FLP 2022-0005 Diamante Front Yard Typicals (03.31.2023)ta �W CALIFORNIA March 31, 2023 Mr. Patrick Diaz Crestwood Corporation 510 West Citrus Edge St Glendora, Ca 91740 SUBJECT: FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 2022-0005 TRACT 30138 MODEL TYPICAL FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE PLANS Dear Mr. Diaz: The City of La Quinta Design and Development Department has reviewed and approved Final Landscape Plan 2022-0005 for Tract Map 30138 typical front yard landscaping, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The plans are approved, subject to the approved and stamped plans attached and on file. 2. Applicant shall adhere to the Conditions of Approval from the Riverside County Fire Department, attached to this letter. 3. City staff will provide the applicant with a Certificate of Completion, which will need to be completed and submitted to Design and Development department prior to final Planning inspection. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7086. Sincerely, Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Design and Development DIAMANTE TRACT 30138 APN: 777-480-001 & 777-480-056 La Quinta, CA. LOCATED IN THE S.E. 4 OF SECTION 4, T.6 S., R. 7 E., S.B.B. & M. FRONT YARD TYPICALS LANDSCAPE PLANS VTrTNTTV MAP SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION 16.1 1 LIGHTING PLAN -FRONT YARD TYPICALS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:12 AM QTTP X4 A D 11 LANDSCAPE PLANS II REVnWM JOB 8 72-09-01 rov�w or n'.. e..�ru �axo x.rr aa. �a na. DATE: z „� °er°""° °" ' December 29, 2021 2 cz .m /,she f m�.uR iL51370 � TITLE SHEET 0 �a PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:19 AM GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTE5 I. TE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DE516N IS BASED ON THE MINIKM OPERATIN6 PRE53,RE AND TE 1 A 1" FLOW DEMAND SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION DRAAINGS AT THE METER OR POINT OF CONNECTION THE IRRIGATION CONTRAOTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER PRE—RE PRIOR TO CONET 10N REPORT PNY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WATER PRE551RE INDICATED ON n@ DRAWINGS AND TIE ACTUAL PRE551RE READING AT THE IRRIbATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO TXE OMER5 AUTORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT FRE551RE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRICK TO START OF CONST TION, THE IRRI&ATION COMRACTOR SHALL A'AUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS IECE%ARY. 2. 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL FOAER OUTLET AT THE AITOMATC CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED 5Y OTHERS. IT SHALL BE TIE R25PON51BILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE FINAL H -JP FROM THE ELECTRICAL WTLET TO THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 3. THI5 DE516N 15 DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING, VALVE5, ETC. SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS AND OUTSIDE PROPERTY LINE 15 POR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS AND WITHIN FROPERTY. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS EETAEEN THE EFRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANT- AND AR IITECTIRAL PEATRE5. 4, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLISH AID ADJST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS FOR CPTMIM PERFORMANCE AND TO ALLOW FOR NO OVER5PRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS AND/OR BJILDIN65. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST DE— OF ARL TO FIT Tiff EXISTING SITE CONJITION5 AND TO THROTTLE TIE FLOW CONTROL AT EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRE55NE FOR E>4H 5YSTEM. S. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER 5Y5TEM A5 SHOFN ON TIE DRMIIN65 WEN IT IS OBVIWS IN THE FIELD THAT OBSTROTION5, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCE5 IN TIE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE ENGINEERING. S OBSTRLOTION5 OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE 5R0'J6HT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNE-R5 AUTHORIZED RERiE5ENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION 15 NOT PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL A5— WLL REEPON5IBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 6. INSTPLL ALL PIPE MATERIALS AND 152)1 ENT AS EHOM IN DETAIIS. USE TEFLON TAPE OR TEFLON PIPE DOPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS ON ALL SPRINKLER SWING JOINT AND VALVE AxEHELIES. T. IT 15 THE RE5PON51BILITY OF THE IRR16AnON CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSB.F WITH ALL GRADE DIFFER-cNCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING W , ETC. HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS YORK WITH THE GENERN. LONTRAOTOR AND OTHER Ei—NTRAOTORS FOR TE LOOATION AND TE INSTALLATION OF flPE SLEEVES TROUGH WALLS, LNDER ROPLWAYS, PhVIN6, STTdKnFES, ETC. B. IN ADDITION TO THE CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES SHOWN ON THE DRMINGS, TE IRRIbATION CONTRACTOR SHALL EE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONTROL WIRE SL— OF EFFIGENT 51ZE UNDER ALL OTHER PAVED AREAS R. DO NOT INSTALL ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVES IN LAWN AREAE. EXTEND PRESSURE MANLINE PIPIN6 TO NEAREST 6RCND GOVER/5HRU8 AREA AND INSTPLL ELECTRICAL CONTROL VALVE WITHIN TE 6Rg1ND COVER/SNFLS PREA. CVWD NOTES: SHALL S. OONPL OT�NB — TIES 11 PRO,— AREA ,NOF FOR LRGCIG/GRH4 N�tANRr. AVY pECORAi vE TnNO WILL LANDSOAPN6ENSTALLED WATER 4 l—, SELLER —, OR LATERAL6 S. 7F A7AS I SPP— ROTOR SYSTEMS MIST EE SET BACK AT LEAST 24 PIPE SIZING CHART PIPE SIZE Ax. PLLOWABLE :LOW Irz• s GPM 26 IG GPM 4' -Irz' SB GPM % bFM SEE SHEET L3.1 FOR IRRIGATION NOTES $ PLANT EMITTER SCHEDULE SEE SHEET L3.2 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET L3.3 FOR IRRIGATION 5PEOPICATION5 IRRIGATION LEGEND Wei PLAN 1 PLAN 2 n PLAN 3 2G 2f Itr sGN P 2A 2x GPM 2B Z�,. R ® ® 21 GPM 3/4 C 2f GPM ® 3A PLAN 1 PLAN 2 PLAN 3 ,z�E Dw° �•�IP 3/4" ® ORRIG ATI'OK C G n 21 2GFlH IRRIGATION RRIbATION '" , CONTROLLER. ® am�P T-sBs,o FCH-L-FHT LDN to IRRIGATUTI NAIL EIEEf. (�iALSA') ATIVE. NO0.LES, aUANimFS A5 t� ReERTo PLAx FDR slss. To cETAILs DN IRRahnox DETAL SHEET I DETZ VVkLuftAn vF NNF sl»: To EE INSTALLm AT ALL sIN�LE vALves ANro/oR vALVF 6RaPINzs. To IRRSATION DETAIL 51EET.11�COIXISE Al I ,ED VIA GATE VALVE oMAn1 WLSH vuvE. RFPER To IRRI6Anox —AIL BEET. OETAIL v') RDW E E IN LINE W RED FLOW BE R sl¢ AS FRED roE AIL �, 0 2A RAA 21 bPM =° ® 3/4" WRNB wIP - - ® ® 2x GPM 25 ® ® BP IG 2x GPM L I - LP — x — — — — ZONE 2taIP QIP zaxE r 23 GPM ..TP.ff wlex lP 3%" ,• NEW WATER METER TO PROVIDE'B ZOtff- POL IP WATER Sq.RLE FOR LAN)5CAFE 2oIE 7A ZOlE � 6R3 B NEW WATER METHi i0 PROVIDE NEW WATER NETCTR TO FROJIDE Wh}ER SOLRCE FOR LAIDSCPPE WATER SCLRLE FOR LPNDSLPFE AWN OPTION IRRIbAnON5Ys1EM. STREET RRIGATIONs sB. RRI6AnoNS SEM. W4TER METHt PROVIDED AND WATER METER PROVIDED AND :TIM N.ETER DED AND — INSTALLED BY C VWD.. INSTALLED BY C.v11.1 ©� y% 3RRI6ATION ''I. DwP 3/4"� RRIbA TION ® IRRIbAT HOLLER CONTROLLER � —LER.. —'. •� m '-' `p`( I F 1 TSLEEVE vv WL u[G wI_ 'v SLEEVE Cl _ SLE ''- 6RIBdeP-- L, lLl — CLa M M - ® M NEW NATER METER TO PROVIDE Z P —NATE`— PRWIDE xEW W4TER METER TO PROJID£ =T TER "I""FOR LANDSCAPE WATER SORCE FOR LANDSCAPE WATER E—E FOR LAN EOAPE OLAWN OPTION 'I— RS—DEDANO STREET � 6A 1� PATER ERFY IDED AND INSTPLLED BY CVWD.. IN5TPLLED BY C.VYLD.. IN5TPLLED BY CVYID.. IRRIGATION LEGEND Wei PLAN 1 PLAN 2 n PLAN 3 2G 2f Itr sGN P 2A 2x GPM 2B Z�,. R ® ® 21 GPM 3/4 C 2f GPM ® 3A � P 3/4" zole /4" y 2x GP MP � / 3/4" TTZEE 2x GPM IB _ ,z�E Dw° �•�IP 3/4" ® ORRIG ATI'OK C G Q H ® 8 IRRIGATION RRIbATION '" , CONTROLLER. ® am�P T-sBs,o FCH-L-FHT LDN to IRRIGATUTI NAIL EIEEf. (�iALSA') ATIVE. NO0.LES, aUANimFS A5 t� ReERTo PLAx FDR slss. To cETAILs DN IRRahnox DETAL SHEET I DETZ VVkLuftAn vF NNF sl»: To EE INSTALLm AT ALL sIN�LE vALves ANro/oR vALVF 6RaPINzs. To IRRSATION DETAIL 51EET.11�COIXISE Al I ,ED VIA GATE VALVE oMAn1 WLSH vuvE. RFPER To IRRI6Anox —AIL BEET. OETAIL v') RDW E E IN LINE W RED FLOW BE R sl¢ AS FRED roE AIL �, •. CANTROLLER. it I„ �i.i�• .iii.• ^ ! 3 r - - 1 Fwx A EVE w, ..- .A ELELVE RR 5• EJ E L —L C L I - LP — x — — — — ZONE 2taIP 4 1• �� (� P P - ,• NEW WATER METER TO PROVIDE'B ZOtff- POL IP WATER Sq.RLE FOR LAN)5CAFE 2oIE 7A ZOlE � 6R3 B NEW WATER METHi i0 PROVIDE NEW WATER NETCTR TO FROJIDE Wh}ER SOLRCE FOR LAIDSCPPE WATER SCLRLE FOR LPNDSLPFE AWN OPTION IRRIbAnON5Ys1EM. STREET RRIGATIONs sB. RRI6AnoNS SEM. W4TER METHt PROVIDED AND WATER METER PROVIDED AND :TIM N.ETER DED AND — INSTALLED BY C VWD.. INSTALLED BY C.v11.1 IRRIGATION LEGEND TO CONTRACTOR NOTE: I. INSTALLIN6 CONTRACTOR 15 TO OHAN6E OR ADJJST EMITTERS TO TREE5 IF NECESSARY TO INSURE PLANT MATERIAL 15 NOT BEING OVER OR UNDER WATERED THROUGH PLANT ESTA51-1514MENT PERIOD. .HATEq �I"N�"SEI Ue 1�w LLW«NMLL Pyprawl a NNI. d- q GYm can °B na moNn_w'wb o' Io 20 40 T cz GRAPHIC SCALE �," E L51371 I. = 10.0^ TRE - 72-09-01 L2.1 ■ Q H ® 8 �� IIBIRp IEDo API R am�P T-sBs,o FCH-L-FHT LDN to IRRIGATUTI NAIL EIEEf. (�iALSA') ATIVE. NO0.LES, aUANimFS A5 t� ReERTo PLAx FDR slss. To cETAILs DN IRRahnox DETAL SHEET I DETZ VVkLuftAn vF NNF sl»: To EE INSTALLm AT ALL sIN�LE vALves ANro/oR vALVF 6RaPINzs. To IRRSATION DETAIL 51EET.11�COIXISE Al I ,ED VIA GATE VALVE oMAn1 WLSH vuvE. RFPER To IRRI6Anox —AIL BEET. OETAIL v') RDW E E IN LINE W RED FLOW BE R sl¢ AS FRED roE AIL �, TO ALL —IL I— DETAILIEET N DETAIL T- I IFF -101 POINT of 1—TI APE I GYSEN WATTS soaDE. TO CONTRACTOR NOTE: I. INSTALLIN6 CONTRACTOR 15 TO OHAN6E OR ADJJST EMITTERS TO TREE5 IF NECESSARY TO INSURE PLANT MATERIAL 15 NOT BEING OVER OR UNDER WATERED THROUGH PLANT ESTA51-1514MENT PERIOD. .HATEq �I"N�"SEI Ue 1�w LLW«NMLL Pyprawl a NNI. d- q GYm can °B na moNn_w'wb o' Io 20 40 T cz GRAPHIC SCALE �," E L51371 I. = 10.0^ TRE - 72-09-01 L2.1 NO LAWN OPTION - PLAN 2 DwMANreFRCNTVARDTwGALeFUNz Ero ET aq. Ft Gry q-th Gel.IC.. It MWA Bq. l-t.p.-(-)w� +D0% .1 sq t uBa Ero PF(K.) 1A (Sq Ft) Get to sq. It GI. b CU.R E Tob/LenAnp.Am -IL -I REOURED .1 -E - LAWN OPTION - PLAN 2 T -D., WAERRB u�D reae 68% Sq It Tabl L.m.a.p.A�..(100%)w t00% .1 sq. It USAGE c-IGUE Ero pMR.) a(sgFt) sq. R .1 It E Mmcn F.wne TOTTALITN�p IJ7NDALWATER.GDRED �CCF GVWD NOTE5: I. TREE5, PLANTS, WALLS, 51DEWALK5 AND PERMANENT STRUCTURES OF ANY KIND SHALL NOT BE PLANTED, INSTALLED OR BUILT IN GVWD AND USER EASEMENTS OR R16HT5-OF-WAY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FROM GVWD. 2. NO PERMANENT STRUCTURES WITHIN GVWD EASEMENTS. GVWD WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING AND/OR MAINTAINING ANY DECORATIVE CONCRETE AND/OR LANDSCAPING INSTALLED OVER WATER MAINLINES, VALVES, SEWER LINES, OR LATERALS. Erw 3. NO CONFLICTING UTILITIES IN PROJECT AREA 4.80 4. ALL TURF AREAS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 5' WIDE 1s.s3 5. TURF AREAS IRRIGATED WITH SPRAY/ ROTOR SYSTEMS MUST BE SET BACK AT LEAST 24 INCHES FROM CURBS, DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS OR 30.43 ANY OTHER AREA THAT MAY RE51)LT IN RUNOFF OF WATER ONTO 5TREET5. AN UNDULATIN6 LANDSCAPE BUFFER AREA CREATED BY THE 5ET5ACK SHALL BE PF516NFO WITH ROCKS, COBBLE, OR DECOMPOSED GRANITE AND OR CAN BE LANDSCAPED WITH DRIP IRRIGATED SHRUBS/ ACCENTS OR COVERED WITH SUITABLE &ROUND COVER. PLANT EMITTER SCHEDULE = a€ SYM. NAME SIZE MslzTTI, O Rourwgoa sssao %Pox M s n) a-10-1033 � u d W x3-3aPc-1033 ��// ONpld Pa o varal BbasaM Nassim Lar Bro-xnag L 2 W xe-Ionc-�3� tl O moa stanopylla vela -Trunk L 2 W w.os-1033 so-ing A�acm W Ns-IOFc-1033 SMALLTREES sYM. NM c SIZE s12E O ewmps .Don wlM-- L.3 tz Fc-os-los3 may nl .s-las-lo33 I�rsRnl �° we IIlumaw wIn-rrvnk L 3 W PcasI033 abng Acaca nJ %B-IOPG-1033 SYM. NAME SIZE ORad B9d of vaad✓a 5 got. M 5 xB-30P4- t�I cues I- NSAs m srM, rv]. O calBst=1 vi 111 'Llttle ,blot' S gal. M 5 m-3oFc-1033 o a f �atNeN z o 0 O Olea europaea 'Llttle 01111, 5 gal. M 5 XB-3aG-1033 V ;° 6 OwarF Olive ¢ 8 �a 8� OMJFNs camrlunls Gonlpacta' 5 gal. M 5 %B-30PLa033 ���.1tI y� 3 V u� N:c vMarr Mytle ^ F ,a � o O SYM. NAME SIZE LY _ _ bats gal. M 5 --I- =T7 -I- lu�glareroba 5 gal. M s xB-3aFc-Io33 LP BlLmfan nla Tmlllrg Rrple' g01. M s xE-3aG-1033 RxPle Tra 0rg Lmtma OIii gu uplllo-n'"I Mss 5 yl. M s --1033 s gal. zOPc-Io33 � PA wa{ Elgmmt Food M 5 �- OmLmtmo lam 5 gal. M 5 xb30PC-1033 sm. NAME WATER U5E CALCULATIONS is gal. L.3 xB-IOPc-1033 R7 Is NO LAWN OPTION - PLAN 1 Dwuag7EFROM VAROTWICAtBFLArvt NO LAWN OPTION - PLAN 3 DMMANIEFROuivARDTw1CAL5FtAu3 Mexkm Fenca Past Ns -UM A --SUE BUDGE ETA E. x OA50) x MWA EaTITI DAp BmATTreeeOGow -,Areae 8183 x Oe O, ZVIncO 1 Gal. ,CeU.tt - M35A CCF -UNUM ALLOWABLE WATER BUDGET ETAd MWA Eea x Ou / x 1917] -ED WATER REI RE Gouts cowrAne. TMeo(t00%)w� x OB] u tdl. Is .It - M2. ccF sq It T'Ll PItt Total La d-p.Areau(100%)wN0 USAGE CALCU Ero 8 PF(Kc) DBp-Rh,R TT...a Gtp.W -A.. E P. s eg ease o.: x ET 1., "n e4.ao x os a w�Mre� 10096 LA(Sq. Ft) .1 ws 6q 1 Gel.maq. M. Gel. b cuR HE EWU x o.3z 1 Tae 1 a.so = ea+ x 0.32 1 Tae 1 090 zT.53 1 Total Ler. p 1W% DS USAGE -U-lE Ero PF(ft) tA(sq. Ft) arvD,Tre.. a Gre.a.ce..rAre.. ETP.".,e4.00 x o.z x 1. 0400 z OS x P „Dnp.anrvD,Treeeaaq.Rl cOs.rAre.a 736 11 Fl It Bq It Gtl.b sq. It Gel. mcu It E EWV x osz ) Tao 1 o.eD = 312 x 0.83 t 748 1 0.9E - 31.73 -LERI-EDANNUALWATERREDURED rt,-Rtst p - 1 OPTIONLAWN I 1405 D-INTESRGNT"RD CCF EWU 33.77 Tm 11AN+ --ATE. ANNWL-R REOUIREO .-SR.-A- 1173 LAWNO OPTION R PLAN CCF EWJ x8.87 DwMunESRGNrvARDTwcnts Pt wa M4xm avAe -TER Ero ETAdj Ba Ft wss'01¢0 ct., MwA Ero ET.1 agtt Gt,sq �m mtmc.n .nvA Es dp-sn b, Gmum PouerAreee ® EBTEaATED WATER ® SRR FL ob18bro CPDOI.MUMeFawWl BJ% 37% sgtt ® Bq.tt MREWQ�INENtsMw -; +u+ - Ft It �00% -1 Ut.-It. .11) taa% sq. iom llamanpe (� 10W6 USAGE CALCLLATvs USAGE CALCULATONS ETO PF(KP) Lox G,tv. rvDeTna.d GONq DowrAre.i ETI,R, r 4.00 x 0.3 x tA(Sq. Ft) Gelb Sq It Gal.b Cu. It tE EWU 381 x U.ez 1 749 1 090 = 4.R Ero RI(.) I ts, Ft) PerJmr eam • a2 x ae4 Crl b SRFl 0.lmCU Ft E EWU x 0ea / ]ae / 090 = 3a5 ET:a.:dp 04.0 Tt»e aOi UMC x MukN Few iuO 834 x U.ez / 749 1 090 = 10.03 ARRR E �.t. 800DTms80powC x SOJ coast, aa3Uclt FawTUT zemwam�Mpmmre ae4 x 0.83 / Tae 1 0.90 = 14.85 bm Wmer NJembn TOTAL EBTFMTED A -AL WATER REOURED TRSfLmaupgne 537 14ei ccF IM 30m TOTAL ESTNwTEDAtf4wu wnTER-.E. iaml -e Arw ffn ccF EWO 18.30 NO LAWN OPTION - PLAN 2 DwMANreFRCNTVARDTwGALeFUNz Ero ET aq. Ft Gry q-th Gel.IC.. It MWA Bq. l-t.p.-(-)w� +D0% .1 sq t uBa Ero PF(K.) 1A (Sq Ft) Get to sq. It GI. b CU.R E Tob/LenAnp.Am -IL -I REOURED .1 -E - LAWN OPTION - PLAN 2 T -D., WAERRB u�D reae 68% Sq It Tabl L.m.a.p.A�..(100%)w t00% .1 sq. It USAGE c-IGUE Ero pMR.) a(sgFt) sq. R .1 It E Mmcn F.wne TOTTALITN�p IJ7NDALWATER.GDRED �CCF GVWD NOTE5: I. TREE5, PLANTS, WALLS, 51DEWALK5 AND PERMANENT STRUCTURES OF ANY KIND SHALL NOT BE PLANTED, INSTALLED OR BUILT IN GVWD AND USER EASEMENTS OR R16HT5-OF-WAY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FROM GVWD. 2. NO PERMANENT STRUCTURES WITHIN GVWD EASEMENTS. GVWD WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING AND/OR MAINTAINING ANY DECORATIVE CONCRETE AND/OR LANDSCAPING INSTALLED OVER WATER MAINLINES, VALVES, SEWER LINES, OR LATERALS. Erw 3. NO CONFLICTING UTILITIES IN PROJECT AREA 4.80 4. ALL TURF AREAS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 5' WIDE 1s.s3 5. TURF AREAS IRRIGATED WITH SPRAY/ ROTOR SYSTEMS MUST BE SET BACK AT LEAST 24 INCHES FROM CURBS, DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS OR 30.43 ANY OTHER AREA THAT MAY RE51)LT IN RUNOFF OF WATER ONTO 5TREET5. AN UNDULATIN6 LANDSCAPE BUFFER AREA CREATED BY THE 5ET5ACK SHALL BE PF516NFO WITH ROCKS, COBBLE, OR DECOMPOSED GRANITE AND OR CAN BE LANDSCAPED WITH DRIP IRRIGATED SHRUBS/ ACCENTS OR COVERED WITH SUITABLE &ROUND COVER. PLANT EMITTER SCHEDULE = a€ SYM. NAME SIZE MslzTTI, O Rourwgoa sssao %Pox M s n) a-10-1033 � u d W x3-3aPc-1033 ��// ONpld Pa o varal BbasaM Nassim Lar Bro-xnag L 2 W xe-Ionc-�3� tl O moa stanopylla vela -Trunk L 2 W w.os-1033 so-ing A�acm W Ns-IOFc-1033 SMALLTREES sYM. NM c SIZE s12E O ewmps .Don wlM-- L.3 tz Fc-os-los3 may nl .s-las-lo33 I�rsRnl �° we IIlumaw wIn-rrvnk L 3 W PcasI033 abng Acaca nJ %B-IOPG-1033 SYM. NAME SIZE ORad B9d of vaad✓a 5 got. M 5 xB-30P4- t�I cues I- NSAs m srM, rv]. O calBst=1 vi 111 'Llttle ,blot' S gal. M 5 m-3oFc-1033 o a f �atNeN z o 0 O Olea europaea 'Llttle 01111, 5 gal. M 5 XB-3aG-1033 V ;° 6 OwarF Olive ¢ 8 �a 8� OMJFNs camrlunls Gonlpacta' 5 gal. M 5 %B-30PLa033 ���.1tI y� 3 V u� N:c vMarr Mytle ^ F ,a � o O SYM. NAME SIZE LY _ _ bats gal. M 5 --I- =T7 -I- lu�glareroba 5 gal. M s xB-3aFc-Io33 LP BlLmfan nla Tmlllrg Rrple' g01. M s xE-3aG-1033 RxPle Tra 0rg Lmtma OIii gu uplllo-n'"I Mss 5 yl. M s --1033 s gal. zOPc-Io33 � PA wa{ Elgmmt Food M 5 �- OmLmtmo lam 5 gal. M 5 xb30PC-1033 sm. NAME o� Aw�az Agora is gal. L.3 xB-IOPc-1033 R7 Is s gal. L 3 YE-IOPG-1033 �tV��t.....V..........ttttt Toa Yam 11 7xsyclrkx�q a88u1 5 got. L a xe-IaY;-1033 Mexkm Fenca Past Ns IS gal. L ] .N6-IOPc-1033 CM7 Agars -1 �V -,I Agave VINES s got. L 2 xe-IOFc-1033 M. NAME t�1� ��golmnllea mroo-a cast' 5 gal. M s xB-3oFc-1033 ro Horst eo-ganvinea aft amw ocepmla 5 gal. M 5 W xB-3oPc-1033 P�irk Paved Is gaL M s -1- SEF SEE SHEET L3.2 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS 5EE SHEET L3.3 FOR IRRIGATION 5FEUFICATION5 PLANNING APPROVAL E- ADMINISTRATIVE2. CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# o INITIAL sfernandez z cz 14.57 DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM --,L513 2 SSI `,RD, �1" �'Mma�"e°rn Ue km pm«R MI m mie arwirq q 0- etas dove na ooewam 72-09-01 q.a.M D.p,m.M L3.1 �11 H DRIP EMITTER ASSEMBLY FO (R SHRUBS AND GROUND OOVER5) J EXAMPLE DRIP EMITTER LATERAL SYSTEM (sr+RUBs) PLGN vIEW V VIEW i w"reFz �I K DRIP EMITTER FOR TREES IN SHRUB AREAS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM FV �xElDlxr M-11 0II D AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE E TRENCHING F SLEEVNG _ ISI II=11 ''I, II �I DLII G FLOW SENSOR Di w-ixcx — LE— of wlxE. 1111D aED Do pfrte� fx z oaEs oo 2 z o o qqu 01 o�. owxDwnDxx==Tµ.��xwo� EmwI 3 0 Qo U vW(ali E/rov or u:)" Qwc scx ao Eu (i or z) ^ d V Q ax u mu awe (1 or z) .J I�0) B XACZ ANTI-SPNON CONTROL ZONE KIT VALVE C BALL VALVE W .HATEq �I"�"�W Ue I�w 4x.«x Mmom� a re MCAD can d— u, B mt morn-w'wb 72-09-01 Dm z cz vc Dm,x�.M --,L513 73 L3.2 �� t 100 IRRIGATION SYSTEM SCOPE a WORC A. Ubrk in this e.ctlen includes G eviding all Taber, mato-lal �ui� w e, pwm e, anaportatl ea�y to rcmplaete rtlg eyetm^ vo-ege el r dwigreted areae ero:w « ire are Inge area epeaneP M.eln B. The wok eMII mel:,de but eron net b. neraeearlly b. nmlma to a owing mleee epeclned ewmwim: I Mkeeell w�eu Con yr smeVucucn el wy etfer Inrermauente nwve ary for I rcmplem end snclwive bitl. 2. Oram! Umiehin and Imtellln ma erlale ngr« cam late ,! s�elam Ircluding�pipl«�g, "It.l beckrlow pray we epecl i ar,F la eaten u>vo-ege. nmI edJwtmo-t ale Irreu eecenplem 3. hwcnirg, etodycllirg axcaveUon malwiele eM rarllllrg wove, In:cluding compaction or back fell end Inelelletlu or sleeves. a. Liro vdtega o tM Irciget s eM rage oI �g n conr.onre to rw:de control 5. Rapiacamwt of :meatiefact«y matwlals. I. Cleanup, inepacU« acid approve 1. �. Opwational tests. S. 'Ae Bullt'r�cord drawirge,erop drawings, erranUw and guerer:wae. 9, vwify wdwgrowa utility louts— 2ID0 .ODES, PER91T5, FEES, LICENSE AND INSURANCE: All work and matwiels eMII ba In NII eccwwncs with W red regulauw. of tM National Eleculc Cody, tM Al -TIt Cods, publlsFsd pl lM W t. Plwbe:g OfFlciale AewcleU«k and oUkm appllubla Stets aM local laws « reguleuene. Nething in troe. Drawings « epeaficatlare le to be permit work net cemfonning to ayes coaw. B. rev Lanaecepe cuxrector ero11 promptey mtlfy tM amr•e Reprw ny work outlined w tM pbm or spec srot I. ccordenca with eppllubls laws, codes! eM regale b WI1Mut auto and epproprie modiflulitom by tM Ouxmi Repreeen .cape centrad« elan assail. NII sepselbillty !o any work exeaated uM& ie umtrary to such bwe, codwr end ragulatlse. c. LAll s atoll w po-rormed by a C-21 Cellfornle Ilcweed Lerdeups Irtgalis Contracts. H. 6dv"ling: Sero alPc«tpiaect« net lees troll noefy Ownm i Raprwwtativs/ w w rking days in edvanu of any requested ebmrvetl«. n I, ieyout Or LLbrk: . TM LeMeupa ConVectw .roll eteks out Uv arlgetlw system ae shown u tkr arewinge. !Nese erwe eMII ba cheekaa by ur wneeeap.—.tl-tl area ownw'e R.praewlauve Ny dangee delxlare eMII be deto-mined et ails 2. TM Landeupds COMr s rwporIII, ror adhaau to cenvac nano- Uv. to uLpmwtType,cuV oetM it ge e.y.�w et raqulrw�l « In, ce blelme t« o provide ce.eleteM lmmz oovrage r ell Inigaailrean areae. 3. Any e.vlav« nem vv centrad decumwte mall be vo-inad •e Repro «"nor o IN -Q.— -1 eyetrn T1 -v La�tleupe Convects eM 11 take NII reeponeibllity far ecUwtmwb to any metwlel «work U.et len approvaa. cepa ceMreeter, pre«any « tl an a:,uwima nna canpatwl raprwanlaUvs, -11 eupwvies lM ­kconetently, eM ee peseible Map tM same Forman end workman tM Jeb nem cemmo-rano-t to c«plwlat The werkm ship or �e JJob m n wry way b t end wly an axpa red compstwt wskmw win ba allowed s lFa Job. D. TM Irngeu al ero11 Include but Snell not rocweerlly be limited to tM followinge: 1. PLASTIC PIPE: e. Extendetl Ran 100% virgin pelyvvyl d.Iditl. ate de of pleetic pipe eMII be tM same el:v I'— plea, wlu. plain wde, All plea end fittings eMII ba In eccardanw wIU. lM Soclaly o! Plaetic IndaUy Slendarw. b. Pips eMII ba cwtl,Nawly and pamanwlly urksa wilF ur following inrorutiu:Manuractww'e name, norvnel pipe sem. Pvc type, e0fx « pressure r tingt and extrvsl« c. All Plaetic pipe .roll be MMI. w1U. car. and eMII be .ep.clally protected nem prelengad .xpeewe to emlight. we plaeuc pipe nem damage dying c«euucUen end eteregn F, isN b.: shell ba.ve oof rpoIPlySveinoyllrd.M.londetPwvcew), wTyp 1, I."_'NSF, type, LmNe. ,1 ad pipe). Wmms w 1 are requhed, tFsse eMII be INected molded and Schedule E0. All uxnactlane eMII w solvwt w.ldad. b. pleetic to pleetic Joints eMII b. solvwt-weld Joints. P1kv solvwt eMII ba Johw-nanvllla'Blw' solves! weld u Plesuc b mate) Joints shell ba with mels p tl aedaptare, tM '—plw -11I M Mna gMwsd, ies err tum — a mtrep wrwdv Joint _P_ ala 11 ba __ Typa II [only bcMdule pleetic may be t­ A. rehip eMII be guaranteed arca .roll 3. REMOTE CONTROL vALVEe: pw@rm t roc pbm awrr•e R grrwrl All valva o 1u r..row ecMme 1119 on nrigeurn plan eccaptonc of lM Jobe Dwling W e'gwyeBw pwlod, eIII— u ..quinas eM need Ito be yenned will. end appro d by Omar i r 'T,: and ePJwlmwle, T-I.I Mg aaJuelmwt to grads, eMII M Rgxwwta 1ve/Gwaal -I_ Irtgatlon valves will rest mad. wlV additional ex Mr work be allowed lin gree. arms mlesetapproved bj Purar'e pane for repene to of Raprwwta 1 e Gwaal comrac or. M, All damage w PI111g, plarrtlIle, . ryww, and orfs e Improv �mPr is IPI—d Vw:d. beckflll ero11 be pompUynapeired to uv eatiefedls of owrori R.prwwteu�e/G„rrel cono-actw et no eaaluor:el axpwae. rel guereMee exbuaw tMn, vanwllem, rrtwel dieeetw « u -e system by etfere error nrrl aeeeptanee. T Landeupv csVads .roll duck clean, end acUw T­rigat and otMrwie. Ineur. eP.gwt. opweuonaor tro !system IwcugMut W gwronlas pwlod. D. The Lend In.pecu tI supe centred« .roll ebtein, ce«ainam, end pay f« ary pwmlte, new, end egwcy Inspectlse ere .squired and 500 MATERIALS: submit all cwUficelae of aoorovel upon comolatis or work E. IZ7L—: TM ercleupa contracts eMII umy ell WON:sr'a Corrpweetis, pealic liability end prepeny wmega inewenu ere naganas by ell appncebb cedes, regubuus, and uv Gwo-el cenvact«. R antro ncomno—rano—t of work uv Lanaecepe corxrector ero11 o-irµall radiuue erre aimo-elare sham w un plane n.ceeeery wlgn o roger on system. Any diesapero w eMII w rapstad Immsdiewly b Ownw: Raprwwtauvarcawwel convector. MWerk Landsupe corrector le rwperolble far ceordlrating u.le with ell ethw trades. Th recluses, but le red limited e, prey e e ways a e.ving a w pow( sorra.( Al.ro rrigauwnwork ll w � «alroma whir end epprovad t, gwrr's Raprsewtetiva/Gwwel ConVectw. A. All work and matwlals eMII be 11 NII accordance with Vv latest rules aM regulallom err tM Netluel ElmVlc COMB, tkr kmaakg .saes, publlehea by tM weato-n Plumbing le Aeeecietl«x and otFr applluble Bteta «leu! leve rr.egula Nourng m . Orewmge « speclnu to w conetuad to pwmlt woU. not conr«ming a urea cows. All aqulpmeM .roll be ere Iletee In tM bgwe, details, ales epaclnaa Mvin. Install ell aqulpmsM pw serene and epaafluuero er merofacwro-'e racemmwdetl«e. Ary ebe iwtlene .roll be ep�prered by omni Repreew a el cont ung. y m.peo ed equlpn .Mu be rspleud etnLendeups ConVectsi mpwea. c, ohm the Epacill.t «e all r« matwile « conetruc of I Mttw quellty s lergw sim than required by llv It. red regulatla.e, tM epeci MI preuawce evo- tM requir.nwte of uv lee dNrvlw area regale Tlr Landsupe contracts .roll ru any wve Wrgs any edditlavl metwlel wd labor — nsquirad by Uv uvpllance with Uvea rules aM regulatloro, uaugh U1s work be rot mwvavd in tivm particular Spacirlutlens er ehaun en tiv Drawl,ge. I VALVE ED—.: erwe g I—— eMII be 0. cerew No, w In lawn e v. eM ten Ceres No. S0 In .hub arwe. nark Ila rngatrel valva'. II 2• above grade in greundcever«areae uhrevw peeelble, . VALVE CON `ROL WIRE: r a eMII be lretelled pa cods. Wvravw e po ea apiac wlU. mainline Wo -s L-appre vad f« airedt bwlal 1n grand, nim aN PLAN) oltage bop or 5% wlwewAvelve end conlrollcXl Common groins wrta eMII Mva W.Its atlI9 Jadalk uvtrol wire shell Mva Jacket err inion m. spncw BUWr:onnepllu cape end 3H rAlb 9cotchlok .eel pecks. b. I, Lill supe ccnVect« eMII previa. ell Irtigetl« eevlrg runless Speclned OtMviee) endo- all Mrdecepn el tlrgr � PVC sleeves work with tM Orrr's Ryrwn a ConVeclor. A say ^9 required eMII ba 6Gvduls 90 PVC pipe aM eMII be a minimum we alma lenges tlan bto-al er meinllro piping. 600 IMPLEMENTATION: A. Ehler to inetellatlen, Lerdeupe cu « mall vo-ny .1— ,__ ta prow at p -j— TN. system etdwlgroe to operate an 22 g v e e mextimum eta c p.w 65 P&. eUry :tRep.e tl of I:nm.alatsly of ary diswapanciw end 1pocsadtee diriiactad� —get— eysamlopwal om ur gol wiry on dltlore:greding, steric ".ware, and pol�t of corrctis rs ramou coeval valva. «using pipe, wlu. tIM. f.1 pe "'e.— gto .vola intwfo-ing with tkr planting or Vws, shvbe w ourr plant malarial. D. All ircigetiw Ilnw, velvee, and winngeham u plan :redo- Na� IT. ed emy. ,rete! n pilill r Poe xcept akw oee "eying to coarct pI Ming a ase or mlwe noted ion plan. E. ImgaUs dI lgr:r eMII approve all design crorgw At. to site plan dangas, ar auling verse 1n "e'tlan plan w guerenaaa mmz eprinaa coverage. IrngaUon contras« elan aseme NII resp«eibllity rar Immz cevo-ege wMn mneld dangw are made wlunu apprevel nem rcigat dwlgror. F. Irrlgatlu welgnw eM 11 not M raepselbla ror Impropw wauu of eyetw Pus b LeMeupa Con Vector rot inetelllr:g rrigauan syetemwpa�plan, po« workmarohi , in v t Il Uv cep « pl�n w«poninadb ueto �ctPfeeew. wel t wey of w Lanaeupe ppr tke ircigauon d grw or wy ane or equlpmwt .hinges ontepp.ovleogat ane F-u plane to any Installellu a M Irtigat eyet em a ere a provide design mwirlcetione. e Ovide wxrr w hie raprw Uva.1th IIaopmating IneV lora, erkmye, etc. req W rsopwal red meintweruwt tlM lrtigaU« eyst.n. u� cenvact« eMII .lee provlae ono- with tu:e [2) Bete of ere It Dawinge• of tM Irotalled IrrlgaU« eyet.m. ors accwately on ora eve o! reproducible "note or tM d.awinge, ors "len d.awing stowing any Wngw. Kaap It up-te- tM preJac le unwr carevuction.Iddlt­ n e po-m nest peen er uv prwewe erpply II ,valve plug tees, area cstrol wire. A. RaN IT and Iwtell backflow pravema :nit (Il:lase Epecllled Ouwwies) pw Stets end Lace1 Walln Daparlmwt wdae end em listings. Backflow pre m t eMII be Iecatae e allow f« -le by plant material. Reno- to "len ratleutiat a g 900 IRRIGATION SYSTEn INSTALLATION ­E­ A. Ircl9.—plan 1e diagrammeuc lrcigaU« Ieto-ale and meinllnw cape le f« clarity only. I irngeUu v �ufpmeM 1npl�nto- bed area. L�nu a pe elCawector shell I y dual ton or pow s d cslrollw bsrse �e g any Imigatls Inelalletls. 8� en gd.ill a er plan! a eh grade, any mlitto-"�.n at a eunaccaptab a rnlgM ela�bfa"relrntallad rvy�eewel quanuuw and n,rl leu er pleM metwlel e r.prwwtauva barer any inetallau« er u. D. metantRaidaaa�Pcs .«ewe ae r. wree to eomiMte marl and ovweprey unto Mrdeupe, evasts aM etrucwrae, 13/39/21 k�m 1900 IRRIGATIOi9 YIAINLNE AND LATERAL LINES: A, EMms.yetw dull ba upped end prwwiasd b 100 PSI end Hour po-iw. cJvda aII Jamte end comrctlon rar Iwke. Rapeir and comact ae nsuewry. B. THE ENTIRE 6Y 1 SHALL BE FLUSHED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Gf SPRINKLER HEADS. LLkwww rocwery, Lanwupa ConVecto eMII lintel! entl-bein Gv<k valves (primarily s slops erase) to allaviam lo-. Med draiwgmweelen Q 1100 IRRIGATI.N HEADS: 'Z " A. Spri Made along elraat curbs eMII w esLLaeck 24- ­e A• nom eM IItM Irol 24' rra:: I, s r wlke^dnvs ors n'lh o ^y gOI P Q V B.Irtegatls Made u e naw .111 rot ba pwmlttad all n work Rarer to lego—d for MIoM or an pop-up eprlmUere. I y. Ez F j C. AdywtTI wu.a eyetw ea rocwse.y, IroWding bceu«s of tM Q^I F `,) o c .prlrkler Med., rediae or wow, area edding .plmUr Mede rt I --I d eery far us Inlwdsd cpwtlu end I00z covwags J or an planted areas. 1209 AUTOMATIC ccNTROLLER 4 TM Landscape Comroctor eMII be rwpueibla ror 11v rlMl om lM "owes eovcs rBY OTHERS) b convollw aCend orad s plan rollw loutls red apprevedllb, owno-'e Reprwvmative /Gruel cenuact«. ay lacF a lypawlttw lagwd melds aecF csvonw doo., elating tM .rue wvered by wcF remob conVol valve. 1300 COVERAGE TEST: . bmm TRENCHING. uvtIP"wer "It. IccompletLendece andeupe tPr. er un w. A-tect M esence or OWnwe�prw e, .roll pwr« Ice Indlutes A. Trwd.in eMII M has or all rocks, dWrle, end .Far aBack Jv planting erwe le cemplwa, e a wauts� Q Qo —t ITT., c� sprinkle any evucwa walls, welts a.ucl nlling atoll bs accompllurd 1n a apes to paved erwe. Tb Landsupe Corerecbr eMII famish ell sac MV1m mttlwiwt or slid. aM to match a t graaeeo Ne bade tilling elan ba done inti1 a lvduled w twiele end pwram: ell woU. raqul.ad to wr.act any Inadsgwciw diecloeed. B. c f plugMopwir:ge ee pipeline le eeernbled to prevwt wtrence IAIDO .LEAN UP: tlor o rt w «eyignobJe19ctEe.Splugs nam q Dp1.—t-, ctu,W sp ameto-slel W eery o 1 PCIALL Ya­T­ DRIP LATRLINES, end saMbII lek.a rw1ngisw poLsesibdle oepf PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM C. Iro tie po-ipee, let ., -1 ­ wiring In worms w (30' coevbw uMsr . 1M eVsste). aLe1eir Vo -b who- e—pipes eM IIAMvs a minimum or p' coves (IS• coves maw roads and mew st—T.. a mbimwn mr A• of >end an erowd pipe rar reets, bNewaye, and vehicular access arae. Rovide a minimum 24• covo- ror all wiring. Tape and bundle or agiracuulro-vai. Mn 30'. — -p d in all wising at UntisIItlangee Mve been m gawlw l oop eftw all commcllus B apes completlw or uv work woo- this eecum, tM Lerdeupe « ra tM premises all eurpwe uto-lal, � e, aqulpmwl, rLLableh end wbie .mwlting nom hie wwk aMleMll laevo Uv Inetallatls alta Ina .ban, roar colidillon ra Q U P. H 0 .. w�, tlnwe w..aw""'er'°liir ��lromcaocw.w w� .HATEq �I"lig"gym Ue Ierd ammo MGrawi M m MCAD MH aB M metre-w'wre m .mat aa. a m oNw"wa a" 72-09-01 2 cz w /7a�ufi �.cvcr mawtm.r e as Hare n LM74L3.3 Hama:' f PLANT LEGEND 5— NAME 517E 0'j �Ik»r�a s5soo %Box M.5� I is Yybrld Desert k4ssen' Law L .2 H}ia Pob Verde eraeM1tg O4westr�"Why1b MIIkFTrv"k L.2 SMALL TREfS� Puac SYM. NAMESIZE OPYs= MtT k L3 M. NA- 517E ITIE5 OPed aBMHOP Pkmm ze"a 5 gal. M 5 H SYM, NAME 517E U5 GE OCalllstempn vlmNalS Little JOFn' S gd. -5 11 Dwai BpttletrvsF I gp1. M 5 9 ®Olea aroppea'Llttle Olil" 5gd. M.5 30 Dwaf Olive s got. M 5 1b cpmmmis 'Cpmpata' S gpl. M 5 to OMtrtus '� Dwarf Myrtle SYM. NAI- SIZE LY _ _ w boa I gal. M 5 32 gkmeroms 5 gal. -5 16 OBvolwlus BIv�aDaze na mmtevaerels ra111y Pury1e' I gp1. M 5 9 LP P,rp1e Trailing LmtaaT OM�tsrtmga capnlms'Rega1 Mlse s got. M 5 1b s gal. M 5 3 PA Dwat E1egm[rvooema OMite'LmWtcna ALCENiS Sgal. M.5 30 SYM. NAFff 512E 15 gal. Lz T UU �swn�gwn cpm A ss Abe Vera 5 gal. L z 16 ��y...�11 Dmylo-1 (saw eelodim sga1. La 3 �acM1y�re�� qF[ Eua IS gal. L 3 3 cFga✓e pang, 5 gaL L2 T `N� " aryl Agave sYM. NAME s12E � ��gai a u�Eabva cast' s gal. L .2 6 Bougaimnllea 6rewa caffra 15 gal. M s z LweMa' Starflower GRWNDCOVERS/INERT MATERIALS 5YM. DESCRIPTION usAriE ALL PLANTER AREAS TO BE 3/4" 'COPPER CANYON'. GRAVEL TO BE FLUSH WITH ADJACENT PAVING AND/OR BACK OF OLRB TO AVOID SPILL OF ROOK. DOOUftSE ANGULAR GOBBLE TO BE 4-- CANYON' OR BWAL APPROVED BY LAND— AROHITEOT. ®® BOU.DERS TO BE 'CRESTA'. SEE BOULDER SLNEWLE 21 ' �I�i .his® ���� lui� I •t I — ma1�• -0--4 m MOS'1�'© SME =MMS SEN OPTIONNO LAWN 1. Beiao an�ple�e are p® too aN�plmtod >9oac are to novo tzon gadod e peelnve draMage per the grad4r� ne x e""ova aware cram lawn a as w /�" ° d -pal mer o e --t-Ep1a Plaatla. deB �BB� a-eiaf � v m1 planar. �'rieaderboQd wlw 1"x 2•x 12• redwood 94. Plmt eF� Wks a mYi �wrioef W. — tIll Iedsrape IIgM1t I,xPurea Wore Urcurretarcea pwmIt, plmt no11troe clonar tFcn 10" to an edgo of R '4 er ataeorberd. i. aoio� to plarRbg dotaliavinea q.never pourolo, we plant magterlala actuated tdor IF. —IBIM1a valley. Wpl�loe Hole to"recolvo tFe"rod�Foad pat,on of tFe molly, es 10. ale Ibyaapark v�wn fln�H.n gads®[nennoxi (s) ale 1 od apc.tlto malleo (zl tno top 0 of b' -O" cbwa imbF grado. Wlroe aM1ovld bo a mintnun of 0'- "long cantor on plants. WFon vires or eapalare are cloror tMn Pran�veea�pl-pit a moa reawaj 13. Won circa taaea permlL�do"rot�plmtdaepeclmen trees clos E OT (4) edge of pwlnq, e approved root lx.rloroycrallo a Inaw1 ad parrdetall"•p" on Nie plmting root I�TbrnaaFeet. Per to plantl�g legend Por epec,ea regvinng deep 19. W4F® IaP °don's 11 h%, c�omrac, p�odaw Wra�l" e"r"pm "ier ataM eP Aglcvlltkal commlaaanerb appreval or�donlal�°Plmt makoFlal rat coMorAmin w are may W r,—' re land i tkwl aiavolnonuw n1a�li maoEo� aey oin p.. All pl 14. �wrt mat�rlal pi be Prep Prom ked 5ca nldl®a parent pf eMub. M Ploded wNln IB" 01 meaaurad from wMer SEE SHEET L5.1 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET L52 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM o' Io zo ao 5RAPHIG 50ALE OLO. o0z .HATEq "1"tom"�m1 Ue 1xd,men MGrawi M m MCAD MH aB M morn-w'wb 72-09-01 pm z cz . %iz 71.i ,stunt Bmatn.m m Hann L51375 L4.1 o. 4i- t PLANT LEGEND TREK sYM. NAME SIZE ORoxwootlabaro 36" sox M 5 I Haprla v°vaso verse aankg L . Oo-��" �1e SMALL TREES MmN-Tank L 2 1 SYM. NAME mµ2 SIZE TTES OTlmcpS etas Mu U Tank L 2 OV�A�� M>NT�nk L2 a sYM. NAME SIZE —1— P �a>e o°of Pa aa� ga. A5 SYM. NAME SIZE usA� E O Dalllstemon vimina s'Lhtle 111,' 5 gal. 15 I5 pwaf BottletrusF Oleo e�ropaea 'Little 011ie' � S gal. M 5 2O DwmF OINe OFIpGrs comrull>'Dompacta' � DwaM MJtle S gal. M 5 l SMALL SIRUBS SYM. NAME SIZE LY a w vele I gal. M s Io O51. DDIDIUOEe IomeraW> 5 gat M 5 15 ling wryle' OB.p1e°ra I gal. N 5 w ling LamtanaTw OMmlaHxsgla caplllare'Pagal Mut' sgal. 1.5 12 Pega1 Ml Md�ly s gal. M .5 a PA wm sleptmt FoodM1"" MOM Ovntta Lmtmo ADOENTS sga1. M.s 25 SYM. NAME 511E weg�>w�e is qa1. L 2 11 µ� rµ� Ase Fvlvemb S gal. L .2 I5 YV Aloe I .�.`. Maxlcan® Fenw Ppo>Ine 15 gal. L 2 I rMq Agave pmryl 5 ,1, L 2 T UV Pony§ Agave v1�5 srn+. NAME sI2E Kart' IKc.st 5 gal. L 2 T eorbra Poroma garivluea —1— Memaocepnab s gal. L 2 2 der Fw 6—NDGOVFR5/INERT MATERIAL5 5YM, DESLRI-Ou L P AN ER AREAS TO BE OP ER DA H H LAN GRAVEL TO BE FLUSH WITH A IPNF PAVING AND/OR BACK OF LURE TD OF ROCK, D' SPIT AVOID SPILL ANGULAR GOBBLE TO BE 4- OPPER CAN ON' DCOURSE OR EQUAL APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5YNTHETIG TURF TO BE D—Flo EEBS by ENVYLAWN UHb Sy Ft. F AVAILABLE THROUGH TE5ERRA WTDOOR5. U5E ALUMINIUM EDGING BET EEN NRF AND DECOMPO5ED GRANITE AREAS. METAL STEEL HEADER. 5EE PLAN. INSTALL I" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. ®® BOULDERS TO BE 'ORESTA'. 5EE BOULDER SGffDULE 11 I. fiBlarO my p�ltaentba are planted, aillT plplmtad moxa aro to Iwvo boon grease 2. Sroa a t� a_�I ml ✓rW/g Qoird <wer areaapirom awn moa�a with I/SgradlanoN Wase. rrePer to ° p°'y'"ir �adF°r°b°e°areb°°w�w I`;I�`.la3el°ewrsl oidssgssv plmtt�pl� w 9. Plan[! eMW�°s°a m el 90" Prem all ulantlxa qx Pxturee. a. rvwro <o-camatmcaa parmik, ank no trao close- Itfm B' to an edgo of � ve or Feaderboard. 6. m ell eta > Pram ulnae e. ko plmting eotallR �revm poserola, ireo plwrt lo. of naIl' �iiw.gavpWlanrtee�mromeefpinal>M1M1erome>bd >lM1c pawa1ud .bM1me astopad c�ems tM1a�e9 rg, cfeeoelal ecwFeo• �lleefFvfae2Jll oy. 111 tFe roxt (5) of I'4�' TL to make 80'th.0 1 0l ng con[m on plants. Nion°'vlree orWespallora are clover [Fan f ' apart, u>e a vnnnueue wire between bokF plant. II. orp"rotectionD�of 1 di di. k `f meas bale a bora aroa cpprox. a• way 12. vawre co-camstmcw o- kc�nna or plan[ pit el koos°closar�NmaPwr (a) porml tlia�peclmeY edge eP pavingq, appro✓ad rook bwrlo�mo to ba In>talleeper dotall"�v" on tM planting tI�miaraeFoe[. Per to WantNg legend Pm epecbs requiring deep lI I" 19. eeMLIFo licu e's Wllco�"� n° scapo cx°�tar, pletloaw nper Po�>te[ue eP sgr� uWral eanvnleelener'e cpp al a mala Pb� t motorial not coniormin w q—l- [ u Iowa moi bo °V Impestyon at tFe elbccreiklon oi°[Fa ilgrpl�ultturalt°rc lonmie>lones e[oiflce. All pia,[ matorlal mwk bo Preo from Pea score (Aonldiella acrarrtli). 14. ev enrvb. w be plmmd wnnb la^ eP Farea°ape, mea>�ree Pram ee�r 5 SHEET L5.1 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET L5.2 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM O' 10 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE Io' -O" .HATEq "1"tom"�1 Ue l�d,a.«nba Pyprawi M oris d- q CAD etaH dB M matn_w'wb ��STRIG� ° a"nma�l,ma t �7a�u t �.cm a waPr usraamam ws.b.m 0 2 LZ --,L513 6 W M1 72-09-01 L4.2 I - I to ® 1 • t _ 0 � :S ii I� MOM I Ems R SME I �IMMEN� f m o alp SME NEWS I. fiBlarO my p�ltaentba are planted, aillT plplmtad moxa aro to Iwvo boon grease 2. Sroa a t� a_�I ml ✓rW/g Qoird <wer areaapirom awn moa�a with I/SgradlanoN Wase. rrePer to ° p°'y'"ir �adF°r°b°e°areb°°w�w I`;I�`.la3el°ewrsl oidssgssv plmtt�pl� w 9. Plan[! eMW�°s°a m el 90" Prem all ulantlxa qx Pxturee. a. rvwro <o-camatmcaa parmik, ank no trao close- Itfm B' to an edgo of � ve or Feaderboard. 6. m ell eta > Pram ulnae e. ko plmting eotallR �revm poserola, ireo plwrt lo. of naIl' �iiw.gavpWlanrtee�mromeefpinal>M1M1erome>bd >lM1c pawa1ud .bM1me astopad c�ems tM1a�e9 rg, cfeeoelal ecwFeo• �lleefFvfae2Jll oy. 111 tFe roxt (5) of I'4�' TL to make 80'th.0 1 0l ng con[m on plants. Nion°'vlree orWespallora are clover [Fan f ' apart, u>e a vnnnueue wire between bokF plant. II. orp"rotectionD�of 1 di di. k `f meas bale a bora aroa cpprox. a• way 12. vawre co-camstmcw o- kc�nna or plan[ pit el koos°closar�NmaPwr (a) porml tlia�peclmeY edge eP pavingq, appro✓ad rook bwrlo�mo to ba In>talleeper dotall"�v" on tM planting tI�miaraeFoe[. Per to WantNg legend Pm epecbs requiring deep lI I" 19. eeMLIFo licu e's Wllco�"� n° scapo cx°�tar, pletloaw nper Po�>te[ue eP sgr� uWral eanvnleelener'e cpp al a mala Pb� t motorial not coniormin w q—l- [ u Iowa moi bo °V Impestyon at tFe elbccreiklon oi°[Fa ilgrpl�ultturalt°rc lonmie>lones e[oiflce. All pia,[ matorlal mwk bo Preo from Pea score (Aonldiella acrarrtli). 14. ev enrvb. w be plmmd wnnb la^ eP Farea°ape, mea>�ree Pram ee�r 5 SHEET L5.1 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET L5.2 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM O' 10 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE Io' -O" .HATEq "1"tom"�1 Ue l�d,a.«nba Pyprawi M oris d- q CAD etaH dB M matn_w'wb ��STRIG� ° a"nma�l,ma t �7a�u t �.cm a waPr usraamam ws.b.m 0 2 LZ --,L513 6 W M1 72-09-01 L4.2 D PALM TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.E. DECORATIVE BOULDER NOTES I. Refer to plots legend Fa balder Gye. ]. S�nplez of rock ord cobble zhall be preze kdl to the ovrers reprezenfptive, fa his approval, prior to Fstallallon. 3. FbMlmg of rocks rvlth loaders ad drapers Is permitted, but care zhall be taken d»t rock Is rot clamageA or scared excessively as It K hadled a the JobelFe. 4. Rock shall not be draped a dozed Into place, dR set bt the use of r cherry pitta, otluzYYqq songs or tmgs 5. Rocks with zcars, chpspr otlwsblemizaz shall be placed In such as N minimize Ne -p—of Ne defect after the rock N place. BOULDER - S. Decaa[Ive rock shall be placed In excavated depresslore, In general, EEE PLAN W Ure cppeaarz that Ure rock is native to the location, most rocks shall to It of F t% Lcrled. 1. FMI mtlstic ­Itlt the rock vlacan It m5t rest with the conG'actas 15H GRADE- aMlib, to peffa m this work to the satbfactlon of the owners tpreeen F SECTION - BOULDER INSTALLATION SCALE: I'•I'-0' FINISH GRADE AT PLANTING AREA }' STEEL METAL EDGING /7/=7 FINISH GRADE AT LP,YNV _11111 11111111111111111111 1111111-1111111=1111111 1111111-1111111=1111111 G SECTION - HEADER BOARD SCALE: NTS. DEPRESSED WATERING BASIN TO REMAIN DURING PLANT E$TABLISWIENT PERIOD. ROOTBALL SHOULD BE PLARED SO AS TO EXPOSE I"/- ABOVE GRADE. BACKFILL MIX: ALL DESERT SHRUBS AND TREES TO BE w BACKFILLED WITH NATIVE SITE SOIL ONLY FINISH GRADE nppeao1" mn-1 I —SET PLAIT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. NOTE: - UNTANGLE MATTED ROOTS BY LOOSENING ALL ROOTS a EDGE OF ROOT BALL WATER FROM HOSE. DO NOT CRACK ROOTBAOTBALL, B NATIVE SHRUB & TREE PLANTING SC=LE. \T5. FEXPANSION SHIELD BY 'RED HEAD' CR EO. , V4' DIA BOLT NOTE: I, WIRE TO BE PULLED TIGHT BEFORE FIXING N PLACE E VINE/ESPLALIER TIE DETAIL Li SDALE: NTS JBBER TIES FINISH GRADE _VIII=111111 BACKFILL MIX PER SPECS _ETFpPNACKETS PER SPECS. UNDISTURBED v NOTE: NATIVE 50TI ON -IN TURF AREAS, LEAVE A BARE AREA APPROX, 4' AWAY FROM TREE BASE IN ALL DIRECTIONS._ -` €P FOR PIT SIZE REFER TO SPECS. Q A TREE STAKING DETAIL -TRIES $HALL BE STAKED WITH 2-3 STAKES 4 SIX TREE TIES /RIBBER SCALE: NTS �. CINCH TIES -NO WIRE) -USE TRIPLE $TAKING WITH 3' DIAMETER STAKES IN HIGH WIND AREA$/ I CINCH TIES (3 EACH) DO NOT �a F z OVER TIGHTEN, ALLOW TREEi0 H^ 5"00 MOVE SOMEWHAT TO BUILD CALIPER .J ] I/i 4 LODGE POLE PIKE FINISH GRADE _VIII=111111 BACKFILL MIX PER SPECS _ETFpPNACKETS PER SPECS. UNDISTURBED v NATIVE 50TI ON FOR PLAIT PIT 51ZE REFER L TO SPECS. 'I Q A TREE STAKING DETAIL W z "I`aq" SCALE: NTS lti o Q 81°d F z H^ 5"00 .J ... i SAQffILL MIX PER SPECS. 11-11-1 _ PLANT PACKETS PER SPECS II SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. FOR PLANT PIT SIZE REFER TO SPECS, NOTE: UNTA K,LUE MATTED ROOTS BY LOOSENING ALL ROOTS a EWE OF ROOT BALL w/ WATER FROM HOSE, DO NOT CRACK ROOTBALL. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL D SCALE:NTS PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:20 AM O' 10 20 40 5RAPHIG 50ALE IOR-o:R .HATEq =tea a r�"�"SWI Ue I� 4�«n Mmom1 ah In m q G»n can aB rat morn-w'wb ��STRIG� - ° m•�m m• r - w M° oNm":"9 a" 72-09-01 nm z cz . %aGdfi vc um.m w�m•m my �m nT� 1.5.1 3.00 IMPLEMENTATION 301 PREPARATION Tph�ye Lan pp Contractor dell clean m clear llv sltp e ry prI e t I�nt'wq All eyed to be Mile avrd faella�iartiatcf dentia or all iypea Mcluding plaai., 911p , LOncr to a�lllag8;'d—n Ia In soli, 302 FINISH GRADNG A Flnlah de ell ol�a a Ing s t a emooU and even rdlditl«, making lain Val no water FF 51 II tall Tolman IT4 I foot Ian and Irr ulanuP. a SII'niI p a�v{I 6egnnieh glad aeamt comply wl"`i�r«noure levaurna or notedi planufg p.A. amain, plan. B. Hold sail finish reEdaa for b Q bl minimum 11/2' below adjacent flatwork or air ed b�tle Landsip '�iieci/G�a Caniracia. C. All areas a bde tented In Urf II be emoo Uteea IUt rakes nd rloaU to Ue U rat Ion l the iia IDnev ted ctierwl t,anegun/Ga"era contract«. Ho dw tnlah graea ror sod aroma Ie1R' baf adJaca fai o� laoo D.tRaovam aleobato ob ilerock�, debris, clods, a oLLer extraneous matabl Rom Ike 11 —11 and E. Rer> to add itin«eljogrbadN and dralnege epecincatlone In C«etrucllon Manual. 304 TREE STAKING A. ire Lantana Contract« elan stake all tales or use Mle lotatl«e end locate atekee as dimaeloned Ian or le ypla��n. 5 Yell be wood, a minimum of m labeled TUI tree al mII"aolt"imn�oRain°g lio`ia�«raa`�a>iep'maSMp"apL"`L�enl�`'roala`rP1�n�a our. KM1 Deel 'll review end 1, a II stake locations for to an tole dl Larnaca Nco«raft«�ahalueiRyLplaniil�'e�aea'aL'dl in aide pTanotfl2egw«kin�"daya prioi to atak,T'Ig complx 305 PLANT LAYMT / Ell STAYJW.s p A. Lebo �r pleDnLmelelall bNolif (Lan—Ill xant Deei�ir loratiore t rwo�rlkla`�d9:. eio to oI IoM sett oval by pa l y pe goer a minimum or rg y pr p I. B.mCetapa C«Vector atoll IMa pit on lM auto the borders b.wea Ifr.at �lrq s when enaol ar 84te°ple'y$`ei epYr'o ei;ie�c�>cap°�a' rnl °�clO:' aSa"itille[eKi'Wt ea app?8� a'yomta�°k`i2' woos alakae. 306 EXCAVATION A. aEMxcavatim for all IdnU aYall��b�ey�p�de�lalLl Fla AL "Boxed" a Field Grown plaMe, Landecapa C ,Ua or pgauon o4 pliiepro�ie�ailc" M UaALand aped ign�`° u9Vpwt i88`I�e alta. B aradlmpper° ;a,gt�sMal ii�ee d gialQ Ira —al Ccnl—dr IT Iny obawalrn I, C. In arose or Mrd Boll plant Mlea awn ba eq— m eNo., 301 ROOT BARRIERS A. Irotall root bar—, par manuraclur.'s raomm.daliom. B. Rogqoaet ppwalas atoll ba slnaaataulelad: oma 2.PWentreao sre to 6e plerM1ed�itnin b$of/I'latwork cabs, wlla, or buildings. 306 PLANTING A. Troro A.I. 2' of soil age sant into top 6' of all area. planted In grass and aMb/groixdwwa. Ex re noted on the planar, plan. B. Add'T.re-Sorb' t all annual beds, pore, and plantae with brbblae. Tera -5«b' available Ilrwgh: B0M--e9up.gtt�'pnlltol nn�O0eggrlI33vop44C�, IMematiio6n�al, Inc. I-800-221=61]Bda 8138192-1116 C, All V. Vole. exrapt lro.e ror cacti and wcculata -1I be ttearoughly —ad! prior to .attino tie plant D. All trees droll ba placed, adjusted, and planted ands the dRation or Ue Landscape Deslgr� Lamawpe Contrect« shall notify Landscape Deelq e a I of (3 ) TNREE DAYS NOTICE In writtai loon, e„1« t any Ines / pd Mry4ee or specima plmaM IrotZlldticn WI Wut lhl. pyla approval from Ldnd.cdpe Contract«, d ie d I� h nit bn Lvmscape D Igrer�« tiwui lh ed i pe contra RoamMthe LeMsca�pDmvector's axpaoa res aceta ap a yy ees o pa mo pl1 p e app a pa grey Landscape Contractor sMll be respanslble (« Ue roallh of the relocated Ines /palm tree or I -ha pRM and sMll rep ace at Ue Lamacape Dedq . opini«. Ther plant atoll be In good health a. If came Rom the Nuredry. Lamacape D.IgMr'a approve, after visit to ata, should signed o r on the, («-aibl "M-Bvlll' Landocapa Plas. E. Il all plant per planting dal in lo—l— approval d9 the Landscape Deagrer/Gaamal Contract - F, 5eoplant In gxigM po,INa In Ue cents or Ue Mia and compact tie badenll mixture arowd the bon of G Place FIM111— ta�b�lets in backfill mix par pill data ll. Fatlliza Plant Tab SCMdrle: I, S to I PI M box. • I tablet f« each root of height. Loleos comratt« atoll verity with Land—patDmgn. Plain Tab Sol or desert/arid zona pp nt. pr to planting. H 1 t tole Is 2 Af I II t e NIItre su°r�arRg area°�6� wi carr ding zrm`�rne'91ss anOi5wn1°"$f p4znl"ig�ff�te I d grade I. aRnWe all ooMain.e, boxes, drape, ron nee.tlel'takee, Valliant, .c. Rom plant, and nave tram J. treat II lanted areae, gravel, and roWcobble arms with pre-an.g- weed agent p. Mwfactl.'o ,pecitii«.. K I ler rartllll— m all Iamin�. c /eucculan, at tM rat r 18 lbs 1000 e �ap en n s e �.uu i iom`ga o k c a ,a lmma�iataly route p uc�ia, t p 8M ta°>hing dr concelp.e, maul, i'na wood wrraca.. Keep y nem am out or .wi "fig y�'oal.. L. Apply I' (one) Inch ,pained mild, to all planting bed, —al Yeked earth' erme. M. vvrrlfy us Doll am.dxg and r.Nllzing of all cacti and euccul.na with 0. Land—pa D.,gran prior to 3.10 CACTI/SUCCULENTS Lard: c II me. wuh tM mac D Ica to IeMI tabllah carat lalling %a lunging, i'igei sy'siR� nhief eweteilrgin�,Id atq�el�l�. and guar"�ni):il prepay tid°i, 3.11 CLEAN IJP A. Dal strwtlon, the Landscape Contractor atoll kmp prann— ae Ill as possible of natauls 51 U palleb, or the work and. th. eactlan, the LammU.a Contract« atoll mous Rom ft l aurplw mal.iale tools, a an, nbblelt end dfebri, rewlting Iran hie work and II Ile�Bave lM Installation .Ile In a clean, neat candill«. 400 MAINTENANCE onl�ec b L! ac�aped b the iam�all v �;�°fa«r At ued"$,'d"air,,Fidheinaa' ;hap{°o4 e Flea°yr Ina` p&u`«°an�rt b ' de �y lYC'Lam'�cape Dmiga I�ted t Ate= 2.00 MANUFACTURERS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, MODEL NO'S, 4 OPTIONAL PRODUCTS 201 SOIL MIXTURES A General I. yerdaRt"S Irgredldns ere to be thoraghly mixed prl« t Intallatlon In pas, ae backfill, « In 2. Wereapp load ea use Ina da area the mix shall be Intalled a minimum of 30' M d I dtY.wl.e .d d4 epaifplan, and (s t be tilled Into Ute existing aubgrade a depth enUL of 61. I. A.41a d2p Conv�cg dell Mal = a II additives called ro erg mull of the Ixlurenaml �ed is d�baea�"`rit act WA l�A`9� hl� rm•l �lure IW br ing t n t a Iva Is t aP m— q.1. arad by Qanaianei�b Main sre.” €I'�ngw cAP3 5 3�4-�a+o B. Backrlll loll Mixtwe L �Ildmaa0a p- ant actor eW II create hie gun backfill mixtve by mixing 2 parte native top 11 and rt C ckrlll mI— for all IJHahin tonic Ims .Fall Tat of clean coarse s nd. fJative soil may M ed ror the mixture If Ili anri'ij (I Mtge a`r °a approved by LancPcape Dmigna. D. Cacao, SOI MI%tire �tom eol� 18t�e shall bYtw I��n epeclflell yeas dwl1l [ aZT.' oer:p {urn�bulldare sand, ppa pe er 1,1 p m Ie, p t Pa Ile. ve.'17y ItM L nd p e619 E ��mbnred4'" Soil Hol lure 6 b6 sd a backl'lll mix for azaleao, camellias a rdanlas, ani waclflad on tie planting plan�M Ileie It elvll eaglet or: 2 parte Muve eoll, I pari wvohmis, i pert peat moee. 2P12 FERTILIZERS Agilfamler16-1-12 • Iron' or approved q.I. BAgTarbl 20-10.5,21 Gram Planting Tab.' «approved equal. 203 501L AMENDMENT 'NltrohlW or approved egwl, 2'°Sw4 IT-EEeERGENT ED CONTROL pprov aqw( 205 4A -CH Turf end Tee' «approved equal. 206 TIES, STAKES, WIRE A TreeTim Heavy rose -like plastic on rubber as approved by L ,dl Design.. B. Tree S.- 2' diamata Idol ole Pine polm. Rarar to details no, length and number required G Wra I. Tree Gu Wlre nEos.p0 grog galvanized with heavy duty tumbudles. 2. Nd. Illaq�auge galvanized. Painted to meta, wall. User non -iron eaawa and expansion .haunt as eq Ir 2p TREE ROOT BARRIERS agxo Avallabl� D4 Roo-rcCoryaetlon'(113)3edsoe9mso 2JO PLANT MATERIAL A. All part, Iall ba I. Ieted In the legend and Iretalled per detalls and ap-lil las. B LII pn nnums twlinll t` da NII healthy, alapely, disease ant Intact Ree, ant of a size llvt le standard c ellttll ionis=I aldol MllsMvificall g m' b `Ilia La`rd`o"dlti Dml able to Uase of the subject pec y aPPiov y Pa pa. D. All pknte ars subject to approval d9 the Landscape Deagner. E. Location of all plant matalal 1-1 15 gallon and larges to ba approval pria to Imtallatlon. F. To facilitate prop. placanen, inch plant dell come Rom - mraery idatirlad N botanical name. G. sl ped "lba approved a, U, tM —1" and saarw. vawith lry Landscape Dmigrer prior to 1—Ual su H. ajl plant "`gIw`ntlNles1eddvjrcom'omi is tM'plaxrdxi9 plgpn for Lardecape Co,t—t«'a —ml— only. I. Landssccaappea Contractor to be r amappponalble r« obtainflinqgppall permits, bards, Ilcerom, etc J- wain mgrs na,t aeto Ure trr1ll ro,awWrIVeret>` matalal Iretalled prior to Irotalbti« or the K Le `dscap contract« t nialntaM all I,ndscapirg f« a p.iod or 60 to w days after final acceptance IxJ Ye LI,dacapa Dmig L La Contractor t malnlaln�ll land I for a 'od of 60 to W do a aft. Rn I a by a`i d.capa Da.lgn.. F aq y of g,1Wance dpi y is oma lapel � tie Ia d�p`e°rl°�fad. K WART: call[oo Ie A rt Rural kkrrohibna or resvicU caW In plant matalal from .Mai t e Cos Va leu PIaM left ro sin VIA— ole It� alawsespru�II . destr ad at aurer's erns . Civil film upwalde i Iwai erode"salla- 33111 alnd alectidnsl6300,�6 b�itnlclueive) arurvrvVV«Ity algid Agr cn III)f/aa p e N Igor ` �olplwuinq pa tis ere tr tad or`I oIhIdI disea"maos worareani�l aha cella"gVape�ij�tde vmt at.. Alp eta Rr Paynt m Wal found mrm`tad wah common%ter"@ d"" hea�R. tMn ,llay,bele�rayou eyap'e`e;ysicd eIm°hai e"ailfpm°i ° deli aeaym`�'uecoalena -Treats of concern: Rad, Yellow and Purple scale Uboly Whlterly, and Canstock Mmlybug. -D-1. or concern: Peach (Room. spades) Mosaic, Peach (FTVRus special Tallouu, am Dutch Elm (Uhl, Plasma 14 ZBIMVd epalm/Disease. -Otter pests: grass seed or oUra .sed —1 ii rmlrlcted tined ase, am agwuc pleura contaminated with Hydnlla. If Mve any qumtl«s reeqq dirrep plant matalal a appliances a.:dated with Uam, please contact AgyrlculUrel Ccnmiaslorer :(1b01 t'b3-8291 PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:21 AM 1.00 GENERAL NOTES -- ENFORCED POLICIES 72-09-01 L5.2 101 SCOFE CP LOW A The Landscaoa contract« atoll po Ida all 4 to aqu�pn t tool ,pantile, tramuo n and install all piaMvlgaand asedciated ba .Faun ay tM caitiact ° m work documw�U and>pacirlad mein 0. The Landscape contractor atoll visit the randructlon alta, tehs all mea,uremana, am obtain cry other Infannatlon nate N for a complete am —1 old 102Go�MUA,ILITY ASSURANCE I! i. 8� dgwaNnduevyona, and I-,id"da nply with all pertinent edea, re AOLLW�f ikmarohlp. Erastanallon dull wertien a B. Aifw= atoll be performed N a C-21 calif—Ta IlceMed Landscape Contra— C, Pantile and nap— u-1. Tke La,d— CerM1rac{ an II eblai , ceordlMte, and f a a 4�amlts yeas, ant agency Inopactlorm as required d eubmIt a� cerllficatas of a�o I �pp wiplallon of wA TheLandscape 4pMilpRiGwAofrcla lap ect«eta ell W lrotallationor cc Unx Guar UadPWttta bail 3, In from utof the caocheIII Va9n9 The Coadella valley IJraerim Fgave coordlMted with the Riverelde C ty Agrlaltural C- .ion by revlewl�q Itored raealm gr Ing and selling lYme planta and vrventory reviewed for conrl on J,I plrchasad and where it was IreCallad. Landxapa c .Uact«e atoll ba prapared to oil OF FUR -WASE' or Rwrmtlned III - lants.INSTALLATION Ill ATIONOF UN -APPROVED GUARAMNED PLANTS SHALL 0E C ISCATED MID DESTROYED ON SITE, DTlis Laidaca Garratt« atoll ca [call IyWrkan' Compel tion, public Ilabllitu and pr girl derma Inaurarce a, V qulred by all applicarlmle codao, regulatloraBBbnd Ve GaRaal cOrM1ractor, p y ge E. Site verification RI to comma t or work the Ldmaca tract dull vent t the sl II candid s n�ed� Ire afw�"imapon tra plan Mem ielciave h "1 vV l" rtti»aplamma pi n. a oKaaReral 2 ckoyordie�repenciee elan be rSportxd imma ia�y to Mecape P'.- x" ContTam F. ilss Lanae ape contract« le neap Ible for co dlMtina a ie work with all alto trades. All planting work shall bE coordl.ted with Gild approved by iYe Gab Corrtracta. W O z G ACF.era to Dra'lq / Ona5lte MIwtn-. o R-1 D a Ths Land, ConlrTcl« ar3lble for at, ct a �e t the contra t d U. AIS planta, oducts anq mataarr181s sha1� 111 epprovldad ere Ingllcatdghgprn lila t ownaMa. aG.ry nqe or aubbtiWtima A y a �I Q 8 tp b� soon vad bbuu h4 Lantlotepo¢¢ D6 a r/Gdgra, Contract r In writl Lantl Contractor sMll �ppkewNrlallaal`pon bilit(j f« adjuetmdn, toa2ly m tenial « work tMl is rat a"�pr vel ICy ¢ g 1z F W j Tr- anwll ba rolled b r mill s^ Ith Intl otos the e �,alSred plamlF°g foreman. '�r� pienilrg ah �eR t�h° j°o6 eti tt"da ate, wxieve"iplaniing is in Q 0' - 7 I.WMnedrlri�n�ad� «{� rx a/w proem d ru e d rq� crane ba used r C L/a4ru trea°M36' box or tang&t ZI Palms�6PrF ia�gar�(Grloun vurtk haul)"unl l8ea Mhawlea t approved' ] ndBcapa Daoig— J. Plamasto II PIaM tO iIIJ on .I Tor to IaMI�q sMll be m�IM Ined prop Iu d rested Ran s drying, Ind mach th4 dwmia Plants leered damaaadb'LanCscape Deslgna/General Loniract« be lased a th =" eFyv'll an equal plant at no addrtlord',LI . K Caren Plantlno ww 4411 ba att Iiza M II pia t o el plent matalal. Brmkl f IlIII Vector be yU qq p de`thm"anneer 1. db`amagadlldal r iac�s�d RClI; Land's—d`Cd --poen ° mi eddm«a�i cooa�i L Protection of Existing c«dluorm I. LaMeeammpeeeqroCeontraaarrcuutor eMllgqwpur tact aealall nIe,,�etirg s4ueUras�,aMnsrdewp ale. aalaMe,��tllltles, Cont-oe'-11 bl rbe"piacedNti,I an�ps�Co�n4e2tI aw"loiiRal of 2. No antl�eor .lora. or matar als will ba Allo ad t oc thin tie drl Ilne osrpa t m'ear "rn f dip fLI of aarrrla/are/Elmer asgapp ceded byp'ILand—pe D �1at the II needf Ung tree or to LLe rr9 work M. Revise and Inepecalioro Rata t La,d 6vpav Td Vt)diavation Sdredule g Q Q Q Q< N. Submittal, by Landscape contract« I. loll Teat. It le tJe o Ibllitu of lhs �dy mpe contract -or to Inrorm tke Land�e�epe I —mfg I fan Wase i c«Idllloro «elle. To sure II Eon Itla18 for Ming, ��{{ poee �t tar mall arbmlt w ,oil as p1 mend Ioc tl Il ror EaMo a5oil and fent abo = Me cA (rI4') 5 -8333 « L idavJa36 In fgA, (3108 322-2440. Rawl f tmtl atoll be del ver t the LWe�c tinmmacing qq �f a " � pa D§a gr�/Ga��tomr to for approvaiap°ria to wltR o�jxapar lion. .: y � � ;, S � a 2. AvallabllitVV Llet W ttin 30 dpY fel Ue U t, rte Landacapa Cort—tI dull {fir Ida the Landscape - DI ar w M1aa �gngpbre mall Iiet or pl���� Eluding �gmp�ela data On ppr. Iia l t1t Rd avdildY tut Md aulbn Icat,la8 r lam t e3 Holm Ines (Including M ieiq ), �9',p vad b i`'re L me�a�p` sYptei/p�°_'�' Icomrn t« pr2iio Isle llhm`e° ha ubmptiiuh igl �`a terlaleiiai eubnitial�d a""'uWtlore, lilac L ndscapa Contracior z 3. plarrt py�t� a °p�ei�ie�t ens tte LarJ-acapepcGRtraa« eivll provide 0II Landarapa Dmigner wuh phots and size apalncauona N U Q r F ^ ^adJ U W °� z t, al w HATEq 1, "�w tie b a d m �� ice" � �:M.>. PyprawI M l aY t'v etaH dB M morn-wwre m"mmnma t //t nate 2 cz . /7a�Afi �.cvcr tai>stm.M men n M78 72-09-01 L5.2 A TREE UP LIGHT 4 SETBACK SCALES NTS rzEFEft iO LPN � L�EN�a cownama �� -- I I I III—I I I I—I I T�I rx smez sLor evINE MaNr — II i1' ILL 311 B LOW VOLTAGE UPLIGHT scALE: NTs C LOW VOLTAGE WALK LIGHT SCALE: NTS ELECTRICAL NOTES I. Electrician Is to protide all """-- plans, Vpec""atiore, and documents, etc. and obtain all resetr a appro Is and permits. 2. Lhleee otharrviee provided by contractor, electrician ie to aiza and circuit all electrical ^equlremonta horvn on plana. (i.o. "J t., p pps, pool egNpm® t, LI clocks, irrigatbn controllers, etc). COntractar le to gravld0 d9 bunts. 5. All materials and .orkmanshlp shall conform to all 6overning codes and Ordinances and acceptable standards of practice. 4. coordinate all work, especlally sleeving, trenching and backfilling with IrrlgC tion, cona'ete Md masonry subcontractors as regylrea. 5. ugnting onerollare rvm be located aajaoent to Irngatlon col trail .honpoestlo. b. Electrlclan Is to confirm exact tree location so as to Irouro proper Inskallation of Ilghk Plxkura as spec"I'll on Ilghking all �. All junction boxes wikhouk a light Pixture will be puk in a careen box below grade. 9. J—tion boxes on walk lights aro to be b" to a" above flnleh grade urea to the bottom of the box. These need to be b' min. away Proms the edge of the concrete al ing. Walk lights should ba pointed downward. PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:21 AM LIGHTING LEGEND QTY. S/Y�M. FIXTURE COMMENTS 4 Y P%L MIN IF WIGHT NJOEL �: Rrr50i5�i LED3.iYFL, 5VL 10 -IN, ]100K, 45° RCC9 LAMP MWEL n MaMf 4 oEN L_L PA,NueN m�a._It�-eR1 aN 8 2 Fx uniw�lae SPOTLIGHT �w w4Rn, �-rooK, PL000 3 m Fxo�1 E aT—I— EP PfRWfD BY LANpSCME Av4HiF4i. 5ETBACK NOTES Locake light Pixkures a min. IP 4'-0" Prom edge If kree Locate Ilght flxutres I'-0' from edge of palms At all times a conscious effort III be made to plate TTfih 1'iget Pixtures in beds instead IP lawn areas. nts are suparseeded only when field conditions warrant change by Landscape Architect. O• 10 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE 10'-0' b- As /STRIG4 72-09-01 L6.1 o m sml<ee ent of I A TREE UP LIGHT 4 SETBACK SLALENTS B LOW VOLTAGE UPLIGHT scALE: Nrs C LOW VOLTAGE WALK LIGHT SCALE: NTS ELECTRICAL NOTES I. Electrlclan Is to protide oll nacess- plans, Vpac""otlons, and documents, etc. and obtain all reaqq "r d appro Is and permits. 2. Lhleaa otharrvlee provided by Contractor, electrician ie Lo aiza and cplrcuppit o 111 elacgtrlPalntq.Viremlocks,hirrlg I,pconkrolle'll'j tc, J. Contrackor N to provide as bunks. 5. All materials and workmanehlp shall conform to all 6overning Godes I'd Ordinances and acc ®ptable standards of practice. 4. coordinate ell work, asp lolly sleeving, trenching and bockfllling wleh vrigc non, eonuaea dna masonry sobeoneraeeors as ragmrea. 5. Llghting ontrollere will ba located adjacent to Irrigation controller whona�ar poeatlo. b. Electrlclan Is to canflrm exact trod location so as to Irouro Z Installation of Ilght Plxtura as spaclPlod on lin III�. All junction boxes rvikhout a lighk Fixture will be put in a Carson box below grade. 9. J—tion boxes on Wolk Ilghta aro to be b" to a" above flnlah grade urea to the bottom of the box. These need to be b' min. away Proms the edge of the concrete decking. Wolk lights should be pointed downward. LIGHTING LEGEND QTY. SYM.1 FIXTURE COMMENTS F%LUMINPIRE LP LI(Mf LfD35WFL, SW,10.4N, TIWK, 45' FL000 LAND 4 $� L a-LEo�ory-IBS B g T MODEL . MP -E 03W L -BZ w wAaM, naOK FL000 3 m FX MI AIS Iw-M Te it tR tlS�P N EMM£ 5ETBACK NOTE5 Locoke light Fixtures a min. IP 4'-0" Prom edge If kree Locate Ilght flxutres I'-0' from edge of palms At all times a conscious effort will be made to place I'ig�t Fixtures in planter beds instead of lown areas. TTfih nts are suparseeded only when field conditions warrant change by Landscape Architect. PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2022-0005 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 03/31/2023 9:56:21 AM O• 10 20 40 GRAPHIC SCALE 10'-0' _ l _ As emu, z 72-09-01 L6.2 o m sml<ee ent of I March 15, 2023 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org Crestwood Corporation 510 West Citrus Edge Street Glendora, CA 91740 Re: Final Landscape Permit - Fire Plan Review — DIAMANTE — TR30138 FLP2022-0005 / 80600 AVENUE 52, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. [1] Fire Protection Equipment (Fire Hydrants, Fire Department Connections, Post Indicator Valves and Backflow Prevention Devices) shall be provided clear access and shall not be visibly obscured. [2] Fire Protection Equipment shall be provided with a minimum 3 -feet of clearance around the circumference of the device from any obstructions, including vegetation of any size besides maintained turf grass or treadable groundcover. Consideration for mature plant development and spacing shall be considered when planting in close proximity to the minimum clearance. [3] Dwelling Units shall maintain a minimum 3 -feet clear width Egress Court from emergency escape windows and doors of sleeping rooms and shall deposit to the front of the property or public way. These courts shall be traversable pathways, free of obstructions and landscaping intrusions. (Ref. CBC 1028.4 / CRC R311.1) [4] The fire code official shall perform a final inspection of all landscaping and confirm compliance with these conditions. Any landscaping that is in conflict shall be removed or relocated to the satisfaction of the fire code official. The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist City of La Quinta Design and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico aca Quiara La Quinta, California 92253 CALIFORNIA Telephone: (760) 777-7125 Fax: (760) 777-1233 https://www. laquintaca.gov/ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION A. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Per City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 8.13.030(e)(3), prior to final planning inspection the landscape architect shall provide the planning department a copy of the official certificate of completion The following elements are attached hereto: ❑ Irrigation scheduling parameters used to set the controller; ❑ Landscape and irrigation maintenance schedule; ❑ Soil analysis report, if not submitted with Landscape Documentation Package, and documentation verifying implementation of the soil report recommendations B. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name & Number Site Address/Location Date of installation(s) Landscaping Square Footage C. APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Owner(s) (Name) (Company) (Telephone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (Name) (Telephone) (Mailing Address) (Email) D. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that (a) I am qualified by the State of California to provide landscape design services and the landscaping for this project was installed by me or under my supervision; (b) the landscaping for the identified project has been installed in substantial conformance with the approved Landscape Documentation Package and complies with the requirements of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance; (c) a diagram of the irrigation plan showing hydrozones is kept with the irrigation controllers; (d) the Certificate of Completion has been completed in compliance with the requirements of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and shall be implemented. Applicant's Signature Print Name OWNER CERTIFICATION Date State License # I certify that I am the property owner or an authorized representative and have received copies of all the documents within thel-andscape Documentation Package and the Certificate of Completion and that it is my responsibility to see that the project ismaintained in accordance with the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule. Owner Signature Date Print Name