Interwest Consulting Group0 riv INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY CITY OF LA OUINTA PROPOSAL FOR On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services (Building Department) June 2, 2023 15.-00 P.M. TAa� OF CONTENTS 1. Cover Letter........................................................................1 Firm Background, Qualifications, and Experience.................2 2. References.........................................................................29 3. Fee Schedule....................................................................34 4. List of Complementary Services Offered .........................36 5. Staffing and Project Organization....................................39 6. Subcontracting Services: Interwest will not be using any sub -consultants for these services. 7. Disclosures........................................................................42 8. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements ...............44 9. Non -Collusion Affidavit....................................................46 10. Acknowledgement of Addenda......................................47 Appendix A - Proposed Contract Exceptions ......................48 F] 780'10 U 0 1w A SAFEbuilf COMPANY City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) June 2, 2023 0 City of La Quinta Design and Development Department: Building Division AJ Ortega, Building Official I N T E R W E S T Email Submital: aortega@laquintaca.gov A SAFEbuilf COMPANY Project Office: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 San Diego, CA. 92123 P: 858.560.1468 Re: Request For Proposals for La Quinta for On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services (Building Department) Dear Mr. Ortega, Interwest Consulting Group (Interwest) understands that the City of La Quinta (City) is seeking On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services for their Building Department. Interwest has had the privilege of providing on-call plan review and inspection services to the City since 2016. For this effort, we will continue to provide a highly -qualified and appropriately licensed staff of International Code Council (ICC) Certified inspectors and plan reviewers to deliver these services. Interwest maintains the largest staff of building safety professionals in California. With a deep bench of more than 400 professionals dedicated to providing building safety services to our clients, our team of well-qualified staff is available to assist the City as needed to meet workload demands. Our team brings the following advantages to the City: • Small Firm Focus, Large Firm Resources: Our primary focus is providing turnkey staff augmentation services to California municipal clients. Unlike many of our competitors - either too small to provide a full range of dedicated services, or too large and dispersed to provide a local focus — Interwest is a full-service organization with the resources to provide any and all of the expertise required and the ability to scale our services to the City's changing needs. • Team Capacity and Capabilities: The San Diego office in support of our Ontario office will continue to serve the City on various projects, and we will continue to provide a longstanding team of experts that have successfully delivered plan review and inspection services on a wide range of projects for the City of La Quinta. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, we have received 324 submittal's, 180 re -submittals and provided 716 plan reviews for all projects with various types of reviews such as CASp, structural, mechanical, electrical etc. • A Wealth of Relevant Municipal Experience: Our staff has served as municipal employees, often in management roles, so we understand how the system works from the inside out. For the same reason, our staff understands how to manage projects while representing the City's goals responsibly and respecting budgetary and time limitations. Bill Hayes will be the Project Manager for this opportunity and may be reached at 909.568.9749 or whayes@interwestgrp. com. Shelby Sieracki will continue to be the City's Account Manager for plan check and inspection services and may be reached at 626.224.2055 or ssieracki@interwestgrp.com. We are excited to continue our partnership with the City of La Quinta and work together to create a bigger and better future for the community. All information and pricing provided in this proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days. Interwest personnel who will perform work for the City are free of any conflict of interest. Our firm's corporate office is: 9300 W. Stockton Blvd., Suite 105 Elk Grove, CA. As President of Interwest, I am authorized to sign any agreements that may result from this proposal and will provide contract support to the proposed Interwest team. Should any questions arise, I can be contacted at 619.372.9962 or via email at pmeschino@interwestgrp.com. Sincerely, Paul Meschino, President of Interwest 1 Rt Firms Background, Qualifications, and Experience 0, The seamless integration of municipal service professionals in support of public agencies has been our purpose since Interwest was formed in 2002. We have been performing the requested building services for 21 years. Interwest was founded by individuals with a passion for serving municipalities. We currently employ over 400 employees spanning a multitude of disciplines within public works and building and safety departments throughout California. We currently serve over 330 cities, counties, and state agencies across California. Our staff has held senior and executive management positions within numerous California cities and public agencies, including the titles of Building Official, City Engineer, Public Works Director, Construction Manager, City Planner, and other management personnel. This depth of experience brings a high level of knowledge and sensitivity towards community and special interest group issues. We value the importance of a focus that represents the interests of our public agency clients and reflects positively on the citizens they serve. Providing building department services is at the core of our business. We have highly qualified staff and extensive resources throughout the state. Interwest is comprised of licensed Civil and Structural Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Fire Protection Engineers, and Mechanical Engineers registered in the State of California, ICC Certified and highly qualified Plans Examiners and Inspectors, Certified Access Specialists (CASp), licensed Architects, and other professionals specializing in providing complete building safety services to local government agencies. We furnish both technical excellence and a thorough understanding of the regulatory process to assist our clients through the sometimes -daunting complexities associated with the delivery of projects, implementation of important public programs, and adoption of significant public policy. Interwest is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SAFEbuilt, LLC. E City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Our Commitment to Continued Services Interwest has extensive experience and a proven track record of seamlessly integrating building plan review, building inspection, building official services, and permit technician services as -needed, in a cost-effective manner. Our services consist of providing a single staff member or a complete team. We tailor our staff to fit your specific needs. Interwest successfully provides on-call plan review, inspection, and permit technician services to the City of La Quinta's Building Safety Division, and we are prepared to continue serving your City. Building Official Services Our assigned certified Building Officials are intimately familiar with the procedures and processes that need to be maintained to ensure a building department runs smoothly. They with all staff and departments. Interwest can provide Building Official Services on a part-time or full-time basis. Interwest has had success providing as -needed building official services when the City's building official is on vacation, is sick, or any unforeseeable situation that may arise, we aide in helping your jurisdiction as you need us, and at the capacity in which you need. Building Official areas of responsibility may include: • Building Department Administration. • Quality control review of plan checks and inspections. • Building Code updates for Municipal Code adoption. • Resident inquiries and complaints. • Configuration, implementation, and ongoing support of an automated permitting system. • Review discretionary applications for preliminary compliance with construction codes. • Coordination of a proactive abatement program. • Building & Safety Procedures Manual. • Monthly/Annual Reporting of Building Safety Activities. • Attend Commission and City Council meetings (as needed). F- a 3 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Plan Review Services All plans examination services are performed by a licensed Civil or Structural Engineer and/or an ICC Certified or otherwise qualified Plans Examiner. For more complex projects and when needed to meet peak workload demands, additional support will be provided by our other regional offices. Our plans examiners understand and are intimately familiar with applicable building codes and plan review procedures and policies and will readily assist with solutions to complicated plan review issues. Our staff will work with project applicants in a collaborative and professional manner to quickly identify and resolve violations of codes, standards, or local ordinances. They will provide thorough plan reviews to ensure complete and accurate construction documents to minimize questions and problems during the construction phase of projects. TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES IN PLAN CHECK AREAS Interwest staff possesses significant technical capabilities in all areas of plans examination competence. Plans examiners are licensed engineers and/or ICC Certified or otherwise qualified Plans Examiners with extensive experience providing plan review services. Plans examination activities will be performed under the direction of a California -licensed professional engineer and/or licensed architect. Our staff will conduct an accelerated plan review on an as -needed basis as requested by the Building Official. NON-STRUCTURAL LIFE SAFETY Interwest's non-structural plans examiners furnish plan review services for a vast array of projects including large residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, retail, and OSHPD 3 medical office buildings. Many of our plans examiners are CASp certified. Completed plan review projects range from single -story residential projects to complex high-rise buildings and numerous building additions and remodels. We are experienced and familiar with the use and application of the most current editions of the following codes: • California Building Standards Code • Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design • ANSI Standards STRUCTURAL • NFPA Codes & Standards CA Code of Regulations (CCR) Titles 19 and 25 • Jurisdiction -adopted amendments or ordinances Our California -licensed Structural Engineers have experience designing and reviewing projects utilizing virtually all building materials: • Wood • Masonry • Heavy Timber/ Timber Frame • Concrete • Structural Steel • Cold -Formed Steel Framing • Straw Bale • Rammed Earth • Aluminum Our engineers have designed or reviewed a wide array of lateral force resisting systems including: • Steel Moment Frames • Buckling Restrained Braced Frames • Eccentric Braced Frames • Concentric Braced Frames • Wood Shearwall Systems • Masonry Shearwall Systems • Concrete Shearwall Systems • Cantilevered Column Systems • Concrete Moment Frames • Various Proprietary Lateral Force Resisting Systems 4 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Our structural engineers are experienced with the provisions of most model codes including, but not limited to, current versions of: • CCR Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 • AISC 341, 358 and 360 • ASCE 7 • ASCE 41 • AISI Standards for Cold Formed Steel • ANSI / AF&PA NDS for wood framing MECHANICAL, PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL • ACI 318 • ACI 530 / TMS 402/602 • CA Historic Building Codes • CA Existing Building Codes • NEHRP Requirements for Existing Building Interwest's California -licensed Mechanical and Electrical Engineers are wel I -versed in the application of California Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Energy, and Green Building Standards Codes: • California Building Code • California Residential Code • California Plumbing Code SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PRACTICES • California Mechanical Code • California Electrical Code • Jurisdiction -adopted ordinance We provide trained staff familiar with sustainable building and Green Building concepts such as those supported by LEED, CABEC, RESnet, USGBC, and NPDES. Your Interwest team will provide annual documented training for sustainable building and green practices. ENERGY COMPLIANCE Our engineers and plan reviewers are up-to-date on all California Energy requirements as they relate to both new and remodel construction on large residential and commercial projects. The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildingswere established in 1978 in responseto a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption. These standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS Our staff is familiar with the incorporation of CALGreen building criteria into project designs and the resulting potential impact as related to the building codes. In addition, staff members have participated in the development of various "green" standards for super adobe, rammed earth, and straw bale construction, to name a few. LEED Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing measurable green building design, construction, operations, and maintenance solutions. LEED certification consists of a number of different rating systems that apply to many building types—commercial as well as residential and measures how well a building performs across many sustainability metrics, including: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. �1 J 5 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) ACCESS COMPLIANCE — CASP REVIEW All of Interwest's CASp-Certified professionals are knowledgeable of state and federal accessibility laws and regulations and possess the expertise necessary to promote access to facilities for persons with disabilities. Our goal is to provide experts in the industry who can perform services for building departments by customizing our services to correspond with our client's expectations and needs. We work collaboratively with our clients to resolve plan review and inspection - related issues as efficiently as possible, ultimately resulting in an expedited process and successful project. Our architects and plans examiners are fully trained and familiar with CA Building Code Accessibility requirements and ADA compliance regulations and are available for plan review and/or evaluations and consultation. We otter support to municipalities for compliance enforcement and/or developing a transition plan towards compliance, and successfully partnering with the disabled community to address the needs and requirements of both entities. We can assist our clients in interpreting various issues relating to access compliance, such as access compliance obligations, transition planning, construction costs, construction phasing, code 'interpretation,' hardship, and code changes. FLOOD ZONES Interwest's staff of engineers and plans examiners have experience in providing plan reviews for projects located in flood zones, as several of our clients have developments that occur in areas prone to flooding. Interwest's staff has provided numerous plan reviews for projects located in flood zones using FEMA's Technical Bulletins as well as the local jurisdiction's ordinances. In addition, members of Interwest's staff have participated in state-sponsored committees to establish guidelines and regulations for construction in areas designated as flood zones. OSHPD 3 Our staff of plans examiners has extensive experience in providing plan reviews for OSHPD 3 projects. Our staff is well versed with the OSHPD 3 requirements contained in the California Building Code. We also have OSHPD-certified inspectors available on an as -needed basis. FIRE CODE PLAN REVIEW We have a complete staff of experienced and licensed professional fire protection plans examiners and inspectors for your fire life safety needs. Our staff can check plans for compliance with all applicable fire code and standard requirements, including but not limited to the following: ICC Fire Code, Uniform Fire Code, California Fire Code, Life Safety Code, NFPA standards, and your local/regional amendments. Our Fire Plans Examiners and Inspectors are well -versed in the use and application of the following model codes, standards, and regulations: • California Fire Code (CFC) • California Building Code (CBC) • Local amendments and policies related to the CFC and CBC • Adopted National Fire Protection Standards • California Health and Safety Code • Appropriate listings (CSFM, U.L., etc.) for common systems and materials • Fire Department Standards • National Fire Protection Referenced Standards pursuant to the above Codes • Municipal, State or Federal regulations enforced by Fire Departments and Fire Districts. 1.1 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) CODE INTERPRETATIONS Code interpretations are subject to final review and approval bythe Chief Building Official or City designated staff. Interwest's engineers and plans examiners will provide unbiased recommendations and background information to help the Building Official or Fire Marshal make an informed decision. All plan review comments are subject to review and approval by the City Building Department. TRANSPORTING PLANS Interwest Consulting Group will arrange for all pick-up and delivery of plan review documents from the City at no cost. Interwest uses varied methods of pick-up and delivery with the goal of providing same-day service. SPECIAL PROJECTS AND ACCELERATED SERVICES Interwest can accommodate special project plan review needs such as fast-track, multi -phased, or accelerated plan reviews. We establish project -specific turnaround goals and procedures with City staff for these types of projects based on the complexity of the projects as well as the construction schedule. Our staff of engineers and plan examiners will work with the City to resolve all plan review issues. Our staff will deal directly with applicants and their designers during the plan review process to resolve all issues in a collaborative manner to resolve plan review issues as quickly as possible. ELECTRONIC PLAN CHECK SERVICES Interwest currently provides electronic plan review services for multiple jurisdictions throughout California, and we are prepared to provide electronic plan checks for the City. We are familiar with many electronic plan review platforms. More and more jurisdictions are seeing the benefits of electronic permits and plan checks, especially for large, complex projects. Electronic plan check services deliver many benefits to municipalities, including substantially improved turnaround times; instantaneous comments to the developer, applicant, or architect; secured accessibility to documents; and reduced paper storage. Our staff is experienced in providing electronic plan reviews and can work closely with the City on any electronic plan check software program that is utilized. Our goal is always to collaborate with and support the building department by providing thorough, accurate, and timely plan reviews. PLAN REVIEW TRACKING METHOD & BILLING PROCESS Our staff has experience working with most project -tracking databases utilized by building departments. Our staff will update electronic records and make project -related database entries as directed by the City. We will create and maintain a Jurisdiction File containing our research on any unique amendments or specifications required by your jurisdiction, billing arrangements, contact information, and any special requests you would like us to keep in mind. Interwest Consulting Group uses a custom-designed database to maintain and track all plans throughout the review process from the moment you request a pick-up and/or shipment to delivery of the final, approved documents. Information such as project name, City's project number, assigned plan reviewer(s), date documents were received, plan review cycle, and completion date for the current review can be provided. In addition to standard phone communication, custom reports can be emailed. In addition, we can provide online tracking for the City with a custom-designed web template geared to provide any reporting and information needs required. Our staff is available during standard business hours to answer questions via phone or email regarding the actual plan review in progress. We maintain active email accounts and our staff will be responsive to any City or applicant's needs. If we cannot speak directly to a caller, we will return calls no later than 24 hours. VA City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Building Inspection Services Building inspectors qualified to perform residential and commercial inspections can be made available as -needed during normal business hours (40 hours/week). Inspectors can also be flexible to assist during special off -hours by request with advance notice. The assigned staff will perform inspection services, as needed, to verify that the work of construction is in conformance with the approved project plans as well as identify issues of non-compliance with applicable building and fire codes. Our field inspection services will include site inspections and writing legible and understandable correction and violation notices and field reports. In addition, we will be available to answer in-person or telephone inquiries. We understand that municipal codes are frequently updated, so we will ensure that the projects we are inspecting are compliant with current code requirements. More specifically, we will ensure compliance with Title 24 California Building Codes, parts 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, b, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, covering structural, fire prevention, life safety, disabled access, energy conservation, green building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical installations in residential, commercial, industrial, existing and historic buildings. Interwest's ICC/CASp certified inspectors have performed both building and fire inspection services on a wide variety of construction projects including new residential developments, large custom homes, and commercial, institutional, assembly, essential service buildings, and industrial projects. When necessary for large or fast-track projects, multiple inspectors are available. Interwest's inspectors will provide field inspections including site inspections of projects to verify conformance with approved drawings and specifications, which will include a review of the permit documents to verify that onsite conditions are consistent with the approved documents for 8 square footage, setbacks, heights, and any other applicable conditions. At the completion of inspections, Interwest's inspectors will complete all necessary City forms and documents as required to provide seamless service. We understand that personality and customer service are crucial to on-the-job success; therefore, we have selected inspectors who are well -versed in customer service and skilled in dealing with people both at the public counter and in the field. All inspection personnel assigned will be ICC and/or CASp certified as required. INTERNATIONAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS & ;= CODE ��. COUN CERTIFICATIONS CIL° Interwest retains inspectors who are motivated to achieve the highest level of experience and certification. We work hard to match your jurisdiction's level of safety and code compliance. All Interwest inspectors are ICC -certified. Inspection personnel assigned will be able to read, understand and interpret construction plans, truss drawings ,and calculations, prepare and maintain accurate records and reports, communicate effectively orally and in writing and to work effectively with contractors, the public and general staff. Inspectors will possess knowledge of approved and modern methods, materials, tools, and safety used in building inspection and the most current building standards. ix. Z WJ N City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Permit Processing and Permit Technician Services Permit technician services are crucial to the success of the entire building safety process as they are the first impression the public gets of your building department. Contact with the public at this initial point sets the tone for any additional interaction throughout the life of a project, whether engaging the homeowner, architect, developer or contractor, or other community members. Delivery of excellent customer service, maintaining a smooth flow of documents and plans throughout departments, and tracking and reporting, are all key elements to furnishing first-rate, efficient, and memorable experiences to your clients. At the request of the City of La Quinta, we will provide one or more Building Permit Technicians for the City. Our Building Permit Technicians will welcome and work closely with customers at the public counter answering all questions. They will provide information about permit applications, plan review, and inspection requirements, and will be excellent at organizing and maintaining the filing systems necessary for tracking in -progress applications, permits issued, plan check-in progress, approved plans, and any other information required by the City. Resumes for proposed Building Permit Technicians will be presented to the Chief Building Official for approval and acceptance prior to providing services. Services provided by the Building Permit Technician may include: • Provide customer support and assistance at the permit center counter and over the phone. • Assist the public in completing permit applications and other necessary forms. • Maintain a variety of public records and filing systems necessary for tracking in -progress applications, permits issued, plan checks in progress, approved plans, and other counter -related items. • Determine permit, plan, and process requirements for • Verify projects have obtained all necessary approvals permit applicants and notifying the applicant when before issuing permits and thatthe following have been construction documents or permits are ready for pick filed with the City: valid contractor's license, workers' up or issuance. compensation, and valid business license information. • Answer questions quickly and correctly directly from • Review and approve less complicated non-structural the public, from phone calls and emails. plan checks over the counter. • Receive, process, and issue building permits and • Create public informational documents and handouts coordinate the plan review and inspection process, explaining technical issues or requirements for permit including tracking, routing, and storage of plans. issuance, if needed. • Review permit applications and other pertinent • Welcome and receive customers at the public services information to verify accuracy and completeness of counter in a professional and courteous manner. information. City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Staffing Capability and Workload, and Record of Performance Interwest has extensive experience providing plan review, building inspections, building official, and community development technician services in La Quinta since 2016 and in the local Riverside County area for 20 years. We always strive to provide the best possible customer experience and will continue to be proactive and responsive to the City's needs if selected. Interwest does not intend to utilize the services of subcontractors in the performance of work under this contract. We pride our success in effective communication. We are committed to a "no surprises" approach built upon presenting ideas, asking questions, and identifying and addressing issues early in the process. We will propose options, seek direction, and implement solutions in close coordination with the City. By design, our staff is comprised of professionals with extensive experience working directly for public agencies. Our staff will ensure conformance with Federal, State, and City statutes, regulations, ordinances, guidelines, applicable standards, specifications, plans, laws, and accepted standard construction practices. Schedule We consistently complete our customers' building plan review times on schedule statewide for both commercial and residential projects as our standard business practice. We will work hard to accommodate any turnaround schedule desired by the City. Multi -disciplinary reviews are typically performed in our offices, but we are available for on-site work upon the City's request when required. Our staff will meet or exceed the City's turnaround time outlined in the RFP. Project Manager, Bill Hayes, CBO, ICC will be responsible for managing the time schedule and assuring schedule compliance. Bill will also be in charge of resource allocation of our key personnel committed to the City. Our building plan review turnaround times are listed in the table below. Directly following this page, please see r6sum6s of the Project Mangager and key personnel who will be responsible for performance. 10 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) William "Bill" Hayes, CBO, ICC CERTIFIED BUILDING OFFICIAL Bill brings 20+ years of building official, plan review and building inspection experience along with 17 years of municipal experience. His progressive and extensive knowledge of the building industry and municipal organization translates to efficient and effective services for our clients. Bill works with clients, Building Officials and Community Development Directors to assure client needs are met and all services provided on behalf of Interwest are delivered professionally, timely and in a customer service manner. Bill also meets with architects, engineers, designers, and homeowners as necessary to coordinate the successful delivery of plan review and inspection services. Bill is an excellent supervisor and communicates effectively, both verbally and in writing. These qualities deliver strong results focused on the success of our municipal clients. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY State Operations Manager, Building Department Services / Interwest Consulting Group / 2021- Present Bill serves clients in the capacity of State Operations Manager and Building Official, coordinating plan review, inspection and department oversight for multiple jurisdictions throughout Southern California. West Coast Building and Code Group Leader / HR Green 12019-2021 Coordinated project scheduling, tasks, and budgets to ensure completion within the appropriate time frame. Prepared the scope of services, detailed project, and contracts. Worked with leaders to determine the composition of the project team and assign any duties, schedules, and budget to members. Assisted and delivered proposals to client and managed contracts to determine if amendments are needed, communicated changes to clients and coordinated timely invoices and fees. Identified project opportunities and make decisions under the Practice Leader supervision. Attended leadership meetings, reported on group performance, strategic planning, and marketing efforts. Provided input into the creation of marketing plans and maintained regular and accurate record of marketing activities with clients. Assisted Human Resources with onboarding new employees, coordinate with IT to ensure office space and equipment are set up properly. Engaged in development -focused discussions with staff to assist in identifying and pursuing activities/projects that aligns with their development objectives. Building and Operations Manager / City of Industry / 2016-2018 Supervised the daily operations of the Building & Development Services Departments by overseeing the daily operations of the counter customer service, issuing permits, performing plan checks, performing field inspections, gathering data, and executing proposal reports and city projects for the City Manager and City Council. Created training materials and implemented updated procedures for building inspection and counter staff. Evaluated staff responsibilities and productivity to ensure that departments are performing efficiently. Maintained 24 -hours of communications with Los Angeles County Public Works relating to installations and maintenance of sewer laterals, sidewalks, driveway approaches, and public right-of-way. Assigned and monitored work for contractors and consultants, ensuring that the services provided are within the parameters of the City Council's approved contract. Reviewed all engineer specifications to ensure that they are appropriate for all formal bids under $10,000 and writing specifications and obtaining informal bids for all work under $10,000. Match bids to consultant invoices to ensure that amounts are correct for the work performed. rw INTERWEST A SAFEbuitf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 20+ EDUCATION Building and Fire Code Academy, Hoffman Estates, IL REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council, 8230972 Certified Building Official ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Commercial Building Inspector ICC/AACE Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector ICC Building Inspector 11 Continued, William 'Bill" Hayes, CBO, ICC / CERTIFIED BUILDING OFFICIAL Oversaw an operational budget of over $50 million, the ADA improvements to public owned properties, and the maintenance of over $2 million worth of city vehicles and equipment, as well as city properties by repairing and improving 31 homes and 244 parcels; making sure that they comply with local, state, and federal laws, while maintaining 8,000 acres outside the city limits. JAS Pacific / Contract Building Official -City of Pico Rivera / 2015-2016 & 2018-2019 Supervised the daily operations of the building, code enforcement, and housing departments for the City of Pico Rivera. Tracked customer service, issued permits, performed plan checks and field inspections, gathered data, and fully executed required reports. Created training materials, and trained code enforcement, building inspectors, and counter staffs on updated procedures for building inspections and policies. Building Official/Acting Public Works Manager / 2013-2015 Established an innovated Rental Housing Program by using a state-of-the-art GIS based inspection technology to efficiently inspect and publicly record blighted and deteriorated properties and was awarded the Helen Putnum Award for Excellence in the Internal Administration category. Created and implemented an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) internal plan check process of 97% for efficient productivity of staffs and businesses, allowing the city to retain over $600,000 of funds in a 2 -year period. Organized and managed the Industrial Waste program and successfully raised the compliance from 80% to nearly 100% from businesses within the city. Established a strong relationship with all departments in the city, therefore becoming a resource and asset to all. Building Commissioner / City of Palos Heights, Illinois / 2008-2013 Responsible for the City of Palos Heights building departments overall operation and its annual budget of $750,000, as well as coordinated all approved outside vendors and services, and streamlined general office management duties to ensure efficiency of the department's day-to-day operation. Provided oversight for all disciplines of residential and commercial plan reviews, zoning, enforcement, property maintenance enforcement, and all construction inspections from footing to certificate of occupancy. Inspected various construction projects, ranging from single family homes, commercial buildings, Public Works projects, and new constructions/remodeling for a private college, as well as an eight story, 500,000 plus square feet hospital surgical wing. Senior/Lead Building Inspector / City of Countryside, Illinois / 2007-2008 End Year Supervised all sign and property maintenance inspections, enforcement programs, as well as inspections for buildings, electrical, and mechanical on residential and commercial projects, as well as zoning plan reviews and enforcement. Coordinated as the department liaison for the local adjunction court by advising the Building Commissioner regarding building codes and city ordinance updates to stay in compliance with all Federal, State, and local laws. Lead the project in developing an electronic plan review/permit submittal program and an extensive electronic filing system for all permit and property files. 12 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) David Kniff, AIA ARCHITECTURAL PLANS EXAMINER David has more than 30 years of practical experience as the Principal Architect of his own firm and as a General Contractor. He is an effective problem solver and can easily articulate solutions and complex problems. David has a deep understanding of current local, state and federal codes, and has prepared plans under IBC and CBC codes for many residential and commercial projects located in California and Texas. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior CA. Plans Examiner Manager / Interwest Consulting Group / 2021 - Present Architectural Plans Examiner / EsGil — A SAFEbuilt Company/ 2017 -2021 David started his SAFEbuilt career as an EsGil employee, working as an Architectural Plans Examiner serving cities throughout Southern California, specifically in San Diego County. When EsGil merged with Interwest Consulting Group, David's expertise made him the perfect candidate to manage our plan check team throughout the state. David continues to provide architectural plan review for municipal clients, but also provides oversight for all plan check staff, manages status tracking to ensure agreed-upon turnaround times are met, and provides quality control of plan check work products. Principal Architect / KEA Architecture - Development / 1987 - 2017 David programmed, planned and completed the creation of design documents and streamlined the marketing and perspective client meetings. He oversaw the production of A/E, M/E/P construction documents through the permitting phases of work. David worked with governmental agencies that have jurisdiction over all of the company's projects resulting in great communication abilities. Project Manager / Architects Coombs - Mesquita / 1980 -1987 David oversaw a team of draftsman to create construction documents for commercial and industrial facilities. He created design documents from the sketches of the Principal Architects. David worked with various Engineer and Utility Consultants coordination with the Project Manager's drawings. 0 nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilt° COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 30+ EDUCATION Mesa Community College REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Architect, C-19040 CA General Building Contractor, Class B License, 707752 TX Registered Architect, 19798 W12 National Building Contractor 13 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Mark Hunt, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR Mark has more than 30 years of experience in the construction and building industry. He is ICC Certified in commercial and residential inspections and has gained on-the- job training for plumbing, electrical, framing, and other alterations per the approved plans of the project. Mark's experience of owning his own construction company for nearly 10 years has provided him with the knowledge to ensure that all phases of construction are professionally and productively completed within the project's budget and schedule. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Building Inspector / Interwest Consulting Group / 2020 - Present Mark performs technical building inspections for our clients throughout California, including most recently the Cities of Pomona and Eastvale, to enforce compliance with State, Federal and local building codes, regulations and ordinances. Inspection projects include everything from commercial structures, tenant improvement, and tract homes, to swimming pools, patio covers, and room additions. General Building Contractor / Owner / Hunt Construction Services/ 2011- 2020 Mark created and implemented job budgets and managed and scheduled contractors to ensure timeline progression. He created and implemented schedules for projects and attended all inspections. He professionally interacted with clients and designers ensuring that their vision was integrated into the projects plans. He met with architects and engineers during the planning process for structural changes to existing dwellings. Mark gained extensive experience in structural alterations, including shear wall construction, plumbing and electrical. Owner and Handyman / Services By Mark / 2001-2011 Mark performed minor alterations to existing dwellings. He interacted with homeowners and contractors, ensuring that the client's needs and wants were integrated into the project's budget and schedule. Multi -Trade Specialist / Consutrction Company / 1983-2001 Mark performed demo as necessary and filled in as a helper for tile and drywall. His main duties included framing, plumbing, electrical and various alterations per the approved plans. He finished carpentry and cabinet installation as needed. Various Projects / Contracted / 1982-1993 Mark worked for various contractors in different phases of construction and accumulated practical work experience and on the job training in electrical and plumbing. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 30+ YEARS WITH INTERWEST:1 EDUCATION: Certification for Industrial Electronics, Ashtabula County Joint Vocational School, 1979 — 1981 Diploma, Edgewood Senior Highschool, Ashtabula, Ohio, 1981 LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: B -General Building Contractor, CSLB, 963308 International Code Council, 9690544 ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector ICC CA Residential Building Inspector ICC CA Commercial Plumbing Inspector ICC CA Commercial Electrical Inspector ICC CA Residential Electrical Inspector ICC CA Residential Plumbing Inspector ICC CA Commercial Mechanical Inspector ICC CA Commercial Combination Inspector ICC CA Residential Mechanical Inspector ICC CA Residential Combination Inspector ICC CA Combination Inspector 14 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Matthew L. Root, ICC 0 BUILDING INSPECTOR Matthew has 32 years of experience in the construction industry and has worked as a building inspector for five years. He has completed inspections for the Cities of nV Redlands, Grand Terrace, Colton, Fontana, and San Bernardino. I N T E R W E S T PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A SAFEbuilf COMPANY Building Inspector / Interwest Consulting Group / 2022 -Present YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 32 Matthew interprets and enforces the adopted building codes in a consistent manner YEARS WITH INTERWEST:1 for each jurisdiction assigned. He documents inspection results so that the information EDUCATION'. is clear, concise, complete, and understandable. BA, BusinessAdministration, House Flipper / Self -Employed / 2022 California State University, Fullerton Project Manager / Superintendent / Avanti Properties Group / 2009 — 2015 AA, Santa Ana College Matthew works as the Project Manager and hands-on Superintendent for residential California State Licensing flips. In 2014 he remodeled and sold 157 homes. School LICENSES / Building Inspector / Consulting Firm / 2003 — 2008 CERTIFICATIONS: Matthew works as a Subcontractor Building Inspector for many cities and large-scale International Code Council, projects that exceed the city's capacity. Notable projects include San Manuel Casino 8054921 and Stater Bros. Distribution Center. Matthew works as a Subcontractor Building ICC Building Inspector Inspector for many cities and large-scale projects that exceed the city's capacity. Contractor's License, CA Notable projects include San Manuel Casino and Stater Bros. Distribution Center. 763363 Home Inspector / Home Front Inspections / 1998 — 2003 Matthew works as a residential and commercial pre -sales home Inspector. His duties include inspecting and reporting on the condition of buildings for properties in escrow. Independent HVAC Contractor / Sears, Roebuck & Co. / 1990-2003 Matthew's works as a Home Improvement Salesperson specializing in air conditioning, heating, ducting, electrical, plumbing and handyman work. 15 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Ronald Swenson, ICC BUILDING INSPECTOR I PLANS EXAMINER Ronald is an ICC Certified Plans Examiner and Building Inspector with more than 30 years of municipal building industry experience, spending 27 years as a Building Inspector and Interim Plan Checker with the City of Riverside. Before joining Interwest, he also spent time as a Supervising Building Inspector and Plan Reviewer for the City of Vallejo. Ronald's background has given him sound knowledge of State and Building Codes and the inspection of all construction projects from the ground up. He also has extensive experience working with engineers and architects on design, coordination, and building of construction projects. He is capable of enforcing a full range of building codes, as well as working with all construction and mechanical trades on codes including electrical and plumbing regulations. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Plan Checker & Building Inspector / Interwest Consulting Group / 2019 - Present As an ICC Certified Inspector in all residential, commercial and industrial building disciplines, Ron provides our customers a full range of services, from expert ADA reviews and specialty inspections as a Certified Plans Examiner to comprehensive feasibility plan reviews. Currently, Ron is performing plan review and inspection oversight of Sovereign Nation clients located in Palm Springs. He also provides our clients with inspection services on new and existing buildings and structures to ensure conformity to building, grading, zoning laws, and approved plans, specifications and standards. Building Inspector/Building Consultant 12017 — 2019 With a third -party Building Safety consultant, Ron worked as an advanced journey - level building inspector, responsible for performing the full range of routine to complex inspections of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. He was also responsible for the training of new inspection and plan check staff. Supervising Building Inspector / City of Vallejo / 2016 — 2017 Ron supervised, trained and evaluated City inspection staff; assigned and distributed workload; and coordinated, and performed inspection and plan review of residential, commercial and industrial construction to ensure compliance with all pertinent codes, ordinances, rules and regulations. He provided technical information regarding codes and compliance methods to other City staff, contractors, developers, architects, engineers, and the public, and he reviewed and resolved complex inspection and plan review issues with applicants and developers. • rw INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 30+ YEARS WITH INTERWEST: 3 EDUCATION: Construction Technology, Pace Setter, 1989 LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: ICC # 851809 Combination Dwelling Inspector Plumbing Inspector Mechanical Inspector UMC Residential Combination Inspector Building Inspector Building Plans Examiner 16 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Troy Hassey, ICC 0 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR Troy is a Senior Building Inspectorwith a strong work ethic, excellenttime management skills, who is results -oriented and able to handle multiple tasks with ease. He enjoys nV working with others as a team and has exceptional customer service skills. I N T E R W E S T PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A SAFEbuilf COMPANY Senior Building Inspector / City of Vista / 2013 - Present Building Inspector II / City of Vista / 2009 to 2013 Building Inspector I /City of Vista / 2006 to 2009 Managed a team of three to complete all building inspections for the City. Worked as Lead Inspector for city projects, including City Hall and Sports Park. Was responsible for all high-profile buildings, including commercial / residential mixed-use buildings. Building Inspector I / Hassey Construction / 2004 - 2006 Worked as Owner of a construction company specializing in residential remodeling. Was responsible for bidding, planning, supervising and completing construction projects. Inspected homes being considered for purchase to access the feasibility and costs of remodeling for real estate investors. Co -Owner / Field Manager / Precise Framing / 1998 — 2004 Was responsible for bids, framing process beginning at foundation to completion with all Inspector approvals. Directed the activities of 10 employees. Highlights of jobs completed are Cartoon Network Studios, Warner Brothers / Extra Studio, and various entertainment executives throughout Southern California. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 25 LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: International Code Council #5223679 CA Contractor License # 750577 Commercial Combination Inspector C5 Combination Inspector C8 Electrical Inspector E5 CA Commercial Combination Inspector 15 Plumbing Inspector P5 CA Combination Inspector 18 Mechanical Inspector M5 CA Residential Mechanical Inspector J4 CA Residential Building Inspector J1 CA Commercial Mechanical Inspector 14 CA Residential Combination Inspector J5 CA Residential Plumbing Inspector J3 CA Commercial Plumbing Inspector 13 CA Commercial Electrical Inspector 12 CA Commercial Building Inspector 11 Commercial Electrical Inspector E2 Building Inspector B5 Plumbing Inspector UPC 34 Mechanical Inspector UMC 44 Residential Combination Inspector R5 Combination Dwelling Inspector— Uniform Codes 56 17 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Deisy Y. Mendez PERMIT'. ECHNICIAN 0 Deisy is a Permit Technician with 10 years of experience. She is skilled in BlueBeam, Accela, PermiPlus, BluePrince, and Envision. Deisy holds a strong track record in her field, with substantial experience in performing plan reviews, compliance projects rw with City codes, and assisting in the submittal process. I N T E R W E S T PROFESSIONAL HISTORY A SAFEbuilf COMPANY Senior Permit Technician / Interwest Consulting Group / 2023 - Present Performs routine plan review for Building and Safety of projects for compliance with City codes, requirements or conditions of approval, such as solar, fencing, pools, reroof, panel upgrades, patio's and much more. Process submittals and checks them for compliance, such as Single -Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes, then create a project in our system for further review by Engineering. Assist with quick business applications and permits such as re -roofs, panel upgrades, main panel changeout, fencing, and code enforcement submittals. Maintains departmental records; performs research of property information and code. Development Services Technician / 4 Leaf, Inc. Building Department / 2022- 2023 Contracted with City of Menifee, process submittals and checked them for compliance such as Single -Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes, then created a project in our system for further review by all departments. Performed data entry of projects and billing. Reviewed plans for completeness and routed to appropriate departments for review. Processed comments letters and approval letters. Assisted with quick business applications and permits such as re -roofs, panel upgrades, main panel changeout, fencing, solar, plumbing, pools, and code enforcement submittals. Temp Permit Technician / City of Palm Springs / March 2022-Septemeber 2022 Processed submittals and checked them for compliance such as Single Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes, then created a project in our system for further review by Engineering. Assisted with quick business applications and permits such as re -roofs, panel upgrades, main panel changeout, fencing, and assisted with code enforcement submittals. Provided routine information such as; land use requirements, building code requirements, zoning verification, development standards, sewers, easements, parcel maps, property addressing, records of survey, and grading requirements. Informed developers, contractors, and members of the public on matters pertaining to land use regulations, building codes, and construction plan requirements. Coordinated permit activities with building inspectors, other City departments, and outside agencies. Received and processed permit applications and forms; calculated and collected fees, issued permits in accordance with established procedures and policies. Routed Plans to other departments for review and issued Fire Department Construction and Fire Code Permits. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 10 YEARS W/ INTERWEST:1 EDUCATION - Associate in Science, Heald College, San Jose, CA. 18 Deisy Mendez I Senior Permit Technician I Page 2 Land Use Technician / 4 Leaf Inc/ 2021-2022 Contracted with Riverside County, interpreted and applied Land Use ordinances as they relate to construction and use of structures and land; check applicants proposed plans for building permits and determine if plans are in accordance with land use ordinances, regulations, and created building permits. Researched zoning maps and general and community plans to answer questions relating to the use of a specific property. Completed initial planning case processing of applications and calculated fees. Informed developers, contractors, and members of the public on matters pertaining to land use regulations, building codes, construction plan requirements, easements, building setbacks, road dedications and planning requirements. Researched legal descriptions, property ownership and history using maps, computers, and Assessor -County Clerk - Recorder records; issue addresses to parcels. Advised violators of ordinance requirements and attempted to gain compliance by advising applicants of the requirements and the various procedural steps they may take to resolve various issues; if further action is required, gathered all pertinent facts from the parties concerned. Made routine inspections to note compliance with various land use requirements; confered and coordinated activities with other interested County departments. Conducted research and prepared reports and routine correspondence; may appear as a witness in court for violation cases. Fire Technician / City of Ontario / Janurary 2021 -April 2021 Provided customer service and information regarding permit procedures and policies to the public over the counter and by telephone. Coordinated permit activities with building inspectors, other City departments, and outside agencies. Receive and processed permit applications and forms; calculated and collected fees, and issued permits in accordance with established procedures. Routed plans to other departments according to prescribed procedures. Issued Fire Department construction and fire code permits. Processed fire protection and construction plans for residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Performed code compliance reviews of minor fire protection projects. Scheduled appointments for plan checkers and perform other related duties as assigned. Permit Technician / Interwest, a SAFEbuilt Company / 2020-2021 Worked as a contractor for different Cities (Solana Beach, Del Mar, National City and County of San Diego). Processed submittals and checked them for compliance such as Single -Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes, then created a project in our system for further review by Engineering. Reviewed plans for completeness and data entry of projects. Collected applicable fees for plan review. Assisted with quick business applications and permits such as re -roofs, panel upgrades, main panel changeout, fencing, and assisted with code enforcement submittals. Community Development Services Technician / City of San Bernardino / February 2019 -October 2019 Responded to requests from customers at the front counter in person, via email and by phone. Provided routine information such as land use, building code, and zoning verifications. Provided development standards, easements, parcel maps, and property addressing, records of survey, and grading requirements. Performed routine plan review of projects for compliance with City codes, requirements or conditions of approval, such as solar, fencing, pools, reroof, panel upgrades, patio's, and much more. Assisted with Plan Check submittals for Public Works such as Hauling Permit, Encroachment Permits, Off -Site Improvements, On -Site Improvements, Grading, lot merger, lot line adjustment, WQMP, Hydrology reports, and bond releases. Maintained departmental records; performed research of property information and code requirements; collected and tabulates data and prepares reports. Prepared written communication and notices. Processed development applications and plans submittals for review; calculated, collected any applicable fees; issued various types of engineering, planning, or building permits. Operated computers utilizing standard office software such as Permit Plus, LaserFiche, Contractor State License, Property Information Management System, GovPay, Zoning Map for City and County, and Development Code Website. City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Bill Tewfik, PE, CBO, CASp, ICC BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER CA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER // CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST // CERTIFIED BUILDING OFFICIAL Bill is a registered engineer and CASp professional with more than 40 years of industry experience, including 23 years serving the City of Garden Grove's Building Division. Bill has extensive experience serving municipalities and providing engineering plan review services. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Plan Check Engineer I Certified Access Specialist / Interwest Consulting Group / 2016 - Present Bill performs architectural and structural review of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings for compliance with State regulations and City ordinances pertaining to model codes, interacting with engineers, architects, contractors, developers, and property owners to provide interpretation and assistance on building code related issues and with permit issuance. Building Official / City of Garden Grove / 2012 - 2016 Responsible for the planning and managing of the daily operations of the City's Building Division, including the plan check section, permit counter and inspection activities. Bill also provided technical support to various City Departments regarding building related issues. He performed a variety of complex technical work to ensure compliance with applicable codes, and educated employees on different code topics. Plan Check Engineer / City of Garden Grove / 1993 - 2012 Performed architectural and structural review of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings for compliance with State regulations and City ordinances, interacting with engineers, architects, contractors, developers, and property owners to provide interpretation and assistance. Contract Engineer / Freelance / 1991-1993 During this time, Bill prepared plans and performed structural engineering consulting services for private clients. Project Engineer / McLean and Schultz / 1990 -1991 In the role of Project Engineer, Bill participated in various office projects including the design of steel structures and reinforced concrete foundations for industrial facilities. Other duties included checking the stability of existing structures to meet the minimum seismic force requirement and structural design work for renovating existing structures (wood, masonry, concrete) to accommodate the revised architectural design. Project Engineer / Battaglia Associates / 1987 —1990 Bill's responsibilities included the design of steel and reinforced concrete structures for the "Lotte World" indoor and outdoor theme park in South Korea. He also reviewed engineering consultant plans to ensure compliance with the architectural design intent and coordinated with contractors in the in the field, solving problems that arise during the construction phase. Project Engineer / Severud Associates / 1981-1987 Responsibilities included designing steel and reinforced concrete buildings and checking shop drawings for conformance with AISC specifications and ACI codes. Performed field inspection and supervision services during the construction of various projects. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 40+ EDUCATION: BS, Civil Engineering, Alexandria Univ., Egypt LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: CA Professional Civil Engineer C50505 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) 367 International Code Council, 863979 ICC Building Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Code Specialist 20 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Hossein Afrouzeh, EE, MEP PLAN REVIEW ENGINEER Hossein is a licensed electrical and mechanical engineer with a rich background in the industry, including over 10 years of construction experience and over 40 years of design, construction management support experience, and plan review engineering. He is a well-rounded project leader with strong interpersonal and communication skills with ability to lead a design team of Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing engineers to adhere to the client and code requirements. He is familiar with the preparation of contract documents for mid -rise multi -residential, commercial, industrial, and educational buildings, and he has been responsible for the electrical system design for many projects from inception to completion including construction administration and commissioning of medium voltage power distribution systems, substations, lighting and power, fire alarm, and security systems. Hossein is organized and proactive, ensuring that projects are always moving forward. He is able to multitask and manage several projects at varying levels of development, and has the intuitive problem solving skills to identify project issues and bring them to resolution quickly and effectively. Hossein has the interpersonal and communication skills to keep the client and design community apprised of a project's status, and he is able to work in a complex technical environment, understanding and interpreting the impact of changes. His wealth of experience and breadth of expertise make him a true asset to any City. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Plan Review Engineer / Interwest Consulting Group / 2015 - Present Plan reviewing for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Energy Engineering for some of the state of California cities such as Long Beach, Pomona, Tustin, Corona, Roseville, Lake Forest, Monterey Park, Irvine, Fresno, county of Napa, and city of Sanger. Projects include mid -rise Residential and Hotels with subterrain parking garages, manufacturing facilities, wineries, industrial facilities including hazardous areas, shopping centers, private medical facilities, private schools, Port of Long Beach Pier and Terminal facilities including medium voltage distribution system, pump station projects and administration buildings, mid -rise office buildings, oil and gas facilities, regular shell and TI for various facilities, restaurant and fast food entities, retails and grocery stores. Lead Senior Electrical Peer Review Engineer / FTRNV. International I SBG Jeddah / 2013 - 2015 In this position, Hossein was in charge of reviewing and commenting on documents and specifications prepared by design consultants, as well as final construction documents and shop drawings prepared by contractors. He provided technical comments for implementation within the package before submitting them for construction. He was additionally responsible for the review and verification of electrical loads of manufacturer material submittals for HVAC and plumbing systems; review of medium and low voltage distribution systems single line diagrams for normal and emergency networks; review and verification of medium voltage switching stations, substations, and transformer rooms for physical layout and code compliance; review of project cable tray systems for low and medium voltage distributions; review of overall lighting and power distribution systems; prepared technical report for project surge protection device and lighting requirements to implement; and prepared method statement for construction procedures and sequence of events for medium voltage switchgears and transformers for site construction crew to follow. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 40+ EDUCATION MS, Engineering Science and Management, California Polytechnic State University Pomona BS, Electrical Engineering, Tehran Poly Technique/Amir Kabir University REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Mechanical Engineer, 27117 CA Registered Electrical Engineer, 11588 21 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Mark Hankinson, CPE, ICC BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER Markspent 15years as a Senior Plans Examinerfor Pima County, reviewing commercial and residential plans, ensuring building plan review work is in compliance with State and local building regulations. Mark worked with building inspectors to resolve field related code issues, provided customer support for zoning and building questions, and performed structural calculations for beam loads on residential projects and review of structural calculations submitted. Mark also had 19 years of experience as an Architect, working on many building types: hospitals, warehouses, banks, tenant improvements, hotels, churches and residential. He is an effective team member and leader, supervising office staff or supervising individual teams, and has the proven ability to communicate effectively with all other internal and external disciplines. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Plans Examiner / Interwest Consulting Group / 2017 — Present Mark provides building plan review services to the cities of EI Monte, Rosemead and Maywood for residential and commercial projects to ensure compliance with all applicable building codes. Senior Plans Examiner / Pima County, AZ / 2001— 2017 Mark reviewed plans primarily for zoning and building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical requirements on a five-day review schedule. He also reviewed and issued permits for assisted living homes and group homes, Wastewater Sewer Connections permits, and Building and Zoning permits, in addition to reviewing solar permits. He is familiar with online submittals using Project Doxs and the County's Adobe system to review all permit submittals that have plans. Architect / Various / 1982 — 2001 Mark worked at various sized architectural firms with up to 200 employees. He learned a great deal of knowledge about architectural plans and the process for reviewing plans. Mark ensured plans were complete and complied with building codes and requirements of various states and jurisdictions. nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 37 EDUCATION Southwest Leadership Program in Management and Organizations, Eller College of Management, Univ. of Arizona BS in Architecture, Univ. of Minnesota BS of Environmental Design, Univ. of Minnesota REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council 5111273 ICC Accessibility Inspector/ Plans Examiner ICC/AACE Property Maintenance & Housing Inspector ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Commercial Building Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector ICC Plumbing Inspector P*a City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Mark Seven, EE BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER Mark has over 17 years of experience in buildings (commercial and residential), malls, health care, and airports with extensive experience with Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing (MEP). He has broad experience in strategic planning, entire project management cycle, defining project constraints, risk assessment, and performance measures. In addition, Mark has an in-depth understanding of project budget management, costs verification techniques, MEP work progress, and developing technical Request For Information (RFI). He managed complex and multi-million dollar construction projects for domestic and international firms. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MEP Project Manager / Arco Interiors / 2017 - 2021 Management of all MEP project team members (project engineers, superintendents, and field office coordinator). Developed and maintained relationships with consultants, subcontractors, suppliers, and inspectors. Established a positive working relationship with owner's representatives and clients to ensure alignment with their goals and expectations from initiation to completion of the project. MEP Project Manager / Kele / 2014 - 2017 Managed / coordinated all activities related to MEP work in the site. Oversaw daily activities of MEP engineers, MEP Superintendents, and subcontractors. Followed up with Client, Consultant and client representatives for any site instructions. MEP Project Coordinator / BESIX / 2010 - 2014 Oversaw the overall MEP performance and quality control on the work site which included monitoring the scope of work: Mechanical, Plumbing, Medical, Air, Vac, Gas, Ductwork, Building Controls, Electrical, Fire Alarm, Security, Site Utilities, and Fire Protection. Managed and led MEP subcontractors and ensured that project specifications and ADDC regulations were followed from contract award through close out. Reviewed drawings and ensured compliance and completeness. Electrical Site Engineer / Al Shafar United / 2006 - 2010 Managed the implementation and monitoring of on-site electrical work. Estimated, prepared, and assigned project resources such as staffing, materials, consumables, equipment, tools, etc. required for electrical work before execution. Planed and analyzed possible construction methodologies and recommended top options to the Project Manager for approval before execution. Electrical Engineer / Ministry of Housing As In New Urban Comunities' Authority / 2005 - 2006 Electrical client engineer for medical center in New Sohag city. Electrical client engineer for playground in New Sohag city. Electrical client engineer for nursery in New Sohag city. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 17+ EDUCATION: BS, Electrical Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt 23 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Sal Kaddorah, PE, ICC BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER Sal is a registered engineer with over 30 years of industry and municipal experience, serving major metropolitan governmental agencies throughout Southern California. He spent 18 years of his career serving the Southern California City of Manhattan Beach, beginning as a Senior Plan Check Engineer and progressing to become the City's Building Official and filling in as the Director of Community Development as needed. This has given him valuable perspective on and respect for working in a municipality at multiple levels. This insight allows him to problem solve and work effectively within this environment to the satisfaction of existing City staff, the development community and the general public. Over his career, Sal has cultivated expertise and a proven track record of providing City clientele with thorough and accurate reviews on a multitude of projects scopes and scales. Sal continues to stay current and well-informed of the latest techniques and technologies to ensure client satisfaction and effective communication. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Senior Plan Review Engineer / Interwest Consulting Group / 2015 - Present Sal serves a variety of clients on a contract basis providing comprehensive plan review services. Sal also, fills in as a building official, as needed. Building Official / City of Manhattan Beach / 2011- 2015 In this position, Sal supervised and managed the Building and Safety Division, including Plan Check, Inspections, Permit Processing and Code Enforcement. He ensured that construction or alteration work was being done according to approved plans and in accordance with the Provisions of Building Codes. Sal also supervised staff and provided training and guidance to perform required job duties and tasks. He prepared reports and conducted presentations for the City Council, City Manager, City Departments, Boards and Commissions, other Public Agencies, and Private Design and Development Sectors. He also performed complex plan checks for large commercial and residential projects, and worked with the design team to ensure proper code compliance forthe final design. On occasion, Sal filled in forthe Director of Community Development Department, which involved running the Department operations and managing the Department personnel. Principal Plan Check Engineer / City of Manhattan Beach / 2000 - 2011 He oversaw all plan check, and inspection activities within private property of the City. The work included all construction activities, i.e.: Commercial, Industrial and Residential buildings within the City limits. Sal was also responsible for building code development and other code interpretation issues. He managed and supervised permit processing staff and plan check Engineers; provided technical training for staff pertaining to construction codes; and provided technical Code interpretations for the design and construction community. Senior Plan Check Engineer / City of Manhattan Beach / 1997 - 2000 Sal performed plan checks for commercial and residential projects to ensure full compliance with California State codes and City amendments. He provided the Building Official with all technical engineering and life -safety interpretations and decisions on issues related to architectural, structural, disabled access, and energy standards. Associate Plan Check Engineer / City of Sacramento / 1990 -1997 Sal performed commercial, residential, and industrial plan checks for the City, as well as complex construction inspections, including plan check and inspections of high- rise buildings and large arenas. He provided code training to plan check engineers and inspection staff, as well as members of the design and construction community. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 35 EDUCATION MS, Civil Engineering with Specialization in Structural Engineering Design, California State Univ., Sacramento BS, Civil Engineering, California State Univ., Sacramento REGISTRATIONS/ CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council, 861125 ICC Building Plans Examiner CA Professional Civil Engineer, 43757 NV Professional Civil Engineer, 20795 24 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Steve Kim, PE, CASp, ICC 0 BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER Steve is a Senior Plan Check Engineer with over a decade of experience in his career field. He holds many licenses and certificates, as well as education, making him well 1W - versed and experienced in his career path. I N T E R W E S T PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A SAFEbuilf COMPANY Senior Plan Check Engineer / City of Riverside Building and Safety / 2020 - Present Review commercial and residential structures for compliance to the California Code of Regulations, Title 24. Provide review for ASMEP, CalGreen and the California Energy Code. Safety Plans Examiner III / County of Riverside Building and Safety / 2019 - 2020 Provided guidance to younger engineers. Assisted other engineers when complications develop. Structural Engineer / KPFF Consulting Engineers / 2017 - 2019 Provided structural analysis and designed commercial and institutional buildings. Tasked as primary design engineer and project manager under direct supervision of the principal. These projects included: Yorba Linda Library and Arts Center, Roosevelt Elementary School and major tenant improvements at the Century Plaza Tower. Project Manager / Gouvis Engineering Consulting Group, Inc. / 2015 - 2017 • Provided structural analysis and design of high density apartments, mixed-use, commercial and tract home developments. Interfaced with architects and engineers of varying disciplines to prepare construction documents and provide continued technical support through the permitting and construction process. Engineering Technician II / Orange County Public Works, Development Services / 2015 Administered preliminary review of plans, engineering and permit documents at the public counter to qualify submittals for plan check. Project Manager / Full Stack Developer / Toda World, Inc. / 2012 - 2015 Worked as primary web server system administrator. Web application development of customer reward mobile application. Web application development of back -end dashboard, and custom integration of micro -services for development of QR coupon generator, email and SMS marketing, gift card and order processing, and more. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 11 EDUCATION: MA, Civil Engineering (Structural Emphasis), University of Southern California BS, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: CA Professional Engineer, C88484 Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Certificate, CASp-982 International Code Council (ICC), Building Plans Examiner, B3 Certificate, 8887591 25 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Ali Sadre, SE, CASp, ICC BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER Ali reviews projects for compliance with the IBC and CBC, Title 24 for life -safety and structural design. The projects have included high-rise, multi -residential, commercial, schools, hospitals, hotels, casinos, sports arenas, essential facilities, hazardous occupancies, UC, or CSU projects, Port District, Federal, State, DOD, Navy & Department of Correction projects, tunnels, bridges & lifeline structures. This review demands thorough familiarity with structural and seismic provisions of the CBC, SEAOC Blue Book, State Historic & Existing Building Codes, ASCE-41, Tall Building Initiative and other design guidelines and standards for new buildings, as well as seismic strengthening of existing buildings. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Interwest / Senior Lead Structural Engineer / 1986 -Present Government Consultant I Contractor Ali served over 165 municipalities and state agencies in the United States PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Elected as a fellow of the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) in 2017 Seismic Safety Commissioner, 2007-2011 President of SEAOSD, 2010-2011 SEAOC Board of Directors Member, 2010-2012 City of San Diego Board of Appeals Chairman, 2008 - 2014 OSHPD Seismic Safety Board Member, 2008-2012 Strong Motion Instrumentation Program Member, 2007-2011 Seismology Committee of SEAOC '96-'97, Chairman Seismology Committee of SEAOSD '94-'95, Chairman Steel Sub -committee of SEAOSD'92-'94, Chairman Current, or former Member - ASCE, EERI and SEAOC ACCOMPLISHMENTS Authored Commentary in the 1998 SEAOC Blue Book on the Seismic Zone Coefficient and Near Source Factors due for publication in late 1998. Authored Commentary to the 1996 SEAOC Blue Book Provisions on EBF, SCBF and High Strength Reinforcing Steel in Concrete for High Seismic Zones. Authored a periodical called" Seismic Reconnaissance" circulated by SEAOSD 1994-1996 Co-authored SAC Advisory # 3 published in 1995. • nV INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 35+ EDUCATION: BS, CE, MSCE, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONS: International Code Council (ICC) ICC Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector ICC Combination Inspector Licensed Civil Engineer in AZ, 68573 President of the Structural Engineers Association of CA (SEAOC) in 2020-2021 State Certified Access Specialist (CASp-861) CA Structural Engineer, 53715 CA Civil Engineer, C42877 ME Civil Engineer, 15622 WA Civil Engineer, 56625 WA DC Structural Engineer, S9020118 WA DC Civil Engineer, 5920878 26 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Interwest has assisted the City of Costa Mesa since 2007. Our staff provides thorough and timely plan review and building inspection services. Interwest continues to perform a variety of inspections on the City's expansive South Coast Plaza Shopping Mall. The majority of these projects have been single -story Tls for individual stores at a time, working quickly and thoroughly so as to minimize inconvenience to both business owners and the public. One of our most recent tenant improvement projects was performed for the mall's Chanel boutique. High -Rise Apartment Buildings: Our inspectors have provided inspection services for several Tls on many of the City's older model high-rise apartments near Segerstrom Hall, including the Fairfield development and various buildings along Towncenter Drive. There are 10-12 high-rise structures in constant TI mode, from small suites to complete floor renovations at any time: up to 21 floors. 28 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) In April 2009, Interwest began providing turn -key building safety services to the City of Lake Forest [population 83,000]. Recognizing the value and cost benefits attributable to employing a contract services model, the City has contracted for building safety services since its incorporation in 1991. Interwest provides a team of onsite professionals that provide all building safety services—blending seamlessly with existing City staff. We provide a full-time building official, building plan reviewers, building inspectors, and a building permit counter technician. During our tenure, Interwest staff developed the City's first single, combination building permit which allowed for the same permit number to address all of a structure's elements (electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and structural) requiring approval, greatly reducing hours and paperwork. We also introduced several key documents that have allowed staff to efficiently communicate, including a workflow tracking sheet to document approvals, a standardized monthly report using the City's EnerGov software, and several of the City's Building Safety handouts, reflecting current codes and standards. Civic Center Campus: In April 2018, Interwest began providing complete turnkey Building and Safety services to the City of Lake Forest, particularly the Civic Center Campus. This 12.5 -acre facility is the heart and social center of the Lake Forest community. The Civic Center Campus is comprised of the City Hall Building, Community Center, Council Chambers, Senior Center, and Parking Structure. The estimated cost of construction was approximately $60 million. Although there was no formal RFP process, Interwest was selected to provide all plan check and inspection services. Our team at Interwest consisted of onsite professionals who delivered complete plan checks, engineering services, inspections, and electrical services. Fred Marzara, who serves as CBO for Lake Forest, was directly involved in the plan review of the parking structure and four other buildings. One challenge our team faced during implementation was ensuring the secure placement of the building's solar panels. Upon inspection, it was discovered that high winds caused the solar panels to continuously be pulled upward and out of place. Our Interwest team quickly reviewed the issue with the building's architectural designers and after collaborating, found a solution of adding extra pinpoint connectors in addition to the 4 pinpoints the solar panels already had, securing them in place on all sides. The City of Lake Forest was awarded CALBO's 2018-2019 Building Department of the Year Award, setting itself apart with excellent and responsive customer service. The City of Lake Forest Building Department has serviced over nine thousand walk-in customers, has performed over twenty-four thousand inspections, and has issued almost three thousand permits. P�;.] City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Interwest has provided as -needed building plan checkservices to the City of Irvine since 2007. We also provide engineering plan check services to the City's Public Works Department. Koll Center: Interwest provided a complete architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plan review for the 6 -story high-rise building. The project included over 1,500,000 square feet and post -tensioned parking structures. UCI Center: Interwest provided a complete architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plan review for 500,000 square feet of retail, office, and entertainment space at the new UCI Center. 30 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) - LCCM1K CITY OF W1LD0AjAj;t Prior to incorporation on July 1, 2008, Interwest worked on initiatives to gather essential information and data which served as the basis for confirming service area responsibilities for the City of Wildomar [population 35,400]. We prepared fiscally prudent and conservative operating budgets and identified cost-effective and innovative processes for providing public works, planning and building safety activities, and services transitioned from the County of Riverside. Since incorporation of the City of Wildomar on July 1, 2008, Interwest has provided the following services: • Building Department Administration • Building and Safety Code Compliance • Building Plan Review and Inspections and Permit Technician Services • City Engineering • Development Engineering and Entitlements • Transportation Planning • Traffic Engineering • Code Enforcement • Drainage Engineering • Geographic Information System (GIS) • Information Technology (IT) • Real Estate Acquisition • Grant Writing 31 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) 3. Complete Pricing List (Fee Schedule) BILLING RATES Effective January 1, 2023 Beginning on the 1 st anniversary of the Effective Date of the Agreement and annually thereafter, the hourly rates listed below shall be automatically increased based upon the annual increase in the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor thereof, Consumer Price Index (United States City Average, All Items (CPI -U), Not Seasonally Adjusted, All Urban Consumers, referred to herein as the "CPI"). Such an increase shall not exceed 4% per annum. The increase will become effective upon publication of the applicable CPI data. If the index decreases, the rates listed shall remain unchanged. BUILDING SAFETY SERVICES Full Building Plan Review: 75% of the City's collected permit fees. Certified Building Official.........................................................................................................$145 DeputyBuilding Official...........................................................................................................$130 PlanCheck Engineer.................................................................................................................$135 ICC Certified Plans Examiner...................................................................................................$115 CASp..........................................................................................................................................$120 BuildingInspector I.....................................................................................................................$90 InspectorII...................................................................................................................................$95 InspectorIII.................................................................................................................................$100 PermitTechnician I.......................................................................................................................$55 PermitTechnician II......................................................................................................................$60 PermitTechnician III.....................................................................................................................$70 Supervising Structural Engineer................................................................................................$145 StructuralEngineer.....................................................................................................................$135 33 nv INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) 4. List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer with Corresponding Prices Billing Rates ■ rw IHTERWEST Effective January 1, 2023 A 8A1::6L91C COMPANY Beginning on the 1st anniversary of the Effective Date of the Agreement and annually thereafter, the hourly rates listed below shall be automatically increased based upon the annual increase in the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor thereof, Consumer Price Index (United States City Average, All Items (CPI -U), Not Seasonally Adjusted, All Urban Consumers, referred to herein as the "CPI'T Such an increase shall not exceed 4% per annum. The increase will become effective upon publication of the applicable CPI data. If the index decreases, the rates listed shall remain unchanged. Classification Hourly Billing Rate Engineering Principalin Charge...................................................................................................................................... $240 PrincipalEngineer.........................................................................................................................................$215 CitySurveyor/City Engineer.......................................................................................................................$215 ProjectManager............................................................................................................................................$195 $175 TrafficEngineer............................................................................................................................................ $190 TransportationEngineer..............................................................................................................................$195 $125 SupervisingEngineer................................................................................................................................... $190 SeniorEngineer.............................................................................................................................................$185 $100 LicensedLand Surveyor..............................................................................................................................$185 $90 EngineeringAssociate III.............................................................................................................................$150 $80 EngineeringAssociate II............................................................................................................................. $140 EngineeringAssociate I...............................................................................................................................$130 SurveyTechnician.........................................................................................................................................$125 SeniorEngineering Technician.................................................................................................................$125 EngineeringTechnician III..........................................................................................................................$120 EngineeringTechnician 11...........................................................................................................................$105 EngineeringTechnician I..............................................................................................................................$95 StudentTrainee...............................................................................................................................................$45 GradingPlans Examiner..............................................................................................................................$155 Building Safety Services Certified Building Official........................................................................................................................... $160 Licensed Plan Review Engineer (structural, civil, electrical, mechanical) / Architect................$155 Supervising Structural Engineer................................................................................................................$185 Senior Structural Engineer.......................................................................................................................... $175 SeniorPlans Examiner................................................................................................................................ $140 CASp................................................................................................................................................................. $125 InspectorIII..................................................................................................................................................... $110 InspectorII..................................................................................................................................................... $100 InspectorI........................................................................................................................................................ $90 PermitTechnician.......................................................................................................................................... $80 FireProtection Engineer.............................................................................................................................$155 Senior Fire Plans Examiner.........................................................................................................................$130 Fire Plans Examiner / Fire Inspector........................................................................................................$120 ICC Building Plans Examiner.....................................................................................................................$120 Senior Code Enforcement Officer...........................................................................................................$135 CodeEnforcement Officer........................................................................................................................$125 Trainee..............................................................................................................................................................$75 INTERWEST ILIA City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Construction Management Construction Manager ................................................. Assistant Construction Manager ................................ Supervising Public Works Observer ........................... Senior Public Works Observer ..................................... Public Works Observer III .............................................. Public Works Observer II ............................................... Public Works Observer I ................................................ Real Estate Supervising Corporate Broker .............. Senior Project Manager .......................... Project Manager ....................................... Senior Acquisition / Relocation Agent Acquisition / Relocation Agent ............. ROW Technician ...................................... ROW Coordinator .................................... Administrative Support ............................ Landscape Design Review Services ProjectManager................................................................... Senior Landscape Design Reviewer .............................. Landscape Design Reviewer ............................................. Landscape Maintenance Inspector ................................. Landscape Field Supervisor ............................................... Planning Services Community Development Director ................................. Planning Manager................................................................... Principal Planner...................................................................... SeniorPlanner......................................................................... Associate Planner................................................................... Assistant Planner..................................................................... PlanningTechnician............................................................... Administrative Management Analyst II Management Analyst I Senior Administrative... Administrative III ........... Administrative II ............ Administrative I .............. INTERWEST $170 $150 $170 $160 $150 $135 $120 $250 $195 $175 $135 $120 $105 .$90 ..$75 $165 $150 $140 $120 $120 $115 $105 ..$95 ..$85 .$80 ..$70 kfd I ull-I'll .14 T I �e-ll 11 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) S. Staffing and Project Organization Meet Your Construction Management Project Leadership Interwest believes that maintaining frequent and consistent check -ins between the account management and operations teams and our clients is key to the early identification of performance risks and contributes to contract success. Your account management team will reach out to the City to discuss the best method and frequency for these check-in meetings. These meetings will provide both parties the opportunity to manage the resources tactfully and develop the best Contractor -Client relationship. Further, we can also estimate and evaluate possible outcomes during this process and make the necessary changes. Interwest offers an exceptional team ready to continue helping the City of La Quinta with your Building Division services. Within the following pages, we introduce the personnel specifically selected to work with the City. William "Bill" Hayes, Project Manager/Certified Building Official, ICC William is an experienced Building Official, Project Manager, and Public Works Director performing operations oversight and collaborating with the City Managers and the City Commissioners in strategic planning for City budgets. He has performed intergovernmental relations collaborating with agencies such as DOT, Water and Sewer, State representatives, FEMA, and others. He has experience in Labor Relations, and has been responsible for contract negotiations, grievance resolution, and contract implementation. Shelby Sieracki, Proposal Main Contact, Account Manager Shelby is the Proposal Main Contact and Account Manager for the City of La Quinta , she is fully authorized to negotiate on behalf of Interwest. Shelby has served in client relations for more than five years and has learned what it takes to provide a harmonious and informed approach with clients. Shelby will be responsible for ensuring increasing levels of client satisfaction throughout the life of the contract by performing periodic Client Health Checks, a service uniquely provided by Interwest. 38 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Organizational Chart Our proposed team members have significant experience working as municipal employees and as contract staff members in jurisdictions throughout California. Many of these staff members have provided the very same services to the City of La Quinta since 2016. Individually, the professionals selected to continue to serve the City excel in each of their backgrounds. As a team, they possess the professional capability to innovatively create and implement effective solutions to serve the interests of your community. The organizational chart provided below highlights our project team, company roles, areas of expertise, and the organization of our project team. Building Inspectors Mark Hunt, ICC Matt Root, ICC Ron Swenson, ICC Permit Technicians Deisy Mendes, ICC Building Plan Reviewers Bill Tewfik, PE, CBO, CASp, ICC Hossein Afrouzeh, EE, MEP Mark Hankinson, CPE, ICC Mark Seven, EE Sal Kaddorah, PE, ICC Steve Kim, PE, CASp Ali Sadre, SE, CASp, ICC _4 OP V.�_= IF kV] I ull-I'll .14 T I �e-ll 11 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY 7. Disclosures Below, please find an applicable list of prior and current litigation material as requested within the RFP. PCase Information Details Chan v. City of Atherton Merchant alleged damage to his TBD Case #: 19 -CIV -07567 business as a result of City public works project. Mike Kashiwaai and Mary Grace Houhlihan are personnaly named. Interwest is not. Evans V. San Jacinto (Tri -Lake) Plaintiff alleged wrongful death as a TBD Case #: CVR1 2100265/CVR1 2103834 result of a traffic accident. 41 I ull-I'll .14 T I �e-ll 11 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY 8. Acknowledgment of Insurance Requirements I, ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Paul Meschino (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that Interwest Consulting Group (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. Iam President (Title) of Interwest Consulting Group (Company) 43 Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable 43 0 1w INTERWEST A SAFEbuilf COMPANY 9. Non -Collusion Affidavit I, L:A .11NL{ ATTACHMENT 3 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal Paul Meschino (name) hereby declare as follows: I am President of Interwest Consulting Grou (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature Proposer Name: Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: Paul Meschino President Interwest Consulting Group 9300 W. Stockton Blvd., Suite 105,Elk Grove, California 95758 45 10. Acknowledgment of Addenda II!�ELNIlS- ATTACHMENT 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. I SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT N/A Page 42 of 42 46 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) Appendix A Proposed Contract Exceptions The Interwest Contract and Legal team have carefully reviewed the contract terms presented in the Agreement for Contract Services in the RFP. We respectfully request the following modifications to the Contract Services Agreement; text to be added will be represented in blue ink, and text to be deleted will be represented in red -strike out. 1.4 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Contracting Party shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits, and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement, including a City of La Quinta business license. Contracting Party and its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall, at their sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals that are legally required for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. Contracting Party shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments, and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City, from Contracting_ party's insurance carrier's panel counsel), and hold City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents, free and harmless against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties, or interest levied, assessed, or imposed against City hereunder. Contracting Party shall be responsible for all subcontractors' compliance with this Section. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of Contracting Party, its principals, and its employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Contracting Party shall not contract or subcontract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the Services required hereunder without the express written approval of City, which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be transferred, assigned, conveyed, hypothecated, or encumbered, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. Transfers restricted hereunder shall include the transfer to any person or group of persons acting in concert of more than twenty five percent (25%) of the present ownership and/or control of Contracting Party, taking all transfers into account on a cumulative basis. Any attempted or purported assignment or contracting or subcontracting by Contracting Party without City's express written approval shall be null, void, and of no effect. No approved transfer shall release Contracting Party of any liability hereunder without the express consent of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Except to the extent arising from compliance by Contracting Party with any City requirements regarding the performance of the services, Contracting Party agrees to pay all required taxes on amounts paid to Contracting Party under this Agreement, and to indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest asserted against City by reason of the independent contractor relationship created by this Agreement. Contracting Party shall fully comply with the workers' compensation laws regarding Contracting Party and Contracting Party's employees. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City, from Contracting party's insurance carrier's panel counsel), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers as set forth in "Exhibit F" ("Indemnification") which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. 7.3 Ownership of Documents. Contracting Party shall have an unrestricted right to use the concepts embodied therein. All subcontractors shall provide for assignment to City of any Documents and Materials prepared by them, and in the event Contracting Party fails to secure such assignment, Contracting Party shall indemnify City for all damages resulting therefrom. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall be understood to grant City rights to pre-existing intellectual property of Contracting Party, including Contracting Party software and licensed software, or to any improvements thereto. Contracting Party shall have no liability arising from the use of any Documents and Materials for any purpose or on any project other than that for which it was produced. 1. Prevailing Wage Compliance. In addition to the other indemnities provided under this Agreement, Contracting Party shall defend (with counsel selected by City, from Contracting party's insurance carrier's panel counsel), indemnify, and hold City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. C fl City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) E. 1 Insurance. Contracting Party shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, Commercial General Liability insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property to the extent resulting from Contracting Party's negligent acts or omissions rising out of or related to Contracting Party's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of Contracting Party's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. An endorsement evidencing the foregoing and naming the City and its officers and employees as additional insured (on the Commercial General Liability policy only) must be submitted concurrently with the execution of this Agreement and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. 8. Except with respect to Workers' Compensation coverage—It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Contracting Party or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. F.1 Indemnity for the Benefit of City. a. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City, from Contracting party's insurance carrier's panel counsell, and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all third party claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and conseqUen direct damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused in by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. b. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by City, from Contracting party's insurance carrier's panel counsell, and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against anythird party liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and direct damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, where the sa - to the extent that they arise out of, are a consequence of, or I Y attributable , in , the negligent performance of this Agreement by Contracting Party or by any individual or entity for which Contracting Party is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors of Contracting Party. 2. Scope of Indemnification. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Contracting Party's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all third party losses, liabilities of every kind, nature, and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Contracting Party or of any subcontractor), costs and expenses, including, without limitation, incidental and consequen direct damages, court costs, reimbursement of attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Contracting Party, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors (or any entity or individual that Contracting Party shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contracting Party shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contracting Party. 1.1 City of La Quinta I On -Call Plan Review And Inspection Services (Building Department) F.2 Obligation to Secure Indemnification Provisions. Contracting Party agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth herein this Exhibit F, as applicable to the Contracting Party, from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contracting Party in the performance of this Agreement. In the event Contracting Party fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required herein, Contracting Party agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this Exhibit. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth in this Agreement are binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Contracting Party and shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, Contracting Party shall have the right to defend and settle any action for which indemnification is sought, provided that it shall not enter into any settlement that requires an admission of wrongdoing by any indemnitee without that indemnitee's approval. Contracting Party's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon timely receipt of notice of the claim for which indemnification is sought, such that defense of the claim is not prejudiced, and the reasonable assistance of the indemnitee in connection with the defense of the claim. 49