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FLP 2023-0003 Stuft Pizza Outdoor Dining Patio Improvements (06.19.2023)
taQ�� June 19, 2023 Michael McAuliffe AIA McAuliffe + Co. Architects 45-125 Panorama Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 2023-0003 OUTDOOR DINING PATIO IMPROVEMENTS - STUFT PIZZA Dear Mr. McAuliffe: The City of La Quinta Design and Development Department has reviewed and approved Final Landscape Plan 2023-0003 for landscaping for Stuft Pizza outdoor patio improvements project, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1) The plans are approved, subject to the approved and stamped plans attached and on file. 2) Attached is a Certificate of Completion which shall be completed and submitted to the Design and Development department prior to final Planning inspection(s). If you have any questions, please contact me at sfernandez(a-)-laguintaca.gov and/or (760) 777- 7086. CONSULTANTS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLANS STUFT PIZZA BAR AND GRILL MARCHITECT CAULIFFE McAULIFFE t CO. ARCHITECTS 45-125 PANORAMA DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PHONE 760.773.0907 PREPARED FOR: STUFT PIZZA BAR AND GRILL 78-015 MAIN STREET, SUITE 100 LA OUINTA, CA 92253 PROJECT TYPE: COMMERCIAL PARCEL MAP NO. 50650, P.M. 206/60-62 APN:T-10-12I-009 PORTION OF SECTION 6, T.6S., R.TE., S554M GENERAL NOTES VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX I. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY AND COUNTY CODES INUERSTATE 10 AND THESE PLANS. A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARRY ALL WORKERS COMPENSATION, PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE AS REQUIRED BY OWNER. i _ SHEET DESCRIPTION B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR ALL PERMITS AND PAY FOR SAME. LO.O COVER SHEET C. ALL IRRIGATION WORK SHALL HAVE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL BY THE OWNER L1.0 IRRIGATION PLAN PRIOR TO BE6INNIN& ANY &ROUND COVER PLANTING WORK. L1.1 IRRIGATION DETAILS D. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL REVIEW THE PLANTIN& WORK. PRIOR TO L2.0 PLANTING PLAN 57ARTINS WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE L2.1 PLANTING DETAILS AND COORDINATE ALL REVIIII L3.0 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS A E. THE QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL BE OF THE HIGHEST L3.1 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS B STANDARDS. COOPERATION AND FLEXIBILITY IS EXPECTED OF THE CONTRACTOR L3.I 2 RRGATON SPECIFICATIONS A BEST POSSIBLE PRODUCT OWNER /LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN PRODUCINb THE PROJECT IRRIGATION L3.3 RRGAT ON SPEC FICATIONS B 2. BY EXECUTIN6 THE CONTRACT, THE CONTRACTOR REPRESENTS THAT HE AND HIS SITE SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE VISITED THE SITE, FAMILIARIZED THEMSELVES WITH ALL CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED, AND CORRELATED THEIR OBSERVATIONS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. OAllE iAIAPICO 5. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS, FEES, LICENSES, AND INSPECTIONS NECESSARY I -OR THE PROPER EXECUTION AND COMPLETION OF THE _ WORK. ' 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PILE ALL NOTICES AND COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES, REbULATIONS, AND LAWFUL ORDERS OF ANY PUBLIC `R AVENIDA LA FONDA AUTHORITY BEARING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. IF THE CONTRACTOR OBSERVES THAT ANY OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE AT VARIANCE THEREWITH 11. A. IN ANY RESPECT, HE SHALL PROMPTLY NOTIFY THE OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING. N.—.S. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A CURRENT STRUCTURAL SOILS REPORT. THIS SOILS APPROVALS REPORT SHALL SUPERSEDE THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ALL DAMAM INCURRED DURING CONSTRUCTION. T. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S PLANNING APPROVAL REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS AND/OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT ADMINISTRATIVE MAY NOT HAVE BEEN KNOWN DURING DESIbN. SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL CASE# FLP2023-0003 NECESSARY REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO &IVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. 9. THE LOCATION OF FEATURES TO BE CONSTRUCTED, NOT SPECIFICALLY EXHIBIT# DIMENSIONED MAY BE DETERMINED BY SCALE. VERIFY ALL SUCH CONDITIONS WITH OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. INITIAL sfernandez O. ALL CURVE -TO -LINEAR AND GURVE-TO-TAN6ENT LINES SHALL BE NEAT, DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:11 PM TRIM, SMOOTH, AND UNIFORM. II. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY HIS OPERATIONS. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK FEE SHALL REMOVE ALL HIS WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH FROM THE SITE AS WELL AS ALL HIS TOOLS, EGVIPMENT, - - - MACHINERY, AND SURPLUS MATERIALS. - -_-- _ 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATINS, MAINTAININ6, AND - - - SUPERVIII ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND FRO&RAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. _ - S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY CORRECT ALL WORK REJECTED BY THE -+--�'- T CANS RS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AS DEFECTIVE OR AS FAILING TO CONFORM TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR Underground Service AbrR��' Kt� �.�. ALL COSTS OF CORKI INb SUCH RE-15I WORK. �.®°E C.11 TOLL FREE ,. �" 14. PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE THAT HE/SHE HAS OBTAINED THE a .i.al •.n`r n+"i. ;: a::.i.-F:�y:nl ' r l ® LATEST SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. 811 ALL PHOENIX AND CITRUS SPECIES SHALL PURCHASED IN THE LLA nvo woArcwc oAn acroRc you olc V VALLEY FROM A LOCAL NURSERY AS PER AGRIRI CULTURAL COMMISSIONER GUIDELINES. fl UAmN DESIGN GRoOP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PAIM OESERI, Ce 92211 LICK 2751 fXP.04/30/24 PH. (760) 777-9131 Fex oAON m-9N32 J_ ¢W C� W 0� Q� N mZ m N� U N muoo� q �— n C~IJ I�f=l1J 0 ITTN aw C4 a� a mcf) U NZ a O Z In D rio�0 � DD �nfnJ yloscyq _ Ff # �F 9jf OF CA� e COVER SHEET P5 TUTS. 21C4T L0.0� PROJECT INFORMATION IRRIG,4TI®N LEGEND: ZONE 2 ESTIMATED ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE TREE AND SHRUB LOW - DRIP / BUBBLER ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 74B / IS = EAAWU 55.0 X .20 X O X 0.62 / -146 / .FO = O TREE AND SHRUB MODERATE- DRIP / BUBBLER ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / -146 / IE - II 56.0 X SO X 225 X 0.62 / '146 / AO = 6.01 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE ETO X .45 X LA X 0.62 / -146 = MAAWU 56.0 X .45 X 255 X 0.62 / '145 = 6.I-1 ESTIMATED NON -IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE SQUARE FT. TOTAL - 60 ESTIMATED ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE TOTAL - 6.01 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE TOTAL - 6.I1 ESTIMATED LANDSCAPE SQUARE FT. TOTAL - 255 RELOCATE EXISTING IRRIGATION VALVES ' TO PLANTER AREA RELOCATE EXISTING — HOSE BIB TO WALL BOX ON PROPOSED BLOGK WALL, REFER TO ARCHITECTURE PLANS PR02OT NAM! STUFT PIZZA Para W. (160) 171-9191 NAME OP mo T APPLIc—ULICES GISNE1109 PAX No. (160) TI1-A192 TITLE LANDSCAPE DESI6011it EMAIL ADDRESS ULICaUHIPCH .00M c ANY NAM! HERMANN M516N GROUP sT ADDRlSS TT699 AMP ROAD c1TT PALM DESERT STATE CA zip came 92211 IRR16ATION POINT OF CONNECTION DOMESTIC METER GONTROLLM NO. VALV! W. PLANT TYPE IMISATION M!T D AREA S � T OF LANDSCAPE ARE4 A I M EUBBLC-R 20 S A 2 M DRIP 60 26 A 3 M BUBBLER 40 4 A 4 M DRIP 105 44 ESTIMATED NON -IRRIGATED SQUARE FT. TOTAL 60 29 TOTAL 285 1 100% SYMBOL MFG. MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION RAD. GPM. PSI DET. REF. ■ RANBIRD XB-20PC-1032 DRIP EMITTER WA 2 - GPH 30 A / LI.I Q RAMBIRD 1402 BUBBLER 2 PER TREE 50 GPM 30 J 1 K / 1-3.1 RAINBIRD XCZ-100-FRB-COM REMOTE CONTROL DRIP VALVE. SIZE NOTED. B / LI.I EXISTING REMOTE CONTROL VALVE-FROTECT IN PLACE, REPAIR OR REPLACE AS NEEDED ❑F 6ALCO AFV-05P AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE G / LI.I ® EXISTING HOSE BIB-FELOCATE TO WALL BOX D / LIJ © EXISTING CONTROLLER -PROTECT IN PLACE ❑m EXISTING IRRIGATION WATER METER -PROTECT IN PLACE NOT SHOWN IF DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRE 112 GACOMMON / M 14 GA PILOT W/ PIPE SLEEVE E / LU • • • • • • • • • PVC SCH 40 FOR PIPES W/V AND SMALLER PVC CLASS 315 FOR PIPES 2' AND LARGER F-IRE55UFE MAINLINE -16" DEEP. E / LU 3/4" PVC CLASS 200 NON -PRESSURE LATERAL LINE. T'DEEP. SIZE NOTED. E / LIl PVC SCH 40 WIRE AND PIPE SLEEVES - SIZE 2 TIMES DIAMETER OF PIPE F / 1-I.1 CLASS 2— PVC STATION/CONTROLLER KEY PIR SIZING CHART EXISTING IRRIGATION TO BE MODIFIED TO ACCOMMODATE STATION •/ 6— 5/4' NEW PLANTING PLAN. SLEEVES AMC' VALVES TO BE ADDED WHERE NEEDED. CONTROLLER - IS 6PM I" 16 - 25 6PM 1-1/4" I IA 26 - 40 6PM 1-1/2" 44 v51Z2 41 - 60 6PM 2" PLOW (6PM) EXISTING IRRIGATION n 4 U z CONTROLLER TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE 0 O USE EXISTING PALM LATERAL FOR PROPOSED PALMS. TYP. USE EXISTING DRIP USE EXISTING DRIP LATERAL FOR PROPOSED LATERAL FOR PROOSED P SHRUBS. TYP. SHRUBS. TYP. PLANNING APPROVAL T T W ADMINISTRATIVE Fl A i a° 2 /° 1 �1 C'4SE# FLP2023-0003 ❑ �q USE EXISTING ❑ PALM LATERAL FOR PROPosF,d 1 V EXHIBIT# T PALMS. TYP T 2 /a' 2 ` INITIAL sfernandez DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:22 PM ❑ ❑ - — - _ — - � 3q , ` RELOCATE EXISTING - IRRIGATION vALvES ° TO PLANTER AREA II %�I�7�:���ll►l�►71��1 IRRIGATION NOTES 1. GENERAL - ALL WORK ENALL SE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY COD25, AND TIIGSG PLANS. A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARE REVIEW THE SITE AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TOOPROCEECCEBDING WITH ANY WORK UNOGR THIS CONTRACT. B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CARRY ALL WORKERS PUBLIC LIABILITY, AND PROPERTY DAMPGE INSURANCE AS REQUIRED BY OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR ALL PERMITS AND PAY FOR SANE. 2, SCOPE OF WORK - LNLE55 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 5HALL INCWDE THE FURNISHING, INSTALLING AND TESTING OF ALL MAIN LINE, POINT OF CONNECTION, LATERAL LINE, RISERS AND FITTINGS; AND THE %RNISHIN6 AND INSTALLING OF SPRINKLER NEARS, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS, CONTROL WIRES (TO VALVES), GLGGTRCAL CONTROL VALVES, BAGKPLOW FROTECTION, EXCAVATION AN P BACKPILL AND ALL OTHER WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH TMESE PLANS, DETAILS AND NOTES. THE CONTRACTOR EHALL PLRNISH ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EOUIP- MENT, PROPERTY, TRANSFORTATION AND PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS RESJIRCp FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERABLE IRRI6ATION SYSTEM AS INDICATED O , OR REASONABLY IMPLIED BY THE DRPYII-ANDARE TITSTEE � IT EAS A PART OF TM IRRISATION WORK, BUT NOT L A. INSTALL COMLETE OPERABLE INDEPENDENT, AUTOMATIC, IRRI6ATION a ALL RR'.ATEMS IN �XEBEVD AND NOTES. B. ALL IRRIGATION WORK SHALL GG bUARANTEED EY THE CONTRACTOR AS TO MATERIALS AND VORKMANEHIP, INCLUDING SETTLING OF B—ILLED TRENCHES BELOW GRADE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR roLLOWINS TiE DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. 5. TNG LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL DECIDE ALL QUESTIONS RELATING TO INTERFRETATION OP THE DR4WIN65 AND TIE ACCGPTPBLG PULPILLMENT OP THE CONTRACT. 4. P ESSENTIALLY DIAGRAMMATIC. CONTRACTOR SMALL ROUTE PIPINb TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH STATIONARY ELEMENTS AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO CONFORM WITH THE VARIOUS DETAILS. 5. TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES PROTECT HIS WORK PROM DAMAGE AND THEFT AND REPLACE ALL DAMAGED OR STOLEN PARTS AT HIS EXPENSE UNTIL THE WORK IS ACCEPTED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER. W. EXTREME CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED IN EXCAVATING AND WORKING NEAR EXISTIW UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR 5HALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND CONDITION OF ALL UTILITIES AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE. UTILITIES PLANS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM OWNER. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SMALL KEEP THE PREMISES CLEAN AND PREE OF EXCESS P F ENT, MATERIALS AND RUBBISH INCIDENTAL TO HIS WORK. 6. I 16ATION DE616N 15 BASED ON GO FBI OPBRATIN° WATER FRESE LRG AT 4 b M. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PRE5911R- PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD A DISCREPANCY EX15T NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO EEbINNING CONSTRUCTION. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING ALL CONNECTIONS INTO RESIDENTIAL WATER METER AND SE- LINE AS GALLED FOR ON THESE PLANS, IO. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL VALVES AND SACKFLOW, IF REQUIRED TO MEET ALL APPLICABLE CODES. II. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR -ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONNECTING 110 VOLT SERVICE TO TE CONTROLLER ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE WILL BE FROVIDED BY THE OWNER WITH A J TION BOX AT THE CONTROLLER LOCATION AS SHOWN ON THE FLAN. 12. ALL CONTROL WIRE SHALL BE SOLID COPPER, PLASTIC INSULATED, OF DIRECT BURIAL WIRE. ALL COMMON WIRE SHALL BE AYIO #I2 F4HTE; ALL FILOT WIRE SHALL BE AF16 #I4, RED OR BLACK. IS. ALL CONTROL WIRE AND IRRIGATION LINE RUNS UNDER FAVIN6 SHALL SE ENCASED IN 4 I NPL LOCATION C CONTROL VALVES 5HALL BE R 11BAm IN THE FIELD BY TIE OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 15. ALL THREADED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE COATED WITH —LON TAPE. ALL PVC THFEPDED CONNECTIONS 5HALL ES COAT® WITH —LON TAPE. 16. ALL PVC 90LVENT-WELD CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH SOLVENT WELD MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS. SOLVENT -VELD FRIMER SHALL BE AFFLIED AT ALL CONNECTIONS. 11. ITON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, CONTRACTOR TO TURN OVER TO OWNER: A. A CONTROLLER CHART FOR EACH CONTROLLER B. 2 KEYS FOR CONTROLLER Protect 91ts: SMT PIZZA Tract a Paul NPevn Protect location: L4011NTA Lmduape MdNtscVlrrkpllon DesNgxr/ COM octa: XB3MPIM pE51GN GR0.P, INC. Ircluded In IN. prefect sWanNa1 package ae: (-1, le IMVnte capletbrJ %I. Max .Mry APpIWd Water allwrmu: Camentbnal Lmdecape. W.I1 I-_' I—P.r Retie 11O "gaw Landscape. Q 100 0b IestAjld (P applicable) Ma .. Mwal ApplbdW Alb..:_I,1 100 cuNlc -Mg., X 2. Estbated Mnual Applied Water Use N Ntdrozoro: TurPgrass Hytrozaas:�lOO cNa1c Poet/yea Recnatlaal Turlgraee Httrozave:. NCO cubic Peet/ysar Very 100 cube loet/yea Lw Plant HId-osone I00 wbe IeeVyea Mobutu PIOM NyYox soros:sp W <Iblc leatlyea Hkf , NttrozI O 1 cRNc PeetriJsm Water FsaWes. O 100 cWlc INNpar OMer: 1 I WA 100 ublc 1NRAtsa HtkRWTO CAL Tool NS ON Water Use: WON IW ablc lesthteor FMCR TO CALWLATIONS ON IRRIbATION RAN X E. EATAWI < MPAW4 X 4. Labscaps Deslyl Pbn %b. IrTlyatlon Daelg Plm WA W. &Mq D [9, Flan WA 1. Se11 Che j Mallpie (aptlawU Poealpten ae o1 Pro l: V1.11 axribe Me planing ad eign actloro 11. are Ht d to aae.,��n Rb .Nlar y 1n TIE IRRIGATION SY51EM IS DES-0 FOR EFPICIEM FESP R CE WITH CONUSNATON IN WND. POINT WIIRCE DRIP / SUEBLER SY 5 PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SXREIS AND TEES Date• OR,— hepaed bt: I'm lWNERC5 ox: 'D AREA 3 a 5 LEGEND 1. RAIN BIRD XER EMISSION DEVICE(SEE S IRRIGATION GEND LEFOR MODEL.L. .). 4 3. RAIN BIRD MODEL PPR / IRA POLY 1I.S. RISER (LENGTH AS REQUIRED). h B. DECOMP05ED 6R4NITE/ MULCH S W 4. FINISH GRADE. 5. PVC FITTING (5 x 5 x I/2' FIPTt. W. rvc rIPE (12" COVER). �,- I FLUSH VALVE I D I H®sF- 5 I 5 1 Al DRIP EMITTF_R 4 b' WWITE CAP -DRILL i NOTE: INSTALL TAN COLOR LID5 IN P.S. AREA5 DIA MOLES IN CAP AND *REWN COLOR LID5 IN TURF AREAS PINT CGP 4ND PIPE TO HATCH OG. TREE FINISH EHRADE 12 x IS' , LOC INS LI VALVE BOX. BUBBLER - PER PLAN "�: 1 \/ \,\ \,\ , PLASTIC W LOLKINb LID W CH BED. FINISH GRADE RAINSIRI MOOBL FINISH GRPDE. 4" BER'I/ \y�\i PGR IRRIbATION LEGEND 4" BERT f" N. / {\\ \� MI CTORCONTROL ZONE ASSEMBLY.N. �/ \ WIRE CONNEPER SPEGIPILATI NBIRD F_P" RAIINLING PRGSWRE MIN. 6:: FALL VALVE REd1LATOR IQ' HIN LENGTH — — As RE.IRED �__ BALKPILL b I II=1I I-1 �= I1=1I b I I —I I1=1I=1I IR INCH ELL SON, 40 . I1=1I L� I1=1I I�l� Ppv.C, -SHE. LINE SPRINKLER LATERAL C UNION FOR 9ERVICIN6 IA SHED ASSEMBLY. GRAVEL IN c AROUND 4 FEf GRATED PIPE - 4" CIA, MAIN a PLY LINE MAINLINE HICK 5'.PPgITS ATIVE SOIL / 9UB-GRAD 4- 3' (MIN.) CiT19 / b' LONG WRAP WITH FILTER p h O O p O LOTH. ATTACH WITH DUCT TAPE ALONG p J p0 O p.p pO J ENTIRE SEEM, CONTROL AND NOTE: CONTROL AND NEUTRAL PILOT WIRE. �O NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COMMON WIRE. UND TAPE S BLE TO INSTALLED WITH A MAINLINE ®20'O.L. MINIMUM OF 16" EARTH LOVER Y•, STRAINER 4' LAYER PGA 6R4VGL FILTER 200 MEE M RAINBIRD MODEL RRBY-10p-200MX TREE / P4LM BUBBLER TRENCHING DRIP VALVE 4" WHITE LAP -DRILL 2 41116" DIA. HOLES IN CAP. ND5 4' CAP TRG S AI T AP ND PIPE FAWAL TREE FINISH *RAPE O IE CH .b. PER PL INE FINISH 2" MIN. \ I/2 INCH SCH DO NIPPLE 'SMI .L TH a a _ _ 16" °c 1�1I �1I b [I�1I �T -1I �1I E o I1=1I I- MIN' LOM _C_ �11=111�11 " III�I1— I�I—I1=° II —III- S6" ag„ NATIVE SOIL T ITIT P.VL. LATERAL LINE MIN. ISLEEVE I/2 NCH ELL SCII. 40 _ III II�IIIII�ITk� ° SPRINKLER LATERAL NATIVE 501E /SUB -GRADE - �� ' OR CONTROL AND WNElTR4L WIRES 4" IIA, IRAIN PI' D- 2129 / 12" LONG. WRAP WITH MIN. PILTER CLOTH. MAINLINE SLEEVE 1 ILY APPRoxEro'11 PRws - TW 514" WA. WASHED 6RAVEL IN FIFE. 4 ESE WIRE SE OF PERF D MAIN SUPPLY LINE PAR AG POSSIBLE PIPE. 5' COMPLETE SEALINS OF CONNECTION � WIRE GONNEGiION EXISTING TREE BUBBLER 7-1 SLF_F_VING PLANNING APPROVAL;" ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2023-0003T K EXHIBIT# r5-yu INITIAL sfernandez DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:22 PM co RELOCATI HOSE BI BOX ON f BLOCK WALL, ARCHITECTURE PLANS NOTES I. PLANT OUANTITY: LIST IS PROVIDED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR/CLIENT AND 15 NOT INTENDED FOR III PURPOSES. 2. PLANT ALLOWANCE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A LIOOO ALLOWANCE TO BE USED FOR PLANT MATERIAL NOT LISTED ON THE LE&I WHICH WILL BE SPECIFIED AND PIELD LOCARD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. IF ALLOWANCE IS NOT USED OR IS ONLY PARTIALLY USED, THE UNUSED PORTION SHALL BE REFUNDED TO THE OWNER BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. S. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL FIELD REVIEW ALL PLANT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTS SHALL BE PLACED IN THEIR INTENDED LOCATIONS WHILE STILL IN THEIR CONTAINERS/BOXES. 4. UNIT PRICES: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH UNIT PRICES FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION MATERIAL WHEN °_UE ITTINb BID TO THE OWNER. S. CONTRACTOR SHALL CROSS REFERENCE AND REVIEW CIVIL 6RADIN6 4 DRAINA6E PLAN. A VE IDA BERMUDAS PLANT L.157 SYMBOL OTY. BOTANICAL NAME SIZE WATER COMMON NAME NOTES U5E TREES 4 PALMS 2 A.IA ROBUSTA IS' B.T.H. O.5 MOD "MEXICAN PAN PALM" SHRUBS S4 CALLISTEMON VIMINALIS 5 &AL. 0.5 MOD LITTLE JOHN" BOTTLEBRUSH PAVING, STONE, 4 6RAVEL MATERIALS 5/8,' PIA. 'DESERT *OLD' P.O. LAID S" THICK (i EXISTING PLANTING WASHIN6TONIA ROBUSTA Q J JPLANNING APPROVAL J ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2023-0003 EXHIBIT# V INITIAL sfernandez DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:22 PM PLANTING NOTES - WRNAW ALL MATERIAL, LABOR TRANSPORTATION, ECUIPMENT AND PROPERTY T DOMPJETS THE LANDSCAPING OF THE PLAITING AREAS SHOW ON THE DRAWINGS, OR REASONABLE IMPLIED TO COMPLETE THE CGNSTRUCTION. INCLUDING AS A PART OF THE WORK BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED BY IT. ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: FINE GRADING OF ALL PLANTING AREAS. PLANTING BACKFILL MATERIALS, TREE 6TAKE5 AND MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS, FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS, PROVIDING MAINTENANCE THROUGHOUT THE SPECIFIED PERIOD, CLEAN-UP AND WEEDING OF ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. 2, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL WEEDS, ROCKS OVER 2" IN DIAMETER DEBRIB AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL6 FROM THE JOB 61TE IN A LEGAL MANNER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH AI WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. 3, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH GRADE, INCLUDING ANY IMPORT SOIL ADJUSTMENTS TO EARTH BERMS. PROVIDE FINISH GRADE IN PLAITING AREAS 1% MINIMUM FLOW. FINISH GRADES SHALL BE 2" BELOW ADJACENT WALKS, CURM DRIVEWAYS ETC, IN GROUND COVER AREAS. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EXISTING UNDERGROUND DRAIN LINES TO BE FULLY OPERABLE AT COMPLETION OF JOB. ALL EXISTING ABOVE GROUND DRAIN INLETS WALL BE RESTORED TO A FULLY OPERABLE CONDITION AT THE CORRECT GRADE TO ENSURE FLOW A6 ORIGINALLY INTENDED 4, ALL TREES AND 5H 5 SHALL BE PLAITED PER THESE NOTES AND AS DETAILED. ALL PLANT MATERIAL WALL BE OF THE HIGHEST OUALITY AND LARGEST REASONABLE SIZE AVAILABLE FOR THE SPECIFIED CONTAINER SIZE (WITHOUT BEING ROOT BOUND) SHRUB MATERIALS WALL BE VIGORWSLY NURSERY COMPANY DUALITY OR EQUAL THE OWNER'S SUPERINTENDENT WILL REVIEW ALL PLAIT MATERIAL WHEN SPOTTED FOR PLANTING AND WILL NOT HESITATE TO REJECT ANY MATERIAL OF OUESTIONABLE QUALITY, OR OF LESS THAN THE LARGEST REASONABLE SIZE MATERIAL AVAILABLE. 5. NO PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS ARE TO BE MADE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6. ALL GROUND COVER AS NOTED IN THE LEGEND SHALL BE PLANTED IN STAlSGERED ROWS CONTINUOUSLY UNDER ALL TREES AND WRUBS IN THE AREAS AS DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS AND AT THE SPACING INDICATED IN THE LEGEND. GROUND COVER WALL BE INSTALLED NO CLOSER THAN 1. THE ON CENTER SPACING AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS T. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. DRIP IRRIGATION SHALL BE USED IN GRAVEL AND COBBLE AREAS, SPRAY IRRIGATION SHALL BE USED FOR 8, WARNING: PLAIT MATERIAL LISTED MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE AGRICULTURAL COFAM1.1OJER'S —ICE. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PLEASE CONTACT THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE FOR STATUS OF AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER'S APPROVAL OR DENIAL. PLANT MATERIAL NOT CONFORMING WITH CUARANTINE LAW MAY BE DESTROYED AND CIVIL ACTION TAKEN. ALL PLAIT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AT THE DISCRETION OF THE AGRICULTURAL COFMIS610JER'S OFFICE. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE FREE FROM RED SCALE (AONIDIELLA AURANTII). S. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CANNOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PLANT MATERIAL UTILIZED ON SITE WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND/OR HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE AGRICULTURAL COMMI6610NER'S OFFICE. 10. —TRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR FINAL QUANTITIES AS ILLUSTRATED ON THE PLAITING PLANS QUANTITIES IN THE LEGEND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. 11, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE BID FOR THE MAINTENANCE. MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL LAST NINE' DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF A SUCCESSFUL FINAL WALK THE AND WILL BEGIN ONCE ALL ITEMS ON THE FINAL WALK THROUGH FUNCH LIST HAVE BEEN ARCHITECT TO THE OWNER 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE PLANTS WHICH ARE FOUND IN AN UNHEALTHY OR IMPAIRED CONDITION, MISSING OR DEAD DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR AND SHRUBS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR SO DAYS FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 13, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SOIL SAMPLE (ONE PER ACRE) TO WAYPOINT ANALYTICAL 714-2 -81T1 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TEST RESULTS TO OWNER FOR REVIEW. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND SOIL, PREPARE BACKFILL AND FERTILIZE PER TEST RESULTS. OWNER SHALL PAT FOR WHOLESALE C05T OF MATERIALS ONLY SHOULD TEST RESULTS REQUIRE ADDITIONAL MATERIALS BEYOND BID SPECIFICATION SOIL DEEMED TO HAVE SIGNIFICANT CLAY CONTENT (GREATER THAN 15% BY WEIGHT) SHALL BE AMENDED ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO PLANTING. IT 15 THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE CLAY CONTENT OF SOIL AND REPORT TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, 14. FOR BIDDING PURPOSE6, BACKPLL MIX SPECIFICATIONS: BACKNLL TREE AND SHRUB PITS (F NOTE: (APPLIES TO NON-NATIVE PLANT MATERIAL ONLY, NATIVE PLANTS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH NATIVE °AIL) CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR LIST OF NATIVE PLANTS, 5 PARTS (BY VOLUME) NATIVE ON -SITE SOIL 4 PARTS (BY VOLUME) NITROLIZED SHAVINGS OR GREEN WASTE OR EOUAL 18 LBO OF GRO-POWER OR EQUAL PER C.T. OF MIX 5 LEE GYPSUM PER C.Y. OF MIX • I LBO IRON SULFATE 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE AN ALLOWANCE OF IIOW FOR ADDITIONAL PLANT MATERIAL REPLACEMENT NOT SHOWN GN DRAWINGS. PLANTS TO BE SELECTED AND LOCATED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION - IS. DECOMPOSED GRANITE WILL BE AN IMPORTED MATERIAL SCREENED TO INCLUDE STONE PARTICLE +r:" PRIOR TO PLACING DECOMPOSED GRANITE, FINE GRADE AREA, REMOVING ROCKS GREATER THAN I" N DIAMETER MOISTURE CONDITION AND COMPACT SNUB -GRADE MATERIAL. SPREAD THE DECOMPOSED GRANITE OVER THE PLANTING AREA, MOISTEN AND COMPACT WITH A SOD ROLLER OR VIBRATING PLATE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY. FINAL DEPTH OF DECOMPOSED GRANITE SHALL BE 3" AFTER ROLLING AND COMPACTION. DG SHALL BE RAKED AFTER COMPACTION TO SATISFACTION OF DUW ER/LIWDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PREPARATION OF JNAMENPEP, ON -SITE SOIL BEFORE AMENDIN6 I. EXCAVATION: EXCAVATE SOIL FROM DESIGNATED AREA(S) AND STOCKPILE UNTIL AMENDED. 2. UNACCEPTABLE MATERIALS: CLEAN SOIL OF CONCRETE SLURRY, CONCRETE LAYERS OR CHUNKS, CEMENT, PLASTER BUILDING DEBRIS, OILS, GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL, PAINT THINNER TURPENTINE, TAR, ROOFING COMPOUND, ACID, AND OTHER AN EXTREOUS MATERIALS THAT ARE HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWNTH, 3. UNSUITABLE MATERIALS: CLEAN SOIL TO CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 10% BY DRY WEIGHT OF STONES, ROOTS, PLANTS, SOD, CLAY LUMPS, AND POCKETS OF COARSE SAND. 4. SCREENING: PASS UNAMENDED SOIL THROUGH A 2" SIEVE TO REMOVE LARGE MATERIALS. BLENDING PLANTING SOIL IN PLACE 1, MIX AMENDMENTS WITH IN -PLACE, UNAMENDED SOIL TO PRODUCE REQUIRED PLANTING SOIL. DO NOT APPLY MATERIALS OR TILL IF EXISTING SOIL OR 5UBGRADE IS FROZEN, MUDDY, OR EXCESSIVELY WET, 2. PREPARATION: TILL UNAMENDED, EXISTING SOIL IN PLANTING AREAS TO A MINIMUM DEFMH OF 8 INCHES, REMOVE STONES LARGER THAN 2 INCHES IN ANY DIMENSION AND STICKS, ROOTS, RUBBISH, AND OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATTER AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF THEM OFF OWNER'S PROPERTY. 3. MIXING: APPLY SOIL AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZER, IF REQUIRED, EVENLY ON SURFACE, AND THOROUGHLY BLEND THEM INTO FULL DEPTH OF UNAMENDED, IN -PLACE SOIL TO PRODUCE PLANTING SOIL, 4. COMPACTION: COMPACT BLENDED PLANTING SOIL TO 85% PERCENT OF MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY ACCORDING TO ASTM D 668 EXCEPT WHERE A DIFFERENT CAMPACTION VALUE IS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS, S. FINISH GRADING: GRADE PLANTING SOIL TO A SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE PLANE WITH LOOSE, UNIFORMLY FINE TEXTURE. ROLL AND RAKE, REMOVE RIDGES, AND FILL DEPRESSIONS TO MEET FINISH GRADE. MAINTENANCE I. ADHERENCE TO SPECIFICATIONS A. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS DURING THE ESTABLISHED MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 2, SCOPE OF MAINTENANCE WORK A. PLANT MAINTENANCE WORK SHALL CONSIST OF APPLICATION FOR WATER WEEDING, CARING FOR, EDGING AND HOLING OF LAWNS AND PERFORMING THE FOLLOWING FINAL PLANT E5TABL I SINMENT WORK PLANTING AREAS SHALL TO BE RAKED OF ALL LEAVE5/PEBRI5. B. THE ENTIRE PROJECT IS TO BE MAINTAINED FOR A PERIOD OF APPROXIMATELY SO CALENDAR DAYS, COMMENCING FROM THE TIME OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WALKS PRELIMINARY WALK C. DURING THE FINAL MAINTENANCE PERIOD, ALL PLANTS AND PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT WELL WATERED AND WEED FREE AT ALL TIMES. WEEDS, DALLAS N JOHNSON GRASS AND BERMUDA GRASS SHALL BE REMOVED. D. APPROXIMATELY 30 TO 45 DAYS AFTER INITIAL PLANTING, APPLY A SLOW RELEASE BALANCED FERTILIZER TO BOTH THE TURF AND SHRUB AREA AT A RATE OF � LBS. OF NITROGEN PER 1,000 SF, E. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISEASE AND F'EST/ ERMIN CONTROL DURING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD AND A RECORD OF PESTICIDES USED SHALL BE FURNISHED TO OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, F. CONTRACTOR SHALL RAISE OR LOWER SPRINKLER HEADS TO PROPER LEVEL AND SHALL ADJUST HEADS AS NEEDED FOR FULL COVERAGE, G. IN CASE OF NEGLIGENT OR IMPROPER MAINTENANCE, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL STATE IN WRITING TO THE CONTRACTOR HIS OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ANY CLAIM NOT IN WRITING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED, H. ALL PLANTS THAT SHOW SIGN OF FAILURE TO GROW AT ANY TIME DURING THE LIFE OF THE CONTRACT, INCLUDING THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD, OR THOSE PLANS $0 INJURED OR DAMAGED AS TO RENDER THEM UNSUITABLE FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED, SHALL BE REPLACED IN KIND WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF WRITTEN NOTIFICATION, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR —DE SOIL BACKFILL MIX B- WISH EARTH WATERING BERG __ .=FILL MIX, O SHOVEL FULL. OF u. (s sNoveL IN PULLS IS FLAMING MI%BD TIL .OIL.IL. BP.OK . MIX IS HATING INIArive—ePe�l,L- IIIIIOOTTS III PLUSH IM L EB O_ NATIVE SOIL I A I SHRUS/V I NE PLANTI NO G I PALM PLAN7l Nr_7 I FINAL =�.6. ORADE PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2023-0003 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:22 PM LANP9,I SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL 1.01 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. PERMITS AND SURVEYS The Lontaclm shall establish all lot I-, and r l,trictAo All other Ilnw, grades and levels to ostabllahed by the Subcontractor and he shall verify ell dimewim, Imes and grades Indicated on the drawing.. The Lontrackor shall Wmish all surveys. Permits and licon.19 r*gNred for stollen of Ge work shall p attired ana paid Por by the sutomtractor. The SWcontrshall glue . all noklc..... ll for In.peckloro mtl comply with all laws and oldil ordlnanus beming m th, west. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES The Lontroctor shall ON. .PPlclenk ,upnrvllm to the work, tieing hl. beet .kill and.- Wlten absent Pram the Job, he . 11 doo I,t a eupnrvleor cdpabl. of discussing minor matters wIN Me Lontractor on the ,It.. Ho shall Nlly ,kWy and comps. all drawlarys, ep.Af-Ton. Irld sibs, In.Guctlens Nor the work. Any work Indicated In do m, which world make It dIIPlcult to I,- Pirek class work, or any discrepancies er con 11- which appear between drawing, and epeclPlcatlons ant local o,dlnanc.. or ...Glct- ,hall bs ,olemod to W contact. III, Intorpr.tatlon or correction bolo.. proceeding with work. Any pllegod extra ,hall be prewmod to be part of the cmtract without ao lklonal charge unless Alil-Iod by Gontacbr. C. HIDDEN OBSTACLES Prim to cutting Into the soil, the Subcontractor shall locate all cables, anoints, •aware, o,It[, tanks and such other utillkle. a. are co manly wnbrea underg tine and he .hall take proper precaution a. not to damage or disturb such ImprovemoMs. II a conflict exl.b between .uch obstacles and the proposed work, he shall promptly nobly the Contractor who will arcmge Por relocaklon. 5ubcont,.- will proceed In Lhe same manner IP rock layer. or my atMr condlklon en--.-. urldergwnd makes charlgea advleable. D. FINAL INSPECTION Upon completion of work In Ib entirety, 5utoonkractor shall notify the contractor who will arcing. fa final In.p*ctlw at which time th. 5utoontractor shall to presets. Any wormed m saltine varlanu or oml.slm shall be naked ak this time, and Lhe Subcontractor .M1a11 tlpulab when and how he will rectify .aid valmu. When these 'hinges, IP any have boon cmrled wt old t. area, If work .hared, th. Job ,hall to consAd d compl.bd and Ge Sereral Contract executed. E. RESPONSIBILITY AND WORKMANSHIP Nelther cempletien IF theb or JoIllpcymont shall roll... the Sulbed >bb bcontacker el respon, billty vo�gua d In thcoe t, m o1 sM1on r spsibllity for faulty materials poor workmmthlp. The rzb trdcbr all promptly remedy dry defect, winch occur during the guaranbe perlocl. Notice oP observed defects will be Porwmded to the SU gl t, for by the contractor In Mplicab. SWh.t ,tl- will return one 4 copy oP tM contractor, noting !hereon what action wad taken. All questions l under the article shall to deelded by the contractor. F. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 1.co-,reserve. the right to brminab t. contact IP In hi. naol. epinlm th. --to, le not peMermIi g th. Lmtrdc! I. requred. Contrwkm will rematerab sitoontractor for work to date of termination. 6. INSURANCE contractor w well as his 5-ontrackm., shall not commence work prior to obtaining the neeeesary Ineu 1 ponol .utnn.d In the IT?. If the -d th-d These policies shall to maim-1 during the Iifo of the Contract d •hwld b* roa.ced to the General SWcontraakm 4w•t. p pen req H. COMPLIANCE WITH BUILDING CODES All work antler vl• Gonkrack .hall comply with all laws, ordlnanus, and regulaelon. appneable. I. IF INTERPRETATION ODRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS I. should a --to, Pina I, .... poll es In, or -th-, Prom th. drawing.., lie cIlicdtien., or should he be In doubt I. to tnir caning, he shall at once notify the Landacap* Architect, ana Mmedlakely confirm same In wr ling. 2. Should a Subcontractor dlsuver any polrb. of conflict between the work and any rule,, law,, er mtlinmce. If tM municipality In which M. to to performed, h, ,hall notify th, LIII, ape Archibct at ono I'd kis no dlmmedlably confirm acme In writing. 9. should the --to, Find It nncnsmy to Pau I cllrllicallen or change, a written Addendum will be delivered b all blQdero. 1 ADDENDUM Any antl all Addenda lewd by the --to, duriry to time If bidding shall Form a part I' the drawin -FoIclllcaklon, and Contract Document,, antl shall III, Included by the SUWonkractor In hi. proposal. 1.02 GENERAL CONDITIONS A.6ENERAL I. The terms and d.11niti. skabd In I.. "nerd Condition, ,Fell IV to all e.ctlorR of the ,poclllcatlon, w ,.t forth Wlly khoreln. 2. The indicaklore an the -Inge ar th. requlrem If the epeclllcallere and Ilttirgo ,holl b, a, binding w thought ,hown and/or ,equbod by both. S. All part of the work ep,,Iflld herein ma/or Indicated on Go plans, m 1 be complba by •eparab 3utoontractore ana It .hall be G. reaeonablltky If each S nt... • to determine the effect of their work upon th. work IF okH-. Th. Lmdscape 5utoontractm, however, Is to coordinate kite vorlow lades under hla Jurlaictlm. B. DEFINITIONS I. Subcontractor ,hall mean the Subcontactor or his Subcontractor or M, 5uppllor po,Porming work for the contactor. 2. Ybrk ,hall mean all lab., ma iol, e,plp,.,t, >ervices, P.-It. and Ilcenasa, nscsaaory b Pumish and/or In,tall In place all makerlala, equipmen! md/m appliances apeclPied in any one aectim and/or shown o Ge plane and/or ape f1l t(on 9. Fumleh shall mean b purchdse and deliver as dlrocbd by the -It-a d all .1-1 als, H 14 It I or appllalcea tpeciPled In any one uctlon anaor •hewn m the plans and/or ap.cnlcanaw. 4. Install shall mean all labor, mabrlal, equlpmenL,.ervices --It to set In place, connect, hookwp and/or make ready for operation all makerlal, equipment and/or appllmces PurnlH.d by the 5utomkractor and/or by -:7 5. Lontact shall c Ilit N the written ageem 1 between SWcontactm and Lmtractor, Pla , boner 1 0onditlens, and enure Speclllcatlon Section Por the work being performed and what le indi-d in one port shall I,,at binding - It In Mol In all parts. b. Lena -lon alto shall mean the sit. w indicated It, plans and spocivicatim. C. GUARANTEE Unless oth-lie ,pecilied herein, the Svbcmt... tm, upon completion of Me entire work do.c,ib.d In the t-t... t, Shell provide the Gontacbr with a written gummtea stating thot all work performed w a part to the -1,t t Is Fully guaranteed Por a period of one 60 days Prom the dale of ....I-, aW Gat during said 60 day period, all defectvo workmanship and/or mabrial Nwll b. repaired and/or replpced In place, Including qny work or other which hw bean damaged by such d of to wmkmanship and/m mabrial and 61 the repair and/or raplwomoM of acme, at no addlllonal coat b th, Lonkrgclm. D. ADD ON'S (EXTRAS) purchase order Is b be issued to the Subcontractor prior to th, ,....Elan of k other them speclPled In the Lontraet. The Gamest cannot be am dl or added b :Pt" xcept by an Amendment a Wrchaae order signed by the C.nGactm. M9 work : Permed without such an executed writing shallto presumed ko have been included In the Contact wRhwt additional charge. GENERAL WORK PROCEDURES 2.01 SOILS A. STOCKPILED NATIVE SOIL I. stockpiles N naive son mcy to ava0abte from owner. ge �raI mounding stoinceckopn0vmeienuclsot ',; •eells in aw114.111.1 as "3/6 ca•lea. ". Ind, S uments for avallabllify. 2. Comp-tIon 5/6 inch mime: Fertile, Prlable, well -drained doll IF uniform duality; Pree of mabrlal larger than 5/6" diameter, .ticks, plwter, cmu-eb Ile, chemicals, and other deleterloua makerlala. B. Lompo.ition 2-Inch minus: Ferule, Prlabl., well -drained sell of -form quality; F_ IF material larger than 2' diameter, sticks, plasbr, conc,et,, Ills, M1omica1s, and other d.let.riow mdbrtala. 4. A,dpls, II soli hoe not boon tooted, obtain m agFlculbral aultWSllltij and chemical analysis IF the proposed w11 Iron Waypoint-lytical or another onsultant cppro dI by Owner. Lott IF tooting will b, pald for by the Contrwkm. N lysl. to Include: element M lt,i.: Nltrob Nltrog.n, Phosphorus, Peta,slum, Lelclum, Mage.lum, ill Sodium, Zinc, Iron, L.pp.r, Mlrwmn,e, Baran, Prep Ilme. b. Other, pH Pactar,% Wee .aturdtlon, electrical calductivify, mechanical malysl>, % or organic content, canon exchmge capdclly (GP.L). Reeommendanone: Type ma qummy oP oddmivea required to eebblleh .ati,Packery pH Packer and .apply IF nutrients to bring tIF-I to satisfactory level Por plmting. 5. IF roqukea, the Owner's etwkpllea Boll will to amended; this work la not In the contract ana the G.nlractx will not to compensated for It on a Time and Mabrlala tool•. Rates for labor and equipment will be charged according to the con•trucuon Agreement. B. IMPORTED SOIL I. Composition: To match or sxcoocl In quality eh. 9/ d,ol minus ndtiv, loll, as determined t 1. -1- Submit bet resul1 t ke Ownerb R.pros.nbti.a and Landscape lvchRoct prior to ordering matorldl. 2. 5anple: Deliver one half cubic foot .ample of propwed Import toll to Land.eapo Architect Por approval. Owner r...... the right to r. -soli dellverea to the lib that doe. not meet approved bat rsaulta and/or the Specmcanore. C. SOIL CONDITIONING I. Deliver proauee• In manwwWrerl etanaw-a packaging. Iwlen bulk maeerlal• made, provide Owner! R*presenkative with BIII of I-o-ng for *ash aellvery. Transport organic am*ne 1. directly Mom Lhe swree to the staging area and •kwkplle w dlrecbd by the owner. 2. Stare product, to protect them Prom damage axy C taminatlon and comply with menu/acturor'. storage InatucLlma. 5. --dinab work with other sib work. 4. Inspect Jab for condition. which would prevent execullon of Gis work a. specified. Do not proceed until w h condlnm, me corrected. 5. Trucks and vehicle, shall not to permltbd to pan over curbs, paving, I.n ass adequably probcbd Ig.lre damage. 6. Landscape Arclllbck reserves to right to take and analyze sampl. IF material for o,fol Itg ko ep.clPicatlan, at any time. Furnish sampl*s upon request b'J Lonescap* Architect. T. Immodlotely remove rej,cbd materials from the site, at LOMractor's ZGene,. Lost IF tosting of material not meeting epeclllcdtlon, shall I,,pald Contractor. B. Incorporate ate following In drew to be pld,t d Thoroughly cultivate soli In two dl loon. tI a depth of I2" Ior shrub areas, and 4"-b" Ior lawn ord q w ,t cover drew, toth by means IF robtlller a equal. Program FU,, endotlore / Landscape Areas: 6en.rd Soil fMnpdraklor/IODO square lent 4 cubic ya-ds compost approved bt Landscap, Archibnt 15 lbs. 16-20-0 ammonium p-photo 15 1.. son au1N, NOTE: Rated pl-, shall be took flll*a with a site soli then amended w Ld dscap, Architect to Mt.rmino doPlnition IF rat>ed plant.. Back 1111 (for plmt hole. - 4" around All— and I2" I- lines) b part by volume m-sib w11 4 parts by volume o q-t approved by L .pe Architect. Ib. 16-20-0 per cubic ,md of mix 3 lbs. Iron sulfate per cubic yard of mix The above mabrlal• shwld iron to GorougM1ly blended prio, to use for u tockflll F pwe.. Also, to sulfsur ate should not contact cement faces since e abining cwld wwr. I/ the I0 -20-0 Is incorporated p apl�nt w recommentled, the Goa clank dintonance can camel>t primnrilyra1 a nitrogen -only l.rtili:er Grog m Beginning appl-oximably 90 days afbr Glinting, ammmlum sulfate, which will have m acIAlPli'l-1 effect on the soil, should be applied at Me rate o1 5 lbs. P., I000 aquae fee! m a monthly toaia. However, In order to ens compis,ure omtde b doll phoaphoru. and potassium nulrRlon Beat Ferkillzer y16-6$ Par .goal ahaula b. aubstlWtea l.r Ge ammonrvm sulfate In AI-! WW Ing ana again In late Pall at the rate oP b Its. per T000 -guars lees. Aldo, Iwhen Glint have been well eetabllahad Ga frequency oP /orCllizor applications cm be decreased. 10. Flint Fdck.t Pertlllz.r: Use BEST PAKS 20-10i commercial IeMllixer packets placed equally around the plant 6 - B Inch., deep near, but not direct contact with roots. For Goes, shrubs and vines In the Following amounts: Flint sire No..1 Packet. I gallon I s gallon IS gallon 3 3 " box a 30" box 50 3 box 4 6 T ae•1tbox box B Per Falm trees In the Pellowing amounts: Flint 5I.. No. oP pwket, 24" box 4 W., box 4 Olt lax _'. box 5 6 4B' box 6 Bare Rook 6 D. SAND SACKPILL FOR PALM TREES I. Llean washed concrete sand Prom a source approved by is Owner's Repree.ntativn. 2. Lhemical Propertle• (by 9aWraklm Extract Fbthod): I. Soluble Salk,/5allniky: Moxlmum 9.5 mIIIIMws/c.nklmnler It .. degrees cnnllgrdde. b. Boron: Mailman cmcentraklm IF I.O pp.. c. Sodium Ab,orptlm Rate MAM), Moxlmum 6.0. 2.02 CHEMICAL COMPONENTS: Th. following dodikiv., may to used dep.nding on LM wtcome of to toll. report. A.brolmd Limestone: Agricultural Ilmestone containing not I.. Gan 85% ov total carbenabs, ground to >uch Ilnen... that 50% will It. aloe .lave ma wo% wnl pw. •20 .lave. B. Dolomite Llm0 Aglcultral gads mineral .on condRlwer containing 35%minlmum mag.e cartonab antl 49% minlmum calcium carbonate, 100% pas,Ing s65 ,love. "Klleor Dolomib b5A9" w marofactured by Kll.or, Inc. Mineral Product. Dept, a equal. L. blpwm: Agricultural grant P-t cmtalning 60% minimum ca loom wlfake. D.km -Pot. (Ferric or Ferceue), Supplied by a cemmercldl N tlllz.r, conmining 20% b 50% Iron ana 35% to 40% .Illk, E. Sulfate or Pot-,: AgrlculWral grad, combining 50% to III IF water-soluble potash. P. Single Slp.rphwphab: Lommercial product containing 20% to 25% III, pho,phmic acid. d, Am ,- Sulfate: Lanm...III product combining approx -ly 21% ammonia nitrogen. H. Ammenwm Fmmdldehyd.: brdruldr v rc 1 product containing 84% anmona't-s n. I. Ikon Formald,hydo: Sr 1" 41 product containing B6%nitrogen (Ito eutyldl.n. Dlurea): Lommerclal product untaining 51% nitrogen. K. Soil WIN, AgIc 1-1 gads sulvum containing p minlmum IF .b% wllur. 2.05 TOP SOIL APPLICATION A. r ,ol: Spread top>oll over accepted adngradoa in deaO-d ar prior to Incerpmdting amendnonk.. B. Re.lrmklons: Do not commence spreatling top.oll prior to ....plm doll eulLlvaLlon. Do not plwe loll under muddy eorldlLlona. c. Sell Depot: Top,oll depth Indlcabd In the construction Documents l after na ,l ,ettlemonb and light rolling, Corform to flniehed grades on the .,awing,. PLANTING SPECS FOR TREES, SHRUBS 46ROUNCOVER 5.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with Federal, stub and local laws requiring Irepection for plmt dlua.e Ind Inlesmtlore. Inspection urklfmabe required by .tat. I.. .Fall accompany each .Mpment If plmt, and delver ... Milk - to the Owner. Irepectien. are to W performed In to .eat. e1 migln. B. Trarepark plant material In 1 or kmp.d vehicle to minimize damage Mom wind. L. All plant shall be true to name and no of each lot shall W tagged wit the none ana •I., of the plants In accordance with lie standards of practice recommended by to Americm A.soclatlm of Nurserymen. D. SMpmente oP plants will to carefully I pt c bJ th. Owner and/or L-2-p. Arc 1- at to site at the time If of -loading trucks to verify complianu wit the dzov. ehippli g roqulremenle. E. subatlNtlone of plats mabrtals will not by permitted unless cuGorized In wrltirlg by Landscape Architect. If proof la -Itted tat plant ap-p- nee obtaincbl, a proposal will to considered for use of the nearest equlvalank sI.. or varlet, with corresponding odJu•tment of G.nkract Price. E. Subsututiere of plant mdbrlal. w1II net by p.-Idol unless aterized wrlllry by L.-ope Architect If preel 1. submitted that plan! speclli.d not olo-olo., a proposal will bo coreldorod for use of the nearest equivalent .iz, or variety wRh corresponding adJu,kment of Lontract Price. F. Special car. eholl W taken b .reumo that plants In c here are adequately watered. Water Por •oll preparation, planting mtl o- Igatbn will to PurnleM1ed by owner. th. Plants In containers .pn 111 d Por shade Iocdtlm. are to to protect.d from wn prior to plaMing. H. Pero.m*I: Empl.y only qualRled personnel familiar with eu ,'i work. 5.02 INSPECTIONS AND SUBMITTALS A. The owner's Reprw*nkative reaervea the right to Inspect plink materlol. at the nurury or growing ground prim to loading and traroporking. If owner'. Rapre.entatly. select. to Im"'t ak the nurury, tag all Gee. and represenkaklve .ample- oP ehram and grwndcover prior to tilt In.pectlon and arrange with the Cwn.rl Represenkaklve ten W)date In advance Por the Inspectlon. Such approval shall not Impalr kM right IF nryaectlm and r.J.cllan during progre a eP to work. B. Submit photos IF each tree with measurements of height, spread ant caliper III- review by LaM...p. Architect prior to ordering and delivery. Trees will be hand selected dy the Lo,I ape Architect alter oppr.val of phobs. IP trews are not hand selected by Lmdscape Architect than one p--okve ,ample IF each ,1.. of Gee and shrub ,pecie> are to be de ll.red to the project alto Ior Owner's Represent.b- b rovlew and oPpro.n, prior to ordering any plant.. Accept.d .ample are to be lllned In geed v dlllon by th. L I,—- It lie Lantractor'..terage yard during the constI ction s.,Iod, and Inammeeltoll,e w the Iwt plants on the prjnct. lb.cbd jIF- a to bil Ial.ly rspud �awith accepta ompble le,. All plants dsli.orod to the pre oject will m t the ,bndmds of those r.prss.ntatvs samples. c. Pile ceruPlcab• In In.pectlm of Glint mabrial• e'J county, Stab and Federal wthorltles with Owner! RepreseMotive. All plant are to have a certil IF mlgln. D. .-It wItMn Wday. Mbr Notice b Proceed a c=p- Il.k oP mabrlal. to bn Puml.hed and c Irm.d .oacn. Por .ame. Owner re..rvee d right to opprov. ar reject .l.Ppll .one wbcontroctore. E. O,wel Mulch: Submit within BO days dvbr Notice to Proceed a quart bag samples aspocinod gw,l mulch to tM Owner's Represenkaklvs. 5.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY, 5TORA6E AND HANDLING A. PREPARATION I. Banta ma B,rlcppea (e a B) Plant.: Fig ana prepare •h,P,_ .ding to the acupbd Industry standards and In a manner that will not damage rooks, branches, shape, shark and long -kern health, and fu development. Size oP rookWll shall be w defined In tM American Standard Por Nursnry Stock (Pined... A,.oclatlon of Nur,.r,m.n; latest edltlen). B a B plants may o 19 be u.ed IF speclPled In to Lontact Document, er IP dulherized In rlting by lie Landscape Archibcl. 2. Gonkalrer brown Planks: Deliver plants In container -Iflclntl, rigid to hol. toll shop. and protect root mass. 5. At Gonkractorl option, ill evergreen plop and declduou, plant. In PUII I- wit antl-de,IccaM Immndllbly prior to shipment. 4. Pre-D.IIv y Inspncklen, -Ily 0....l Rnpresn -NI minlmum el !we moaks prior III shipping to allow Ior Pr. I ,Ilvory Irepoctlon of plant dl.rlol. It th. n its B. DELIVERY I. D*Ilver only plant makerlala that can be plant, In one day umleee odequab storage and _.'InPaclllllea are oval!able on p,oJeot alb. 2. I.- B a B reek WIN. duel., shipping by proper handlli g I- lqun,; acted I,cr� IT g root WIN, will be r.Jocbd. P,Ik t at the alto by .till a thoroughly moist ,It WIN; heel In wit sawdust (or comparable mdt-) If not plmbd within 24 hou-> of delivery. Mdnbtn root WII In a elk condmien Ind do not anew to dry tote 2. .robot B a Brook toll• auring ahlpping by proper handnng bchnlque•; racked or crumbling It ooll..111 be r.Jectea. f4obct at the .It. It alntaining a tbroughly molt root WIN; heel In with ..w (or comparable malerlaU Ifrot IF- will, 24 boa, IF delivery. Maintain rut -II In a Ilk condition ana do not allow to dry ... B. Notlly Owner's R.prne.nkdtive of delivery eWdu1, d minimum of 46 hours n dot,- o plane material em bs Inspected prior to unloading Iron trucks. fl UAmH DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERL CA 92211 LICK 2781 fXP.O4730/24 H. (71(U 177-9131 FAN (7A017n-9132 J_ °C W 0� 0W Z 2� N I m m QQ 0 N� a-Lf)0Fz tLaoo C~n L\T�ilJ QF- LA) N aw � m~ Q min U N cz Q (L y9 rioW0 Yob DQ F\ CO J _ Ff 9jf or v.� Tl- LANDSCAPE 910FICAi10S A S PS 5/2/28 N.TS. ° - 21oaT L3.0 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 4. Remove rejected mabrlal Imm.dlat.ly Prom .Ita. S. Do not IIPt, move, adJust to plumb, or otherwise manlPuleta plant. by trunk " Ttama. (Sea paragraph 5.06 In thla Section for ep. II handIIN dir•ctione Por palms). 5.04 PLANT STANDARDS A. U" the following publicatima PI,'ri-Il ying plink mabrlal IcuPtabl. v" motauaton: I. "American Stmowrd Por Nw.ery Stock"; Edlllon approved 1965 by American National Standard, 1n,tlWt,, Inc. (Z60.0 Plant materials. 2. "irtue Third", 1.16; Cornell Univar,ity plats noman.latwe. 3. Arizona Nu-aery AT'ocloton browerb CommlGWe "Recommended So Illlcdlom", 1.66, Arizona Nur.ey Asso.latlon. 4. Refs to S.ctim 02120, Soil Preparation and .oil mixer, Por portico oP work roqulred In this ...time 5. Plant,, other than palms, shall ow rrvr,ey grown In act"dmc. with good horGl,ultwal oacti„' under cllmalle condition. almllar to those of project Por It least two y are anloss spoclllcally noted otharwl". Plants .hall be ceptmally heavy, • pmetrleal, tightly knit, eo tral"d or favored In developmet and app as to dy super)" In form, number of branches, compactne" and .ymmetry�Le C. Plant, shall ow sand, heavy and vigorous, wolf brmcid and d....ly folllked whin In I.af. Thq than W M.. of d1"I... Ina•ck, p,ata, •gga or larvae, and .hall have healthy, wall developed root'y,bms. They .hall be Proo Prom phy,itel damage " odverea condltlons that world prevent thriving growth. Sell In the contalnerT shall be Proo oP dlaeae' and pathogens. D. Plants shall ow true to specles and variety and shall cmPorm ta menl, ap•enied, •xe•pt that plml, larger than ap•en1•d may b• uo•a If approved by Landscape A hib,t. Use of ouch plank. .h,11 not Increase Contract price. IP"g" plant, ore approved, the boll If earth .hall bo Increased In proportlm to the al oP plmt. Plante shall b. measured when brmcis are 1n Moo- normal po W', H•Igght and spread dlmerelore spoclflod refer to main body of PIPI and not brmch to tip. Caliper meawrement .hall ow taken at a point on the trunk 6" above natural Bound 11ne. oinF" trees 4" in _'I.r, Fhia m•Iaurement ah-ltl b. taken from a pt 1V above the natural ground Ilse. I/ a rmg* of 'Ize Is given, no plant .hall be lea. thm the minimum rmge oP elu and not Iw,o thin 4 aP the plants shall be m large at the maximum ,Iz. ef.clPied. The meaauremenl, apeclPled are Lhe c.rtable and are kho measurements attar pruning, whet' le"N P required. Plante not conforming to the requlremete epeclI .111 ow c Idered owPective. such Glints, whether In plat, "not, well be marked ,.jetted and eh.1, b. Immediately removed from th. Premla,a. Thee• w111 be replaced wuh new ....ptabl' plant,. E. 5peclal care shall b, taken to ensure di,lt Plante in container. are Id•quably watered. Wak•r for ,IT Preparaklon, planting and Irrlgatlon will be furnished by ory F. Iinowr no tonditiore w111 Mare b. dry sub.tltutlon of plant, or 1 Por those III In the nac attainean I lane ... t with the exP .... written consent an the LandscapPr�hle1. b. Container stack e1,111 have grown In the container' In which delNered for It last six months, PA not over two years. Samples must prove no ootbountl emdltion •xlat. ke emtoln•r plants that have "aek•d or broken belle op earth when taken Prom cmkalner shall be plinked except upon .P._1 approval by Lmdecape AFchlbct. H. weld mg plant, mq be u.ed only IP eP.eTfIkdIlt aPprov.d in wrlklrlg q the Landscape Architect P'k it,ordering. Lhl." oth'-4, cvth"iz,d, Pill III plants w11, be harvested-ste with a twop method, In which the f",'lows cut ana box •Idea L»Bal lea I" a minimum oP Pow (4) month• Bring the growth ....I, prior to dlgging and o"Ing the bottom. Spray Pleld dug tr.e. -Ill prior to boxing th. bottom_ ottom Nth mtd•elccant. Enaur. adequate coverage to tN,ks, branches and Poles'. I. Plants shall not b. prvnod before delivery. Tree. which iva damaged o— Wool or multiple leader.. unloaa "' fied will b. rejected. Tress with abrp,lore oP the bark, .1m 1 ., ellsPlguring k ots, " PfIsh cub oP III over 3/4" which have not completely calloused, will be refeeLetl. J. Paw,: Sin conform to the Following gumellnee unlee. epenlPically approved in writing by the own"'' R.pr,setadve. iltr""d with maximum varlatlon oP 6". GwvaWre, will ow rovlewed on an I,dl,ldal balls; gradual curvoWras over the length If Wnk are 1n general mar. acceptable thm short bend.. 2. When Bpecifietl, uniformly .-Pal with the . . I skinning tool prior to planting to a light of 5' below the boa• of th, p.tlol• oP the green Frond that 1. located, m n a, po„Ibl., to a 45-Bogle. angl. Prom the top center If the tree. Palm, that have lost thorn residual petiolm higher thin th, 5' mark may not ow 3cpa. Trvnk dlameGra Por palms ,ailed "t " wa'hingt"I, hybrids shall be a minlmum of IS" In diameter meaewed 4' up Prom Lop oP root ball. 4. Rook balls .mParming to liustry standard size and copal,). If .upporting trees rvTthout poll ... I bracing; fro' of noxious or I- wneda. 5.05 PREPLANTIN6 A. SITE PREPARATION I. Examine eWgraae Intl verlf� coiitlmt antler which wIlk will be p rPormed. Notl/y Owner's Rapr ..ntatly. IP there Is a d1.... Pointy between alto coMlllme and Contract Docum,te. 2. Do not begin toll preparatle, me! Ill ut11 all w"k ouch P header Installatlm, rvalke%paving, cons t. work, .l.ctrl,al ..coot Por Iixtwe Iocatlm, fen, frw a all t ire a e le teary, dralnage ark, gm fin iratallation, igati work, and any oth" work required under plan• ana ep.elneatme "olmd plmtng ar ae Ie , P,bd ana approved. Speclmon tree. twenty (20) inch, and largeebox Tizea or paw trees are x.mpt Pram thle rut• wif atoms might b. r.,trlct.a by cmekrucLlon pha"a of Imckcaping or banding. All plate and plmtng .hall be cantbvally maintained by th, Landscape Subcontractor. 5. Sall Preparation: Do not commence pill work orlor to compl•tlen and acceptance aP eon prep"atoll. 4. Irrigation: Do not carom planting work prlor to nelallatlon and acceptance of Inlgatlon ey.t. Imless approved 1n writing q o '. R•preeentotive. 5. Weed before and dwlrg pr,llminary grading and filn,h grading. All wood and glee", shall to, dug out by the root, and removed from site. tit, shall ow --`Id and rams), oak Moo antlI twnov'r to the Owner's AUhorized Repro"ntative. 6. Lgmt and Staking: Loy mt plants at location, ohown m Drawing,. u,a ,tool ."Pe Ilpg., color coded Por each epoch, I? plmts, "sot plants 1n container. on grade. stake oath tree. 1. Right 4 r1... -d to "N" on site review It any tlme If, In the opinlon of the Landaeap. Arehn•cq an In•uPPlu•nt III of plant• III,providetl. Lantltcape Architect retinue! the right to nk,rchcmg. r adJust the ."I... of plant. prior to plmting. 6. Equlpmmt Por digging plane plte: Ua• backho• m hand work to dig tree pit.. Scarify aItl oP the tree pit after ,xcavatle, (tee below). Do not ue. an auger or tree epees. .. Gontalnerizod Plant Pits: Excorvdo .qa plmt pit, el follow.: Type MIn. Wltlkh Depth Boxed Tree. Box + 2W, Box + 1V 5 a 5 Rook ball + IS" Root ball + 12" Palma Rook ball + 24" Root ball + 12" Canned shrubs Gan . 12. Gan Daep + 6' Remove •xcavatad toil Prom project It. and/or tliepoee of ae tllrecla by Ownerb Repr... ntatv.. B. DRAINAGE TEST OF PLANT PITS/ OBSTRUCTIONS Pre -..eking of tree plant plta: Pill Mee plant pit, It the top with water within 12 hour. If planting. Plant pits can be plmt,d a' wets le completely d"ll If water Is not 10 gm, within 24 how,, do not ewt and bring to the Immedlata ottmtan of kh' Owner and Lmda.ape Ar.hlb,t. Contract" may be required to either dig a tAPtlWta plant pit " to mitigate the exi'ting Plmt pt with a drainage au p. SAPtItA, plant plts and drainage awp, not part of the basic service. and compensation will be awarded to th. Gontra,L". 2. 12"W ntaton: s It colt written oe", ntoti" of test pit dralnage recall,, with locatam, date and IIgnaWre of tester. 3. Ob,truction,: If rock, caliche, undenground c e.,tlon work, Mee roots or other obstructims ". encowtared In the excavator If plank pit., acceptable albrnoke I ... timt may b. usetl a• dlreck,d by the LondtcaP , Architect. Excavation a cali,H, 1e not part of Lhe contract price, and auth ItLhe owner. Representative, contractor will ba . comppens... ated Por excavanm pursuant to kh. Schedule oP Labor and EqulpmenG Rate. 5.06 PLANTIN6 OPERATIONS- TREES SHRUBS E. VINES A. HANDLIN6 AND DE-POTTIN6 Moisture Level: Thoroughly molaten root ball. erle, to plmtng to doll ph-- ow not plant dry rook balls. =ne Co-Mly remove plant Mom the container. Gut tin cmkalnere, otir thou knock -out can, on two ,Ides with the proper type a1 can cutter to facllikate removal of plank• with a minimum oP root pee dleturbanco. support root ball III Installation to prevent cracking. S. Pry off bottom boards of boxed tread lager than hammering boards off. Sexed plate mq not ow planted with the bottom ",Ides of the box In place, unloaa authorized In wr¢Ing ey the Lmd.cap, Architect. S. SCARIFICATION Plmt Pt: Starry sides 0 plmt pit th"oughly, breaking up III and a11m1nating "glazed" areas. 2. Plmt Root ball: After removing plant /rom cmtalner, awrl/y the Bide, If the root ball to a depth oI I Inch at Pow to 'I. egua l ly Bpm,d Intervals around to perimeter oP the ball or at 12-Inch Intervals on the slows of the boxed materlal. CA and removed clrcllng roll, over 5/B Inch diameter. Searifleallon should be p"fe,"d with a sh"p son knee. C. PLANTIN6 For !rose, backPlll Glint pit to allow crown oP root ball ta settle to a paeltim .fen with finl.h.d grad.. Thoroughly tamp ba 111 under reek ball W reduce settling, and on slows If root ball. Prep".. a reload basin as wIa• m the root ball of each ere• Por wae•ring prior w .hrub and ground for planting. Refer W dotal). 2. Plm. Pertiliz.r packets evenly In plant pits when ed,01114d. S. All ahry and ulnae shall be "t " that when settled the root ball, e I" above Pinbhed grade. Pre,ldo basin, refer to dotal). 4. When plat pit, have been botkPllled approximately 2/3 full, water kh"oughly and saWrata root ball, before Installing remainder oP ti backvlll mix on top minating of pit, eliair pockets. 5. Remove nursery No, plat labels Prom plants. 6. Par tree. In lawn -I., keep a 2' alamebr III .entered on the tree trunk Pr.. oP WIf me weeds. ua. a pr,cle. template cav,ring th. a outside oP the 2',Ircle I/ applying herbicide to prevent autopsy dleba,k. D. STAKING AND 6UYIN6 1. Trees shall be able to'tmd upright without support, and shall "Wrn ta ti vertical Wtar /hell lop. have been dellectod h"Izmtally and ..Immediately slake tree, wI,Ih do not meet this I, I flcatlon, I. well " plants that are subject to breakage " a result of strong winds. 2. Trees sill remain plumb and st-10 Mom Imta11d1on thra,ghout th' maintenance and warranty period. 9. Rofor ta standard dotalls Por staking and guying requlrem,nb. a. Auxlllary Trse Stakes: Some tree, may require an I.uxlllary ,oast tr...take In addltlm to the ." tekeU" In th. BtandMe dotoll,. 1 w111 be dotormin.d q the wnerb Ropre.. 1kotT"; t 1, work Is part of the Contract Prlc.. 5. htlGl- 1, Trees: At the option oP the Owner's Repr.'.ntatNe, an')bloat. form of'taking on "ltl-trunk trees will Lilt of three Mee stake' placed odJacent to the main tanks and at a elmllpr angle. I-xl,ting nw,ery leader'toke, ar cwxlll"y tree 'take' may "may not Ix required. An mclr,nng Mee tie may or mq not ow required. ThI' alt""te'taking methotl 1. pare oP the Cmtract Price. b. Staking Mock -Up: Prior ta p...... N with'taking, prepare Por approval ey the owner's wpre'entotive on, .-plc oP each type of 'Caking Go b, used m the prof,,!. Th... mock-ups will repre"nk the ataiard that taking will b• conpar.6 to. Th• Cmtractor will have hie employee. become thoroughly Pamillar with the moekwp prior to g•"rII ate log IP•ratlma. 4.01 PLANTING OPERATIONS - PALMS A. PLANTING I. Arrmg, denvey tlm. to a minimum omelet:t of time elapse' between dollvery sit• and Installation (maximum of 5 days/. Use a"y pr•cauton. to protest palm' Pram w•atir or other .-ell that would damage ar Impair vigor. Crowns and root ball. BH-ld I. protocked Prom sun and rePl.c.4 hoot; avoid 'Goring on paved surfaces. Covering material, such a' .0. Thad. cloth- should permit air movement; de, not use plastic P,rubberized tar ulln'. Water root ball. III m reulred drip hot weather. Do not stack palms. y q g 2. Measure and record brawn Wnk ilght m a tag firmly attached to each tree. These tat^ are to remain on the tree until approved by the Owner's Repres tativ' to remove thorn. 5. Segregate palms by helght " they are dollvorod to the slto If r'qu'etad. a. Do no bled or III palms with lop., w1r. m chain• ue• only nylon or Pabrlc alingPotrapa a minlmum oP'4 wide. Scarring caused by napproprlIto handling and Judg.d uno.1-Ple le by the Landxape Ar,ht.,t will cause rejection of the palm'. Replacement will b, It th. expanse oP the Contractor. 5. Propma proper size plant pit and te,t I" dralnage a, dexribed previwsly. 6. Itellling: Tap m01,t... d sand po ll at bottom op hole to ampmt. Insert treeckPill ai bapalm with clean washed concroto and as ohown on the Drawing'. Cmtlnuou.ly adjust palm to ensure I plumb ana securely planted ,malt". Solldly ...poet .and owd the uppen ball and portion' If` dried tN,k while back/Il ling. JeG sand backPlll at required to remove air pocket'. Leave baa1, e d each trove unless otherwbo diroctod by Landscape Archite,t. Co"moat, 1-tanatm of o-Wgation •leaves, etc. with planting operatlare. 1. Wot.r Imm.dlably and cantlnuouely m requlr,d to .,,u,, optimum .ell coo Isvol,. Sall molsh.'a levels below grade to bs checked regularly with eon probe " other approved method. 6. Staking If Palma 1, not permuted without autwrizatlm 0 the Owner'. Rspr.s lltltN If 'taking IT permitted, stake' will b. of wear 111, and stolned 11 a color approved by Owner's Representative; cost of staking palms IB not p"e of the work and will be covered by a Chmge Order. F. Ikeying Pronds: The string trying tie Proud. should, In general, ba cut 45-60 days attar plmtrw during the hot months and after 90 III -IN the- moI,— Coardlnat• with Owner'. Rep -lit tNe and palm P pp Hr prior to untying vrmds. Pe not trim the palm' Por 30 day' otter untying them. 10. Exercl" extreme caution when pruning, If any, is p"f"'Pol W prevent spread of faecal" Biota"T. Dip pruning tool. in a elerlllnng agent bef"e prntng and wfore moving from m, palm to nether. II. C-t"'t" I, to c7^llt co"Bloats with 0-.".ReprseenGative to lo,ate palm' within palm gov,T To that variation 1n brown trunk helght is gaduatod arms the groves or hoes oP palm.. In a grow. with almllar helght palm', the maxwum brown trlmk helght variation Is ad.1j np palms Is 12". Caordlnate with Owner's Repr.eentative ta atlfust palm. with acupkable trvnk curvature eo that visual impact is minimized. 12, Intl and m- n diseme r entbn Is re a rod; this ma Include drenching tow town with a funglclde Tuch ago "B"late" and/or son appy tim OP a Iu 911 wch as "Subdue". Contract" 1s ••p rot• for ....dlnaeing th•B• tr•.tzn•nl, wmh palm .Ppl4ft and Own '. R.presentaklve, and Por the cost of disease prevonte, bchniq".. 15. Apply 4 to 6 Iba. of Pertillz,r pl 45 days "t, mting. vo not f"k11i" at Iniklal Plmtng. InJ•1t f•rtll I... III root zoo• If rounding lawn area. 14. Palm trees specified I. -Phil hybrid' ". to be skinned and are to have a minlmum tnmk elamotor oP 16". Maasur0 4'high from top of root ball. 4.0-1 WATERING Mel shall b, watered I ... dlately after planting. After First watering, wets shall be appllod to port, as .mdition, mq regal a to k••p the plant• In a healthy and vgmoua growing condition unto compl'tim oP the contra.! 4.10 PRUNIN6 c Prvna planl, o,IIyy at tlmo of pP"tingthe and accarding ta stand"d REh"tculWral pr ace to pre a nakwaI ciracker of the III I IP Prvning I. to be done with the approval and allow, IAP-1 of a It Owmr'a Repr...ntaklv.. Remove d.atl wood, woks., broken " df brvia'd branch.' or to develop a uniform Opole— use only .0 ,harp tool,. Paint cuts over 5/4" dle,oter with tree paint, covering ,xpo"d, Ruing tissue, If r 'Ll by owner's Repre'entaGive. Do not prwo 'vengraan tr... and shrubs attar October let, except ta - III or d___ tiaau.; Walt until late winter "early spring after danger a eigniteanL Ir„zing I' poet. 4.11 PROTECTION OP PROJECT A. Pe not atoll cook"lal or •qulpm•ne, permit burning, or opera. or pork equipment under khl branches of existing plants to remain. S. Protect pavement and other hard Turfs,.' from eta IN by equipment ar chomlcal. Bring storage and oppllcatlan. G. provide barricades, P.nc,. or other IIIae n•c.e.el at the drip 11" to protect exl,tng plants re remain from damage during m'-tl-. D. The Contractor shall ....Nlly and I -It' wsly protect and mahn all .rem In,Wu In the eontraet, Including lawn area.. plant maLerlale, etc, until Plwl acceptance of the work by Owner's Authorized Rep.... t.t, . E. The malntonance Por.mm In the Job shall be a compstenl 51gllsh-ap'aking s,pory oxp'r cod In landscape maintenance and capable If 11..... IN ,ottere on the Job ,It.. P. Workman shall Present a neat appearance at all twee and shall induct all work op rations and dl IT the public In a cwrtaoue inmost. Workman shall by Nlly clothed at all time.. b. Inep.cklon th final Impact shall ow called at the end I plmting operations and the malntenmce period P" th, pwpoee If det.rm ,P cCm, o with PI- and sp Pcaton Intent, HIhip,ll ....T, ana clean-up. ow If Authorized Representatives shall r'ceivs written verlllcatlon of Inspection dates, ai come required ta work and Ilmib of'inspected area before accept ptmce of corrective work. 4.12 GUARANTEES A. The Cot,fil shall guarmtae all plmt material fin a period ov FO Boys after final Inspection "d ..,.peon,. by the Landxap, Architect. All box Mess shall be guaranteed Prom date oP acceptmce Por a •tied of m, emdin to •atabnah•d thro h procedure, by khI Lmndecape ArchlGct. Landscape Maltew-, Gantrmt" le to take appropriate action when any trot oppeare to be ,II-.... This action Is to I-lude soil and tissue as lee to determine th. nature of the problem. 5. The Cot"'t" shall, within ton (10) day, of written "tlPlwton by landscape ArehlteeG, remove and replace all guarmwed PIPI material which Por my reason Palls w mast th, "quiremenb of the guarmtec. wplm.m•nt shall be, mad• -1, plink mat-ola "191n111y aP.1fl., and ,hall meet original guarantee'. 5.01 6ROUNDCOVER A. PLAN7IN6 bround cover plmts shall have been grown 1n Plats and shall main 11 the" Plate until Lim• f" t.... pll TN. AL tl.• 0 transplanting, the Not loll .hall contain su/Piclent moisture " that the 011 does not Pall apart whin III plink. Prom dip Flak. Each plant ,hall be planted with It's proportionate ,mount of the flat soil In a mannerit tw111 insure a minwum of dl,turbmce to the root'ystem. 2. brolmd ,over plmts'hol b, allowed to dry out III?_ or while oPIng Pill'e-Ili,d 1n g^owld cover III " landscape plan. 5, broumd cover sill e, planted w/Plclently deep to cover all root, and spaced as specified In ground cover III on Imdscape Pill 4. Install In neat, evenly spaced rows In trimgular Ilymt, or as shown In the Drawings. 5. Top-dr.aa P•rtillz•r (N-P- ratio of 3:3:1): Apply at kh. rake If lib. Neogm per Ip00 eq. Pt. Immedlately aPtI, ,ompl.ton of plantng. 6. Watering, Im ellatoly water g omdover arum after fr lIIi appliketle, to wash Petllizer oPP leaven. MAINTENANCE A. Subcontract" Thall adhere to the following malntenmce pecekotlm, during the established period. Plant malntonance work shall emsis, oP applleation oP water, weeding, a"Ing for, edging and wing oP III and perPorming Me Pollowing /foal plel "tablisHnent work. I. The I—. project Ie to b. ma .-d! Par a p.rlad of approximably 60 calendar day', commencing Prom Owner'. "prmont, lvo and Cmtractorb Prelimin"y Walk. 2. Durin the Final mainenance -Tot all unto and lant,d area, ,hall el,koet well -watered Intl ...d Proo at all till'. P 3. Approximately 30 to 45 day. after Initial planting, apply a slow raleme IliI,rtlllzer to both th, turf and shrub a,,, at a rate of I/2a oP nitrogen per I,000 tqu"e Hat. 4. Subcontract" shall be r..ponelble Por di".. and peek control during the malntenmce p-lod and a record oP peaticidea ut.d shall b. Nrnisid to Ownore Rsprosontativo. 5. SA,... ,t" shall tale, or lower eprT,kIe head, to proper level I'd shall dJust heads as needed /" Nil coverage. 6. bans Is to ow mowed before It oxuads 2I in helght. Collect vl.lble arms cllggina' mowing ogeratlmT and remove Prom like. HERl DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM 09ERT, CA 92211 LICK 2794 EXP.OV30724 Py. (7W)177-9131 EAN (760) 777-9132 0 H CV Q W N 0) Q � Q mcf) U N Q O H O Z L0 rio0 ncAJ 1 Ja+osca�L a _ Ff 9jf OF CA� LANDSCAPE SP4CIfl(AII NS B F6 Ps 5/2/25 N.TS. ° - 21oa1 L3.1« IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS Tho requiremenls of the "benoral Condltlons of she Contract" shall apply to all work oP phi• Section with the same Pored and ePPeet ae !hough repeaced In IV Hanel,. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide all labor, malorials, transportation, and aervicoa necessary to Pumlah and Install fi-eatlan srcems a• •Hawn a the drawing• and III herein. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE d REOUIREMENT5 A. PERMITS AND FEES: The cantrackar shall octal, and pay Par any and all permits and all Irpoctione are required. B. MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: MarufacGurer's dlrectche and detailed drawings shall be followed In all cases where the manufaclu-er of articles u,od In this contract P... I direction. covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. C. ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS: All local, municipal and state lawns, and rule, and regulollore governing to any pardon of thle, work are hereby Incorporated Into and made a part at these peclPicalla., and their provisions ,hall be carried out by the contractor. Arything contained In these speclPlcationa shall not be conatrved to conflict wit mi a? the above rules and rogulaklons or requirements oP the same. However, when these spocl/icatlas and drawings call Por or describe materials, warkmanshl canslructlon oP a better uall hl her standard or far er size than Ifi raq fired by khe above rules and regulatlon�, the pravlslons of these spec111catlas and drawings shall take prec,donco. D. EXPLANATION OF DRAWIN6S: Due to the scale oP drawings, It Is at possible to Indicate all oPPeecs, fittings, e1..v etc. which may bs required. The COnt... w, shall careNlly Investigate the str c raI and ?Inlshod--tian. affecting all of khle work and plan his work accordingly, P... I inn such Plttin t, etc. as may bo rogNred to meet such candlllons. Drawings are generally diagrammatic end indicative of the work to be installed. Tho Work shall be irelalled In such a matter as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, and archit...ral features. 2. All work called for on the chewing, by notes or details shall be fu lshed and lnotd led whether or not op, lPically mentiored 1n the so IINcattas. 3. Th• contractor shall not w111 Iy I�.calI the IrrlgaGia syel,m as shown on the drawings when It Is abvia.s In the Nell that obstrvctler, , grade al�ferencee ar discrepancies In area dlmenslons exist that might not have dean cas161 In ,nnlnsorinn. Such obstructlor or differences sh-ld be brought to the 'Gt.ntion It the Owners authorized representativo. In the event this ,ot0cotlon Ie not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume Pull reaponalbilRy at any revs net....... 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. MATERIALS LIST: The contractor shall furnish the articles, oqulpment, malorials, or proceaa.s npeci?ied by name In the drawing, and apeciflcaGia.. No Substltutia will be allowed without prior written approval by the 0... r'n l thorized Representative. 2. A couplet, -ce,al list shall de submitted prior to porforminn any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment to be used. Irrigation wbnittal must be sp, lPic ad comploto. All Items must ce listed and should Include wlvent/primer, wire, wire connector, valve boxes, etc. No copies of manufacturers literature (catalog cute) are required as .-TtWl Infarcnotlon. S. The contractor may submit substitucia• far equlpmeM and materials II a the Irrlgatlon drawings by ?ollowlnn procedures as oulllred In 5ectlon 6 of the IrrlgaGia SpeclllcaGians. 4. Equlpmat or ma!•rlal. Inecd led or furnlsh•d without Prior approval of the Architect may as refected ad the Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 5. Approval of any Item, alternate or a,Ia hole Indlcatoe sly that the product or products apparently meet the requlrements of the drawings and ep-tcati'm on the basis of the Inf""I or -PI.. eubmikked. 6. M-0-turere warrantlos shall not repave the contraclor of this !acuity under the guarantee. Such warront- shall only supplement the gmratee. B. RECORD AND AS -BUILT DRAWINGS: 1. The contractor shall provide ad keep up to dale a complete are -built" record sot oP bluolh, princs which shall be corrected daily ad show every change Irom the original drawing. ad speclPlcaGlas and the ...It ®as-bullcc locatlas, slue, and kinds at equipment. Prints may be obtained Pram the Architect at cost. This set of drawings shall bo kept on site and shall be u.,d only as a record set. 2. Tho Contractor shall dimension Irom two (2) Pormana,t palms o1 reference, bullding c ,sidewalk or road Intsrectle-, etc., the cation It the Pollowing Items: Connection to .xistinn water Ilnos. I. Co,Ht log to existing electrical power. I. bate valve.. d. Reuling of sprinkler pr.... He Ilnea (dimennlorre max. 100' slag routing). e. Electric control valves. 1. Routing If aortal wiring. g. Ouick coupling valved. It. Other related ogNpm t as dlre,ted by the Owner's Authorized Repre..rcativo. S. On or before the dale of the final inspection, the -ho actor shall deliver the corrected and completed plans to the Owners Authorized Representative. Delivery It the sepia, will not rell.v. the contractor at the raspons11,111 y of Purnlshi,g required 1 for-tior that may be omitted Prom the print,. C. EOUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED: 1. Supply as part If this contract the followinn: a. Two (2) ksya Par each field satellite W the call b. Two (2) quick coupler keys c. Ten (10) emitter of each tJpe In legend d. Six (6) bhblere 51, (6) spray head, of each type In legend 2. a The above -mentioned equipment shall be Wm,d over to the Owner at the cacbsbn at the prefect. III , final observation can evidence that she Owner has received these I must be shown to the Owner's lwthorized Repreoentotive. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLIN6 A. HANDLIN6 OF PVC AND FI7TIN65: The contractor 1, cautioned to o.,,,T,, care in handling, loading, unloading, and staring of PVC pipe and Pitting,. All PVC pipe shall be transported in a h vohKle which all... the length of pipe to Ile Plat so as not to subfoct it to undue bending or concentrated e.tomal load at any palm. Any ...flan If pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, I/ installed, ,hall be replaud with new piping. 1.06 SUBSTITUTIONS A. It the Contractor wlahea to a.astIk any •gNpm•nk or materials for those oqulpment or malorials listed on the Irrigation drawings and ap•clNcallon., he may do .O by providing the following Information of the OrvHe's authorized spro„ntativo for rovlaw: Provide a statement Trolcating the reason Por making the s,I, Motion. Vasa separate sheet of paper Par each item W be .ubstituled. 2. Provide doscrlptve catalog IINraturo, performance chats and Plow chart, Por each Item to be a,detRuked. S. Pravld. yid amount If cost eavII If the sWskikuked Item le approved. S. The Owner's authorized rep-111 al shall have the dole relp"Ilbllily In o opting or "Jectinn any substituted Rom as a approved equal to those equipment and materials listed on the irrigation drawings and specifications. 1.09 61JARANTEE A. The guarantse far the sprinklor Irrlgatlon system shall be made in .Had— with she Pallowing Porm. The general cadRion. and supplementary condltlons of these speelPleatlone shall al Piled with the Owner or his rep r... Htatl- prior to ....place of the Irrlgatlon .y,tom. It. A copy of the guarantee ?arm shall as Included 1n the op ... tlas and malnlenace manual. C. Ths gucrahteo ?IMF shall be re -typed onto the Cantroctors letterhead and dental, the following Informaton: 60ARAN7EE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM His heredy nua has, that the sprinkler Irrigation system we have Purnishod and instilled is Pre. Prom defects in makerlals and w :Zehip, and the work Has been completed In accordance with the drawings and specification,, all nary ...r and acne, or and ur-al aor regloct-cepted. We agree to repair or replace any detect, In mat l or woral...hip which may d...lop during the period at on. year ?ram the dace of acwpcar- aml also to repao- or replace any damage rewlting Prom the repairing or replacing OP such d•Neta a! no addillaal co.c t0 !h• Owner. - shall male such repair, or replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after r.A.Pt at HHlGen notice. In the event at our Pailure to make such ropalrs or replacements with a reasonable limo after ....Irt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have paid repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will Pay the costs and charge. therefor upon dl the hereby guarahtee that the sprinkler Irrigation system we have Purnishod and Irldl•d le Pr•• from d.P•ct. In materials and workmaehlp, and the work has been completed In accordance HIM the drawings ad specl/icatla., oral n..t ...r and tear and ......I abase, or reglect ...opted. Wo ages to repair or replace any defects In material a workmanship which may III during the period It one year Prom the date of acceptance and also W repay or replace any damage r..ulting Prom the repaving or replacing It such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We ,hall make such repair, or replacomenle wIl a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt oP written notice. I, the event of our Pallure to make such repalre or replacement, wM a reasaace, time after receipt of written noelu Mom the Owner, w• auylorl:• the Owner to process to hair. said repairs or replacements made at our expense ad rve will pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJI LOCATION; 51614917. AVVRESS: Pill PAT OP AccerrANce: IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. GENERAL: Us, sly new mato-Ole oP brands and type. noted a drawings, apeclPled h•r•In, or approved equals. B. PVC PRE55URE MAIN LINE PIPE AND FITTINGS: Pressure main It,, piping shall be PVC Schedule 4O (2", 5' - Class 515, 4" ad larger - Gae. 200 5eW with wlvent we ldod Joint.. PVC pipe Par Irrigatiol systems serviced Prom the domestic at,, supply spite, shall be white iIn color. Re Per to irrigation plan. Par additional information. 2. Schedule 40 pipe shall be made Pram NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specl/lcatian D1154. All pi. must meet requirement. as se! forth In federal Sp-t catlehe PS23-10. S. PVC solver! -weld Pitting. shall be Schedule 40, I-2, II-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure D2466. 4. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent- rv,Id pipe and Pitting, ,hall be It type and InetollaGion methods prescribed by the manuf..Wrer. S. All PVC pipe must bear the following marking,: a. ManuPacturerb name is Nominal pipe size I. Schedule or alas. d. Pressure rating in P.S.I. I. NSP (Notlo,al Sanitation Poundaklon) approval 6. All /Rungs shall bear the manuPacWrer's hams or trademark, mate -al designation, •Ize, applicable I.P.S. schedule and NSP seal oP approval. C. PVC NON -PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING AND FITTINGS: Non -Pressure burled lateral it,, PIPing shall be PVC al... 200 with solvent -weld Jolnts . planted areas. PVC PIP. for Irrigation systems 1I Prom the Jowl water agel domestic water system shall be whlW in color. Refer to irrigation plans for additional information. 2. Pipe shall be mad• Prom NW approved, Type I, brad• 11, PVC compound o Porming to A5TM resin opeciflcation 17I184. All pipe must o.t r-plremenb sot forth 1n Federal Sp,,Tfkatlon PS-33-TO with an appropriate standard almensla ratio. S. Except as noted In paragraphs I and 2 of 5.ctlon 2C, all requirements Par non -pressure lateral I piping and fittings shall bs the as Per the solvent -weld pressure main line pipe old Ntting. a• set forth In Section 3B o/ the.• .peclPlcatlas. D. BRASS AND PIPE FITTINGS: I, Me- Indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe onforming to federal SpeclNcatlon sNN-P-55I. 2. Pitting, shall as red braes conforming Federal "Ill .W P-S51. E. COPPER PIPE FITTINGS: I. Pipe: Type K Nord tempered 2. Plttings: wraugM, copper, solder Joint typo 5. Jolnts shall be soldered with silver solder, 45% silver, 15% copper, 169 zinc, 24% cadnlum, solidus at I= I/6 and Iipylds at 1145 1/9, P. F. (SATE VALVES: I. 6.. valves 5" ad smaller shall moot the Pallowing requiremenls: (Sato valve shall be 125 111 Ship bronze got, valve wllh -1,carrot, non -rising stem, and s0114 rvedge all I . bat• valve shall have threaled end• and •hall be equipped with I bronze handwheol. K. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE: I. All electric control valve. shall be the same size ad typo shown on the Drawing.. 2. All electric control valves shall hove a manual No. adJustment. S. erovlde and Install one control valve box for each tleclrlc control valve. 4. CHfl I.D. TA6 NOTE: Landscape Contractor I, to special order Chriety'e Max1 Tags. Tags shall as whit• In color and are !o as marked with valve number. L. VALVE BOX: I. Refer to as Ill Extension sI..ve shall be PVO with minimum size at six (6) Inches. 2. Refer to let Ill Us• IOs VIA deep round plastic valve box for all qulek .."I 'In valve. M. BUBBLER HEAD: I. Riser unit. .hall be labrlcated In accordance with the irtall,l details. 2. Riser nlpplos shall be SCH 60 far all bubbler heads shall be the same size a. the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 3. All bubbler heads of the same typo shall be the same manufacturer. N. DRIP EMITTERS, EMITTER TUBING AND FI7TIN65: I. emitter body shall bo manufacWred of durable plastic construction .slalom to ultra -violet rays and a highly Inert .Inca,, elast ... ter diaphragm which is ro-t-t to chemicals. Th, emitter shall have a color -coded Inlet barb to Idontlly Ilow rate and shall ban pressure compensating for a rated Plow of . 10% averap.... ure variant oP 15 to 45 P.S.I. Emitter. ohall Par -got- legend. 3. Non -pressure lateral III plPing for drip systems shall be class 200, white In color Nor domestic water, with PVC tee ?Kongo. Refer to details. e. Install Plush valves at terminus oP each d-lp Il,o run per p1a. 4. Provide Plltration old pr.... He regulation Par each drip n9,t,,. Refer to drawing Por oqulpment type. and aI... required. O. MISCELLANEOUS IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: 1. Refer to the _-I to' .Ize. and types of "IIrrigation oqulpmar:t. 2. All ,I ll .... Irrlgatlon ,quip,,,t shall be as spt lPled or approved equal. IRRIGATION - EXECUTION 5.01 OBSERVATION OF SITE CONDITIONS A. All scaled dimonslas are approximate. Th, Contractor shall check and vsrlPy all •Ize all- old He— approval ?rem the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to pro t ing with work under I. bake valve shall be almllar W those manufactured by NI5e0 or this 5ectlon. approved equal. Refer to plans. Ill exercise extreme care in excavating and wanking near existing 2. All gate valves shall ban Installed per Installation details. utllitiss. Tho Contractor shall be re.ponalblo far dampgea to Alit'.. 6. OUICK COUPLING VALVES: winch are ..weed at his aperotlehe or re911 check ..!sung ut1iltles 1. Ouick controlling valve. shall have a brass, one or two-piece body drawings for existing utility lacatlonn. designed Par working pressure o? ISO P.S.1. c. coardinake Inakallatian of sprinkler irrigallon materiel, Including pip•, so then• .hall as NO Inlerf..."' with ut111I a other eo tla .. Ouick coupling valve shall be operable with a quick coupler key. Key or 11Pllculty 1h planting trees, shrubs, and 9 w -- .I.. and type shall bo as shown on the Drawings. V. Lontractor shall carefuld Mill check all grades to wtisfy hII 5. Ouick coupling valves used on domestic water sq.t.- shall be that he may sIP.19 proceed before starting work on the Irrlgatlon system. 1,The gmpp,d owith a khormoplasnc rvbover ber cyellow colon 5.02 PREPARATION H. BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNIT (DOMESTIC WATER SYS. ONLY) A. PHYSICAL LAYOUT: 1. SackPlow prevention unit shall be of size and type indicated a the I. Prior to Imcallotlan, the Contractor shall stake out all or,... s, supply Irrlgatlon drarvings. Install baekPlow provontlon unit In accordance with lire• routing and loeatlOn It .prl,kl,, heads. Irrlgatlon construction details. 2. All layout sha11 as r,vlewod by the Owners / thcrized R,p.... rcativo 2. All p-s. main the piping between the point of connection and the prior to Installation. p r III code. Tho bcalprave,ter shall se,od Imbelias requlrea by loc B. WATER SUPPLY: contraclor aH I1 vsrlPy with the Iacal governing body are to malerlal type and lrretallatia procedures prior to start of constructk,l. 51bm11, .hop I. The Imigatlon sysGm shall be cahneclod . residence meter as drawing for approval. Indicated on th. drawing.. I. CHECK VALVES: 2. conntl shall be made at the approximate locatlonfa) .how, on the Antl-draln valves shall be at heavy duty virgin PVC ....Wads wlkh F.I.P. thread InI•c and outlet. Inc•rnal parts sha11 bo etalnl•ss steel and loop He All valve shall be ?fold adJustable against draw -out Prom 5 to 40 feet of head. Anti -drain valve shall be almllar W the V.Icon "ADV" or approved equal. J. VALVE WIRING: 1. wiring shall ..espy the same trench ad shall be Installed slag the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines whe.... r possible. it'... V 6A - Camman 14 6A - Pilot 2. Where more that or. (U wire Ie placed In a trench, the wiring shell be taped together at Interval. of ten (10) Peet. 3. An expansion url shall b. provided within three (3) Peet oP each wire ection. Exp...la cu-I shall be If auffI lent length at each ,pll,. ection at each electrlc control, so that In case at repair, the valve bonret may be brought to the surface without dlscannocting the "'lo'l wire. L Ht al wired shall b• fold loosely In lreneh without et -se or strt ing wire co .tors. 4. All epll,,, shall bo made with 5cocch-Lek s3516 Corrector 5•a11ng Packs Ralnblyd Snap -Tice wire collectors, or approved equal. Make only are spll,, with each connector sealing pack. Drawings. The Contractor Is responsible for minor thanes caused by acluol elks condlll�^� HERl DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM 09ERT, CA 92211 LICK 2794 EXP.OV30/24 PH. (7W)177-9131 Fox oAON m-9132 J_ °C W 0W 0� Z Q ♦- r 2Cf) N mZ m QQ 0 N� a Lpo , � �L\FOID DitJ 0 ~ N aw m~ Q min U N cZc Q L O Z_ 5 =p0 O�C6J ~1 yloscyq 9jf OF CA� shill Tl- IRRIGATION 910F10110% A Fs Ps s/2/25 N.TS. ° - 31041 L3.2 IRRI6ATION SPEGIFIGATIONS 5.05 INSTALLATION: A. TRENCHING 1. 019 trenches straight and support pipe continuously an bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even gads. Trenching excavation shall follow layout Indicated on the Drawings and as noted. 2. Provide Par a minimum of eighteen (I6) inch.. cover Por all pre„ure .upply line. 0 2 I/2 -Inch nominal diameter or small.,. 9. Provide Par a minimum of twenty-Pw, (24) Inches cover for all .upply line. 0 3-Inc1, nominal aiam.ter or larger. 4. Provide Par a minimum of twelve (12) Inches for all non-preasure line. 5. Provide Par a minimum cover of eighteen (16) Inches Por all -a al wiring. B. SA0 KFILLIN6: 1. The trench., •hall not be backPllled until all requred !eats are performed. Trenches shall as ..,.Wily b.ekflll.d with the excavated materials approved Par backlilling, cm lsting of earth, loam, sandy clay, and, or other approved mat.rlal., free from large clods of earth or stones. Backfill shall lee mechanically compacted In landscaped areas !o a dry den,Ity equal to adjacent u,dislurbed soli In planting areas. Back/ill will onform to adjacent grades wllhout dips, sunken areas, hump, or other •urfac. Irregularill•.. 2. A fine 9.... la, material backflll will bs Initially placed an all lines. No foreign matter larger than one - hall (I/2) inch 1n size will be permltted In the Initial eackflll. 3. flooding of trench.. will be permitted only with approval of the Owner'. Authorized Repre.ont.tiv,. 4. If settlement occur and noc,ssltato, adJ,,tments In pipe, -1- ,or kl,r head., I... planting., or other Irotelled work, the Contractor sh.0 coat,to retho e all gulred odjustment. wlft to the contractor. C. TRENCHING AND BACKFILL UNDER PAVING: Trench.. located under areas whey. paving, ospholkle concrete, or re!e will as Installed, shall be backflll.d with sand (a lay, six (6) Inches below the pipe and three (5) inches above the pipe) ana compacted In layers to 95% compaction, using manual on mechanical ta,ping devices. Trenches for piping MIT as compacted to equal the campactle, oP the oxleting adjacent uMl,Wrbed soil and shall as left In a firm Imyl.lding condillon. All trenches .hall b. II Plush with the adjoining grade. The Contractor Mall set In place, cap and pr,ssuro test all piping under paving orlon to the paving work. 2. 6enerally, piping under existing walks 1. don. by jacking, boring, or hydraulic driving, Wt whet. any cutting an breaking of eld.w.lke and/or Crete Is necessary, It Mall be done and replaced by the Carlractor ona part of the -tract cost. Permission to cut or break'W... Ike and/,, controls shall as obtained from the Owner's Authorized Representative. No hydraulic driving will be permll under concrete paving. 9. Provlds Par a minimum cover of wlght,en (16) inches bstwoo, the top oP the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all or .... re and non -pressure piping metalled under aapholllc concrete paving. D. ASSEMBLIES: Routing of sprinkler Imigakion Imo. an Ind'- on the Drawing. diagorn-tic. H,ta11 lines (and various assemblies) In such a manner as to conform rvIth the dotalla per the W-ings. 2. Install No multiple a.semblle• In pla,tic III Provide each assembly with its ow, wtlet. S. Install all ae,emblles ep-i'l.d herein In accordance with ... pective al ll. In absence oP detail dl or speelPleations lo"talning to sp.01, Items regulred to complete work, perform wch work In orda,ce with beet standard practice with prior approval oP owner'. Authorized Repressntoklve. 4. PVC pipe and PlNings ,hall be thoroughly cleaned oP dirt, dust, and mol.ture before Inekallaklon. Inatellatlon and solvent ws lding method. shall be as recommended by the pipe and Pltting manufacturer. 5. On PVC to metal eonn.etion., sh. Contractor shall work the metal ectlons first. Teflon tape or approved equal, shall be -di on .II threaded PVC to PVC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joint.. Light enchre. pwre Is all that Is regulred. there threaded PVC connections regulred, use the threaded PVC adapt.ro into which the pipe may as welded. E. LINE CLEARANCE: I. All In, ,hall have a rnl- cleananu of six (6) Inchon Prom each other and m ProImes oP other trade.. Parallel line. shall no! be Installed directly over ore another. F. CONTROLLERS: 1. Rofor to Irrigation Plans for controller Information. 6. OUICK COUPLER / GATE VALVES: ,stall quick coupler and gale valves Ina ,spars!. 10' MA round box. Where possible, locate valves shall be loc.t.d In shrub area.. 2. Each quick cwpler and gate valve box I, a be branded with "QV" for quick couple and '61" for got. valve 2" letters. H. ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES: I. Install each .I.ekrlC control valve in a separate valve box. Where possible, electric control valves shall be located In shrub areas, not In WrP or annual color areas. Refer to Dahlia 2. Install where •how, on the Drawing•. 01,- g-oup.d together, allow It leas! twelve (12) Inches between adjacent valve boxes. 5. Each valve number shall be heat branded on valve box III with 2" tall I I. FLUSHING OF SYSTEM: I. AP., all new sprinkler pipe lines are risero are in place and connected, all necossory dlv.r.Ion work has been completed, and prior to Installation of sprinkler heads, the control valves shall be opened and lull head 0 water a.d b Plush out the .y.t- 2. Sprinkler heads shall be Installed only after flushing al she system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the owner'• Authorized Representative. J. SPRINKLER HEADS: I. Install the sprinkler heads as desiglato I on the Drawings. Sprinkler heads to bs metalled In this work shall be equivalent In all ,.,peat, to those itemized. 2. Spacing of head, shall not exceed the maximum Indicated on the Dr.winga. In no case shall the eP-lrj .xce.d the maximum c ended by the manuPxWrer. S.All ep,,,kl•, head• shall be set perpendicular to finish grade aP the or,, W be Irrigated unless otherwise designated on the plans. 5.04 TEMPORARY REPAIRS The owner'. Authorized Representative ,.servo, the right W make temporary repair, as n...... ry to keep the Irrigation yst- oqulpm.nt in op...ting .-III The .xercles of We right at the owner'. Authorized Repree.nkakly. shall not rsll.v. the Contractor oP his r•sponslbllltl•s under the terms of the guarant.o as heroin p- led. 5.05 EXISTING TREES Where It Is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all I ... III, care to avoid Injury to trees and tree roots. Excavallon In areas where trvo (2) Inch and larger roots ocwr MaII be done by hand. All roots in, (2) Inches and larger In dlameter, except directly In the path of pipe or candl shall as tunnel,d no,, and shall be h... Ily rapped with Wrlap to prevent scarring or exc... ive drying. Where a diltching machine 1, run clo» to tree, having roots .mailer than two (2) Inches In dlameter, the wall of the !relish adjaeenk to the tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cut, thrwgh. Root, on, (I) Inch and larger In dlameter shall be painted with tow coats of Tree Seal, or .goal. Trenches adjacent to Me• should as eI... d within t-Inty4a.r (24) hours; and where this not po„ibis, the ,ids oP the trench adjacent to the tree ,hall be kept Mad.d with burlap an -as' 5.06 FIELD OUALITY CONTROL A. ADJUSTMENT OF THE SYSTEM: I. The Contracter oholl fli and al all sprinkler heads for optimum peHormancs and to provent overopray onto walks, roadways, and Wilding, a, much o. passel.. 2. IP it 1, dete,min.d that adjustment, In the Irrigation .quipment w1II provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to planting. Adjustment. may also Include changes in nozzle sizes and degree. 0 or. as required. 5. Lowering raised sprIMclor heads by the Contractor shall be eeompllsh•d with is, (10) day after noti llon by the Owner'. Puthoriz.d R.pr... rt,si or Landscape Architect. 4. All sp,l,kl,, heads shall Is set porpondlcular to finished grades a otherwise designated an the Drawing,. B. TESTIN6 OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM: I. The Contractor shall request she presence of the 0... ', Aukhoniz.d Ikepre.ontativs In writing at I•..t 46 hours In ad- of testing. 2. Test all pr...I.To Imes under Ndroslallc or .... r, of 150 p-di, per square inch and prove watertieyh. NOTE: Testing of pr-r, main lines shall ocwr prior to Installation oP the electric control. -1- 5. All piping undo, paved area. shall be tested under hydro.tatic p... sure oP 15o pounds per square Inch and proven watertight prior to paving. 4. Sustain pr..... In Imes for not loss than two (2) hours. IP !oaks develop, replace joint. and repeat tent u,bll entire .y.t- I. proven waksrdght. S. All hyaroatellc lest. shall be made only In the presence of the Owner's Authorized Repr•e,nt,l No pip, shall b b I Mll,d until It has be.n ob..rved, teeked and approved In writing. 6. Furnbh necessary force pump and all other test equipment. 1. When the Irrigation eytem I. completed, perlorm a coverage test In the prosenco oP the Owner's Authonlzod R,prosontative to determine IP the water coverage Par planting area. is complete and adequate. P -r all mateFlale and perlorm all work regured to correct any i,ad.quaci., of coverage cbe to d.viatlane form the Drawings, or whore the ,ytem has boon wIllWlly Installed a. III on the Drawings when It Is abvlou,l9 Inadequate, without bringing this te the attention of the owner's Authorized Rep-s-takive. This test .hall as ale ... pll.h,a before any ground cover 1,planted. 6, tpon completlan of each phase of work, the entire system .IT be lo,tea and adjusted to meet site -Ill 5.01 MAINTENANCE A. The entire Ilrigation system shall be under NIT automatic ap-Wan for a period of seven (1) days prior to any planting. (Wlth the exceptlan of areas Irrigated by drip) 5. The Owner's lwthorizod Roprosentative r... 1- the right to wave an shorten the op ... tlan period. 5.05 CLEAN- UP Clsonwp shall be made as each portion of work progresses. RIO- and n. dirt •hall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall as '.roomed an ..shod down, and any d.mag, occurring to the work oP others •hall be repaired W original canditlane. 5.0-1 FINAL 517E OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor shall operate each system In its entirety for the 0--'s Authorized ress Rept,l and the Malntenonc. C ra-=tor at time of final ob,.rva1 Are 11 deemed not acceptable dy the owner'. Author! zed R.pre9.ntatly. hall '..'..antes to the complete ..tl.factlon of theOwner's Autha,-dl Rspre.enkakiv.. B. The Contractor shall show evidence to the owner'. Authorized R,es ep,nt.tiv, that the Owner has received all .......rlee char'., record drawings, and equipment as r yred before final site observation can occur. 5.10 SITE OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. The Contractor shall be responsible ?or notifying the Orv,or's Authorized Representative In advance far the fall-1 observation meetings, according to the time Indicated: I. Pre -Job Conference - T day. 2. Pr...ure .:apply Iln, installation and testing - 46 ho:.r. 5. Control w1r, Instal lotion - 45 hours 4. Lateral Iln, and sprinkler installation - 46 hour• 5. fimitter system Installatlon - 45 hours 6. coverage test - 46 hour. 1. F1nal site observation - 45 hour. B. Whe, .1. ob.ervatiora have bee, conducted by . party other than the Owner's hthorized Representative, show evidence In wrTtl,g of when and by whom those observations were made. C. No Its observations will commence without record drawings. In the event the Contractor call, for a sit, visit without reand drawings, wlthouk completing pr.viowly noted corrections, on without preparing the system Par sad visit, he .hall b....parslbls or reimbxsme the owns '.Authorized Representative at, his w,,.nt hourly billing rate, portal to portalr(III Vanaporkakion costs), for the Ineonvsnl,- No Purth,r .Its observations will as .ch,duled until this chase has been paid and roc li PLANNING APPROVAL ADMINISTRATIVE CASE# FLP2023-0003 EXHIBIT# INITIAL sfernandez DATE 06/19/2023 3:46:22 PM fl Hill DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PAUI 09ERT, CA 92211 UEN 2754 EXP. 04/30/24 PH. (760) 777-9131 EAX (760) 777-9132 0 H CV a CN Cc 4) Q ~ Q min U NZ a m O Z 5 I-ip0 ncAJ yiosr4q # IF 9jf or v.� IRRIGATION X(IfI0110% B F6 Fs 5/2/25 N.TS. ° - 2104T L3.3« City of La Quinta wkra Design and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico ,(e. QLa Quinta, California 92253 Telephone: (760) 777-7125 Fax: (760) 777-1233 https://www.laciuintaca.gov/ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION A. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Per City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 8.13.030(e)(3), prior to final planning inspection the landscape architect shall provide the planning department a copy of the official certificate of completion The following elements are attached hereto: ❑ Irrigation scheduling parameters used to set the controller; ❑ Landscape and irrigation maintenance schedule; ❑ Soil analysis report, if not submitted with Landscape Documentation Package, and documentation verifying implementation of the soil report recommendations B. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name & Number Site Address/Location Date of installation(s) Landscaping Square Footage C. APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Owner(s) (Name) (Company) (Telephone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (Name) (Telephone) (Mailing Address) (Email) D. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that (a) I am qualified by the State of California to provide landscape design services and the landscaping for this project was installed by me or under my supervision; (b) the landscaping for the identified project has been installed in substantial conformance with the approved Landscape Documentation Package and complies with the requirements of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance; (c) a diagram of the irrigation plan showing hydrozones is kept with the irrigation controllers; (d) the Certificate of Completion has been completed in compliance with the requirements of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and shall be implemented. Applicant's Signature Print Name OWNER CERTIFICATION Date State License # I certify that I am the property owner or an authorized representative and have received copies of all the documents within theLandscape Documentation Package and the Certificate of Completion and that it is my responsibility to see that the project ismaintained in accordance with the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule. Owner Signature Date Print Name