RFP On-Call Traffic Engineering Services Addendum 2taQaiara [;EM ofthe DESERT — DATE: May 17, 2023 TO: All Prospective On -Call Traffic Engineering Services Consultants RE: RFP On -Call Traffic Engineering Services ADDENDUM NUMBER 2 The following shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. ■ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL For Item C - Should we provide number of years of traffic experience? Yes, please include the number of years of traffic engineering experience. For Item J- It's difficult to prepare a comprehensive schedule for on -call tasks as the scope is unknown. Is there a specific project that the detailed schedule needs to be provided for? Please provide turnaround times and required notification times, if any. The Consultant is hereby notified, Addendum No. 2 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the RFP. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive." APPROVED: j iMCA ywV aJ Digitally signed by Julie Mignogna U/I(J (J Date: 2023.05.17 13:45:29 -07'00' Julie Mignogna Management Analyst END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 2 Addendum No. 1 Page 1