TKE Engineering, Inc.REQUEST for PROPOSAL ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES 1), fo r: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 31 4 5.00 P.M. Prepared by- ENGMEERWG INC i E I � 2305 Chicago Avenue Riversides. caiifornia 92507 ( 9 5 1) 6 8 0- 0 4 4 0 w w w. T K E e n g i n e e r i n g, c e m i7r.'NGINE May 23, 2023 Julie Mignogna I Management Analyst City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 T K E ENGINEERING, I NC. Subject: Request for Proposals for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services Dear Ms. Mignogna, Thank you for the opportunity to present our proposal as a response to the Request for Proposals for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services. Our proposal enclosed herein, outlines TKE Engineering, Inc's (TKE) qualifications to provide the requested services to the City of La Quinta (City). TKE is a full service, multi -disciplinary consulting firm highly qualified to perform any and all City services required to successfully complete the City's development and CIP projects. We are enthusiastic about the opportunity to assist the City and aware of the City's needs for immediate assistance. As such we have already cleared our proposed staff's workload to begin work for the City at a moment's notice. Founded in 2000, TKE is a California Corporation with a local Palm Desert office located at 73993 Highway 111, Suite 201. Why should the City choose TKE to provide On -Call Consulting Services for Traffic Engineering projects? Please consider the following: 1. Local Experience —TKE has been working for various municipalities and/or District's in Riverside County since our firm's founding year in 2000. Throughout the past 23 years, TKE has developed an extensive understanding of the requirements, agencies and events which are exclusive to various cities in Coachella Valley. Our current experience providing traffic engineering and on-call plan and map checking for neighboring cities has further expanded our proposed staff's knowledge of the traffic patterns and critical traffic issues within the local communities. 2. Team Leadership — The City will benefit greatly by continuing the vision, leadership, and dedication to community exhibited by TKE's project team. TKE's numerous accomplishments and management skills will help maintain continuity in the delivery of the services. In particular, Justin Schlaefli, Traffic Engineer will be the client's representative, and primary contact. Mr. Schlaefli is a registered civil engineer, and his experience extends from project planning to design and bidding through construction. His excellent communication and management skills will provide a great benefit to the City. In particular, his experience with "cutting edge" creative engineering techniques focused on cost control, will ensure that projects provide the maximum value for the public's investment. Some of Mr. Schlaefli's key strengths are communication, organization and issues resolution. His effective communication skills ensure that all stakeholders are constantly advised of project progress. He implements a proactive organizational program to effectively manage the Team's schedule, documents action items with required follow-up and conducts continuous budget and schedule reviews to anticipate needs for future action items. Lastly, Mr. Schlaefli's 'can do' approach to all project issues always results in resolution. His perseverance and vast knowledge and experience of issues will resolve challenges while protecting City interests. The City will find that Mr. Schlaefli's and TKE team approach provides the best working partnership to meet the City's engineering needs. 2 3 0 5 C h i c a g o A v e - R i v e r s i d e - C A - 9 2 5 0 7 P h ( 9 5 1) 6 8 0- 0 4 4 - F a x ( 9 5 1} 6 8 o- o 4 9 w w tie• . t k e. c n g i n e e r i n g. c o m Supporting Mr. Schlaefli will be TKE's key traffic personnel, including Senior Vice President, Terry Renner, and Monae Pugh, Traffic Specialist. All other services will be performed by TKE staff in-house. TKE's team includes the principals of the firm. As such, they will remain in-place throughout the term of the contract. There will not be any changes in personnel during the contract duration without prior approval by the City. 3. Qualifications and Experience — TKE is a firm capable of managing and delivering municipal consulting traffic engineering services. We specialize in providing Traffic Engineering Services including project management, pre project planning, permitting, design and construction administration of public works and development projects. A brief list of on-call municipal clients, together with projects that TKE has successfully completed is presented in our proposal. The City will benefit from our broad range of experience through our intimate understanding of the common pitfalls for each project variation, and development processing challenges, and our past history of successfully overcoming these challenges. In addition, TKE's experience includes a comprehensive understanding of project plans, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Green Book), Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, project scheduling programs (including critical path methodology relating to interagency and interdepartmental coordination), and Caltrans Local Assistance project processing. Finally, TKE's extensive funding administration experience will also greatly benefit the City. 4. Our Commitment—TKE is committed to providing high quality, efficient services to meet all of the City's needs. As Traffic Engineer, Justin Schlaefli will meet with project staff regularly to discuss requirements and scheduling needs. He will also be in contact with project stakeholders as often as required to keep projects proceeding efficiently, on schedule and within allocated budgets. It is this personal touch and contact that define our 'local service' approach. We consider ourselves community builders and take ownership of services requested from TKE, ensuring that our personnel will be allocated on an as -needed basis in order to successfully complete all projects. Our broad array of services and in-house team provide the City a trusted consultant to turn to in any challenge, no matter how simple or complex. We pride ourselves in the management and completion of special, atypical projects and thrive on challenging budgets and deadlines. It is this commitment to service and diverse array of offerings that makes us unique and drives our long-standing relationships with our client base, and it is these qualities that make us 'the right fit' for the City. 5. Our Value — TKE's management team and staff are fundamentally committed to creating value in each task that we perform. As such, we have created a professional culture wherein each member of our staff constantly strives for increased efficiency, ultimately allowing us to provide high quality professional services at competitive rates. This culture of constant value creation and increased efficiencies, ensures that the services contracted to, and provided by TKE, will always mean good stewardship of resources. Thank you for your consideration. TKE acknowledges and accepts all of the general terms and conditions presented in the RFP without any exception. TKE has read and understands the RFP in its entirety, including, without limitation, the scope and nature of the work, as well as the associated attachments and addenda. This proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days. TKE would very much appreciate the opportunity to interview with the City and introduce our team in person to City staff. Terry Renner is authorized to negotiate and execute an Agreement with the City on behalf of TKE. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Renner at our office at (760) 895-1949, by cell at (909) 240- 6285 or email him at trenner@tkeengineering.com. Sincerely, Terry Renner, PE, L.S., QSD Senior Vice President TKE Engineering, Inc. Cover Letter Section 1 Firm Background, Qualifications, and Experience Section 2 References of California Government Agencies Section 3 Complete Pricing List (Fee Schedule) Section 4 Complementary Services and Pricing List Section 5 Staffing and Project Organization Section 6 Subcontracting Services Section 7 Disclosures Section 8 Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements Section 9 Non -Collusion Affidavit Section 10 Acknowledgement of Addenda ral Prepared for: City of La Qu i nta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Contact: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Phone: (760) 777-7041 Email: jmignogna@laquintaca.gov Prepared by: TKE Engineering, Inc. 73993 Highway 111, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Contact: Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D. Senior Vice President Phone: (760) 895-1949 E-mail: trenner@tkeengineering.com Engineering,TKE City/Traffic Engineer ff b TKE is the City Traffic Engineer in 5 Cities 1 Staff Augmentation ' I TKE currently provides Staff Augmentation in 10 Cities / Counties / Districts ALL Municipal On -Call Contracts TKE currently provides Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering Design, Project Support, and Survey services for more than 30 Cities / Counties / Districts throughout Southern California 1 Size of Organization 44 Professional Engineers, Traffic Engineering, Project Managers, Surveyors, Plan Checkers, Inspectors, Designers, Construction Managers, and Support Staff Location of Office TKE Engineering, Inc. 73993 Highway 111, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Years in Busines L!iJ TKE has conducted business for the ® past 23 years and has 23 years of experience in providing traffic engineering services for municipalities including for Federal and State funded projects Company Structure TKE is a California Corporation founded in June 2000. TKE has no affiliates or subsidiary companies. California Taxpayer Identification Number: 33-0918894 Firn, Dwner M Michael P. Thornton, P.E., P.L.S., M.S. - President Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D. - Senior Vice President Steven W. Ledbetter, P.E. - Vice President City of La Quinta Point of Contact Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D. Senior Vice President 73993 Highway 111, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone: (760) 895-1949 Email: trenner@tkeengineering.com Page 11 SECTION 1 1 FIRM BACKGROUND, QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A. B A C K G R O U N D TKE Engineering, Inc. (TKE), a California Corporation, was established in June 2000, and in the last 23 years has developed into one of Southern California's premier full- service consulting municipal engineering firms. TKE provides services to municipal clients exclusively, and therefore will eliminate any potential conflicts of interest related to private development projects. TKE was founded with the goal of providing turnkey services for municipal agencies in order to benefit our local communities. As a result of the focus of a firm on this mission, TKE has earned a reputation for thoroughness, rapid turnaround, cost efficiency and, overall quality of work. We are a highly motivated, dynamic firm that prioritizes the demonstration of our strong qualifications for becoming a preferred consultant for all City services we offer. TKE employs a highly qualified team of professionals to provide on-call traffic engineering services to the City of La Quinta. Regarding public service, we share a common goal with the City: to deliver responsive and caring service to our local communities, clients, and colleagues alike. Our reputation for delivering quality work is rooted in our team's uncompromised integrity on every project. Demonstrating consistent transparency and taking accountability for our actions continues to solidify our working relationships among our staff as well as with our clients. Our history of providing on-call services for surrounding Coachella Valley cities has prepared us to implement an enhanced approach toward maintaining continuity and communication with heightened standards for this contract. TKE provides turnkey municipal engineering for developer and capital improvement projects to numerous municipalities throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. The municipal services provided by our firm include Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering and Design Services, Plan and Map Checking, Surveying, Project Management, Construction Management, and Construction Inspection services, as well as Quality Assurance/Quality Control. Our broad range of Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 services provide our team with an intimate knowledge and experience of the common pitfalls for each project variation and our team will ensure CIP and developer projects do not fall into the same situations. TKE's headquarters is located in a business owned 7,000 square foot office building at 2305 Chicago Avenue in Riverside located less than an hour from the City. We also have an office located in Palm Desert. TKE currently maintains a staff of 44 city engineers, plan and map checkers, project managers, engineers, traffic engineers, surveyors, drafters, construction managers, inspectors, and clerical personnel. TKE's Senior Vice President and proposed Project Manager, Terry Renner, will notify the City if and when any person assigned to the City may need to change. TKE routinely assists cities with planning, design and implementation of their traffic requirements for capital improvement and development services programs. The City's CIP projects include street rehabilitation program for arterial highways, collectors, and residential streets; intersection and traffic signal improvements; miscellaneous sidewalk and concrete replacements for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements; installation of BMPs and NPDES improvements; installation of traffic signals; construction of park improvements; installation of landscaping and irrigation improvements; bridge maintenance and repairs, and rehabilitation of City -owned facilities. TKE has provided numerous municipalities and agencies throughout Southern California with consulting traffic engineering, development services review, design, surveying, plan checking, inspection, construction management and grant management services for every facet of Public Works. TKE proudly serves municipal agencies the following services on a routine basis: Page 12 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES TKE proudly serves the following services related to traffic engineering projects: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING A Planning Studies A Review Traffic Impact Studies A Grant Funding Applications A Signing and Striping Plan Review and Preparation Development Review including Drainage Studies and WQMP L Prepare Project Conditions of Approval 4 Other Services as Requested ,n, Traffic Control Plan Review and Preparation ROADWAY/HIGHWAY ENGINEERING 0 Roundabout Design A Drainage Analysis and Hydrology Reports A Environmental Studies and Reports A Quantity and Cost Estimates L Roadway/Highway Engineering Plans and Specifications z\ Erosion Control and WQMP Plans D Right -of -Way Maps and Documents L Agreements 0 Land surveys o Public Outreach 4 Other Services as Requested TRAFFIC ENGINEERING A Traffic Engineering Design z\ Sign and Striping Plan Design A Traffic Control A Other Services as Requested A Warrant Analysis CITY ENGINEERING TKE's Consulting City Engineering services include, but are not limited to: Staff Engineering Assistance including Technical Assistance Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La ouinta 0 Regulatory (local, state, and federal) Compliance Verification L City Interests Protection L Manage the Public and Private Developers related Engineering Functions Attend, as Requested, Council, Commission, and Committee Meetings L Manage Other Contract Engineering Services L Maintain Accurate Engineering Records and Maps for Staff and Public Access Prepare Engineering Reports, Studies, and Evaluations as needed Perform Other Engineering Functions as Required L Manage Project Financing 0 Verify Compliance with City Engineering Ordinances, Specifications, and Requirements Provide Engineering Investigation Services for Public Complaints and Conditions Assist City Clerk with Engineering Records Management and Respond to Public Records Requests Assist with Capital Improvement Program Development Coordinate Public Meetings related to Engineering Matters Prepare Requests for Proposals and Manage Consultant Selection Process Verify National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and PM -10 Compliance Provide Office Hours at the City for Counter Services (e.g. permitting) and Inter - Department Coordination DEVELOPMENT SERVICES As discussed previously, TKE has extensive experience with Public side development services processing. TKE will provide: o Project screen checks L Respond to development inquiries L Accept project submittals D Review submittals for completeness L Perform administrative reviews Page 13 4 Determine project impacts 4 Determine project impact fees A Develop project conditions of approval A Assist planning in preparation for Planning Commission consideration Review environmental documents Prepare Council agenda reports L Review plan and maps for regulatory compliance L Issue permits L Collect impact fees and plan check deposits Z\ Review cost estimates for required bonding L Prepare development agreements Z\ Oversee inspection of construction L Review grading certifications Z\ Review as -built plans L Assist with other development related issues PLAN CHECKING TKE has provided numerous municipalities and agencies throughout Southern California with consulting services and staffing for every facet of Public Works including the City for the past 23 years. In addition, we have worked on multi-million dollar regional mega projects for a variety of government agencies. TKE recognizes the importance of staffing based on a client's need and workload. Our flexible support and qualified staff enables our clients to serve their community in a cost effective and efficient manner. TKE provides experienced, highly qualified staff with significant technical expertise and strong public relations skills for plan checking. TKE is fully capable of providing staff on a full-time, part-time, on-call or interim basis plan checker. Please refer to our project team presented below together with our corporate resumes to verify our team's technical ability to deliver these services. TKE has provides similar services to those requested here for a number of different agencies. TKE understands that City's development and capital improvement standards were developed to meet the needs of that particular community. TKE has developed a thorough understanding of these standards together with the needs of the community. For each project that TKE is assigned, TKE will verify compliance with City standards. Furthermore, with our extensive experience, Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 TKE will be able to recommend improvements to these standards to ensure expedited project delivery and enhanced public infrastructure. GRANT WRITING / FUNDS MANAGEMENT TKE's Grant Writing/Funds Management team enables our municipal and agency partners of any size to find potential funding sources and to prepare competitive funding applications. Additionally, after funds are awarded to a partner, TKE ensures compliance with state and federal funding requirements. In the past few years, TKE has obtained millions of dollars in funding for our public works projects and transportation improvements. Our grant writing services are enhanced by integration with engineering services to facilitate and integrate project design. This expedites project start up and completion and ensures compliance with funding requirements. TKE has assisted clients secure funding from the following programs: SRTS and SR2S (Safe Routes to Schools) Federal Transportation Funding thru Caltrans Local Assistance State Proposition 1E and 84 Flood Management Funding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding A Active Transportation Program (ATP) Funding A Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Funding State Water Resources Control Board — State Revolving Fund Program Department of Water Resources — Proposition 40 Grant Program Department of Water Resources — Infrastructure Rehabilitation Grant PROJECT/PROGRAM MANAGEMENT TKE has managed publicly funded design projects throughout our history. The breadth of experience and technical skill of our staff enable us to manage a wide variety of projects, ranging from major infrastructure to the restoration and rehabilitation of significant historical structures. We ensure that all work is completed in accordance with funding contract specifications, terms, conditions, state and federal laws and regulations, and client policy. Page 14 Our management portfolio includes: A Pavement Rehabilitation Projects A Street Widening Projects A Traffic Signal and Striping Projects A Facilities A Utilities A Signing and Striping A Major Infrastructure Projects A Reconstruction and Rehabilitation CIVIL ENGINEERING TKE regularly provides design services on a wide variety of public works improvement projects. TKE's Civil Engineering projects have included: A Traffic Signal Design A Traffic Studies and Warrant Analysis A Traffic Impact Studies 4 Pavement Rehabilitation A Pavement Management Systems 4 Local Streets and Road Design A Street Widening A Storm Drainage Infrastructure Planning and Design A Retention / Detention Basins 4 Parking Lots A Storm Drain and Channels A Floodplain Analysis and Mapping A Parks A Public Facilities A Grading Studies, Design and Earthwork Analysis A Capital Improvement Programs (CIPS) A Neighborhood Improvement Preservation A Hydrologic Studies / Hydraulic Design A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) A Sediment and Erosion Control Facilities A Hydromodification Studies / Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENT The TKE Team is eager and prepared for an opportunity to support the City of La Quinta in accomplishing its goals Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La ouinta 0 developed for their CIP and to establish the framework for making informed decisions regarding the community's future success. Our team specializes in developing processes and procedures based on professional expertise and lessons learned, which we implement on all of our projects to ensure successful delivery on schedule and within budget. For all projects, either development or capital improvement, the most important aspect of management will be to ensure that the City's interest is protected to the maximum extent possible. TKE will ensure that public funds and impact fees are used for the benefit of the community. For development projects, project requirements, impact mitigation, protecting City interests, project schedule compliance and budget tracking will be important. Project requirements will be assessed and presented to the City's management staff. Upon receipt of direction from City administration, TKE will be responsible to verify that development is completed in compliance with those project requirements. TKE's effective project management techniques will ensure that compliance will occur. TKE's key staff assigned to perform the services required are identified and discussed in detail within the following section. As discussed previously, TKE currently maintains a staff of 44 personnel who are highly qualified to assist with any of the required services for this contract. TKE has two unique advantages associated with the experience of TKE's project team. One benefit of TKE's project team is our extremely low internal turnover rate. As a result of our rigorous interview and testing procedures, coupled with our extremely high employee satisfaction rates, TKE staff has years of experience working together. The close relationships each of our staff members have with one another provide the City with an extremely well rounded and experienced team. As such, TKE's project team experience directly correlates with TKE's firm experience described previously. The second benefit of TKE's project team is our internal training procedures. TKE has strived to develop techniques that reach outside the box and develop well rounded individuals committed to providing high quality, efficient services to meet all of our clients' needs. TKE trains our staff on every facet of engineering design and construction to provide a level of knowledge that can Page 15 identify problems in every phase of a project, from planning through construction. It is this commitment to service and diverse array of offerings that makes us unique and drives our long- standing relationships with our client base. Understanding that all aspects of Traffic Engineering are important to ensure the City's interests are protected and project schedules are met, our team brings TKE management level professionals to projects ensuring that every aspect receives full and comprehensive consideration. It is this personal touch and contact that define our 'local service' approach. We consider ourselves community builders and take ownership of services requested from TKE, ensuring that our personnel will be allocated on an as needed basis in order to complete all services on schedule and within specified budget. TKE is committed to responding to our clients' needs as they arise. B. K E Y P E R S O N N E L Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D. Principle -in -Charge I CIP Project Manager R.C.E. No. 69984 P.L.S. No. 9762 Q.S.D. Certification No. 24329 Mr. Renner has 23 years of engineering and surveying experience and also has experience as a Plan Checker and Project Manager. Mr. Renner is a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California. He has extensive experience in the design and construction of public works improvement projects, including project management, design engineering, construction management and surveying services. In addition, as detailed on Mr. Renner's resume, he has experience with drainage studies preparation, design and construction engineering for street, sewer and drainage system improvement projects. Mr. Renner is well trained in the use of computerized drawing software. He will assist with various tasks throughout the course of providing engineering services, such as base construction drawings, design and construction estimates. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Mr. Renner's role on the team will include management of TKE staff, compliance with standards and regulations and perform quality assurance and quality control on all documents. Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E. Traffic Engineer R.C.E. No. 74670 T.E. No. 2564 Justin has 23 years of experience in the transportation field. He is responsible for managing projects on a day-to-day basis as well as interfacing with other project team members and decision makers/ government staff and Contractors. He specializes in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation Planning, Construction, Traffic Engineering and Traffic Operations. He has experience working on both public sector projects as well as private sector development. His experience ranges from construction management and inspection to operations and maintenance. He also has experience conducting traffic studies, specialized access analysis, parking studies, trip generation studies, traffic micro -simulation, signal operations, signal timing, traffic control and design/build of ITS solutions. In addition, Justin has served as a subject matter expert in court, for the State of California and for vendors in the transportation industry. He is also a proud alumnus of San Diego State University where he has been a guest lecturer and has taught Transportation Engineering, helping to mentor the next generation in his field. Monae Pugh Traffic Specialist Ms. Pugh has over 32 years of Municipal and Public Agency engineering experience with a wide range of responsibilities and projects emphasizing the discipline of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Her most recent experience includes management of both Land Development and Traffic Engineering Departments for the City of Fontana. Prior experience includes over 16 years in the County of Riverside Traffic Engineering Department. Ms. Pugh has actively pursued continuing Page 16 education throughout her career through U.C. Berkley extension courses offered by the Institute of Transportation Studies and couples this with functional engineering experience. She is a Certified Grant Writer through Cal State San Bernardino Certification Program and has secured multiple Transportation grants for a wide variety of infrastructure projects. DEPTH OF RESOURCES TKE's professional team is supported by 44 Design and Traffic Support Staff, Plan Check Staff, Inspector Staff, as well as Administrative Support personnel. Key Personnel Resumes are provided on the following page. Upon the City's request, TKE can furnish additional resumes for any support staff needed to accomplish the work under this contract. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 C. R E S U M E S TERRY RENNER, P.E., Q.S.D Project Manager TKE Engineering, Inc. EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic University, Pomona REGISTRATIONS P.E (CA) 69984 Qualified SWPPP Developer & Practitioner #24329 P.L.S. #L 9762 CERTIFICATIONS Caltrans SWPPP Certified QSP/QSD Training AFFILIATIONS Riverside -San Bernardino Counties Branch, American Society of Civil Engineers American Public Works Association American Council of Engineering Companies of California Page 17 Mr. Renner is the Senior Vice President of TKE and has over 23 years of experience in civil engineering design, plan checking, project management and construction management of both development and public works infrastructure projects, including grading improvements, street and transportation improvements, traffic engineering, drainage improvements, water improvements, sewer improvements, facilities improvements and recreation improvements. He currently provides traffic and transportation engineering services to the cities of Fontana, Calimesa, Upland, Wildomar, Highland, and Adelanto. His experience includes services during pre -project planning, design, plan review, construction management and inspection, along with operations and maintenance. He also has experience conducting traffic studies, specialized access analysis, parking studies, signal operations, signal timing, and traffic control. He has successfully delivered a wide variety of complex and challenging projects and is dedicated to ensuring that the plans produced by TKE continue to exceed industry standards. Through his career, Terry has accumulated extensive experience in Transportation and Traffic Engineering field. He has planned, designed and managed construction for more than 30 miles of roadways, street widening, medians, traffic calming, roundabouts, signing and striping modifications, bicycle lanes, and pedestrian facilities for major corridors, arterials, collectors and residential streets. Finally, Terry has overseen public works projects for signal modification and ITS improvements including projects in Caltrans jurisdiction and involving multi -agency coordination. DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Street Project Experience • City Traffic Engineering, City of Calimesa, City of Wildomar, & City of Hesperia— Mr. Renner provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City. He is currently responsible for review of traffic control plans, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, warrant analysis preparation, traffic count coordination, analysis of traffic counts and collision data, traffic control device recommendations, speed zone survey preparation and certifications, and school zone analysis. While providing these services to the City, Mr. Renner has represented the City with other agencies, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. • CV Sync Traffic Signal Synchronization, City of Palm Desert -Mr. Renner serves as Project Manager assisting in oversight of construction management aspects for Phase 1 of the CV Sync project (Formerly CVAG TSSPP). This work involves plan review, management and approval of construction scheduling, budget, field work, local agency procedures and more. As the Local Agency Resident Engineer, Justin ensures adherence with applicable State and Federal requirements requiring familiarity with the CAMUTCD, Caltrans Standard Plans, Caltrans Construction Manual, Local Agency Procedures Manual and other applicable standards and documents. This project involves coordination and support across twelve agencies in the Coachella Valley. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 Page 18 • Serfas Club Drive Traffic Signal Improvements Project, City of Corona — Mr. Renner was the Project Manager for the traffic signal ramp installation and curb return modification at Serfas Club Drive and Rancho Corona Drive located in the City of Corona south of the 91 Freeway. The proposed improvements, included traffic signal installation, construction of ADA curb access ramps, retaining walls, striping and repair of private improvements adjacent to the project site. • Durfee Avenue and Thienes Avenue Traffic Signal Modification Improvements, City of South EI Monte — Mr. Renner was the Project Manager for the Durfee Avenue and Thienes Avenue Traffic Signal Modification Improvements Project located in the City of South EI Monte north of State Route 60 Freeway. The proposed improvements included preparation of traffic analysis, environmental documents, utility coordination and construction documents. The signal improvements included modification of the existing signal to include the addition of protected left turn phasing for Durfee Avenue and signal and pedestrian head equipment. The project was a federally funded project (HSIP) which was administered through Caltrans Local Assistance. • Rosemead Boulevard at Telestar Avenue Intersection Improvements, City of EI Monte—Mr. Renner was the Project Manager for the Rosemead Boulevard at Telestar Avenue Intersection Improvements Project is located in the City of EI Monte immediately south of the Interstate 10 Freeway on Rosemead Boulevard (SR -19) between Whitmore Street and the Interstate 10 Freeway. Proposed street improvements included traffic signal modification, street widening, pavement rehabilitation, ADA improvements and striping improvements to accommodate truck traffic. The project was a federally funded project (HSIP) which was administered through Caltrans Local Assistance. Services included design, survey and permit acquisition through Caltrans Local Assistance. • San Bernardino Avenue Median and Traffic Signal Improvements, City of Fontana- The San Bernardino Avenue median and traffic signal improvements project is located in the City of Fontana north of Interstate 10 Freeway and East of the Interstate 15 Freeway near Commerce Drive. Proposed median and traffic signal improvements were constructed to provide a centralized turning procedure for the Walmart Distribution facility with nearly 1,000 turning movements per day. The project provides for increased vehicular capacity, corridor beautification, and improved traffic and pedestrian safety. Design, construction management, inspection and construction staking is being provided by TKE for the project. TKE provided utility and railroad coordination for the relocation and adjustment of various utility improvements (i.e., power poles, meters, vaults, etc.). • San Bernardino Avenue Street Improvements, County of San Bernardino— Mr. Renner is the Project and Construction Manager for this 8,800 linear feet of street median, sidewalk, and storm drain improvements. This project included coordination with Union Pacific Railroad, the City of Fontana and compliance with requirements of a wide variety of funding sources to construct ultimate street widening improvements including median, curb and gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, traffic signal modification, striping, storm drain and sewer crossings and private onsite improvements. The project included right-of-way acquisition for eight parcels. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 19 • Santa Anita Avenue and Garvey Avenue Traffic Signal Improvements, City of EI Monte — Mr. Renner was the Project Manager for the Santa Anita Avenue and Garvey Avenue Traffic Signal Improvements Project is located in the City of EI Monte south of Interstate 10 Freeway. The proposed improvements included preparation of a traffic study, including existing traffic counts to determine if a left turn phase for north and southbound Santa Anita Avenue were necessary. The signal improvements included modification of the existing signal to include the addition of left turn phase and signal head equipment. Services included design, survey, preliminary and engineering report. • Sierra Avenue Widening Project, City of Fontana - Mr. Renner provides project and construction management services to the City of Fontana for the Sierra Avenue Widening Project. The project is approximately 1 mile of widening for the City's primary north south arterial street widening the roadway from 4 lanes to 6 lanes. The project includes street widening, raised landscape median, new sewer main installation, traffic signal installation and modifications, traffic signal interconnect and fiber optic cable installation, and extensive utility coordination for water main replacement, Rule 20A and Rule 20B undergrounding work. He is currently responsible for management of utility coordination, right-of- way acquisition for 76 parcels, traffic analysis, review of construction plans, coordination with project design consultants, construction management and construction staking services. While providing these services to the City, Mr. Renner has represented the City with other agencies, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 JUSTIN P. SCHLAEFLI, P.E., T.E.J. PTO Traffic Engineer / Project Manager TKE Engineering, Inc. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, San Diego State University Master Of Civil Engineering, Norwich University REGISTRATIONS Professional Traffic Operations Engineer IMSA Level II Signal Technician — Field Certified Fiber Optic Technician AFFILIATIONS Former Second Vice President, San Diego Highway Development Association Page 110 Justin has nearly over 23 years of experience in the transportation field. He is responsible for managing projects on a day-to-day basis as well as interfacing with other project team members and decision makers/ government staff and Contractors. He specializes in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation Planning, Construction, Signal Maintenance, Traffic Engineering and Traffic Operations. He has experience working on both public sector projects as well as private sector development. His experience ranges from construction management and inspection to operations and maintenance. He also has experience conducting traffic studies, specialized access analysis, parking studies, trip generation studies, traffic micro -simulation, signal operations, signal timing, traffic control and design/build of ITS solutions. In addition, Justin has served as a subject matter expert in court, for the State of California and for vendors in the transportation industry. He is also a proud alumnus of San Diego State University where he has served as a guest lecturer and adjunct faculty teaching Transportation Engineering and helping to mentor the next generation in his field. Finally, Justin has overseen design/build projects for signal modification and ITS improvements including projects in Caltrans jurisdiction and involving multi -agency coordination. DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE CV Sync Traffic Signal Synchronization, City of Palm Desert -Justin serves as the Resident Engineer assisting in oversight of all construction management aspects for Phase 1 of the CV Sync project (Formerly CVAG TSSPP). This work involves plan review, management and approval of construction scheduling, budget, field work, local agency procedures and more. As the Local Agency Resident Engineer, Justin ensures adherence with applicable State and Federal requirements requiring familiarity with the CAMUTCD, Caltrans Standard Plans, Caltrans Construction Manual, Local Agency Procedures Manual and other applicable standards and documents. This project involves coordination and support across twelve agencies in the Coachella Valley. Mission Bay Drive Adaptive Signal Project, City of San Diego— Justin served as the Project Engineer and Construction Manager within his role he was a trusted advisor, designer and construction manager responsible for introducing the latest technology to the City of San Diego. The project started in the advanced planning phases investigating field conditions and working with City staff to explore technological options for improving seven existing and one future signal on Mission Bay Drive. Justin provided assistance to the City of San Diego in exploring technology vendors and developing system requirements necessary to provide a new Adaptive Traffic Control system for the city. After selecting technology vendors, Justin oversaw the design/build effort to convert seven existing signals and construct one future signal as an Adaptive Traffic Control system using Trafficware's SynchroGreen system. This effort started with project planning, budget review, constructability review, permit application and contractor coordination. The scope of services includes communications design, installation, testing and quality assurance, controller replacements, TMC upgrades, ATMS install and configuration (ATMS.now), CCTV installation and configuration and Bluetooth monitoring system installation and configuration. Communications mediums include fiber, twisted pair copper, wireless radios and 4G LTE. The project is currently in it's completion phases. Member National Academy of • Main Street Synchronization Phase 1 and 2, City of Hesperia -Justin served as Sciences, Transportation Research the primary project manager for the upgrade of sixteen traffic signals on the Board Main Street Corridor. This project has been completed in two phases with Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 Page X11 Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 phase 1 completed and operational since 2018 and phase 2 just completed Member, Institute of Transportation and in its commissioning phase. Phase 2 involved substantial coordination Engineers across two Agencies, Caltrans and the City of Hesperia with the first synchronization/adaptive configuration across Caltrans freeway interchange Vice President of Professional ramp signals utilizing the technology selected. The project involved signal Development, San Diego State upgrades, installation of battery backup systems, CCTV cameras, ATMS cloud University Alumni Board of Advisors configuration, communications upgrades, controller replacements, signal timing, traffic control and more. The main technology vendors were Rhythm Adjunct Faculty, San Diego State Engineering's InSync system and Trafficware. Additional quality assurance University surveys and full project documentation were also provided along with technology training and maintenance planning. Justin has also provided As - Needed ITS services to the city since 2016 with regular maintenance and upgrade oversight of existing systems. • Lusk Boulevard Adaptive Installation and Signal Upgrade, City of San Diego - Justin served as a project manager for this challenging design/build project with the City of San Diego. The project was conceived as a technology trial involving the upgrade of four intersections on Lusk Boulevard in San Diego. Required work involved technology evaluation and discussion, pre - construction planning, design, permitting, review of field conditions and definition of project requirements, installation oversight, coordination with Agency staff, quality assurance, inspection, approval of change orders, project reporting, configuration, training and system commissioning activities. Justin served as overall project manager throughout the process and was responsible for accelerating the project schedule to meet funding requirements. Justin also completed before and after studies and system monitoring for over one year. The project involved controller upgrades, communications upgrade and testing, camera installation, adaptive equipment installation in cabinets, traffic control and reporting. Technology involved McCain 170 controllers, Quicnet and Rhythm Engineering's InSync system. • Plan Checkfor Signal Synchronization System, Coachella -Justin served as the project manager providing plan check services for the City of Coachella's Signal Synchronization System project. This work involved field constructability review, plan check and comment and wireless signal testing. Working with City staff and consultant designer, potential issues were discussed including filled and potentially broken conduit, conduit not meeting fiber standards, wireless backhaul testing, location and design of TMC and more. This led to suggested changes as the project moved forward. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 MONAE PUGH Traffic Engineering Specialist TKE Engineering, Inc. EDUCATION UC Berkley Institute of Transportation Engineers, Year Graduated AFFILIATIONS Institute of Transportation Engineers Page 112 Ms. Pugh has over 32 years of Municipal and Public Agency engineering experience with a wide range of responsibilities and projects emphasizing the discipline of Transportation and Traffic Engineering. Her most recent experience includes management of both Land Development and Traffic Engineering Departments for the City of Fontana. Prior experience includes over 16 years in the County of Riverside Traffic Engineering Department. Ms. Pugh has actively pursued continuing education throughout her career through U.C. Berkley extension courses offered by the Institute of Transportation Studies and couples this with functional engineering experience. She is a Certified Grant Writer through Cal State San Bernardino Certification Program and has secured multiple Transportation grants for a wide variety of infrastructure projects. DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE • On -Call Traffic Engineering, City of Hesperia— Ms. Pugh provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City of Hesperia. She is currently responsible for review of traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact studies, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, warrant analysis preparation, traffic count coordination, analysis of traffic counts and collision data, traffic control device recommendations, speed zone survey preparation and certifications, and school zone analysis. While providing these services to the City, Ms. Pugh has represented the City with other agencies, consultants and developers at numerous meeting, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. The project duration was from (2016 —present). • On -Call Traffic Engineering, City of Corona — Ms. Pugh provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City of Corona. She managed numerous in-house traffic signal designs, reviewed developer submitted traffic impact reports, provide plan checking on traffic control plans submitted for developer projects and capital improvement projects. While providing these services to the City, Ms. Pugh has represented the City during meetings with City consultants and developers, managed engineering budgets and project schedules, and various related work. The project duration was from (2015 — present). • On -Call Traffic Engineering, City of Calimesa— Ms. Pugh provide on-call traffic engineering services to the City. She is currently responsible for review of traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact studies, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, warrant analysis preparation, traffic count coordination, analysis of traffic counts and collision data, traffic control device recommendations, speed zone survey preparation and certifications, and school zone analysis. While providing these services to the City, Ms. Pugh has represented the City with other agencies, consultants and developers at numerous meeting, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. The project duration was from (2013 — present). • On -Call Traffic Engineering, City of Wildomar— Ms. Pugh provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City. She is currently responsible for review of traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact studies, Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 Page 113 traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, warrant analysis preparation, traffic count coordination, analysis of traffic counts and collision data, traffic control device recommendations, speed zone survey preparation and certifications, and school zone analysis. While providing these services to the City, Ms. Pugh has represented the City with other agencies, consultants and developers at numerous meeting, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. The project duration was from (2015 — present). • Slover Avenue and Live Oak Avenue, Traffic Signal, City of Fontana— Ms. Pugh was the design engineer and project manager for this at -grade rail crossing project. Design included coordination with Union Pacific Railroad to install rail crossing gates and appurtenances including rail pre-emption and permitting within rail right of way. • Van Buren BLVD, County of Riverside— Ms. Pugh designed and managed this traffic signal improvement as part of an overall safety project to provide improved access to Woodcrest Christian School. Upon completion vehicle traffic was re -directed to the campus via Dauchy Avenue. Coordination with the school to provide an additional access point and road improvements to this driveway were part of the overall project. Additionally, ingress and egress points were coordinated and designed to improve safety to private business access at this location. • City -Wide Speed Zone Certification, City of Fontana- Ms. Pugh managed an in-house recertification program which developed all new speed zones within the City limits for City Council approval. The remodel consisted of bringing all zones into compliance with current State mandates, certification practices and procedures; ensuring consistency for local law enforcement with the County of San Bernardino through enforcement. The project consisted of over 125 speed zones. • Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan (SWIP), City of Fontana- Ms. Pugh reviewed the transportation component of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) document to amend this City of Fontana Specific Plan (SP) with boundary and land use changes. The circulation of the draft EIR included coordination with various Cities as well as the County of San Bernardino and the County of Riverside. • Traffic Investigations, County of Riverside and City of Fontana — Ms. Pugh has extensive experience dealing with traffic safety issues and citizen concerns throughout these communities making recommendations and implementing change and improvement for mitigation. Experience includes preparation of all work orders for installation of traffic control devices. • Permit Parking Zone Program, City of Fontana—Ms. Pugh responded to traffic safety concerns on and around Fontana High School relative to student parking and pedestrian traffic. Numerous residential neighborhood and Fontana Unified School District (FUSD) complaints were received due to overabundance of student parking adjacent to the school. A comprehensive program was prepared, coordinated and implemented with Fontana police department, FUSD, residents to provide permit parking zones in the neighborhoods adjacent to the school. The program includes issuance of parking permits to residents, public outreach, safety measures, and City Council approval. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 114 • Grant Awards, City of Fontana -Ms. Pugh successfully applied for municipal grants from the following programs: Highway Safety Improvement Program and Safe Routes to School (both at Federal and State levels). Project awards included new raised medians for Sierra Ave., Foothill Blvd., and Citrus Ave. Additionally, traffic signal installation funding was secured for Alder Ave., at Wabash Ave. and also Randall Ave. at Palmetto Ave. • Safe Route To Schools, City of Fontana- Ms. Pugh successfully responded to traffic safety concerns at elementary schools with high pedestrian and vehicle volumes. Engineering & Traffic Study reports were performed to include support data for both Federal and State grant funding integral to mitigation, planning, and final design plans. • Foothill Blvd Street Improvements, City of Fontana -Ms. Pugh worked with TKE Engineering to design and coordinate the traffic signal component of this project as part of the management team from the City of Fontana. She completed design of signals at Foothill Blvd. intersections of Cottonwood Ave., Redwood Ave., Hemlock Ave. as well as traffic signal modifications for Mulberry Ave. and Cherry Ave. All were delivered and constructed with the overall street widening project. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 115 D . EXPERIENCE WITH SIMILAR WORK CALIMESA TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES City of Calimesa, CA Client Contact: Mr. Will Kolbow I City Manager RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA Phone Number: (909) 795-9801 • Traffic Engineering Services for Projects and CIP Proer Email: wkolbow@cityofcalimesa.net Developer j eerin • Traffic Engineering Project Cost: N/A ff g g Desin g Completion Date: 2013 -Present • Traffic Control Device Review and Design DESCRIPTION • Citizen Request Analysis TKE provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City for developer and capital improvement project coordination, planning and implementation. While providing these services to the City, TKE represented the City with other agencies at numerous meetings, represented engineering with the City's council and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules, retained other consultants to prepare improvement design projects, managed funding programs, and various related work. In addition, TKE managed major infrastructure development projects. SERVICES Services included traffic signal design, signing and striping design, traffic control plan preparation, preparation of complete bid documents, plan check of traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, and traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact analyses, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, review of citizen requests for traffic control to include traffic count analysis and collision data, recommendation of traffic control devices, prepare speed zone surveys and certification process, school zone analysis and preparation of school zone signing and striping plans. KEY STAFF Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Michael P. Thornton, P.E., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Monae Pugh WILDOMAR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES City of Wildomar, CA Client Contact: Mr. Dan Yorkl Assistant City °F`I moo Manager Phone Number: (951) 677-7751 ext. 216 Email: dyork@cityofwildomar.org Project Cost: N/A Completion Date: 2014 -Present DESCRIPTION RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Traffic Engineering Services for Developer and CIP Projects • Traffic Engineering Design • Traffic Control Device Review and Design • Citizen Reauest Analvsis TKE provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City for developer and capital improvement project coordination, planning and implementation. TKE routinely performs City functions related to traffic, traffic signals, timing, warrant analysis, striping, signing, geometric analysis, traffic control and other traffic engineering related services. While providing these services to the City, TKE has represented the City with other agencies at numerous meetings, represented engineering with the City's council and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules, retained other consultants to prepare improvement design projects, managed funding programs, and various related work. In addition, TKE managed major infrastructure development projects. SERVICES Services included traffic signal design, signing and striping design, traffic control plan preparation, preparation of complete bid documents, plan check of traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, and traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact analyses, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, review of citizen requests for traffic control to include traffic count analysis and collision data, recommendation of traffic control devices, prepare speed zone surveys and certification process, school zone analysis and preparation of school zone signing and striping plans KEY STAFF Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Michael P. Thornton, P.E., L.S., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Monae Pugh Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 RIALTO TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES City of Rialto, CA DESCRIPTION Client Contact: Mr. Tim Sullivan I Director of Maintenance and Operations Phone Number: (909) 421-7229 Email: tsullivan@rialtoca.gov Project Cost: N/A Completion Date: 2019 -Present Page 116 RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Traffic Engineering Services for Developer and CIP Projects • Traffic Engineering Design • Traffic Control Device Review and Design • Citizen Request Analysis TKE provides on-call traffic engineering services to the City for developer and capital improvement project coordination, planning and implementation. TKE routinely performs City functions related to traffic, traffic signals, timing, warrant analysis, striping, signing, geometric analysis, traffic control and other traffic engineering related services. While providing these services to the City, TKE has represented the City with other agencies at numerous meetings, represented engineering with the City's council and other public meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules, retained other consultants to prepare improvement design projects, managed funding programs, and various related work. In addition, TKE managed major infrastructure development projects. SERVICES Services included traffic signal design, signing and striping design, traffic control plan preparation, preparation of complete bid documents, plan check of traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, and traffic control plans, land development review of site plans and access management, review and comment of traffic impact analyses, traffic engineering project coordination with capital improvement projects, review of citizen requests for traffic control to include traffic count analysis and collision data, recommendation of traffic control devices, prepare speed zone surveys and certification process, school zone analysis and preparation of school zone signing and striping plans KEY STAFF Justin P. Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Michael P. Thornton, P.E., Monae Pugh CV SYNC - PHASE I & I I Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), Coachella Valley, CA I�Yi�;71irNL�1 Client Contact: Eric Cowie I Program Manager Phone Number: (760)346-1127 Email: ecowle@cvag.org Project Cost: $109M Completion Date: Current RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Public Works Construction Management Inspection Project • Traffic Signal, Synchronization and Special Inspections • Electrical Inspections • State and Federal Grant Management This project located in the Coachella Valley consists of upgrading the local agencies existing legacy (outdated) traffic signal controllers, traffic management systems, and communication systems with the latest off-the-shelf technologies in order to provide inter -agency traffic signal synchronization along three regional roadways including Highway 111, Ramon Road and Washington Street. The project improvements include advanced traffic management systems (ATMS), advanced transportation controllers (ATC), selected Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) elements, ITS sub -systems, and Ethernet/IP-based communications that will be expandable and scalable for future integration of ITS technologies and strategies, such as Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), Smart Cities, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. This project includes a Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) and local Traffic Operation Centers (TOC) that will have the capability to monitor, control of connected traffic signals, and be used as a monitoring tool for research and analysis to help determine regional system enhancements, operations, and maintenance. SERVICES Services included bid administration and pre -construction assistance, grant funding administration, construction management, inspection, and project closeout services KEY STAFF Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D, Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Stephen Biscotti, Michael Counce Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 COUNTY LINE ROAD TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR (LPP) City of Calimesa, CA Client Contact: Will Kolbow I City Manager Phone Number: (909) 795-9801 Email: wkolbow@cityofcalimesa.com Project Cost: $10.1 Million ($3.7 Million Grant) Completion Date: Current DESCRIPTION Page 117 RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • LPP State Grant Management • Roundabouts Design • Right -of -Way Acquisition • Extensive Utility Relocations • Major Arterial Reconstruction • Various Pavement Strategies • Extensive Utility Coordination and Permitting • Community Outreach Efforts TKE prepared and obtained a grant for the City of Calimesa through the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1) Local Partnership Program (LPP). TKE is preparing street widening and roundabout improvements for the construction of the County Line Road Transportation Corridor. The Project includes four (4) single -lane and one (1) multi -lane roundabouts, together with street, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements, to improve safety and efficiency throughout the corridor. The innovative approach to implement roundabout intersection throughout the corridor provides adequate capacity and level of service to remain a two-lane street; thus, significantly reducing right-of-way and construction costs to construct a four -lane corridor. SERVICES Services include grant coordination and management, design, topographic survey, right-of-way engineering, environmental assistance, roadway safety analysis, preparation of exhibits, cost estimates, coordination with California Transportation Commission, construction management, inspection, and construction staking. KEY STAFF Michael P. Thornton, P.E., L.S., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Steven Ledbetter, P.E., Octavio Parada, Ron Musser, L.S., Monae Pugh, Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E. Jeff Lantosh, CPII, Brian McDuffie CHERRY VALLEY INTERCHANGE City of Calimesa, CA Client Contact: Will Kolbow I City Manager Phone Number: (909) 795-9801 Email: wkolbow@cityofcalimesa.com Project Cost: $20M+ Completion Date: Current DESCRIPTION RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Project Management • Caltrans Experience • Project Planning • Right -of -Way Engineering TKE provides project management services for the City for the Cherry Valley Interchange including review and oversight of the Project Study Report (PSR or Project Initiation Document — PID) prepared by the County of Riverside and the consulting engineering firm, coordination with all stake holders including adjacent private developments, preparation/review of cooperation and funding agreements between stake holders. The PSR provides new interchange alternatives and preliminary geometric layouts that includes the City's preferred interchange alternative and other viable interchange alternatives along with initial traffic data, storm water data, and environmental data. Construction of a new interchange is vital to the City to increase capacity and functionality for the Cherry Valley Boulevard on/off-ramps to support the current/future traffic demand. The project is moving into the Project Approval and Environmental Document phase and is expected to begin construction in 2022. SERVICES Services included council report preparation, design review, project planning, review traffic impact studies, preparation of grant funding applications, report preparation, project scoping, right-of-way, and project management. KEY STAFF Michael P. Thornton, P.E., L.S., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Steven Ledbetter, P.E., Monae Pugh, Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta N SIERRA AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT City of Fontana, CA DESCRIPTION Client Contact: Phillip Burum I Deputy City Manager Phone Number: (909) 350-6727 Email: pburum@fontana.org Project Cost: $11.3M Completion Date: Current Page 118 RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Project/Construction Management • Major Arterial Roadway Widening • Traffic Signal Modification/Design • Right -of -Way Acquisition • Various Pavement Strategies • Extensive Utility Coordination and Relocations • Community Outreach Efforts The Sierra Avenue widening improvements project is located in the City of Fontana north of Interstate 10 Freeway between Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Road. The project is approximately 1 mile of widening for the City's primary north -south arterial street widening the roadway from 4 lanes to 6 lanes. The project includes street widening, raised landscape median, new sewer main installation, traffic signal installation and modifications, traffic signal interconnect and fiber optic cable installation, and extensive utility coordination for water main replacement, Rule 20A and Rule 20B undergrounding work. The project also includes right-of-way acquisition for 76 parcels, traffic analysis, review of construction plans, coordination with project design consultants, construction management and construction staking services. TKE represents the City with other agencies, represented engineering with the City's management personnel and other meetings, managed engineering budgets and project schedules. SERVICES Services include design, topographic survey, right-of-way engineering and acquisition, roadway safety analysis, preparation of exhibits, cost estimates, utility coordination, construction management, and construction staking. KEY STAFF Michael P. Thornton, P.E., L.S., Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Ron Musser, L.S., Monae Pugh PALOMAR/CLINTON KEITH SIDEWALK, TRAIL, AND BIKE LANE CONNECTIVITY PROJECT City of Wildomar, CA !9A DESCRIPTION Client Contact: Jason Farag Phone Number: (951) 677-7751 Project Cost: $1.511M Email: jfarag@cityofwildomar.org Completion Date: March 2022 RELEVANCE TO LA QUINTA • Street/Pedestrian Design • Grant Funding Coordination • Utility Relocation/Coordination • Design Topographic Surveying • Right -of -Way Engineering This grant funded project is located along Palomar Street from Clinton Keith Road to Meadow Ridge Lane and along Clinton Keith Road in the City of Wildomar. The project included approximately one mile of sidewalk connectivity, ultimate street widening, storm drain, striping, and private property restoration that required full depth removal and placement of AC pavement; removal and reconstruction of concrete curbs and gutters, ADA ramps, cross -gutters, sidewalks; construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, cross -gutters, ADA ramps, and driveway approaches; construction of CMU retaining wall and significant regrading along hillsides; construction of a multipurpose DG Trail; construction of catch basins, rock bioswales, headwalls, and storm drains; installation of a new pedestrian push button system and curb ramp; relocation of miscellaneous utilities; raising of various utility manholes/valves and installation of traffic signing, striping and loop detectors. SERVICES Services included preliminary engineering, design, topographic survey, right-of-way engineering and acquisition assistance, flood control permitting, traffic signal modification, ADA accessibility, Storm Water Pollution Protection, striping redesign, utility relocation and coordination, coordination with property owners, bidding assistance, and construction assistance. KEY STAFF Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D., Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E., Chance Renner, Ron Musser, L.S., Brett Enscoe Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 E P R O J E C T U N D E R S T A N D I N G The City desires to retain a highly qualified civil engineering consultant to provide on-call traffic engineering services on a part-time basis. TKE recognizes the City's need to accommodate its rapidly growing population, which increases by about 21,000 during its peak season. Our Team will develop a proactive approach to resolve traffic -related issues and provide assistance with planning for the aforementioned growth, which has been forecasted by the City's General Plan. TKE is prepared to immediately mobilize and begin providing the required services and related technical engineering assistance including but not limited to the following: • Plan Sheet Preparation • Work Order Preparation • Concept and Feasibility Studies • Final Plans Preparation • Data Collection/Traffic Analyses • Traffic Management Center Monitoring • Equipment Specifications Research • Citizen Requests Assistance • Data Request Responses to Agencies • Work Zone Traffic Plans Review • Update Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Device Standards • Prepare and Present Education and Safety Training • Signal Timing Adjustment • Monthly Coordination and Project Meetings • Task Order Assignments • Traffic Management Software Utilization r P R O J E C T APPROACH Traffic Engineering Services can be one of the most challenging areas of an agency's responsibilities. This is due to a number of challenges including the voluminous and changing laws and regulations applying to traffic operations as well as the inherent liability of critical infrastructure meant to serve the traveling public. Ensuring the safety of the traveling public, as well as, communicating and fielding public complaints is an ongoing challenge. Traffic Engineering is sometimes described as a combination of art and science. TKE has Page 119 extensive experience communicating with the public, decision makers, internal stakeholders and those who work in the public right-of-way, which is critical to successful results. TKE staff have experience with all of these aspects including field experience working with signal technicians and solving timing problems, experience communicating with decision makers and the public about transportation challenges, experience delivering safety and operations improvement projects, CEQA experience with traffic and parking studies, testimony and expert witness work in court and more. TKE's goal is the successful project delivery of the City's traffic engineering needs. Our definition of successful project delivery is: • Task/Project Completion that Meets all Project Safety Requirements • Task/Project Completion that Protects the City's Interests • Task/Project Completion on Schedule • Task/Project Completion within Budget To successfully achieve each of the items listed above, it is vital that an efficient and effective form of communication is maintained throughout the project duration. TKE's staff is highly trained in the art of communication. By way of phone calls, emails, and in person meetings, TKE regularly and routinely keeps City staff informed of all aspects of the project. Through the preparation of meeting minutes, progress reports and project update memorandums TKE ensures that City staff is fully appraised of the project status. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TKE's implementation plan includes the following key elements which we routinely provide for each of our projects: PROJECT MANAGEMENT TKE provides effective city engineering, land development, and project management services to a variety of clients. We have successfully delivered extensive and highly visible development projects, street improvement, traffic improvement, drainage improvement, water, wastewater and facility improvement projects for the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, County of San Bernardino Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 and Riverside, Cities of Coachella, Banning, Calimesa, Moreno Valley, Chino, Glendora, EI Monte, South EI Monte, Corona, Highland, Hesperia, Colton, Upland, Fontana, Yucaipa, Rialto, Redlands, Wildomar, Lake Elsinore, and Riverside and for the Municipal Agencies San Bernardino Municipal Water Department, Rubidoux Community Services District, Mission Springs Water District, East Valley Water District, Mission Springs Water District, Coachella Water Authority, San Bernardino Municipal Water Department, Rubidoux Community Services District, East Valley Water District, Three Valleys Municipal Water District, Monte Vista Water District, and Maywood Mutual Water Company. TKE's approach has consistently allowed our partner agencies to fulfill their missions of delivering the best value for the public's investment. TKE's management approach includes: MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORTS TKE documents project progress for all projects assigned to TKE by a comprehensive project management summary. The summary includes project name and related number, description of progress, budget status, schedule compliance, completed deliverables, and anticipated upcoming accomplishments. COMMUNICATION Communications with City staff is another important component to effective project management. In addition to the monthly progress reports, TKE meets with clients as needed to ensure the projects are proceeding as anticipated. We document each discussion or meeting with notes and electronically mail them to the project team within three days of the meeting/conference indicating action items and a schedule for completion of these items. Finally, TKE welcomes direct lines of communication between the City and all Key Staff for any and all project needs. RECORD KEEPING TKE keeps records in an organized filing system both in hard copy and electronic forms. This organized filing system allows TKE to access records immediately should they be needed. Additionally, TKE can provide comprehensive project records to the City upon completion of each project. Page 120 MEETINGS TKE meets with project stakeholders as needed including the public, permitting agencies, utilities, etc. We meet with them at the project's onset and throughout the course of project development to ensure all stakeholder project needs are considered in the project design. All meeting preparation (City Staff Reports, agendas, exhibits, slide shows, etc.) will be prepared by TKE for each meeting. Again, meetings will be documented. TKE has provided numerous similar presentations to Councils (closed sessions, council meetings, community meetings, etc.). TEAM MEETINGS Team meetings include all parties that have any interest in the project development. In particular, the City's Engineering and Public Works Departments will be close working partners with TKE in project development and environmental compliance for capital projects. CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project management will be an essential element in all types of project delivery. Effective communications will lead to effective management. Management will include weekly reviews of project budget and schedules and regular meetings with all project shareholders. For all projects, the most important aspect of management will be to ensure that the City's interests are protected to the maximum extent possible and project schedules are met. TKE will ensure that public funds and impact fees are used for the benefit of the community. Any deviation from standards and requirements will be referred to the City and TKE will implement direction given by City staff. Maintaining excellent communications will prevent any project processing misunderstandings and will avoid project delays. TKE management techniques always result in efficient project delivery. Managing other consultants is another area that TKE excels. Due to our extensive variety of project experience, TKE has a vast amount of knowledge with all public works improvement projects. With this understanding, TKE is able to manage others and avoid any costly project changed conditions and delays. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 REGULATORY, SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND CITY STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Another primary function of TKE staff is to verify compliance with aspects of federal, state, and local laws as well as the subdivision map act and City standards. TKE is already well versed with federal, state and local development law and the map act requirements. Further, TKE will verify that all construction related to engineering components, are constructed in accordance with these requirements and standards. FEDERAL STATE FUNDING COMPLIANCE TKE will verify that all construction activities, records management and processing are completed in accordance with funding requirements including Caltrans Construction Manual and Federal /State requirements. TKE is already working closely with Caltrans Local Assistance on numerous other projects and is very familiar with funding requirements ensuring that the City's projects will be delivered efficiently. TKE also has current experience with Caltrans District 8 preparing requests for authorization to proceed to construction, programming change requests, and variance to finance letter requests to conform to actual bid amounts. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION TKE is familiar with a number of funding sources for capital improvement projects. TKE has prepared numerous applications and administered these funds for a number of agencies. TKE has extensive experience with Federal and State funded projects including: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Transportation Enhancement Program (TE) Congestion Management & Air Quality (CMAQ) A Safe Routes to School (SRTS) A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) A U.S. EPA Clean Water Grant A U.S. Army Corp Environmental Infrastructure A U.S. HUD Community Development Block Grants Active Transportation Program (ATP) o Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1) - Page 121 A Mobile Source Reduction Committee (MSRC) A TDA Article 3 A Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) A State Water Board Drinking Water and Clean Water SRF A Proposition 1 o Storm Water Grant Program o Integrated Regional Watershed Management Program o Flood Management Program o Proposition 84 o Proposition 1E o Proposition 50 o Proposition 68 We will apply this knowledge to process current projects and continue to work with City staff to match funding streams with proposed projects. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Environmental permitting for projects within the CIP may be complex and involve coordination with multiple jurisdictional agencies, in addition to the normal CEQA analysis and determination. Our preliminary review of the CIP indicates that many projects projected will qualify for a categorical exemption. Other projects may require some additional environmental permit requirements including Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 permits from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, CWA Section 401 permits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Section 1602 Permits from the California Department of Fish and Game and potential US ESA Section 7 permitting from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. TKE has experience in the acquisition of each of these different permit types and will provide excellent management and oversight to ensure environmental compliance permitting is implemented. G. SO L U T I ON S TO CRITICAL ISSU ES With the variety of shifting technologies, policies and laws in the transportation industry, it is critical for the City to be supported by a true expert in the industry. One example is the shift from a level of service (LOS) standard under CEQA to a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) standard consistent with SB743. TKE staff's are not only knowledgeable with respect to these changes but are at the forefront in implementing these changes statewide. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Similarly, as Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies continue to shift, it is critical to not only be aware of these changes but to actively prepare for these changes. TKE staff are likewise acknowledged experts in the ITS industry having designed and built multiple cutting edge ITS projects including advanced signal control (Smart Signals) and Connected Vehicle applications. One final example of challenges which could face the City through the course of this contract include the implementation of a new Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), new controllers and a new Traffic Operations Center (TOC). These changes will involve implementation of new signal timing plans. TKE staff have deep knowledge of these changes and can help the City of Downey prepare for and update City files and procedures to take full advantage of these future changes. H. S C 0 P E O F SE R V I C E S: STE P S- F 0 R- S U C C E S S The tasks necessary for completion of assigned activities will vary depending on the nature and originator of a request. Generally, task assignments will be divided into two categories. First, requests related to safety will be prioritized and will follow standard traffic maintenance or citizen complaint procedures with proper documentation and feedback provided to any public stakeholders. Documentation and swift handling of these requests is important to reduce liability on the City once a request has been identified as a potential safety hazard. If the City has a standard process for handling and responding to these requests, that process will be followed. If not, TKE's staff have checklists and processes which have been successfully utilized in the past which will be suggested. The majority of these requests will be generated by the public. This includes assistance to investigate and provide written responses to complaints or requests received by residents and to assist Traffic Signal Maintenance Technicians/Electricians and other City staff with traffic signal programming, timing, and communications. If a request is not related to an immediate operations or safety concern, the task assignment will be categorized accordingly in a second category with regulatory or time Page 122 critical requests prioritized first in order to ensure timely responses. The scope of the task will be examined and a process for accomplishing the assignment will be discussed with City staff. Milestones and acceptable deadlines will be established and followed through to successful project completion. After initially categorizing and prioritizing a project, personnel can be assigned and appropriate software can be utilized for management. Depending on what process governs, either a manual process or the use of online management software may be warranted. For example, during plan -check, the design module of Virtual -PM may be appropriate for effectively tracking reviews and submittals as well as tracking comments. For a Caltrans LAPM or Construction Management project, the project management module in Virtual -PM may be appropriate. This module creates a centralized file structure while recording milestones and progress/approval of RFI's, Submittals, punch lists, progress payments, daily reports and more. Software such as Virtual -PM also provides a dashboard which can be utilized in tracking project progress and milestones. This creates a unified, visible and accountable record to ensure success. Additional software for communication and file -sharing such as Teams, Dropbox, Google Docs, Zoom and more are commonly used depending on the preferences of an agency and requirements of the assignment. In addition to software packages mentioned above, manual processes can be utilized for a customized work- flow. This may be appropriate for signal timing work such as a citywide bicycle timing update or for citizen complaints following a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Manual. Regardless of process, it is critical to follow the following steps for success: 1. Understand the assignment 2. Prioritize the assignment 3. Understand constraints (regulatory, physical or otherwise) 4. Agree on milestones and deadlines for accountability 5. Resource the assignment accordingly 6. Track progress and report status Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 7. Successfully complete the assignment We are sure that the successful results of our past performance in the delivery of projects, along with our firm's proven ability to utilize our experience for a complete and well -engineered project, will provide a valuable resource to the City. A list of our relative experience is shown on the following pages. SIMILAR SERVICES TKE continues to provide numerous municipalities and agencies with consulting traffic engineering services and staffing for every facet of engineering and public works projects. TKE recognizes the importance of staffing based on a client's need and workload. Our flexible support and qualified staff enables our clients to serve their constituents in a cost effective and efficient manner. A few examples of similar services provided by TKE are the Cities of Rialto, Hesperia, Calimesa, and Wildomar. Each are discussed below: RIALTO TKE is currently providing on-call traffic engineering services to the City of Rialto and has represented staff at the City's traffic commission meetings. Services include traffic engineering, development services, review of engineering and traffic surveys for speed zone certification, traffic signal design and construction management, review developer submitted traffic impact reports, provide plan check comments on traffic control plans submitted for developer and CIP projects, perform warrant analysis flashing beacon installation, and review citizen requests. H E S P E R I A TKE serves the City of Hesperia as its City Engineer. TKE is responsible for all engineering activities performed by City staff including traffic engineering, design, survey, plan check, grant assistance, development services, CIP development and its implementation. As part of our traffic engineering services TKE prepares engineering and traffic surveys for speed zone certification, warrant analysis, citizen requests, signing and striping plans, traffic signal plans, timing sheets, signal Page 123 synchronization, flashing beacon crosswalk installation, traffic impact analysis, and traffic control plans. CALIMESA TKE serves the City of Calimesa as its City Engineer. TKE is responsible for all engineering activities performed by City staff including traffic engineering, design, survey, plan check, project construction management, inspection and grant assistance, development services, CIP development and its implementation. As part of our traffic engineering services TKE prepares engineering and traffic surveys for speed zone certification, warrant analysis, citizen requests, signing and striping plans, traffic signal plans, timing sheets, signal synchronization, flashing beacon crosswalk installation, traffic impact analysis, and traffic control plans. W I L D 0 M A R TKE is currently providing on-call traffic, plan, map and, WQMP checking services to the City of Wildomar for numerous development and Capital Improvement Projects. In addition, TKE currently provides on-call design and construction administration services on capital improvement projects within the city. TKE has been providing traffic engineering, plan and map checking services to the City since 2014. As part of our traffic engineering services TKE prepares engineering and traffic surveys for speed zone certification, warrant analysis, citizen requests, signing and striping plans, traffic signal plans, timing sheets, signal synchronization, flashing beacon crosswalk installation, traffic impact analysis, and traffic control plans. I S C H E D U L E O F T A S K S For a complete schedule of tasks to be completed for the proposed services please refer to the end of this section. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 124 ] S C H E D U L E Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 L 2�thN OmCall Tragic Engineering serviws Berel S,h­le ID Task Name tt—t", seg Finish 024 September Odober November December uary February amh pril ay 52572 ]6 ]/15 (L3]/30 Bib /13820 2] 9(i 9/10 YI]9(24f 0Y110,8 0/I 02 02 11/51/1 1A 1212(3 21 21 22 28 1/I 1/141!21128 2/4 2/11 2Y18 253.6 3/10 /1]324 Q1 4/! 4/14 214(285/5 A my /125/19525 52 5t9 5/15 235!30 ](1 h 1 Signal Timing Anrslance (Muarlesly Basas) 255 tlays Mon ](523 Fri fi(�24 26 I 2 Clt-1, Req uesm(WeeNy Basi) 255 days Mon 7(523 Fri 6024 I I I I I I I I I I I 626 I I 3 Planning Commission/City Counol Ansis ,, (Monthly) 250 days Mon 7(523 Fri 6024 k26 4 Law En(or®me nt(A-hly lme Race) 250 days Mon 7(523 F 620 5 Mainenance 260 days Mon 7(323 Fri 6024 �(10 m 1P20 6 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Request (Weekly) 260 days All 7523 '116024 m 1P28 Review of UPd,tMTransportation Lwe (Mnua� 260 days Mon ]/323 I I I I I I I I I I I I --1, 012 1,012 Date: Tue 523(13 Task Pmjetlsummary split ............... ENemal Teska Mll It e ♦ Egernal Mlleslene ♦ summary ^^ Inactive Milestone 0 .............. Manual Summary ♦ E.t (U1.1— ilestonestlt Menuel Tesk O sten-only Pm grew Dustier only .............. `11111 Illy Deadline b Man 1 summary Rollup + Edema!Tasks Q Page 1 Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 125 SECTION 2 1 REFERENCES OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AGENCIES The following references correspond with our project experience listed in Section 1. Additional references have also been provided for further support so the City of La Quinta may verify the quality work TKE provides our clients in consistently ensuring successful project delivery: CITY OF MORENO VALLEY Mr. Eddie Godinez (951) 413-3127 Senior Construction 14177 Frederick Street 2000 —Present Inspector — Public eddieg@moval.org Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Works CITY OF COACHELLA Mr. Anderson (760) 398-5744 ext. 134 1515 6T" STREET Simmons 2016 — Present Coachella, CA 92236 City Engineer asimmons@coachella.org Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 PHONE NUMBER / DATES SERVICES AGENCY CONTACT NAME PROVIDED EMAIL ADDRESS (FROM/THROUGH) CITY OF WILDOMAR Mr. Daniel A.York 23873 Clinton Keith Road Public Works (626) 652-3163 2014 —Present Suite 201 Director/City dyork@cityofwildomar.org Engineer Wildomar CA 92595 CITY OF CALIMESA Mr. Will Kolbow (909) 795-9801 908 Park Avenue 2012 — Present City Manager wkolbow@cityofcalimesa.net Calimesa, CA 92320 CITY OF HESPERIA Mr. Nils Bentsen (760) 947-1025 9700 Seventh Avenue 2016 — Present City Manager nbentsen@cityofhesperia.us Hesperia, CA 92345 CITY OF FONTANA Mr. Phillip Burum (909) 350-6727 16489 Orange Way 2000 —Present Deputy City Manager pburnum@fontana.org Fontana, CA 92335 CITY OF HIGHLAND Mr. Carlos Zamano (909) 864-8732 27215 Base Line 2014 —Present Public Works Director czamano@cityofhighland.org Highland, CA 92346 CITY OF MORENO VALLEY Mr. Eddie Godinez (951) 413-3127 Senior Construction 14177 Frederick Street 2000 —Present Inspector — Public eddieg@moval.org Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Works CITY OF COACHELLA Mr. Anderson (760) 398-5744 ext. 134 1515 6T" STREET Simmons 2016 — Present Coachella, CA 92236 City Engineer asimmons@coachella.org Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 SECTION 3 1 COMPLETE PRICING LIST (FEE SCHEDULE) 11"ENGINEER1 INC. RATE SCHEDULE 2022- 2023 Page 126 HOURL,Y RATE Principal in Charge............ ... ........ . .......... ........ - $175.00 Project Manager/Construction Manager/Licensed Surveyor ......................... 5185.00 Senior Engineer/Project Engineer (PEYSenior Plan Checker.... ......... ......... 5155.00 Assistant Project ManagerlAssociate Engineer. ............. . ........ . ; ........ ...... ; ... S145.00 Assistant Engineer/Plan Checker/Designer.................................................. $135.00 AutoCAD Technician ... ....... .......... ......... ............... :....... .......... .......... ......... . $125.00 Engineering Technician.............................................................................. $ 90.00 Clerical................................................................................................... $ 85.00 Forensic Engineering................................................................................. $250.00 Expert Witness Testimony........................................................................ $350.00 SURVEYING SERVICES 2 -Man Survey Crew (Prevailing Wage) ..................... 5240-00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Senior Construction Inspector (Prevailing Wage) ......................................... 5120,00 Construction Inspector (Prevailing Wage) .................................................... $110.00 REIMBURSABLE COSTS In-house Reproduction.............................................................................. Cost Printing and Materials.................................................................................. Cost + 10% Express Mail/Courier/Next Day Service ...................................................... Cost + 10% Special Subconsultant Services................................................................. Cost + 10% Revised June 2022 Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Ouinta 0 Page 127 SECTION 4 1 COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES AND PRICING LIST All complementary services that have been included in the qualifications section and pricing shown incorporate all offered services. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 SECTION 5 1 STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION Xa (&Kra Project Manaaer Terry Renner, P.E., L.S., Q.S.D. TKE Engineering, Inc. Traffic Enaineerina Specialist Traffic Engineer Monae Pugh 11 Justin Schlaefli, P.E., T.E., P.T.O.E. TKE Engineering, Inc. Plan Check Staff Michael P. Thornton P.E., P.L.S. I President Brian Wolfe, P.E. I Senior Engineer Michelle Arellano, P.E. I Senior Plan Check Engineer Steve Nix, P.E., P.L.S. I Senior Plan Check Engineer Jose Martinez I Associate Engineer Alex Estepa I Associate Engineer Tracey McLoughlin I Plan Check Coordinator Chance Renner, EIT I Associate Engineer Travis Bradshaw I Associate Engineer Steve Dukett I Managing Director Development Services TKE Engineering, Inc. Desian & Construction Management Support Staff Ronald Musser, P.L.S. I Director of Survey Octavio Parada I Project Manager Jennifer Cioffi, P.E. I Project Manager Marvin Lara, EIT I Associate Engineer Shelby Kelley, EIT I Associate Engineer Jose Hernandez I Associate Engineer Mycal Batla I Survey Brett Enscoe I Survey Party Chief Metehan Gumustekin, EIT I Associate Engineer Daniel Melero, EIT I Engineering Technician Jayden Renner I Engineering Technician Brian Chu I Engineering Technician Emmanuel Perez I Engineering Technician CIP Insoections Special Inspections Land Develooment Inspections Patrick Palafox I Senior Public Works Inspector Michael Counce I Senior Public Works Inspector/ Electrical Inspector Stephen Biscotti I Senior Public Works Inspector Brian McDuffie I Senior Public Works Inspector Nelson Blackwell, CPII I Senior Public Works Inspector/ Special Inspector Jeff Lantosh, CPII I Senior Public Works Inspector/ Special Inspector Naeem Dulloo I Senior Public Works Inspector/ Special Inspector Jeffrey Lynn I Senior Public Works Inspector Brad Enscoe I Senior Public Works Inspector TKE Clerical & Additional Support Michelle Sells I Accounting/Office Manager Deana Vilches I Clerical Jeannette Barlow I Clerical Brittany Simmons I Proposal Coordinator Genesi Lozano I Marketing Coordinator City of La Quin' ta Page 129 1 S T A F F A V A I L A B I L I T Y Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta Page 130 SECTION 6 1 SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES TKE currently employs all staff in-house who are essential to complete the requested services per the RFP. Therefore, we will not require support from a subconsultant firm at this time. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 Page 131 SECTION 7 1 DISCLOSURES TKE Engineering, Inc. has no negative history to disclose, including no alleged significant prior or ongoing agreement failure, civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending, which involved TKE or in which TKE has been judged guilty or liable within the last five years. Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 1K City of La Quinta Page 132 SECTION 8 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Aiiw„N , ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Terry Renner TKE Engineering, Inc (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 1 ); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am Senior Vice President of TKE Engineering, Inc. (Title) (Company) Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the fallowing endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must: include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta Page 133 SECTION 9 1 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Terry Renner (name) hereby declare as follows: I am Senior Vice President of TKE Engineering, Inc. (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: r. . Terry Renner, P.E., L -S,, Q.S.D. Senior Vice President TILE Engineering, Inc. 73993 Highway 111, Suite 201 Palm Desert. CA 92260 Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta 0 SECTION 10 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA F0001'", Page 134 C& QWkt6V -CA IJH)RNIA ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark °NIA" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 1 2 f -f Request for Proposals: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services City of La Quinta