earlier-" Data fadum (a subset of a dam gap) occurs when all of the standard historical sources [hat are reasonably ascertainable and likely to be useful have been reviewed and yet the objectives of this ESA have not been met. Data failure is not uncommon in trying to identify the use of the property at ftvc-year intervals back to the first use or 1940 (whichever is earlier). Based on the review of available documentation, RBF did not experience data failure. 3.2 HISTORICAL SITE USAGE The following hktorrca.l information is based upon review of available historical nips and documents, available public Wormation, interviews, and a review of a series of historical aerial photographs dating from 1953 to 2005. 3.2. I Interviews 321.1 Current on -Site owner RDF received i questionnairc from Mr. Doug Evans, Assistant City Manager to the property owner (City of La Quint,a), on August 27, 2009_ Mr. Evans stated that the subject site has beers uflfted as vent land and agricultural uses. He stated that no type of Tactility ]mown CO creole, More, and/or maintain hazardous matMals has adjoined or has been I ated within the bounduies of the subject site. Mr, Evans stated that no storage tanks (AM or USTS) have. been or are ctua-eptly present on the cubiect site, 14ir. I vans stated that to his lurowledge DO enviror"nental cleanups or any land use limitations have been associated with the subject site (refer to Appendix C, Documentation), SilverRackPropert}r Phase f PS�4...................a.,.,......W...-..............��.,.......�............,....,,.............,......,,.,...........,..,,_.. _.,.... -- - 16 His foftel artd Regalafnry Searches ....... m........., , _ ...........................M, �,............ ».......... a..,,».«....,......."..........................._,._............................................ ........... ....._,.._.... Ctty of La Quinta Fire Department ERBF contacted staff rnernbcr at the City of Ga Quinta Fire Depariment, requesting all available files associated with the on-site APNs and ofd site reported LUST site at 79934 Avenue 52. The staff member referred RBF to Mr. Jason Stubbel, Riverside Cnunty Fire Inspector, for information regarding hazardous materials files for the City of La Quinta (refer to Appendix C, Darumentation). County of Rivaert'#de Fire DVni men t RBF contacted Mr. Jason Srubbel, County of riverside Fire Inspector, requesting all available files associated with the on -,site APM; and off-site reported LUST nt 79999 Avenue 52. Mr. Stubbel stated that Lite alI hazardous mate,`i ds related files are maintained at the County of Riverside Department of Fnvirionmental Health (refer to Appendix C, Dorumenintion). Other Interview Sources No additional interviews were conducted at the time of this LSA. 3.2,2 Documentation IZ2.1 Building Department Records Building Department Rccords are those records of the local guvernnvnt in which the subject site is located indicating perttrissiost of the local govCMMettt to construct, alter, or demolish improvements on the property. The purpose ror a retards review is to obtain and review available building p=it records, which would help to evaluate potentially recognimble eavirunmentnl condition(s), which could be co mected with the subject site, RRF regtiested available building records fbr the five on-site APNs (776- L50-004, 777-050- 007, 777-050-009, 777-050-009, and 777-050-011) for the subject site via email request from the City of La Quinta. The City of La Quinta has no building 7ecords for any of the requested on-site APN% (refer to Appendix C, Documemadon). 3.2,2.2 Recorded land Tide Records Recorded land titles are records usually maintained by the municipal clerk or county recorder of deeds which detail awrwr8hip fees. leases, land contracts, easements, liens, deficiencies, and other cocumbrances attached to or retarded agaitwt the subject site within the local jurisdiction having control for or reporting responsibility to the subject site. According to the EDR Environmental Lien Search Report, no envimnmental liens and(or other AULs were found in association with [he ort -site APNs 776-150-004, 777-050-047, 777-054-008, 777-050-009, and 777-050-011 (refer to Appendix C, Dncmmenlution), �................�...... .�..._......... „...............................�,,...».._.....-......................... . _ ... ,. 5r rerRock Prropetly Phase i X5,4 f7 ...............r. ,...........,,.......................... .............. W , „ H�starkaf anct R,g tory Searches Properly Ds#a RBF sexrchcd Property data for the subject site via First American Real Esrare Solu oris and the legal description for the Project site. This darn typically provides current property owntrship inforrnation and includes infpxxt"taiion regarding on-site improvements, zoning, land use, transfer of last sale, and other miscellaneous struvturaC intproverrments. J`Yoperty information was avadable for the subject site via First American, RealQuesr Property Dasa; a parcel trap 0'or the subject site was reviewed as part of Maps 776.15 and 777-05, in which the subject site is included. The subject site cruris#s of APNs 776-150-DU4, 777-150-007, 777 -050 -ON. 777,050-009, and 777450-011 (refer to Appendix C, Documenralion). 3.22.4 City D#Wtaary Searches City directories, published by private campanics (or sometimm the government), provide it chronological sequence of past site ownership, Wcupancy, andJor uses for a propet•ty by reference of an address. This type of search is particularly effective to del ermine the past uses of developed pruper cs, EDR provided a City Directory Search (searched the years 1970 though 2W6) for the subject site and adiaining properties on August 18, 2008. According to lite City Directory Search, the subject site was not listed (refer Co Appendix C. Documentation). Sanborn Fuse insurance Naps Sanborn rmps contain detailed drawings, which indicate the to tirnt and use of structures on a given property during specific yem. These maps were originally produ,;M le show buildings in sufficient detail for %murance underwriters to evaluate fire risks and estatlish prerrtiurrts, but now are utilized as a valuable source of hislorical a.nd environmental risk infosrrtulivn. According to the Certifte;d Sanborn Map Report obtained from EDR on August 14, 2048, ne Sanborn maps are available for the subject site or ii mediate vicinity at the tune of this ESA (refer to Appendix C, Documentation). XZ2.6 hlisfaeticaf'ropetgraphic Maps R13F reviewed his#vrical topographic map:, dated 1944 through 1980 for lite subject site aricf adjacent areas provided by EDR. review of available historical topographic maps provided the following chronological sequence of site biatory. Copies of the historical topograph,c maps as well 24 the most recent topographic map are presented in Appendix C, Dorumeniatiaan, 1904. In the 1904 USGS Indio, Calrformia Quadrangle (30 Minute [`] Series topographic map), the subject site consists entirely of vacant land. Tile 1904 Quadrangle is a -Mallen scale tOpograpltic map, which generally labels tawny, rivers, peaks. and major land features; however, specific detail ($tructurcg and elevations, etc.) remains undefined. The subject site is located 10 the west of the City of Coachella- .............. . . ............... oachella_ ............................ ,...... .,..._...... ­................ ., is _ _,,........� . ......�....................... ..,Historical and Re-qudarory Searches 5urrnullding Iand utic-i appear to Consist Of vacant land. No ern -rite pits, ponds, or lagm m were noted on the 1904 tWgraphic reap. 1959- 1980: In the 1959 through 1980 USGS fa Quinia and Palen Desert, California Quadrangle (7,i' and 15' Series), the subjat wire appears to consist of orchard and vacant land uses. Ort -site topography appears to be approximately 25 Feet above ml and flat. One water well and one waiter pump appear to be located within tike houndaries of the subject site. Surrounding land uses appear to consist of sparse structures, orchard, and vacant land uses. The Coachella Canal adjoins the subject site to the south. Avenue 52 is €acated to the north of the subject site anddeffmson Street is visible to the east of the subject site. No stn -site pits, ponds, or lagoom were noted on the 1953 topographic snap. Bawd on review of the above -referenced Historical Topographic Maps. the subject site Appears to have consisted of one water pump, erne water well, orchards, and vacant land uses, Historka# COs. Rfyr Planning Maps Beginning in the 1930s, historical county planning reaps were used by highway departments to disburse federal funding based on each county's road system, Some states just mapped reads, but marry added cultural features such as farms and factoTies- These features were usually shown everywhere except within city/county limits. These maps are especially useful in conjunction with historical topographic maps. The topographical map can indicate the si7,e, shape. and iocatiivn of structure.;, white the historical county planning wrap ears identify their use. However, this ESA has relied upon other standard historical information scurces assumed to be either more accurate C' informative than Historical County Planning Maps. Calftrni'a Department of oil, Gas, and GentherrnaI Resources R13F reviewed a Wildcat Map provided by the California Department of Gil, Gas, and GeOthenTzl Resources (DCHGGR). These reaps indicate existing and historical oil and gas wells within the immediate vicinity of the subject site. Current well status for any well indicated on the Wildcat Maps should be confu med at the appropriate Division of Oil and Gas District Office. According to Lhe Wildcat Map WI -7, Riverside and San Diego Cnunties, accessed on August 18, 2005. [lee subjul site does not appear to be located within an arta of ail, gas, or genthcrtttal production (refer to Appendix C, Daramentalion). No reported oil, gas, or geothermal production wells ase reported within the vicinity of the subject site. 5ifv$r icah Prao-pert)r i}hase t ESA .... ...............W ........................ ......... ,1............ ,..,.,.........,. ...... ........,........... I...»...�.......... fP „HistorivaI arrd Re Jarory Searches File Record Revi=ew RBF requested files fot the on-site AI Ns 776-150-404. 777-050-007. 777-050-008. 777- 050-009, and 777-050-01 l at [Le Colorado River Basin Regional WRter Quality Cnntrol Board (RWQC13), Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), and County of Rivae,idle Environmental HeaEth Department (DFH). The DTSC docs not mairtta.in any records for the requested on -mc AM. Additionally, the RWQCH is not able Zo search by APN (refer to Appendix C, Documcrtradon). Due to time cortstra"s a response was not received from the DEN. In addition to the above referenced on-site addresses, RBF requested records from the RWQCB, DTSC, and DEH fur the off-site properly 79999 Avenue 52 (LUST Site), which may have impacted groundwater within proximity to the subject site and tray have created an REC on-site. The DTSC did nos maintain files for the off-site LUST site at 79999 Avenue 52. RBF received files from the RVkWQCB on August 27.2DOS vi fax (refer to Appendix C. Dnrrunemation). The hies were the same files searched via the GeoTracker website {refer to Section 3,3.2, GeoTrarker Search) Due to tine constraints a response was not received frotrl the DEH. 3.2.3 Aerial Photographs RBF reviewed available aerial photographs Far the subject site and irnmediately adjacent areas to assist in the identification of developn=t activities that have historically occurred on-site. Review of available histm-ical aerial photngmphs dated 1953 through 7005 provided the following chronological sequence of site history. The aerial photographs were provided by EDR and are listed in Section 6.0, References. Copies of these historical aerial photographs are presented in Appcndix C, Documentation. 1953- 1984: In the 1953 through 1984 aerial photographs, the subject site appears to consist of agricultural and vacant lard uses. Surrounding land uses appear to consist of apicuhural a.rtd vacant land uses. Improved roadways are visible to the narth anti east of the subject site. One drainage canal is visible to the south of the subject site, One structure appem. to be visible adjoining the subject site to the sou[hwest. used oa his€uncal topographic maps the structure is most likely a water pump associated with the drainage canal. 1996- 2062., in the 1996 and 2042 aerial photographs, the subject site appears similar to that viewed in the 1953 thrnugh 1984 aerial photographs. Surrounding land uses also appear similar to that viewed in the 1953 aerial photograph_ 1n addition, residential structures and golf courses are being developed to the north of the subjeet site. The structure to the southwest of the subject site (associated with a water pump) ierRock Pnoper#y Phrase !X5,4 ... .............«».............�,................................ .- .........-.w........ ... � ......» � .....-............ HFatorkal and Regulatory Searches remains in the 19 }6 and 2002 aerial phoro phs, 2IX1S: In the 2005 aerial photograph, the subi nt site appears similar ro that viewed in the 1953 through 2002 aerial photographs. En addition a golf course driving range appears to be visible in the eastern portion of the WbjeGt site. Additionally, land previously used for agricultural practices has been graded and now cansists of distu,rbcd vacant land, Surrounding land uses also appear to consistent with brat viewed in the 1953 thrnugh I W aerial photagraphs. Residential and gD[f course development continue to increase to the north and west of the subject site. Based on review of the above -referenced historical aerial photographs, the subject site appears to have consisted of agricultural, recreational, and vacant land uses. Surrounding land uses also appear to have consisted of residential and developed land priur to 1953. 3.2.4 Other Historical Sources Other histvtical sources include miscellaneous maps, newspaper archives, and recurds in the files and/or personal knowledge of the prof eny owner andfot occupants. No outer hisinrical sources were reviewed during the course of ihi..e ESA. 3.3 REGULATORY SOURCES The goverttmental sourem have been searched by EDR (at the request of k5F) for sites within the subject site and within an approximate one -mile radius of the subject site houndariies. Upon completion of their search, EDR provided RBF with their findings darted August 14, 2D08. RBF makes no claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the seferenced sources. Our review of EDR's findings can only be as current as their listings and trtay not reprc�sent all known or potential hazardous waste or contaminated sites. To roduce the potential for orruairtg possible hazardous material sites on the subject site and within the surruunding area, sites may he listed in this report if there is any doubt as to the location because of discrepancies in map location, zip code, address, ❑r other inU rmatinn, Refer to Appendix B, EDR Search, for a listing and description of the fedeFal and :state records searched. 3.3.1 Standard Environmental Record Searches Subject Site Available public records (provided by EDR) were reviewed by RBF on August 14, 2008; refer Io Exhibit 4, Overview Map, ror a napping Of reported regulatory prrsperties, The lists that were reviewed, did not ref+ort at regulatory site within the boundaries of the subject site. No known cwr'eclive action, restoration, ar remedistion has been planned, is currently taking place, or has been completed on the subject site. The subject site has not been under iinvestigadon for violation of any environmental laws, regulations, or standards, as idmiffiod in the databases reported by EDR, ..............,,,....,...,......-..............................v.........._........,_..........,.._�......._...._,,......_.»..................... Sr'Fverl2oc�€ PmperiY Phew F �A 21 %{ Targe rPropertyt A Sltes at Blevafions higher than a r equsJ to the target property SI las at $Imt c no Icwar thAW, Phe target property 1 6Aenufsclured bra$ Pla rets Q NalpofwC Priority Leat sites 1 Dept. J akftse sf#ft Swroe. EOR, Inc., =00 fa.W.. COHJLPLTkNp �i rilE 1417q14 P'fpH1S110 12A,5 indi0tr ROt6P'VAfons HIA 0 tfi' �� tom, Iti•,: 671 & Gas Opelirwe _. 1UQ-veer l9nod zany 500 -year flood zone Natlonaf Wedand Irwpnlory Areas of Cnronern SCLVIAROCK CRDPERTY-PHASE I ESA Overview Map Exhibit 4 ....».HisIc0cal acrd Regulatory Sewehes .....................y.....,.,,...........,„,............................ ,............,................� ............ ..................................... All Regulatory Listed Sites Within a One -Miele Radius of the Subfec[ site Twin Iistfld regulatory sites are located within a one -mile radius of the subject site which are listed in one ar more regulaimy databases. According to the EDR database search, the following off-site regulatory property may have impacted groundwater that urtdtrlies the subject site: 4 Oak Tree 'Vest Property 99999 Avenue 52. This property ix located 0.26 - mile cross -gradient to the northeast of the subimi site. This property was listed within the LUST and Cortese databases. The LUST database contains information an sites that maintain leaking USTs. The Cortese database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of cantannnation, hazardous substance sites selected for remedial action, sites with known toxic materials identified through the abandoned site assessment pragrattr+ sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilitics from where there is know migration. One reported LUST repotted a release of gasoline to at undefined medium. lyase was reported closed on an unknown dal c. For a complete fist of sites identified and their status, refer to the wrap of sites within a one - mile radius of the subject site contained within Appendix B. EDR Databave Search, Additianally, Table 1, ldenrrjred Regularmy Sires Within a One Mile Radius of rhe Subject Sire, at the end of this section, identifies and discusses each cf thew listed regulatory sites. Orphan Summary According to EDR's ESA Report Desktop Reference. dated 1996, some reported sites (Orphan Sites) are unrnappable as exact locations re min undefined_ Listings in publicly available records, which do not have adequate addrv” infamution, are not generally camidered practically reviewable. For the purpoam of this ESA, practically reviewable is €defined as infumiation pruvided in a rnanner and in a form that yields information without the need for extraordinary analysis of irrelevant data, Although the iaeation of these situs may be unknown, the site and detail infnrmation are often available through EDR. RDF's review of Orphan Sites cunsisted of a verification that the subject site is not listed (te., referenced by naitne or street address) and a review to identify -if any of the Orphan Sites cause a moderate to high potential to create an REC within the boundaries of the subject site. An REC on the subject site as a result of one or mare of the Orphan Sites is considered to be low due #a the distance from subject site. 33.2 GeoTracker Search In additinn to the EDR 4earch mentioned above, REF se chcd the subject site vicinity on .. ...................... »»�,...» .�»»» »� . ,,........ _... .�.�............. SllverF7ock Pr a Phase t SSA 2S Hafor+cai and F ulatory Searches .»............................ ...._..» ..,.........., ,...........»., ........, ,..........., ,........, ....�...»...,.........., .......... ......» ..................... GeoTracker. GoaTrarker wus developed pursuant us a nwrid pie by dsc California State Legislature to investigate Lht feasilAlity of establishing a statewide Geographic lnfor=tion S}•Siem {GIS) for leaking underground fuel tank (LUFT) sibs and is maintained by the State Mazer Resources Conuol Board. KRF makes no claims as to the completeness or accuracy of GwTrackcr; our review of CpeoTrackar.s findings can only be as current as their listings and may not mpresou all known or potential hazardous waste or contaminated sites. RBF searched ail sites within GeoTracker in the City of La Qu a. County of Riverside. with the following faci ity/prop rty owner name: "L.andTmrlt", "Oak 'free". and "La Nita"; the address numbers "79999"; as well as the street names "Avenue 52"R and "Jefferson Smel". The following searches resulted in nu proper -tics listed Althin the boundaries of the subject site. The following search resulted in the a r" of further Worrmlion for the Oak Tree Nest Property at 79999 Avenue 52 which reported a LUST in the 1?DR database search. The LUST reportod gasoline as the potential contarninartts of concern, The potential media affected is under invcstigation. The case is rMarted closed as of Felarttary 7, 1995, 3.3.3 Additional Fnvi'ronmental Record Searches No additional environmental rer arck searches were perf6rrne€1 clueing the preparation of this RSA. SfNerl ack Propwly Phase 0 ESA 24 Hil oricar and Regotefory Searches ._...... __............. Y .. .............. .......... ....._........I.......µ...,, ...................Y., ,,...........,_..,..._..,......,,,,,...........,,.,....... ............ ........ .,,,......... Table 1 Identlfled Sites Within a One -Mlle Radius of the Subject Site EDR Gil' 10 Potential for an &te from Regulatory Map Name/Address $ubl Database Site status RITC on the IN Sift Subject Site Lnw Landmark Lease Q 23-roile Ave 52. 'A mile W of East of the iters site 16 rWned to have bed appraodtr&a l (Nc GMaIM intron 1 Jeffela01sR 51ob a&0 +iISTIJST Maw htpit,USTs cmlai rgMducl mponiedl LOW pocaled gre0f Ut3n '# mileCronvadw C-26-mb Raprurled LUST rolessed gasoline to unde5nev #ran the subject see, Qalt Tree Wm Pmerty East al the LIST medium Case r'eportad clew. #reported in mpa and 01038 date In 79B99Avenue52 Su Site Cortese Ccdasedalabase GefsTrackerseairh Nole: MV 0 summers mldih the ibis rlurnbws indleMad on tfifl map of Who Wlhtn anrmlie rAduz contairtbd witKn Apptindix 9, EaR Srrrch. POMITIAL FOR Ef?MCINMENTAL C 3Nall CM KEY: Let! eadiVI = PelwrNal Io trees: anJnprimerrtal carrdlttims on aui;Wt she vs conwoerad ro tin low for one cn savergl factors mclUdrrog, but not Jkr1_tbd to. Inn tdiomng: direallon at grourtdrwur bow 16 away rram the oubfect Gl,s (chin gradlanq; iwnouiai ocllerl 4 urtdarway or ramplGtOo at aft•gite I )MUDn: dietohce from IUNee attic 13 aonsid re -d gr"t annugh to rgot allow 0i it creatian of a pelwMffi emlrmmantel condition', only gpit "S aHbaed by the oo[:urrerxe: and gr reppltn g ugei'cY hes Oeennlr,ed no lur'ther action 15 rrecea5ar3' Ila teStr-.Pia�lrllTeBl = Polenl2el ib rxceir ommeownentar rer+ddiar nn erdflec.9 site is cnnsidcreyd to he rmoderrle Bold Iurther Ihvrextgahnn may be rier:essmy due la one ar several fartwc imcIJJdI ng. but nut iurntad ta, the 110111Owing: oceLmerse.e rcp dtid but termeduri MMus urnkriawrl; unable to enrAlrrt, t&rnedlrbl eudw curokled. pt❑xmlty to subject slte; groundwaterfines is Iawwds the sablecI side (up gra"irit). LW rt nth,= PwarRial to create cnvIrnnmenlal condrdm an subject 08a is considered Sd he high and further invwigeUon necesae►y dile t0 one m saverd faaws including the Wow ng occurrence rKrIed on4w and sistue if remedial ackri unknown: emurrenca afraeted groundwater erod is }ucated up gradlani from aubJaet sll& SidvarRcvck Property Phase I E&A 25 Section 4 SITE RECONNAISSANCE The fe4lowing section documents rhe resufr of rhe visna) site inspection candurted by RBF on August 19, 2008, and ider fifies paceatial areas in whirr are environmental condi#son could arise. Refer in bath on- and off sire photographs taken on Angusf 19. 2008. at the end of this section as a general visual reference. For inform-afion regarding results of the hisloricaf and governmental records searches, refer to Section 3.0, Historical andReguialory Information Searches. 4.1 ON-SITE OBSERVATIONS 4.1.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions The objective of the site reconnaissance is to obtain information indicating the likelihood of idetcufying RECs, including hazardous stabstanees and petxoleurn products in conrimtiian with the praperty (including sails, surface water, and groundwate�)During the August. 19, 2008 site inspection, RBF performed a visual observation of readiiy accessible areas of the subject site and irnmediately adjoining properties. No limitations were encotmtcred during the course of this ESA, 4.1.2 Description of On -Site Structures and/or lyses The qubject site currently cansisrs of one tempnrary structure and one temporary storage xhed (associated with golf course uses) Additionally, one golf course driving range is located within the southern portion of the subject site. 4.1.3 Geologic, Hydrogeologic, arta Topographic Conditions The majority of the subject site appeared to he fairly flat, with the exception of several depressions Encated within the westem and castem pwions of the subject site. Based on site conditions observed on August 19, 2008, the rwtoff associated ►rich the subject site apred to vary across the sdbject ski. Two large depressions are located in the western portion of the subject site_ One drainage is heated to the east of the subject site and appears to flow to the south toward the All American Canal. 4.1 .4 Asbestos Containing Materiel Asbestos is a strong. Incombustible, and corrasion resistant material, which was used in puny commercial products since prior to the 1940s and up until the early 1970s. If inhaled, asbanoc fibers can resuh in sezious health problems. Asbegtw containing materials {ACMs) are building materials containing more than one percent (1%) asbestos (some state and regional regulators impose a one- tenih of one percent (0,1%) threshold). RBF observed evidence of asbestos remediation activities (i.e., open window, structural removal observed from the exterior of the structures. etc.). Doe to the lack of rrrt n"t on-site structures, the potential for asbestos containing materials (ACW) to be found on-site is unlikely. The temporary structures appeared to be constructed after 1978. _._....._.,....,........,,.............,,.............,,.,_,......,.. ,, ....., .. ..,................... _ v W:..._._.. 'verFackraparly �hsse ! I=SA 21 ............. ...»....... ......... ___ ....... 590 Reno rnaOsarxs 4.1.5 Lead -Based Paints Linos 1978, when the U.S. CDM%Umer Product Safety Con-unission {C SC) phased out the sale and distribution of residential pains cortWnIng lead, may hoines were Treated with paint coruairting Some amount of lead, it is cstitnated that over 80 percent of all housing hunt prior to 1.978 contains some LBP. The trtere presemcc of lead in paint may riot conmitute a nlUeriai to he considered hazardous, ]rt fact, if in good condition (no #lalring or pewing), most intact L13P is nct considered to be a hazardous material, lin pnvr condition LBPx can create a potential health hazard for building occupants, especially children. DUe to Lhe lack of permanent on-site strvcturcr,, the potential for LBPs to be fvursd on-site is unlikely. The tempm-ary structures appeared to be constructed a€Ter 197$. 4.1.6 Solid Waste Disposal Multiple debris pile,, (i.e., sand, gravel, rock, and miscellaneous household debris) were observed within the northwnwern portion of the subject site. The debris piles are reported to he stockpiled for landscaping nutedaIs and do not eon Cain Wardous materials. 4.1.7 Utilities Typical utilities consisting of etectrical, water utilities, and overhead power lines were noted on-site during the August 19, 2008 site inpeeti.on. NO staining or lestking was noted with re9pecr to art -site utilities. 4.4.8 Polychlorinated Blphenyls (PCBs) No "x► OMers were noted un -site ducting the August 19, 2008 site inspection. Nb evidcnre of di- elp.ctric fluid or staining was noted on-site during the August 19. 208 site inspection, 4.1.9 Chemical Storage Tanks (ASTs and USTs) Daring the August 19, 2008, site inspection the subject site was inspected for fill pipts, vent pipes, areas of ahnormal or heavy staining, tnanways, rwnholes, access cnvers, concrete pads trot homogcnous with surrounding surfaces, concrdr, build-up areas potmtially indicating punip islands, abandoned pumping cquipment, or fuel pumps. No evidtvnce of chemical storage tanks was noted during the August 19, 2008 site inspection. 4.4.1 0 Spills No visual or physical evidence of stained etch basins, chip pa&. sumps, or stained sails was observed during the August 19, 2008, site inspection, ..........................................._........... ...-----._._............................ .......�,,. ..,..... Srfv�erRock Prapi3�ty Phnse 1 -... ,.. „. ...».,..,......... Site Reconnaissance i�.............. ........ I..i.......­...... .I ....... . ­,.,.»..... I ........ iii...,.............. -w -------- ,,.... ,,..,.... .... I .... ...- 4.1.1 1 Wells Nn evidence of water wells was observed within the subject size during the August 14, 2008. sitz~ impectirm, 4.1-12 lits, Ponds, Lagoons No evidence of pits, ponds, or lagoons was oWeNed within the sLibjecl. site dut-ing the August 19, 2008, site inspection. 4.1.13 Septic Systems Residential septic systems are possible receivers of homehn1d waste and can be the source fcyr soil ad groundwater caniaminadon. Active and abandoned residential structures not connected to rhe county sewer are likely to have septic system. No habitable permanent structures were w-Aed on-site; no evidence of an -site septic systems was identified on the subject site during the August 19, 2009 site impmtkm. 4,1.14 Miscellaneous Observations Approxittnately seven concrete stand pipes, which are reported to be associated with irrigation practices. were noted tlroughout the subject site during the August 19, 2009 site inspectiem 4.2 OFF-SITE OBSERVATIONS As previously stated in Section 70, physical Setting, an adjoining properly is comidered any real property er properties that the border of which is conriguous or partially ccnntigttows witb that of the subject site, or that would be contiguous or partially contiguous with that (if the subjw site but for a street, road, or other public tfiSxnughfare separating them. An adjacem property is any real property looted within 0.25 miles of the s ubjvct site's border. Visual observations of the publicly acce ible poniow% of adjoining propmlias were conducted on August 19, 20D8, as part of this LSA and are described below. 4.2.1 CurrenttPast Uses Surrounding off-site uses appwsM to consist of rcereational, residential, and vacant land uses, which were observed during the August 19, 2008 site inspection. No visible evidence to suggest past off- site uses was visible dtHng the August 19, 2008 size inq=tion, 4.2.2 Utilities 'typical utilities (e.g.. power lines with trantsfarnners, water. and electtical) were noted within adjacent properties during the August 19, 2008, site inspection. No staining or leaking wa% observed with reapect to utilities awing the August 19, 2008, site inspection. 3iNerRctc Property Pfrasa 1 �,A SiZe Reconnaissance 4.2.3 Chemical Storage Tanks No visible or physical evidence to indicate the pmence of off-site ASTs or USTs were obsmed during the August 19, 200$ site inspection of irmrnediately adjacent properties. 4.7.4 Hazardous Materials During a preliminary observation of accessible adjoining prroperties on August 19. 20D8, no, visible or physical evidence was observed to suggest that a surface release of petroleum-based material bas recently occurred. No unusual or suspicious materials handing or storage practices were observed with respect to adjacent properties. lwrROCir Pr4p$rty Phsse 1 SSA 29 Tom, yr -, -.rl 0 WM LUUM q U g!6- FBF ieeNi�u,ka �++ - 4 — 41 View of &6idles wlh.n the weVeM parliun of Iha gupjflcl sires _..1 41�C ti*Jr nPurmr1 SlftW wu lOcRIL t1 OWhH Ih9 south wn ponce Of 1 he "Bo 6i til Vll;q Cl conCrpte MULlurce iucaMd wdrtdn &A p=WFin VLVERRUCR PRDPEilTY, PHASE I FSA Pomo" °"I" 'sumed &ta On -Site Photographs rww �uo-w.4,xa w. Exhibit 5 Ylaw or miawmail I so to ncinm ut me BUbjem a", %how o? vatarnl Ignd um Iv lhf east al Ihrt sLiblacl $No. Vlew or recre"Mal uses to Iwo rd,115 of ft subject gate. vkw tk iA4C" land ums to"ww Of r4 UAW oft. 51MRAOCK PROPERTY • PME I ESA 4d i ■ Oif-fife Photographs C'OMfIICTI NA Baa imiec� •un Lu Exhlbtt 6 Section 5 FINDINGS, OPINIONS, AND CONCLUSIONS RBF has perfnrmed a Phase ! Erruircvnm Cnial .Site Assessment DESA) in general conformance with the scOPe of serviees e4nd limitations t?fASTM Standard Practice E 1527-0.5 for the SilverRoek pr'operry, City of La Quanta, Count) of Riverside, Califorjtia, also known as the .subject sire wf1hin this ESA. Any exceptrprn,s tri, or deletions from, thi.spraclice are described ilr Section J,o. Inrrodgeliv r, of this report. This FSA has rrvtaled the folloKang in connection with the subject site, .'I FINDINGS AND OPINIONS The following findings anti opinions are based Upon review of reasonable ascertainable referenced material available to RBF during the preparation of this ESA, which included histo -cal aerial ghotvgrsphs, historical topoLuaphic maps, regulatory darabases, interviews, site reconnaissance, and other documentation: 5.9.7 Site Conditions Site ReeonnaISSa rt e 'Evidence of RECs within the bmi unary of the subject site was not observed during the August 19, 2008 site inspecti= 5.9.2 Public Records Available public racor& (provided by EDR) were reviewed by RBF on August 14, ZOO& The lists that were reviewed, did not report a regulatory site within the, boundarics of the subject site. No known car wtivc action, restoral'on, or remediation has been planned, is currently taking place, or has been completed on the subject site. The subject site has TOE been under investigation for violation Of any cnvircnmcnttrl laws, tegulatians, or standar, as identified in the databases reported by EDR- Two lister- regulatory sites are located within a one -mule radius of the subject site which are listed in one or more regulatory databases. Rased on PDR, the off site regulatary property 79993 Avenue 52 (Oak 'free We4t 1?trperty} may have imp tcled groundwater, which underlies the subjoer site. According io the State Water Rmaurce,; Contrni Board Geo"Tracker website, the following was noted by RBF, 4 Oak'i'ree West Proper 79999 Avenue 52): This property is located U.26 -mile cross - gradient to the east of the subject site. This property was listed within the LUST and Cortese databases. According to the State Water Resource. Control Board GcoTracker website, tate LUST was resorted case cloaexi on 1~ebmary 7, 1935. Therefore, as the SitverJ�ock Property lobose l ESA,..,.......,,,,.............,........».....,,....,...--..,.....,........,.,�-...........,....,...»...,....-..,._ --- t,. ,., ,.... 32 �.._.. ,..:,.....». w ................ ..._-W_.._.........I.................. .,., rcfirrcjs, Opir 4n$. and Cnr+ckrsions LUST site wu% reported case closed, it €s the opinion of RBF that this off=fiite addres4 79999 (Oak Tree Wan Property) has not impacted groundwater that underlie_ the subject site at this time. It is the opinion of RBp that art IEC is no, present as a result of this off- site regulatory property. Therefore, based on the EDR database search, dated August I4, 2008, and the State Water Resources C (nrro] Board GtoTracker website accessed on August l8, 2008, it is ]Z.SFs opinion that there is not an REC on-site as a result of reported regulatory properties at this untie. SAA Historic Recognized Environmental Condition{s} ND "RECs have been nou:d within the boundaries cfthe subject site at the time of this ESA. 5.9.4 Historical Use(s) Information Based upon the review of available historical aeaial 00109taphs. on-site agricultural usm appear to be present between 1959 and 1980. Therefore, the potential exists that adverse enviaronmentul conditions were created by historic agricultural activities on-site, A combination of several c4 rnunonly used pegitidec (i.e,, DDH DDT, DDE) that are now banned may have been used throughout the subject site. It should be rioted that the historical use of agricultural pesticides may have milted in pesticide residues of certain persistence in soil at concentrations that are considered to be hazardous according to established federal mgulatcuy levels. The primary concern with historical pesticide residues is human health risk from inadvertent ingestion trf contaminated soil, particularly by children. The presence of moderately elevated pcsrleide residuals in srail present potential health and marketplace toncerm. 5'1.5 Data Gaps A data gap is a lack of or inability to obtain information required by the ASTM E1527-05 practice despite goad faith efforts by the environmental rrofessicrial to gather such information. Dala Gaps may result from incompleteness in any of the activities required by this practice, including, but not limited to site reconnaissance and interviews. As a result of time Constrainls, RBF wss unable to receive files for the on-site AFNs and nff=site address 79999 Aventic 52 from the DEH. However, as the off-site address was listed as Cast closed un February 7, 1995 an the GcoTracker website, it is RBF's opinion that this is not a significant data gap. 51.6 Other Potential Sources of hazardous Material The presence of 1 ardOus materials on the subject site that may have been generated from adjarertt propertiew was not visually cc physically evident during the August 19, 2008 site inspection. SllverRvck Properly Pha8r5 ! t=SA. ....... . ...............w ....... _ _ ... ,... �_ ..�...,,. ........... w„» ......-.........._.. ..... ,,, ......... 33 ........I.,.....» »..,�........,.,,,�.... _ .................,., � .. »., ,.... �F�+dhrgs, OPftians, 8nrrdll d Cokms �...,..,» �....,� 4�..,.......„.................................... . 5.2 CONCLUSIONS R 13 has conducted this ESA in general accordancc with ASTM Siandard Pracdce E1527-05 and the :scope of services, said subject to the lirnitatiarm thereof. Any deviations from this standard practice were previously describod in this ESA. R13F's findings and opinions rev lc5d evidence of an REC iw conncction with the stahject site. The subject site has been hissaricalty utilized for agricultural purposs for several decades and enay contain pesticide residues in the suil. ft is the opirdon of RBF that sail sampling should occur ftmghout ncc subject site, as determined by a qualifieA Phase fTjJM specialist. The sampling will desermine if pesticide concenlrations exceed established regulalory requirements and will identify proper handling procedures that =y be required. »...�........» .........................................................»....,.� ,..---...........,..�....., ..�. �..,.,...............r.......» .. ,,.. _ ., _,,. - 5ituerck Pn�r1y �+'►as8 t ESA -... Section 6 REFERENCES DUC Approxin-ote Source Scale 1953 f "=555' Pacific Air 1959 1'" 555' Rabimon 1978 111=600, AMI 1984 I" 90' USGS 1996 1 � 6, USG 2002 1 "=666' USGS 2005 1 "�=485' EDR Note, 1953-2005 Historical MOW Phntographs provided by Environmental Dote Resouress, Irtc, Am 'can S W.J.0.1 Y for Tenn aTA Matenials Intematl nal. Standard Pri2ctace for ,Inv ronj"cjja! ,�i#c Assessme►rrs. Phase ! E4viramnendal kVte Axsrxmwnt Process, Designation- E 1527 — 05 Cals'f " 1De arnent of Gi! Chas wl-d C,00thernial Resources D-()G�GR.. W-dd at Map # 1-7, Ctxtrities of Riverside and Sart Diego, accesses on August 18, 2008 Ci of La Quinta, C ornpre-bensive Genn] Plan, Land Use Map, adopted March 20, 2002 COMA Y Pf 121V a's e, Department of EnviranmentaI Health, corra%pnndevnce dated August 18.20m DqW merit of Toxic Substa a .Cort I, OMESPOndettce dated August 18. 200$; regome. I otter &tUd August 19, 2008 Environ113ctttal Data Resources,lac., Radios Map Report with GwCheck, dated August 14, 2069 it m tel Data Reso"Pes. inc-, City Directory Abstract, dated August 18, 2008 Fgv"rottrn rt I Data ResaVIces, Litg., Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps provided via the Sanborn library, U -C, sew hed on August 14, 2008 EPA Nltt of R don 7.ortes. U -S. EPA, 1993 GmTracker, State Water ReNource Crmtroi Boarad, accessed August 18. 2W8 [tttervi , NlrL Doug Evans, �4ssisawt City mar)ager to the prcxperty own . August 27, 20x8 Rux0ml W4tcr Quality Control ldoer correspondence dated August 18, 2008; tesp me letter dated August 25, 2008 RcWQMgqt PMgny i7ata, pirst Ahurir'aji Real Fsrare SOIZ&Ons, accessed on August 14. 2008 ,tt in pectiot3, conducted on August 19, 2008 SDA Soil CamervatiM Scrvice Soil Sure . Riverside County Coachella Va-0ey Area, California, IssuM September 1984. ....,..,_..... -. ha.j..,, .'.....,............... ...............1-..,,.,.,.........._ 5ifu�erRock F�rop�ty F'hese �Sz1 ...W..-„........... ......... _..----------- ...... ..a.. .......... .,.... California Quadrangles. dated 19ID4 Ibrough 1996 1 US GS Lo2waphic Qugdrangl , Le Quima, California Quadrangle, ditted 1959. photorevised 1980 -------------- --------- —----- �xvwrRo�,Pnqpady���m/��� ---- �6 ■ � w �� � Whitewater River Region WQMP Conference & Shared Services Appendix I PROJECT -SPECIFIC WQMP SUMMARY DATA FORM Project -Specific WQMP Summary Data Form Applicant Information Name and Title Todd L. Pitner, P.E., Project Manager Company Michael Baker International Phone 760 346-7481 Email Todd.pitner@mbakerintl.com Project Information Project Name (as shown on project application/project-specific WQMP) Golf Clubhouse (PM 37207) Street Address 79-179 Ahmanson Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 Nearest Cross Streets SE Corner of SilverRock Way and Ahmanson Lane Municipality (City or Unincorporated County) La Quinta Zip Code 92253 Tract Number(s) and/or Assessor Parcel Number(s) 777-490-045 Other (other information to help identify location of project) Indicate type of project. Priority Development Projects (Use an "X" in cell preceding project type): SF hillside residence; impervious area > 10,000 sq. ft.; Slope > 25% SF hillside residence; impervious area > 10,000 sq. ft.; Slope > 10% & erosive soils x Commercial or Industrial > 100,000 sq. ft. Automotive repair shop Retail Gasoline Outlet disturbing > 5,000 sq. ft. Restaurant disturbing > 5,000 sq. ft. Home subdivision > 10 housing units Parking lot > 5,000 sq. ft. or > 25 parking spaces Date Project -Specific WQMP Submitted August 2021 Size of Project Area (nearest 0.1 acre) 7.40 Acres Will the project replace more than 50% of the impervious surfaces on an existing developed site? No Project Area managed with LID/Site Design BMPs (nearest 0.1 acre) 7.40 Acres Are Treatment Control BMPs required? No Is the project subject to onsite retention by ordinance or policy? Yes Did the project meet the 100% LID/Site Design Measurable Goal? Yes Name of the entity that will implement, operate, and maintain the post -construction BMPs SilverRock Phase 1, LLC Contact Name Robert S. Green, Jr. Street or Mailing Address 343 Forth Avenue City San Diego, CA Zip Code 92101 Phone 760-634-6543 Space Below for Use by City/County Staff Only Preceding Information Verified by (consistent with information in project -specific WQMP) Name: Date: Date Project -Specific WQMP Approved: Data Entered by Name: Date: Other Comments