MTGL, Inc.Response to Request for Proposals (RFP)) CITY OF LA Q U I N TA OIC -CALL MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES Prepared for: City of La Quinta Attention: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Due Date: May 23, 2023 by 5:0013M Via E -Mail: jmignogna@laquintaca.gov Prepared by: Steven Koch, Senior Vice President C: (760) 420-9200 10: (951) 653-4999 X 2114 Michelle Elliott, Owner/CEO Isaac Chun, P.E., G.E., Vice President/Geotechnical Engineer/Engineering MTGL City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services TABLE OF CONTENTS MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 Tableof Contents...............................................................................................................................................1 CoverLetter....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 1. Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience......................................................................3-15 Section 2. References of California Government Agencies........................................................................16-22 Section 3. Complete Pricing List (Fee Schedule).........................................................................................23-24 Section 4. List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with Corresponding Prices................................................................................................ 25 Section 5. Staffing and Project Organization................................................................................................... 25 Section 6. Subcontracting Services.................................................................................................................. 25 Section7. Disclosures...................................................................................................................................... 26 Section 8. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2) ...............................................27-28 Section 9. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3).......................................................................................... 29 Section 10. Acknowledgement of Addenda (Attachment 4)........................................................................... 30 I (PAGE MTGL OFFICE LOCATIONS ORANGE COUNTY CORPORATE BRANCH 2992 E. La Palma Avenue Suite A Anaheim,CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL COUNTY 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, CA 92126 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 INLAND EMPIRE 14467 Meridian Parkway Building 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 OC/LA/INLAND EMPIRE DISPATCH 800.491.2990 www.mtgIinc.com 0El May 23, 2023 City of La Quinta Attention: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MATERIALS TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL MTGL #P-23-342 Subject: Response to Request for Proposals (RFP) — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL, Inc. (MTGL) appreciates this opportunity to submit our response to the above subject mentioned. MTGL is interested to be part of your team, to provide on-call professional materials testing services. We understand the City's Agreement for Contract Services is an as -needed basis for a three-year agreement term. We have the capabilities and proven experience to support the City of La Quinta. MTGL, Inc. Location of Services: 14467 Meridian Parkway, Building 2A Riverside, California 92518 P: 951-653-4999 1 F: 951-653-4666 1 www.mtglinc.com Headquarters: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 P: 714-632-2999 1 F: 714-632-2974 1 www.mtglinc.com Isaac Chun, P.E., G.E. I ichun@mtglinc.com Daniel Richardson, P.E. I drichardson@mtglinc.com Greg Wilson, P.G., C.E.G. I gwilson@mtglinc.com Michelle Elliott, Owner/CEO P: 951-653-4999 1 melliott@mtglinc.com Steven Koch, Senior Vice President P: 951-653-4999 1 skoch@mtglinc.com We have read and reviewed thoroughly all the contents described in the RFP, and fully understand its intent. We are willing to enter into an agreement under the terms and conditions for the City of La Quinta RFP Attachment 1 – Agreement for Contract Services without exceptions. We acknowledged of receipt of Addendum Number 1 dated May 17, 2023. Our proposal and pricing are remaining valid for at least ninety (90) days from the date of submittal. Any individual who will perform work for the City is free of any conflict of interest. It is MTGL's goal to meet the quality and value expectations for the City of La Quinta with efficiency and cost savings. We thank you for reviewing our submittal. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Steven Koch at (760) 420-9200. Respectfully Submitted, M GL, Inc. -k wC— S eveni Senior Vice President Michelle Elliott Owner/CEO 21PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 SECTION 1. FIRMS BACKGROUND, QUALIFICATIONS, AND EXPERIENCE BACKGROUND MTGL, Inc. (MTGL) was formed in 1993, by a group of seasoned professionals. We have been providing geotechnical engineering, materials testing, special inspection, and environmental consulting services throughout Southern California. In addition, we provide our services as an independent third party. MTGL is a California corporation, a parent company, and a registered woman -owned, minority owned, disadvantaged, and small business enterprise. We have over 84 employees and three (3) offices throughout Southern California, including Anaheim, Riverside and San Diego. At MTGL, we go beyond our typical duties and are committed to the bigger picture. We make it a priority to work closely with the entire project team to understand the vision, sustainability, and goals of the project. Under the leadership of our CEO, Michelle Elliott, our diversified and highly qualified team of veteran inspectors and technicians promise to provide services efficiently, effectively and with integrity. We ensure that the current standards and codes are followed. We furnish field, site, and plant inspections for all construction materials. We conduct physical laboratory testing required for all the materials that are placed during these inspections and investigations. MTGL has extensive experience with private and public works projects ensuring contract compliance with approved plans and specifications, California Building Codes (CBC), Division of the State Architect (DSA), HCAI (previously known as OSHPD), California Title 24 Requirements, and the conformance with Federal/State/Local applicable code requirements, Caltrans Standard Specifications (latest edition), City Greenbook Specifications, and the City's adopted Quality Assurance Program (QAP), and the conditions included in the scope of services. MTGL has experience with complex federally funded projects and FHWA projects administered by cities and counties through Caltrans Local Assistance Program as well as FHWA funded projects administered by transportation funding agencies such as Los Angeles County Transportation Metropolitan Authority (LACMTA), Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), San Bernardino County Transportation Agency (SBCTA), and Riverside County Transportation Agency (RCTA). MTGL has worked with city, county, and transportation agencies projects as a third -party with construction management and contractors in providing materials testing, inspection, and geotechnical engineering services. We have good built relationships with the owners, construction managers, and contractors. We have work and communicate closely with construction management and contractors. MTGL has been able to provide last-minute service schedule requests from the client. MTGL currently has 84 employees which includes engineers, field soils and materials, inspectors, and administrative support to provides all services under the direction and supervision. Our inspectors and field technicians are cross -trained and multi -certified personnel in accordance with accepted standard test methods and procedures. MTGL's goal is to provide continuity of personnel, quick response time, and accuracy of our reporting. Our approach to projects reflects our desire to emphasis on service to assist in a timely completion adheres to the schedule and budget for each project. 3 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services LOCATION MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 ANAHEIM (Headquarters) RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A 14467 Meridian Parkway, Building 2A 7742 Arjons Drive Anaheim, CA 92806 Riverside, CA 92518 San Diego, CA 92126 Tel: 714-632-2999 Tel: 951-653-4999 Tel: 858-537-3999 Fax:714-632-2974 Fax: 951-653-4666 Fax: 858-537-3990 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATIONS CERTIFICATIONS The Supplier Clearinghouse — California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) 93KS0069 07/25/2025 — Minority Business Enterprise Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) 1000006646 06/30/2023 DGS Small Business 1758925 09/30/2023 LACMTA Metro DBE CUCP 33843 01/02/2025 LACMTA Metro SBE 1199 01/02/2025 Coalition of Southern California SBE (Metropolitan Water District of 169124 06/27/2025 Southern California, Port of Long Beach, San Diego County Water Authority, Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles Community College District) Los Angeles County Consumer & Business Affairs CBE 090559 05/31/2023 City of Long Beach SBE 189282 09/20/2024 Port of Long Beach SBE 261346 05/20/2024 OUR LABORATORY MTGL is fully certified by numerous agencies to provide geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and special inspection services. MTGL's testing laboratory, and both field and laboratory personnel comply with requirements in accordance with the CAP, AASHTO/ASTM, CCRL, DSA, OSHPD, LADBS, USACE, and Caltrans test methods. Our certifications include: ■ ISO/IEC 17025 and AASHTO R 18 ■ Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) ■ Caltrans Accreditation Laboratory (1 of 15 Laboratories in California; Caltrans DBE Superpave Certified for Hot Mix Asphalt) ■ Division of the State Architect LEA #044 ■ Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety (LADBS) Approval No. TA24780 ■ OSHPD OPAA-0048-19 ■ USACE Certificate of Laboratory Validation EXPERIENCE Our experience extends to projects directly overseen by nearly every type of oversight agency, funding agency, service agency, utility company, construction administration organization, government, and many other public agencies. MTGL has extensive experience with private and public works projects ensuring contract compliance with approved plans and specifications, California Building Codes (CBC), Division of the State Architect (DSA), HCAI (previously known as OSHPD), California Title 24 Requirements, and the conformance with Federal/State/Local applicable code requirements, Caltrans Standard Specifications (latest edition), City Greenbook Specifications, and the City's adopted Quality Assurance Program (QAP), and the conditions included in the scope of services. MTGL has experience with complex federally funded projects and FHWA projects administered by cities and counties through Caltrans Local Assistance Program as well as FHWA funded projects administered by transportation funding agencies such as Los Angeles County Transportation Metropolitan Authority (LACMTA), Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), San Bernardino County Transportation Agency (SBCTA), and Riverside County Transportation Agency (RCTA). 4 I PAG E City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 MTGL also services related projects in the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), including sidewalk replacement, ADA ramp construction, secondary road rehabilitation, curb and gutter replacement, and arterial road -related construction projects. PROPOSED PERSONNEL With over 84 employees including engineers, field technicians and inspectors serving our projects daily, we have the capabilities, experiences, and resources to provide and to perform on-call as -needed for geotechnical engineering and material testing services for the City upcoming projects. MTGL will work and communicate closely with the City representatives, all project stakeholders and other relevant persons. We will participate in pre -construction meetings, field meetings, and construction progress meetings, acceptance of work, final walk-through meetings, as built plan completion meetings, and other administrative meetings (if needed and/or requested). MTGL's key staff are full-time employees, and they will be available through the extent proposed for the duration of the project assigned. They will not be removed or replaced without the prior written approval of the City. If one or more of the key staff should become unavailable, we will substitute other staff of at least equal competence only after prior written approval by the City. PAGE ■ Primary point of contact. ■ Provides technical review of geotechnical recommendations to check for Isaac Chun, P.E., G.E. compliance with the City Regulations. Geotechnical Engineer Works on technical issues during construction. /Engineering Manager Reporting of any Non -Compliance results of materials to the City within /Project Manager 24 hours from the time of sampling. Provide reports and recommendations. Work may include soil samples, pavement cores, percolation tests, pavement recommendations, etc. ■ Project Management; Document Review; Preparation of Final Report. ■ Authorized signatory for final reports. ■ Assists MTGL's engineers and geologists with geotechnical related and materials testing services. Jay Rowerdink, E.I.T. ■ Document review and prepare draft proposal and reports. Staff Engineer ■ Assists Mr. Isaac Chun for Reporting of any Non -Compliance results of materials to the City within 24 hours from the time of sampling. Provide reports and recommendations. Work may include soil samples, pavement cores, percolation tests, pavement recommendations, etc. Robert Schubert. Oversee all aspects of all laboratory testing. Laboratory Manager ■ Conduct density tests on roadway sub -grade, aggregate base, asphaltic concrete, slope fill and trench backfill placement as required. The tests will be performed with a nuclear densometer in accordance with ASTM Field Technicians: D2922 or sand cone in accordance with ASTM D1556. Maximum density Christopher Bunker curves (ASTM D1557) will be performed on various material types as Colton Senger they are encountered, including Marshall density tests on the asphaltic Mitchell Trotsky concrete. ■ To make sets of concrete cylinders as needed and perform slump tests for the curb, gutter, concrete dip section, foundations, and other minor concrete. ■ Perform compression strength tests in accordance with ASTM C39. ■ Perform extraction/gradation tests in accordance with ASTM D2172/C136 on the asphaltic concrete. ■ Perform R Value Testing of street subgrade and recommend a pavement section based on the results of the test. PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Isaac Chun is a Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Manager with over 29 Years of Experience: 29 years of experience in the materials testing, construction inspection, and Years with MTGL: 11 geotechnical engineering industry. He has been providing a variety of quality assurance/control services for numerous projects that include schools, EDUCATION buildings, bridges, hospitals, light rail transit, airports, and highways. ■ B.S. Civil Engineering, As the Engineering Manager, he is responsible for oversight and administration California State of all technical services including supervision of all technical staff, special Polytechnic University, inspectors, and technicians. His extensive experiences and knowledge base Pomona include geotechnical investigations, specialty pile design, seismic hazard Assistant Engineer mitigation, resource evaluation and characterization, slope stability analysis, LICENSES settlement analysis, seepage analysis, performance testing, post -construction /CERTIFICATIONS stability analysis, distress mapping, and soils characterization. His geotechnical ■ State of California construction experience includes specification review and augmentation, Registered Civil earthwork -related remediation, deep pile inspection, CIDH inspection, Engineer, RCE #59431 observation of ground improvement construction, and regulatory agency ■ State of California compliance. He is proficient with AutoCAD, GStabl, RocScience Slide, Shaft, L - Registered Pile, All -Pile, Cliq, and SPT Liquefaction analysis. Geotechnical Engineer, GE #2649 RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE CITY OF FULLERTON City of Fullerton, On -Call Professional EXPERTISE 303 W. Commonwealth Ave. Engineering Services for Various Projects, ■ Preconstruction and Fullerton, CA 92832 Fullerton, CA. Engineering Manager Regular Construction Contact/Phone providing geotechnical investigation and Meeting David Grantham, P.E. materials testing services. He is providing ■ Geotechnical Services P: 714738.6853 final report which addresses the sampling ■ Materials Testing . and inspection, and findings results for each ■ Source Inspection project. ■ Roadway Inspection CITY OF ANAHEIM City of Anaheim, On -Call Material Testing, ■ Project Management ■ Monthly Activity 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Deputy Inspection, and Environmental Reports Anaheim, CA 92805 Engineering Services, Anaheim, CA. ■ Safety Contact/Phone Engineering Manager providing geotechnical ■ Project Closeout material testing and inspection services for Michelle Lee to support the City of Anaheim's Department C: 714.231.8377 of Public Works projects. CITY OF BUENA PARK City of Buena Park, On -Call Professional 6650 Beach Boulevard Geotechnical and Material Testing Services, Buena Park, CA 90622 Buena Park, CA. Engineering Manager providing on-call geotechnical and material Contact/Phone testing services including conduct Nabil S. Henein, Director of geotechnical observation, field testing, Public Work/City Engineer laboratory work, and other geotechnical - P: 714.562.3672 related items, and other geotechnical and Nader Algam, material testing -related tasks, as necessary. Assistant Engineer P: 714.562.3672 6 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Jay Rowerdink has over five (5) years of experience with civil engineering Years of Experience: 5 experience including field materials testing and site exploration/investigation Years with MTGL: 5 (findings), compiling and reporting data (groundwater details, lab testing, compaction reports, and grading), and construction observation/monitoring to EDUCATION assure compliance with recommendations. ■ B.S. Civil Engineering, He assists MTGL, s Principal Geotechnical Engineer, Isaac Chun, P.E., G.E., and San Diego State other engineers with anything related to geotechnical and materials testing University, San Diego services. He is responsible and professional especially in regarding to materials Chino, CA 91710 testing and inspection services. He will also be responsible for preparing and LICENSES submitting completed reports of all on-site activities on daily basis. /CERTIFICATIONS with asphalt concrete and, in certain areas, ■ Engineer -In -Training He brings excellent documentation skills, along with an aptitude for identifying #168434; construction difficulties early on and resolving those issues expeditiously. His ■ ACI (Concrete Field- recent experience has allowed him to develop strong skills in working efficiently Testing Grade 1); and proactively on any project. His communication skills, diligence, and ■ Caltrans (CT 504, 518, dedication to his profession make him a great addition to any project team. 523, 539, 540, 543, 556, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE 557) ■ APNGA Portable CITY OF FULLERTON City of Fullerton, On -Call Professional Nuclear Gauge Safety; 303 W. Commonwealth Ave. Engineering Services for Various Projects, ■ OSHA 30 -Hour Outreach Fullerton, CA 92832 Fullerton, CA. Staff Engineer in assisting Training for the Contact/Phone MTGL's engineer providing field materials Construction Industry David Grantham, P.E. testing and site exploration/investigation P: 714.738.6853 (findings), compiling and reporting data (lab EXPERTISE testing) and construction observation, ■ Geotechnical Services monitoring to assure compliance with ■ Site Exploration recommendations. /Investigation CITY OF ANAHEIM City of Anaheim, On -Call Material Testing, ■ Construction 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Deputy Inspection, and Environmental Observation Anaheim, CA 92805 Engineering Services, Anaheim, CA. Staff /Monitoring Engineer providing geotechnical material Contact Phone ■ Materials Testing testing and inspection services for to support ■ SafetyMichelle Lee the City of Anaheim's Department of Public C: 714.231.8377 Works projects. CITY OF LYNWOOD City of Lynwood Residential Street C/O TRANSTECH ENGINEER Improvement, Lynwood, CA. Staff Engineer 13367 Benson Avenue during materials testing services for the Chino, CA 91710 residential street improvement project consisted of the street surfaces were paved Contact/Phone with asphalt concrete and, in certain areas, Ali Cayir, P.E. underlain by aggregate base or placed on P: 909-595-8599 subgrade with some binding material. ali.cayir@transtech.org 7 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP - On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Robert Schubert has over 15 years of experience in the construction industry. Years of Experience: 15 ertenTGL: City of Lynwood, Residential Street Years with 6 His background provides him with a wide range of experience in testing and 13367 Bensen Ave, inspection which includes concrete, soil, concrete masonry units, reinforcing LICENSES steel, fireproofing, and aggregates. He has in-depth knowledge of standard test /CERTIFICATIONS methods published by ASTM, AASHTO and Caltrans. ■ ACI (Aggregate Testing He is knowledgeable of all relevant standard compliance and code Level 1, Concrete Strength requirements. He brings excellent documentation skills, along with an aptitude Testing, Concrete for identifying construction difficulties early on and resolving those issues Laboratory Testing Level expeditiously. 1, Aggregate Base Testing, He has successfully self -performed in third -party accreditation audits from Concrete Field -Testing agencies such as AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL), Cement and Grade I, Masonry Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), Caltrans, Division of the State Architect Laboratory Testing) (DSA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). ■ Caltrans (CT 105, 125AGG, 125HMA, 201, 202, 205, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE 216, 217, 226, 227, 229, CITY OF FULLERTON City of Fullerton, On -Call Professional 306, 504, 518, 521, 523, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave, Engineering Services for Various 523.1, 523.2, 539, 540, Fullerton, CA 92832 Projects, Fullerton, CA. As Laboratory 543,556,557); AASHTO/ASTM (T11, T27, Supervisor, he ensures that all required Contact/Phone R47, R76, T166, T176, testing of soil and asphalt samples were David Grantham, P.E. performed in accordance with standard T209, T255, T269, T275, P: 714.738.6853 test methods of American Society of T308, T329, T335) Tiffany Foo, P.E. Testing and Materials (ASTM), American ■ NICET #145834 Materials P: 714.738.6321 Association of State Highway and Testing (Level II: Asphalt, Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and Concrete; Level III: Soils) California Department of Transportation ■ APNGA (USDOT Hazmat, (CTM) as specified in the project Nuclear Gauge Safety) specifications and the City of Fullerton ■ OSHA 10 standards CITY OF LYNWOOD City of Lynwood, Residential Street c/o Transtech Engineers Improvement, Lynwood, CA. Laboratory 13367 Bensen Ave, Technician for the project consisted of Chino, CA 91710 the street surfaces were paved with asphalt concrete and, in certain areas, Contact/Phone Ali Cayir, P.E. underlain by aggregate base or placed P: 909.595.8599 on subgrade with binding material. CITY OF ANAHEIM City of Anaheim, State College 200 South Anaheim Blvd., Boulevard Improvements from Ball Anaheim, CA 92805 Road to SR91 Freeway, Anaheim, CA. Contact/Phone Laboratory Supervisor during materials Michelle Lee testing services included AC and PCC P: 714.765.5176 placement inspection, testing, and compaction testing. 8 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Christopher Bunker has 15 years of experience as a Special Inspector and Field Years of Experience: 15 Technician in the construction industry. He has an extensive working on public Years with MTGL: 11 and private sectors projects ranging from small to large facilities such in airports, municipalities, agencies, highways, school districts, hospitals, and EDUCATION commercials. ■ Kamiak High School, He has knowledge in the governing building code, all applicable standard Mukilteo, WA codes, and regulations as well as in compliance of DSA Title 24 compliance ■ Victor Valley Community with construction documents. He has an excellent documentation skills and College, Victorville, CA communication. He is experienced in multiple aspects of performing ■ Courses Work: DSA, ICC, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) inspection He provides ACI, Caltrans, CPN consistency in section, communication while observing multiple trades concurrently. LICENSES /CERTIFICATIONS He is a proven material tester and pull tester on rebar, all threaded anchors ■ ACI #00040566 (Grade I, and miscellaneous items that require tensile testing. He is qualified for Adhesive Anchor material sampling which include soils, concrete, rebar, concrete block, and Installation); other miscellaneous items. His aptitudes and reliability are added value to his ■ Caltrans Certified (CT qualifications since he can provide a level of quality and consistency needed 125AGG, 125GEN, on a project of this scale. 125HMA, 231, 375, 504, ■ Caltrans Construction 518, 539, 540, 543, 556, RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE 557); JACOBS PROJECT OCTA DB 1-405 Improvement. Field Technician ■ DSA (Shotcrete #6316); MANAGEMENT during materials testing and inspection services ■ ICC #1091733 (Soil, for the project improvement scope of work Reinforced Concrete, Contact/Phone includes but is not limited to the construction of Prestressed Concrete, Ken Bui, P.E. two (2) new travels lanes from the Orange Structural Masonry, P: 714-400-7988 County segment of the 1-405 to the Los Angeles Spray -applied Fireproofing, County Lane. In addition to the new pavement, Commercial Building); twelve (12) Over -Crossings are being rebuilt to ■ CPN Nuclear Gauge Safety accommodate a wider freeway. EXPERTISE JACOBS PROJECT 1-215 Central Widening — Scott Road in Menifee ■ Materials Testing and MANAGEMENT and Nuevo Road in Perris, CA. Performed duties as a Field Technician for the project widened Inspection ■ DSA Title 24 Compliance Contact/Phone 12.5 -miles of Interstate 215 between Scott Road ■ Mechanical, Electric, and Gary Tomasetti in Menifee and Nuevo Road in Perris. One (1) Plumbing (MEP) P: 714-412-2262 lane added in each direction to this section of (- ■ Quality Assurance/Quality 215 and three (3) continuous Northbound lanes and Southbound lanes on 1-215 between 1-15 and Control SR 60. ■ Roadway Inspection ■ Pavement Inspection JACOBS PROJECT SR47/1-110 Widening and Improvements, Los ■ ASTM/AASHTO Standard MANAGEMENT Angeles, CA. Performed duties as a Field Test Methods Technician for the proposed project involved ■ Caltrans Construction Contact/Phone widening of the SR47/1-110 connector from 1 to Manual, and Standard Gary Tomasetti 2 lanes, extending the additional general - Plans and Specs P: 714-412-2262 purpose lane on the northbound NB 1-110 past ■ Greenbook and ADA the John S. Gibson Boulevard off -ramp, ■ Caltrans Material Testing, modifying the northbound ramps at the (- Source Inspection 110/John S. Gibson Boulevard interchange, and ■ Safety improving the intersection of John S. Gibson Boulevard and the NB 1-110 ramps. 9 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Years of Experience: 8 Years with MTGL: 8 EDUCATION ■ Tustin High School, Tustin, CA ■ Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA ■ Courses Work: ACI, ICC, Caltrans, FACE LICENSES /CERTIFICATIONS ■ ACI (Concrete Field -Testing Grade 1); ■ Caltrans (CT 105,125AGG, 201, 202, 205, 216, 217, 226,227,229); ■ ICC (Soil); ■ FACE F -Number Measurement using Dipstick Floor Profiler ■ Materials Testing ■ ASTM/AASHTO Standard Test Methods ■ Caltrans Construction Manual, and Standard Plans and Specs ■ Greenbook and ADA ■ Caltrans Material Testing ■ Safety Colton Senger has over eight (8) years of experience in the construction industry. He had four (4) years of experience as a Laboratory Technician and has current experience in testing and inspection including concrete, soil, concrete masonry units, reinforcing steel, fireproofing and aggregates. He has in-depth knowledge of standard test methods published by ASTM/AASHTO and Caltrans. He is knowledgeable of all relevant standard compliance and code requirements. He brings excellent documentation skills, along with an aptitude for identifying construction difficulties early on and resolving those issues expeditiously. His experience has allowed him to develop strong skills in working proactively on any project. His communication skills, diligence and dedication to his profession make him a great addition to any project team. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE JACOBS PROJECT OCTA DB 1-405 Improvement. Performed MANAGEMENT duties as a Field Technician during materials Performed duties as a Field Technician during testing and inspection services for the project Contact/Phone improvement scope of work includes but is Ken Bui, P.E. not limited to the construction of two (2) new P: 714-400-7988 travels lanes from the Orange County located in the cities of Anaheim, Garden segment of the 1-405 to the Los Angeles Grove, Santa Ana, and Irvine. County Lane. ORANGE COUNTY On -Call Materials Testing and Inspection TRANSPORTATION Services for Facilities Projects, C-9-1386. AUTHORITY (OCTA) Performed duties as a Field Technician during on an on-call basis of materials testing and Contact/Phone inspection services for the OCTA owns five (5) Sonja Gettel maintenance and operations facilities projects P: 714-560-5562 located in the cities of Anaheim, Garden sgettel@octa.net Grove, Santa Ana, and Irvine. RAILWORKS TRACK SERVICES Contact/Phone Nelson Tong P: 562-447-8671 nelson.tong@railworks.com FRONTIER-KEMPER/TUTOR PERINI, JV Contact/Phone Doc Kim, P.E. Project Quality Manager P: 818-362-2062 dkim@frontierkemper.com Metro Blue Line Track/System Refurbishment, Los Angeles, CA. Performed duties as a Field Technician during testing and inspection services for the project refurbishment of the Blue Line track and signal system to enhance safety and provide upgrades to the oldest light rail line in the Los Angeles area. Metro Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3 — Tunnels, Los Angeles, CA. Performed duties as Field Technician during inspections and testing activities for the project consists of two (2) bored subway tunnels, 13,680 LF excavated using Earth Pressure Balance TBMs. 10 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 EXPERIENCE Mitchell Trotsky has recently joined with MTGL with over five (5) years of Years of Experience: 5 experience in multiple capacities in inspection and materials testing services Years with MTGL: 3 including rebar checks, epoxy fills, cylinder casting, air content, slump, temperature, compression apparatuses. EDUCATION Courses Training: ICC, ACI, Troxler, Humboldt, Caltrans LICENSES /CERTIFICATIONS ■ ACI #01646588 (Concrete Field -Testing Technician Grade 1); ■ Caltrans Certified (CT 504, 518, 523.1 Section B.1 & B.2, 539, 540, 543, 556, 557); ■ ICC #8937172 (Reinforced Concrete, Soils, Spray - applied Fireproofing) ■ PCI #76453-2632-137008 (Certified Level I — Quality Control Technician /Inspector) ■ Materials Testing ■ ASTM/AASHTO Standard Test Methods ■ Caltrans Construction Manual, and Standard Plans and Specs ■ Greenbook and ADA ■ Caltrans Material Testing ■ Safety He has knowledge in compliance of all applicable standard codes, project plans and specifications. He has an excellent documentation skills and communication. He brings excellent documentation skills, along with an aptitude for identifying construction difficulties early on and resolving those issues expeditiously. His experience has allowed him to develop strong skills in working proactively on any project. His communication skills, diligence and dedication to his profession make him a great addition to any project team. He is a well -versed inspector and has assisted in Quality Assurance Inspection verification and field testing. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE JACOBS PROJECT OCTA DB 1-405 Improvement. Performed MANAGEMENT duties as a Field Technician during materials testing and inspection services for the project Contact/Phone improvement scope of work includes but is not Ken Bui, P.E. limited to the construction of two (2) new P: 714-400-7988 travels lanes from the Orange County segment of the 1-405 to the Los Angeles County Lane. FRONTIER-KEMPER/TUTOR PERINI, JV Contact/Phone Doc Kim, P.E. Project Quality Manager P: 818-362-2062 dkim@frontierkemper.com Metro Westside Purple Line Extension Section 3 — Tunnels, Los Angeles, CA. Performed duties as Field Technician during inspections and testing activities for the project consists of two (2) bored subway tunnels, 13,680 LF excavated using Earth Pressure Balance TBMs. TRAYLOR-GRANITE JV San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Mount Vernon Avenue Viaduct, San Bernardino, CA. Performed duties as a Field Technician during materials testing services for the project consisted of a 1,016 - foot bridge built and spans over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) Railway Intermodal Yard. The new bridge proposed configuration consists of seven (7) continuous spans with an 876 -feet with the addition of a separate 64 -feet simple span bridge over 3rd Street. VANIR CONSTRUCTION James A. Musick Facility Expansion, Irvine, CA. MANAGEMENT Performed duties as a Field Technician during testing and materials testing services for the project involves the construction of a new stand-alone jail facility which includes a 512 - bed building with an administration component and a 384 -bed program building. I I (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH We understand the City of La Quinta (City) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced professional firms to provide on-call materials testing services on an as -needed basis for a three-year agreement term. We understand the City uses both Greenbook and Caltrans standards. We understand the RFP General Terms and Conditions. We understand the scope of services that are outlined in the RFP. Our approach and scope of work as follows: For new projects needing construction materials inspection and testing services, we first do a thorough review of the project's plans and specifications along with the construction schedule to identify the scope of work needed and for an approximate frequency and duration. Our scope of work will be tailored to address the improvement project's inspection and testing requirements, which can include observation and testing of grading excavation and backfill, aggregate base, asphalt concrete, and PCC concrete placement. MTG is fully capable of providing soil and materials testing services required for the successful completion of City projects. Once communication is established with city representatives, our project manager and field supervisor will begin the scheduling for testing and material sampling. INSPECTION AND TESTING REQUESTS Our dispatchers and laboratory staff currently use QESTLab a program designed to mainstream our projects with scheduling, field reporting, material sampling, and testing. QESTLab allows our document control to remain in one platform. The city representative can contact our scheduling dispatch department for inspection and testing requests. Our friendly dispatcher will take the call and collect as much as information as possible as regarding the inspection and testing, or if an email request is submitted our dispatcher will respond confirming the inspection and testing has been reserved. SOIL COMPACTION AND GRADING Our services will consist of compaction testing of the backfills and paved areas on site and within the street right of way. MTGL's services will consist of performing in-place density tests by the Caltrans nuclear gauge method CT 231 or CT 375 to determine water content, maximum density, and optimum moisture. Trench backfills compaction test will be taken at locations and frequencies in accordance with guidelines provided by applicable requirements. In addition, sub -grade compaction testing of paved areas on-site and within the street right of way will be taken at locations and frequencies in accordance with guidelines provided by the City. Test locations will be selected by our technician at locations that represent the surface appearance of the subgrade at the time of testing. Additionally, MTGL's services will provide observations and testing of excavation during grading, rough grading operations, soil tests, and submittal of a soil grading report. Our technician will observe rough grading operations on a full-time basis. Water content, in-place density (compaction), maximum density and optimum moisture, expansion index, and soluble sulfate test will be performed at a frequency and at locations selected by the soil engineer. During the courses of construction, we will notify the City in writing, with a copy to the contractor, if in our opinion, any time the work is not in conformity with the plans and specifications. Upon completion of the work. we will prepare a final report for the city which will summarize our observations and the results of all tests performed. The final report will contain recommendations and opinions regarding the conformance of the completed rough grading to the intent of the plans, soil engineering reports, and specifications signed by a California Registered Geotechnical Engineer. Our services will consist of continual concrete inspection during the concrete placement, for conformance to approved plans, specifications, and building codes. During concrete placement, our inspector will fabricate four (4) compression test specimens for every 150 cubic yards of concrete placed. 12 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 MTGL will provide testing at different intervals per request or project requirements. Test cylinders will be cured in our laboratory until they are tested in accordance with ASTM C192. A compression test will be performed in accordance with ASTM C39 at seven (7) and 28 days, respectively, or by the City requirement. FIVIXr_1It114 1011 l:7:11r4111r*11r1Z10 Our services will also include laboratory testing of the aggregate base and asphaltic concrete. Services will include Hveem stabilimeter, sieve analysis, sand equivalents, and -Value testing of aggregate base. Tests will be performed on materials sampled at random locations and at frequencies based on the project specifications. Testing requirements for Oil Content of asphalt can be met with our Rapid Ignition Oven, providing real-time results to batch plants supplying asphalt. STRUCTURAL STEEL INSPECTION For structural steel inspection, our supervisor reviews Welding Procedures for compliance with code and project requirements. During the fabrication, our inspector will observe the fabrication practices and ensure the materials follow the project requirement. Visually inspect the weld and generate a welding report associated with each member welded. Field welding will also be observed by a certified inspector providing daily field reports indicating the progress of the steel erection, bolting, and decking. LABORATORY AND FIELD TEST RESULT DISTRIBUTION A list of contacts is created for the distribution of daily inspection reports, field tests, laboratory test reports, and engineering letters issued by MTG at specified dates. Field inspectors utilize QESTField an application designed for the creation of field reports and tracking hours for accounting purposes. Reports are signed electronically on the inspector's device and distributed at the end of the inspection. Our inspectors are also equipped with a link to the project's relevant documents such as project specifications, approved drawings, tests conducted in the field/lab, previously issued daily field reports, and contact information for site contacts. CONTROL OF NON -CONFORMING WORK MTGL has a policy and procedure that is implemented If non -compliances are identified by our inspector, the report will be distributed right away to the general contractor, subcontractor, engineer, and client. MTGL will hold the inspection report as non-compliance. MTGL's engineering manager will follow these steps: ■ Evaluating the significance of the nonconforming work ■ Immediately address the issue ■ Determine the acceptability of the nonconforming work ■ Re -test the work (with the client's approval) ■ Contact the client via telephone or email QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) PROGRAM ■ We maintain our effective QA/QC Program to measure and verify testing performance throughout the course of the project. ■ We ensure that data requirements are met for accuracy, precision, and completeness during the use of our proven methodologies. ■ We will provide flexibility to allow controlled changes in routine methodology to meet specific contract requirements. ■ Our staff are trained to recognize mistakes as early as possible to provide correction for any factors that adversely affect the quality of the work. ■ We monitor operational performance of the testing on a routine basis, and provide corrective action as needed to meet requirements. ■ We maintain complete records of field observation, sample taking and submittal, laboratory performance, and completed analyses to verify resulting data. ■ In depth site review and client contact in order to determine equipment type (limited access rig, truck mounted drill rig, hand auger, etc.) and location of investigatory borings/excavations. ■ Private utility location prior to any excavation or drilling, in addition to the required notification of DigAlert USA. 13 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 ■ MTGL will conduct daily field meetings between project management team and field team in order to ensure crew is familiar with requirements of QA program and how those requirements apply to specific project. ■ Experienced MTGL personnel will complete field boring logs as the work is being performed so that existing site conditions can be identified as accurately as possible. ■ Any issues observed during work will be recorded on daily reports. These issues will be identified by equipment of issue, location of issue, description of issue, date and time of issue, and resolution. If resolution cannot be immediately identified, the work may require a stoppage until the issue can be resolved with the input of the project management team, principal engineer, and the client. Continued poor performance or multiple deficiencies will constitute grounds to replace equipment or contract personnel. ■ Any out -of -scope work identified will not be completed without direction from the client. If a task is determined to be out -of -scope, the principal -in -charge will be informed, and a contract amendment request will be prepared in a timely manner. ■ Any documents provided as a summary of work or report will have gone through, at minimum, two (2) reviews by MTGL staff in order to identify discrepancies between the data in the report and the information which was obtained from the field work by the time it has been delivered to the City. All figures, maps, drawings, and tables are examined by MTGL's engineers to ensure relevance and accuracy. ■ MTGL actively monitors and tracks staff certifications and conducts in-house training for field and laboratory personnel. ■ Our laboratory manager is responsible for the training program and maintenance of all training records. Per corporate policy, the laboratory supervisor completes a "Technician Training and Evaluation Record" for each technician and copies of the results of all training are distributed to the Registered Engineer for review. Training records are retained in the laboratory office. All materials technicians are trained prior to performing test procedures not previously performed. METHOD OF CONSULTANT'S PROJECT REPORTING (PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH) Communication Our core value is to work closely with and to communicate regularly with the city/owner and other prime team members. Our engineers, inspectors and field technicians value good communication and dialogue with the City Representative and rest of the project team. Our communication for service starts from the City Representative, on the project who will determine the need for testing and inspection as defined in the plans and specifications. Although we request notice of 24 hours for material testing or inspection requests, our dispatch department will process the requests for the following day's service up to 4:00 PM the day prior. We also make every possible attempt to cover last-minute requests with our first available technician. In -House Resources MTGL uses the following in-house resources: ■ Computer Capabilities: HP Elite Desktop with Microsoft Windows version. ■ Software and Program Applications: Microsoft Applications (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power point); Adobe (Acrobat .pdf, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign); AutoCad, Web Verizon Text, Deltek Database, Geosystem, SharePoint, SpectraQEST. ■ Electronic Record Keeping: Internal Server, Geosystem for soils report, and cloud -based file storage. ■ Communication: Telephone, Fax Machine, Cell Phone, Microsoft Outlook (eMail), Web Verizon Text. ■ Laboratory Equipment: A list is available upon request. Accounting System Billing is done on a weekly basis along with labor compliance reports. Daily reports are sent with each billing as backup to our invoicing. We monitor re -testing of any failed tests to assist the City in regaining costs for inspection of failing tests due to the contractor and subcontractors' inadequate work. 14 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL utilizes a project -based software system to ensure accountability and cohesiveness of all financial transactions and fiscal requirements. Our Accounting System (Deltek Vision) is specifically designed to support the complete project lifecycle of the process. Vision's customizable dashboards help measure all the most critical financial project functions. From project initiation all the way to project execution and evaluation, Vision provides measurable benefits that included improved client customization and streamlined financial management. Our accounting system is the ideal tracking system for the quality oversight industry, ensuring cohesiveness of all areas of project management, budget tracking, and labor compliance. Deficiency Log Any deficiency found will be immediately brought to Contractor and if applicable, the sub -contractor involved MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 the City's representative, construction manager, the If the deficiency is not resolved within 72 hours, we will distribute a deficiency log to all parties involved. We will proactively work with the party responsible for the deficiency to ensure that it is resolved. Invoicing MTGL can submit invoices on a weekly/monthly basis that will itemize each task performed, the number of hours worked per person/consultant, the rate per hour for each person/consultant, total contract amount, percent complete for specified work items, and the remaining contract amount, along with labor compliance reports. 15 (PAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services SECTION 2. REFERENCES OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT GaraeaPark vaueycaraana colion mowTA30 07 Loma u [as cokoo i ri,'+ r , Grand T -ace uvJ stmore Rghgro Belllown MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 r.. 4 fly i CITY OF COLTON ON-CALL SOILS AND MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES PROJECT Colton, California MTGL is awarded to be part of the City of Colton — On -Call Soils and Material Testing Services for the following scope of work. ■ Excavating and backfilling for site utilities, foundations and retaining walls ■ Hot -mixed asphalt paving, stone base and subgrade preparation. ■ Observation and field-testing services during site finish grading. ■ Field density testing during subgrade and base compaction. ■ Field sampling and testing of Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete. ■ All necessary laboratory tests to support field services. ■ Preparation of field and final compaction reports as required. ■ Concrete sampling and testing ■ Consulting services requiring corrective and/or remedial recommendations, if necessary. ■ At the conclusion of testing for each category and with the issuance of each report, a certification by will be required stating that all work or portions thereof have been tested ■ and /or inspected and that work conforms to the contract documents. All other items will require periodic on-call/as needed inspection services. 16 IPAGE r—rf City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 CITY OF BANNING ON-CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING Banning, California MTGL is awarded to be part of the City of Banning — On -Call Vendor List to provide On -Call Engineering Services in the scope of work of geotechnical and material testing services for three (3) years. ■ Perform geotechnical services such as geotechnical site and subsurface reconnaissance and investigation to include geophysical investigations, fault hazards, laboratory testing services, and geotechnical analysis. ■ Provide geotechnical reports, presenting findings of subsurgace exploration and providing recommendations. ■ Perform geotechnical inspections of projects in construction including soils and construction materials testing. Provide test results and recommendations for suitability or corrective action to the City. ■ Responsible for the contract administration, management, inspection and coordination of any subconsultants' work, and completing utility clearance. 17 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 CITY OF ANAHEIM ON-CALL MATERIAL TESTING, DEPUTY INSPECTION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Anaheim, California MTGL is providing On -Call Professional Services for material testing, deputy inspection, and environmental engineering services to support the City of Anaheim's Department of Public Works projects including, but not limited to deputy inspection, material testing, system testing, geotechnical analysis and testing, environmental assessments, review of environmental reports, sample testing, inspector record, review of submittals, report preparation, and training of City staff. The following projects are: ■ Euclid Street Improvements HSIPL-5055 (have not started yet) ■ MA West Anaheim Water Valve Replacement Project o April 2022 —June 2022 ■ State College Boulevard Improvements from Ball Road to SR91 Freeway o January 2022 —January 2022 18 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES Buena Park, California MTGL is providing on-call professional surveying, geotechnical and material testing services for the City of Buena Park including the following scope of services: ■ Geotechnical observation, field testing, laboratory work, reports, and other geotechnical -related items ■ Field exploration and site reconnaissance ■ Review of various plans for geotechnical compliance ■ Preparation of design and construction/field geotechnical recommendations and reports ■ Attend field meetings, construction material plant checks, and other discipline -related field activities. ■ Provided third -party plans, specifications, and estimate reviews related to the subject disciple. ■ Claims evaluation and site/forensic investigation. The following projects are: ■ 21-22 Annual Slurry Seal Project 631 ■ 2022-2023 Annual Slurry Seal 19 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 CITY OF LA CANADA-FLINTRIDGE La Canada-Flintridge, California MTGL has an agreement for contract services with the City of La Canada-Flintridge to provide on-call geotechnical engineering services on an as -needed basis, which shall include, but not limited to, the following. ■ Perform geologic and geotechnical investigation. ■ Provide all material source inspection, sampling and testing by a qualified materials engineer. ■ Perform laboratory testing and geotechnical analyses of representative soils borings. Typical laboratory tests include, but not limited to, grain size analysis, in-situ density, moisture content, sand equivalency, maximum density/optimum moisture content, direct shear strength and R -value. ■ Observation, measurement of temperature, sampling and laboratory testing for the evaluation all Asphalt Concrete (AC) and Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM pavement at the site. ■ Perform field density testing using nuclear gauge during construction. ■ Prepare daily field reports ■ Define the parameters for controlled fill, backfill, subgrade preparations, over -excavation and re -compact, utility trenches, etc. ■ Prepare geotechnical report based on the findings during the site investigation and shall include, but not limited to, soils borings (location, type and depth), laboratory testing of soil samples, site conditions, mitigation measures, recommendations, etc. Provide direction for any special surface and/or subgrade soil treatments required. 20 WAGE E City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 JURUPA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Jurupa Valley, California MTGL has an agreement with the Jurupa Community Services District to provide on-call professional services in the scope of work of, which shall include, but not limited to, the following. INSPECTION SERVICES ■ Provide construction inspection work to ensure conformance with the project documents. ■ Conduct field reviews to identify. ■ Attend pre -construction and project meetings. ■ Maintain daily reports, and document work progress. ■ Verify all tests are conducted and passed satisfactorily. ■ Review work performed and process pay estimates. ■ Final Punch List and walkthrough with Contractor GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Design/Consulting Services ■ Project soil Analysis and recommendations on soil improvement. ■ Groundwater investigation and control. ■ Foundation engineering and inspection for structures, i.e., footing and slab. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICE ■ Compaction testing/inspection. ■ Laboratory testing of soils and aggregates, including Proctor Density and Sand. ■ Equivalent Tests. ■ Final compaction and quality compliance report including pavement inspection and testing including preparation of pavement structural section based upon laboratory. ■ R -value, sieve analysis, and sand equivalent testing. 21 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 COMPLETE CITYWIDE RESIDENTIAL STREET SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM (RESIDENTIAL ROADWAYS SLURRY SEAL INSPECTION AND TESTING) I Duration: August 2021- November 2021 CITYWIDE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM PW19-08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE AND PAUBA ROAD Duration: July 2021 -December 2021 Removal and Recompacting of roadway including high performance Asphalt specifications. 22 I PAG E MTGL Fee Schedule for Prevailing Wages July 1,2022 - June 30, 2023 CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UNIT RATE LABTESTING- CONCRETE UNIT RATE Staff Engineer / Geologist HR $ 115.00 C39 Compressive Strength - Concrete Cylinders (6" x 12") EACH $ 35.00 Project Manager/Engineer/Geologist HR $ 135.00 C39 Compressive Strength - Cores (6" Max. Diameter) EACH $ 55.00 Principal Engineer/Geologist HR $ 175.00 C78 Flexural Strength - Beams (6" x 6") EACH $ 60.00 Draftsperson HR $ 70.00 0157 Concrete Shrinkage (Set of 3) SET $ 350.00 Administrative (Per Monthly Invoice) HR 5% 0174 Handling Charge - Cylinders Not Broken/Hold EACH $ 35.00 Certified Payroll (Per Pay Period) HR $ 95.00 0192 Concrete Trial Batch w/ Lab Testing EACH $ 1,100.00 Travel Time HR Tech Rate 0469 Modulus of Elasticity EACH $ 150.00 FIELD INSPECTION PERSONNEL UNIT RATE C495 Comp. Strength - Lightweight Concrete Fill EACH $ 45.00 ICC Special Inspector HR $ 115.00 Soils/Asphalt Technician HR $ 115.00 AWS/CWIWelding Inspector HR $ 115.00 NDT Technician HR $ 145.00 Field/Lab Supervisor HR $ 115.00 DSA Mason ry/Shotcrete Inspector HR $ 125.00 L.A. Deputy Grading Inspector HR $ 125.00 L.A. City Special Inspector HR $ 115.00 Multi -Certified Inspector HR $ 115.00 Pull I Torque Testing Technician HR $ 115.00 Batch Plant (Concrete or Asphalt) Technician HR $ 115.00 Floor Flatness / Levelness (Inc. Equipment) DAY $ 1,500.00 Prestressed/Post Tensioned Inspector HR $ 115.00 Concrete, Masonry, Asphalt Coring or Sawing EACH QUOTE Travel Time HR Tech Rate Mileage MILE $ 0.58 Dye Penetrant Equipment DAY $ 50.00 LAB TESTING - SOIL UNIT RATE D422 Hydrometer Analysis EACH $ 175.00 D422 Sieve Analysis of Soil EACH $ 200.00 D558 Soil Cement - Maximum Density EACH $ 300.00 D559 Soil Cement - Sample Preparation EACH $ 100.00 D854 Specific Gravity of Soils EACH $ 125.00 D1140 Materials Finer than #200 (Sieve) EACH $ 60.00 D1557 Maximum Density EACH $ 290.00 D1883 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) EACH QUOTE D2216 Soil Moisture Content by Mass EACH $ 25.00 D2419 Sand Equivalent EACH $ 110.00 D2434 Permeability EACH QUOTE D2435 Consolidation EACH $ 225.00 D2435 Consolidation with Time Rate EACH $ 275.00 D2844 R -Value & Expansive Pressures 3 Points $ 250.00 D2937 Moisture & Density (Ring Samples) EACH $ 30.00 D3080 Direct Shear EACH $ 200.00 D4318 Plasticity Index of Soils EACH $ 145.00 D4829 Expansion Index of Soils EACH $ 135.00 CT 216 CA Impact Max Density EACH $ 225.00 CT 216 CA Impact Rock Correction EACH $ 95.00 LAB TESTING - AGGREGATES UNIT RATE C40 Organic Impurities in Fine Agg EACH $ 95.00 C88 Soundness by Sodium Sulfate EACH $ 315.00 C123 Percent Lightweight Particles EACH $ 215.00 C127 Specific Gravity (Coarse Agg) EACH $ 130.00 C128 Specific Gravity (Fine Agg) EACH $ 150.00 C131 Abrasion - Los Angeles Rattler EACH $ 235.00 C136 Sieve Analysis (Combined Agg) EACH $ 130.00 C136 Sieve Analysis (Fine or Coarse Agg) EACH $ 110.00 C142 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles EACH $ 135.00 C535 Abrasion (Large Agg) - Los Angeles Rattler EACH $ 235.00 C566 Moisture Content by Drying EACH $ 25.00 CT 227 Cleanness Value EACH $ 230.00 D3744 Durability Index EACH $ 180.00 D5821 Flat & Elongated Particles EACH $ 200.00 T335 Crushed Particles EACH $ 170.00 LAB TESTING - Misc. UNIT RATE C67 Roofing Tile Absorption EACH $ 60.00 C67 Roofing Tile Strength Test EACH $ 60.00 C1140 Shotcrete Panel Test EACH $ 300.00 Sample Pickup Charges UNIT RATE Pick up Sample Trip Charge (2hr Minimum) HR $ 65.00 Weekend Sample Pick Up Charge (2hr Minimum) HR $ 80.00 Handling Charge - Beams Not Broken/Hold EACH $ 50.00 C496 Tensile Strength, Splitting EACH $ 75.00 C567 Unit Weight (Hardened Lightweight Concrete) EACH $ 50.00 C1140 Shotcrete Panel Test EACH $ 300.00 Core Trimming (in Laboratory) EACH $ 55.00 C426 Block - Linear Shrinkage EACH $ 180.00 LAB TESTING - ASPHALT UNIT RATE D1188 Core Density Parafilm Coated EACH $ 85.00 D1560 Stabilometer - HVEEM EACH $ 290.00 D1561 Max Density- HVEEM EACH $ 195.00 D2172 Asphalt Content by Solvents EACH $ 250.00 D3910 Wet Track Abrasion EACH $ 195.00 D5444 Gradation of Extracted Agg EACH $ 275.00 D6307 Asphalt Content by Ignition EACH $ 245.00 D6926 Max Density - Marshall EACH $ 295.00 D6927 Stability and Flow - Marshall EACH $ 375.00 T209/D2041 Theoretical Maximum Density EACH $ 150.00 T324 Hamburg Wheel EACH $ 1,000.00 CT 370 Moisture Content EACH $ 70.00 LABTESTING- MASONRY UNIT RATE 0109 Mortar - 2" Cube Compressive Strength EACH $ 40.00 C140 Block - Compressive Strength EACH $ 75.00 C140 Block - Moisture & Absorption EACH $ 80.00 C140 Block - Unit Weight & Measurements EACH $ 275.00 C426 Block - Linear Shrinkage EACH $ 180.00 0780 Mortar - (2" x 4") Cylinders Comp. Strength EACH $ 35.00 01019 Grout Prisms - Compressive Strength EACH $ 35.00 Handling Charge (Cylinders/Cubes/Prisms) Not Broken/Holds EACH $ 75.00 C1314 CMU Grouted Prisms - Comp. Strength (< 8" x 8" x 16") EACH $ 180.00 C1314 CMU Grouted Prisms - Comp. Strength (> 8" x 8" x 16") EACH $ 245.00 C67 Brick - Boil EACH $ 90.00 C67 Brick - Compressive Strength EACH $ 50.00 C67 Brick - Moisture & Absorption EACH $ 85.00 LAB TESTING - STEEL UNIT RATE Steel Chemical Analysis/AWS Weld:Macroetch/Fracture/Bend Test EACH QUOTE A325 High Strength Bolt, Nut & Washer Conformance (Per Assembly) EACH $ 180.00 A370 Brinell & Rockwell Hardness Test EACH $ 80.00 A370 Nelson Stud Tensile EACH $ 195.00 A370 Rebar Bend & Tensile Test No. 11 Bar & Smaller EACH $ 45.00 A615/706 Bend Test No. 11 Bar and Smaller EACH $ 60.00 A615/706 Tensile No. 11 Bar and Smaller EACH $ 65.00 A615/706 Tensile No. 14 Bar and Larger EACH QUOTE A416 Prestressing Wire, Tension EACH $ 170.00 Sample Preparation (Cutting) EACH $ 80.00 A416 Prestressing Cable (7 Wire) - Yield & Tensile EACH $ 170.00 E605 Fireproofing Unit Weight EACH $ 60.00 EQUIPMENT CHARGES UNIT RATE Air Meter DAY $ 30.00 Dye Penetrant Equipment DAY $ 50.00 Emissivity Test Kit EACH $ 50.00 Ground Rod Equipment DAY $ 50.00 Jacking Assembly DAY $ 65.00 Magnetic Particle Equipment DAY $ 50.00 Nuclear Density Gauge DAY $ 70.00 Pachometer DAY $ 55.00 Sand Cone Kit DAY $ 50.00 Schmidt Hammer DAY $ 45.00 Skidmore -Wilhelm Bolt Cell DAY $ 65.00 Torque Wrench DAY $ 50.00 Ultrasonic Equipment DAY $ 45.00 Outside Services Cost +20% 23 (PAGE Basis of Charges and Contract Terms The charges for services and General Terms and Conditions set forth below will govern the provision of services and will constitute the contract terms between the Owner or Owner's Representative (Client) and MTGL, Inc unless the Client and MTGL, Inc. have executed a written contract with respect to such services, in which case the terms and provisions of the written contract shall supersede. Minimum Field Hourly Charges For Field Technicians, Special Inspectors or any on-site (field) materials testing services: 4 hours: 4 -hour minimum charge up to the first four hours of work. 8 hours: 8 -hour minimum charge for over four hours of work, up to eight hours. Project time accrued includes portal to portal travel time. Scheduling & Cancellations • A 24-hour notice is required when scheduling an inspection or technician. • A two-hour show -up charge will be applied to any service canceled the same day of service. • Verbal request will be considered authorization to perform billable work. Client shall designate member(s) of staff who have authority to request services and notify MTGL in writing of their authorized representative. Otherwise all service requests are billable. Travel Charges & Mileage • For projects outside a 50 -mile radius from the nearest MTGL facility, $0.58 per excess mile to and from the project will be charged for inspectors and technicians. • When project related equipment is required to be transported to and from the project site, time and mileage for inspectors and field technicians will be billed on a portal to portal basis. • For all projects, $0.58 per mile rate and applicable travel time will be charged portal to portal for engineers, consultants, and supervisors from the laboratory to the project site and return. Overtime Rates Laboratory Testing • Work performed in excess of 8 hours per day and / or up to eight (8) hours on Saturdays will be A 2 -hour minimum material sample pick-up charge with an hourly rate of $65 will be billed billed at 1.5 times the unit rate. in addition to the prices quoted for testing. • Work performed on Sunday, recognized holidays, or in excess of eight (8) hours on Saturdays will be billed at 2.0 times the unit rate. • A 20% surcharge will be applied for laboratory tests performed on a Saturday or Sunday. • Work performed by field or laboratory staff outside of normal business hours ( 5:00 AM - 5:00 PM) will be subject to the above overtime rates. Administrative Charges • All admintstrative costs including report distribution are billed at 5% of the monthly invoice tota I. • Certified payroll requests will have a processing fee applied for each project, billed at $95 per payroll week. • Quoted laboratory test rates assume samples are free of hazardous materials. Handling and testing of samples containing hazardous materials will include additional costs. Weekend Sample Pick -Ups In order to be in strict conformance with testing standards, it may be required that weekend pick- ups be performed (e.g. concrete specimens cast on Friday must be picked up during weekend to be in conformance with ASTM C31 requiring specimens to be moved to their final curing location within 48 hours of casting.) Applicable charges for weekend work will apply when this is required. Should these charges not be authorized then MTGL will not be held responsible for any negative consequences for non-conformance. Anticipated Costs Terms of Payment • MTGL estimates a budget to assist the client with code required inspections and testing based upon information provided by the client. MTGL's ability to perform within the estimated budget relies heavily on the accuracy of the information provided, as well as the cooperation of client's management staff. • Project actual budget totals may vary. Estimated budget hours are based upon 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, Monday -Friday. Client shall monitor the percentage of work remaining to assure inspections and testing is not greater than the estimated budget and adjusts the contractor's labor and scheduling to maintain the work completion schedule. • Client recognizes and agrees that any "anticipated costs," "budget estimates," or the like that may be prepared by MTGL are NOT "guaranteed maximums," lump sums;' or "not -to -exceed totals". Client will be invoiced for all work performed and only for work performed based on MTGL's working conditions and hours as an attachment to their contract. • Additionally, any weekly overtime hours, Saturday or Sunday, double shift, and/or night shift differential for shop steel inspection are NOT included in MTGUs proposal. • Invoices for all services willl be submitted monthly. These invoices are due in full upon presentation to client. Invoices outstanding over 45 days are considered past due and will be subject to a finance charge of 1.5% of the unpaid balance each month. • All invoice errors or necessary corrections shall be brought to the attention of MTGL within 30 days of receipt of invoice. Thereafter, customer, acknowledges invoices are correct and valid. • MTGL reserves the right to terminate its services to a customer without notice if all invoices are not current. Upon such termination of services, the entire amount accrued for all services performed shall immediately become due and payable. Customer waives any and all claims against MTGL, its subsidiaries, affiliates. servants and agents for termination of work on account of these terms. • In the event of any litigation arising from or related to any agreement to provide services whether verbal or written, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party all reasonable costs incurred, including staff time. court costs, attorney fees and all other related expenses in such litigation. Additionally, in the event of a non- adjudicative settlement of litigation between the parties or a resolution of dispute by arbitration, that same process shall determine the prevailing party. Reimbursable Expenses & Outside Services Prevailing Wage • Heavy equipment, subcontractor fees and expenses, supplemental insurance, travel, Please note that all inspector and technician rates will increase every July 1, with the State of shipping, outside reproduction, and other reimbursable expenses will be invoiced at cost plus California Prevailing Wage increases. 20%. • Outside services will be billed at cost plus 20% unless billed directly to and paid for by Client. Our professional engineering, geology, and inspection services are performed in accordance with the current standards of practice in the industry. No other warranty or representation, express or implied, is made or intended. 24 PAGE E City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 SECTION 4. LIST OF COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES OFFERED ALONG WITH CORRESPONDING PRICES To compliment the City program MTGL offers a wide variety of structural inspections and testing for vertical projects. MTGL's unit rate will be applied to horizontal or vertical inspection needs. We understand the RFP General Terms and Conditions Number 11. Pricing Adjustments that the City reserves the right to negotiate final pricing with the most qualified proposer. Pricing shall remain firm for the entre initial term of the agreement. SECTION 5. STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION CITY OF LA QUINTA RFP ON-CALL MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES egend: MTGL and the City of La Quinta MTGL Administration Technical SECTION 6. SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES Although MTGL has the capabilities and staff resources to fulfill all the requirements in-house, MTGL will provide subconsultant/subcontractor if the project requires related services that are outside of our fee schedule, with all subconsultants/subcontractor being pre -approved. 25 IPAGE City of La Quinta RFP — On -Call Materials Testing Services SECTION 7. DISCLOSURES LITIGATION/CLAIMS/ARBITRATION/TERMINATION MTGL #P-23-342 May 23, 2023 ■ MTGL has not filed for bankruptcy in the past five (5) years. ■ MTGL has not had any contract terminations for default in the past five (5) years. ■ MTGL nor its officers have not had any convictions or debarments for filing false claims within the past five (5) years. ■ MTGL has not been a party in any judgments within the past five (5) years. ■ MTGL has not been a party to arbitration for the past five (5) years. ■ MTGL is named in litigation with Orange Unified School District for a construction defect case on the Synthetic Track and Sportsfields project at Villa Park High School in Villa Park, California. The status is in Litigation as of July 12, 2022. Case #: Project Name: Project Address: Owner: Owner Address: Contact Info: Contract Value: Description of Work: Client: Client Address: Architect: Architect Address: Completion: Date Litigation Commenced MTGL Proposal #: Client Purchase Order: Project Award Date: Claim Amount: 30 -2020 -01152818 -CU -BC -CJ C Villa Park High School - Synthetic Track and Sportsfields 18042 Taft Avenue, Villa Park, California 92861 Orange Unified School District 726 W. Collins Ave., Orange, CA 92867 Ronald N. Lebs, Assistant Superintendent, Facilities and Planning P: 714-628-4500 $5,076.52 Performed: Geotechnical Services The KYA Services 1800 East McFadden Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705 David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc. 151 Kalmus Drive, M-8, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 August 2018 -November 2018 July 24, 2020 P-18-688 1-1-12948 09/20/2018 $1.6 Million 26 PAGE E .CaQ�r� ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Michelle Elliott MTGL, Inc. (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am Owner/CEO (Title) of MTGL, Inc. (Company) Please see the following page is a copy of MTGL Certificate of Liability Insurance for your reference only. 27 PAGE E Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Please see the following page is a copy of MTGL Certificate of Liability Insurance for your reference only. 27 PAGE E MTGLINC-01 CHOUGULEA '4coRo CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(M/202YYY) 8/29/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER License # OE67768 IOA Insurance Services 4370 La Jolla Village Drive Suite 600 CONTACT Mandy Murphey PHONE FAX (A/C, No, Ext): (619) 400-1990 50200 (A/C, No): (619) 574-6288 ADDRESS: Mandy.Murphey@ioausa.com San Diego, CA 92122 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A: Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 INSURED INSURER B: State Compensation Insurance Fund of CA 35076 INSURER C: Continental Casualty Company 20443 MTGL, Inc. INSURER D: 6802HO20984 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 INSURER E INSURER F: 1,000,000 $ X COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSD SUBR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM DD YYY POLICY EXP MM DD YYY LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE FIV -1 OCCUR 6802HO20984 9/1/2022 9/1/2023 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence 1,000,000 $ X MED EXP (Any oneperson) $ 5,000 Cont Liab/Sev of Int PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L POLICY _! PECOT- 1:1LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 Deductible $ 0 OTHER: A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT accent Ea id 1,000,000 $ BODILY INJURY Perperson) $ X ANY AUTO BA2S139998 9/1/2022 9/1/2023 OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY Per accident $ PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident $ HIREDNON-OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY X Comp.: $1,000 X Coll.: $1,000 A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 9,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 9,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE CUP4161T475 9/1/2022 9/1/2023 DED X RETENTION $ 0 $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) N / A 8278739-22 7/1/2022 7/1/2023 X PER OTH- STATUTE ER 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1,000,000 $ C Prof Liab/Clms Made MCH591879084 9/1/2022 9/1/2023 Per Claim 5,000,000 C Ded.: $50K Per Claim MCH591879084 9/1/2022 9/1/2023 Aggregate 5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) PROOF OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ACORD 25 (2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 28 1PAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR YOUR REFERENCE ONLY ACORD 25 (2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 28 1PAGE NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Michelle Elliott ta Qa�Kraj CALIFORNIA ---- ATTACHMENT 3 (name) hereby declare as follows: I am Owner/CEO of MTGL, Inc. (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. declare under penalty of perjurer un r t aws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. I I f+JIA Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: Michelle Elliott Owner/ CEG MTGL, Inc. 14467 Meridian Parkway, Building 2A, Riverside, California 92518 29 IPAGE or 4v QaavCALIWKNU ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark "NIA" underAddendum No. indicating Not Applicabie and sign ADDENDUM NO. 1 dated May 17, 2023 SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 30 (PAGE Anaheim (Headquarters) 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A Anaheim, California 92806 P: 714-632-2999 F: 714-632-2974 Riverside 14467 Meridian Parkway, Building 2A Riverside, California 92518 P: 951-653-4999 F: 951-653-4666 San Diego 7742 Arjons Drive San Diego, California 92126 P: 858-537-3999 F: 858-537-3990 www.mtgIinc.com 800-491-2990