STC Traffic, Inc.Proposal For:
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
City of La Quinta I May 23, 2023
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On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Table of Contents
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Cover Letter....................................................................................................................2
Executive Summary......................................................................................................3
Firm Background..........................................................................................................3
Firm Qualifications and Experience.............................................................................4
References of California Government Agencies.............................................................6
Complete Pricing List/Fee Schedule............................................................................
Project Understanding.................................................................................................
Scope of Work/Complementary Services.................................................................
Project Schedule.......................................................................................................
Staffing and Project Organization................................................................................
Grant Funding...........................................................................................................
Task Order Management..........................................................................................
Subcontracting Services...............................................................................................
Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements..........................................................
Non -Collusion Affidavit................................................................................................
Acknowledgment of Addenda.....................................................................................
1. Resumes of Key Personnel
2. Acknowledgment of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2)
3. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3)
4. Acknowledgement of Addenda (Attachment 4)
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 1
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
1. Cover Letter
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California 92253
Attn: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst
Subject: Statement of Qualifications for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Dear Ms. Mignogna,
STC Traffic, Inc. (STC) is pleased to submit our qualifications to the City of La Quinta for On -Call Traffic
Engineering Services. STC is a leader in the traffic engineering, transportation planning, and Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) field. In addition to directly supporting Coachella Valley agencies such as
Cathedral City and Palm Springs, STC serves as the go -to traffic engineering consultant for the Cities of
Eastvale, Jurupa Valley, Menifee, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Temecula, Lake Elsinore, and Hemet.
Over the last decade, we have done an excellent job in Riverside County supporting municipal agencies
with as -needed traffic engineering services. We take pride in empowering City staff. By delivering projects
and expertise in an open and value -oriented way, we help the City become self-sufficient in the technical
aspects of our work. Our work is all about trust. We build the confidence and trust of both City staff and
elected officials, and this in -turn builds the public's confidence and trust in the City's ability to deliver
capital improvements.
Our business model is built around delivering local experience, specialized expertise, and quality. We
maintain long-lasting relationships because we truly believe in delivering high-value service. It is our credo
to be champions in our industry—and through our expertise, we can continue to help the City of La Quinta
enhance mobility for all users of the street.
All information and pricing provided in the proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days, and any individual
who will perform work for the City is free of any conflict of interest. We take no exceptions to the standard
agreement and look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with City staff on this contract.
Jason Stack, TE, PTOE
Legal Name: STC Traffic, Inc.
Address: 5973 Avenida Encinas, Suite 218
Carlsbad, CA 92008
RFQ Contact: Jason Stack, TE, PTOE
T: (714) 315-4640 1 F: (760) 670-3445
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 2
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
1.1 Executive Summary
STC has been providing professional traffic engineering services
to municipal agencies in Southern California since 2007. For over
15 years, we have provided local and regional agencies with a
range of initiatives relevant to this contract.
1.2 Firm Background
STC is a full-service traffic engineering, transportation planning,
and ITS consulting firm. Through hard work, dedication, and
responsiveness to client needs, we have grown to include 26
highly -skilled staff.
Servicing over 40
On -Call Engineering
Contracts in
Our team is recognized throughout Southern California for its
ability to creatively solve problems arising from the most challenging traffic engineering projects. We
possess specialty experience in the fields solicited under this contract, and we have assembled a technical
team scalable to the City's ongoing needs. STC places great emphasis on open lines of communication and
a "stand ready" work ethic.
We are comprised of professional engineers in traffic and civil engineering, traffic operations engineers,
certified planners, certified IMSA signal technicians, ITS and systems and network engineers, and Public
Works electricians/inspectors. These are the professionals that the City of La Quinta will need to execute
on-call traffic engineering services. STC is structured as a full-service extension of City staff, allowing our
planners, designers, and ITS experts to address the City's immediate needs. Resumes of Project Manager
(Rob Blough, PE, TE) and Key Personnel are included as an attachment to this proposal. The Project
Understanding and Approach, Scope of Work, and typical turn -around times are discussed in Section 4.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 3
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
1.3 Firm Qualifications and Experience
Our qualifications start with our people. STC's staff is the foundation of our organization and has the
highest level of expertise possible across the range of specialties included in the Scope of Services. Our
key personnel have many decades of traffic engineering, transportation planning, and traffic signal
systems engineering, management, operations, and maintenance experience. Dedication to traffic
engineering combined with field expertise and technological know-how allows STC to excel in the
following service areas:
Traffic Engineering Design Services
• Traffic Modeling
• Parking Studies
• Corridor Studies
• Collision Trend and Traffic Safety Analysis
• Feasibility Studies
• Engineering and Traffic Surveys
• Traffic Signal Design
Communication Systems Design
O Q�
• Signing and Striping Design
Traffic Calming Design
• Community Engagement
• Worksite Traffic Control Design
Traffic Investigations
• Street Lighting Design
Signal Warrant Analysis
• Roadway and Intersection Design
Traffic Engineering Plan Check
• Traffic Detour/Control Plans
Communications Conduit Plans (Fiber Optic
• Traffic Study Review
• Street Light Layouts
Alignment Studies
• Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
Signal Coordination
• Modern Roundabouts
Traffic Counts/Delay & Speed Zone Analysis
Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning Services
• Traffic Impact Studies and Reviews
• Traffic Modeling
• Parking Studies
• Circulation Element Update
• Corridor Studies
• Collision Trend and Traffic Safety Analysis
• Feasibility Studies
• Engineering and Traffic Surveys
• Traffic Calming Assessments
• Trip Generation Studies
• Complete Street Studies
• Conceptual Design of Improvements
• School Related Operations
• Grant Writing
• Congestion Management Plans
• Community Engagement
Traffic Engineering Systems, Operations, and Construction Services
• Constructability Reviews • Railroad Preemption Applications
• Construction Management • System Integration
• Electrical Inspection Services • System Program Management
• Maintenance Reviews • System Master Planning
• Staff Training • System Tests, Verification, Evaluation
• TMC Operation and Management • System Troubleshooting
• Performance Monitoring • ITS Technologies
• Traffic Signal Timing and Control Logic • Communications and Networking
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 4
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC has numerous on-call contracts with similar services to those required by the City of La Quinta, all
involving a wide range of traffic engineering expertise. The following chart highlights the disciplines
covered for similar on-call contracts located in both Riverside and San Diego Counties.
As -Needed Traffic Engineering Services ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Concept and Feasibility Studies of Intersection
✓ ✓
and Street Design Alternatives
Traffic Capacity/Level of Service Analyses
✓ ✓
Standards Review
✓ ✓
Traffic Calming Programs/Citizen Requests
✓ ✓
Safety Studies/TIA Guidelines/VMT Analysis
✓ ✓
Worksite Traffic Control and Operations
✓ ✓
PS&E for Traffic Signal Design, Street Lighting,
✓ ✓
Signing and Striping Plans
Traffic Signal Timing & Coordination Plans
✓ ✓
Traffic Signal Communications Infrastructure
✓ ✓
& Systems Integration
Fiber -Optic Design and Data Management
✓ ✓
ITS Applications for City TMC/Monitor the
✓ ✓
Parking and/or Curb Management
Active Transportation, Micromobility, and
Placemaking Studies
Multimodal Planning/Bike & Pedestrian
✓ ✓
Transportation Funding Programs/Grant
✓ ✓
Construction Management and Inspection
✓ ✓
Traffic Flow During Special Events
Infrastructure and Feasibility Planning
✓ ✓
Studies/Study & Report Review
Inter -Agency Coordination/Stakeholders
✓ ✓
Presentations & City Council Meetings
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 5
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
2. References of California Government Agencies
STC continues to expand its footprint in Riverside County with successful projects in Cathedral City, Palm
Springs, Hemet, Jurupa Valley, Temecula, Menifee, Banning, and Moreno Valley.
Local and Regional Experience Overview
In Cathedral City, our team was brought on board to conduct the City's Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP)
and develop priority projects for inclusion in future HSIP grant opportunities.
In Palm Springs, we supported the CVAG grant funded Indian Canyon Drive Two Way Conversion, which
converted the corridor from 1 -way to 2 -way traffic to increase bike and pedestrian safety. STC was tasked
with providing signal coordination plans to address the City's request to revert to permissive phasing along
the corridor. This work in particular shows our dedication to expanding in the region and directly
supporting underserved needs in Coachella Valley.
Further to the southeast, STC was part of the consultant project design team for the Imperial County
Transportation Commission Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP). We supported the existing
conditions assessment and feasibility analysis for determining priority projects. We also prepared the
conceptual designs and preliminary costs estimates for the top two regional bikeway priority projects.
This effort allowed us to gain insight into the local environment and unique challenges for each of the
local agencies and surrounding communities. STC also completed an LRSP and two HSIP Cycle 11 grant
applications for the City of Brawley. The applications were to obtain capital funding for two of the top
priority safety projects identified in the LRSP.
STC prepared plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for a traffic signal and communications upgrades
project along Main Street in the City of Brawley. The project interconnects eight traffic signals and allows
for corridor synchronization. STC prepared the coordinated signal timing plans for the project. Project
construction will be funded by a CMAQ grant for which STC prepared and submitted on behalf of the City.
STC is also designing and implementing signal synchronization along two arterial roadways in the City of
EI Centro, 8th Street and Dogwood Avenue. We also recently competed and were selected for an On -Call
Traffic Engineering contract with Imperial County. These are just a few examples of the regional footprint
that we continue to expand upon for on-call traffic engineering services.
Example Project 1. On -Call Traffic Engineering Services (City of Cathedral City, CA
STC currently serves the City of Cathedral City for on-call projects related to
traffic/transportation engineering services.
Recent work has allowed STC to become familiar with local transportation
infrastructure and develop long-lasting relationships with City staff. Two recent
project highlights are discussed on the following page.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 6
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
� 02C,``Y 11R 47 (P ^
HAWK Signal Near Ramon Road/Avenida La Paloma. Cathedral City was recently awarded a HSIP Grant to
construct a High -Intensity Activated Crosswalk signal near the intersection of Ramon Road/Avenida La
Paloma, to address pedestrian and bicyclist collisions between Candlewood Drive and Shifting Sands Trail.
STC evaluated the optimal location and control type for the proposed mid -block pedestrian crossing. STC
staff reviewed existing vehicular volumes and pedestrian crossing locations; evaluated two potential
pedestrian mid -block crossing alternatives; evaluated the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) Warrant per
the CA-MUTCD; and recommended an alternative for crossing location, configuration, and signal control
type. Following the Basis of Design, the City has started the process of writing a Scope Change to Caltrans
to change from HAWK signal operations to standard pedestrian signal operations with 3 -section signal
heads. The design team moved forward with design of a pedestrian signal at the alternative location.
Local Roadway Safety Plan. STC evaluated potential safety projects based on Cathedral City's roadway
needs, the crash data analysis, roadway network screening, and countermeasure toolbox. STC developed
priority projects for upgrading safety lighting and internally illuminated street name signs (IISNS) to light -
emitting diode (LED) and retro -reflective backplates at signalized intersections citywide; installing
pedestrian hybrid beacons; and upgrading existing pedestrian crosswalks to include LED lighting, curb
extensions, curb ramps, flashing stop sign beacons, high visibility striping, and upgrades to existing
roadway signing and striping. Ramon Rd & Avenida La Paloma was identified as a priority unsignalized
location by the LRSP. A snapshot of the priority projects resulting from the LRSP is shown below.
Qt3rwide TraMc S�Ial Hardwam ilpWa les
Sot: improve signal
• 44 Signalized Intersections Citywide
hardware: lenses, back -
Upgrade Safety Lighting and Street Name Signs to LED and
p18tes with retroreflective 17.06
Upgrade Traffic Signal Sackplates with Metre -Reflective
borders, mounting, sizer
and number
HAWK Signals
• 301h & Avenida La Paz and Cathedral Canyon Dr V Ortega
NSt;P$: Install Pedestrian
Signal (including
- Pedestrian hybrid beacons (HAWK), curb extensions, curb
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
ramps, crosswalk lighting, high visibility crosswalk
striping, advanced warning pavement markings and signs,
and roadway signing and striping upgrades
NS1: Add intersection
Pedestrian C"sffwalk Upgrades: lighting (NS.I.)
• is Unsignalized intersections Citywide NS21P$: Install/upgrade
• Crosswalk lighting, curb extensions, curb ramps, flashing pedestrian crossing at 9.17
stop sign beacons, high visibility striping, and roadway uncontrolled locations
signing and striping upgrades (with enhanced safety
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 7
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Client: City of Cathedral City
Project Description: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Project Dates: 2021 -Present
Key Staff Assigned: Jason Stack, Principal -In -Charge; Christian Lambarth, Lead Design Engineer;
Ashley Adamos, Project Engineer; Brett Hansen, Construction Manager; Myles Baidy, Project
Client Reference: John Corella, Director of Engineering/Public Works
(760) 770-0327,
Example Project 2. On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 1 Menifee, CA
Since 2015, STC has served the City of Menifee with traffic engineering -
related responsibilities, services that have extended to reviewing signing
and striping plans in the City, bikeway retrofits, plan check, VMT analysis,
TIA reviews, department coordination meetings, responses to community
concerns, grant writing, signal system issues, troubleshooting, and
oversight of TMC design and construction. Stephen Manganiello currently
serves as staff extension for the City's Traffic Engineering Division
supporting City staff with a variety of land development reviews and plan
checks involving site plans, TIA/VMT assessments, new traffic signals and
communications infrastructure, signal modifications, street lighting,
signing and striping, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, parking, and traffic
control. He also works closely with the City Traffic Engineer to perform a
variety of traffic analyses and studies in response to community traffic
safety concerns.
Over the years, STC staff have reviewed a variety of traffic impact studies, specific plans, and various traffic
documents for residential, commercial, school, and interchange developments. In addition to general plan
checking, STC has served an integral role in working with staff to develop traffic engineering guidelines
and standards such as technical specifications and design criteria for traffic signals and street lights and
Client: City of Menifee, 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586
Project Description: On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Project Dates: 2015 -Present
Key Staff Assigned: Stephen Manganiello, Project Manager; Rob Blough, Principal Engineer; Christian
Lambarth, Lead Design Engineer; David DiPierro, Senior Principal Manager; Balaji Shivaji, Senior
Project Engineer; Ashley Adamos, Project Engineer; Joseph Walters, Project Engineer; Philip Wragg,
Project Planner; Myles Baidy, Project Engineer; Gianluca Pesaresi, Associate Engineer
Client Reference: Chet Robinson, PE, Senior Engineer
(951) 723-3879,
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 8
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
TIA guidelines for land development projects. We have utilized our on-call traffic engineering services
contract with the City to develop strong working relationships with City staff and provide value -add
services that have gone above -and -beyond basic responsibilities. STC prepared technical
specifications/design criteria for Menifee traffic signal systems & street lights; developed Menifee signal
timing plans; provided traffic signal and communication system operations support, including the City's
TMC; developed Menifee TIA guidelines for land development projects; and, provided grant writing
services including 4 HSIPs and 1 SSARP for $2.5M.
Example Project 3. On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 1 Temecula, CA
STC has been providing traffic engineering and support services for the City of Temecula since early 2016.
Under the on-call traffic engineering contract, STC has provided plan check services, traffic/civil
engineering design plans, electrical inspection, staff training on street lighting inspection, grant writing,
traffic signal timing/coordination development, and traffic signal control system work.
Over the years, STC has served as staff extension, responsible for overseeing the deliverables for each
purchase order under the on-call contract. Specific tasks have included: bid and specification documents,
street lighting design, signal design, constructability and design review of civil and traffic plans, materials
review, traffic control plan checks and design, construction support, signal inspection, RFI review, as -built
documentation, submittal recommendations, and grant writing for federal funds.
Client Name: City of Temecula, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590
Project Description: On -Call Traffic Engineering and Review Services
Project Dates: 2016 -Present
Key Staff Assigned: Stephen Manganiello, Project Manager; Jason Stack, Principal -In -Charge;
Christian Lambarth, Lead Design Engineer; David DiPierro, Senior Principal Manager; Ashley Adamos,
Project Engineer; Brett Hansen, Construction Manager; Myles Baidy, Project Engineer
Client Reference: Nick Minicilli, PE, TE, Senior Civil Engineer
(951) 693-3917,
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 9
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC is also responsible for delivering a number of standalone projects for the City on separate contracts.
The projects completed to date have included traffic signal modification, traffic control, traffic signal
interconnect upgrades, and HSIP grant development. STC has completed various design projects for the
City, including the HSIP Fiber Optic Communications System Upgrade Project, which leveraged HSIP grant
funding to implement new communications and traffic control systems for 43 traffic signals on three
corridors. STC led design engineering task orders for utility coordination, preliminary and final
engineering, specifications and estimates, bid assistance, as-builts, and QA/QC.
Example Project 4. On -Call Traffic Engineering and Review Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
STC currently serves the City of Jurupa Valley for on-call traffic engineering services. STC has served in this
capacity since 2015, completing over 20 task orders for the City. STC's traffic engineering -related
responsibilities have extended to plan checks, TIA reviews, responses to signal system issues,
development of traffic signal modification plans and signal timing plans, field implementation and
communication troubleshooting, review of railroad concept plans/grade crossings, and constructability
STC has assisted with traffic signal plan reviews and ITS and communication systems planning and design;
prepared traffic signal modification plans and traffic signal timing for the intersection of Valley Way and
Mission Avenue, in addition to traffic signal design/equipment review, signal timing plan preparation, and
field support for a traffic signal modification at the intersection of Etiwanda Avenue and Van Buren
Boulevard. STC also provides pre -construction, construction, and post -construction inspection and
coordinating services relating to traffic signaling, traffic handling, and Union Pacific Railroad for the Jurupa
Grade Separation Project through a separate contract. This work includes submittal reviews, RFIs, and
scheduling related to traffic signaling, traffic control, traffic interconnect systems, work within UPRR ROW,
permitting, installation of signal equipment, construction feasibility activities, and railroad cut overs to
temporary/new alignments. STC plays a critical role in the project, ensuring that the project remains on
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 10
UT -
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC has also been responsible for preparing and implementing traffic signal timing throughout the City,
including the on-site adjustment and troubleshooting of traffic signal timing during timing
implementation. For most of these traffic signal timing projects, STC led coordination efforts between the
City, County of Riverside, and Caltrans.
STC recently competed for and was awarded the City's Citywide Traffic Signal Coordination and Signal
Head Safety Upgrades (CIP 21112). This comprehensive project includes full evaluation of the City's
existing traffic signals and traffic communications network, assessment of strategies to upgrade the City's
existing traffic signals and communications infrastructure, recommendations for infrastructure upgrades,
and PS&E for the traffic signal equipment/construction phase. The project is a significant investment on
the part of the City of Jurupa Valley in traffic signal systems and ITS infrastructure.
Client Name: City of Jurupa Valley, 8930 Limonite Ave, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
Project Description: On -Call Traffic Engineering and Review Services
Project Dates: 2015 -Present
Key Staff Assigned: Jason Stack, Principal -In -Charge; Christian Lambarth, Lead Design Engineer;
Ashley Adamos, Project Engineer; Brett Hansen, Construction Manager
Client Reference: Octavio Duran Jr, PE, Assistant City Engineer
(951) 332-6464 Ext. 242,
Example Project 5. On -Call City Traffic Engineer Consultant Services 1 Moreno Valley, CA
STC has managed a variety of traffic engineering/CIP
projects for the Moreno Valley Engineering & Public Works
Department related to active transportation, pedestrian and
bicycle safety, traffic calming, Safe Routes to School, traffic
signal and communication system upgrades, signal timing,
and Intelligent Transportation Systems.
STC's services include plan checks, utility coordination, TIA
reviews, coordination with Riverside Transit Agency, traffic
signal systems and operations support, grants management
and reporting, preparation of bid documents, construction management, and staff training in support of
traffic engineering services.
In 2021, STC served as a true extension of City of Moreno Valley staff. STC provided two highly qualified
senior staff to fulfill the role of City Traffic Engineer and to lead the City's support staff: Stephen
Manganiello, who served as the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer for
National City for a combined 13 years, and David DiPierro, TE, MBA, who served over three decades with
the Cities of San Diego and Oceanside.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 11
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
In 2021, Mr. Manganiello was available to the City 24/7 to fulfill this contract and make sure that the
needs of the City were being met. Mr. Manganiello has experience working in a similar capacity for a
variety of agencies including overseeing all aspects of traffic engineering tasks within the City including
traffic analyses, traffic design and reviews, signal operations, development and entitlement reviews,
Traffic Commission meetings, and coordination with citizens and City stakeholders. STC's intimate
knowledge of the City's CIP program and positive relationship with City staff through Mr. Manganiello's
ongoing work puts the City in an excellent position to identify/implement priority traffic engineering
projects and compete for HSIP and other grant funds.
Client Name: City of Moreno Valley, 14177 Frederick St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Project Description: On -Call City Traffic Engineer Consultant Services
Project Dates: 2020 -Present
Key Staff Assigned: Stephen Manganiello, Project Manager; David DiPierro, Senior Principal Manager
Client Reference: Michael Lloyd, PE, City Engineer/Director of Public Works
(951) 413-3120,
3. Complete Pricing List/Fee Schedule
STC's hourly rate sheet is included on the following page.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 12
STC Traffic, Inc. - Hourly Rate Sheet
City of La Quinta On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Executive/Management Classifications
Hourly Rate
Principal -In -Charge
Senior Principal Manager
Principal Manager
Senior Project Manager
Project Manager
Deputy Project Manager
Professional Engineering Classifications
Principal Engineer
Senior Project Engineer
Project Engineer III
Project Engineer II
Project Engineer 1
Professional Planning Classifications
Principal Planner
Senior Project Planner
Project Planner III
Project Planner 11
Project Planner 1
Technical/Specialized Classifications
Senior Systems Engineer
Construction Manager
Systems Engineer
Construction Engineer/Senior Inspector
Other Classifications
Expert Witness
STC Traffic is a local business and there are no direct costs for mileage.
Outsourced reimbursable expenses such as printing and reproduction, deliveries and overnight shipping,
computerized plotting, materials, etc., will be charged to the client at the consultant's cost without mark -
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
4. Project Understanding
The City of La Quinta will select qualified engineering firms to provide on-
call traffic engineering services. In this role, selected firms will provide the
City with a broad range of technical expertise, including an understanding
of the local environment and an understanding of current policies,
procedures, and City projects.
Rob Blough, PE, TE, will serve as Project Manager and primary point of
contact with the City. He is a Traffic Engineer with over 33 years of
professional experience, including 20 years serving as the City Traffic
Engineer for the City of Encinitas and 5 years serving as the City Traffic
Engineer for the City of Menifee.
His expertise includes all aspects of City transportation issues; Rob Blough, PE, TEFormer City Traffic Engineer
preparation of traffic signal plans, traffic signal timing/coordination, On -Site Availability
signing and striping plans, traffic calming, roundabout design, traffic
operations, traffic signal maintenance, and traffic impact studies; experience working with elected and
appointed officials, citizens, community groups, Caltrans, and school districts; project management; and
superb oral and written communications skills. He has been the Lead Profession Traffic Engineer
responsible for running and presenting traffic engineering staff reports in over 300 Traffic and Public
Safety Commission meetings over a 25 year period. At the City of Menifee, he was responsible for all traffic
engineering functions including traffic operations, design, and planning, traffic signal maintenance,
development review, traffic calming, active transportation, traffic signal management center, traffic
control, and Planning Commission and City Council meetings.
STC is modeled after a municipal Public Works/Engineering Division for precisely this reason, so we can
provide a wide breadth of traffic engineering services to municipal agencies on a flexible basis, and Rob
will be an invaluable resource to the City of La Quinta. He knows the inside of government operations
from the inside -out. This is a huge differentiator for STC. Because Rob is a former City Traffic Engineer, he
can guide staff every step of the way. Additionally, we have experienced systems and operations staff who
can directly support Rob and handle La Quinta's on-site traffic system needs at the most cost-effective
billing rates.
Rob is available to be on site to meet the City's needs, and of course we can serve the City remotely 24/7
as we do with all of our municipal clients. Especially at the beginning of the contract, Rob will be readily
available on-site to meet with various City departments and establish a strong local presence. Our
approach, to offer the City Rob's many years of experience as a former City Traffic Engineer (also
supported by two other former City Traffic Engineers in Stephen Manganiello, TE, and David DiPierro, TE),
along with a deep bench of planners, designers, and systems and operations experts, allows us to serve
the City in a deeply personal way while providing the greatest "bang-for-La-Quinta's-buck" for on-call
traffic engineering services. Our staff will be able to provide guidance to the City's traffic signal
maintenance group, and we have knowledge and skills in all of the OS systems desired by the City including
Kinetics, Q Free Intelite Controllers/Software, Econolite Controllers, and Genetec, as discussed in 4.1.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 14
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Key Takeaways of STC's On -Call Approach
• The culture at STC was built on a foundation of providing on-call traffic engineering services, with
a special focus in Riverside County. We understand the immediate nature of as -needed contracts
and stand ready to serve the City when needs arise. We have established successful on-call traffic
engineering contracts with the Cities of Cathedral City, Jurupa Valley, Eastvale, Menifee,
Temecula, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Lake Elsinore, Beaumont, Banning, and Hemet.
• We have a proven model for all of the elements of the Scope of Work. Each of our municipal client
contracts demonstrates our strong regional presence and ability to deliver the range of services
that will be required under this contract from review of traffic studies to complex professional
engineering tasks to staff extension services. Rob Blough, PE, TE, can do it all, and the City will be
able to rely on his more than three decades of experience working from the inside of government.
Through STC, the City of La Quinta has three former City Traffic
Engineers at its immediate disposal.
• We are modeled after a municipal Public Works/Engineering Division. We can support technical
support technical designs; prepare work orders for signing, striping, and traffic signal changes;
perform concept and feasibility studies of intersection and street design alternatives; prepare
PS&E; monitor the TMC; assist with citizen requests; respond to data and other requests from
Caltrans, CVAG, Riverside County Transportation Commission, Riverside County, agencies such as
Indio, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, SunLine Transit, and others; present education and safety
training; and, provide any other number of traffic engineering duties needed by the City.
• In addition to the services discussed in the RFP, our project experience throughout Riverside
County involves extensive traffic engineering/transportation planning efforts involving
multimodal transportation, complete streets, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, and redevelopment of
transit corridors. Each of our projects involves significant stakeholder engagement and we often
mediate sensitive community issues.
• We offer a variety of value -add engineering services. This includes leveraging our extensive
experience with traffic calming, active transportation projects, local roadway safety projects, Safe
Routes to School, and parking management plans—we are experts in all of these specialty areas.
In particular, we have key staff in Rob Blough, Stephen Manganiello, and David DiPierro, who have
served as former City Traffic Engineers.
• Our clients have utilized our contracts to the fullest extent because our traffic/transportation
engineering projects rank among their highest priorities. Our track record shows that not only are
we available to address the City's immediate, task -specific needs, but we have the expertise to
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 15
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
guide the long-term planning of the City's local and regional transportation infrastructure. We
look forward to helping to build out projects in alignment with the City's long-term vision.
• We understand the importance of funding in local projects, and we have dedicated staff who
know how each of these projects fits into the local and regional context. Our key staff can speak
to the City's ongoing traffic and transportation engineering priorities moving forward.
• The type of work we are doing under direct contract with our municipal clients goes from planning
to design through procurement and operations—we know how to deliver transportation
infrastructure that fits into a focus on ITS, focus on better service through more efficient
operations on arterials, focus on effective coordination between Caltrans and the City, and focus
on delivering projects connected to HSIP funding programs.
• In addition to our Riverside County on-call traffic engineering experience, STC has demonstrated
leadership in as -needed traffic engineering services through contracting with nearly every
municipality in the County of San Diego. STC and key staff have worked shoulder -to -shoulder to
deliver projects. This includes key staff such as Phil Kern, PE, who has decades of experience
working within the framework of City governance.
• The size and scale of the City's typical task authorizations are "right -sized" to our firm. STC has
always relished the opportunity to exceed expectations on small contracts, demonstrating to the
City that our team is local, adaptive, and readily -available to deliver on tasks of any size. As a small
firm, we are nimble and able to make staff adjustments to meet demanding timelines.
• At STC, we do not mark-up subconsultant services and act as a direct pass-through to the City.
We also do not mark-up expenses. We are a local firm and do not charge for mileage. These cost
considerations will extend the City's limited funding resources and provision of services.
4.1 Scope of Work/Complementary Services
STC has the in-house technical capabilities to complete all of
the elements listed in the Scope of Services.
STC has excelled at providing these services to local and
regional municipal agencies for 15 years. Below, is a general
summary of some of STC's technical capabilities and a few
value -add areas that differentiate our firm's ability to provide
as -needed traffic engineering services and serve as true staff
extension for the City of La Quinta.
Jason Stack, STC's President,
working hands-on in STC's
equipment testing lab.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 16
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
• Traffic Operations and Maintenance of the City's Traffic Signal System. STC provides technical
support for traffic signal operations and maintenance for municipalities throughout Riverside
As part of these services, STC regularly directs signal maintenance and construction contractors
in the field on standard tasks and provides expertise on specialized systems tasks that are typically
not covered by electricians. Our services extend well beyond support and into traffic signal
maintenance and asset management including:
o Ensuring contractor -supplied equipment is compatible with existing equipment.
o Generating cost effective, multi-year device replacement plans.
o Performing independent evaluations and audits of the traffic signal maintenance
program/practices to ensure compliance with best practices.
o Assisting with the development, evaluation, and implementation of asset management
o Administering and/or providing related asset inventories.
The most effective signal system balances the use of advanced technology with the applicable use
of traditional modes of operations such as time -of -day coordination. Integrating safe and reliable
signal timing solutions demands proven experience in utilizing the advanced features of traffic
controller software in challenging applications such as adaptive operations. STC has developed
many timing plans for highly specialized operations. STC understands the system limitations of
controller software and thoughtfully utilizes advanced timing parameters and strategies to
achieve optimal arterial system and intersection specific performance. Our team of engineers is
equipped with the tools and know-how to perform general traffic data collection and advanced
performance analysis. This includes traffic signal timing and coordination optimization, which STC
has performed throughout Riverside County. Steps include review of existing conditions based on
the existing geometry, traffic volumes and signal timing, traffic signal timing calculations, traffic
signal optimization, traffic signal timing sheets, and testing, field implementation, and fine-tuning.
• Traffic Management Center. STC provides technical support for traffic signal operations and
maintenance for municipalities throughout Riverside County. Adam Lemberg, IMSA III, was the
acting TSOS (Traffic Signal Operations Specialist) for Carlsbad during his former employment, and
our extensive systems and operations team regularly acts as scheduled or on-call assistance for
currently unmanned or neglected TMCs and central management systems. Our work is performed
both remotely and onsite, and we report our findings and resolutions to City staff. As part of these
services, STC regularly directs signal maintenance and construction contractors in the field on
standard tasks and provides expertise on specialized systems tasks that are typically not covered
by electricians. Our services include: evaluation and maintenance of the traffic network's health
(including equipment both within the TMC and in the field), routine or as -needed health checks
on Central Systems/ATMSs (Advanced Traffic Management Systems), and response to citizen
complaints. We have performed these services for Eastvale, Menifee, and nearly all of our clients.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 17
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
• Knowledge and Skills in OS Systems (Kinetic, Q-Freelintelight/Econolite/Genetec, etc.)
o Kinetic — STC has worked with Q-Free's Kinetic ATMS in the Cities of Vista, San Diego, and
other agencies. Like most other ATMSs, it offers features that STC can easily configure
and utilize, such as a global system map of intersections within an agency, controller
configuration, controller timing editors, intersection displays, log and report collection
including alarm, operational activity, split, volume, occupancy, and SPMs (Signal
Performance Measures).
o Q-Free/Intelight Controllers/Software — STC personnel have worked with Intelight's
MaxTime controller software for many years. The City of Vista and City of San Diego both
adopted their controller and central software. Initially, the City of Vista had all McCain
2070 controllers and Omni controller software but swapped the entire City with Intelight
2070s and Maxtime controller software. STC personnel have become very familiar with it
as a result, and perform operational testing, troubleshooting, and development of timing
in both free and coordinated operation, particularly around the City of Vista's high school,
where the City was having massive issues with congestion and progressive during school
drop-off and release hours. Additionally, STC personnel actively working with CT -West (a
Q-Free/Intelight distributor) as two years ago Denso deployed seven RSUs along the
Melrose corridor for the purpose of connected vehicle/SPAT data collection, which
required our team to learn how to install and configure Maxtime-CV, which is their
connected vehicle module that runs alongside Maxtime itself. More recently, STC has
become involved with the Maxtime Adaptive module as the City of San Diego is in the
process of investigating adaptive solutions from various manufacturers.
o Econolite Controllers — Several of STC's personnel have familiarity with Econolite
equipment and other advanced traffic management systems and can demonstrate recent
and similar representative projects performed for other agencies. We are able to
demonstrate direct experience with operating Centracs ATMS, including knowledge of
the equipment, materials, and labor necessary for a turn -key system.
o Genetec — Our team has extensive experience with Genetec. Around 2-3 years ago the
City of Chula Vista adopted the system, but wanted to run both the server and client on
its digital signage player that manages its TMC video wall. The client software is so
hardware demanding that the signage player was not able to handle the client without
crashing. With the Police Department also requiring access to the software, our team had
to produce a means of running the server and client on a new signage player that could
meet the demanding system requirements while still supporting six monitors. Most City
or office workstations utilize generic integrated graphics instead of a dedicated GPU
(graphics processing unit); Genetec was an outlier as its client had a minimum system
requirement of an Nvidia GeForce GTX1060, which is a video card designed for gaming,
and like almost all gaming video cards, only supports up to four monitors at a time. Our
team opted for a new digital signage player build utilizing a newer Matrox GPU with 6
DisplayPort outputs and a VRAM capacity of 4gb, which would match that of a GTX1060.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 18
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
This solution enabled the City to run the client and server at the same time, which
provided the Police Department with remote access. During this process, we learned a
great deal about both the server -side installation procedure and operation of the client
itself (Security Desk), including the configuration of cameras, PTZ & tracking
functionalities, alarms and alerts, and the networking side with both Public Works & PD.
• Communication Systems. STC has a specialty in ITS, Telecommunications and Network
Engineering and is well qualified to effectively plan, design, install and integrate related elements
and systems. ITS projects also demand technical knowledge of equipment, media, and
applications to procure the most suitable and cost-effective technology. STC assesses the needs
and prepares the concepts that meet the needs.
Our PS&E packages for ITS improvements develop the concepts with fanatical detail and review
to ensure constructability and adherence to local and statewide standards. STC has developed
large scale master plans and small-scale corridor concepts. We have developed ITS improvements
that include virtually all traffic control, data collection, information dissemination, and
surveillance elements. We have developed communications systems including fiber optic,
wireless (multiple variations), and copper communications utilizing audio, IP, and serial standards.
Our deep understanding of ITS standards and Caltrans standards allows us to develop PS&E
efficiently and correctly.
• Traffic Studies Including Intersection Control Studies and Safety Studies. STC has a diverse
background in preparing and/or reviewing technical studies for transportation, land use and land
development projects, working collaboratively on mobility studies, traffic calming studies,
transportation impact analysis reports, traffic signal warrants, all -way stop warrants, line -of -sight
studies, and other specialized studies that may arise as part of this contract.
• Traffic Counts. STC assists in collecting intersection and roadway segment traffic volumes for
nearly all of our on-call traffic engineering contracts. STC has a list of trusted data collection firms
that are contracted for this type of work. The traffic volumes are checked for accuracy before
submittal. STC assisted the City of Carlsbad, for example, in collecting traffic volumes for
monitoring growth as part of the City's Growth Management Program.
• Speed Data Analysis/Multimodal Data Collection and Analysis. STC has extensive experience
preparing local mobility analysis and plans for a variety of municipalities including the Cities of
Menifee, Carlsbad, Vista, and Imperial Beach. STC's analysis provides mitigation measures to
improve vehicular, pedestrian, transit and bicycle levels of service within the project study areas.
Transportation technical studies and associated projects are generally prepared in-house under
the direction of Balaji Shivaji, TE. For the City of Carlsbad, he served a critical role in navigating
changes to transportation evaluation and monitoring as the City turned its focus to achieving a
balanced transportation system with robust active transportation, climate action, and Smart City
initiatives. Mr. Shivaji commissioned traffic count data collection at monitoring locations,
conducted directional peak hour roadway segment analysis, and prepared the GMP annual
monitoring report. We have performed similar types of analysis for most our municipal clients.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 19
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
• Traffic Engineering Design Services. STC has extensive experience in preparing plans,
specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for a variety of traffic improvements including traffic signals,
street lighting, signing and striping, and signal interconnect.
Traffic signal design and associated improvements are part of STC's core expertise, and STC
performs these services on a daily basis. STC's staff has delivered a variety of traffic signal design
and improvement projects for municipal agencies in Riverside County, showcasing an extensive
history of successful projects. We have developed plans addressing minor public improvements
such as ADA curb ramps, sidewalks, trails, roadway widening, curbs, gutters, drainage facilities
and guard rails.
Our experience of specifying equipment, assembling bid packages, and implementing and
managing construction on similar projects has provided a keen appreciation for the required level
of detail to have a successful bid and deployment of the specified facilities. All traffic engineering
design plans are managed and reviewed by STC staff licensed as Professional Engineers (PE) and
Traffic Engineers (TE) in the State of California. We take project documentation extremely
seriously by providing QA/QC services throughout our PS&E process. The focus is to ensure that
plans meet engineering design standards and to identify potential design and/or constructability
issues prior to going out to bid to avoid costly change orders during construction.
• Plan Check Review. STC is currently conducting plan check services for Jurupa Valley, Moreno
Valley, Menifee, Hemet, Encinitas, National City, Solana Beach, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, and
other local and regional agencies. STC has been providing high quality plan check services to cities
from inception. Because we provide design and implementation of traffic systems, we can identify
issues on the plans that other firms may not identify in the plan check process. Through the plan
check process, our team provides the expertise needed to resolve design issues before the project
goes to construction.
• TIA Guidelines. STC assists with developing TIA guidelines, and we apply our knowledge of local
criteria and methodologies for completing a TIA, performing reviews efficiently and providing
valuable feedback to City staff and developers. These have been for a range of developments,
including single and multi -family residential subdivisions, mixed-use master plan communities,
and industrial parks. When we conduct traffic impact study and development reviews on behalf
of agencies, most of our revenue is in review rather than production. The City will never see us on
the other side of the table for developer -oriented projects. This is a big value -add for our clients.
• VMT Guidelines. We have developed VMT guidelines for the Cities of Menifee, Oceanside, Vista,
and Imperial Beach. We also make sure that developers/companies who do business with each of
these agencies are executing VMT guidelines properly.
• Livable and Complete Street Policies, Programs, and Designs. STC has played a vital role in
Complete Streets programs for the Cities of Menifee, Oceanside, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Imperial
Beach, San Diego, National City, and La Mesa. In the City of Encinitas, for example, STC has stayed
involved with active transportation improvements for nearly every major corridor in the City. STC
designed a Road Diet and Complete Streets project on Coast Highway 101 from the north city limit
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 20
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
in Leucadia and south to Swami's Beach. This was a high-profile project that represented the first
implementation of a ten-year plan to create a reduced -traffic, bicycle and pedestrian -friendly, art -
infused, curbside dining "village" through Leucadia.
• Traffic Calming Programs. STC has worked with communities to develop new traffic calming
programs, identify neighborhood -based solutions, and develop citywide traffic calming solutions
for arterial roadways. STC provides full-service design and implementation for traffic calming
projects. STC provides a data driven, community-based approach to encourage residents' active
participation in identifying concerns, developing reasonable solutions, and supporting final
outcomes. STC supports traffic calming programs by performing a variety of site assessments,
walk audits, traffic analysis, feasibility studies, complete streets design, and community
engagement. In the City of Imperial Beach, for example, STC recently completed a traffic calming
study to identify potential solutions to address speeding and neighborhood cut -through traffic
along two parallel residential streets, Elm Avenue and Donax Avenue, which serve as walking
routes to two local schools.
• Traffic Control Plans. STC's traffic control plans account for construction phasing, means and
methods of work, work zone safety, pedestrian safety and accessibility, with a strong emphasis
on minimizing impacts to traffic, residences, local businesses, and sensitive habitat. Our design
approach also considers opportunities to expedite the construction schedule and minimize costs.
• Emerging Technology. We routinely test and research new and innovative ITS products that come
to market. STC's hands-on approach to engineering affords us the opportunity to create and
develop innovative and advanced techniques. Combining our hands-on approach to ITS design
with our expertise in communications, networking, and traffic signal systems, allows us to make
sound evaluations and recommendations of ITS systems and products.
• Staff Extension/Stakeholders/City Council Meetings. Most of Blough's projects have involved
coordination with diverse stakeholders, including non-profit community organizations, advocacy
groups, local schools, regulatory agencies, transit agencies, utility companies, and private
developers. He regularly presents at City Council Meetings and serves as a true extension of City
staff as shown in our relevant project experience.
The technical capabilities discussed above are just some of the expertise that STC's team brings to the
table for the City of La Quinta.
4.2 Project Schedule
STC always serves task orders on an expedited basis. Immediate troubleshooting issues are handled within
24 hours, and task orders are often turned around in 2-3 weeks depending on the size. We work on the
City's schedule, and our references will attest to our immediate availability.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 21
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
5. Staffing and Project Organization
STC has assembled a team of highly -qualified engineers to support the City for this on-call traffic
engineering contract. Staff identified with Project Management and Task Lead roles will be committed
throughout the duration of this contract. The STC team will be led by Rob Blough, PE, TE, serving as Project
Manager, and supported by Task Leads across the three primary disciplines shown below.
Stephen Manganiello, TE
David DiPierro, TE
Senior Principal Manager
Task Lead
Balaji Shivaji, TE
Senior Project Engineer
Philip Wragg, AICP
Project Planner III
Myles Baidy, EIT
Project Engineer Ill
Ashley Adamos, EIT
Deputy Project Manager
eca "&a
Rob Blough, PE, TE
Christian Lambarth, PE, TE, PTOE
Senior Project Manager
Task Lead
Phil Kern, PE
Senior Project Manager
Ashley Adamos, EIT
Deputy Project Manager
Brandon Schlueter, PE
Project Engineer III
Rob Blough, PE, TE
Principal Engineer
Joseph Walters, IMSA II
Project Engineer III
Ivan Gonzalez
Project Engineer II
Gianluca Pesaresi, EIT Miguel Lomeli -Mendoza, EIT
Project Engineer II Project Engineer I
Jason Stack, TE, PTOE
Senior Principal Manager
Task Lead
Brett Hansen, IMSA I
Construction Manager
Kevin Stone, IMSA II
Construction Engineer/Sr. Inspector
Adam Lemberg, IMSA III
Sr. Systems Engineer
Jim Sahagun
Systems Engineer
Alain Hungerford, IMSA I
Systems Engineer
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 22
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC Staff Organization Highlights
• STC models its structure after a municipal Public Works/Engineering Division. We have worked as
municipal employees and extensions of staff in our role as consultants; we operate and maintain
TMCs and systems; we have been foreman for electrical contractors in traffic signal construction
and maintenance; we have managed the municipal Public Works Electrical Division; and, we have
worked for traffic signal system suppliers and manufacturers. It is highly unique to find such a
group of experts under the umbrella of a single organization.
• STC distinguishes itself as having the "beginning -to -end" project team who will think about future
operations, about how pedestrians and cyclists will actually approach and move through
improved corridors, how City improvements will integrate with signals, how the City can leverage
existing and future infrastructure to provide all users better access to amenities, and ultimately
how the City can deliver fully -funded and turn on well -engineered projects. Our engineers are
hands-on with design improvements, advocating for the community and taking advantage of
opportunities to maximize existing infrastructure without compromising vehicle safety.
Meet STC's Key Team Members
Rob Blough, PE, TE, will serve as Project Manager. He is a Traffic Engineer with
over 33 years of professional experience, including 20 years serving as the City
Traffic Engineer for the City of Encinitas and 5 years serving as the City Traffic
Engineer for the City of Menifee. His expertise includes all aspects of City
transportation issues; preparation of traffic signal plans, traffic signal
timing/coordination, signing and striping plans, traffic calming, roundabout
design, traffic operations, traffic signal maintenance, and traffic impact studies;
experience working with elected and appointed officials, citizens, community
groups, Caltrans, and school districts; project management; and superb oral and
written communications skills. He has been the Lead Profession Traffic Engineer responsible for running
and presenting traffic engineering staff reports in over 300 Traffic and Public Safety Commission meetings
over a 25 year period.
At the City of Menifee, he was responsible for all traffic engineering functions including traffic operations,
design, and planning, traffic signal maintenance, development review, traffic calming, active
transportation, traffic signal management center, traffic control, and Planning Commission and City
Council support.
Years of Experience: 33
Education: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
University of California, Irvine
License: Professional Engineer (Civil) California, #C60204
Expiration: 06/30/24, Professional Engineer (Traffic)
California, #TR1829 Expiration: 06/30/24
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Former City Traffic Engineer
Community Engagement
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Control Plans
Project Management/Presentations
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 23
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Stephen Manganiello, TE, will serve as QA/QC Manager for this contract. He
brings over 22 years of experience to the STC team developing, managing, and
delivering high-quality capital improvement projects for local communities.
Prior to joining STC in 2020, Mr. Manganiello served as the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer for the City of National City for eight years, while
maintaining his role as City Traffic Engineer for over 13 years. Since joining STC,
Mr. Manganiello has managed many of STC's on-call traffic engineering
contracts in Western Riverside County including recently managing a variety of
CIP projects for the Moreno Valley Engineering & Public Works Department
related to active transportation, pedestrian and bicycle safety, traffic calming, safe routes to school, traffic
signal and communication system upgrades, signal timing, and ITS. He serves as the primary point of
contact for STC's on-call contract with the City of Menifee and regularly supports the Cities of Banning,
Beaumont, and Hemet with as -needed TE services.
Years of Experience: 22
Education: University of Wisconsin -Madison, M.S. Civil
Engineering specific to Transportation Engineering
(2003); University of Wisconsin -Madison, B.S. Civil
Engineering (2000)
License: Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2973
Expiration: 03/31/24
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Former City Traffic Engineer
Transportation/Corridor Planning
CIP Program Projects/State Funding
Transportation/Master Planning
Resident Requests
HSIP Program/Caltrans Coordination
Jason Stack, TE, PTOE, will serve as Task Lead for Traffic Engineering Systems
and Operations. Mr. Stack is the President and Founder of STC and has over 23
years of specialized traffic engineering experience. Mr. Stack will be available
to the City to guarantee quality of work product, staffing, and timeliness of
Jason is well known to local and regional staff and brings a broad background
serving municipal clients in Southern California. Jason has always been
committed to getting the job done right and making himself available when
needed and serves as the lynchpin for complex engineering projects.
Years of Experience: 23
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, University of
Massachusetts at Lowell (1999)
License: Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2790
Expiration: 06/30/24, PTOE, United States, #4174
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
ITS Planning/Design
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
Traffic Signal Communications
Traffic Signal Operations
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 24
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Christian Lambarth, PE, TE, PTOE, will serve as Task Lead for Traffic Engineering
Design. Christian has over 13 years of experience delivering civil and traffic
engineering projects and currently serves as STC's design lead for the Cities of
Fontana and Temecula. Mr. Lambarth specializes in traffic signal design, signing
and striping design, traffic control, traffic operational analysis, street lighting,
and traffic signal interconnect. Mr. Lambarth pulls from his years of experience
in the transportation industry to develop PS&E that focuses on constructability.
He has an extensive history working in San Bernardino County and Western -
Riverside County, including traffic signal design work for the Cities of Menifee,
Fontana, and Cathedral City, and a variety of citywide improvements under the HSIP program in the Cities
of Menifee and Temecula. Mr. Lambarth has supported engineering efforts for nearly all of STC's on-call
clients in Western Riverside County.
Years of Experience: 13
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, Michigan State
University, East Lansing (2009)
License: Professional Engineer (Civil) California, #86675
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2927
PTOE, United States, #5180
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Traffic Signal Design
Signing and Striping
Traffic Calming Projects
ITS Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
David DiPierro, TE, will serve as Task Lead for Traffic Engineering
Studies/Planning. Mr. DiPierro joined STC after serving over three decades with
the Cities of San Diego and Oceanside's Traffic Engineering Divisions. He lends
his expertise as a former City Traffic Engineer having managed hundreds of
traffic safety projects and planning efforts, many involving forging consensus
among diverse stakeholders. Mr. DiPierro provides effective project
management with a strong adherence to professional standards and a high-
quality work product. He has recently provided oversight for the Cities of
Moreno Valley, Temecula, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Oceanside, and San Diego.
His responsibilities have included plan checks, responses to community concerns, grant writing, signal
design, speed surveys, and traffic warrants. Mr. DiPierro played a leading role in the Housing Element and
General Plan Update for the City of Carlsbad, responsible for overseeing the preparation of the traffic
study component of the work, including assessing the effects of increased traffic due to potentially higher
housing density and rezoning at selected locations.
Years of Experience: 35
Education: M.B.A. ,San Diego State University (1997)
B.S., Civil Engineering , University of Rhode Island (1986)
License: Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2234
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Former City Traffic Engineer
VMT Analysis
TIA Guidelines/TIA Review
Traffic Calming Programs
Policy and Land Use Planning
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 25
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Philip Kern, PE, Senior Project Manager, is a recent addition to the STC
management team. He has over 30 years of experience in the planning, design,
permitting, and construction support of a wide range of public works,
transportation, infrastructure, and capital improvement projects for public
agencies. The last 20 years of his career have focused on the design and delivery
of capital projects through on-call contracts and serving as staff extension for
public agencies. This includes extensive work for a variety of municipal agencies
throughout the Inland Empire and San Diego. In the City of Murrieta, Mr. Kern
served as Project Manager from 2018 to 2019 and was responsible for
scoping/budgeting of task orders, overall project management, direction and supervision of technical
staff, and management of permits. He led civil engineering and traffic design for the Murrieta Hot Springs
Road Median Improvements Project and has served in a similar role for other municipal agencies including
Menifee, Indian Wells, and National City, among others.
Years of Experience: 30
Education: San Diego State University, B.S. Civil
License: Professional Engineer (Civil) CA, #40831
CalEMA Safety Assessment Program Evaluator, #68105
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Civil Engineering
Traffic Signal Design
Public Works Projects
Project Management
Construction Support Services
AshleyAdamos, EIT, is a Project Engineer with 7 years of versatile experience in
traffic engineering and transportation planning. She has extensive experience in
all project phases including production of evaluations, studies, grant applications,
PS&E, and record drawings for various active transportation, traffic engineering,
and ITS projects for municipalities on an on-call basis. Ms. Adamos is an expert
at aligning municipal goals with grant funding. She played a key role in delivering
LRSPs for the Cities of Temecula, Cathedral City, Banning, and Brawley. Ms.
Adamos is STC's resident "grant guru" and has prepared grant applications for
the HSIP, ATP, Safe Routes to School, and Smart Growth programs. She has
prepared over 50+ grant applications for and has achieved upwards of $40M in grant funding for roadway
safety projects for nearly a dozen agencies. She also played an important role in the development of the
SSAR for the City of Menifee, serving as a task manager responsible for reviewing the City's Circulation
Element and CIP for HSIP-funded projects.
Years of Experience: 7
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, Cal Poly, Pomona
(2011); UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies,
Traffic Signal Operations: Coordination for Corridors;
Traffic Signal Operations: Isolated Intersections (2019)
License: Engineer -in -Training (EIT), California, #144928
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Local Roadway Safety/HSIP Program
Traffic Studies
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Control Plans
Street Lighting Design
Project Management/Presentations
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 26
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Jim Sahagun, Senior Systems Engineer, brings extensive experience planning,
designing, implementing, and maintaining traffic management systems and has
led and supported projects for counties, cities, transportation agencies and
private developers all over Southern California.
Mr. Sahagun has integrated ITS and data collection systems to support Smart City
initiatives for various agencies including the Cities of Fullerton, Carlsbad, San
Bernardino, Artesia, Huntington Beach, Victorville, San Diego, Inglewood, and
regional transportation agencies including SANDAG, Caltrans, and SBCTA. He
provides critical support in the field by integrating intelligent traffic control devices into systems and
coordinating with project stakeholders to deliver successful projects.
Prior to joining STC Traffic, Mr. Sahagun planned and deployed various phases of wireless, fiber and serial
communication and surveillance systems, configured video management systems, monitored traffic
management systems, trained city staff, and specified high-end workstations for Traffic Management
Years of Experience: 20
Education: BS, Computer & Information Systems,
University of DeVry
License: N/A
Areas of Expertise/Experience:
Traffic Signal Systems
Communications Systems
Performance Measurement Systems
Systems Integration
ITS Inventory Maintenance
ealaji Shivaji, TE, Senior Project Engineer, brings over 14 years of experience
preparing traffic engineering studies and design plans in Southern California,
including a history of delivering projects for Riverside County. He is an expert in
the preparation of technical traffic engineering studies, analysis studies,
mobility studies, and developing PS&E for a wide range of traffic engineering,
active transportation, and mobility projects. He is a specialist in all areas
solicited under the Scope of Services, in particular traffic impact analyses,
transportation modeling, and area -wide transportation studies.
Years of Experience: 14
Education: M.S., Civil Engineering, San Diego State
University (2006)
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2946
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Counts & Data Collection
Traffic Calming Studies/Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
Traffic Studies Review
Micromobility Analysis
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 27
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC Personnel Contract Roles/Resource Capabilities (1/2)
Staff Name Years of Classification Availability Responsibilities
Rob Blough, PE, Principal Project Manager, primary point of contact
TE 33 Manager 50% with the City, former City Traffic Engineer
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 28
Task Lead,
Senior advisor and municipal
Manganiello, TE
expert for capital improvements and
regional and local agencies, policies, and
Jason Stack, TE,
Principal -In-
Oversight of Systems & Operations staff,
Lead for Systems & Operations
QA/QC Lead for traffic engineering analysis,
Davd DiPierro,
studies, and traffic calming, senior advisor
for regional and local agencies and programs
Traffic Engineering Design Task Manager,
traffic, systems, and civil engineering task
Lambarth, PE,
Senior Project
and staff oversight, PS&E and design report
production oversight, engineering staff
resources and direction
Systems & Operations and Construction
Support Task Manager, technical staff
Brett Hansen,
scheduling and resource coordination,
communication and coordination with City
engineering staff on immediate systems -
related needs, troubleshooting
Systems & Operations Task Lead,
communications, systems, and ITS device
management and operations support,
integration, programming, troubleshooting,
testing, validation, observations,
implementation, and IT networking
Communications, systems, and ITS device
management and operations lead, systems
Adam Lemberg,
engineering design review, integration,
programming, troubleshooting, testing,
validation, observations, and
Field engineering assessment and reviews,
Kevin Stone,
constructability reviews, traffic signal system
hardware troubleshooting, maintenance
assessments, construction inspection
Communications, systems, and ITS device
management and operations support,
Jim Sahagun
integration, programming, troubleshooting,
testing, validation, observations,
implementation, and IT networking
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 28
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
STC Personnel Contract Roles/Resource Capabilities (2/2)
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 29
Civil Engineering Design Lead, traffic and civil
Phil Kern, PE
engineering sub -task manager and staff
oversight, PS&E production and oversight,
senior resource and guidance
Grants Lead, traffic engineering analysis,
studies, systems engineering process
Ashley Adamos,
Deputy Project
including master planning, CONOPS, design
documentation, grant writing lead specialist,
local and regional guidelines, systemic safety
analysis, GIS
Philip Wragg,
Transportation planning, traffic impact
Planner III
studies, TDM, VMT analysis, LOS analysis,
corridor -level concepts
Traffic engineering analysis, studies, master
Myles Baidy, EIT
planning, design documentation, grant
Engineer III
writing, systemic safety analysis, PS&E
Traffic engineering analysis, studies,
Balaji Shivaji, TE
Senior Project
simulations, design, standards, compliance,
performance measurements, local and
regional guidelines
Traffic engineering design, systems
engineering process including CONOPS,
Schlueter, PE
Engineer III
functional requirements, performance
analysis, design documentation, and PS&E
Civil, traffic, and systems engineering design,
Joseph Walters,
PS&E, QA/QC, design oversight, engineering
Engineer III
field reviews, construction engineering and
Traffic and systems engineering design,
Pesaresi, EIT
Engineer II
PS&E, GIS, and research
Traffic engineering analysis, systems
engineering process including master
Ivan Gonzalez
planning, CONOPS, design documentation,
Engineer II
grant writing, local and regional guidelines,
systemic safety analysis, GIS
Miguel Lomeli-
60o �
Traffic engineering design, PS&E, GIS, and
Engineer I
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 29
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
5.1 Grant Funding
.4a QaLtcv
We are very proud to have supported our municipal clients with successful HSIP Cycle 11 grants awards.
As a result of our recent work, our clients received over $11M in funding. For example, Mr. Nick Minicilli,
Senior Civil Engineer with the City of Temecula, recently sent a note thanking the STC Team: "Everyone at
the City is super excited and it was only possible with the hard work and expertise of your team. I thought
the process went incredibly smoothly and I'm looking forward to winning more grants in the future.
Thanks again and kudos to the whole team that worked on this."
Mr. Nate Smith, Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer for the City of Banning, had a similar
experience with the STC Team. He recently sent a note: "I would like to thank you and your team at STC
for the efforts in expediting our LRSP, to allow us to make our grant requests for HSIP Cycle 11. Without
the efforts from Ashley, Myles, and the rest of the engineering teams, we would not have been successful
in being awarded all three of our grant requests. These will be great projects for the City of Banning, and
to better emergency responses for our citizens."
ApplicationsSTC's Successful HSIP Cycle 11 Grant
Temecula 1. Countdown Pedestrian Heads (54 intersections)
Temecula 2: Signal Hardware/Communications (127 intersections)
Encinitas: Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades (6 intersections)
Banning 1: Signal Hardware (17 Intersections)
Banning 2: Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades (19 Intersections)
Banning 3: Wilson St & 12th St Pedestrian School Crossing (Set -Aside)
Cathedral City 1: Pedestrian Crosswalk Upgrades (18 intersections)
Cathedral City 2: Pedestrian Signals (2 intersections)
Cathedral City 3: Signal Hardware (49 intersections)
Cathedral City 4: 30th Ave & San Eljay Ave (Set -Aside)
Brawley 1: Revised Dogwood Rd & Mead Rd (1 intersection)
Brawley 2: Main St & 8th St (Set -Aside)
San Diego 1: Pacific Beach Communications (93 intersections)
San Diego 2: Mid -City and San Ysidro Communications (101 intersections)
Final HSIP Cycle 11 Awarded Total
Over the past eight years, STC has written over 75 grant applications for Southern California agencies,
most of which were for Caltrans HSIP and Active Transportation Program funding. These efforts have led
to the award of over $50 million in grant funding. STC competed for and was awarded PS&E contracts for
many of these grant -funded projects, which required coordination with Caltrans Local Assistance for
project delivery. STC submitted complete and accurate project documentation through each phase of
work including PA&ED, PS&E, ROW, and CON, as well as assisted City staff with preparing Request for
Authorization (E-76) forms and required progress and management reports specified in the Caltrans LAPM
and grant program guidelines
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
5.2 Task Order Management
STC is fully aware of the planning, engineering, and technical needs that will be necessary to support the
City in an as -needed capacity. STC has established a clear understanding of the contracting process
through QA/QC procedures for current City projects. The following section describes our approach to
executing and completing a task order for a typical City project.
• Project Initiation. Once City staff alerts STC of a
potential project opportunity, the Project Manager
will conduct a meeting with the key point of contact
with the City, either virtually or in the field. This
meeting is designed to aid the City in clearly conveying
the concerns and issues that should be addressed in
the pending task order.
• Prepare Scope of Work and Fee Proposal. Following
the project initiation meeting, STC will prepare a
detailed scope of work and fee proposal to complete
the task described. We will work directly with the
City's key point of contact to refine the scope of work.
STC realizes that City resources are limited. The
purpose of the scoping process is to develop a scope
and fee that meets the intent of the project in the
most cost-effective manner possible.
• Contracting. STC's Project Manager will work with the
City's contracting department to acquire the appropriate signatures and contract documents for each
Task Order. Staff authorized to sign contracts on behalf of STC will be available on-site, which will
streamline the contracting process for our firm and allow us to efficiently return contracts to the City
within 24 -hours of receiving Task Order documents.
• Project Kick -Off and Coordination. Regular communication between the Project Team and the key
point of contact at the City will be critical to maintaining the project schedule and to the overall
success of the project. Depending upon the size and extent of the contract, STC will develop a project
meeting schedule to address key milestones of the project. STC will coordinate Project Team meetings
and provide meeting agendas and notes in order to clearly document the process and decisions made.
• Technical Analysis, Design, and Community Coordination. Task Orders assigned to STC will be
completed by staff who are familiar with the City's policies, planning documents, and design
standards. At STC, we conduct weekly staff meetings and discuss projects with management and
technical staff. During this time, we review project schedules to ensure timely delivery of work
products. On programmatic task orders or community outreach tasks, STC will advocate for safe and
accessible pedestrian and bicycle facilities. STC will conduct regular check-in meetings to manage
project schedule and deliverables in order to ensure on-time delivery of work products.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 31
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
• Quality Control/Quality Assurance Process. All work products delivered to the City will be reviewed
either by Mr. Blough, Mr. Manganiello, or the designated QA/QC Manager for the Task Order. Time
to review all work products will be built into the project schedule and clearly documented and
maintained by STC during the course of the project. In addition to formal reviews of work products,
the Project Manager will conduct over the shoulder reviews throughout the life of the Task Order.
This hands-on project management style provides assurance to the City that the work products in
process are on -task and in line with the scope of work and pending deadlines.
Quality Assurance reviews will be conducted internally prior to submittal of plans or documents to
the City. The Task Manager will be responsible for scheduling detailed reviews throughout the project,
ensuring the products produced by the team meet the QA/QC standards and expectations established
for the project. Quality Control review will be conducted by discipline -specific certified professionals,
as assigned by the Project Manager, for individual task orders at major milestones to ensure the plans
and technical documents meet design requirements, standards, and technical requirements.
The review process, whether for Quality Assurance or Quality Control, will be led by the Project
Manager or Task Manager and will involve design engineers and deputy project managers not directly
involved in design production or review of the project. The review team will be selected based on
workload, expertise, and to reflect the dominant disciplines in the project.
• Schedule Control. A project schedule and key deliverables will be established with each Task Order.
STC staff will conduct regular check-in meetings with City staff to track the project schedule, discuss
potential modifications to the schedule or deliverables, and discuss actions needed to keep the
project on track. STC has in-house project management software and utilizes Microsoft Project to
generate project schedules when needed. Schedules will be reviewed at all Project Development
Team Meetings to inform the City of our progress.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 32
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
Additionally, project controls will be used to communicate information to the City and Project Team.
Project controls will be implemented throughout the Task Order's lifecycle to positively affect budget
and schedule.
• Cost Control/Risk Management. Budget monitoring will be conducted on a monthly basis and
reported to the City during monthly team meetings. All invoices will include hours expended by task
and a detailed summary of work completed to date to justify the hours invoiced. This system of checks
and balances will ensure the project neither gets ahead or behind on the approved costs, reducing
financial risk. Throughout the life cycle of the project, the Task Lead will identify means by which to
streamline project tasks and reduce project costs.
• Value Engineering. Recognizing cost savings measures throughout the life of each Task Order will be
the responsibility of the Project Team. STC recognizes that cost saving during design is vital to
providing best practices for our clients. STC will discuss Value Engineering opportunities during
internal team meetings and identify schedule or cost savings measures during Project Design Team
• Document Control. A clear document control system will be established during project initiation
ranging from CADD standards to document and email filing conventions. Establishing these essential
document control measures will streamline information sharing between the City, Project Team, and
other stakeholders.
• Project Delivery and Close -Out. Upon completion of the task order, STC will provide the final
documents, plans and reports to the City for their files. In addition, the Project Manager will
coordinate with the key City staff person on the task order to review the project process and work
products to clearly understand the City's perception of our performance on the project. This feedback
on performance helps our firm grow and continue to provide high-quality service.
6. Subcontracting Services
STC does not propose the use of sub -consultants for this contract. STC's experienced personnel are able
to cover each element of the Scope of Work.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 33
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services
7. Disclosures
STC Traffic has no negative litigation history in the past five years.
8. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements
STC will provide the minimum insurance coverage and indemnification noted in Exhibits E and F,
respectively, of the City's Professional Service Agreement. RFP Attachment 2 has been completed and
attached to this proposal.
9. Non -Collusion Affidavit
An executed Non -Collusion Affidavit is provided as an attachment to this proposal.
10. Acknowledgment of Addenda
The Acknowledgement of Addenda has been initialed and included as an attachment to this proposal.
STC Traffic, Inc. I Proposal for On -Call Traffic Engineering Services 34
Rob Blough, PE, TE
Project Manager
Mr. Blough is a Traffic Engineer with over 33 years of professional
experience, including 20 years as the City Traffic Engineer for the City of
His expertise includes experience in all aspects of City transportation
issues; preparation of traffic signal plans, traffic signal
timing/coordination, signing and striping plans, traffic calming,
roundabout design, traffic operations, traffic signal maintenance, and traffic impact studies; knowledge
of applicable laws and regulations; experience working with elected and appointed officials, citizens,
community groups, Caltrans, SANDAG, Coastal Commission, and school districts; project management;
and superb oral and written communications skills.
As the Lead Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Encinitas and Menifee, he presented engineering staff reports
in over 300 Traffic and Public Safety Commission meetings over a 25 year period.
City Traffic Engineer I Menifee, CA (2018-2023)
Responsible for all Traffic Engineering functions of a fast developing City of over 100,000 citizens and 50
square miles. Functions included: traffic operations, design, and planning, traffic signal maintenance,
development review, traffic calming, active transportation, traffic signal management center, traffic
control, and Planning Commission and City Council support.
City Traffic Engineer I Encinitas, CA (1997-2018)
Manage all functions of the Traffic Engineering section with four direct reports. Functions included: traffic
operations, planning, design, maintenance, development review, traffic calming, active transportation,
traffic signal management center, automated red light enforcement, traffic control, and Traffic and Public
Safety Commission support.
LSA Associates, Inc. I Assistant Engineer (1990-1992)
Prepared traffic impact studies, traffic modeling forecasts and traffic impact fee studies
Years of Experience: 33
Education: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
University of California, Irvine
Professional Engineer (Civil) California, #C60204
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #TR1829
Areas of Expertise:
City Traffic Engineer
Stakeholder Engagement
Traffic Impact Studies
Traffic Signal Timing/Coordination
Signing and Striping Plans
Traffic Control Plans
Project Management
Stephen Manganiello, TE
Senior Principal Manager/Task Lead
Mr. Manganiello has over 22 years of experience in the traffic engineering
field. Prior to joining STC, Mr. Manganiello served as the Director of Public
Works/City Engineer for the City of National City for eight years, while
maintaining his role as City Traffic Engineer for over 13 years. He lends a
unique perspective to the industry, having worked at the highest levels of
management in both the public and private sectors, including serving as
Acting City Manager for the City of National City.
Local Roadway Safety Plan I City of Cathedral City, CA
Potential safety projects were evaluated based on the City of Cathedral City's roadway needs, crash data
analysis, roadway network screening, and countermeasure toolbox. Under Mr. Manganiello's oversight,
STC developed priority projects for upgrading safety lighting and internally illuminated street name signs
(IISNS) to light -emitting diode (LED) and retro -reflective backplates at signalized intersections citywide;
installing pedestrian hybrid beacons; and upgrading existing pedestrian crosswalks to include LED lighting,
curb extensions, curb ramps, flashing stop sign beacons, high visibility striping, and upgrades to existing
roadway signing and striping. Ramon Rd & Avenida La Paloma was identified as a priority unsignalized
location by the LRSP. STC was selected to perform engineering for a HAWK signal at this location.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Various Riverside/San Diego County Agencies, CA
Mr. Manganiello serves as Senior Principal Manager for STC's on-call traffic engineering contracts with the
Cities of Menifee, Moreno Valley, Temecula, La Mesa, National City, and Imperial Beach. Typical services
include plan reviews, traffic calming evaluations, corridor feasibility studies, safety assessments, TIA
reviews, traffic analysis, multi -modal roadway design, community engagement, active transportation
planning, safe routes to school, and complete streets.
National City Capital Improvement Program I National City, CA
During his tenure as Director of Engineering & Public Works, Mr. Manganiello grew the size of the City's
five-year CIP from $20M to $80M by working with elected officials and the community to identify and
prioritize needs, develop solutions, and leverage a small amount of local funds to apply for competitive
grants, ultimately securing over $70 million. Under Mr. Manganiello's leadership, the City was able to
deliver over $30 million in traffic safety and active transportation projects, with an additional $30 million
in various stages of design and construction upon his departure from the City. Most of his projects
involved coordination with diverse stakeholders, including non-profit community organizations, advocacy
groups, local schools, regulatory agencies, transit agencies, utility companies, and private developers.
Years of Experience: 22
Education: University of Wisconsin -Madison, M.S. Civil
Engineering specific to Transportation Engineering
(2003); B.S. Civil Engineering (2000)
License: Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2973
Areas of Expertise:
Former City Traffic Engineer
Plan Check/Detailed Plan Review
CIP Program Projects/State Funding
As -Needed Traffic Engineering
Community Engagement
Staff Extension
Jason Stack, TE, PTOE
Principal-in-Charge/Task Lead
Mr. Stack is the founder of STC Traffic and has over 23 years of managing
transportation planning, traffic engineering, and ITS projects for various
agencies throughout Riverside County. Mr. Stack brings a holistic
approach to transportation planning, addressing the physical,
environmental, and mobility needs of communities. He combines his
strong understanding of engineering fundamentals with an expertise in
operations to provide creative solutions for municipal agencies.
Local Safety Planning Development and Oversight I Riverside County, CA
Serving as Principal -In -Charge, Mr. Stack provided oversight and senior direction for STC's past and current
work on SSARs and LRSPs in Menifee, Hemet, Cathedral City, and Temecula. The Caltrans SSAR/ LRSP
Program was established to assist local governments in developing prioritized project locations for safety
improvements based on data analysis and field conditions.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Principal -In -Charge. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA reviews, plan
check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans and signal timing
plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad concept plans/grade
crossings, and constructability reviews. Additionally, STC supports the Jurupa Grade Separation Project
through a separate contract.
Indian Canyon Drive Signal Coordination Timing I Palm Springs, CA
The Indian Canyon Drive Two Way Conversion project is a CVAG grant funded project that converted the
corridor from 1 -way to 2 -way traffic to increase pedestrian safety. STC was tasked with providing signal
coordination plans to address the City's request to revert to permissive phasing along the corridor. As
Principal In Charge, Mr. Stack oversaw complex elements of the project.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Temecula, CA
STC's work for the City has grown to include an on-call traffic engineering services contract. Mr. Stack
provides senior direction and QA/QC review of STC's work in the City. STC provides TIA reviews, traffic
study reviews, VMT analysis, traffic/civil engineering design plans, plan check services, electrical
inspection, staff training on street lighting inspection, grant writing, traffic signal timing and coordination
development, and work with the traffic signal control system.
Years of Experience: 23
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, University of
Massachusetts at Lowell (1999)
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2790
PTOE, United States, #4174
Areas of Expertise:
ITS Planning/Design
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
Traffic Signal Communications
Traffic Signal Operations
Adaptive Signal Timing
Christian Lambarth, PE, TE, PTOE
Senior Project Manager/Task Lead
Mr. Lambarth has over 12 years of experience in the management of
traffic engineering projects in Southern California. He specializes in traffic
signal design, signing and striping design, traffic control, traffic
operational analysis, street lighting, and traffic signal interconnect. Mr.
Lambarth pulls from his years of experience in the transportation industry
to develop PS&E that focuses on constructability, serving clients
throughout Riverside County.
HAWK Signal Near Ramon Road/Avenida La Paloma I Cathedral City, CA
Cathedral City was recently awarded a HSIP Grant to construct a High -Intensity Activated Crosswalk signal
near the intersection of Ramon Road/Avenida La Paloma, to address pedestrian and bicyclist collisions
between Candlewood Drive and Shifting Sands Trail. Mr. Lambarth was responsible for overseeing the
Basis of Design and technical memorandum for evaluating the optimal location and control type for the
proposed mid -block pedestrian crossing and continues to support follow-on phases of the project.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Temecula, CA
Mr. Lambarth serves as Senior Project Engineer for task orders issued by the City, along with various other
standalone traffic engineering design projects. Projects he has led include the HSIP Fiber Optic
Communications System Upgrade Project. As design engineer task manager, Mr. Lambarth leads design
engineering task orders for utility coordination, preliminary and final engineering, specifications and
estimates, bid assistance, as-builts, and QA/QC.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Serving as Senior Project Engineer, Mr. Lambarth is responsible for the development and delivery of task
orders issued by the City, along with standalone traffic engineering design projects. Tasks completed to
date include signing and striping, traffic signal modifications, median improvements, speed feedback
signs, traffic control, construction support, and plan review.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Fontana, CA
As Project Manager, Mr. Lambarth was responsible for providing traffic signal modification for the
intersection of N. Cherry Ave/Live Oak Ave. His ensured that the project deliverable exceeded
expectations and conformed to City requirements and Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications. The
modified traffic signal will provide the intersection ultimate configuration and more efficient operations
with permissive flashing yellow left turn movements. This project falls under STC's on-call traffic
engineering contract.
Years of Experience: 13 Areas of Expertise:
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering , Michigan State Traffic Signal Design
University, East Lansing (2009) Signing and Striping
License: Traffic Calming
Professional Engineer (Civil) California, #86675 Traffic Counts and Data Collection
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2927 ITS Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
David DiPierro, TE, MBA
Senior Principal Manager/Task Lead
Mr. DiPierro has 35 years of experience managing traffic engineering,
signal operations, and transportation planning projects, primarily on
behalf of public agencies in Southern California. He has developed
transportation elements for numerous general and master plan projects
focusing on mobility, circulation, and multimodal travel options. Mr.
DiPierro is a highly -experienced manager, having supervised engineering
teams for more than 30 years and specializing in staff development.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Mr. DiPierro serves as staff extension for the City as part of STC's on-call services contract and is
responsible for day-to-day communication with City staff and the public on traffic engineering related
issues. Responsibilities include plan checks, responses to community concerns, grant writing, signal
design, speed surveys, and traffic warrants. Mr. DiPierro and his team have performed reviews of traffic
impact studies, sight distance evaluations, traffic signal and stop control warrant analyses, and support
services for preparation of an Active Transportation Plan. He also oversaw the development of the City's
Traffic Impact Analysis guidelines and VMT analysis guidelines.
Housing Element and General Plan Update I Carlsbad, CA
Leading STC's planning group, Mr. DiPierro serves as project manager for the project, which will update
Carlsbad's General Housing Element for 2021-2029 after engaging in extensive public outreach and
involvement activities and will update the General Plan with a view toward recent State legislation related
to the Housing Element. Mr. DiPierro is responsible for overseeing the preparation of the traffic study
component of the work, including assessing the effects of increased traffic due to potentially higher
housing density and rezoning at selected locations. Scope items include traffic data collection, various
roadway segment analyses, trip generation analysis for potential sites, future traffic forecasting, and VMT
City Traffic Engineer I Oceanside, CA
City Traffic Engineer responsible for providing a safe and sustainable transportation system for all roadway
users within the City of Oceanside. Routine tasks included review of traffic impact studies and traffic
control plans, field reviews, sight distance evaluations and parking studies, and traffic signal and stop
control warrant analyses. QA/QC manager for the following projects: City of Oceanside Circulation
Element, Mission Avenue Complete Streets Project, Citywide Safe Routes to School Project, Local Road
Safety Plan, and Coast Highway Corridor Project.
Years of Experience: 35
Education: M.B.A. ,San Diego State University (1997)
B.S., Civil Engineering , University of Rhode Island (1986)
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2234
Areas of Expertise:
Former City Traffic Engineer
VMT Analysis
TIA Guidelines/TIA Review
Traffic Calming Programs
Policy and Land Use Planning
Stakeholder Engagement
Phil Kern, PE
Senior Project Manager
Mr. Kern has over 35 years of experience in the planning, design,
permitting and construction support of a wide range of public works,
transportation, infrastructure, and capital improvement projects for
public agencies. The last 20 years have focused on the design and delivery
of capital projects through on-call contracts and serving as staff extension
for public agencies.
On -Call Engineering Services I Murrieta, CA
Served as Project Manager from 2018-19 and was responsible for scoping/budgeting of task orders,
overall project management, direction and supervision of technical staff, and management of permits. He
led civil engineering and traffic design for the Murrieta Hot Springs Road Median Improvements Project.
On -Call Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Served as Project Manager/Task Order Manager from 2017-19 and was responsible for site surveys,
multidisciplinary project coordination, preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates and design
quality assurance He managed the following task orders: Bradley Road Bridge Utility Relocations with
EMWD, Haun Road/Holland Road Intersection Improvements, and Lyle Marsh Park Playground Site
On -Call Engineering Services I Indian Wells, CA
Served as Project Manager from 2018-19 and was responsible for task order development, field
investigations/surveys, multidisciplinary project coordination and preparation of construction documents
as the Engineer of Work. He led the civil engineering design for the Whitewater River Drop Structure
Emergency Repair Project.
On -Call Engineering Services I National City, CA
Mr. Kern has served as Project Manager under multiple on-call contracts for National City from 2010-
2019, overseeing tasks including civil/traffic design, repair of major building systems, active transportation
projects and development review. Specific task orders he has led include design of grading and
contaminated soils abatement for Paradise Creek Park, intersection improvements for 18th Street and
National City Boulevard, Westside sidewalk improvements, design of the southerly extension of Harding
Avenue and design of the 14th & Harding mini -roundabout.
Years of Experience: 35
Education: San Diego State University, B.S. Civil
Professional Engineer (Civil) CA, #40831
CalEMA Safety Assessment Program Evaluator - #68105
Areas of Expertise:
Civil Engineering
Traffic Signal Design
Public Works Projects
Site Survey
Project Management
Construction Support Services
Balaji Shivaji, TE
Senior Project Engineer
Mr. Shivaji brings over 14 years of experience preparing traffic
engineering design plans in Southern California. He provides well thought-
out solutions in mobility planning while ensuring practical, feasible design
in traffic engineering. He is an expert in the preparation of various
technical traffic studies, analysis studies, mobility studies, and PS&E for
traffic engineering, transportation planning, active transportation, and
mobility projects.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Senior Project Engineer. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA reviews,
plan check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans and signal
timing plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad concept
plans/grade crossings, and constructability reviews. Mr. Shivaji has supported TIA reviews, VMT reviews,
and Synchro analysis, among other tasks.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
As Senior Project Planner, Mr. Shivaji provides transportation planning services for the City's on-call
contract. Mr. Shivaji conducts reviews of TIA scoping agreements checking trip generation calculation, trip
distribution, traffic forecast methodology, and compliance with city TIA guidelines. He also conducts TIA
reviews for development projects, making sure that the TIA was prepared based on City TIA guidelines.
These reviews also include checking analysis calculations, project impacts, mitigation measures, and fair
share calculations in the TIA report. After verifying the analysis in the report, Mr. Shivaji drafts comments
to address any outstanding issues needed to be resolved provides traffic mitigation documentation for
conditions of approval.
GMP and Annual Monitoring Report I Carlsbad, CA
STC developed a new Transportation Monitoring Program in accordance with the City's General Plan
Mobility Element and Growth Management Plan. The program's goal was to aid the development
community and City staff in navigating changes to transportation evaluation and monitoring for Carlsbad,
as it focuses on new approaches to achieving a balanced transportation system, such as active
transportation, climate action, and Smart City initiatives. Mr. Shivaji was commissioned for traffic count
data collection at monitoring locations, conducted directional peak hour roadway segment analysis, and
prepared the GMP annual monitoring report. Service areas for this project include TIA Guidelines, traffic
data collection, roadway segment analyses, multimodal transportation analysis and monitoring, and inter-
agency coordination.
Years of Experience: 14
Education: M.S., Civil Engineering, San Diego State
University (2006)
Professional Engineer (Traffic) California, #2946
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Counts & Data Collection
Traffic Calming Studies/Design
Traffic Impact Analysis
Traffic Studies Review
Micromobility Analysis
Brett Hansen, IMSA I
Construction Manager
Mr. Hansen has over nine years of experience as a design engineer and
construction manager, playing an integral role in various traffic
engineering and electrical projects throughout the Southern California
region. He is well versed in standard specifications and plans required by
government agencies, skilled in field analysis, and has expertise in
electrical and communications systems. He began his career in the
construction industry, ultimately rising to the role of lead estimator for a
large contracting firm bidding on projects over $100 million. This background provides Brett the ability to
avoid design pitfalls and reduce schedule and change order risk.
Jurupa Road Grade Separation Project I Jurupa Valley, CA
STC is providing pre- and post -construction inspections and coordinating services related to traffic
signaling and traffic handling for the construction of a four -lane underpass on Jurupa Road. As
Construction Manager, Mr. Hansen is responsible for assisting with submittal reviews and RFIs, providing
comments for Contractor's schedule, overseeing field reviews and inspection reports including
constructability reviews.
Limonite Traffic Signal Synchronization Project I Eastvale, CA
For the development of the Basis of Design technical memorandum, Mr. Hansen led the field reviews to
establish the existing condition of the corridor's traffic signal infrastructure. He provided details for
trenching and options for conduit, along with cost estimates. These field reviews will inform the final
design recommendations for required communications topology, paths, connectivity, and equipment
(communication infrastructure and media/ equipment, network equipment, Intelligent Transportation
System equipment) for installation and operation.
SBCTA Redlands Passenger Rail Project I San Bernardino County, CA
Mr. Hansen served as senior project engineer/construction manager for traffic signal design for multiple
at -grade crossings and communications network design for this upstart commuter rail service. Brett
provided design for the customer information systems (CIS) for five station platforms. The CIS include
variable message signs (VMS), public address (PA) systems, emergency telephones, kiosks, and ticket
vending machines. He also prepared the WAN and LAN communication architecture for the corridor fiber
optic backbone and provided design for eight traffic signals at highway -rail at -grade crossings. Throughout
the bid process and construction stage, Mr. Hansen has been responsible for tracking and reviewing RFIs
and material submittals associated with the CIS/traffic signal systems.
Years of Experience: 9 Areas of Expertise:
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, minor in Mathematics, Field Inspections
California State University, Chico (2011) Electrical Inspections
Certifications: Technical Specifications
IMSA Traffic Signal Technician Level 1 Traffic Signal Systems
Corning Fiber Installation (CFI) Construction Management
Construction Engineering
Adam Lemberg, IMSA III
Senior Systems Engineer
Mr. Lemberg has over 23 years of experience installing, troubleshooting,
and maintaining traffic signals and communication networks. Mr.
Lemberg provides on-call traffic operations services to numerous local
agencies in Southern California. Prior to joining STC, Mr. Lemberg worked
for McCain, Inc., for 14 years, where he installed many of the advanced
traffic management systems in Southern California, along with the
infrastructure necessary for network communications.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Senior Project Technical Specialist. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA
reviews, plan check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans
and signal timing plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad
concept plans/grade crossings, and constructability reviews. Mr. Lemberg has been responsible for the
implementation of signal timing on critical intersections/corridors.
On -Call Traffic Engineering and Support I Menifee, CA
Senior Project Technical Specialist on the City of Menifee's On -Call Traffic Engineering and Support
contract. In this role, he is responsible for providing signal timing, signal operations, and traffic systems
services for on-call tasks. Mr. Lemberg developed coordination timing for the Newport Road and Scott
Road corridors which included the 1-215 Caltrans on -ramps and off -ramps.
On -Call Traffic Engineering and ITS Services I Chula Vista, CA
Mr. Lemberg serves as a Senior Project Technical Specialist and has worked on several traffic signal timing
and communications networking projects. He was responsible for developing, implementing, and
documenting coordinated signal timing at the intersections of 1-805 SB off-ramp/Telegraph Canyon Road
and Telegraph Canyon Road/Nacion Avenue. Having served as the task manager for the Chula Vista Traffic
Signal Communications Center and Traffic Management Center design -build, Mr. Lemberg has extensive
working knowledge of the City's communications network.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Vista, CA
Mr. Lemberg was Project Technical Specialist responsible for implementation of Vista's Traffic Signal
Interconnect Upgrade Project. The City received federal HSIP grant funding to upgrade its traffic signal
communications system and redundant Ethernet protocol system and establish communications to offline
traffic signals. The work included the development of PS&E.
Years of Experience: 23
Affiliations: International Municipal Signal Association
(IMSA) Member
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Management Centers
Traffic Signal Timing and
Coordination Plans
Traffic Signal Communications
Advanced Traffic Management
Alain Hungerford, IMSA I
Systems Engineer
Mr. Hungerford has over nine years of experience in providing support for
ATMS/ITS deployments and continued operation for various agencies
throughout Southern California. Mr. Hungerford worked previously as a
Technical Systems Specialist at McCain, Inc. He works closely with City
Engineers, providing detailed information to assist in decision-making
while performing operational improvements. Mr. Hungerford supports
traffic signal operations and systems with specialized expertise in TMCs.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Project Technical Specialist. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA
reviews, plan check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans
and signal timing plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad
concept plans/grade crossings, and constructability reviews. Mr. Hungerford has been responsible for
Synch ro/implementation of signal timing on critical intersections/corridors.
On Call Traffic Signal Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Mr. Hungerford assists with operational aspects and the creation and optimization of signal timing, ATMS
deployment, and communications infrastructure. He actively worked alongside City IT and Traffic
Engineers to establish the deployment of Transparity ATMS, providing access to over 70 of the City's
signals — he proposed the networking equipment required and is overseeing the deployment for a
complete signal communications infrastructure throughout the City. Simultaneously, he assisted in the
first-time conversion from the outdated 170 controller platform to the ATC platform with McCain's Omni
controller software citywide.
On -Call Project Support Services for Capital Improvement Program I National City, CA
Systems technical specialist whose responsibilities include field and TMC support for the signal
communication system and traffic signals equipment upgrades. Mr. Hungerford is involved in the ITS
planning and communications infrastructure and is part of the STC team providing expertise in switching
technologies, including the configuration of their Cisco Catalyst 3950 Stack. Mr. Hungerford has been
involved in the configuration and deployment of 27 new 2070 controllers running McCain Omni software
and the integration of 20 Digi N2S-170 Serial to Ethernet Cards. In total, he has help bring forty-seven
signals back online that have been offline for several years. Most recently, Mr. Hungerford has been
involved in a complete overhaul of the citywide signal timing.
Years of Experience: 9
Affiliations: International Municipal Signal Association
(IMSA) Member
IMSA Level I
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Counts and Data Collection
Traffic Signal Timing and
Coordination Plans
Traffic Signal Communications
Video Detection Systems
Ashley Adamos, EIT
Project Engineer
Mr. Adamos is a project engineer with seven years of versatile experience
in traffic engineering and transportation planning. She has extensive
experience in all project phases including production of evaluations,
studies, grant applications, PS&E, and record drawings for various active
transportation, traffic engineering, and ITS projects for municipalities on
an on-call basis. Ms. Adamos is an expert at aligning municipal goals with
grant funding opportunities.
Local Roadway Safety Plan I Cathedral City and Riverside County Agencies, CA
Ms. Adamos serves as a task lead for preparation of LRSPs under various on-call contracts. She is
responsible for the heavy lifting of developing the countermeasure toolboxes, identifying Priority Projects,
and overseeing preparation of the draft LRSP reports. She has recently completed LRSP projects for the
Cities of Cathedral City, Temecula, and La Mesa. Ms. Adamos is STC's resident "grant guru" and has
prepared grant applications for the HSIP, ATP, Safe Routes to School (SRTS), and Smart Growth programs.
She has prepared over 35 grant applications for nine different agencies and has achieved nearly $22M in
grant funding for roadway safety projects.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Eastvale, CA
As Project Engineer, Ms. Adamos was responsible for drafting the Basis of Design for communications
system and traffic signal improvements to improve operations along Limonite Avenue. The project
corridor includes eight traffic signals operated by the City and two traffic signals operated by Caltrans for
the 1-15 northbound and southbound ramps. The purpose of the technical memorandum is to establish
the condition of existing traffic signal infrastructure, identify system improvement alternatives for
implementing traffic signal synchronization, and present budgetary costs. Ms. Adamos managed fieldwork
documentation, coordinated with equipment vendors, developed budgetary cost estimates, and
conducted research for advanced dilemma zone detection systems.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Ms. Adamos serves as staff extension for the City as part of STC's on-call services contract and is
responsible for supporting City staff and the public on traffic engineering related issues. She was
responsible for preparing the SSAR to identify citywide roadway safety solutions to integrate into a master
plan for future HSIP and other safety program grant applications. She is intimately familiar with the City
and supports a variety of projects related to active transportation, responses to community concerns,
grant writing, and traffic studies.
Years of Experience: 7
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, Cal Poly, Pomona
(2011); UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies,
Traffic Signal Operations: Coordination for Corridors;
Traffic Signal Operations: Isolated Intersections (2019)
License: Engineer -in -Training (EIT), California, #144928
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Counts & Data Collection
Intersection Control Evaluation
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Control Design
Street Lighting Design
Warrant Analysis
Myles Baidy, EIT
Project Engineer
Mr. Baidy has five years of experience in transportation planning and
intersection operation analysis. He has provided data analyses on
numerous transportation planning projects. He has worked on projects
throughout the State of Massachusetts, primarily in Boston, and most
recently in the San Diego County region giving him a unique perspective
on transportation solutions and innovation.
He has significant experience in transportation planning, including detailed analysis of transportation
impacts analysis, LOS, roadway safety audits, and complete street policies and programs. He also has
experience in community outreach, intersection modeling, and traffic signal design.
HAWK Signal Near Ramon Road/Avenida La Paloma I Cathedral City, CA
Cathedral City was recently awarded a HSIP Grant to construct a High -Intensity Activated Crosswalk signal
near the intersection of Ramon Road/Avenida La Paloma, to address pedestrian and bicyclist collisions
between Candlewood Drive and Shifting Sands Trail. Mr. Baidy supported preparation of the technical
memorandum/Basis of Design for evaluating the optimal location and control type for the proposed mid -
block pedestrian crossing and continues to support follow-on phases of the project.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Mr. Baidy conducts a variety of planning and preliminary engineering studies to support City initiatives
under the on-call services contract. Recent projects he has completed include developing a spreadsheet
to track Riverside County projects that border the City and provide mitigation recommendations for
projects that impact Menifee roadways, a signal/all-way stop warrant analysis for Menifee Road at Mapes
Rd & Menifee Road, and conducting speed counts to determine speed limit thresholds citywide.
Local Roadway Safety Plan I Temecula, CA
STC provided professional engineering services to prepare a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) analysis for
the City of Temecula. The LRSP will play a key role in addressing crash risk and identify specific or unique
crash conditions that may contribute to crashes on the City's roadway system. Mr. Baidy conducted a
preliminary review of pertinent city documents applicable to the City's street system and collected and
reviewed traffic collision data and any relevant planned improvements. Traffic collision data was utilized
to identify any critical safety issues from which proven counter measures were derived and implemented
in the documentation of the City's local roadway safety plan.
Years of Experience: 5 Areas of Expertise:
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Transportation Planning
Massachusetts Amherst () Traffic Impact Analysis
License: Complete Streets Programs
Engineer -in -Training (EIT) #26030 Transportation Demand
Data Analysis
Brandon Schlueter, PE
Project Engineer
Mr. Schlueter has over five years of experience as a project engineer at
STC Traffic in preparing plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for
traffic engineering projects throughout Southern California. He has
substantial experience conducting field observations and developing
signing and striping plans, traffic control plans, and traffic signal
modifications. Mr. Schlueter's diverse background and proficiency
enables him to perform high-quality traffic engineering work.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Project Engineer. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA reviews, plan
check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans and signal timing
plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad concept plans/grade
crossings, and constructability reviews. Mr. Schlueter has supported traffic signal modifications on
Valley/Mission, among other engineering tasks.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Carlsbad, CA
For the City of Carlsbad As -Needed Engineering Services contract, STC provided traffic signal timing and
upgrade services citywide. Mr. Schlueter helped make measurements and calculated slopes used to
upgrade the signal timing plans. Mr. Schlueter also helped to evaluate current advanced loop placement
and recommended upgrades as needed. For a separate project under this contract, Mr. Schlueter assisted
with traffic signal timing/coordination for three main commuter corridors.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Encinitas, CA
To reduce speeds and create safer passage of pedestrians and bicyclists along Balour Drive, STC provided
signing and striping plans that included installation of a RRFB midblock crossing. Mr. Schlueter served as
a design engineer for the traffic calming project. Serving as an assistant engineer on the Leucadia
Boulevard Green Bike Lane Project, Mr. Schlueter provided engineering support in the design of green
buffered bicycle lanes along Leucadia Boulevard. Mr. Schlueter was responsible for preparing signing and
striping plans, specifications, and estimates that included green buffered bike lanes along 1.5 miles of the
corridor and five signalized intersections. Design efforts included adhering to the City of San Diego Bike
Design Guidelines and NACTO Guidelines with both bike lane markings and other special signage.
Years of Experience: 5
Education: San Diego State University, B.S., Civil
Engineering (2015)
Certifications: Professional Engineer (Civil)
California, #95032
Areas of Expertise:
Traffic Calming Studies/Design
Traffic Signal Design
Traffic Control Design
Signing and Striping Design
Signal Timing and Coordination Plans
Joseph Walters, IMSA II
Project Engineer
Mr. Walters has over 11 years of experience in traffic engineering design
and traffic systems and operations implementation for various public
municipal projects. He has experience preparing PS&E for traffic
engineering/ITS projects, including federally -funded design projects. Mr.
Walters is IMSA Level I certified and experienced in traffic signal timing,
traffic signal equipment, communications networks, and ITS systems.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Consulting Services I Jurupa Valley, CA
Project Engineer. STC's traffic engineering -related responsibilities have extended to TIA reviews, plan
check, responses to signal system issues, development of traffic signal modification plans and signal timing
plans, field implementation and communication troubleshooting, review of railroad concept plans/grade
crossings, and constructability reviews. Mr. Walters has supported traffic signal modifications on
Valley/Mission, among other engineering tasks.
On -Call Project Support for Capital Improvement Program I National City, CA
Mr. Walters serves as project engineer for various traffic engineering and construction management tasks
for the City of National City on an on-call basis. He has performed field reviews, prepared design plans for
new traffic signals and traffic signal modifications, and prepared PS&E packages for various projects. Mr.
Walters served as designer for three traffic signal modification projects, performed field reviews to
determine the condition of existing equipment, developed traffic signal modification plans, and assisted
in preparation of PS&E.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Carlsbad, CA
Mr. Walters serves as project engineer responsible for providing various traffic engineering and traffic
systems and operations tasks for the City of Carlsbad on an as -needed basis. His experience includes
performing traffic signal cabinet equipment inventories and troubleshooting traffic signal equipment such
as conflict monitor units, battery back-up systems, ethernet switches, etc. Other relevant services include
adjusting phase timing and installing new Ethernet switches and splicing and remote communication with
cameras and radios. Mr. Walters assists the project team with field assessments, installation of new traffic
signal timing in the field, field inspection of existing services, and CADD design of traffic signals and
signing/striping plans.
Years of Experience: 11
Education: B.S., Civil Engineering, San Diego State
University (2008)
IMSA I Roadway Lighting
IMSA Work Zone Safety
Areas of Expertise:
ITS Design
Traffic Signal Design
Signal Timing and Coordination Plans
Streetlighting Design
Traffic Signal Communications
Technical Specifications
Philip Wragg, AICP, MCP
Project Planner
Mr. Wragg has over eight years of specialized experience in transportation
planning and travel behavior. He has managed various transportation
planning projects and analyzed travel behavior across demographics. He
has worked on projects in the UK, the Middle East, and North America and
brings a unique international perspective on transportation solutions and
innovation. He has significant experience in transportation planning,
including detailed analysis of transportation impacts analysis, Level of
Service, and Vehicle Miles Traveled. He also has experience in community outreach, travel behavior
modeling, intersection modeling, and interagency coordination.
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services I Menifee, CA
Mr. Wragg has conducted numerous reviews of traffic impact studies and pre -study scoping agreements
on behalf of the City of Menifee as part of STC's on-call contract. These have been for a range of
developments, including family and senior residential, mixed-use commercial and retail (offices, shops,
restaurants including fast food), and gas stations. The reviews require detailed sense -checking of study
areas, intersection and roadway capacity analyses, thresholds of significance, project and cumulative
traffic impact scenario testing (including existing, opening and horizon years), mitigation proposals, and
project fair share calculations.
Murrieta Creek Bridge TIA/VMT I Temecula, CA
Mr. Wragg was responsible for developing the traffic impact analysis report in support of the permit
application for provision of a new creek crossing in Temecula. Complex distribution plans were drawn up
and scoping discussions with the City were undertaken to inform the TIA. The project also includes the
provision of bike trail undercrossing so that existing trails will not be severed by the new bridge. This is
one of the first studies to which the City will apply SB 743 requirements and Mr. Wragg is currently
advising the City regarding VMT analysis inclusion in the project environmental documentation.
VMT Guidelines Update I Oceanside, CA
Per SB 743, the California Environmental Quality Act requires lead agencies to evaluate VMT impacts. Mr.
Wragg assisted in VMT analysis for the City of Oceanside and reviewed documentation to ensure
compliance with SB 743 under CEQA analysis of transportation projects. The updated guidelines outline
the steps to determine project VMT impacts, recommend thresholds of significance, and recommend
mitigation measures.
Years of Experience: 8
Areas of Expertise:
Education: Master of City Planning, University of the Traffic Impact Analysis
West of England B.A., Economics, University of Multi -Modal Level of Services
Greenwich VMT Analysis
Certifications: AICP — Certified Planner with the Transportation Demand
American Institute of Certified Planners Management
Signal Warrant Analysis
I, Sandra Sass
STC Traffic, Inc.
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
(name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that
(name of company) has reviewed
the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and
F of the City's Professional Services Agreement (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance
certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded.
lam CFO
of STC Traffic, Inc.
Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001)
$1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate)
Must include the following endorsements:
General Liability Additional Insured
General Liability Primary and Noncontributory
Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001)
$1,000,000 (per accident)
Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable
Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate)
Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements)
Must include the following endorsements:
Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation
Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
Jason Stack
I am President
(name) hereby declare as follows:
of STC Traffic, Inc.
(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf
of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the
proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced
or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly
colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal,
or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or
indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of
the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price,
or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the
agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the
proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her
proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative
hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association,
organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and
Proposer Signature:
Proposer Name:
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
Jason Stack
STC Traffic, Inc.
5973 Avenida Encinas, Suite 218
Carlsbad CA 92008
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal;
If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating
Not Applicable and sign
Jason Stack, President
Jason Stack, President