MCORequest for Proposal
Document Scanning Services
Proposal deadline Date
Thursday October 31, 2013, 4:00 p.m_
Proposal Attention To.
City Clerk's Office
City of La Quinta
78495 CaIle Tarnpico
La Quintan CA 92253
Attn: Tere sa Th om pso n, Deputy City Cleric
TThum pson[1a la-auinta.arg
Submitted by:
529 West Rincoa St_
Corona CA 92880
(951) 898-2800
www.MCo-ireaxe,C: rrt
- 1
Document Imaging
0 l�pcs
NICD — Document Imaging Solutions
529 West Rircon St.
Corona, CA 92880
T: (951) 898-2800
F: (951) 898-2808
www.mco-image corn
A. lritraduction
This proposal being submitted by MCO—Document Imaging Solutions, will cover The City of La
Quinta's RFP for Document Scanning Services.
After carefully reading the orlgInal RFP requirements and the Q&A in Addendum "1" we are
confident MCO can 2nd would prov[de The City of La Cluinta with the highest quality and accurately
data entered solution. These types of projects are what we are set up to dol
The R FIR requirements are almost identical to three cities we pierform this service for on a
monthly basis. The City of Riverside, The City of Newport Beach and the City of San Bernardino all are
Laserfiche users we provide monthly scanning Services for.
In the Scope of Services section will be more details on our process and capabilities for
providing the back file service The City of La Quinta is requesting.
MCO warrants that all the information and pricing contained within this bid is valid for a period
of 170 days.
There are no conflicts of interest with any employee or management personnel that would be
providing work for The City of La Quinta,
Mike McCluskey, Preside
Table of Contents
Title Page
A. Cover Letter (Introduction)
Table of Contents
B. Background / Executive Summary
_ Pages 1
page 2
Page 3
Page 4
C. References
Page 7
D. Disclosure
Page 7
E. Methodology / Scope of Services
Page 8
F. Warranty / Guarantee
Page 12
G. Pricing (Attachment 1)
Page 13
H. Complimentary Services
Page 14
1. Subcontracting
Page 14
J. Services and/or information Needed From City
Page 14
K. Statement of Insurance Compliance (Attachment 2)
Page 14
L. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3)
Page 15
M. Acknowledgment of Addenda (Attachment 4)
Page 16
3 � I co
S. Executive Summary
Document Imaging
MCO — Document Imaging Solutions is a D.B.A. of McCluskey Companies, Inc.
Business Estabi;ished. 1985
California Corporation: 1999
MCO owners do not hold any controlling or financial Interests in other organizations nor are we awned or
controlled by another entity.
Location: 529 West Rircon St, Carona CA 92880
-A 11 in-house work is dome at this location -
Mike McCluskey, President
B&W, Color, Gray Scale Document Scanning
Debi McCluskey, Chief Operations Officer
(951} 898-2500
(951} 895-2808
❑ocument Management Software
Federal FIN- 33-d853151
State Resale #: 5REH — 97-579051
❑ U MS #: 04-940-7385
Trade References:
Fujiffm La5erfiche
❑igitech Systems Nextkan
Scanning and Data Services
MicragTapWC and Archive Services
B&W, Color, Gray Scale Document Scanning
Fujifilm Certified Pre€essIng and D up Iicat 1cn
Enginee rin Drawing Scanntng
16M & 35MM Microfilming 5 -Prices
MlcrofIrn, Microfiche, Aperture Card Scanning
Mlcrofiim j DlgltaI Image Retrieval to Paper
Data to Digital ima a converslan
Fujifilm Disaster Recovery Services
Scanning Hardware & Software
Micrographic Equipment & Service
❑ocument Management Software
Digital Microform Scanners
Document Scanners
Microfarm Readers
Wide Format 5carnners and Pr]nters
Micrographic Su 2 el'ies
-Scan nin Hardware Repair Service
Micro raphic E ui Ment Repair Service
,} Document Ima,ing
44 "; �O;f.."
MCO — Document Imaging Solutions is pleased to present this proposal in response to The City of La
Quinta's RFP for Document Scanning Services.
MCO— Document Imaging Solutions, a DBA of McCluskey Companies, Inc., a Callfornia
Corporation, was established in 1986 and has grown to a 10,O00 square foot facility with over 20
Incorporated in 1999, NICO set out to be a diversified document imaging business. We
developed an understanding of Document and Microform Canversinn solutions by;
-Selling and servicing paper and film scanners capable of imaging check sire documents up to
and including large engineering drawings.
-Providing In-house document conversions to digital and microform formats.
-Having the latest equipment to scan all formats of micrcferms and paper to digital data.
-Selling Electronic Document Management Solutions for managing the converted data.
By being involved in the complete process of document imaging, we understand how it is
supposed to he done, and done right. We take pride in the work we do. All of our Document
Conversion Work is doge in house unless we are providing onsite services.
We provide Document Conversion Services for All types of clients ranging from other California
Superior Court locations, Cities, County Agencies, Medical and mental Groups, School Districts,
Engineering firms and more.
A4 large portion of our Document Conversion work comes from other vendors, We are a
valuable tool For many local and out of area vendors. We specialize in providing services not commonly
offered by most vendors. Anyone can bray a small document paper scanner and call themselves a
"Scanning Company", but it takes years of experience and the willingness to Invest in the correct
equipment to become a "Document/Data Conversion Center".
MCO's Quality Assurance Guaranty — Quality before Quantity
At MCO, we strive to provide the best possible Document lmugrng Services. We guarantee our work
for at least 3 years from completion of service. if at any t1me o customer finds a problem with our work
performed, we will correct the problem at no charge, as tong as the original materials are available. Rescan{
recreate, or re -burn, we do wh at it Cokes.
Primary Project Manager — Mike McCloskey, President MCO
Over 20 years of Document Management experience. Responsible for setting up all new
production joins, training and implementation of new equipment and software, and also ensuring MCO
is maiintaining any technical advantage available. Mike will be responsible far setting and maintaWrng
production benchmarks throughout the conversion project.
Secondary Project ivlanager— Debi McCluskey, COD NICO
Over 11 years of Docurrient Management experience. Debi is responsible for Billing, FIR and
Delivery schedules. Debi also assists In developing production process' that ensure MCO maintains our
high level of quality. Debi is very detail oriented and insists MCO maintains her high level of
Project Supervisor - #tubi Alvarez, Document Scanning f Micrographics Supervisor
Rubi has been with MCO for 5 years. Prior to her Joining MCO, she was production supervisor
for 7 years at EIRC, a document scanning company MICU purchased. Rubi is responsible for all aspects
of the production process from job check-in to final QC of each job.
Project Supervisor — Mary Thomas, Laserfiche database managernent j Microform Conversion
Mary has been with MCO for 7 years_ Since being hired, Mary has excelled in the maintenance
of our Laserfiche database. Mary is responsible for importing and exporting client conversion jobs in
the Laserfiche environment, Mary continues to expand his knowledge as new versions of the software
are introduced. Mary tests all outgoing Laserfiche experts fur functionality as part of our final QC
Additlonal staff for City of La Quinta job.
Darrel Lenoir
16 years
Driver, Large Format Prep, Large Format Scanning
and Mierefilmin
Toni Estrada
3 years
Document Prep Small document and Large
Format, Large Format Scanning
Data En", uality Control
Stephanie Martinez
G ycars
Anna Marie Castillo
12 yews
Data Entry, QC, Du ljcation
Nathan McCluskey
2 years
Driver, Data & 1T Support, Laserfrcha certified
Diana Peru
5 years
Doctunent Prep,C, Data Entry
Debbie Bushey
21 years
]mage Quality Control Manager, Master Lab
C References
a City of Riverside Department of Building and Safety
Ruth Norris, 951-826-5942,
MCO began picking up and converting documents over 5 years ago. MCO currently scans and
microfilms the plans and talcs for building and safety. The scans are data entered for import
into City's existing Document Management System (LaserFlche) and microfilm is stored for
Archive purposes. MCO also converted all the Building and Safety microfiche and aperture cards
for use in the City's Document Management System, completed job was over 2 million images.
e City of Newport Beach, Planning Department and Department of Building and Safety.
Dan Carnpagnolo or Lanny Krage, 949-644-3231, dcampagnolo@u ne portbeachca.goy,
MCD picks up documents on a bi-monthly basis. Paper documents are scanned and indexed and
microforms are converted to digital and indexed as well. Currently in the process of converting
to Laserfiche. We are assisting In the Template creation.
. City of San Bernardino, Building and Safety, Fire, Planning, Eng -300 North D St, San Bernardino
Jim Sewers, 909-384-5252, sowers
MCO currently scans and indexes plans and docs monthly for import into City's Laserfiche
EDIVIS. Contract started in 2010.
• City of Brea
Gabriel Linares, P.F., C.B.Q. 714-990-7769,
MCO just finished the initial backfile conversion of Brea's plans and documents. Next phase will
be ongoing conversion of plans, docs and talcs. Documents were scanned and configured for
the City's' Laserfiche EDMS
a Superior Court of California, County of Sari Bernardino
Richard Petties, (909} 259-8484, rpettles@sb-court.or
MCO has been microfilming and processing the Court's case files onsite for over 6 years.
Monthly volume is about 1 million pages. Our onsite staff produces 4-6 rolls of film per day
which is de4ivered to our lab, processed, inspected, Diaz❑ duplicates are made, boxes labeled
and the finished products are delivered back to the Court Records Center. We also scan
documents and microforms for current Probate and Civil cases as needed.
• Service Bureaus and Reprographic Companies
MCO has non -disclosure agreements with many Service Bureaus and Reprographics companies
in So. California as well as out of state„ Because of our capabilities and volume capacities we are
used as a subcontractor for converting microforms, creating microforms, small and large format
scanning and data entry.
• County of Riverside, Probation Services
Sandra Subia — 951-358-7865,
MCO currently picks up Adult and Juvenile probations documents, Files are scarlhed and
converted to microfiche. Volume ranges between 20-60 boxes per month.
D. Disclosure
MCO Certifies that it has Nor been debarred, suspended, or has any legal proceedings pending.
NICO has never had any legal proceedings against it in the past.
y IO
E. Scope of .Services
In the foilowing pages you will find the necessary information to establish that MCC) has the
facility, capabilities, knowledge and dedication to provide the required services for The City of La
It Is understood, arid is our intention (MCO), to meet and/or exceed the requirements as
specified in the IFP meeting and Addendum #1. MCD can and will perfc)rm all the services requested at
our Carona, CA facility.
The following beg€ns the written torr of our production process_
Document Scanning Process
The flowchart below gives an overview of the basic scanning process we utfl€ze in our
production department. The flow chart outlines the job steps common to all document scanning jobs
we perform. Each conversion project has its' own unique job steps that we incorporate into the
standard workflow process. Our Account Manager meets with each client and determines the creeds
and scope of each conversion project, The Account Manager will then meet with our Production
Manager to establish the final job steps required fcr each client. Typically a job pilot is performer! to
verify all required job steps are ahle to be met in accordance with the clients' project specificat€ons.
for Ie
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The following is more detailed information regarding the job steps.
Fick -up / Delivery
Pick-up & Delivery schedules will be arranged according to each client's needs. PU/Delivery is
always performed by an NICD employee. NICD maintains currently mandated insurance levels as set
forth in the RFP specs. All NICO PU f Delivery personnel have an ID badge for proper identification.
For each PUJDellvery, the drivers will have the proper paperwork identifying items being
delivered or picked up. Multiple copies will be included a5 to allow for a copy to be left with the
location{s} with whom the PU f Delivery is assigned.
MCO drivers will inventory anyfaII items being picked up and affix appropriate box ID labels as
needed. For deliveries, the d rivar wild verify with location staff al l items listed on delivery tickets a re
present and accounted for.
Receipt Of Materials at MCO Facility
MCO maintains a 10,000 secure facility in Carona CA. MCO's facility is monitared by 24-hour
video surveillance and alarm as well as an after-hours security guard. Facility remains locked during
business hours. Visitors sign in when entering our facility. Our building is afree-standing pre -east
concrete structure. We have no common walls with any other structure. Video surveillance covers
perimeter and interior. We are located mile from the Carona Pa and afire station.
When client documents arrive at our facility they are immediately unloaded and verified against
the pick-up sill p. Any discrepancies are documented, production manager Is notified and appropriate
steps are taken to resolve any discrepancies.
Documents are transferred to the staging area after check in. Documents remain in the staging
area until the production manager schedules them to be transferred to the appropriate prep stations.
Once the documents enter into the conversion job step process, daily lag sheets identify the progress
and location of boxes and drawings/maps. At the completion of the conversion process, the
documents are transferred to the appropriate disposition storage area. Documents to be returned to
clients are stored in a "Return" area and documents that are to be destroyed are transferred to our
destruction holding area. Documents for destruction are lagged and destruction schedule is
determined. Our warehouse has a capacity of about 1500 boxes. Documents in "Return" area will have
return paperwork generated and delivery schedules are set.
Release of Documents into Production
The Production Manager and Account Manager will collaborate and create the specific Job
Steps required to perforin a client's conversion project. The Jab Step setup allows us to identify each
and every process of the conversion. Scanning parameters, data entry, image quality, additional
custom processes and ficial disposition of scanned Images is determined at this stage. From this point
on, any time a staff member is working with client images, the specific Jab Steps are guaranteed to be
met. This process has helped to eliminate potential confusion at any given stage of a Staff Member
trying to remember or guess what the next step is supposed to be. The problem i5 very common when
a paper based job step process is used.
The production manager will release a department's documents into production at a
designated tirne_ Once released, the documents are Inspected and sent to the appropriate Document
9 Mco
Prep stations (Small Document arise Wide/Large Document). If jobs contain small document and
wide/ large format documents, appropriate targets are generated linking the correct document
types/files together. Very similar to the Twirn Check system we use in our Microfilm Lab.
Document Preparation
Our preferred first step in the document prep procedure is to enter the data entry information
into our system according to transmittal or document targets (if sent or visible). Each document set is
assigned a unique id for tracking throughout the job. If the job utilizes a transmittal and we find there
are missing documents or extra documents not. an the list, we will immediately notify the contact
person to rectify the situation. If the client did not send a transmittal document, we can create one
electronically. We give each document lot (typically one plan set, file folder or group of documents) a
unique 4 identifying it both as a part of the lot and as either a "Plan" or "Document". a have our
internal transmittals setup to track what each document set contains, plan and docs or7 We can
modify the transm ttals as needed, on a per fob basis, to reflect the different tracking requirements of
each job. "New Pile" barcode targets are created using the unique ID assigned_ We then separate the
documents within each lot according to size, large format or business size documents, because they
will go to different machines. Each document set gets targets based on their requirements. If a
docurnerit set has plans and docs then 2 targets are created using the same Unique ID but labeled as
plans or docs. Next step is to physically prep documents (tape rips, remove staples, flatten folds, etc.).
Prepped documents are loaded on `job carts" and transferred to the appropriate scanning s7r microfilm
station (large format and small format).
Depending on individual joky requirements, additional target data can/will he generated.
Targets can be generated from client provided database information. MCO generated database
information or manually entered information_
Document Scanning — Smoi1 Documents
Production scanning of small/business size documents (up to 11x17) is performed on our 3 Sean
Optics SO series 240ppm scanners, The Scan Optics scanners enable us to have a daily throughput that
rivals the largest service bureaus. With a comfortable 10,000 pages per hour per machine, we can scan
almost 250,000 pages per shift.
During the scan process the scanners will read the target data and generate the required data
entry information on the fly. Double feed detection Is performed using ultrasonic sensors virtually
eliminating any massed pages. The scanner is also reading the unique ID assigned to each document
group. This is used during data entry/QC steps to ensure all documents have been captured,
During the scanning process, we perform our first of 3 image quality ch42 s. Each scanner
operator is trained to review the documents being scanned for image quality. if at any time during the
scan session they feel a document doesn't meet the image quality requlrernent= a have established,
they will rescan the document as necessary. Should the document quality be of such poor quality and a
better image cannot be attained, a "Poor Quality Original" target is inserted prior to the document in
Document Scanning - Wide ILarge Format
Wide/Large Format scanning is performed on our WideTEK and KIP scanners, The WideTEK
scanners aro our primary production scanners as they have the industry leading quality► and speed
ratings. We have the ability to scan documents up to 48" wide x 30' in black/white, grayscale and color.
We are also the only vendor in Seuthern California that has a Double Sided 36" Wide/Large Format
Wide/Large Format documents are scanned in the order they are Found in their original
configuration. The scanners react the "New File" targets and create each individual multip age file. The
additional target data is captured in a secondary process run prior to the 2"d QC and Data Entry step.
During the scanning process, we perform our first of 3 image quality checks. Each scanner
operator is trained to review the documents being scanned for image quality. If at anytime during the
scan session they feel a document doesn't meet the image qua Iity
Scanned Image Quality Control
This step Is the designated image Quality Control Step. It's actually the 2"d QC step, first step is
performed at the scanners. At this QC step, each scanned image is inspected. The QC station staff first
review thumbnails of all the images to identify any obvious image defects. After thurnbn2R view, all
images are inspected full screen, one image at a time, QC staff has the ability to rescan any document
they deern necessary. Should a document be of such poor quality and a better image cannot be
attained, a "Poor Quality Original" target is inserted prior to the document in question.
Image enhancement processes are run on the image files. Standard image enhancements
included in each job include de -skew, de -speckle" and black border removal. Additional enhancemerxts
may include punched hole removal, redaction, color dropout, image fit and over 20 other
enhancement options.
Data Entry Indexing File Naming
Data Entry immediately follows the QC Step. Data Entry field data can be obtained from severai
methods. The Department specific Data Entry Job Step will have been outlined by the Production and
Account €nanagers and the data entry fields and the input methods have been entered into the
Capture ❑ata Entry Job Step.
Index data values can be extracted front various methods such as a SQL database, Excel file,
Text fifes, D MIL files and more. Manual data entry is still a large percentage of the input method but
that is slowly changing as more data is found to reside In a client database, and can be extracted
Final QC and Disposition of Materials
The joie is now ready for final QC verification and preparation for return to client. Completed
image batches are output per client specifications (ex. RDF, TIFF, Images / XML, etc.).
Finished batches are checked against their respective work orders/job tickets for format
Documents are boxed or barreled and readied For return on dates established or held for
1 IQ
47 i1
Appropriate packing slips, any return media, and original documents are delivered to clients'
facility and unloaded. Driver verifies with client all materials have been accounted for, delivery
documents are signed and a copy is left with client.
This concludes the "tour" of our general [document Scanning Process.
The City of La Quinta output format will be a Laserfiche compatible import, Laserfiche Briefcase,
or Laserfiche Volume export. We will work with the City to determine which format is preferred.
F. Quality Assurance Plan I Warranty f Guarantee
Our quality Assurance Plan can be found throughout Workflow diagrams and the detailed
Conversion Process outlined. It is always our goal for our Clients to be completely satisfied with the
work we provide. In the simplest terms, if ftir some reason the client is unhappy with the quality of
work provided, we will correct and provide the quality expected or we will demonstrate to the Client
that work provided is the best quality attainable. We have never had a client Cancel a job or complain
ahout the quality of our work. If any probiems are identified, without question we will work to resolve
them. We are a large enough company to be able to perform large volumes of quality work but we are
still small enough to give our clients the personal attention they deserve,
12 iF O
SERVICE .... ..... .i....... ....... r..
PRICE per image
$95.001 tri
$18.501 hour
SCANNING: (best image rate: 200-400 DPI;
8 1r2 x 11, a 112 x 14 i Pian 5hcots
Black & White 8 Y2 x 11, 8 Y2 x 14, Plan sheets
$0.03 0.58
Gre scab $ Y= x 11, 81/,2 x 14, flan sheets
$0.03 1 $0.58
Full Carr 831 x 11, 8Y2 x 14, Plan sheets
$0.03 1 $0.58
INDEXING (per field pricing):
DATA TRANSFER f er COID VD or Laserfiche Briefcase):
Document Shredding
$1.50 boir
Use addi#ianal capias of this form if space is needed
S3 ned:
H. Complimentary Services
Microfilm/Microfiche/Aperture Card conversion to dIgltaI — Price based nn scope of work
Laserflche praFess ionaI services— Price based on project requirements
I. Subcontracting
MCO does not use subcontractors (we are typically used as a subcontractor). All work is
performed in our Carona Facility.
J_ Services Required from City
For this bid, MCO should not require anything additional from the City. if the City has an
existing Laserfiche Template it wishes to use, we would need the Ternplate properties. if a new
Template is required we can set one up at no charge.
K. Statement of Insurance
MCO will comply with the City's insurance and indemnification requirements if awarded bid.
Docur-nent Scanning Services
......................... ........ ..............................
I, Mike McCluskey , (narneM hereby deciare as follows:
am President ltwej of MCO {company), the
party malting the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest
of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association,
organization, or carporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sharp;
that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other
proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly
colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in
a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has
not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or
l conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other
proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of
that of any other proposer, or to secure arty advantage. against the public body
awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all
statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has
rtat, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown
thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged infarrnalion or data relative thereto, or
paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company
association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof
to effectuate a collusive or sharp proposal.
I declare under penafty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and corregt. J J
Proposer Signature V (, 1V
By Name Mike McCluskey
Title President
organization MCO - Document Imaging Solutions
Address 529 West Rincon St. Corona CA 92880
Addendum #1
Q&A ##2 - #6
4 y: .