Project 2022-08 Citywide Misc ADA Improvements & CDBG 4.LQ.47-22 (04.05.23 & 04.12.23)mediagroup
PO Box 23430
Green Bay, WI 54305-3430
Tel: 760-778-4578 / Fax 760-778-4731
1 am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the
United States and not a party to, or have interest in
this matter. I hereby certify that the attached
advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in
type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire
issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement
thereof of the following issue dates, to wit:
04/05/2023, 04/12/2023
i acknowledge that i am a principal clerk of the
printer of The Desert Sun, published weekly in the
City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State
of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a
Newspaper of general circulation on March 24,
1988 by the Superior Court of the County of
Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236.
I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of
the State of California, that the foregoing is true and
correct.. Executed on this 12th of April 2023 in
Green Bay, WI, County of Brown.
This is not an invoice
# of Affidavits: 1
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Qulnta (City) at the Office of the
City Clerk located et 78495 Cale Tampico, La Qulnta, California 92253, until
10:00 A.M. on Monday April 24, 2023 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
This project is located at La Qulnta Community Park, three intersections on
Avenida Montezuma, and at the intersection of Desert Club Drive and Spring-
time Way: Avenida Mendoza north of La Qulnta Community Park, Avenida
Mendoza south of La Qulnta Community Park, and Avenida Navarro, Work in-
cludes the reconstruction of curb ramps, sidewalk, and driveways to bring them
up to current code. Work will also include full depth asphalt concrete grind and
overlay to construct modified curb ramps. All project work and Incidental items
to complete the protect shall be performed in accordance with the plans, speci-
fications, and other provisions of the contract. Ail the above Improvements are
to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the entire project In a neat
and presentable condition. Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more informa-
This project shall be completed within 30 working days from the date specified
In the otice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the
work is important and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan -to order any long lead time equipment items immediately
foliowing "Notre of Award".
FEDERAL FUNDING This project is being financed with Community Develop-
ment Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment (24 CFR Part 570) and subject to certain requirements Including: compli-
ance with Section 3 (24 CFR Part 75) Economic Opportunities requirements; pat
ment of Federal Davis -Bacon prevailing wages; Federal Labor Standards Provi-
sions (HUD 4010); Executive Order #11246; and others. Information pertaining
to the Federal requirements is on file with the County of Riverside Department
of Housing and Workforce Solutions.
A pre -bid Conference is scheduled for 9-00 AN., Monday April 17, 2023. The p-
re -bid conference will be held in the City owned parking lot on the northwest
corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased online at:
IMPORTANT: if you. are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom
you will not recerve addendures. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
thatthey are placed on the plan holders list.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be
executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security in an amount not less than ten percent (10%] of the total bid dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is required to be
submitted with each bid, at a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder„ if
awarded the contract, fail to enter into the same, or fails to furnish in a timely
manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance.
The City reserves the right to reject or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in
the bids.
Bid log sheets can be found at
d e ve l o p m e nt/b i d-o n-j o b s.
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code Section 6707, each bid sub-
mitted in response to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid ttem, adequate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of fife
and limb in trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable
. safety orders. 8y listing this sum, the bidder warrants that Its action does not
convey tort liability to the City, its consultants, and their employees, agents, and
sub -consultants.
Pursuant to Section i770, et. seq., of the California Labor Code, the successful
bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as deter -
Mined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.
These wage rates are available from the California Department of Industrial Re-
lations' Internet website at httpf/
Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates,
including the per diem wages applicable to the work, and for holiday arid
time work, Including employer payments for health and welter% pension,vaca-
tion, and similar purposes, In the County of Riverside In which the work is to be
done, have been determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial
Relations. State of California. These wages are set forth in the General Prevail-
ing Wage Rates for this project. available from the California Department of in-
dustrial Relations' Internet web. site at ay. Future effective prevail-
ing wage rates which have been predeternilnedg and are on file with the
California Department of Industrial Relations, are referenced but not printed in
the general prevailing wage rates nimum wage as
lby the Seecretary of he Labor,ral t.are set forth in the books Issued fore bidding
purposes, referred to herein as Project Bid Documents (Special Federal Provi-
sions), and in copier of this book which may be examined at the office.descri-
bed above where the project plans, special provisions, and proposal forms may
be. seen: Addenda to modify the minimum wage rates,. if necessary, will be is-
sued to holders of the Project Bid Documents.
Pursuant to Section 17253 of the California Labor Code, no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded a contract for public work ori a public works project
unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the
contract is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may find additional infor-
mation for registering at the Department of Industrial Relations website at http
JJwvvw.dl eta g ov/Pu b I ic-Warks/PublicWorks: html .
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.1, no contractor or subcantrartor may be
listed on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March
1, 2015 unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. further-
more, ali bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor er sub-
on public maybe
projectd, on or after unless registerediwith the Departrrtenta contract rof industrirk
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the City
Clerk located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, until 10:00 A.M.
on Monday April 24, 2023 at which time they will be publicly opened and read for
performing work as follows:
This project is located at La Quinta Community Park, three intersections on
Avenida Montezuma, and at the intersection of Desert Club Drive and
Springtime Way: Avenida Mendoza north of La Quinta Community Park,
Avenida Mendoza south of La Quinta Community Park, and Avenida Navarro.
Work includes the reconstruction of curb ramps, sidewalk, and driveways to
bring them up to current code. Work will also include full depth asphalt
concrete grind and overlay to construct modified curb ramps. All project work
and incidental items to complete the project shall be performed in accordance
with the plans, specifications, and other provisions of the contract. All the
above improvements are to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving
the entire project in a neat and presentable condition. Refer to Sections
3000 and 4000 for more information.
This project shall be completed within 30 working days from the date specified in the
Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the work is
important and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The successful bidder should
plan to order any long lead time equipment items immediately following "Notice of
FEDERAL FUNDING - This project is being financed with Community Development
Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (24
CFR Part 570) and subject to certain requirements including: compliance with Section
3 (24 CFR Part 75) Economic Opportunities requirements; payment of Federal Davis -
Bacon prevailing wages; Federal Labor Standards Provisions (HUD 4010); Executive
Order #11246; and others. Information pertaining to the Federal requirements is on
file with the County of Riverside Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions.
A pre -bid conference is scheduled for 9:00 A.M., Monday April 17, 2023. The
pre -bid conference will be held in the City owned parking lot on the northwest
corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased online at:
IMPORTANT: If you are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom you will
not receive addendums. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that they are
placed on the plan holders list.
Invitation to Bid
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be executed
upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is required to be
submitted with each bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if awarded
the contract, fail to enter into the same, or fails to furnish in a timely manner the
bonds and/or proof of insurance.
The City reserves the right to reject or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in the
Bid log sheets can be found at htta://
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code Section 6707, each bid submitted in
response to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid item, adequate sheeting,
shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of life and limb in
trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable safety orders. By
listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its action does not convey tort liability to the
City, its consultants, and their employees, agents, and sub -consultants.
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the California Labor Code, the successful bidder
shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the
Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. These wage rates are
available from the California Department of Industrial Relations' Internet website at
Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates,
including the per diem wages applicable to the work, and for holiday and overtime
work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, and
similar purposes, in the County of Riverside in which the work is to be done, have been
determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of
California. These wages are set forth in the General Prevailing Wage Rates for this
project, available from the California Department of Industrial Relations' Internet web
site at Future effective prevailing wage rates which have been
predetermined, and are on file with the California Department of Industrial Relations,
are referenced but not printed in the general prevailing wage rates
Prevailing Wages — The Federal minimum wage rate requirements, as predetermined
by the Secretary of Labor, are set forth in the books issued for bidding purposes,
referred to herein as Project Bid Documents (Special Federal Provisions), and in copies
of this book which may be examined at the office described above where the project
plans, special provisions, and proposal forms may be seen. Addenda to modify the
minimum wage rates, if necessary, will be issued to holders of the Project Bid
Invitation to Bid
Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the California Labor Code, no contractor or
subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project
unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the contract
is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may find additional information for
registering at the Department of Industrial Relations website at .
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor may be listed
on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March 1, 2015 unless
registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. Furthermore, all bidders and
contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or subcontractor may be awarded,
on or after April 1, 2015, a contract for public work on a public works project unless
registered with the Department of Industrial Relations.
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project
is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial
Pursuant to S113854, all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic
certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of
Labor Standards Enforcement). All contractors and subcontractors must also
provide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Contractor
and withheld by the City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the Contractor
may, at its option, choose to substitute securities meeting the requirements of said
Public Contract Code Section 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the
Business and Professions Code of the State of California to do the type of work
contemplated in the project. In accordance with provisions of California Public Contract
Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the General Contractor shall possess
a valid Class A (General Engineering Contractor) and/or C-8 license (Concrete
Contractor), at the time that the bid is submitted. Subcontractors shall possess valid,
suitable licenses for the work they will perform. Failure to possess the specified
license(s) shall render the bid as non -responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Materials bond in the
amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, as well as a
Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the
Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement setting forth its experience on the
forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the designated
time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invited to attend.
Invitation to Bid
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the
opening of bids.
&-A-!! 2
Approved By:
Bryan McKinney, P.E.
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By:
Monika Radeva
City Clerk
End of Section
Invitation to Bid
Date: March 31, 2023
Date: March 31, 2023
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this I
project s subject
Industrial Relations. tocompliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart-
Pursuant to 5&654. all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic
bor CornmisSioner (aka
Stand payrollra ss En ore ment). All tontrartorsto the r and subcontractors mustl also pro-
vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Con-
tractor and withheld by the City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the
ors of sald Puat blic option, nchoose ch C de to sub e0 situ securities meeting the re-
C ui
All bidders shall be licensed under•the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the
Business and Professions Code of the State of California to do the type of work
contemplated in the project. in accordance with provisions of California Public
Contract Code Section 3300, the City has detGeneral erminedthatthat the General Contrac-
cceense (Concreteall .possess
•Contractor),sat the time hart erbid is suubm tt Contractor)
and/or Sbcontrralc-
specified licese(s)suitable lshall render he bidwork
astnon- non - will responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a tabor and Materials bond in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal -to one hundred percent
(1 00%) of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement setting forth its experience on
the forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the.desig-
nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invit-
ed to attend.
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set
for the opening of bids.
Approved By:
Bryan Mc1 tnney P.C.
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By:
Monika Redeye
City Clerk
End of Section
Published: 4/5/23
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quanta (City) at the Office of the
City Cleric located at-28495 Celle Tampico, La Quints, California. 92253, until
10:00 A.M. on Monday April 24, 2023 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
This project is located at La Quanta Community Park, three intersections on
Avenida Montezuma, and at the intersection of Desert Club Drive and Spring.
time Way: Avenida Mendoza north of La Qulnta Community Park, Avenida
Mendoza south of La Quanta Community Park, and Avenida Navarro. Work in-
cludes the reconstruction of curb ramps. sidewalk, and driveways to bring them
up to current code- Work will also Include full depth asphalt concrete grind and
overlay to construct modified curt ramps. Ail project work and incidental items
to complete the project shall be performed in accordance with the plans, speci-
fications. and other provisions of the contract. All the above improvements are
to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the entire project in a neat
and presentable condition. Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more informa-
This project shalt be completed within 30 working days from the date specified
in the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the
work is important and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time equipment items immediately
following 'Notice of Award'.
FEDERAL FUNDING - This project is being financed with Community Develop.
ment Block Grant funds from the LS. Department of Housing and Urban Devel•
opment (24 CFR Part 570) and subject to certain requirements Including: compll•
ante with Section 3 (24 CFR Part 75) Economic Opportunities requirements; pay,
merit of Federal Davis -Bacon prevailing wages; Federal Labor Standards Provl-
sions (HUD 4010); Executive Order 1111246; end others. Information pertaining
to the Federal requirements is on file with the County of Riverside Department
of Reusing and Workforce Solutions.
A pre•bid conference is scheduled for 9:00 A.M. Monday April 17, 2023. The p-
re -bid conference will he held In the City owned parking lot on the northwest
comer of Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased online at:
www.ple nitpl a nroom.c o m
IMPORTANT: if you arc not en the pion holders list through Planit Planroom
you will not receive addendums. it is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
that they are placed on the plan holden list.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be
executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security in an amount not less -than ten percent 110%) of the total bid dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is required to be
submitted with each bid. as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract. fall to enter into the same, or falls to furnish in a timely
manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance.
The City reserves the right to reject or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in
the bids.
Bid log sheets can be found at http!/
deve I opment/bidcn-jobs-
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code Section 6707, each bid sub -
milted in response to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid item, adequate
sheeting,shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of life
and limb in trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable
safety orders- B . Ilsting this sum. the bidder warrants that its action does not
convey tort liability to the City, Its consultants, and their employees, agents. and
Pursuant to Section 1770, et- seq., of the California Labor Code. the successful
bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as deter-
mined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.
Thesewage rates are avallable from the California Department of industrial Re-
lations' Internet website at http/,
Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates,
including the per diem wages applicable to the work, and for holiday and over-
time work. including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vaca-
tion. and similar purposes. in the County of Riverside in which the work is to be
done, have been determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial
Relations. State of California. These wages are set forth in the General Prevail-
ing Wage Rates for this project, available from the California Department of In-
dustrial Relations' Internet web site at Future effective prevail-
ing wane rates which have been predetermined, and are on file with the
California Department of industrial Relations. are referenced but not printed in
the general prevailing wage rates
Prevailing Wages - The Federal minimum wage rate requirements. as predeter-
mined by the Secretary of Labor, are set forth in the books issued for bidding
purposes, referred to herein as Project Bid Documents (Special Federal Provo
sions), and In copies of this book which may he examined at the office descri•
bed above where the project plans, special provisions, and proposal forms may
be seen. Addenda to modify the minimum wage rates. if necessary, will he Is-
sued to holders of the Project Bid Documents.
Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the California. Labor Code, no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project
unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the
contract Is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may find additional infor-
mation for registering at -the Department of industrial Relations website at http
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771,1, no contractor or subcontractor may be
listed on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March
1, 2015 unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. Further-
more. all bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded, on or after Aprll 1. 2015, a contract for public work
on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this
project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart-
ment Of Industrial Relations.
Pursuant to 56854, all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic
Certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of La-
bor Standards Enforcement)- All contractors and subcontractors must also pro-
vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Con-
tractor and withheld by the City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the
Contractor may, at its option, choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the
Business and Professions Lode ot the }fate ot CBIltornia to no the type or work
contemplated In the project. In accordance with provisions of California Public
Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the General Contrac-
tor shall possess a valid Cass A (General Engineering Contractor) and/or C-B li-
cense (Concrete Contractor), at the time that the bid is submitted. Subcontrac-
tors shall possess valid suitable licenses for the work they will perform. Failure
to possess the specified licenses) shall render the bld as non -responsive.
The successful bidder will Ise required to furnish a Labor and Materials band In
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the Contrail prlte.
Each bidder shall submit with its hid a statement setting forth its experience on
the forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones wilt not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig-
nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorised agents are invit-
ed to attend.
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (EOj days after the date set
for the opening of bids.
Approved By:
Bryan Mdtlnney, P.E.
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By:
Monika Redeye
City Clerk
End of Section Published: 4/5/23
SEALED BIDS will be received by the City of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the
City Clerk located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, until
10:00 A.M. on Monday April 24, 2023 at which time they will be publicly
opened and read for performing work as follows:
This project is located at La Quinta Community Park, three intersections on
Avenida Montezuma, and at the intersection of Desert Club Drive and Spring-
time Way: Avenida Mendoza north of La Quinta Community Park, Avenida
Mendoza south of La Quinta Community Park, and Avenida Navarro. Work in-
cludes the reconstruction of curb ramps, sidewalk, and driveways to bring them
up to current code. Work will also include full depth asphalt concrete grind and
overlay to construct modified curb ramps. All project work and incidental items
to complete the project shall be performed in accordance with the plans, speci-
fications, and other provisions of the contract. All the above improvements are
to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the entire project in a neat
and presentable condition. Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more informa-
This project shall be completed within 30 working days from the date specified
in the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the
work is important and is to be of the essence of the Contract. The successful
bidder should plan to order any long lead time equipment items immediately
following "Notice of Award".
FEDERAL FUNDING — This project is being financed with Community Develop-
ment Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment (24 CFR Part 570) and subject to certain requirements including: compli-
ance with Section 3 (24 CFR Part 75) Economic Opportunities requirements; pay-
ment of Federal Davis -Bacon prevailing wages; Federal Labor Standards Provi-
sions (HUD 4010); Executive Order #11246; and others. Information pertaining
to the Federal requirements is on file with the County of Riverside Department
of Housing and Workforce Solutions.
A pre -bid conference is scheduled for 9:00 A.M., Monday April 17, 2023. The p-
re -bid conference will be held in the City owned parking lot on the northwest
corner of Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Montezuma.
Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased online at:
IMPORTANT: If you are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom
you will not receive addendums. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
that they are placed on the plan holders list.
Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Project Specifications. Bids shall be
executed upon the forms bound and made a part of said Specifications.
Bid security in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid dollar
amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is required to be
submitted with each bid, as a guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder, if
awarded the contract, fail to enter into the same, or fails to furnish in a timely
manner the bonds and/or proof of insurance.
The City reserves the right to reject or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in
the bids.
Bid log sheets can be found at
Pursuant to the provisions of California Labor Code Section 6707, each bid sub-
mitted in response to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid item, adequate
sheeting, shoring, and bracing, or equivalent method, for the protection of life
and limb in trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable
safety orders. Byy listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its action does not
convey tort liabilityto the City, its consultants, and their employees, agents, and
sub -consultants.
Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the California Labor Code, the successful
bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as deter-
mined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.
These wage rates are available from the California Department of Industrial Re-
lations' Internet website at
Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates,
including the per diem wages applicable to the work, and for holiday and over-
time work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vaca-
tion, and similar purposes, in the County of Riverside in which the work is to be
done, have been determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial
Relations, State of California. These wages are set forth in the General Prevail-
ing Wage Rates for this project, available from the California Department of In-
dustrial Relations' Internet web site at ov. Future effective prevail-
ing wage rates which have been predetermined, and are on file with the
California Department of Industrial Relations, are referenced but not printed in
the general prevailing wage rates
Prevailing Wages —The Federal minimum wage rate requirements, as predeter-
mined by the Secretary of Labor, are set forth in the books issued for bidding
purposes, referred to herein as Pro ect Bid Documents (Special Federal Provi-
sions), and in copies of this book w�ich maybe examined at the office descri-
bed above where the project plans, special provisions, and proposal forms may
be seen. Addenda to modify the minimum wage rates, if necessary, will be is-
sued to holders of the Project Bid Documents.
Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the California Labor Code, no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project
unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations at the time the
contract is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may find additional infor-
mation for registering at the Department of Industrial Relations website at http
:// .
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.1, no contractor or subcontractor may be
listed on a bid proposal for a public works project submitted on or after March
1, 2015 unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. Further-
more, all bidders and contractors are hereby notified that no contractor or sub-
contractor may be awarded, on or after April 1, 2015, a contract for public work
on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial
Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this
project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart-
ment of Industrial Relations.
Pursuant to 513854, all contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic
certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner (aka Division of La-
bor Standards Enforcement). All contractors and subcontractors must also pro-
vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online
Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Con-
tractor and withheld by the City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the
Contractor may, at its option, choose to substitute securities meeting the re-
quirements of said Public Contract Code Section 22300.
All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the
Business and Professions Code of the State of California to do the type of work
contemplated in the project. In accordance with provisions of California Public
Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the General Contrac-
tor shall possess a valid Class A (General Engineering Contractor) and/or C-8 li-
cense (Concrete Contractor), at the time that the bid is submitted. Subcontrac-
tors shall possess valid, suitable licenses for the work they will perform. Failure
to possess the specified license(s) shall render the bid as non -responsive.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Materials bond in
the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, as well
as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent
000%) of the Contract price.
Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement setting forth its experience on
the forms included in the Bid Proposal.
Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig-
nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invit-
ed to attend.
No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set
for the opening of bids.
Approved By:
Bryan McKinney, P.E.
Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Published By:
Monika Radeva
City Clerk
End of Section Published: 4/5/23
From: Carley Escarrega
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 4:29 PM
To: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4
Cc: Laurie McGinley
Subject: RE: 5654366 2022-08 Invitation to Bid Ad
Attachments: 366.pdf
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Received, looks good. Thank you!
Carley Escarrega I Management Assistant
Public Works/Engineering Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7096
From: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <>
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 10:20 AM
To: Carley Escarrega <>
Subject: RE: 5654366 2022-08 Invitation to Bid Ad
Importance: High
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Please read this email completely to ensure your notice/newspaper/run dates are
Your notice is scheduled to publish April 5, 12 in the Desert Sun. The total cost of your ad is $1628.00, which
includes a publisher affidavit that will be mailed to you after the last date of publication. Please review your
proof carefully and advise of any corrections (or cancellation) needed — APPROVAL IS NOT REQUIRED —
Thank you,
Erin Oettinger
Team Lead — Public Notices
Office: 844-254-5287
From: Carley Escarrega <>
Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 11:17 AM
To: Email, TDS-Legals <>
Cc: Julie Mignogna <>; Mirta Lerma <>
Subject: 5654366 2022-08 Invitation to Bid Ad
Good morning,
The City of La Quinta would like to run the attached Invitation to Bid for project no. 2022-08 (CDBG
Project no. 4.LQ.47-22), Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Improvements, on Wednesday, April 5, 2023,
and again on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
I await your confirmation and quote.
Thank you,
= k Al 11 c'KNIA
Carley Escarrega I Management Assistant
Public Works/Engineering Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7096