BRP Consulting GroupJune 2, 2023 Proposal to Provide On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services GEM OF THE DESERT BPR CONSULTING GROUP Prepared for: City of La Qu inta Design & Development Dept. Building Division La Quinta, CA Prepared by: BPR Consulting Group 6856 Sundance Trail Riverside, CA 92506 Section 1 Cover Letter Firm Background, Qualifications, Experience I _. tori BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 11 COVER LETTER..............................................................................................1 FirmBackground................................................................................................................3 Firm Qualifications and Experience...................................................................................5 SECTION 2 1 CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AGENCY REFERENCES................................27 SECTION 31 FEE SCHEDULE............................................................................................29 SECTION 41 COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES....................................................................30 SECTION 5 1 STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION...............................................31 SECTION 61 SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES...................................................................39 SECTION71 DISCLOSURES.............................................................................................40 SECTION 8 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .........................41 SECTION 91 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT.....................................................................42 SECTION 10 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA.......................................................43 APPENDIX Resumes r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES June 2, 2023 City of La Quinta Attn: AJ Ortega, Building Official Building Department La Quinta, CA RE: Proposal to Provide On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal in response to the City of La Quinta's RFP for On -Call Building Plan Review and Inspection Services (Building Department). We understand that the City of La Quinta is seeking qualified firms that can provide Building Plan Check Services of plans submitted for residential and/or commercial developments, infrastructure improvements and special projects, as well as building inspectors to provide on-site inspections as needed. The requested services are to be performed on-site at City Hall and at our off-site location. Our proposal provides a detailed overview of the building plan review and inspection services provided by BPR Consulting Group (BPR), as well as an introduction to complementary services such as Building Permit Technician Services, Building Department support services, and other support services which are also available through BPR. We believe BPR is well-equipped to provide the City with the requested services in a professional and customer - focused manner. BPR CONSULTING GROUP LOCAL ADDRESS: 6856 Sundance Trail Riverside, CA 92506 MAIN OFFICE: 2130 Professional Drive, #150 Roseville, CA 95661 PRIMARY CONTACT: Ron Beehler, SE, CBO Principal -in -Charge 916.204.3178 rbeehlerPbpr-grp.com Our Building Safety Division consists of licensed structural, civil, mechanical, electrical and fire protection engineers; Certified Access Specialist (CASp) professionals; ICC -certified building officials, plans examiners, inspectors, and permit technicians; and highly experienced administrative personnel. Our talented staff of Plans Examiners and Building Inspectors are very knowledgeable of the relevant County, State and Federal regulations, City ordinances and the California Building Codes. BPR's staff members have previous experience providing services, similarto those being sought by La Quinta, for the cities of Ontario, Eastvale, Gardena, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Inglewood, Monterey Park, Anaheim, Corona, El Monte, Wildomar, Costa Mesa, Mammoth Lakes, Arroyo Grande, Lemoore, Richmond, Sacramento, Stockton, San Ramon, Milpitas, Vallejo, Elk Grove, Calistoga, Napa, Manteca, and Turlock, to name a few. Our staff of qualified professionals and our expertise allows us to assist you in maintaining service levels during periods of increased workload. Unlike larger national firms, BPR's services are focused on specifically supporting California communities in the delivery of high-quality building department services, tailored to your needs, with the goal of exceeding our clients' expectations by: • Providing all services in a cost-effective, timely manner. • Providing qualified and experienced personnel who have the ability to effectively communicate and explain relevant code requirements. • Providing a high level of customer service for internal and external customers. • Balancing the need to ensure conformance to standards and regulations with the need for predictability, uniformity, and efficiency. Wok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES BPR Consulting Group maintains offices in several locations throughout the state of California. Our main office is located in Roseville. Our office in Riverside, highlighted below, will serve the City of La Quinta. BPR OFFICE LOCATIONS: 6856 Sundance Trail Riverside, CA 92506 2130 Professional Drive, #150 Roseville, CA 95661 316 Tejon Place Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 2201 Francisco Drive, #140-658 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 1027 Central Place Madera, CA 93637 The team proposed to serve the City of La Quinta are all BPR employees, free of any conflict of interest, and appropriately licensed in the State of California or ICC certified. We will not be utilizing any sub -consultants to provide the requested services. Our proposed team of knowledgeable and experienced plans examiners are fully trained and utilize Bluebeam Revu on a daily basis. Our plans examination and inspection staff are well versed and experienced utilizing multiple databases utilized by building departments including Community Square and Tyler Technology. Ron Beehler, SE, CBO will be the primary point of contact and as a principal of BPR Consulting Group, is authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made in our proposal. BPR is prepared to enter immediately into an agreement if selected, and to be available to the City of La Quinta on an as -needed basis. Furthermore, all information and pricing in this proposal shall remain valid for 90 calendar days from the date of submittal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning our qualifications or the services we provide. I can be reached at rbeehler@bpr-grp.com or 916.204.3178. Thank you for taking the time to review our qualifications. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of La Quinta. Sincerely, BPR CONSULTING GROUP Ron Bdehler, SE, CBO Principal / Director of Client Services 1 O_ CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES FIRM BACKGROUND Seamlessly integrating municipal service professionals in support of public agencies is BPR Consulting Group's sole purpose. BPR Consulting Group LLC was founded in 2021 and is wholly owned by three individuals who have worked together for 18 years and collectively possess more than 100 years' experience serving numerous municipalities and public agencies throughout California and Nevada. We have extensive experience in all aspects of buildingsafety, including building official, plan review, inspection, and permit technician services. Our proposed project manager, Mark Berg, MCP has the skills, experience, code knowledge, and possesses the ability to work with the City to identify, analyze, and recommend solutions to any project related issues that may arise. Mark has made the effort to demonstrate his code knowledge by recently obtaining the prestigious International Code Conference Master Code Professional designation. Brief biographies for Mark and our Principal -in -Charge, Ron Beehler, are provided in this section. Full resumes for personnel proposed to provide services to the City of LaQuinta are provided in the Appendix. YEARS IN BUSINESS: The partners have worked together for nearly 20 years providing consulting services to Building Departments and as BPR for 2 years. FIRM OWNERSHIP: California Limited Liability S Corporation, July 1, 2021 TAXPAYERID: #87-1149836 BPR Consulting Group's staff of experienced building safety personnel provide high quality, efficient, and thorough plan review and inspection services for our clients. BPR staff is well -versed in industry standard software. BPR staff currently use Bluebeam Revu, including Studio Sessions, and are adept at logging plan review and inspections status updates using both Community Development by Central Square Technologies and Enterprise Permitting by Tyler Technologies. Local Experience and Knowledge of the City BPR's staff members have multiple years of experience providing services similar to those being requested by the City of La Quinta to multiple nearby communities. Our proposed Project Manager, Mark Berg, MCP, has spent most of his 30 plus year career working within Inland Empire area building departments. All of our proposed plan reviewstaff have worked with multiple local Southern California building departments. We believe this local experience has allowed our staff to grasp and thoroughly understand many of the unique requirements and standards enforced by building departments in the La Quinta area. Additionally, this local experience has allowed our staff to develop professional networks within local building departments that may be utilized as resources in the event of challenging or unique project conditions. We believe this local presence, experience, and knowledge provides a benefit to our clients by allowing our staff to provide services for the City of La Quinta in a manner consistent with those of surrounding communities often supporting the same development community. r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Key Personnel Ron Beehler, SE, CBO PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE Ron is licensed as a Civil and Structural Engineer in California and Nevada, and certified .� by the International Code Council as a Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector. Ron is uniquely qualified to evaluate and manage all building department services. He utilizes experience gained through more than 35 years of hands-on experience performing life safety, accessibility, and structural plan reviews to successfully manage building department plan review services, including building ' rr department plan review services for high-profile projects on behalf of public agencies throughout California. Ron's experience includes establishing and coordinating on-site building department services for large multi -building projects and unique fast paced development projects. His background includes the position of Chief Building Official with the City of Sacramento directing a staff of 120 engineers, plan reviewers and building inspectors, Chief of Engineering Design and Construction for the California National Guard and Senior Structural Engineer with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Ron has served as Chief Building Official for multiple California public agencies including interim assignments. Ron will manage all contract and billing issues and will be the individual authorized to negotiate and execute the Consultant Services Agreement with the City. Years of Experience: 39 Mark Berg, CBO, MCP, ICC PROJECT MANAGER Mark is an ICC Certified Building Official, Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, and Master Code Professional with experience performing life -safety, architectural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire reviews in residential, multi -family and commercial ' projects. Mark has successfully guided department staff in performing inspection and i plan review of all phases of complex construction projects. He is experienced utilizing building department permit tracking software and managing and performing all common building department responsibilities including plan review, multi -discipline inspections, plan review and inspection scheduling, field supervision, regulatory compliance, code Interpretation, and project acceptance. Mark also possesses exceptional skills In complaint resolution, problem solving, damage assessment and team building. Years of Experience: 31 J Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE BPR is eminently qualified with the necessary expertise and resources to provide the requested services, on- site or electronically. After reviewing the City's Proposed Scope of Services from the RFP, we understand the city is requesting the following, at a minimum: SCOPE OF SERVICES Building Plan Check Services: • BPR Plan's Examiners will review residential, commercial and industrial project plans and supporting documentation to verify compliance with the most current city and state building codes and applicable ordinances. • BPR staff will be available to meet with clients in person, virtually, or over the phone to clarify and identify corrections to ensure an efficient and timely plan check process. • BPR Plans Examiners will check all submitted documents including structural calculations, general mathematics and design criteria. • BPR staff will input project data related to plan review information into the permitting software utilized by the City. • BPR Plans Examiners will provide well-written plan review letters, including requests for redesign of any plan elements that do not conform to code requirements, correlate with calculations or that may be potentially unsafe. Building Inspection Services: • BPR Inspectors will, upon request by the City, perform field inspections on various phases of residential, commercial, and industrial building activity to ensure compliance with City and State building codes and applicable ordinances. • BPR Inspectors will document all field conversations connected to the project. • BPR Inspectors will produce corrective measures of field conditions conformingto codes and approved plans. • BPR Inspectors will attend all required meetings as requested by the City. • BPR Inspectors will input inspection results, permit fees and construction information into the City's permitting software. Orientation: • Upon award of a contract, BPR staff will be pleased to meet with City staff to become familiar with the City development plan review and inspection processes. • BPR staff will review our plan review boiler plate correction documents with the City and assist with any questions. • BPR staff will become acquainted with the key issues that the City requires to be addressed during the plan review process. • BPR will establish ongoing operating procedures between City staff and BPR in order to provide efficient, high-quality on-call services to the City. CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES On -Call Services: • Upon notification by the City's permitting software, BPR staff will pick up project documents for review at City Hall. • Upon request from the City, BPR Inspectors will report to City Hall in a timely fashion to receive inspection assignments. • BPR staff will, upon request of the City, meet with City staff to be informed of any unique aspects of the proposed project(s), ensuring that the imperatives of the project are clearly communicated and understood. • BPR's Plan Review staff are available for pre -construction or pre -design meetings, field visits, contacts with the design team, and supportforfield inspection personnel as needed. We understand, fully grasp, and utilize the efficiency afforded by the many electronic meeting platforms that have become available in recent years. We find electronic meeting platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and others allow for efficient and constructive communication between parties located throughout the United States and are an efficient tool for resolution of challenging issues both during plan review and field inspections. Our staff is available to meet with the City, project applicants and their design teams either in person, by telephone, or via electronic platform to resolve plan review issues efficiently and collaboratively. • Upon request by the City, BPR Plans Examiners will perform electronic plan review on the platform as specified by the City. Performance Standards: • BPR will deliver all services requested of us by the City in a professional manner with complete customer satisfaction as the goal. • A schedule of compensation is provided in Section 3 of this proposal. • We understand and agree to provide services within the City -mandated Maximum Time Frames. PLAN REVIEW SERVICES BPR's staff possesses significant technical capabilities in all areas of plans examination competency gained from years of experience providingthese same services. All plans examiners are California Licensed Engineers or ICC Certified Plans Examiners with multiple years of experience providing plan review services. Our staff will conduct accelerated or project -specific, phased, plan reviews on an as -needed basis as requested by clients. BPR's project manager Mark Berg will manage all services provided to the City of La Quinta. Mark will be the main point of contact for the City and will coordinate the plan review services with BPR's plan review manager, Bill Rodgers. Mark will also coordinate inspection and permit technician services for the City. J O- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Our plans examiners have a thorough understanding of code requirements, are able to read, understand and interpret construction documents, energy calculations, geotechnical reports, structural calculations, electrical load calculations, commissioning reports, and other associated design documents. Our plans examination staff have the ability to prepare well-written plan review letters, communicate effectively orally and in writing, and work effectively with jurisdiction staff, project design teams, contractors and permit applicants. Our plans examiners possess knowledge of the most current state adopted building standards. Architectural BPR's non-structural plans examiners have provided plan review services for a vast array of projects including large residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, retail, and OSHPD 2, 3 and 5 medical office buildings. Many of our plans examiners are CASp certified. Completed plan review projects range from single -story, residential projects to complex high-rise buildings and numerous building additions and remodels. We are experienced and familiar with the use and application of the most current editions of the following model codes: • California Building Standards Code (Title 24) Parts 1 through 6 and 9 • International Building Code (IBC) • Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design Structural • ANSI Standards • NFPA Codes & Standards • CA Code of Regulations (CCR) Titles 19 and 25 • Jurisdiction -Adopted Amendments or Ordinances Ourstructural engineers have experience designing and reviewing building projects subjected to the significant seismic loads necessitated by the geographic location of the City of La Quinta. Our structural engineers have reviewed all types of projects including residential, multi -family, commercial, and multi -story projects including mid -rise and high-rise projects, institutional projects, industrial projects, retail buildings, schools, medical office buildings and court facilities. Our structural engineers have experience designing and reviewing projects constructed with all building materials including the following: ■ Wood • Structural Steel ■ Reinforced Masonry • Light Gauge Steel Framing ■ Heavy Timber/Timber Frame / CLT • Straw Bale ■ Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete • Rammed Earth • Stressed Skin Panels • Insulated Concrete Forms, (ICF) Our engineers have designed or reviewed a wide array of structural lateral force resisting systems including: • Structural steel moment frames ■ Buckling -restrained braced frames • Eccentric braced frames • Concentric braced frames ■ Concrete moment frames • Wood shear wall systems • Masonry shear wall systems • Concrete shear wall systems • Cantilevered column systems • Pre -stressed and post -Tensioned Concrete • Various proprietary lateral force resisting systems J O- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Our structural engineers and inspectors are experienced with the provisions of most model codes including current versions of: • CCR Title 24, Part 2, Volumes 2 & 2.5 ■ International Building Code (IBC) ■ AISC 341, 358 and 360 ■ ASCE 7 ■ ASCE 41 • AISI Standards for Cold Formed Steel Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical ■ ANSI /AF&PA NDS for wood framing ■ ACI 318 ■ ACI 530 / TMS 402/602 • CA Historic Building Codes • CA Existing Building Codes ■ NEHRP BPR's Mechanical and Electrical Engineers are well versed in the California Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical codes. We will review submitted design documents to ensure compliance to the current edition of the following codes: ■ California Building Code • California Mechanical Code • California Residential Code • California Electrical Code ■ California Plumbing Code • Jurisdiction -adopted amendments Specialty plan review services may be provided utilizing the most current editions of national standards including the following: ■ International Building Code ■ International Residential Code ■ International Mechanical Code ■ International Plumbing Code ■ NFPA Standards 13 (automatic fire sprinkler systems) Civil and Onsite Grading Plan Review • NFPA Standards 20 (fire pumps) • NFPA Standards 72 (fire alarms) • NFPA Standards 99 (medical gases) • NFPA 101 Life Safety Code • NEHRP Requirements for Existing Building BPR's Civil Engineers provide civil and on-site grading plan review services include the review and processing of final maps, landscape plans, improvement plans, hydrology and hydraulics calculations and plans, and providing plan reviews for final maps, improvement and landscape plans. Review includes evaluation of required reports, studies, grading and improvement plans, and design professional's recommendations; map checking will be overseen by professional engineers, engineering review of grading permit / applications is highly dependent upon the complexity and location of the proposed grading. A single lot entitled commercial grading permit application will be reviewed differently from a hillside lot or subdivision, or a project adjacent to a drainage corridor; soils reports will be evaluated, and confirmation of recommendations will be included on the plans. Boundary conditions will be evaluated to maintain continuity with surrounding properties and maintain existing drainage patterns; Construction erosion control and post construction water quality control will be reviewed for compliance with the storm water quality management permit in affect. CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Fire Code Plan Reviews Our experienced and licensed professional Fire Protection Engineering staff and certified Fire Plans Examiners are properly trained and prepared to address your fire and life safety plan review needs. If requested, our fire safety plan review staff can quickly and accurately check plans for compliance with applicable fire codes and standards. Our fire protection staff routinely review and inspect projects for compliance with CA Fire Code fire and life safety regulations. Our Fire Plans Examiners have extensive experience in the use and application of the following model codes, standards, and regulations: • California Fire Code (CFC) and California Building Code (CBC), with local amendments and regulations. • Adopted National Fire Protection Standards • California Health and Safety Code • Appropriate listings (CSFM, U.L., etc.) for common systems and materials • Fire Department Standards • Municipal, State or Federal regulations enforced by local Fire Agencies • NFPA Standards 13 (automatic fire sprinkler systems • NFPA Standards 14 (standpipes) • NFPA Standards 20 (fire pumps) • NFPA Standards 72 (fire alarms) • NFPA Standards 96 (smoke control) • NFPA 101 Life Safety Code BPR's staff is active with California Fire Prevention Officer's Association, as well as local chapters of International Code Council Building Officials Organizations throughout the State of California. Energy Compliance Our engineers and plans examiners are up to date on all California Energy Code requirements as they relate to both new and remodel construction for all project types. Our staff have experience verifying CA Energy Code requirements for projects located within all climate zones. The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Non -Residential Buildings were established in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption. These standards have been updated since that time to address a multitude of building components, systems and equipment with the goal of having new and updated buildings be more energy efficient, comfortable for building occupants, and less reliant of fossil fuels. Green Building Standards v BPR's staff has a working knowledge of the proper incorporation of 3 CALGreen building criteria into project designs and the resulting 'r: potential impact of these standards related to building code compliance and the environment. Our plans CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES examiners will review project documents to verify compliance with adopted Green Building Code Standards as required by state law and local amendments and ordinances. LEED Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED provides building owners and operators a framework for identifying and implementing measurable green building design methodologies, construction, operations, and building maintenance. LEED certification consists of a variety of rating systems applicable to multiple building types including commercial as well as residential. Ratings reflect a measure of how well a building performs across many sustainability metrics including: energysavings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, indoor environmental quality, energy usage and the projects impact on the local environment. Access Compliance & CASp Review All BPR CASp-certified professionals are knowledgeable of state and federal accessibility laws and regulations and possess the expertise necessary to promote access to facilities for persons with disabilities. Our staff are experts in the industry, maintaining appropriate certifications demonstrating their expertise, and are experienced providing services for building departments in a seamless manner balanced and in coordination with our client's expectations and needs. We work collaboratively with our clients to address accessibility plan review and inspection related issues as efficiently as possible. Our plans examiners are fully trained and familiar with CA Building Code Accessibility requirements and ADA compliance requirements and are available for plan review and/or inspection services. We offer support to municipalities for compliance enforcement and/or developing transition plans. We can assist our clients in researching and providing interpretations of various specific issues related to access compliance including access compliance obligation, transition plan development, construction costs and phasing, and regulation interpretations. Flood Zones BPR's staff of engineers and plans examiners have experience in providing plan reviews for projects located in FEMA designated flood zones and areas prone to flooding. BPR Consulting Group's staff has provided numerous plan reviews for projects located in flood zones using FEMA's Technical Bulletins as well as locally adopted ordinances. Additionally, members of our team have participated in state-sponsored committees to establish guideline and building code requirements for projects planned in areas designated as flood zones. OSHPD 2,3&5 BPR Consulting Group's staff of plans examiners and building inspectors have extensive experience providing plan review and inspection services for OSHPD 2, 3 and 5 projects. Our staff is well versed with the OSHPD 2, 3 and 5 requirements included in the California Building Code. Our inspection staff has recent experience CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES providing inspection services for hemodialysis, outpatient surgery, hyperbolic chamber, medical clinics and acute psychiatric facilities. Customer Service I Responsiveness BPR's staff is always available and willing to discuss plan review issues for projects that we have reviewed with Building Division staff, applicants, designers and contractors via in-person or electronic meetings, telephone, or e-mail as required to resolve plan review related issues. We maintain Microsoft Teams, Zoom and GoToMeeting accounts to foster efficient communication with project proponents regardless of their physical location. Voice mails and e-mails will be responded to the same day they are received, if possible, always within 24 hours. Kill - W0J BPR's staff, when not available immediately, will respond within one business day to questions from the Building Official or inspection staff which may be generated during field inspections of projects which were reviewed by BPR staff. Transporting Plans For paper submittal documents, we will arrange for all pick-up and delivery of the plan review documents from your office at no additional cost. We utilize specific methods for project document pick-up and delivery with the goal of providing same-day service. Communicating Plan Review Results Plan review comments, when necessary, will be type written and referto specific details, drawing orsupporting document, and reference applicable code sections. BPR will provide a clear, concise, and thorough plan review letter itemized by specific discipline such as lifesafety, accessibility, structural, plumbing, mechanical, etc., that can be utilized by clients, designers, contractors, and owners to understand the noted deficiencies and make necessary corrections to the project documents. At the completion of each plan review cycle, BPR Consulting Group will return a copy of the plan review comment listto the designated applicant and project representative. If requested, we will coordinate plan review re -checks directly with the designated project applicant. Upon completion of the plan review process, we will return completed plan review documents, in either hard copy or electronic format as needed, bearing BPR's plan review stamps and ready forfinal approval and permit issuance by the jurisdiction. Standard Plan Review Completion Timeframes We complete all plan reviews within the timeframes specified in the table below for both commercial and residential projects as our standard business practice. We will accommodate any turnaround schedule agreed to with our clients. We can provide expedited plan review services when requested. Expedited plan reviews will be completed in half the maximum turnaround times specified in the table on the following page. CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES We understand that specified plan review turn -around times are from the day we receive notice that the plan review is available to the day we return plan review comments or approved plan review documents to the City. BPR will track turn -around times and the number of submittals required to obtain approval for all assigned plan review projects. This data will be delivered to the City upon request. Project Type Maximum Turnaround Times (Working Days) Initial Submittal Backcheck Reviews Residential New Construction 10 5 (Single Addition 10 5 Family) Remodel 10 5 New Construction 10 5 Non Addition 10 5 - Residential Remodel, Tenant Improvement 10 5 Large, Complex Commercial or Residential Multi -Family Projects 12 7 Electronic Plan Review Services BPR Consulting Group maintains an efficient cloud -based electronic document submittal system for receiving and sending large electronic document files. Our electronic document portal utilizes a SharePoint system to allow permit applicants and client staff the ability to upload construction documents for our plan review services. BPR Consulting Group has provided electronic plan review services, serving building departments and other public agencies with efficient electronic plan review services. We are prepared to provide electronic plan check services for your community utilizing our Bluebeam electronic plan review system, or any electronic plan review system presently used by your department. We have had the opportunity to work with many different electronic plan review systems and our preferred system is Bluebeam, an industry-leading software used by manyjurisdictions, design teams and contractors to review and annotate construction documents. We have worked with multiple clients to purchase and deploy Bluebeam software, develop jurisdiction -specific stamps, develop tools to increase efficiencies for electronic plan reviews, and participate and provide ongoing training on the use of the software. BPR maintains an electronic library of technical resource documents which include numerous technical standards and technical guidelines published by organizations such as AISI, RISC, ASCE, ACI, ASME, ASTM, AWC, CalDag, FEMA, SEAOC and SSMA to name a few, as well as the California Title 24 Building Standards Codes. All of our plan review and inspection staff are issued laptop computers and have access to our technical library via the cloud -based One -Drive which we work from. In addition, all plan review staff are supplied with hard copies of the current editions of the California Building Standards Codes and other codes and reference material required to provide plan reviews. Our engineering staff maintain a working knowledge and utilize ETABS, Ram Steel, RISA, Enercalc, and other common structural software used for building design. Our nonstructural plans examiners are experienced and utilize various energy compliance software as needed to verify accuracy and compliance of submitted energy compliance documentation. J O- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Ability to draw upon multi -disciplinary staff As a full-service building department consulting company, BPR Consulting Group maintains full-time staff with the experience, aptitude and qualifications to perform all aspects of the building department services the City is requesting. Oursignificant depth of staff resources allows BPRthe abilityto address our clients' needs quickly and seamlessly providing one or multiple professionals as needed to meet the staffing requirements. At BPR, our primary focus is to provide high quality building services in support of public agency building departments. Our plan review staff work in a collaborative manner to share information and experience to provide thorough and consistent plan reviews. We understand our role in the development process and take our work and commitment to our clients seriously. PLAN REVIEW EXPERIENCE The following is a small sampling of projects for which BPR's staff have provided plan review services. CITY OF GARDENA Crenshaw 5 -Story Apartment Complex BPR's staff provided complete building department plan review services for this new 5 -story, 203,055 SF apartment complex which sits atop a 3 -story podium. The mixed-use podium structure is Type I -A construction and fully fire sprinklered and the apartment units above the podium are Type III -A construction and are also fully fire sprinklered. This is the first use of podium style construction within the City of Gardena. Project Dates: 2022. Industrial Warehouse with MEPS BPR's staff provided building department services for The OMP Gardena Industrial Center project consisting of a new 190,860 S.F., one story office warehouse building and warehouse, along with associated site improvements. The proposed building will be of Type IIIB Constructions with Groups S-1 and B Occupancies and will be fully fire sprinklered. Site improvements include landscaping, parking lots with accessible parking and paths of travel, signage, retaining walls, concrete ramps, exterior stairs, accessible curb ramps, trash enclosures, screen walls and detention pond. Project Dates: 2022. r Ok [A s CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Senior and Aquatics Center BPR's staff provided The City of Gardena a Senior and Aquatics Center Building which consists of a two-story building for the senior center and a single -story pool -- equipment building. As part of this project, there will be a new pool structure building for the community. The ro osed buildings will be of Type VB Construction with p P g Yp Groups A-3, B and S-1 Occupancies and will be fully fire �� v sprinklered. Site improvements include landscaping, parking lots with accessible parking and paths of travel, signage, BBQ and picnic area, trash enclosure and perimeter fencing. Project Dates: 2023. CITY OF ONTARIO New Fire Station Building BPR Consulting Group provided complete building department plan review services for a new Fire Station Building in the City of Ontario. This mixed occupancy building included Occupancy Type B (4,432 S.F.), Type S-2 (14,112 S.F.), and Type R-2 (9,291 S.F.) for a total area of 27,835 square feet. This two-story, sprinklered building utilized Type V -B Construction and included staff living quarters, office functions and apparatus bays. Project Dates: 2022. Raising Cane Restaurant BPR Consulting Group provided complete building department plan review services for this new fast service restaurant located in the City of Ontario. This fully fire sprinklered 3,449 S.F. building is Occupancy Group A-2 with Type V -B Construction. This fully accessible building included exterior site improvements, a dining area, sales counter, restrooms, storage areas, and commercial kitchen with grease hood, fire suppression system, and make up air units. Project Dates: 2023 New Multi Family Complex BPR Consulting Group provided complete building department plan review services forthis new 48 -unit multi -family apartment complex located in the City of Ontario. This project consisted of four two- story, sprinklered buildings with stucco exteriors and concrete tile roofing. The buildings structural systems utilized platform framing with prefabricated roof and floor trusses, panelized horizontal floor and roof diaphragms, with wood shear walls. The buildings were of Occupancy Group R2 and utilized Type V -B Construction with a total area of 12,690 S.F per building. Project Dates: 2022. It Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Emporia Place BPR Consulting Group provided complete building department plan review services for phase one of this new multi -phased residential complex. Phase one included the construction of two, three-level, residential buildings of Occupancy Group R-2 and one community building of Occupancy Group A-3. The new three-level residential buildings utilized Type V-A Construction and were fully fire sprinklered with a total building area of 58,698 S.F. The 1,921 S.F. Community Building utilized Type V -B Construction. The building's structural systems utilized platform framing with prefabricated roof and floor trusses, panelized horizontal floor and roof diaphragms, with wood shear walls. All buildings included stucco exteriors with lap siding accents and concrete tile roofing. h Project Dates: 2032. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Walmart Remodel BPR Consulting Group provided complete building department plan review services of the remodel of a 125,440 S.F. Walmart Store. The project is Type IIB Construction with Occupancy Groups M, B and R and is fully fire sprinklered. The remodel consisted of new exterior signage, upgraded interior finishes, installation of new racks and fixtures in both the stock room and on the sales floor, remodel and upgrade of existing restrooms, a new modular kitchen, installation of new coolers, installing new doors in the existing walls and upgrading the accessibility features on the site which included new truncated domes, restriping ADA parking and paths of travel and adding ADA signage. Project Dates: 2022. Modelhom Furniture + Design BPR staff members provided complete plan review services for this 4,000-sf commercial tenant improvement. This remodel included adding new metal siding and roofing, new windows and doors as well as new signage. There were upgrades to the exterior wall studs and insulation, attic space insulation, and interior drywall. There was also the addition to a 728-sf mezzanine. The project included a bathroom remodel to accommodate handicapped requirements and revised lighting. Exterior improvements included parking lot re -striping and the widening of walkways. Project Dates: 2022. J O- model hom furniture + design -qIj 0 Q� L CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES CITY OF MONTEREY PARK Costco Warehouse & Fuel Station BPR's staff provided building department plan review services on behalf of the City of Monterey Park for the new Costco Warehouse and Fuel Station project. Plan review services included plan review of the non-structural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, green and energy efficiency improvements associated with the project. The 154,974 SF tilt -up warehouse building utilized Type V -B Construction. The fueling station utilized Type ll -B Construction. The building was classified as a Group M Occupancy. Project Dates: 2021 Pacific Plaza Mixed -Use Hotel and Condominium BPR's staff members provided complete building plan review services for the Pacific Plaza Monterey Park project which was designed as a mixed-use project to include Hotel, Condominium and Restaurant uses. The project includes 398,792 SF within five levels above two levels of underground parking. The project utilized Construction Type I -A at the two lower parking levels and Construction Type III -A above the 2nd level. The building includes Occupancy Groups A-2, A-3, M, B and S-2. Project Dates: 2021 CITY OF COSTA MESA Orange County Museum of Arts BPR's staff members provided plan review services for this two- level state-of-the-art museum housed is within an ultra -modern 52,000 SF building which emulates the art treasures the building was designed to showcase. The building boasts over 25,000 SF dedicated to exhibitions of modern art with the remainder of the building area dedicated to art displays and supporting function uses. A 10,000 SF portion of the interior space was designed to accommodate multipurpose, education and performance uses. The projects design includes a rooftop terrace to accommodate up to 1,000 people for special events and outdoor displays. Project Dates: 2020. r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF CALIFORNIA BPR principals have been responsible for contracting for and providing plan review services to the Judicial Council ofCalifornia on numerous new Courthouse Projects and Court Facility Modification projects throughout California since 2008. Following is a representative sample of projects: Indio Courthouse BPR principals provided civil, structural, MEP, energy compliance, CTCFS, and CALGreen compliance plan review and on this new 3 - story, 53,000 SF building. This building will provide five new courtrooms. Project Dates: 2021. El Centro Courthouse BPR principals provided civil, structural, MEP, energy compliance, CTCFS, and CALGreen compliance plan review on this new 3 -story, 47,000 SF building. This building will provide four new courtrooms. Project Dates: 2021. r Ok Y CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES BPR maintains the staffing and ability to provide experienced and qualified building inspectors who are appropriately ICC -certified to provide requested inspection services. Our inspection staff will perform inspection services to verify that the work of construction is in conformance with the approved project plans as well as identifying issues of non-compliance with applicable building codes. Our field inspection services will include inspection of all portions of projects including project sites as applicable. Our building inspectors will write legible and understandable correction notices, field reports and will be available to answer in-person, emailed, ortelephone inquiries. All inspection personnel assigned will be ICC and/or CASp certified as required. We understand that many municipalities have amended code sections, policies and ordinances that impact the work that is inspected and shown on approved project plans. Our inspection staff will familiarize themselves with local requirements to ensure that the projects we are inspecting are compliant with local and current code requirements. Specifically, our inspectors will ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of the Title 24 California Building Standards Code, Parts 1 through 12, covering structural, fire prevention, life safety, disabled access, energy conservation, green building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical installations in residential, commercial, industrial, existing and historical buildings. BPR's ICC/CASp certified inspectors have performed building inspection services on a wide variety of construction projects including master planned developments, single-family production, custom homes, commercial, manufacturing, institutional, assembly, essential service, industrial projects and historically designated buildings. When necessary for large or fast -paced projects, multiple inspectors can be made available. BPR's inspectors will inspect projects to verify conformance with approved project drawings and specifications which will include review of the permit documents to verify that onsite conditions are consistent with the approved documents for size, setbacks, heights and other applicable requirements. At the completion of inspections, BPR's inspectors will update database information and complete necessary forms and documents as required to provide seamless service. Inspector Qualifications & Certifications BPR will work with the City of La Quinta to select appropriately qualified inspectors with applicable experience and specific code knowledge based on the types of projects assigned for inspection. All BPR inspectors are ICC - certified, with many maintaining CASp certification. In addition, BPR employs OSHPD certified inspectors available for inspection of OSHPD designated facilities. Qualified inspectors having experience with inspection of new, existing and historical buildings/sites, building code enforcement, and building inspections for projects with steep slope grading requirements, will be assigned as appropriate. Inspection personnel will have the ability to read, understand and interpret construction plans, truss drawings and calculations, prepare and maintain accurate records and reports, communicate effectively orally and in I A96 ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES writing and to work effectively with contractors, permit applicants, homeowners and agency staff. Inspectors will possess knowledge of approved and modern methods, materials, tools and safety used in building inspection and the most current building and fire standards. Our inspectors are familiar with most of the common scheduling and tracking systems utilized by building departments and can quickly adapt to your systems and requirements. BUILDING INSPECTION EXPERIENCE Belowyou will find a small samplingof clientsforwhich BPR's staff have provided building department support services including the requested Building Inspection services. CITY OF GARDENA BPR provides Building Official, plan review, building inspector, and permit technician, services for the City of Gardena. BPR implemented building inspection services to eliminate a three-week inspection backlog. We added inspection staff to eliminate the inspection backlog then reduced staff to a level necessary to meet daily inspection service requirements. We provide all plan review services to support the building department. We also provide on-site and remote permit technician services. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BPR staff provides Building Official, plan review, building inspector, and permit technician services to the City of Arroyo Grande. BPR addresses all inspection needs for the community utilizing the services of appropriately qualified and certified inspection staff. Through BPR's inspection services, the City is able to maintain next -day inspections for all ongoing construction projects. We also provide plan review for all submitted projects including residential fire sprinkler plan review and inspection services in addition to remote permit technician services using highly qualified, ICC Certified and customer focused staff. CITY OF ONTARIO BPR staff provides plan review, building inspection and permit technician services to the City. BPR provides services for the community utilizing the services of appropriately qualified and certified plan review and permit technician inspection staff. Through BPR's services, the City is able to maintain efficient services for all ongoing construction projects. CITY OF CHINO HILLS BPR recently worked with the city to provide experienced and qualified inspector staff to support the City's building department inspection needs. CALIFORNIA CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY The California Construction Authority serves as the building department for fairgrounds throughout California. BPR's Staff provides plan review and building inspector services on behalf of the California Construction Authority for fairgrounds throughout Southern CA insuring safe buildings and facilities. Projects include multiple assembly occupancies, entertainment venues, agricultural facilities, tenant improvements with extensive electrical and accessibility upgrades, and remodel projects for many existing facilities located throughout Southern California and the Inland Empire. J O- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES CITY OF POMONA BPR staff provides permit technician and permit technician training services to the City. BPR provides services for the community utilizing appropriately qualified and certified permit technician staff. Through BPR's services, the City is able to maintain efficient services for all ongoing permit center needs. LICENSING AND CERTIFICATIONS Below you will find the extensive licenses and certifications that our proposed staff hold. Ron Beehler, SE, CBO, ICC I CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE39404 12/31/2023 Principal -in -Charge CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE3632 12/31/2023 NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE019992 12/31/2024 NV Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE019992 12/31/2024 CABO Certified Building Official 1492 --- ICC Certified Building Official 801789 05/11/2024 ICC Building Code Specialist 801789 05/11/2024 ICC Building Plans Examiner 801789 05/11/2024 ICC Building Inspector 801789 05/11/2024 Mark Berg, ICC ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner 859362 12/11/2025 Project Manager ICC Building Code Official 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Master Code ICC Building Code Specialist 859362 07/14/2024 Professional ICC Building Inspector 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Building Plans Examiner 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Certified Building Official 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Certified Fire Code Official 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Certified Fire Marshal 859362 10/28/2024 ICC Combination Dwelling Inspector- Uniform Codes 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Electrical Inspector 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Fire Code Specialist 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Fire Codes and Standards 859362 04/27/2023 ICC Fire Inspector 1 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Fire Inspector 11 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Fire Plans Examiner 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Master Code Professional 859362 10/05/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Permit Specialist 859362 10/03/2024 ICC Permit Technician 859362 10/02/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Residential Combination Inspector 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner 859362 07/14/2024 ICC Residential Plans Examiner 859362 04/08/2024 Bill Rodgers, SE CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE4198 09/30/2023 Plan Review Manager CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE50673 09/30/2023 Sr. Structural Engineer NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE18427 12/31/2023 Structural Plan Review NV Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE18427 12/31/2023 CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Roger Peterson, SE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE46096 12/31/2024 Project Manager CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE3846 12/31/2024 Sr. Structural Engineer ID Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE8225 06/30/2024 Structural Plan Review ID Registered Professional Structural Engineer SE8225 06/30/2024 Elena Hartsough, SE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE67675 06/30/2025 Structural Engineer CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer S5538 Structural Plan Review Joseph Leonard, PE, SE CA Registered Structural Engineer SE5880 12/31/2024 Structural Engineer CA Registered Civil Engineer CE73026 12/31/2024 Structural Plan Review Kyle Hansen, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE91071 03/31/2024 Civil Engineer Structural Plan Review Chandra Desai, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE47213 12/31/2023 Civil Engineer Structural Plan Review Peter Simonsen, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CE92616 09/30/2023 Civil Engineer Structural Plan Review Denise Reese, CBO, ICC ICC CALGreen Inspector 8096275 04/23/2025 Non -Structural Plan Review ICC California Building Plans Examiner 8096275 04/23/2025 ICC Permit Technician 8096275 04/23/2025 ICC Certified Building Official 8096275 04/23/2025 ICC Permit Specialist 8096275 04/23/2025 David Castillo, ME/FPE CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer ME31455 12/31/2024 Mechanical, Plumbing and CA Registered Fire Protection Engineer FP2013 03/31/2026 Fire Plan Review Tom Trimberger, ME, ICC CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer 26359 06/30/2025 Mechanical, Plumbing and ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 866408 05/16/2025 Electrical Plan Review ICC Building Plans Examiner 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Mechanical Plans Examiner 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Plumbing Inspector 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Mechanical Inspector 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Mechanical Code Official 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Certified Building Official 866408 12/20/2025 ICC Plumbing Code Official 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Plumbing Code Specialist 866408 05/16/2025 ICC Mechanical Code Specialist 866408 05/16/2025 Jerry Schreiber, EE, ICC CA Registered Professional Electrical Engineer EE12290 09/30/2024 Electrical Engineer HI Registered Professional Electrical Engineer EE13259 n/a Electrical Plan Review ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC CA Commercial Mechanical Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC CA Commercial Plumbing Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 It Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES r Ok ICC CA Residential Mechanical Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC CA Residential Plumbing Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC Commercial Building Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector 879275 07/27/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 879275 07/27/2024 Jingpei Zhang, EE, ICC CA Registered Professional Electrical Engineer EE16243 12/31/2024 Electrical Engineer NCCER HVAC Level IV Certification Electrical Plan Review NCCER Plumbing Level IV Certification NCCER Building Maintenance Level III Certification NCCER Carpentry Level IV Certification NCCER Solar Photovoltaic Level I Certification NCCER Wind Power Level I Certification NCCER Green Technology Level I Certification NCCER Weatherization Technician Level I Certification Rick Maddox, ICC ICC Building Inspector 848507 12/31/2024 Electrical ICC Combination Inspector 848507 12/31/2024 Plan Review ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Electrical Inspector 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 848507 12/31/2024 ICC Master Electrician (NV) 000-001221 --- ATC 20 Post Disaster Training Kevin Brenton, ICC ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 Non -Structural Plan Review ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 & Building Inspector ICC Commercial Building Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Residential Building Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Commercial Electrical Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Residential Electrical Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Commercial Mechanical Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Building Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Electrical Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Commercial Combination Inspector 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Building Plans Examiner 8259529 12/23/2024 ICC Management Module 8259529 10/10/2023 ICC Certified Building Official 8259529 04/11/2025 ICC Building Code Specialist 8259529 04/11/2025 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) CASp-964 08/04/2024 Licensed General Contractor B-88891 Journeyman Electrician, 2002 Sharon Vanderpool, ICC ICC Building Plans Examiner 8789037 07/03/2025 Fire& Life Safety Plan ICC Residential Plans Examiner 8789037 07/03/2025 Review ICC Residential Building Inspector 8789037 07/03/2025 ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner 8789037 07/03/2025 r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Nathan Saracino, ICC ICC Residential Plans Examiner 9518768 10/26/2026 Non -Structural Plan Review ICC Residential Building Inspector 9518768 03/26/2026 ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector 9518768 08/18/2023 ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector 9518768 10/15/2023 ICC Residential Electrical Inspector 9518768 12/02/2024 ICC Residential Combination Inspector 9518768 12/03/2024 CA General Contractor, Class B B881390 Andrew Burke, CASp, ICC Certified Access Specialist CASA -710 08/12/2025 Certified Access Specialist ICC Building Plans Examiner 8250398 01/07/2025 Fire& Life Safety Plan ICC Residential Plans Examiner 8250398 01/07/2025 Review ICC Commercial Building Inspector 8250398 01/07/2025 ICC Residential Combination Inspector 8250398 01/07/2025 ICC Permit Technician 8250398 01/07/2025 Rick Mauldin, CASp, ICC Commercial Mechanical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Certified Access Specialist Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Non -Structural Plan Review Residential Mechanical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Commercial Electrical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Commercial Plumbing Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Residential Electrical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Building Plans Examiner 1064528 07/14/2024 California Commercial Building Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Electrical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner 1064528 07/14/2024 California Commercial Plumbing Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Residential Electrical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Commercial Building Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Mechanical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Residential Building Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Residential Plumbing Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Plumbing Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Commercial Mechanical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Residential Plumbing Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Building Plans Examiner 1064528 07/14/2024 California Residential Mechanical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Building Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Residential Building Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Commercial Electrical Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Commercial Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 California Residential Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Residential Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Commercial Combination Inspector 1064528 07/14/2024 Tim Scott, CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 5087217 07/13/2024 Non -Structural Plan Review ICC Building Code Specialist B8 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Building Plans Examiner 16 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Combination Inspector J5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Inspector J1 5087217 07/13/2024 r l► CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES r Ok ICC California Residential Electrical Inspector J2 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Plumbing Inspector J3 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Mechanical Inspector J4 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Building Inspector 11 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Plumbing Inspector 13 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Mechanical Inspector 14 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Accessibility Inspector/ Plans Examiner 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector P5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Inspector B5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Inspector UBC 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector M5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Plans Examiner B3 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 5087217 07/13/2024 Don Ctibor, PE, QSD CA Registered Professional Engineer 76392 12/31/2024 Professional Engineer CA Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) 24244 ERA RRP Certification (NAT -F115845 & R139176) General Engineering Contractor 744754 General Building Contractor 744754 DSA Engineer of Record Dan Garcia, PE, REA, CPP CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer 45710 12/31/2024 Civil Site and Grading Plan Review Mark Meyers, CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 8005399 04/21/2024 Plans Examiner ICC Building Code Specialist 8005399 04/21/2024 Building Inspector ICC Plumbing Code UPC 8005399 04/21/2024 ICC Building Inspection 8005399 04/21/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspection 8005399 04/21/2024 ICC Plans Examiner 8005399 04/21/2024 Rick Walters, CASp, LEED, Certified Access Specialist CASp-439 08/02/2024 CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 1061008 01/29/2026 Certified Access Specialist ICC Building Code Official 1061008 01/29/2026 Building Official ICC Building Code Specialist 1061008 01/29/2026 Plan Review ICC Combination Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 Inspection ICC CA Residential Plumbing Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Mechanical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Residential Mechanical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Combination Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Residential Electrical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Commercial Plumbing Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Building Plans Examiner 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Electrical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Building Plans Examiner 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy 1061008 01/29/2026 r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES r Ok ICC Plumbing Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Commercial Electrical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Commercial Mechanical Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Residential Building Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Building Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Commercial Combination Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC CA Residential Combination Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 ICC Commercial Combination Inspector 1061008 01/29/2026 CA LEED Certified LEED AP BD+C 10436985 --- IAPMO Certified Plumbing Inspector 030666 --- IAPMO Certified Mechanical Inspector 090146 --- GabrielArgueta, ICC, ICC Commercial Building Inspector 5039994 05/22/2025 CASp ICC Plumbing Inspector 5039994 05/22/2025 Inspections Certified Access Specialist CASp-126 Licensed Building Contractor 430345 Tim Scott, CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 5087217 07/13/2024 Building Official ICC Building Code Specialist B8 5087217 07/13/2024 Plans Examiner ICC California Building Plans Examiner 16 5087217 07/13/2024 Building Inspector ICC California Residential Combination Inspector J5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Inspector JI 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Electrical Inspector J2 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Plumbing Inspector J3 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Residential Mechanical Inspector J4 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Building Inspector 11 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Plumbing Inspector 13 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC California Commercial Mechanical Inspector 14 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Accessibility Inspector/ Plans Examiner 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector P5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Inspector B5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Inspector UBC 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector M5 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Building Plans Examiner B3 5087217 07/13/2024 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 5087217 07/13/2024 Isidoro Zapien, ICC ICC Commercial Building Inspector 5003730 09/27/2024 Inspections ICC Reinforced Concrete Special Inspection 5003730 09/01/2023 Civil Site and Grading Plan ICC Spray Applied Fire Proofing Special Inspector 5003730 09/01/2023 Review ICC Structural Welding Special Inspector 5003730 09/01/2023 ICC Structural Masonry Special Inspector 5003730 09/01/2023 ICC Structural Steel & Bolting Special Inspector 5003730 09/01/2023 AWS Associate Certified Welding Inspector 01110444 --- ACI Concrete Field -Testing Technician Grade 1 030005 --- Nuclear Density Testing Gauge Certified 12495 --- Landon Collins, ICC ICC Commercial Building Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 Building Inspector ICC Residential Building Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 ICC Building Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 r Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES r Ok ICC Residential Electrical Inspector 8984654 I 05/01/2027 ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 ICC Residential Combination Inspector 8984654 05/01/2027 ICC Residential Plans Examiner 8984654 05/01/2027 Christian Cieslewicz, ICC ICC Building Inspector 5211393 7/30/2025 Building Inspector ICC Plumbing Inspector 5211393 7/30/2025 ICC Mechanical Inspector 5211393 7/30/2025 FEMA Certified Disaster Housing Inspector/Parr Inspections ASHI Certified Home Inspector PC 832 Certification POST Control Candido Tapia, ICC Commercial Building Inspector 10072094 12/07/2024 Building Inspector Residential Building Inspector 03/05/2025 Building Inspector 03/05/2025 Residential Electrical Inspector 01/16/2026 r Ok Section 2 References BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 2: CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT AGENCY REFERENCES Over the past 18 years, BPR's Principals have worked diligently to develop a reputation within California for providing top quality, timely, and efficient building safety services in a professional, courteous manner, always working in our clients' best interests by honoring our commitment to provide timely, superior services. We believe our best advertisements are references from current and previous clients and we encourage you to contact our client references. As requested in the RFP, below are client references from California agencies where we have provided similar services to those requested by the City of La Quinta: City of Ontario James Caro, Building Official 303 E. B Street, Ontario, CA 91764 Ph: 909.395.2172 Email: JCaro@ontarioca.gov Services Provided: CI'.Y OF ONTARIO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BPR Consulting Group provides building department services for the City of Ontario under contract including plan review, building inspection and permit technician services. Types of projects reviewed and inspected include residential, commercial and retail projects. City of Gardena Greg Tsujiuchi, Community Development Director 1700 West 162nd Street, Gardena, CA 90247 Ph: 310.217.9526,y w'k. Email: GTsujiuchi(@cityofgardena.org Services Provided: Building Official, in-house and out -sourced Plan Review, building inspection and permit technician services. BPR presently provides mostof the city's building department services under contract. All new buildings and major tenant improvements and remodel projects are reviewed in our offices in electronic format utilizing Bluebeam. The majority of the daily requested building inspections are performed by BPR's inspection staff. Our permit technicians accurately track all permit applications, calculate permit fees and issue building permits. City of Arroyo Grande Bill Robeson, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director CITY OF 1375 Ash Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420 00_=MZ2q Ph: 805.473.5466 Email: brobeson(@arroyogrande.org Services Provided: • BPR Consulting Group provides all building department services for the City under contract including building official, out -sourced plan review, building inspection and permit technician services. Types of projects reviewed and inspected include residential, commercial and retail projects. 1o- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES County of Madera Matthew Treber, Chief of Development Services E R A 200 W. 4t" Street, Suite 3100, Madera, CA 93637 ti 4601 Ph: 559.675.7821.� >1 Email: matthew.treber@maderacounty.com rj� Services Provided: ii C p • BPR Consulting group presently provides building official, out -sourced plan review, building inspection and permit technician services on behalf of the County's building department. Types of projects plan reviewed and inspected include residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and retail projects. Section 3 FEE SCHEDULE BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 3: FEE SCHEDULE PLAN REVIEW SERVICES: For complete plan review services for building projects reviewed in either hard copy or electronic format we propose a fee equal to 75% of the plan review fees based on the City's adopted fee schedule. Plan review services will include an initial first review and one back check review of the project documents. Any additional plan review services required beyond the second review will be billed at our hourly rates listed within the Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates shown below. Expedited plan checks will be billed at 150% of the standard rate. For review of revisions to approved plans, review of deferred submittal items and similar reviews, we propose to provide these services on an hourly basis using the rates listed in our Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates shown below. For partial reviews such as foundation only, structural only, life safety only, preliminary reviews, or others, we propose to negotiate a mutually agreeable fixed fee based on the specific services requested or provide services on an hourly basis using the rates listed in our Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates shown below. There is no charge for shipping, supply, or material costs. INSPECTION SERVICES AND PERMIT TECHNICIAN SERVICES: Inspection services and permit technician services, when requested, can be provided at the hourly rates listed in our Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates below. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES The rates displayed in the schedule below reflect BPR's current hourly billing rates. CLASSIFICATION HOURLY BILLING RATE Licensed Plan Review Engineer (structural, civil, electrical, mechanical).....................................$135 BuildingOfficial..................................................................................................................................135 ICC Certified Plans Examiner.............................................................................................................110 CASP Certified Plans Examiner..........................................................................................................110 ICC Certified Inspector.............................................................................................................90 to 110 Fire Protection Engineer....................................................................................................................135 ICCFire Plans Examiner.....................................................................................................................110 ICCFire Inspector...............................................................................................................................115 PermitTechnician............................................................................................................................... 70 Permit Technician Trainee/ Building Department Support Staff.......................................................50 ■ Shipping: There is no charge for courier or shipping services for plan reviews conducted off site. ■ Overtime: Inspection services and other hourly services provided in the City's office in excess of eight hours per day, nights, and weekends will be charged at 140% of the billing rates indicated above. ■ Expedited Plan Reviews: Expedited plan reviews can be provided upon request. Fees for expedited plan review services will be 150% of the above noted rates. ■ Mileage: Vehicle mileage utilized in the performance of inspection services will be billed at the current IRS vehicle mileage rate. ■ Minimum Daily Charge: There will be a minimum 8 -hour daily charge for all on-site plan review, inspection, permit technician and support services provided within City offices. Section 4 COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES r 'Jaw. Abl. l BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 4: COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES AND FEES Our Building Safety Division consists of the following: California licensed structural, civil, mechanical, electrical and fire protection engineers; Master Code Professionals, Certified Access Specialist (CASp) professionals; ICC - certified building officials, building and fire plans examiners, building and fire inspectors, permit technicians, and highly experienced administrative personnel. In addition to Plan Review and Building Inspection Services, BPR will be pleased to provide the following complementary services if requested: • Interim Building Official services • Permit Technician Services • Building Department Support Staff • Phase Plan Review for Major Projects • Annual permit inspections • MWELO review and inspection • Fire Prevention Plan Review & Inspection Services • Capital Improvement Plan Review & Management Fees for these services are included in our Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates provided in Section 3 of this proposal. r O- Section 5 STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 5: STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION Our team has a proven track record of providing efficient and predictable building department services while meeting or exceeding client expectations. Our key objectives in providing these services to the City of La Quinta are as follows: • To provide timely and responsive plan review and building inspection services. We work to provide your community with efficient and timely building department services including clear communication of plan review and inspection results and provide clear and concise information directly to your clients. We will work with you to tailor our services to align with your community's unique and specific needs. • To share ourwealth of code knowledge and building industry experience. Our staff maintains a detailed understanding of the basis utilized in the development of the provisions included in the California Building Codes and has been intimately involved in the development process for the California Building Codes. We utilize this knowledge to provide reasonable and responsible interpretations of code requirements and share this unique knowledge by developing and providing code -related training and instruction at industry sponsored conferences, and in support of local ICC Chapters. • To be responsive to your specific staffing needs. As construction and development activity fluctuates within your community, we can adjust our service levels allowing you to maintain seamless, efficient, and high-quality service to your department's customers. To provide staff who have the appropriate experience, certifications, and knowledge. We closely evaluate staff qualifications and experience to align with your specific needs and the needs of your community. We understand the importance of assigning staff with the right background, temperament, qualifications, and personality to properly align with the values of the City of La Quinta. STAFFING All services provided on behalf of the City of La Quinta will be closely monitored by our proposed Project Manager, Mark Berg, MCP. Mark has years of experience managing and coordinating all aspects of building department services. In addition to Marks extensive experience providing and coordinating building department services on behalf of multiple public agencies, Mark has demonstrated his detailed code knowledge by obtaining Master Code Professional, MCP, certification from the International Code Council. Mark will utilize his experience and knowledge of building department operations to ensure all services provided by BPR Consulting Group are provided in a professional, efficient, and timely manner. The organization chart included below lists the experienced staff members available to support the City of La Quinta and includes the role and licenses/certifications of each. In addition to the team presented here, we have the ability to assign additional staff should workload require. We do not anticipate using subcontractors to provide any of the proposed services. J O- CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES The Organizational Chart below demonstrates the team organization. Resumes have been included in the Appendixof this proposal. Brief biographies immediately follow. PLAN REVIEW NON-STRUCTURAL Denise Reese, CBO, ICC David Castilla, ME, FPE Thomas Trimherger, ME, ICC Jerome Schreiber, EE, ICC Jingpei Zhang, EE, ICC Rick Maddox, ICC Mark Meyers, CBO, ICC Mark Berg, CBO, MCP, ICC Kevin Brenton, CBO, CASp, ICC Sharon Vanderpool, ICC Nathan Saracina, ICC Andrew Burke, CASp, ICC Rick Mauldin, CASp, ICC Tim Scott, CBO, JCC Rick Walters, CASp, LEED, CBQ, ICC PROJECT MANAGER Mark Berg, CBCs, MCP, ICC PLAN REVIEW STRUCTURAL Bill Rodgers, SE, Plan Review Manager Roger Peterson, SE Ron Beehler, SE, CBO Elena Hartsough, SE Joseph Leonard, SE Kyle Hansen, PE Chandra Desai, PE Peter Simonsen, PE CIVIL ONSITE & GRADING REVIEW Don Ctihar, PE, QSD Daniel Garcia, PE r Ok PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE Ron Beehler. SE, CBO BUILDING INSPECTORS Mark Meyers. CBO. IGC Rick Walters, CASp LEER, CBO, ICC Michael Koch, CBO. ICC Gabriel Argueta, CASp, ICC Tim Scott, CBO, ICC Michael Zimmer, ICC Isidoro Zapien, ICC Landon Collins, ICC Christian Cieslewicz, ICC Candido Tapia, ICC CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Additional Key Personnel and Assigned Staff All of our staff maintain appropriate certifications or professional licenses for the services they provide. We encourage our staff to continually obtain additional certifications and support ongoing training and education for our staff. Our focus is to maintain the highest and best qualified building department staff in the industry. BPR's staff has a proven track record of providing high quality and timely services on behalf of the public agencies we serve. BPR has the necessary resources available to provide all the proposed services to the City of La Quinta. Complete resumes have been provided in the Appendix of this proposal. BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES Bill Rodgers, SE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW / PLAN REVIEW MANAGER Bill is a California licensed civil and structural engineer with over 30 years of experience in the field of structural engineering, including over 20 years of experience as a plan review engineer. Bill has worked closely with Building Departments across the State of California, including many years serving Southern California communities, and has assisted government agencies with numerous projects of varying size and type. His wealth of experience includes managing plan review services for all building types throughout California and Nevada on behalf of public agency clients and performing structural plan review for commercial, industrial, and residential projects. Years of Experience: 30 Roger Peterson, SE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW Roger is a California licensed civil and Structural Engineer, and an experienced buildingsafety professional with 35 years of experience in structural design and building plan review. Roger has designed and provided plan review services for single and multi -story steel, and concrete -framed buildings, as well as structures utilizing timber, and masonry framing systems. Roger's experience includes plan review of numerous high-profile and fast paced multi -story building projects for multiple public agency clients including management of inspection programs for these same types of projects. Roger utilizes his detailed code knowledge, extensive design experience and on-site construction project experience to ensure accurate, thorough, and timely plan review and inspection services on behalf of municipal client agencies. Years of Experience: 35 Elena Hartsough, SE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW Elena is a dedicated structural engineerwith over 18 years of experience designing structures, from small home renovations to large warehouse spaces and custom homes. Elena's strengths include experience with multiple building materials including wood, light -gage, masonry, steel and concrete; knowledge of the California Building Code and proficiency in relevant software programs including Enercalc, SAP2000, L -Pile and AutoCAD. Years of Experience: 18 Joseph Leonard, SE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW Joseph has 20 years of experience as a consultant structural engineerfor light framed construction, including single family dwellings, commercial buildings, and public schools, throughout California. He also has 10 years of working as a consultant structural engineer on heavy, low to mid -rise building structures, for public and military use. Clients included NAVFAC, NASA, the Navy, and the Army Corp of Engineers, and various public -school districts in California. I A96 ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Joseph also has two years of experience examining construction documents for compliance with the California Building Code and other adopted codes for California Building Departments. Years of Experience: 30 Kyle Hansen, PE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW Kyle is a California Licensed Civil Engineer with relevant experience providing plan review services to California public agenciesto ensure compliance with all relevantand applicable building codes, ordinances and requirements. Kyle offers incredible attention to detail and an admirable focus on customer service. Years of Experience: 20 Chandra Desai, PE STRUCTURAL PLAN REVIEW Chandra is a California Licensed Civil Engineer with over35 years of experience in structural engineering, which includes the design of structures for residential, commercial and industrial facilities. He has over 16 years of experience providing plan review, permit processing and field issue resolution for all types of buildings. Years of Experience: 35 Peter Simonsen, PE PLAN REVIEW Peter is a Licensed Civil Engineer specializing in structural plan review for code compliance with the California Building Codes and city ordinances, for commercial and residential structures. Experience ranges from small non - habitable structures to intricate custom designed residences and multi -story apartment complexes. Additional capabilities include assisting jurisdictions with plan review via in-house reviews and code interpretation as well as training new plan reviewers. Years of Experience: 5 Denise Reese, CBO, ICC PLAN REVIEW Denise is an ICC Certified Chief Building Official and Life Safety Plans Examiner. She has experience performing life -safety, architectural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and minimal structural reviews in residential, multifamily and commercial projects, including OSHPD-3 licensed facilities. This valuable experience is also evident in that Denise specializes in working with applicants, designers and jurisdictions, having successfully served multiple California communities. Years of Experience: 15 David Castillo, ME, FPE PLAN REVIEW David brings more than 35 years of breadth, depth, and knowledge of mechanical engineering, design, and plan review to any project. A California licensed professional Mechanical Engineer and Fire Protection Engineer, his expertise encompasses HVAC, Plumbing, Medical Gases, and Fire Sprinklers. David's background includes mechanical engineering, design, and plan review on Central Treatment Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities, Inpatient Mental Health Clinics, and Inmate Housing Units for the Department of Corrections. He has engineered and designed Acute Care Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Surgery Clinics, Psychiatric Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Plants, Industrial Plants, Educational Facilities, and Hi -Rise Commercial Buildings. Years of Experience: 36 CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Thomas Trimberger, ME, CBO, ICC PLAN REVIEW Thomas has more than 30 years of experience working within building departments both successfully providing and supervisingvirtually all building department functions. Thomas is a CA Registered Mechanical Engineer, ICC Certified Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector. His extensive experience and knowledge enables him to provide excellent services to our clients. Thomas is skilled at developing relationships with developers, designers and the community to ensure plan reviews, inspections and development review functions are performed in an effective and efficient manner. He continuously assists clients by providing guidance and education on the construction and inspection process. Always helpful, personable, professional and successful in delivering a high level of customer service. Years of Experience: 30 Jerome Schreiber, EE, ICC PLAN REVIEW Jerry has more than 40 years of electrical industry experience. He is a licensed electrical engineer in California and Hawaii and is certified by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors as an Electrical Plans Examiner and Electrical Inspector. Jerome's experience is wide and varied, having provided engineering services to the military, public utilities, private organizations and municipal agencies. Years of Experience: 40 Jingpei Zhang, EE, ICC PLAN REVIEW Jingpei is a licensed electrical engineer in California and has over 30 years of experience. He holds a master's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His extensive experience in designing a variety of facilities and systems adds to his ability to provide excellent plan review services. His experience includes the design of electrical distribution systems for healthcare centers, data centers, commercial and industrial building and educational facilities. Years of Experience: 30 Rick Maddox, ICC PLAN REVIEW Richard brings over 25 years of experience in all aspects of plan review and building inspections. Richard provides accurate and complete electrical plan reviews of residential and commercial buildings. While working for Clark County Building Department, Richard represented his department for multiple years at all electrical industry events such as IAEI, IEEE, AGC, NEMA, ABC, SNHBA and IBEW. Richard maintains his electrical plan review and inspection skills by regularly participating in industry and code related training and attending electrical safety and electrical industry symposiums. Years of Experience: 27 Kevin Brenton, CBO, CASp, ICC PLAN REVIEW Kevin is a California Certified Building Official, a CASp professional and Commercial Combination Building Inspector with over 24 years in the construction and inspection industry combined. He is an active local chapter member of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and active member of the local chapter of International Code Council. Years of Experience: 24 J Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Sharon Vanderpool, ICC PLAN REVIEW Sharon is a proficient building plans examiner with over seven years of experience with residential construction projects and permitting. She is well -versed in the design and plan review process, municipal submittal requirements, and building permit procurement. Years of Experience: 7 Nathan Saracino, ICC PLAN REVIEW Nathan has over 15 years of experience in the construction / building industry with a strong proven knowledge of Federal, State, and local laws, codes and ordinances as they relate to building construction. He is fully versed in the accepted safety standards, testing procedures and methods of construction. He possesses the ability to read and interpret various codes and to apply good judgment in the enforcement of such. Nathan's hands on experience in the construction field coupled with his knowledge and experience in building inspection and plan review make him and asset to any project he is assigned. He possesses a strong work ethic, proactive problem -solving approach and is a valuable team player. Years of Experience: 15 Andrew Burke, CASp, ICC PLAN REVIEW Andrew is a Certified Access Specialist and ICC certified Plans Examiner with more than 17 years of industry experience in plan review, inspection, administration and estimating. Andrew has extensive plan check experience in multi -story mixed use projects and provides in-depth review of accessibility issues to ensure compliance with all California Building Codes. His CASp certification provides him the ability to ensure all aspects of accessibility have been achieved. His formal training in ICC codes, as well as on-the-job experience, helps him to provide thorough and accurate commercial and residential plan reviews and inspections. Andrew is an excellent asset to any building department both in the office and out in the field. Years of Experience: 10 Rick Mauldin, CASp, ICC PLAN REVIEW Rick is a skilled Plans Examiner and Inspector for major multi -discipline and multi-level building projects, known for providing inclusive plan examinations and support to fellow co-workers and various jurisdictional building staff. As a Building Official, Senior Plans Examiner and Senior Inspector, Rick has 37 + years of management, inspection, contracting, building inspection, and building code compliance review experience, including experience with both a city agency and the private sector. Years of Experience: 37 Tim Scott, CBO, ICC PLAN REVIEW Forthe past 20 years Tim has provided building safety services on behalf of California communities. Tim has served in the capacity of Deputy Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector on behalf of multiple California communities. His experience as a Deputy Building Official exposed him to the many facets of managing a Building Department and allowed him to develop the exceptional organizational and management skills necessary to provide superior services to the communities he serves. Tim's experience includes plan review and inspection for all types and sizes of projects including residential, multi -family, commercial, institutional, and industrial projects. He is familiar with multiple permit tracking software systems utilized by jurisdictions and has managed all facets of building department services. Tim currently utilizes his skills as a Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspectorto benefit California communities. Years of Experience: 22 J Ok CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Don Ctibor, PE, QSD PLAN REVIEW Don is a highly experienced Licensed California Professional Engineer with extensive project experience and management experience. Specific skills include budget strategy, preparation and oversight and implementation of best practices across multiple departments. Knowledgeable in enforcing compliance and minimum standards to safeguard life, limb, health property and public welfare. Don has successfully provided project management expertise for many California clients. Years of Experience: 16 Daniel Garcia, PE, REA, CPP PLAN REVIEW Dan is a licensed civil engineer with extensive City Engineering and Public Works experience including Civil Plan Checking of Storm Drain LID & SWPPP and Private Development/Subdivision Map Act expertise. He has served in seniorexecutive management engineering and publicworks positions from Compton, Maywood, Costa Mesa, Norwalk, Wildomar, Hayward, Solvang, Novato to the City of Los Angeles. Dan brings to every city his expertise in the areas of Civil Plan Review and Private Development/Subdivision Map Act, including Tracts, Parcel Maps, Lot Line Adjustments, grading, infrastructure review such as streets, storm drain and sewers plan checks that would include LID & SWPPP and any relevant Subdivision Map Act services. YearsofExperience: 16 Mark Meyers, CBO, ICC PLAN REVIEW/ INSPECTION Forover30years, Mark served as a Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examinerand Permit Coordinator serving multiple California communities. He has implemented permit tracking software for multiple jurisdictions, prepared operating budgets and managed all facets of building department activities. He currently serves as an Inspection Manager and Building Official, supervising plan review, inspection and clerical staff ensuring a high level of customer services and technical excellence for assigned California based clients and projects. Years of Experience: 31 Rick Walters, CASp, LEED, CBO, ICC PLAN REVIEW/ INSPECTION Rick has over numerous years of experience in the construction industry with over 30 of those years in the building inspection industry. Rick has experience as a building official and inspector. He has provided senior inspector services in disaster zones for floods and wildfires which required communication with the National Guard, elected officials and law enforcement. Additionally, Rick is experienced in inspection management, council meetings, planning meetings, city and county design review meetings, field inspections, permit tracking and issuance, record keeping, construction techniques, and office procedures. Years of Experience: 33 Michael Koch, CBO, ICC INSPECTION Mike has over30 years of experience within the buildingsafety industry. Throughout his career Mike has provided all building department services. Mike is an experienced Building Official, an accomplished Plans Examiner and has provided building inspection services for many years serving multiple California communities. Mike approaches every inspection assignment with a positive, `how can I approve this project' mindset making him a valuable resource to the communities he serves. Years of Experience: 30 CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES Gabriel Argueta, CASp, ICC INSPECTION Gabriel has 45 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC certified inspector with experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections on residential and commercial projects. Gabriel is also a certified CASp expert and has provided CASp inspections as well as provided CASp design as a consultant. He provides Building Department inspection servicesto ensure projects are built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Gabriel brings considerable experience from working for several California based construction companies. Years of Experience: 45 Michael Zimmer, ICC INSPECTION Michael is a highly qualified building professional that brings with him over40 years of experience. His experience in the industry includes involvement in the many layers of building department services to include inspection, code enforcement, plan review, and building official services. Michael's breadth of knowledge is an asset to BPR and clients alike. Years of Experience: 40 Isidoro Zapien, ICC INSPECTION Isidoro is an Inspector with 25 years of experience in the construction industry. He has extensive experience and is currently certified in structural steel and welding, high strength bolting, spray applied fireproofing, structural masonry and reinforced concrete. Isidoro is also nuclear gauge certified with experience in soils and asphalt. He has performed various inspection services including quality assurance and quality control to ensure projects were built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Years of Experience: 25 Landon Collins, ICC INSPECTION Landon has 17 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC certified inspector with experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections to residential projects well as providing commercial building inspections for Cities and Counties. He provides Building Department inspection services to ensure projects were built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Landon also brings considerable experience from working for several construction companies in the Southern California Region. Years of Experience: 17 Christian Cieslewicz, ICC INSPECTION Christian has over 17 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC Combination Building Inspector with experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections for residential and commercial projects. He provides building inspection services to ensure projects are built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Christian also brings considerable experience gleaned from working as a Journeyman Electrician and Journeyman Carpenter. Years of Experience: 17 Candido Tapia, ICC INSPECTION Candido has 11 years of experience working in the building industry with various specialties. He is an ICC residential and commercial certified building inspector and has a CalFire Fire Sprinkler Fitter certification. Candido is well versed in reviewing construction sites, plans, permits, and licenses and has a strong history of helping contractors and owners resolve problems with safe and compliant strategies. Years of Experience: 11 J Ok Section 6 SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 6: SUBCONTRACTING SERVICES THIRD PARTY/ SUBCONTRACTORS BPR Consulting Group will not be utilizing any third -party consultants or subcontractors to provide the requested plan review and building inspector services. With our team of Southern California based plans examination and building inspection staff BPR is confident that we can meet all of the City's building plan review and building inspection staffing needs utilizing experienced and appropriately qualified staff in a timely manner. om ok 74, Section 7 DISCLOSURES BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 7: DISCLOSURES BPR Consulting Group affirmatively states that it has no negative history to disclose. BPR Consulting Group maintains adequate cash reserves to meet the ongoing business needs of our firm and does not have any outstanding debt. Additionally, BPR does not have any performance related litigation, contract defaults, planned office closures, impending mergers, bankruptcies or other conditions related to the financial health of the company. 0 r Ok Section 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 8: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS - L{LFFOMA4A - ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal IRon Beehler, SE, CBO / (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that BPR Consulting Group (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am Director of Client Services (Title) of BPR Consulting Group (Company) Page 40 of 42 Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as I50 CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable Page 40 of 42 Section 9 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT _W. l BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 9: NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT PPPPP"'_ ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, Ron Beehler, SE, CBO (name) hereby declare as follows: I am Director of Client Services of BPR Consulting Grou (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to Fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any Fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, Proposal depositary, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. i - Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Ron Beehler, SE, CBO Proposer Title: Director of Client Services Company Name: BPR Consulting Group Address: 2213 Professional Drive, Suite 150, Roseville CA 95681 Page 41 of 42 J O- Section 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA BPR CONSULTING GROUP CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES SECTION 10: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; if no addenda has been issued, mark "NIA "under Addendurn No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT N!A y� City Response to RFP Questions �] ,�}�� Page 42 of 42 r Ok APPENDIX RESUMES BPR CONSULTING GROUP RON BEEHLER, SE, CBO PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE Ron utilizes experience gained through more than 40 years of hands-on experience performing life safety, accessibility, and structural plan reviews to successfully manage building departments, building department services and high-profile building projects on behalf of public agencies throughout California. His experience includes establishing and coordinating on-site building department services for large, multi - building projects and unique, fast -paced development projects. Ron has served as Chief Building Official for multiple California public agencies including interim assignments. He has also provided building department assessments on behalf of municipal clients to identify inefficiencies and implement best practice improvements. Licensed as a Civil and Structural Engineer in California and Nevada, certified by the International Code Council as a Building Official, Code Specialist, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector, Ron is uniquely qualified to evaluate and manage all building department services. His background includes the position of Chief Building Official with the City of Sacramento directing a staff of 120 engineers, plan reviewers and building inspectors, Chief of Engineering Design and Construction for the California National Guard and Senior Structural Engineer with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Ron is dedicated to maintaining his knowledge of California building codes, laws and regulations related to building department operations. He frequently lectures and presents classes on technical topics on behalf of professional organizations including CALBO and multiple International Code Council Chapters throughout California and other western states. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Principal I Director of Operations I BPR Consulting Group 12021 -Present Ron manages client plan review and inspection services on behalf of BPR Consulting Group providing efficient services on behalf of multiple municipal clients. Director, Building Safety Services I Consulting Firm 12006 — 2021 Ron provided direct oversight of all Building Safety Services including coordination of all plan review and building inspection services, ensuring timely and responsive services. He worked with building officials for full- service clients to insure timely and efficient services. Ron also managed and provided direct oversight of plan review and inspection services for large, complicated and fast -paced projects on behalf of public agency clients. 9 Ok r5aWk ' 3 CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ Graduate Coursework in Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, California State University, Sacramento ■ BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico ■ AA, Physical Science, Butte College, Oroville, CA PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Structural Engineer SE -3632 ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -39404 ■ NV Structural Engineer SE -019992 ■ NV Civil Engineer CE -019992 ■ National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program Training ■ CA Construction Law Training International Code Council - 801789 ■ ICC Certified Building Official ■ ICC Building Code Specialist ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner ■ ICC Building Inspector PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ■ San Joaquin ICC Chapter of Building Officials - Past President ■ Napa Solano ICC Chapter- Past President ■ Sacramento Valley Association of Building Officials - Multiple Term Board of Directors Member ■ CALBO Building and Fire Advisory Committee -Appointed Member ■ CALBO Structural Committee - Appointed Member Ron Beehler, SE, CBO - Principal/ Director of Operations Chief Building Official I City of Sacramento 12003 - 2006 Ron planned, directed, and managed activities for a 120 -person building department with oversight responsibilities for construction inspections and plan review of 18,000 permitted projects annually. He planned, organized, administered, and evaluated staff work. Other duties included report writing and presentations to community groups, city council and professional organizations, and planning and administering a budget of $13.6 million. Supervising Engineer I Building Inspection Division I City of Sacramento 12002 - 2003 Ron supervised plan review, managed plan intake and public counter functions fortwo regional permit centers, trained and mentored staff, met with architects and engineers to resolve building code related issues, coordinated plan review for high profile projects, and worked with field inspection supervisors and inspectors. Regional Compliance Officer, Senior Structural Engineer I CA State Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development 11998 - 2002 Ron supervised regional hospital inspection program coordinating field inspection staff and approval of special inspection issues. He resolved complicated code related inspection issues, and reviewed plans, specifications, and structural calculations for healthcare facilities. Ron consulted with architects and engineers to resolve complex code interpretation issues. He researched and investigated structural adequacy of building materials and manufactured products, and verified proper loads, forces, and materials for the design of buildings and equipment anchorage. Chief of Facilities Engineering I California National Guard 11991 - 1998 Ron supervised and planned work for engineering design and project inspection staff, developed scope and budgets for projects, directed preparation of plans from preliminary design through working drawings, coordinated and approved project specifications and cost estimates, negotiated and approved project changes, coordinated inspection activities, resolved inspection disputes, represented National Guard/Military Department at public meetings, conducted plan review for projects designed by consultants, and presented design concepts and final designs. Associate Structural Engineer I CA State Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development 1987-1991 Ron reviewed construction plans and specifications for new hospitals and skilled nursing facilities for California Building Code and UBC requirements, metwith architects and engineers to resolve plan review issues, reviewed field changes, investigated, and resolved construction conflicts and other administrative duties. Associate Engineer Architect I Sacramento County Building Department 11983 - 1987 Ron reviewed construction plans and specifications, and structural calculations for building code compliance, reviewed plans for residential, multi -residential, commercial, and industrial structures, and met with designers to resolve code issues related to commercial and residential structures. IL MARK BERG, CBO, MCP, ICC PROJECT MANAGER Mark is an ICC Certified Building Official, Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, BPR and Master Code Professional with over 32 years of experience performing life -safety, architectural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and structural CONSULTING GROUP reviews in residential, multi -family and commercial projects. Mark has EDUCATION successfully guided department staff with inspection and plan review of all phases of complex construction projects. He is experienced utilizing building ' BS, lispPub, California Administration, Baptist t Univ rsi department permit tracking software and managing all common building English, Cfornia Baptist University AA, Construction Technology, department responsibilities, including plan review, multi -discipline Riverside Community College inspections, plan review and inspection scheduling, field supervision, AA, Physical Education, Riverside regulatory compliance, code interpretation, and project acceptance. Mark City College also possesses exceptional skills in complaint resolution, problem solving, damage assessment and team building. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS PROFESSIONAL HISTORY International Code Council -859362 ■ Master Code Professional Building Official, Life Safety Plans Examiner I BPR ■ ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Consulting Group I 2021 -Present Examiner Performing comprehensive plan review and inspection services for client ■ ICC Building Code Official agencies. Reviews residential and non-residential plans for compliance with ■ ICC Building Code Specialist California Building, Life Safety, Fire, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, ■ ICC Building Inspector Energy and Green Standards, local building codes, policies, amendments, ' ICC Building Plans Examiner and ordinances. ■ ICC Certified Building Official ■ ICC Certified Fire Code Official Building Official, Life Safety Plans Examiner I Consulting ■ ICC Certified Fire Marshal Firm 2017-2021 ■ ICC Combination Dwelling Performed comprehensive plan review and inspection services for Inspector- Uniform Codes residential and commercial projects for client agencies. Projects included ' ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy residential, multi -family residential, commercial, and industrial projects ICC Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Fire Code Specialist consisting of tenant improvements and new buildings. ■ ICC Fire Codes and Standards Building Official I City of Redlands 12015-2017 ■ ICC Fire Inspector I Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on various ' ICC Fire Inspector 11 Technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most complex and ICC Fire Plans Examiner ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Reviewed the new ■ ICC Permit Specialist and existing codes and regulations and recommended revision to current ■ ICC Permit Technician ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet new requirements. ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC Building Inspection Supervisor I City of Rancho Cucamonga ' ICC Residential Combination Inspector 2010-2015 ■ ICC Residential Energy Supervised and trained building inspection staff, developed inspection Inspector/Plans Examiner related policies and guidelines for the department, conflict resolution and ■ ICC Residential Plans Examiner code interpretations. Building Official I City of Norco 2006-2011 Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on various technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Reviewed the new and F t- MARK BERG, CBO, MCP, ICC- Building Official /Plans Examiner/Building Inspector/Master Code Professional existing codes and regulations and recommended revision to current ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet new requirements. Investigated violations of building construction codes and determined necessity for issuance of legal complaints. Building Division Manager I County of Riverside 2001-2006 Handled difficult public relations problems, directs investigations of complaint or problems, and recommends resolutions. Assisted in arranging and conducting classroom and on-the-job training sessions for the technical personnel and counter staff. Supervised the plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development process. Plans Examiner -Sr. Building Inspector I City of Temecula 11991-2001 Oversee the plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development review process. Provided code interpretations and developed technical documents. Performed the most complex building code compliance plan reviews. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ■ CALBO - Damage Assessment Committee, State Building Codes Committee ■ CACEO - California Association of Code Enforcement Officers ■ CEC - California Energy Commission ■ ICC -Administrative Committee ■ NFPA - National Fire Prevention Association, Building Systems Committee ■ IAPMO - Code Interpretation Committees for UPC, UMC ■ JAEI -Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections ■ City of Riverside Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission 1 O- BILL RODGERS, SE PLAN REVIEW MANAGER / STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Bill has more than 30 years of experience in the field of structural engineering, including more than 20 years of experience as a plan review engineer. His wealth of experience includes a varied and vast list of projects throughout California and Nevada. Bill is in demand for hands- on work within jurisdictions due to his great success in blending excellent engineering skills with responsive customer service. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Principal Structural Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12021 - Present Bill directs client plan review on behalf of BPR Consulting Group providing efficient services on behalf of multiple municipal clients. Senior Structural Engineer I Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12006 - 2021 Bill performed structural plan review for commercial and residential construction for municipalities for various state and local agencies throughout California and Nevada. In addition to providing structural plan review services, he was responsible for the production and performance of company offices, including maintaining client relationships. Bill's duties also included performing structural plan reviews for industrial, commercial, and residential projects. r5aILI , 3 CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Sacramento PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Structural Engineer SE -4198 ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -50673 ■ NV Structural Engineer SE -18427 ■ NV Civil Engineer CE -18427 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ■ Structural Engineers Association, Northern California (SEAONC) Senior Structural Engineer I Consulting Firm 12001 - 2006 Bill performed structural plan review for commercial and residential construction for municipalities for various state and local agencies throughout California and Nevada Structural Engineer Associate I DES Architects + Engineers 11995 - 2001 Bill was responsible forthe structural design of many projects throughout the BayArea, including Pacific Shores Center in Redwood City, Moffett Corners in Sunnyvale, Carlmont High School in Belmont, and many other projects. Additionally, Bill oversaw the structural department of this architecture and engineering firm, and was responsible for staff development and work quality. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project Manager/Structural Engineer I Judicial Council of California I State of California 2010-2021 Bill provided project management and structural plan review services for new court buildings and court building upgrades throughout California. Most recently he provided services for the new Sonora courthouse, the new courthouse in Modesto, and the new eighteen -story high-rise Sacramento Criminal Courthouse. Project Manager/Structural Engineer I Division of State Architect I State of California 12016 -2021 Ok Bill Rodgers, SE - Principal / Senior Structural Engineer Bill provided project management and structural plan review services for new school buildings and school upgrades throughout California. Recent projects include Westmore Oaks Elementary School, Santa Maria High School and El Camino College District, New Behavioral Health and Social Science Building. Project Manager/Structural Engineer I University of California, Merced 12020 Campus Expansion 12017 - 2021 Bill ensured all plan reviews were completed within the agreed upon timeframes by leading weekly conference calls with the plan review and onsite team and regularly visiting the project site. Additionally, Bill provided structural plan review services for this expansive project. Project Manager/Structural Engineer I City of Berkeley I Berkeley, CA 12008 - 2021 Bill ensured all plan review services for the City of Berkeley were accurate and completed in a timely manner. Project Manager/Structural Engineer I Downtown Commons Tower I Sacramento, CA 12016 - 2019 Bill served as the project manager for the plan review of this new 634,357 gross SF, 16 -story, mixed-use tower located adjacent to the new Sacramento Kings Arena. The tower included office space for the team and area management, a 250 -room hotel, 44 -residential units and below grade parking. IL ROGER PETERSON, SE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER With more than 35 years of experience in structural design and plan review, Roger brings considerable depth and knowledge to any project. Roger is a California Registered Structural and Civil Engineer who has designed and provided plan review services for multi -story steel and concrete -framed buildings, aswell as one-story structures utilizingsteel, concrete, timber, and masonry framing systems. His design experience includes schools, commercial and industrial projects, micro -chip production facilities, power plant installations and multi -family residential projects. Roger's expertise contributes to the success and safety of all projects. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Principal I Structural Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12021 - Present Roger directs client plan review on behalf of BPR Consulting Group providing efficient services on behalf of multiple municipal clients. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ BS, Civil Engineering, University of Wyoming PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Structural Engineer SE -3846 ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -46096 ■ ID Structural Engineer SE -8225 ■ ID Civil Engineer CE -8225 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Senior Structural Engineer I Project Manager I Consulting ■ Structural Engineers Association of Firm 12006 — 2021 Northern California (SEAONC) Roger provided management for several of this firm's offices and special projects as well as performed structural plan review for commercial and residential construction for municipalities for various state and local agencies throughout California. In addition to providing structural plan review services, Roger was responsible for the production and performance of company offices, including maintaining client relationships. His duties also included performing structural plan reviews for industrial, commercial, and residential projects. Senior Structural Engineer I Plans Examiner I Branch Manager LP2A I Bureau Veritas I CA 11999 - 2006 Roger served as branch manager and lead structural plan reviewer for the Sacramento Area branch office. He was responsible for the production and performance of office including maintaining client relationships. His duties included performing structural plan reviews for industrial, commercial and residential projects. Project Engineer I Power Engineers, Inc. 11999 - 1999 Rogerwas a project design engineer for commercial and industrial -type projects. He provided structural design and construction administration services. Project Engineer I Office Manager I R2H Engineering, Inc. 11998 - 1999 Rogerwas the office manager and project design engineer responsible for the structural design of commercial projects. Project Engineer I Rutherford & Chekene 11995 - 1998 Rogerwas responsible for providing design and detailing for commercial and industrialtype projects, including numerous projects in the micro -chip industry. IL Roger Peterson, SE- Principal /Senior Structural Engineer Design Engineer I Project Engineer I DES Engineers & Architects 11995 - 1997 Roger provided engineering design and detailing for commercial, institutional, corporate and residential building projects using wood, steel, concrete and masonry building materials. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project Manager I Structural Engineer I Hollywood Park I Inglewood, CA 12018 - 2021 Roger provided plan review services for this new, mixed-use development which included retail and office space with associated parking encompassing 28.5 acres. Project Manager I Structural Engineer I Nasa Ames Research Center I Moffett Field, CA 12018 Roger provided structural plan review and project management of this 1.2 million square -foot development comprised of office, research, and development space. Project Manager I Structural Engineer I Monterey Park Hotel & Residence I Monterey Park, CA 12017 - 2021 Roger provided plan review services and project management for this new, mixed-use hotel, condominium, and restaurant podium type building. Project Manager IStructural Engineer I Hatchet Ridge Wind Farm I Shasta County, CA 12009 - 2010 Roger provided project management, structural plan review and field inspections for this 101.2 MW power generating facility that consists of 44 - 2.3 MW wind turbines constructed along 9 miles of the ridge line on Hatchet Ridge near Burney, CA. ELENA HARTSOUGH, SE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Elena is a dedicated structural engineer with over 22 years of experience which includes the design and structural review of structures ranging from small home renovations to large warehouse spaces and custom homes. Elena's strengths include experience with multiple building materials including wood, light -gage, masonry, steel and concrete; knowledge of the California Building Code and proficiency in relevant software programs including Enercalc, SAP2000, L -Pile and AutoCAD. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Structural Engineer / Plans Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 2022 - Present CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION BS, Architectural Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS Elena provides structural and non-structural plan review for residential, ■ CA Structural Engineer SE -5538 industrial and commercial projects including residential master plans, ' CA Civil Engineer CE -67675 custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Structural Engineer/ Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 2014-2022 Elena reviewed residential and non-residential plans for compliance with California Building, and International building standards; state and local buildingcodes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. Senior Engineer I Department of Water Resources 12009 — 2014 Elena managed a staff of five, providing resource management and project coordination within the Division of Engineering. She prepared and reviewed preliminary engineering reports, technical memos, and project plans, details, and specifications. She also designed warehouse structure with light -gage wall framing and steel truss roof framing. Project Engineer / Project Manager I Harris & Sloan Consulting Group 12003 - 2009 Elena took projects from the schematic design phase through the construction document phase and was point of contact during construction administration. She designed wood -framed residential and commercial structures, researched structural insulated panel (SIP) construction and utilized them in design of structures. Project Designer I Jon Brody Consulting Group 12001 - 2003 Elena designed and detailed gravity and lateral systems for new and re -modeled structures utilizingwood, steel, light -gage, and concrete. JOSEPH LEONARD, SE PLAN REVIEW ENGINEER Joseph has 19 years of experience in structural engineering of light framed construction, including single family dwellings, commercial buildings, and public schools, throughout California. He also has 10 years of experience working as a consultant structural engineer on heavy, low to mid -rise building structures, for public and military use. Clients included NAVFAC, NASA, the Navy, and the Army Corp of Engineers, and various public -school districts in the Southern California area. Joseph also has multiple years of experience examining construction documents for compliance with Parts 1- 10, of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, for and as adopted by, various local Building Departments. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Structural Engineer & Plans Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 12023 - Present Joseph provides structural engineering services and plan review for BPR Consulting Group. This includes review for residential, industrial and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ BS, Civil Engineering, Emphasis on Structures, California State University, Chico. 1997-2003. ■ Civil Engineering Courses, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 1995-1997. PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Structural Engineer SE -5880 ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -73026 Principal Structural Engineer I Joseph Leonard Structural Engineering (JLSE) 12017 - 2023 Joseph founded Joseph Leonard's, Structural Engineering (JLSE), specializing in Architectural Engineering and Plan Review for primarily single-family residential structures. Plan Review Engineer I Coastland Civil Engineering (CCE) 12015 - 2017 Joseph provided plan reviews of all types of projects, including all aspects of building design, and client management. Reviewed construction documents for compliance with all of Title 24, including all aspects of building design. More specifically, review included occupancy, allowable building heights/area/stories, construction type, egress and exit paths, access (Chapters 11A and 11B), site access, fire and smoke -rated construction requirements, Wildland-Urban Interface, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, green, and energy, as well as structural (Building Plan Check, Title 24 Parts 1-10)). He also provided review of residential and commercial construction documents forAHJ's in the North Bay Area and the local area, including everything from single family dwellings to villages. More specifically, the projects included SFD's, hotels, apartments, townhomes, villages, and senior living facilities. A partial list of these projects: Managed the contract and plan review/inspection team forthe County ofAmador and the City of lone, to provide building department services. CCE provided both plan review, and inspection services to both authorities. Acquired and managed a contract with the Division of the State Architect (DSA) to provide Structural Plan Review services for public school projects, throughout California. Earned Continuing Education units, by attending numerous seminars through SVABO, with topics ranging from Electrical to Access (11A and 11B). 9 Ok Joseph Leonard, PE, SE -Plan Review Engineer Senior Structural Engineer I Stedman and Dyson Structural Engineers 12008 - 2015 Consultant for structural engineering design services for all types of low to mid -rise structures, structural plan review for the Division of the State Architect (DSA), structural peer review for various UC projects, and Seismic Evaluations of existing buildings and bridges (utilizing ASCE 31 and 41). Joseph also worked on structural design including several schools, a shoot -house, rifle range, church and monastery, planetarium, and parking lot. These clients included NAVFAC, NASA, the Navy, and the Army Corp of Engineers, and various public -school districts in the Southern California area. Design Engineer I SMR -ISD 12008 - 2008 Joseph consulted structural engineering design, of `heavy' structures (steel, concrete, and masonry), and forensics engineering. Structural Designer I Various Design Firms 12004 - 2008 Joseph consulted structural engineering of light framed structures, ranging from room additions to new large commercial retail structures, including custom and tract SFDs. 1 O- KYLE M. HANSEN, PE PLAN REVIEW ENGINEER Kyle is a California Licensed Civil Engineer with relevant experience providing plan review services to California public agencies to ensure compliance with all relevant and applicable building codes, ordinances and requirements. Kyle offers incredible attention to detail and an admirablefocus on customer service. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Structural Plans Examiner/ Plan Review Engineer BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present Kyle provides structural plan review for residential and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Structural Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12016 - 2022 Kyle supported Northern California public agency clients by reviewing building plans and related documents for compliance with Building Codes, policies, and jurisdiction requirements for commercial and residential buildings. Projects included new residential, commercial, tenant improvement, and remodel projects. Kyle assisted homeowners, designers, and contractors by providing information and interpretations of building codes and regulations, recommended necessary changes to design documents as required to obtain compliance with applicable codes and regulations. Kyle was responsible for preparing written correction letters and maintaining and updating records and database information. Academic Support I Department of Civil Engineering, CSU CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico Graduated Magna Cum Laude Yuba Community College Lower Division Engineering& General Education PROFESSIONAL LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -91071 ■ Engineer -in -Training (EIT) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ■ Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) ■ American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ■ Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) ■ Honors Societies Chico 12013 - 2015 o Phi Kappa Phi -Top 5% o Golden Key National Honors Kyle provided academic support to students by completing daily paperwork Society - Top 15% to include grading fluid mechanics papers, laboratories, and data entry. He was responsible fortracking student progress and Kyle attended weekly and monthly department meetings. Academic Support I Yuba Community College 12011- 2015 Kyle provided students with drop-in mathematics support including Calculus (I, II, III), Physics, and Engineering (Statics, Materials). IL CHANDRA DESAI, PE PLAN REVIEW ENGINEER Chandra is a California Licensed Civil Engineer with over 40 years of experience in structural engineering, which includes the design of structures for residential, commercial and industrial facilities. He has over 16 years of experience providing plan review, permit processing and field issue resolution for all types of buildings. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Structural Plans Examiner / Plan Review Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present Chandra provides structural and non-structural plan review for residential, industrial and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Plan Check Engineer I Consulting Firm 12015 - 2022 CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ MS, Civil / Structural Engineering, University of Illinois PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Civil Engineer CE -47213 International Code Council ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner Responsibilities included plan review for residential, industrial, commercial and miscellaneous structures for structural code compliance. Chandra worked with multiple city and county clients along with outside engineers, architects and Building Departments to coordinate and resolve plan review related issues, expedite permit processing and address field related challenges. Plan Check Engineer I County of Riverside 11999 - 2015 Responsibilities included plan review for residential, industrial, commercial and miscellaneous structures for both engineering and non -engineering items. Chandra worked with outside engineers, architects and other consultants to coordinate and resolve plan review related issues in order to expedite permit processing and field problem resolution. Chandra assisted Junior Engineers, Inspectors and front counter staff to resolve any code related issues. Principal Engineer I Parsons Corp. 1980-1983 / 1987-1999 Responsibilities included design of steel and concrete structuresfor Petro -Chemical Plants, Gas Plants and industrial facilities. Prepared and checked structural design calculations, cost estimates and construction drawings. Extensive use of in-house computer programs and otherstructural programs in preparing calculations and drawings. Chandra supervised 4-6 Junior Engineers and CAD Operators in producing construction documents. He prepared cost estimates and man-hour estimates for future and ongoing projects. Senior Engineer I Sargent and Lundy 11983 - 1987 Work included the design of steel and concrete structures for nuclear power plant buildings. Chandra prepared structural calculations for reinforced concrete and steel structures for reactor buildings and auxiliary buildings per NRC requirements. Chandra worked on thejob site for two years to resolve construction problems and coordinate field activities. 00 Ok PETER SIMONSEN, PE PLAN REVIEW ENGINEER Peter is a California Licensed Civil Engineer with relevant experience providing plan review services to California public agencies to ensure compliance with all relevant and applicable building codes, ordinances and requirements. Peter brings careful attention to detail and a clear focus on customer service. Peter focuses primarily on structural review as he works towards becoming a licensed structural engineer. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Plan Review Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12023 - Present Peter provides engineering plan review for residential and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Plan Review Engineer I Consulting Firm 12018 - 2022 BPR CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ MS, San Jose State University, Civil Engineering with focus on Structural ■ BS, Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Civil Engineer 92616 Petersupported California public agency clients by performing Structural plan review for code compliance with the California Building Codes and city ordinances, for commercial and residential structures. Projects ranged from small non -habitable structures to intricate custom designed residences and multi -story apartment complexes. Additional responsibilities include assisting jurisdictions with plan review via in-house reviews and code interpretation as well as training new plan reviewers. r Ok DENISE REESE, CBO, ICC PLANS EXAMINER Denise is an ICC Certified Chief Building Official and Life Safety Plans Examiner. She has nearly 10 years of experience performing life -safety, architectural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and minimal structural reviews in residential, multifamily and commercial projects, including OSHPD-3 licensed facilities. This valuable experience is also evident in that Denise specializes in working with applicants, designers and jurisdictions, and successfully serving multiple client jurisdictions. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ Consumnes River College, Building Inspection Technology Denise approaches plan review with her unique knowledge balancing the delivery of timely and accurate reviews while remaining responsive and PROFESSIONAL LICENSES& approachable. Denise is extremely skilled in all disciplines required to CERTIFICATIONS successfully bring projects to approval. International Code Council - 8096275 ■ ICC Certified Building Official PROFESSIONAL HISTORY ■ ICC CA Building Plans Examiner ■ ICC Certified CALGreen Inspector Life Safety Plans Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - ■ ICC Certified Permit Technician Present ■ ICC Permit Specialist Denise provides comprehensive plan review and inspection services for California client agencies. She performs detailed reviews of residential and non-residential plans for compliance with California Building, CalGreen, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, state and local buildingcodes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. Denise supervises life safety plans examiners and the permit intake team. She also provides training to new plans examiners. Building Official & Supervising Life Safety Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 2014-2022 Denise performed comprehensive plan review and inspection services for client agencies. Reviewed residential and non-residential plans for compliance with California Building, CalGreen, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, state and local building codes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. Supervised life safety plans examiners and permit intake team. Provided training to new plan reviewers. Building Permit Technician 111 City of Rancho Cordova 12010 - 2014 Denise Interpreted and explained policies and regulations accurately and tactfully to the public assisting with the completion of building permit applications. She performed preliminary plan reviewfor completeness and accuracy and to determine appropriate fees. Customer Service Specialist I City of Rancho Cordova 12007 - 2010 Denise provided customer and administrative support to the Building & Safety Division as well as other departments throughout City Hall. Administrative Secretary I City of Rancho Cordova 12006 - 2007 Provided administrative support to the City Manager's office, his Executive Assistant and the City Council. IL DAVID CASTILLO, ME, FPE MECHANICAL ENGINEER/ FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER David brings more than 37 years of breadth, depth, and knowledge of mechanical engineering, design, and plan review to any project. A California licensed professional Mechanical Engineer and Fire Protection Engineer, his expertise encompasses HVAC, Plumbing, Medical Gases, and Fire Sprinklers. David's background includes mechanical engineering, design, and plan review on Central Treatment Centers, Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities, Inpatient Mental Health Clinics, and Inmate Housing Units for the Department of Corrections. He has engineered and designed Acute Care Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Surgery Clinics, Psychiatric Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Plants, Industrial Plants, Educational Facilities, and Hi -Rise Commercial Buildings. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Plan Review Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 2021- Present David performs mechanical engineering and fire protection engineering plan review services for BRP's California clients. Senior Plan Review Engineer I Consulting Firm 2012-2021 David performed mechanical engineering and fire protection engineering plan review services for California clients. Senior Mechanical Engineer I State of California, OSHPD Group 2001-2012 David performed plan checking of mechanical systems for hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and surgery centers to ensure code compliance with the CBC, CMC, CPC and NFPA. Vice President I Technical Engineering Group, Inc. 12000 - 2001 David responsibilities included acquiring new clients, maintaining existing clients and preparing proposals. He performed heating and cooling load calculations, laid out mechanical designs for central plant systems, chilled water systems, heating hot water systems and variable airvolume systems for hospitals, prisons, and educational facilities. David performed in-house plan check of all projects, and served as the Engineer of Record for all projects. He is knowledgeable of CMC, CPC, CBC, NFPA and OSH PD. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION BSME, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Credentialed Instructor, Los Rios Community College District Campuses: Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, & Sacramento City College PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA Registered Mechanical Engineer, 31455 ■ CA Registered Fire Protection Engineer, 2013 ■ Certificate Fire Protection Engineering I University of California Davis Extension ■ Certificate in HVAC and Refrigeration University of California Davis Extension PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: ■ American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers ■ American Society of Mechanical Engineers ■ National Fire Protection Association ■ American Society of Plumbing Engineers Project Manager/ Lead Mechanical Engineer I Mazzetti & Associates 11999 - 2000 David provided project management for all aspects of mechanical design on prisons, hospitals, pharmaceutical facilities, and office buildings. He was familiar with cGMP and all classes of clean rooms related to manufacturing facilities. IL Dave Castillo, ME, FPE — Mechanical Engineer/Fire Protection Engineer Project Manager / Lead Mechanical Engineer I Interface Engineering, Inc. / 1997 - 1999 David was the lead engineerforthe Mechanical Division of a Mechanical/Electrical engineering firm. He initiated and implemented the writing of a Project Management Procedures Manual for companywide use. David performed heating and cooling load calculations, layout of mechanical designs for central plant systems, chilled water systems, heating hot water systems, variable airvolume systems, and write specifications. Mechanical Designer I Edward Rios & Associates 11994 - 1997 David was responsible for all aspects of HVAC, process piping and plumbing design and drafting for a mechanical engineering firm. He performed heating and cooling load calculations using Trane Trace analysis software. Mechanical Designer I The Spink Corporation 11991- 1994 David was responsible for all plumbing and process piping design and drafting for the Mechanical Division of a 115 - person multidisciplinary engineering firm. Draftingwas done usingAutoCAD Release 11. David's primary responsibilities included running HVAC loads using Trane "Load 600" analysis program, Title 24 compliance, and field work for remodel/rehabilitation projects. Mechanical Designer / Estimator I Mark III Engineering Contractors 11986 - 1991 David performed material takeoffs for plumbing and HVAC. He designed HVAC and plumbing for commercial projects. David priced out projects and submitted bids to general contractor. He also served as a project manager for field staff. 1 O- THOMAS TRIMBERGER, ME, CBO, ICC MECHANICAL ENGINEER Thomas has more than 30 years of experience working within building departments both successfully providing and supervising virtually all building department functions. Thomas is a CA Registered Mechanical Engineer, ICC Certified Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector. His extensive experience and knowledge enables him to provide excellent services to our clients. Thomas is skilled at developing relationships with developers, designers and the community to ensure plan reviews, inspections and development review functions are performed in an effective and efficient manner. He continuously assists clients by providing guidance and education on the construction and inspection process. Always helpful, personable, professional and successful in delivering high level of customer service. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Mechanical Engineer/Building Official I BPR Consulting Group 2023 - Present Thomas provides plans examination and building official services to municipal clients throughout California. Building Official/Mechanical Engineer/Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12017 - 2023 Thomas has served as the Chief Building Official for the City of Modesto for and the City of Woodland. He is responsible for both Building Safety and Code Enforcement. Additionally, Thomas works for the City of Vallejo coordinating and performing plan review. Thomas also provides comprehensive building and safety services to a variety of clients throughout the Northern California region. Chief Building Official/Senior Mechanical Engineer/Plans Examiner Consulting Firm 12016 - 2017 Thomas provided Fire and Life Safety, Accessibility, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Green Building Code review standards for both Private and Public - sector clientele. Mechanical Engineer I California Energy Commission 2015-2016 Thomas worked in the Existing Buildings (AB758) Program. His responsibilities included, collaborations with local governments and real estate industry personnel regarding energy use in existing buildings. Senior Mechanical Engineer I Consulting Firm 12010 - 2015 CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ Bachelors of Science, Mechanical Engineering ■ California State University, Sacramento ■ Certificate in Total Quality Management ■ Lost Rios Community College PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ LEED Accredited Professional ■ Build It Green Certified Green Building Professional ■ Build It Green Greenpoint Rater CA Registered Mechanical Engineer M026359 *Registered ME in 14 States ■ CABEC Residential & Non -Residential Certified Energy Plans Examiner International Code Council - 866408 ■ ICC Certified Building Official ■ ICC Certified Mechanical Code Official ■ ICC Certified Plumbing Code Official ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner ■ ICC Mechanical Plans Examiner ■ ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ■ Sacramento Valley Association of Building Officials (SVABO) ■ California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) ■ California Association of Building Officials (CALBO) Thomas provided plan review services for power plants plan. Plan reviews were completed per CA Code standards for mechanical, plumbing, energy, fire and life safety as well as applicable industry standards. IL Thomas Trimberger, ME, CBO, ICC—Mechanical Engineer/Plan Review Reviews were also completed for both private and public buildings and properties. Additional projects included Commercial Property Assessments. Special Project Manager I City of Rancho Cordova 12001- 2010 Thomas managed special projects for the City Manager and Public Works Director, including an Energy Efficiency and Conservations Block Grant, Cemetery expansion and Police Station remodel. Chief Building Official I County of Sacramento/City of Rancho Cordova 12003 - 2009 Thomas was responsible for the Building Department operational management and budget. He was responsible for the establishment of the new building and safety department, overseeing all aspects of Building and Safety plan review, permit issuance, field inspections, complaints and violations, business license inspections, staffing and budgeting. Senior Mechanical Engineer I County of Sacramento 1.1999 - 2005 Thomas duties included; managing 26 inspectors including all aspects of commercial inspections, managing all plan review activities including residential, commercial and all specialists, helped institute a new automated permit system for permit issuance and tracking as well as coordinated special issues for residential staff for energy compliance and alternate means and materials. Associate Engineer I County of Sacramento 11987 - 1999 Thomas was responsible for determining acceptability of proposed mechanical and plumbing systems; advising building owners and designers about the design and code compliance of public potable water, sewer, and gas systems, fire resistive building protection, ventilation, and commercial kitchen exhaust and markup air systems. He supervised the mechanical plan review staff, writing technical correspondence and various other tasks. HVAC Design Engineer I Airway Heating and Air 11985 -1987 Thomas was responsible for the design, estimation of HVAC systems, and technical assistance to jobsite superintendents, preparation of bids, bills of materials, major equipment purchased, issuing and managing subcontracts. Other duties included life -cycle -cost analysis, energy budget analysis, Title 24 Energy Certification and development program. Design Engineer I Comeau Engineering 11983 - 1985 Thomas worked in the design of industrial, commercial and residential HVAC, piping and plumbing systems. He performed site surveys concept development and design, drafting, and coordination with contractors and facility staff. Thomas also performed load calculations, residential and non-residential Title 24 energy compliance certifications. IL JEROME SCHREIBER, EE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Jerome has more than 45 years of electrical industry experience. He is a BPR licensed electrical engineer in California and Hawaii, and is certified by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors as an Electrical Plans CONSULTING GROUP Examiner and Electrical inspector. Jerome's experience is wide and varied, having provided engineering services to the military, public utilities, private EDUCATION organizations and municipal agencies. ■ BS, Electrical Engineering, California Polytechnic University PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Building Inspector I City of Glendale 12013 -Present PROFESSIONAL LICENSE Jerome has served as a Building Inspector for the City of Glendale since &CERTIFICATIONS August 2013. His duties have included Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, & ■ CA Electrical Engineer 12290 Electrical Inspections and Plans Examination. ■ HI Electrical Engineer 13259 ■ International Association of Instructor I Long Beach City College 12013 -Present Electrical Inspectors- Electrical Since 2013, Jerome has served as an instructor in National Electrical Code Plans Examinerand Electrical for Industrial & Commercial Applications at Long Beach City College. Inspector -6027880 Senior Electrical Inspector I City of Vernon 11987 -2013 International Code Council (ICC) Jerome was responsible for electrical plans examination and performing ■ ICC CA Commercial Building Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical inspections and all electrical Inspector installation in the City and for the City municipal facilities. ■ ICC CA Commercial Mechanical Inspector Electrical Consultant I BSK Engineering 11986 -1987 ■ ICC CA Commercial Plumbing Jerome served as an Electrical Consultant for a private firm that provided Inspector design for factories, restaurants, computer rooms, car lots, and other ■ ICC CA Residential Mechanical such installations. Inspector ■ ICC CA Residential Plumbing Distribution Engineer I Southern California Edison 11983 -1986 Inspector Jerome provided service planning and customer coordination for this ■ ICC Commercial Building Inspector Southern California utility. ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector Interior Electrician I Air National Guard 1.1978 -1980 ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC Jerome provided electrician services for various installations as a PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: member of the Air National Guard. ■ International Association of Automatic Flight Control Systems Specialist, Sergeant I US Air Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Force 11973 -1977 ■ International Association of As a Sergeant in the US Air Force, Jerome served as Shift Supervisor and Electrical Inspectors was responsible for repair crew to facilitate maintenance on transient ■ IEEE aircraft. 00 Ok JINGPEI ZHANG, EE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Jingpei is a licensed electrical engineer in California and has over 30 years of BPR experience. He holds a master's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His extensive experience in designing a variety of facilities and CONSULTING GROUP systems lends to his ability to provide excellent plan review services. His experience includes the design of electrical distribution systems for EDUCATION healthcare centers, data centers, commercial and industrial building and educational facilities. ■ MS, Electrical Engineering, California State University, Sacramento CA ■ BS, Electrical Engineering, South PROFESSIONAL HISTORY China University of Technology, Plans Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 12023 - Present China Jingpei provided plan review services for BPR's California clients to included PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & residential and commercial projects. Projecttypes include residential master CERTIFICATIONS plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. ■ CA Professional Engineer, E16243 ■ NCCER Plumbing Level IV Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12011- 2023 Certification Jingpei provided plan review services for public agencies throughout ■ NCCER Plumbing Level IV California. Certification ■ NCCER Building Maintenance Level Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12009 - 2017 III Certification Jingpei designed health care facilities, commercial and industry ■ NCCER Carpentry Level IV buildings, and schools. Representative Projects included: Certification ■ NCCER Solar Photovoltaic Level I • Farm Credit West (bank), Yuba City Certification • Almadon Ranch Commercial Office Building 06/P5 ■ NCCER Wind Power Level I • El Dorado Surgery Center, Folsom Surgery Center Certification • Kaiser Folsom HVAC upgrade ■ NCCER Green Technology Level I • San Francisco Honda Service Center in Folsom and Bayshore Certification • University Village Shopping Center ■ NCCER Weatherization Technician • Folsom Broderick Restaurant Level I Certification • Folsom Natural Result Surgery Center HONORS • Sunnyvale Building warm shell ement • Twin River School District schools HVAC system Replacement ' Professional Engineer Corporation, July Award; Carlson Corporation, July Senior Electrical Engineer/Project Integration Engineer 2000 Worley Parsons I Folsom/Sacramento, CA 12007 - 2009 ■ Student of the Year Award; South In this position, Jingpei designed and reviewed plans for power plants, China University of Technology, including the Ivanpah Solar thermal power plant in Mojave Desert, Ca.; China, 1987 the Geothermal power plant grid transmission upgrade and retrofit in Imperial County; and the PG&E Gas-fired power plant planning phase, Colusa, Ca. Senior Electrical Engineer I Mazzetti & Associates Inc. I Sacramento, CA 12000 - 2007 Jingpei designed health care facilities, commercial and industry buildings, including: • St. Joseph Hospital main office building (MOB), Eureka, CA. • North bay Medical Center: Jingpei Zhang, EE - Electrical Engineer • Medical Center Emergency Department, Vacaville, CA. • Cardio -vascular surgery center, Fairfield, CA. • Lakeside Hospital, Tele -medical surgery suites, Lakeport, CA. • UC Davis Briggs Hall Chemical Laboratory Building • Franchise Tax Board Administration building, Rancho Cordova, CA. • Kaiser Hospitals, San Francisco, Vacaville, Roseville, Elk Grove. • Veteran's Hospital Radiology Department, Mather, CA. • Woodland Memorial Hospital, mental health department renovation, Woodland, CA. • Microsoft Data center, Redmond, Seattle, WA. • Lockheed Martin Power distribution system upgrade, Santa Clara, CA. • CDCR Prison Housing units, Delano; Salinas; Vacaville, CA. • Elk Grove Middle school, Elk Grove, CA. • Santa Clara Elementary School, Santa Clara, CA. • San Jose Elementary School, San Jose, CA. Assistant Electrical Engineer I Carlson Corporation I San Francisco, CA 11997 - 2000 Jingpei designed and built data centers, including: • AT&T Web hosting data center, Seattle, WA. • Level 3 Data center, Portland, Or. • Equinix data centers, New York, city, Chicago, IL. • GTE call center, various sites. • Safeco Call Center, Seattle, WA. • Bank of America Branch offices, various sites. • Wells Fargo Bank Branch offices, various sites. Electrical Designer/Draftsman I Peters Engineering I Sacramento, CA 11996 - 1997 Jingpei designed commercial/industry, residential and schools. AutoCAD drafting and design. Also, Jingpei designed power lighting fire alarm systems forvarious commercial, industrial, schools and office buildings. 1 O- RICHARD MADDOX, ICC ELECTRICAL PLANS EXAMINER Richard brings over 28 years of experience in all aspects of plan review and BPR building inspections. Richard provides accurate and complete electrical plan reviews of residential and commercial buildings. While working for Clark CONSULTING GROUP County, Richard represented his department for multiple years at all electrical industry events such as IAEI, IEEE, AGC, NEMA, ABC, SNHBA and EDUCATION IBEW. Richard maintains his electrical plan review and inspection skills by regularly participating in industry and code related training and attending ■ VictorvalleyCollege Inspection electrical safety and electrical industry symposiums. Technology Certificate ■ Pacesetter Schools Building Inspections Certificate PROFESSIONAL HISTORY ■ Gordon Copper Vocational Technical School Electrical Plan Review I BPR Consulting Group 2021 — Present PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND Richard provides electrical plan reviews for residential and commercial CERTIFICATIONS projects for compliance with the California Electrical Code, California Energy ICC NO. 848507: Code requirements as well as local codes and ordinances. ICC Building Inspector Building Inspector and Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm ' ICC Combination Inspector 2013-2021 ■ ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy ■ ICC Electrical Inspector Provided electrical plan review and inspections for residential and ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector commercial buildings for compliance with California Electrical Code and ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC Energy Code requirements, local codes, policies, amendments, and ICC Plumbing Inspector ordinances. ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC ■ ICC Master Electrician (NV) Supervising Building Inspector, Electrical Specialist I Clark 000-001221 County, Nevada 2003-2012 ■ OSHA 10&30 Training Supervised a staff of 15 inspectors. Assisted customers in addressing ■ ATC 20 Post Disaster Training problems and concerns with compliance issues on code -related matters. Assisted with plan checking for complex projects and conflict resolution. Participated in budget planning, budget review and long-range planning. Building Inspection Specialist I Clark County, Nevada 2000-2003 Developed an education program for inspectors. Researched, authored and maintained the department's electrical policies, procedures and inspection technical guidelines. Represented the department to the local utility on all electrical related issues. Represented the department at all electrical industry meetings such as IAEI, IEEE, AGC, NEMA, ABC, SNHBAand IBEW. Senior Building Inspector I Clark County, Nevada 1997-2000 Combination inspection of single family and commercial occupancies for code compliance. Maintained an inspection record in the field and office. Investigated complaints and issuance of enforcement actions. Assisted all customers in addressing problems and concerns on compliance issues on all code -related matters related to active permits. Combination Inspector I Clark County, Nevada 1995-1997 Combination inspection of single family and commercial occupancies for code compliance. Maintained an inspection record in the field and office. Investigated complaints and issuance of enforcement actions. F t- RICHARD MADDOX, ICC — Electrical Plans Examiner PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS - International Association of Electrical Inspectors 2010 International President 2006 Southwestern President F t- MARK MEYERS, CBO, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR I PLANS EXAMINER I CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL For 32 years, Mark served as a Building Official, Deputy Building Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examiner and Permit Coordinator for the City and County of Madera and the City of Clovis. He has implemented permit tracking software for multiple jurisdictions, prepared operating budgets and managed all facets of building department activities. He recently served as an Inspection Manager, supervising inspection and clerical staff, for the UC Merced 2020 Project, helpingto design and implementthe inspection program to fit the University's evolving needs. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ BS, Business and General Management, San Francisco State University ■ AA, Business Administration, College of San Mateo ■ Coursework, Electrical Engineering Building Official I Project Manager I BPR Consulting Group California Polytechnic State 2021- Present University, San Luis Obispo Mark provides Building Official services for several Cities and Counties throughout California. In addition, Mark provides supervision for inspection CERTIFICATIONS staff and clerical staff for the Cities and Counties where he works. Mark's International Code Council 8005399 responsibilities also include meetings with clients to ensure that ■ ICC Certified Building Official expectations are being met and maintaining client relationships. ■ ICC Building Code Specialist ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC Inspection Manager I Consultant 12016-2021 ■ ICC Building Inspector Mark supervised inspection staff and clerical staff for the UC Merced 2020 ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner Project, working with client staff for the design and implementation of the ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector inspection program to fit the changing needs of UC Merced. Building Official I City of Clovis 12008 - 2015 Mark supervised 9 staff and was responsible for all building inspections. His duties included supervision and training of office staff and implementing new training programs for building inspectors. Mark designed and implemented a new computerized permit tracking and issuance program for the Planning and Development Services Department. This system included complete integration with the City's well- developed GIS systems. All permit processing was done manually before new permit tracking system was implemented. The program interfaces with the Tax Collector and Assessor's Office. Mark formulated a million -dollar budget and presented it annually. He worked regularly with the Fire, Planning, and Engineering Departments. Deputy Building Official I City of Clovis 12006 - 2008 Mark supervised 14 staff responsible for building inspection processes and building permit fee revision. He trained office staff and implemented new training programs for building inspectors. Mark designed and implemented new computerized permit fees to better comply with state laws and to track time for each inspection type. Permit Coordinator I County of Madera 12000 - 2006 Markwas responsible for all building inspection processes and coordinating building permit issuance. He performed all the duties of a Building Official, and supervised and trained a staff of 20 employees, as well as implementing new training programs for building inspectors. Mark designed and implemented a new computerized permit tracking and issuance program for the Resource Management Agency. Mark coordinated and supervised the remodel of a 37,000 square foot retail building into an office complex for the Resource Management Agency and moved four 00 Ok Mark Meyers, CBO, ICC - Building Inspector/Plans Examiner/Building Official departments into one building. Mark's duties allowed him to work regularly with the Environmental Health, Fire, Planning, Engineering and General Services, Public Works, Roads and Transportation Departments. Building Inspector I Plans Examiner I Acting Chief Building Official I City of Madera 11991 - 2000 1991- 2000 As a building inspector, Mark inspected residential and commercial buildings, and was responsible for enforcing all building codes per State and local codes. As a plans examiner, Mark regularly worked with the planning department. He formulated the budget forthe Building Department and regularly presented staff reportsto the City Council. He also did preliminary work on designing a computerized tracking program for the issuance of permits for the Building Department. Mark was eventually designated Acting Chief Building Official. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 2020 Project Expansion I University of California, Merced 12016 - 2021 Inspection Manager I Mark supervised inspection staff and clerical staff for the UC Merced 2020 Project, working with client staff for the design and implementation of the inspection program to fit the changing needs of UC Merced. Table Mountain Rancheria I Friant, CA 12018 - 2021 Building Official I Mark served as the Building Official forthe Table Mountain Casino and Hotel Expansion providing guidance to the Tribe for code alternatives and manages the inspection and plan review team for the project. KEVIN BRENTON, CBO, CASp, ICC PLANS EXAMINER/ INSPECTOR Kevin is a Certified Building Official, CASp professional, and commercial combination building inspector with over 24 years in the construction and inspection industry combined. He is an active Local Chapter member of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and active member in the local chapter of International Code Council. Kevin has a strong understanding and knowledge of the implementation of local, state and federal building codes. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Plans Examiner / Building Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present Kevin provides plan review and inspection services for residential and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Senior Plans Examiner/ Inspector I Stanford University 12019 - 2022 Kevin provided combination field inspections of new and existing building construction including, large complex commercial Structural, Accessibility, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Fire installations. He performed plan review and specifications for completeness, accuracy and implementation. Kevin provided the campus with onsite CASp review and Inspection; served as the subject matter expert for building codes and accessibility; and provided a high level of customer service to all stakeholders though out the duration of projects. Building Inspector I Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2019-2019 Kevin provided combination field inspections of new and existing building construction including large complex commercial Structural, Accessibility, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Fire installations. Kevin utilized his understanding and implementation of local, state and federal building codes to perform plan review and specifications for completeness, accuracy and implementation. He possessed and practiced his experience with DOE procedures and provided expert code evaluations of onsite construction projects. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION AS, Computer Science, Carrington College CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council - 8259529 ■ ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector ■ ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector ■ ICC Commercial Building Inspector ■ ICC Residential Building Inspector ■ ICC Commercial Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Residential Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Commercial Mechanical Inspector ■ ICC Building Inspector ■ ICC Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector ■ ICC Commercial Combination Inspector ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner ■ ICC Legal Module ■ ICC Building Codes and Standards Module ■ ICC Management Module ■ ICC Certified Building Official ■ ICC Building Code Specialist Certified Access Specialist - #964 Licensed General Contractor - B-88891 Journeyman Electrician, 2002 Structural Building Inspector I Santa Clara County Planning & Development 12017 - 2018 Kevin provided combination field inspections of new and existing buildings for both commercial and residential projects. He served as the commercial combination building inspector for Stanford University, was the lead Inspector for Stanford University Escondido Village (1.5 million sqft. Pre -cast facility) and served as Building Inspectorfor Santa Clara County correctional facilities. Senior Building Inspector I Consulting Firm 12012 - 2021 Kevin provided combination field inspections of new and existing building construction including but not limited to large complex commercial Structural, Accessibility, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Fire installations. He IL Kevin Brenton, CBO, CASp, ICC — Plans Examiner/Inspector served as Senior Combination Inspector for the APPLE AC2 campus for the entire duration of project and was the Combination Building Inspector at Sandia National Laboratory. Kevin supervised up to six employees at the AC2 project for daily assignments. Journeyman Electrician and Pipe Fitter I KRB Construction 11999 - 2012 Kevin worked on electrical systems in an industrial and commercial environment. He Installed and modified old and new work including but not limited to lighting, outlets electrical fixtures, electrical equipment transformers, switch gear and distribution equipment. Kevin tested and maintained repairs of emergency systems, backup generators, switch gear, fans and motors. Project types included class 1 division 1 electrical systems, fire alarm systems, emergency power systems, solar arrays, and underground storage tank electrical. 1 Ok SHARON VANDERPOOL, ICC PLANS EXAMINER Sharon is a proficient building plans examiner with over nine years of experience with residential construction projects and permitting. She is well -versed in the design and plan review process, municipal submittal requirements, and building permit procurement. BPR CONSULTING GROUP PROFESSIONAL HISTORY EDUCATION ■ BS, Business Administration, Plans Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present University of Phoenix Sharon provides plan review services for residentialand commercialprojects ■ Certificate/Construction including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial Management Technology, tenant improvement and remodel projects. Cosumnes River College Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm 12017 - 2022 CERTIFICATIONS Sharon performed plan review of residential projects for numerous municipal building departments throughout California. She provided InternationalBuilding Pens Examiner inner 037 ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner technical review of building plans and related documents for compliance ■ ICC Residential Plans Examiner with California Building Codes, client requirements and policies. Sharon - ICC Residential Building Inspector performed plan reviews of new residential, master plans, remodel, and - ICC Plumbing Plans Examiner tenant improvements. Sharon assisted applicants and project designers by providing information and interpretations of building codes and recommended assembly details as required to obtain compliance with applicable codes. Sharon was responsible for preparing written correction letters and maintaining project records. Administrative Specialist I El Dorado Hills Community Services District 12014 - 2015 Sharon served as lead Code Compliance Officer by ensuring that all buildings and properties followed community CC&Rs. She handled various compliance issues from homeowners and committee members through meetings/site visits/phone/email communication with tact and consideration with the goal of resolution. Sharon facilitated monthly Citizen Advisory Committee meetings including the preparation of agendas and meeting minutes. She always maintained a high level of customer service in communicating with homeowners, HOAs, and county agencies. Building Permit Technician I Consulting Firm 12006 - 2009 Sharon was responsible for processing all plans and documents for permit issuance forthe City of Elk Grove Building Department. She reviewed and processed permit applications and plans for compliance with applicable building codes; responded to inquiries from developers, architects, and property owners by providing pertinent permit procedures and policies at the public counter, email, over the phone; and Sharon served as permit coordinator for large projects requiring multiple permit approvals r Ok NATHAN SARACINO, ICC PLANS EXAMINER Nathan has over 19 years of experience in the construction / building industry with a strong proven knowledge of Federal, State, and local laws, codes and ordinances as they relate to building construction. He is fully versed in the accepted safety standards, testing procedures and methods of construction. He possesses the ability to read and interpret various codes and to apply good judgment in the enforcement of such. Nathan's hands on experience in the construction field coupled with his knowledge and experience in building inspection and plan review make him and asset to any project he is assigned. He possesses a strong work ethic, proactive problem -solving approach and is a valuable team player. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY BPR CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ Southern Regional High School Manahawkin, NJ PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ CA General Contractor, Class B B881390 Plan Examiner I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present International Code Council -9518768 Nathan provides plan review services for various California municipalities. ■ ICC Residential Building Inspector He reviews residential and commercial projects including residential ■ ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant ■ ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector improvement and remodel projects. ■ ICC Residential Electrical Inspector Building Inspector I Consulting Firm 12021- 2022 Nathan performed inspections of new buildings, additions, and alterations of existing buildings for compliance with the currently adopted California Building Code and related regulations. He articulated complex building issues to the public, contractors, designers, and owners, with an emphasis on building regulations pertaining to life/safety issues. Nathan identified and solved complex problems by conferring with and providing information to developers, engineers, architects, property owners, contractors, and others regarding code requirements and alternatives. Nathan fielded questions regarding building requirements; made independent analysis duringthe inspection process; and advised Planning, Engineering and/or Code Enforcement personnel regarding building -related issues. He provided clear and complete correction notices and inspection reports. Nathan analyzed, interpreted, and accurately reviewed building plans, specifications and building codes. He enforced codes with good judgment and impartiality; applied technical knowledge of building trades; and performed duties within OSHA standards. Owner/Operator I Saracino Construction 12006 — 2019 Nathan performed a full range of tasks and duties to include client meetings; estimating the cost of materials and labor for each project; measuring architectural plans and structural details, and performing customer requests. Nathan obtained necessary project permits, retained and managed Sub -Contractors as needed and operated dump trailer and specialty equipment for specialjobs. He was responsible for saws, paint machines, nail guns, hand tools, vehicle maintenance and tool maintenance. He performed jobs in electrical, plumbing, framing, cabinetry, landscaping, drywall, texture and painting. Held an A+ Rating with Yelp.com. Framing Foreman/Superintendent I JTS Communities 12004 — 2006 Under general supervision, Nathan assisted framing superintendent in day-to-day framing activities; helped establish daily priorities to ensure all buildings were framed to the plan, on budget, on schedule and delivered to the JTS Construction schedule. He was also responsible for ensuring buildings met quality assurance and framing inspections. Nathan was responsible for labor personnel, forklift operators, framers, all quality assurance, pre -sheer and pre -frame inspections, and all discrepancies on thejob. 9 Ok ANDREW BURKE, CASp, ICC CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST I PLANS EXAMINER Andrew is a Certified Access Specialist and ICC certified Plans Examiner with more than 18 years of industry experience in plan review, inspection, administration and estimating. Andrew has extensive plan check experience in multi -story mixed use projects and provides in-depth review of accessibility issues to ensure compliance with all California building codes. His CASp certification provides him the ability to ensure all aspects of accessibility have been achieved. His formal training in ICC codes, as well as on-the-job experience, helps him to provide thorough and accurate commercial and residential plan reviews and inspections. Andrew is an excellent asset to any building department both in the office and out in the field. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Plans Examiner I Certified Access Specialist (CASp) I BPR Consulting Group 12021 — Present Provides life safety and accessibility plan review for residential and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Plans Examiner I Certified Access Specialist (CASp) CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ Associates in Building Inspection Technology, Butte Community College ■ Associates in Mathematics, Butte Community College CERTIFICATIONS ■ Certified Access Specialist - CASp- 710 International Code Council, 8250398 ■ ICC Building Inspector ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner ■ ICC Permit Technician ■ ICC Commercial Building Inspector ■ ICC Residential Plans Examiner ■ ICC Residential Combination Inspector Consulting Firm 12013 — 2021 Provided life safety and accessibility plan reviews for residential and commercial projects including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial tenant improvement and remodel projects. Building Department Intern I Town of Los Gatos 12012 Andrew worked as an intern in various areas of a building department. Performed field inspections and worked behind the counter as a permit technician. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 2020 Project Expansion I University of California, Merced 12016 - 2021 Life Safety and Accessibility Plans Examiner I Andrew reviewed plans for the campus expansion for compliance California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, Fire Codes, Green Building Standards Code, and California Accessibility Standards; state and local building codes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. Sac Republic Soccer Stadium I City of Sacramento 12019 Accessibility Plans Examiner I Andrew provided plan review for this new 409,664 SF stadium to ensure compliance with applicable accessibility codes and standards. North 40 1 Town of Las Gatos 12018 - 2019 Accessibility Plans Examiner I Andrew provided accessibility reviews for the new 211,773 SF mixed use building in the North 40 development consisting of residential, parking garage, community room and commercial. 00 Ok Andrew Burke CASp, ICC- Certified Access Specialist/Plans Examiner InnovAge California PACE I City of Sacramento 12019 Accessibility Plans Examinerl Andrew provided accessibility plan review services for this new 66,030 SF OSHPD all- inclusive elder care facility valued at $6,250,000. IL RICKEY D. MAULDIN, CASp, ICC PLANS EXAMINER Mr. Rickey D. Mauldin is a skilled Plans Examiner and Inspector for major BPR multi -discipline and multi-level building projects, known for providing inclusive plan examinations and support to fellow co-workers and various CONSULTING GROUP jurisdictional building staff. As a Building Official, Senior Plans Examiner and Senior Inspector, Rickey has 37 + years of management, inspection, EDUCATION contracting, building inspection, and building code compliance review 0 AS, Building Inspection Technology, experience, including experience with both a city agency and the private Butte College sector. ■ AA, Drafting Technology, He has completed complex reviews of a variety of projects including fire Butte College stations, indoor and outdoor malls, multi -story parking structures, hotels and motels, various cellular towers, electrical distribution systems, photovoltaic PROFESSIONAL LICENSES & systems, mechanical systems, plumbing systems, multi-level commercial CERTIFICATIONS establishments, various restaurants and fast food buildings, medical and International Code Council -1064528 dental offices, commercial swimming pools, mixed use occupancy buildings, ■ Commercial Mechanical Inspector multi -family buildings, single and multi-level single-family dwellings and site ' Combination Inspector civil review for site accessibility access. Rickey is extremely organized and ' Residential Mechanical Inspector professional when managingseveral large projects and working with clients. ' Commercial Electrical Inspector ■ California Combination Inspector PROJECT EXPERIENCE ■ Commercial Plumbing Inspector ■ Residential Electrical Inspector ■ Roseville Galleria Mall, $240 million, 400,000 -sq. ft. Expansion and ■ Building Plans Examiner Renovation (Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing) ■ CA Commercial Building Inspector ■ 2 -Story Parking Structure - Galleria Mall, Roseville, CA Electrical Inspector ■ Accessibility Inspector/Plans ■ 5 -Story Parking Structure (Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing) - Examiner Galleria Mall, Roseville, CA ■ CA Commercial Plumbing Inspector ■ CA Residential Electrical Inspector ■ Palladio Mall Buildings - Folsom, CA ■ Commercial Building Inspector ■ Palladio Mall 2 -Story Parking Structure - Folsom, CA ■ Mechanical Inspector ■ CA Residential Building Inspector ■ UC Davis X -Ray Room - Folsom, CA ■ CA Residential Plumbing Inspector ■ 4 -Story Parking Structure/Mixed Use Building- Folsom, CA ' Plumbing Inspector ■ CA Commercial Mechanical ■ 4 -Story (Type VA) Leisure Lane Multifamily Apartments — Inspector Sacramento, CA ■ Residential Plumbing Inspector ■ California Building Plans Examiner ■ Broadway 39 (3 -story, Type VA) Multifamily Apartments - ■ CA Residential Mechanical Inspector Sacramento, CA ■ Building Inspector ■ Township 9 Garden Apts (3 -story, Type VA) Multifamily Apts. - ' Residential Building Inspector Sacramento, CA ■ CA Commercial Electrical Inspector ■ CA Commercial Combination ■ Dialysis Clinics - Folsom, Lincoln, Yuba City and Clearlake, CA Inspector ■ CA Residential Combination ■ Yuba City Fire Station #4 - Yuba City, CA Inspector ■ Folsom Fire Station - Folsom, CA ■ Residential Combination Inspector ■ Commercial Combination Inspector ■ Rite -Aide Pharmacy-Clearlake, CA CASp/#779 1 O- Rickey D. Mauldin, CASp, ICC - Plans Examiner ■ Walgreens Pharmacy - Clearlake, CA ■ 4 -Story Hotel, Townplace Suites - Roseville, CA ■ 4 -Story Hotel, Springhill Suites - Roseville, CA ■ 3 -Story Hotel, Hampton Inn -Yuba City, CA ■ 88,000 SF Mercury Insurance Tenant Improvement- Folsom, CA ■ LDS Church - Folsom, CA ■ Wells Fargo Building - Disabled Access Compliance Survey - Sacramento, CA ■ 4 -Story Hyatt Hotel - Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical Review - UC Davis Campus ■ Buena Vista ME-Wuk Indian Tribe Casino - Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical Review - Ione, CA ■ Orchard Village Apartment Complex - Winters, CA ■ Walgreens Pharmacy - Lincoln, CA ■ Placer County Correctional Facility - Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical Review ■ Del Norte Family Medical Clinic - Yuba City, CA ■ Sonic Restaurant- Oroville, CA STAFFING ASSIGNMENTS ■ City of Oroville I Building Official & Plans Examiner ■ Butte County Building Department I Plans Examiner ■ City of Lincoln Plans Examiner/Inspector ■ City of Winters Inspector ■ Tehama County Building Department Plans Examiner/Inspector ■ City of Clearlake Building Department Inspector ■ Sierra County Building Department I Plans Examiner/Inspector PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Commercial and Residential Plans Examiner I Consulting Firm Building Official, Plans Examiner and Code Official I City of Oroville Commercial and Residential Plans Examiner Butte County Senior Plans Examiner and Senior Inspector Consulting Firm Commercial and Residential Plans Examiner City of Folsom Building Inspector, Plans Examiner and Acting Building Official I City of Seaside Plans Examiner and Building Inspector I City of Susanville General Building and Plumbing Contractor 1 O- TIM SCOTT, CBO, ICC BUILDING OFFICIAL PLANS EXAMINERI BUILDING INSPECTOR For the past 40 years Tim as provided building safety services on behalf of BPR Northern California communities. Tim served as the Deputy Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building Inspector for the City of Davis, City of Elk Grove CONSULTING GROUP and the County of Sacramento. His experience as a Deputy Building Official exposed him to the many facets of managing a Building Department and EDUCATION allowed him to develop the exceptional organizational and management skills necessary to provide superior services to the communities he serves. ' Consumnes River College- Building Tim's experience includes plan review and inspection for all types and sizes Inspection Technology of projects including residential, multi -family, commercial, institutional, and ' Yuba College- Coursework in industrial projects. He is familiar with multiple permit tracking software Pesticide Applications systems utilized by jurisdictions and has managed all facets of building CERTIFICATIONS department services. Tim currently utilizes his skills as a Building Official, 87217 Plans Examiner and Building Inspector to benefit Northern California InternationalCertified CodeCouncil communities. ■ ICC Certified Building Official ■ ICC Building Code Specialist B8 ■ ICC California Building Plans PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Examiner 16 ■ ICC California Residential Building Official / Plans Examiner / Building Inspector I BPR Combination Inspector J5 Consulting Group 12021- Present ■ ICC California Residential Inspector Tim provides Building Official, plan review and inspection services to Cities J1 and Counties throughout Northern California. Tim's responsibilities also ' ICC California Residential Electrical include meeting with clients to ensure that expectations are being met and Inspector J2 ■ ICC California Residential Plumbing maintaining client relationships. Inspector J3 Assistant Chief Building Official / Sr. Plans Examiner I City of ' ICC California Residential Davis I 2008 - 2019 Mechanical Inspector J4 Tim's role included management of the City of Davis's Building Department, ■ ICC California Commercial Building Inspector I1 supervising inspection and plan review staff. Tim over -saw the plan review ICC California Commercial Plumbing department to ensure that plan reviews were being completed in a timely Inspector 13 and consistent manner. Tim also coordinated plan reviews performed by ICC California Commercial outside consultants and provided quality control of the consultant's reviews. Mechanical Inspector 14 ■ ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Assistant Building Official / Sr. Plans Examiner I Consultant Examiner City of Elk Grovel 2003 - 2008 ICC Plumbing Inspector P5 Tim worked in the City of Elk Grove on a contract basis. Tim's duties included ■ ICC Building Inspector B5 assisting with management of the City's Building Department including ■ ICC Building Inspector UBC management of the City's plan review department to ensure quality and ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector M5 consistency of the plan reviews. Tim began working in the City of Elk Grove ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC early in the City's formation and was instrumental in establishing policies ' ICC Building Plans Examiner B3 and procedures for the City's new Building Department. ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC Plans Examiner/ Building Inspector I County of Sacramento 12000 - 2003 Tim provided plan reviews and building inspection services forthe County of Sacramento Building Department. Tim was responsible for a range of projects from small residential remodels to large complex commercial and industrial projects. IL Tim Scott, CBO, ICC- Building Official /Plans Examiner/Building Inspector General Building Contractor I Self Employed 1 1993 - 2000 As a self-employed general contractor Tim was responsible for coordination of all activities associated with a small business including client relations and managing all phases of construction for wood framed residential and commercial projects. Carpenter/ Foreman I Timberline Builders 11983 - 1993 Tim began working for Timberline Builders as a carpenter and worked his way up to the position of foreman where he supervised a crew of carpenters. Tim was responsible for quality assurance as well as the productivity of the crew. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Supervising Plan Examiner/ Assistant Building Official I City of Elk Grove 12003 - 2008 As the Assistant Building Official and Supervising Plans Examiner Tim was instrumental in developing and implementing policies and procedures in the development of the City of Elk Grove's Building Department. 1 O- RICK WALTERS, CBO, CASp, LEED, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR I PLANS EXAMINER Rick has over 34 years of experience in the construction industry with over 31 BPR of those years in the Building Inspection industry. Rick has experience as a building official and inspector. He has provided senior inspector services in CONSULTING GROUP disaster zones for floods and wildfires which required communication with the National Guard, elected officials and law enforcement. Additionally, Rick CERTIFICATIONS is experienced in inspection management, council meetings, planning ■ IAPMO Certified Plumbing Inspector, meetings, city and county design review meetings, field inspections, permit 030666 tracking and issuance, record keeping, construction techniques, and office ■ IAPMO Certified Mechanical procedures. Inspector, 090146 Rick has provided inspection services for over 25 different City, County, State ' CA LEED Certified, LEED AP BD+C, and Military installations. He inspected services of a Wildfire Disaster Zone 10436985 involving over 100 structures and provided Flood Zone inspections for over ■ Certified Access Specialist, CASp-439 1,100 homes. He provided Chief Building Official services to the Cities of International Code Council, 1061008 Dixon, Calistoga, Yountville, St. Helena, Gridley, Auburn and Woodland. ■ ICC Building Code Official ■ ICC CA Residential Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Combination, Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Certified Building Official Chief Building Official / Certified Access Specialist / Senior ■ ICC CA Commercial Building, Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12021- Present Plumbing, Electrical, Combination, Rick provides Building Official, building inspection, plan review, CASp Mechanical Inspector review and inspection services for several clients in Northern California. ■ ICC Building, Electrical, Combination, Mechanical, Plumbing Chief Building Official / Certified Access Specialist / Senior Inspector Inspector I Consulting Firm 12014 - 2021 ■ ICC CA Combination Inspector Performed Building Official, building inspection and plan review services for ■ ICC Mechanical UMC various Northern California municipalities, as well as providing CASp plan ' ICC Building Plans Examiner review and inspection services.■ ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC ■ ICC CA Building Plans Examiner Inspection Services I Consulting Firm I Beale Air Force Base, CA ■ ICC Combination Inspector- Legacy 12012-2014 ■ ICC Building Code Specialist Rick provides full inspection services for military housing at Beale Air Force ' ICC Commercial Combination Base. Inspections of single-family homes and duplexes include foundation, Inspector framing, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and final inspections. Daily and PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS weekly reports are compiled listing any deficiencies or items needing repair/replacement. International Code Council, Committee Member and Teacher Fill -In Building Inspection Services I Consulting Firm 12011- 2012 Rick has provided fill-in building inspection services during staff vacations, sick -time, and periods of high -workload forthe Cities of West Sacramento and Napa. He has inspected residential and commercial structures for compliance with all applicable building codes and local ordinances. Building Inspection Services Manager I City of Woodland, CA 12008 - 2011 Rick oversaw the inspection program for the City of Woodland. He managed and directed the inspectors on staff as well as performed inspections for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities. 9 Ok Rick Walters, CBO, CASp, LEED, ICC- Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Senior Building Inspector I City of Woodland, CA 12007 - 2008 As a Senior Building Inspector in the City of Woodland, Rick performed inspections and building plan code compliance reviewsfor residential, commercial, and industrial projects including hotels, industrial construction and multiple housingtracts. Otherjob duties included permittracking and issuance as well as record keeping. Interim Building Official I City of Woodland, CA /2006 - 2007 Senior Building Inspector City of Woodland, CA 12004 - 2006 Senior Building Inspector City of Auburn, CA 12004 Interim Building Official I City of Auburn, CA 12003 - 2004 Senior Building Inspector 111 City of Auburn, CA 11999 - 2004 Building Inspector II County of Yuba, CA 11990 - 1999 Building Inspector I County of Yuba, CA 11989 -1990 Ok DON R. CTIBOR, PE CIVIL PLAN REVIEW Don is a highly experienced Licensed California Professional Engineer with extensive project experience and management experience. Specific skills BPR include budget strategy, preparation and oversight and implementation of best practices across multiple departments. Knowledgeable in enforcing CONSENTING GROUP compliance and minimum standards to safeguard life, limb, health property and public welfare. Don has successfully provided project management EDUCATION expertise for many California clients. ■ BS, Civil Engineering, California State University, Fresno, 2003 ■ BA, Biological Science, California PROFESSIONAL HISTORY State University, Fresno, 1996 Plan Review Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present ■ AS, Chemistry, College of the Don is a licensed professional engineer and provides civil plan review for BPR ■ CA, 1991 AA Sequoias, Visalia,PsychologyCollege 1 the Consulting Group. Don is well versed in all aspects of land development, civil Sequoias, Visalia, CA, 1991 infrastructure, and grading related to major building projects. Don utilizes his many years' experience to ensure the projects he reviews are well PROFESSIONAL LICENSES & coordinated and clearly identify the information required for a successful CERTIFICATIONS project with a minimum of requests for additional information which can ■ CA Licensed Professional Engineer - often result in project delays. 76392 Professional Engineer I Consulting Firm I Fresno, CA 12017 - ■ Qualified Storm Water Pollution 2022 Prevention Plan Developer/ Practitioner 124244 Don provided project management services for the LIC Merced 2020 Project. ■ EPA RRP Certification (NAT -F115845 This was a $1.3 Billion Campus Expansion Project. & R139176 Regional Project Engineer Moore Twinning Associates, Inca General Engineering Contractor 1 2015-2017 ■ 744754 General Building Contractor 1744754 Don was the project manager for the Fresno Corporate Office and Monterey . APNGA Certified Radiation Safety Office for Construction Inspection and Material Divisions. He managed 40+ Officer construction material testing and special inspection projects concurrently ■ TroxlerCertified NuclearGauge and including the Phase 1 of High -Speed Rail, group up Soledad Middle School, Hazmat bridge projects, road projects, City water and sewer main/expansion ■ DSA Engineer of Record projects. Responsibilities included preparing engineering estimates, ' Pier/ Pile Foundations Special expense budgets, proposals, contract development and contract Inspector - Kern County#KC00369- management, report writing, correspondence, presentations to carious 02 Soils Special Inspector - Kern clients both public and private sectors. Don provided oversight of Federal, County #KC00369-01 State and Local Laws, Codes and Regulations regarding material testing, special inspections and building codes. Project Manager & Executive Director I Chukchansi Indian Housing Authority, CA 12012 - 2014 Don managed all phases of development for 88 -unit, low-income development, 6 -unit leg up development, master planning and site developments for numerous other projects. He established and maintained long-term working relationships with other Tribes nationally, local contractors, developers along with Federal and local governments. Additionally, Don oversaw design of all site development and housing related engineering projects for Tribe Don R. Ctibor, PE - Civil Plan Review throughout Madera, Fresno and Mariposa Counties, to ensure legal and regulatory compliance at all times with all operations. Air Quality Engineer I San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, CA 12009 - 2012 Don reviewed and evaluated permit applications, including calculating emission rates and permit fees, determining compliance or non-compliance with air quality regulations, determining and recommending best available control technology, defining permit conditions, and issuing authorityto construct permits. He operated a variety of software and programs used to make engineering calculations, enter and retrieve data, and monitor and correct data entry; investigates and corrects errors in the designs. Assistant Engineer I Madera County Engineer 12007 - 2009 Don worked with building department reviewing various structural designs, construction, and inspection of grading, retaining walls, private roads, bridges, drainage, and water and sewer systems; work independently on assigned projects; FEMA prepare, check, review, and evaluate structural computations, prepare plans and specifications for County engineering projects; Reviewed elevation certificates and work closely with FEMA in all flood plain matters; attend and assist the Planning Commission, and other public meetings; act as liaison with other government agencies and the general public. 1 O- DAN GARCIA, PE, REA, CPP SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER PLANS EXAMINER Dan is a licensed civil engineer with extensive City Engineering and Public BPR Works experience including Civil Plan Checking of Storm Drain LID & SWPPP and Private Development/Subdivision Map Act expertise. He has CONSULTING GROUP served in senior executive management engineering and public works positions from Compton, Maywood, Costa Mesa, Norwalk, Wildomar, EDUCATION Hayward, Solvang, Novato to the City of Los Angeles. Dan brings to every . BS, Civil Engineering, California State city his expertise in the areas of Civil Plan Review and Private University, Long Beach Development/Subdivision Map Act, including Tracts, Parcel Maps, Lot ■ MPA, Public Administration, Line Adjustments, grading, infrastructure review such as streets, storm California State University, Long drain and sewers plan checks that would include LID & SWPPP and any Beach relevant Subdivision Map Act services for the City of La Habra. He can serve all of your City's Development Plan Review needs. EXPERTISE ■ City Engineering Advisor PROFESSIONAL HISTORY ■ Sewer/Storm Drain Compliance ■ CIP/Project Management Senior Civil Engineer I BPR Consulting Group 12021- Present ■ Development/Subdivisions As a Senior Civil Engineer at BPR Consulting Group, Dan provides design Subdivision Map Act and review services for numerous Public Works Departments in California. City Engineer Advisor I Compton PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS As City Engineer Advisor Dan is responsible for assisting the City with reviewing/approving several private developments such as street En Registered Professional Civil vacations, grading plan checks, civil review of private and CIP streets, Engineer 5710 Registered Re storm drain LID & SWPPP and sewer plans and signed both Subdivision Registtered EnvironmentalAssessor� 5640 Cal -EPA plans as well as infrastructure plans as City Engineer for Compton. ■ Certified Permitting Professional City Engineer Advisor/Development Plans Examiner I Rancho D11308 SCAQMD Palos Verdes As City Engineer Advisor, Dan signed as City Engineer for subdivisions for the Community Development Department and was responsible for assisting the City with reviewing/approving several private developments such as tracts, parcel maps, lot line adjustments, certificate of compliances, lot mergers and new address assignments. Developmental Review Services I City of Wildomar I City of Hayward For both cities, Dan provided review of Civil Plan Review and Private Development/Subdivision Map Act (SMA) tasks much as required in your city. He reviewed tract and parcel maps, grading/drainage plans, infrastructure plans including water, sewer, storm drain and streets, SWPPP, Low Impact Development (LID), hydrology and soils reports to assure those cities that the projects were in compliance with the SMA. GABRIEL ARGU ETA, CASp BUILDING INSPECTOR Gabriel has 4 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC certified inspectorwith experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections on residential and commercial projects for Cities in the Los Angeles area. Gabriel is also a certified CASp expert and has provided CASp inspections as well as provided CASp design as a consultant. He provides Building Department inspection services to ensure projects were built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Gabriel brings considerable experience from working for several construction companies in the Los Angeles Region. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Building Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12021 - Present Gabriel provides building inspection services for municipalities in the Los Angeles area. He provides inspections for CASp, Building Code compliance and compliance with the approved construction documents for residential and commercial projects. CONSULTING GROUP PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS ■ Certified Access Specialist, CASp-126 ■ Licensed Building Contractor No. 430345 Self Employed I Consultant 12019 to 2021 Gabriel provided ADA consulting services to commercial property owners and business owners. In addition He provided inspection services for various Cities and provided construction consultation to property owners for residential construction projects. Sr. Building Inspector I City of Hawthorn CA - Building Division 12001 - 2019 Senior for residential and commercial projects. Provided general building inspection and public safety inspections. Inspected all aspects of the construction process including building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical phases of residential and commercial projects. Also provide CASp inspections and CASp plan reviews. Project Manager I Pace Setter Company 1999-2021 Responsible for managing and coordinating projects and supervising construction crews for the installation of modular buildings and school bungalow classrooms. Construction Sub -Contractor I William Scotsman Construction Trailers & Modular Buildings 1995-1999 Provided services as a sub -consultant for various projects including numerous projects for the Los Angeles School District. Self Employed Building Contractor 11982 - 1995 General contractor in the construction industry for commercial and residential projects. Union Carpenter 11980 - 1982 Worked as a carpenter on high rise buildings in the Los Angeles area. Carpenter and Supervisor I ELCCO Builders 11976 - 1980 Worked as a carpenter and supervisor for residential construction projects. 1 O- MICHAEL J. ZIMMER, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR/ CODE ENFORCEMENT/ BUILDING OFFICIAL Michael is a highly qualified building professional that brings with him over BPR 40 years of experience. His experience in the industry includes involvement in the many layers of building department services to include inspection, CONSULTING GROUP code enforcement, plan review, and building official services. Michael's EDUCATION breadth of knowledge is an asset to BPR and clients alike. ■ BS, Organizational Management, University of La Verne PROFESSIONAL HISTORY ■ AA, LiberaIArts Building inspector/ Plans Examiner / Project Manager Allan Hancock College BPR Consulting Group I 2021 -Present PROFESSIONAL LICENSES & Michael provides comprehensive building safety services on behalf of CERTIFICATIONS public agency clients including quality control inspections, building ■ ICC Certified Electrical Inspector inspections, code enforcement services, building official services and ■ ICC Certified Building Inspector other program management services. ■ ICC Certified Building Chief Building Official I County of Napa 12017 - 2021 Inspector/Concrete ■ General Building Contractor License Michael managed a division of 20 employees and contract staff that Foundation of Strategic Leadership, provided regulatory oversight of the construction of all residential, Santa Barbara County Employees' commercial, industrial, educational and medical buildings within the University unincorporated areas of the County. He directed, managed and Executive Leadership Certification, coordinated activities and operations related to the California Title 24 American Managers Association Building regulations as they relate to building permitting, plan check review and inspection programs. Forecasted and managed a 1.8 -million- SPECIALIZED TRAINING dollar annual budget for the Building and Safety Division including ■ Managing the Cost of Providing expenditures for contract engineering firms in areas related to building Public Safety and Consumer inspection, and plan check review. Protection, C.B.O.A.C., San Luis Obispo, Calif., Septemberl6, 2009 Building Inspector/ Plans Examiner/ Project Manager Building Department Personnel Consulting Firm 2014-2017 Management, I.C.C., Sacramento, Performed all types of commercial and residential inspections and plan Calif., March 13,2007 reviews. ■ Increasing Creditability of the Code Building Inspector/ Plans Examiner/ Project Manager Official, C.T.I., Palm Springs, Calif., Consulting Firm 12014 March 1, 2006 Performed all types of commercial and residential inspections and plan ' State Laws Enforced by Building reviews. Departments, Ontario, Calif., November 3, 2004 Public Works Community Development Director ■ Building Department Administration City of Pacific Grove 12010 - 2014 Concept, Ontario, Calif., Michael managed the public works department consisting of six divisions, November 3, 2004 22 employees. He was responsible for developing and monitoring a 2.3 - million -dollar budget including the review of expenditures for EXPERTISE consistency with the services and/or materials provided. Responsible for ■ Safety Compliance managing the Public Works Department's diverse activities, programs, ■ verbal and Written Communications projects, and systems including the coordination of Department activities ■ Training and Staff Development with other City departments and outside agencies. Michael developed a ' Budget Management IL Michael J. Zimmer- Building Inspector/Code Enforcement/Building Official long-term Capital Project Improvement Program, five-year strategic plan and provided technical expertise to the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, City Council, Traffic and Natural Resources Commissions. Coordinated and oversaw City engineering services as prescribed by State law and to ensure all activity in public right-of-way was in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and responsible for all related permit processes required by the City Municipal Code and/orCalTrans. Negotiated and managed City contracts for City engineering services, street sweeping, collection of solid waste and recycling materials, commercial grease inspection program and initiated all departmental purchases and contract bidding process for City projects. Michael also managed and directed supervisors which oversaw vehicle operations, street sweeping, pavement markings, traffic signs, parks, maintenance and infrastructure upgrades of streets, city -owned streetlights, forested areas including trees on city property, the Coastal Recreation Trail, operation of the City -owned El Carmelo Cemetery, all City owned facilities and buildings, sewer and wastewater system and the storm water management program related to City compliance with Federal and State laws and Storm Water discharge permits. Building Official / Petroleum Administrator I County of Santa Barbara 12003 - 2010 Michael managed a division of 33 employees with offices in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria, California and oversaw and monitored engineering contract staff that provided regulatory oversight to the building, grading and offshore and onshore oil and gas programs. Directed, managed and coordinated activities and operations related to the California Building Code and Santa Barbara County Petroleum, and Grading Codes. Ensured effective enforcement of housing and zoning programs, and building and zoning permit counters, including offshore and onshore oil and gas permits and inspection programs. Michael forecasted and managed a four - million -dollar annual budget for the Building and Safety Division including expenditures for contract engineering firms in areas related to building inspection, building plan check review and offshore oil and gas. Monitored, reviewed and evaluated expenditures of oil and gas contract firm and building contract firm to ensure charges are consistent with the services provided for the oil and gas and construction industry. These firms provided expertise in the areas of construction building plan check and inspection and oil and gas facility plan check and inspection audits for eight offshore operations within Santa Barbara County. Supervising Building Inspector I County of Santa Barbara 11999 - 2003 Michael was responsible for supervising the inspection and plan check programs for code compliance of $60 to $70 million dollars in building valuation per year of construction activity. Supervised two Regional Building and Safety offices and specific inspection programs for the North County Division of Building and Safety. Assigned and reviewed the work of 12 employees which included, plan check engineers, building inspectors, grading inspectors, permit technicians and clerical staff. Responsible forthe development and execution of public safety educational outreach programs for local architects, engineers, plan checkers, building inspectors, contractors and the general public. Assisted in the preparing of annual budget and managed budget targets and established work objectives. Initiated and reviewed all divisional program needs, recruited staff to fill needs, evaluated and developed skill sets of employees. Represent the Building and Safety Division on various committees. Building Engineering Inspector III I County of Santa Barbara 11995 - 1999 Michael was responsible for plan checking and inspection of large complex and highly sophisticated commercial, institutional, residential and industrial building designs for compliance with all applicable building, disabled access and energy conservation codes throughout the unincorporated areas of Santa Barbara County. Arranged, coordinated and reviewed third party technical inspections and reports to ensure compliance with design and engineering specifications. Coordinated and conducted job site conferences with technical consultants, engineers, architects, contractors and owners to review project requirements and clarify question and resolve problems. Provided technical direction and assisted in the training and development of Michael J. Zimmer- Building Inspector/Code Enforcement/Building Official junior building inspectors. Prepared daily reports, issued inspection notices and notices of non- compliance to appropriate parties responsible for construction projects. Building Engineering Inspector 1/111 County of Santa Barbara 11990 - 1995 Michael performed combination inspections of residential, commercial, industrial and instructional buildings for compliance with county and state building codes. Conferred with property owners, contractors, and architects and assisted them regarding code requirements to ensure regulatory compliance. Performed duties at public counter, issuing permits, plan check review, answering questions for the general public and professionals and providing information to the public regarding the regulatory permit process. Investigated complaints and violations related to housing, zoning and building codes, working closely with other county agencies and property owners to mitigate violations. Responded and inspected damaged buildings as part of the emergency response team with a focus on safety and habitability of damaged buildings from earthquake, floods and fires. Prepare daily inspection reports. Housing Inspection Officer I Housing Authority, County of Santa Barbara 11985 -1990 Michael inspected federally funded residential buildings for compliance with federal housing and development regulations and the Uniform Housing Code. Prepared statements and issued notices of violation to property owners to correct substandard conditions. Prepared daily field inspection reports, follow up inspection reports and maintained records of all inspections and follow up actions until substandard conditions had been mitigated. Journeyman Carpenter I People's Self Help Housing Corporation 11983 -1985 Michael performed all phases of rough and finish carpentry on existing residential buildings receiving federal loans. Job duties and functions included construction plan and design interpretation; layout and construct building framework, foundation, walls and roof assemblies. Work with sub -contractors to ensure proper installation of windows, doors and other mechanical devices of building are completed and meet design specifications. Journeyman Carpenter: United Carpenters Union, Local 2477, Santa Maria, CA; April 1975 - October 1983. Work for various contractors constructing new residential and commercial buildings and remodels of existing buildings. Job duties and functions included construction plan and design interpretation; layout and construct building framework, foundation, walls and roof assemblies. Work with sub -contractors to ensure proper installation of windows, doors and other mechanical devices of building are completed and meet design specifications. Coordinate with Plumbing, mechanical and electrical contractors to ensure proper quality control of building construction is maintained throughout all phases of construction until final completion of project. Work with state and local regulatory agencies regarding code compliance. 1 O- ISIDORO ZAPIEN, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR Isidoro is an Inspector with 26 years of experience in the construction industry. He has extensive experience and is currently certified in structural steel and welding, high strength bolting, spray applied fireproofing, structural masonry and reinforced concrete. Isidoro is also nuclear gauge certified with experience in soils and asphalt. He has performed various inspection services including quality assurance and quality control to ensure projects were built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12021 - Present Isidoro provides building inspection services for various Northern California municipalities. He provides inspections for code compliance and compliance with the approved drawings for residential and commercial projects. Isidoro's areas of expertise include building inspections, code interpretations, construction concept/scope, client relationship management and project management. Inspector I Consulting Firm 12017 - 2021 Isidoro provided building inspection services for various Northern California municipalities. He provided inspections for code compliance and compliance with the approved drawings for residential and commercial projects. CONSULTING GROUP PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS ■ AWS Associate Certified Welding Inspector, 01110444 ■ ACI Concrete Field -Testing Technician Grade I, 030005 ■ Nuclear Density Testing Gauge, 12495 ICC NO. 5003730 ■ ICC Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Associate ■ ICC Spray Applied Fire Proofing Special Inspector ■ ICC Structural Welding Special Inspector ■ ICC Structural Masonry Special Inspector ■ ICC Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector ■ ICC Commercial Building Inspector Senior Special Inspector I Pleasanton, CA 12012 - 2017 Isidoro performed special inspections on a variety of commercial projects including and 2.8 million square foot Amazon fulfillment center, a seven story Kaiser Permanente Hospital and Medical Center, a 500,000 -square foot tilt up and the Nasa Ames Research Center in Mountain View which consisted of 5 -million -gallon watertanks and a supercomputer cooling tower. As the lead special inspector for these projects, Isidoro was responsible for coordinating with the project inspectors and project managers on daily inspections, performing field inspections which included welding, concrete, rebar and fireproofing, mapping all RFI changes on the approved drawings and submitting daily filed reports to the client. Senior Special Inspector I Quality Control Manager I San Diego, CA 12009 - 2012 Isidoro was the Senior Special Inspector and Quality Control Manager for a variety of naval air station projects including a Marine Reserve training center, group hanger #5, a child development center and the renovation of building 730 A. He was responsible for providing special inspections for concrete, structural steel and welding, structural masonry, reinforced concrete, material sampling, verification of material type, field density testing and monitoring quality of work. He also ensured his daily reports documented compliance to plan, the geotechnical report,job specifications and compliance to the code. Senior Engineering Technician I Concord, CA 12002 - 2009 As the Senior Engineering Technician, Isidoro was responsible for concrete and welding inspections in the field, NDT procedures during construction and performing construction inspections as required on multiple projects including the Livermore Civic Center Library and the West Sacramento Force Main Pipeline. LANDON COLLINS, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR Landon has 19 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC certified inspectorwith experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections to residential projects well as providing commercial building inspections for Cities and Counties. He provides Building Department inspection services to ensure projects are built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Landon also brings considerable experience from working for several California construction companies. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Building Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12021 - Present Landon provides building inspection services for various California municipalities. He provides inspections for code compliance and compliance with the approved construction documents for residential and commercial projects. CONSULTING GROUP PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS ICC CERTIFICATION NO. 8984654: ■ ICC Commercial Building Inspector ■ ICC Residential Building Inspector ■ ICC Building Inspector ■ ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector ■ ICC Residential Electrical Inspector ■ ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector ■ ICC Residential Comb. Inspector ■ ICC Building Plans Examiner Building Inspector I Consulting Firm 12021 Duties included residential inspections for Madera County Building Division and running day to day operations as the lead forthe Building Department at the City of Sonora. Building Inspector I & 111 Merced County Dept. of Public Works- Building Division 12019 - 2021 As Senior Field Inspector, Landon provided general building inspection and public safety inspections. Inspected all phases of the construction process including building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical for residential, commercial and agricultural projects. Also inspected industrial projects including local agricultural, manufacturing, and food processing plants. Site Supervisor I DMC Construction 2018-2019 Landon served as Construction Site Supervisor and Managing Carpenter for a growing construction company in Merced, CA. He directed and delegated responsibilities to company employees as well as provided management to subcontractors from various trades, with strict adherence to code and high-quality building standards. He provided daily hands-on site work as needed to complete projects. Owner / General Contractor I Collins Construction 12013 - 2018 Landon focused on residential and commercial remodels and new construction. Projects included re -wires and electrical additions, fine finish work, plumbing, framing. Landon gained experience with contracts, plan reading, scheduling and budgets. Lead Carpenter I Williams and Sutton Construction 12011 - 2013 Landon served as Lead Carpenterfor major residential and commercial remodels. He provided Electrical, plumbing, framing, finish work as well as supervision of the construction crew. Communications Technician 111 Comcast Corporation 12010 - 2011 Installation and repair of cable, internet and phone services inside and outside of customer premises. Experience doing line work and climbing utility poles. 1 O- Landon Collins, ICC - Building Inspector Finish Carpenter & General Construction I DE Construction 12008 - 2010 Carpentry/ woodworking including framing, fine finish work and trim. Installed wood and the floors, doors, windows and cabinets. Work included steel framing, concrete, plumbing and electrical work, painting and general repair. Some supervisory responsibilities. Finish Carpenter I Woodland Stairs and Millwork 12006 - 2008 Installation and repair of stars and stair components in production and custom homes. Majoremphasis on attention to detail as work required precise measurements to ensure proper angles and adherence to applicable codes. Carpenter I Silverstar Development 12004 - 2006 Custom home construction includingframing, finish woodwork, concrete, tiling, installing doors, windows, cabinets, drywall and electrical work. 1 O- CHRISTIAN CIESLEWICZ, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR Christian has over 19 years of experience in the construction industry. He is an ICC Combination Building Inspector with experience providing building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing inspections for residential and commercial projects. He provides building inspection services to ensure projects are built in accordance with approved plans, specifications and specified codes. Christian also brings considerable experience gleaned from working as a Journeyman Electrician and Journeyman Carpenter. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Building Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12022 - Present Christian provides building inspection services for various California municipalities. He provides inspections for code compliance and compliance with the approved construction documents for residential and commercial projects. Building Inspector I Consulting Firm 12013 - 2022 Christian served Northern California clients as Contract Building Inspector. He performed inspections of residential, multi -tract new home subdivisions, light commercial, tenant improvements and code enforcement. Projects included one -to -two million square foot concrete tilt up buildings and multifamily apartment complexes. CONSULTING GROUP EDUCATION ■ UBC Building Inspection Program Aspire College, Sacramento, CA ■ Administration of Justice Ohlone College, Freemont, CA PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS ■ FEMA Certified Disaster Housing Inspector, Parr Inspections ■ ASHI Certified Home Inspector ■ PC 832 Certification POST Control International Code Council - 5211393 ■ ICC/UBC Combination B5 Building Inspector ■ ICC Plumbing Inspector ■ ICC Mechanical Inspector Building Inspector I Frontline Home Inspections 12012 - 2013 Christian owned and operated Frontline Home Inspections and provided high quality home and insurance inspections throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Supervisor I Home Depot 12011- 2012 Christian supervised the electrical and millwork departments. He performed customer service duties, supervised staff and ordered merchandise for the departments. Building Inspector/Deputized Code Enforcement Officer/Field Supervisor I Consulting Firm 2004-2010 Christian served as Contract Building Inspector for numerous California clients. He performed building safety inspections on residential and commercial projects, tenanat improvements, un -permitted dwellings. Christian provided Code Enforcement services to include locate and issue Stop Work Notices on un -permitted construction projects. He assisted the Police Department with inspection of grow houses after searches were performed. 1 Ok CANDIDO TAPIA, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR Candido has 11 years of experience working in the building industry with BPR various specialties. He is an ICC residential and commercial certified building inspector, and has as a CalFire Fire Sprinkler Fitter certification. CONSULTING GROUP Candido is well versed in reviewing construction sites, plans, permits, and licenses and has a strong history of helping contractors and owners EDUCATION resolve problems with safe and compliant strategies. ■ Antelope Valley Adult Education, Lancaster, CA PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Building Inspector I BPR Consulting Group 12023 - Present PROFESSIONAL LICENSE & CERTIFICATIONS Candido provides building inspection services for various Southern California municipalities. He provides inspections for code compliance and CalFire Fire Sprinkler Fitter compliance with the approved construction documents for residential and International Code Council -10072094 commercial projects. ■ Commercial Building Inspector Building Inspector I City of Tulare, CA I Apr 2022 - Oct 2022 ■ Residential Building Inspector Candido completed daily inspections of new construction, refurbishment, ' Building Inspector and repair projects. He provided information about methods and materials ' Residential Electrical Inspector to correct problems and bring construction in compliance with ordinances while keeping codes up-to-date on inspections. Fire Sprinkler Inspector/Service Technician I On Guard Fire Protection 12021- 2022 Candido was responsible for finishing fire systems in preparation for city or county fire department inspections in compliance with NFPA codes. This included installing, servicing, testing, and repairing fire sprinkler systems. Candido also documented and reported defects of fire sprinkler systems noncompliant with NFPA codes. He attended to daily services or repairs called in by homeowners or general contractors and reviewed blueprints and project specifications to determine correct installation of fire sprinkler systems. Field Supervisor I American Fire Protection 12014 - 2020 Candido scheduled inspections with county or city inspectors on a daily or weekly basis. He attended onsite meetings to coordinate with superintendents and other trades, and responded in a timely fashion to emails and phone calls to address any issues, questions, or concerns that superintendents or property owners may have. Candido met project deadlines without sacrificing build quality or workplace safety. This included scheduling labor, ordering materials and coordinating with other contractors to complete projects. He read plans and blueprints, and communicated daily with vendors and staff to keep projects fully operational.