Insurance Certificates 2023/24 Agua Caliente Cultural Museum - LQ EOCEVIDENCE OF COVERAGE and ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PARTY May 18, 2023 8:11 PM COVERAGE PROVIDER MEMBER California Joint Powers Insurance Authority La Quinta 8081 Moody Street 78-495 Calle Tampico La Palma CA 90623 www.cjpia.ora La Quinta, CA 92253-2839 (760)777-7123 Contact Name: Jim Thyden, Insurance Programs Manager Phone: (562) 467-8700 Laurie McGinley EOC Number 20230518LQ5326 lmcginley@laquintaca.gov (760)777-7123 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE MEMBER LISTED ABOVE PARTICIPATES IN THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY'S SELF- INSURANCE AND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE PROGRAM WITH THE COVERAGES AND LIMITS LISTED BELOW, SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, DEFINITIONS, EXCLUSIONS, CONDITIONS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MEMORANDA OF COVERAGE FOR EACH LINE OF COVERAGE. COVERAGES 16 THE COVERAGES LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE MEMBER NAMED ABOVE FOR THE COVERAGE PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM, OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS EVIDENCE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE MEMORANDA DESCRIBED HERIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH MEMORANDA. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. COVERAGE TYPE OF COVERAGE MEMORANDUM EFFECTIVE DATE LIMITS (MM/DD/YY) LIABILITY AGGREGATE $100,000 X OCCURRENCE MOC LP -06/30/24 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ N/A X PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $100,000 X ERRORS & OMISSIONS EACH OCCURRENCE $100,000 X EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ N/A X SEXUAL ABUSE AND MED EXP (Any one person) $ N/A MOLESTATION AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTOS ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS -06/30/24 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $100,000 X BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ N/A BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ N/A HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ N/A WORKER'S COMPENSATION WC STATUTORY $ N/A AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY MOC WC -06/30/24 LIMITS EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY $1,000,000 ADDITIONAL REMARKS When required by written agreement, the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority agrees to include the Evidence Holder as an Additional Protected Party under the Memorandum of Coverage Liability Program, subject to the above -stated limits, but only for "Occurrences" caused by the activity described in the written agreement between the Member and the Evidence Holder for the date(s) and time(s) specified in the written agreement. If the written agreement requires, coverage shall be primary and non-contributory. If the written agreement requires, subrogation is waived. EVIDENCE HOLDER CANCELLATION Agua Caliente Cultural Museum 140 North Indian Canyon Way The California JPIA will endeavor to provide at least thirty (30) days notice of any cancellation of coverage or reduction in coverage limits to the Evidence Holder. - Palm Springs, CA 92262 Matthew Seaman mseaman@accmuseum.org (760) 833-8165 F AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, Jim Thyden California Joint Powers Insurance Authority is a joint powers authority pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 6500) Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code. EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE and ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PARTY May 18, 2023 8:11 PM ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PARTY A ua Caliente Cultural Museum (ACCM) ADDITIONAL COVERAGE NOTES Loan of taxidermy animals and replica plants for the La Quinta Museum to display Taxidermy Bighorn sheep, Roadrunner, Sidewinder, etc. and Replica Barrel Cactus, Brittlebush, etc. CC LIST AGUA CALIENTE CULTURAL MUSEUM 140 NORTH INDIAN CANYON WAY, PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 Outgoing Loan Agreement Agreement: The Agua Caliente Cultural Museum "ACCM" agrees to lend, and the Borrower agrees to receive the loaned object(s) described herein for the purposes and subject to the terms and conditions set forth. Exhibition Title, Dates on View: 6/01 /2023 - 6/01 /2026 Borrower: Institution name: La Quinta Museum Address: 77-885 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, CA 92253 Contact person, title: Sharla Fox, Executive Director Email: sharia.fox@rivlib.net Phone: 760-777-7170 Location of Exhibition if different from above: N/A Address: N/A Contact person, title: N/A Email;N/A Phone: N/A Term of Loan: 5/18/2023 - 6/01 /2026 Obiect(s)/Artifact(s)/Work(s) of Art: Valuation: NA2004.001.002—Taxidermy Roadrunner _____________________________________$100.00 NA2004.001.006 - Taxidermy Bighorn Sheep _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________$3,500.00 NA2004.001.009 - Taxidermy Southern Yellow Bat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $100.00 NA2004.001.010-TaxidermnySouthern Yellow Bat ________________________________ $100.00 NA2004.001.011 -Taxidermy Sidewinder______________________________________ $50.00 NA2004.001.013 - Taxidermy Desert Iguana ____________________________________$150.00 NA2004.001.015 -Taxidermy Prong Horn Deer __________________________________$3,500.00 NA2004.001.016 - Replica Granary_________________________________________ $500.00 NA2004.001.018- Taxidermy Rubber Diamond Back Rattlesnake _________________________ $50.00 NA2004.001.019a-b - Replica Barrel Cactus (a) and Replica Brittlebush (b) _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ $300.00 NA2004.001.021a-b- Taxidermy Gambil'sQuail (x2)________________________________$100.00 Insurance: Total Insured Value of Loan = $8,450.00 1 Are7 AGUA CALIENTfi CULTURAL MUSEUM 140 NORTH INDIAN CANYON WAY, PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 GENERAL CONDITIONS Agua Caliente Cultural Museum (ACCM) agrees to lend the object(s) listed on the loan agreement (or the attachment to the loan agreement). The loaned item(s) may be used for the purpose and duration mentioned in this loan agreement only. ACCM must consent in writing to any extension or renewal of the term of the loan. Item(s) are to be returned to ACCM at the end of loan term without delay and special request. The loan conditions apply for the duration of the term of the loan agreement, as well as the entire time that Borrower is in possession of the Object(s) including the time that the Object(s) is being transported. The credit line used for all loaned exhibit related materials must read Courtesy of Agua Caliente Cultural Museum. The Borrower will exercise the same care with respect to the object(s) referred to on the reverse as it does in the safekeeping of comparable property of its own. Objects borrowed shall be given special care at all times to insure against loss, damage, or deterioration. The Borrower agrees to meet or comply with any special requirements/instructions regarding installation and handling as noted on in this Agreement, or any supplement thereto. ACCM may require an inspection and approval of the actual installation by a member of its staff as a condition of the loan at the expense of the Borrower. Upon receipt and prior to return of the objects. Borrower agrees to make a written record of the condition. ACCM is to be notified immediately, followed by a full written report, including photographs if damage or loss is discovered. No object may be altered, cleaned, or repaired without the written permission of ACCM. Objects must be maintained in a building equipped to protect objects from fire, smoke, or flood damage; under 24-hour security (physical or electronic), and protected from extreme temperatures and humidity, excessive light, and from insects, vermin, dirt, or other environmental hazards. Objects must be handled only by experienced personnel and be secured from damage and theft by appropriate brackets, railings, display cases, and other responsible means. ACCM may or may not have full legal title and copyright to the object(s) listed on the face of this Agreement. The Borrower hereby agrees to indemnify and defend ACCM against, and to hold it harmless from, any liability including attorney's fees and the costs of defending any actions arising out of claims by individuals, institutions, or other persons claiming full or partial title or copyright to any of such object(s). COSTS Unless otherwise noted, all packing, transportation, customs, insurance, and other loan -related costs shall be borne by the Borrower. All costs related to the loan shall be confirmed in advance. Neither party to this agreement has the right to make any financial or other commitments on behalf of the other party without previous agreement. PACKING AND TRANSPORT ACCM certifies that object(s) lent are in good condition and will withstand ordinary strains of packing and transportation. Evidence of damage to the object(s) at the time of receipt or while in Borrower's custody will be reported immediately to ACCM. The object(s) must be packed with appropriate materials designed to give maximum protection to the object(s) and repacked and shipped for return in the same materials as received unless otherwise authorized by ACCM pursuant to written instructions. Unpacking and repacking must be done by staff properly trained to handle the loaned object(a) and with the same or similar material, and by the same methods as the objects were received. Costs of transportation and packing will be borne by the Borrower unless the loan is at ACCM's request. The choice of transport agent must be agreed between the Borrower and ACCM. Customs regulations will be adhered to in international shipments. TRANSFER The object(s) shall remain in the possession of the Borrower for the time specified, but may be withdrawn at any time by ACCM. Borrower has no right to loan the object(s) to another person or entity. The object(s) will be returned to ACCM, unless ACCM agrees in writing to other arrangements. The Borrower must notify ACCM promptly, in writing, of any change of address or change of business ownership (whether by reason of death, sale, insolvency, dissolution of marriage, gift, or otherwise) while they are in possession of item(s) on loan from ACCM. In case of change in legal ownership during the period of the loan, the new owner is required to establish their legal right by proof satisfactory to ACCM. 2 Are; AGUA CALIBNTE CULTURAL MUSEUM 140 NORTH INDIAN CANYON WAY, PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 INSURANCE The Borrower shall insure the object(s) in their possession under an all-risk, wall-to-wall policy for the stated amount specified by ACCM against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause while in transit and on location during the period of this loan. The all-risks insurance policy shall include coverage against all risk of physical loss or damage from any cause, whilst in transit and on location in the gallery, with the value stated in U.S. Dollars. Valuation of the loaned item(s) is made by ACCM and approved by the Borrower. This is an Agreed Value and cannot be disputed in the case of damages. It is listed on the Loan Agreement. Before the commencement of this loan, the Borrower must provide to ACCM a Certificate of Insurance ("COI") naming ACCM as an additional insured or waiving any rights of subrogation against ACCM. If the Borrower fails to provide ACCM with such a certificate, Borrower agrees to nevertheless respond financially in case of loss or damage as if said insurance were in effect. ACCM cannot accept responsibility for any error or deficiency in information furnished to the Borrower's insurer for any lapses in the Borrower's insurance coverage. ACCM is responsible for updating insurance valuations periodically. ACCM reserves the right to increase coverage if reasonably justified. EXAMINATION RIGHTS ACCM assumes the right to examine the object(s) on a routine basis while in the Borrower's possession. It is understood that the Borrower will not restore, or otherwise alter the object(s) without the consent of ACCM. INTERPRETATION In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any forms of the Borrower, the terms of this Agreement shall control. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and in the absence of applicable law, the laws of the State of California. SECURITY . The Borrower agrees to safeguard the loaned object(s) using generally accepted conditions of control and security during the entire time they are on the Borrowers premises. The Borrower agrees to take such security measures to safeguard the object(s) as it would in safeguarding comparable items of their own, which shall include the provision of museum guards. When the museum is open to the public, security measures may include, as appropriate, barriers, plinths, and showcases. In order to keep the loaned item(s) secure while on the premises and to ensure that the public does not touch or otherwise damage the object(s), ACCM must ensure that the exhibition venue complies with fire safety regulations and that museum guards are fully prepared for action in the event of danger. Smoking, eating, and drinking shall be prohibited in the exhibition areas. The Borrower agrees to perform weekly condition inspections of loaned item(s) during the terms of the Loan Agreement. Upon request the Borrower will provide ACCM with a Facility Report prior to the signing of the Loan Agreement so as to enable ACCM to assess the environment, security, and logistical implications of lending to this venue. AGUA CALIENTH CULTURAL MUSEUM 140 NORTH INDIAN CANYON WAY, PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire of understanding of the parties in respect of the subject matter hereof and no modification, exception, or reservation may be made hereto other than by a written agreement executed by the Borrower and an authorized official of ACCM. This Agreement shall be governed and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. I have read and agree to the conditions above and certify that I have full authority to enter into this agreement. I acknowledge receipt of the item(s) listed above, in good condition. Lender: I have read and agree to the conditions above and listed below and certify that I have full authority to enter into this Outgoing Loan Agreement (this "Agreement"). Signature Approved for the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum: ��Z Signature Title S- /8 - 2023 Date Date 4