Bureau Veritas North America, Inctvp, U V F9 � a m cn ..L—,, 1828 go y •••ih.}f �,{ }�y�r Tj�'-".,i �.y may. r �' }�. j P1,411IL d a PROPOSAL FOR CITY OF LA QUINTA ON—CALL BUILDING PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES s� BUREAU VERITAS 1220 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 100, IRVINE, CA 92618 714.431.41001 WWW.BVNA.COM OEM OF THE 05$ERT x TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cover Letter.... (A -F) Firm Background, Qualifications and Experience ............... 2. References............................................................................................ 3. Fee Schedule........................................................................................ 4. Complementary Services.................................................................. 5. Staffing and Project Organization.................................................... 6. Subcontracting Services.................................................................... 7. Disclosures............................................................................................ 8. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements (Attachment 2) 9. Non -Collusion Affidavit (Attachment 3) .......................................... 10. Acknowledgement of Addenda (Attachment 4) ............................ APPENDIX: All Key Personnel Resumes ..................................................... .....................................3 15 .....................................4 .................................. 13 .................................. 15 ...................................16 ...................................17 ...................................20 ...................................21 .................................. 22 .................................. 23 ...................................24 ...................................26 June 2, 2023 CITY OF LA QUINTA AJ Ortega, Building Official 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 aortega@laquintaca.gov RE: On -Call Building Plan Review and Inspection Services Dear Mr. Ortega, On behalf of Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (BV), we are pleased to present our proposal to provide On - Call Building Plan Review and Inspection Services to the City of La Quinta, CA (the City). Our proposal will highlight our experience providing similar services for other cities, counties and building departments. We take pride in our ability to provide exemplary, responsive service to our clients in support of our communities. With a boutique -style approach backed by a broad depth of resources, Bureau Veritas has assisted nearly 200 jurisdictions throughout California over the past 48 years. We have completed plan review projects of all sizes and complexities serving our communities. We are keenly aware of the desire for high-quality customer service, reliability, responsiveness and cost-effective solutions. We offer optimal solutions to deliver quality services: • Unparalleled building plan review, inspections other building safety expertise • Proven experience in serving local jurisdictions in Riverside County and throughout California • Established relationships to ensure timely reviews, transparency and responsiveness • Depth of resources to maximize flexibility and deliver quality services • Licensed and certified professionals • Electronic review and best practices to consistently meet turnaround schedules • Collaborative and solution oriented philosophy and culture If selected for services, our partnership with the City of La Quinta would be managed through our office in Irvine, enabling quick and efficient responses. Our highly qualified staff is ready to serve you. Craig Baptista, Vice President - West, Plan Check & Inspection has the authority to contractually bind BV if selected. We look forward to the opportunity to further discuss the City's needs and to building a successful relationship helping to support the community by augmenting your staff, maximizing efficiencies, promoting transparencyin ourworkand exceed ingyour expectations. All information and pricing provided in the proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days, and all individuals who will perform work for the City is free of any conflict of interest. ') !N� J4 ,� Craig Baptista, M.B.A. (Authorized Representative) Vice President -West, Plan Check & Inspection Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 220 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 E: craig.baptista@bureauveritas.com P: 916.514.4516 1 C: 916.291.9151 FIRM BACKGROUND Bureau Veritas (BV) has along history of providing code compliance services throughout the U.S., and globally BV is one of the world's leading providers of plan review and inspection services. BV is a corporation with global operations and digital solutions that go beyond simple compliance to help organizations large and small—across five continents—reduce risk, improve performance, and promote sustainable development. The worldwide BV network now has over 80,000 employees and 1,500 offices. For the past 48 years, BV has provided code compliance services through its 7 offices in California and nearly 200 employees. BV has more than 400 code compliance professionals nationwide. Currently our company provides comprehensive municipal consulting services throughout Southern California and the United States. BV is a "one-stop shop" providing an unparalleled depth of resources for services. BV has provided building and safety services for residential and commercial projects, new building construction, industrial scale building projects and large scale power generation facilities. SERVICES OFFERED BV's approach to doing business aligns with the City of La Quinta's needs, providing a comprehensive framework for meeting the needs of the community. BV continually strives to support the safety and well being of the jurisdictions we serve with the services we provide. ✓ Building Plan Review ✓ Building Inspections ✓ Building Official/Administration ✓Architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing plans and construction documents examination ✓Civil engineering plan review ✓ ICC and CASp Certified Professionals ✓ Code enforcement ✓ Fire and life safety plan review & inspection ✓ Staff augmentation & attendance at occasional meetings at City Hall as required ✓ Green building, ADA & accessibility, LEED ✓ Electronic & digital plan review services 1. L PUTTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO WORK FOR YOU As the largest plan review and inspections firm in the United States, we have a large breadth of personnel available and immediately accessible to provide the City with the requested quality plan reviews and inspections services. Located throughout Southern California, we have more than 50 licensed and certified engineers, as well as plans examiners, and inspection staff who are equipped to handle all of the City's needs. Our local presence allows us to provide timely delivery and exceptional customerservice in the most cost-effective manner. Our longtime presence in Southern California, as well as our experience serving residential, commercial, industrial, and other related projects of all sizes and complexities, allow us to tailor solutions specifically to the City of La Quinta's needs. We bring a cooperative and creative problem solving approach to plan review. We fully understand our role as a team member committed to achieving successful projects for the City and its customers. BV is committed to the provision of services of the very highest quality. This means the firm has the capacity to seamlessly augment its staffing and resources, when needed, to ensure a project is appropriately supported and effectively fulfilled. In addition to our robust local staff, the firm is supported by hundreds of professionals in our offices throughout California, making it possible for it to have highly qualified plans examiners and inspectors available expeditiously for virtually any project. BV will provide all necessary resources, materials, equipment, tools, and technology to its staff to perform the requested work and we are highly capable of handling the scope of services requested from the City. COMPANY INFORMATION Legal Entity Name: Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. EIN: 06-1689244 Form of Business: Delaware Corporation Date of Incorporation: 2003 Subsidiary of Bureau Veritas, founded in 1828 Years Performing Requested Services: 48 Primary Contact (Contract): Craig Baptista, M.B.A. Vice President- West, Plan Check & Inspection 220 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 E: craig.baptista@bureauveritas.com CALIFORNIA OFFICE LOCATIONS The firm's partnership with the City will be managed out of its office in Irvine, CA and augmented by staff located at the firm's 6 additional California offices as needed. Our Irvine office will facilitate quick and efficient responses to your needs. 0 IRVINE 220 Technology Drive, Suite 100 IRVINE, 92618 Tel: 714.431.4100 OPASADENA 600 N. Rosemead Boulevard, Suite 233 PASADENA91107 Tel: 626.325.9800 OATASCADERO 5905 Capistrano Avenue, Suite F ATASCADERO 93422 Tel: 805.792.1109 OSAN DIEGO 9988 H i be rt Street, Suite 100 SAN DIEGO 92131 Tel: 858.863.2000 OSACRAMENTO 180 Promenade Circle, Suite 150 SACRAMENTO 95834 Tel: 916.725.4200 OWESTLAKE VILLAGE 250 N. Westlake Boulevard, Suite 150 WESTLAKE VILLAGE 91362 Tel: 805.230.2888 ■ SANTA ROSA 111 Santa Rosa Avenue, Suite 406 SANTA ROSA 95404 Tel: 707.206.1265 PLAN REVIEW SERVICES OVERVIEW BV has the capacity to provide the following permit and plan review services to the City of La Quinta: • Architectural plans examination • Structural plans examination • Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing code plans examination • Review and approval of alternate materials, alternative design and methods of construction • Energy code plans examination • Building construction product testing reports • Accessibility requirements including o Barrier free plans examination requirements o Disabled access o CASp o ADA • Green Building and LEED consulting including: o LEED submittal consultation o Green building consulting including CAL Green o ENERGY STAR verification o Energy efficiency audits • Solar Review If requested by the City, optional services available • Civil plans examination including: o Soils, grading and drainage o NPDES/SWPPP o Development o Infrastructure o Water and wastewater o Sewer • Fire, life & safety plan reviews including: o Fire sprinkler/fire alarm o Smoke detection and dampers o Underground fire systems Plan review services are typically performed off-site at our location, but may be performed on-site atthe City as needed when pre -arranged bythe Building Official. Plan Review Process Our team becomes familiar with the requirements of a public agency before beginning a review and continually monitors trends and legislation in order to advise the City on ordinances and standard practices to consider for adoption. BV has extensive public sector experience, which assures that public interests are fully protected. We understand that careful consideration of issues and impacts are needed in addition to technical expertise. We have devoted a great deal of time over the years to refining our approach and developing documentation to assist our clients and train our personnel to ensure highly efficient plan review procedures. BV will work to ensure that submittals are properly coordinated and tracked by following an established internal plan check coordination process in which each plan received for review is entered into our ProTrack database, processed and returned on time to the client. Our plan tracking procedures are designed to track each submittal throughout the review process and maintain accurate and comprehensive records for each submittal. To accomplish this we: • Screen and log each application to assure that they are routed to all plan reviewers in a timely manner. • Submittals are reviewed for compliance with all ordinances. The log serves as a tracking device to assure turnaround times and completeness of the review. • Plan reviewswill bedone in accordancewith local, state and federal regulations with which local jurisdictions are mandated to enforce as well as all codes and ordinances in effect by adoption at the time of plan review. Preliminary consultations will be provided to the applicant upon request, to assist and guide them in the design and plans preparation process. Information shown on each permit application is verified. Construction valuation is based on information provided by the City of La Quinta and compared to estimates provided by the applicant. Provide a thorough architectural and structural review of design drawings and details for compliance with the California Building Code architectural provisions, including provisions for safety glazing, building security and noise insulation performance standards, to name a few. These reviews can also be performed on revisions to plans which have previously been approved for permit issuance. Preparation of a review letter report Plan review management. BV assures that corrections are handled asquickly and as clearly as possible. Our goal is to help the applicant through the plan review process. All corrections are identified based on compliance with specified codes and regulations. Generally, corrections are identified in two ways. Notes are made on plans during electronic review or on hard copy plans if appropriate, and a correction sheet is generated, detailing what items need to be addressed before plans can be approved. The City shall approve the development of any customized correction sheets. Correction sheets for specific projects shall be forwarded to the City along with a cover memo containing at least the following: • The date(s) plans were received and reviewed • The date(s) the applicant was notified of completed plan reviews • The name and telephone numberofthe applicant During the plan review process, BV is prepared to meet with the applicant or architect/engineer, City employees or consultants at any time. Telephone discussions or meetings at project sites are welcomed to assure that any plan review issues are handled efficiently. We propose to meet at the offices of the building and safety division or at a particular project site. Our goal is to issue approved plans as quickly as possible but in full compliance with laws, codes, ordinances and regulations. Upon completion of the plan review, the following information package is prepared and logged as a minimum: ,/Completed plan check documents including sign - offs ✓Transmittal letter documenting any conditions associated with issuance of a permit, if any ✓ Marked up plan review documents ✓Two sets of approved building plans ✓ Backup documents and reports ✓Documents provided in desired City format Transmittal of Plans and Correction Lists BV assumes responsibility for the pickup and return of plans. All plans shall be picked up from the City offices within 24 hours of notification. Should the volume of work be sufficient, we propose to establish regular pick up of plans on a consistent basis. We will also utilize shipping courier, at no additional cost to the City. Upon completion of each plan review, we will forward a copy of the correction list to both the City and the applicant, by email. When corrected plans are resubmitted, the previous procedure will be followed or the applicant may schedule an office visit to go over any corrections in person. When plans are completed they are stamped, signed and forwarded by BV personnel. Our transmittal forms will be customized for the City of La Quinta. Plan Review Turnaround Times BV provides plan review activities on a fast-track basis to reduce the impact on project contraction schedules. Turnaround times for each submittal relate to the size and nature of the submittal and impact on the project construction schedule. To reduce turn around times for plan check, the firm uses electronic submittals, phased submittals, conference calling, video -conferencing, and visits by plan check staff to design offices of the engineer or architect. BV has built long-term partnerships with many agencies and municipalities. The firm understands accuracy, efficiency, and integrity in all aspects of professional services is required. Testimony to BV's professional excellence is the fact it has a large number of repeat clients and client referrals. Because of the fi rm's large pool of accessible resources it is able to assemble experienced personnel in orderto assist with project schedule recovery when necessary. BV also accommodates preliminary reviews to facilitate fast tracked or accelerated projects. This aids with timely turnaround and creates good public relations. The firm's staff makes recommendations for resolutions if requested. The firm also meets with agencies, City staff, and citizens, as needed, to discuss its findings. Electronic Plan Review Services BV will continue to work with the City's existing system but offers alternatives should the City be interested in learning about more options. Digital plan check uses a software which presents customers with a convenient alternative solution to printing and delivering paper plans to City offices at zero cost. This modern solution has become especially valuable as municipalities seek to continue service delivery to their communities while focusing on health and safety during the COVID-19 crisis. BV provides an alternative solution to traditional plan checking. With GoPost, BlueBeam, Adobe Acrobat, or other similar software, our plan reviewers can quickly and accurately review plans for compliance with applicable codes. Plans are submitted as PDF files via a secure and confidential FTP site. These plans are then reviewed by our personnel who are able to place comments and redlines directly on the plans, corresponding to areas needing revisions. Redlined plans with comments are then forwarded to, or placed on the secure FTP site forthe designers, engineers, and architects. The City also has access to the FTP site. Plans can then be revised and resubmitted via the same method described. If all items were resolved, hard copy plans are sent to BV for approval stamps and signatures. Electronic plan submittal and commenting allows for economical movementof plansand quickturnaround times. Plans with comments can be viewed and discussed as needed to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. BV has successfully implemented and utilized digital plan review in over 60 federal, state, and local agencies for multiple years. BUILDING INSPECTION BV inspectors are ICC certified and have extensive experience in the construction trades as well. Fast- track projects may be built into small phases based on incremental design and fabrication steps. In such cases, the firm's inspection team keeps daily logs to track corrections and plan review changes. BV's inspection team also has the capacity to provide on-call building inspection services to cover personnel vacation time, peakwork loads, specialized inspection activities, and any other situations which may arise. These activities may include next -day inspections and same-day response to important or urgent requests. BV's building inspection services can be adjusted to provide a high level of coordination specifically suited to the design -build concept. BV will provide the City with ICC certified personnel to provide the following services: • Read and study project specifications, plans, and drawings to become familiar with project prior to inspection, ensuring structural or architectural changes have been stamped as approved by appropriate authority and recognizing the need for and requiring plan checks for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical code requirements. • Perform and document inspections on construction projects to determine all aspects of the project such as foundations, building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems conform to the applicable building codes, zoning ordinances, energy conservation, and disabled access requirements including known local, city, state, and federal requirements. • Review plans for building construction, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical details prior to making inspection. • Bring to the attention of the City for approval of certain changes in building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and related work consistent with code and ordinance requirements. • Participate in reviews with fire, health, and other government agency inspectors & owners. • Maintain a record of non -complying items and follow up to resolution of such items. • Upon request, the firm will inspect existing buildings for substandard, unsafe conditions. • Virtual, no -contact field inspections upon request REFERENCES Bureau Veritas has extensive experience in the provision of plan review and inspection services throughout California and across the United States. Listed below our current references. CITY OF CORONA, CA Dates of Service: 2010 - Ongoing Client Contact Information: Chris Milosevic, Building Official P. 951.736.2250 1 E. chris.milosevic@ci.corona.ca.us Key Team Members: Trang Huynh, Armil Allahyarian, Jecsan Perez, Dwayne Butz, Tim Tran BUILDING PLAN REVIEW, PERMIT PROCESSING,AND INSPECTIONS SERVICES BV is currently providing building plan check, building inspection, and counter technician services for residential and commercial properties. The firm also provides on-site extension of staff as necessary, including a registered civil engineer to assist with an immediate need for building plan check. Dates of Service: 2019- Ongoing Client Contact Information: Jorge Caballero, PE, CBO, CFM P. 951.955.3918 1 E. jcaballe@rivco.org Key Team Members: Trang Huynh, Armil Allahyarian, Jecsan Perez, Dwayne Butz, Henry Hadidi COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CA ON-CALL PLANS EXAMINER, BUILDING INSPECTOR, COUNTER TECHNICIAN, S GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Bureau Veritas was selected to provide for Riverside County on-call plan review, building inspections, counter technician and geotechnical services. Projects include single family residential, multi family residential, commercial tenant improvements, new commercial, additions, and others. CITY OF FONTANA, CA Dates of Service: 2003 - Ongoing Client Contact Information: Jeff Baughman, Building Official R 909.350.7616 1 E. jbaughman@fontana.org Key Team Members: Trang Huynh, Armil Allahyarian, Robert Chang, Henry Hadidi BUILDING INSPECTION AND PLAN REVIEW SERVICES BV was selected to provide structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, architectural, and CASp plan review as well as grading plan check for the City of Fontana. Prominent projects include: The Summit at Rosena - BV is currently providing structural, MEP, and CASp plan review services for the community center of this proposed 179.8 acre community. Plans reviewed include a community swimming pool and spa in addition to the equipment room plumbing fixtures. Fontana Mazda - BV provided fire, MEP, architectural, and structural plan review services forthis new car dealership. The building consisted of 28,668 square feet for sales and administrative offices as well as a parts and service center. A .114. CITY OF MONROVIA, CA Dates of Service: 2020 - Ongoing Client Contact Information: Greg Boyajian, CBO P: 626.932.5532 1 E: gboyajian@ci.monrovia.ca.us Key Team Members: Trang Huynh, Armil Allahyarian, Martin Pasamba, Reginald Ramirez BUILDING PLAN REVIEW, PERMIT TECHNICIAN AND INSPECTION SERVICES BV was selected to provide plan check, building inspection and permit technician services for residential and non-residential projects as requested by the City, both on-site and off-site and at the City of Monrovia offices and in large Multi-family/Mixed-use projects. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, CA Dates of Service: 2020 - Ongoing Client Contact Information: Taja Sims, Plans Examiner Supervisor P: 760.323.8242, ext. 8713 E: taja.sims@palmspringsca.gov Key Team Members: Joe Chao, Matthew Godinez, Armil Allahyarian, Martin Pasamba ON-CALL BUILDING PLAN CHECK SERVICES AND INSPECTIONS BV was selected to provide on-call plan check services forvarious commercial and residential projects in the City of Palm Springs. Plan review services include structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, green, energy, and accessibility. BV has also performed inspections as -needed to support the City's needs. LOS ANGELES COUNTY Dates of Service: 2016 - Ongoing Client Contact Information: Juan Madrigal P: 626.458.6385 E:juanmadrigat@dpw.lacoounty.gov Key Team Members: Trang Huynh, Armil Allahyarian, Jecsan Perez, Francisco Villalva AS -NEEDED BUILDING AND SAFETY INSPECTION, PERMIT TECHICIAN AND RELATED SERVICES BV was selected to provide combination building inspection services, code enforcement/property rehabilitation services, and business license clearances. Combination building inspection services are provided during the construction phases of various improvement projects. CITY OF LAQUINTA- FEE SCHEDULE ON-CALL BUILDING PLAN REVIEW AND COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES BV proposes the following compensation schedule. BVs' pricing reflects our commitment to the success of the City of La Quinta by helping the City maintain significant quality and cost saving benefits. These Include: ✓ Highly qualified and licensed staff and confidence of working with a well-established consultant ✓ Reduced plan review turnaround times v/ Commitment to maintaining proposed rate structure for the life of the initial contract period PLAN REVIEW PERCENTAGE OF FEES - D ON CITY COLLECTED 70% of City Collected Plan Review Fee HOURLY RATES Services Rate Grading Only Plan Review Certified Building Official / Project Manager $180.00 $160.00 CASp Inspector $155.00 Sr. Plan Review Engineer/ Structural Engineer/ Fire Protection Engineer $145.00 CASp Plan Review $140.00 Plan Review Engineer/ Sr. ICC Certified Plans Examiner $135.00 ICC Certified Plans Examiner $125.00 Senior Building Inspector $110.00 - $125.00 Building Inspector $95.00 - $105.00 Permit Technician $65.00-$80.00 Administrative / Clerical Support $55.00-$65.00 • Plan Review fee assumes initial review and two (2) resubmittals. Additional reviews if required will be invoiced using the hourly fee schedule. • Fast track/ Expedited plan reviews shall be an additional 1.5 times the fees shown above. • Overtime (OT) will be charged at 1.25 times the standard hourly rate; hours worked on a designated holiday will be charged at the appropriate OT rate. No overtime will be charged without approval. • Rates and cost estimates shown above exclude per diem, prevailing wage and union rates. Should these be applicable, BV will discuss and negotiate fees to account for increased personnel costs. • Hourly rates subject to annual adjustment in accordance with CPI from Engineering News Record (ENR) with the City's prior approval. • Mileage for employee -owned vehicles used in connection with the work will be at the current IRS rate. • Plan Review will be invoiced after initial review is completed and hourly services will be invoiced monthly. COMPLEMENTARY SERVICES Below are highlights of some of BV's complementary services. Fees for these services appear on the Fee Schedule on Page 11. Building Official Services Upon request, BV can serve as Building Official for the Coty of Tustin, including 24-hour, emergency on-call services as needed. We can work directly with City staff to prepare acute interpretations of the Code requirements, to adopt and process new codes and their requirements, and to act as a general point of contact for the jurisdiction. We can also provide support and direction necessary to facilitate timely and efficient work amongst the jurisdictional staff and other departments. Our building officials can analyze applicable ordinances and resolutions ofjurisdictions and make recommendations for approval of appropriate code adoptions, amended as necessary in accordance with the applicable code, to implement an effective and compliant code enforcement program. We are current on applicable code requirements adopted at thestate and federal levelsand inform and implement as necessary forjurisdictional compliance. BV's building official will attend staff, board, and council meetings as required and mutually agreed upon. He will oversee other firm staff as well as provide guidance for City staff, applicants, designers, and contractors to navigate the code. BV's building official and support team will be up to date on code changes and will assist in implementing those changes. Typical duties of the building official can include: • Manage and oversee the building department • Perform on-site plan check and inspections for the City • Guide inspectors and plan reviewers on adopted codes and local amendments • Make recommendations regarding local amendments and code adoption Serve as liaison between BV and the City • Serve as liaison between the building department and other City departments • Attend meetings as requested and agreed upon • Report building department activities as requested and agreed upon • Assess applicant and client satisfaction • Attend pre -submittal meetings when needed • Assist in improving the processes and procedures of the building department, if requested Permit Processing and Permit Technician Services BV is availableto work and build positive relationships with the City's staff to seamlessly staff the public counter, issue counter permits, answer plan review or inspection questions, and assist the public with a high level of customer service. BVwill provide the City with ICC certified Permit Technicians and services may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Review permit applications for completeness • Accept, login, and route plans • Calculate and/or collect fees • Issue permits • When authorized, review and issue counter permits • Maintain permit records • Use jurisdiction permitting programs and/or software (Our Permit Technicians will familiarize to using the City's permitting system) • Provide assistance with general office and administrative duties as assigned Fire Plan Review BV is available to work and build positive relationships with BV personnel have the capacity to consult closely with the local Fire Department Chief or their designated representative on any areas which require code interpretation or where alternate methods are being proposed and considered. The firm's proposed fire plan check engineers have specific experience working with multiple types of facilities to ensure compliance with applicable codes, standards, and amendments, including CFC, CBC, the Adopted National Fire Protection Standards, the California Health and Safety Codes, CSFM, and U.L. BV's experience includes written comments and verbal communication with applicants to better understand requirements and provide direction for compliance, as well as close communication with fire departments to clarify policies, code interpretations, plan review status, and procedures. BV's personnel have reviewed hundreds of projects for fire safety components, including NFPA 13, NFPA 72, and NFPA 101, among others. All personnel assigned to the City's projects will have the necessary materials, resources, and training available to amendments, policies, procedures, and forms. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART AND RESUMES FOR KEY STAFF BV has assembled a team of experts who are equipped to deliver exemplary services to the City of La Quinta. Each individual brings a wealth of expertise and has been specifically chosen fortheir experience in performing the required scope of work detailed in the request, as well as their extensive list of certifications and licenses. The organizational chart below depicts lines of communication and areas of work for each professional. Additionally, our primary project team members are highlighted in red. Resumes for key personnel have been included in Section 1 and the Appendix. Resumes for additional personnel can be made available upon request. J Craig Baptista, M.B.A. Vice President - West, Plan Check & Inspection / Contract Liaison Trang Huynh, P.E., C.B.O. Regional Manager Building Plan Review Engineers Trang Huynh, P.E., C.B.O. Robert Chang, P.E., C.B.O. Henry Hadidi, S.E., Ph.D. Sunai Kim, S.E., Ph.D. Michael Hill, S.E. Syed Aleem, P.E. Ali Soheili, P.E. (Mechanical) AmirAmiri, P.E. (Mechanical) Cristian Son, P.E. (Electrical) Richard Henrikson, P.E., LEED (Plumbing) CASp Review Tim Tran, CASp Tony Falcone, CASp Civil and Grading Review Mehdi Keshmiri, P.E., QSD/P Orland Obtera, E.I.T., LSIT Benjamin Dela Cruz, RE Christian Chang, P.E. William Addington, P.E., PLS, QSD Armil Allahyarian, M.S. Project Manager/ Operations Mgr. Building Plans Examiners Dwayne Butz Jecsan Perez Martin Pasamba Armil Allahyarian, M.S. Building Inspectors Douglas Bragg Luis Mota Kirk Zimmerman Francisco Villalva Reginald Ramirez Nancy Martinez Denise Zuranski Brian Hurley Dwayne Butz Permit Technicians Jeremy Huynh Armalen Geurkink Pam Wilkerson Neda Vakili Deputy Building Official Trang Huynh, P.E., C.B.O. Robert Chang, P.E., C.B.O. TRANG HUYNH, P.E., C.B.O., Regional Manager Leading our Southern California region is Trang Huynh, an industry professional with more than 40 years of experience working in public and private services in the capacity of executive director and plan review engineer. Trang has implemented public service programs and gained exceptional understanding and expertise in building and safety, community and economic development, public relations, redevelopment, financial and budget management, employee and organizational development, interfacing with ARMILALLAHYARIAN, M.S., Project Manager/ Operations Manager Managing our Irvine office business unit, Armil is a results -oriented leader and plan check engineer, responsible for plan review ranging from new residential homes, including additions and remodels, to commercial buildings, including tenant improvements and alterations. Armil ensures that plans are reviewed to meet desired turnaround times in compliance with applicable California Building Codes and other ancillary codes such as the California Plumbing Code, California Mechanical Code, California Electric Code and State disabled BVtakes pride in its deep pool of highly qualified professional engineering plan check experts. BV's offices are strategically located to minimize travel time between projects. The firm's goal is to ensure the City's projects will be efficiently managed in the most cost-effective manner possible. BV has assigned key personnel who are readily available to work on City projects. Below is a summary of team members who will support the City of La Quinta. Their resumes may be found in the Appendix. NAME EDUCATION EXPERIENCE LICENSES/ CERTIFICATIONS Craig Baptista, M.B.A. M.B.A., Business 20+ years Six Sigma Green Belt Certified Vice President - West, Management OSHA 30 Plan Check & Inspection United States Navy: Honorable / Contract Liaison Discharge Trang Q. Huynh, P.E., Master of Business 41+ years Registered Professional Engineer: CA, C.B.O. Administration #C36627 Regional Manager/ B.S., Civil Engineering ICC Certified: Building Official Plan Review Engineer Certificate of California Certified Green Building Completion - Professional Leadership for Senior California Licensed Real Estate Executives Professional Armil Allahyarian, M.S. B.S., Civil Engineering 5+ years CA Engineer -in -Training Project Manager/ M.S., Civil Engineering ICC Certified: Building Plans Examiner Operations Manager NAME EDUCATION CERTIFICATIONS Robert Chang, P.E., M.S., Civil Engineering 29+ years Registered Professional Engineer: CA, C.B.O. #32884 Plan Review Engineer ICC Certified: Building Official, Building Plans Examiner Ph.D. Structural 31+ years Registered Professional Engineer: Hassan (Henry) Hadidi, S. E. Engineer CA, #S4078 Plan Review Engineer M.S. Structural CA, #C49136 Engineer ICC Certified: B.S. Civil Engineer Building Plans Examiner Mehdi Keshmiri, P.E., M.S., Civil 20+ years CA Civil Engineer, C84833 QSD/P Senior Civil Plan Engineering Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) - Review Engineer B.S., Civil Engineering g g 09933 Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) Orland Obtera, E.I.T., B.S., Civil Engineering 26+ years CA Engineer -in -Training, 113805 LSIT Civil Plans Examiner CA Land Surveyor -in -Training, 6100 OSHA 30 Hour Certificate Tim Tran, M.C.P., C.B.O., B.S. Civil Engineering 15+ years ICC Master Code Professional CASp #5104603 ICC Certified Building Official #5104603 Certified CASp #743 Dwayne Butz B.A., Architecture 25+ years NAHB Certificate Building Plan Examiner/ B.F.A., Interior IRM Certificate Inspector Planning/Design ICC Certifications: Residential Plans Examiner Residential Combination Inspector Residential Building Inspector Mechanical Inspector Residential Electrical Inspector Residential Plumbing Inspector Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Jescan Perez, E.I.T. B.S. Civil Engineer 3+years ICC Certified: Building Plans Examiner Building Plans National Council of Examiners for Examiner Engineering and Surveying Inspection Courses 35+ years ICC Plan Reviewer Douglas Bragg Building Inspector/ Building Inspection ICC Building Inspector: Plans Examiner Technology Commercial and Residential Water Technology ICC Reinforced Concrete Fire Technology Certificate 35+ years ICC Certified Residential Building Luis Mota Building Inspector Inspector INTEGRATION PLAN During the firm's 48 year tenure, the BV team has had the opportunity to observe, replicate, develop, and successfully implement streamlined processes and best practices which produce efficient and cost- effective results. Building safety in a community begins with adopting a proven set of building safety codes. But, it takes much more than a set of codes to protect the public. It requires qualified professionals to implement the day-to-day application of said codes. It also requires proven infrastructure to provide the resources and training necessary to keep the building safety professionals up-to-date with the latest building safety requirements and enforcement practices. 1 2 As declared by the International Code Council, a successful code administration program achieves: • Reduced risk of tragedy caused by natural disasters and fires • Investment protection for property owners; and • Insurance premium sustainability The BV team pledges to provide its clients with a successful code administration program with qualified and experienced code professionals and a proven infrastructure. To achieve a cohesive and seamless process, the firm has developed the following 4 -PHASE guideline for delivering services. The firm's approach to achieving the tasks not only involves the technical aspect of its service, but it also includes the human aspect. INTEGRATION PLAN GUIDELINE INITIATION - IDENTIFY The primary goal of Phase 1: Identify and meet with the City's key stakeholders and gather an in-depth understanding of the City's current processes and procedures. Identify staff/ responsibilities Document contact information PLANNING - EVALUATE BV will use the Phase 2 period to orientate the team with the City's streets, built environment, local procedures, ordinances, forms, best practices and other requirements which may be unique to Tustin. • Evaluate City forms and applications • Identify department services Identify project tracking system Identify City's ideal processes / procedures and detect opportunites for improvements Develop planningand implementation schedule • Evaluate department needs • Identify City codes and ordinances • Gather City zoning ordinances and map • Complete City survey form • Specify goals and objectives • Present goals and objectives to City for review, commentary and approval Mr -3 C! IMPLEMENTATION - ESTABLISH The Implementation Phase is the performance phase. This is where BV will put into place the procedures developed in collaboration with City staff to ensure seamless extension. • Establish plan review procedures • Establish inspection procedures Obtain project tracking system training, if needed Establish billing processes Establish staff goals and objectives that align with City goals and expectations MONITORING - ASSESS (CONTINUOUS) Phase 4 has been established as the Monitoring Phase. This phase will let BV know if the firm is meeting the City's expectations and service needs, and to adjust the procedures accordingly. • Review plan review procedures • Review inspection procedures • Measure customer service Support the established culture throughout the City and community Community character is conveyed by not only grand buildings and public spaces but a whole range of elements: residences of all sizes and scale; commercial, government, and institutional buildings; street cross-sections; street furniture and graphics; public places, large and small; ceremonial buildings; informal activities such as street markets and fairs; and the food, language, and personalities which contribute to a community's narrative. In an effort to adopt the spirit and proud nature of the community, BV employees are encouraged to regularly support and participate in local activities and events. The firm will strive to preserve and enhance the local identity, uniqueness, and culture of the City its community. The BV team will adopt the policies, processes, and procedures for the Building Department which reinforce the underlying philosophy and vision already established. • Monitor permit activity • Update City information • Provide solutions • Ongoing weekly and monthly meetings with City to measure performance, refine objectives and discuss upcoming projects and initiatives to positively impact on the City and community at large CARE PROGRAM - A PROVEN, FORMALIZED & INTEGRATED PLAN REVIEW PROCESS The plan review process we follow for efficient completion of concurrent task management is shown in the flowchart below and managed through our CARE Program, a formalized and integrated process whereby Coordination, Analytical, Review, and Expert management/quality control functions are consistently implemented on each and every project. We will implement a comprehensive program based on best practices to validate that each and every review is thorough, accurate, consistent, and timely. This system's success is based on thousands of hours of practical, real-world experience by our dedicated personnel and their unique ability to interact quickly and efficiently with your staff. The specific roles of each of our CARE elements include: Coordinator: Our clerical personnel will handle various administrative functions, such as logging information (project tracking, time budgeting), managing project controls, maintaining and distributing communications, reviewing agendas and ordinance issues, and fielding calls on project status. The Coordinator is the first line of contact for each project submittal. Analyst: Our analysts will review submittals, title sheets, and non -design items; maintain files; monitor due dates; monitor contract budget and status tracking reports; and coordinate invoicing. Our analysts also maximize and "right place" personnel resources to meet turnaround times in a quality manner. When assigning resubmittals to staff, our Analyst ensures consistency by passing the project to the same reviewer that performed the previous reviews. Reassignments are done when unforeseen circumstances dictate. Reviewer: Our experienced building plan reviewers will routinely review agency standards, ordinances, guidelines, and checklists; create comments letters; coordinate project return with the coordinator; attend review meetings; and communicate questions/solutions to project stakeholders. Because of our depth of resources and project tools (checklists, corrections letters, etc), reassigned projects can be reviewed without missing deadlines or causing unnecessary rechecks. Expert: BV experts will provide the final quality assurance review of applicable plans, studies, and reports in accordance with all accepted engineering, building codes of different disciplines, Subdivision Map Act, and industry professional practices. They will comply with the applicable regulations; visitthe client contact regularly; monitor project progress with the reviewer; disseminate project/agency information to the team; train team members; peer review comments letters; and communicate questions/solutions to stakeholders. Additionally, experts provide quality assurance reviews to each project which minimizes the number of resubmittals. PROCESSIEW "A Coordinator Analyst Bureau Veritas Receives Plans& Discuss Key Issues City of LaQuinta 30 Enters Information Into with City Assigns Project Web -Enabled System & Tracking Log Submittal Intake Checklist Permit Application Submittal Distribute Plans to Appropriate Plan Reviewers & Agencies E Reviewer Expert Plumbing Plan Review Mechanical Plan Review Architectural Plan Review Quality Review PrepareCorrections City of LaQuinta Memo Permit Issuance Enter Information Into Plan Management System Structural Plan Review Electrical Plan Review Building Plan Review Fire&Safety Services PLAN REVIEW TURNAROUND TIMES Bureau Veritas is able to meet or exceed the City of La Quinta's requirements for plan review turnaround times. Turnaround times for each submittal typically relate to the size and nature of the project and its impact on the construction schedule. The firm understands accuracy, efficiency, and integrity in all aspects of professional services are required. BV's team will maintain efficient turnaround times on all reviews as a key measurement of its performance for plan review services. We are able to produce plan review in a timely fashion and are able to present any necessary reports orstudies to elected officials and/orthe general public. Providing plan review services to nearly 200 jurisdictions over the past 48 years, BV has a strong history of successfully meeting project deadlines. Upon request, BV is able to provide plan review activities on a fast-track basis. To reduce turnaround times for plan review, the firm can use electronic submittals, phased submittals, conference calling, and videoconferencing. Our team is committed to ensuring that all deadlines are met to meet the needs of our clients. Typical Plan Review Turnaround Times initial Check Recheck Expedited Expedited days) Service days) 10' 7" V 5` Commercial TI Single -Family Residential addition and/or 7 5` 5 3 accessory building Single -Family New Residential 7 5 5 3" Multi -Residential and New Multi -Residential, 10" 7 7 5' Apartments, Commercial, and Industrial Plan Changes 7working days Return of telephone calls and e-mails: Within 8 hours or one business day "Large and/or Complex projects to be negotiated. INSPECTION TURNAROUND TIMES • Perform all inspections on the following day after receiving inspection requests. • Weekend and emergency response type of inspections are available upon request. DELIVERING TASKS AND DELIVERABLES BV's successful track record with longtime clients speaks to our ability to deliver project tasks and deliverables within the identified project budget and minimize cost overruns. We take pride in completing our projects on-time or ahead of schedule utilizing our proven project management system and our Accounting staff is committed to working with your team to ensure seamless billing procedures. SUBCONTRACTORS BV will not be using any subcontractors to fulfill the provision of services requested in the City of La Quinta's RFP. DISCLOSURES BV affirmatively states that it has no negative history necessitating a disclosure of any alleged significant prior or ongoing agreement failure, any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending, which involved BV or in which BV has been judged guilty or liable within the last five (5) years. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Craig Baptista confirm that Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (name) hereby acknowledge and (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. I am Vice President -West, Plan Review & Inspection of Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (Title) (Company) Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT I, �:..11�•iVl2�l:1- ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Craig Baptista (name) hereby declare as follows: I am Vice President - West, Plan Review & Inspection of Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: Proposer Name: Craig Baptista Proposer Title: Vice President - West, Plan Review & Inspection Company Name: Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. Address: 220 Technology Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 ACKNOWEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT N/A � r� 24 SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT AcsRes Q gement City's Response to Questions dated May 26, 2023 ,r 24 DiLL KE :)CQIIRAICftn7 4 .`I mr■w . . It a op B R E A CONTRACT LIAISON Craig Baptista Vice President, West - Plan Check & Inspection / Contract Liaison EDUCATION Priortojoining Bureau Veritas, Craig served as Director of Operations and is a business professional experienced in leading multiple branch offices in various states. Craig has over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. He M.B.A. is results -oriented and has exceptional experience building and managing B.S., Business Management successful programs and relationships. He is a skilled communicator capable of articulating complex ideas in a concise and persuasive manner. Craig has REGISTRATIONS/ proven experience as a facilitator of solutions for client problems and is a CERTIFICATIONS strategic thinker with the ability to translate vision into tactics. He is self - motivated, passionate and resourceful. Craig has expertise identifying client needs and is able to execute problems quickly by utilizing his professional Six Sigma Green Belt business management skills. He is equally effective working independently or Certified collaborating with others. OSHA 30 United States Navy: SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Honorable Discharge Craig has managed various projects as Director of Operations and successfully reduced operating expenses by 18% through implementation of preventative TOTAL YEARS OF maintenance program and establishment of a baseline repair cost matrix. EXPERIENCE He provided leadership, mentoring, direction and training for a 35 member Operations team that included Branch Managers, Project Managers, and other 20+ staff. He developed annual business plans, market strategies, operations and sales goals which resulted in year overyear growth. Craig has worked on various significant projects, including, but not limited to: • Apple Campus II in Cupertino, CA • Cal Trans - Bay Bridge Project in Oakland, CA • Tesla Gigafactory in Sparks, NV • Souza Construction - Lemoore Naval Air Station Project in Fresno, CA • Advance Range Solution - Fort Hunter Liggett in Jolon, CA • Hensel Phelps - Mule Creek Prison in Ione, CA Vice President, Facilities - West Region Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 2015 - Present Serves as Vice President for the West Coast code compliance division. Manages over 50 employees throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, and Utah. Oversees plan review and inspection activities to ensure BVNA has ample resources to meet turnaround times and provide quick response to inspection requests. Works directly with plan review team to gain efficiencies in turnaround times. Effectively reduced the number of reviews by promoting direct contact with designers and municipalities to remedy code deficiencies during the first and second reviews, allowing our team to approve projects during the second submittal phase. KEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMANCE EDUCATION Master of Business Administration B.S., Civil Engineering Certificate of Completion - Leadership for Senior Executives REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS Registered Professional Engineer: CA, #C36627 ICC Certified: Building Official California Certified Green Building Professional California Licensed Real Estate Professional Trang Q. Huynh, P.E., C.B.O. Regional Manager Trang is a licensed professional engineer and ICC certified building official with over 41 years of experience working in public and private services as executive director and plan review engineer. He has implemented excellent public service programsand gained exceptional understanding of the building and safety division, community and economic development, public relations, redevelopment, financial and budget management, employee and organizational developments, and state and local officials. As a professor for Cambridge College in Southern California he has taught graduate and undergraduate classes in business, finance, and management. Trang has outstanding public relations, management, and problem solving skills with a proven record ofstrongand positive working relationships with local and state elected officials, inter -governmental agencies, business organizations, development community, labor groups, community groups, and residents. He was awarded the "Civil Engineer of the Year" award by the ASCE Chapter of San Bernardino and Riverside in 2011. He was also a recipient of the "Good Government Award" from the BIA Inland Empire Chapter in 2015. Finally, Trang has an excellent understanding of cultural diversity and knows how municipality services can be provided efficiently with an objective from "Good to Great". SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Regional Manager, Southern California PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. International Code Council (ICC) 2017 - Present American Society of Civil Directs the BV Building & Safety and Civil Engineering operations for Engineers (ASME) the Southern California region, serving as the supervising building official and plan check engineer for multiple Southern California California Building municipalities. Responsibilities include building official duties, special Officials (CALBO) project management, contracts of permits, plan check, and inspection services for 24 jurisdictions. Former Vice -Chair and member of the City of Highland Planning Commission Past President of the Board of Directors of the Central Business Center in Upland Past President of the Foothill Chapter of ICC TOTAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 41+ Building and Safety Services Director City of Rancho Cucamonga 2002-2017 As one of the executive team members of the City to directed and coordinated the work of the Community Development team. Managed all activities and operations of building and fire plan checks, permits, building and fire inspections, grading, community improvement, code enforcement, citizen volunteers for an affluent community of 175,000 people. Additional Experience • Adjunct Professor -Cambridge College, Southern California (2011 Present) • Chief Building Official- -City of San Clemente (1988 - 2002) • Chief Building Official - City of Manhattan Beach (1986 -1988) KEY PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE Armil Allahyarian, M.S. FOR PERFORMANCE Operations Manager/ Project Manager EDUCATION Armil has more than five years of experience as a plan check engineer, B.S., Civil Engineering rainfrom new homes, ptions d remodels, and commercial bulildingss, including tenantimal improvements M.S., Civil Engineering and alterations. He is proficient in examining and checking building plans for compliance with applicable California Building Codes and REGISTRATIONS/ other ancillary codes such as the California Plumbing Code, California CERTIFICATIONS Mechanical Code, California Electric Code and State disabled access CA Engineer -in -Training related codes. Armil possesses the knowledge, skills and abilityto read and interpret building plans, blueprints and specifications, interpretand ICC Certified: Building apply related codes, ordinances and laws, and establish and maintain Plans Examiner effective working relationships with architects, engineers,contractors, builders and owners, the public and other employees. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society of Civil SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Engineers (ASCE) Business Unit Manager / Senior Plans Examiner Structural Engineers Association Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. of Southern California (SEAOSC) 2017 - Present International Code Council (ICC) Performs plan review of fire, life, and safety components, as well as mechanical, electrical and plumbing review of residential and TOTAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE commercial projects with a high proficiency in local, state and federal 5+ codes. Instrumental in launching the City of Santa Rosa Fire Resilient Center to facilitate the rebuild process of over 3000 homes lost in the 2017 Tubbs -Adobe fire. In charge of quality assurance with regard to general plan review, public relations, and structural reviews, as well as managing day-to-day tasks in the office including: workflow organization, plan distribution, and over the counter plan review. Plan Reviewer City of Los Angeles, CA 2016 Fabrication projects at C. Erwin Piper Technical Center for both L.A. Police Department and L.A. Fire Department. Reviewed and applied safety codes and regulations for the proper construction of a Screen Room used to test police radio frequencies as part of an internship program. Robert H. Chang, P.E., C.B.O. Plan Review Engineer EDUCATION Robert has decades of experience as a registered engineer, certified M.S., Civil Engineering broad of resonsibilites have includlans ed rev enerand inlgdiplan checks,) coordinatins g p ojecpts bettwelen REGISTRATIONS/ departments, preparing annual budgets, and resolving construction CERTIFICATIONS issues. Robert previously served as President of the Orange Empire Registered Civil Engineer Chapter of I.C.B.O. License: #32884, CA SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Certified Plans Examiner: Building Official / Senior Plan Check Engineer/ Geotechical I.C.B.O., #15237: Reviewer Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. Certified Building Official: 2017 - present C.A.B.O., #3029 Plans, directs, and coordinates the activities between the Engineering, American Society of Civil Planning and Building departments. Robert performed plan checks Engineer:A.S.C.E., #244676 for hundreds of residential, multi -residential, and commercial projects to meet the requirements of building and fire codes. He also sets up PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS systems, policies, and procedures. Robert oversees and reviews daily Orange Empire Chapter of construction issues and prepares annual budget estimate including I.C.B.O. -Past President capital projects.projectsital lde seismicit nd new building. contra public and school He also supervises CitYand t American Society of employees. Civil Engineer Chief Building Official Certified Building Official City of Placentia 1985-2017 TOTAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Plans, directs, and coordinates the activities between the Engineering, 40+ Planning and Building departments. Robert performed plan checks for hundreds of residential, multi -residential, and commercial projects to meet the requirements of building and fire codes. He also sets up systems, policies, and procedures. Robert oversees and reviews daily construction issues and prepares annual budget estimate including capital projects. Capital projects include seismic retrofit and new public and school buildings. He also supervises City and contract employees. Plan Check Engineer City of Ontario 1984-1985 Worked as a plan check division supervisor, responsible for all residential, commercial, and industrial building projects to comply with different state, local and other code requirements. Supervise and coordinate capital projects such as building repairs and renovations, these projects are: fire stations, library and city hall expansions. Hassan (Henry) Hadidi, Ph.D., S.E. Plan Review Engineer EDUCATION Henry is a results -oriented structural engineer with 33+ years of Ph.D. Structural Engineering experience in plan review and design. He has extensive knowledge of current building codes including IBC, IRC, ACI 318, ACI 530, AISC M.S., Structural Engineering 341, AISC 358, AISC 360, AISI, ASCE 31-03, ASCE 41-13, ASCE 5, ASCE 7, and NDS. He has strong verbal and written communication skills B.S., Civil Engineering in meetings and communicating with clients to answer questions regardingthe generated plan reviewcomments. He is a self-starter with REGISTRATIONS/ a strong ability to lead or work within a team and has demonstrated CERTIFICATIONS organizational and problem -solving skills. Recent experience includes Registered Professional several pedestrian walk bridges for the University of California, Los Engineer: CA, #S4078 Angeles and also for the City of Roseville. CA, #C49136 SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE ICC Certified: Building Senior Structural Engineer Plans Examiner Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 2017 - Present Plan review of residential and commercial projects of all sizes and International Code Council (ICC) complexities throughout California. TOTAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Plan Review 30+ JW Marriott Hotel 2015 - Present Plan review for a new 12 -story, four -diamond luxury hotel with two levels of subterranean parking. The hotel will have 466 guest rooms as well as meeting space for groups. Structural Plan Review Cahuilla Casino & Hotel Project 2018 - Present Plan review for the Cahuilla Band of Indians new casino and hotel property which will replace the original casino facility. The project is 14,920 SF, mixed occupancy, A2 and B, construction type II -B, including a 31997 SF hotel and 34,121 SF casino. Additional Experience • Senior Structural Engineer - Private Sector (Irvine, California) (2015 -2017) • Senior Project Engineer - Private Sector (Orange, California) (2014 - 2015) • Senior Structural Engineer- Private Sector (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania) (2013 - 2015) • Senior Project Engineer - Private Sector (Orange, California) (2011 - 2012) Mehdi Keshmiri, P.E., QSD/P Civil Plan Review Engineer EDUCATION Mehdi is a results -driven civil engineerwith more than 20 years of experience in public works, educational, residential, commercial, industrial, and land MS, Civil Engineering development projects. Throughout his career he has demonstrated a high degree BS, Civil Engineering of creativity, foresight, and mature judgment in planning, organizing, and guiding extensive engineering programs and activities. Mehdi has a proven ability to manage and complete projects within budget and on schedule, with emphasis on quality control and adherence to codes and standards. CERTIFICATIONS CA Civil Engineer, C84833 SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Qualified SWPPP Developer Civil Engineer/ Project Manager (QSD) - 09933 City of Chino On -Call Accessibility Design Drafting and Plan Check Services Qualified SWPPP Currently providing on-call accessibility design, drafting and plan check services Practitioner (QSP) for ADA grievance projects and pedestrian accessibility for public works capital improvement projects. The project includes scope, design and construction of new improvement and alteration projects in compliance with Federal, State and YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Local accessibility regulations; including Americans with Disabilities Act, California Engineering Code and the City of Chino ordinances and policie 20+ Project Manager City of Los Angeles General Services Division Mt. Lee Underground Bunker Waterproofing BV is providing parking improvements and maintenance of the waterproofing surrounding an underground bunker on Mt. Lee near the Hollywood sign. The bunker serves as a critical communication center for the City of Los Angeles. The bunker leaked water during the past couple wet seasons and site reconnaissance determined the bunker's waterproofing envelope reached its service life and required replacement. Civil Engineer City of Pomona ADA Self -Evaluation and Right of Way Transition Plan Provided a comprehensive ADA self-evaluation and right-of-way transition plan for City streets and sidewalks. Performed field investigations within the City right- of-way in order to identify obstacles limiting accessibility, describe methods to improve accessibility and specify a schedule for achieving ADA compliance. Project Manager Orange County Community Resources On -Call Architectural and Engineering Services - Orange County Parks Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park The project included architectural and engineering for the park visitor center, ranger office and restroom facilities. Designed and prepared construction documents for street utilities not provided by OC Public Works. Phase I work improved the parking area, Sycamore Grove gathering area, and Park Entrance Orland Obtera, EIT, LSIT Civil Plans Examiner EDUCATION Orland is an accomplished project manager/scheduler with more than 26 years of success across the management of civil engineering, architectural, logistics, B.S., Civil Engineering transportation, educational and aviation industries, within various public LICENSES/CERTIFICA- agencies. He has extensive experience in leading projects as part of the program management team. He is thoughtful and creative in his approach to solving TIONS clients' challenges and works to break free from stagnation and reignite growth, CA Engineer -in -Training, leadingto successful implementation. He believes in finding solutions to project 113805 challenges, providing added value to the project team. His approach is to work as an extension of the clients' staff. He wants people and projects to succeed, CA Land Surveyor -in- understanding their success is his success. He is currently serving as civil project Training, 6100 managerwith the design build team forthe Los Angeles Metro Center Street Project. OSHA 30 Hour Certificate SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: TOTAL YEARS OF Civil Project Manager EXPERIENCE Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) Center 26+ Street Project Design Build Currently providing civil engineering forthe single -story, 26,000 sq. ft, $100M essential facility with three floors of enclosed space built over at least 91 at -grade parking spaces that will house Metro's new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Security Operations Center (SOC) while accommodating a 50 -year expansion within the allocated project budget. Civil engineering services include storm drain design, sewer design, water system design and street improvements. Project Manager/Scheduler San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) Grant K8 Field and Room Alterations Mann Middle School Planning and Site Modernization Phase I, TRACE Relocatables, Grant K8 Security Fencing Prepared weekly updates using Microsoft Projects of project schedule for reports to management and sponsors. The following projects were completed prior tojoining the Owen team: • OCTA/SR 57 Expansion Project • South Mission Valley Trunk Sewer • Imperial Beach Yard Improvement • Wawona Tunnel Utility Improvement • Mohler Loop Electrical Improvements • Summit Sewer Study • Rainbow Water District Sewer Study Tim Tran, M.C.P., C.B.O., C.A.Sp. Senior Plans Examiner/ Building Official EDUCATION Tim has 15+ years of experience as a certified plans examiner and building B.S. Civil Engineering official. His broad range of responsibilities have included plan review, coordination of projects between departments, preparing annual budgets, LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS and resolving construction issues. ICC Master Code Professional SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: #5104603 Senior Plans Examiner/ Building Official ICC Certified Building Official Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 2020 - Present #5104603 In addition to the performance of Building Official tasks, Tim performs Certified CASp #743 complex professional architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, ADA and structural engineering work in the building plan review process. He PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS provides technical assistance to building inspectors, as well as general National Fire Protection information and assistance to engineers, contractors, architects, and Association (NFPA) property owners regarding plan applications. Tim also reviews alternate design and method applications and recommends approval or appropriate International Association of revisions to the building official. Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Building Official City of San Bernardino American Society of Plumbing 2020-2021 Engineers (ASPE) Administered programs and operations of the Building and Safety and Code International Association of Enforcement. Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) Building Official City of Monterrey Park TOTAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 2015 - 2020 15+ Administered the programs and operations of the Building and Safety Division. Plans Examiner City of Santa Monica 2008-2015 Reviewed construction drawings for code compliance. Plans Examiner City of Anaheim 2007-2008 Reviewed construction drawings for code compliance. Dwayne Butz Plans Examiner/Building Inspector EDUCATION Dwayne has almost 25 years of design and inspection experience in the building industry. He has been responsible for multiple inspections, B.A., Architecture code updates, and designing for residential and commercial projects. He has managed training of colleagues and as a result is exceptionally B.F.A., Interior Planning/ knowledgeable in the building codes, municipal codes and building Design department operations. Dwayne is able to successfully communicate with customers and explain building code sections thoroughly. REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE NAHB Certificate Plans Examiner/Building Inspector IRM Certificate Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 2021- Present ICC Certifications: Perform plan reviews for residences and commercial buildings. Highly knowledgeable on building codes and regulations. Works effectively with Residential Plans Examiner applicants to explain code requirements. Creates corrections, outlining Residential Combination areas of improvement for plans and referencing the applicable building code sections and locally adopted regulations. Inspector Residential Building Associate Inspector Marx/OkuboAssociates Mechanical Inspector 2020-2021 ICC Certified Inspector responsible for hundreds of residential renovation Residential Electrical inspections within a military housing development consisting of 3 (three) Inspector different communities. Created system to provide a quick snapshot of Residential Plumbing project inspection status. Inspector Designer Lean Six Sigma Black Belt KB Home 2016-2020 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Created hundreds of hand sketched Design Drawings for KB Home Arizona. California, Colorado. Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and/a Washington Divisions Pro -Actively addressed Design Guideline, International Code Council Marketing, Purchasing, and Construction opportunities and constraints. (ICC) Responsible fa New Plan Series within KB Home Texas Divisions. Institute of Risk Completed over200 KB University online courses. Assisted with the creation of Colorado Division's popular Mid -Century Modem Starlig,t Management (IRM) Collection National Green Building Standard Certification Project Manager (NAHB) CJ Light Associates 2014 to 2016 TOTAL YEARS OF Provided several clients with he personalized care needed to effectively EXPERIENCE translate their custom home wishes into reality within Coastal Cities. 25+ Jecsan Perez Plans Examiner EDUCATION Jecsan has more than 2 years of experience providing plan check services reviewing residential and commercial projects of various sizes and B.S. Civil Engineer complexities. He has strong interpersonal skills and takes a proactive approach to problem solving, interfacing with owners, architects and contractors. Jecsan is bilingual in English and Spanish. LICENSES/CERTIFICA- TIONS SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: ICC Certified: Building Plans Examiner Building Plans Examiner Engineer -in -Training Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 2021- Present PROFESSIONAL AFFILIA- Review residential and commercial projects for multiple jurisdictions, including photovoltaic, multi -dwelling structures and single-family dwelling TIONS units, utilizing Bluebeam. International Code Council (ICC) M6 Consulting, Inc. National Council of Plans Examiner Examiners for Engineering 2019 - 2020 and Surveying Examined plans for residential and commercial projects for the City of Calabasas. Utlized AutoCAD to draft architectural and structural details for TOTAL YEARS OF residential design projects. EXPERIENCE 4+ Douglas Bragg Building Inspector/ Plans Examiner EDUCATION Seasoned professional providing over 35 years of experience in providing combination building inspection, combination plan review of mechanical, Inspection Courses plumbing and electrical plans, and code enforcement services. Major strengths Building Inspection include strong leadership, excellent communication, customer service, and report Technology writing skills. Competent team player with sound judgement and decision-making Water Technology skills. Experienced as a municipally appointed expert witness for construction codes. Computer and Internet literate. CERTIFICATIONS/ SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: LICENSES ICC Plan Reviewer ICC Building Inspector: Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Commercial and Residential Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. ICC Reinforced Concrete 2021- Present Fire Technology Certificate Perform plan check and building inspections for residential and commercial projects. Perform plan check solar plans, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical plans fortenant improvements and small commercial projects. Perform all building TOTAL YEARS OF inspections for all types of projects. Discuss code issues and requirements with EXPERIENCE contractors, homeowners, and designers. 35+ Senior Building Inspector The Onyx Group, Valencia, CA 2018-2020 Performed complexand routine combination commercial, industrial and residential inspections of high rise, beach front, hillside, retail, foodservice, single and multi- family buildings. Performed plan check of residential and commercial projects. Ensured construction and installations conformed to municipal, state, and federal code requirements and zoning ordinances. Provided code interpretations and other essential information to design professionals, contractors, and the general public and recommend corrective action of defects or inadequacies. Provided interpretations of the codes and established policies and procedures. Performed plan check of residential and commercial projects. Researched code and product standards to determine compliance with adopted codes. Mentored and trained Building Inspectors. Conducts inspections to ensure building construction is in compliance with the applicable municipal, state, and federal codes and ordinances. Reads and studies project specifications, plans, and drawings to become familiar with the project prior to inspection, confirming structural or architectural changes have been stamped as approved by the relevant authority. Documents inspections on construction projects to determine all aspects of the projectsuch as foundations, building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems conform to the applicable building codes, zoning ordinances, energy conservation, and disabled access requirements. Select clients and projects to which services have been delivered include City of South El Monte and City of La Mesa. Various Positions All Pro Designs 1987 - Present CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Managing and hands on workmanship throughout all phases of construction projects. Estimated time and material costs. Maintained quality and cost control. Knowledge on all aspects of construction. Vast experience throughout the last 35 Years. DEPUTY INSPECTOR 4 Years of experience PLANS DESIGNER: 18 Years of experience designing custom homes, room additions, and health department plans. ADMINISTRATION. Oversaw expenditures and payroll. Developed and implemented policies and procedures. Ensured compliance with government regulations. Prepared all project documentation. SUPERVISION/TRAINING: Supervised Foremen and Laborers. Hired and scheduled subcontractors. Trained and evaluated all team members. KNOWLEDGE OFFOUNDATION RELATED PRO-IECTS. Rebar, stem walls, cement, slabs, curb and gutter, side walks and flat work. Installation of required anchor bolts. COMPLETEFRAMING KNOWLEDGE. Single homes, room additions, roof decks, patio decks. Luis Mota Building Inspector LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS Luis Mota is a seasoned construction professional with multiple areas of expertise. He has ICC Certified Residential over 35 years of experience within the construction industry. Throughout his career he has Building Inspector exhibited his ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and has a proven track record of excellent follow-through on assignments as well as a demonstrated commitment to successful project completion. Furthermore, he has the ability to acquire and apply knowledge TOTAL YEARS OF rapidly and is an excellent communicator with the ability to effectively and professionally EXPERIENCE interface with clients and business associates. Luis is fluent in both English and Spanish. 35+ SELECT PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Building Inspector Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. 2022 - Present Conducts inspections to ensure building construction is in compliance with the applicable municipal, state, and federal codes and ordinances. Reads and studies project specifications, plans, and drawings to become familiar with the project prior to inspection, confirming structural or architectural changes have been stamped as approved by the relevant authority. Documents inspections on construction projects to determine all aspects of the projectsuch as foundations, building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems conform to the applicable building codes, zoning ordinances, energy conservation, and disabled access requirements. Select clients and projects to which services have been delivered include City of South El Monte and City of La Mesa. Various Positions All Pro Designs 1987 - Present CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Managing and hands on workmanship throughout all phases of construction projects. Estimated time and material costs. Maintained quality and cost control. Knowledge on all aspects of construction. Vast experience throughout the last 35 Years. DEPUTY INSPECTOR 4 Years of experience PLANS DESIGNER: 18 Years of experience designing custom homes, room additions, and health department plans. ADMINISTRATION. Oversaw expenditures and payroll. Developed and implemented policies and procedures. Ensured compliance with government regulations. Prepared all project documentation. SUPERVISION/TRAINING: Supervised Foremen and Laborers. Hired and scheduled subcontractors. Trained and evaluated all team members. KNOWLEDGE OFFOUNDATION RELATED PRO-IECTS. Rebar, stem walls, cement, slabs, curb and gutter, side walks and flat work. Installation of required anchor bolts. COMPLETEFRAMING KNOWLEDGE. Single homes, room additions, roof decks, patio decks. (0) www.bvna.com