2023 06 07 FAC Special MeetingQaiWr(V � GEM of the DESERT — NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LA QUINTA FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LA QUINTA FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AND TO THE COMMISSION SECRETARY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission is hereby called to be held on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, starting at 4:00 p.m.; at La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the following purpose: CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MAY 10, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2023 BUSINESS SESSION 1. DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES Dated: June 2, 2023 Attest: Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant /s/ W. Richard Mills W. Richard Mills, Chairperson DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice for the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting of June 7, 2023, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico, and on the bulletin board at 51321 Avenida Bermudas on June 2, 2023 Dated: June 2, 2023 Jess'�ca Delgado, Management Assistant FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION Page 1 of 1 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING t0 (V ow fr(v . — GEM ofrAr I)ESER'1' Financial Advisory Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.laguintaca.gov SPECIAL MEETING FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2023, AT 4:00 P.M. ****************************** Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via http://laguinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Commissioners: Anderson, Batavick, Dorsey, Luettjohann, Mast, Way and Chair Mills PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS — INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Commission on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in -person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the Commission Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to JDelgado LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Commission, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 1 of 4 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in -person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the Commission Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Chair. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-028, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Commission Secretary by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chair. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the Commission Secretary to be disseminated to the Commission, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Chair. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the Commission requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances, " as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 2 of 4 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MAY 10, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2023 BUSINESS SESSION 1. DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE STUDY SESSION — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission's next regular quarterly meeting is on August 9, 2023, commencing at 4:00 p.m. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Jessica Delgado, Secretary of the Financial Advisory Commission of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the Commission special meeting of June 7, 2023, was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 2, 2023. DATED: June 2, 2023 Jessica Delgado, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 of 4 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at https://www.laguintaca.gov/our-city/city- government/boards-and-commissions/financial-advisory-commission, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please contact Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7150, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Commission meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Commission Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Commission and general public and allow him/her/they to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chair, in order to become audible to the Commission and the public. Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/m/82853067939 Meeting ID: 898 3998 4651 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to JDelgado(a)-LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Commission, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Committee can accommodate such request. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 of 4 JUNE 7, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chair Mills. PRESENT: Commissioners Batavick, Luettjohann, Mast, Way, and Chair Mills ABSENT: Commissioners Anderson and Dorsey STAFF PRESENT: Finance Director Martinez, Financial Services Analyst Hallick, Account Technician Batuta, Management Assistant Delgado, City Attorney Bill Ihrke, and City Manager McMillen PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Luettjohann led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES DATED APRIL 5, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2023 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED MARCH 31, 2023 4. RECEIVE AND FILE THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2023/23 TREASURY REPORTS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH 2O23 The Commission and staff went over the Treasury rates and portfolio returns as listed in Handout No. 1 provided to the staff report for Consent Calendar Item No. 4. Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Way to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 2 (Anderson and Dorsey). FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 4 MAY 10, 2023 BUSINESS SESSION APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 MEETING DATES Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Way/Mast to approve the fiscal year 2023/24 meeting dates. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 2 (Anderson and Dorsey). 2. APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2023124 INVESTMENT POLICY (Policy) Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission and staff discussed edits to Appendix D — approved financial institutions and Bank of the West merger with BMO Commercial Bank and guidelines for recertification of the Policy with the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA). Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Mast to receive and file fiscal year 2021/22 General Fund year-end budget report. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 2 (Anderson and Dorsey). STUDY SESSION DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission and staff discussed general fund revenues; general fund variances for maintenance and upgrades to parks; internal service fund expenses; and Measure G reserves allocations. Further discussion followed on Measure G funding appropriations for the following projects: Avenue 48 Art and Music Line, Washington Street Connector to Art and Music Line, Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor), and Highway 111 Event Site. The Commission expressed a safety and security concern for the Washington Street Connector for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project; reached a unanimous consensus (five members present) to recommend to Council to reconsider the proposed funding of the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line and Washington Street Connector projects, and to convey this recommendation to the Council via a letter in time for Council's consideration of the fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget at the May 16, 2023, regular meeting. Staff said the Commission's recommendation to oppose funding the two projects FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 4 MAY 10, 2023 would be notated in the meeting minutes, and that Council reviews the meeting minutes for all City Boards and Commission as they are included in Council meeting agenda packets. City Manager McMillen shared facts and historical information from the Coachella Valley Association of Government (CVAG) past presentations to Council for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project; purpose of this project; and mentioned CVAG Executive Director Tom Kirk would be presenting the progress of this project at the next Council meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. The Commission and staff discussed possible undergrounding of utilities infrastructure project and the Measure G funding allocation for the Corridor project, its progress, and upcoming presentation updates. The Commission requested that they be provided with quarterly updates of actual expenditures related to the Corridor project; staff confirmed. The Commission and staff discussed general fund expense details for the City Manger's and the City Attorney's Offices. Commissioner Way provided an update on the fiscal year 2023/24 general fund operating budget subcommittee (Subcommittee) progress and said the Subcommittee's next meeting will be on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the Finance Department. 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. Chair Mills suggested a subcommittee to review Measure G reserves be formed. Finance Director Martinez said staff would incorporate a review of Measure G reserves with the subcommittee appointed to audit and formulate the annual Measure G sales tax oversight compliance report. 2. FOURTH QUARTER 2022 (OCTOBER-DECEMBER) SALES TAX UPDATE FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission and staff discussed Measure G sales tax receipts and what drives the amount to be higher than sales tax. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 3 of 4 MAY 10, 2023 COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS Commissioner Luettjohann announced that he would be leaving the Commission sometime in late Summer or early Fall due to a career promotion requiring him to move out of state; the Commission and staff congratulated Commissioner Luettjohann. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Mast/Batavick to adjourn this meeting at 6:03 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 2 (Anderson and Dorsey). Respectfully submitted, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 4 of 4 MAY 10, 2023 City of La Quinta CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: June 7, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2023 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated April 30, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The report summarizes the City's year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period expenditures for April 2023 (Attachment 1). • These reports are also reviewed by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT — None BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports: Original Total Budget — represents revenue and expenditure budgets the Council adopted in June 2022 for fiscal year 2022/23. Current Total Budget — represents original adopted budgets plus any Council approved budget amendments from throughout the year, including carryovers from the prior fiscal year. Period Activitv — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid in the reporting month. Fiscal Activitv — represents actual revenues received and expenditures outlaid YTD. Variance Favorable/(Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount. Percent Used — represents the percentage activity as compared to budget YTD. April 2023 Revenues Comparison to LY YTD Percent of YTD Percent of MTD YTD Budget YTD Budget General Fund (GF) $6,790,438 $53,429,653 68.03% $51,183,646 78.27% All Funds $8,384,040 $90,660,307 47.83% $82,355,366 55.02% April 2023 Expenditures Comparison to LY YTD Percent of YTD Percent of MTD YTD Budget YTD Budget General Fund $2,698,266 $44,193,213 38.85% $33,735,354 46.41% Payroll (GF) $717,599 $20,358,992 84.83% $10,588,629 78.61 % All Funds $4,341,448 $91,513,204 38.77% $75,961,517 44.12% Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for ADril General Fund Non -General Fund Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax $ 2,319,084 Allocated Interest $ 417,954 Measure G Sales Tax $ 1,429,458 SilverRock Green Fees $ 397,991 Sales Tax $ 1,234,646 County Sales Tax (Measure A) $ 138,058 Property Tax $ 644,057 Gas Tax Fund $ 137,358 SoCal Gas Franchise Fees $ 246,641 1 Developer Impact Fees- Transportation $ 93,373 ToD Five ExDenditures/Outlays forADril General Fund Non -General Fund Sheriff Contract (January/February) $ 1,225,264 SilverRock Maintenance $ 237,407 Parks Landscape Maintenance $ 121,608 Housing Authority Rental Expenses $ 226,445 Visit Greater Palm Springs $ 80,790 Capital Improvement Program - Construction(l) $ 216,433 Fritz Burns Pool Programming $ 71,347 Lighting & Landscape Maintenance $ 81,236 Animal Shelter Contract Service $ 53,359 Museum Operations $ 66,300 (a)CIP Construction: Blackhawk Way crossing; misc. traffic/pedestrian safety improvements and maintenance The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly, Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus expenditures is funded from the City's cash flow reserve. The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds. Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause swings. Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Approved by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Attachment 1: Revenue and Expenditure Report for April 30, 2023 ta Qantra CALIFORNIA Fund 101-GENERAL FUND 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 201- GAS TAX FUND 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEAS 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING F 220 - QUIMBY FUND 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 223 - MEASURE A FUND 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURIT) 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 231- SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUN 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADM 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FL 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple, 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FI 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUNC 251- PARKS & REC DIF FUND 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL C 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES D 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNC 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUN[ 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEE 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR( 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUN 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEM 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOG' 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUN 504 - INSURANCE FUND 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 760 -SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PL 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST Report Total: ATTACHMENT 1 For Fiscal: 2022/23 Period Ending: 04/30/2023 Revenue Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 68,321,100 78,544,100 6,790,438 53,429,653 -25,114,447 68.03% 5,003,505 5,003,505 0 4,990,403 -13,102 99.74% 2,691,011 2,691,011 137,358 1,893,985 -797,026 70.38% 2,867,000 2,867,000 145 1,055,916 -1,811,084 36.83% 2,000 2,000 0 -157 -2,157 7.83% 156,000 156,000 0 180,043 24,043 115.41% 101,000 101,000 8,333 123,365 22,365 122.14% 2,483,300 2,483,300 0 2,056,386 -426,914 82.81% 25,000 25,000 0 0 -25,000 0.00% 64,000 64,000 19,120 61,791 -2,209 96.55% 1,875,000 1,875,000 138,058 1,324,173 -550,827 70.62% 0 0 0 -12 -12 0.00% 12,100 12,100 0 0 -12,100 0.00% 5,000 5,000 0 4,896 -104 97.92% 20,200 20,200 1,408 16,212 -3,988 80.26% 0 0 5 5,145,821 5,145,821 0.00% 54,400 54,400 0 76,178 21,778 140.03% 0 0 0 -116 -116 0.00% 1,451,500 1,451,500 93,028 1,127,534 -323,966 77.68% 20,000 20,000 0 -2,155 -22,155 10.77% 0 0 0 160,000 160,000 0.00% 15,000 15,000 10,817 62,343 47,343 415.62% 25,000 1,412,009 0 31,734 -1,380,275 2.25% 1,020,000 1,020,000 93,373 950,495 -69,505 93.19% 501,000 501,000 50,573 492,346 -8,654 98.27% 301,000 301,000 28,578 289,238 -11,762 96.09% 75,000 75,000 9,131 92,544 17,544 123.39% 152,000 152,000 22,814 219,143 67,143 144.17% 10,000 10,000 0 472 -9,528 4.72% 0 0 0 -4 -4 0.00% 101,000 101,000 8,487 87,515 -13,485 86.65% 75,500 75,500 7,355 72,834 -2,666 96.47% 153,000 153,000 2,300 100,808 -52,192 65.89% 2,200 2,200 0 1,968 -232 89.46% 0 0 417,954 3,361,285 3,361,285 0.00% 1,100 1,100 0 0 -1,100 0.00% 13,136,811 79,240,072 50,000 3,956,426 -75,283,646 4.99% 1,000 1,000 0 -4 -1,004 0.38% 1,685,000 1,685,000 0 1,411,520 -273,480 83.77% 2,256,708 2,256,708 2,434 1,696,096 -560,612 75.16% 470,000 1,103,000 0 335,115 -767,885 30.38% 1,020,400 1,020,400 0 764,727 -255,673 74.94% 4,865,453 4,865,453 457,081 4,778,229 -87,224 98.21% 79,000 79,000 0 74,656 -4,344 94.50% 5,500 5,500 0 4,946 -554 89.93% 10,000 10,000 0 37,320 27,320 373.20% 100,000 100,000 35,249 194,636 94,636 194.64% 111,213,788 189,560,058 8,384,040 90,660,307 -98,899,752 47.83% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited Page 1 of 3 For Fiscal: 2022/23 Period Ending: 04/30/2023 Expenditure Summary Variance Original Current Period Fiscal Favorable Percent Fund Total Budget Total Budget Activity Activity (Unfavorable) Used 101- GENERAL FUND 64,651,274 113,759,460 2,698,266 44,193,213 69,566,247 38.85% 201- GAS TAX FUND 2,687,351 3,703,799 55,130 1,098,666 2,605,133 29.66% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,909,146 4,765,851 144,793 663,285 4,102,567 13.92% 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEAS 0 0 0 14,085 -14,085 0.00% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 152,600 339,977 1,530 172,861 167,116 50.84% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 100,000 100,000 4,283 53,536 46,464 53.54% 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING F 2,465,376 2,622,376 199,996 1,745,437 876,939 66.56% 220 - QUIMBY FUND 0 466,967 0 0 466,967 0.00% 221- AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 150,000 150,000 18,851 147,611 2,389 98.41% 223 - MEASURE A FUND 3,882,000 5,843,145 0 2,052,910 3,790,235 35.13% 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 12,000 12,000 0 25,055 -13,055 208.79% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURIT) 5,000 5,000 0 4,312 688 86.25% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 5,500 5,500 0 0 5,500 0.00% 231- SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 0 0 0 16,718,591 -16,718,591 0.00% 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUN 46,500 46,500 1,807 10,043 36,457 21.60% 237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADM 0 0 0 4,850 -4,850 0.00% 241- HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,712,670 1,712,670 262,477 1,595,214 117,456 93.14% 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FL 250,000 305,000 0 255,000 50,000 83.61% 244 - HOUSING GRANTS (Multiple, 0 90,000 0 97,052 -7,052 107.84% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 21,500 21,500 999 2,999 18,501 13.95% 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FI 20,000 3,644,192 0 62,290 3,581,902 1.71% 250- TRANSPORTATION DIF FUNC 500,000 1,916,757 0 403,605 1,513,152 21.06% 251- PARKS & REC DIF FUND 500,000 500,000 0 13,602 486,398 2.72% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 250,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0.00% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,000 0.00% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL C 0 125,000 0 0 125,000 0.00% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNC 177,000 426,165 14,075 83,055 343,110 19.49% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEE 1,100 1,100 0 0 1,100 0.00% 401- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PR( 13,136,811 78,179,947 247,759 9,327,201 68,852,746 11.93% 501- FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEM 1,608,750 2,214,714 81,301 1,075,054 1,139,660 48.54% 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOG' 2,258,054 2,358,054 66,885 1,240,690 1,117,364 52.61% 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUN 545,000 1,618,000 18,843 127,638 1,490,362 7.89% 504 - INSURANCE FUND 984,100 984,100 497 893,787 90,313 90.82% 601- SILVERROCK RESORT 4,782,135 4,802,135 521,399 4,374,381 427,755 91.09% 760 -SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PL 12,850 12,850 0 12,833 17 99.87% 761- CERBT OPEB TRUST 1,500 1,500 0 1,140 360 75.99% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 55,000 5,055,000 2,557 5,043,211 11,789 99.77% Report Total: 102,898,217 236,054,259 4,341,448 91,513,204 144,541,055 38.77% Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, published annually, is the best resource for all final audited numbers. Page 2 of 3 Fund Descriptions Fund # Name Notes 101 General Fund The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City; a broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund. Accounts for use of one-time federal funding designed to deliver relief to American workers and aid in 105 Disaster Recovery Fund the economic recovery iin the wake of COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was passed by Congress in 2021 to provide fiscal recovery funds to state and local governments. 201 Gas Tax Fund Gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 202 Library and Museum Fund Revenues from property taxes and related expenditures for library and museum services. 203 Public Safety Fund General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 SLESF (COPS) Fund Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Funds (SLESF) received from the State for law enforcement activities. Also known as Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPS). 215 Lighting & Landscaping Fund Special assessments levied on real property for city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance/improvements and the expenditures of those resources. 220 Quimby Fund Developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. 221 AB939 Fund/Cal Recycle Franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. Assembly Bill (AB) 939. 223 Measure A Fund County sales tax allocations which are restricted to street -related expenditures. 224 TUMF Fund Developer -paid Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) utilized for traffic projects in Riverside Countv. 225 Infrastructure Fund Developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City's infrastructure as defined by Resolution 226 Emergency Mgmt. Performance Grant (EMPG) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for emergency preparedness. 230 CASP Fund, AB1379 / SB1186 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) program fees for ADA Accessibility Improvements; derived from Business License renewals. Assemblv Bill (AB) 1379 and Senate Bill (SB) 1186. Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (RORF) for 231 Successor Agency PA 1 RORF Fund Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) taxes received for debt service payments on recoanized obligations of the former Redevelopment Aaencv (RDA). 235 SO Coast Air Quality Fund (AB2766, PM10) Contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. Assembly Bill (AB) 2766. 237 Successor Agency PA 1 Admin Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 for administration of the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) associated with the former Redevelopment Aaencv (RDA). 241 Housing Authority Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 243 RDA Low -Moderate Housing Fund Activities of the Housing Authority which is to promote and provide quality affordable housing. Accounts for RDA loan rei)avments (20 /o for Housing) and housing programs,. 244 Housing Grants Activites related Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and SB2 grants for housing planning and development. 247 Economic Development Fund Proceeds from sale of City -owned land and transfers from General Fund for future economic development. 249 SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund Successor Agency (SA) low/moderate housing fund; 2011 bonds refinanced in 2016. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - transportation related. 251 Parks & Rec. DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks and recreation. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - Civic Center. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - library. 254 Community Center DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - community center. 255 Street Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - streets. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - parks. 257 Fire Protection DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - fire protection. 259 Maintenance Facilities DIF Fund Developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements - maintenance facilities. 270 Art In Public Places Fund Developer fees collected in lieu of art placement; utilized for acquisition, installation and maintenance of public artworks. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 299 Interest Allocation Fund Interest earned on investments. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund Accounted for the debt service the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting reauirements. This bond was fully paid in October 2018. 401 Capital Improvement Program Fund Planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Successor Agency (SA) Project Area (PA) 1 bond proceeds restricted by the bond indenture covenants. Used for SilverRock infrastructure improvements. 501 Equipment Replacement Fund Internal Service Fund for vehicles, heavy equipment, and related facilities. 502 Information Technology Fund Internal Service Fund for computer hardware and software and phone systems. 503 Park Equipment & Facility Fund Internal Service Fund for park equipment and facilities. 504 Insurance Fund Internal Service Fund for city-wide insurance coverages. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund Enterprise Fund for activities of the city -owned golf course. 602 SilverRock Golf Reserve Fund Enterprise Fund for golf course reserves for capital improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan (PARS Account) Supplemental pension savings plan for excess retiree benefits to general employees of the City. 761 Other Post Benefit Obligation Trust (OPEB) For retiree medical benefits and unfunded liabilities. 762 Pension Trust Benefit (PARS Account) For all pension -related benefits and unfunded liabilities. Page 3 of 3 City of La Quinta BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING June 7, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE- DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE RECOMMENDATION Discuss fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget and approve allocation of Measure G Sales Tax Revenue. :XECUTIVE SUMMARY • The first budget study session focused on the General Fund and Internal Service Funds. • This study session provides an update to the General Fund and a review of Special Revenue Funds and Capital Funds of the City. • Final budget adoption is scheduled for June 20, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT The updated General Fund budget anticipates a surplus of $2,538,295 with projected General Fund revenues of $78,478,100 (including Measure G sales tax) and proposed operational and capital expenditures of $71,939,805. Unappropriated Measure G sales tax revenue of $4,000,000 shall remain in reserves. BACKGROUND/ANALY515 The goal of the June 7, 2023 session is to provide an overview of updates since May 10, 2023 for all funds and approve the use of Measure G sales tax revenues. Attachment 1 provides a narrative for changes made to the preliminary proposed budget and includes summary charts for all funds. Exhibit A includes line -item details for revenues and expenditures for the Special Revenue Funds and Capital Improvement Funds. The budget updates will be presented to the City Council on June 6, 2023. Staff will provide a verbal update of those discussions to the Commission during this meeting. ALTERNATIVES The Commission may wish to request further information regarding specific items. Per State law, the City must adopt a budget by June 30. Prepared by: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2023/24 Proposed Budget Overview ATTACHMENT 1 FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 SECOND BUDGET STUDY SESSION OVERVIEW CC& Qa�fra CALIFORNIA The second budget study session provides an overview of Special Revenue funds and Capital Funds of the City. Exhibit A to this report provides line -item details of revenues and expenditures for all funds. The final budget is scheduled for Council adoption on June 20, 2023. A one -page summary, found on Exhibit A with the proposed budget, provides a quick reference of all proposed revenues and expenditures by fund. The Supplemental Information section of the Proposed Budget provides a description of each fund. GENERAL FUND UPDATE Since the last budget study sessions, the following adjustments have been incorporated into the General Fund budget: GENERAL FUND FY 2023/24 ORIGINAL PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY Revenues $ 78,478,100 Less Operating/CIP Expenses (72,439,805) Preliminary Budget Surplus 6,038,295 Less Measure G Reserves (4,000,000) BUDGET SURPLUS $ 2,038,295 GENERAL FUND AS OF 6/7/2023 CIP- Fritz Burns Park Improvements $ (500,000) Total Adjustments (500,000) AMENDED BUDGET SURPLUS $ 2,538 The reduction in expenditures in the amount of $500,000 was due to an update on the General Fund contribution for the Fritz Burns Park Improvements project. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds account for specific revenues and their related expenditures that are legally required to be held in separate funds. Revenues are derived from developer impact fees, property tax assessments, State and Federal programs, housing income, or operations. These restricted funds are for road repairs, recycling programs, art in public places, housing activities, police programs, and the administration of retiree benefits through trusts. The final page of this report provides a summary of revenue and expenses by Special Fund. Gas Tax Fund Revenue projections are provided by the State and are expected to grow at a modest pace, it is estimated that total local streets and roads allocations will grow by about $200,000 in 2023/24. We can expect stable year over year growth in future years, while fuel consumption may remain flat or in slight decline, annual cost of living adjustments will help to maintain revenues. The General fund is anticipated to transfer $500,000 into the Gas Tax Fund to supplement operations. Increases in expenditures include salary and benefits (annual step increases and health costs), operational expenses such as safety gear and uniforms due to higher costs, and additional machinery 2023-24 Second Budget Study Session Page 1 and equipment to assist with efficiency in operations. Transfers out for CIP projects total $917,400 for the Avenue 50 Widening Improvements and Washington Street Sidewalk Improvements projects. The Lighting and Landscape District (LLD) Fund is partially funded with $989,000 from property tax assessments. To ensure continued citywide landscaping, the General Funds is projected to contribute $1,500,000 in 2023/24. Increases in expenditures include salary and benefits (annual step increases and health costs), landscape contract increase, and inflationary impacts on materials and supplies and utility rates. Housing Authority Funds will be presented to the Housing Authority in detail on June 6, 2023. A preliminary review of the proposed budget will be presented to the Housing Commission on June 14, 2023 and is scheduled for adoption on June 20, 2023. Finance Authority Fund includes ongoing expenses that are limited to the filing of an annual State Controller's Report. The 1996 Civic Center Bond was paid off in October 2018 and is noted in the FY 2018/19 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Overall expenses are decreasing for the Library and Museum Fund compared to FY 2022/23 due to CIP carryovers from FY 2021/22 to FY 2022/23 for the Village Art Plaza site improvements at the former lumberyard building acquired by the City. Expenditure increases include contract services, utility rates including gas, electricity, and water, and operational expenses due to inflationary impacts on costs. An increase of $150,000 is requested to paint the Library building exterior. u i Ht:R SPtciAL REVENUE FUNDS Measure A Fund provides the City with funding for street maintenance and operations, street repairs and improvements, and new infrastructure of the streets and roads systems. The Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) allocates funds to local agencies to be used on specific capital projects pre -approved by RCTC. County sales tax revenue is expected to increase by 7% from the prior year based on estimates from RCTC's Measure A Program Allocation projection report issued each year. Development Impact Fee (DIF) Funds are restricted to capital improvement program expenses. Funds with no expenses in 2023/24 either have no current project commitments or are saving revenues for future fiscal year capital projects. For 2023/24, the Art in Public Places Fund (APP) proposed budget includes the maintenance contract, updating the full inventory of art in public places including internal city inspections, and engineering services for new art installations. An increase of $19,300 accounts for the incorporation of new art signage and the production of an art brochure for the upcoming APP Art Tour program and the opportunity to purchase or commission artwork and murals. tN rERPRISE FUND The SilverRock Golf Resort Fund annual management plan with revenue and expenditure detail will be presented to City Council on June 20, 2023. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) 2023-24 Second Budget Study Session Page 2 The preliminary Capital Improvement Programs Fund includes revenues and expenditures for projects as presented to City Council on April 5, 2022. The total CIP budget for FY 2023-24 is $17,950,700. Developer reimbursements totaling $400,000 for DIF eligible improvements are budgeted in DIF funds and $500,000 for median landscape improvements is expensed out of the LLD fund. ESTIMATED CL REVENUES: TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & ASSESSMENTS OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATED CURRENT REQUIREMENTS: EXPENDITURES: CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER MARKETING/COMMUNITY RELATIONS CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK COMMUNITY RESOURCES (CR) HUMAN RESOURCES POLICE FIRE CR ADMINISTRATION WELLNESS CENTER OPERATIONS RECREATION PROGRAMS/SPECIAL EVENTS CODE COMPLIANCE/ANIMAL CONTROL PUBLIC WORKS PARKS MAINTENANCE PUBLIC BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STREETS- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT D&D ADMINISTRATION PLANNING BUILDING THE HUB FISCAL SERVICES FINANCE CENTRAL SERVICES (Includes CIP) PRELIMINARY BUDGET SURPLUS LESS MEASURE G SALES TAX RESERVES 1,365,817 1,720,532 557,015 18,417,900 10,039,120 804,570 829,735 1,564,200 1,779,300 4,056,511 1,565,694 779,773 529,394 857,050 984,700 784,805 697,830 1,339,516 1,083,890 1,686,720 18.294.500 $ 62,630,000 2,521,300 9,178,000 963,200 465,500 2,720,100 76,47t3,9U $ 304,500 3,086,349 800,000 1,096,733 33,991,840 8,773,122 3,906,041 19,981,220 $ 6,538,295 (4,000,000) 2023-24 Second Budget Study Session Page 3 SUMMARY OF •-2023/24 FUND # FUND NAME TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENSES SURPLUS/ (DEFICIT) 105 DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 15,000 - 15,000 201 GAS TAX FUND 2,458,600 2,456,900 1,700 202 LIBRARY& MUSEUM FUND 2,922,000 2,268,215 653,785 203 PUBLIC SAFETY FUND 2,500 - 2,500 210 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND CDBG 156,000 156,300 300 212 SLESF COPS 101,500 100,000 1,500 215 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 2,992,000 2,668,265 323,735 220 QUIMBY FUND 50,000 - 50,000 221 AB 939 - CALRECYCLE 70,000 150,000 80,000 223 MEASURE A FUND 2,028,000 1,865,000 163,000 225 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 500 - 500 226 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE FUND 12,500 12,000 500 227 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM 5,000 5,000 - 230 CASp FUND, AB 1379 20,500 5,500 15,000 235 SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 55,000 54,000 1,000 241 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 1,401,500 1,559,467 157,967 243 RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 30,000 250,000 220,000 247 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 20,000 31,500 11,500 249 SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND 36,000 250,000 214,000 250 TRANSPORTATION DIF 1,520,000 550,000 970,000 251 PARKS & RECREATION DIF 751,500 650,000 101,500 252 CIVIC CENTER DIF 501,500 - 501,500 253* LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 100,000 15,000 85,000 254 COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 252,500 - 252,500 255 STRE ET FAC IL ITY D IF 1,000 - 1,000 256 PARK FACILITY DIF 100 - 100 257 FIRE PROTECTION DIF 151,500 - 151,500 259 MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND 101,000 180,000 79,000 270 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 154,000 233,000 79,000 275 LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER FUND 2,500 - 2,500 310 LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY FUND 1,100 1,100 - 401 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 17,950,700 17,950,700 - 405 SA PA1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND 1,500 - 1,500 501 FACILITY& FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 1,685,000 1,448,750 236,250 502 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 2,256,708 2,931,062 674,354 503 PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 470,000 2,242,200 1,772,200 504 INSURANCE FUND 1,118,000 1,118,000 - 760 SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 6,000 12,850 6,850 761 CERBT OPEB TRUST HEALTH BENEFITS 20,000 1,800 18,200 762 PARS PENSION TRUST 100,000 30,000 70,000 GRAND TOTAL 39,521,208 39,196,609 324,599 * This fund has an outstanding inter -agency loan due to the Successor Agency. 2023-24 Second Budget Study Session Page 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL EXHIBIT A FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 105-0000-41700 Federal Government Revs 0 4,993,505 4,993,505 4,993,504 I 0 (4,993,505) -100% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 0 4,993,505 4,993,505 4,993,504 0 (4,993,505) -1000/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 105-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 11,120 10,000 10,000 (3,101) 15,000 5,000 50% 105-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (108,229) 0 0 108,229 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (97,108) 10,000 10,000 105,128 15,000 5,000 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (97,108) 5,003,505 5,003,505 5,098,632 15,000 (4,988,505) -1000/0 105 - DISASTER RECOVERY FUND Totals: (97,108) 5,003,505 5,003,505 5,098,632 15,000 (4,988,505) -1000/0 201 - GAS TAX FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 201-0000-42900 Section 2105, Gas Tax 227,320 256,900 256,900 163,896 237,500 (19,400) -8% 201-0000-42905 Section 2106, Gas Tax 145,256 158,500 158,500 107,003 152,000 (6,500) -4% 201-0000-42910 Section 2107, Gas Tax 271,513 350,600 350,600 221,944 285,000 (65,600) -19% 201-0000-42915 Section 2107.5, Gas Tax 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0% 201-0000-42920 Section 2103, Gas Tax 324,392 370,800 370,800 238,112 350,700 (20,100) -5% 201-0000-42922 SB 1, Road Maint. Rehab 813,560 940,211 940,211 558,116 917,400 (22,811) -2% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 1,788,042 2,083,011 2,083,011 1,295,070 1,948,600 (134,411) -60/o 360 - Use of Money & Property 201-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 12,459 8,000 8,000 (1,085) 10,000 2,000 25% 201-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (50,768) 0 0 37,861 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (38,309) 8,000 8,000 36,776 10,000 2,000 25% 390 - Other Financing Sources 201-0000-49500 Transfers In 190,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 I 500,000 (100,000) -17% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 190,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 500,000 (100,000) -17% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,939,733 2,691,011 2,691,011 1,931,846 2,458,600 (232,411) -90/0 201 - GAS TAX FUND Totals: 1,939,733 2,691,011 2,691,011 1,931,846 2,458,600 (232,411) -90/0 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 202-0000-41720 County Government Rev( 3,103,537 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,059,381 I 2,850,000 50,000 2% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 3,103,537 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,059,381 2,850,000 50,000 2% CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 340 - Charges for Services 202-0000-42202 Gift Shop Sales 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 (5,000) -100% 202-0000-42218 MakerSpace Membership 1,988 2,000 2,000 2,191 2,000 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 1,988 7,000 7,000 2,191 2,000 (5,000) -71% 360 - Use of Money & Property 202-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 70,896 60,000 60,000 (5,641) 70,000 10,000 17% 202-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (275,476) 0 0 196,898 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (204,580) 60,000 60,000 191,257 70,000 10,000 17% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 2,900,945 2,867,000 2,867,000 1,252,829 2,922,000 55,000 2% 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Totals: 2,900,945 2,867,000 2,867,000 1,252,829 2,922,000 55,000 2% 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G) 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 203-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 2,255 2,000 2,000 (157) 2,500 500 25% 203-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (9,805) 0 0 5,465 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (7,550) 2,000 2,000 5,309 2,500 500 25% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (7,550) 2,000 2,000 5,309 2,500 500 25% UBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G) Totals: (7,550) 2,000 2,000 5,309 2,500 500 25% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 210-0000-43105 CDBG 1,530 156,000 156,000 180,044 I 156,000 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 1,530 156,000 156,000 180,044 156,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 210-0000-41900 Allocated Interest (101) 0 0 (1) 0 0 0% 210-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (2,856) 0 0 47 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (2,957) 0 0 46 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (1,427) 156,000 156,000 180,090 156,000 0 00/0 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND Totals: (1,427) 156,000 156,000 180,090 156,000 0 00/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 212-0000-43115 SLESA (COPS) Grant 161,285 100,000 100,000 123,605 I 100,000 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 161,285 100,000 100,000 123,605 100,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 212-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 2,717 1,000 1,000 (240) 1,500 500 50% 212-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (11,237) 0 0 8,363 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (8,520) 1,000 1,000 8,124 1,500 500 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 152,765 101,000 101,000 131,728 101,500 500 00/0 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Totals: 152,765 101,000 101,000 131,728 101,500 500 00/0 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 340 - Charges for Services 215-0000-42305 Miscellaneous Reimburse 0 0 0 12,051 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 0 0 0 12,051 0 0 00/0 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 215-0000-43210 LLD Assessments 969,257 982,300 982,300 544,767 I 989,000 6,700 1% ines, Forfeitures & Abatements Totals: 969,257 982,300 982,300 544,767 989,000 6,700 1% 360 - Use of Money & Property 215-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 3,001 1,000 1,000 (433) 3,000 2,000 200% 215-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (20,209) 0 0 15,112 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (17,208) 1,000 1,000 14,679 3,000 2,000 200% 390 - Other Financing Sources 215-0000-49500 Transfers In 1,285,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 I 2,000,000 500,000 33% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 1,285,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 500,000 33% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 2,237,049 2,483,300 2,483,300 2,071,498 2,992,000 508,700 20% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Totals: 2,237,049 2,483,300 2,483,300 2,071,498 2,992,000 508,700 20% 220 - QUIMBY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 220-0000-43200 Quimby Fees 0 25,000 25,000 0 I 50,000 25,000 100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 0 25,000 25,000 0 50,000 25,000 1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 0 25,000 25,000 0 50,000 25,000 1000/0 220 - QUIMBY FUND Totals: 0 25,000 25,000 0 50,000 25,000 1000/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 310 - Tax Revenues 221-0000-41506 Burrtec AB 939 Fee 65,870 60,000 60,000 62,328 I 65,000 5,000 8% 310 - Tax Revenues Totals: 65,870 60,000 60,000 62,328 65,000 5,000 8% 330 - Intergovernmental 221-0000-43115 SB 1383 Cal Recycle Gra 59,159 0 0 0 0 0 0% 221-0000-43120 Cal Recycle Grant 10,527 0 0 0 0 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 69,686 0 0 0 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 221-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 6,616 4,000 4,000 (538) 5,000 1,000 25% 221-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (26,508) 0 0 18,769 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (19,891) 4,000 4,000 18,231 5,000 1,000 25% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 115,665 64,000 64,000 80,559 70,000 6,000 90/0 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Totals: 115,665 64,000 64,000 80,559 70,000 6,000 90/0 223 - MEASURE A FUND 0000 - Undesignated 310 - Tax Revenues 223-0000-41320 County Sales Tax 2,031,006 1,865,000 1,865,000 1,326,849 I 2,013,000 148,000 8% 310 - Tax Revenues Totals: 2,031,006 1,865,000 1,865,000 1,326,849 2,013,000 148,000 8% 360 - Use of Money & Property 223-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 30,150 10,000 10,000 (2,676) 15,000 5,000 50% 223-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (118,901) 0 0 93,402 0 0 0% 223-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 40,117 0 0 0 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (48,634) 10,000 10,000 90,726 15,000 5,000 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,982,372 1,875,000 1,875,000 1,417,575 2,028,000 153,000 8% 223 - MEASURE A FUND Totals: 1,982,372 1,875,000 1,875,000 1,417,575 2,028,000 153,000 8% 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 225-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 156 0 0 (12) 500 500 0% 225-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (606) 0 0 419 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (450) 0 0 407 500 500 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (450) 0 0 407 500 500 00/0 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Totals: (450) 0 0 407 500 500 00/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFOR 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 226-0000-43120 EMP Grant 28,809 12,000 12,000 0 I 12,000 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 28,809 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 226-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 65 100 100 0 I 500 400 400% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 65 100 100 0 500 400 400% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 28,874 12,100 12,100 0 12,500 400 3% NT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG) Totals: 28,874 12,100 12,100 0 12,500 400 3% 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGI 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 227-0000-43120 SHSP Grant 6,018 5,000 5,000 4,896 I 5,000 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 6,018 5,000 5,000 4,896 5,000 0 0% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 6,018 5,000 5,000 4,896 5,000 0 0% %ND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP) Totals: 6,018 5,000 5,000 4,896 5,000 0 00/0 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 230-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 506 200 200 (43) 500 300 150% 230-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (1,990) 0 0 1,489 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (1,484) 200 200 1,446 500 300 1500/0 380 - Transfers In 230-0000-42130 SB 1186 Revenue 18,705 20,000 20,000 17,051 I 20,000 0 0% 380 - Transfers In Totals: 18,705 20,000 20,000 17,051 20,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 17,221 20,200 20,200 18,497 20,500 300 10/0 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Totals: 17,221 20,200 20,200 18,497 20,500 300 10/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 235-0000-43410 SCAQ Contribution 52,791 54,000 54,000 24,425 54,000 0 0% 235-0000-43411 MSRC Funding 0 0 0 51,780 0 0 0% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 52,791 54,000 54,000 76,205 54,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 235-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 327 400 400 (28) 1,000 600 150% 235-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (1,360) 0 0 975 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (1,033) 400 400 947 1,000 600 1500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 51,758 54,400 54,400 77,153 55,000 600 10/0 35 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Totals: 51,758 54,400 54,400 77,153 55,000 600 10/0 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin 340 - Charges for Services 241-9101-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 226 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 226 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9101-41900 Allocated Interest 99,822 100,000 100,000 (7,689) 150,000 50,000 50% 241-9101-41910 GASB 31 Interest (385,817) 0 0 268,385 0 0 0% 241-9101-41915 Non -Allocated Interest 430 500 500 0 500 0 0% 241-9101-42706 Loan Repayments 96,215 0 0 102,185 0 0 0% 241-9101-43504 2nd Trust Deed RepaymE 130,179 100,000 100,000 50,253 100,000 0 0% 241-9101-45000 Sale of Other Assets 367,078 200,000 200,000 0 0 (200,000) -100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 307,908 400,500 400,500 413,134 250,500 (150,000) -37% 101 - Housing Authority - Admin Totals: 308,134 400,500 400,500 413,134 250,500 (150,000) -37% 9102 - Housing Authority - Wash St Apt: 340 - Charges for Services 241-9102-42305 Miscellaneous Reimburse (1,820) 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: (1,820) 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 lousing Authority - Wash St Apts Totals: (1,820) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9103-43502 Rent Revenue/LQRP 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 I 350,000 50,000 17% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 350,000 50,000 17% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP Totals: 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 350,000 50,000 17% CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9104-42112 Rent Revenue/Tenant/Du 791,261 750,000 750,000 682,079 800,000 50,000 7% 241-9104-42302 Miscellaneous Revenue/C 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 791,261 751,000 751,000 682,079 801,000 50,000 7% 104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates Totals: 791,261 751,000 751,000 682,079 801,000 50,000 7% 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Totals: 1,403,947 1,451,500 1,451,500 1,395,919 1,401,500 (50,000) -30/o 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 243-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 243-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals 24,081 102.401 20,000 0 20,000 0 (2,155) 75.210 30,000 10,000 50% 0 0 0% (78,320) 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 500/0 370 - Miscellaneous 243-0000-48500 Extraordinary Gain 121,903 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 370 - Miscellaneous Totals: 121,903 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 43,583 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 50% 3 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND Totals: 43,583 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 50% 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 0000 - Undesignated 350 - Fines, Forfeitures & Abatements 247-0000-42706 Loan Repayments 248,110 0 0 64,337 I 0 0 0% ines, Forfeitures & Abatements Totals: 248,110 0 0 64,337 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property 247-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 24,993 15,000 15,000 (1,994) 20,000 5,000 33% 247-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (99,068) 0 0 69,598 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (74,075) 15,000 15,000 67,604 20,000 5,000 33% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 174,035 15,000 15,000 131,941 20,000 5,000 33% - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Totals: 174,035 15,000 15,000 131,941 20,000 5,000 33% CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Re 0000 - Undesignated 340 - Charges for Services 249-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 1,106 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 0 0 0 1,106 0 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 249-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 5,494 5,000 5,000 (544) 6,000 1,000 20% 249-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (26,759) 0 0 25,881 0 0 0% 249-0000-41915 Non -Allocated Interest 29,442 20,000 20,000 31,172 30,000 10,000 50% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 8,177 25,000 25,000 56,509 36,000 11,000 44% 390 - Other Financing Sources 249-0000-49500 Transfers In 0 0 1,387,009 0 I 0 (1,387,009) -100% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 0 0 1,387,009 0 0 (1,387,009) -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 8,177 25,000 1,412,009 57,615 36,000 (1,376,009) -97% BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Totals: 8,177 25,000 1,412,009 57,615 36,000 (1,376,009) -97% 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 250-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 29,072 20,000 20,000 (2,911) 20,000 0 0% 250-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (123,444) 0 0 101,596 0 0 0% 250-0000-43200 Developer Fees 2,731,351 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,081,694 1,500,000 500,000 50% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 2,636,980 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,180,379 1,520,000 500,000 49% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 2,636,980 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,180,379 1,520,000 500,000 49% 150 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND Totals: 2,636,980 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,180,379 1,520,000 500,000 49% 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 251-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 3,596 1,000 1,000 (431) 1,500 500 50% 251-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (15,051) 0 0 15,051 0 0 0% 251-0000-43200 Developer Fees 1,032,032 500,000 500,000 560,169 750,000 250,000 50% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 1,020,577 501,000 501,000 574,789 751,500 250,500 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,020,577 501,000 501,000 574,789 751,500 250,500 500/0 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND Totals: 1,020,577 501,000 501,000 574,789 751,500 250,500 500/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 252-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 7,028 1,000 1,000 (728) 1,500 500 50% 252-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (30,211) 0 0 25,404 0 0 0% 252-0000-43200 Developer Fees 651,093 300,000 300,000 329,326 500,000 200,000 67% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 627,911 301,000 301,000 354,002 501,500 200,500 67% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 627,911 301,000 301,000 354,002 501,500 200,500 67% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND Totals: 627,911 301,000 301,000 354,002 501,500 200,500 67% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 253-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 192 0 0 0 0 0 0% 253-0000-43200 Developer Fees 196,456 75,000 75,000 105,248 100,000 25,000 33% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 196,648 75,000 75,000 105,248 100,000 25,000 33% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 196,648 75,000 75,000 105,248 100,000 25,000 33% 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF Totals: 196,648 75,000 75,000 105,248 100,000 25,000 33% 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 254-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 3,732 2,000 2,000 (405) 2,500 500 25% 254-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (16,386) 0 0 14,126 0 0 0% 254-0000-43200 Developer Fees 352,108 150,000 150,000 250,140 250,000 100,000 67% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 339,454 152,000 152,000 263,862 252,500 100,500 66% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 339,454 152,000 152,000 263,862 252,500 100,500 66% 1UNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF Totals: 339,454 152,000 152,000 263,862 252,500 100,500 66% 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 255-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 575 0 0 (48) 1,000 1,000 0% 255-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (2,092) 0 0 1,675 0 0 0% 255-0000-43200 Developer Fees 34,015 10,000 10,000 520 0 (10,000) -100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 32,497 10,000 10,000 2,147 1,000 (9,000) -900/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 32,497 10,000 10,000 2,147 1,000 (9,000) -900/0 255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND Totals: 32,497 10,000 10,000 2,147 1,000 (9,000) -900/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 256-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 51 0 0 (4) 100 100 0% 256-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (188) 0 0 130 0 0 0% 256-0000-43200 Developer Fees 40 0 0 0 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (97) 0 0 127 100 100 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (971 0 0 127 100 100 00/0 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND Totals: (97) 0 0 127 100 100 00/0 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 257-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 257-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 257-0000-43200 Developer Fees 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals 2,581 1,000 (10,949) 0 220,411 100,000 1,000 (259) 1,500 0 9,047 1 0 500 50% 0 0% 50,000 50% 212,043 101,000 101,000 108,370 151,500 50,500 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 212,043 101,000 101,000 108,370 151,500 50,500 500/0 257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF Totals: 212,043 101,000 101,000 108,370 151,500 50,500 500/0 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUN 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 259-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 1,035 500 500 (122) 1,000 500 100% 259-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (4,708) 0 0 4,255 0 0 0% 259-0000-43200 Developer Fees 136,752 75,000 75,000 82,972 100,000 25,000 33% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 133,080 75,500 75,500 87,105 101,000 25,500 34% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 133,080 75,500 75,500 87,105 101,000 25,500 34% NTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND Totals: 133,080 75,500 75,500 87,105 101,000 25,500 34% 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 270-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 6,657 3,000 3,000 (528) 4,000 1,000 33% 270-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (25,798) 0 0 18,428 0 0 0% 270-0000-43201 APP Fees 158,972 100,000 100,000 64,417 100,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 139,831 103,000 103,000 82,317 104,000 1,000 10/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 270-0000-49500 Transfers In 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 I 50,000 0 0% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 189,831 153,000 10 153,000 132,317 154,000 1,000 10/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA 2021/22 Actuals SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 2022/23 2022/23 Original Budget Current Budget 2022/23 YTD Activity* 2023/24 Proposed FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 23/24 vs. % Change in Current 22/23 Budget 70 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Totals: 189,831 153,000 153,000 132,317 154,000 1,000 1% 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 275-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 405 200 200 (32) 500 300 150% 275-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (1,591) 0 0 1,114 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (1,186) 200 200 1,082 500 300 1500/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 275-0000-49500 Transfers In 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 I 2,000 0 0% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 814 2,200 2,200 3,082 2,500 300 14% 275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER Totals: 814 2,200 2,200 3,082 2,500 300 14% 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERI 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 310-0000-42111 Rental Income 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 I 1,100 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 0 00/0 NANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE Totals: 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 0 00/0 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 0000 - Undesignated 330 - Intergovernmental 401-0000-41712 Surface Transportation Pi 9,253 0 0 0 0 0 0% 401-0000-41714 SB 821 Grants 0 0 97,700 0 0 (97,700) -100% 401-0000-41716 Highway Bridge Program 0 0 13,884,849 29,885 0 (13,884,849) -100% 401-0000-41718 Land & Water Conservati 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 3,000,000 0% 401-0000-41721 CVAG 983,977 0 7,988,793 109,370 0 (7,988,793) -100% 401-0000-43634 CV Water District 52,927 0 86,488 101,089 0 (86,488) -100% 401-0000-43650 Contributions from Other 0 0 15,186 50,000 0 (15,186) -100% 330 - Intergovernmental Totals: 1,046,157 0 22,073,015 290,344 3,000,000 (19,073,015) -86% 360 - Use of Money & Property 401-0000-43133 Developer Agreement Fu 17,989 0 906,341 0 I 0 (906,341) -100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 17,989 0 906,341 0 0 (906,341) -1000/0 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 390 - Other Financing Sources 401-0000-49500 Transfers In 5,733,190 13,136,811 56,260,716 3,666,082 I 14,950,700 (41,310,016) -73% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 5,733,190 13,136,811 56,260,716 3,666,082 14,950,700 (41,310,016) -73% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 6,797,335 13,136,811 79,240,072 3,956,426 17,950,700 (61,289,372) -77% WITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Totals: 6,797,335 13,136,811 79,240,072 3,956,426 17,950,700 (61,289,372) -77% 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 405-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 2,567 1,000 1,000 (4) 1,500 500 50% 405-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (11,153) 0 0 132 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (8,585) 1,000 1,000 128 1,500 500 500/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (8,585) 1,000 1,000 128 1,500 500 500/0 15 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND Totals: (8,585) 1,000 1,000 128 1,500 500 500/0 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 0000 - Undesignated 340 - Charges for Services 501-0000-42305 Miscellaneous Reimburse 0 0 0 480 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 0 0 0 480 0 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 501-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 30,271 20,000 20,000 (2,224) 20,000 0 0% 501-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (115,548) 0 0 80,460 0 0 0% 501-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 10,561 0 0 0 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (74,716) 20,000 20,000 78,235 20,000 0 00/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 501-0000-42207 Capital Contributions 187,320 0 0 0 0 0 0% 501-0000-43636 FMP Equipment Charges 1,191,750 1,664,000 1,664,000 1,248,000 1,664,000 0 0% 501-0000-45000 Sale of Other Assets 4,203 1,000 1,000 165,264 1,000 0 0% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 1,383,273 1,665,000 1,665,000 1,413,264 1,665,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,308,557 1,685,000 1,685,000 1,491,980 1,685,000 0 00/0 FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Totals: 1,308,557 1,685,000 1,685,000 1,491,980 1,685,000 0 00/0 12 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0000 - Undesignated 340 - Charges for Services 502-0000-43611 Technology Enhancemeni 27,451 20,000 20,000 29,335 I 20,000 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 27,451 20,000 20,000 29,335 20,000 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 502-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 17,118 10,000 10,000 (1,458) 10,000 0 0% 502-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (68,589) 0 0 50,893 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (51,471) 10,000 10,000 49,435 10,000 0 00/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 502-0000-43610 Technology Support Char 1,754,700 2,226,708 2,226,708 1,670,031 I 2,226,708 0 0% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 1,754,700 2,226,708 2,226,708 1,670,031 2,226,708 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,730,680 2,256,708 2,256,708 1,748,801 2,256,708 0 00/0 W2 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Totals: 1,730,680 2,256,708 2,256,708 1,748,801 2,256,708 0 00/0 503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 503-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 30,776 20,000 20,000 (2,385) 20,000 0 0% 503-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (118,747) 0 0 83,246 0 0 0% 503-0000-42000 Insurance Recoveries 72,076 0 0 0 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (15,895) 20,000 20,000 80,862 20,000 0 00/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 503-0000-43620 Park Facility Charges 350,000 450,000 450,000 337,500 450,000 0 0% 503-0000-49500 Transfers In 0 0 633,000 0 0 (633,000) -100% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 350,000 450,000 1,083,000 337,500 450,000 (633,000) -58% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 334,105 470,000 1,103,000 418,362 470,000 (633,000) -57% 3 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND Totals: 334,105 470,000 1,103,000 418,362 470,000 (633,000) -57% 504-INSURANCE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 504-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 1,465 400 400 (273) 1,000 600 150% 504-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (12,969) 0 0 9,523 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (11,505) 400 400 9,250 1,000 600 150% 390 - Other Financing Sources 504-0000-43637 Insurance Charges 1,010,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 765,000 I 1,117,000 97,000 10% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 1,010,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 765,000 1,117,000 97,000 100/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 998,495 1,020,400 1,020,400 774,250 1,118,000 97,600 100/0 13 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 504 - INSURANCE FUND Totals: 998,495 1,020,400 1,020,400 774,250 1,118,000 97,600 10% 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 760-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 760-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals 671 2.789 500 500 (54) 1.875 1,000 500 100% 0 0 0% (2,118) 500 500 1,821 1,000 500 1000/0 390 - Other Financing Sources 760-0000-49500 Transfers In 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 I 5,000 0 0% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals 2,882 51500 51500 6,821 6,000 500 90/0 ) - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN Totals: 2,882 5,500 5,500 6,821 6,000 500 90/0 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 761-0000-41915 Non -Allocated Interest (257,076) 10,000 10,000 37,320 I 20,000 10,000 100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (257,076) 10,000 10,000 37,320 20,000 10,000 1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (257,076) 10,000 10,000 37,320 20,000 10,000 1000/0 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST Totals: (257,076) 10,000 10,000 37,320 20,000 10,000 1000/0 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 762-0000-41915 Non -Allocated Interest (1,184,653) 100,000 100,000 194,636 I 100,000 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (1,184,653) 100,000 100,000 194,636 100,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: (1,184,653) 100,000 100,000 194,636 100,000 0 00/0 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST Totals: (1,184,653) 100,000 100,000 194,636 100,000 0 00/0 14 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND RECENUE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET REVENUE NOTES BY FUND NUMBER — 105 Disaster Recovery Fund This fund was created due to the Passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in March 2021, the $1.9 trillion federal stimulus package, included funding for local governments to address the health and economic impacts caused by the pandemic. The City received a total of about $9.9 million in one-time Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Relief Funds. The funds were received as revenue replacement funds under the Treasury's Final Rule and can be used for the provision of general government services. 201 Gas Tax Fund This fund includes both Highway Users Tax Account (HUTA) and Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Account (RMRA, also known as SB1) Revenues. The projections are provided by the State and despite lower fuel consumption, scheduled rate increases stipulated in SB1 have kept local allocations of revenue growing at a modest pace; current estimates show total statewide local streets and roads allocations will grow by 11.4%. Streets and Highways Code Sections 2103-2108 HUTA are allocated to counties and cities based on designated allotments and population. Each May and January, the State provides revised projections and the City adjusts revenue projections accordingly. • Section 2105 allocates 11.5 percent of tax revenues in excess of 9 cents per gallon monthly among cities based on population. • Section 2106 revenues equal to 1.04 cent per gallon are allocated to the State Bicycle Transportation Account (7.2 million per year), $400 per month to each City, $800 per month to each County, and the residual amount is allocated to cities and counties based on registered vehicles and population. • Section 2107 provides monthly allocations to cities of 1.315 cents per gallon of gasoline, 1.8 cents per gallon of diesel, and 2.59 cents per liquefied petroleum gas allocated based on population. • Section 2107.5 is residual revenue remaining after Sections 2103 - 2107 are allocated to cities annually in July based on population ranges. A range of 25,000 to 49,999 residents receives $6,000. • After State transportation debt service is paid, 44% of the remaining excise taxes are evenly split between cities and counties using the current HUTA formulas. Section 2103 funds are allocated to cities on a per capita basis. • This revenue source is derived from the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1 Beall). On July 1, 2020, and every July 1 thereafter, the gasoline and diesel fuel excise tax rates and vehicle registration taxes will be increasing by the change in the California Consumer Price Index. SB1 funds are subject to a special annual audit and a minimum annual maintenance of effort contribution for road improvements paid from the General Fund, which is $1,786,109. 202 Library and Museum Fund operational revenues are derived from property taxes, which are used to support activities of the Library, Museum, and MakerSpace. 203 Public Safety Fund revenue is derived from Measure G Sales Taxes for public safety expenditures. There are no proposed transfers in for 2023/24. 210 Federal Assistance Fund revenues are derived from federal allocations for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); 15% can be used for public service projects and 85% for public improvement or housing services. 15 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND RECENUE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 212 SLESA COPS Fund revenues are derived from the State of California and are received for law enforcement activities of the Riverside County's Sheriff's Department, also know as Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund Activities (SLESA). 215 Lighting and Landscape Fund assessments are based on an annual assessment rate of $35.60 per Equivalent Benefit Unit (EBU, which is generally one EBU per Single Family Residence parcel), which was established in 1997 and remains unchanged. The district was formed pursuant to the 1972 Act, which permits the establishment of assessment districts by cities for the purpose of providing for the maintenance of certain public improvements. Changes to the assessment rate are bound by Proposition 218 regulations. Each year the assessment information is submitted to the County Auditor/Controller and included in property tax rolls. The Fund is largely supported by the General Fund with transfer in contributions for operational expenses. 220 Quimby Fund fees are established under Government Code Section 66477 which predates the Mitigation Fee Act and authorizes a city or county to require dedication of land, payment of fees in -lieu of dedication, or a combination of both, for park and recreational purposes as a condition of approval of a residential subdivisions. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 221 AB 939 CalRecycle Fund is used to account for franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. The City has a Franchise Agreement with Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services, LLC effective July 2022 through June 2037. 223 Measure A Fund Revenue received is derived from a half -cent sales tax first passed by voters in 1988 and extended by vote in 2002 to continue to fund transportation improvements through 2039. Funds are distributed proportionately to three geographic areas based on the sales tax collected within each. In the Coachella Valley, 50% goes to Highways & Regional Arterials, 35% to Local Streets & Roads, and 15% to Public Transit. 225 Infrastructure Fund is being phased out and not subject to collection of future revenue from developments. 226 Emergency Management Performance Fund revenues are received from the State Homeland Security Grant Program to local governments to assist to further the State of California's efforts to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and terrorism related impacts to communities. 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Fund revenue and expenditures are recognized when grants are awarded. Funds are received from the State Homeland Security Grant Program to local governments to assist to further the State of California's efforts to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and terrorism related impacts to communities. 230 CASp, AB 1379 Fund SB 1186 revenue is derived from a $4 per business license renewal fee and its purpose is to increase disability access and compliance with construction -related accessibility requirements at businesses and facilities that are open to the public. The fee is divided between the City, which retains 90 percent, and the Division of the State Architect (DSA), which receives 10 percent. im CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND RECENUE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 235 South Coast Air Quality Fund revenues recognize contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. 241 Housing Authority Fund Second Silent Trust Deed Payments and Home/Land Sale Proceeds vary from year-to-year. In FY 21/22, a purchase and sale agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Housing Authority for vacant parcels to be used for future low/moderate affordable housing. 243 RDA Low -Mod Housing Fund The total 2023/24 former Redevelopment Agency loan repayment is $3,437,076; as required under Redevelopment dissolution 20% or $687,415 will be recognized in reserves within this Housing Fund. 247 Economic Development Fund revenues can be used for future economic development, fiscal year 2023/24 revenues will be used for additional economic development outreach. 249 Successor Agency (SA) 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund was used for the acquisition of the vacant property located west of the Home Depot Center on Highway 111, on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road proposed to be developed as an affordable housing development with a connecting thoroughfare to CV Link. Remaining bond funds continue to earn interest and are available for future housing projects. 250 Transportation Fees Fund are dependent upon new development. California Complete Streets Act requires local governments in the state to address the transportation needs of all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 251 Park and Recreation DIF Fund fees are dependent upon new residential development. Impact fees for parkland acquisition apply to residential projects not involving a subdivision, and impact fees for construction of park improvements apply to all residential development projects. Fees collected are used to provide additional parks to mitigate the impact of new development in the City. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund fees are dependent upon new development. The purpose of the impact fee is to pay for new development' s proportionate share of the cost of providing Civic Center facilities to serve residents and businesses in La Quinta. Impact fees will be used to pay for future expansion of the Civic Center Campus. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 253 Library DIF Fund fees are dependent upon new residential development. Impact fees are collected for the La Quinta Library, which is owned by the City of La Quinta and operated by the Riverside County Library System. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 254 Community and Cultural Center DIF Fund fees are dependent upon new residential development. This fee was formerly known as the Community Centers impact fee. In 2020, the scope of the fee was broadened to include cultural facilities such as the La Quinta Museum. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 17 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND RECENUE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 255 Street Facility DIF Fund fees were dependent upon new development. An updated DIF Study was adopted on February 4, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020. The updated DIF Study phased out the Street Facility DIF and the Park Facility DIF and replaced these fees with one Maintenance Facilities DIF fee. 256 Park Facility DIF Fund fees were dependent upon new development. An updated DIF Study was adopted on February 4, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020. The updated DIF Study phased out the Street Facility DIF and the Park Facility DIF and replaced these fees with one Maintenance Facilities DIF fee. 257 Fire Facility DIF Fund fees are dependent upon new development. The City contracts with the Riverside County Fire Department for fire protection, fire prevention, rescue, Fire Marshall and medical emergency services. The City builds and owns the fire stations in La Quinta. Those stations are part of an integrated system of fire protection facilities used by the Riverside County Fire Department to provide fire protection to La Quinta and surrounding communities, including unincorporated portions of the County. There are three existing fire stations in the City and preliminary plans call for a fourth fire station to be constructed in or near the southeastern quadrant of La Quinta. That station will be needed to provide an acceptable level of service to development in that part of the City and in portions of unincorporated Riverside County. These fees were last updated on February 2, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020 and an adjustment on July 1, 2021. 259 Maintenance Facilities Fund was created in FY 2020/21 after the updated DIF Study was adopted on February 4, 2020 with an effective date of July 1, 2020. The updated DIF Study phased out the Street Facility DIF and the Park Facility DIF and replaced these fees with one Maintenance Facilities DIF fee. Fees are dependent upon new development and are used for the corporate yard maintenance facilities and equipment needed to serve future development in La Quinta. 270 Art in Public Places Fund transfers in are from the General Fund for operational expenses. Fees are dependent upon new development. These fees require a separate study from other development impact fees. 275 LQ Public Safety Officer Fund transfers in are from the General Fund. Annual transfer in from General Fund; distributed to public safety officers disabled or killed in the line of duty. 310 LQ Finance Authority Debt Service Fund is used to account for the debt service that will be used for the principal and interest payments of the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. The 1996 Civic Center Bond was paid off in October 2018, resulting in savings to the General Fund. An annual State Controller's Report and audit are required. 401 Capital Improvement Programs Fund has large variances annually because of multi -year project carryovers. A listing of 2023/24 projects is presented within the Capital Improvement Fund expenditures. 501, 502, 503, and 504 Internal Services Funds in which revenues are largely derived from the General Fund based on employee and equipment allocations by division. 601 SilverRock Resort Fund transfers in budget of $600,000 is derived from the General Fund as a contribution for anticipated operational expenses. 18 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND RECENUE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 760 Supplemental Pension Plan Fund transfers in are from the General Fund. 761 Supplemental Pension Plan Fund The City participates in the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) for the purpose of accumulating funding for OPEB obligations. The CERBT is a Section 115 Trust and is an agent multiple employer plan for those electing to prefund OPEB obligations. Revenues in this fund can come from earnings on the portfolio or additional contribution transfers in from the General Fund. 762 Pension Trust Fund In 2019, the City established a Section 115 Trust Agreement with U.S. Bank National Association and Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), Trust Administrator. The Section 115 Trust was established to set aside monies to fund the City's pension obligations. Contributions to the Section 115 Trust are irrevocable, the assets provide benefits to plan members, and the assets are protected from creditors of the City. The purpose of the Trust is to address the City's pension obligations by accumulating assets to reduce the net pension liability. Revenues in this fund can come from earnings on the portfolio or additional contribution transfers in from the General Fund. 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. 0/b Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 3004 - Library 50 - Salaries and Benefits 202-3004-50101 Permanent Full Time 81,849 83,946 83,946 62,988 70,100 (13,846) -16% 202-3004-50150 Other Compensation 0 60 60 0 0 (60) -100% 202-3004-50200 PERS - City Portion 7,436 7,700 7,700 5,192 7,000 (700) -9% 202-3004-50215 Other - Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 690 975 975 0% 202-3004-50221 Medical Insurance 12,167 18,600 18,600 9,164 13,100 (5,500) -30% 202-3004-50222 Vision Insurance 136 0 0 82 0 0 0% 202-3004-50223 Dental Insurance 800 0 0 506 0 0 0% 202-3004-50224 Life Insurance 44 0 0 36 0 0 0% 202-3004-50225 Long Term Disability 428 1,000 1,000 338 500 (500) -50% 202-3004-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,200 1,600 0 0% 202-3004-50240 Social Security Medicare 1,187 1,200 1,200 913 1,000 (200) -17% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 105,647 114,106 114,106 81,110 94,275 (19,831) -17% 60 - Contract Services 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 9,751 11,000 11,000 9,559 11,200 200 2% 202-3004-60114 County of Riverside - Libi 1,052,228 900,000 900,000 0 900,000 0 0% 202-3004-60115 Janitorial 32,609 38,500 38,500 29,066 45,000 6,500 17% 202-3004-60116 Pest Control 844 2,000 2,000 844 1,000 (1,000) -50% 202-3004-60123 Security & Alarm 1,680 2,000 2,000 1,680 2,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 1,097,112 953,500 953,500 41,149 959,200 5,700 10/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 164 120,000 120,000 501 120,000 0 0% 202-3004-60424 Materials- New Exhibits 0 5,000 5,000 514 5,000 0 0% 202-3004-60431 Materials/Supplies 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0% 202-3004-60664 Fire Extinguisher Service 134 500 500 0 500 0 0% 202-3004-60665 Maint-Other Equipment 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 202-3004-60667 HVAC 73,328 35,000 65,000 47,040 95,000 30,000 46% 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 5,574 15,000 15,000 10,880 165,000 150,000 1,000% 396,500 190,000 92% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 79,200 176,500 206,500 58,935 66 - Utilities 202-3004-61100 Gas - Utilities 1,421 2,000 2,000 3,219 3,000 1,000 50% 202-3004-61101 Electricity - Utilities 61,038 60,000 60,000 43,419 60,000 0 0% 202-3004-61200 Water - Utilities 41 500 500 341 500 0 0% 66 - Utilities Totals: 62,500 62,500 62,500 46,979 63,500 1,000 2% 68 - Capital Expenses 202-3004-71020 Furniture 202-3004-72110 Building Improvements 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0% 0 5,000 5,000 0 155,000 150,000 3,000% 20 CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. 0/b Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 69 - Internal Service Charges 202-3004-91842 Liability Insurance & Clah 13,300 13,300 13,300 9,975 13,300 0 0% 202-3004-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 4,600 4,600 4,600 3,450 4,600 0 0% 202-3004-91844 Earthquake Insurance 10,700 10,700 10,700 8,025 10,700 0 0% 202-3004-98110 Information Tech Charge 14,300 17,300 17,300 12,975 17,300 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 42,900 45,900 45,900 34,425 45,900 0 00/0 3004 - Library Totals: 1,387,359 1,357,506 1,387,506 262,598 1,714,375 326,869 24% 3006 - Museum 60 - Contract Services 202-3006-60105 Museum Operations 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 202-3006-60115 Janitorial 202-3006-60116 Pest Control 202-3006-60123 Security & Alarm 60 - Contract Services Totals: 62 - Maintenance & Operations 202-3006-60122 Credit Card Fees 202-3006-60420 Operating Supplies 202-3006-60431 Materials/Supplies 202-3006-60664 Fire Extinguisher Service 202-3006-60665 Maint-Other Equipment 202-3006-60667 HVAC 202-3006-60691 Maintenance/Services 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals; 66 - Utilities 202-3006-61101 Electricity - Utilities 202-3006-61200 Water - Utilities 202-3006-61300 Telephone - Utilities 66 - Utilities Totals: 69 - Internal Service Charges 202-3006-91842 Liability Insurance & Clah 202-3006-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 202-3006-91844 Earthquake Insurance 202-3006-98110 Information Tech Charge 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 99 - Transfers Out 202-3006-99900 Transfers Out 99 - Transfers Out Totals 195,000 215,000 215,000 123,561 215,000 0 0% 2,034 3,000 3,000 1,991 3,500 500 17% 8,725 12,800 12,800 9,134 15,000 2,200 17% 559 800 800 593 800 0 0% 2,340 2,500 2,500 2,579 2,500 0 0% 208,658 234,100 234,100 137,858 236,800 2,700 10/0 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 1,915 15,000 15,000 3,032 5,000 (10,000) -67% 0 0 0 0 7,500 7,500 0% 154 500 500 0 500 0 0% 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 (5,000) -100% 21,600 11,000 21,000 9,159 21,000 0 0% 15,532 15,000 15,000 26,199 7,500 (7,500) -50% 39,201 47,500 57,500 38,390 42,500 (15,000) -26% 15,876 14,000 14,000 12,421 17,000 3,000 21% 2,186 2,500 2,500 2,691 3,500 1,000 40% 1,510 1,700 1,700 1,315 1,700 0 0% 19,572 18,200 18,200 16,426 22,200 4,000 22% 23,150 23,150 23,150 17,362 23,150 0 0% 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 0 0% 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,500 14,000 0 0% 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 0 0% 55,150 55,150 55,150 41,362 55,150 0 00/0 58,295 0 2,816,705 110,855 I 0 (2,816,705) -100% 58,295 0 2,816,705 110,855 0 (2,816,705) -1000/0 3006 - Museum Totals: 380,875 354,950 3,181,655 344,892 356,650 (2,825,005) -89% 3009 - MakerSpace Operations 60 - Contract Services 21 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Activit * Pro osed Bud et Current 22 23 in Budqet 202-3009-60105 Makerspace Operations 145,479 180,190 180,190 77,684 180,190 0 00/0 202-3009-60122 Credit Card Fees 605 500 500 820 1,000 500 1000/0 60 - Contract Services Totals: 146,084 180,690 180,690 78,504 181,190 500 00/0 LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND EXPENSE DETAIL 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 62 - Maintenance & Operations 202-3009-60420 Operating Supplies 62 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0% 202-3009-60424 Materials - New Exhibits 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 62 11,000 11,000 0 11,000 0 00/0 65 - Repair & Maintenance 202-3009-60691 Maintenance/Services 2,519 5,000 5,000 0 I 5,000 0 0% 65 - Repair & Maintenance Totals: 2,519 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 00/0 68 - Capital Expenses 202-3009-80100 Machinery & Equipment 1,331 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 1,331 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 3009 - MakerSpace Operations Totals: 1 196,690 196,690 78,504 197,190 500 00/0 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Totals: 1,918,230 1,909,146 4,765,851 685,994 2,268,215 (2,497,636) -52% 22 CITY OF LA QUINTA LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 202-3004-50101 Permanent Full Time 70,100.00 15% - Community Resources Director (70% Community Resources Admin, 15% Fire Fund) 20% - Community Resources Manager (40% Community Resources Admin, 40% Wellness Center Operations) 20% - Community Resources Analyst (80% Community Resources Admin) 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 11,200.00 For Library facility 202-3004-60114 County of Riverside - Library 900,000.00 Library services and programs are contracted with the County of Riverside through June 30, 2024 202-3004-72110 Building Improvements 150,000.00 Painting exterior of library 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 3,500.00 For Museum facility 23 CITY OF LA QUINTA GAS TAX FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 201 - GAS TAX FUND 7003 - Streets 50 - Salaries and Benefits 201-7003-50101 Permanent Full Time 219,131 287,640 287,640 218,545 300,600 12,960 5% 201-7003-50105 Salaries - Overtime 428 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 0 0% 201-7003-50106 Standby 5,681 7,500 7,500 7,486 10,000 2,500 33% 201-7003-50107 Standby Overtime 9,976 10,000 10,000 14,016 15,000 5,000 50% 201-7003-50150 Other Compensation 379 0 0 1,064 0 0 0% 201-7003-50200 PERS-City Portion 20,584 30,100 30,100 25,084 35,000 4,900 16% 201-7003-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 3,450 6,500 6,500 0% 201-7003-50221 Medical Insurance 79,266 123,800 123,800 98,132 119,600 (4,200) -3% 201-7003-50222 Vision Insurance 1,413 0 0 1,401 0 0 0% 201-7003-50223 Dental Insurance 6,055 0 0 6,369 0 0 0% 201-7003-50224 Life Insurance 273 0 0 279 0 0 0% 201-7003-50225 Long Term Disability 1,134 1,800 1,800 1,277 1,900 100 6% 201-7003-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 10,500 10,500 10,500 7,875 10,500 0 0% 201-7003-50240 Social Security -Medicare 4,251 4,100 4,100 4,764 4,200 100 2% 201-7003-50241 Social Security- FICA 1,689 0 0 1,944 0 0 0% 201-7003-50251 Temporary 27,017 150,000 150,000 85,339 50,000 (100,000) -67% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 387,777 627,940 627,940 477,023 555,800 (72,140) -110/0 60 - Contract Services 201-7003-60103 Professional Services 3,200 3,300 3,300 4,152 3,300 0 0% 201-7003-60141 Street Striping 108 20,000 20,000 18 20,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 3.308 23.300 23.300 4.170 23.300 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 201-7003-60428 Barricades 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 201-7003-60433 Paint/Legends 201-7003-60672 Storm Drains 201-7003-60690 Uniforms 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals 4,486 6,000 6,000 4,288 10,000 4,000 67% 2,483 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 39,354 30,000 30,000 31,233 30,000 0 0% 1,280 10,000 10,000 3,023 15,000 5,000 50% 10,037 40,000 40,000 11,149 40,000 0 0% 950 5,000 5,000 5,745 8,500 3,500 70% 0 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0% 5,168 4,000 4,000 2,069 6,000 2,000 50% 63,758 105,000 105,000 57,508 119,500 14,500 14% 66 - Utilities 201-7003-61101 Electricity - Utilities 8,109 9,000 9,000 8,174 I 9,000 0 0% 66 - Utilities Totals: 8,109 9,000 9,000 8,174 9,000 0 00/0 68 - Capital Expenses 201-7003-61701 Equipment Rental 1,203 5,000 5,000 6,514 5,000 0 0% 201-7003-72111 Road Improvements 17,569 0 0 0 0 0 0% 201-7003-80100 Machinery & Equipment 0 300,000 300,000 0 150,000 (150,000) -50% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 18,773 305,000 305,000 6,514 155,000 (150,000) -49% 24 CITY OF LA QUINTA GAS TAX FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 69 - Internal Service Charges 201-7003-98110 Information Tech Charge 95,400 115,000 115,000 86,250 115,000 0 0% 201-7003-98140 Facility &Fleet Maintenar 425,700 561,900 561,900 421,425 561,900 0 0% 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 521,100 676,900 676,900 507,675 676,900 0 00/0 99 - Transfers Out 201-7003-99900 Transfers Out 482,614 940,211 1,956,659 87,606 I 917,400 (1,039,259) -53% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 482,614 940,211 1,956,659 87,606 917,400 (1,039,259) -53% 7003 - Streets Totals: 1,485,438 2,687,351 3,703,799 1,148,669 2,456,900 (1,246,899) -34% 201 - GAS TAX FUND Totals: 1,485,438 2,687,351 3,703,799 1,148,669 2,456,900 (1,246,899) -34% 25 CITY OF LA QUINTA GAS TAX FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 201-7003-50101 Permanent Full Time 100% - Maintenance Foreman 100% - Maintenance Worker II (2) 100% - Maintenance Worker I (2) 201-7003-60103 Professional Services 300,600.00 3,300.00 Annual State report and audit requirement 201-7003-60141 Street Striping 20,000.00 Citywide street striping updates as needed 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 30,000.00 Replace street signs as needed and temporary signage for special events 201-7003-60431 Materials/Supplies 40,000.00 Used to purchase supplies and materials for repairs and maintenance projects that are generally completed by City staff 201-7003-80100 Machinery & Equipment 150,000.00 Backhoe replacement 201-7003-99900 Transfers Out 917,400.00 CIP - Ave 50 Widening (Jefferson St to Madison St) CIP - Washington Street (Ave 50 to Calle Tampico) Amount 439,400 478,000 26 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF LA QUINTA LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 7004 - Lighting & Landscaping 50 - Salaries and Benefits 215-7004-50101 Permanent Full Time 185,506 185,436 185,436 154,335 219,265 33,829 18% 215-7004-50105 Salaries - Overtime 1,814 0 0 386 500 500 0% 215-7004-50106 Standby 6,131 7,500 7,500 8,191 10,000 2,500 33% 215-7004-50107 Standby Overtime 25,137 25,000 25,000 24,883 25,000 0 0% 215-7004-50150 Other Compensation 50 240 240 0 0 (240) -100% 215-7004-50200 PERS-City Portion 15,399 15,600 15,600 10,727 16,000 400 3% 215-7004-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 2,500 3,900 3,900 0% 215-7004-50221 Medical Insurance 52,124 74,300 74,300 40,188 83,500 9,200 12% 215-7004-50222 Vision Insurance 557 0 0 351 0 0 0% 215-7004-50223 Dental Insurance 2,849 0 0 1,693 0 0 0% 215-7004-50224 Life Insurance 163 0 0 161 0 0 0% 215-7004-50225 Long Term Disability 1,003 1,200 1,200 821 1,300 100 8% 215-7004-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 6,300 6,300 6,300 4,725 6,300 0 0% 215-7004-50240 Social Security -Medicare 3,181 2,700 2,700 2,748 3,100 400 15% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 300,214 318,276 318,276 251,708 368,865 50,589 16% 60 - Contract Services 215-7004-60102 Administration 215-7004-60104 Consultants 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 215-7004-60143 SilverRock Way Landscaf 60 - Contract Services Totals: 62 - Maintenance & Operations 215-7004-60320 Travel & Training 215-7004-60420 Operating Supplies 215-7004-60423 Supplies -Graffiti and Van 215-7004-60427 Safety Gear 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 215-7004-60432 Tools/Equipment 215-7004-60673 Palm Trees 215-7004-60690 Uniforms 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 66 - Utilities 215-7004-61116 Electric - Utilities 215-7004-61117 Electric - Medians - Utiliti 215-7004-61211 Water - Medians - Utilitie 66 - Utilities Totals; 69 - Internal Service Charges 215-7004-98110 Information Tech Charge 215-7004-98140 Facility & Fleet Maintenar 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 15,308 15,000 15,000 11,111 15,500 500 3% 68,006 72,800 72,800 66,703 80,000 7,200 10% 783,976 911,400 911,400 768,955 980,000 68,600 8% 65,786 65,000 65,000 54,517 65,000 0 0% 933,076 1,064,200 1,064,200 901,286 1,140,500 76,300 7% 935 500 500 322 500 0 0% 2,843 15,000 15,000 5,980 15,000 0 0% 10,940 10,000 10,000 3,971 10,000 0 0% 1,168 2,000 2,000 1,790 2,000 0 0% 226,958 500,000 657,000 180,758 500,000 (157,000) -24% 4,572 2,500 2,500 2,733 3,000 500 20% 5,380 8,000 8,000 3,880 8,000 0 0% 1,396 1,000 1,000 1,433 1,500 500 50% 165,771 100,000 100,000 163,470 150,000 50,000 50% 419,962 639,000 796,000 364,337 690,000 (106,000) -13% 82,591 75,000 75,000 71,708 80,000 5,000 7% 37,421 35,000 35,000 28,979 40,000 5,000 14% 243,580 200,000 200,000 228,174 215,000 15,000 8% 363,592 310,000 310,000 328,862 335,000 25,000 80/0 57,200 69,000 69,000 51,750 69,000 0 0% 34,100 64,900 64,900 48,675 64,900 0 0% 91,300 133,900 133,900 100,425 133,900 0 00/0 27 CITY OF LA QUINTA LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 7004 - Lighting & Landscaping Totals: 2,108,145 2,465,376 2,622,376 1,946,619 2,668,265 45,889 2% LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Totals: 2,108,145 2,465,376 2,622,376 1,946,619 2,668,265 45,889 2% 28 CITY OF LA QUINTA LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 215-7004-50101 Permanent Full Time 219, 265.00 50% - Parks/L&L Foreman (50% Parks Maintenance) 50% - Management Analyst (50% Parks Maintenance) 50% - Maintenance Worker II (50% Parks Maintenance) 50% - Maintenance Worker I (3) (50% Parks Maintenance) 215-7004-60102 Administration 15,500.00 Annual required report for LLD 215-7004-60104 Consultants 80,000.00 Lighting contract 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 980,000.00 Citywide landscape contract 215-7004-60320 Travel & Training 500.00 Safety training 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 500,000.00 Median landscape improvements and turf removal $500,000 approved as part of the 5-year CIP Program 215-7004-60432 Tools/Equipment 3,000.00 Used for all tools and equipment (other than capital expenditures) including small hand tools and/or power tools such as drills, blowers, saws, etc. 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 1 - Housing Authority 3 - RDA Low -Mod Housing 9 - SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond Total Revenues RDA Loan Repayment HOUSING AUTHORITY 2023/24 BUDGET SUMMARY 1,451,500 1,451,500 20,000 20,000 25,000 1,412,009 1,387,009 1,496,500 2,883,509 1,387,009 F7q qqF F A qAF - 1,401,500 (50,000) -3% 30,000 10,000 50% 36,000 (1,376,009) -97% 1,467,500 (1,416,009) -49% Housing Fund Expenditures 2022/23 Original 2022/23 Current Variance Original 2023/24 Proposed Variance vs. Current vs. Current % Change Proposed 241 - Housing Authority 1,712,670 1,712,670 1,559,467 (153,203) -9% 243 - RDA Low -Mod Housing 250,000 305,000 (55,000) 250,000 (55,000) -18% 249 - SA 2011 Low/Mod Bond 20,000 3,644,192 (3,394,192) -93% Total Expenditures i i i Budget Surplus/(Deficit) 187,766 (2,104,417) (2,182,183) 95,448 CITY OF LA QUINTA ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2fl23 ESTIMATED AVAILABLE ESTIMATED FUND ENDING FUND FUND BALANCE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BALANCE # FUND NAME July 1, 2023 REVENUES EXPENDITURES Ju , 2024 241 HOUSING AUTHORITY FUND 12.000.000 1,401,500 1.559.4-67 11,842,G33 24Y RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 3,000,000 717,415 250.000 31467 415 249 SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND 800.000 36.000 250.000 586.000 G 154,915 2,059,467 5,448 x General Fund and RDA Low -Mod Housing Fund estimates are for unappropriated reserves and included annual Successor Agency loan repayments as approved with the last and final recognized obligation payment schedule. The repayment for FY 2.023124 is $687,415. 30 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin 340 - Charges for Services 241-9101-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 226 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 226 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9101-41900 Allocated Interest 99,822 100,000 100,000 (7,689) 150,000 50,000 50% 241-9101-41910 GASB 31 Interest (385,817) 0 0 268,385 0 0 0% 241-9101-41915 Non -Allocated Interest 430 500 500 0 500 0 0% 241-9101-42706 Loan Repayments 96,215 0 0 102,185 0 0 0% 241-9101-43504 2nd Trust Deed Repayment 130,179 100,000 100,000 50,253 100,000 0 0% 241-9101-45000 Sale of Other Assets 367,078 200,000 200,000 0 0 (200,000) -100% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 307,908 400,500 400,500 413,134 250,500 (150,000) -37% 101 - Housing Authority - Admin Totals: 308,134 400,500 400,500 413,134 250,500 (150,000) -37% 9102 - Housing Authority - Wash St Apt: 340 - Charges for Services 241-9102-42305 Miscellaneous Reimburse (1,820) 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: (1,820) 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 lousing Authority - Wash St Apts Totals: (1,820) 0 0 0 0 0 0% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9103-43502 Rent Revenue/LQRP 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 I 350,000 50,000 17% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 350,000 50,000 17% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP Totals: 306,372 300,000 300,000 300,706 350,000 50,000 17% 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates 360 - Use of Money & Property 241-9104-42112 Rent Revenue/Tenant/Du 241-9104-42302 Miscellaneous Revenue/C 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 791,261 750,000 750,000 682,079 800,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 50,000 7% 0 0% 791,261 751,000 751,000 682,079 801,000 50,000 7% 104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates Totals: 791,261 751,000 751,000 682,079 801,000 50,000 7% 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Totals: 1,403,947 1,451,500 1,451,500 1,395,919 1,401,500 (50,000) -30/o 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 360 - Use of Money & Property 243-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 24,081 20,000 20,000 (2,155) 30,000 10,000 50% 243-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (102,401) 0 0 75,210 0 0 0% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: (78,320) 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 500/0 31 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY REVENUE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change in Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Current 22/23 Budget 370 - Miscellaneous 243-0000-48500 Extraordinary Gain 121,903 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 370 - Miscellaneous Totals: 121,903 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 43,583 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 500/0 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND Totals: 43,583 20,000 20,000 73,055 30,000 10,000 500/0 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Re 0000 - Undesignated 340 - Charges for Services 249-0000-42301 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 1,106 I 0 0 0% 340 - Charges for Services Totals: 0 0 0 1,106 0 0 00/0 360 - Use of Money & Property 249-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 5,494 5,000 5,000 (544) 6,000 1,000 20% 249-0000-41910 GASB 31 Interest (26,759) 0 0 25,881 0 0 0% 249-0000-41915 Non -Allocated Interest 29,442 20,000 20,000 31,172 30,000 10,000 50% 360 - Use of Money & Property Totals: 8,177 25,000 25,000 56,509 36,000 11,000 44% 390 - Other Financing Sources 249-0000-49500 Transfers In 0 0 1,387,009 0 I 0 (1,387,009) -100% 390 - Other Financing Sources Totals: 0 0 1,387,009 0 0 (1,387,009) -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 8,177 25,000 1,412,009 57,615 36,000 (1,376,009) -97% BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Totals: 8,177 25,000 1,412,009 57,615 36,000 (1,376,009) -97% The Housing Authority budget invests in programs and projects that preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing in the City. 241 Housing Authority Fund: Second Trust Deed Payments and Home Sale Proceeds vary from year-to-year. Additional repayment of silent second trust deeds are recognized upon receipt. 241-9101-45000, Sale of Other Assets revenues in FY 2021/2022 reflects the purchase and sale agreement between the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta Housing Authority for vacant parcels to be used for future low/moderate affordable housing. 243 RDA Low -Mod Housing Fund: The 2023/24 former Redevelopment Agency loan repayment of $687,415 will be recognized in reserves within this Fund. 249 Successor Agency (SA) 2011 Low/Mod Bond Fund was used for the acquisition of the vacant property located west of the Home Depot Center on Highway 111, on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road proposed to be developed as an affordable housing development with a connecting thoroughfare to CV Link. Remaining bond funds continue to earn interest and are available for future housing projects. 32 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 9101 - Housing Authority - Admin 50 - Salaries and Benefits 241-9101-50101 Permanent Full Time 252,219 278,970 278,970 248,586 305,327 26,357 9% 241-9101-50105 Salaries - Overtime 172 0 0 0 0 0 0% 241-9101-50110 Commissions & Boards 550 1,800 1,800 400 1,800 0 0% 241-9101-50150 Other Compensation 103 200 200 84 200 0 0% 241-9101-50200 PERS-City Portion 20,432 24,200 24,200 19,507 28,000 3,800 16% 241-9101-50215 Other Fringe Benefits 2,000 0 0 4,415 3,640 3,640 0% 241-9101-50221 Medical Insurance 44,830 69,300 69,300 42,846 67,000 (2,300) -3% 241-9101-50222 Vision Insurance 415 0 0 348 0 0 0% 241-9101-50223 Dental Insurance 2,337 0 0 2,277 0 0 0% 241-9101-50224 Life Insurance 151 0 0 159 0 0 0% 241-9101-50225 Long Term Disability 1,320 1,700 1,700 1,433 1,800 100 6% 241-9101-50230 Workers Comp Insurance 5,900 5,900 5,900 4,425 5,900 0 0% 241-9101-50240 Social Security -Medicare 3,697 4,000 4,000 3,639 4,200 200 5% 241-9101-50241 Social Security -FICA 66 0 0 50 0 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 334,191 386,070 386,070 328,168 417,867 31,797 8% 60 - Contract Services 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 241-9101-60106 Auditors 241-9101-60153 Attorney 60 - Contract Services Totals 74,532 5,000 15,792 60,000 5,000 60,000 5,000 20,000 57,777 3,780 75,000 15,000 25% 5,000 0 0% 20,000 0 0% 95,324 85,000 85,000 72,220 100,000 15,000 180/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 241-9101-60320 Travel & Training 0 1,000 1,000 293 1,000 0 0% 241-9101-60420 Operating Supplies 94 2,000 2,000 61 2,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 94 3,000 3,000 354 3,000 0 00/0 69 - Internal Service Charges 241-9101-91843 Property & Crime Insurar 241-9101-91844 Earthquake Insurance 241-9101-98110 Information Tech Charge 69 - Internal Service Charges Totals: 8,100 8,100 8,100 6,075 16,100 16,100 16,100 12,075 53,400 64,400 64,400 48,300 8,100 0 0% 16,100 0 0% 64,400 0 0% 77,600 88,600 88,600 66,450 88,600 0 00/0 101 - Housing Authority - Admin Totals: 507,209 562,670 562,670 467,192 609 97 8% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP 62 - Maintenance & Operations 241-9103-60157 Rental Expenses 251,793 250,000 250,000 641,364 I 300,000 50,000 20% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 251,793 250,000 250,000 641,364 300,000 50,000 20% 9103 - Housing Authority - LQRP Totals: 251,793 250,000 250,000 641,364 300,000 50,000 20% 9104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates 60 - Contract Services 241-9104-60103 Professional Services 101,257 100,000 100,000 98,515 I 100,000 33 0% CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Pro osed Budget Current 22 23 in Budqet 241-9104-60157 Rental Expense 360,523 300,000 300,000 354,699 350,000 50,000 17% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 461,780 400,000 400,000 453,214 450,000 50,000 13% 68 - Capital Expenses 241-9104-72110 Building/Site Improveme 0 500,000 500,000 66,728 I 200,000 (300,000) -60% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 0 500,000 500,000 66,728 200,000 (300,000) -60% 104 - Dune Palms Mobile Estates Totals: 461,780 900,000 900,000 519,943 650,000 (250,000) -28% 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Totals: 1,220,781 1,712,670 1,712,670 1,628,499 1,559,467 (153,203) -90/0 241 Housing Authority Fund: These funds are used to account for the housing activities of the Housing Authority which are to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 34 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 241-9101-50101 Permanent Full Time 305,327.00 20% - City Manager (80% City Manager) 10% - Finance Director (90% Finance) 10% - City Clerk (90% City Clerk) 40% - Director- Business Unit & Housing Development (60% City Manager) 60% - Management Analyst (40% Information Technology Fund) 60% - Management Specialist (40% City Manager) 80% - Management Assistant (20% City Manager) Housing Authority Member Stipends (5) Housing Commissioner Stipends 241-9101-60103 Professional Services 75,000.00 Housing compliance services 241-9101-60320 Travel & Training 1,000.00 For housing related training and staff development 241-9103-60157 Rental Expenses 300,000.00 Expenses associated with 28 homes owned by the Authority which are located in the La Quinta Cove 241-9104-60103 Professional Services 100,000.00 For residential property management services at Dune Palms Mobile Estates 241-9104-60157 Rental Expense 350,000.00 Expenses associated with 102 units owned by the Authority which are located in North La Quinta 35 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 243 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND 0000 - Undesignated 64 - Other Expenses 243-0000-60532 Homelessness Assistance 50,700 250,000 305,000 255,000 I 250,000 (55,000) -18% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 50,700 250,000 305,000 255,000 250,000 (55,000) -18% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 50,700 250,000 305,000 255,000 250,000 (55,000) -18% 3 - RDA LOW -MOD HOUSING FUND Totals: 50,700 250,000 305,000 255,000 250,000 (55,000) -18% 243 RDA Low -Mod Housing Fund: The 2023/24 former Redevelopment Agency loan repayment of $687,415 will be recognized in reserves within this Fund. These funds are used to account for the housing activities of the Housing Authority which are to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 36 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY HOUSING AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Re 0000 - Undesignated 68 - Capital Expenses 249-0000-74010 Land Acquisition 8,631,040 0 3,624,192 50,000 0 (3,624,192) -100% 249-0000-80050 Affordable Housing Proje 25,035 20,000 20,000 12,290 250,000 230,000 1,150% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 8,656,075 20,000 3,644,192 62,290 250,000 (3,394,192) -93% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 8,656,075 20,000 3,644,192 62,290 250,000 (3,394,192) -93% BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016) Totals: 8,656,075 20,000 3,644,192 62,290 250,000 (3,394,192) -93% 249 Successor Agency Bond Fund: These funds are restricted per individual bond covenants and were used for the acquisition of the vacant property located west of the Home Depot Center on Highway 111, on the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road. This property is proposed to be developed as an affordable housing development with a connecting thoroughfare to CV Link. Remaining funds are available for future housing projects. For FY 2023/24, budget will be used for investment in design and development of projects. 37 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE AUTHORITY EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budget 310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERI 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 310-0000-60181 Contract Services Fees 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 I 1,100 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 1.100 1.100 1.100 0 11100 0 0% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 0 0% NANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE Totals: 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 0 0% Contract Services fee: Annual State Controller's report and audit requirement 38 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET The SilverRock Golf Resort Fund will be presented to City Council on June 20, 2023. 39 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G) 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 203-0000-99900 Transfers Out 195,415 0 0 14,085 I 0 0 0% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 195,415 0 0 14.085 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 195,415 0 0 14,085 0 0 00/0 UBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G) Totals: 195,415 0 0 14,085 0 0 00/0 40 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 210-0000-60135 CDBG Public Service Grai 1,530 20,000 20,000 3,315 I 20,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 1.530 20.000 20.000 3.315 20.000 0 0% 99 - Transfers Out 210-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 132,600 319,977 169,546 I 136,300 (183,677) -57% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 132,600 319,977 169,546 136,300 (183,677) -57% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,530 152,600 339,977 172,861 156,300 (183,677) -54% 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND Totals: 1,530 152,600 339,977 172,861 156,300 (183,677) -54% 41 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 212-0000-60178 COPS Robbery Preventioi 6,217 10,000 10,000 10,379 10,000 0 0% 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Pre 34,620 90,000 90,000 56,930 90,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 40,837 100,000 100,000 67,309 100,000 0 0% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 40,837 100,000 100,000 67,309 100,000 0 0% 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Totals: 40,837 100,000 100,000 67,309 100,000 0 0% 42 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 220 - QUIMBY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 220-0000-99900 Transfers Out 713,669 0 466,967 0 I 0 (466,967) -100% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 713,669 0 466,967 0 0 f466,9671 -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 713,669 0 466,967 0 0 (466,967) -1000/0 220 - QUIMBY FUND Totals: 713,669 0 466,967 0 0 (466,967) -1000/0 43 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 221-0000-60127 AB 939 Recycling Solutio 109,742 150,000 150,000 113,299 I 150,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 109,742 150,000 150.000 113.299 150.000 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses 221-0000-71031 Vehicles, Purchased 0 0 0 37,580 I 0 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 0 0 0 37,580 0 0 0% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 109,742 150,000 150,000 150,879 150,000 0 0% 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Totals: 109,742 150,000 150,000 150,879 150,000 0 0% 44 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 223 - MEASURE A FUND 0000 - Undesignated 64 - Other Expenses 223-0000-60510 Signal Knockdowns, Cont 45,918 0 0 33,703 I 0 0 0% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 45,918 0 0 33,703 0 0 00/0 99 - Transfers Out 223-0000-99900 Transfers Out 395,454 3,882,000 5,843,145 2,019,207 I 1,865,000 (3,978,145) -68% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 395,454 3,882,000 5,843,145 2,019,207 1,865,000 (3,978,145) -68% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 441,372 3,882,000 5,843,145 2,052,910 1,865,000 (3,978,145) -68% 223 - MEASURE A FUND Totals: 441,372 3,882,000 5,843,145 2,052,910 1,865,000 (3,978,145) -68% 45 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 226 - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFOR 0000 - Undesignated 62 - Maintenance & Operations 226-0000-60432 Tools/Equipment 9,750 12,000 12,000 25,055 I 12,000 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 9,750 12,000 12,000 25,055 12,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 9,750 12,000 12,000 25,055 12,000 0 00/0 NT PERFORMANCE GRANT (EMPG) Totals: 9,750 12,000 12,000 25,055 12,000 0 00/0 46 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 227 - STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGI 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 227-0000-60320 Travel & Training 0 5,000 5,000 4,312 I 5,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 0 5,000 51000 4,312 5,000 0 00/0 62 - Maintenance & Operations 227-0000-60432 Tools/Equipment 4,896 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 4,896 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 4,896 5,000 5,000 4,312 5,000 0 00/0 %ND SECURITY PROGRAMS (SHSP) Totals: 4,896 5,000 5,000 4,312 5,000 0 00/0 47 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 230-0000-60320 Travel & Training 0 2,500 2,500 0 I 2,500 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 0 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 0 0% 64 - Other Expenses 230-0000-60480 Contributions to State Ag 1,870 2,000 2,000 0 I 2,000 0 0% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 1,870 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses 230-0000-90020 Service & Supply 0 1,000 1,000 0 I 1,000 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,870 5,500 5,500 0 5,500 0 0% 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Totals: 1,870 5,500 5,500 0 5,500 0 0% 48 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 235-0000-60186 CVAG 39,593 39,000 39,000 0 I 39,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 39,593 39.000 39,000 0 39,000 0 0% 66 - Utilities 235-0000-61101 Electricity - Utilities 7,705 7,500 7,500 11,728 I 15,000 7,500 100% 66 - Utilities Totals: 7,705 7,500 7,500 11,728 15,000 7.500 100% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 47,298 46,500 46,500 11,728 54,000 7,500 16% 35 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Totals: 47,298 46,500 46,500 11,728 54,000 7,500 16% 49 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 247 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 247-0000-60320 Travel & Training 6,580 6,500 6,500 999 6,500 0 0% 247-0000-60351 Membership Dues 0 5,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 0 0% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 6,580 11,500 11,500 2,999 11,500 0 00/0 64 - Other Expenses 247-0000-60461 Marketing & Tourism Proi 10,263 10,000 10,000 0 I 20,000 10,000 100% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 10,263 10,000 10,000 0 20,000 10,000 1000/0 99 - Transfers Out 247-0000-99900 Transfers Out 50,000 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 66,843 21,500 21,500 2,999 31,500 10,000 47% - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Totals: 66,843 21,500 21,500 2,999 31,500 10,000 47% 50 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 68 - Capital Expenses 250-0000-80105 Developer Reimbursemer 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 I 400,000 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 0 00/0 99 - Transfers Out 250-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 100,000 1,516,757 3,605 I 150,000 (1,366,757) -90% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 100,000 1,516,757 3,605 150,000 (1,366,757) -90% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 400,000 500,000 1,916,757 403,605 550,000 (1,366,757) -71% 150 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND Totals: 400,000 500,000 1,916,757 403,605 550,000 (1,366,757) -71% 51 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 251-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 500,000 500,000 13,602 I 650,000 150,000 30% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 500,000 500,000 13,602 650,000 150,000 30% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 0 500,000 500,000 13,602 650,000 150,000 30% 251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND Totals: 0 500,000 500,000 13,602 650,000 150,000 30% 52 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 252-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 250,000 250,000 0 I 0 (250,000) -100% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 250,000 250,000 0 0 f250,0001 -100% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 0 250,000 250,000 0 0 (250,000) -100% 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND Totals: 0 250,000 250,000 0 0 (250,000) -100% 53 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 0000 - Undesignated 68 - Capital Expenses 253-0000-83500 Advance Interest Expens 11,112 15,000 15,000 0 I 15,000 0 0% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 11,112 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 11,112 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 00/0 253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF Totals: 11,112 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 0 00/0 54 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 254 - COMMUNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 254-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 0 125,000 0 I 0 (125,000) -100% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 0 125,000 0 0 (125,0001 -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 0 0 125,000 0 0 (125,000) -1000/0 1UNITY & CULTURAL CENTERS DIF Totals: 0 0 125,000 0 0 (125,000) -1000/0 55 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 259 - MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUN 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 259-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 I 180,000 180,000 0% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 0 0 0 180,000 180.000 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 0 0 0 0 180,000 180,000 00/0 NTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND Totals: 0 0 0 0 180,000 180,000 00/0 56 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 0000 - Undesignated 64 - Other Expenses 270-0000-60482 Operating Supplies 0 2,000 2,000 1,072 I 8,000 6,000 300% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 0 2,000 2,000 1,072 8,000 6,000 300% 65 - Repair & Maintenance 270-0000-60683 APP Maintenance 54,817 75,000 75,000 58,553 I 75,000 0 0% 65 - Repair & Maintenance Totals: 54,817 75,000 75,000 58,553 75,000 0 00/0 68 - Capital Expenses 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 53,253 100,000 136,700 48,347 I 150,000 13,300 10% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 53,253 100,000 136,700 48,347 150,000 13,300 100/0 99 - Transfers Out 270-0000-99900 Transfers Out 12,678 0 212,465 75 I 0 (212,465) -100% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 12,678 0 212,465 75 0 (212,4651 -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 120,748 177,000 426,165 108,047 233,000 (193,165) -45% 70 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Totals: 120,748 177,000 426,165 108,047 233,000 (193,165) -45% 57 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 405 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND 0000 - Undesignated 99 - Transfers Out 405-0000-99900 Transfers Out 1,128,751 0 0 0 I 0 0 0% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 1.128.751 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,128,751 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 15 - SA PA 1 CAPITAL IMPRV FUND Totals: 1,128,751 0 0 0 0 0 00/0 58 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 0000 - Undesignated 50 - Salaries and Benefits 760-0000-50199 Annual PARS Contribution 12,833 12,850 12,850 12,833 I 12,850 0 0% 50 - Salaries and Benefits Totals: 12,833 12,850 12,850 12,833 12,850 0 00/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 12,833 12,850 12,850 12,833 12,850 0 00/0 ) - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN Totals: 12,833 12,850 12,850 12,833 12,850 0 00/0 59 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 761-0000-60102 Administration 1,722 1,500 1,500 1,140 I 1,800 300 20% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 1,722 1.500 1,500 1,140 1,800 300 20% 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 1,722 1,500 1,500 1,140 1,800 300 20% 761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST Totals: 1,722 1,500 1,500 1,140 1,800 300 20% 60 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. % Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 762-0000-60102 Administration 59,382 55,000 55,000 43,211 I 30,000 (25,000) -45% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 59,382 55,000 55,000 43,211 30,000 (25,000) -45% 99 - Transfers Out 762-0000-99900 Transfers Out 0 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 I 0 (5,000,000) -100% 99 - Transfers Out Totals: 0 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 (5,000,000) -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 59,382 55,000 5,055,000 5,043,211 30,000 (5,025,000) -99% 762 - PARS PENSION TRUST Totals: 59,382 55,000 5,055,000 5,043,211 30,000 (5,025,000) -99% 61 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET EXPENSE NOTES BY FUND NUMBER — 201 Gas Tax Fund Transfers Out for CIP — Avenue 50 Widening Improvements from Jefferson Street to Madison Street of $439,400 and Washington Street Sidewalk Improvements from Avenue 50 to Calle Tampico of $478,000. 203 Public Safety Fund There are no transfers out for CIP proposed for FY 2023/24. 210 Federal Assistance Fund Transfers Out for CIP — City Hall miscellaneous interior ADA improvements. This is a continuation of implementing ADA improvements at City parks, buildings, intersection curb ramps and sidewalks based upon the City's ADA Transition Plan Report. Expenses include the Boys and Girls Club Fee Waiver Reduction Program (CDBG) in the amount of $20,000. 212 Federal Assistance Fund There are no changes for expenditures from FY 2022/23, expenses include COPS robbery and burglary/theft prevention. 220 Quimby Fund does not have Capital Improvement project funding allocated in FY 2023/24. 221 AB 939 CalRecycle Fund is used for recycling solutions at schools & City parks. 223 Measure A Fund Transfers Out for CIP — Avenue 58 Pavement Rehabilitation from Jefferson Street to Madison Street of $1,380,000; X Park Pedestrian Signal on Dune Palms Road between X Park and La Quinta High School of $250,000; and Citywide traffic signal maintenance improvements of $235,000. 225 Infrastructure Fund is a Development Impact Fee Fund used for capital improvements. No additional projects are anticipated in FY 2023/24. 226 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Fund expenses are for emergency operations center (EOC). 227 State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP) Fund expenses are for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. 230 CASp, AB 1379 Fund expenses are for training for Americans with Disability guidelines and a pass -through payment of 10% to the State Architect Office based a $4 per business license tax. 235 South Coast Air Quality Fund expenses are for an agreement between CVAG and member jurisdictions which contribute 75% of AB2766 South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) revenues. 247 Economic Development Fund There are no transfers out for CIP proposed for FY 2023/24. Expenses are for general economic development activities. 250 Transportation DIF Fund Transfers Out are for CIP - Avenue 52 and Monroe Street traffic signal which includes construction of a new traffic signal in coordination with the City of Indio and County of Riverside. 62 CITY OF LA QUINTA SPECIAL FUND EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 251 Parks & Rec DIF Fund Transfers Out are for CIP — La Quinta Parks Phase 1 which entails park improvements at the La Quinta Sports Complex, Colonel Mitchell Paige Sports Fields, and La Quinta Park. The existing facilities at these park locations need extensive various improvements, and the project will be completed in coordination with Desert Sand Unified School District. 252 Civic Center DIF Fund is a Development Impact Fee Fund used for capital improvements. No additional projects are anticipated in FY 2023/24. 253 Library Development DIF Fund Advance Interest Expense is for outstanding Successor Agency loan repayment. 254 Community & Cultural Centers DIF Fund is a Development Impact Fee Fund used for capital improvements. No additional projects are anticipated in FY 2023/24. 255, 256, and 257, and 259 Development Impact Fee Funds are used for capital improvements. For Fund 259, Transfers Out are for CIP — Maintenance and Operations Yard which will be used to complete the preliminary engineering and design phase for the Maintenance and Operations Yard improvements. 270 Art in Public Places Fund (APP) covers the maintenance contract, updated inventory of all art in public places, internal city inspections and engineering services for new art installations. 405 SA PA 1 Capital Improvement Fund Bond proceeds designated for SilverRock Way improvements. 760 Supplemental Pension Plan Fund Annual PARS Trust Contribution is for one plan member as established in 2012. 761 CERBT Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) Trust Fund— The City participates in the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) for the purpose of accumulating funding for OPEB obligations. The CERBT is a Section 115 Trust and is an agent multiple employer plan for those electing to prefund OPEB obligations. Expenses in this fund can come from losses on the portfolio and fees paid to administer the portfolio. 762 PARS Pension Trust Fund — In 2019, the City established a Section 115 Trust Agreement with U.S. Bank National Association and Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), Trust Administrator. The Section 115 Trust was established as a means to set aside monies to fund the City's pension and OPEB obligations. Contributions to the Section 115 Trust are irrevocable, the assets are dedicated to providing benefits to plan members, and the assets are protected from creditors of the City. The purpose of the Trust is to address the City's pension obligations by accumulating assets to reduce the net pension liability. Expenses in this fund can come from losses on the portfolio and fees paid to administer the portfolio. 63 CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM EXPENSE DETAIL FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 2021/22 2022/23 2022/23 2022/23 2023/24 23/24 vs. 0/b Change Actuals Original Budget Current Budget YTD Activity* Proposed Budget Current 22/23 in Budqet 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 0000 - Undesignated 60 - Contract Services 401-0000-60103 Professional Services 396,965 1,134,209 3,310,006 353,498 587,678 (2,722,328) -82% 401-0000-60108 Technical 36,513 825,985 6,479,717 107,330 1,054,888 (5,424,829) -84% 401-0000-60185 Design 390,391 1,387,169 4,880,501 413,829 1,099,694 (3,780,807) -77% 401-0000-60188 Construction 5,549,330 8,565,767 54,441,969 9,675,599 13,962,310 (40,479,659) -74% 60 - Contract Services Totals: 6,373,199 11,913,130 69,112,192 10,550,255 16,704,570 (52,407,622) -76% 62 - Maintenance & Operations 401-0000-60510 Contingency 0 1,223,681 5,883,313 0 I 1,246,130 (4,637,183) -79% 62 - Maintenance & Operations Totals: 0 1,223,681 5,883,313 0 1,246,130 (4,637,183) -79% 64 - Other Expenses 401-0000-60480 Contributions to Other Ac 35,981 0 593,006 0 I 0 (593,006) -100% 64 - Other Expenses Totals: 35,981 0 593,006 0 0 (593,006) -1000/0 68 - Capital Expenses 401-0000-74010 Land Acquisition 1,464 0 2,591,435 33,757 I 0 (2,591,435) -100% 68 - Capital Expenses Totals: 1,464 0 2,591,435 33,757 0 (2,591,435) -1000/0 0000 - Undesignated Totals: 6,410,644 13,136,811 78,179,947 10,584,012 17,950,700 (60,229,247) -77% WITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Totals: 6,410,644 13,136,811 78,179,947 10,584,012 17,950,700 (60,229,247) -77% 64 CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM EXPENSE NOTES FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 401-0000-49500 Transfers In 14,950,700.00 CDBG Funds- Citywide Misc. ADA Improvements DIF Maint & Facilties- Maint & Operations Yard DIF Parks & Rec- La Quinta Parks Phase 1 DIF Transportation- Ave 52 Monroe (Traffic Siqnal) Equip Replacement Fund- CPM Plan Improvements General Fund- ADA Accessible Ramps General Fund- Citywide Drainaqe Enhancements General Fund- Fritz Burns Park Improvements General Fund- PMP Street Improvements General Fund- Sidewalk Improvements General Fund- Silverrock Dust Control General Fund- X Park Buildinq ADA Improvements Measure A- Ave 58 Pavement Rehab Measure A- Citywide Traffic Siqnal Improvements Measure A- X Park Pedestrian Siqnal Measure G- Avenue 48 Art & Music Line Measure G- Fritz Burns Park Improvements Measure G- Highway 111 Corridor Plan Improvemen Measure G- Highway 111 Event Site Measure G- Washington St Connector- Art & Music SB 1 Road Maint/Rehab- Ave 50 & 52 Amount -136,300 -180,000 -650,000 -150,000 -50,000 -20,000 -477,000 -1,000,000 -1,500,000 -55,000 -1,000,000 -350,000 -1,380,000 -235,000 -250,000 -2,400,000 -1,500,000 -1,000,000 -500,000 -1,200,000 -917,400 65 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET FUND TYPE - GENERAL FUND 101 - GENERAL FUND - The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenue and expenditures of the City not legally restricted as to use. A broad range of municipal activities are provided through this fund including City Manager, City Attorney, Finance, City Clerk, Community Development, Public Safety (Police and Fire), Public Works, and Community Services. FUND TYPE - SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 105 — DISASTER RECOVERY FUND — This fund was created to recognize one-time federal funding passed by Congress in 2021, an act designed to deliver relief to American workers and aid in economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19 by providing Coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds for state and local governments. 201 - GASOLINE TAX FUND - To account for gasoline sales tax allocations received from the State of California. These revenues are restricted by the State to expenditures for street related purposes only. 202 - LIBRARY AND MUSEUM FUND —This fund accounts for the revenues from property taxes generated for library and museum services. 203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND — General Fund Measure G sales tax revenue set aside for public safety expenditures. 210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND - This fund is used to account for revenues from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the federal government and the expenditures of those resources. 212 — CITIZENS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY (COPS) FUND - This fund is used to account for State of California funds received for law enforcement activities of the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, also known as Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF). 215 — LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE FUND — This fund accounts for special assessments levied on real property and the expenditure therefore from city-wide lighting and landscape maintenance and improvements. 220 - QUIMBY FUND - This fund is used to account for the accumulation of developer fees received under the provisions of the Quimby Act for park development and improvements. Capital projects to be funded from this source will be budgeted and expended in a separate Capital Projects Fund. 221 - AB 939 CAL -RECYCLE FUND - This fund is used to account for franchise fees collected from the city waste hauler that are used to reduce waste sent to landfills through recycling efforts. .., CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET • •CONTINUED .0 223 - MEASURE A FUND — In 1988, Riverside County voters approved a half cent sales tax, known as Measure A, to fund a variety of highway improvements, local street and road maintenance, commuter assistance and specialized highway transit projects. This fund is used to collect this tax and pursuant to the provision of Measure A, it is restricted for local street and road expenditures. 226 — EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE FUND — Revenue received from the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) and restricted for emergency operations center (EOC) materials and trainings. 227 — STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM (SHSP) FUND — Revenue received from the State Homeland Security Grant Program to local governments to assist to further the State of California's efforts to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and terrorism related impacts to communities. 230 — CASp FUND, AB 1379 — This fund was established as required under Assembly Bill 1379 and Senate Bill 1186 for the collection of the annual $4.00 business license accessibility fee. Funds shall be utilized for expenses related to enhancing accessibility requirements. 235 - SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY FUND - This fund is used to account for contributions from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Uses are limited to the reduction and control of airborne pollutants. 244 — HOUSING GRANTS - This fund is used to account for housing related grants as required by outside agencies for reporting purposes. 247 — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND — This fund accounts for revenues and expenditures related to proceeds from sale of City owned land and future economic development. 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - This fund accounts for development fees paid in lieu of acquisition and installation of approved artworks in a development with expenditures restricted to acquisition, installation, maintenance, and repair of artworks at approved sites. 275 — PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS FUND - This fund may be used for payments to survivors of deceased police or fire personnel serving the City of La Quinta. 241 and 243 HOUSING AUTHORITY - These funds are used to account for the housing activities of the Housing Authority which are to promote and provide quality affordable housing. 249 SUCESSOR AGENCY BOND FUNDS - This fund is restricted per individual bond covenants. 405 — SUCCESSOR AGENCY PROJECT AREA 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS — This fund is restricted per individual bond covenants. 760 -SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN FUND —This fund is a defined contribution pension plan established by the City to provide retirement excess benefits to general employees of the City. 67 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET I 761 — OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT (OPEB) TRUST — The City participates in the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) for the purpose of accumulating funding for OPEB obligations. The CERBT is a Section 115 Trust and is an agent multiple employer plan for those electing to prefund OPEB obligations. 762 — PENSION TRUST FUND — In 2019, the City established a Section 115 Trust Agreement with U.S. Bank National Association and Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), Trust Administrator. The Section 115 Trust was established as a means to set aside monies to fund the City's pension and OPEB obligations. Contributions to the Section 115 Trust are irrevocable, the assets are dedicated to providing benefits to plan members, and the assets are protected from creditors of the City. The purpose of the Trust is to address the City's pension obligations by accumulating assets to reduce the net pension liability. FUND TYPE — DEBT SERVICE FUND 310 - FINANCING AUTHORITY, DEBT SERVICE - This fund is used to account for the debt service that will be used for the principal and interest payments of the Financing Authority's outstanding debt and any related reporting requirements. FUND TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS 225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FEE FUND - This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources, provided through developer fees for the acquisition, construction or improvement of the City's infrastructure as defined by Resolution. Capital projects to be funded from this source will be budgeted and expended in a separate Capital Projects Fund. 250 — TRANSPORTATION DIF, 251 - PARK & RECREATION DIF, 252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF, 253 - LIBRARY COMMUNITY CENTER, 254 — COMMUNITY CENTER DIF, 255 - STREET FACILITIY DIF, 256 - PARK FACILITY DIF, 257 - FIRE DIF FUNDS, AND 259 — MAINTENANCE FACILITIES DIF FUND- These funds are used to account for developer impact fees collected for specific public improvements and may not be utilized for ongoing operational expenses. 401 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND — This fund is used to account for the planning, design, and construction of various capital projects throughout the City of La Quinta. FUND TYPE - INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 - FACILITY AND FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND - This fund is used to account for the ultimate replacement of city owned and operated vehicles, heavy equipment, and facilities. 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND - This fund is used to account for the ultimate replacement of city owned and operated computer hardware, software and computer maintenance and operations. 68 CITY OF LA QUINTA FY 2023/24 PROPOSED BUDGET 503 - PARK EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES FUND - This fund is used to account for the replacement of city owned and operated park equipment and facilities. 504 — INSURANCE FUND — This fund is used to account for the city's insurance coverages. FUND TYPE — ENTERPRISE FUNDS 601 - SILVERROCK GOLF COURSE FUND - This account is used to account for the activities of the SilverRock Golf course. 602 - SILVERROCK GOLF COURSE RESERVE FUND - This fund is used to account for golf course reserves for future capital improvements of the SilverRock Golf course. 69 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO.1 City of La Qu i nta FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Members of the Financial Advisory Commission FROM: Claudia Martinez, Finance Director DATE: June 7, 2023 SUBJECT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES In addition to items presented as staff reports, the Finance Department would like to provide updates on the following matters. AUDIT & FINANCIAL REPORTING • Citywide Comprehensive fiscal year 2021/22 Audit — in final review phase COMMITTEE UPDATES • FY 2023/24 General Fund Operating Budget (Commissioners Mast and Way) o The FY 2023/24 budget process is in process by City staff and management. Initial requests and projections have been entered into the financial system and study sessions at public meetings are underway. o The subcommittee has met and discussed the budget process and general fund revenue projections. FAC subcommittee recommendations will be presented to Council at the June 20, 2023 meeting. • 10-Year Projection Task Force (Commissioners Anderson, Batavick, and Dorsey) o Conducted initial meeting on January 20, 2023 o Additional meetings to be scheduled in July after budget adoption • Auditing Services Selection Committee o Review committee will be selected at the August meeting • Financial Statement and Audit training to be scheduled for entire Commission CITY COMMISSIONER SEATS • Available City Commissioner Seats: o Financial Advisory Commission - 2 Seats o Planning Commission -4 Seats o Community Services Commission - 2 Seats o Housing Commission — 1 Seat o Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Trails Management Subcommittee - 1 Seat • All Seats are for a three-year term ending June 30, 2026 • Interviews will be conducted by the City Council/Housing Authority on June 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. It is important to note the items mentioned in this update are in addition to the daily functions of the Finance Department, which include, but are not limited to, staff report writing/review, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, revenue processing, journal entries, capital accounting, project accounting, purchasing, investing, cash/treasury management, bank reconciliations, budgeting, research and analysis, staff training and development, and general financial support for all City departments. HAND OUTS FAC SPECIAL MEETING DUNE 71 2023 BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - HANDOUT 1 DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE - PROVIDED BY STAFF MtAJUKC U KtVtNUtJ ANU UJtJ OUN Fiscal Year (FY) 2016/17 Actual $ 1,462,650 2017/18 Actual 9,967,657 2018/19 Actual 10,958,118 2019/20 Actual 10,310,526 2020/21 Actual 12,594,389 2021/22 Actual 15,615,802 2022/23 Budget (Current) 15,500,000 2023/24 Budget (Proposed) 15,700,000 TOTAL $ 92,109,142 MEASURE G USES Year Reserve Earned Allocation Year Operational Capital Reserves Total by Year 2016/17 Eisenhower Dr. Retention Basin 201704MG 750,000 2016/17 X-Park Funding 151609MG 712,650 - 1,462,650 2017/18 Public Safety Fund 300,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 1,802,576 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 2,407,373 La Quinta Village Road Diet Project 151603MG 1,972,158 2018/19 X-Park Funding 151609MG 147,350 2019/20 Alongi Building Improvements 201806 800,000 2019120 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 321,900 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 244,700 2020121 Alongi Building at SilverRock Event Site 201806 160,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 290,000 2020/21 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 10,000 2020121 SilverRock Event Site Retention Basin 202007MG 427,250 Measure G Reserves 17/18 1,084,350 9,967,657 2018/19 Public Safety Fund 850,000 Public Safety Contract Services 2,100,000 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 151612MG 194,730 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 2,129,613 SilverRock Event Site 201608MG 1,300,000 Measure G Reserves 18119 4,383,775 10,958,118 2019/20 Public Safety Contract Services 2,750,000 Corporate Yard Administration/Crew Quarters 2018056MG 411,013 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 201603MG 3,703,369 Village Art Plaza Promenade 201901MG 310,000 Measure G Reserves 19/20 2,136,144 10,310,526 2020/21 Public Safety Contract Services 4,545,000 X-Park Landscaping 151609MG 275,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 250,000 Measure G Reserves 2020/21 7,524,389 12,594,389 2021/22 Public Safety Contract Services 5,163,000 Landscape Renovation Improvements 201603MG 1,408,356 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Fritz Burns Park Improvements 350,000 Allocate Bridge Funding 111205 7,468,061 Measure G Reserves 2021/22 226,385 15,615,802 2022/23 Public Safety Contract Services 5,100,000 Landscape Renovation Improvements 201603MG 500,000 La Quinta Skate Park Conversion 201903MG 500,000 Sports Complex Lighting 202204MG 250,000 Village Underground Utilities Feasibility 202206MG 100,000 ADA Transition Plan Update 202209MG 150,000 Village Parking Lot 202211MG 500,000 Phase II Public Safety Camera System 202213MG 1,797,000 Smart Infrastructure Feasibility 202213MG 250,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Sports Complex Lighting Additional Funding Approved 1/17/2023 2022-04 50,000 Measure G Reserves 2022/23 5,303,000 15,500,000 2023/24 Public Safety Contract Services 5,100,000 Highway 111 Corridor Improvements 201905MG 1,000,000 Avenue 48 Art and Music Line 202008MG 2,400,000 Fritz Burns Park Improvements 202102MG 1,500,000 Highway 111 Event Site 202304MG 500,000 Washington St. Connector to Art & Music Line 202309MG 1,200,000 Measure G Reserves 2023/24 4,000,000 15,700,000 TOTAL $ 20,808,000 $ 41,543,099 $ 24,658,043 $ 92,109,142 24% 48% 28% POWER POINTS FAC SPECIAL MEETING DUNE 71 2023 Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting 6/7/2023 e7f - i-� 6- CAL - Financial Advisory Commission Special Meeting 6/7/2023 Business Session Item No. 1 Discuss Fiscal Year 2023/24 Preliminary Proposed Budget and Approve Allocation of Measure G Sales Tax Revenue I C 6/7/2023 GENERAL FUND FY 2023/24 ORIGINAL PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY Revenues $ 78,478,100 Less Operating/CIP Expenses (72,439,805) Preliminary Budget Surplus 6,038,295 Less Measure G Reserves (4,000,000) BUDGET SURPLUS $ 2,038,295 CIP- Fritz Burns Park Improvements $ Total Adjustments AMENDED BUDGET SURPLUS $ 4 6/6/2023 2 6/7/2023 Special Funds • Gas Tax Fund • Lighting and Landscape Fund • Finance Authority Fund • Library & Museum Fund • Measure A Fund • Development Impact Fee (DIF) Funds 5 s L Capital Projects Landscape Improvements Developer Reimbursements r $18,850,700 ($500,000) ($400,000) 3 . V40 4 4 t June 14 Housing Commission - iew ot Housing Budget June 20 City Council — Final Budget Adoption The Financial Advisory Commission's Next Regular Meeting is on August 9, 2023 CALIFORNIA