BRER2023-0002Description: BRESKIN / POLY COATING REROOF Type: RE -ROOF (WEB) Subtype: Status: FINALED Applied: 1/18/2023 EPRS Approved: 1/19/2023 AHI Parcel No: 774274006 Site Address: 54620 AVENIDA OBREGON LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA Block: 267 Lot: 6 Issued: 1/23/2023 JLIM UNIT 25 7CHRONOLOGY TYPE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 1/27/2023 MHU Valuation: $18,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: REROOF WITH POLY COATING AT FLAT AREAS REPLACE PLYWOOD AND UNDERLAYMNET WHERE NEEEDED [CRRC: 0770-0001] PER 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. 1/18/2023 Appl led to Approved —1 Approved to issued I issued to Finaled Printed: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 9:32:59 AM 1 of 3 WSYSiEMS ADDITIONAL 7CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 1/18/2023 1/18/2023 Regarding the above submittal. We are in the 2022 code cycle. I have attached the new energy form for roofing. Use this form in the future also. Please complete this form and attach to the permit number above. Do not apply for anew permit. CONDITIONS JL • 0 11 FiTal JL jai NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSICITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Carmen Rubio 69712 Palm Springs Avenue Mountain Center CA 92561 (760)349-9705 BecerraBrothers Roof in g@aol.com Printed: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 9:32:59 AM 1 of 3 WSYSiEMS Printed: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 9:32:59 AM 2 of 3 WSYSiEMS FINANCIAL •R • CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 1/23/23 R74177 BRER2023- CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS JLIM 0002 ROOFING Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: RECORDS 101-0000-424160 $11.00 $11.00 1/23/23 R74177 �BRER2023-�CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS JLIM MANAGEMENT FEE 0002 ROOFING Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 RE -ROOF - EA 101-0000-42404 0 $14.01 $14.01 1/23/23 R74177 BRER2023- CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS JLIM ADDITIONAL 1,000SF 0002 ROOFING RE -ROOF - FIRST 101-0000-42404 0 $59.52 $59.52 1/23/23 R74177 BRER2023- CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS JLIM 2,000SF 0002 ROOFING RE -ROOF - FIRST 101-0000-426000 $119.05 $119.05 1/23/23 R74177 �BRER2023-�CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS JLIM 2,000SF PC 0002 ROOFING Total Paid for RE -ROOF 2022: $192.58 $192.58 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-436110 $8.00 $8.00 1/23/23 R74177 BRER2023- CREDIT BECERRA BROTHERS SLIM ENHANCEMENT FEE 0002 ROOFING Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $8.00 $8.00 TOTALS: INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION T77 INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE I Printed: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 9:32:59 AM 2 of 3 WSYSiEMS 1/23/2023 10:11 AM Carmen Rubio Morning if possible Contact Name: Carmen Rubio PRE -ROOF JAN 1/24/2023 1/24/2023 APPROVED eTRAKiT Inspection Site Address: 54620 AVENIDA OBREGON Request Phone:7608806592 e -Mail: BecerraBrothersRoofing@aol.com 1/25/2023 1:55 PM Carmen Rubio Contact Name: Carmen Rubio FINAL" MHU 1/27/2023 1/27/2023 APPROVED eTRAKiT Inspection Site Address: 54620 AVENIDA OBREGON Request Phone:7608806592 e -Mail: BecerraBrothersRoofing@aol.com BOND INFORMATION REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED STATUS DATE REMARKS NOTES IST PERMIT TECH — AARON 1/18/2023 1/19/2023 1/18/2023 COMPLETE SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED ETRAKIT (1 DAY) HICKSON Etrakit Public BOND INFORMATION Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED Etrakit Public DOC 1/18/2023 CFIRALT-FORM Breskin CF1R Form.pdf 1 Registration DOC 1/18/2023 Etrakit Public Contract COntract 54-620 1 Registration Avenida Obregon.pdf Etrakit Public Breskin CF1R DOC 1/18/2023 CF1R (APPROVED) 1 Registration Form_1.pdf Printed: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 9:32:59 AM 3 of 3 WSYSiEMS PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE HERS FIELD VERIFICATION CALIFORNIA EIVERGY COMMIssICEi+I CEC-CFIR-ALT-05-E —411010-1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This compliance document is only applicable to sirrmpfe alterations that do not require HERS verification for compliance. When HEIS verification is required, a CFIR-ALT-01 shall first be registered with a HERS Provider Data Registry. Alterations to Space Conditioning Systems that are exempt from MFRS verification requirements may use the MR -AL T 05 and CF2R- ALT -005 Compliance Documents. Possible exemptions from durst leakage testing include: fess than 25 feet (ft) of ducts were added or replacer!; at the existing duct system was insulated with asbestos; or the existing duct system was previously tested and passed by a HERS tinter. if space conditioning systems are altered andare not exerxrpt from HERS verification, their a C'FIR-ALT-02 must be completed and registered with a HERS Provider Data Registry. Alterations that utilize closed cell Spray Polyurethane Foam (ccSPF) with a density of 2.5 to less than 2.5 pounds per cubic foot having on R -value greater than 5.8 per inch, or open cell Spray PolYurethane Foam (ocSPF) with a density of 0.4 to less than 1.5 pounds per cubic foot !laving an R - value of 3.0 per inch, shatl complete and register a CF1R-ALT--02 with a MFRS Provider Data Registry. if more than one person has responsibility for installation of the items on this certificate, each person shall prepare and sign a certificate applicable to the Portion of construction for which they are responsible. Alternatively, the person with chief resporrSibility for construction shall prepare and sign this certificate for the entire construction. All applicable Mandatory Measures shall be met. Temporary labels shall not be removed before verification by the building inspector. Project Details Field Name Data Entry Project Name Dwelling Address City and Zip Code Berskin 54-620 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, 92250 Field Name Enforcement Agency Permit Number Date Permit Issued Data Entry CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2022 Residential Compliance January 2022 PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE HERS FIELD VERIFICATION CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSIOM A. GENERAL INFORMATION Field Field Name Data Entry - — at Project Name Berskin ResidEnce OZ Date Prepared 1/18/2023 03 Project Location 54-620 Avenida Obregon 04 Building Front Orientation (deg or cardinal) -- 05 CA City La Quinta 06 Number of Altered Dwelling Units 07 Zip Cocke 92253 08 Fuel Type 09 Climate Zone 10 Total Conditioned Floor Area (ft2) it Building Type Residential Slab Area (ft') 12 13 Project Scope Remove roof, appiy polyurethane, coat and add granules CIr C -CF 1 R -ALT -05-€ CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2022 Residential Compliance January 2022 PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTJAL ALTERATIONS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE HERS FIELD VERIFICATION CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CEC-CF iR-ALT-0S-E C. Roof Replacement (Section 150.21b)IH) NOTES- * Roof area covered by building integrated photevokcic (PV) panels and solar thermal panels are exempt frog, the abtive Cool Roof requirements. i Liquid field applied coatings must comply with installation criteria from Section 310.8(i)4. Field Field Name Data Entry 1 Data Entry 2 Data Entry 3 01 Method of Compliance Field applied 02 Roof Pitch 0/12 103 Exception 04 CRRC Product ID Number 0770-0001 05 Product Type Acrylic Coating 06 It -value deck Insulation 07 Proposed Initial Solar Reflectance .86 8 Proposed 7 Aged Solar` Reflectance 09 Proposed 90 Thermal Emittance 10 Proposed 1p SRI (Optional) 11 Minimum Required 88 Aged Solar Reflectance 12 MinJmurn Required Thermal Emittance 13 Minimum Required SRI (Optional) CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2022 Residential Compliance January 2022 PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS THAT 00 NOT REQUIRE HERS FIELD VERIFIC'.ATION CALIFORNIA enEaoY corsroissIoN CFC -CHR -ALT -054 R -ALT -05-E Documentation Author's Declaration Statement L I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate a d complel Documentation Author Name: Dontation�)i tho Signature: pol Carmen Rubio I I KW ; Company: Becerra Brothers Roofing re Date: 1/18/2D23 j Address: CEA/ HEIRS Certification Identification (if applicable): 69-712 Palm Springs Avenue Clty'State/z1P: Phone: Mountain Center/CA/92561 760-349-9705 Responsible Person's Declaration Statement I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 arts eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or systern design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations, 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. S. I understand that a registered copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a registered copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder urovides to the building awner at nrrunanrv_ Responsible Designer Name: Res le Deser ggature: Carmen; Rubio Company: Date igned: Becerra Brothers Roofing 1/18/2023 Address: License: 69-712 Palm Springs Avenue 857380 Phone. City/state/Zip: Mountain Center/CA/92561 760-349-9705 Far assistance or quasti0nS regarding the Energy Standards, co Intact the Energy Hotline at: 1-800-772-3300 CA 30ding Energy Efficiency Standards - 2022 Residential Compliance January 2022 0OW&gn Envelope ID: 1B45FIAF+C90-4OF2-ACA9-96E1062898135 Becerra Brothers Roofing, 69-712 Palm Springs Ave. 1 Mountain Center, CA 92551 760-349-9705 CA Contractors License#887380 Name I Address Fetf I3reskin 54-620 Avenida Obregon 1_.A Quinm, CA 92253 Estimate Date E 5bmate # 1f11J2023 3437 Daws pilon Yogi The fo 11awft will be performed by hoccrra Brothers Roofing at the address nulcd above hn acoordance with the following detailed specifications below Surflaw proparatiion: Remove tk existing roof €1Krwn to the sbMhing and dispose of all the debris into a trailer. inspect and replace any damage plywood at ao additional charge of $144.40 par ply sheet We wd I ply hgxi to catch the falling debris and rnt}slrrng a= to prevent over spray - A permit will be requested at the aoilding rmd Safety Department ror a re -roofing permit . Al I the roofing materials that are rtmvved will be disposed of into our trai [or iwd hauled away. Polyuretleano Foam inswllation: Apply black primer over the existi ag roof deck th[u was prepped at 1 gallon per 100 sq_ ft. properly. Install all new T -Tap vents and galvanized metal roirf jacks sod seal them at the base and p ipc. rnsWl 8 gravityvenis to cirmulate and release trapped heat from the attic space and nail them down. Apply a u inimnm of 1 " of poly ureotele rctLm will Ixa jnr, cd over the exi_sgLng rool'that was primcrcd. Apply a maximum of 1.5" nPpoly urethane Foam will be inslxlled on the low spots on the roof reduce prmding. The low spats will have mors ftram applied to divert water into the scuppers and have less water ponding, Elestommic Coating: Apply an amylin white elastumeric coating at 1 Y2 gallon per 100 sq. ft. aver the polyurethane Foam Willed, Add A -t grit white ceramic roofing g=utcg ad 401h, ,per 100 sq. fi. for a dur-ablz swNce as the final roofoounring. All the taus and masking will be removed and dispasc4 ot'prumrly there disposes{ of into our Miler. Labor and 11+L2terlals 18,7fi[k. 0 Discount -700.00 'thank you for the cppoAwMy to have provided you wish a bid Total Ownerl Authorized Signature and Date Page 1 DocuSign Envelope Ito= IB45FIALI-FC94-40F2-ACAS-9UEID5289005 Becerra Brothers Roofing uP 9-712 Urn Springs ,A,vc. !Mountain Center, CA 92561 7601-349-9705 CA Cantractars License#887380 Name f Address Jeff Breskin 54.620 Avtnift Obmgua LA Quina, CA 92233 Estimate Daze Estimate 1/11/2023 3437 Descript*n TOW Terms: Due in full upon comple4ion The Gstimafe is valid for 30 days due to the rising costs of ma#erisls. 11#4111 10 year v-Drkmans ip warranty with a required re -cont at 5 years at OWMn Expense, +�•� "I'Acceptanee of Eatimate: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactery and hereby axepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Paymenu xi 11 he made m outlined above Material information: Goof Roof Coati": Thenno-F'lex Acrylic Elastamcric Coaxing CIRC: (0770-0001) Ths product has qupenpr resishanm to tllbRvioEat degradation and Low tempera#= Flexibllity down -15 F. Low toxicity and alar, enwimnmutally safe. Excelient dire pick up resistance maintains high retlactMry, wtucb reduce substrata temperatures, prolonging roof Ii Fe and reducing interior tempwuttum and energy costs, periodic maintenance cf Pn>-Tech product coating Cnsvna eMoadcd perforillanae and reduces life cycle costs. lbank you for the opportunity to have provided you +kith a bid. Total �ls,r,r�a,uo —� °- 1/18/2023 Owneri Authorized Signattare and Date; Page 2