Merchants Building Maintenance, LLC - Proposal' N'`' 1 V 4v; J :14 isll• 0 It City of La Quinta 98495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 Dear Alfred Berumen, merchan buil: mg n-iaintci ira We are pleased to submit the following proposal for janitorial services at your facility. We believe this proposal offers you a high-quality cost-effective solution to your janitorial program. Merchants Building Maintenance has wide-ranging experience in servicing a broad commercial real estate customer base, and we can be an excellent partner for City of La Quinta. Our management and quality control teams do all that they can to exceed your expectations and take pride in the satisfaction of our customers. If there is any additional information we may provide, please do not hesitate to contact us. All of us at Merchants Building Maintenance look forward to the opportunity of working with you. Sincerely, An e eza Regional Vice President (213) 494-8850 angel Ld rnbmoi i I ine.cam Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. Services to be Provided: The proposed work includes providing regularly scheduled janitorial services and appropriate supplies to effectively and safely maintain a high level of cleanliness for specified City facilities in accordance with the best standards of practice. It shall be the successful Contractor's responsibility to furnish at his/her own expense all tools, equipment, labor, fuel, labor, materials, supplies, supervision, and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work set forth in these specifications. The Contractor shall provide, at his/her expense, all necessary green or green sealed cleaning supplies and equipment as may be required to perform the janitorial tasks outlined in this specification such as: cleaning supplies, floor wax, furniture polish, custodial tools, laundry materials, and high lift equipment. All such supplies and materials shall be of the highest quality, environmentally friendly, and green or green seal certified. The City reserves the right to review and approve all items which may be used in performance of the contract work. Contractor shall provide a list of all supplies to be used. No additional compensation shall be allowed for such items. Contractor's price shall include rest room supplies to be stocked in sufficient quantities as to be continuously available in all restrooms included in this contract. Quality shall not be less than that generally available in a first class American hotel and shall be subject to the approval of the City's Contract Officer. Supplies shall include the following: toilet tissue (two ply), hand towels (as appropriate), commode seat covers, hand soap (lotion and powder), and plastic trash liners (for ALL waste receptacles). Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.3 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement is Merchants Building Maintenance LLC. ($ 1S9.370.95 _) ("Contract Sum"). The Contract Sum shall be paid to Contracting Party in installment payments made on a monthly basis and in an amount identified in Contracting Party's schedule of compensation attached hereto for the work tasks performed and properly invoiced by Contracting Party in conformance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement. [insert Contracting Party's schedule of compensation] Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Contracting Party shall complete all services identified in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A of this Agreement, in accordance with the Project Schedule below The following table itemizes the services to be provided, the frequency of service, and the charges for each location: ITEM LOCATION TIMES TOTAL PER PER YEAR SQUARE NUMBER OF NO. PER MONTH IN FEET RESTROOMS WEEK DOLLARS City Hall X12= MEN - 5 1a 78495 Calle Tampico 5 $ 5,253.25 WOMEN - 5 Toilets - 20 Mon.-(ri. After 5:30 p.m. $ 63,039.00 48,400 Urinals - 4 1b City Hall Patios 1 X12= After 5:30 p.m. $ 35.00 $ 420.00 1,301 City Hall X12= MEN - 1 Emergency 01,erations Center, WOMEN - 1 1c Stairwells Front and Back & Hallways 1 $150.35 Toilets - 3 (Archive room NOT include) $ 1,804.20 3,100 Urinals - 1 After 5:30 p.m. Library Book & Office Areas X12= MEN - 1 2a 78275 Calle Tampico 7 $ 2,254.20 $ 27,050.40 WOMEN - 1 Toilets - Sun. - $at. After 7 p.m. 16,000 Urinals - 1 2b Library Classroom & Community 7 $216 X12= Room with Kitchen .10 $2,593.20 2,000 Outside Library Restrooms as needed/ Reimbursed MEN - 1 WOMEN - 1 2c after events (Flat Rate/2 week notice) N/A $ 35.00 bRenters y Toilets - 2 Lock Restrooms after Cleaning 160 X12= MEN - 2 Wellness Center WOMEN - 2 3a 78450 Avenida La Fonda 7 $ 2,364.10 SHARED -1 Mon -Fri After 10 p.m. $28,369.20 Toilets - 10 16,240 Urinals - 2 MEN -2 Wellness Center/ Multi-purpose Area WOMEN - 2 j 3b as needed after events N/A $ 180.00 Reimbursed SHARED -1 (Flat Rate/2 week notice) by Renters Toilets - 10 16,240 Urinals - 2 3c Wellness Center Patios 1 X12= ,After 10 p.m. 1 $ 70.00 1$840.00 2,500 ITEM LOCATION TIMES TOTAL PER PER YEAR SQUARE NUMBER OF NO. PER MONTH IN FEET RESTROOMS WEEK DOLLARS X12= MEN - 1 Museum WOMEN - 1 4a 77885 Avenida Montezuma 5 $659 SHARED-1 Mon. -IFri. After 9:30 p.m. .25 $7,911.00 Toilets - 6 8,800 Urinals - 1 Museum Meeting Room/ Special 4b Cleaning as needed after events N/A $ 80.00 Reimbursed (Flat Rate/2 week notice) by Renters 1,000 Public Works Yard (Offices & X12= 5 Restrooms) 78109 Avenue 52 5 $ 312.80 Mon-Fri After 5:30 p.m. $3,753.60 1,900 SHARED - 2 Sports Complex X12= MEN - 3 6 78900 Avenue 50 6 $ 595.10 WOMEN - 3 Mon-Sat After 10 p.m. Toilets - 6 Lock Restrooms after Cleaning S 7,141.20 880 Urinals - 3 Fritz Burns Park Restrooms X12= MEN - 1 7 78060 Frances Hack Lane 7 $336.60 WOMEN - 1 Sun-Sat 12 p.m. & after 10 p.m. Toilets - 2 Lock Restrooms after cleaning $ 4,039.20 400 Colonel Mitchell Paige Restrooms X9=$2,331.00 MEN - 1 43495 Palm Royal Drive WOMEN - 1 8 Mon-Fri After 10 p.m. (Sept1- June 1) 5 $ 259.00 X3= 890.25 Toilets - 2 Sat after 10 p.m. (Sept1-Nov.30) 6 $ 3,221.25 Urinals - 1 Lock Restrooms After Cleaning 125 La Quints Park Restrooms X12= MEN - 1 9 79120 Blackhawk Way 7 $ 352.50 WOMEN - 1 Sun-Sat @ 12p.m. & after 10 p.m. Toilets - 6 Lock Restrooms After Cleaning $4,230.00 380 Urinals - 1 La Quints Park, New Restrooms X8 MEN - 1 10 71290 Blackhawk Way 6 $ 352.50 WOMEN - 1 Sun-Sat @ 12 p.m. and After 10 p.m. Toilets - Restroom/After Hours Cleaning $ 2,820.00 220 Urinals - 2 La Quinta Park Snack Bar X1= 11 79120 Blackhawk Way N/A $ 285.00 Annual Super Cleaning-August $285.00 220 Fritz Burns Pool Restroom & Offices X3= MEN - 1 12 78060 Frances Hack Lane 6 WOMEN - 1 June 1 through September 1 $ 522.90 Toilets - 5 Monday through Saturday $ 1,568.70 990 Urinals - 1 La Quinta Park Snack Bar X1= 13 79120 Blackhawk Way N/A $ 285.00 Annual Super Cleaning-August $ 285.00 220 TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR $ 159,370.95 TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR (Words):one hundred Fifty nine thousand, three hundred seventy dollars and ninty five cents. $ 14,895.40 $159,370.95 TOTAL PER TOTAL PER j MONTH YEAR TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR $ 159,370.95 TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR (Words):one hundred Fifty nine thousand, three hundred seventy dollars and ninty five cents. City of La Quinta City Hall 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta. CA 92253 $ 11.00 201S �F, Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Position Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 5 t 5 5 S 5 E 25 108.75 S 11.50 S 1,251 Cleaner I ' S 5 5 5 5 E I 25 108.75 S 11.25 E S 1.223 Weekiv BU IT = I 2 2 8.7 S 14.00 '_ S 122 Totals: 0 ' 1010 10 10 ` 12 0 52 Regular Labor S 2,596 City of La Quanta �F, _ City Hall Patios 3 78495 Calle Tampico La Quiuta, CA 92253 5 11.00 2013 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead E 0 0 € S 11.50 S C leaner ' j [ E 0.5 0.5 2.175 S 11.25 ; S 24 �Ver�kl► Buff I f 0 0 ` S 14.00 S - Totals: 0 0 1 0 0 0€ 0.5 0 0.5 Reqularl.aborl S 24 City of La Quinta City Hall Emergency Operations Center 78495 Calle Tampico ILa Quinta. CA 92253 $ 11.00 2015 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead ;. E F 0 ; 0 S 11.50 S Cleaner ;_ E E 1; t 1 4.35 # S 11.25 S 49 11'eel:lr Buff ' = 0 i 0 S 14.00 S Totals: 0 0 1 0 0 0 1€ 0 1 Regular Lab orr S 49 City of La Quinta Cost Analysis Libi-an Classroom & Community Room with Kitchen Libl•at,- Book & Office Areas 78275 Calle Tampico 78275 Calle Tampico 78275 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 $ La Quinta. CA 92253 Weekly Monthly $ 11.00 2018 Position Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Price Monthly Sun Mon Tue We Thu Fri Sat Hours Position Hours Rate Cleaner0.25 Price Lead € 1.5 1 1.5E 1 1 1.5 1 1.5 9 i 39.15 S11.50 N S 450 Cleaner i 2 F 2 2 14 60.9 S 11.25 1 5 685 NI'eek Y Biili ' i ': i I 0 0 S 14.00 = S Regular Laborl Totals: 3.5 3 3.5 3 3.5 , 3 E 3.5 23 Regular Labor S 1,135 City of La Quinta m � r Libi-an Classroom & Community Room with Kitchen 78275 Calle Tampico 78275 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 $ Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tu e Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead _ ( 0 = 0 s11. ---,o S - Cleaner0.25 0.5 0.25' 0.5 0.25 10.251 0.25 1 � ` 2.25 9.7875 w S 110 S 11.25E a �`'eekiv Bieff e j j 1 3 j j j 0 1 0 S 14.00 i g - Totals: 0.25 ' 0.5 0.25 ? 0.5 1 0.25 3 0.2510.2 55 ; 2.25 1 Regular LaborS 110 City of La Quinta LAMWMMa m Outside Libras -y Restrooms as needed 78275 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 ` Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead _ 0 f 0 S 11.50 S Cleaner 1 i € 2.5 2 PF 2 '1 S 25 1 S 12.50 Week -IV Buff `;_ � ¢ ' 0 0 S 14.00 S Totals: 0 0 1 0 1 0 0, 0 E 2.5 2 Regular Laborl S 25 f City of La Quinta Wellness Center 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 1 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Position Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.55: 1.5 1.5 I 10.5 45.675 S 11.50 S 525 Cleaner 2 2! 2 i 2 i. 2 2 14 60.9 S 11.25 S 685 117eekh- Buff Monthly 0 0 S 14.00 S Totals: 3.5 1 3.5 = 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 t 3.5 24.5 Regular =Labor S 1,210 City of La Quinta A V Wellness CenterfIN-Itilti-Purpose Area as needed after events 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253 La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 s 11.00 2018 Weekly Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Position Wage Monthly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Position Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 11.50 0 0 S 11.50 S Cleaner 8 8 8 S 120 S 15.00 Buff Week -h Bu 14.00 0 0 S 14.00 S Totals: S 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 l 3 1 Regular Labor l S 120 City of La Quinta Wellness Center Patios 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 0 0 S 11.50 S Cleaner 1 1 4.35 S 11.25 1 S 49 AVeekly Buff 0 0 S 14.00 1 S Totals: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 T- Regular Labo`rt; - 49 City. of La Quinta INIuseum 77885 Avenida N-Iontezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 S 11.00 2018 Position Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Position Hours Rate_ S 11.50 Price Lead i ` 0 1 0 S Cleaner 1 1 1 1 1 5 ? 21.75 S11.25 S 245 R eek]%- Buff 0 � 0 € S14.00 S - Totals: 0 1 1( 1 1 1 1 0' S Regular Laborr S 245 City of La Quinta «��=� ,10 Us Museum Meeting Room/Special Cleaning as needed after events 77885 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, CA 92253 S 11.00 2018 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 3 j = 0 0 S 11.50 S ■ Cleaner; S I 5 5 S 11.25: S 56 31 eekh Buff ' r 0 0 = S 14.00 S - Totals: 0 0 0 0 0€ 5 0( 5 Regular Labor S -L,6 City- of La Quinta oAnalvsis Public NVorks Yard (Offices & Restrooms) 78109 Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 Position Daily Hours Weekly Hours Monthly Hours Wage Rate Monthly Price Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Lead Cleaner Weekll Sufi i 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 i ': 0.5 ( 0 2.5 0.5 _ 0 10.875 .i i 2.175 S11.."0. S - j S 122 ' S 30 S11.25 € S1400 Totals: 0 0.5 ' 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 E 0 3 Regular Labor S 153 City of La Quinti Sports Complex 78900 Avenue 50 La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2015 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead: f ? 0 0 S 11.50 S `' 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 5 i 26.1 S 11.25 T S 294 Cleaner E i R ee_f� `'ash F 0 E 0 S 14.00 i S Totals: 0 1 1 E l a l l l 6 Regular Labor 5 294 City of La Quinti ` Fitz Burns Park Restrooms 78060 Frances Back Lane La QuInta. CA 92253 $ 11.00 2015 Position Daily Hours Weekly Hours Monthly Hours Wage Rate Monthly Price Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Lead Cleaner W eek[v Wash F 0.5 f 0.5 0.5 0.5 ' 0.5 10.5 i 0.5 ( I � 0 3.5 0 i 0 15.225 0 S 11.50 1 S Ills 171 . S - S 11.25 S 14.00 Totals: 0.5 10.50.5 i 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 j 3.5 Regular Labor S I7I City of La Quints Colonel -Mitchell Paige Restrooms 43495 Palm Roval Drtiive Cost Anal sis La Quinta, CA 92253 3 11.00 2015 Position Daily Hours Weekly Hours Monthly Hours Wage Rate Monthly Price Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Lead Cleaner lti'eel<lN' Wash i ; 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 € 0.5 1 , 0 2.5 ! 0 0 10.875 0 S 11.50 S - S 122 S S 11.25 S 14.00: Totals: 0 0.5 i 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 ! 0.5 1 0 1 2.5 Regular Labor[S 122 0 City of La Quinta F IH City Colonel I%Iitchell Paige Restrooms (Sept 1 -June 1) 43495 Palm Royal Drtive La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.001 2018 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Position Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 0 0 S 11.50 S Cleaner 0.51 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.---, 0. z-, 1 3 13.05 S 11.25 i S 147 weekk M"ash f 0 0 S 14.001 S Totals: 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 3 Regular Labors 147 City of La Quinta Cost Anlalvsis La Quinta Park Restrooms 79120 Blackbawk Way La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2018 Position Daily Hours Weekly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours Monthly Hours Wage Rate Monthly Price Lead Cleaner Weekh- Wash 0 0.5 0.5 - 0.1 -51 0.54 0.5 0.5E 0.5E 3.5 0 0 '1115 S 11.---,0 S S 171 S S 11.25 S 14.00 Totals: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0. 0. 0. 0.5 3.5 Reg u I arTab::o�rr S 17IJ City of La Quinta Cost Analvsis iLa Quinta Park, New Restrooms ,79120 Blackhawk Way La Quinta, CA 92253 11.00 2018 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Position Hours Hours Rate Price Lead0 0 S I I. t-, 0 S Cleaner 0.5 0.5 0. 51 0. 5 1 0. 5 5 0. 5 0. 3.5 1 155. 2 2 -5 S 171 S 11.25, Weekl,;- Rash; 0 0 S 14.00 S Totals:0.5 1 0. 5 0. 5, 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 3.5 Regular Labor[ S 171 City of La Quinta Cost Analysis Fritz Burns Pool Restroom & Offices (June I - September 1) 78060 Frances Hack Lane La Quinta, CA 92253 $ 11.00 2015 Position Daily Hours Weekly Hours Monthly Hours Wage Rate Monthly Price Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Lead Cleaner Weekiv Wash 0 1 1 1 i I I 1 6 0 j 26.1 0 S 11.;0 3 S 11.25= S 14.00 > S S 294 S - Totals: 1 .0 1 1 1 1 lj—I I 6 Regular Labor[ S 2-94 City of La Quinta 1SLIM] Sports Complex Snack Bar - 78900 Avenue 50 La Quinta, CA 92253 11.00 2018 1 Daily Hours Weekly Monthly Wage Monthly Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Position Hours Hours Rate Price Lead 0 0 S 11.50: S Cleaner 0 0 S 11.2; S 117 0 0 S 14.00 S Totals: 0 0 1 0 1 0.1 0 0 0 1 0 Regular Labor[ S Annual Super Clean- 10 S 20.49 1 S 1971 2. Performance Standards: rd i M K.1I I All locations, conference rooms, council chambers, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, kitchens, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICES 1. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Spot vacuum all carpet 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean and empty smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors Lunchroom, Kitchen and Coffee Areas 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); 2. Clean outside of refrigerators 3. Clean all microwaves inside and out 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms and Locker Rooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City Facility Maintenance Area 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Empty trash containers Janitorial Closets 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least each week in addition to the nightly service. 1. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 2. Dust all picture frames, art work, and partitions 3. Wash entrances and 5 patios (Lunch, Study Session, City Manager, 2 City Council) 4. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom 5. Buff all tile floors 6. Vacuum all carpeted areas, move all chairs, and vacuum under desks and tables 7. Clean and polish wood in City Council Chamber Lunchroom, Kitchen and Coffee Areas Deep clean, polish sinks, countertops, and front of cabinets (dishes will be cleared by City staff) Restrooms and Locker Rooms Dust all ledges and partitions Janitorial Closet 1. Wash and disinfect sink basin 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean all doors and frames 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains in seats in the City Council Chamber Luncheon. Kitchen and Coffee Areas Remove lime buildup from faucets Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE. These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly, weekly, and monthly services 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries Lunchrooms and Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER [EOC� WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 2. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 3. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 4. Vacuum all carpeted areas 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions; includes cleaning of mirrors Kitchen Area 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwave inside and out 3. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 4. Clean outside of refrigerators 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 2. Dust all frames and wall boards 3. Move chairs and vacuum under desks Kitchen Remove lime buildup from faucets QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly and weekly services 1. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Clean all windows inside and out both sides 5. Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Dust all ledges 6. Wash and wipe trash containers Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas LIBRARY Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizes 3. Vacuum g�ll carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions; includes cleaning of mirror Lunchroom, Kitchens and Coffee Areas 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 4. Clean outside of refrigerators 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City Janitorial Closets 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Remove all trash to designated area 3. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. 1. Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 3. Dust all picture frames, art work, and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom 7. Vacuum all carpeted areas, pull out all chairs and vacuum under desks and tables Lunchroom Kitchen and Coffee Areas Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) Restrooms and Locker Rooms Dust all ledges and partitions Janitorial Closet 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once a month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean doors and frames 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains in seats at the reading desks and computer desks Luncheon. Kitchen and Coffee Areas Remove lime buildup from faucets Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL 5ERVICE 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries QUARTERLY service dates will be scheduled by Contractor and Buildings Superintendent on acceptance of the contract agreement. Lunchrooms and Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES 1. Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents 2. Steam clean all carpeted areas BI -ANNUAL services will be performed in March and September. Exact dates will be scheduled by Contractor and Buildings Superintendent on acceptance of the contract agreement. WELLNESS CENTER Seven days per week; Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, lounges, inside walkways, entryways, fitness room, office, aerobic room and fitness restrooms with shower facilities. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer (including dance floor, stage area, and exterior tiled area at entry door) 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all 6 drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors; includes cleaning of mirrors in the multi-purpose room, fitness room near free weights and the aerobic room. 8. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from inside window areas 9. Dust cubbies/shelves in aerobic room. Kitchen and Coffee Areas 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); damp wipe the wet bar and sink in the Hospitality Room area and the Arts & Crafts room 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Wipe down coffee makers 4. Clean outside of refrigerators and freezer 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms and Locker Rooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City 7. Clean and sanitize showers in fitness restrooms 8. Damp wipe/dust lockers in fitness room Janitorial Closets 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage 3. Expanded men's and women's restrooms have additional closet space for storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, entryways, fitness room, office, and aerobic room. 1. Scrub and buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 3. Dust all picture frames and art work and counter areas 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances and patios 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions/windows top to bottom 7. Clean windows in fitness room Kitchen and Coffee Areas 1. Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) 2. Clean and sanitize garbage disposal Restrooms Dust all ledges and partitions Janitorial Closet 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies Pntin Aranc 1. Power wash and rinse down areas 2. Wash down outside furniture when cushions are not present MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean doors, door frames, and inside window areas 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains on furniture in lobby, hospitality area, and fitness room (Only use clean water on furniture. No chemicals) Kitchen and Coffee Areas Remove lime buildup from faucets Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures and shower areas QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Carpet buff the multipurpose room 2. Strip and re -wax tile 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Carpet buff and clean all carpeted areas MUSEUM Offices at all locations, conference rooms, exhibit areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 1 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas including elevator 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors, glass partitions, mirrors, and stainless steel elevator walls and doors Lunchroom, Kitchen and Coffee Areas 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwave inside and out 3. Clean outside of refrigerators 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms and Locker Rooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City Janitorial Closets 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Remove all trash to designated area 3. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. 1. Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 3. Dust all picture frames, art work, and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom Lunchroom, Kitchen and Coffee Areas Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) Restrooms and locker Rooms Dust all ledges and partitions Janitorial Closet 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean doors and frames 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains in seats Luncheon_, Kitchen and Coffee Areas Remove lime buildup from faucets Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries Lunchrooms and Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas including elevator PARK RESTROOMS DAILY/NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Sweep floors and mop with a scented germicidal/cleaner and disinfectant 4. Wash waste containers, including lids, and replace liners 5. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 6. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 7. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel and soap dispensers to City 8. Daily maintenance of the La Quinta Park small restroom building. Janitorial Closets 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Restock supplies 2. Scrub and hose entryways MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Thoroughly wash partitions and doors 2. Spot clean wall surfaces 3. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES 1. Wash all wall surfaces 2. Stock extra toilet paper and a paper towels in storage rooms in case they run out ANNUALLY Provide an extra case of toilet paper and a case of folded paper towels to the La Quinta Park snack bar and Sports Complex snack bar (late -September and mid- January) SUPER CLEANING Clean out snack bars at La Quinta Park and Sports Complex in late -August (Remove all trash; clean and polish sinks, shelves, and countertops; clean outside of all snack bar equipment and refrigerators; clean hand sink basins and disinfect; wash glass windows; dust all ledges and partitions; clean wall surfaces; thoroughly sweep and wash all floors and detail corners; strip and re -wax floors; wash and wipe out trash containers) PUBLIC WORKS YARD RESTROOMS AND OFFICES Offices, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be cleaned and emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 3. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling 4. Vacuum all carpeted areas 5. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 6. Clean and polish all drinking fountains Lunchroom, Kitchen and Coffee Areas 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Clean outside of refrigerators 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats Restrooms and Locker Rooms 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, toilets, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City Janitorial Closets 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. 1. Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges, walls, and other flat surfaces from floor to ceiling removing dust and cobwebs 3. Dust all picture frames and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks Lunchroom Kitchen and Coffee Areas Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) Restrooms and Locker Rooms Dust all ledges and partitions Janitorial Closet 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean doors and frames 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains in seats Luncheon, Kitchen and Coffee Areas Remove lime buildup from faucets Restrooms 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries Lunchrooms and Kitchen 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI -ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT Re: Scope of Services If the Scope of Services include construction, alteration, demolition, installation, repair, or maintenance affecting real property or structures or improvements of any kind appurtenant to real property, the following apply: 1. Prevailing Wade Compliance. If Contracting Party is a contractor performing public works and maintenance projects, as described in this Section 1.3, Contracting Party shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local laws. Contracting Party is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Sections 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Sections 16000, et seq., (collectively, the "Prevailing Wage Laws"), and La Quinta Municipal Code Section 3.12.040, which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "Public works" and "Maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "Public works" or "Maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if construction work over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) and/or alterations, demolition, repair or maintenance work over fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) is entered into or extended on or after January 1, 2015 by this Agreement„ Contracting Party agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws including, but not limited to, requirements related to the maintenance of payroll records and the employment of apprentices. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1725.5, no contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a "Public works" project unless registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") at the time the contract is awarded. If the Services are being performed as part of an