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10 April 2023 SilverRock Resort - Monthly Financial Statement
SILVERROCK® RESORT Monthly Financial Statements July 1, 2022 - April 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary Operating Income Expense 1 Statement of Fee Revenue 2 Golf Shop Income Statement 3 Course Maintenance Expense Statement 4 Outside Service Expense Statement 5 Clubhouse Expense Statement 6 Marketing Expense Statement 7 General a Administrative Expense Statement 8 Operating Leases Et Miscellaneous Expense Statement 9 Complimentary Report 10 SilverRock Resort Summary Operating Income Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date 1 Annual Budget Percentages GIL # Series Account Description April 2023 Unfavorable (-) Annual Final Budget Variance Favorable (+) Final Budget Variance Budget Unemcumb. % Bdgt Income 400000 Golf Green Fee Revenue 494,098.00 458,266.00 35,832.00 7.8% 3,535,776.13 3,293,097.00 242,679.13 3,745,355.00 209,578.87 94% 401000 Miscellaneous Golf Revenue 18,874.50 30,365.00 (11,490.50) .37.8% 228,962.00 260,690.00 (31,728.00) 307,480.00 78,518.00 74% 410000 Revenue -Golf Shop 29,923.73 26,928.00 2,995.73 11.1% 216,324.86 180,278.00 36,046.86 212,618.00 (3,706.86) 102% 420000 Food & Beverage Revenue 92,841.70 86,232.00 6,609.70 7.7% 569,616.82 515,882.00 53,734.82 585,382.00 15,765.18 97% Total Income 635,737.93 601,791.00 33,946.93 5.6% 4,550,680.04 4,249,947.00 300,733.04 4,850,835.00 300,155.19 94% Cost of Goods Sold 510000 COS -Golf Shop 15,933.08 13,508.00 2,425.08 -18.0% 125,762.84 103,327.00 (22,435.84) 119,002.00 (6,760.84) 106% 520000 COS -Food & Beverage 23,963.55 26,444.00 (2,480.45) 9.4% 198,884.10 174,715.00 (24,169.10) 199,408.00 523.90 100% Total COS 39,990.03 39,952.0U (55.37) 0.1% 324,040.94 278,041.00 (46,004.94) 318,410.01.1 (6,764.1.84) 102% Gross Profit 595,841.30 561,839.00 34,002.30 6.1% 4,226,033.10 3,971,905.00 254,128.10 4,532,425.00 306,916.03 93% Expenses 610000 Golf Pro Shop 20,965.53 18,802.00 2,163.53 -11.5% 184,377.55 176,023.00 8,354.55 216,775.00 32,397.45 85% 630000 Course Maintenance 145,334.96 142,792.00 2,542.96 -1.8% 1,723,595.68 1,641,626.00 81,969.68 2,070,664.00 347,068.32 83% 633000 Maintenance Water & Energy 24,215.08 22,920.00 1,295.08 -5.7% 257,775.21 210,005.00 47,770.21 260,294.00 2,518.79 99% 640000 Outside Services 49,748.54 57,265.00 (7,516.46) 13.1% 455,943.13 460,626.00 (4,682.87) 529,580.00 73,636.87 86% 650000 Clubhouse 17,929.54 10,631.00 7,298.54 -68.7% 140,146.12 105,830.00 34,316.12 127,492.00 (12,654.12) 110% 660000 Marketing 8,498.58 18,881.00 (10,382.42) 55.0% 148,530.48 167,091.00 (18,560.52) 192,267.00 43,736.52 77% 670000 General & Administrative 43,109.98 37,282.00 5,827.98 -15.6% 356,029.61 377,357.00 (21,327.39) 451,899.00 95,869.39 79% 680000 Leases 32,455.75 32,750.00 (294.25) 0.9% 324,540.08 324,300.00 240.08 389,800.00 65,259.92 83% 690000 Miscellaneous Other Expense 43,686.76 25,456.00 18,230.76 -71.6% 270,661.14 240,568.00 30,093.14 293,999.00 23,337.86 620000 Food & Beverage Expenses 62,770.86 53,846.00 8,924.86 -16.6% 444,633.72 379,528.00 65,105.72 453,954.00 9,320.28 92% Total Expenses 448,715.58 420,625.00 28,090.58 -6.7% 4,306,232.72 4,082,954.00 (223,278.72) 4,986,724.00 671,171.00 86% Net Income 147,125.72 141,214.00 5,911.72 5.0% (80,199.62) (111,049.00) 30,849.38 (454,299.00) (364,254.97) 18% 400000 Rounds of Golf Pie. Paid Rounds Played 5,279 4,896 383 7.8% 36,997 35,396 1,601 41,996 4,999 88% Ave $ Per Paid Round Green Fee 93.60 93.60 (0.00) 0.0% 95.57 93.04 2.53 89.18 (6.39) 107% Ave $ Per Paid Round Merchandise 5.67 5.50 0.17 3.1% 5.85 5.09 0.75 5.06 (0.78) 115% Ave $ Per Paid Miscellaneous 3.58 3.01 0.56 18.8% 6.19 3.58 2.61 7.32 1.13 85% SilverRock Resort Statement of Fees - Revenue April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget Income April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. % Budget 4000000 4010000 4040000 4050000 4060000 4090000 4091000 4092000 4093000 Revenue -Fees Rider Fee Club Rental Driving Range Handicap Fees Ball RetrieverlSubcontract Golf Professional Rental Fee Golf Lessons Resident Card Issue Total Miscellaneous Revenue 1 Total Revenue Fees 494,098.00 2,110.00 3,195.00 11,835.00 342.00 892.50 500.00 458,266.00 540.00 2,700.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 15,625.00 35,832.00 1,570.00 495.00 2,835.00 342.00 (107.50) (1,000.00) (15,625.00) 18,874.50 30,365.00 (11,490.50) 512,972.50 488,631.00 24,341.50 Total Income 1512,972.50 3,535,776.13 15,390.00 23,280.00 100,855.00 1,026.00 2,235.00 4,700.00 3,293,097.00 17,440.00 20,400.00 76,750.00 2,050.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 242,679.13 (2,050.00) 2,880.00 24,105.00 (1,024.00) (265.00) (2,800.00) 81,476.00 134,050.00 (52,574.00) 228,962.00 260,690.00 (31,728.00) 3,764,738.13 3,553,787.00 190,105.13 3,745,355.00 209,578.87 5.6% 18,180.00 2,790.00 15.3% 24,100.00 820.00 3.4% 87,850.00 (13,005.00) -14.8% 2,050.00 1,024.00 50.0% 2,500.00 265.00 10.6% 7,500.00 2,800.00 37.3% 0.0% 165,300.00 83,824.00 50.7% 307,480.00 78,518.00 25.5% 4,052,835.00 288,096.87 488,631.00 24, 341.50 3,764,738.13 3,553,787.00 I 210,951.13 7.1% 4,052,835.00 I 288,096.87 I 7.1% I SilverRock Resort Golf Shop Income Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget Income April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. % Budget 4100000 Sales Miscellaneous 1,418.01 - 1,418.01 7,381.94 - 7,381.94 0 0 0% 4100110 Sales Hard Goods 8,854.13 6,732.00 2,122.13 77,682.76 45,068.00 32,614.76 53,155.00 (24,527.76) -46.1% 4100112 Sales -Soft Goods 23,211.00 20,196.00 3,015.00 160,685.93 135,210.00 25,475.93 159,464.00 (1,221.93) -0.8% 5100639 GS-Discounts-Mdse (3,559.41) - (3,559.41) (29,425.77) • (29,425.77) • 29,425.77 0.0% Total Revenue Golf Shop 29,923.73 26,928.00 2,995.73 216,324.86 180,278.00 36,046.86 212,619.00 3,676.08 1.7% COS 5100150 COS-GS-Hard Goods 4,782.88 3,904.00 878.88 41,496.67 26,144.00 15,352.67 30,829.00 (10,667.67) -34.6% 5100151 COS-GS-Soft Goods 11,072.01 11,713.00 (640.99) 79,684.47 78,401.00 1,283.47 92,489.00 12,804.53 13.8% 5100152 COS-GS-Purchase Disc (70.26) (2,343.00) 2,272.74 (1,558.18) (2,785.00) 1,226.82 (6,166.00) (4,607.82) 74.7% 5100220 COS-GS-Freight Merch 148.45 234.00 (85.55) 6,139.88 1,567.00 4,572.88 1,850.00 (4,289.88) -231.9% Cost of Sales - Golf Shop 15,933.08 13,508.00 2,425.08 125,762.84 103,327.00 22,435.84 119,002.00 (6,760.84) -5.7% Gross Profit 13,990.65 13,420.00 570.65 90,562.02 76,951.00 13,611.02 93,617.00 10,436.92 11.1% COS % 53.2% 50.2% -3.1% 58.1% 57.3% -0.8% 53.1% •183.9% -346.5% Expense 61-PS-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6101320 Insurance Group 334.28 826.00 (491.72) 4,831.65 8,260.00 (3,428.35) 9,912.00 5,080.35 51.3% 6101325 Insurance -Workers Comp 1,074.00 1,074.00 9,823.96 9,854.00 (30.04) 11,980.00 2,156.04 18.0% 6101720 Salaries 5,769.24 5,957.00 (187.76) 59,446.92 59,570.00 (123.08) 65,000.00 5,553.08 8.5% 6101800 Taxes•Employer Payroll 1,333.12 1,403.00 (69.88) 14,501.29 12,862.00 1,639.29 13,896.00 (605.29) -4.4% 6101880 Wages -Hourly 11,240.89 8,432.00 2,808.89 87,143.98 72,337.00 14,806.98 97,112.00 9,968.02 10.3% 6101882 Wages -Overtime 7.49 - 7.49 365.80 365.80 (365.80) 0.0% Total -PS-SALARIES & BENEFITS 19,759.02 17,692.00 2,067.02 176,113.60 162,883.00 13,230.60 197,900.00 21,786.40 11.0% 61-PS OTHER EXPENSES 6103742 Supplies -Expendable - - - - - - - - 0.0% 6103762 Supplies -Office 163.11 250.00 (86.89) 1,761.52 2,500.00 (738.48) 3,000.00 1,238.48 41.3% 6109220 Freight & Delivery - - - 128.58 75.00 53.58 75.00 (53.58) -71.4% 6109490 Miscellaneous 679.94 500.00 179.94 2,630.07 5,000.00 (2,369.93) 6,000.00 3,369.93 56.2% 6109150 Dues and Subscriptions 265.00 - 265.00 1,020.00 - 1,020.00 2,300.00 1,280.00 55.7% 6109500 ProShop-Over/Short (10.49) - (10.49) 15.77 - 15.77 - (15.77) 0.0% 6109722 Seminars/Training - 35.00 (35.00) - 2,405.00 (2,405.00) 3,690.00 3,690.00 100.0% 6109810 Travel - Merchandise - 15.00 (15.00) - 60.00 (60.00) 90.00 90.00 100.0% 6109820 Uniforms - 200.00 (200.00) 1,437.23 2,000.00 (562.77) 2,400.00 962.77 40.1% 6117840 Telephones 108.95 110.00 (1.05) 1,270.78 1,100.00 170.78 1,320.00 49.22 3.7% Total - Other Expenses 1,206.51 1,110.00 96.51 8,263.95 13,140.00 (4,876.05) 18,875.00 10,611.05 56.2% Total Expenses -Golf Shop 20,965.53 18,802.00 2,163.53 184,377.55 176,023.00 8,354.55 216,775.00 32,397.45 14.9% Net Income (6,974.88) (5,382.00) (1,592.88) (93,815.53) (99,072.00) 5.256.47 (123,158.00) (21,960.53) 17.8% Course SilverRock Resort Maintenance Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. %Budget Expense 63-CM-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6311320 Insurance -Group 6,360.21 10,164.00 (3,803.79) 54,859.67 92,554.00 (37,694.33) 112,882.00 58,022.33 51.4% 6311325 Insurance -Workers Comp 3,659.00 3,659.00 - 31,238.77 30,328.00 910.77 37,437.00 6,198.23 16.6% 6311720 Salaries 14,691.38 16,667.00 (1,975.62) 157,515.52 166,646.00 (9,130.48) 200,000.00 42,484.48 21.2% 6311800 Taxes -Employer Payroll 3,514.77 7,928.00 (4,413.23) 42,301.39 66,311.00 (24,009.61) 81,715.00 39,413.61 48.2% 6311880 Wages -Hourly 72,981.37 49,769.00 23,212.37 575,375.87 368,554.00 206,821.87 462,328.00 (113,047.87) -24.5% 6311882 Wages -Overtime 2,636.64 - 2,636.64 27,695.31 18,500.00 9,195.31 18,500.00 (9,195.311 -49.7% Total -CM -SALARIES & BENEFITS 103,843.37 88,187.00 15,656.37 888,986.53 742,893.00 146,093.53 912,862.00 23,875.47 2.6% 63-CM-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 6313734 Chemicals - 3,100.00 (3,100.00) 27,491.17 41,352.00 (13,860.83) 50,060.00 22,568.83 45.1% 6313744 Fertilizer 3,284.25 9,800.00 (6,515.75) 92,314.60 93,490.00 (1,175.40) 110,340.00 18,025.40 16.3% 6313745 Herbicides - - - - - - - - 0.0% 6313746 Flowers/Plants - 100.00 (100.00) 6,065.45 3,050.00 3,015.45 3,050.00 (3,015.45) -98.9% 6313748 Fuel -Gasoline 5,711.64 4,250.00 1,461.64 64,837.05 45,300.00 19,537.05 53,800.00 (11,037.05) -20.5% 6313750 Golf Course Accessories - 680.00 (680.00) 12,010.53 13,140.00 (1,129.47) 13,140.00 1,129.47 8.6% 6313756 POA Control - - - - 9,900.00 (9,900.00) 9,900.00 9,900.00 100.0 6313758 Miscellaneous Supp 1,624.09 100.00 1,524.09 9,406.76 4,150.00 5,256.76 4,350.00 (5,056.76) -116.2% 6313762 Supplies -Office - - - 6,232.18 - 6,232.18 - (6,232.18) 0.0% 6313774 Sand 2,049.24 100.00 1,949.24 26,548.74 13,260.00 13,288.74 13,460.00 (13,088.74) -97.2% 6313776 Seed - - - 186,799.35 325,000.00 (138,200.65) 325,000.00 138,200.65 42.5% 6313778 Small Tools & Non -Capital Equip - 100.00 (100.00) 3,417.18 4,800.00 (1,382.82) 5,000.00 1,582.82 31.7% 6313780 Sod - - - 13,696.31 10,800.00 2,896.31 15,500.00 1,803.69 11.6% 6313782 Topdressing - - - 8,001.91 7,000.00 1,001.91 10,000.00 1,998.09 20.0% Total -CM -SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 12,669.22 18,230.00 (5,560.78) 456,821.23 571,242.00 114,420.77) 613,600.00 156,778.77 25.6% 63-CM-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 6315095 CM -R&M -Contract Lake Mainl 4,100.00 3,850.00 250.00 49,898.00 23,100.00 26,798.00 30,800.00 (19,098.00) -62.0% 6315685 CM-R&M-Bldngs & Othr Structures 117.49 250.00 (132.51) 4,722.22 5,050.00 (327.78) 5,550.00 827.78 14.9% 6315690 CM -R&M -Equipment 2,338.03 2,000.00 338.03 55,837.81 33,500.00 22,337.81 38,500.00 (17,337.81) -45.0% 6315692 CM -R&M -Irrigation System 964.11 1,000.00 (35.89) 25,482.27 17,050.00 8,432.27 19,050.00 (6,432.27) -33.8% 6315696 CM -R&M -Pumps - 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 4,785.71 10,000.00 (5,214.29) 10,500.00 5,714.29 54.4% 6315815 CM -R&M -Trees -Pruning Etc - 4,000.00 (4,000.00) 16,890.00 14,050.00 2,840.00 14,050.00 (2,840.00) .20,2/ Total -CM -REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 7,519.63 12,100.00 (4,580.37) 157,616.01 102,750.00 54,866.01 118,450.00 (39,166.011 -33.1% 6317836 Utilities -Natural Gas/LPG 29.79 15.00 14.79 275.48 150.00 125.48 180.00 (95.48) 0.0% 6317840 Telephones 1,219.49 850.00 369.49 12,157.60 8,500.00 3,657.60 10,200.00 (1,957.601 -19.2% Total -CM -UTILITIES 1,249.28 865.00 384.28 12,433.08 8,650.00 3,783.08 10,380.00 (2,053.081 -19.8% 63-CM-OTHER EXPENSES 6319020 Auto Mileage/Allowance 400.00 400.00 - 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,800.00 800.00 16.7% 6319100 Contract Svcs-SoillTissue Test - - - 220.00 1,000.00 (780.00) 2,000.00 1,780.00 89.0% 6319102 Contract Svcs -Trash Removal 938.83 524.00 414.83 1,759.53 5,240.00 (3,480.47) 6,288.00 4,528.47 72.0% 6319150 Dues & Subscriptions - 380.00 (380.00) 2,490.00 580.00 1,910.00 680.00 (1,810.00) -266.2% 6319170 Employee Education - 50.00 (50.00) 325.00 3,800.00 (3,475.00) 3,900.00 3,575.00 91.7% 6319197 Equipment Rental - 200.00 (200.00) 1,901.81 3,100.00 (1,198.19) 3,400.00 1,498.19 44.1% 6319206 Licenses & Permits - 2,900.00 (2,900.00) 1,597.91 4,300.00 (2,702.09) 4,300.00 2,702.09 62.8 6319490 Miscellaneous - 100.00 (100.00) 482.36 1,000.00 (517.64) 1,200.00 717.64 59.8% 6319718 Safety Equipment & Training 191.40 100.00 91.40 3,491.40 3,650.00 (158.60) 3,850.00 358.60 9.3% 6319822 Uniforms - 920.00 (920.00) 969.02 9,200.00 (8,230.98) 11,040.00 10,070.98 91.2% Total -CM -OTHER EXPENSES 1,530.23 5,574.00 (4,043.77) 17,237.03 35,870.00 18,632.97) 41,458.00 24,220.97 58.42% Course SilverRock Resort Maintenance Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. %Budget 632-CM-LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 632-CM-LM-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6321320 Insurance -Group 815.90 2,478.00 (1,662.10) 14,633.43 20,237.00 (5,603.57) 25,193.00 10,559.57 41.9% 6321325 Insurance -Workers Comp 2,181.00 581.00 1,600.00 8,129.68 5,966.00 2,163.68 7,147.00 (982.68) -13.7% 6321800 Taxes -Employer Payroll 946.33 1,258.00 (311.67) 11,450.75 13,035.00 (1,584.25) 15,595.00 4,144.25 26.6% 6321880 Wages -Hourly 13,200.00 12,904.00 296.00 142,326.00 130,290.00 12,036.00 156,528.00 14,202.00 9.1% 6321882 Wages -Overtime 1,380.00 - 1,380.00 8,638.02 3,418.00 5,220.02 3,418.00 (5,220.021 -152.7% Total-CM-LM-SALARIES & BENEFITS 18,523.23 17,221.00 1,302.23 185,177.88 172,946.00 12,231.88 207,881.00 22,703.12 10.9% 632-CM-LM-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 6323778 Small Tools - 75.00 (75.00) 1,451.92 875.00 576.92 1,025.00 (426.92) -41.7% 6323788 Uniforms - 290.00 (290.00) - 2,900.00 (2,900.00) 3,480.00 3,480.00 100.0% Total-CM-LM-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS - 365.00 (365.00) 1,451.92 3,775.00 (2,323.08) 4,505.00 3,053.08 67.8% 632-CM-LM-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 6325687 CM-LM-R&M-Drip Irrigation - 250.00 (250.00) 3,872.00 3,500.00 372.00 4,250.00 378.00 8,9/ Total-CM-LM-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - 250.00 (250.00) 3,872.00 3,500.00 372.00 4,250.00 378.00 8.9 Total -COURSE MAINTENANCE 145,334.96 142,792.00 2,542.96 1,723,595.68 1,641,626.00 81 969.68 1,913,386.00 1 189,790.32 9.9% Silverrock Resort Course Maintenance Water & Energy April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. %Budget 633-CM-WATER & ENERGY 18,219.45 5,995.63 12,800.00 10,120.00 5,419.45 (4,124.37) 179,994.28 77,780.93 117,210.00 92,795.00 62,784.28 (15,014.07) 144,810.00 (35,184.28) 115,484.00 37,703.07 -24.3% 32.6% 1.0% 6337834 Utilities -Electricity -Pumping 6337842 Utilities -Water Total -CM -WATER & ENERGY 24.21508 22,920.00 1,295.08 257.775.21 210.005.00 47,770.21 260.294.00 2,518.79 SilverRock Resort Outside Services Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. % Budget Expense 641-CBR-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6411320 Insurance -Group 452.85 826.00 (373.15) 4,965.03 8,260.00 (3,294.97) 9,912.00 4,946.97 49.9% 6411325 Insurance -Workers Comp 2,360.00 2,360.00 - 15,234.30 16,787.00 (1,552.70) 19,271.00 4,036.70 20.9% 6411800 Taxes -Employer Payroll 2,579.34 3,934.00 (1,354.66) 23,914.17 27,985.00 (4,070.83) 32,119.00 8,204.83 25.5% 6411880 Wages -Hourly 24,586.59 31,605.00 (7,018.41) 200,731.81 224,830.00 (24,098.19) 257,980.00 57,248.19 22.2% 6411882 Wages -Overtime 1,332.65 - 1,332.65 14,185.01 - 14,185.01 - (14,185.01) 0.0% Total-CBR-SALARIES & BENEFITS 31,311.43 38,725.00 (7,413.57) 259,030.32 277,862.00 (18,831.68) 319,282.00 60,251.68 18,9% 641-CBR-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 6413732 Supplies -Carts - 50.00 (50.00) 1,008.75 1,750.00 (741.25) 1,850.00 ' 0.0% 6413742 Supplies -Expendable 488.95 150.00 338.95 4,309.99 5,750.00 (1,440.01) 6,750.00 2,440.01 36.1% 6413748 Supplies -Fuel for Shuttle - - - - - - - - 0.0% 6413752 Supplies -Range Balls - - - 12,723.75 10,000.00 2,723.75 10,000.00 (2,723.75) -27.2% 6413762 Supplies -Office - 50.00 (50.00) - 425.00 (425.00) 525.00 525.00 100.0% 6413768 Supplies -Printing and Stationary - 70.00 (70.00) - 280.00 (280.00) 420.00 420.00 100.0% 6413786 Supplies -Towels 480.00 250.00 230.00 4,286.83 1,860.00 2,426.83 2,182.00 (2,104.83) -96.5% 6413796 Supplies -Bottled Water - 2,500.00 (2,500.00) 18,332.32 25,000.00 (6,667.68) 30,000.00 11,667.68 38.9% Total-CBR-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 968.95 3,070.00 (2,101.05) 40,661.64 45,065.00 (4,403.36) 51,727.00 10,224.11 19,8°/ 641-CBR-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 6415690 CBR-R&M-Equipment 294.16 300.00 (5.84) 15,717.07 3,000.00 12,717.07 3,600.00 (12,117.07) -336.6% 6415695 CBR-R&M-Cart Maintenance & Repair 1,216.00 1,503.00 (287.00) 18,323.13 15,030.00 3,293.13 18,036.00 (287.13) -1.6% Total-CBR-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 1,510.16 1,803.00 (292.84) 34,040.20 18,030.00 16,010.20 21,636.00 (12,404.20) -57.3% 641-CBR-OTHER EXPENSES 6419094 Contract Services-Laundry/Linen 3,062.38 800.00 2,262.38 15,952.00 8,000.00 7,952.00 9,600.00 (6,352.00) -66.2% 6419220 Freight/Delivery - - - - 450.00 (450.00) 450.00 450.00 100.0% 6419490 Miscellaneous - 600.00 (600.00) 4,073.85 6,000.00 (1,926.15) 7,200.00 3,126.15 43.4°/ 6419820 Uniforms 396.75 - 396.75 6,594.67 3,500.00 3,094.67 5,200.00 (1,394.67) -26.8% Total-CBR-OTHER EXPENSES 3,459.13 1,400.00 2,059.13 26,620.52 17,950.00 8,670.52 22,450.00 (4,170.52) -18.6% TOTAL-CARTS,BAGROOM& RANGE 37,249.67 44,998.00 2,059.13 360,352.68 358,907.00 1,445.68 415,095.00 53,901.07 13.0°/ 643-CS-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6431320 Insurance -Group - - - - - - - - 0.0% 6431325 Insurance -Workers Comp 745.97 746.00 (0.03) 5,462.61 6,252.00 (789.39) 7,042.00 1,579.39 22.4% 6431800 Taxes -Employer Payroll 1,536.67 974.00 562.67 9,855.69 8,159.00 1,696.69 9,192.00 (663.69) -7.2% 6431880 Wages -Hourly 10,188.17 9,997.00 191.17 77,404.84 83,733.00 (6,328.16) 94,275.00 16,870.16 17.9% 6431882 Wages -Overtime - - - - - - - - 0.0% Total -CS -SALARIES & BENEFITS 12,470.81 11,717.00 753.81 92,723.14 98,144.00 (5,420.86) 110 509.00 17 785.86 16.1% 643-CS-OTHER EXPENSES 6433742 Supplies Expendable 28.06 100.00 (71.94) 41.10 900.00 (858.90) 1,050.00 1,008.90 96.1% 6439490 Miscellaneous - - - 250.03 200.00 50.03 200.00 (50.03) -25.0% 6439718 Safety Equipment & Training - 50.00 (50.00) - 500.00 (500.00) 600.00 600.00 100.0% 6439820 Uniforms - 400.00 (400.00) 2,576.18 1,975.00 601.18 2,125.00 (451.18) -21.2% Total -CS -OTHER EXPENSES 28.06 550.00 (521.94) 2,867.31 3,575.00 (707.69) 3,975.00 1,107.69 27,9°/ Total -COURSE SERVICES 12,498.87 12,267.00 231.87 95,590.45 101,719.00 (6,128.55) 114,484.00 18,893.55 16.5% TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES 49,748.54 57,265.00 (7,516.461 455,943.13 460,626.00 (4,682.871 529,579.00 71,686.93 13.5% SilverRock Resort Marketing Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. % Budget Expense 66-MKT-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6601320 Insurance -Group 413.00 413.00 - 1,931.80 2,065.00 (133.20) 2,891.00 959.20 33.2% 6601325 Insurance -Workers Comp 93.00 93.00 - 1,679.47 930.00 749.47 1,121.00 (558.47) -49.8% 6601720 Salaries 1,250.00 1,250.00 - 13,750.00 12,500.00 1,250.00 15,000.00 1,250.00 8.3% 6601800 Tax -Employer Payroll 122.00 121.00 1.00 1,342.00 1,210.00 132.00 1,463.00 121.00 8.3% Total -MKT -SALARIES & BENEFITS 1,878.00 1,877.00 1.00 18,703.27 16,705.00 1,998.27 20,475.00 1,771.73 8.7% 66-MKT-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 6603762 Supplies -Office 31.06 100.00 (68.94) 329.05 1,000.00 (670.95) 1,200.00 870.95 72.6% 6603768 Supplies -Printing & Stationery 125.00 (125.00) 4,084.34 4,175.00 (90.66) 4,425.00 340.66 7.7% Total -MKT -SUPPLIES & MARKETING 31.06 225.00 (193.94) 4,413.39 5,175.00 (761.61) 5,625.00 1,211.61 21.5% 66-MKT-UTILITIES 6607840 Utilities -Telephone 200.52 100.00 100.52 3,343.51 1,000.00 2,343.51 1,200.00 (2,143.51) -178.6% Total -MKT -UTILITIES 200.52 100.00 100.52 3,343.51 1,000.00 2,343.51 1,200.00 (2,143.51) -178.6% 66-MKT-OTHER EXPENSES 6609010 Advertising 5,694.00 15,729.00 (10,035.00) 104,610.54 133,126.00 (28,515.46) 151,133.00 46,522.46 30.8% 6609040 Business Meals - 25.00 (25.00) - 250.00 (250.00) 300.00 300.00 100.0% 6609080 Collateral Material - 500.00 (500.00) 16,309.40 3,500.00 12,809.40 5,500.00 (10,809.40) -196.5% 6609102 Contract Services -Web Page 695.00 150.00 545.00 695.00 1,500.00 (805.00) 1,800.00 1,105.00 61.4% 6609490 Miscellaneous - 50.00 (50.00) 47.84 300.00 (252.16) 350.00 302.16 86.3% 6609620 Postage - 50.00 (50.00) - 500.00 (500.00) 600.00 600.00 100.0% 6609630 Promotion - - - 69.36 1,000.00 (930.64) 700.00 630.64 90.1% 6609633 Promotion-Cummunity - 75.00 (75.00) 15.79 2,100.00 (2,084.21) 2,250.00 2,234.21 99.3% 6609634 Promotion-MediaNendor - 50.00 (50.00) - 600.00 (600.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.0% 6609150 Dues & Subscriptions - - - 183.99 735.00 (551.01) 735.00 551.01 75.0% 6609820 Uniforms - 50.00 (50.00) 138.39 600.00 (461.61) 600.00 461.61 76.9% Total -MKT -OTHER EXPENSES 6,389.00 16,679.00 (10,290.00) 122,070.31 144,211.00 (22,140.69) 164,968.00 42,897.69 26.0% TOTAL MARKETING 8,498.58 18,881.00 (10,382.42) 148,530.48 167,091.00 (18,560.52) 192,268.00 43,737.52 22.7% SilverRock Resort General and Administrative Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budge Unemcumb. %Budget Expense 67-G&A-SALARIES & BENEFITS 6701320 Insurance -Group 3,210.21 3,143.00 67.21 30,461.63 31,430.00 (968.37) 37,716.00 7,254.37 19.2% 6701325 Insurance -Workers Comp 1,819.00 1,819.00 - 14,776.06 17,578.00 (2,801.94) 21,077.00 6,300.94 29,9% 6701720 Salaries 18,520.00 20,000.00 (1,480.00) 190,569.20 200,000.00 (9,430.80) 240,000.00 49,430.80 20.6% 6701800 Taxes -Employer Payroll 2,024.94 2,374.00 (349.06) 19,623.44 22,851.00 (3,227.56) 27,510.00 7,886.56 28,7% 6701880 Wages -Hourly 6,311.98 4,351.00 1,960.98 44,387.70 34,398.00 9,989.70 42,156.00 (2,231.70) -5.3% 6701882 Wages -Overtime 28.01 - - 145.63 - 145.63 145.63 - Total-G&A-SALARIES & BENEFITS 31,914.14 31,687.00 199.13 299,963.66 306,257.00 (6,293.34) 368,604.63 68,640.97 18.6% 67-G&A-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 6703740 Supplies -Computer 311.32 500.00 (188.68) 2,593.77 5,000.00 (2,406.23) 6,300.00 3,706.23 58.8% 6703762 Supplies -Office 223.80 105.00 118.80 1,784.73 1,050.00 734.73 1,260.00 (524.73) -41.6% 6703768 Supplies -Printing & Stationery 447.83 400.00 47.83 1,308.73 2,500.00 (1,191.27) 3,300.00 1,991.27 60_3% Total-G&A-SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 982.95 1,005.00 (22.05) 5,687.23 8,550.00 (2,862.77) 10,860.00 5,172.77 47.6% 67-G&A-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 6705690 Repairs & Maintenance -Equipment - 100.00 (100.00) - 1,700.00 (1,700.00) 1,900.00 1,900.00 100.0% Total-G&A-REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - 100.00 (100.00) - 1,700.00 (1,700.00) 1,900.00 1,900.00 100.0% 67-G&A-OTHER EXPENSES 6709020 Auto/Mileage Allowance 500.00 500.00 - 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 6,000.00 1,000.00 16.7% 6709090 Contract Services - - - - - - - 0.0% 6709150 Dues & Subscriptions - 50.00 (50.00) 497.42 900.00 (402.58) 1,550.00 1,052.58 67.9% 6709180 Employee RecruitinglRelocation 424.60 - 424.60 2,131.13 1,200.00 931.13 1,200.00 (931.13) -77.6% 6709197 Equipment Rental 725.99 550.00 175.99 7,274.42 5,500.00 1,774.42 6,600.00 (674.42) -10.2% 6709202 Fees -Bank 54.60 90.00 (35.40) 396.10 900.00 (503.90) 1,080.00 683.90 63.3% 6709208 Fees -Payroll Processing 1,577.40 1,000.00 577.40 11,997.58 10,000.00 1,997.58 12,000.00 2.42 0.0% 6709220 FreightlDelivery - 50.00 (50.00) - 500.00 (500.00) 600.00 600.00 100.0% 6709490 Miscellaneous 33.24 100.00 (66.76) 452.66 5,800.00 (5,347.34) 6,000.00 5,547.34 92.5% 6709620 Postage/Mail Services 234.86 75.00 159.86 1,231.73 750.00 481.73 900.00 (331.73) -36.9% 6709625 Professional Fees 6,305.50 1,500.00 4,805.50 18,471.91 25,000.00 (6,528.09) 28,000.00 9,528.09 34.0% 6709636 Promotion/Entertainment 250.00 100.00 150.00 762.60 1,000.00 (237.40) 1,200.00 437.40 36.5% 6709722 Seminars & Training - 200.00 (200.00) 1,504.27 3,000.00 (1,495.73) 3,400.00 1,895.73 55.8% 6709810 Travel - 200.00 (200.00) - 400.00 (400.00) 1,100.00 1,100.00 100.0% 6709820 Uniforms 106.70 75.00 31.70 658.90 900.00 (241.10) 1,050.00 391.10 37.2% Total-G&A-OTHER EXPENSES 10,212.89 4,490.00 5,722.89 50,378.72 60,850.00 (10,471.28) 70,680.00 20,301.28 28.7% Total-GENER4L & ADMINISTRATIVE 43,109.98 37,282.00 5,827.98 356,029.61 377,357.00 (21,327.39) 452,044.63 96,015.02 21_2% Silverrock Resort Operating Leases & Miscellaneous Other Expense Statement April 2023 Month to Date Year to Date Annual Budget April 2023 Final Budget Variance Final Budget Variance Annual Budget Unemcumb. % Budget Expense 68-LEASES 6800192 Equipment Leases -Carts 10,465.09 12,000.00 (1,534.91) 106,383.25 120,000.00 (13,616.75) 144,000.00 37,616.75 26.1% 6800193 Equipment Leases -Maintenance 18,310.28 15,900.00 2,410.28 181,424.31 159,000.00 22,424.31 190,800.00 9,375.69 4.9% 6800196 Equipment Leases-GPS 2,640.00 2,900.00 (260.00) 26,400.00 29,000.00 (2,600.00) 34,800.00 8,400.00 24.1% 6800197 Equipment Leases -Others 1,040.38 1,950.00 (909.62) 10,332.52 16,300.00 (5,967.48) 20,200.00 9,867.48 0.0% Total -LEASES 32,455.75 32,750.00 (294.25) 324,540.08 324,300.00 240.08 389,800.00 65,259.92 16.7% 69-MISC OTHER EXPENSES 6900096 Contract Srvcs-Management Fee 10,374.00 10,374.00 - 103,740.00 103,740.00 - 124,488.00 20,748.00 16.7% 6900800 Personal Property Taxes - - - 9,069.94 11,800.00 (2,730.06) 11,800.00 2,730.06 23.1% 6900323 Insurance -Commercial 23,430.80 5,917.00 17,513.80 87,150.46 59,170.00 27,980.46 71,004.00 (16,146.46) -22.7% 6900210 FF&E Reserve 9,881.96 9,165.00 716.96 70,700.74 65,858.00 4,842.74 74,907.00 4,206.26 5.6% Total-MISC OTHER EXPENSES 43,686.76 25,456.00 18,230.76 270,661.14 240,568.00 30,093.14 282,199.00 11,537.86 4.1% SilverRock Resort -Arnold Palmer Classic Course Comp Golf Report-2022-2023 Comp Category Media Sales Promotion Golf Industry VIP Celebrity PGA Comp Charity/Gift Certificate Rain/Wind Checks Club Staff LQ HS Golf Comp Category 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 July August September October November December 15 8 5 2 2 36 42 64 46 7 4 40 51 closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed closed 0 3 8 17 28 14 4 5 27 50 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 January February March April May June Media Sales Promotion Golf Industry VIP Celebrity PGA Comp 15 7 15 Charity/Gift Certificate 8 4 Rain/Wind Checks 13 15 24 4 Club Staff 29 24 19 58 LQ HS Golf 8 32 65 46 55 109 0 0